#Shepard asks
stormikins · 1 year
AAAND 16, 19, 23 n 37 for Simon pls
From this list!
16. What additions did Cerberus give Shepard?
I headcanon that there’s universal baseline additions Cerberus gives Shepard: faster, stronger, more durable. Simon is an infiltrator so I think post-Lazarus he gets even better control over his heart rate. He can make his body entirely calm and still so he can make that perfect shot.
19. What are they like in a bad mood? How obvious is it?
He’s not normally talkative so when he gets pushed to talk in a bad mood he’s much more snappish. It is obvious because you can feel his glare. He also has less time for bullshit. He gets very mean, and does not pull his punches. (Nor physically if it comes to that)
23. Ever had a broken heart?
Not necessarily in the sense of a break-up, but his boyfriend on Mindoir was murdered and that along with the raid, destroyed him.
37. What is their favorite way to eat potatoes?
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theoriginalladya · 1 year
Shepard asks 17 and 35 (Shepards of your choice!)
from this list here
Ohhhhh, let's see who's talking! *rubs hands together*
17. Have they done any interviews? How did the first one go? And the most recent?
Sebastien - Most definitely has done interviews, has even pretended to be the interviewer on occasion. Sebastien has, shall we say? He's a charmer (read: a HUSTLER of the most hustling kind! lol) and knows just how to respond to interviewers in addition to being able to turn it back around on them or someone else. It is part of why he's chosen to be Humanity's Councilor after the Reaper War. (later in life, he also has Coats and Kaidan acting as bodyguards and Cortez able to fly them out of any sticky situations that may or may not arise as a result of his charming nature. ;) )
35. How was that mako joyride from ilos to the citadel?
Oh gosh. I would say the majority of Sheps in my stable take it well enough - focus on the mission, curse the stupidity of the Council at not listening to him, etc. during the ride. One or two might hope that Udina is the first one Saren takes out (but you don't ever hear them say it). Outside of that, I'm not sure. I'm not a physics person - I'm not sure what sort of effect jumping from relay to relay in such a manner would have on a smaller vehicle like a Mako (if any). I would imagine Jayce, Kristofer and John (from ShepShep, if he had been there (he wasn't)) as engineers would have been all over the instruments trying to discern what they could. I don't doubt at least one of them felt sick to their stomach, though they never admit it aloud.
And you have now given me something else to think about when I get to that point of their stories! <3
Thanks so much for the asks!
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
18, 19, and 24 for the ME game, please! (Either or both of your f!Sheps 💕)
18. Who’s the dream team? Which companions does Shepard fight best with and why?
Emily it's Kaidan and Garrus in ME1(she's a Vanguard so it makes all the ability levels perfectly even xD), sometimes Ash instead of Garrus bc they're buddies, Garrus and Tali in ME2(bc they're the ones she trusts the most), Vega and Garrus until she gets Kaidan, then back to Kaidan and Garrus in ME3(bc it's good complementary skill sets, and then it's her bf and bff, and she has literally referred to the three of them as the dream team, which made Kaidan and Garrus both roll their eyes and laugh Kaidan: "She's a dork, but she's MY dork 🥰")
Lisa answered here
19. Are there any companions your Shepard just absolutely cannot vibe with or relate to
24. Who does Shepard turn to for advice? For comfort? Who do they like to gossip with?
Advice: Both of them go to Kaidan even before Feelings™ start to develop, bc he's thoughtful, level-headed, and they know he'll be honest with them(but gently). Also Dr. Chakwas. Ashley for Emily, at least until Virmire. Emily's the type to get advice from a few different sources she feels relevant, so she'd probably ask a few different crew members in ME 2 + 3 depending on the advice she needed. Lisa probably talked to Mordin about more things than she should. xD
Comfort: Again, also Kaidan. In ME2, whoever's their best friend, so Garrus for Emily and Tali for Lisa. Not explicitly "comfort" but Lisa does vent about shit while sparring with Vega in ME3, and it makes her feel better.
Gossip: Oh, Kasumi, obviously. Especially for Lisa, the two of them bond super fast. In ME1, Ashely for Emily and Tali for Lisa(which carried into 2 and 3). Even in 3, when Kasumi's not on the Normandy, they'll send each other long gossipy emails bc if they have to save the galaxy they're allowed the stress relief of talking with a friend.
Shepard Asks
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milkywayes · 7 months
Tumblr media
some shameless battlefield nuzzling
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jadevakarian · 2 years
This is gonna be a long post. But 153 Shepard Q&As @spookyvalentine come get your sustenance.
1. Why did Shepard enlist? Any regrets?
     Octavia enlisted because of Anderson. Anderson was apart of the unit that went to defend Mindour from the attack. They met briefly but got separated when Octavia was captured. For the 3 years she was imprisoned by slavers Anderson never gave up looking for her and he eventually found the facility that housed her. The day of her last escape attempt was the day the military swept in at the same time. Octavia shot someone behind Anderson before collapsing in his arms and waking up on their ship. Ever since she feels indebted to Anderson and wants to make him as proud as possible and repay him for his perseverance and kindness. Anderson adopted her when she was 14.
