#Shen Yuan transmigrated into the Old Palace Master
rarepears · 1 year
I imagine TLJ just skulking around the place for like funsies, while SY is giving a lesson to his disciples.
Cuz like we know the reason why TLJ hasn't tried to join the harem is cuz SXY be gaslighting him into thinking he's not into SY.
But like, let's say she's out on a hunt, and TLJ decides to lurk, just one day.
He overhears SY giving a lesson, whether that be a sword lessons or poetry whatever it is. Except the students are not behaving.
SY is very annoyed and rightfully so.
Therefore he whips out his most I am an elder and you will respect me voice to tell the student to sit down and stay quiet.
cue TLJ, hidden behind a wall, sitting on the ground, needing to rethink what he's into, or well who.
Also, like the sheer psychic damage LBH will got through realizing that his dad is into the same person that he is.
No one says that a person can only romantically love one person at a time! Tianlang Jun now realizes that he's into TWO people: Su Xiyan and her very hot MILF (Master I'd Like to Fuck to be exact). Clearly her master is good at teaching specific Hot attributes like That Voice that appeals to Tianlang Jun like so.
(And if Shen Yuan can teach THAT to Su Xiyan, then what attributes and personality traits did Shen Jiu pick up from Airplane!Wu Yanzi???)
[More in #Shen Yuan transmigrated into the Old Palace Master]
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pr0cyon-lotor · 22 days
AU where Shen Yuan gets transmigrated into the body of a rogue cultivator and he finds a stray little girl. He picks her up and decides to raise her as his own since apparently she has no one.
The little girl's name? Su Xiyan.
Somehow she still ends up in Huan Hua Palace, but she manages to avoid Old Palace Master better. She still gets sent to seduce Tianlang-jun, and she still falls in love.
Shen Yuan approves because he does trust his daughter, but he does think her taste in men is... interesting. He manages to help Su Xiyan escape from Huan Hua when she realizes she has Luo Binghe. So Tianlang-jun isn't sealed either.
Years later, he meets Shen Jiu, and they fall in love. They're fluffy and cute, eventually they get married. But tragedy strikes as Shen Yuan is attacked by a demon using Without A Cure.
The wound was too large, he was too tired, his swag too swagful, his heart too big, his ass too fat. They killed my mans 😔
Shen Jiu and Su Xiyan are the people holding him as he dies. He feels fulfilled since he at least cherished his family this life.
Then Shen Yuan wakes up, he's at the hospital. He is confused at first but then a nurse calms him down and says it was probably a coma dream. Shen Yuan accepts this answer, yet he feels like he's too old for his body and his family notice he's suddenly a lot wiser and calm.
After all the therapy (both physical and mental) he is discharged. His family hover around him, and he lets it happen since he feels like he hasn't seen them in like years. Eventually they trust him to go on his own again.
Shen Yuan decides to become a teacher. He lives a rather calm life, but he can't help but feel like he left something behind. He constantly dreams about taking care of a little girl and marrying a beautiful man. (So maybe the dreams helped him realize he wasn't straight, but for some reason he felt like he already knew that.)
During one of his morning walks he encounters a cat with a golden coat and cream colored underbelly and sock. He barely managed to get a look at it before it bolted to him, meowing and yelling.
He eventually gets the memo and takes the cat with him, who seems content with it. He names her Su Xiyan after the little girl in his dreams.
Throughout the days of first having her, he notices that other cats tend to come visit. One has a completely black coat and keeps trying to seemingly catch Xiyan's attention. And another is a beautiful white cat with green eyes, who seems extremely fond of him, that is followed by a large grey tabby.
Shen Yuan ends up just getting used to the cats on his balcony and leaves food for them. They all seem to like him for some reason, probably because he gives them food.
The white cat is the most bold and just walks into his apartment whenever he wants Shen Yuan's attention. At least the grey tabby is sensible enough to wait for him to say he's allowed inside.
The white cat always hisses and fights with a tuxedo cat that always has a smaller cat following behind. The small cat is sweet, the bigger one tends to leave dead cats in front of his door...
Shen Yuan gets used to the fluffy semi-roommates. Eventually even a few kittens join the group, one from Xiyan herself and it looks suspiciously like the tomcat constantly following her. Even the hissy white cat has two little kittens following him, a little calico and a siamese kitten.
Life is good and Shen Yuan had too many cats.
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biinaberry · 1 month
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Did I make an au just for a rarepair? Yes, but heres my idea of a shen twin au
In my version Shen Yuan transmigrates into the body of 5 yr old Shen Shi, twin of Shen Jiu. It is very important to note that in this au SJ and YQ refer to SY with "A-Shi" and "Xiao-Shi" respectively, and SY takes up the identity of Shen Shi. SY is also fully cognizant when he migrates so he has the complete thoughts of a 20~ yr old while in the body of a 5 yr old. This causes some major dysphoria and also anger at the helplessness of being in a body that does not fit him and also the fact that he has no social nor physical power because he is a child. He also views SJ and YQ as his little brothers even if he is actually the youngest physically.
He eventually is taken in my the Qiu family alongside his brother. It is when SJ starts to bond with Qiu Haitang that it finally pieces together that his brother is going to be SQQ and grieves for the events that he knows is going to happen to him. The building rage and anger at the helplessness of the situation culminates in Shen Yuan starting the massacre with SJ instantly jumping in and causing the majority of deaths. When SJ carries out the unconscious body of Qiu Haitang SY realizes the opportunity in front of him. He knows that she is going to be the kickstarter of his brother's downfall and in that moment grabs the nearest weapon, and with a heavy heart, kills her as SJ watches in shock. He turns to SJ telling him "You can't leave any witnesses, they always eventually spill" before both run off. I dont know what to do with the Wu Yanzi so I'm ignoring it for now. And im also unsure if he gets a system but we'll see.
Eventually they meet up with Yue Qi now Yue Qingyuan and the anger SJ has towards him. SY is also angry but its more so for SJ's sake than his own. The two of them become a part of Cang Qiong sect and while SJ is taken in by the Qing Jing peak, SY is taken in by the beast and flora peak (which I do not have named). They both become head disciples and later peak lords. SY also is able to clock that SQH is not the original version due to airplane saying a modern phrase and a friendship forms. SY is also the one to start biting and defending his brother when QQQ or LQG take potshots at him. It's while they are still disciples that SY meets Su Xiyan while hes on a mission and they worked together for a bit before SXY split. They continued to meet up until eventually a friendship formed and SY meets TLJ a "companion" of SXY. SY clocks who the two of them are goes to SQH to learn all he can about them and their future. SXY and TLJ eventually fall for each other and SY makes sure to prevent the palace master from finding out as long as he can. He also warns them about the palace master and to not trust any letters not hand delivered by SY as he will act as a middle person to make sure no one intercepts them. It is also during this time that SXY and TLJ both gain interest in SY. Neither can explain fully why but his autistic swag, photographic memory and ability to name drop paragraph long information in seconds intrigued them. They start courting him, shen yuan is of course oblivious. It is also important that SY introduced himself to TLJ and SXY with the name "Shen Yuan" so only the two of them refer to each other as such. He also clocks when SXY is pregnant and tells her as such when symptoms start to show and again, not to trust the palace master. By this time he is now a peak lord alongside his brother.
Eventually the old palace master finds out and instead of targeting TLJ, he first targets their lynch pin, shen yuan. He sends letters to SJ and YQY about SY being a traitor. Showing him being a demon sympathizer and hanging out sect secrets that actually SQH was leaking due to the system. SY is captures, a trial occurs and SY is charged as guilty with the punishment of execution, but YQY and SJ object. Since it was CQ secrets he was sharing they have the official say. So instead of execution they instead lock him up on the beast peak using talismans and sigils. He is not allowed to talk to anyone besides fellow peak lords and his head disciple. He cannot leave the peak without another peak lord monitoring him and this also applies when teaching. This lockdown completely breaks him as he lost trust with his family and the confinement dives him crazy as a peak lord he commonly left to document and work upon his bestiaries. This leaves him in a depressive state and constantly paranoid as he cant trust anyone. And No One has told him definitive news if SXY and TLJ are safe, SQH has confirmed that TLJ was not captured and helped SXY but he has no clue where they are now and if baby LBH is with them. As SY is confined on his mountain he stops caring about appearances and starts wasting away seen in image 3. I havent figured the rest out with LBH but he does become a part of cang qiong sect under Qing Jing, the abuse he faces stays the same. If he is raised with TLJ and SXY or by the washer woman I do not know yet. LBH hearing about the rumors of a monster on the beast peak heads out and comes face to face with SY who is delighted to see him but also horrified that about 14+ years have now passed. This pushes him a little out of his depressive episode because now he has a son to take care of and he can't waste away in front of him. He needs to act strong. He teaches LBH the best he can while contained and tells him about his parents. The two form a father son dynamic where both cant really escape the situation they are in but at least have each other for company. SY also holds onto LBH's jade pendant so it isnt lost. He also tells LBH that if he meets a demon named TLJ, to mention the name Shen Yuan.
While on a mission LBH meets up with TLJ and tells him that he's met SY and TLJ loses it (pos). He asks where he is as SXY and TLJ have been trying to find him with no success. He is told that hes on the beast peak in cang qiong and has been contained there for the last 16 years. TLJ then hatches a game plan to free him and the decide to use the immortal conference as a distraction. Most of the cultivation world will be at that conference so minimal security will be held at the sect. They use this to their advantage. TLJ strikes a deal with MBJ to cause a distraction to keep the cultivation world on the two of them even if alarms go off that SY is escaping. MBJ agrees to this as TLJ allows him to target any huan hua disciple he sees (they dont tell SXY this). While they cause a distraction by appearing on the 7th day of the conference, SXY sneaks into cang qiong peak and works on the talisman and sigils. This works and eventually she gets to SY he sees the bad shape he is in, but it was better than what LBH originally saw. The two of them start crying and SXY activates a 2 way communication artifact with TLJ telling him it was a success.
TLJ then turns to MBJ and MBJ teleports, appears in front of SXY and SY and teleports the two of them to the demon world. TLJ then turns to his son who's demon seal now broke and decides to do some father son bonding and the two both go into the eternal abyss together, as this is a tradition for heavenly demons. The two of them return after 1-2 years and have MBJ teleport them out rather than using Xin Mo.
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tcfactory · 6 months
An idea I will need to flesh out more for a daemon AU:
Whatever injury someone suffers will leave a mark on their daemon too. Scars, tattoos, slave brands, you know, all kinds of things will appear on the hide of the daemon. With high enough cultivation it is possible to hide these marks on someone's body, but only the highest level cultivators can make them disappear from their daemon.
Shen Qingqiu is not nearly high enough in his cultivation to heal his daemon. So he hides it instead - people know that his daemon is a wolf, but it hardly ever appears in anybody's sight, capable of wandering at seemingly endless distances of its human.
Shen Yuan transmigrates from a world that didn't have daemons and the System isn't quite cruel enough to split his soul in half like that, so he gets placed in the body of a senior cultivator who has suffered grievous trauma and a severe qi deviation after he lost his daemon in a night hunt. Shen Yuan remembers this plot point in passing, a nameless Qing Jing hallmaster who had to leave the mountain because he never recovered. He eventually died seeking shelter in Huan Hua Palace, but only after confiding in the Old Palace Master that it was Shen Qingqiu who killed his daemon out of jealousy.
Shen Yuan has all the excuse to be a little weird and people are really worried about his well-being, but all that worrying gets stifling really fast, so he takes to wandering the bamboo forest to get a bit of peace and quiet. When he meets the scarred, silent wolf in the forest "oh that must be a daemon" is not his first or even his fifth thought. The beast is matted and skittish enough that after some thinking he concludes that is must be a neglected spiritual beast. Perhaps one that was left to roam the forest alone after his master died. He can't tell what kind of wolf beast it is though - he really wants to get close enough to puzzle out what the coat pattern is supposed to be under all those scars - so he keeps trying to follow and befriend the wolf.
He thinks it's going great. He got close enough to bemoan not having anything on hand to give the wolf a good brushing once! But then he is called to the bamboo house one evening and he thinks this is it, I'm going to be sent packing today.
Shen Qingqiu doesn't send him away. He gestures instead at the very familiar giant wolf sleeping on an old mattress and the grooming equipment laid out on a nearby table. "He said you wanted to brush him. No need to be shy now, shidi."
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greenflamedwriter · 6 months
The First Husband.
Tianglang-Jun X Transmigrated Shen Qingqiu. Instead of burying and chaining the Heavenly Demon into a mountain, instead he's chaind by marriage. The sects sent forth cultivation partners and required offspring with Heavenly demon blood.
With the entire cultivation world threatening him and his son, Binghe, Tianglang-jun had to accept...
 Instead of destroying Tianglang-Jun, the sects realised the heavenly demon actually kept the demon realm in order.
  if he died it would create a power vacuum they knew about his love for human culture, and if demons ruined that, he couldn’t enjoy their plays and literature-
 But with the death of his empress the Huan Hua Su Xiyan leaving him alone with Luo Binghe, Huan Hua planned revenge assuming that the demon killed their disciple.
The other Sects disagreed and wanted no part in it, with no proof why would they take down someone who kept the realms at peace?
So the Old Palace Master devised a new plan. His eyes on Shen Qingqiu, smile growing making the other mans skin crawl-
But to the others they thought nothing if it.
 “Then a marriage, if Tianglang-jun is as powerful as they say his off spring should be powerful also, if we choose who to marry that could give us some assurance.”
 Instead of chains, instead it was wives hand picked from each sect, pointing daggers at Tianglang-jun, surround him with disarming smiles but at a hidden signal will strike.
Each Sect had to volunteer someone and of course two sects denied.
 They were faithful to their cause both the nuns and daoist priests snd choose to remain celibete and so they offered themselves as servants to the wives in the harem to be their ally afterall, he is a demon it’d be best to have cultivators to face any threat.
“What about the men? How could Tianglang-Jun have for us if we can’t aqquire offspring?”
The old man nodded “Their are ways for men to procreate, some with elixers, flowers. Before we discuss we’ll make sure everyone is well informed.”
Shen Qingqiu spoke up.
“Hild on a moment, had Tianglang-jun expressed his desire for wives? Especially after the loss of his empress?”
 The Old Palace Masters eyes narrowed.
“Of course, the sect leaders had discussed it.”
More like cornered the man and threatened him till he had no choice butbto comply or inact war any other time he would put these cultivators in their place.
But his sons cried snapped him out if it, Xiyan gave her life for him and Tianglang-jun other than his nelhew had no one. He needed help.
 Maybe not all the women sent to him would be cruel…
Shen Yuans heart panged for Tianglang-jun. As he read this stkry abkut the demonic emporer who would chain himself for the sake for his son, would place his head beneith the cultivatirs heel just to save Su Xiyans child. And all kf that to be in vain! He was a giid father! Itbwasn’t his fault the cultivators took advantage of his vunerable state and tricked him into a contract that made him take wives and make off spring! He sidnt want to do it but itvwas either that or bloodshed!
The cultivatirs feared Tianglng-jun but his power was ridiculously op if they could choose canditates they can in turn gain powerful soldiers.
 Luo Binghe was left in the care if these wives since tianglang-jun had to keep the peace only he could face powerful demons and keep the cultivators apoeased when he kept his demons in line.
 Leaving Luo Binghe alone with his cruel step-mother.
Its what everyone calked Shen Qkngqiu, and the man abused Luo Binghe each chance he took but he wasn’t stupid enough to leave obvious marks for Tianglang-jun to notice!
 And the blood parasotes? 
There was a loop hole, unless Shen Qingqiu saw it as discipline, they never alerted Luo Binghes father.
And in thrn Luo Binghe assumed his father disnt care ans knew about the abuse.
Shen Yuan hated the story and how it ended that Luo Binghe after bejng pushed into the abyss came back killing both Tianglang-jun and his step-mother. 
 It was just too cruel that Tianglang-jun did all that for Luo Binghe and his son didnt see his suffering.
And then in a stupid twist Luo Binghe took over the harem, he ended up killing all Tianglang-juns offspring and took the wives himself, it apoeared that Binghe ahd a tyoe and that was cougers!
He was too young for them, Shen Yuan was spitting fury and not only that-
 There was some build up with Huan Hua! That they were evil and instead of revealing that they just went-
“Oh well whatever we don’t care abkut demons anymore!”
The fuck! It made no sense that the ending…fizzled out like that.
It sucked, it hinestly sucked!
“Stupid dumbfuck author!”
Shen Qingqiu took his eyes away for a moment, distracted by Ming Fan, the son of Ning Yingying he was only three but a hellion and liked to bully the crown primce Binghe-
Shen Qingqiu turned in alarm and saw Luo Binghe disapear into the pond in their courtyard.
Shen Qingqiu flew forward reaching out and pulling Luo Binghe out the pond, just in time for Luo Binghe to cough and hack up water, but his lips were already turning blue-
Shen Qingqiu shed Luo Binghes robes and wrapped him up in his outer layer.
“Xiao- get Tianglang-jun!”
Gongyi Xiao was the same age as Luo Binghe he was the son of a servant. When Qin Wanyrue had her miscarriage others assumed she would want no children near here-
But she took in Gongyi Xiao raising him.
And made him a playmate for Luo Binghe but even so he was faster knew the servant quarters and shkrtcuts and clukd get their junshang in time.
“Ming fan go to Ning Yingying!”
 He moved with haste to Mu Qingfangs quarters.
The man was at his desk and turned pleasent.
 “To what do I owe the visit-“
“Its Binghe! He fell in the pond!”
Seeing his frantic face, Mu Qingfang set to work.
And thats hiw Tianglang-jun flound them. After dismissing Gongyi Xiao, he entered but was halted by Mu Qingfang.
“A word, Junshang.”
Tianglang-jun trusted this man, su Xiyan swore he was a friend and he even helped with the birth of Luo Binghe and tried to save Su Xiyan tk the best kf his ability.
And she would’ve been alive if it wasn’t for the cultivators ambush…
 “There is no need to test Qingqiu anymore. If he were to harm Binghe he would’ve dine so by now. But this almost harmed Binghe there is ni need to lretend.”
Properlly chastisied Tinaglang-jun finally entered and saw his son swallowed in blankets- 
And Shen Qingqiu holding his hand, looking worried.
 “Shizun, I feel bad…” Tianglang-juns beart squeezed. Luo Binghe sounded so weak.
 To think when Binghe cried saying Shizun was kind and he didn’t want to be mean anymore Tianglang-jun told him he had to, once Shen Qingqiu reveals his true colours and yet it never came.
It was too cruel to cintinue on, Binghe almost got hurt.
 “I knkw it feels bad, Binghe. It’ll pass, you’ll be up on your feet in no time.”
 “Wheres Baba?”
“He’ll be here soon-“
Tianglang-Jun finally stepped into view noticing Binghes weak smile, Shen Qjngqiu thrned then stiffened, face pale as he ripped his hand iut if Binghes to bow-
“J-Junshang! Apologies it was this ones fault, I took my eyes of Binghe for a second-“
 Tianglang-jun help him stand up straight.
“Its alright, young Xiao told me everythkng.”
Shen Qingqiu nodded, “This one will accept any punishment as he sees fit,”
“Enough of that now, no ones getting punished. You did the right thing bringing him to Mu Qingfang,”
As Tianglang jun settled into the bed he patted the other side and Shen Qingqiu who almost thought he was dismissed settled on the other side of Bknghe who thanks to the medicjne was dozing off.
 “This Lord had his nephew raise Binghe. But during the talks of marriage and oeace treaties rebellions began to rise, Zhuzhi-lang had to deal with them in my stead.
 And I had no one to watch Binghe who was only one years old at the time.” He spoke gazing at his son.
 “Qin Wanyrue was a charming girl, but after her miscarriage was not suitable so I trusted her little sister to watch him, as well as other concubines and servants.”
Tianglang-jun sighed.
“This lord felt someone strike Luo Binghe, and the worst thing is that I cant tell who did it only that he was hurt. When they were caught out, they were banished or punished but Binghe refused to speak.
 So I made it a game, for Binghe to try to expose thise women with warm charming smiles and saw how quick their real faces showed when a child acted like a child.”
 Tianglang-jun looked at him with guilt, and Shen Qingqiu was entranced by it feeling his chest grow tight with that attention.
 “This Lord and his son were testing you. That seems wrong but for the sake of my son and to keep him safe that was what I could think off.”
 Shen Qingqiu found himself smiling.
 “This one understands, I would do the same thing.”
“It was not my intention to lie to you for so long though.”
“Well better safe and sorry, Luo Binghe is your sole heir.” 
 Although there was a plot hole here-
If Tianglang-jun knew Binghe was abused why didnt he stop Shen Qingqiu in the originol story?
 It didnt seem in character but if he knew then he let Binghe get abused and did nothing about it, turning a blind eye.
 But what changed? Was Tianglang-jun tired?
Did he think humans were softer and saw the blatant attacks as being sinilair to demons and thought it was normal?
Shang Qinghua, the son of Qiu Haitang.
Blth were awful characters in Shen Yuans opinion, both using under handed tricks to make it worse for the protagonists and scum villain alike-
 What was gross he thought with a sneer, was that neer the end in one line, it said Shang Qinghua married Mobei-jun.
Nkthing too bad unless you forget their siblings!
 Qingqhua was a prince but was the lowest of the low, meanwhile Mobei-Jun was the son of Tianglang-jun and the Mobei Elder.
 Shen Qingqiu found this out when he was trying to pursuade Binghe from calling him mother.
“I am not your mother.” Seeing the hurt, Shen Qingqiu tried to explain.
 “Your mother was Su Xiyan and she loved you very much, this one does not want to replace her but I do see you like a son, you’re my family. I just dont want you to forget about her, and how much she means to your father.”
“Does Shizun…hate mama since she was BaBa’s first love?”
Shen Qingqiu laughed “No, I wish I had tge easure of meeting her. They say you look just like her.”
Luo Binghe grew mullish.
“Is that why Baba doesnt visit anymore?”
Yeah, Tianglang-jun defiently was busy with his own rule, the other wives and rryjng to father one kther offspring or they’ll see this whole thing as a waste of time.
But Luo Binghe was starting to look more and more like her and Tianglang-jun was being obvious about his abscense.
Shen Yuan would have to beat it into him.
 And then for some reason he can’t remember when- but he ended up explaining the birds and the bee’s to Binghe. 
 And of course that was when Tianglang-jun appeared Shen Qingqiu smiled always delighted tonsee hisbfavourite character then stiffened to see a dark bruise on Tianglang-juns neck.
A kiss bitten mark.
 “Thats one way to do it, but men can create life too.”
He gave Shen Qingqiu a knowing look and Shen Qingqiu gaped-
Male preg?
