rohanrider3 · 2 years
Art Poll/Ask for rohanrider3 Ao3
Hey there everyone! So, I have a question for y’all. Some of you might know me already, but for those who don’t--hello there! LONG story short, I’m a writer strugging to come back from about a five year slump (thank you ongoing chronic illnesses, blegh). I’m trying to get back into making art--especially writing--but I ALSO want to try my hand at drawing more. Like, a LOT more. Because here’s the thing--I love writing partly because I have these vivid, intense scenes in my mind, and I love love LOVE putting them into words and weaving them into stories. Buuuuut when...say, due to chronic illness, the “words” part of my brain doesn’t work...and I’m frozen with all these ideas/images but no way to share them...it gets hard to make art, then. Really hard. Like freeze-despair-lose-steam-for-years-hard.
BUT. I’ve found that making art in other ways--e.g. DRAWING, design, etc.--has helped jump start the writing again as well! Which is great! BUT ALSO. I have so MANY scenes and stories I’ve already written. (points and whispers, “Hey look, it’s an Ao3 profile with loads of hurt/comfort stories from multiple fandoms!” and then clumsily runs away in a terrible attempt at a graceful exit)
(pops back into frame, sweating slightly at seeing word counts again) So. many. scenes...ohgoditssomuch whydididothistomyself whatwaspastmethinking
THIS is where all you come in! I thought I’d post this hope of mine--namely, to hear which of your favorite scenes visually stand out to you in your mind(s)--here on Tumblr.
If you would, kindly drop me a line or a comment and let me know what some of your favorite moments are, or scenes, or lines--you get the idea!
ALSO. If you haven’t read some/most/any of my fics, feel free to give them a try! Past readers have left lovely, excited reviews--and I know I enjoyed writing the fics as well, so there’s a lot to enjoy if you want to try it out. And if you comment (saaaaaay, with your favorite moment, scene, look, visualization) I can add it to my list of artistic drawing attempts! And you’ll have put a happy smile on my face, which is also great!) :) 
Housekeeping stuff: My spoons are still extremely limited, as are my Tumblr skills, so if you leave a comment or a message somewhere on my Ao3 profile, it has a better chance of being seen by yours truly there. 
Share Art With Me Encouragement: By the way, if you’ve been inspired by any of my stories, I’d LOVE to see/hear/be told how that played out. Let me say that again: I WOULD LOVE TO HEAR ABOUT IT. I WOULD LOVE IT. Enthusiastically sharing joy is so much fun, and frankly, our world can use as much enjoyment and positive reinforcing as we can get at the moment.
FOR EXAMPLE, my lovely friend @eringeosphere did a PODFIC of my first ever Peter Quill fic (her gift of which continues to make my day, every day <3 <3 )
The world’s a rough place, and the last few years have really kicked a lot of people in the teeth. (*raises hand and spits out a few spare molars* I’m bight dere wib yew, bal.) However, I want to leave this world better than I found it. And despite my own personal struggles, I have found LOTS of joy--more than I ever thought was possible--in making art and sharing it, and enjoying it, with others. Thanks for reading this, and I’m so excited to see what happens! 
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skeblinn · 1 year
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I wanted to retouch on that concept of an Elise that goes on adventures every so often with sonic after the events of 06 (and her coming into her own), and wanted to give her an outfit that's both an homage to her mother's regalia and something that's her own, too! Definitely the cleric/'healer' of the group!
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pataheart · 5 months
what characters behold you as ace, and if you could still write platonic pining, what sticks out about them?
i will confess that im not asexual myself, so its something i dont think about too much (shame on my end).. so i feel some of these imagines would be lacking for a view. its nice to get a platonic imagines ask, however!
- i think hero is asexual if i had to be real. sexual relations is something they dont see themselves doing, and even with naughtyfins later down the line- they'd rather hold someones hand while being told its okay. something like that doesnt even have to be romantic though! - hero isnt too social with others, but them pining for someone platonically could be because they felt treated like an actual person, or just nice to converse with. maybe even sharing a hobby makes hero want to impress you, just to be a closer friend. - nomen is also asexual in my mind, not because of his attitude but i feel that he wouldnt be a huge fan of sexual relationships in general. after the events of pata2 (and i like to pretend that he lives alongside the other generals), he'd just wanna focus on being closer with his family and himself. - i think nomen pining over someone is rather rare, but itd be obvious if nomen wants to be friends with you or not. hes more clingy, talkative, and defensive if anyone happens to accuse you of anything. and if you happen to be a fellow soldier, he often tries to pair up with you in battle (as, despite what he claims, he enjoys teamwork)
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spiderton · 1 year
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idk if this posted already but would be cool if one or two of them were the new units.. just saying..
