#Shared desk
heavensickness · 6 days
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wishcoworker · 3 months
The Evolution of Coworking: From Origins to Modern Trends
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Coworking has transformed the way people work, collaborate, and innovate over the past few decades. What started as a grassroots movement has now become a global phenomenon, revolutionizing the traditional office landscape. In this article, we’ll explore the evolution of coworking, from its humble beginnings to the latest trends shaping the industry today.
The concept of coworking traces back to the early 2000s, when software engineer Brad Neuberg opened the first official coworking space in San Francisco. Neuberg envisioned a shared workspace where independent professionals could work alongside each other, fostering collaboration and community. This initial experiment laid the foundation for what would soon become a worldwide movement.
As technology advanced and the gig economy gained momentum, coworking spaces began to gain popularity. Freelancers, entrepreneurs, and remote workers sought out these spaces for their flexibility, affordability, and sense of community. By the mid-2010s, coworking had evolved from a niche concept to a mainstream trend, with coworking spaces popping up in cities around the globe.
With the rise in demand, coworking spaces have expanded beyond traditional office environments to cater to diverse needs and industries. Today, coworking spaces come in various shapes and sizes, ranging from small, niche spaces tailored to specific industries to large, corporate-run chains offering a wide range of amenities. Additionally, coworking spaces have diversified their offerings to include specialized services such as childcare, fitness facilities, and event spaces.
Modern coworking spaces leverage technology to enhance the user experience and streamline operations. From high-speed internet and cloud-based software to smart building features and virtual reality conferencing, technology plays a crucial role in making coworking spaces efficient, productive, and connected. Moreover, coworking spaces are embracing digital platforms to facilitate networking, collaboration, and member engagement.
At the heart of coworking is the sense of community and collaboration it fosters. Coworking spaces provide opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and skill development, creating a supportive ecosystem where members can learn, grow, and succeed together. This emphasis on community building sets coworking apart from traditional office environments and contributes to its enduring appeal.
Looking ahead, coworking is poised to continue evolving in response to changing work dynamics and technological advancements. Key trends shaping the future of coworking include an increased focus on sustainability and wellness, the integration of artificial intelligence and automation, and the emergence of niche coworking spaces catering to specific industries or demographics. Additionally, coworking spaces are likely to play a vital role in facilitating hybrid work models, where remote and in-office work are seamlessly integrated.
The evolution of coworking from its humble beginnings to its current status as a global phenomenon reflects the changing nature of work and the increasing demand for flexibility, collaboration, and community. As coworking continues to evolve, it will remain a driving force in shaping the future of work, providing innovative solutions for professionals seeking a more dynamic and fulfilling work experience.
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kanehopkins · 9 months
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Freestanding Home Office Home office design ideas for a mid-sized modern freestanding desk with a dark wood floor and white walls.
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chinxe · 10 months
Jackson Built-In
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Study room - rustic built-in desk medium tone wood floor study room idea with no fireplace
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fiviza · 2 years
Why is Coworking Space Gaining Popularity?
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It’s difficult to say when Coworking space first got its start. Data suggests the idea of a shared office space started in Berlin in 1995. A group of hackers decided to get together in a designated space. The concept caught on, and the first coworking space in the United States opened in San Francisco in 2005. Since then, coworking has become popular. Works well for freelancers, and solo practitioners in a professional industry. Even for an entrepreneur, a shared work space works well. Shared office space offers an opportunity to work in a well-equipped office. Without having to shoulder the high costs of maintaining a brick-and-mortar location.
Why Coworking
Business professionals from diverse backgrounds can now come in contact. They collaborate more while operating within the confines of a coworking space establishment. So, working professionals can connect and build networks in a productive way.
Throughout the world, independent creatives are seeking workspaces to provide them with more solidity, clarity, and drive.
More people turn to shared work spaces as an alternative. Traditional office setting, binding to a single room, is fading. The demographics of coworking offices are shifting. A 2019 survey of coworking space around the world reveals some fascinating statistics. Here is what the survey found out about the people who use coworking.
Women Outnumbered Men as Coworking Users
For the first time, women passed men as the majority of coworking members. As of 2019, women accounted for more than 50 percent of people who used coworking space.
A research firm behind the survey asked coworking members. What percentage of coworking space users were women? The percentage received as an answer was 40 percent.
According to researchers, there is a gap between people’s perceptions and reality. However, only on weekdays do women typically utilize offices less frequently than men do. The number of women utilizing the coworking space may have been underestimated by the survey participants, according to researchers. During the week, few women are seen.
Freelancers are the Biggest Coworking Demographic
Freelancers have made up the biggest number of individuals who use coworking space. This didn’t change in 2019. According to the survey, freelancers account for 42 percent of people who use coworking space.