“Men can conceive like women can or the oreffered method to demons and humans is sereogacy.”
Tianglang-jun sat with them leaning one arm on his leg.
“This lord was thinking about it, after talks with Mobei-Jun he wants this Lord to sire his child to pass down the line, and to keep the child safe till the time comes. The Mobei Clan has been nkthing but loyal,” he glanced at Shen Qingqiu whos insight has helped the lord more than he can say.
If Qingqiu hated they idea Tianglang-jun would do nothing.
 “Yes, it can be beneficial to both, and the long run. With two princes both can watch assist wach other and create a united front- but my Lord you couldn’t carry the child- and neitger can Mobei-jun they are weak during consumtion when they pass on the title that burden would make it worse for them.”
“Hmm, which is why I thiught you should do it.”
“Hmm- what!?”
Tianglang-Jun leaned closer nuzzling his shoulder.
 “That child will have the power of the heavenly demon clan and Mobei Clan but he’d just be a shell, he would be Qingqius child entierly he will look like you, and take after you.”
Shen Qingqiu was stiffening even more.
“T-that I din’t think I can-“
“It wont hurt, its not the same as a typical pregnancy.” He placed his hand on Qingqiu’s stomach right where the dantian is-
“Only our spirtual energy goes through here along with the help of a flower and it should form a spirtual womb we just need to keep feeding it the energy and Mobei jr will be born!”
“Im gonna be a big brother!”
Luo Binghe looked so excited and Qingqiu found it hard to say no.
 “How do you get it out?”
“The same way as putting spiritual energy in, if Qingqiu using his spiritual cultivation and pushes can eject the baby that way, its why most people end up with child during qi deviations.”
Ah, he kept getting confused that men can be impregnated.
“What else is tgere? There has to be a catch.”
Tianglang-jun looked sheepish.
“Well the flower that creats the spirtual womb will be permanent, so theres a chance that Qingqiu can create life but wont go back to normal.”
That was the catch?
“You don’t have to decide now- what?”
It happened in the story too, Shen Qingqiu had to hold the off spring it was an honour and most women were failing to make children so they decided a string cultivatir would do-
 But still to marry him to Qinghua? Airplane got so many death threats for that.
 So when he was babysitting the brat along with the others- ckz yeah as a shizun he wasnt just teaching Binghe he taught all the offspring.
Only Gongyi xiao who attented was the odd duckling out as he was adopted by Qin Wanyrue so he faved discrimnation.
Only Luo Binghe stuck up for him remaining sticky with his little brother it was sweet.
But that rat Qjnghua was watching him.
 And he didn’t like it.
“Wait so- no one is Tianglang-juns son!?”
“It was Gongyi Xiao who created the idea when the servant died and Qin Wanyrue took him in most wives adopted sons and daughters. 
 They all panicked not knly cknfortable with their life, but the pressure frkm tge sects to bear children and make sure that children is a high ranking prince! But Demon blood is incompatible to weak cultivators- they inly sent the weakest and they’re not string enlugh tk host a demon offspring.”
Meanwhile Su Xiyan was too of her class almost Yue Qingyuan.
After hearing the draft, Shen Qjngqiu was crying.
Luo Binghe yelled “You made Shizun cry!”
Oh well at least he learned qinghua wasn’t related to his soon to be born son, Mobei-jun. It appeared Qinghua did that to protect himself when both Mobei-jun, who was also abused bejng kidnapped by Linguang-jun and Shen Qingqiu too weak to save him- so when all their siblings died he lived.
But after the cruelty kf Binghe and Mobei-jun wished he was dead instead kf a life as a host creating offspring when Luo Binghe realised the same problem and his father was facing.
Only strong cultivators can host a heavenly demon, the same strength as a peak lord.
And the cultivation world sent disciples…
Even so, Shen Yuan didnt mean too cry it was too tragic!
 To think Tianglang-jun was fightjnf monsters body ripped tk shreds so of course he didn’t notice Qjngqius abuse to Binghe-
And then Qingqiu he had his own misunderstood arc.
 He was a burden child and hated himself, and saw how honest and sweet Tianglang-jun was and how he was enslaved to the cultivators.
 They were both prisoners and Shen Qjngqiu related and felt touched by that and thought it was unfair his life was over but tianglang-jun deserved better so he figured if he killed Binghe the reason Tianglang-jun was suffering then Tianglang-jun would be free. 
So Tianglang-jun was blindsided and he lost his son but he was so busy he barely even got to know him.
Letting hinself die at his sons hands and uncaring of Shen Jiu’s death, feeling as if the man becane a stranger before his very eyes and instead kf behng angry, destirying the world…instead he became tired.
Shen Yuan found himself in his husbands arms, tears streaming down his face.
“Husband, whats the matter?”
Shen Qingqiu suddenly felt embarresed scrubbing at his face, “This one is fine, just told a sad story that moved me. Shang Qinghua is gifted and this one will have to sponser his pursuits in the arts if he so wishes to be a writer.”
 Tianglang-jun hummed uncknvinced, as Shen Yuan released a shaky breath.
 “Promise me something.”
“You fight so much, for us, for your son Binghe. But one day you’ll turn around and see him as a man, his life passing like sand and you wint know him and he wont know you. Try, try for me to soend time with him. Do sonething tigether, make memories…”
Tianglang-Jun smiled pressing his lips to Shen Qingqiu’s neck hiding his smile and tears.
So heres what Qinghua told him.
The Shens were a shady family whk dealt with demonic cultivation butvwere never exposed as such, too well hidden and acted like rich nobles.
 The Lord and Master was called Wu Yanzi, but his civilian name would be Shen -something-Zhu
And he visited brothels and had a son calked Shen Jiu.
Xiao Jiu was raised by a women who wanted nothing to do with him and saw him as a burden. When she died and he was trapped in the brothel the women urged him to find his father or he would end up like them, he had the fave for it.
 So when he found Master Shen.
The man sneered in derision at the audacity at this bastard of his, and to make sure he would never plague his doorstep or even dirty his name he sold Shen Jiu to another Lord, Qui Jianlou two towns over as far away as he could and the man did good on his word to travel even further away from the Shen estate.
 But during that time, he found a servant but named Yue Ge-
 But thats not important, Shen Jiu cane back to the shen estate older, stronger and strangely enough had cultivation and bloody.
He had massacred the entire Qui estate.
And Master Shen was proud and took Shen Jiu in for this showing, his own son was too weak to take over and Shen Jiu showed promise.
 And to be unafraid to spill blood?
After fighting Shen Jiu was then sent to Cang Qiong mountain, and told if he failed to become peak lird to never come back.
 And then it turns out that Master Shen had a sponsor a client who asked him to…get rid of conpetition and in turn he delivered as Wu Yanzi he killed Su Xiyan, poisoning her as she was with child but failed to kill the offspring as well.
 Luo Binghe’s existence proved Tianglang-jun loved a human.
 So Shen Qingqiu became a peak lord.
He only became such to escape, he only went to the shen estate because of his mother, and he only went there because thats all he knew.
  And then was giving a mission sent by the huan hua master and his own father.
 To kill Tianglang-jun.
But then he would be killed for treason. He laughed mirthlessly. As if he would do such a stupid thing.
 He was a peak lord, he didnt have to answer to them anymore.
And his own peak lords sent him in- uncaring.
No matter what he was sold from one master to another.
When he embarresed himself as the old palace master called his name as first husband along with the other canditates, he blee up denying it.
The old palace master was told the vote was unanimous.
 The peak lords had a meeting a voted him with shen qingqiu absent, with no say. They didnt look at him, most of all Yue Qingyuan.
 Hurt, and publically shamed, Shen Qingqiu felt empty.
The peak spoke of unity, ascend together and all that.
He never realised he was sold from one master to another.
His wedding, he was barely paying attention. He let Tianglang-jun do whatever he wanted, it was no different than Qiu jianlou.
And when it appeared that Tianglang-jun was sweet in his rare moments-
 How shocked Shen Qingqiu was to realise both where in the same boat.
His ire turned to Luo Binghe, his burden, same as how Shen Qingqiu was a burden…
Tianglang-jun was killing himself for this brat…why not free him of his obligation?
Or better yet, Qingqiu showed how dishonest he was that all humans would do nothing but hurt both of them for being demons.
He wanted Tianglang-jun to look at him.
 He will not waste away in this palace like this. He hurt Binghe taking it out on the boy.
 He tossed him into the abyss.
 And still tianglang-jun did nothing, didnt hurt him or kill him instead of rage or anger it was apathy.
It infuriated Qingqiu.
 But he never could give him a response, all the times he was kind, how he protected Qingqiu from his own father and the palace master.
Qingqiu had to repay that by helping Tianglang-jun settle a dispute with the northern clan.
 They needed a host to carry Mobei-Juns offspring and not have his brother take the throne.
Qingqiu was willing.
 But he didnt have the aptidude to be a mother so he let the clan take it and was done with it.
 Mobei the youngest almost died, he was alone at Huan hua left there by his uncle and planned revenge on those who hurt him.
When his brother Binghe killed Qingqiu he felt nothing for the one who gave him life.
 But kept one of Tianglang-Juns sons.
 Just because…
Qui haitang mascaraded as a servant, helping Luo Binghe take revenge for her brother and became first wife.
And thus, with both Tianglang-Jun dead, Huan hua came in giving Binghe the same deal. Already marrying off the same women from one heavenly demon to another. 
 Luo Binghe had no plan outside his revenge but learned that the palace master was a sponser who made qingqiu marry the emporer.
And it was him that killed Su Xiyan so Luo Binghe kills him and the shens leaving Shen Qingqiu alone a husk in the dungeon. Knowing all if this was his fault…he laughed, they wanted an assasin to break the royal family apart he succeded.
Shen Qingqiu tried to keep his excitement locked in, he barely let it show on the surface, he had shut his face down to keep the surprise a secret and yet his Emperor knew him too well it seemed.
 “Hmm, is something the matter Husband?”
“You’re being quiet, should this Lord be worried.”
“It’s uh, nothing too bad. Can’t this one be happy his Emporer has some free time to spend with Binghe?”
Well sure he was happy for that he just loved seeing Binghe being spoiled by his father, it was healing for all the truama and angst he was subjected to read.
 Seeing Tianglang-jun bounce Binghe on his leg and show him a new toy he found on his travels.
 It defiently dimmed Shen Qingqiu’s mood.
 It was the contract the heavenly demon signed, at sword point, to protect Binghe and the realms it was just unfair that he only had so many fleeting moments.
 The two barely had time to even have a painting together…
Now that was a thought…
No, he mentally shook his head, he planned a speical day for both of them, they couldn’t leave the palace but Shen Qingqiu thought of the next best thing.
“Junshang, young Prince, this one has planned something just for the two of you.”
 Tianglang-jun opened his mouth, he really didn’t like that Shen Qingqiu never called himself his husband or Binghe’s mother, he deserved the highest honour and he can be shameless if he wanted too, seeing him hold himself back and distance himself was heartbreaking-
 But Tianglang-jun said nothing, maybe it was a boundary and his Husband only felt comfortable showing affection this way-
“What has Husband planned in mind?”
But Tianglang-jun wants it to be known that he values his First husbands time. The marriage may have been for political reasons both never having a choice or say in the matter but making the best of it.
And yet even though Shen Qingqiu could just wile away in his pavillion and even give the responsibility to someone else and do what he likes he never had to do so much as a husband to take care of them both.
 “Well you both like stories, so this one had asked the servants to put on a performance for my Lord and the crown prince.”
 Shen Qingqiu was a little nervous but Tianglang-jun and Binghe perked.
-cue the servants beinging a large tapestry with curtains and placing a stage in the courtyard, Shen Qingqiu took his Qiqan and sat and at the nod of the servants who wore cloaks to hide their costumes nodded, the performance began.
 Shen Qingqiu played his instrument and began to narrate the story, and he made one up of Luo Binghe, the same story he used to trick the prince into reading.
He saw the prince perked and gave a secret smile as he told the adventures of Luo Binghe.
 It was airplanes first chapter before he got cyber bullied then had to rewrite the whole story as some japanise cinderlla story.
But Shen Yuan liked it the story, but then realised by trying to get Luo Binghe to read he’d have to rewrite the whole thing.
As well as not mention Luo Binghe’s parents. 
 “Luo Binghe, after losing his mother kept the jade amulet close to his chest, he climbed the stairs if Cang Qiong-“
Luo Binghe gasped “That's the Sect Shizun is from!”
 Shen Qingqiu smiled, “Correct.” He continued with the story anticipating the surprise, both Tianglang-jun was glued in fascinated with the show, and Shen Qingqiu was loving their expressions as he went into detail about Luo Binghe’s journey, bravery and perseverance at the trials.
 “And then…” he began to pluck the strings but kept the melody on loop like a pause in the story
“Which peak should Luo Binghe go to?”
He did have to think on the fly, but luckily all the stories were the same at its core so it rarely mattered just changing the peak name-
“Shizuns peak!”
 Shen Qingqiu smiled, “Very well, from the top of the summit a voice spoke after observing the hard working youth-“
 “This one will be my disciple.”
And on the stage a man appeared, looking uncomfortable and borderline crying.
Both Tianglang-jun and Binghe gasped to see Zhuzhi-lang dressed as a peak lord.
 He just came back and he admitted to Shen Qingqiu that Binghe’s birthday was coming up and they both planned this surprise.
“Shen Qingqiu was a harsh man,” Shen Qjngqiu reminded his wayward actor who stood up stiff.
 “Borderline cruel, and when Luo Binghe came before him…”
 Shen Qingqiu voice became melancholy and even the tube plucked sadly.
 “He asked why Luo Binghe wanted to be a cultivator,” He played the notes slowly, on the stage both Zhuzhi-lang and Gongyi Xiao who was the same age as Binghe kneeled before the master in this story.
 It’s all that Shen Qkmgqiu remembered of the first chapter and it was too sad, but he wanted to know what happened next but Airplane changed it, giving in to the masses.
He wondered if it was a good idea to use Binghe’s name…
“To make my mother proud.” Luo Binghe spoke, a smile on his face.
 Both Tianglang-jun and Luo Binghe watched in bafflement as Zhuzhi-lang poured cold tea on Gongyi Xiao’s head and sneered.
 “What a sorry sight to behold, no one would be proud of this.”
 Gongyi Xiao had practised this and Shen Qingqiu asked a million times if he was okay and Gongyi Xiao nodded passioned.
And his acting payed off, Luo Binghe had tears in his eyes. Shen Qingqiu was worried for a moment but had to keep going it gets better Binghe! He promises!
“Luo Binghe had no idea what he did wrong, but his Shizun seemed to be very strict with him, talking back earned him a beating, failing to understand his manual? Another beating.”
 They used shadow work for this part, and Gongyi Xiao’s pained cries was oscor worthy.
 “But one day, Shen Qingqiu began to pace in his room, his qi fluctuating, and anger in his heart.”
 Shen Qingqiu narrated and Zhuzhi-lang was playing this perfectly.
“What no one knew, and of course Shen Qingqou wouldn’t tell a soul. Was that he was not as lofty as he appeared, he himself had no mother, he had grown jelous of Luo Binghe and his potential. Shen Qingqiu was fit to qi deviations and had a faulty base, his own maritial siblings sneered down at him for it, and to see a child with potential, who had similar circumstances have the ability to surpass the master? Shen Qingqiu couldn’t bear it-“
Zhuzhi-lang coughed blood and fell over in a slump-
Luo Binghe looked like he was going to run over and see if he was alright.
“This one is fine young prince-“
“Zhuzhi-lang stay in character!” Shen Qingqiu snapped making the man flinch and slap back down on the ground.
Tianglang-jun laughed and it diffused the situation.
Maybe this was too subject heavy for Luo Binghe- he’ll do a romance story after.
“After being cared for, Shen Qingqiu had suffered a qi deviation. His…his brother stayed up with him, waiting for his Shidi to wake up.”
Shen Qingqiu still felt the lump in his throat of the betrayal but shook it off.
“Where is Luo Binghe?” The first thing that cane out of Shen Qingqiu’s mouth as he awoke, and his brother face fell.
“After you beat him isn’t he where he always is? In the woodshed?” His brother spoke.
And Shen Qingqiu felt his heart skip a beat.”
He played his qin, as the actors dragged in Gongyi Xiao to his knees and zhuzhi-lang face grimaced into pain and sympathy.
 Shen Qingqiu began to pluck his strings more.
“Shen Qingqiu’s had died, the young master had perished and no one noticed. Even the anti-possesion talismans failed to pick up on such a thing. But the soul that was placed in the body of Shen Qingqiu knew Luo Binghe, it knew if he had a kind a caring master he would be the treasure of Qing Jing peak, a renowned cultivator and the pride of Cang Qiong Mountain, on the other hand if he was treat cruelly and these shadows unchanged he would come back swearing revenge on his Shizun and relaying that cruelty tenfold. The soul, easily masqueraded as the Scum Shizun with none the wiser and decided to be kind to the young disciple only to save itself, if this powerful person became indebted to him that was even better.”
 All the actors bowed.
“And that concluded part one.”
Luo Binghe was crying, and Shen Qingqiu regretted using airplanes chapter for the first part no wonder so many people hated it.
“Shizun isn’t a villain that can’t be the end!” Even Tianglang-jun looked put out.
“That was too tragic, do humans always have such sad tales?”
Oh Shen Qingqiu laughed, as he moved over towards the two as the actors began to take the set apart.
“No this is an intermission. The play is in a couple parts, this is so you can have a break, drink, go to the bathroom or stretch your legs.”
Shen Qingqiu took a drink his own throat parched.
“Its also so the actors can change costumes for the next part.”
 “But Shizun isn’t cruel…” Luo Binghe spoke and Shen Qjngqiu patted his head.
“And Luo Binghe was never raised in poverty, and had a washerwomen as a mother. This is a story but sometimes it’s based on peoples experiences. It has character arcs, and unreliable narration, things in books you’ll see, but this is also a learning tool for Binghe to learn that not all is at it seems that most people will say one thing then then their actions say something else.”
Tianglang-jun hummed “Of course, this lord doubts your Shizun would ever hurt you or even raise a hand against you.”
Shen Qingqiu’s face fell in guilt.
“This isn’t too scary for Binghe? This Shizun can tell a different story or use different names-“
“No- it’s just getting good!” Luo Bknghe pouted.
“It’s just…Shizun isn’t bad…”
Shen Qingqiu patted his head with a find huff.
 “The Shizun in this story is…complex. Some people…don’t realise they are hurting others until it’s too late, its thanks to Binghe that his Shizun goes on a journey to become a better man, the student educates the teacher and all that.” Shen Qingqiu explained, then placed a hand to his lips.
“I’m saying too much, it’s time for the second part.”
 After the messy beginning, this was when Shen Qingqiu really became passionate, it was what he envisioned for the continuation of PIDW.
 But With the twist of a transmigrated soul, how the soul kept claiming that it only wanted Binghe to like him to save his own neck in the future when the time came, but would place itself in danger during the skinner attack, as well as the attack on Cang Qiong mountain and was then took the brunt if the attack saving Luo Binghe.
 At first Shen Qingqiu thought of being hit with without a cure then felt embarrassed and how that would set up the story, so he lost his arm.
  And then the next part as the qin picked up a battle tempo about how blth Binghe and Shen Qingqiu fought side by side at the Immortal alliance, Binghe was attacked by a monty Python rhino and fell down the cliff.
 Shen Qingqiu tried to find him but his search was in vain, Luo Binghe had perished and Shen Qingqiu mourned making a burial mound and wasting away on his mountain.
 It was his fault, he wasn’t strong enough to save Luo Binghe, his cultivation lacking and nothing but a hindrance he became more strict with his disciples needing them to get stronger and learning his lesson to never get attached ever again.”
Luo Binghe when he had fallen had fell into a pocket, it transported him to someplace else and when he found himself tumbling through a cave, sore but otherwise uninjured he sensed something and when he came forward using his spiritual qi to light the way he froze to see a man wrapped up in chains, trapped in this cave for years and someone who looked familair.
 The man trapped beneath the mountain was tianlang-jun.
 And curtains fell, and Shen Qingqiu took another drink, he could see both father and son were really getting into the story. 
 He had to include the emporer! A cute father son duo story they could bond oved this.
After the story, after seeing Luo Binghe falling asleep, Zhuzhi-lang offers to take him to bed.
Blushing when Tianglang-jun compliments his acting.
 Shen Qingqiu fanned his face as he followed down the pathway, missing the starry eyed looks and gigles from his court.
  “Does Master Shen like his new fan?”
Shen Qingqiu hummed, it was a gift from the emporer not only was it beautiful, it was even a spirtual weapon. After teh failed assasination attempt Tianglang-jun figured it’d be best if his husband was armed.
 “Yes, it’s been very useful.” He praised, and Tianglang-jun preened.
 It seems his nephew was right that his husband would like the fan.
 He cleared his throat.
 “If in the future, this Lord has free time…would he like to accompany this Lord to the town, I hear theres a play in production there about [the man and women who can only meet once a year for the doves wings etc]”
Shen Qingqiu brightened, “Yes! This Master thinks Binghe would enjoy a proper show, this one could only do so much, but Binghe needs to learn more than to life ohtside this courtyard.”
 Tianglang-jun deflated a little, he only wanted to go with Master Shen, his nephew even lffered to babysit-
“Hmm Zhuzhi-lang should come too. Master Shen has been nothing but a diligent Shizun, but he deserves a break.”
Maybe it might make Shen Qingqiu anxious bejng away from his son, so a compromise sounds better.
So Tianglang-jun buys shen qingqius books for him as a surprise then blanches in horror when Shen Qingqiu says he’ll go to the bookstore. So in a panic Tianglang-jun pays more to make the owner close his shop only until the emporer leaves and payed him for his trouble-
No good for Master shen to pay for his books twice it was a surprise!
Alas when they went to get a meal, Tianglang-jun patted his pockets and realised he had no money.
Shen Qjngqiu laughed “Thank god the book store was closed.” Tianglang-jun wilted when Shen Qingqiu payed.
 And he looked like a right idiot while he was at it.
 So when they got home he requested Zhuzhi-lang reimburst.
“N-no its fine! It was your money anyway!”
Tianglang-jun took his hand, “Even so it was this Emporers fault for putting his husband in that position. Especially after asking Shen Qingqiu out in the first place, this one should be taking care of you and Binghe-“
“Silly, we’re partners. We can take care if each other.”
 Tianglang-jun looked at him in wonder.
He wanted to kiss him. So so much.
And yet that would frighten his husband, he only felt confortable knowing it was fake and Tianglang-jun never wanted to ebar his heart more-
But he’s been burned before.
He retreated.
“Very well, you did enjky yourself?”
“Very much, yes.”
