#She possibly can mind control people with her potions.
heretodefyfate · 9 months
Characters that randomly appears in the middle of the story, help creating one of the biggest plot point then never to be seen again and you want to scream about them but in the end, you must accept that they were meant nothing more than a device to set up the conflicts.
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natti-ice · 7 months
Wrong Decade- Sirius Black.
Pairing: Sirius Black x Fem!Reader
Summary: During their school days Sirius wasn't into Y/N, when he realizes he was wrong he was too late. A 10-year reunion might change the past
Warnings: mentions of rejection and divorce (4.3k words), I’m sorry it’s in third person (she/her pronouns used)
Author’s note: this is a reupload, I wrote this a while ago!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated<3
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"Does this outfit look okay?" Y/N asked her friend as she checked herself out in the mirror
A taller brunette sitting on her bed looked up from her book. She put her book down walking up to the mirror "You look great, I promise. Don't worry, I know he'll say yes" her friend assured her.
"What if he doesn't?" Y/N questioned nervously, her heart had been racing all morning. Today she was going to ask out Sirius Black, they aren't the closest friends but they talk a few times a week. She's had the biggest crush on him since they first met first year in defense against the dark arts. 
"Then it's his loss, dear." She said as she fixed the collar of Y/n's shirt. "Now c'mon, Mcgonagall will kill us if we're late again." Y/N grabbed her bag and headed out the door behind her friend. 
She had put off doing this for so long because she was scared he wouldn't like her back. Sirius was notorious for only dating the most popular girls in school. Y/N wasn't popular but she was known around school. She didn't come from money and she didn't like how people were treated differently because of their social status. She tried her best to treat everyone the same way no matter what. 
6th year is almost over and she can't keep waiting for him to say something. She has to get over her fears and go for it, she won't let the fear control her anymore. 
She had been waiting all day for this moment, she and Sirius only shared one class. Potions, the last class of the day. She had been on edge all-day hundreds of scenarios playing in her head, everything that could go wrong. Pushing all those nerves down, she walked into the classroom. A few students were scattered around the class, she tried to get there as early as she could. Much to her surprise, the Marauders were already in the classroom.
They were normally some of the last people to show up, She wasn't sure why they were there so early. She walked over to her table and sat her bag down. She hesitated walking over to him, everything in her said don't do it. She argued with the voice in her head, she had to do it now or it would never happen. 
She took a deep breath before heading toward their table, keeping her head high as she was afraid if she looked down she would trip. The four boys were in a conversation it must've not been that important because once she arrived at the table all their attention was on her. It was nerve-racking but she kept a smile on her face trying to act as natural as possible. 
"Hey Y/N/N, how are you today?" Remus asked
"I'm doing just fine, thanks" she smiled at the boy, she really wanted to get this over with
"Sirius?" She asked
"Yes?" The longer-haired boy looked up from the paper he was doodling on, a small smile played across his lips. 
Oh my, he's beautiful she thought to herself, shaking that thought from her head she continued the conversation
"Can I talk to you for a sec?" her voice steady 
"Um sure, love" he hesitated at first, he stood from his stool and followed her to a more quiet part of the class
The remaining boys gave each other questioning looks. Anytime Sirius ever spoke to Y/N the other boys were around so it was odd for them to be on their own. 
The two stood there in silence for what felt like an eternity, just looking at each other. Y/N's mind had gone blank, she didn't think she'd get this far. 
"Did you need something?" Sirius asked pulling her out of her trance
"Huh? OH, yeah" She fidgeted with her ring as she prepared herself for what she was about to say. "I was wondering, would you like to go out this weekend... like a date" she made it through without stuttering, an awkward smile on her face poorly masking her nerves
Sirius' eyes slightly widened, he didn't expect Y/N to be this straightforward. 
Y/N's heart was racing in her ears as she waited for his response. Her smile faded quickly as he spoke
"Y/N I'm sorry, but we're just friends. I hope I didn't lead you to believe differently. I'm sorry" he said with a pitied look 
Her heart broke, the worst thing that could happen just happened. She had to get out of this situation fast. 
"Oh, don't worry about it. I get it, sorry to bother you." She walked off before he could speak again
James noticed her change in body language as she went back to her table. Sirius rejoined the boys and didn't say anything about what happened, he just went back to scribbling on his paper. 
Later that night at dinner, the boys were in their usual seats eating while talking about random topics. James looked around the room and noticed Y/N wasn't in her usual spot. He took this opportunity to ask his friend what happened earlier
"Mate" he nudged Sirius with his shoulder getting his attention
"hm?" he responded as he had food in his mouth
"What happened today with Y/N?" he asked casually
He swallowed before speaking "She asked me out" he said nonchalantly 
This caused the others to freeze in place, they looked around at each other seeing who will speak first. 
"What did you tell her?" Peter spoke up
"I said no" 
"WHAT?" the three said in unison
"What? She's not my type" Sirius explained 
"Sirius, are you joking? That girl has been in love with you for ages, we all know you're perfect for each other" James looked at his friend like he was crazy
"No, she hasn't. I just don't think we'd be a good fit together, she's not really what I go for" He didn't want to hurt her feelings but he just didn't think she met what he wanted. Honestly, he didn't know what he wanted. He knew he was an attractive person and he knew that girls were attracted to him. As much as he hated sticking to the status quo, he seemed to always go for the girls who fit the beauty standard. 
"Not your type? what, pretty and stupid?" Remus scoffed 
"Hey I'm not saying Y/N's not pretty it's just, I don't think what people will think about me if we were together" he defended himself
"Aright, it's your life" James concluded before they went back to their original conversation
June 30th, 1978
The last day of school, 7th year. 
Y/N was packing her trunk for the last time before she left Hogwarts, as much as she loved the place she was excited to start her future. The last year had been fairly normal, she had taken the year to get over Sirius. She thought she was silly for even entertaining the idea that they could ever be together. She knew how he was and just ignored it. It kinda helped that he hadn't spoken to her since the previous year. 
She knew it was for the best, if she didn't worry about some dumb boy she could focus on who she was going to be in life. She planned on going to a muggle university as her mother did and study law. 
She gave one last look at her dorm, where she spent the last seven years of her life. She casted a spell to have her trunk follow behind her as she left her room for the last time. Walking out of her common room passing all the other students who were saying goodbyes and excited for summer. 
She walked down the grand staircase, dropping her trunk off with the others before heading to the train platform. She found a group of her close friends amongst the sea of students who are waiting to get on the Hogwarts express. They walked onto the train that was filled with kids who were excited to go home, finding the compartment they'd sat in for years as they talked about what they wanted to do over the summer. 
The train ride went faster than she had hoped, she didn't when she would see her friends again. Getting off the train she saw kids reunite with their families, hugs, and smiles could be seen all over the platform. Y/N's parents always waited for her in the muggle part of the station, they didn't like running into people from their school days. 
She gathers all her belongings and says her last goodbyes to her friends before heading to the portal. Pushing her trolly through the crowd, careful not to hit anyone's ankle she focused on making it off of the platform. She could see the red sign was a few feet away when a hang gently grasped her shoulder. She stopped in her tracks and turned to see who it was
"Y/N, I've been calling you," The boy said with a small smile, it was Sirius
"Sorry, I didn't hear you" She apologized, the situation was a little tense. They only spoke a few times since that day in potions class
"I wanted to talk to you before we left school but I couldn't find you" he started, Y/N didn't respond allowing him to continue. "I was thinking maybe you and I could hang out this summer, I don't know maybe go on a date or something," he said as nervously rubbed the back of his neck
Y/N couldn't help but give him a confused look, she had no idea why he was asking this now. "What? Where did all of this come from?"  She asked moving her cart to the side to get out of people's way. He followed closely behind her as he continued the conversation
"I've been thinking about it all year, I was wrong to tell you that I didn't want to go out. Honestly, I wasn't thinking clearly, I'm sorry"  He didn't want to go into too much detail on how much he'd actually been thinking about her. 
He thought about her every day since she asked him out. He always thought she was cool, she was funny and kind and smart and she was always there for her friends he had only thought of her as a friend. Most of his relationships didn't last longer than three months so he never thought about what he'd want in a long-time partner. 
Over the course of his 7th year, he thought about it more and when he did, the more Y/N checked off the boxes. His friends were right, she was perfect for him. He didn't realize that until recently and he was afraid he was too late but he had to ask anyway.
Y/N didn't know what to think, she had spent so long trying to get over him, and all of a sudden he was interested in her. She was quite irritated, why would he think she would be available for him whenever he wanted. She wasn't going to let that happen.
"Sirius, I honestly don't know what to say but I think it's best we don't see each other." She said calmly
"Why not?" It wasn't rare for him to hear 'no', it stung more coming from her mouth. 
"I've spent so much time getting over you and you show up out of the blue with this offer. I'm sorry Sirius but it's not going to happen" she needed to get out of there as fast as possible, if she stayed another minute she was afraid she'd change her mind. She began pushing her cart back toward the entrance, before she got too far she turned around watching his face as he processed what happened. "Have a nice summer, Sirius" 
She turned back around moving forward, he watched her get lost in the crowd. 
Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft And Wizardry cordially invites you to the Class of 78's 10-year reunion! The Hogwarts Express leaves at 11 am, 1 July 
The letter in Sirius' hands was slightly crumbled as had just dug it out of the bin. He received it last week and didn't know if he should go or not, he wasn't in the mood to interact with his old classmates. The last ten years have been rocky for Sirius. After leaving school, he traveled the world because it was something he always wanted to do. While he was in Germany he met a muggle woman and he fell for her quickly. 
He had never been happier, their relationship moved very fast they were married within six months. It was going great for a while, he was still traveling but she wanted more. She asked him multiple times to move to Germany with her and start a family. It took a while for him to agree to this. A year into the marriage he moved to Germany to settle down, he got a job and was happy. 
Over the course of the next five years, his marriage started to deteriorate, for some reason he and his wife couldn't have a child and she started to resent him for that. He tried everything he could to make her happy, he turned into a completely different person and it still wasn't enough. Finally, when he was tired of being in a loveless marriage he left and moved back to London. 
His divorce was finalized four months ago, he's doing better now. He's happy to be home and close to his mates, James had gotten Lily to agree to marry him and they have a young boy. Remus finally got the chance to become a teacher like he always wanted, and peter is living a happy quiet life in the country. 
Things were finally good. 
He still didn't want to go to this reunion, having everyone ask what he had been up to for the past ten years wasn't his favorite conversation. But after a lot of convincing from James, he gave in.
He had a small carry-on in his hand as he walked out of his small flat and set off to King Cross where he would meet his friends. He just wanted to get this weekend over with. 
When Y/N arrived at Kings Cross, she was excited to go back in time. She hadn't thought much about her years at the school since she left. She did exactly what she planned, she went to school and became a lawyer. A damn good one at that, she hasn't lost a case since she started her own firm. She was doing pretty good for herself. 
She wasn't married, she had been single for a few years because of how busy her schedule was. None of her partners understood why she couldn't always be around. This caused a lot of distance in her relationships so she figured it was best just to ride solo for a while.
She had recently reconnected with her friend group from school, and they all talked about their lives. Some of them had kids and were married, Y/N felt a little sad that she couldn't brag about an amazing husband. She had always wondered what it would be like if she had settled down after school like everyone else, but she remembers how happy she has made herself. Maybe one day she'll find "the one".
Right now she and three of her old friends are sitting in the same compartment they did all those years ago. Slightly gossiping about everyone they've seen so far, everyone has changed so much. She was nervous about going, Hogwarts brings back so many memories all the good and the bad. 
She forgot how long that train ride was, she found herself growing tired just a few hours in. She decided to take a nap so she would be refreshed when they got there. 
When they finally arrived, everyone was eager to get off the train. Y/N had woken up an hour prior to arriving so she was ready to go. She stood from the bench seat and walked out of the compartment, her friends following close behind. Y/N followed the crowd off of the train, on the platform stood a very tall man, it felt just it did on her very first day at school.
"Welcome back to Hogwarts Class of '78, we have all missed you very much! Please make your way down to the boats." Hagrid's deep voice rang out
The now adults made their way down to the lake the same way they did when they were 11. Groups of four climbed into the boats and magically floated their way done the lake. The scene was just as beautiful as Y/N remembered. 
Once everyone was off the boats everyone knew where to go, it was like muscle memory. Nothing about the castle had changed, it was beautifully lit up by torches along the corridors. The walls had been decorated with magical pictures of all of the students throughout their time at Hogwarts. 
It made Y/N feel like she was a teenager again when all she had to worry about was turning in an assignment on time. Staying amongst her friend group they walked into the great hall which was always breathtaking. The ceiling was enchanted to look like the night sky, lit candles floated in the air lighting up the room. The floor was decorated similar to when they would have a dance, all the long tables were gone and replaced with smaller round ones decorated with soft table cloths. 
There were snack tables on both sides of the room, everyone scattered around looking at all the nostalgic decorations. Y/N's friends had already found a table and sat down, when she arrived at the table her friends were whispering. Gossip. 
"What are you guys talking about?" she asked taking a seat at the table
"Look over there, dear. Isn't that Sirius Black?" One of them said while pointing to a table across the room
Sirius Black. That was a name Y/N hadn't heard in years. She slowly turned her head so it wasn't obvious they were talking about him. When she finally found him, his eyes were already on her. This made her look away quickly, a wave of adrenaline washed over her. She hadn't felt that since the last day she saw him. 
All of her memories of him came flooding in all at once, all the laughs and test answers they shared. The most prominent memory was him rejecting her. It didn't hurt as bad as it did back then, of course, it sucks to be rejected but she got over it. She realized how juvenile it was to think about what could've been but she couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if they ever were together. 
She shook the thoughts from her head, no, tonight we're in the moment. She thought to herself, she was going to enjoy herself this weekend. 
A loud familiar voice filled the great hall causing everyone to look at the front of the room. Dumbledore stood at his podium as he always did when he gave a speech. 
"Good evening class of '78, it's so wonderful to see all your faces again! Even though you're all grown up now, to me I still know you as the young kids running around the castle. Please enjoy yourself tonight, catch up enjoy the refreshments and live music. I shall be walking around to hear all of your adventures beyond this campus." 
As soon as he stopped speaking a band started playing all the wizard music hits from their time at Hogwarts. 
On the other side of the room, Sirius black is sitting at a table with his best mates. James hadn't shut up about how much he missed the school, Sirius tried his best to match his enthusiasm but he couldn't. Since he got there, he heard at least four different people talking about his divorce. 
He noticed Y/N the second she walked in the door, she was absolutely beautiful. He always knew she was beautiful but seeing her in this place was like a breath of fresh air. He had to talk to her tonight, he had to know what she'd been doing all those years. 
As the night progressed, Sirius kept finding himself stealing glances with Y/N. He watched her dance with her friends, he saw her talking to old teachers, he didn't know what happened to all the confidence he once had because he couldn't go up to her. 
James had noticed his behavior, no matter what Sirius said he knew he never got over her. 
"Sirius mate, just go talk to her," he said pulling his friend out of his thoughts "She probably forgot about everything that happened, go say hello"
"I don't know" Sirius sighed "What if she's married?" 
"She's not" Lily, James' wife chimed in
"How do you know?" Sirius challenged
"Because I talked to her, now stop moping and go" the redhead demanded
"James, you're wife is very mean" he said as he stood from the table
"I know" James smiled kissing her on the cheek
Y/N was sitting at her table hydrating after dancing, her back was turned away from the crowd so she didn't see Sirius come up to her. 
He tapped her shoulder causing her to lightly jump, when she turned around she was met with an older version of the boy she once knew. 
"Hi" He greeted with a large smile
"Sirius, how are you?" she matched his grin
"I'm good, do you mind if I sit?" he asked pointing to the empty chair next to her
"Sure, go ahead" 
Sirius sat down on the white chair, he didn't say anything for a few seconds before picking up the conversation
"So what've you been up to? It's been ages since I last saw you" 
"Nothing much really, once I left school I went to law school now I have my own law firm," she said with no excitement because it was the twenty-something time she said it tonight.
"A lawyer? Wow, that's amazing!" He was so glad she was doing well in life, better than he was.
"It's not that great, it's a lot of work" she laughed "What about you? What've you been doing the last 10 years?" 