2. How does your Shepard feel about having a yeoman assigned to them in 2? And in 3?
   She hates the idea of having someone who can tell what she's feeling even though she masks it perfectly from everyone else. She despises people burying their nose into her business and that's Kelly's job. She doesn't hate Kelly for it but she finds it difficult to be around her. Octavia is the type of person who let's nobody know what's going on besides her inner inner circle so having someone she doesn't know, know these things about hrt is incredibly difficult for her. 
3. What’s their relationship with Anderson? 
   He is her dad. Whenever someone would make a joke about her being adopted she would always burr up and defend herself and Anderson. They're both pretty light hearted around each other though Anderson isn't afraid to crack down on her when she does something stupid.
4. Is your Shepard any good at poker?
    Absolutely. She creates fake tells that people think they can pick up on. 
5. How well does Shepard know their crew? Not just the companions, but the folks making up the Normandy 
    She doesn't know them all too well. She has trust issues and is more introverted so she likes to stick to herself and the people she already knows. Though she will intervene if there are personal problems she can help with.
6. Initial reaction to EDI? Does it change?   
     Octavia was very suspicious at first, but. once she got to know EDI she loved her. She also thought it was her job to teach her how to "be human".
7. Does their love interest move into their quarters?
Yes. They have a designated area for their most personal items as well.
8. What is their reaction to the Alchera mission? And after?
Shepard kinda just shuts down for a week or two. She puts it off for as long as possible and busies herself so she doesn't have to think about it but at the end of the day it's always a lingering thought before bed. She attends alone and stays down there for a day or so collecting tags and her helmet. Once she returns she locks herself in her room for a week only letting Mordin in to check on her once and a while to bring her food.
9. What type of fighter is your shepard? Do they fight with honor, or do they fight dirty
   She fights as honourably as possible until things get out of hand, then she will do whatever it takes to survive.
10. Does Shepard keep any pets? The hamster, fish, something else?
    She has the hamster and fish but she also has a bearded dragon named Potpie that has an enclosure in her room but she roams the ship quite often
11. What order does Shepard pick up companions in me2?
    Garrus, Mordin, Zaeed, Grunt, Kassumi, Thane, Samara, 
12. Does Shepard have any nicknames? What do they think of em?
    She gets called O sometimes or tay/tavia. She doesn't mind. 
     When she was with Mordin he used to call her angel and she adored it, even after they broke up its still a name he uses for her in private. 
13. How does your Shep react to teasing/ribbing? 
     Depending on what is being said she will either really enjoy the fun or she will get defensive and pissy (like if someone said something about her being adopted)
14. Any good at flirting? 
She likes to think she's smooth but when someone flirts with her or back to her she panics and blushes and gets really flustered.
15. What colors does Shepard prefer for their armor?
She likes her camouflage. Especially the medium predator armour colour. But in me3 she had a light and slightly darker blue camouflage.
16. Is Shepard a drinker? History of other substances? Do they struggle with sobriety 
    She likes whiskey the most, after akuze she had a problem with alcohol and drugs like ecstasy and cocaine. She got sober after Anderson ripped her into gear after a huge argument they had. 
17. How does Shepard react to attention? Do they enjoy it?
   Oh she hates attention with a fierce passion. After what she had been through after being kidnapped by slavers she hated attention of all sorts even beforehand. After Akuze she was thrust into the spotlight in a not so nice way so that didn't help. The first time she ever got any recognition was because of all the mistakes and failures she made that led her to be a sole survivor. She is a huge introvert and would rather sit in a cosy corner and read.
18. Who’s the dream team? Which companions does Shepard fight best with and why?
   Shepard finds she fights best with Garrus and Wrex. This is because Garrus likes to hang back with his sniper and Wrex likes to get up and personal with his shotgun and she's usually somewhere in between. She knows Garrus always has her six and Wrex always has her twelve. She also enjoys the conversations they have on missions and adores the relationship that builds between Wrex and Garrus. 
19. Are there any companions your Shepard just absolutely cannot vibe with or relate to
    Ashley, Kaiden and James. She doesn't like the fact Ashley blames everything on non humans and how kaiden is like a lost puppy willing to do anything to get in her pants. And James reminds her too much of her dead brother and is also incredibly annoying.
20. Does Shepard enjoy looking for resources and upgrading gear, or do they see it as a chore?
Definitely a chore
21. Do you have any AUs for your shepard?
   I have a non reaper, full story (childhood-teenage-early adulthood), scientist/inventor, whole bunch of random, AUs
22. What’s the last thing Shepard ate before the final reaper showdown?
   Wrex cooked for her, they had a bit of an argument over who got to cook because they were both afraid that it would be the last meal the other person ever ate and they love cooking for each other. They ended up cooking seperate meals, Wrex cooked her a family recipe that his mother passed onto him. He has told her about it a million times and said he would only cook it on the most special of occasions, he seemed that with her possible demise it was the most special occasion that could occur. 