“Then the day wasnmt a conplete failure.” He laughed, and even when beinging a small chuckle from Shen Qingqiu he took hisbhand and kissed it.
“Goodnight, husband.”
Shen Qingqiu was stunned,  Tianglang-jun leaving while Shen Qingqiu tried to pick up his face from the floor hiding behind his fan, When he walked into his room he saw the books piled on his desk with a note from his husband he checked them over mouth gaping in stunned surprise to know Tianglang-jun bought them-
Thats why the book store closed don’t say the emporer bought the entire shop!?
 Even so, Shen Qingqiu placed the fan to his lips, cheeks flushed feeling too much at once.
 What a silly demon. Too soft even the humans would take advantage of how sweet he was.
 It made Shen Qingqiu feel even more to protect them, in anyway shape and form from the plot.
A/n: Ironic since the mindset of Shen Qingqiu had not changed, he figured one was a burden and should die to set Tianglang-jun free. Either it was Binghe in one life and in this one himself.
When an assasination attenlt happened it was from a demon, from the south who like Qingqiu had the same idea.
Disgusted at the idea that the Heavenly Demon their soverign leader would bend over for the humans was too disgraceful!
 So Elder Hammer who wore poison on his arm had managed to get into the courtyard declaring if the spawn didd Tianglang-jun would be free!
 Of course as if Shen Qjngqiu would sit and nod going sure have fun while your at it-
No! All that hard work will not go to waste!
Using his qi and still training even if he was a pampered wife he waan’t a layabout!
He was a cultivator!
He kept Binghe close aiming sharpened bamboo blades and they shot forward slicing agajnst the demon and all his major arteries but someone that size and with demonic healjng it would only slow him down.
“Gongyi Xiao!”
He pushed Binghe into the young lads arms “take him down the servants quarters alert tianglang-jun!”
As Gingyi Xiao slipped away, Shen Qingqiu sealed the door ripping a tailsman.
Hopefully. Tianglang-jun might make it in time.
When Tianglang-jun gkt the summons he rushed back home, the old Palace master be damned!
 Master Shen wouldn’t activate the emergency tailsman for something little- and he was right. Seeing his palace under seige he was able to make way striking down the rebellion as soon as he could.
 Gongyi Xiao the elder ran forward.
“Junshang! Thank goodness!”
“What happened?”
And where were his generals? Where was Sha Hualing?
 “Demons from the south charged the attack, Luo Binghe is hidden in the servant quarters but Master Shen.…”
Tianglang-juns heart seized.
 Did he finally do it? Did Shen Qingqiu finally reveal his hand and tried to assasinate his child?
“Master Zhuzhi-lang barely got their in time- Shen Qingqiu is in the medical bay he was struck with without a cure!”
Tianglang-jun gaped-
“Hurry! There isn’t much time!”
Since the rebellion were defeated, and Sha Hualing also dealt with and banished for her treason Tianglang-jun found Luo Binghe picking him up close and trying to soothe his tears as they bith made their way to the medical ward.
“The man was after me- and Shizun…”
 Is that what his husband told Luo Binghe to call him? Instead of father…it was probably a strange human custom.
When they entered Tianglang-jun masked his oresence and told Binghe to remain silent as bkth Qingqiu and the doctor was speaking.
 “How much time do I have, months, days?” Shen Qingqiu spoke, bracing himself for the worst.
 “You’ll live,” Mu Qingfang was their doctor who was requested to live in the palace and take care of allthe Emporers spouses.
“You’re cultivation however can halt at any time, someone has to cleanse your meridians nightly so you can ck tinye cultivating but Shixiong…you won’t be able to ascend or even progress your cultivation this way.”
“Thats fine, have you checked Binghe?”
“Binghe’s fine, had quiet a shock though.”
“Hmm, and it wont be the last, other demons and humans will stop at nothing to attack the royal family.”
“…shixiong, you can leave if it beckmes too much being struck with without a cure is grounds that the emporer is unfit to keep you safe-“
“It’s managable. And he came just in time, theres no need for such fuss.”
Tianglang-jun knocked and both Peak Lords straightened as he entered.
“See Binghe, he’s fine.” Tianglang-jun spoke placing the lad down and watching the toddler climb up Shen Qingqiu’s lap, the other adjusting his son and resting back against the pillows looking soft.
Tianglang-jun couldn’t explain what he was feeling, only frustration that he didnmt cone in time.
 Shen Qingqiu’s arm was bandaged and bleeding, Tianglang-jun used his blood larasites to scope the area and felt without a cure festering away at the limb, if it continues the man could lose the use of his arm-
 The blood larasites swarmed eating the poison, and using the energy to heal the wound.
 “Binghe was so brave.” Shen Qjngqiu spoke looking at his son with pride, a shane his son didnt share the sentiment.
“Shizun was hurt.”
Shen Qingqiu laughed, “this? This is nothing this Master has had worse.”
And everyone in the rolm believed it.
Luo Binghe more so when he began to cry.
“Shizun should never be hurt!” 
Shen Qingqiu awkardly held his son clise but patted his back making cooing noises, Tianglang-jun asked to see the doctor alone.
 “There is a cure for without a cure- but it’s unconventinal.”
Mu Qingfangs eyes widened “What-“
“Duel cultivation with a heavenly demon. 
But Shen Qingqiu even with threat of death doesnt seem confortable with men. This Lord has respected such wishes, perhaps theres a way Mu Qinggang can convert such things to a pill for him to ingest instead.”
Mu Qingfangs hummed, “it depends on how Dual Cultivation works, is it the dual energies, or kther attributes we’ll try it one way but if that doesn’t work, this one will have to tell his Shixiong even if he’s uncknfortable it coukd save his life.”
“Only if he agree’s.”
“Ah…” Shen Qingqiu stared at the packed and Mu Qjngfang lokked serious.
“Take two a day, if Without a cure doesn’t subside then there’s the next option.”
“Which is?”
“Duel cultivation with a heavenly demon.”
Shen Qingqiu tyoe of embarresment was different to others instead of blushing a bright red, instead he became quiet. Too many enotions to appear on the surface so none show on his face.
 “Do I…swallow them?”
“No…” Mu Qingfangs eyes flickered down and Shen Qingqiu became more pale.
“Ah, right.”
“Does this Doctor have to explain-“
“N-no need this one understands.”
Dear lord.
When Shen Qingqiu had a bath and prepared for bed he glanced at the two pills placing one on the tip of his finger.
 He took a breath, think it could be the heavenly pillar its just a tiny pill he’ll be fine!
 But imagining Tianglang-jun doing such a thing, Shen Qingqiu wasn’t blind the man was handsome!
 But even so, he loved Su Xiyan. This was just a political marriage and havjng the man gaze at him with nothing but enptiness in his eyes…
Shen Qingqiu couldn’t bear it.
But if he inagined his emporer on the second dose and ended up going further than he should, thats between him and god.
Thankfully it only required two doses as he awoke feeling lighter like going to bed with a migraine and waking up with it gone!
 He told Mu Qingfang, ecstatic and the healer checked his meridians-
And when Mu Qingfang asked Tianglang-jun to supply him more of the ‘cure’ he was met with a dry look.
“Good doctor, it’s hard enough to satisfy my wives to bear more heirs when this lord wants nothing of the sort, I don’t think its physically possible.”
Tianglang-jun was already givjng wverything he could to the cultivation world he wouldn’t be surprised if he died they would take his body apart and make cultivation materials from his own body!
Mu Qinggang hummed, a bit miffed that someone who had the cure did nothing for others.
Although…he did supply a lot for Shen Qkngqiu, Mu Qjngfang had the thiught it the two just got over it and Duel cultivated both would have another mini Binghe on the way.
 …huh…now thats a thought…
Tianglang-jun didn’t like his wives, and the feeling was mutual. It wasn’t hatred just nuetral bordeom.
 He was a lover of the arts, while they were warriors nothing in common at all.
 When they said it didn’t take and he had no new heirs a weight lifyed of his shoulders then dread that he would have to do it all over again.
And worse he was havimg mutinous thoughts of moving Shen Qingqiu and his son into the Sun Pavillion.
The pavillion he made for Su Xiyan. It was their home, where she was expected to live and all of them would be a family.
 It didn’t feel right, having Shen Qingqiu who stepped up in place as a mother and took care kf not knly Binghe but Tianglang-jun asking for nothing in return.
 He wasnt replacing Su Xiyan, but he felt it fair to word for Shen Qjngqius efforts.
 But then their was his first wife, Qin Wanyrue.
 The miscarriage. The girl was under a lot of pressure from her sect and from the cultivation world, the stress unbearable she was the one who lied about having a son and in a panic both adopted Gongyi Xiao.
 Then Tianglang-jun decided to use miracle elixers and yes children were born…but they weren’t demons. 
 For a demonic energy to be hosted by humans of spirtual energy it just wasn’t possible…
 And it appeared there was  some type of race whoever had a baby second to Luo Binghe would reflect on the cultivation world.
Even a lie, Huan hua were smug they had a child first [With Qin Wanyrue and Gongi Xiao only as the figure heads the palace master and princess would be in power pulling the strings once the demon emporer died]
  Tianglang-jun noticed during the demon invasion most kf the servants were collatoral- so many children left without parents.
So he gave them to the wives and told them to pretend. Until further solutions came it would shut up the sects, even so it wasn’t looking good for only one heavenly demon child and tge rest were human. 
The cultivation world will have to settle on human Princes and demon kings. No matter what Binghe will he the next emporer wether they liked it or not, but to appease the sects he tood them the order of princes since the sects were also butting heads on who was better.
 He told them the order of wives.
So Gongyi Xiao was now raised under Qin wanrong.
Ming Fan under Ning Yingying.
And Yue Zixian under Liu Mingyan.
And Shang Xihua for Qui Haitang.
The last prince and the royal familys lunshing bag.
Now they could all breathe.
Shen Qingqiu couldn’t believe it- so they weren’t even Binghe’s siblings!? 
 Although the bullying under Shen Qingqiu and suddenly having servants treat the crown prince cruelly no wonder Luo Binghe was pissed.
And the ones with elixers- the wives just reproduced asexually!!! They weren’t tianglang-juns at all!
 Until one day, Tianglang-jun said he had a surprise for him. Most majority of his husbands surprises have never failed before.
 “This Emporor invited your brother for tea,” He moved Shen Qingqius chair as he stood gaping at the imposing figure.
 Well…there can be exceptions.
“This husband has been hogging Master Shen it appears this one has failed to be filial to his brother in law!” 
 Tianglang-jun kissed Shen Qingqiu on the head, “let this lord know if uou need me.” And activated a silence barriar for bkth him and the sect leader Yue Qingyuan.
…he bet Zhuzhi-lang put something ridicoulous in that mans head.
“Shen-Shidi, you are looking well.” 
Shen Qingqiu glared at him over his fan, still feeling the sting as his sect siblings had turned their back on him.
“Is Shidi going to talk to me?”
  “You betrayed me.”
You wouldn’t know who was more surprised, Yue Qingyuan or Shen Qingqiu.
The words slipped out, almost as if the original goods came back to spit curses at his sect leader. 
“You just decided…to marry off this master instead of yourself, without consulting this Master at all, my own Peak dissolved and you let this Master humiliate himself in front of the entire cultivation world by calling it into question and not once were you transparent.”
Shen Yuan tried, before the conference, thinking if he just…changed and proved he was a good Shidi and was polite and helpful to his siblings showing maybe if he wasn’t married he wouldn’t then be in such a position and they can all avoid Luo Binghe destroying them all. Or at least, they would include him in the meeting…ask- they threw Shen Jiu under the bus and Shen Yuan thought the Scum deserved it, he was crooked a villain and now? Now he realised that the entire Cang Qiong were never a family, he let his expression show, and if Tianglang-jun was peeping in on them would realise how much of a mistake this was.
 “This Master had no choice-”
“What? Too many voices saying how much they want to get rid of me? At least Qi Qingqi would make sense as she was a women and the cultivation world was looking for wives- did you hate me that much? Glad to finally get rid of such a burden?”
Maybe Shen Jiu was right, and saw through the polite mask and knew that the mountain hated him, wanted him gone-
 Yue Qingyuan sighed closing his eyes, looking pained, and for a moment Shen Qingqiu faltered feeling bad then straightened not showing weakness.
 “This one, if he had the power, never wanted Shen-Shidi to go. No one was happy with the vote and no one was pleased about keeping you in the dark.” 
 Yue Qingyuans eyes opened looking him in the eyes, “It was this Qingyuans choice to keep Shen-Shidi in the dark, to make it more believable.”
“Believable? What on earth are you talking about!?”
“This Masters hands were tied- Shen Qingqiu, the Sect Leaders kept it quiet, but the threat of Tianglang-Jun was more severe than it lead the world to believe and…other information came to light.”
Shen Qingqius eyes narrowed, “What information?”
Yue Qingyuan looked away then spoke, “Shen Shidi is the master strategist and has been doing well by integrating here as First Husband, he was the best choice to survive in this type of environment-”
“You are changing the subject, if you think evading the topic will make it easier it won’t, if you continue to talk in circles this Qingqiu see’s no point in talking to you civil like, it’d be best you leave.” Shen Qingqiu snapped.
“Keeping this one ignorant will create more danger, so just tell me.”
Yue Qingyuan gaped then sighed, “Shen-Shidi was blackmailed, if he wasn’t sent as a candidate to The Heavenly Palace.”
Yue Qingyuans smile was rueful “As a…lower concubine in a less ostentatious pavilion, Cang Qiong agreed…it wasn’t our fault we couldn’t foresee the emperor…favouring Shen-Shidi so and making him first husband.”
Wait…no, he was already promised the role of first husband as-oh…
 They had no choice to give him up- but they damn well made sure he was ‘comfortable’ so what nodded and pretended they would do as the blackmailed said but actually put Shen Qingqiu in their eyes somewhere safer, like a witness protection program raising a middle finger to the blackmailer while they were at it.
“And Shidi showed no intention of hurting the emperor, and this one figured Tianglang-jun had more power and resources to keep Shen-Shidi safe.”
“Safe from what?”
“Shen Qingqius past. The blackmailer had evidence of Shen Qingqiu’s family, and their ties to demonic cultivation. Once that comes to light Cang Qiong mountain couldn’t protect Shidi from these allegations.”
…”You have no idea who sent the blackmail?”
“We are still looking into it, and the Shen Family at least your father has already been exposed as Wu Yanzi.”
Shen Qingqiu’s eyes widened behind his fan- the hell? What type of plot twist was that!?
The only thing he knew was that Wu Yanzi assisanted…the empress.
 His face paled, his father killed Tianglang-juns wife.
“Already Shidi has proven his blackmailers wrong, if he was the son of an assassin and followed in his footsteps both Tianglang-jun or Luo Binghe would be dead by now,” Yue Qingyuan spoke. 
 It’s true it’s been years, and Luo Binghe was already sixteen, just another year for the immortal alliance conference to show off the princes skills as well as neighbouring Sects in a show of goodwill and talent.
 Even so, Shen Qingqiu was sent as an assassin? And Cang Qiong agreed to it only knowing that Tianglang-jun would keep Shen Qingqiu safe-
 Huh, it just shows what happens in the palace stays in the palace, no one knew of the assasination attempts on both Binghe and his own life!
He literally suffered from without a cure! He could’ve died!
Yue Qingyuan- the best Big Brother someone in another life could ask for, and Shen Qingqiu did still feel fod for him. 
 Felt even more awful knowing he only had good intentions. Yue Qingyuan only saw the good aspects- argh 
 When Shen Qingqiu only spoke highly and favourably of Tianglang-jun and his idolisation of Su Xiyan- it was only proving to others that he wouldn’t kill the royal family!
Ugh! Imagine if he was an assassin! 
 They make it too easy! Although same rules apply, if he was caught then he would be in trouble meanwhile the blackmailers would be fine.
“What if my father?”
“Dead. For his crimes, most of the Shen Estate has payed for it as well, the cultivation world has even demanded you as well but being the favoured first husband…” 
 Shen Qingqiu hummed closing his fan.
But inside? To think he just sailed by death without even realising- Yue Qingyuan these talks aren’t good for his Heart!
“What else?”
“By pretending to cut of ties with Shidi, cang Qiong was watching the other sects and who would be most suspicious, when the information came to light about Wu Yanzi, it came from Huan Hua.”
…hah! He knew it! Shen Yuan KNEW their was buildup from the original story that airplane forgot about!
 “The only reason Huan Hua had information is because they are the ones who had the Shen Estate under their payroll.” Shen Qingqiu hypothosised.
 His brow furrowed.
“But exposing Wu Yanzi after all those years of servitude? And only realising that this Shidi has no plan to harm the royal family is suspicious…if the goal os to eliminate Tianglamg-jun and his heirs and you get rid of the only trump card means that Huan hua-if they are the peritrators- have found someone else.”
“This one…doesn’t know.”
 He honestly knew nothing about Shen Jiu’s past- hell he didn't even know he was raised to be an assassin- it was so conflicting.
 He thought he was the son of a rich family a spoiled noble and yet some chapters hinted at Shen Jiu being an orphan-and if he didn't figure this out soon he could lose everything.
 Yue Qingyuan looked down.
 “This Qingyuan…this one had no intention of upsetting Shen Qingqiu or making him believe Cang Qiong didn’t want you- the opposite. Everyone wanted you to stay but knew barely keeping Tianglang-jun contained was a miracle-“
“You don’t have to explain- but…someone is going to attack Tianglang-jun or myself. And this one can’t gather information outside this palace. You’ll have to be my eyes and ears. Can you do that?”
Yue Qingyuan perked up, “Yes. Anything Xi-Shen Shidi commands this Master will do everything in his power to do so.”
Once he left both bowing and Tianglang-jun joking about his next visit Shen Qingqiu gave him an amused smile.
With Yue Qingyuan gone did he finally tease.
 “So you heard everything huh?”
Tianglang-jun sighed, “Yes it was so disappointingly boring, this Lord thought my husband would wax poetry about his handsome emporer and how lucky he was to have me and yet it was politics.” He stuck his to gue out and Shen Qingqiu gaped.
 “Did you stop listening halfway through?”
“Yes, was it important? Did you tell that young man how great of a husband this Lord is?”
Shen Qingqiu was unsure if he was being serious enough.
 “Well handsome enough to not enact an assasination attempt then yes.”
“Huh? Assasination? Husband!”
He hit him with his fan “So you wern’t listening! Always be vigilant!”
“Why!?” Tianglang-jun was fake crying, “I trust my husband!”
And that…shouldn’t break his heart as it should even Tianglang-juns teasing smile faded.
“You shouldn’t- even with me you shoukd never let your guard down with anyone, especially not me.”
 Tianglang-jun hummed, “yes yes, my little assassin. Ah I remember now all those time you tried to kill me…with kindness.”
“This Master is being serious.”
“So is this emperor.” He said in the most unserious tone ever.
“Ugh, you are so frustrating.” It slipped out, but Tianglang-Jun looked even more proud to not take this seriously at all- how is he not dead yet or buried in a ditch somewhere!?
“Husband loves me so.” He spoke, with nothing but pure joy at the fact.
…It this was Shen Jiu who was the assassin then this would’ve been so easy.
When it was revealed- Shen Qingqiu couldn’t wait to tell Binghe about his new baby brother on the way, Binghe was busy following in his fathers footsteps going out and sending a commands with Gongyi Xiao as his general. Both were making headway with the sowers and doing pretty well.
 But Binghe always cried begging his Shizun for a little brother, and after talking with Mobei the Elder they had finally did it. And Shen Qingqiu held off telling Binghe until after- he was still freakin out about it unlike girls he was never really emotionally prepared for kids or even hosting them he was going to tell Binghe after, it was going so well!
 But when Qui Haitang showed her hand trying to kill Binghe, to hurt Qingqiu like how the scum villain killed her brother.
 “You stole my life from me! Now this Haitang will return the favour!” Binghe fell, but not before he lashed out, grabbing Haitang and pulling her with him into the abyss!
Shen Qingqiu couldn’t breathe- he stumbled forward throat burning and realising he was screaming, the abyss snapped shut before he could even make it to the edge.
 Shen Qingqiu suffered a qi deviation. At the death of Luo Binghe [if the cultivation world thought he did it, they were all witness to his state] He was alone in his pavilion, knowing Luo Binghe would return but he thought he spared him his fate- he didn’t push him in but if he knew there was some way- he would prepare him!
He created a quqin it was for Binghe- he wanted to gift it to him but now…when he came to it was destroyed so he started recarving the wood and remaking it- the servants unsure how to proceed when he told him it was for Binghe it had to be better-
Then one day, he realised something…something was missing.
He placed his hand onto his stomach…feeling nothing- he panicked- no, don’t say he lost them both-
He ran around frantically, the servants stopping him “Master Shen what is the matter-”
“M-Mobei what happened to Mobei!” He was not hysterical. There was a gap in his memory, it was like he was asleep and now wide awake he couldn’t remember what happened at the abyss but what happened to the child!?
 “Get the Emperor now!”
“Master Shen, please calm down!”
And he realised something even more horrifying. He did not recognise the staff, not one person. Had they changed staff or- where was Gongyi Xiao? Where was the young princes?  
When Tianglang-Jun finally found him, Shen Qingqiu stared eyes wide. Tianglang-Jun looked just as bad as he felt. “Husband.” Shen Qingqiu’s eyes burned, but this was important. “What happened to Mobei?”
Tianglang-Jun lips pressed together and Shen Qingqiu’s legs buckled, Tianglang-jun grabbed him before Shen Qingqiu could steady himself “I lost him?” Shen Qingqiu’s voice wheezed-
He already failed him once by losing Binghe and now Mobei-Jun as well? He had one job-
“Husband you didn’t lose him Mobei-Jun is healthy and alive with his father!” 
“What?” but how-
“The Qi deviation set the delivery early, husband was not…well to raise him. His Father requested Mobei be placed in his custody.”
Probably messed that up making Tianglang-jun have to fix his messes, Shen Qingqiu should be taking care of him.
 “This one made a mess of things-”
“Husband did not,” Tianglang-jun gathered him close fully supporting his weight. “Husband did nothing wrong, but please-” His voice sounded wrecked, and it broke Shen Qingqius heart to hear it. “Come back to me.”
 Then Shen Qingqiu stiffened, “H-how long has it been?”
“A couple months now-”
Shen Qingqius eyes widened in horror, months- Tianglang-jun cupped his face-
“Please, don’t go away again-”
Shen Qingqiu snapped out of it shaking his head and latching onto the emperors hand “It’s fine- this Master is okay now.” 
 He left Tianglang-jun to deal with this alone- he was a terrible husband! He knew Binghe was coming back if he could slap himself in the face he would- wait.