He paused, he didn't want to lie and say it was great but he didn't want to ruin the moment. "It's been quite interesting actually" he nervously played with his fingers "I traveled for a while after graduating, then I got married and moved to Germany"
Married, great. She thought
"You live in Germany? That's so cool" she replied
"No no, not anymore" he laughed "I moved back to London when my wife and I spilt" he explained
"Oh" Y/N let slip "I'm sorry, I hope you're doing alright" she offered
"I am, thanks. I'm actually pretty happy right now" he smiled
For the next hour or so they talked about everything they could. It felt like they never lost that time, they felt as if they were still those friends in school. Somewhere through the hour, they migrated to the dance floor. They were a respectable amount of distance apart, Sirius' hands were on her waist, her arms loosely wrapped around his shoulders. they  continued their conversation as they danced
"Y/N, can I be honest with you?" Sirius asked randomly
"Go for it" she said as she swayed to the music
"I honestly don't know why I ever let you go" 
She stopped dancing, she scanned his face for any sign that he was lying
"Sirius that was years ago, it's okay" she laughed lightly
"I know I know, I just wish I had gone on that date with you" he smirked
Y/N thought for a minute, maybe this was her chance to see what could've been
"Well, you can always go on a date with me now" 
"Really?" he was taken aback that she would say that
"Yeah, why not? You can finally see what you had missed out on all those years ago" she teased
"Let's go then" he said grabbing her hand and running out of the great hall
They went through all the corridors and all the unlocked classrooms reminiscing on their days at the school. At the end of their self-guided tour, they ended up at the top of the astronomy tower. 
"This place always had the best view" Y/N said as she stood next to Sirius at the railing looking out at the night sky
"Yeah, it does" Sirius agreed, but he wasn't talking about the stars. He moved slightly closer to her, close enough to where their arms touched. "I'm glad I got to see you again" he said softly
"I am too," she said looking into his eyes
"Maybe when we go home, I can take you on a proper date" Sirius suggested
"I'd like that" Y/N smiled softly, she couldn't help but flicker her eyes down to his lips. 
He noticed. He leaned in closer, their noses softly brushed against each other. Right as their lips were about to connect, a loud cough could be heard causing the two to pull away. 
"Mr. Black, Ms. L/N it's past curfew" Dumbledore started "Please see your way back to your dorms" 
"Yes professor" They said, sounding like children who got caught doing something they weren't supposed to. They both hurried their way down the large staircase, a little out of breath but they were out of Dumbledore's view. 
"Now, where were we?" Sirius asked as he gripped Y/N's waist pulling her in for a passionate kiss.
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Susan Pevensie comes back from Narnia and tries to forget, not because she doesn't believe in Narnia anymore, but because it hurts too much thinking about what she lost.
In Narnia, she was revered, respected. People wrote songs about her, asked for her hand in marriage. She was with her siblings, and she was free, and she could finally stop worrying about her brothers dying in an air raid. She had a people she protected, a land she ruled, and family to look after. She was respected in courts and battefields alike.
Narnia brought other problems, of course. Not all her suitors were kind about her rejection, and Peter and Edmund were expected to lead armies, which meant they were always in the line of fire. More than once had they come home with grave injuries that took months to recover from, even with Lucy's secret potion.
It is this Narnia Susan vividly remembers just aftee she comes back, a wild and savage land where magic roams free, but evil roams free too. It is the Narnia of eternal winter, of giants and ogres, of Aslan dying on the Stone Table. The Narnia of Telmarines, of dead friends, of failed sieges.
England forces her back into obedience, into a mold. Tells her to behave in a way expected of a young lady. Lucy can stay wild a little longer, but Susan has an education to focus on, men to impress. England tells her she is below her brothers again, should get married and have kids.
So Susan tries to forget, convincing herself that the stiff upper lip, tight collars, kneelong skirts, ridicule from adults when she speaks her mind and forced silence is better than the freedom she had in Narnia.
For that freedom had to be paid for in blood. At least in England her family and friends don't risk dying, not after the war.
She alienates from her brothers and sister further. She tells them Narnia was a game, a fantasy. But the difference in faith is also due tk the way she has to hide how it changed her. Peter, Lucy and Edmund do not have to. The boys write long essays about justice and religion, join the fencing team. Lucy dances everywhere she goes and is known to never wear shoes if she can help it.
But the archery club at school will not accept Susan. Neither will the debate team. Her teachers are annoyed with the fact she never slips up, disgruntled at the fact a woman runs rings around them intelectually. Susan is a young woman after a time of war, and all of society would rather she shut up and do what she is told.
Soon, Susan has new friends, new things that matter. All these adult thoughts she can only discuss with her brothers and sister drive her crazy, and there is no one around that takes them seriously. And so she tries to grow up as fast as possible, get to an age where people listen to her again. She forgets so that she doesn't have to deal with the feeling she was meant for much more, to ease the mourning of all that she lost when she kissed Caspian goodbye.
All the Pevensies start forgetting Narnia slowly, the memories fading. Soon none of them remember the names of their generals at Beruna. They forget the smell of battle, the weight of an iron sword in their hands. But they all still walk as if their crowns are on their heads, and ride horses in a way none of their instructors understand. It takes a while before they are back to their Narnian levels, but it is clear to them someone has instructed them before. None of them can figure out what commands they use, however. Is it western style, perhaps? Or maybe rodeo? They cannot have been taught in England, not with the amount of control they can exert with and without saddles, the sense of balance. Some of their teachers are astonished by their academic growth, but others attribute it to the lax education standards after the war. Susan is sold short most often, but all the Pevensie children suffer from arguments with teachers and attitude problems. Teachers generally don't like it if you behave like you are older or more important than them. It's worse because they are almost never wrong, even though all of them feel the effects that having a teenage brain has on their speed of thought and the coherence of their arguments.
The Pevensies deal with these remnants of Narnia in different ways. Susan becomes an actress. She picks West End over Oxford because the stage is a place she is allowed to be free. And since Narnia, dry textbooks don't thrill her like they used to, while the fantasy concepts of spirits and courts and magic and other things thespians work with entince her all the more. Inside her is a longing to become someone else. She knows where it comes from, but she doesn't want to acknowledge it.
Susan plays a queen often, or a diplomat, or a model. Something about her performances have audiences hooked, convinced she was royalty in a different life.
Remembering Narnia hurts. She scolds someone for being reckless with the stage props while teaching them the correct way for a full minute before realizing the person in question is older than her, and doesn't listen to a young woman. He has the same name as her younger brother.
So Susan forgets. But as she carves her way into the elite of old Hollywood, years later, she begins to remember as well. What it's like to have a voice. How it feels like to have people listen.
When Lucy, Edmund and Peter die in the train accident, Susan weeps for days. She knows what she has lost in them. She is now the only person fluent in their interpersonal language, the only one that still remembers the mating call of the centaurs, what jokes a forest spirit makes. She is now truly alone in the world.
Narnia comes rushing back to her during this grieving period. Eventually, she remembers that she used to have a voice, a crown, lovers of whatever gender she wanted. And also how Narnia would have you pay for freedom in blood. They gave up on that freedom to protect her siblings. only to lose them anyways. Suddenly, Susan remembers how Narnia was fair, how a bargain struck was a bargain kept. She remembers the nymphs, the trees in spring. She remembers the beauty of it all.
Later, when Susan is a grown woman and an arrived actor in Hollywood, Aslan begins returning to her dreams. He never speaks to her, but the sight of him gives her strenght. She was once Susan the Gentle, who accompanied Aslan to his death. It is time she returns to being that person.
After the Stonewall riots and during the AIDS epidemic, Susan is the only actress willing to make a public stand. It costs her 2 box office hits and a 3 month ban from the tabloids. But she remembers justice, and the price of freedom. Others start looking to her for wisdom, just like they did all those years ago. Susan feels her quiet strenght returning, her faith slowly coming back.
She stops wishing she could forget Narnia. The magic that was responsible for the memory faded with time. Maybe it was just to protect her from mourning a world where she was so much more.
When Susan looks at the boys coming back from wars in Korea and Vietnam, she recognizes the look in their eyes. Reflected in their behaviour is a maturity that shouldn't be present in teenagers. The loss of innocence, the unrepairable damage to their childhood illusions. It is a look she spent her twenties avoiding mirrors for, because she knew what it meant. No matter what she told herself then, she believed in Narnia. She still does now.
She knows her siblings are in a different place now, and that she revoked her faith in that place, but slowly, as the years grey her hair and wrinkle her face, she begins to believe she may one day join them there. She remembers Aslan as a kind lion, even if he wasn't a tame one.
She grew old in Narnia once, after all. She hopes to die there.
Once a queen of Narnia, always a queen of Narnia
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mozzaremi · 2 years
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got too silly, made omori magic au, that i'm calling MAGIKOMORI indodump in read more! (it's long)
Magikomori (Infodump)
The whole premise of the au is that the world of omori takes place in an alternate universe where magic is real
Magic and witchery have only recently become a viable career choice in this world, with magic academies popping up to help other witches to properly hone their craft in their efforts to make a living profit from doing what they love and are passionate about.
Both Sunny and Mari come from a bloodline of witches, making them generally talented in magic and spellcasting. Their mother isa witch, while their dad is just a regular guy who doesn't have the best outlook on magic users. 
Mari develop a people-pleaser side of herself that oftentimes is directed at her father, always trying her best to receive validation from him, resulting in Mari dropping all thoughts of becoming a professional witch in the future to instead focus more on her regular school studies and perfecting her skills on the piano.
Sunny, being the opposite, fully embraces the magic side of himself. The specific type of witch ability he's good at being illusions. He can summon lifelike recreations of entities from his dreams without much trouble. His summons are able to interact with the real world around them while also having a mind of their own. Although with Sunny being a less-experienced illusionist, he cannot control them or summon many at a time (he works around this problem by being able to conjure chibi versions of his dream entities into the real world).
While Mewo is still the pet of the family and she is recognised as Mrs. Suzuki's familiar. At the time of Sunny and Mari being toddlers, they would happens to accidentally cast spells and it was Mewo's job to reverse them and babysit the children when the parents were busy.
Other noteworthy magic users from the friend group is Aubrey. While she’s not from a family that's magically inclined, after seeing all the cool stuff Mari and Sunny are able to do with their witch heritage, saying that she became inspired to dabble in magic would be an understatement! 
The particular magic Aubrey specializes in is alchemy! She’s able to use spells to conjure, combine and transform items. One of her first successful alchemy attempts was being able to transform a simple wooden broomstick into a wooden bat 
The other magic user of the group is Basil. 
His family is part of an ancient bloodline of seers, and are able to see visions of the future. On top of that, Basil's lineage are bearers of a curse of being subjected to frequent nightmares, taking away any semblance of peace in their day to day life, leaving them with restless nights of poor sleep, night terrors, and insomnia. This curse also affects Basil's abilities to see visions, as it's hard to separate possible future events from a bad dream.
With the help of his grandma, Basil combats the curse by creating magical potions to suppress the nightmares and give himself a better night's sleep. 
Potion making becoming his speciality, he contemplates joining a magic academy to get a permit to sell his very own potions to the public! His brews range from tea- like elixirs that help with staying calm, helping with concentration, and clearing up general sickness (so basically like the stuff you can find at a regular pharmacy but make it magical)
Both Hero and Kel staying fairly faithful to their canon counterparts, both not having that many ties to magic, but still appreciating the craft! The brothers often contemplate on learning spells for their daily use, whether it's to help with chores or to enhance the taste of a special valentine's treat for a special someone! 
Now here's the deal breaker question... does Mari die in the au?
Well... yes and no. The accident does occur, but after Sunny pushes Mari, instead of freezing up, he attempts to cast a spell to save her from the fall, but instead he fumbles the spell so bad, that Mari phases between the world of the living and the dead, Sunny and basil being the only ones who can see her.
Their dad was already showing slight agitation from the witchery mischief that that family takes part in and the accident is the last straw for him. He leaves the family right after, convinced that the spell cannot be reversed and that mari was basically murdered by Sunny's hands and magic. 
Their mom tries her hardest to reverse the spell that might as well have been a curse. But without being able to detect mari, and with Sunny and Basil being the only ones to see her, it's their responsibility to attempt to undo the spell.
Instead of framing it as a suicide, Sunny's mom filed it as a missing person's case just so nothing bad happens to the two boys. Since magic has only been recently integrated into daily life, there weren't any good sources to turn to for help, so all trust was put into basil and Sunny to fix this.
Attempts to find a way to reverse their mistake were made with the two worried boys collecting countless books on spells and curses in effort to find a solution to their problem. After months of research, things were looking hopeless. Sunny, not being able to deal with the pressure, falls into a depressive state, barely leaving his own headspace while sleeping all day and night.
After the incident, he develops the headspace that we know, though with more magical elements sprinkled in, alongside Omori and his headspace friends. Omori is almost a stand-in for Sunny's own familiar, being able to effortlessly enter the real world and also disguise himself as his cat form. Omori would cause the young witch to procrastinate on finding the right spell to bring Mari back, ensuring that Sunny doesn't become too stressed or depressed when his attempts lead him nowhere. While not doing it out of any evil reasons to keep mari stuck between planes of existence, he just wants to protect Sunny and make sure that he gets some semblance of rest and peace in his life.
Basil's mental state also worsens alongside his best friend. With his best friend shutting him out and not having that much spare time to brew potions for his nightmares, all his time is devotedto finding a way to bring back Mari even without Sunny's help.
After the disappearance of Mari, instead of Hero becoming a chef or a doctor in the future, he chooses the career path of a detective, even purchasing a very expensive crystal ball to try to contact Mari if she were to be dead. Coincidentally he has no luck with being able to contact her, leaving Hero with some hope that he might find her someday. 
Aubrey still ends up becoming a delinquent, while also using her alchemy abilities for mischief. She forms a friend group of other delinquent magic users, causing occasional acts of misbehavior in faraway town.
She still owns Bun-Bun as her pet bunny, and while not having any magical abilities, Aubrey still refers to him as her familiar companion.
Kel is still... same-old Kel, still into basketball and a personification of a ball of sunshine. He still attempts knocking at Sunny's door to see him again, with things not going well until Sunny has to move. Kel also pitched in to get Hero the crystal ball for some closure, even being surprised as well when nothing came up. 
Being stuck between being dead and alive, after the four years Mari loses any resentment she might have had for Sunny and instead feels bad for her dear little brother. While Sunny can still see Mari, it's almost as if after Omori came into the picture Sunny started ignoring Mari's presence. Noticing this, Mari would attempt invading the boy's dreams to talk to him, causing all the headspace reset shenanigans.
When it comes to magic being used to cause other people harm, it all follows the "rule of three". Whatever energy a person puts out into the world, be it positive or negative, will be returned to that person three times. Being aware of this magical law does help with preventing any possible person using magic for evil. 
In Sunny's case, while it was accidental, he did cause his sister and his friends a lot of grief, so it all returned back at him, the negative energy being a lot of emotional turmoil. This feeling of physical and mental unwellness is what helped develop Omori as his supposed familiar to help him cope. 
The plot of omori would still play out as it normally would withthe main difference being that people think that mari went missing instead of her committing suicide. 
Bad and neutral omori endings are still plausible options for the plot. But in the good ending, once the friend group forgives Sunny and Basil for keeping up the lie of Mari's disappearance, they attempt to work together to undo the spell keeping Mari in limbo.
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turvi · 1 year
Helloooooooo! I saw your clingy Severus fic, and absolutely loved it so muchhhhhhh!
If possible, could I request something a bit like the opposite? I would love to see Severus with an s/o who’s BEYOND cuddly, and will kind of just find him between classes (or whenever they can rlly) and just cling to him like a needy cat XD.
They won’t do it if he’s not comfy with it, but I could also see Sev melting if s/o would just cuddle up to him even if people are around lol
Ahh, thank you so much for this request. I am glad you loved the fic. I hope you enjoy it.
Severus was returning back to his office for the lunch break. The students make way for the potions master. His ominous presence scares all the living souls present in Hogwarts. All except one.
His wife.
She waits in his office preparing tea for him. As soon as he enters his office the smell of cinnamon and tea fills his senses. He never liked the strong smell of spices. But he never even told his wife either. He wondered why. He would always look for opportunities to ridicule or critique people. But he could never do that to his Y/n.
His sweet Y/n. She is an angel really. But Godric it feels like she keeps making an excuse just to cling to him. But he doesn't hate it. No. Even though he doesn't show it he accepts the warmth Y/n has for him. He has been cold and lonely without her.
She feels like the spring that comes after a harsh cold. The kind of spring that mother earth celebrates. The kind of spring that brings out life.
As if on cue Y/n turns back and smiles brightly at his sight. He thinks she might be the only one who is this happy to see him. And he is thankful. And as expected before Severus could even greet her she took him in her arms.