24. Who does Shepard turn to for advice? For comfort? Who do they like to gossip with 
    Shepard definitely goes straight to space dad Anderson when she needs help. I also hc that she knew Zaeed beforehand and they're incredibly close so him too, also Mordin  because they are incredibly similar. When she needs comfort she doesn't go to people, she locks herself away and isolates until she is okay and somewhat numb to whatever happened. Though Anderson and the crew would always be as supportive and as helpful as possible. Octavia doesn't like gossip. She has had quite a few bad experiences with rumours being made about her so she tends to stay away from it all. But she does like to sit and talk with Mordin about the crew and the amazing and funny things shes been told.
25. How emotionally articulate is your Shepard? Do they emote well?
   To certain people yes, to most others no. She knows other people better than they know themselves and will know if something is wrong with them but she has trouble expressing if something is wrong with her.
26. Does your Shepard have a romance? Who are they, and what drew Shep to them?
   Her first partners name was Cosmo, he was a turian neighbours kid and lived next to Anderson, he died on Akuze. One day he hopped the fence to see her after she ignored all his attempts of conversation and they sat talking for about two hours. She appreciated the effort he took. 
    Her next partner was Mordin Solus. They tried for kids and were unsuccessful many times. This damaged Octavias mental health and caused her to be incredibly self destructive and she started an argument with Mordin that led to her leaving. She came back a few days later and ended it properly because she felt bad and didn't want her mental health to drag him down and didn't want him to be hung up on her because of how short-lived salarians are. They never stopped loving eachother and they both regret the relationship ending. She was drawn to his smarts and wicked sense of humour. 
    Her current boyfriend is Garrus Vakarian. She fell for him because of his will to want to do good and how awkward he is. She thinks his silliness is cute and he comforts her. 
27. Do they have any pet peeves? 
She can't stand loud chewing or crunching, when people walk slow in front of her, or when people eat her leftovers.
28. What about hyperfixations? What’s the topic that will get Shepard rolling no matter the person or place 
Anything techy or sciencey. Do not ask a question about those topics in front of her and mordin at the same time, they will both go on an hour long rant and find a way to test a theory they've had. 
29. How active is Shepard? Are they hitting the gym, playing sports, or do they prefer quieter downtime.
    She works out and meditates every morning though she does like to relax
30. What will always make them laugh? 
Watching kids fall over (don't come at us)
31. Who can always make them laugh?
Mordin, Garrus, PopPop (Anderson's dad), and Wrex 
32. What do they do when they have hit their limit angry, just incandescent with rage 
Hit things. She has a bunch of pent up frustration at all times and has very little ways to deal with it in a healthy way so she hits things. 
33. What skills do they have that are a surprise to the people around them?
    Shepard is an amazing cook and she is an inventor and makes small helping robots in her spare time. Also shes a master of martial arts and her favourite weapons are a pair of swords she forged.
34. Got any tattoos?
     N7 tattoo over her heart, the omega logo on her right cheek. Not a tattoo but a scar of a name carved into her chest *cough* mordin solus *cough* after the war she would like to get a cool sleeve
35. Which companions have they lost? How do they cope with it?
   Ashley, she felt sad because she had to chose but didn't really care. Her squad and ex on Akuze, she dealt with it by doing drugs. Mordin's death absolutely murdered her. Like it was terrible, lots of screaming and crying and punching into the Tuchankan sand. She barricaded herself in her room after every mission and stopped eating for a while. Thane hit just as hard because Thane got stabbed protecting her. Losing Legion felt like losing a son. At that point it hurt really bad but she just gave up on caring until after the war because of how grieving was affecting her performance. 
36. Do they like to style their hair, wear makeup and jewlery? How do they feel about getting dressed up?
   She likes getting dressed up but only pulls out all the stops for special occasions like missions and stuff. She still wears a bun but its styled. She always has a bracelet on that is connected to matching ones she got the crew.
37. Got any bad habits? 
Too many. One I probably shouldn't mention because it could trigger people so ill stay away from that one, but her biggest bad habit is procrastinating her mission reports l. 
38. Does Shepard do any activities with the companions and crew during downtime?
She likes to play quasar but also likes to sit in silence with the crew doing their own thing. She has her own designated bench in mordins lab where she sits and watches or does whatever so she's out of his way. 
39. Do they keep around any sentimental items?
    Mordin had a shell that his deceased older brother gave him from a beach on Sur'kesh. His brother gave it to him when he was 7, just before they found out his brother has an incurable cancer type illness. They used to pass the shell back and forth for good luck. Mordin used to give it to him before his treatments and his brother used to return it when he had a presentation or a test. When he told Octavia he reignited the tradition and they passed it back and forth until it would find its final owner when Mordin gets in the elevator to cure the genophage. 