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Bungie’s new “Marathon” game?
Haven't even seen the trailer for it yet. Been real busy between work, school, building a complex lore system for a new petsim, figuring out my health problems and suddenly adopting a new snake so bungie-related gaming has kinda been put on the wayside for now
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soulsbetrayed · 10 months
"Ah? How many Alters are there now?"
The Shieldbearer looks rather stunned at the turn of events and admittedly he wasn't counting himself amongst them
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samarecharm · 2 years
I am not allowed to indulge in ANY OG Destiny content lest I be pushed to ignore cringe culture and make an entire destiny au for p5 for the sole purpose of putting them through the vault of glass and oryx raid aka the most memorable raids ive played in any fucking game
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modwyr · 11 months
im thinking i might make allara start the first game off as a former bleak walker and part of the reason she is moving to the dyrwood is to start fresh and become a stalwart and true knight. then she experiences the horrors.
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darkgavity · 8 months
Darkest Dungeon is a fun game that never makes you want to tear your hair out :)
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grailfinders · 2 months
Grailfinders #26: Boudica
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hey, remember that time we changed our username to pivot to pathfinder builds, completely breaking everyone’s saved links in the process and letting a spambot take our old name only to actually make like 2 dozen builds before stopping for almost a year?
yeah, good times.
anyways, we’re finally doing a pathfinder build again! we’re picking up right where we left off with Boudica, britain’s queen of victory! she’s a Ranger to ride well and hunt down romans even better, and we also dabble into Cavalier to grab the other horse for her chariot and Bastion to shield her allies from harm!
check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
next up: so no head?
Ancestry & Background
Boudica is a Versatile Human, giving her a boost in Constitution and Wisdom, as well as a free general feat to start off! with Ride, you don’t need to make animal handling checks to move your horse around while you ride on it. you’re a rider, you shouldn’t be falling off your mount. you’re also a Viking Shieldbearer, so you can Shield Block as a reaction to block incoming damage. it’s also more than a bit geographically inaccurate, but that’s never stopped us before.
you’re also a Noble, which is a step down from queen but we do what we can. this gives you free training in Society, as well as Genealogy Lore, because I don’t think heraldry was a thing when you were around. you also get a boost in Charisma and Strength, plus the Courtly Graces feat, so you can use society to make an impression on nobles instead of diplomacy. you’re not gonna be using that much, but maybe you’ll meet a non-roman noble on your travels.
at level five your Cooperative Nature boosts your Aid checks. at level nine you can give Group Aid, only spending a single action to help multiple people as long as it makes sense with what you’re actually doing to help. at level 13 you can Bounce Back once a day, preventing accumulation of wounded conditions from dropping to 0 HP. finally, at level 17 your Heroic Presence inspires Zealous Conviction, making it easier to command people as long as you don’t make them act completely out of character.
Class Levels
1. again, getting everything out of the way real quick- as a Ranger you are trained in Nature, Survival, Crafting, Diplomacy, Athletics, Plains Lore(or whatever type of land your character is supposed to hail from in-game, britain’s a big place it’s got range), all weapons, Unarmored, Light, and Medium Armor, your Class DC, Will Saves, and as you improve your intelligence Medicine and Religion. you’re also an expert in Perception, Fortitude, and Reflex.
your Key Ability is Strength, so that gives another boost and informs all save DCs you have as a ranger. you also get a level 1 Ability Boost to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Wisdom. as a ranger, you can Hunt Prey as an action, targeting one poor sap in particular for a bonus to seek and track your prey. that alone isn’t special, but your Precision Hunter’s Edge adds an extra d8 of damage to your first hit on your prey each turn.
you also get an Animal Companion. hey, free horse! (the horse also hates romans, so it gets the benefits of your Hunter’s Prey and Hunter’s Edge too.)
technically you can use Warden Spells now, but this build doesn’t do that, so enjoy having less complications in your life.