Even after being together for Godric knows how long (because it feels like he has known her for his whole life), his heart still flutters when she holds him like this. He can only pat her back. And she gets it. It's his way of saying he loves her. He loves how she gets he is still not used to this type of affection.
As she busies herself in making tea for him again he remembers how she had unexpectedly shown up in his life. So full of love and life. He previously hated how bright she is. How she could find the good in the bad. Heck, she found something great in him hence she decided to spend her life with him.
He remembers how he would be annoyed at how clingy she is. How he would grumble and groan when she would hug him tightly. How he would frown and tell her she is constricting his breathing. But he wouldn't admit how he would look up at his office door every time it would open, expecting her. How it would break his heart to find it was someone else and not her. When she got sick and had taken leave for a few days..he missed the feeling..he craved it. How when he finally saw her he had to control himself from taking her into his arms then and there.
Like usual she put his tea on the coffee table and took a seat right beside him, nuzzling her nose in his neck. He shivered when he felt her breath against his skin and surprisingly his hands as if they had their own mind dragged her closer to him.
He didn't even pay attention to the tea sitting on his coffee table despite its strong smell. His onyx eyes focused on her. The sunlight seemed to have been glowing brighter as it hit her skin. He was almost afraid to touch her even though he had ravished her last night. He was afraid his touch would ruin something so beautiful like her.
He looked into her eyes. They always looked soft and kind. His touch is featherlight on her cheeks. She leaned into his touch even though it was light. His heart raced as she leaned into him, her eyes asking for permission.
He knew he couldn't love her anymore. His eyes teared up watching her still being respectful of his boundaries as if he will say no and she will still love him as much as she did on the day she met him.
He met her halfway and kissed her passionately. Y/n was surprised when she felt his arms tightening around her waist. She smiled at him as they broke from their kiss. He was slowly but surely accepting the kind of love she had for him.
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slytherhys · 5 months
June in January (Because I'm in Love)
Prompt: Powers & Possibilities (but make it Witchy!) @elriel-month
A/N: So I've had this AU in my mind for a really long time and I thought it'd be perfect for this prompt. It is kinda different from how I usually write so please bear with me. I hope I managed to make it at the very least a cute read! Enjoy 🌼
TW: Swearing, Blood and Violence (mentioned because Az is an idiot!)
You can also read this story on AO3!
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The first time Azriel visits the witch’s cottage on the outskirts of Velaris, it’s against his will.
For starters, he has never been a fan of witches – not of their unrestrained power and certainly not of their blood-drinking habits. He is also a firm believer that, despite Mor’s insistence, Madja would’ve been perfectly able to fix him up with whatever medicine she usually gave Cassian whenever he got punched in the face.
But after a sparring session gone wrong, a vicious hit to the face that takes both him and Cassian by surprise, and a pounding headache only made worse by Cassian’s incessant bragging about knocking out the Shadowsinger for the first time in centuries, Azriel barely bats an eye when Mor presses a piece of parchment to his hand and nearly forces him to visit her dear friend.
“You can thank me later.” She says with an impish smile. “Preferably with chocolates.”
Azriel doesn’t bother asking any questions – namely, who her friend is. Or rather what . With a nasty black eye, a bruised ego and absolutely no desire to take part in any small talk with a stranger, he simply goes, dazed, and confused as to how the fuck he let himself be punched in the face by Cassian, of all people.
But when he first gets there, he has to wonder if Mor is pranking him. 
The cottage is covered in ivy, idyllic enough that one could think it actually belongs to the landscape where it stands. The garden surrounding him is an array of colours and scents, neatly organised by a logic Azriel does not pretend to understand. It looks innocent enough, all things considered.
But something in him goes still as he takes in the landscape in front of him. His eyes narrow as he watches the flowers sway softly in the cool January breeze. They’re beautiful and fragrant and would raise absolutely no suspicion on any other given day – if not for the fact they were in full bloom despite it being the middle of winter.
And then he sees it – a plain, wooden sign, the lettering a loopy cursive that speaks of lovely, gentle things. If it wasn’t for what they spell out, of course.
Elain’s Herbs & Potions
His entire body goes cold, and it speaks of his self-control that Azriel doesn’t shoot to the skies without a glance back. Because he knows –vividly remembers – all the tales of witches he grew up hearing about. Of their all-seeing eyes and their crooked smiles that promised nothing but pain and horror. The tales of their rituals and tricks not even the most cunning soldier could escape. Even Rhys, for all his powers and smarts, has never showed much interest in coming across a witch.
He's wondering why, exactly, Mor ever thought it’d be a good idea to send him here when he sees her.
The first thing he notices, oddly enough, is how small she is. After living next to Amren for most of his life, Azriel is not foolish enough to ever think that a sign of weakness, but it intrigues him all the same. Then, he’s utterly aware of how she doesn’t look anything like what he thought she’d look like. There’s no yellowed teeth, no wispy, greying hair, no soulless eyes.
Instead, all he sees is long, golden-brown hair and chocolate eyes. A yellow dress that compliments her tanned skin and red cheeks and speaks of warmer, sunnier days. She’s carrying a wicker basket overflowing with flowers, but the scent that trails after her is all her – sweet and sour, and Az feels his legs nearly giving out from under him, it’s probably completely unrelatable.
Elain , he assumes, and never a name has ever sounded so sweet.
When she looks up and spots him, she smiles, as if she was waiting for him and is pleased to see he's finally here. His heart tumbles inside his chest and he tells himself it’s because he’s in the presence of a witch – not because he’s suddenly wanting things he’s never wanted before.
She eyes him curiously and he has
to stop himself from asking her what’s on her mind, even if it suddenly feels
like the most important thing he’s ever needed to know.
“Can I help you?” She asks sweetly. Her voice echoes through him, and something inside him settles. He, however, can’t bring himself to speak, swallowing dryly as he stares and stares and stares . The woman - Elain ,
he thinks with delight - tilts her head, furrowing her brow as her chocolate
eyes trace his face. “That doesn’t look good.” She mutters and Azriel has to
remind himself of the reason he’s here in the first place.
“A fight.” He says oh-so-eloquently , and he’s surprised she doesn’t seem alarmed in
the slightest by his response. As if, perhaps, this is a normal occurrence for
her. He doesn’t know why that bothers him, but it does. 
Elain, oblivious to his nonsensical thoughts, simply nods and turns on her feet, disappearing inside her cottage without another word. Azriel remains where he is, unsure of what to do. All of a sudden, he can’t recall why he ever feared witches in the first place, why he ever believed the tales his brothers told him in the middle of the night when they were too young to know any better. 
And fuck if they knew any better. 
It takes the pretty witch less than five minutes to return, this time carrying a small basket in her hands, each one of her steps a small symphony of bottles clicking against each other until she’s standing in front of him. He looks down at the basket with intrigue and pretends that her closeness isn’t making his skin tingle. He listens carefully as she explains – a bit shyly, Azriel notices with satisfaction – how he must apply the green ointment to his bruises, at what time he must drink the periwinkle potion and how many times a day the white paste must be applied to reduce the swelling of his cheek.
When he nods in thanks and turns to leave, it’s entirely too soon and a pang echoes through his body as he desperately tries to come up with ways of prolonging his stay but comes up empty instead. His skin feels too tight, his cheeks too hot, his hands too clammy. He vaguely wonders if he’s running a fever - if maybe he can ask her for a cure for that as well. 
She walks by his side until they’re standing on the limits of her property, like maybe she doesn't want him to leave just yet either. He feels oddly mislaid; uncertain of what to do and who to be. All his convictions turn into ash and suddenly there’s only one thing he knows for sure: he’s going to have to get punched again, because there’s not a chance in this world he isn’t seeing Elain again.
“Who won?” Azriel turns to her as she asks, confusion clear on his face. Elain, not one to be put off by his silence, clarifies, “The fight.”
Azriel chuckles softly. “Not me.”
She frowns like she's not entirely happy with his response. “Well, make sure you win next time. Okay?” 
But the second time Azriel visits the witch’s cottage, just on the outskirts of Velaris, Elain greets him with a brilliant smile, not disappointed in the slightest to see him sporting a new bruise and a busted lip.
It shouldn’t surprise him how beautiful she looks, but he still is taken aback when he first sees her. Her hair is tumbling down her back in a messy braid, a too-big straw hat on her head and a small streak of dirt on her cheek that she probably isn’t aware of. Her cheeks are flushed from the sun, her blue dress reminds him of ripe blueberries, and the way it sways with her every step reminds him of flying in the summer breeze.
This time around, there’s no doubt in his mind he’s right where he should be. A familiar feeling of contentment rushes through his body, as if after weeks of waiting to see her, he can finally let himself relax and enjoy this small moment of reprieve (and really, who can blame him for wanting to get punched again?).
When Elain asks him what happened this time around, Azriel doesn’t dare tell her he made sure to pick Rhys during this week’s sparring session; that he made sure the most powerful High Lord in history punched him just in the right place so that he could bust his lip open. He doesn’t tell her about the confused look on his friend’s face as Azriel smiled maniacally when he felt the blood on his lips, nor does he tell her he tried to go for a broken nose instead so that maybe she would touch him too.
He simply smiles sheepishly at the pretty witch and utters something about distractions, making her blush under his stare as she turns around and scolds him for being so careless, all the while making a package of too many potions he doesn’t entirely need. (He still hasn’t used up all the old ones, but he doesn't tell her that either).
When Elain finally turns to him, her eyes drop to his lips and Azriel feels fire licking up at his spine. She watches him with curiosity and something else lingering in those cinnamon eyes. Amusement, perhaps?
For a brief, panicky moment, he wonders if she can see right through him. As it is, Azriel doesn’t exactly know where her power lies, and for all he knows every lie, every excuse is pointless in the presence of this witch.
Elain, however, doesn’t seem too concerned by his lies. “What is your favourite fruit?” She asks instead, eyes flickering to his as if nervous to see his reaction. 
Azriel tucks away his puzzlement and says, “Blueberries,” pretending the whole time it’s not only because of the colour of her dress. She nods once, as if the answer satisfies her, and hands him the basket.
“Be careful, okay?” She tells him in that honeyed voice and Azriel can think of nothing else to say, so he nods and leaves without a glance back.
He pretends he doesn’t miss her the entire flight back home.
The third time Azriel visits Elain’s cottage, he is greeted by a brilliant smile that sends his heart racing inside his chest. Elain, still bent over a shrub, tells him about the new batch of healing potions she’s been perfecting so he can try them, and he tries not to show just how pleased he is that she has been thinking about him, waiting for him to return. She doesn’t ask him about his bandaged shoulder and Azriel doesn’t tell her about the lecture he got from Rhys once the High Lord of the Night Court realised what was going on.
“These ones taste like blueberries.” She says, handing him three new potions he’s never seen before. He frowns slightly. “They’re your favourite.” She explains, and the expectant smile on her face makes it impossible for him to come clean. He isn’t even sure he likes blueberries, but he thanks her anyway and smiles the whole way home.
The fourth time Azriel visits Elain’s cottage, he has just returned from a mission abroad. When she hears the rustle of his wings, she turns to him with that brilliant smile of hers. To her credit, she doesn’t stop smiling when he sees the heavy expression on his face. She simply stands up, holds his hand, and leads him to a wooden bench under a willow tree behind her house.
They sit there for hours, without a word ever being spoken. He doesn’t know how Elain knows he doesn’t wish to speak, but he’s thankful all the same.
When he returns home, he doesn’t take any potions with him, but nevertheless something inside him feels mended; lighter than it has ever felt before. For a quiet, lovely moment he wonders if maybe he’s worthy of having his hands held despite the scars marring his skin and the idea of such a life follows him all the way home.
The fifth time Azriel returns to Elain’s cottage, nothing seems to be amiss - both Cassian and Rhysand refuse to fight him (since Rhysand promptly forbade them), and Azriel can’t seem to find any more excuses to see her again. Until he realises he doesn’t need them anymore.
As he flies to her house, a million scenarios rush through his mind as he wonders how she’ll react. If she’ll welcome him with her beaming smile, watching him as if she’d been waiting for him all along or if instead, she’ll find it so weird to find him uninjured she’ll send him on his way the second she understands why, exactly, he’s there. Azriel isn’t foolish enough to believe he’d be so lucky, but he wants to brave enough to find out.
He finds sitting in the middle of the daisies, looking for all the world like she has been painted into the landscape to make it all the more appealing. When she sees him, a smile lights up her face, eyes taking him in as he walks her way and Azriel isn’t entirely sure why, but every single doubt tainting his mind melts away into a puddle at the expression on her face.
Elain doesn’t say a word. She simply waits, rising to her feet and watching him with an expectant look in her eyes.   
“I don’t need anything today.” He says by way of greeting, and she gives him a tentative smile. 
“But you’re here.” She says gingerly, not a trace of confusion on her face.
Which makes him confused in return. “I am.” He says, and Elain chuckles, the sound low and so sweet, so perfect his heart nearly leaps from his chest to try and catch the sound. He can’t stop watching her as certainty settles deep into his bones.
Elain blows a breath like she’s finally had enough of his silence. Her cheeks pinken under his stare but she isn’t deterred. “Are you finally going to ask me out, Azriel?” She asks a bit exasperatedly. “Or is the Shadowsinger going to keep getting his ass handed to him until he finds the courage?”
He’s speechless for one second. Two. Three. He vaguely thinks of Mor and how she described Elain as her dear friend . And then he’s wondering if he’s truly that transparent and if she’s known what he had been doing all along – gathering the courage to kiss her, have her in any way he can get.
And then he’s not wondering anymore - he’s pulling her into his arms instead, kissing her until they both can’t breathe, until the sun falls behind the trees, until the cool breeze of January makes Elain shiver in his arms, reminding them of where they are. That, despite the blooming garden and the warmth of their kiss, it’s still January and there’s an entire world out there waiting for them to start the rest of their lives.
But none of it seems to matter as Elain pulls away from him, never letting go of his hand as she asks, “Do you want to come inside?”
And later that night, when the colours of dawn chase away the darkness of the night, with Elain sleeping soundly against his chest, Azriel smiles, shaking his head in disbelief.
Because he now owes Mor a very big fucking box of chocolates.
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oh-shtars · 4 months
RFTS!AU AskBox #4
Me to @signed-sapphire for the legendary number of 50 Questions Galore they sent me:
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Heads up though, you might notice there’s certain questions skipped. I’m either not able to answer some of the asks at all OR they’re either some art requests that I haven’t finished and will post in future posts. So I had to skip them for this post unfortunately…. I apologise as such. 😅
Anyways, let’s get speeding through them shall we?
1. How do you plan to show the songs?
It should be question 6 of this post here. :)
2. How many songs do you plan to have in RFTS?
4 or more. Depends on what I come up with.
3. What ‘vibe’ would each song have?
Uhhhhhhh, idk tbh. I’m really just going with the flow of what this story brings me. You can’t wait to see what the RFTS!plot has in store? Yeah, me too.
4. Who’s voicing Valentino and the main cast?
For Valentino, I’m not sure. I’m debating whether it should be younger Bambi or Ronno’s VA. But he basically has an actual kid’s voice this time rather than a deep-sounding one. (Because honestly, I found that a bit weird personally). For the the other characters, I don’t really mind the voices they have canonically.
And I think I’ve mentioned this before, but even though Sueño can’t speak, I could hear him singing this in this voice hypothetically.
5. Write or draw any cute interaction between Ashueño!
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Mk :3
6. I know Asha will have a different outfit by the end, but do you have different designs for anyone else?
Yeah, I do actually. Some characters have a different outfit to better reflect their current context. (Like how Sakina would have work clothes similar to Asha.) But I don’t want to reveal most of them at the moment since I would like to keep them a secret for now.
7. Some Gabo doodles, if you don’t mind. I rarely see the short king in any Wish Art.
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His design makes a lot more sense if you were me and you knew the context. Take this art with whatever theories you guys can throw at me 😂
……. 10. What made Amaya fall in love with Magnifico? What changed?
Amaya had a family who greatly discouraged her interest in studying magic and potions since it’s against what their family has done for generations. Meanwhile, Magnifico who was adopted as Rosas’ prince, is expected to learn magic but COULDN’T because he struggles to do so since he hasn’t moved on from his trauma.
When these guys were around 16-15 years old, they were mutual best friends. Mag offers Amaya to read from his magic books while he finds comfort in just having a genuine friend who doesn’t remind or push expectations onto him that he hears everyday in the castle. She’s like an escape from the stresses he has in there.
In their future years, Amaya grew to fall in love with someone who promised her the world if she only asked for it. She finds bits of herself in Mag, as both were people with crushed dreams that deserve better. (In their POV anyway.)