40. Does your Shepard actually like to collect model ships? If not, what do they display?
    Yes, she likes to relax and tinkering and building helps so the model ships are great for her. She also displays items collected from missions, husk head, leviathan ball, mordins shell, threshermaw scales etc.
41. How is Shepard with a gun? What about hand to hand?
     Shepard is more of a sniper with guns as opposed to close range with shotguns and handguns. Hand to hand she is damn near unbeatable... unless she has to hold a tie breaker in her quarters after her and Garrus have a few rounds. Gotta love that reach and flexibility.
42. Favorite weapon? 
    Two swords she forged, but gun wise its either the cannifex hand cannon or the M48 widow
43. Which version of the Normandy do they like best?
   The SR2, quicker elevator, an actual queen sized bed as opposed to two single cots joined together, space for just her, less steps.
44. Do they like to rotate out companions for quests? Who do they bring the most?
    She prefers not to but knows she needs to give her main squad a break and keep the others skills sharp. 
45. Do they approve of curing the genophage?
   Absolutely. She has always strived to be the voice of equality among all races 
46. Does Shepard allow the rachni to live in me1?
    Yes, she knows people make mistakes and knows people can learn from them.
47. Does Shepard practice any kind of self-care? 
    Meditation and skin care 
48. What abilities do they rely on the most in a fight?
    Their intuition and senses.
49. What is Shepard’s happy ending? What’s the dream that keeps em going
    A galaxy where every race has a say in what's going on. She would like to have kids and pass on her knowledge and stories. She also wants to make sure the Krogan don't get screwed again and wants to see the changes made to tuchanka. 
50. Is your Shepard indoctrinated 
This is a difficult question because my angsty side screams yes for the plot. But my fluffy side screams no because as much as I am a sucker for a bad ending, I know Shepard and her crew deserve to be happy after everything endured.
(+1: what does Shepard smell like?)
She smells fruity, but not an overly pungent fruity, just kind of lingering.
1. Where would your Shepard go back to play tourist? Are they going alone, or bringing someone(s)?
     Shepard would love to stay on Palaven or Sur'kesh. She would take a seashell to Mordins childhood home and place it somewhere. On Palaven she would be going to see the inlaws so Garrus would also be there. But if she wanted somewhere to go alone she would go camping on an unknown planet.
2. Your Shepard is making a sandwich. What’s going in it?
     She definitely likes her meat and salad sandwiches. Though she prefers wraps.
3. What’s Shepard’s love language? What love languages do they respond best to?
    She has a mix between gift giving and touch. She responds best to affirmation and touch. 
4. What were Shepard’s opinions of Cerberus before waking up on their table?
     She thought the ideal was fine but they were going about it the entirely worst way possible so she hated them.
5. Is your Shepard politically active? Do they stay on top of galactic comings and going’s 
     She likes to know what's going on but doesn't get right into it.
6. What would they be doing, if Shepard never joined the alliance?
      She probably would have become a librarian or went back to farming. 
7. What’s Shepard’s favorite way to let loose?
      Spicy time.
8. Does your Shepard like to be alone? Are they prone to isolate?
      Yes and absolutely.
9. What does Shepard like to wear when they’re out of the armor?
    Shepard wears black shorts and a singlet. You hardly ever see her hair out of a bun, she only let's it down when she feels completely defeated or incredibly stressed. Formal wear she wears a black double split legged halter neck dress. Swimwear: not necessary because she doesn't like deep bodies of water after Akuze and other missions she went on for N7
10. What does TIM think of Shepard at the start of me2? And at the end?
       He thinks there is a lot of potential for them to become somewhat close and for him to manipulate her. At the end he realises how stupid he was to think so but still respects her greatly.
11. What does Shepard think of TIM?
        He is a terrible person to anyone but the people he needs to use.
12. Who is Shepard’s favorite non-companion character? 
     Aria... explanation in a few questions
13. What kind of roommate would Shepard be?
     Shes the roomate that will sit you down and negotiate chores, is incredibly respectful and cruisey.
14. It’s takeout potluck night with the gang! What’s Shepard ordering, and from where? 
      She probably orders ramen from the best place available 
15. If Shepard could have an extremely dangerous and illegal pet, what would it be?
       Probably a tiger
16.. What does Aria think of Shepard?
     They bang okay. Nah but like I ship it so hard especially after the Omega dlc. Like Aria loves how badass she is but also envies her ability to be kind and gentle toward even her enemies. I think Aria has had huge traumas that have led her to being so cold and ruthless. Aria loves when Shepard cuddles her though, also contrary to popular belief Shepard tops her... hard XD. Aria thought with their first sexual encounter she would be taking the lead but Shepard had other ideas. She didn't like it at first but soon enjoyed being able to give up control for a while and let someone else make decisions for her.