…There was a moment where Shen Qingqiu after getting rid of Luo Binghe took Mobei to his home to see his future kingdom since Tianglang-jun was grieving for Luo Binghe [and celebrating his freedom since the contract was now void]
 And Mobei-Jun was kidnapped by Huan Hua because of Linguan-jun which meant-
“Husband- can this one…visit Mobei-Jun and apologise for the mess to the Northern King?”
Tianglang-jun wanted to say no, but after seeing Shen Qingqius face and finally seeing that light in his eyes again, he couldn’t say no.
-saving MBJ from Huan Hua- Teaching Mobei-Jun to be less rough- importance of being gentle and strength.
 After hearing the news that Mobei-Jun was missing, Shen Qingqiu knew he couldn’t just barge down Huan Hua doors with no proof and no idea where his son even was!
 So when he vanished leaving Tianglang-jun in a fright wondering where his husband disappeared off to- Shen Qingqiu donned a disguise and made his way to the south, after going to an inn to pay for some food and gossip he barely had to spare a coin as a bunch of Huan Hua disciples laughed about the little demon they had in their dungeon and how fun it was to mess with-
Shen Qingqiu barely bothered to remain, anger and frustration with himself, others would look back on that day and would say he was like a demon-
 How the great Master and Husband of Tianglang-jun blasted down the doors to Huan Hua disarming cultivators and easily invading the sect.
Most thought he lost his mind, other sects coming to arms along with Cang Qiong to see Shen Qingqiu enraged holding a demon child in his arms.
 “May Huan Hua explain why they have my son in their dungeons!” He yelled for the whole world to hear.
 After that Cang Qiong knew by the look that was a northern demon, everyone thought the baby perished but to see the man hold the child, Yue Qingyuan stepped in shielding Shen Qingqiu who looked ready to murder anyone who even so much as comes close.
 And thats when the demons arrived.
Overall Shen Qingqiu’s reputation with the demons skyrocketed, even Mobei-Jun the elder had approved finally giving his blessing to have the Southern Emperor and his Spouse raise Mobei-Jun. The youngest looking up at wonder at the one who gave his life and saved it.
The cold glare and frost directed at his uncle suddenly warmed when his eyes gazed at him. Mobei-jun never knew warmth until that moment. 
 It was drastically different living at the southern Palace instead of the north. Shen Qingqiu wrapped in layers and moved into a colder pavilion for Mobei-Jun.
Shang Qinghua always frequented being a playmate for young Mobei-Jun, Shen Qingqiu even made it mandatory.
 Qinghua didn’t like this “When I wrote the character, I loved him, but this Qinghua had no clue how much of a spoiled brat he was.”
 Shen Qingqiu paused and gazed at Qinghua shrewdly.
 “...Bro? Why are you staring at me?”
“Shang Qinghua and Mobei-Jun married in the original story, yes?”
“Uh yeah?” Shang Qinghua looked adorably confused, but Shen Qingqiu wasn’t sure who to be upset at or if he even should be wary in the first place.
 “And he’s your favourite character?” “Yes- what is this about?” “Are you planning on marrying Mobei-Jun in the future?”  
Shang Qinghua stared, “Bro don’t even joke about that-”
“Because your related? Why did you write such a thing?”
Shang Qinghua almost physically jumped in the air “Wait- no- we’re not related Tianglang-jun is not my father!”
He squeaked now Shen Qingqiu’s gaze narrowed “What?”
[Qinghua explained that none of the children are the father except for Mobei-Jun and Binghe.]
“HUh? HOW!?”
“Strong cultivators who can take demonic energy. Su Xiyan was strong enough to host a demonic offspring and so could Yue Qingyuan if he wanted- but Shen Qingqiu,” “This Master’s cultivation isn’t that strong,” he suffered from Qi deviations all the time so QInghua wiggled under his stare.
 “Well it was thanks to Wu Yanzi, Shen Qingqius body had suffered demonic cultivation as a base and uh…Wu Yanzi never wanted Shen Qingqiu recognised as his son so he basically molded him to be a cauldron…your body was literally made for this although…Wu Yanzi probably didn’t intend you to birth the new Royal family.”
Shen Qingqiu might strangle him “Why did you not write this?”
“Well I was! But you saw how people responded to my first draft! So I played it safe!” 
Anyway, Shen Qingqiu raised the two together, even though Qinghua would pull faces and pick up Mobei-Jun and play even when he looked tired it still made Shen Qingqiu feel at ease that someone was looking after Mobei-Jun.
 Although the two having a fight was to be expected.
 “Your a spoiled brat!” Shang Qinghua yelled, he looked pretty mad- When Shen Qingqiu came over his mouth fell open at the ripped paper on the floor and Qinghua in tears.
 “I’m never talking to you ever again!” He ran away before Shen Qingqiu could even ask what was going on, tears in his eyes.
 Mobei-jun glared at the paper, “This prince wanted that.” he pointed at the paper ripped on the floor, oh Shen Qingqiu sighed as he picked Mobei-Jun up and asked the servants to clean up the paper and try to fix it if they could.
 It seems he spoiled Mobei-Jun too much,
But unlike Binghe who soaked up attention and tried to be better, Mobei-Jun wasn’t learning the same way the two couldn’t be more different. He was a quiet child and didn’t speak much so it was hard to tell if something was wrong until it was too late.
 Tianglang-Jun even joked about it, “He’s more like Xiyans son than Binghe.” Then grimaced, Shen Qingqiu smiled but it didn’t reach his eyes “Yes, he might need to go to the demon clan with you instead. This one has taught him everything he can but Mobei-Jun must be stifling in this pavilion.” 
And Mobei-Jun wasn’t interested in the same things the family was, plays that used to make Binghe laugh? Mobei-Jun saw no point. Stories? He could never quiet understand the story and took it at face value.
 So Shen Qingqiu decided another outlet was probably better. He began teaching Mobei-Jun to fight.
 And that improved his mood alot, his expressions were slight but he could tell when Mobei-Jun was happy or upset. Of course Shen Qingqiu could only teach him so much…
When he came back from huants with his Father, Mobei-Jun was…bigger. When asked spiritually made children aged faster but mentally were still a child but Shen Qingqiu ended up treating Mobei-Jun like he was smarter than he was. Mobei-Jun seemed to like being treat like an adult even if he was only a couple years old. He was half Shen Qingqius height and was taught how to fight and defend himself.
He saw nothing wrong with this until one day, he found Mobei-Jun beating up and hitting Shang Qinghua.
 Shen Qingqiu immediately put a stop to it, and even yelled at Mobei-Jun and of course the boy had frustrated tears in his eyes and it was the first time he cried and for a moment Shen Qingqiu almost softened then hardened his heart. 
 Shang Qinghua face was swollen and kept flinching around Mobei-Jun it had to stop.
“Humans are more weaker than Demons- and hitting others is not okay.” 
Mobei-Jun only looked more frustrated and confused.
So Shen Qingqiu had to explain that in demon society fighting was about dominance, showing strength or even polite depending on the clan. But humans don’t like being hit, he had to be more gentle.
Mobei-Jun saw no point in this.
 “How can this one know his partner is strong, if he can’t handle a few beatings.”
“Who told you that?” No way Mobei-Jun thought this nonsense up himself, 
So Shen Qingqiu ends up giving Mobei-Jun a fruit, that he had to peel without destroying it. Shen Qingqiu peels it easily and Mobei-jun is frustrated that he can’t do such a simple thing.
 And Shen Qingqiu wanted him to learn a lesson but when he sees Mobei-jun trying to peel the fruit everyday looking frustrated Shen Qingqiu had an idea.
 “Mobei-jun can you break this fruit for me.” Shen Qingqiu watches how Mobei-jun easily does such a thing and Shen Qingqiu eats it offering him a piece.
 And then Mobei-jun watches Shen Qingqiu struggle.
Blth try for days until one day, Shen Qingqiu breaks it looking proud and smug. Mobei-jun gapes.
“See? Still think this master is weak now?”
Mobei-jun never thought this man who gave him life was weak, he remembered how he saved him from that hot and awful dungeon.
  But if his Mama could open the fruit, then Mobei-jun can do it too. If humans can work hard to be strong, then demons can strive to be gentle. Humans strength couldn’t be measured the same.
 Mobei-jun finally peeled the fruit. 
And he gave it to Qinghua who flinched then stared at the fruit confused and even unsure.
 “For you.”
“Oh…thanks?” He saw cucumber bro giving him a thumbs up and was completely lost but took it and even ate a piece when Mobei-juns staring became unnerving.
What the hell was that about?
Anyway- Old Palace Master admitting to funding wu yanzi and his illegal activities.
-Luo Binghe returning from the abyss thinking Shen Qimgqiu and his father replaced him esp with Mobei-jun calling Qingqiu ‘mama’ something Luo Binghe could never call Qingqiu but Mobei-jun can?
 -Shen Jiu is reborn as a son. He and qingqiu talk that he never saw Tianglang-jun that way he was already in love with someone and when Tianglang-jun took care of him it felt transactional he had to because they were husbands if he abused Qingqiuthe cultivation world will strike.
Tianglang-jun on the rare occasions he could surprise his cute husband and son, usually struggled trying to get gifts for his hisband he got him so many thkngs but Shen Qingqiu would sniff uniterested and said it woukd clutter up his storage and if its out kf sight? What use was it? He was tricky, but then he heard him talkimgbwith Qinghua one day. After adopting him once haitang vanished the two got closer- he overheard his husbands love for demonic beasts.
Shen Qingqiu eyes widened “Husband! Do you like it!”
Give head lats please- no Even if your the emporeor you can’t just make your own demon zoo on a whim!
“Do you want to pet him?”
Shen Qingqiu’s fingers itched, he could pet a monty python rhinoceros!?!?!?!?
 “Very well simce Husband went through the trouble.”
Tianglang-jun guided his hands and watched how gentle his husband was and cooed at the beast.
And he was holding his hand. Win win.
 -Qingqiu gives Tianglang-jun a painting of Su Xiyan- talk that qingqiu is not replacing xiyan that he will hold her in his heart but qingqiu has done nothing but be the best husband and risen up to the occasion without asking for anything back? That tianglang-jun wants to spoil him, know his husband learn about him and talk through the night about the recent yellow books they’re just read how he could just watch Qingqiu rant and become impassioned and tear the book to shreds Tianglang-jun agrees but feels more flexible with the story but can see the issues meanwhile qingqiu looks like he would tear someones head of for it.
 Tinaglang-jun clasps his hands telling him he wants to marry Qingqiu, not for political reasons, not for ulterior motives. He wants to spend the rest of his life trying fo figure out his husband and keep him by his side with the possesivness of a demon.
 And Shen Qingqiu burns red unsure how to take this as far as he knows this cane out of nowhere!
Tianglang-jun tells him he wants to marry Shen Qingqiu if he’ll have him.
 T-there are plenty of people-
All the marriages are dissolved. Without binghe theres nothing keeping me here in the human realm, the cultivators can’t use me for their own agendas anymore there is nothing for me here.
Except for you. Even if you don’t want to marry this emporer and want to remain friends this one will gladly stay for you, where you go this one will follow!
 Shen Qingqiu needed to sit down- or pikch himself to wake up.
But…marriages…dissolved- Binghe was missing years ago he could’ve left any time but he stayed…
 And the thought kf waking up without Tianglang-jun… the time he can finally no longer go on missions or be in court and wake up spoiled in his husbands bed-
Qingqiu wanted that. He wanted that all the time.
The thought of going home to the sect- but no…they didn’t want him. If Tianglang-jun dismissed him Shen Qingqiu wouldn’t return. Blackmail or no- they proved they would never defend him or they wished they could but had to appease those in power. Yue Qingyuan always did that tried to appease both side with that smile on his face and mitigate the damage.
But Tianglang-jun wants him to stay, even at the thought of being free and could easily remove this burden its the one chain he wants to keep his arm wrapped in. 
Tianglang-jun was waxing poetry about his hair but paused “yes?”
When he said yes, it held everything he dared to believe his fear his hope, and longing. He wanted to stay, and Tianglang-jun saw it in his eyes, feeling breathless and elated unable to believe that his husband said yes!  
“Yes.” Shen Qingqiu nodded, with more strength and confidence, then smiled. “A demon wedding.”
Tianglang-juns eyes widened “Are you sure? Demons will try to kidnap you-“
Shen Qingqku raised an eyebrow “Will they? Or will they kidnap my husband instead.” He placed a hand on Tianglang-juns chest that was always too low and exposed skin and slid up.
 “Maybe this Qingqiu will have to rescue you…”
Shen Qingqiu pushed him away.
 “Ah ah, not until the wedding. We shouldn’t even be talking without a chaperone.”
Tianglang-jun gaped “Husband!”
Afterall they didnmg really consumate the marriage so his honlur was still on the line. 
-Shen qingqiu forgot one thing…if Binghes pillar was large enough to be called heavenly then his fathers pillar would be…
“T-this one will go on top instead…” the room felt loud in its silence as Shen Qingqiu gaped.
“You don’t have to look too pleased ablut it!”
“Just this one…just for us, after all Mobei-jun is staying at the northern palace longer establishing his rule…”
Tianglang-jun pouted “I could help! But he’s embarresed by his dad…”
Shen Qingqiu leaned on him, turns out lying on top and smothering Tianglang-jun calms him down like a dog with anxiety needing a vest.
 “He wants to do it with his own strength. He has this strange fascination with being string but its not for strength sake he’s growing up so fast.”
 “Yes soon it’ll just be us too in the sun pavillion.”
“…what if this husband and you…make another…”
“Anlther what?”
“Anotger one a sibling to mobei-jun.”
Tianglang-juns hands clenched on his arms still gentle “husband?”
“Just ours. No reason, or political gain, just ours.” Shen Qingqiu hummed, “Luo Binghe always wanted a little brother he’ll be excited when he gets back”
Tianglang-jun hands touched his face concerned “Qingqiu?”
“He’ll come back. This one knows it.” Luo Binghe survives the abyss he knows he will.
“Whats the name of our lotus?” Tianglang-jun asked and Shen Qingqiu hummed “How about Shen Jiu, or would you want your name?”
Tianglang-jun laughed, “Until its my turn to make offspring then this lord will name them- this lord likes Shen Jiu.”
“It’s funny how even this one acts with the same cold brutality of my Xiyan.” Yeah it was odd then again it could be the body of the scum villain making them all what? Dna of the evil stepmother making them evil? He hoped not.
 “They’ll thaw out after a while.” He hummed leaning against Tianglang-jun.
When Shen Qingqiu prepared for bed his one year old now standing stared at him, scissors in hand. Shen Qingqiu tensed.
 “Baobei, hmm lets put the scissors down its sharp-“
The kne year old raised it.
 “Who you calling baobei fake! Thats my body!” Huh?
“One moment its me whose married to that fool now its you!?”
 Shen Qingqij snatched the scissors tossing them and picked up the baby.
“Shen Jiu!?”
“You even called me that name??? Die! Die by a thousand arrows!”
Tears streamed down the babys face and he began to cry.
Binghe was so much better than this he could hear the jokes now “I’m the one that made the parents want more kids- you’re the one that made them stop!”
“Shh shh, its alright…”
“It’s not that beast will come back and kill us!”
“He won’t. Binghe’s a good boy and a great big brother. Shh, dry those tears.”
When Binghe was being…difficult, even he was too much of a sweet bun to leave an impact.
 Shen Jiu on the other hand was like the tasmanian devil!
Any sharp object had to be hidden the pavillion child proof and Shen Jiu had a strange habit of biting so Shen Qingqiu commisioned a teething ring for him.
Overall he was tired.
 And the worst part?
He calmed down with tianglang-jun, going limp and floppy in the mans arms sucking on his ring and glaring at Qingqiu.
The man threw his hands up.
“Fine! Since you like him more than your papa who gave birth to you! I see how it is!”
He was still fuming after having to walk away and cool off.
He wanted to just dump that brat on Tianglang-jun and wash his hands clean but decided not too.
 He commisioned tiny brushes for Shen Jius small hands and decided to write his letters wjth Shen jiu present.
 “You will begin reading and writing, you still retain your memories but your coordination will need some work.”
 So Shen jiu struggled he knew the characters but couldn’t grip his pen right he handmt practised the muscle yet.
 So Shen Qingqiu used a hair tie wrapped it around Shen Jiu’s fingers and the other began to write in wonder.
Then it became known that the new son and heir of Tianlang-jun and Shen Qingqiu was a genius. And of course the cultivation world had to pay their respects to the emperor.
 Yue Qingyuans reaction to seeing their son was like a punch to the gut.
 Of course their son looked exactly like his Xiao Jiu.
 Even the way his brat stood tall, chin raised high and nose scrunched into a sneer.
…Shen Qingqiu will have to get him a fan.
 Shen Qingqiu accepted the meltdowns if Shen Jiu wasn’t bejng cold and aloof he ended up giving into his impulse kicking, screaming-
And not a normal scream, high pitched bust your ear drums scream.
“I hate you!”
“I know…”
 Shen Qingqiu even let Shen Jiu beat him with his fists- he’s a cultivator he can handle it-
 But once Shen Jiu finally got his anger out he began to cry.
 Eyes aged beyond their years and trapped in a child frustrated to being a slave to his emotions.
 Shen Qkngqiu drew him close playing the quqin and humming a song.
 “It’ll pass, you’ll be older befkre you know. Play this yourself one day.”
 Shen Jiu clutched his robes and thats hiw Tianglang-jun found them.
 It was a routine Shen Qingqiu established. He liked being kept busy, and told Tianglang-jun he need his iwn hobbies away.
 Wu yanzi isn’t dead-
 The palace master is and-
Shen Qingqiu was on another trip with his husband and both were havjng fun lretending to be hinourable cultivatirs and even more so when Tainglang-jun purposfully held himself back so Qingqiu could look like a badass.
And wu yanzi ends up killing shen qingqiu in public loudly proclaiming-
 “This is how you assassinate, boy!”
Shen Qingqiu died.
How? How in the flying fuck is he dead!?
Shen Qingqiu’s eyes blinked open -huh? 
He could’ve sworn he died.
 “See, I told you Necromancy was my specialty. Qui Haitang is standing before you, and now my precious son and yet you still doubt me?”
Shen Qingqiu gazed up, and saw the Old Palace Master, as well as Qui Haitang along with…Luo Binghe!?
 Luo Binghe spoke, eyes devoid.
 “Why did you kill him in the first place if you needed his body?”
“The world needs to believe Shen Qingqiu died, afterall once we’re done the body will no longer look like Shen Qingqiu.”
…What the fuck? What the fuck is going on.
Shen Qingqiu gaped “Binghe!? Whats the meaning of this?”
Why was he working with Wu Yanzi and the Palace Master!
 “Don’t worry, son. Soon we’ll bring your mother back you know she would never had abandoned you and would love you always fate had other plans. Until now-”
“You’re the one that killed her” Shen Qingqiu snapped eyes filled with hatred, and replaced? The hell did he mean?
“Binghe? How can you think I replaced you? The very thought is ridiculous!”
Luo Binghe finally looked at him, black pools swirled with madness, no way- don’t say Xin Mo twisted things or maybe…
Qui Haitang is alive, the two maybe travelled the abyss together she may have fed poison of Shen Qingqiu.
“You had a son, you have Mobei-Jun and this…Xiao Jiu to replace me! You never really loved Binghe it was all an act to get to my father!”
Shen Qingqiu’s eyes widened, what?
How…how could Binghe get this so wrong?
“This one fails to see why it has to be Shen Qingqiu’s body, why couldn’t this one have him instead?” The old Palace Master spoke enraged, 
“That’s right! You promised to make my brother like himself again but now you’re doing this! My brother shouldn’t be walking around wearing the face of this old geezer!”
The old man nodded furiously.
And Shen Qingqiu realised with dawning horror that Qui Jianlou was in control of the old palace master.
 And now they were going to what…? Put Su Xiyan in his body? 
“Yes you’re brother did good on his word,” Wu Yanzi said, as he began to prepare for some sort of satan ritual.
 “For many years being my sponsor,”
“For manipulating events to make Shen Qingqiu the bride of Tianglang-Jun…” 
“And for even helping dear Binghe find the truth, now Qui Jianlou can step down and be free with his sister, and the new emperor can continue assisting me in your place.”
 They brainwashed Binghe!
Shen Qingqiu’s eyes narrowed into a glare, and the Palace Master was never here! It was all Qui Jianlou and Qui Haitang both were squatting like toads at Huan Hua while helping the demonic cultivator.
 Maybe promised them revenge for his wayward bastard son.
Shen Qingqiu gritted his teeth, Wu Yanzi…really was a scumbag.
And yet, after all the things Shen Qingqiu put in place to protect Binghe, Mobei-Jun and in turn Shen Jiu- were told to always carry weapons on their person.
 If anything Shen Qingqiu was thankful that the knife he had was still on him and that his hands were tired behind his back.
With all eyes on Wu Yanzi they didn’t notice him hack at the immortal binding cables.
“Keep still, son. This won’t hurt much.”
 Shit- Shen Qingqiu screamed as Wu Yanzi touched his forehead, and Luo Binghe startled eyes wide, looking clear until Qui Haitang grabbed his arm.
 “Shh, it’ll be over soon, Binghe…”
How dare she act so overly formal!
His body burned and Wu Yanzi was speaking gibberish and Shen Qingqiu suddenly felt full, flashes and memories of things that weren’t his-
 The knife slashed through the rope, and Wu Yanzi fell over on his ass when Shen Qingqiu lunged forward.
 The old man was holding Xiu Ya.
His arms free his body moved on its own free will.
Cucumber-Bro, Shen Yuan and now holding the title Shen Qingqiu was just floating in his own state distanced from everything.
 The old man had his throat slit, dropping Xiu Ya, Qui Haitang cried out in horror, after grabbing Luo Binghe on the sword and flew down the corridors, Wu Yanzi struggled up, scowling but was grabbed by Qui Haitang.
“Save him- save my brother!”
Shen Qingqiu’s body kept running digging their nails into Luo Binghe’s arm.
 “Impertinent brat. Where are they holding your father?”
They finally made it outside, but the body of Shen Qingqiu flew shoving Luo Binghe forward on the side. It wasn’t exactly tugging him on his ear like a misbehaving boy but it was close enough.
 “You know where the locked him down. Or he would be here to save u-me.” 
Luo Binghe was lost, “Shizun?”
“Shizun? Is that what you call him? Ungrateful. And it’s that attitude that killed him.”
Luo Binghe’s voice sounded weak and it broke Shen Qingqiu’s heart.
 The one riding the sword sneered. “Shen Qingqiu is dead, his soul ejected from this body. And now you are in the company of your darling mother.” The word carried derision.
 And Luo Binghe began to cry,
“I- I didn’t mean for this-”
“Speak clearly, boy. And intent matters. What were you expecting to happen? A happily ever after with you’re shizun oh wait. He’s dead.”