Falling in love was not at all what she expected since she used to believe sympathy would only hold her back from exploring the limits of magic. But you know, Amaya’s as much as a tragic character as Magnifico is.
11. Who fell first and who fell harder between those two?
Is it possible to say that RFTS!Magnifico is both?
12. Any fun fact about the Royal Couple? (You can tell who I’m most invested in. lol.)
The only reason Espino, the royal cat, is in the castle is because Amaya wanted him around. Otherwise, if it were up to Mag, that cat is out to the streets. He’s not very fond of animals and he considers them as pests. Though, Espino gets small bonus points from Magnifico just because he keeps the castle clear from mice which he especially hates.
(Good to know you’re enjoying ‘Grand Despair’ while it lasts :)
13. This may be weird but…Body Swap! How would Hopes and Dreams react?
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Asha would have zero idea how to get star magic under control. Meanwhile, Sueño finds an interesting realisation.
14. What’s your favourite fanart piece of your AU?
I LOVE all of them so much!! They’re all made by very amazing artists!! I’m so happy to see these silly characters I’ve made be brought to life in someone else’s style. 💖💖
Mere words can’t express this joy enough. I hope you all would love the final chapters once they do come out as much as you loved seeing content of them now. X3
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15. Are you telling your story via writing or art of word dump?
I’m planning to share it in chapters like how Anny and everyone else has been doing. Plus some more sketches I would keep making of them obviously.
17. Draw Ashueño dressed as another Disney couple!
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Hehehehehe guess whooo~ 🙃
19. Young!Sueño!
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Which one? 🙃
Awww, good times back then when the little guy is still figuring out the forms he likes….
…… 20. Young!Royal Couple!
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Mini Magnifico would rather drown himself or drink snake venom than call Oliver his dad- ………
22. Give some more lore on Asha’s father. Are you keeping him as close to the source material as possible? Will we see him in flashbacks or something?
You’ll definitely get to see Tomás at certain points in the story. Either in the short prologue, mentions and flashbacks. He’s generally a friendly guy but at the same time, is also assertive to defend what he thinks is wrong. But even though his life was cut short, Tomás ended up inspiring more people than he thinks. Especially his old friend, Sabino, who hasn’t given another wish or attended any more wish ceremonies after his death.
I don’t think we really knew much about Asha’s father at all in the canon movie, but I’ll pretty much be close to what is depicted there already with some more detail on how he made an influence in the lives of those he loves.
23. Give Sueño a stuffed toy for him to cuddle with. He deserves it <3
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He adores it so much 💖💖
24. More lore about the Astral Realm!
Not all Wishing Stars have the strong desire to venture down into the human realm someday and that’s completely fine. They can still guide their wishmaker from above. But for those who do want to, they need to answer one important question first:
“Why do you grant wishes?”
Since they would be going down to earth by themselves ALONE with none of their elders to guide them this time, their answer to this question serves as their anchor in case they get lost or distracted. Answers do vary and some may be the same among stars, but that’s fine. As long as they’re sincere with all their core on their answer. Some examples may be: “I like to see them reach their very best and reap their deserved rewards.” Or “I like watching them journey and discover themselves.”
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This scene is one of my dotpoints I came up with but I’m not so sure anymore if that would still fit in and whether I should scrap it. Regardless, I thought this would be a nice little thing to show you all. Proof that I’m indeed working on it 😅
(Actually, this sounds so cute to draw. Feel welcome to try and do so if you want to, my fellow artists ^^)
…… 26. How does Magnifico’s magic work?
I made a whole post on this :3
27. Where did Amaya learn potions?
She’s self-taught mostly. But I also did mention that Mag generously lets her borrow what is meant to be his books of magic soooo, he played a role on that as well.
29. What’s Amaya’s opinion on the other Wish AU Mags?
I’m not exactly sure how different her opinions would be on each of them since I think we all decided to have our fun with Magnifico just being a shameless show-off and fun evil villain. I’ll try though.
Amaya would think KOW!Mag reminds her a lot of her own husband, also short-tempered and a disgustingly sweet romantic at times. She’s kind of a play-hard-to-get girl though 😂. One thing she does notice is that what WRTS!, Wish Granted! And KOW!Mag have in common is how loud they are with their ceremonies. Is that a universal Magnifico thing? Eh. There sure is a lot of interesting knowledge to learn from these universes. Hmmm.
TKoRaT!Maggy has that same pained look that falls on RFTS!Mag whenever he’s sulking by himself and needs time alone. Usually it’s because of his old village trauma. It’s an intriguing but ever so familiar cycle she recognises well.
Meanwhile. TFS!Mag is……different, she would say. Not exactly good different. I kinda imagine her eyeing this guy like a cat. This Mag just gives off a very different vibe of non-ruthlessness(?) that she’s not used to.
30. Same for Mag, but vice versa.
RFTS!Mag gets very very very familiar vibes with KOW! And Wish Granted!Amaya. He finds it slightly amusing since it feels like his wife just became a part of some triplets. (He jokingly asked RFTS!Amaya if she had any sisters she never told him. The woman wasn’t amused. She doesn’t really like being reminded of her family.) I’m sorry TKoRaT! And TFS!Amaya, but you’ve made the decision to adopt Asha as your daughter and so he thinks lower of you now. Although…the TKoRaT!couple might just get to redeem themselves for that since they sound interesting enough. They’re going to have the ditch the girl though at some point.
WRTS!Amaya just feels off. He doesn’t know what exactly though? Is he losing his mind or something? Ugh, I think he could use devouring another Wish Bubble just in case…
31. You know what, for Asha and Sueño too!
Oh boy, here we go. 😂
Asha will NOT be able to handle Wish Granted!Star’s energy. It’s so different from the silent but still lively conversations she has with her Starboy. Star just can’t bring himself to stop talking, can he? 😅 Asha thinks WRTS!Aster and TKoRaT!Star are adorable. Cielo may be a bit much at times with his light teasing and flirting, but she’s aware he means well.
I could see Asha’s non-hesitant empathy, patience and genuine concern to Haedus would be a huge comfort for the poor guy. (Trust me, she’s done this plenty before.) She’s a bit surprised to see Naos and Nembus but I think they’d get along just fine. She’s pretty good with playing with kids from her experience with a mischievous Valentino. And lastly, KOW!Aster is a total sweetheart that she jokingly comments could rival Sueño’s. (That comment caught Sueño’s attention quickly lmao.)
Sueño is more hesitant and unwilling at first to approach humans by his own accord. He’ll still keep a short distance buuuut… if they’re just another version of Asha, it can’t be that horrible, right?
KOW!Asha’s drawings are a familiar sight for him and he’s impressed that she could bring her own drawings to life. Same goes for WRTS!Asha with her magic wand. Maybe they’re friendly… Maybe they could both do that together :D He’s neutral with Wish Granted! And Aled’s Asha for now until he gets to know them better.
Sueño recognises that same shyness and timid nature in TKoRaT!Asha. (It’s weird how she does the same thing RFTS!Asha does of turning their head away and hiding behind their hair when he innocently just looks her way.)
And then there’s…….HER. TFS!Asha. Cielo talks about her a lot….😬. But you know, that girl scares him.
Unfortunately, Sueño is staying a relatively farther distance away from the last two Ashas I mentioned. Why? Idk, probably the fact that they’re the daughter of Mag and Amaya-
32. *Gives Sueño an iPad with Duolingo on it* Here my child. Learn Spanish.
I have a feeling you did this so he could finally find out what his name, ‘Sueño’ translates into. Lol, nope. Not yet he’s not.
He still appreciates the gesture though, but the guy got distracted by the other cool features and apps this weird magical mirror-tablet thing(?) had and completely forgot all about the Owl app.
33. Will Asha ever attempt to learn Celestial? Maybe with a candle? Like Morse Code? Idk.
Idk. Speaking Celestial is really just stars exchanging screechy sound waves to each other telepathically like words, while their glowing sequences indicates the mood and tone of what they’re saying. Maybe if Asha comes to learn how to harness light magic on her own, she’ll be able to at least convey emotions such as happiness in it by controlling the brightness and duration of each flash.
35. How are you planning out your story?
I usually think of what main message I’m trying to get across first and build the story around it. After some character and world-building stuff (that I keep adding to because procrastination), I put the key scenes I could think of in bullet-point format and then just think up some in-between scenes that could occur between those points.
Usually though, the most usual process is that a random concept/idea pops into my head and then I immediately type it down so I won’t forget it. It’s basically my thing now to organise the giant mess of reminders into comprehensive plot lines.
I’m not writing the story at this point. The story is choosing to expose itself to me XD
Another main thing I do is listen to my Spotify playlist of this AU, read the Wish Artbook, or rewatch a movie that has inspired the RFTS! plot in some way.
36. Are there any kisses in your story?
Hmmmmm….. *glances at Ashueño and Amnifico*
Oh well, since you’ve asked me, I gueeeeess I’m unfortunately now going to have to remove all the kisses I had included since y’all are so desperate to know….. (/jk)
38. Will the Royal Couple have villain transformations?
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39. What’s your take on the ‘eating wishes’ thing?
As I’ve mentioned in my last post on how the magic system works in the RFTS!AU, Magnifico eats wish essence to reverse the costly effects of using Curse Magic. To put it simply, he uses them to make him more mentally stable.
40. What Easter Eggs are you planning to put in your story?
Awwwww, where’s the fun in that? Find them yourselves >:)))
And who knows? Maybe certain fellow creators in the Wish Rewrite Fandom will make a reference in some of the chapters. Keep an eye out 😉
42. What exactly does Asha’s job entail?
Being a king’s apprentice is a way to gain experience and learn how to use magic by the king himself, so you could use the attained knowledge as to however you want. Share the talent with Rosas or Go out into the world.
However, when Magnifico’s reign started, he forbade magic usage other than he and his wife with the claim that it’s for the greater good and safety for Rosas. (He kinda had a point since criminal activity and accidents did decrease in number after that rule.)
Since Mag doesn’t really need an apprentice, Asha is more of an assistant now, following in her dad’s footsteps before her. She’s tasked to do help with whatever Mag might need around his study such as keep the fire going or organise his papers. But Mag doesn’t really like having her around a lot, (since she asks a lot of questions about his wish-keeping system) so he purposefully tells her to go carry out outside tasks such as go into the garden and help the gardeners or something.
43. Did Magnifico make Sueño’s bonds?
If I told you, would that make you more blood-thirsty enough to gather pitchforks and torches for his head? Because if you are, please don’t. I still need this guy to stir up conflict in my story :((
(You can have him all you want though once I’m done with him. Lmao.)
44. How was Rosas founded?
Nearly a century ago, the kingdom was first built. I’ve read in the Art book that Rosas was apparently named to reference ‘Beauty and the Beast.’
Like, ok….?
Anyways, I found that roses are meant to represent love, rebirth and beauty. So I decided to add more onto that than just have it as another reference. The kingdom’s founders wanted Rosas to be a place where people who are wary and feel outcasted by their homes can find and start a new beginning. To ‘Rebirth’ and have a second chance to find the ‘beauty and love’ in their lives again,
Blue and white were made the royal colours because the blue was meant to stand for trust and reliability and white for new beginnings. Symbolising the past kings and queens’ responsibility to have their talents in sorcery be used to serve the people who come here. Thus, Rosas’ citizens all are in a variety of different cultures.
45. Over how many days does your story take?
I’m thinking within one month. It’s a race-against-time sort of thing where Asha needs to find out how to confront the Royal Couple before they do something horrible on Rosas’ celebration of its 100th anniversary, which is literally just a month away.
46. What was your favourite part of Wish? Are you translating that to your AU?
I really really loved how Mag’s magic looked and how he went all evil-ish green as a tribute to past Disney villains. If we ignore the awkward transition he had from sympathetic to just plain psychotic, it’s a cool magic display. I kinda wished they went more full out on the final battle because it just felt so underwhelming asf.
I’m keeping the magical final battle but with more magical funsies. :D
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47. Least favourite part?
I’m frustrated how bland and empty the character interactions and emotional beats are since those kinds of moments are usually my favourite when it comes to movies.
Magnifico’s tragic loss of his village? “Pfft- What tragedy? We don’t need that in the movie’s 2nd half.”
Asha’s dead father? “Eh. We only needed him for a few mins and he’s non-existent from that point on.”
Valentino claims to be Asha’s helpful animal sidekick. “Did I mention I have a deep voice? Oh, and my butt’s a funny thing too. Did I already mention that my voice is loud and soooo deep??”
Simon’s betrayal? “Oh wow, that was a shock…. Anyways, wanna start a rebellion?”
OMG, Sakina’s wish is back!! “What was the wish about? Idk who cares.”
Asha’s friendship with Star doesn’t even feel that special to me?? GUYS, I felt more chemistry between Rapunzel and Pascal. COME ON, BUILD IT UP. DON’T JUST SAY ‘Awww, you and I are thinking the same thing~’ AND EXPECT ME TO BUY THAT.
48. What’s your favourite aspect of the TFS!AU?
Idk why, but I like how there’s a unique twist in your AU on how Wishing Stars don’t have the best reputation to humans. It’s a nice subversion that makes it stand out a little more. :)) Because usually, the idea of wishing on stars is always seen as a positive thing but that’s not the case in this story. It’s intriguing to watch characters slowly realise that not everything is what it seems.
That, and the hilarious dynamic you’ve got going on between Cielo and Asha and how deep in denial they both are, even though it’s clear as day to the other TFS!cast. 😂
(Wouldn’t it be funny if TFS!Mag and Amaya also noticed? They may be going down a dark path but they’re not blind, girl.)
50. What’s a boring fact about you?
Uhhhhhh…. I like organising stuff by colour for fun...? Like, I used to pour out a box of legos and sort through them as a kind of pastime. I still organise coloured pencils in rainbow order if I could too. 😅 ………
@annymation @uva124 @your-ne1ghbor @ficsinhistory @rascalentertainments @gracebethartacc @spectator-zee
It’s a long read, but I think you guys would enjoy going through it regardless. I hope so anyways.
Btw, thx for all the fun questions Bo! 💖 Might post some more regarding your other doodle requests that I’ve put to the side for now if you don’t mind. :))
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atsadi-shenanigans · 2 months
What Shall We Become 4 - Fucked
The rogue accepts an offer.
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On AO3.
“Tell her we need to fix this,” Astarion says.
Their illustrious leader, buried in their tadpole connection, rolls her eyes. He can tell, linked up like this. Is strongly tempted to slip into her mind and peer out through her eyes just to make sure it’s not all some horrifying jest.
But that would make her angry. He remembers all too well the snarl on her blood-slicked face the last time he tried (and succeeded).
Through the link, he feels the cleric throw her hands up.
There’s nothing she can do from…wherever she is. And Astarion didn’t have the good luck to be teleported next to a healer or a wizard or a flea-bitten druid.
Who no one has heard from and they all (mostly all) join in a low thrum of worry.
No, he landed next to the magic-less, unskilled, ignorant alien human.
He has the presence of mind, through the familiar, tight panic, to curl in on himself for that thought; wouldn’t do for said alien human to go hearing that particular slip.
“He’s already had a healing potion,” their illustrious leader says aloud, and he can feel the shape of her thoughts shifting to convey that to the others. “He looks fine. Don’t see no damage, and his pupils respond to the light. He just can’t see none of it.”
Consternation. Puzzlement. And what feels quite a bit like curiosity and smugness from the damned wizard.
“I did warn you about that trap,” the damned wizard says. “This is likely the intended effect. I’d wager it’s a magical ailment. Blindness and random teleportation. What better way to be rid of an uninvited guest?”
It’s the tone and the words and he can’t fucking see, and all Astarion can smell is blood and undeath and stale sex. Uninvited guests. The pleasure rooms. His only talent, his only function.
He rips himself out of the connection to slump back into his worthless body. Battered from the knees down, his gullet turned inside out, and utterly, uselessly blind.
Astarion does not need to breathe. There have been times where it’s better not to—foul odors, stalking prey, being stalked as prey. He knows that a deep inhale and controlled exhale soothes mortal, living people. But when he tries it, it’s nothing but a farce. An undead playing at living.
He finds a stone and hurls it as hard as he can.
Beside him, his leader flinches.
She was right about her theory. Them finding each other and becoming easier to sense. But the others are still too far to get any kind of precise location, and they still need a waypoint stone, and the two of them are dreadfully far from all the others combined. So they’re still stranded from anyone who could possibly heal his godsdamned eyes.
He’s blind and he’s helpless. And a helpless ally is a useless ally and the moment he becomes dead weight (ha), their leader will no longer be obligated to carry on with this alliance.