17. Does your Shepard seek counseling/have a therapist?
      She went through counseling as a teenager and hated it so she avoids all shrinks 
18. Obligatory gang beach episode! What’s Shepard doing?
     Either sitting on a towl reading and avoiding sand, collecting shells with Mordin or playing volleyball
19. What was Shepard’s first interaction with an alien?
    At birth. Her neighbors in mindour were turian, they moved to help with harvest and stayed. His dad and Sean Shepard (octavias dad) fought in the first contact and saved eachothers life and became besties.
20. List five songs your Shepard is currently listening to 
    Anything from ghost, metal/rock. Specifically year zero, heavy is the crown, runaway to Mars, I'm not a saint, total eclipse of the heart, another life (motionless in white)
21. What companion quest did shepard enjoy the most? What was the most difficult one for them to do?
    The best one was Samaras, octavia enjoys detective work. The hardest for her mentally was Garrus' or Zaeeds. 
22.  Any guilty pleasures?
      Sleeping in on days off and having cheat days
23. What does Shepard think of Conrad Verner? How do they handle him?
    Octavia thinks he's a huge weirdo and tries her hardest to avoid him. When faced with him she tries to be nice but ultimately gets mad and defensive.
24. How does Shepard handle house arrest? How do they fill their time?
     She hates it, drives her mad. She works out all day everyday and gets extra swole. 
25. How does Shepard react to meeting Javik, a real life prothean?
      She actually isn't too surprised considering everything else that happens. Though she is surprised about their information relay abilities.
26. What is Shepard’s relationship with Joker?
      Joker is her annoying younger brother. 
27. What does your Shepard take pictures of?
28. Who is your voicecast for Shepard? Is it Jennifer Hale/Mark Meer? Do they have an accent?
        I suppose my VA would be Jen but also only as a base. Octavia has a heavy Australian bogan accent. But not Kath and Kim bogan.
29. What is the perfect day for Shepard?
      Relaxing and doing something with friends. 
30. What did Shepard think of the thorian? How did they feel about killing it? What did they decide for Shiala?
       It creeped her out big time. She hated killing it because of how long it survived for but ultimately had no other choice. She let Shiala go back and help the citizens 
31. How did Shepard feel, seeing Legion wearing their old armor? Does that 
      She was stunned and sad but also mad. But she became proud to see him wearing it over time. 
32. Any vices?
      Was a freelance merc when she was a teen.
33. Is Shepard free with affection, or more reserved?
       Free with certain people but also reserved. 
34. Are there any people out there that betrayed Shepard? How do they handle it?
       She has killed people for betraying her as a teen but now she deals with it healthier. 
35. Is your Shepard a biter? (Interpret this as you will) 
        She bites when she's bored and likes to bite and get bitten during spicy time. 
36. What is their relationship with Wrex?
       Theyre besties. 
37. Does Shepard have any friendships that surprise the rest of the crew?
        Aria because not many people knew, she was also close with Fedorian and Victus before the war. 
38. If Shepard is dropped into the middle of the wilderness for a week, how do they handle it?
         Perfectly fine with her training and prior knowledge 
39. Does Shepard have a will? What do they want done with their body after they’ve passed.
       She would like a tree burial pod. Everything she owns gets handed out equally to her friends and family.
40. How does your Shepard react, when Liara tells them she’s the one that handed their body over to Cerberus?
      Octavia is pissed! She knew liara was obsessed with her but didn't know just how much and it reminded her of her slavers obsession with her. 
41. They’ve been caught in the rain! How does Shepard react? 
        Octavia doesn't care. 
42. How does Shepard handle the reporters? What are they like in an interview 
        She handles the situation calmly and keeps a steady head. 
43. What was the clone’s fate? Do you think Shepard and their clone could coexist?
    Shepard tried to save her clone because she believes everyone deserves a chance at redemption. Unless you're Kai Leng. I think that Octavia would have helped her clone become human and helped to find her own friends and start a life.
44. What’s the perfect date to sweep Shepard off their feet?
        Something super personal to her. Mordin once took her gaming on the citadel and had a dinner set up for her in a private area with fairy lights and flower petals over grass. He also had fireworks set up for the perfect romantic moment.
45. How many unread emails are in their inbox?
    Octavia tries to read all her messages, she has a separate email for non work related stuff. She also replies to most fan letters in some form to let people know she appreciates the support.
46. What does your Shepard get competitive over?
      Everything. Shes an Aries.
47. What museum is your Shepard going to? natural history, science, art… the zoo, aquarium?
       She likes her war history and probably the science museum. 
48. What kind of a sleeper is Shepard? Sprawl out, hog the covers, octopus…. How many hours do they normally sleep? 
         She sleeps in a ball when alone or being spooned if she's with someone, though she spoons Aria. 
49. Do they have any morning or evening rituals?
          She calls her pop pop every morning to have tea together and works out and meditates with Mordin. 