 But he wasn’t the hell-
Shut up. The brat needs some humility for the damage he almost caused and for locking our husband up. You coddled him too much, that explains the tantrum.
Shen Qingqiu couldn’t believe it- Su Xiyan was co-habiting this body? But why couldn’t he move?
It won’t last, temporary possession, but let’s make him sweat a little…
“Shizun…he’s really-”
“Yes, now…where is your father.”
“...Buried under a mountain? Overkill much?” 
He cracked. Shen Qingqiu seriously couldn’t take it, seeing Tianglang-jun trapped under the mountain, face bloody and looking like every bit the fallen hero. Shen Qingqiu couldn’t take it, wanting to rip the tailsmans of the wall and even kill the people invovled.
Su Xiyan was promptly pushed to the back, surprised while Shen Qingqiu leapt forward grabbing Tianglang-Jun close and burying his face into his husbands neck.
 “I thought you were dead,” tianlang-jun spoke, voice watery and Shen Qingqiu was hiding his face clinging him close.
 “You can thank Wu Yanzi for that, he brought me back.”
Luo Binghe stood away, guilty look on his face. 
“Binghe?” Tianglang-jun finally looked up, tensing.
“Shh, its alright, now.” 
Shen Qingqiu stiffened as Su Xiyan took back control.
“Thank god this is temporary.” She took a step back biting her thumb and marked the tailsmans relishing in how satisfying it was to see them all snap.
She caught him and placed one arm around her shoulder to support him.
“Now where is that nephew of yours, usually joined to the hip or a second growth.”
“Wife.” Shen Qingqiu smirked, glancing at her husband then sighed. As Luo Binghe gave a soft sob.
 “You! Stop crying and help me! It’s all your fault anyhow!”
“What- what happened?” Tianglang-Jun asked, as the three of them began to leave the mountain.
 “Luo Binghe this Master weeps that you only got your brains from your father- use your sword!” Luo Binghe snapped to attention and drew Xin Mo to make a portal.
 “Shen Qingqiu cuddled you too much.” She sneered and Luo Binghe eyes narrowed, “Don’t disrespect Shizun with his face!”
 Tianglang-Jun now blinked eyes wide, “Su Xiyan.”
She sighed, “Idiots, the both of you.” She then kicked them through the portal and entered their pavilion.
Miss Su?
 Su Xiyans eyes pricked with tears as she spoke softly “The Sun pavilion.” 
Tianglang-Juns face crumpled with guilt, “Xiyan-”
“No.” She took a step back, shaking it off. “This possession is only temporary and came from demonic cultivation.” She used Shen Qingqiu’s fan to place against Tianglang-Juns chest holding him back.
 “My time here is temporary. So don’t embarrass us both by doing something you’ll regret.”
Shen Qingqiu was confused, regret? Regret what?
Hey- it’s fine you can use my body, I mean it was my bastard father who-
“Hush up,” Su Xiyan spoke looking upwards, “Stop talking nonsense, and that man is not your father.”
“Shen Qingqiu? What did he say?”
“Nothing of importance.” 
At least be kinder to Binghe!
“That brat? He’s the reason we’re in this mess. You coddle him too much and you!” She yelled at Binghe who was still fuming then flinched at the duress.
 “You wanted a little brother! It was always Shizun I want a sibling, oh Shizun I want a baby brother- Mobei-Jun doesn’t count he has his own empire and won’t play with me!”
Luo Binghe’s eyes widened, “And He did! He kept telling everyone you were coming back because he believed you weren’t dead and this is how you repay him! Unfilial!”
“Xiyan! There’s no need-”
“And where were you in all this? Mobei-Jun was kidnapped and you did nothing, Shen Qingqiu always has to clean up your messes. If this Xiyan was still alive this one would divorce you!”
Tianglang-Jun only laughed, that women always so cold! And telling them like it is!
Although, Luo Binghe fell to his knees slamming his head against the floor, Shen Qingqiu’s spirit responded making the body flinch at the action.
“This Binghe has been unfilial! This one truly thought Shizun had abandoned him,” He hit his head again, and Su Xiyan wanted to stand there still and aloof meanwhile Shen Qingqiu wanted to pick him up.
 “This one came back and saw- saw Shizun with-”
The three stiffened to see Shen Jiu, staring at the man on the floor crying his heart out. Shen Jiu scoffed.
 “It’s about time you got home!”
Luo Binghe blinked, Shen Jiu looked older, almost fifteen of course, spiritually made children aged faster and since Shen Jiu was mentally an adult man he was perfectly fine with that. 
 “Now Mama won’t be gloomy anymore!” Shen Jiu approached then proceed to kick Luo Binghe while he was down.
It barely hurt him, although maybe Shen Jiu was using Qi in his kicks.
“You made him cry! Apologise!”
Luo Binghe gaped “What?”
He kicked him again- “O-okay Xiao Jiu thats enough. Luo Binghe is sorry,” 
Shen Qingqiu couldn’t take it anymore, he crouched down picking Binghe up and tugging him close.
 “I wanted to do that as soon as I saw you.”
Luo Binghe stared ahead eyes wide his hands coming up to clutch his robes.
“You’re too big for tears, ah there there.”
“Sh-shizun won’t leave me?”
Where did this abandonment issue come from? 
“Qui Haitang…she kept saving me in the abyss, she…told me about you that it was all lies and- when I saw I believed-”
“It’s okay…”
Tianglang-Jun took Shen Jiu’s arm and made them all sit together, Luo Binghe flinched as he felt two more presence press against his back, then exhaled.
 “Okay- now thats enough.” Su Xiyan spoke, “We don’t know what Wu Yanzi is planning,”
“-Wu Yanzi!?”
Su Xiyan looked at Shen Jiu in surprise “Oh, you would know more about him wouldn’t you.”
Shen Jiu scowled, while Tianglang-jun and Luo Binghe looked confused.
 “Explain we don’t have much time.”
Su Xiyan stared then the lips of Shen Qingqiu pulled into a smirk “I like this boy,”
You would.
Tianglang-Jun hummed “Both cold, and brutal. You would’ve gotten along like a house on fire.”
“Yes, Shen Qingqiu would’ve made a fine first husband if this one had become empress…both of them.”
Now Tianglang-Jun’s eyes narrowed, and She smirked more before walking passed to get their palace ready.
 All wifes from Huan Hua were rejected for conspiracy, they were already divorced in name only stayed since they had no where else to go.
 Ning Yingying and Liu Mingyan maintained the perimeter, Cang Qiong and the other sects had given aid and other cultivators to assist.
 Shen Jiu stared at the man who he once called father, Wu Yanzi sneered “You look just like him, the bastard who came back on his hands and knees begging to be taken into my loving arms hah!” 
 Shen Jiu sword didn’t waver, staring straight at the threat.
He knew how Wu Yanzi operated, knew how he would access the palace.
 “So, you wanted to put Binghe on the throne a puppet to have direct power over the demon and human realm. But that plans fallen through, Luo Binghe and Tianglang-jun will never agree to your terms.”
“What If I made you my hostage? Hmm? That would be easy-”
Wu yanzi struck and Shen Jiu dodged, sending out a demonic qi blast to disrupt the talisman Wu Yanzi’s eyes widened.
 “As a body created from both Human and Demonic qi, this one has the gift to manipulate both. And with your teachings this one has an advanced handle on them.”
“My teachings…you…” Wu Yanzi’s eyes widened-
The walls crashed around them, Shen Jiu covering his head while Wu Yanzi evaded until he was slammed against the wall by Xiu Ya,
“Shen Jiu!”
Wu Yanzi hesitated, “Shen Jiu?”
Shen Jiu gaped- he didn’t expect Tianglang-Jun and the others to come-
 Su Xiyan was gone. Her soul moving onto reincarnation, Shen Qingqiu stood in front of Shen Jiu raising his hands to hold the sword in place.
 “Its over Wu Yanzi.”
  The man laughed, pinned to the wall “Seems like it is-”
He raised his hand and screamed when a sword glare struck, slicing it clean off.
 “I know all your tricks, Wu Yanzi…”
The man laughed, falling back against the wall, “This Master…supposes you do.”
Shen Jiu hesitated, the warm fond look on the mans face was strange, it only made his parents more wary and Luo Binghe raise Zheng Lang, and Tianglang-Jun raised XIn Mo.
 “Not bad, not bad. The son has far surpassed the master.” Wu Yanzi raised his arms to clap then realised he didn’t have one.
 “Ah never mind.”
“Stop talking, Shen Jiu ignore him.”
 “Why should he? The brat wants to know doesn’t he. Why? Why would your old man do this, why would he sell you to the highest bidder again, and again and again.” 
Shen Jiu hands narrowed, shaking.
“Don’t listen to him-”
“Ah, a stranger shouldn’t involve himself in such matters! This is between me and my boy, isn’t that right Shen Jiu? You did the same thing I did, swapping souls? Beautifully done being the whore of the emperor was beneath you, but his son? Couldn’t have done it better myself!” he laughed loud.
 “What is he talking about?”
“It’s true isn’t it, that Qingqiu isn’t the bastard I spawned, he’s nothing like himself. You on the other hand- you’re mine aren’t you.”
Both the shens gaze narrowed as Shen Jiu raised his sword, “This one is not your anything, you made that quite clear when I returned after you abandoned me.”
 Wu Yanzi's smile was so annoyingly consistent, and Shen Qingqiu pushed Xiu Ya deeper into his arm the man grunted in pain.
 “And that Qui abomination of a family…they were made to train you…you didn’t kill Qui Jianlou, I did. My own bastard son…a prodigy, better than my own son. The bullshit that is society saying you weren’t my true heir out of wedlock. And now, the slate is wiped clean.”
Wu Yanzi smile widened and Shen Jiu face fell in horror “Don’t-”
 “This Father…wishes he could do better, but as a crooked man of demonic cultivation everything I gave you would’ve been poisoned. A Demon emperor was fitting for your station. Do with this gift as you will.”
Shen Jiu almost lunged forward, “No!” Shen Qingqiu held him back not knowing what the man was planning-
 Until he self destructed, warm smile still on his face.
 Tears streaked from Shen Jiu’s eyes as he fell to his knees.
 Shen Qingqiu fell with him, holding him close. He didn’t understand-
“W-why would he do that?”
“Maybe he felt cornered.” Luo Binghe spoke, “Or maybe a spare body to hop into-”
“Binghe, enough.”
 Shen Jiu sobbed into his arms, “Why would he do that?” 
 Shen Qingqiu looked at the body of Wu Yanzi.
…Was he instead an a morally grey character? Who had done everything for his son? Who knew his reputation and the eyes of society would hold Shen Qingqiu back?
 Shen Yuans eyes widened.
He must have observed how he was treated on Cang Qiong, knowing no matter what a honourable cultivator may well as still be a dirty slave to those above.
 So he manipulated and pulled strings to make him the beloved husband of Tianglang-Jun knowing no one would cross him or harm his reputation with a renowned demon lord such as that-
The only thing Wu Yanzi didn’t factor in, was that Tianglang-jun wasn’t demonic enough to protext Shen Jiu’s reputation especially with the loss of his wife and that Shen Jiu’s own self hatred would doom himself not seeing it for the gift it was.
 Protection, and stability. Knowing no one was good enough for Shen Jiu so he created this marriage for him.
 Shen Jiu wailed, beating his arms against Shen Qingqiu’s body.
Wu Yanzi was a demonic cultivator, a cruel and cold father…but his actions said otherwise.
“Let’s go home.”
Tianglang-Jun and Luo Binghe were useless as always. Shen Qingqiu picked his son up holding him close as they stepped away and back towards their home.
 “Husband,” Tianglang-juns eyes were burning with curiosity “Explain.”
With no system in this transmigration, Shen Yuan had to break under pressure and explain.
Tianglang-Jun nodded, the thought of two souls inhabiting a body his husband and wife, this wasn’t that far fetched.
“Well? Aren’t you going to say anything?”
“Hmm, you should tell Shang Qinghua, this sounds like an amazing story.”
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radiantaro · 1 year
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[Swap AU] Love at first assassination attempt.
In Swap AU, Huan Hua Palace, including Su Xiyan remains human. The Old Palace Master made Su Xiyan investigate the rising sect Endless Abyss sect led by the current sect leader Tian Langjun. The palace master suspects that they use demonic cultivation (which is basically bad bad in the cultivation world) and that's why they're so popular these days. Su Xiyan was given permission if ever the mission comes to eliminate him (which she didn't). After some time spending with TLJ, she fell in love with him but this love angered the Palace Master. When TLJ found out, he offered SXY to elope with him and basically stay in the Endless Abyss Sect under his protection which she gladly took.
During her stay in Endless Abyss Sect, she became the sect leader's wife through the private marriage they organized. She also met our protagonist, Shen Yuan/Yuan-jun (which she later sealed his demonic heritage) and basically gave birth to Su Binghe (who Luo Binghe transmigrates to) :D
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moondal514 · 3 months
🪳 for sv perhaps? 👀 and any other AUs u really like!
bug me for fic recs
Thanks for the ask <3. I’ll be honest, it is hard for me to know what counts as an au for SV given the nature of canon and Shen Yuan’s unreliable narration is such that practically anything can plausibly be canon 😂, but I did my best and I hope you enjoy these
🪳 Recommend a great AU!
Celestial Afterglow by elanor_pam/ @elanorpam
Shang Qinghua, also known as Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky, stared flatly at what had once been a field boasting near sect-level Feng Shui alignment, and the drowned, bloated remains of the Sun and Moon Dew Flower cuttings that had sprouted within it. Their plan was now quite literally a wash.
If only he could consult Cucumber Bro on how to save Cucumber Bro! But in the absence of Cucumber Bro, he could but rely on the one plot coupon the infamous Peerless Cucumber had ever applauded.
Canon-divergence au. Um…I’ll be honest idk how to describe this fic, it’s wildly ridiculous but in a way that’s incredibly fitting for the entire vibe of SV and it made me laugh so hard I literally cried
walk through walls into your heart by kitschlet
Fifteen years ago, definitely cishet man Shen Yuan transmigrated into Shen Qingqiu, the female villain of reverse harem novel Proud Immortal Demon Way, and never looked back. Now happily lesbian-married, Shen Qingqiu gets caught in a PIDW plot that makes her actually confront what she wants from her gender and her relationship.
Bingqiu genderbend au. Wherein a wifeplot forces Shen Yuan to contend with the trans implications of the fact that she loves being a woman and it’s a very fun time
demons don't write what they know by ataratah/ @ataratah
As a demoness, Liu Mingyan doesn’t have a lot of first-hand experience with romance. This wouldn’t be a problem if she weren’t in the process of composing a romantic epic for the ages. Luckily, local human gremlin Sha Hualing is here to help.
Purely for the sake of good writing, of course.
Human-demon role-reversal au. Lovely fic about Liu Mingyan’s journey to becoming a published writer (which of course features practice kissing with Sha Hualing, very necessary)
cover me with your green mantle by lavenderandrue/ @lavender-and-rue
There’s a legend about this place. Shen Yuan has heard it a hundred times, a thousand, in different permutations depending on the teller. In some versions, a demon lord with horns and fangs and glowing red eyes roams the wilds, stealing pretty young women from their beds for some nefarious purpose. In others, a powerful fae prince leads the Wild Hunt on moonless nights; those who hear the baying of their hounds may be tempted to join them, never to be seen again. Still others tell of a local man stolen by the fae many years ago for his famed beauty, who is still occasionally spotted leading lost souls out of the forest.
Whoever he is, Shen Yuan thinks he must be lonely.
Ballad of Tam Lin au. This fic is a great example of that lovely flavor of BinggeYuan where Shen Yuan is just so bamboozled by Bing-ge that he ignores all the concerning shit about him and sets about domesticating him and it works and is massively entertaining to read
In Blissful Rush Did Meet by Asymptotical
In a slightly different situation, Tianlang-jun would have been thrilled to play the part of the pregnant lover doted on by the stoic noble that knocked them up.
It's less fun while he thinks the doting might not happen.
TianXi fix-it via mpreg au. Wherein Tianlang-jun being the one to get pregnant instead of Su Xiyan prevents them from falling into the Old Palace Master’s trap
Primal Urges by stranglerfig
A mortal illness infects Cang Qiong Mountain Sect. Pandemonium ensues.
“We are cultivators,” Mu Qingfang pronounced gravely, “we are not ruled by our primal urges.”
“But shizun,” said one of his beta disciples, his voice nasally with wax plugs up his nose, cotton mask over his mouth. “Liu shibo has stolen the whole peak’s clean linens!”
Omegaverse au. Prob one of the few gen omegaverse au’s in existence 😂 but it’s so funny and so good
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thepalaceofharuhime · 10 months
Looking at your fandoms, I can’t help but think some sort of Bingqiu in Spy X Family (or a SxF Xianxia fusion) could be super fun!
The question is… what would their roles be.
Assassin Luo Binghe, or spy Luo Binghe… and which of them gets gender swapped. 🤔
Oh!! Maybe Shen Yuan was meant to be an ally of the female half of the main duo, Liu Mingyan, but through shenanigans he somehow ends up with her role instead, and the System demands he fake marry Binghe anyway. 😂
This is exactly the kind of prompt i was hoping for! TY!!! 🙏
The way i see it Binghe would definitely be the assassin, Shen Yuan is too big of a softie not to mention one who so easily put on the mask of another man before so he would definitely be the spy.
But also being oblivious to feelings yet a capable badass, bad in the kitchen, feeling inadequate as a partner? All Shen Yuan. Binghe with his protagonist Halo meanwhile would fit better with Mr. All around perfect Husband. So i guess it'd be a little like Yor and Loyd had switched professions.
Shen Yuan's over protective brother in a position of power? I wonder who that would be? Enter Shen Jiu haha. Rather than secret police he'd be a detective looking in to all the murders rather than keeping state secrets from spies though. To keep that rivalry between him Binghe. The family member Binghe became an assassin to provide for? His mom. The gardener AKA the guy who hired him and hands him his missions? Meng Mo. Franky,the spy's funny informant and gadget supplier, occasional babysitter and not to mention bestfriend? Shang Qinghua.
I dont know if i should replace Fiona with Liu Quinge as Fiona's character really would fit Binghe better. But Liushen is a weakness of mine even if onesided and those two were just made for coworker romances. Maybe I should give Binge someone trying to woe him too? Sha hualing? Then if i dont go with your other idea of having SY transmigrate in to Liu Mingyan (which i am saving up in my head because i absolutely love the idea) then i can add something in the background with her and Sha hualing. I'm positive i could find a way to write in Mobei for SQH or i could go with Scumplane and have him end up Shen Jiu and actually yeah that would work, need to distract SJ long enough for Bingyuan to get it on afterall. Oh what about SQH x SJ x LQG? Or should Shen Yuan get a second husbandafterall? Alternatively imagine LQG crying over a bowl of icecream.
Next question is if SY didnt transmigrate into LMY then who is he? What about Ning Yingying? Who could be SJ's little sister in this world? Or he couldve just been put in there as a female version of himself. Or like it was with Shen quingiu a character who vaguely resembles him and has a similar name. She just happens to be a woman though. Or maybe go with the mulan aproach and have him crossdress? But then how does he explain to his brother that he's suddenly - he could say that he's in love with binghe and the only way to marry him was fake his papers to pretend to be a woman since queer marriage isnt yet allowed in their fictional country. Like no one cares if they date its just they havent gotten to the legalisation of marriage yet. And if SJ asks why they had to get married so suddenly anyway (cuz no way in hell is SY getting away with saying he forgot to tell him for a year) he could say that they had to so they could adopt their daughter. Who in this case scenario could be Ning Yingying, should she still have Anyas powers? damian could be Ming fan or the little palace girl or whatever (im not yet far enough in the books to now her and the old man that well so id have to check the wiki) and i could make the palace master donovan desmond and have SY and LBH team up to take him down in the end.
Anyways yeah these are just some ideas, and again thanks for the prompt! I can't wait to write this! Maybe i'll draw something for it later too. ❤️
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andastartosteerherby · 11 months
I'm updating it everyday, because time crunch.
(Mostly Bingqiu/Bingyuan, Unless Tagged)
*Different Endless Abyss
Guess I'll Die - Shen Qingqiu goes to the Endless Abyss.
Speak No Evil - SQQ gives up his voice to stop Endless Abyss. It happens anyway.
Night of Yearning - Luo Binghe forgets Shen Qingqiu.
*Jinlan City Goes Differently/Different Reunion/Different Rebirth
High Mountains, How I long
Dew Over - Shen Qingqiu is reborn in the mushroom body and tries to live as Peerless Cucumber.
Honesty is Such a Lonely Word - Shen Qinqiu faces the trial, and Old Palace Master uses a truth-finding artefact.
*Time Loop/Time Travel
Just Like A Monkey (I've Been Dancing My Whole Life) - Instead of being reborn after self-destructing, Shen Qingqiu keeps coming back on the Stairs of the Brothel in Jinlan City.
Master of Dual Cultivation Series - Shen Yuan reboots his time in PIDW. He is traumatised and less happy-go-lucky. This one is multi, with Liu Qingge and Yue Qingyuan getting more focus uptill now (in the first two stories) but Luo Binghe is important too.
*Shen Jiu and Shen Yuan
Deluxe System 2.0: Co-op Mode!
Found Brother Shen brothers.
A-Yuan Has at Least Three Friends - Shen Qingqiu turns into a kid with both Shen Yuan and Shen Jiu's memory. They are the same person.
Replacement Head Disciple Shen Yuan - Set after the Abyss, before Binghe's return. Shen Brothers.
*Epic (These fics are longer and plot-heavy, and won a special place in my heart)
You Reap What You Sow - Luo Binghe is the transmigrator. I thought it would be so-so, but turned out to be one of the best ones I've ever read. Also has Shen brothers.
Xiangyang - When you are born as the daughter of your murderer, what do you do? A question for the ages. No active pairing, original LBH and his harem is present.
Uprooted - Shen Yuan transmigrates as a minor villain in PIDW. Except he's not.
To Stem the Coming Tide - Shen Qingqiu learns about Shang Qinghua a bit earlier, and they plot to avoid their fate. No Endless Abyss.
I Wish You Were My Husband - The epickest of epics. It produced a number of spin-offs of it's own. Maybe I should put them under separate sub-headings when I have time. Bingqiu main pair, but has past yuejiu and hints of one-sided liushen.
A Wish to Change Fate - A great fanfic to IWYWMH. Shen Yuan is actually Shen Jiu's reincarnation. This fic touched my heart in all the right ways, gave me things I didn't even know I craved. Someday I should write about it in details. Hings of Bingjiu/Bingyuan (since both are the same).