In large cities, employees made up the biggest number of coworking users. Researchers also found that employees dominated in large cities in North America and Asia. Whereas Europe tended to have higher percentages of freelancers using coworking spaces.
The Age of Coworking Members Remained Steady
On average, people who use flexible office spaces are in their mid-to-late-30s, with the average age being 36. Researchers found that both younger and older people are turning to coworking spaces. With ages spanning a wide enough range to keep the average age steady.
Regardless of their age, coworking members tend to be highly educated. Eighty percent of coworking users have a college degree among all age groups.
Coworking Spaces are Predominately White
Researchers found that coworking spaces in the United States tend to have an ethnic divide. According to the survey, 90 percent of coworking users in the U.S. identified as Caucasian. The research firm behind the survey stated that 2019 was the first year they asked coworking users in the U.S. to self-identify as a particular race.
The firm also stated that it didn’t ask this question when surveying coworking members overseas. Ethnicity comparisons don’t offer much meaning in countries with a less diverse population. For example, a survey of coworking members in an Asian country will reveal that the number of coworking members identifies as Asian.
In the U.S., the general population is much more diverse. So questions about ethnicity offer more nuanced data. Researchers are hopeful these numbers can help the coworking industry. To raise awareness about coworking as an option among minority business owners and entrepreneurs. Many solo attorneys and small law firms have been using executive offices. 
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There are Wage Gaps Among Coworking Members
The survey also revealed some interesting data about wage discrepancies among various demographics.
For example, women in coworking office spaces are less than men on average. Additionally, people who were classified as self-employed, regardless of gender, often made less money. People working for an employer made more money. Coworking members who lived in large cities earned a higher income than their rural or suburban counterparts.
Digital Nomads Continue to Rely on Coworking Spaces
The number of coworking users who rely on coworking space while working abroad held steady at 14 percent. This refers to people who spend at least part of their year traveling overseas. They continue to work during their travels. Among coworking members who worked abroad, the majority earned a higher income. As compared to those who worked without traveling. Researchers say this could be due to the cost of living in countries where digital nomads work.
Get Ready to Work
Venture X Dallas Park Cities offers everything you are looking for in a flexible coworking space. Whether you are in need of a shared desk or community space. A few times a month or for daily use, Venture X coworking has got you covered. Need a bigger office for a team of employees? They can accommodate that too!
Coworking spaces are emerging as key disruptors in revamping the future of work. Encouraging a flexible and collaborative work culture empowers employees with ample room to evolve. Also, it helps organizations take a huge step toward business growth.
It’s an exciting mix of a traditional office and the growing work-from-home movement. If you’re looking for ways to trim your budget and grow your practice, coworking space in Dallas is an option to consider. Moreover, coworking offers the potential for authentic community and human connection.
Read More: https://venturex.com/locations/dallas-park-cities/
Venture X Dallas Park Cities 
8350 North Central Expressway, Suite 1900 Dallas, TX 75206
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isa-mocha · 4 months
I… may have done a slight saucy picture based on chapter 5 of the fic “The Shared desk Dilemma” by @southernfriedamy. I regret nothing 😌
Spoilers ahead:
‘Then, Aziraphale glanced over Crowley's shoulder and clocked the mess on the counter, his expression changing to one of annoyance.
“Don't even fucking start,” Crowley groaned. That’s what he wants to do? Complain more?
“You know,” said Aziraphale, “I’m starting to think you’re doing it on purpose, just to wind me up.”
Crowley feigned innocent shock. “Me?” he said, pointing at his chest. “I would never even dream…”
“Well, two can play at that game,” interrupted Aziraphale, grabbing Crowley’s robe and pulling him flush against his body, all of Crowley’s breath pushed out of him in a surprised huff. When their lips met, Crowley felt something inevitable clicking into place.’
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violetfolgi · 2 months
Kaz Brekker's Room ✨
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3D modelled, textured, and lit in Maya, I made this back in April-June 2023 for my Intro to 3D class, hope you like it 🐦‍⬛✨
——— You can check out a 1:00 min. video tour here:
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takethispotion · 1 year
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a warm kiss...
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narnour-momo-007 · 2 years
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simpfornegan · 2 months
but have any of us considered the jacemond au that could save us all?
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Good Omens Fic Rec: The Shared Desk Dilemma
In the hallowed halls of Eden University, professors Aziraphale Eastgate and Anthony Crowley share a desk but have nothing else in common—except for their knack for outwitting each other with escalating pranks that have the entire faculty taking sides. When the university president, in a desperate bid to restore peace, mandates a team-building retreat, the adversaries find themselves reluctantly sharing a room, and sparks fly. Crowley can't stand the pompous, irksome Dr. Eastgate, and the feeling appears to be mutual, yet they can't seem to keep their hands off each other.