50. What scents in particular draw Shepard in?
           She likes the smell of fire smoke and sawdust. 
+1 what, to your Shepard, is a good death
     A good death to octavia is dying for something you believe in, or dying to protect the people you care about the most.
1. When was the last time Shepard cried? 
        She doesn't like to cry because it makes her feel week. But depending on the time frame, either after her ex's death, her breakup or most other major character deaths. 
2. First impression of Miranda—and does it change?
      She doesn't like Miranda very much, her opinion does change because she finds similarities between their childhood. 
3. The game Shepard will always win:
       The long game ;) 
4. Do they like living on a ship?
       They don't love it but they don't entirely hate it. Octavia misses the ability to go walking through the bush. 
5. What skills come naturally to them?
        Anything with guns and knives. 
6. What abilities have they worked hard to hone?
        Her assassin type abilities, mainly her agility and stealth. 
7. The very first time they killed someone: 
         She was 10 and had to kill a slaver to protect her brother. 
8. Shepard walks into a bakery. What do they order?
          She loves a good curry pie or sausage roll. 
9. How did they feel about being promoted to Spectre?
       She was honoured and excited because she could investigate and make a difference without as many restrictions. But the burdens that came with it made the job seem more like a burden over time. 
10. Favorite drinking buddy and why:
        Wrex, he always knows how to have a good time and mellow out at the right moment.
11. What does Samara think of Shepard?
         She is interested and wants to know more about her and what shaped her into the person she is today. 
12. Where do their thoughts linger? The past, present, or future?
           All of the above. She looks back on the past and judges herself for her mistakes but promises to not make them again in the future. She likes to focus on the good moments of the now. Looking forward and back in time means she is looking at events that have/ are going to hurt.
13. It’s Shepard’s turn to cook. What’s on the menu? How does it go?
        She would use her secret spice mix to take the food to a whole new level and she likes to cook foods from different cultures. 
14. Describe Shepard’s funeral. 
          Small but nice. Only people that directly knew her were permitted to attend. They each got to help bury her tree. 
15. What draws Morinth to Shepard?
            I never recruited her but if I did it would be Octavias ability to never give up and turn most situations in her favour. 
16. How well does Shepard know Kai Leng?
        Well enough to know she wants to punch him into tiny little bits and incinerate those bits. 
17. During a mission, Shepard breaks an arm. Badly. How do they handle it?
         She laughs and starts shaking it around and making jokes but it really, really hurts.
18. Three rumors about Shepard:
Shes sleeping with the primarch (not wrong but anyway)
She and Wrex were secretly dating
She once brutally tortured someone for information regarding her mission. 
19. Table manners?
      She has them yes. Though she couldn't care less on how anyone else eats their food.
20. What was their first reaction to seeing their glowing scars in 2?
       She almost cried. She didn't feel like herself, she felt like one of her robots that she made that was a simple VI. Just built and designed for a specific purpose. It really messes with her head and makes her spiral. 
21. Why did Nihlus choose to nominate Shepard as a Spectre candidate?
        Nihlus once ran into her during a mission and they worked together, she didn't speak much but when she did he thought she was insightful and had a great eye for small details. 
22. Describe their posture: 
       She holds herself in high regard but is also incredibly modest. She tries to be a glass half full type of person, always trying to make a bad situation a little less worse. 
23. Was Shepard born to lead, or was command hoisted upon them?
         She was happy to follow orders but she likes the fact she can do much more as a commander. She makes a great leader and she was happy to lead squadrons and stuff but after everything with Saren she wasn't ready to lead her friends into such dangerous territory. She hates soldiers dying under her command, especially friends. The pressure placed on her when the reapers came would have crushed her if it wasn't for the constant support from those around her. 
24. Do they fall in love easily?
        She gets crushes easily but falling in love is much more difficult for her. 
25. Does Shepard dream of the starchild, or does it take a different form.
         I think it takes on the form of her dead brother. The dream of not being able to save starchild before death hits home for her not being able to save her brother so I think it would be her brother. 
26. A lesson that was hard to learn:
         People die and sometimes there is nothing you can or could have done about it and its not your fault. 
27. Who was their first crush?
          Her turian neighbour Tennan 
28. How do they feel about all the new cybernetics Miranda installed?
          She thinks they're helpful and is grateful to be alive but she would prefer to not have them. 
29. Does Shepard remember dying?
         Yes. I think that the stims and medigel being pumped around her suit would have kept her alive until impact. 
30. One of the dumbest things they’ve ever done:
         Broke up with Mordin. 
31. What is their favorite story to tell? The one that they get such a kick outta sharing that the gang could probably recite it from memory by now 
          About how Anderson had to cut her out of a tree when she stepped on a trap during training. 
32. What kind of drunk is Shepard? Affectionate, weepy, belligerent… 
           She is pretty chill, though she does get excited easier and more affectionate. 