No Wish for the Wicked - Shen Yuan wasn't around to take the place of Shen Jiu. Sad.
to love another (and to learn yourself) - Bingge tries to get his own Shizun and brings a Shen Yuan. Even without his cultivation power, Shen Yuan is not a pushover. Binggeyuan.
How to Train Your Shen Qingqiu - Another piece I ignored for a long time, but turned out to be very good. I need to reread it.
I usually avoid wips, but here are some of the best ones I read:
I Was Transmigrated as a Sword (Gen up till now)
Lotus Seeds - Shen Yuan runs away to save himself from the horrible fate of the Scum Villain - to the realm of the Lotus Eaters.
Scum Villain's Book of Prophecy - Shen jiu reads PIDW and learns the future. Original Luo Binghe/Original Shen Qingqiu. Almost finished, epic length.
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felpimburning · 6 months
New Au Idea:
So, Shen Yuan transmigrates into Luo Binghe instead of Shen Qingqiu, and out of everyone, it's the Qing Jing Peak Lord himself who grows suspicious of his disciple's sudden change in behaviour, so naturally the punishments lessen and Shen Yuan who is now Luo Binghe is just confused as hell.
After a while Shen Qingqiu begins to see there's more than meets the eye with his discjple and grows a small amount of fondness for the boy, all the while Luo Binghe is having a sexualising crisis and thinking he's developed a crush on his Shizun, because he has.
Once it's revealed Luo Binghe is a demon Shen Qingqiu still pushes him into the abyss and promises that if the boy can make it out alive that he'll explain why he pushed him, so of course Luo Binghe is working hard to get out and manages to do so after 2 years. He runs into Huan Hua and they manage to convince him to not go and search for Shen Qingqiu after another year, The Old Palace Master is a little bit handsy.
Luo Binghe runs into Shen Qingqiu in Jinlan city and immediately latches onto him, the discjples of Huan Hua are confused because they thought Shen Qingqiu must've hurt Luo Binghe badly, but here the man is clinging to his Shizun so that must've not happened.
The Old Palace Master is informed in a letter and decides to pull his Qiu Haitang card, and that manages to get Shen Qingqiu in the water prison, in this universe the man didn't kill Liu Qingge and so he wasn't charged with the murder of his fellow Peak Lord.
Luo Binghe plays some of his own cards and frees his Shizun, he offers for Shen Qingqiu to come with him to the demon realm but the man refuses and instead convinces his disciple to help him strike down the Old Palace Master.
After all this Luo Binghe tries to manipulate the Old Palace Master more but accidentally falls into a trap and is locked inside somewhere tied by thousands of Immortal Binding Cable, he gets touched in disgusting ways by the Old Palace Master and soon is saved by his Shizun who began to grow concerned at the lack of a report on the progression of infiltrating Huan Hua. Luo Binghe eventually asks for the explanation he waited for, for years.
Shen Qingqiu says that the reason he pushed Luo Binghe down there was because other cultivators would've killed him, and so he chose a different option in where he had a chance to survive.
Somehow, Tianlang Jun gets free and Luo Binghe is just trying not to die of embarrassment as he is given the 'talk' by the dad he forgot he even had, so the young man just decides to admit he's gay in front of his father, cousin, and Shizun who seems to want to bash his head with a rock whenever Tianlang Jun talks.
The older man smirks at this and just dumps a bunch of gay porn books into his son's unknowing hands.
After a while more, the duo manage to successfully take down the Old Palace Master but Xin Mo is acting up, Luo Binghe hadn't done anything to satisfy it for a while. For some reason unknown to him, Shen Qingqiu agrees to help, and so the two dual cultivate to work things out.
This is still in planning stage so you might have to wait for updates.
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horsegirlwarcrimes · 2 months
would u tell me a bit about some svsss thoughts, au‘s ideas or wips of yours?(<- half way through a 9 hour train/bus journey & really bored) please?🥺
i could tell u about my tgirl-sqq/sy au that i’m never gonna write, cuz i genuinely don’t enjoy writing? or maybe show u a picture of my sisters newborn (cutest baby u have ever seen)
omg PLEASE tell me ur thoughts on tgirl sqq I love trans sqq (any direction but esp transfem it's so special to me)
let'sss see, I have a lot of wip and au thoughts at the moment as I nervously procrastinate several important projects 😅
I had a cold earlier this week so I wrote half of a fluffy fic inflicting my cold onto SQQ:
“Liu-shidi is out at the moment,” Shen Qingqiu said, an awful rasp to his voice that Luo Binghe hated.  “Surely Shizun can call him back?” Luo Binghe pleaded.  “For what?” Shen Qingqiu asked, waving a sleeve. “A small cold? This master has managed worse. He’ll return when he returns, and until then it's not so bad.”  “But Shizun–” Luo Binghe tried to object, but Shen Qingqiu gave him a stern look that caused Luo Binghe to fold at once. He redoubled his efforts of looking sad and concerned and despondent as a quick countermeasure, and Shen Qingqiu sighed.  “It’s not so bad,” he repeated. “This master can still perform his duties just fine. Most likely it will pass before Liu Qingge even returns.”
outside of that, i have been on a major qijiu brainrot kick (i have a 8k fic for them i should be posting as soon as i decide if it needs a stronger dose of sqq or not + decide how to end it (sob)), and also reading a ton of disciple days/canon timeline bingqiu and having big feelings about how much i love them. ive also been returning to my unhorny women and gender studies liu qingge omegaverse fic that i am always contemplating but never actually writing, in which liu qingge is a not-like-other-girls omega in PIDW omegaverse and tries to marry shen qingqiu due to fantasy comp het
besides that, here are some concepts ive jotted down in my notes app this week loll:
dragon!YQY hoarding peak lords
this is literally all i have written down for this but i want it to be something SO BAD. save me dragon yqy. dragon yqy save me
Yue Qingyuan is cursed into an endless sleep The other peak lords call on Shen Qingqiu to enter his mind and wake him up as the person closest to him, only... SQQ actually barely knows this guy! He and Binghe take a dream journey through YQY's subconscious and eventually find that SJ is haunting him and eating his power which is keeping him asleep. They must either banish him ORRR.... Sun and Moon Dew mushroom time
i dont think ill write this so if anyone else does....... please take this idea and run w it haha
Sy transmigrated into the little palace Mistress??? Ahhh...
i THINK this came after reading stiltonbasket's SY!QWY fic, because i was thinking about the old palace master being a huge creep and shen yuan dealing with that from inside huan hua palace. i really see shen yuan going on a journey of gender discovery (his own gender AND the perils of misogyny that he never understood as a cis internet man(he thought he was cis at least)) and political intrigue as he tries to get to the heart of whats wrong with huan hua while dodging and or attempting to track down luo binghe. plot??? idk her
Deaf Shang qinghua!! Mbj doesnt notice
someday i must write this bc i love writing my favs as deaf or hoh. id love to explore shang qinghua as being both physically and culturally Deaf and how that plays into his interactions with the world post-transmigration, where there is even less accommodations or access for someone with a disability and he is cut off from his community, especially in terms of his work on an ding and relationship with his martial siblings. mbj not noticing a major facet of his life feels in character and like great drama lol, and i think the conclusion is definitely mbj learning ZGS that teaches him and he ends up liking using it way more than speaking verbally, both for sqh's ease and because he doesnt like to talk lol
i hope this is what u meant hahaha i could talk abt wips and svsss ideas all day. they are living in my head rent free 24/7 。゚(TヮT)゚。 i hope your trip goes by smoothly and quickly!!
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rarepears · 2 years
Since the Peak Lord of Cang Qiong change leadership when the former generation ascends, has anyone ever asked SY why he hasn’t ascended and how would he deal with that question. My bet is that he makes up some vague excuse that everyone interprets differently.
Like some think that he’s staying here out of choice because there some vague de rois threat that only he can take care of.
Other think that it’s because he wants to avoid someone who has ascended *cough cough* former lover *cough cough*
Etc etc
It’d be funny to see how he inadvertently spreads rumours of his mystique and prowess by doing nothing
No one would dare question an elder like that - that's so rude! But gossiping behind the Old Palace Master's back is fair game.
There's a number of running theories - all unconfirmed but there's a LOT of evidence that certainly points in those directions. Okay here's some of them:
The Old Palace Master hasn't finished studying all the creatures and plants in the mortal and demonly realm. He wants to discover them all before he moves onto studying the heavenly beasts.
Although the cultivation world preaches cultivators to lose their attachments to the mortal realm, the Old Palace Master has a LOT of attachments to people that he doesn't want to leave behind. There's disciples, pets, and even mortal food cough cough.
The Old Palace Master can ward off some suitors via seniority and status down here. In the heavenly realm, he loses that layer of protection. :)
The Old Palace Master has Beef with some god named... Airplane? They can't exist in the same realm together without Attempted Murder.
[More in #Shen Yuan transmigrated into the Old Palace Master]
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pr0cyon-lotor · 2 months
AU where Shen Yuan is transmigrated into the beast taming peak's head disciple that looks absolutely nothing like him (obviously not named sy but for clarity sake I'm saying Shen Yuan) when Shen Jiu comes in. He's barely paying attention to the beef this scrawny teenager has with him because he's too focused on hating his reflection because his body feels wrong and his mind is telling him his body is wrong (body dysphoria)
He just avoids mirrors and learns how to get ready without looking at his reflection. He's in a constant state of panic because his body feels wrong and he knows it's wrong.
And through accidents and pure vibes he gets Shen Jiu to somewhat like him. He doesn't even mean it, he was just was a decent person. They hang out with each other sometimes and eventually Shen Yuan gets close enough to Shen Jiu that he's allowed to help him cultivate and fix his meridians.
But the longer he's in the body, the more his soul rejects it. The meridians don't align with him, the limbs are too off, he's the wrong size, his hands are wrong, everything feeling wrong, even his eyes are wrong. And his soul knows it's wrong and is rejecting it.
Eventually it's Shen Jiu having to help him cultivate instead of the other way around. Shen Yuan is forced to step down as head disciple and there's even talk about him getting kicked out of the sect since he can't even properly cultivate anymore.
Their shishu from Qian Cao even starts to check on him and only finds bizarre things that have only been written about. That the soul was suddenly misaligned and it's trying to pass qi through meridians that doesn't fit it. Everyone points to the violent qi deviation he apparently had a while before.
Shen Yuan just lets it go in one ear and out the other. He knows why his soul is rejecting the body, but he says nothing. Suddenly everyone is treating him like glass and he's barely allowed to do anything "dangerous".
Shen Jiu doesn't baby him that much, but he's clearly worried. And during one of the times he's trying to help Shen Yuan with his cultivation, he notices something strange. He notices that the soul isn't misaligned, it just doesn't match. It's a barely noticable offset, but he did catch it.
Once Shen Yuan leaves, he immediately goes to Qing Jing's library to figure out any possibilities. The best thing he could figure out is possession. Supposedly, the changes started after Shen Yuan had his qi deviation, which is likely when the possession occurred, but that happened before Shen Jiu entered the sect so as far as he's concerned this Shen Yuan was his Shen Yuan. He couldn't mourn a man he never knew.
While Shen Jiu was doing research, Shen Yuan went to Shang Qinghua to ask about the sun moon dew mushroom. Shang Qinghua hesitantly makes a request for an off peak exploration with Shen Yuan. He lied a bit (a lot) and said it was to test a supposedly mystical spring said to help with such things.
The quest for the seed was a success (Su Xiyan probably helped). Shen Yuan is forced to use his deteriorating cultivation to grow the body. Shang Qinghua helps as well and is the one constantly checking on it since Shen Yuan isn't really allowed off the peak too often.
Around the 3rd year Shen Yuan is forced to be bedridden and uses spirit stones as a way to transfer his spiritual energy to the seed with Shang Qinghua being the one to bring them to the seed.
By the 5th year, his soul has practically fully rejected the body and was ready to just hop into the plant body. Everyone has been increasingly worried since Shen Yuan looks just about to drop dead and absolutely no cultivation seems to help.
Eventually Shen Yuan's Shizun suggests that they used a sun moon dew mushroom to save him, but the whole talk with Huan Hua was unsuccessful and took too long. By the time the Old Palace Master even allowed them to even look for the mushroom, the plant body was done growing and Shen Yuan finally dropped dead.
This obviously crushed a lot of people. Especially his Shizun who saw Shen Yuan as a son. And VERY MUCH Shen Jiu, who became an even worse shut in and his temper got worse.
When Shen Yuan finally crawls out of the ground, the Qing generation ascended. Shen Qingqiu is known to be an even worse shut in than he is in PIDW to the point that even a few of his own disciples don't know his face.
Shen Yuan is finally in a body like his old one and his cultivation also massively improves because he can finally actually cultivate. He goes to live his best life as a rogue cultivator under his real name.
He visits Shang Qinghua often enough to mostly hear about the goings on in the sect. He is at first surprised that Shen Jiu mourned him and even more surprised that he was Shen Qingqiu (the signs were there).
He fights with himself if he should check on him because on one hand, that is Jiu-er and he likes the kid, but on the other hand, that is also Shen Qingqiu. So he ends up just throwing it into the back of his mind.
Later on, Shang Qinghua slips up during a meeting with Shen Qingqiu and accidentally says something Shen Yuan related. Shen Qingqiu clocks that it sounded a lot like the beast taming peak's former head disciple, so he starts interrogating Shang Qinghua.
Shen Qingqiu tells him he knows that disciple was possessed or something like that because the soul was foreign. Shang Qinghua is shitting bricks, but manages to make up a believable lie about how someone from his hometown he was friends with died young and his soul had stuck to the disciple after his qi deviation as the spirit wandered. And that was why he had gotten sick because the soul rejected the vessel.
Shen Qingqiu can tell there's parts that aren't completely true but he can't find any full lies either. He concludes that Shang Qinghua is just lying about parts that would be too personal or something.
And after more pushing, he gets Shang Qinghua to admit he knew Shen Yuan was going to die and they planted a plant body for him to transfer into. Almost instantly Shen Qingqiu demands to meet Shen Yuan, and Shang Qinghua can't weasel himself out of this one and begrudgingly arranges an excursion out of the sect. Yue Qingyuan agrees almost instantly because Shen Qingqiu never left the sect after Shen Yuan's death, so he thinks it'll be good for him.
They go to a town Shen Yuan frequents and find him pretty quickly. Shang Qinghua points him out and doesn't even bother following Shen Qingqiu and just goes off to do something else (he refuses to third wheel here)
Shen Qingqiu goes to Shen Yuan and starts bickering with him almost instantly (he got nervous in front of him crush). Shen Yuan calls him a pest as always and fondly rolls his eyes before realizing that Shen Jiu probably didn't recognize him and went to backtrack.
Shen Jiu stops it and tells him that Shang Qinghua told him. Shen Yuan is surprised and then gets awkward as he tries to apologize for not telling him. Shen Jiu cuts him off and tells him he has no interest in apologies, and also that he figured it out a while ago.
And then they idk have some totally #platonic #heterosexual gay sex in Shen Yuan's inn room. I don't know bro I didn't think about the ending. They could've just talked. Honestly whichever one you want ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯
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luobingmeis · 1 year
somewhere, in some parallel universe, far far away, there is a scum villain where tianlang-jun hears what the old palace master has done to su xiyan and just fucking kills him. no consequences. and he, su xiyan, and luo binghe get to live happily ever after. zhuzhi-lang gets to be binghe’s weird but endearing little cousin. shen yuan still beefs it but this time he’s transmigrated into a romantic comedy.
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tcfactory · 4 months
a fun idea on the "im gay and pissed about it" is the concept of "what do you mean i share tastes with shang shidi". qinghua mentions offhandedly that the sect is full of very handsome men who are strong and muscular and have the AUDACITY to wear respectable layers of clothing in heat and filth when he could be looking at their chests. sj nods along absentmindedly then hEY WAIT. WHAT. WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT. AND WHY DOES HE AGREE WITH YOU-
I'm snickering, because he would be mega upset that he's in agreement with Shang-shidi. At least he can blame the gay thoughts on Shang Qinghua, thirsty shidi is infecting everyone with residual horny.
Also, the fact that Shang Qinghua's (future) husband does walk around with his chest bared to the world a lot of the time makes this so much worse. Number 1 reason to turn CQMS into a demonic sect: shameless demon fashion.
...you know, that would make for a good comedy oneshot I think. SQH convinces the Sect to convert to a 'demonic' path to avoid all the plot and get rid of the stress of having to hide MBJ all the damn time. YQY agrees because this way nobody can hold SQQ's background under Wu Yanzi against him, LQG doesn't care as long as he can go hunt monsters, MQF is fine with this as long as they can maintain their reputation as 'decent people' (bc mortals care more about that than jianghu politics), WQW gets a shitton of new customers from the demon realm... the only one who would be strongly against it is QQQ, depending on how the mortal emperors would view a 'demonic' sect.
He convinces SQQ by gesturing at MBJ and his chest-out fashion like "this could be YQY and LGQ if we converted" and that holds more appeal than SQQ would ever admit. (QiJiu reconciliation fueled by too many horny thoughts? And then YQY 'bullies' SQQ into wearing the new uniforms and oh, there goes LQG. SQQ has two hands and with one he has to keep holding onto stupid sexy Liu-shidi so he stops walking into walls.)
And what better way to convert the sect than get TLJ out from under the mountain and pledge their allegiance to him? If SQH pulls this madness off in time they might even have a chance to save SXY! (Which would placate QQQ, especially after the Old Palace Master's garbage comes to light - she will be one of the main advocates of throwing the man in a pit of fire ants and watching him die a slow, well-deserved death.)
So OPM's manipulation is all out in the open and HHP is going under and I guess that's just barely enough to put them as "not a righteous sect and not an evil sect, but a secret third thing (weird)" which sure is a reputation to have, but not a bad one as such. Anyway, TLJ is the emperor of a whole realm and he's bankrolling them, so it's not like they need to play nice with the rest of the jianghu if they don't want to.
That sure would be a fun scenario for Shen Yuan to transmigrate into, huh? Lands as a nameless OC disciple (17 and very sassy) who's joining CQMS after his native sect was destroyed by some random catastrophe and he's making up all these elaborate plans in his head on how to help LBH out in the sect, only to find out that LBH (also 17 and very spoiled) is head disciple of Bai Zhan, getting kinda-but-not-really preferential treatment because he's the son of the sect benefactor. Also for funsies please imagine a Moshang spawn there too, because SQH developed an unfortunate habit of falling into every wifeplot ever (it's the System's revenge).
Trouble trios Ning Yingying+Sha Hualing+Liu Mingyan vs Shen Yuan+Bingmei+Moshang sprog unintentionally trying to outdo each other on who can cause their respective Shizuns the bigger headache. Shen Yuan isn't certain why he ended up in such a wacky AU fanfic setting, but Binghe is happy and handsome and keeps hitting on him cooking him snacks to make him feel welcome after what happened to his old sect, so he's enjoying his time too much to complain (much).
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greenflamedwriter · 2 years
Kiss her not ME! PART ONE
[Shen Yuan | Gongyi Xiao. Safe for work/ Mentions of sleeping around but no actual written smut. ] So SY transmigrates as Gongyi Xiao, and in trying to save himself from his cedric diggory fate ends up not only gaining the attention of the protagonist himself he also accidently has a harem unaware that each man he meets he gains their loyalty! Snakes follow him, a rogue cultivator in the woods who he always night hunts with and even has fun, he gained the scum villains attention with both of their appreciation over fans and then the little rat Shang Qinghua.
Given that Luo Binghe also has a harem along with love trysts with Mobei-Jun. It seems as if everyones sleeping together but Gongyi Xiao is oblivious to the whole thing. He's just trying to survive and wait until his plant mushroom body is ripe!
Gongyi Xiao had a simple small story, a footnote who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time admist Luo Binghe's Blackening.
Gongyi Xiao is handsome, talented and a head disciple promised to the little palace mistress. A rival to the protagonist but thats not all, his humilating defeat dignity in tatters before he dies off screen. Not only is his death pathetic, oh no before the events leading up to that Gongyi Xiao would be cuckholed forced to watch his ex fiance drape herself over Binghe and have his manhood figurativly crushed like all stallion novels forced to watch Luo Binghe take whatever maiden he likes while the men have to watch in jealous rage.
Gongyi Xiao originally challenged Luo Binghe and mysteriously died after on a night hunt, with his title of head disciple taken, losing the respect of not only the Palace mistress but the Old palace master as well his death was seen as a good riddance.
From a respected shining diamond of the Huan hua palace now tossed into the trash as he was reduced to fools gold. Gongyi Xiao was a cannon fodder rival with a doomed ending....
So when Shen Yuan woke up in the body of Gongyi Xiao one year after the immortal alliance he realised he only had less than four years to prepare for Luo Binghes arrival. And He'd be damned if he ends up following in the orginal goods footsteps!
Hell no!
Leave me alone, Mistress!
Get the f*ck away from ME, you two face diciples who will stab this one in the back as soon as someone better and more handsome comes along!
And what the hell is up with the palace master!? Why does he give Gongyi Xiao a bad vibe? He tried to reason it away but his gut instinct was making him feel off balanced.
Gongyi Xiao began to distance himself, training harder to become stronger.
Once Luo Binghe gets here and snatches away the title of Head Disciple Gongyi Xiao will leave. And to survive in the world of PIDW he needs to be stronger. Cannon fodders always die but if he becomes a rouge cultivator along with the knowledge of PIDW he could potentially survive anything if he stays out of Binghes way!
By using the resources and training harder, most disciples shrugged and thought that Gongyi Xiao was taking his duties too seriously. Meanwhile Xiao Gongzhu is getting increasingly infuriated that her fiance is withdrawing and it gets worse when Gongyi Xiao reveals that he has second thoughts on the marriage that he doesnt feel good enough or worthy enough.
Instead of making her bad off, it made her think he was having doubts, she took his hands and spoke that he was worthy and once he's the new palace master they will marry and run the sect together!
This was NOT going the way he wanted.
So he ended up conceiving and spoke "The man who is strong enough to claim title to being the Palace Master of Huan hua sect will be worthy of being Xiao Gongzhu's husband." When saying this he was thinking of Binghe, while the mistress felt placated.
Thankfully that agreement will be void when Binghe arrives Gongyi Xiao hummed to himself.
His plan to run away was only one of many plans, his back-up plan was to hopefully get stronger and maybe endear himself to Binghe. If he was useful and not a dead weight soldier he could maybe be someone trusted to be Binghes confident, like Mobei-Jun who is his right hand man, Gongyi Xiao can be his left! He could help at Huan hua while Mobei-Jun deals with his demon palace.
But if that doesnt work his back-up back-up plan is a plant body he planted immedietly, it was growing well and was easy to maintain the irregation system he set up by applying a tailsman he didnt have to be there with the body to infuse it with Qi steadly!