2. you can now deliver a United Assault once per turn as an action, gaining extra damage on your attack depending on how many of your friends have ganged up on whatever you’re hitting. it’s like the whole party has bonus damage against romans now… and they’re just rolling really badly!
you’re also a Forager, because you can’t cook if you don’t have food. basically, you can always find food for yourself and up to four creatures. there’s more benefits at higher levels of survival, but FGO parties are three people at a time, so you’re fine.
finally, your Bastion Dedication sets you down the path of defense, giving you the Reactive Shield reaction. if you didn’t raise your shield before something tries to hit you, you can do so at the last second for a boost to AC.
3. you can now Pick up the Pace to hunt down the romans faster, increasing how much time your party can hustle while exploring.
your will saves and athletics checks also improve this level.
4. you can now Disrupt Prey as a reaction, so any romans trying to manipulate anything around you might get wacked on the hand and stop.
speaking of stopping, you don’t do that, because you’re an Express Rider! you can make a nature check to move 50% faster. no word on what percentage cooler this makes the horse, but I bet at least 20%.
you can also block and knock at the same time with Disarming Block! it’s exactly as the name implies- if you shield block someone, you can try to disarm them.
5. another Ability Boost, this one improving your Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. your Ranger Weapon Expertise makes you an expert with ranger weapons, yes, but it also gives you the critical specialization of all those weapons if you’re attacking your chosen prey! your Trackless Step makes it harder for any of those romans to find you though, as you’re always covering your tracks without slowing down.
all that, plus it’s high time you got trained in Cooking Lore. for cooking.
6. your horse is all grown up- now it’s a Mature Animal Companion. this means that now your horse can chase and attack enemies without you needing to spend an action to command it! it only gets one action per turn this way, but hay. fuck romans, all my horsies hate romans.
speaking of, you can make romans Say That Again! as a reaction if they crit fail demoralizing you or lying to you. this shoves them back and lets you roll intimidation on your initiative check!
you also have a Nimble Shield Hand, so you can interact with things while wielding a shield in one hand and a sword in the other! I’m sure you cook that way due to sprite limitations, but it’s a thing you can do now.
7. seventh level rangers get Evasion, which isn’t quite as awesome as D&D’s but it’s nice. you’re a master at reflex saves now, and all your successes are critical.
you’re also an Experienced Professional (and an expert Cook Lorist), so you gain twice as much money from failing to earn income cooking, and you prevent critical failures. you’re no beni-enma, but you’re pretty damn good at what you do.
your Vigilant Senses make you a master of perception, and your Weapon Specialization deals bonus damage based on how much you’ve trained with whatever you’re wielding.
8. you can now give a Warden’s Boon as an action, giving your hunt prey and hunter’s edge bonuses to an ally you choose for a round. your anti-roman damage buff’s party wide, but we’re still getting there!
also your Unmistakable Lore means you’ll never get a critical failure while recalling cooking knowledge. I’d advise not to cook with mushrooms before this level.
your bastion feat Reflexive Shield now adds a raised shield’s AC bonus to your reflex saves as well, and you can even shield block whatever made that save happen to boot! rangers are already great with reflex saves so this is just icing on the cake.
9. your Nature’s Edge gives you an advantage on attacking people in difficult terrain. I’d argue all of britain is difficult terrain these days, but that’s due to england being anti-human life rather than because of anything slowing you down.
you’re also an expert in your Class DC, and trained in Intimidation.
10. your next Ability Boost improves your Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom. you’re also a Hazard Finder now, so you get a little boost to perceiving traps and hazards, as well as to save against them. rome put you through a lot, so you had to survive all that crap too.
on a lighter note, you’re now a Seasoned chef, so you get a +1 bonus to crafting all food and drinks.
finally, you can Quick Shield Block, gaining a second reaction that can only be used for blocking with your shield. given how much your shield can block now, that’s well-appreciated.
11. as a Caravan Leader,  you’re able to hustle your group for much longer than before. you’re also a Juggernaut, so all your improved fortitude saves are critical on a success, and you’re an expert with Unarmored, Light, and Medium armor.
your Wild Stride lets you move through natural difficult terrain without issue, and your Intimidation improves too. this is because the british are terrifying.
12. at level twelve you can target Double Prey- as it sounds, you can target two creatures in the same action. unfortunately, there’s more than one roman in the world. fortunately, you can do something about that. you can also Rapid Mantel, pulling yourself up a ledge as soon as you grab it.
you also get the Cavalier Dedication this level, so now you have a second horse! yeah that’s it.
13. your survival is better now, and so is your skill with all weapons. not every level’s gonna be a book report.