The thought of being left down here—stumbling and sightless…the Underdark is vast, but without sight, without knowing where he is, he’s effectively trapped. Sealed up in the dark and the silence all alone again and he can’t, he cannot—
A tap on his wrist. His illustrious leader. He pulls his thoughts back to the present with some effort.
“Yes?” he says.
A brief pause. Then, “You, uh. You ain’t had nothing to eat since before the creche, huh? Aside from that fight back on the surface?”
The gith blood. Not the best he’s ever tasted, but still immeasurably better than putrid rat. The gith had still been alive; no fur or maggots or coagulation to be caught in his teeth.
“I’m fine, darling,” he says.
Their illustrious leader has never taken part in a hunt with the Blade and their druid and their own, very cranky gith. She has no qualms about chopping up dead bunnies, under the wizard’s tutelage (while the gith scoffs at the very idea of cooking). He can’t imagine her chasing down cave bats or the blind rats he’s heard lurk down here.
“Shadowheart,” she says. She has a habit of starting a sentence and then pauses. At least, she does when she speaks to him and it’s not some kind of order. He counts one, two, and right on cue, “She told me what you said. About undead folks being, y’know, undead and potions not working real good.”
Real good. As if that in any way conveys the sensation of innards melting from the inside.
And he notes the careful sidestep with her phrasing. “Undead folks.” A tidy avoidance of what he really is: a monster. Another in her array of contradictions for him to fold away. She spends so much time splashing about in profanity it’s easy to forget she can actually wield her language adeptly.
“Another gift from our parasitic friends, yes,” he says and taps his temple.
“So what normally heals you?”
“Time.” He pauses. Water drips somewhere. He almost says, “It’ll be far worse if we don’t.” Fear can be an excellent motivator in at least pretending to be able to walk. But he suspects that will make her go all quiet and staring-into-the-distance again, and there’s no other sound but her pulse and he’d rather not think of that. So, optimistically, he says, “Blood.”
Perhaps she has a spare bottle. She carries around a lot of stuff that she gives to the others. Usually food. And she seems serious about this whole alliance, so she might have thought to stash something away even for him.
“Shit,” she says.
So she doesn’t have a spare bottle of blood clinking around in that bag. Ah well. Hope is a foolish thing, anyway. He’s starved for much longer than this.
Then a curious sound reaches his ears. It’s cloth. A peculiar rustling. Not like she’s moving around or trying to stand. It’s rather like…rolling up a sleeve—
She wouldn’t.
She would.
Oh, what a foolish little idiot. After cutting off his tab to “create distance” she’s offered twice. He’s declined both times, as he had access to other means and relying on charity is the best way to ruin. But down here, alone in the dark, she’s going to give him her blood.
It plucks unpleasantly at his dead heart. He can’t repay her. Not like this. And not while she’s still set on rejecting his only true talent.
The smart thing would be to refuse. The potion earlier put his knee back into place. And the wizard seemed certain that his blindness is arcane pettiness from a long dead, completely mad wizard.
But perhaps this is what he needs? Appealing to his vampiric nature to do what it normally does? And the hunger—so easily pushed away for two centuries, now grown acclimated to being somewhat sated—comes roaring up beneath his skin.
In the end, Astarion is not a smart man.
“I’ve a goblet in my pack,” he says through a mouth suddenly too wet. He has to speak carefully to avoid salivating like some beast. “And my knives are always sharp, if you’d prefer to use those.”
He’s…not even sure she has a knife of her own. They should find her one. Not even as a weapon, necessarily, but for day-to-day use. He assumes it’s difficult for someone without fangs to open up the belly of a bunny so she can go about gutting it.
But she makes a sound, and his thoughts stop short.
“I, uh,” she says. One, two…
No three. No four, even. Not her usually pause, then. He frowns.
Her voice, when she does use it again, is quieter. “I…can’t. The cup thing. I can’t do that to myself.”
“I can show you where to slice,” he says. “It needn’t be a large injury. You’ll barely feel it and we’ll stay far from anything vital.”
But once again, that long pause. Her fingers tap ever so softly at her thigh, and he can picture her tracing that pattern over her thumbnail, back and forth, over and over.
“I think it would be easier if you bit me,” she says.
Interest tugs at him. Blood from a goblet is fine; they’ve started letting him at their kills before they skin them and chop them up and put them in a pot. But they bleed it—mostly the Blade of Frontiers—for him, presenting him his supper nice and tidy in a goblet or a bottle.
It’s fine. It’s better than fine. They just hand it over. He doesn’t have to do anything but lift a hand to accept it, and they’ve already hunted the thing down for themselves, so really, he’s just taking his portion of the spoils.
However. There’s something entirely different about feeling a pulse beneath his lips. Sinking his aching fangs into flesh until they pop and pierce and that blood, fresh and salty and hot, hits the back of his throat. He can be close enough to grab. To wrench. To feel the life of the thing as it pours into his waiting mouth, gulping greedily down to fill his own body.
“I thought you wanted distance, darling?” he says. Much better to make the other person squirm. Put them off before they can notice anything from him. “That’s rather intimate, don’t you think?”
“You can’t even see and you’re still gonna try that shit?” she says because she’s endearing like that.
He feels his lips twitch in a smile. “I’m only checking. I’d like to avoid any future, ah, misunderstandings.”
She swears so quietly he almost doesn’t make out the words. My, my, but her people really do love turning sex acts into vulgarity. What a strange society she must come from.
Her next sigh is sharp. She says, “Fuck.” And then doesn’t elaborate for a moment. Then, “To avoid misunderstandings, I would prefer to give you a container of my blood.”
Is that…is that a flicker of disappointment in himself? He gawks at it in horror before stomping it down.
“But I can’t…I got…issues. With the method.” She shifts, takes a few deep breaths because she is a living person and that helps her. “The, uh, cutting myself. I can’t. It’s not an ability thing, it’s more of a, uh, mental thing.”
“Is that all?” he says. “Odd, but fine. Would you like me to do it?”
“Without vision?”
“I can tell where your blood is.”
And only after he says it does he realize that might have been disquieting.
She stops breathing a moment. Then a faint huff. “Y’know, y’all really are camouflage predators, ain’t you? I get so used to you, then you go and say shit like that and I remember you’re different.”
Again, a very careful dodge of the word most people would use.
“I do aim to please,” he says and gives her the best, shallow bow he can manage while seated. He did that the first time with her out of mockery. But then she started returning the gesture, and it lost its abrasive edges. Became a routine. One that…calms him, for some reason. Probably the reliability of it.
“Course you do. Which is why you call Gale’s cooking terrible, Shadowheart’s hair ugly, and me illiterate.”
Oh shit.
“I—” he starts. He doesn’t even want to know what her face is doing. Old instincts come rushing back. Twist it into a jest. Apologize. Do something, anything to deflect the punishment and hope it won’t be severe (it will be; it always is).
But her finger taps his wrist again.
“I was teasing you,” she says in a disgustingly soft voice. “Sorry. You couldn’t see the face I was making.”
Which does nothing to alleviate the rising dread. He can’t let her know that, though. So on with his easy smile. “Of course, darling. You did mention your illiteracy when you said your name was Jar Edd.”
He can almost feel the confusion twist her face. Can picture it quite clearly. At first, it looks like a blank stare (as so many of her emotions do). But lately, he’s noticed a shift. More fluidity. It’s the eyes, mostly. The way her brows scrunch and her eyes narrow. A perfect painting of judgment without saying a word.
“Jesus christ, I did say that,” she says. Groans. “That was…also a joke. A kind of saying where I come from. I can’t read y’all’s alphabet, was what I was meant.”
“I take it you’re literate in your own language, then?”
This is something he knows. Get his mark to talk. Most people love to talk, especially to a pretty face. Especially if that pretty face makes the correct, interested noises, a light touch to the wrist, leaning in slowly. The trick is to stare just below and between the brows. Makes it looks like he’s gazing into their eyes, enraptured. Or so some of them have admitted. He can pay just enough attention to respond at the right times while going off in his own head.
Only this mark is too succinct when she’s not plotting a murder. And all she says is, “Very. Gale’s been teaching me y’all’s, though.”
And then literally nothing else.
“The wizard,” Astarion sniffs because that’s expected of him now. “He’s teaching you Common, then?”
“I…think so?”
He really doesn’t have to try so hard. Doesn’t need to put so much effort into this. Yet her voice took on a warmth when she said “very” and books were one of the few escapes he could manage between targets, when no one was looking. He finds himself saying, “It’s hardly a proper language, darling. Not for reading. It’s more of a spoken language used by merchants for negotiation. If it’s literature you’re after, you’re much better off learning Chondathan to start with.”
Ah, right. She’s mortal and speaks none of their languages. Common will be useful enough, he supposes. But that can’t be her only tongue if the scuttlebutt around camp is accurate and she’s stuck on Toril when this is all over. Assuming they aren’t all dead or turned into illithid monstrosities, anyway.
“Yeah,” she drawls out as two syllables, the way she sometimes does. It’s a clever dip to the back of her tongue that does it, twists the “eh” into an “ah” with a fun little roll. “Anyway, I think it’d just be easier if you did this the old-fashioned way. See if my blood fixes anything. You need to eat, regardless.”
Such a generous offer. Some kind of trap, most likely. One he can’t currently avoid. “If that’s your decision, darling.”
She touches his wrist through his sleeve and lets him take her own. Her flesh is so warm. The back of her hand is soft. So were her palms and fingers the first time he did this; a hint of calluses now alter that particular landscape. The gith has been working with her again.
It’s difficult to describe the way he feels blood. It’s so wrapped through him, twisting thorns embedded deep along his bones, branching through his muscles and sinews to spike behind his eyes, within his fangs. He’s always aware of it; of hers, especially. She was his first, proper taste. A thinking creature’s blood. His body hones in on that the way seafarers look to Ieryn, their guiding star.
She’s alive in his senses simply sitting beside him. Now, touching her, bringing her arm up to his mouth, all his senses (except his godsdamned sight) go a bit mad. The scent of her: mortal heat, the fading smell of sunshine and forest upon her clothes, fresh sweat (she takes great care to bathe daily whenever possible, which he finds rather charming), and lingering woodsmoke.
Her pulse thrums beneath her skin. Her lungs expand. He’s sure if she sat very still and he focused, he could hear the susurration of her muscles, the soft bat of her lashes blinking, the gentle swish as she tucks her growing hair behind her ear (quite uselessly; it’s still too short to stay there).
And her blood. The ever-present blood. It sings to him. Reaches into him with hooks and drags him to her. Brings his face to her arm. His lips to her skin and he can taste the salt upon it. He knows where to bite—his teeth pull him right to that sweet spot—but he can’t help but linger. Feeling her heat on his lips. The soft beat against the tip of his tongue. So warm. So alive.
She shifts. Trousers rustle, and he can wait no longer. He plunges his fangs into her soft, soft flesh.
And it turns out I did bite off more than I can chew, and forgot that the chapters run a little longer than the last fic. So I won't be updating on Saturday, unfortunately. Hopefully, that'll be the buffer I need to get ahead a bit more and I can resume the twice-a-week updates.
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sporesgalaxy · 1 year
the rest of the hair nightmare details I can still recall:
• yes there was space travel via whale. The whale was augmented with technology and you'd go into its mouth and there would be a door in its throat and you could go through it and there'd be like a whole massive ship home to thousands of people inside like a pocket dimension.
• there were 2 space whales and 2 pocket dimension space colonies. It was later revealed that some greater interdimensional entity made these pocket dimensions possible.
• each pocket dimension was anchored to one of two sisters who were each considered heroes and celebrities by the people living in the whale colony they provided geometrically impossible space for.
• neil cicierega was friends with one of these girls, the younger sister
• something went wrong and the extradimensional power began to eat away at the mind and autonomy of the younger sister. She was becoming merely a conduit for this greusome transformative power-- which turned things around her into hair when she lost control.
• She made a second pocket dimension within the whale colony pocket dimension to quarantine herself and her Hair Powers, to keep the inhabitants of the whale safe and give them time to evacuate to the other whale via a portal her sister created connecting the two
• Neil did everything he could to try and save the younger sister, but nothing seemed to be able to permanently remove the entity leeching away at her free will and personhood. At this point he was working with a small team of other people, which included me. The whole team had access to and had taken anti-hair-power potions.
• She begged him to stop and to escape safely to the other whale colony but he refused to leave her, entering the pocket-dimension-inside-a-pocket-dimension that she had made to separate her volitile hair powers from everyone.
• I don't remember what they said to each other but the younger sister basically explained that the destruction of her as a person was inevitable, and she didn't want that destruction to give any more power to the entity that took everything from her.
• She makes another door inside the pocket dimension inside the pocket dimension, and goes through as Neil yells and begs her not to. This causes all the pocket dimensions AND SPACE WHALE to collapse in on themselves, folding into nothingness, destroying themselves and presumably destroying the younger sister with them, but leaving Neil alive, free floating in a space suit.
• Neil still thinks the younger sister can be found and saved-- that her pocket dimension may still be accesible by her sister. He and his team use some weird climbing equiptment type stuff and limited rocket boosters to perilously make their way over to the second whale colony without a portal.
• The team enters the whale's mouth and enters the mouth door, planning to find the elder sister and form a new plan to save the younger.
• Inside the door is what appears to be a night club. It's very dark, and what lights there are are a warm pink color. The refugees from whale 1 and original inhabitants of whale 2 are dancing to incredibly loud music, apparently celebrating together. There is an unsettling, manic energy to it all though.
• Neil is also weirded out because the elder sister's powers should have made her aware that her younger sister was destroyed moments ago. Yet the older sister appears to be DJing the party.
• The older sister says some things to the crowd that make it clear she is extremely out of touch with reality in this moment. Some crowd members begin breaking their facade of partying, suddenly sobbing and having panic attacks when asked what's going on. The older sister is perturbed by this and snaps violently at the crowd, which is extremely out of character. It's clear now that she is losing herself to the entity as well.
• locks of hair float down from the cieling and touch various members of the crowd as everyone begins to panic. People touched by the hair start coughing violently, until they are spitting and crying blood, followed by hair. Eventually their entire form is consumed by hair and there is no trace of them left. The elder sister relaxes once most of the crowd has been turned into hair.
• The hair protection potions either weren't strong enough or began to wear off of Neil's team. They got partially tanglednin the hair, only halfway transformed but very mentally out of touch with the world around them.
• At this point it's clear that everyone is doomed. This is the last remaining space whale, and the girl responsible for making it survivable is now deatroying it.
• I begin to panic about how there's nothing left I can do to stop everyone including myself from either dying in the vacuum of space once the whalecpocket dimension collapses, or succumbing to the hair entity before then.
• the panic wakes me up :)
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xxwhisper255xx · 1 year
Part two of this post. Thank you so much for reading! I’ve been dealing with quite a bit of pain myself lately so I was able to use my own experiences.
MC lay on a plush lounge, grateful that they had brought it into the undercroft a few weeks ago for her to rest on. One arm was slung over her face, the other hanging off the side as she tried to ride out the pain. It had been moving to different parts of her body all day. Her knees had hurt so she sat down. Then her back had hurt so she stood back up. Then her hips hurt so she tried to stretch. She had eventually stumbled to the couch and decided to just lay as still as possible in hopes that it would all go away.
The loud clanging of the gate made her jump and look to the entrance, which caused a shooting pain through her neck.
“MC?” Her friend called out. Upon seeing the boy with the familiar red tipped wand, MC went back to her previous position.
“Hi Ominis.” She mumbled.
“Are you alright? Can I do anything?” He offered.
“I’ll be fine, thank you though. What are you doing?” She replied.
“The common room was too loud for reading, so I thought I’d read here. Is that alright or would you prefer to be alone?”
“It’s fine. I don’t mind the company.” She peeked over at him as he took a seat on the floor nearby. “What are you reading?”
He pointed his wand at the open book, and she could have sworn she could see a faint blush on his face. “It’s some muggle story Anne recommended. She thought I would enjoy it.”
MC paused for a moment before speaking up nervously. “Could you read it to me? I would really appreciate the distraction,”
Ominis looked surprised. “Of course,” he agreed.
He began reading, and MC vaguely recognised the story as a fairy tale she heard in her childhood. The familiar story and her friend’s comforting voice made it easy for her mind to drift away, picturing it all in her head.
Ominis had just finished the third chapter when he heard light snores coming from the direction of the couch. He chuckled, summoning a blanket to cover his friend. “Sleep well, MC.”
Dear MC,
I have heard from Ominis about your new condition, and wanted to ask how you were doing. I understand how it feels to lose control of your body and am always available if you wish to discuss any of it.