Then there was his correspondence with the other sects, in honesty he only wanted blackmail from Shen Qingqiu. If he delieved that guy on a silver platter he might have the golden ticket to freedom!
But instead he found troubling letters about Tianglang-jun, he found himself researching and when he found that history strangely blank he began to ask questions.
If all the sects were called to lock up this demon, then where were the evidence or signs of Tianglang-Jun preparing to fight?
The old Palace master blew the whistle but why? What reason made him do it? He then had a letter giving the details of Luo Binghes mother Su Xiyan and that Luo Binghe looked so much like her at the Immortal alliance conference.
Gongyi Xiao bit his lip, it was...strange. How she died was he assisting the demons- but then how was Luo Binghe born and...where did she go?
The worst part he was starting to get strange letters from Sects trying to...poach him from Huan hua. They said his talents were wasted and he would do more good in the other sects, even Yue Qingyuan wrote a letter asking to meet up with the future head disciple to see if he were looking for any positions.
This was strange...and an OBVIOUS DEATH FLAG!
Gongyi groaned hiding all the letters and wondering if he should just burn them- then again, running away to a different Sect he could potentially save one by allying with Luo Binghe.
Running away seemed better, but with no safety nets. If he went to a sect that had stability it would be an even more crushing defeat.
He'd had to wait until Luo Binghe arrived.
Worse part he was still empty handed, other than him lotering around brothels nothing. Cang Qiong Mountain was quiet about Liu Qingges death and it would be stupid to throw around accusations.
As Gongyi Xiao was practicing sword forms, ignoring the diciples watching him. The boys sneering and the girls giggling, Gongyi Xiao almost fumbled when a dangerous thought almost shattered his concentration.
He only reached out to the two sects on information from Shen Qingqiu, close friends he made from the alliance who would never tell a soul...
So two out of the four sects...who told Cang Qiong mountain- and was Yue Qingyuans letter really a strange invitation- when in reality it was a threat.
If he could [and it wouldn't be OC] he would smash his skull against a wall not only does he have Binghe to contend with he may as well have told Cang Qiong mountain to look out for him too!
As he worked tirelessly getting stronger, going on night hunts, sharpening his knoloedge he lost track of time.
He never really knew when Luo Binghe would arrive.
Or the night.
So on this on perticular night, avoiding the mistress, and the Master who seemed to be watching him even more carefully Gongyi Xiao practically leapt to his feet when the wards around the Huan hua Palace was activated and volunteered to investiage!
He needed out of this palace- and its not like anything bad can happen to him yet, he needed to meet Binghe and get cuckholed- so he was safe till then!
So as Gongyi Xiao went into the forest at night using a [orb thingy I forgot the name leave me alone or please tell me and I'll change this to the xianxias equivilant of a torch >,<]
He felt the demonic presence before he saw it, drawing his sword and extinguishing his light, Gongyi Xiao came across a clearing in the woods where the moon breached the space with its light. Like a spotlight on the stage, Gongyi Xiao gaped to see a man slumped against a tree, shadowed in dark robes and the red could be his clothes also or blood.
Gongyi Xiao almost dropped his sword, Luo Binghe!?
It had to be him- what other handsome demon would appear this close to Huan hua Palace!?
[boy if only he knew about Tianglang-jun]
Gongyi Xiao took a step forward then stiffened as the demonic presence vanished, like your ears popped and there was a sudden silence.
It felt more foreboding...
"Hello? Excuse me, young master?" He spoke softly, as if he was approaching a wounded animal instead and also- what the hell?
The Palace mistress- or when of the Huan hua sisters should be here! Where was a little sister to patch up the protagonists wounds and give him that tender care and warmth especially after his ordeal from the abyss.
Expecting danger, Binghe would be flighty.
Gongyi Xiao put away his sword and approached slowly raising his hands up.
"Are you injured? Do you need help?"
Since he was not a maiden, he was almost afraid Luo Binghe may be mad or have a possible Qi Deviation if he would attack Gongyi it seemed likely.
The other shifted, red eyes peeking out through black hair, Gongyi rested on one knee but approached no further.
"Luo Binghe-Shixiong?" He asked in shock, or pretend shock. Which of course had the other perk, finally taking in the golden disciple before him and the forest he was in. A huge contrast to the abyss.
"You..." his voice sounded rough from disuse Luo binghe swallowed "You know this one?"
Oh thank goodness a maiden wasn't here, she would've been distracted by such a tenous voice.
"Yes, uh- This one is Gongyi Xiao, Disciple of Huan Hua Palace. Both of us participated at the immortal alliance conference five years ago."
He gave him time to digest that as he saw the others face change going through a range of emotions before settling on nuetral.
He had no idea who the perfomance was for, there was no anger or ill intent there. Luo Binghe only looked lost, then slumped like his strings were cut. Anyone would be moved.
Gongyi had to give him an oscar.
Luo Binghe grunted, clutching his chest and Gongyi Xiao almost panicked then remembered no sudden moves.
Gongyi activated his emergency flare, "Don't worry, The Huan hua palace master should come for help soon," He spoke urgently as he hovered but stayed in Binghes line of sight.
"Can this one check Luo Binghes meridians?"
Luo Binghe nodded eyes shutting tight, Gongyi Xiao took his wrist and felt the termulous qi and went into another panic.
If Luo Binghe was exposed as a demon here, the Huan hua would shoot first ask questions later! Goddammit maybe a maiden DID stumble upon Luo Binghe and triggered a qi deviation that would then lead into some dub-con papapa!?
But dual cultivation wasn't on the cards since there were no little sisters around!
Gongyi Xiao began to push his own Qi against the others, hoping that he could help clear Binghes meridians the best he could.
In time he felt the other relax, his meridians beggining to soothe and Gongyi Xiao gave sigh of relief.
And just like that the cavalry appeared taking Luo Binghe into the Huan hua Palace. The beggining of Luo Binghes arc and the end to Gongyi Xiaos peace.
Y'know what? Gongyi Xiao would get upset, but he was too busy marveling at the story parralells! Airplane was really holding out on him!
Of course Luo Binghe was introduced, all domineering and a force to be reckoned with. What would you expect from the protagonist? Gongyi Xiao found himself buckling under the pressure of extra duties, he struggled while Luo Binghe flourished and after a spar for the whole Huan hua palace to see along with Gongyi Xiaos humiliating defeat. Luo Binghe found himself as the new head disciple easily.
And Gongyi Xiao was ridiculed, beaten by the other Huan hua disciples who probably felt pent up about their own inadequicies and felt it justified to take it out on Gongyi. Then if that weren't enough, he found his position being pushed down further into the dirt.
Chores only younger and outer disciples were then delegated to him. He found himself in the kitchens working with the staff, doing laundry, and other menial work. Most forgot who he was and spoke to him with no respect before 'remembering'
Which is all fine and dandy, if Gongyi Xiao wasn't already doing it. Even the staff he worked with had to look at him bemused. Gongyi Xiao once he transmigrated knew he was going to get booted out. And if he was going to be a rogue cultivator he would have to learn how to cook and do meanial chores.
Although, laundry was on his to-do list. That was the one thing he kept putting off.
He was tired, battered and bruised from the rough housing of his martial siblings, his hands ached from chopping wood, heavy lifting of moving parcels and packages that the Huan Hua needed for some dumb reason as well as helping out in the kitchen.
His first excuse to weasel his way in was if he was going to be the Palace Master he needed to know the inns and outs, after seeing how hard working he was gained the respect of many. Which now they had to grimace realisng that their dreams of a more accomidating Palace Master went up in smoke with the arrival of Binghe.
Still, even with how quick the Palace mistress and master were Gongyi Xiao had to wrap and take care of his injuries himself.
And when he decieded to tackle laundry, even grimacing at the dirty clothes of Huan hua he had to bemoan why they used white and yellow- why not follow Binghes example and wear all black?
Of course when his hands touched the water along with the powder used to clean their clothes Gongyi Xiao immidietly yelped feeling as if he poured salt into tiny wounds in his hands. The heavy labour previously along with this made him grimace in pain, now that he was expecting it though he tried again to get through the first batch of clothes as quickly as possible.
He felt the hair rise on the back of his neck and turned to find a shadow in the doorway.
"You make it so easy," Luo Binghe spoke, his eyes devoid and looking down on Gongyi Xiao, both literally and figurtively. "To let others step all over you."
Gongyi Xiao couldn't help but press his lips together, you'd think for someone who was in this position himself Luo Binghe would be more sympathetic?
But alas, Luo Binghe saw himself in Gongyi Xiao, even the way he brightened with a smile.
"This one is afraid to misunderstand Luo Binghes meaning, this one wanted to help the burden we place on our staff and has learned so many things." He smiled, but inside he really wanted Luo Binghe to grow bored and walk away.
Instead Luo Binghe glanced at his hands, that were red and trembling slightly from the unused labour. A sneer graced his handsome features as he turned in a clear dismissal.
...Gongyi Xiao had no idea what he was expecting, to see his favourite protagonist and to be dismissed like that, he hadn't even done anything- but of course he was a man a rival to Luo Binghe!
And yet...it still hurt.
Looking back on the past couple weeks building up to this, Gongyi Xiao stood straighter in his formation with the other disciples as they were doing drills together.
Of course!
Being bullied, facing grueling labour it was a parralell to Luo Binghes white lotus arc! And what next- Luo Binghe found himself falling to the same pattern as Shen Qingqiu that abuse leads to abuse?
Gongyi Xiao thought this was far fetched and yet, everything was leading up to it. He found himself cornered by Luo Binghe along with his followers.
"The Palace Mistress was looking for you, Shidi." Luo Binghe spoke, and Gongyi Xiao tensed, no way! She had no interest when he started to distance himself years prior why now?
"Thats cruel to ignore a buetiful lady, Shidi. No respect at all." He saw the others perk up and came to the conclusion.
Was the Palace Mistress like Ning Yingying? An excuse to beat up the sad underdog character?
And Luo Binghe found himself playing the same role as Ming Fan.
Maybe he thought it was normal, watching how the golden robe disciples would beat up on of their own, like hyenas respecting the strong and eating the weak.
Inside, Gongyi Xiao was miserable, running away and staying alert whenever Binghe or even his followers would find him and trying his hardest to keep busy with more work to avoid them. And when that failed he went to the library to cram as many books as he could soon he'll lose access to this sect and their knowledge might as well bulk up!
But it all came to a head, when Gongyi Xiao requested more missions. The more field work he can do alone, the easier he can get away from this sect!
Which of course, the Old Palace Master denied, claiming some cock and bullshit story about his daughter needing a body guard.
Look- if Gongyi Xiao witnessed Binghe and the mistress messing around he's dead! Game over! With only local missions in the town near the sect, Gongyi Xiao felt depressed. Faking his death seemed to be the only option at this point.
"There you are!"
kill me. He thought before plastering a smile on his face.
palace mistress comes in, asks why hes avoding her- says he's not. She asks if hes upset about the position, he says he's relieved. That truthfully, he's never saw himself as a palace master. That he really wanted to work on his beastiary, he shows her some pages and tells her that thanks to Binghe he has all this free time and wants more missions to study these beasts but the old palace master said no because she needs bodyguarding.
She asks why
"Luo Binghe- he's the new head disciple and you seem to like him. He can take care of you."
"Thats not- but you promised! Why does it feel as if your giving up!"
"This one said the man who was stronger and more worthy to be Palace master should marry Xiao Gongzhu." He spoke softly "This one never thought it would be him. You like him too, wouldn't it be easier if I wasnt in the way?"
She didn't look happy, if anything she looked more annoyed.
"You've always wanted to run away. Now your using Luo Binghe as an excuse."
"You've never spoken to me for years you've avoided all of our martial siblings they kept saying you thought you were better than them. That you think your so good because you train and study. But I knew that wasn't true. Now that Luo Binghe is here you have more free time and yet I see even less of you! Do you hate Huan Hua that badly, you look down on us don't you!" She yelled close to tears, Gongyi Xiao flinched he had no clue where this was coming from.
But the truth was...he did look down on Huan hua, how could he not? In the books he always thought the sect was useless using their money to pay for talent and even then it meant nothing when they couldn't back it up.
If Huan hua weren't rich they would be the laughing stock of the sects! And Gongyi Xiao wanted to do better, he had a small hope that if he was good enough he could be a soldier for Luo Binghe like Mobei Jun he could be secure and safe and do whatever the heck he wanted. But it was scary if he was too competent Luo Binghe may kill him.
"This one became Head Disciple because there was no one better." He spoke placing his hands on his knees "But with Luo Binghe here, this one knows when he's beat, working hard means nothing compared to pure talent and Luo Binghe is someone this disciple trusts to be the new head of the Huan Hua Palance." He glanced at the mistress pressing her lips together.
"My whole plan was to take over as that was my duty but this one never wanted it. If anyone better came along this one would gladly step aside...this one figured Huan Hua was still my home even if that were the case."
"It IS your home Gongyi! You dont have to- to, pull away from us!"
He gave her a dry look "How can this one not feel unwanted with the way the other Martial siblings treat this one? You have also spent more time with Luo-Shixiong than this one so this disciple thought it'd better to give you space," He looked away with a grin "Give Luo-Shixiong the talk once he proposes."
"Now see here Gongy- wait propose?"
"Has he not proposed yet? tsk, this Shixiong of mine." Gongyi Xiao leered at the Mistress and she slapped his arm.
He laughed and felt something inside his chest unravel as she laughed too.
"Your not going to leave?" Gongyi glanced at her in surprise "No- not unless you want me to go."
She nodded placing her head on his shoulder and Gongyi Xiao tensed then forced himself to relax.
"Gongyi Xiao never this one that way, has he?" She asked and Gongyi pressed his lips together.
"This one is sorry."
"Don't be, you can't force peoples feelings. We're childhood friends young love never usually works out."
For Luo Binghe it does, he thought then banished it from his mind after. "You need to show those martial siblings whose boss, just because Luo Binghe beat you doesn't mean you let everyone walk all over you. Show them you were head disciple for a reason." He shook his head "That'll just make them worse."
"Your a Huan hua disciple, you need to stick up for yourself."
"This one will...try."
Luo Binghe and Gongyi Xiao talk and Binghe still looks down on him before helping him with the luandry and calling Gongyi privaleged for taking such things for granted and probably had a taste of what working class go through and has the nerve to be upset? With others less fortunate and then acts happy to abandon all respobsibilites?
Gongyi feels ashamed, not just as himself but as Shen Yuan.
But working side by side with Luo Binghe both of their hands plunging into hot water, Gongyi Xiao spoke "This is why this one started doing this. I'm aware of how lucky this one is and wanted to help around the Huan Hua Palace whenever I could. And if this one went on more missions would have to learn how to be independent." He glanced at Luo Binghe and smiled "Binghe is so good at this, I wonder if there is anything he can't do."
Binghe was quiet for a moment so Gongyi Xiao went back to work wringing out the fabric to place in the basket to then put on the line, sure he could use drying tailsmans but he noticed a difference after a while as if some water pockets were still being stored in the fabric, long story short. Gongyi still felt damp.
So he cursed airplane as he pushed another fabric into the vat.
"This ones mother was a washerwomen." Binghe spoke softly and Gongyi Xiao stopped eyes looking up to Binghe in surprise.
Binghe noticed and scowled "Are you looking down on me?"
"What no!" Gongyi Xiao spoke in shock "I was- this one is just surprised that Luo-Shixiong feels comfortable enough to tell me." Gongyi Xiao couldn't surpress his smile. The fact that Luo Binghe actually told someone who wasn't a wife! That is a big deal- that is something Binghe would hold to his chest. Gongyi Xiao looked down feeling pleased that Binghe trusted him to tell him. If Gongyi was doing right maybe they could be friends.
He looked up and spoke "Theres nothing shameful about ones past, this one never understood why others would look down on people who did honest labour." He hummed, in the cultivation world and his own it was something he never understood.
But there was something he wanted Binghe to know, as a reader, something even his wives and closest allies never told him. Something even Ning Yingying never spoke about. And Gongyi knew he should keep his mouth shut. But he felt as if Luo Binghe should know.
"This one may not know much about people what their thoughts and feelings are, but I have a strong feeling...that..." Gongyi Xiao looked up at Luo Binghe who glanced at him, his expression nuetral as he kept working but glanced at him in this moment then paused at the look on Gongyi Xiaos face.
"Luo-Shixiong, this one knows your mother would be proud of you."
Binghe's eyes widened just a little and that raw emotion immedietly made Gongyi Xiao uncomfortable as he looked down scrubbing faster, why didn't he say that when he was going to put the clothes on the line he would've made a cool exit. ugh!
Now he made it awkward.
The only sounds of both of them washing the clothes he felt Luo Binghe stop and walk around him to place the cloth into the basket.
Gongyi Xiao cleared his throat "Thank you Shixiong, this shidi will take the rest from here."
As he moved to take the basket he heard Luo Binghe speak.
"What made you decide to do this? To lower yourself with the help?" He asked and Gongyi blinked as he looked up at him.
"Well, at first when this one was Head Disciple and had the responsibility of being the new Palace Master thought it made sense to know the ins and outs of the entire palace and how everything worked. And with some free time thought it was fair to help. We should all do our part to make Huan Hua Palace the best it can be." Gongyi grimaced as he glanced away.
"This one is aware of the rumours and our reputation and how the other sects look down on us that we buy our talent. This one wanted to change that," He glanced up at Luo Binghe and shrugged "And when rare talent presents itself this one thinks it best to know when to step aside."
"You have no issue with this one being the new head disciple?" Gongyi Xiao nodded hoping Luo Binghe would believe him. "Honestly shixiong? This one would rather go on night hunts and study beasts and other demons, as a head disciple this one barely had any time and had to compromise and put Huan Hua first. Now with all this free time this one can study and hone this craft to my herts content!" Honestly protagonist this one will gladly give all Huan Hua resposibilty to you!
"A bit hard with no missions?" Luo Binghe asked and Gongyi Xiao grimaced "Yes, this one thought they would be glad to be rid of me."
"You noticed that? This one thought you were oblivious." Luo Binghe dried his hands on some cloth and Gongyi Xiao had to frown.
Did He think he was stupid? Who was he? Ning Yingying!?
"It was hard not to notice, this one just pretended he couldn't see."
The harsh light returned to Luo Binghes eyes, he almost looked angry and Gongyi Xiao's grip tightened on the basket, did he say something wrong? "Why don't you fight back?"
"There doesnt seem to be a point, its understandable they probably feel bad about their own cultivation and want to take that frustration out on others. Its not something I can fault them for." He saw the jealousy, the envy and saw that when Luo Binghe bested Gongyi Xioa he saw their faces lighting up with hope.
"This one blames himself, by trying so hard with training and studying I allientated the others acted like I was too good for them. They probably leave me alone when they realise this one is human just like the rest of them."
"What if thats not what their thinking? They just want to hurt you and you make it so easy."
Luo Binghe said that before, saying he made it so easy.
Gongyi Xiao readjusted the basket on his hip and shrugged "They'll probably grow bored soon, thats if I can finally be allowed to go back on night hunts, do you know why the Old Palace Master wont let me go?"
Luo Binghe stared at him then looked away, "This one knows nothing."
"This one will...make a request to the Old Palace Master and see if this will be straightened out." Gongyi blinked what-
"Wait, no Shixiong theres no need really- this one wouldn't want to waste your time!"
"Nonsense Shidi," Luo Binghe spoke a grin stretching his lips and Gongyi Xiao shivered as Luo Binghe made his way towards the door.
"This one is the Head Disciple of Huan hua, any complaints should be handled by me personally."
Luo Binghe left and Gongyi Xiao wondered if maybe he made this so much worse.
Strange after that he was then allowed free leave to join night hunts. Gongyi Xiao was so excited he had to find the Palace mistress to tell her- he had to tell someone and never realised she was the only friend he had. Which was terrible as she was soon to be Binghes wife!
He found the two and stopped running as he saw that both Luo Binghe and the mistress were alone together- shit. Was this the scene.
"Gongyi-Shidi?" Luo Binghe asked and Gongyi had to bow "Shixiong, Palace mistress. This one has to thank both of you."
Luo Binghe had a great poker face, but the amusement on the mistress face was all real.
"Oh for what?"
Gongyi Xiao looked up and pulled a face at her cheeky look. "The night hunts, this one has no clue which one asked the Palace Master but this one is grateful!"
"Here that Xiao Gongzhu? He's grateful."
"Hmm, maybe he should do something for us in return?"
Now Gongyi Xiao tensed shit what was it- he knew if the character Gongyi Xiao saw both Luo Binghe dual cultivating together it would trigger his death! Hopefully its a stupid favour and nothing so weird as that! But cuckholding and voyourism is a thing in PIDW.
"Gongy Xiao will have no choice but to join our wedding."
huh what!?
"Huh? Why waste a favour on that! this one wanted to come anyway! that is if this one was welcome!"
"Of course your welcome! You have to stand by my side! Your the closest to a brother this one has!" Gongyi Xiao eyes pricked.
He felt awful, to avoid the Palace mistress he thought she was a brat but now felt a kinship he glanced at Luo Binghe and had to swallow the lump in his throat.
"Luo-Shixiong doesn't mind."
"Xiao Gongzhu wouldn't have the wedding unless Gongyi Xiao was there."
Gongyi had to bow again "Congragulations to you both!" He spoke a wide grin on his face.
So far so good....
Before Luo Binghe changed and began to warm up to Gongyi Xiao, during his conistent torment and bullying there was something he was looking forward too. As the sect was remaining quiet about Luo Binghe being head disciple and it was still Gongyi as the acting head, meant that during certain events Gongyi was able to reveal his ugly mug to the world!
A festival was being produced in their town that the sect was living with. And of course all of the Huan Hua disciples can GO!
They were given an allowance and were able to have a night of fun! Like cinderella going to a ball Gongyi Xiao was looking forward to it. There was going to be fireworks and food and a break from all of his work and-
He bumped into Luo Binghe as he rounded a corner and saw the instant hatred flash across the others face before it was hidden with a polite smile.
"Careful, Shidi." Even the way he spoke scared him. Gongyi Xiao accidently uttered "I prefered your other face." Being glared at was less scary than this polite smile!
"Apologies, Shixiong." Gongyi Xiao bowed "This one was just excited for the festival."
"A festival?"
"Yes, the people down town put it up every year and we get to go down and celebrate- wait...Hadn't the Palace Mistress told you?" Gongyi Xiao paused his ramblings as he asked, shouldn't both she and Binghe go together?
Luo Binghe shook his head "This one wasn't invited." Gongyi Xiao gaped "Invited- of course you're coming! Its for all the Huan hua disciples! Luo-Shixiong is a Huan disciple, so this Shidi will see you there- oh we have to go to the Old Palace Master first he gives us an allowence to spend while we're down there." Gongyi Xiao spoke and saw Luo Binghe smile become a little bit more real as he realised he could go to.