14. remember double prey? now instead of two prey, how about two hunters? with Shared Prey, you can pick a single target and give your hunt prey and hunter’s edge bonuses to an ally as well as yourself! with this and your ranger companion, you now have three people all dealing extra roman damage! not three separate servants, but I told you we were getting there!
you can also make a Powerful Leap for Standard Anime Jumps, jumping up five feet or across by an additional five feet.
you also have a Mounted Shield, so while on your horse your raised shield and shield blocks will protect you and your mount! horses tend to not have a ton of HP, so this helps a lot.
15. one more Ability Boost improves your Strength, Constitution, Intelligence, and Wisdom, and you gain an Intimidating Prowess that transcends language. servants are stupid strong, and if I saw a woman crush a car like a tin can it really wouldn’t matter if she spoke english or not.
you also get a bunch of small improvements- Greater Weapon Specialization adds more damage to every weapon attack, Improved Evasion makes you a reflex legend and you can’t critically fail, Incredible Senses gives you legendary perception, and you have mastered Cooking Lore!
16. your Incredible Companion now becomes nimble or savage! I don’t think there’s any romans that resist nonmagical bludgeoning damage, but it never hurts to prepare. either way, they can Gallop by using two actions, increasing their speed.
speaking of, you can now lead your horse on a Trampling Carge for three actions, moving through smaller enemies and dealing damage to each one.
again, servants are really strong, so you’re a Hefty Hauler, letting you carry more stuff before getting encumbered.
17. you’re now a Masterful Hunter, improving your class DC again and giving you a bonus with ranged weapons we don’t care about. on the plus side you get an even bigger bonus to seeking your prey, and your once-per-turn damage bonus now applies to multiple attacks!
also- better athletics. have fun.
18. with the Masterful Companion feat, your horse now gets the full multi-strike damage boost of your Masterful Hunter bonus
you can also Quick Climb, just because I thought it looked cool. we’re running out of general skills, you see.
but we still have plenty of cool archetype stuff! with Shield Salvation, you can prevent a shield from breaking when you block damage with it! this works once per day per shield, but that’s still going to save you a lot in the long run.
19. you’re an Ancestral Paragon, giving you some Haughty Obstinacy so the romans can’t push you around. you critically succeed on saves against mental effects, and if someone fails to coerce you they critically fail instead!
your armor has become a Second Skin to you, so you can rest in it. feels a bit weird to get that this late in the build, but we gave you a level 12 feat at level 18, so who are we to judge?
you also get better with Society, and you can size up Swift Prey in an instant- you get a free action each turn if hunting prey is the first thing you do.
20. last level, last Ability Boost. this last one improves you Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, and Charisma. we can also finally buff the whole party properly with Triple Threat- you can mark three romans for yourself, two romans for yourself and an ally, or one roman for the whole party of three to beat up.
you get Wall Jump because again why not, and we finish the build with a Legendary Rider, giving you another free action each turn to command your horse.
Pros & Cons
this build really maximizes the effectiveness of the ranger’s Hunt Prey ability, sneaking in as much bonus damage as we can by sharing our precision damage with just about everyone in the party. also, by sneaking shields into a class that usually doesn’t really use them, we improve the ranger’s defense by quite a bit, improving the longevity of Boudica and her horse.
like a lot of build so far, playing to character completely removes any kind of ranged damage from the build, and in a game like pathfinder where positioning is important, not being able to attack at range can be a big issue. also, while you have plenty of defense, you have no way to repair your shields on your own, or regain HP in battle, so you’ll still lose that war of attrition.
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athingofvikings · 9 days
A Thing Of Vikings Chapter 139: Legacy
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Chapter 139: Legacy
First Shieldbearers
Active: July 1043 AD/March 1045 AD (see History)—present
Country: North Sea Empire
Type: Mounted bodyguard
Role: Imperial Body Guard
Size: 500 Thanes
Garrison/HQ: King Magnus’ Palace, London
We Hold The Line (official)
We Hold Back Our Boss (unofficial)
Colors: Black and Red
Commander: 4 Wing General Spitelout Clodgallsson Clan Jorgenson, Inception—Present
Provisional Commanders
Astrid I Hákonsdóttir House Haddock, 1043-1045
Folarin House Haddock, 1045-1061
William I Robertsson House Haddock, 1061-1065
Maor ben Dovid House Mordechai, 1065-1076
Hamish Hiccupsson House Haddock, 1076-1084
Full List of Provisional Unit Commanders (1043-Present)
The First Shieldbearers of Berk and the Lands of the North Sea Empire, and Members of the Imperial Body Guard of High Thanes, popularly known as the Shieldbearers , is the unit of the North Sea Imperial Armed Forces charged with protecting the persons of the Imperial House. The oldest Imperial military corps still in existence, it was formally created by order of King Stoick I of Berk in response to the Caen Massacre…
—First Shieldbearers (n.d.) In Wikikenna. Retrieved August 10, 1876
AO3 Chapter Link
My Original Fiction | Original Fiction Patreon
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manfrommars2049 · 11 months
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Refractory Shieldbearer by Bone Dust via ImaginaryKnights
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jennamoran · 9 months
Far Roofs
Playtesters haven't really dug that deep into the first complete draft of Nobilis yet. It's ... a large book, and most of the newer stuff isn't actually needed in playtest games. So I've mostly been waiting there and letting the project sit a bit.