I thought I could share a few things that have helped me, in hopes that it may do the same for you. I have found that during a particularly bad bout of pain, it helps to focus on my breathing. Try breathing in as deep as you can, holding it for a moment, and releasing it as slowly as you can.
Another thing that may help is visualisation. Try to think about what makes you happy and focus on that. Try to experience it with all of your senses. I often imagine myself walking at the beach with my favourite people, smelling the ocean. Or laying in a pile of puffskins, feeling their fur under my hands.
One of the most important things is to learn how to pace yourself. Take breaks and please avoid taking on too much at once.
I’m sure my brother will become overbearing in his attempts to help you, so do not hesitate to tell him to back off when you need to. Please do not hesitate to rely on your friends, myself included.
Your friend,
Anne Sallow
MC felt her eyes tear up at the sweet note, having a newfound love and understanding of her friend and their similar experiences. She closed her eyes and decided to try the visualisation that Anne had suggested.
She saw her friends, smiling and cheering for her during duels. She heard their laughter as they recounted stories of the first years at Hogwarts. Tasted the sweet, familiar taste of butterbeer. Smelt books and freshly brewed potions. Felt the wind on her face as her broom sped through the grounds.
MC opened her eyes and found herself smiling. She grabbed a piece of parchment and her quill, ready to respond to Anne’s thoughtful letter.
MC immediately realised it was the pain her stomach that had woken her up, and rolled over with a groan. She had woken up earlier unable to move without feeling nauseous, and quickly sent Professor Weasley an owl to say she wouldn’t be in class, before falling back asleep. It was well past noon when she woke up again, and found a fresh cup of tea at her bedside. She was very grateful for Deek, as he always seemed to know what she wanted before she even asked.
Deek peeked his head in the room as she sipped her tea. “Mister Sallow is here to see you. Should Deek let him in?”
“Yes please. Thank you Deek.” MC slumped back onto her pillow, not having the energy to rise and meet her friend.
“Hey sleepy head,” the slytherin greeted, sauntering into the room. MC knew she must look like a mess, but couldn’t bring herself to care in that moment. She would be mortified that he saw her in that state once she felt better though.
“Shouldn’t you be in class?” She questioned.
“I have a study period, actually.” He came over and hovered by the side of the bed.
“Go on, have a seat,” she rolled her eyes. “Tell me what I missed.”
He slowly sat on the side of the bed. “Well, I kicked Leander’s ass in a duel again, Weasley blew up another potion, and I found Ominis asleep on the floor.”
“So nothing new?” She teased, giggling before wincing at the movement.
“Where is it today?” He asked sympathetically.
“My stomach,” MC groaned, pushing her face into the pillow. “Could you please get my hot water bottle? It should be on the desk in the main room.”
Sebastian returned a few seconds later, handing it to her. MC sighed contently, placing the bottle on her stomach.
“How did you get the temperature so perfect? I usually end up making it too hot or cold.” She asked, snuggling into the heated object.
“I just practised a heating charm until I could control the temperature,” he shrugged.
“You did that for me?” She sounded surprised, laying on her side holding the hot water bottle on her stomach.
“Of course, why wouldn’t I?” He smiled. MC smiled back, curling into a ball and sighing in content as her muscles began to relax.
“Do you need anything else?” Sebastian asked, lifting a hand to move a piece of hair behind her ear. MC glanced at him nervously, a blush covering her cheeks. “Well, my back kind of hurts too, and i suppose it might help if I had a heat source on that side too,” she said with a joking tone. Sebastian chuckled, kicking off his shoes before moving to the other side of the bed. He joined her under the covers and pulled her in so that his chest touched her back. MC blushed even harder, but soon found herself relaxing into him. “Well, do you use the charm on yourself or are you just naturally warm?” She mumbled.
“Just naturally hot I suppose. Lucky for you,” he teased. “Now close your eyes, I’ve got you.”
The warmth of his arms around her and the tickle of his breath on her ear quickly lulled MC back into a slumber. She would wake up later feeling more rested than she had in months.
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Re-married Empress Oc
(In public)
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(In private)
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"I hope karma slaps you in the face before I do."
Name: Hecate Callista Astoria
Nicknames: Queen of the Witches, The Dark Lady, Grand Duke Kaufman's lover.
Role: Grand Princess of a small but powerful kingdom and Witch.
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Appearance: Hecate has beautiful oval face with obsidian black semi wavy mid-back hair with side bangs in an updo in public and loose in private, dark teal eyes and pale skin. She wear warm pink eyeshadow and light pink lipgloss, she has an hourglass figure and stands 165 cm.
Clothing: Hecate usually wear dresses that show off her figure, her favorite is a black dress with slit sleeves, gold fasteners hold it together and a sweetheart neckline with gold leaves embroidered and lace up black block heel sandals . She usually wears a gold collar necklace and gold laurel wreath crown.
Personality: She carries herself with royal demeanor and resembles a clean freak in many ways. She also exhibits a certain level of contempt for those who take carelessness with their looks. Hecate disapproves of the concept of wishing for something to happen since she thinks that achieving one's goals can only be attained by genuine effort.
Hecate is a brilliant thinker who is also incredibly clever and humorous. She appears to be examining everyone she is staring at with her cold, analytical eyes. She loves learning as sometimes seen having deep conversations especially with mages.
Hecate is exceedingly stubborn and strong-willed, as well as incredibly determined and courageous. She has demonstrated a great deal of boldness, courage, and fearlessness.
Although Hecate has a very kind heart, she can be quite harsh and judgemental when she meets new people. However, once they have won her favor, Hecate is exceedingly loyal.
Hecate is known for her bluntness and her lack of filter. She doesn't mind annoying or insulting those who disagree with her or find her annoying. Rashta and Sovieshu are prime examples as Hecate calls them "the perfect match for stupidity."
Powers and abilities: She's a highly powerful witch who's known for her potions and her overwhelming power. Her presence makes the area she is in engulfed by magic.
Her know abilities are:
Mystiokinesis: Hecate is a prodigy in magic.
Potion creation: Hecate's potions are highly powerful and sought after. Some potions come in different forms of liquid, such as jelly, stew, brew, or even soup. They can also be made into solid form, often pills, powder, candy, and possibly drugs.
Prophecy: She can see multiple futures that could happen and predict prophecies.
Mist Control: Hecate has absolute control over the Mist. A swirling column of pure white Mist surrounds her when she is present. She can teleport people, summon Mistforms, and create illusions.
Umbrakinesis: Hecate can control and manipulate darkness and shadows
Necromancy: Hecate can control and manipulate the dead, however it takes more of her power.
Familiar summoning: Hecate can summon her familiars when she needs them.
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chuncao · 1 year
Love potion - part 3
Joongdok Fantasy AU - Witch kdj/knight yjh 
Based on the novel - “Hello, I Am a Witch, and My Crush Wants Me to Make a Love Potion!”
Yoo Joonghyuk didn’t come back ever since. Kim Dokja was back to his daily routine of brewing potions all day and surviving on raw tomatoes. There’s no one to disrupt him nor anything to satisfy his palette. Using work as an excuse, he poured everything into taking care of his herbal garden and researching new recipes. The work didn’t feel as satisfying as before, but at least it kept him busy. Were he to do nothing, his mind would definitely start to think of a certain knight captain. 
“Gosh, I ran out of sage.” 
The witch mumbled to himself as he looked into the cabinet. Not only was he out of sage, but his mixing spoon was also broken too. Looked like it was time for a trip to the town. 
In the past, Kim Dokja always looked forward to his times in the town as it meant having a chance to see Yoo Joonghyuk. Considering their social positions, he never dared to approach the man, and he could only admire the captain from afar instead. Still, it made him all smile and giddy for the whole week, turning each trip into a pleasant memory. But now, Kim Dokja only felt dreaded. What if he accidentally bumped into the man? What if he couldn’t control his expression and cried right on the spot? What if the man pretended to never know him? Countless scenarios played in his mind but none had a happy outcome. 
 “I’ll try to be as quick as possible.” 
Kim Dokja inwardly sighed as he prepared to go out. Wearing his usual brown robe, the witch walked out of the house, towards where the town was located. 
The moment Kim Dokja set foot into the town, he was met with the sight of blooming flowers decorating the street and colorful flags flying in the air. Normally, the town was peaceful but somehow it was filled with people today. All of them wore happy expressions, their laughter could be heard even from far away. 
“Is there a festival going on today?” 
Kim Dokja thought as he wandered around the street. The closer he got to the town square, the more crowded it became. While he hated being a part of a crowd, he had no choice but to go through them as the place he was heading to was located in the middle of the town square. Since he was already in town, he decided to visit one of his friends - Jung Heewon. After a lot of struggle and cursing, Kim Dokja finally managed to get to the store. 
“Morning Dokja-ssi, how have you been lately?” 
Jung Heewon, the bar manager, greeted him with a grin the moment she recognized his face. The woman was one of the only few people who treated him nicely despite knowing full well that he was a witch. They even became friends and he would come to visit her every time he got into town. 
“Hello, Heewon-ssi.” 
He greeted her back. The two of them then exchanged stories with each other, Heewon telling Dokja about how busy her store had been lately while the witch complained about how hard it was to get there. 
“Oh, speaking of busy. Is there anything going on today? I saw a lot of people on my way here.” 
Dokja asked the other woman. 
“Hm, they are holding a festival to celebrate Princess Lee Seolhwa’s marriage. But to be honest with you, I don’t think it’s something worth celebrating.” 
The bar manager lowered her voice as she spoke the last sentence. 
“Why is that?”
Kim Dokja looked back at her rather curiously. 
“The one she was marrying was an old geezer who was 25 years older than her! I even heard that he has granddaughters who are the same age as her.” 
The woman grimaced, her face showing a sign of disgust. The princess’s marriage sounded like a political one, considering how wide the age gap between the bride and the groom was. Not that it’s an unusual occasion, especially since those marriages can help strengthen the kingdom’s relationship with others. 
“Wow that’s fucked up…” 
“I know right? Oh, and I did hear some rather interesting stories too. Did you know that the captain of the knight - Yoo Joonghyuk - was in love with the princess?” 
Kim Dokja felt his heart drop at the mention of the other man’s name. His body trembled as his breathing became more laborious. Not paying attention to his reaction, Jung Heewon continued: 
“Man, it sounds like something coming straight up from a romance novel. The knight is in love with his princess but said princess is to be married to another person. Tsk, too much cliché, I would say.” 
If that’s the case then Yoo Joonghyuk requesting a love potion from him made sense. The man’s beloved was a princess, whose status was surely higher than his. Having no other methods to resort to, he finally decided to use a love potion to make her his. 
Kim Dokja knew full well what kind of a person Princess Seolhwa was. She was pretty, with long white hair flowing down like the first snow of winter and red pump lips donning her perfectly-sculptured face. The woman was also extremely kind and intelligent as she studied medicine for the sake of her citizens. Everyone adored her and looked up to her with the utmost respect. In short, she was someone that Kim Dokja could never become. 
The more he thought of it, the more he felt like throwing up. How silly of him to harbor feelings for Yoo Joonghyuk when such a perfect person was standing next to him. Kim Dokja, a mere witch who was hated by everyone, could only drag the man down were Kim Dokja to be seen next to him. His unkempt appearance, his diffident attitude, and his pathetic voice. Everything about him was detestable and yet he dared to dream of a man as blinding as the sun. Ha, how foolish of him. 
“Hey, are you alright, Dokja-ssi? You seem to be rather unwell.” 
Jung Heewon, noticing the witch’s weird attitude, looked at him worriedly. 
“I’m alright. Oh, I suddenly remembered that I still had other things to do so see you later, Heewon-ssi.” 
“Wait, Dokja-“ 
He hastily bid goodbye to the woman, paying no mind to her call. He stepped out of the bar, his mouth gapping for air. Kim Dokja’s head was pounding with pain while his legs felt like giving out. He didn’t know long he had stayed in that state until the sound of the crowd cheering came into his ears. 
“Long live the princess!” 
“Long live the king!”
As Kim Dokja looked up from where he was standing, he saw the princess sitting in a carriage, waving at the people through the open window. The knights were riding horses next to her and the closest one to the carriage was… Yoo Joonghyuk. The man still looked as ethereal as ever, his black wild hair fluttering in the wind. The white uniform that Kim Dokja fell in love with fitted him perfectly, gold thread shining under the sun. The more Kim Dokja looked at him, the more he was aware of the distance between them. If Yoo Joonghyuk was the sun himself then Kim Dokja was just a small constellation that no one would pay attention to. 
The captain leaned down as the princess was saying something to him. Now that he saw them together, Kim Dokja couldn’t help but admit that they looked like a couple walking straight out of a fairy tale. Normally, in a fairy tale, the witch cursed the princess for her beauty but the knight would always be able to rescue her. They then lived happily ever after while the witch was killed for harming the princess. A witch would never have a place in the perfect fairy tale, after all.
For a brief moment, Kim Dokja felt like Yoo Joonghyuk was looking in his direction. That couldn’t be possible, right? 
The witch stood there, looking at the parade until the back of a certain person was out of his sight. When the crowd began to split up, he also gathered his things and headed back to the forest. He forgot to buy the sages and replace his mixing spoon but Kim Dokja paid them no mind. All the way back, his head was filled with the images of a knight captain who was shining so brightly in his uniform. He thought of the moments they shared together, from exchanging small talk to sharing a meal together. Those moments felt so surreal as if they never happened in the first place. Were they all a dream of his, a dream so sweet that he never wanted to wake up from? 
The sight of Kim Dokja’s small hut slowly entered his eyes. Surrounded by the quiet forest, it stood there, lonesome and outcasted. Kim Dokja was the only person in the whole area. The moment he reached the entrance, Kim Dokja collapsed, tears streaming down his face. He cried out loud, not caring whether others could see or hear him. In the end, he was the only one in this lonely world. 
As Kim Dokja was crying, he didn’t notice the approaching footsteps of another person. Before he knew it, a voice that he dreamt of every night entered his ears, calling his name in the most gentle way possible. 
“Kim Dokja…” 
Yoo Joonghyuk was standing in front of him with his white uniform still on. The man was somehow gasping for air, beads of sweat littered on his forehead. Did he… run all the way here? Wasn’t he supposed to be by Princess Seolhwa’s side now? Why would he waste his precious time here? Kim Dokja just couldn’t understand. 
Dear god, please tell him that all of this was a dream. 
“Joonghyuk-ah, is there anything that has been bothering you lately?” 
Lee Seolhwa smiled at him as she waved for the other servants to exit the room. Now, they were the only ones to be in the room. 
“There’s nothing for you to concern over, Princess.” 
Yoo Joonghyuk replied with a calm expression. He was standing next to where the princess was, his back as straight as ever. 
“Let’s drop the formalities, shall we? Why don’t you sit down here and enjoy the tea with me?” 
The princess pointed to the chair opposite hers, signaling him to sit down. Having no other choice, Yoo Joonghyuk sat down, placing the sword beside the chair. They sat in silence for a while before Lee Seolhwa started to speak: 
“You know, now that this is my final day here, I started to think of a lot of things. I think of how you have been taking care of me and how I have taken all of that for granted.” 
She was smiling, but her eyes were filled with sadness. 
“You are family to me, Joonghyuk-ah. Before I knew it, you have become someone who I cared about greatly. But I’m always on the receiving end of your kindness.”
She paused a little before continuing. 
“So that’s why I want you to trust me and tell me what’s been troubling you. After all, this might be the last time I’m able to hear your worries.” 
“It’s alright, Joonghyuk-ah. We all know that I might not return at all.”
The princess said it with a nonchalant voice. Yoo Joonghyuk couldn’t help but wonder how could such a small person be so brave. The little princess that used to cling to him all the time was now about to enter a dangerous place all by herself, not a single of her loved ones by her side. It pained him to see a friend of his suffer that much, but he was just a powerless knight when compared to the neighboring kingdom’s crushing power. Deep inside down, both he and Lee Seolhwa knew that the kingdom needed this marriage. 
“Now now, let’s not talk about me anymore. If it’s possible, could you tell me what’s on your mind lately? I notice that ever since you hand me the potion, you have been acting quite strange. And your subordinates seem to worry about you a lot too.” 
Lee Seolhwa picked up the cup to take a sip while waiting for Yoo Joonghyuk’s answer. Yoo Joonghyuk knew that he was not acting himself ever since the day Kim Dokja shut him out of his house. He wanted to go to where Kim Dokja was, asking him if he had done something to offend the witch. But work got busier as the day of Lee Seolhwa’s departure came near, so the captain was stuck with dealing with paperwork and the like. 