Maybe Luo Binghe needs to feed his inner child more.
"You should ask the Palace Mistress to go with you, there light lanterns near the end and release them into the sky and make a wish." Gongyi Xiao spoke, almost reaching out to lightly nudge Luo Binghe then aborted it half way when Luo Binghes eyes tracked it.
Gongyi Xiao laughed nervously "Ah- ha well, see you at the festival, Luo Shixiong." He gave a farewell and ran away feeling red eyes watching him leave.
Of course Gongyi Xiao may have been a bit biased with his...allowance. He was in the crowd already splitting of from his group of disciples, he wanted food and souvineers and yet his pocket change was just that, pocket change! He sneaked a glance and saw that both his Shidi's and Shixiong had triple the amount he had.
No fair!
He lit a candle for himself and counted, okay so he had enough to buy two maybe three things with some food and that was it. He'll just have to be happy with Window shopping!
As Gongyi Xiao walked down the stalls, watching the crowd go by he brightened at the smell of one of the stalls and saw the steam rising from the food. He was salviating. making up his mind he bought a meat bun and some tanghulu and was about to walk away until he passed a dark corner of the allyway. He glanced down and gave eye contact to twin pairs of eyes and immedietly froze.
Two children in rags and covered in much stood there eyeing his food with a hungry gaze.
Gongyi Xiao bit his lip, his own hunger vanished he could practice inedia for crying out loud!
Gongyi Xiao approached and saw one of the children tense up, fight or flight instincts kicking in.
"It's okay, here, I accidently bought too much earlier and find myself stuffed full- can you help me take these from my hands?" He passed the bun to the boy, he realised once he got closer on one leg and then passed the Stick of sticku fruit to the girl.
He patted one on the head "There we go, where's your parents?"
"Don't have any, they make us beg for money and if we dont bring any back they'll beat us up." Gongyi Xiao bit his lip. IF he was still head disciple he could've taken these kids in to the sect where the Palace Master used to wave away anything Gongyi did, as long as he was his prized gifted disciple he could ask any favour.
Gongyi Xiao never realised he would lose that.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out his allowence seeing the boys eyes widen.
"Here you go, its not much." The girl teared up "Thank you gege."
Gongyi Xiao may have been conned but at this point he didn't care. "Watch out in these dark corners, there are weird people here. You should leave in case someone comes." Both nodded the boy grinned with a gap in his teeth and Gongyi heart melted as he gave them one final pat and and stood to walk away.
It felt awful to leave them, but he doubted the Palace Master would accept them not with the way the other martial siblings make comments about the working class.
Gongyi Xiao kept going through the festival gazing at the stalls and things they have to offer, he almost stumbled when two Huan hua disciples ran past with paper kites in their hand he found himself smiling. At least they were having fun.
He trailed to a stop outside the stall with fans.
He remembered using a fan at home when it got uncomfortably hot, he himself saw other people in the Huan Hua court using fans both men and women and honestly he wanted one. He was so sick of smiling all the time.
His hand reached out and picked up a golden fan, the wood was black and had a black lotus in the middle. It was so pretty.
"Does the young master like this fan?" The other asked and Gongyi smiled reaching into his pocket for his purse then paused- he gave it away earlier.
The stall owner saw the look on the others face and his own fell into an annoyed look. "How much for these fans?" A voice asked beside him and Gongyi almost moved out the way to place the fan back down as he couldn't afford it. He looked up and almost fell back in shock.
"Peak Lord Shen!" He gasped then bowed with the fan as he rememberd himself, "This disciple greets Shen-Gongzhu!"
He saw the other look down on him a sneer on his face. And Gongyi wanted to kick himself goddammit, what the hell was Luo Binghes scum shizun doing here?
The other hummed and Gongyi realising that was a dissmisal or at least he sure hoped it was! Placed the golden fan down lest he accidently walked away with it.
"How much for this fan?" Shen Qingqiu asked picking up the golden one that Gongyi Xiao was wanting. Gongyi was rooted to the spot wondering why Shen Qingqiu would buy such a guady [well Gongyi was guessing he always came to those yearly Sect meetings the palace master and Shen Qingqiu always made it known how much he hated yellow!]
And here he was buying the most trashiest [in his words] fan!
Gongyi Xiao really liked that fan he figured he could probably come back and beg the allowence from the Palace Mistress if he had to.
Shen Qingqiu opened it up with a flare then twirled it in a certain way that had Gongyi watched in fascination.
"Does the young Disciple know the fan language?" Shen Qingqiu asked then held out his green fan that had a turqoise tassle attatched. Gongyi blinked as he realised he was supposed to take it.
"N-no Peak Lord Shen." He spoke bowing as he took the fan. He could feel the eyes of Shen Qingqiu look straight through him and wanted to squirm in place.
"Any interest?" Gongyi Xioa nodded "Yes, this one found a manual and thought it was fascinating to speak to others without speaking." Shen Qingqiu was quickly fanning his face with one half covering his face before slowing down. It must be hot for him, his peak was high in the mountains with bamboo after all.
"Oh? So what do you know so far?" Gongyi Xiao blinked "Oh um, just two uh," using the fan he Shen Qingqiu gave him he demonstrated keeping it closed it placed it on the left and right cheek.
"Hmm and does this disciple know what that means?"
"The left cheek with the closed fan means no and the right side means yes."
"Very good."
It was weird hearing praise from Shen Qingqiu, Gongyi Xiao has had no experience with others praise especially since he excluded hiself from them so of course this life like his old life he was a recluse a neet. And an exceptionally thin face.
He opened his fan and covered half his face with it "Thanking Shen-Gongzhu." He spoke hiding half his face with it.
"Oh? Does Young Master Gongyi know the name of this one?" He asked and Gongyi Xiao immidietly moved his fan away from his face "No- did this one say something rude? This one apologises!"
And Shen Qingqiu laughed, but feeling as if he was insulted Gongyi Xiao's face twitched.
Shen Qingqiu closed his fan "If you want, this master is willing to teach you how to use the fans personally."
Now he almost dropped the fan but remembering it was the peak lords tightened his hold. "This- this one is sorry?"
Shen Qingqiu tilted his head up as his eyes gazed down "You heard this Master. You should come to Cang Qiong sect, leave Huan Hua and be my disciple."
Gongyi Xiao mouth fell open "W-why would Peak Lord Shen want this one?"
"This master has been digging around," He spoke as he began to walk forward and Gongyi stumbled to follow "Some concerning letters arriving at the other Sects, makes this one curious."
Fuck- fuck, fuck!
"And this Master has done some digging." He stopped at a stall and of food that Gongyi Xiao wanted for himself and watched how Shen Qingqiu bought a stick of tanghulu.
What he stole his golden fan and now he's going to eat in front of Gongyi what a scumbag.
Until the stick was passed into his hands, Gongyi Xiao blinked surprised as Shen Qingqiu began walking and he followed in step.
"It seems as if your sect isn't treating this disciple well, if Huan hua abuses its disciples Cang Qiong qill gladly take you away from it."
Gongyi Xiao almost laughed, Shen Qingqiu had to be joking, right?
He saw Gongyi Xiaos face and sneered "You wear your heart on your sleeve. Thats a nasty habit." Gongyi Xiao schooled his expression.
"How does Peak Lord Shen know this one is being abused?"
Gongyi Xiao couldn't help it, some amusement slipped through.
"This Master noticed your hands, they're calloused and cut in certain skin. Repetitive stress not something created from a sword and too small a wound from a beast or demon. The wounds seem old as well, it can be healed in less than a week but yours still linger because the wounds aren't weeks old, they are new." Gongyi almost looked at his hands but refrained from doing so, he instead bit into a piece of sugared fruit to keep silent.
"Why would the Head Disciple be doing menial labour and be left alone? Why would he have no money to spare for the festival in his hometown?" Shen Qingqiu asked and Gongyi Xiao swallowed.
"This humble one likes working with the staff of Huan Hua palace and thinks its fair to help when this one can, and t-this one is terrible with money and spent it all at the start on food- really this is a foolish disciple too stupid for Qing Jing Peak." He said.
He did wonder why Shen Qingqiu cared or maybe was trying to find evidence of abuse, since Shen Qingqiu was a scum villain maybe he would make a fuss from projecting his own crimes to another sect!
Or maybe he did want Gongyi Xiao as a disciple maybe he was missing his punching bag Luo Binghe and wanted to replace him as soon as possible!
Heck no- he was not moving from the frying pan into the fire- literally! Cang Qiong burns to the ground even miserable beaten bloody and blue and even crying himself to sleep he is much safer in the Palace sleeping under the dragon than moving into its line of sight!
"Really? Giving all of your money away to street beggers is quite foolish." Shen Qingqiu nodded and Gongyi Xiao stopped walking.
"You saw that?" Was Shen Qingqiu watching him?
Shen Qingqiu turned around with a smirk. "This Master makes it his buisness to know everything." He stepped towards Gongyi Xiao towering over him and the other almost fell backward into a stall.
"After all of those...intriguing letters this one thought you would jump at a chance to finally ask this Master yourself about those rumours." Gongyi Xiao gulped.
It was true Gongyi Xiao was sending letters out, about Shen Qingqiu and finding dirt on him. Gongyi Xiao was foolish enough to think if he had paper evidence he could hand gift wrap him to Luo Binghe and save his own neck!
Now he had both the Scum Villain and the protagonists attention! The opposite of what he wanted!
"Master Shen wasn't the only one this disciple was investigating," Gongyi Xiao spoke standing straighter his hand gripping the green bamboo fan tightly in his hand.
"The Huan Hua palace speiciises in arrays but also is known for Justice. As a-" [Former] "Head Disciple, this one wanted to look at the history of the sects and found some inconsistencies."
Shen Qingqiu tilted his head like a snake waiting to strike.
"Most people in the sects prefer to let sleeping dogs lie, if you stick your nose in other peoples buisness they'll make an enemy out of you. Even your history of being a honourable cultivator will be ignored if you make the world your enemy."
Was this a threat?
Gongyi Xiao's eyes narrowed "The Cultivation world needs to know the truth, of men in power who hurt those weaker than themselves and get away with it."
Shen Qingqiu still looked amused the golden fan lowering down to tilt Gongyi Xiaos chin. "Does this list also include the Old Palace Master?"
Gongyi Xiao couldn't very well say it, but yes. A diary in fact of all of the Palace Masters misdeeds all hidden safely under a wooden floorboard in one of the rooms of the Huan Hua Palace.
Gongyi couldn't express but a slow tilt of his head downwards as he kept eye contact had Shen Qingqiu break out into a grin.
Well in his own way it was small for others but Gongyi Xiao found himself staring.
The fact that the Scum Villain was smiling at him made him realise his survival rate has probably dropped considerably.
"Very well then, this Master will contact the old Palace Master about a disciple conference, this Master will personally teach you fan language and would like to foster relations between the Sects of Huan hua and Cang Qiong" Shen Qingqiu closed his fan placing the tip to touch his ear on his right "This Master awaits your response."
And he disapeared into the crowd and Gongyi Xiao found himself holding his fan.
He glanced down at it eyes furrowed. Was this...a bad omen?
He pressed his lips together starting to feel the slow claws of panic gripping his chest, anxiety wasn't something new, he was starting to have nightmares of the Huan Hua disciples kicking him out of the palace, weirdly from a cliff?
Or times when the Palace mistress was chasing him in the maze of the water prison calling him pathetic and criticizing his man hood that was a weird one. Or the same dreams of being killed forgotten and alone, and other times Luo Binghe was in it. Of course he would dream of him but the stuff he spoke about didn't make sense.
Gongyi Xiao would always ask him if he found the secret entrance of the library. Which of course there was none in the Huan Hua Palace so if Binghe was using his dream magic and found that Gongyi Xiao was talking a loud of crap? well- jeez no wonder the other was angry.
Still he couldn't exactly toss this fan into a river, if Shen Qingqiu learned he 'lost' his fan he might actually whip and beat him up. Disciple from another sect be damned!
But then again...he pursed his lips spreading the fan wide. If he was trusted by Shen Qingqiu...wouldn't that give Luo Binghe an opening. He remembered reading in the chapters that it took a lot of time and precision to invite Cang Qiong to Huan hua that wasn't the yearly Sect meeting. And he couldn't let Shen Qingqiu know he was alive yet, but this could be helpful to him!
"See this one told you!" He looked up to see Luo Binghe with the Palace mistress clinging to his arm along with a few Huan Hua disciples crowding around them.
One pointed a finger "See he has his fan! Gongyi Xiao was making plans to leave for another sect!"
Gongyi Xiaos eyes widened "What? Thats not true!"
Luo Binghe was already watching Gongyi Xiao, and he knew fan language and felt himself growing angry when he saw his Shizun acting so familiar with Gongyi Xiao.
The way Gongyi Xiaos used his Shizuns fan to say 'this one is willing.'
Luo Binghe almost spat blood at the sight, watching his Shizun flirt shamelessly and Gongyi Xiao seemed to be taking it too well!
The demon lord no longer felt that he had to worry about his wives with Gongyi Xiao as his interest obviously laid elsewhere! He could see the panic on the others face slowly turn to irritation.
"This one has no intention of leaving Huan Hua," He spoke then shoke his head "Only death will release this one from his duties as a disciple of Huan Hua Palace. Shen-Gonzhu only offered to teach this one fan language- none of you know it!" At this the others were quiet as it was true, none knew or even wanted to learn fan language.
The Palace mistress perked up "Fan language? Whats that?" Gongyi Xiao brightened "A secret language to communicate to others without speaking." She immedietly shook Luo Binghes arm.
"This one also wants to learn! Binghe-Shiziong do you know fan language?"
"This one does not."
Gongyi Xiao closed the fan clasping it in both hands as he looked up at Luo Binghe "This one wanted to learn from Shen-Senior. to [word for alliances and making stronger bonds] As a member of the Huan hua palace wishes to make strong ties with other Sects thats what the letters originally were from." Gongyi Xiao bowed to the group "This one never cleared up the misunderstanding, this disciple never wished to leave Huan Hua only wanted to create stronger connections. As a head disciple thought it was imperative to make allies." He stood up to look Luo Binghe in the eye then the others.
One of the disciples sneered "Bullshit, you've been caught red handed - literally! You're carrying Shen Qingqius favour and want to be a disciple of the Cang Qiong Sect!"
Gongyi shook his head horror on his face "If this one wanted to leave for another sect this one had plenty of years to do so."
Luo Binghe spoke "Enough, it's clear Gongyi Xiao had no intention of leaving. There's no need to bully him."
The Palace mistress humped "Luo-Shixiong is right, this is a festival! We should be having fun!" She tugged Binghes arm "Come on Shixiong, the lanterns are this way." Gongyi watched as a small mistress pulled the giant of a shixiong who tumbled after her and felt his own face split into a smile. Luo Binghe should be having fun. He hoped Shen Qingqiu didn't ruin it for him.
Gongyi Xiao lost his fan.
And of course the Old Palace master wanted to send Gongyi Xiao to the conference swap, he pulled Gongyi Xiao aside to remind him to report back anything suspicious of the peak lord.
Uh yeah he would report Gongyi Xiaos dead body if he didn't find this fan! He left it right at his desk to be safe!
If he turned up to the Cang Qiong peak without it he was beyond dead!
Upset, even after turning his room inside out had nothing to show for it. He went to bed hopefully to sleep it off and wake up with a clear head and can think of something else until then. Of course his dreams were filled with anxiety too, he dreamed he was in his room pulling everything apart, even destroying the floorboards he had a habit on hiding things in there.
"Lost something, Shidi?" A voice asked he turned to see Luo Binghe and blinked "Ah Shixiong, the sun is going down." He gestured at his window where the sunlight flickered before vanishing.
Another stress induced dream, he was looking for his fan and couldn't find it. The only reason he even wanted to go to Shen Qingqiu was to create an opening for Luo Binghe. Without it theres no point- but if he makes Shen Qingqiu have more reason to hate Huan Hua would make it harder to get him here for the trial.
"This one can't find Peak Lord Shens fan, its missing and this one has to find it!" Luo Binghe crouched down beside him tilting his head.
"Why is that?"
"Without the fan theres no point going, the whole reason this one is even doing this is for Luo-Shixiong."
"...Why are you doing this for this lord?" Luo Binghe asked after a while and Gongyi Xiao glanced up at him.
"Luo-Shixiong was hurt by Shen Qingqiu, there were rumours of his abuse and the fact that Binghe is here instead of returning to Cang Qiong means something awful happened." He went back to looking around in a mad scramble.
"This one will do anything to help Luo-Shixiong even help find him an opening to bring Shen Qingqiu to justice!" Gongyi Xiao bit his lip trying to find something but found nothing.
"Luo-Shixiong has done nothing to support his Shidi, why would you waste your time with scum like that?"
Gongyi Xiao glared "Don't say that! Luo Binghe is a good disciple and had done nothing wrong! Its obvious that he has rotten luck and the world has been too cruel to him."
Now he was annoyed at this dream and that he lost the fan. He slumped against the wall pouting, might as well feel sorry for himself who was going to see it.
"This one is going to have to cancel, this one only wanted to support Binghe as a martial brother should."
Luo Binghe stood up and moved around the room, Gongyi Xiao watched. The more he watched the more he suddenly had a sinking feeling.
Most of his dreams have been strange and different, but the more this dream wore on the more Gongyi Xiao was aware this was a dream. He subtly glanced at his hands and counted, it was something he tried for fun when he remembered he was dreaming and found the more he counted the more fingers would appear.
Here they stayed consistent, Gongyi Xiao tensed. This was Luo Binghe- his dream malipulation.
"Shidi." The other spoke and Gongyi gave him his entire attention and saw how Binghe went towards his dresser and placed his hand in his disciple robe pocket and pulled out the fan.
"You must have put it in here at the festival and forgot."
Gongyi Xiao blinked "Oh- oh! That could've happened! Thank you Luo-Shixiong."
If he woke up is that where it'll be? Gongyi Xiao had no clue...
When Gongyi awoke the next morning he felt pure panic- if Luo Binghe was in his dreams he was screwed he can't even remember half of his dreams what if he said something stupid!?
He looked at his robe and felt trepidition. He walked over in his under robes and checked the pockets.
Nothing. No Fan.
Gongyi Xiao relaxed. So the dream was a fluke, thank god for that. Even so he had to be careful just in case. It wont help his anxiety being wary of both his dreams and the waking world.
And the worse of it? he was supposed to travel to Cang Qiong mountain without Shen Qingqius fan. He may as well chisel his gravestone now.
As Gongyi Xiao was at the entrance of Huan hua about to mount his sword he heard the Palace mistress yell for his name. He turned to see both the Palace Mistress and Luo Binghe accompany her as they came towards him.
"Gongyi Xiao! We found your fan!"
Gongyi Xiao almost stumbled over on air, as Luo Binghe held out the fan with his fan "You should be more careful with this, Shidi."
Gongyi Xiao took it and noticed how warm the handle was, he looked up at Binghe with a grateful look.
"Luo-Shixiong! Thank you very much!" He bowed, now he doesn't have to worry anymore! And he can be helpful to Binghe!
Luo Binghe spoke "The Palace Master told this one that you are to report to this disciple about all meetings and correspondance with peak lord Shen." Gongyi Xiao blinked, oh- oh!
Gongyi Xiao perked up "This one will report to Luo-Shixiong upon his return!" Luo Binghe was his handler and with this good news.
He could prove his loyalty to Luo Binghe! And avoid his terrible ending!
"Go- you don't want to keep Peak Lord Shen waiting."
The little princess gasped "Wait- Gongyi, be careful! This one heard rumours of Shen Qingqius leacherous reputation! You should be careful and tell us if he does anything!"
Neither noticed Luo Binghes gaze darkening, especially when Gongyi Xiao laughed.
"Please Shiemei," He mounted his sword looking self assured "Shen Qingqiu only likes women, so this one is perfectly safe!"
Now both Luo Binghe and Xiao Gongzhu blinked as they watched Gongyi Xiao sped away on his sword.
"Binghe," The palace mistress spoke suddenly getting a bad feeling.
"If anything happened to Gongyi Xiao- if Shen Qingqiu tried anything with him." Luo Binghe cupped her face his own eyes matching her vitriol to protect their martial sibling.
"This one promises, any harm to Gongyi Xiao this one will repay tenfold." She relaxed in his grip then tensed again biting her lip.
"B-but Gongyi Xiao never tells anyone his troubles what if he pretends nothings wrong to not disrupt sect relations?"
"It wont come to that, this one will take care of Gongyi Xiao and make him feel safe enough to tell him any of his burdens."
Luo Binghe had originally written of Gongyi Xiao, but the martial sibling appeared like a fairy, spirting him away to the Huan hua and tried to help Binghe where he could, Binghe was distracted with organising his marriages with the Qin siblings and his marriage to the palace mistress and establishing his place here he forgot about the ex-head disciple.
Now he found this shidi of his, interesting and strangely loyal from what his dreams told Binghe. He felt as if he shared the Palace mistresses fire to protect Gongyi who strangely wormed his way to Luo Binghes affections. Now seeing the man fly away towards his Scum Villain he couldn't help but feel as if he was too late to stop him. If Luo Binghe planned this right he could gain Gongyi Xiao's loyalty and both could stage a cou to get rid of the Palace Master.
Until this meeting, Luo Binghe would just have to bide his time.
Okay I called Shen 'Gongzhu' at one part thats a mistake- I forgot what the name for senior/daoist priest was called the thing disciples call and older cultivator who is NOT their shizun and the name began with a G and I forgot what it was- I'll fix it later. Also this is TOOOO long so I'm going to have to split it into parts and post my writings here- I dont think of my story ideas as linear I just write 'scenes' tiny chapters in random parts then once I create it try to write the filler/timeline after. So if this is flip flopping back and forth sorry-
I thought it would be a cool parralell that Luo Binghe who was a white lotus then blackened then see's Gongyi Xiao and comes to the horrible realisation that Shen Qingqiu was right. He saw right through Binghe and saw that something was wrong with him. Binghe see's himself in the way Gongyi is bullied and ostricised by his group and finds sick delight from it. But when he see's how Gongyi takes the abuse there are no dark looks, no mutterings he always takes the abuse with a smile and it burns Luo Binghe. Why doesn't he fight back? So he keeps poking wanting to see Gongyi Xiao prove to him that its a front, he's only acting nice but deep down he's scum like the Huan hua disciples, like his Shizun like everyone. But when Gongyi Xiao keeps proving him wrong makes Luo Binghe realise he's acting just like his Shizun. Nothing more than a beast.
Part two: Here
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