33. Describe their laugh: 
           Her laugh is contagious and full of sincere joy that makes everyone join in or just be happy at the fact she's enjoying herself. 
34. What was it like, facing a reaper on foot?
          She was scared but she pushed through it and afterward she realised just how cool it really was. 
35. Are there any friendships that form among the crew that surprises Shepard?
          Samara and Zaeed. She thought their opposing ideas for certain things would have made them stay away from each other. 
36. What sort of thrills do they purposely seek out?
         Anything that will give them adrenaline. 
37. The first speech Shepard ever gave. How’d it go?
       It was at a party in Anderson's backyard for her 18th birthday. She got really sentimental thinking everyone for what they've done to get her to that point. 
38. Do they celebrate holidays? Which is their favorite? 
      Yes. Her favourite holiday is Halloween because she love spooky season. 
39. Longest friendship?
        Wrex. They've known each other since Shepard was 16
40. What does Udina think of Shepard.
          He thinks she's a tool he can utilise to get a foothold in the council. 
41. If they were sent back to any moment in time, when would it be, and what would they change?
She would be sent back to try and figure out a way to save her squad on Akuze. 
42. What song is their anthem?
             The darkness at the heart of my love ~ Ghost or masterpiece ~ motionless in white. 
43. They come into an insane amount of money. How do they spend it?
      She hoards it until someone around her needs it.  
44. What sort of relationship does Shepard have with the council? 
       They respect each other. She also got Valern and Tevos together. 
45. Three things Shepard is bad at:
Opening up
Being organised 
Keeping a regular schedule 
46. Favorite candy?
         Ghost drops/ sour straps
47. Who is Shepard’s date to the Citadel party?
48. What is Thane’s fate?
         Kai Leng 
49. What’s the perfect lazy-day shore leave?
        Going to Anderson's apartment and chilling out 
50. What’s do they think of the leviathan?
          She feels violated and scared that such a powerful creature could invade her mind and see everything about her. Though she thinks they're pretty cool and she would like to study one. 
+1. How long can Shepard hold their breath? 
            She has yet to test this theory and their max capabilities but N7 training meant she had to hold it for at least 2-3+ minutes 
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your-unfriendlyghost · 2 months
Not necessarily a request, but have you ever drawn the Shepards before?
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Y’know what, sure. I wouldn’t normally, but I figured Tim Shepard probably would wanna shove Dally
Context: a great comment on this post
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@mrs-m this one’s for you, man
Also in retrospect I low-key think Cherry deserves to shove him more. ...might draw that actually, I'm yet to post any of my Cherry drawings on here but I really should
(again for the record I do like dally- I just also think he deserves this.)
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sashthesloth · 7 months
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Sometimes you spend 100 hours replaying a beloved character from a beloved game and end up spending another 25 or so ish hours making a character sheet so self indulgent ft. My beloved Shep who I put through the wringer the first time around in 2017 but hopefully gave an easier time on our second run.
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redfish-blu · 3 months
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Throws the Shepard siblings at you and runs
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thefloatingstone · 8 months
We don't talk enough about that moment in the Citadel DLC where Brooks is complaining about all the paperwork she has to file with the Alliance regarding getting shot while on duty and Shepard responds, completely seriously;
"It's easier to just write up a template beforehand"
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glennquackmire · 2 months
Tim already had a crush on Darry, but now that Darry is Dorothy, Tim is even more down bad
Dorothy: oh hey Tim, I didn’t know you came to Dairy Queen
Tim: UH yeah- yeah I come here, ah. A lot. 😁😁 you know, for… dairy
Dorothy: that- uh. Makes sense
Tim is not an awkward person, but he gets so stupid around Dorothy
thank u for the chance to draw Dorothy 😢😢
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I did not do them justice what is this.Do we fw really big scar Tim or do I make it smaller
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Thinking about John Shepard, a 7-year-old orphan. Scrawny little boy. Ribs, back and thighs always bruised, nose always bloody. Eyes too big for his face, too blue, full of tears when he gets beaten, but never shed.
Thinking about John Shepard, a 12-year-old boy. Too tall for his age, too skinny, always, always hungry. He steals smokes from the older kids and tries his best to learn how to smile properly. Says, "When I was a kid…" and follows it up with the most vulgar joke you can imagine.
Thinking about John Shepard, a 14-year-old teenager. A bloody knife in his hand. Blood on his fingers, on the cuffs of his jacket, on the sneakers he stole two months ago and was so proud of. "Fuck," he says, stepping back from the body on the ground. "Fuck."
Thinking about John Shepard, a 17-year-old who bullshits his way in and out of situations, using everything he has: his looks, his aim, his complete lack of conscience. Everyone will use you and throw you away, so use them first and come out on top.
Thinking about John Shepard, a 23-year-old completely overwhelmed by the need to survive.