While he was physically in the castle, his mind kept wandering off to a certain small hut sitting by a clear lake. There, he imagined a Kim Dokja humming to himself while brewing his favorite potion. Was the witch eating properly? Did the man remember to clean up his house? Had he… forgotten all about him? 
“If you don’t want to talk then it’s fine, I guess I still wasn’t reliable enough for you to confide in.” 
Hearing no response from Yoo Joonghyuk, Lee Seolhwa quietly whispered to herself. For the first time since the start of their conversation, her smile dropped, revealing a hint of vulnerability on her face. 
“Princess- No, Seolhwa-ah, your friend is an idiot.” 
Yoo Joonghyuk opened his mouth before he knew it. 
“I… I think I hurt that person. I like him yet I hurt him. Aren’t I the worst?”
A bitter smile appeared on his face. That’s right, Yoo Joonghyuk didn’t know what did he do, but the fact that Kim Dokja was hurt by his action was enough for him to resent himself. How could he call himself a knight when he couldn’t even protect the one he loved the most? 
“I thought we were doing well, but he suddenly pushed me away all of a sudden. Now, I didn’t know what to do.”
“I’m afraid that if I didn’t do anything then I would lose him, but if I did do anything then I would just hurt him again.” 
“I… I don’t know what I should do.” 
Lee Seolhwa stayed quiet the whole time he talked. She appeared to be surprised for a moment before gaining her composure. 
“Joonghyuk-ah, I think what’s important here is that you and he talk things out. If no one said a thing, how is the other person knows what to do? If he doesn’t want to talk, then why don’t you be the one to talk first? Some people wouldn’t talk until they were given a signal to do.” 
She looked straight at him in the eyes. She was right. He never attempted to have a proper conversation with Kim Dokja. He only acted on a whim, not caring what the other thought of his actions. He forced his way into the witch’s life, and when Kim Dokja refused to meet him, he just kept bothering the other with his knockings and calling. He… really should learn how to respect his partner’s wishes. 
“Princess, it’s time for you to get prepared.”  
Before Yoo Joonghyuk could answer Lee Seolhwa, a servant called out to them from the outside. That’s right, they still had a wedding to prepare for today. In a few hours, Lee Seolhwa would go around the town for one last time before heading out to the border, where the neighboring kingdom’s carriages were waiting for her. 
“I hope that the next time we talk through letters, you and the other person are together by then.” 
With that, Lee Seolhwa left the room, leaving Yoo Joonghyuk behind all by himself.
Yoo Joonghyuk didn’t like the idea of parading through the street, but he knew that Lee Seolhwa wanted to see her citizens for the last time before being married off to a foreign land. The citizens probably also wanted to send her off considering how much they adored her. Who wouldn’t love a princess who sacrificed her everything for the sake of the kingdom? 
The captain kept a straight face as they went around the town. He paid no mind to the crowd, the only contact he had with another person was when he asked Lee Seolhwa if she was feeling tired or not. 
When the carriage reached the town square, Yoo Joonghyuk’s eyes caught a familiar brown robe. That robe, which he wouldn’t mistake it for anything else, covered the head of a certain man. The person seemed to be keeping their head down, not paying attention to the passing nobles. Yoo Joonghyuk wondered if he missed Kim Dokja too much to the point that he would dream of him in the middle of the day. 
Finally, they reached the town’s gate. As Yoo Joonghyuk was not tasked with sending Lee Seolhwa to the border, he would stay behind to watch over the town with the remaining knights. 
“Captain Joonghyuk, I guess we should say goodbye here.” 
Lee Seolhwa smiled at him. She was smiling, but Yoo Joonghyuk knew that the woman was trying to hold her tears in for the sake of her appearance. Seeing her like that, Yoo Joonghyuk subconsciously approached her and gave her a hug. She was surprised at first but quickly hug him back. They stayed there for a while before Lee Seolhwa let go first. 
“Goodbye, Seolhwa-ah.”
“Goodbye, Joonghyuk-ah.” 
Yoo Joonghyuk stayed to watch the carriage carrying Lee Seolhwa until he no longer could. Once it was gone, he turned his feet towards the forest, his left eyebrow twitched. 
He hoped that the witch was staying home today. 
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yukii0nna · 4 months
JLM facts because I can and I'm bored
There are underground magical markets in every world. They're basically used for people to have a small taste of home or rest their glamour. You could find almost anything in there
Sabine was born in the Earthland version of China, she moved to Forie when she was 20. She didn't exactly have the best relationship with her parents and still doesn't get along with them. Though she loves her nephews and nieces.
When Alici and Eric first became members, they were a bit closed off and acted the same. They came into themselves after a while.
Phoenix worked as a guild handyman who occasionally took on jobs as a way to support the kids.
Hikaru was the oldest of three siblings. Their parents weren't alive so he took jobs to support them.
Paris is seen as a hot bed to avoid due Hawkmoth by anyone associated with magic. The only ones who are are people who were before him.
Neo Dominio is seen as the pinnacle of technology due to its advancements in finding clean energy. Its less savory parts are kinda unknown.
Adrien learns Take Over magic as a way to control his curse. It works for the most part but he still looks a bit inhuman.
The miraculous has been used by wizards before. In fact, the kwamis even have a favorite type of magic.
The last Fortune Cup is a bit of a sore spot for Alici. She doesn't mind losing but how the loss happened kinda annoys her
The Yu show School has been pranked every year since Yusho left, by the Leo Show School. The clean up is a massive headache for the students.
There's actually a potion shop in Maimailand City. It's Camilla hail Mary for injuries.
It's possible to use someone who isn't a mage to use magic cards. Being a card mage just makes it easier to control and cast when needed and allows them higher tier spells.
Any questions
@anthyvarietyhour @fair-night-starry-tears @punkeropercyjackson @zexal-club @insomniac-jay @insomniac-jay @bakawitch @kousaka-ayumu @queen-of-twisted @punknicodiangelo @gritsandbrits @lovelyllamasblog @http-caedis
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coffeeandmagicaltales · 11 months
The Auror&The Devil part 3
The defender of Hogwarts, a fifth-year student, Morana, after prof. Fig's tragic death, becomes prof. Sharp's protégée. Potion's master is unsure of woman's future... her temper and strenght can be dangerous, but he also sees light within her.
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A story born in my head, about my OC character Morana and prof. Aesop Sharp. Sorry for my english, I'm from Poland.
(Student-teacher relationship platonic (for now), mentioned trauma, mentioned death, extensive use of the word f*ck, grab some coffee/tea and enjoy)
Aesop closed the door behind him, and just as he suspected, when he felt that he was alone and safe, all the carefully hidden emotions flooded over him.
"You lying bastard..." he said to himself, and his body slumped lifelessly to his chamber's floor. Breathing heavily, with his face pressed against the floorboards, he analyzed the nonsense he had spoken this evening. Had he had everything under control? Had he known what he had been doing? Fuck, he had no idea what it had been all about! Back then, he had still been able to think clearly but now, shattered memories of everything Morana had said and done were chaotically swirling in his head like ash flakes over the inferno of flames. He felt incredibly tired.
He found the strength within himself to roll onto his back and propping himself up against a standing nearby chest, struggling, he got up relasing a groan of pain. He prayed to get to the armchair by the fireplace as fast as possible. Quickly, he removed his coat and jacket, carelessly throwing them on the floor, and then sank heavily into the comfortable seat.
In the pleasant, soothing silence, he could hear the crackling of the fireplace and his own breath. He rested his head in his hands and closed his eyes for a moment, trying to calm himself. He wasn't sleepy, but his body was currently incapable of making any movements, entirely lifeless.
The girl was dangerous. It didn't take a detective with years of experience as an Auror to figure that out. She didn't control her magic. She didn't control her emotions. What the hell had those "Guardians" taught her? What had Fig taught her?
With a swift motion of his wand, he summoned a glass of whiskey with ice and took a small sip. "Fucking hell..." he muttered to himself, feeling a complete disgust for anyone who had used Morana for their own purposes. How could they have? How could they have demanded such dangerous tasks from someone so young and completely inexperienced in magic, practically sending her to her death? Matilda, of course, had asked him to keep silent about Morana's magic, and not to reveal anything to those outside of Hogwarts. She had always been one to sweep everything under the rug for the "greater good," as she saw it, which was synonymous with „not bothering the then-headmaster”. She didn't understand that what was done was done, and there was no turning back, and seeking the opinions of others might shed some light on Morana's situation. Perhaps someone had heard something about her past? Maybe there was someone else who could use this kind of magic? Had someone written about it? Where did this magic come from, and why did it only appear in some people? Morana had become a vessel into which an indescribable amount of power had been poured... something long forgotten by wizardkind, more akin to dark magic, as he had heard... What if... she her life would be shorter because of it? What if it caused her pain?
He growled angrily and took another sip of whiskey.
What if the tests she had to go through failed? Why had Fig agreed to her participation, had he completely lost his mind? Aesop had always considered him a sensible man, but apparently, he was wrong. Common sense often blinded people with the glow of the "greater cause"... Oh, how many times had he seen such individuals in his life? Fixated on keeping some secret, defeating a dark wizard, or "saving the world"... These people were the first to sacrifice the lives of others without feeling any remorse or guilt... If the student were to die... they would probably wait for someone "more worthy." And so on and on.
Pure madness... If only he had known... If only Fig had told him something... He would have immediately informed his friends, who were certainly more competent in seeking the Vault than Fig. He would have forbidden him to deal with a matter beyond his knowledge; perhaps he was three decades younger than Eleazar, but he had much more experience in dealing with dark or unknown magic and all sorts of curses. He would probably have blow the portraits of the Guardians to smithereens if they had started talking to him about the "necessity of sacrificing someone's life"...
But that hadn't happen... He had to focus on what was happening here and now, and it was damn serious.
The girl was shattered- first, he had to piece her back together and let the time heal her wounds, especially those that had scarred her mind and heart. He had always been better at dealing with dark wizards than with women, secretly feeling awkward around them, even though he had once been pursued by them, considered as handsme and rich... Honestly, he didn't quite know what to do. What did girls her age like? The only thing that came to his mind was combing hair, and he immediately considered himself an idiot unsuitable for working with a young woman. How old was Morana, anyway? She neither looked nor acted fifteen.
He was slowly beginning to regain his strength, he took a big, soothing breath, and summoned letters with his wand. As he read, he mumbled the formalities about "why he had been chosen and blah blah blah." He immediately threw that envelope into the fire, feeling a twinge of satisfaction as the paper was being eaten by flames.
That's better... he thought and started opening the next letters. Of course, Matilda knew that he might not want to keep Morana's magic a secret, so she had included a "how important it is to keep silence outside of the school" in a letter, which also ended up in the fireplace. A satisfied growl escaped his chest, and he twisted his lips into a sardonic smile. Next in line was a letter from the headmaster; he didn't even bother opening it, just tossing it into the flames. The last two were about his new duties (which he sent onto his desk, saving for later), and an information about the student. He took a deep breath and started reading. As he unfolded the parchment, he could see that there was pitifully little data.
Student's name: Morana Dimm. Place of birth: Austro-Hungarian Empire. Citizenship: UK. Date of birth: 01/01/1875 (established according to Document I in the attachment). Mother's name: unknown. Father's name: unknown. Legal guardians: Lyra Anastasia Dimm, Marcus Francis Dimm. Eye color: blue. Hair color: black. Distinguishing features: scar on the left cheek. Additional information: First recorded in 1875 between January 1st and 2nd at the St. Francis of Assisi Orphanage near Nitra (translated excerpt from the orphanage in the attachment). She was subsequently moved to Brno (April 12th, 1878), Klagenfurt (October 23rd, 1879), and Vienna (March 10th, 1880). The adoption took place on May 19th, 1880, and was concluded between the headmaster of the St. Sebastian Orphanage in Vienna, Father Julus David Horst, and Marcus Francis Dimm (translated excerpt from the orphanage in the attachment).
That was all. Aesop sighed in disappointment. Well, as he suspected, Morana is probably already of age. From the beginning, something didn't sit right with him, and at first glance, he saw that she stood out from her peers in appearance and maturity... A tough childhood. He felt a pang of injustice that some children, like he had once been, were chubby babies showered with kisses by their parents, while others didn't even have a birth date. Sorrow tightened his throat, and he wasn't sure if he wanted to read the documents from the first orphanage. He reluctantly took another piece of paper from the envelope.
Night of January 1st/2nd, 1875. The girl found alone in the woods by the local forester Jan Skubany, she claims she doesn't know where she comes from, freezing, dressed in a dress unsuitable for the season. Introduces herself as Morana, doesn't know her last name. Age unknown, speaks fluently, can read, knows many rhymes, lost baby teeth, has a terrible scar on her left cheek. Given soup, warmed up.
March 2nd, 1875. Morana gets into another fight with her peers, one child pricked with something sharp, a non-serious wound. Girl transferred to isolation. So far, no one has reported her missing or picked her up.
May 20th, 1875. Morana transferred to isolation. Fight with children. Children complain that she, as a punishment, frightened them with "charms." Punished, she claims the children destroyed a crow's nest she was taking care of and wanted to get revenge on them by summoning spirits.
June 1st, 1875. Morana colored a classmate's hair green. Accused of stealing paint, she swears she didn't do anything like that, and Adelaida's hair changed color "on its own." As a punishment, she was told to kneel on bags of peas.
"Well, well... A bit of a trouble, are you?," Aesop said to himself, smiling warmly, appreciating the girl's „character”. The following entries concerned her escapes, punishments, listing the schools she attended in Europe and finally- England, and at the end, there was "Hogwarts."
The girl had to learn to control herself. He didn't mean to suppress the emotions that had given him trouble that evening, but to find an alternative for her that would direct her magic in the right direction.
This evening had ben tough. He had been genuinely scared of her behavior, but...
His thoughts returned to the moment when Morana had thrown herself into his arms. It had felt strange, awkward because no one had behaved that way towards him in many years, especially no student... Mirabel and Abraham would have certainly handled such a situation better... He secretly hoped that something like that wouldn't happen again because he had no desire to hug anyone anymore EVER... Morana, on the other hand... She was so full of sensitivity and compassion... Then, when she had walked past him... smiling, being so fond of him, looking at him with such kindness... He had felt awkward, but also... content? Well, that had made him feel... quite happy actually. Hmm, from the very beginning, Morana had seemed to perceive him differently. Oh well, she was new, and she still didn't know him THAT well as others ... Or maybe because she could see in him what he was afraid to show anyone. Tenderness, which he had used to hide in the depths of his soul. Once he had left his chambers, he had been immediately burrying it under sarcasm, sharp retorts, indifference... and the stern expression on his face, had been supposed to be the culmination of the fortress guarding his fear of someone hurting his feelings, making him vulnerable...
...And then she had appeared. When new students had seen him for the first time, they stared at his scar, observed how he moved and whispered to each other... Dimm had listened to what he said while entering the classroom, without passing judgment on him. Nobody had dared to ask him a single question about his life for five years of his work at Hogwarts... and she had done it the first time she had seen him... Merlin... Sometimes he didn't know why he had responded to her, but he had felt that she had no ill intentions, and maybe that's what had convinced him to speak more than usual. To open up more... She had been simply curious, and curiosity should be praised, not punished. Of course, he had pretended to be busy and indifferent, but those tricks hadn't work on her, and she boldly stood her ground.
He doubted she liked his classes because only after they ended, she would relax. His presence must have stressed her out. He felt a bit sorry for her and others; maybe he was indeed a bit too harsh at times. He decided to soften up a bit, but only a bit, fearing the chaos that could engulf his lessons, even the ones without young Mr. Wesley... Aesop's stomach turned at the mere thought of Matilda's relative. It was good that Morana had confessed to helping him at that time - it had been wise on her part and quite courageous, to be honest. Therefore, without telling her directly, he had allowed her to keep the stolen feather. The poor girl had such a sad expression. She had probably thought she had been helping a new friend and that it would lead to friendship. However, Garreth, like every egoist, only used others for his own purposes. Then he had heard her tell him that she had no intention of being part of his "experiments." Sharp hadn't had such a good time in a while, listening to someone challenge his biggest annoyance among the students. Hmm... He was amazed that it feels like it had been ages ago, and it had been only a few months since then.
This evening, when he had taken advantage of the rare opportunity to closely examine Morana's freckled face, he looked into her eyes and tried to read something from them. This method had always worked, whether he had been interrogating dark wizards or talking to annoying students... or women.