Length: 32,405 words
AO3 Rating: Explicit / Spice Level 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Best for: Mostly Safe in Public, Human AU, Comedy, Pick-Me-Up
Triggers: None
Read it here, fic by MissUnderstoodLyrics
*Minor Spoilers* If you haven’t read this one yet, you need to change that right now!! This one is so FUN! I had been following this as a WIP and every update felt like an event. Seriously it may be one of the most entertaining stories I've read.
Dr. Crowley is a brand new professor at Eden University, and he is forced to share an office with the terror that is Dr. Aziraphale Eastgate. It starts when Crowley starts moving some of his files in, and Aziraphale is NOT having it. What follows is an escalating prank war, and gosh they are so fun. I love that the pranks were (relatively) harmless, and never mean spirited. Annoying, cumbersome, messy, but never mean. Eventually this leads to a mandatory staff retreat where oops! There’s only one bed! Things escalate, of course, but greater things are to come once they combine forces against the forces of evil (aka Gabriel)
This had me honest to god laughing out loud. Truly the best use of images in a fic. Watching our boys rile each other up is always such a treat. They know how to get under each other's skin in the best way possible. Don't mistake the humor for shallowness though! This fic has some beautiful moments, especially when our pair open up to each other about their pasts.
There is so so much to enjoy here. Mostly safe in public, though there are a handful of explicit sex scenes so be prepared for that.
Read it here, fic by MissUnderstoodLyrics
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wishcoworker · 3 months
The Future of Work: How Coworking Spaces Are Shaping Tomorrow's Workforce
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The landscape of work is undergoing a profound transformation, driven by technological advancements, changing demographics, and evolving attitudes toward work-life balance. At the forefront of this shift are coworking spaces, which are redefining traditional notions of work and shaping the future of the workforce. In this article, we explore how coworking spaces are revolutionizing the way we work and shaping tomorrow’s workforce.
Coworking spaces have emerged as a hub for flexible and remote work arrangements. With an increasing number of professionals opting for remote work, coworking spaces provide a flexible and conducive environment that caters to their needs. These spaces offer amenities such as high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and collaborative areas, allowing individuals to work from anywhere while still enjoying the benefits of a professional workspace.
Collaboration and innovation are the cornerstones of success in the modern workplace. Coworking spaces foster a culture of collaboration by bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds and industries. By providing opportunities for networking, knowledge sharing, and skill development, coworking spaces encourage innovation and creativity, leading to the development of groundbreaking ideas and solutions.
In today’s fast-paced world, achieving work-life balance is more important than ever. Coworking spaces offer a solution to this challenge by providing a flexible and dynamic work environment that accommodates individuals’ personal and professional lives. With amenities such as on-site cafes, wellness programs, and networking events, coworking spaces promote holistic well-being and help individuals achieve a healthy balance between work and leisure.
Coworking spaces have become a breeding ground for entrepreneurship and small business growth. By providing access to affordable workspace, resources, and a supportive community, coworking spaces enable entrepreneurs and startups to thrive. These spaces offer opportunities for mentorship, networking, and collaboration, allowing individuals to turn their ideas into successful ventures.
Coworking spaces are also reshaping corporate culture by challenging traditional notions of hierarchy and structure. With their open and collaborative environment, coworking spaces encourage transparency, communication, and teamwork, fostering a culture of inclusivity and innovation. Many companies are now embracing coworking spaces as an extension of their workplace, allowing employees to work remotely while still feeling connected to the company culture.
As we look toward the future of work, coworking spaces are poised to play an increasingly prominent role in shaping tomorrow’s workforce. By embracing flexibility, fostering collaboration, promoting work-life balance, empowering entrepreneurship, and redefining corporate culture, coworking spaces are revolutionizing the way we work and paving the way for a more dynamic, inclusive, and innovative future.
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laitoslittlemacaron · 2 months
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a few little room adjustments! 💖💚🌸 i love my desk a lot now, and the new little sakura Laito tapestry is soo cute!!😭💖 (look, my room is not fully Laito-only actually😔😔 this part at least... the wig is Shogun Raiden btw!)
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also say hi to the chibi gang on my table<3 (no space left for them on my shrine lmaoo)
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fisheito · 6 months
finally listening to the h-scene audio after 1.5 years on mute
yakumo: gasps and whimpers in the whiniest brokenest way me:
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spaceratprodigy · 3 months
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I miss NickyIris!! 🤖💐
from this doodle dump
"You're leaving me for this circuit board? You better bring her back in one piece, Nick."
"I can't promise there won't be any scuffs or dings" 🖤
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Did....did Dreamworks just indirectly teased TiPo to us?!
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