Thinking about John Shepard, a 28-year-old, suffocating in space. Alone. Trying to take a single breath but failing, trying to float but falling.
Thinking about John Shepard, a 29-year-old man, who finally knows what his violent, stupid, chaotic, short life was lived for. Knows that there are people worth dying for. So he dies for them. He lives. He gives his all.
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stormikins · 1 year
4, 9, 36 and 43 from fifty oops for Jenn 👀
From this list!
4. Shepard wakes up in an alternate universe. What tips them off?
Jenn’s very used to differentiating between what’s real and what’s not thanks to all the visions. She’s focused on what her reality is like, and she also have very good instincts. So, she would automatically know something was off, but wait until she had evidence to truly let herself think about what’s going on.
9. Did/does Shepard have any alien biases?
The gang definitely tried given that they eventually did turn anti-alien. But Shepard saw the nasty side of humans on Earth so she couldn’t really believe that aliens were worse, or that humans were better. So, she could have if she didn’t have some positive influences during her teenage years.
36. What was going through Shepard’s head when they met Sovereign on Virmire?
Very confused, and then indignant. Flabbergasted at the arrogance it was demonstrating and the hypocrisy of “you can’t understand us” yet I’m gonna explain what we do and how we operate.
43. What would they rather? Four years into the past, or four years into the future? Why?
Past. Give her time to fully prepare for the Reapers.
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theoriginalladya · 1 year
8, 22, and 30 for my favorite boy Caleb please <3
Taken from this list here
Awww, thank you for asking about my Irish boy! <3 Let's see what he's willing to share...
8. What is the difference between me1 and me3 Shepard? Do they notice, or does someone have to point it out?
Oh gosh, start with the tough ones! LOL Well, I'd say the biggest difference between Caleb in ME1 and ME3 is that he's learned how to let his friends be 'friends', be closer than he'd usually allow (after losing people in the Reds, on Akuze, Virmire, etc.). The risk is still there, it will always be there, but the journey he makes through ME2 teaches him it's okay to accept that risk - it's a part of living - and to allow those he's closest with share that with him, and for him to share it back. (won't get into specifics, but it's ultimately what allows him to tell Kaidan how he feels in the end, but it isn't just with Kaidan - it's with ALL of them).
22. What was the post-lazarus reunion between shepard and joker like?
Jesus, you're going for the jugular, aren't you??? lol
For the most part, Caleb has no issues with Joker post-lazarus. Once he hears about what the Alliance does (breaking them up, sweeping what happened under the rug, etc.), he understands why Joker left. Doesn't mean he agrees, but he understands. Honestly, at that point, he needs all the people he can trust on his side once he realizes what Cerberus has done to him. I think it's also partly why he's willing to forgive Liara for her part, too.
30. A moment that almost made Shepard quit.
Oh gosh, let's see. Honestly, during diver training when he discovers not only does he have a fear of deep water, but just how strong a fear it is. He never knew about it before the training and he nearly dies when he panics. When Anderson comes to him and tells him he is getting a second chance at it, Caleb is already in the middle of packing his things up to leave - not just ICT but the Alliance altogether. After that, once he passes it, he pretty much dedicates himself to the Alliance for whatever the future holds for him.
Thanks so much for asking these! They definitely help me pull him into better perspective in my head! <3
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
19, 20, 21 for Emily and Lisa both?
19. Are there any companions your Shepard just absolutely cannot vibe with or relate to
Are you trying to get me killed? xD Liara. Emily made more of an effort to at least be... friendly in ME1, while Lisa was just kinda "eeeh, no, not vibing with the chick who has to keep mind-melding with me no matter how uncomfortable it makes me". But in ME2, when she acts like you're bffs and hugs you and everything they both went "Um. No, thank you :)" (And then you find out she's the one who gave your body to Cerberus bc she couldn't let you go, and that's just creepy to both of them bc they weren't particularly close. It's not bc "the galaxy still needs you" or "Kaidan was devastated, it's a favor for a friend" or anything that would have made it ~slightly~ more palatable. No, it's bc she who was barely acquaintances with them couldn't let them go and that sounds stalkery af. )
Additionally, Emily does not vibe with Zaeed or Lisa with Jacob and Miranda.
20. Does Shepard enjoy looking for resources and upgrading gear, or do they see it as a chore?
Emily sees it as a necessary evil, Lisa loves to tinker with her tech, so it's fun for her.
21. Do you have any AUs for your Shepard?
Lisa answered here, and I don't really have any for Emily.
Shepard Asks
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angstyastro · 9 months
I gotta go with girlfriends fshali!!!
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Fshali wip for wip game!
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johnnycakesswitch · 3 months
ponyboy learns another language so he can say stuff without the gang knowing what hes saying
He would definitely do this 💀💀💀 one of my favorite Shepard’s headcanons is that they’re haitian and pony picked up some kreyòl and he would just talk shit around the gang knowing they don’t understand 😭 curly eats it up too
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