In his mind, there were many concerns about the young lady, for even though her clear, watery blue eyes had a wise and pure, dimond-like look, they concealed many secrets, and black magic was not unfamiliar to her. But she had never used it to achieve her own goals. He had seen that clearly; she didn't want to harm anyone, just help, often walking the fine line between good and evil. Maybe there was a ray of hope...
It bothered him that everyone had placed such a responsibility on his shoulders. During monthly meetings, everyone had loved to show off and had stood their ground, and Aesop had often fallen asleep knowing there had been no point in speaking up because he wouldn't have been heard. But when it had come down to dealing with any issue, everyone had immediately rushed to him for help or advice, which had annoyed him because he ALWAYS had to fix other people's mistakes.
"Morana," he said to himself softly. "What kind of name is that, anyway?"
He could only associate it with the Celtic "Morrigan," but everything related to the East was rather unfamiliar to him. He didn't know when, but he got up and found himself at the door, putting on his jacket. It was the middle of the night, true, but he knew he wouldn't sleep anyway, and tomorrow was Saturday, so he could sleep until noon, wrapped in his favorite blanket.
His steps echoed in the empty corridors. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed the house-elf of the headmaster polishing one of his million statues scattered throughout the school.
"Excuse me, Scrope? Can I take a moment of your time?" he asked very quietly. "Yes, Professor Sharp, Scrope has just finished his work." Sharp nodded and hesitated for a split second, wondering if he had made the right decision. "Um, do you happen to know Miss Morana Dimm?" "Oh, of course!" Scrope seemed to come to life. "Miss Morana is always so kind to Scrope, she has helped him many times." Sharp smiled, inside of his soul, of course, pleased with what he heard. "Could you check if... she is in the dormitory and doesn't need anything?... She had a tough day..." "Does Scrope have to find you later, or will a note be enough, Professor?" "A note will suffice, Scrope. Don't trouble yourself. I still have something to take care of..." "Of course!" Scrope snapped his fingers and disappeared.
In the library, the only sound was the quiet snoring of the portraits. Sharp cautiously took his steps to avoid waking anyone and making noise, promising himself that if he met Peeves, he would happily cast a silencing spell on him, or even better, one that would transport his spirit arse to the moon.
Mrs. Scribner tirelessly patrolled the area. Oh, how she got on his nerves, always accusing him of bending the spines of her invaluable manuscripts and disturbing her work when he was flipping through the books looking for a cure after hours. Supposedly, according to the Old Hag, he was doing it "too loudly."
"Oh, Professor Sharp," she grumbled, looking at him over her glasses. "Roaming around at night again, I see? Just like this unhinged nightmare of a student- Sallow... or his new partner in crime- a devil in human skin, Dimm..."
"I'm looking for a book on Slavic names," he muttered through clenched teeth, secretly content that somebody was making this Old Crow's life miserable.
Mrs. Scribner adjusted her glasses.
"Well, an unusual choice for you, sir..."
"Which shelf?" he interrupted, and their mutual aversion seemed to emit sparks. Scribner waved her wand, and several books fell from the top floor onto one of the desks.
"Don't want to strain yourself with all these stairs, do you, Professor?"
Sharp ignored her and took his seat, picking up a random book and opening it to a random page.
His eyes were immediately greeted by an engraving depicting a beautiful and terrifying woman. Her skin was as white as snow, her hair as black as ash, and her wild eyes were wide open, filled with madness. Surrounded by billowing storm clouds and flocks of ravens, she floated above fields of grain. To her right, they were devoured by hail and fire, and to her left, they were gently caressed by a mild wind, nurished her love and protection.
Morana, Marzanna, Mara, Morena – an ancient, powerful goddess of destruction, death, winter, and rebirth. Her name meens "death" or (less likely) "dreams."
"Well, well...," Sharp muttered to himself, and he felt an adrenaline rush, a feeling he hadn't experienced in a long time, last felt when he and his partner took on another challenge. He realized how much he missed that feeling and how excited he had become to start working with Morana, to find out how her story would end. The woman was an enigma, although she was probably not entirely aware of it.
Suddenly a small note appeared on the top of the books.
Miss Dimm cried a little bit, Scrope comfoted her, then she drank some tea Scrope had made, and now she calmly sleeps. Regards, Scrope
Goblin attacks, ancient magic, and now her– deviless who walked the thin line between darkness and light... Maybe working at Hogwarts wasn't so dull after all?
End of Part 3 Thanks for reading &lt;3
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☄️Comet, 🔥Flame,🖋️ Pen, and 🕯️Candle for the s/i ask game!! And I'll ask for your spidersonas!!
thank you for the asks!! I'm gonna answer for mainly fern and prim, since technically they're my spidersonas and main characters™... also sorry for taking 50 years to respond I got anxious(ᵕ—ᴗ—)
link to asks
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🖋️ Pen: Say a fact about your lore or yourself/self-insert, it can be absolutely anything! Short or long winded!
I'm gonna take this opportunity to talk about how magic works in Prim's universe ৻( •̀ ᗜ •́ ৻)
First of all: everyone has the ability to use magic, cast spells and all that jazz, but only some people become mages. Everybody from this universe is able to cast magic because the ability to cast magic (mana) is something that everyone has, kinda like how everyone has blood (both in reality and in this universe lol)
But how do you actually cast spells and do the magical stuff? Well there are 3 various ways; potion making, glyphs and senti-magic but I'm only gonna focus on the latter 2.
Using glyphs is an older way of casting spells. It's inspired by the owl house where there are symbols associated with different elements and activating these glyphs - by touching them - activates the spells.
Senti-magic has only been studied and developed more recently. This method focuses on converting emotions and memories into magic.
Both techniques are difficult.
Senti-magic you have to have control over your mind and emotions in order to cast the spell you want. Thinking of something warm, which depends on the user, will result in summoning fire. However it is fueled by the user's emotions so it is important to be grounded and have self-control.
Glyphs summons the element from the glyph resulting in the glyph being the fuel for the fire, can be less strenuous. However it can be difficult to remember which symbol is related to which element. Not to mention there are specific glyphs for specific spells - eg. a combination of an air and water glyph would summon mist, but fire and water would result in smoke - so it's important to remember all their meaning.
This results in people mastering certain elements with senti-magic, usually with the help of tools such as familiars or wands, and memorizing the glyphs for elements they struggle with, or simply not using them at all. Some people, like Prim, prefer keeping as many glyphs on their person as possible and restocking while others, like Daisha, make them in the moment.
☄️Comet: What was a moment where you/your self-insert really shined? This can be a badass moment, a moment where you felt important to the overall lore, or just a really cool and important moment!
I have this scene in my head that I think about all the time (making edits in my mind >> writing them down) so bare with me (ˊ͈ ꒳ ˋ͈)
The scene starts with a young Prim being shown how to summon a spark by one of her moms (Millie). Millie snaps her fingers twice as if she's trying to start a lighter before a small flame appears a over her thumb. She proceeds to playing and flipping the flame as if it were a coin before blowing it out. When Prim booes, Millie chuckles and starts the spark again before handing it over to Prim and helping her keep it alive.
This memory fades to an older Prim (16) staring at the same hand her mom was holding. She appears to be deep in thought before Daisha coughs and asking if Prim is ready. Prim sighs, turns to Fern who is standing awkwardly until Prim does the same trick her mother did all those years ago. She hands the flame to Daisha who playfully makes the flame grow and change colour before twisting it like a clown with a balloon, resulting in the flame turning into a flower. Daisha hands the flower to Fern as Prim continues explaining the basics of magic.
The scene changes a final time as we cut to Prim and Fern in glass prison rooms of some kind. Prim is sitting curled up on the floor and facing away from Fern. Fern is standing and staring at Prim with concern before catching his reflection. His gaze drifts to his hand, staring at his bruised knuckles, before he snaps his fingers with realisation.
He begins punching at the glass, his skin getting damaged while the glass stands strong. A black liquid begins to drip out from the cuts. Fern waits until the liquid has dropped to the bottom of his fingers before snapping them.
The liquid solidifies into makeshift knuckle busters. Fern begins punching at the glass once more, this time making more progress until it shatters and he and Prim are united once more.
🔥Flame: Do you/your self-insert have an enemy? If so, who is it and why are they so hated? What was a particularly heated moment between you two?
Funny story: Fern and Prim have the same enemy in different universes (like they both have a Doc Ock, but that's not this villain's name). The villain doesn't have a name yet, but Fern's villain killed Cameron and Prim's villain killed Bo, so they hate this dude with a passion.
The funny part is these 2 versions end up working together. Prim's villain traveled to Fern's universe, found Fern's villain and the 2 teamed up for funsies lol. I'm not sure if these 2 end up fusing somehow or remain to seperate individuals but either way, rip prim and fern
🕯️Candle: Do you/your self-insert have a secret? If so, what is it and why do they keep it to themselves? Is it dark and mysterious or something small, yet impactful?
Aside from them both hiding their spiderman identities from their families (it's a canon event lol) they don't have many secrets.
The biggest secret is that Fern (and by extension Cam) is prepared to die as Spider-Phantom. Not necessarilyin a suicidal way, but after Cam got reincarnated this thought has always lingered in the back of both their minds (although more Fern than Cam)
(tw: mentions of suicide/suicidal ideology)
It's important to understand that when Fern and Cam were bitten by Prim's spider, their souls became tethered in a way. They are tied not only to Prim since it is her magic that gave them spider abilities, but also to each other. So when Cameron died, Fern felt everything. A part of her literally died with him.
After he reincarnated he became tethered to Fern's body (he can only go a certain distance, can possess her body but not other people's, etc.). His existence as a ghosy is a constant reminder of what waits for Fern. While neither of them know for certain what will happen to Fern (and by extension Cam) after she dies, it's safe to assume that she will also become a ghost of some kind and the 2 will be tethered to Prim's body.
Being Spider-phantom is also literally killing Fern because her body is under a lot of stress from all the constant changes. The longer Cam and Fern fuse as Spider-phantom, the more animalistic (or phantom-link) she becomes as her body begins to physically transforms into a phantom. So between the fusing and the bad guys, the odds aren't exactly in Fern's favour.
This resulted in Fern writing letters for her loved ones in case something happens to her, whether she disappears, goes into a coma or gets captured for research. She first wrote the letters when he, Prim and Daisha grew closer but after being invited to Spider Society and making more friends he ended up writing more letters too.
These letters are stored along with some notebooks documenting all Fern's research and theories about ghosts and phantoms. There's also a diary where Fern writes about this specific situation stored with these books although it is labeled accordingly. The diary contains things such as why they felt the need to write the letters and how they feel about this situation as a whole. It's both a way to vent and a deeper look into the reasons behind her actions for her loved ones.
She plans to tell someone about them someday, but right now Cam and Lyla are the only people who know. Cam knows everything (and has written a few of his own) while Lyla only knows about the research, not the letters. Shes agreed to report the location of these books to Prim, Daisha and Miguel if anything were to happen to Fern.
in present time (which takes place in my head sometime after atsv where everything is chill with miles) there are letters for the following people:
prim, daisha, miguel, margo, hobie, gwen, pavitr
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pinkcannibal · 1 year
soo not to get nsfw on the main… But with that being said… i‘ve just reread the latest chapter of it’s quicker and easier for the fourth time (somebody sedate me) and i just have some food for thought that is stuck to my mind‘s interior. SEE WHAT YOUVE DONE!! this fic is permanently tattooed onto my brain!!
like ok so i just think with all of marilyn’s prowess with potions and elixirs, she would surely have the knowledge to come up with some kind of,,, concoction that would allow her to gain a certain appendage (if u know what i’m talking about ;)). The next step then of course is fulfilling her and reader‘s fantasies of feeling her "come inside you and paint your walls with everything she is" with said appendage of marilyn’s. and woah what a line. whattt a line. a line that i personally feel should be interpreted as a prophecy of sorts that needs to be fulfilled immediately mhm mhm !
ok sorry but my point is it’s established marilyn has a breeding kink and yep, that definitely tracks. and reader has a 'consuming any part of marilyn she can like a pathetic eager puppy' kink, be it her blood, spit (👀 pls) or cum. i just think yknow if marilyn has the tools she is well within her right to use them to get herself her own cock and fuck her controversially younger girlfriend with it!!😌 when life gives you lemons, you use them to brew a cock-growing elixir for you and your gf to have fun with… i think that’s how the saying goes <3
anyways sorry for the long ask oops i didn’t mean for it to be this long. last sidepart and this is purely amused delusion but i find it so funny to imagine marilyn building this whole thing up and it happens and she and reader are very turned on and excited… only for marilyn to come in like 30 seconds. bc this is a whole new sensation for her obviously!!!! and even when she’s usually fucking reader without her cock, marilyn’s mostly the one giving and she’s not used to much direct stimulation without having reader come first!!! so then marilyn’s feeling mortified and reader is simultaneously understanding, horny, flattered and proud that she could make her lose control like that.
soo yeah that’s my food for thought on that ONE line from your fic that wouldn’t leave my head. a feast for thought would be more accurate. to make it explicit, i’d love to see something like this happen in the fic with marilyn and reader, or even a one-shot (or both!). that being said i get that it’s not for everyone so if ur not down then ofc don’t feel obliged to write anything ur not comfortable with <3 i was just kinda obsessing over the idea since reading chapter 18 and wanted to articulate my feral thoughts somewhere :p
rant ended for now, congratulations on exceeding 100K words!! that’s a super impressive feat for any author, never mind the fact that you didn’t think the fic would surpass 20K!! we’re super proud of you and blessed to have you as the author of this fic <33 take care and hope to read more soon!!!
okay the way this ask has NOT left my brain since reading it jesus christ!!!! HI??? ur so valid for this actually (also the fact that youve read the chap four times already is so sweet ty!!!! :') dont be sorry for being nsfw on main this sideblog is literally. MADE for that and for people to ask me things like this skdksd
okay. so i HAVE talked abt this on discord before w my beloved '<3' from ao3 and its so funny bc like. when we talk abt marilyn coming its always said with the knowledge that like 'oh of course she can come inside of reader using the strap/her cock. this is both physically possible and normal :)' skdksd so like the fact that youve sent this message is personal TO ME bc even tho i havent made it a thing in my fic yet i DO want to add a scene with either a cum filled strap on or, like you said, bc marilyn's so talented with elixir's/potions im SURE there is a concoction she can create that either a) allows her to feel her cum filled strap as if it was her own appendage AND acts like it or b) have her own cock. im more inclined with option A as it feels more realistic in my fic and would flow better i think within the confides of how ive written this story, and the fact that ive set up already that marilyn is really talented in potion making/plants and organic material. it would have to be slight magic using i guess?? (also realistic is a dumb word to use ik ksdkd like this is the world where vampires werewolves and gorgons exist. yet i just feel like strap would work better instead of her acquiring an actual cock)
btw ur 'when life gives you lemons,' comment made me lose it thank u so much for that. but yes! trust me when i say marilyn is constantlyyyy thinking abt possible ways she can make this a reality, it literally is a cause of frustration for marilyn that she cant give her girl what she wants and fill her up w her cum </3 its why she says it as a form of praise/degradation during 18 and 19 eg: "i wish i could cum in you" and "make you mine" bc like these freaks are so in love that the idea of breeding reader is succchhh a fulfilling fantasy, and visa versa. for reader its like 'i literally want all of you. ALL of you' like marilyn knows and LOVES how much reader is eager to please to take anything of marilyn's like you said, esp blood cum and spit (this idea is romantic to me. no further questions sdkskd) so yes tldr this IS an idea i really, really want to explore bc i can do so much with the idea of consuming your milf lover so much that you beg for their cum inside you/down your throat at all times <333
oh ur so real for marilyn not lasting comment. thats so 😵‍💫definitely the first time they try it marilyn's just so overwhelmed by feeling how warm and wet reader is (its a completely different sensation than feeling w her fingers/tongue) and how much reader is begging for it she just. comes immediately. does not know how to act and keeps filling reader up as much as she can (this does in fact send reader into suchhh a dumbed down headspace feeling it; like u have NO idea how much this is affecting her skdksd) but to me after the first time marilyn is just so focused on making reader the one who comes first every time, bc marilyn gets off on reader getting off and loves being the one to always give <33
i think im more inclined to add it into the fic! but thats not to say im ruling it out of requests/one shots. ur so okay omg ksdk the fact that u were obsessing over this makes me feel validated that me and '<3' arent the only ones who talk abt this concept like. all the time skdkd and wait AHHHHH GOD thank you so much!!!!🥰 thats genuinely so sweet and so uplifting for you to say, i hope you take care too and have an amazing day anon!! :')
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