In the meantime, I've been laying out the Far Roofs, which has been basically done for a few years. Also holy heck is it cool.
I just kind of forgot about it because I got distracted by Nobilis and then neck issues meant Nobilis took an extra year it really shouldn't have needed to finish (plus a lot of time that it did need) and everything has been terrible but geez
It's a diced game with my standard 5d6 system and a river, an order-of-magnitude upgrade to the CMWGE/Glitch quest system (a bit too experimental and casual to flow forward into Nobilis, probably, but still), and I should be fitting the loose equivalent of 16 CMWGE Arcs/Glitch traits/Nobilis traits, a setting book, and a Glass-Maker's Dragon length campaign into a ~230 page book.
(It may be obvious that small books are not always my goal, or at least do not always win the scrimmage of goals, but it's my priority here. It bugged me that I could ultimately only give digital, ephemeral goods to the people who needed the hardship tier on the Glitch crowdfund.)
Oh! It also has talking rats. Lots of my games do these days tbh at least in the background somewhere but this one heavily features them. You do not play them (usually at least) but you do usually have one for each PC archetype you don't take.
(My last playtest had the grandmother rat Sascha De Rosa, the bard DIY “Dee” Smirnov, the warden Thalia Opera Minerva Alphabet Primorsky III, the reckless prinxe Utena Borgias, and a bunch of miscellaneous shieldbearer Kimuras as its mischief.)
Anyway more soon? I guess?
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spiderton · 2 years
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felt "bored" so i made ormen karmen + karmen generals transparents. anyones free to use them without credit at all i dont give a damn theyre just for my own use or for references
thnx to shockturtle + patapon toot a loot for references
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Lastwall Sentry (Pathfinder Second Edition Archetype)
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(art by GeorgeVostrikov on DeviantArt)
So, two weeks ago we covered both the Knight Reclaimant and Knight Vigilant archetypes, both of which require and are extensions of the Lastwall Sentry archetype. Well, guess what we’re finally covering today?
At the end of the life cycle of 1st edition and the advent of 2nd, the nation of Lastwall, a long-time bastion against not just The Worldwound but also the remnants of the Whispering Tyrant’s forces and the threat of his return was destroyed by the superweapon developed by the returned lich ruler and his resurgent armies.
However, while their bastions have been destroyed and their nation turned into a twisted wasteland of undeath and corrupted life known as the Gravelands, the defenders of Lastwall have not abandoned their post. Instead, those who remained renewed their vows and swore to hold the line and one day be victorious over the forces of darkness.
Whether they join one of the two divinely-empowered factions among their number or stick with their role as guardians and defenders, these warriors remain resolute against evil. Today, in this entry, we’ll see exactly how they do so!
The base dedication of this archetype requires the trainee to first learn how to properly use a shield to block incoming blows, but once they take the dedication, they can do so reflexively. In addition, they train to become more physically fit and learn more about their hated enemy: the undead.
Many also learn to always be ready against the undead, almost never being caught off guard by the classic ambushes and attacks of unquiet souls and necromantic abominations. However, they might be fooled by undead disguised as the living, or vice versa.
Incorporeal undead are the bane of any shieldbearer, but some learn to utter a prayer of protection to instilling their shield, as well as any shield boss or spikes, with just enough power to reach into the ether and block or strike foes with said shield for a few seconds.
For many, the title of sentry isn’t an empty role, and many are especially good at spotting danger or distant threats.
Others become so familiar with undead foes they almost always have a decent chance of recognizing their nature and abilities.
The guardians of Lastwall would rather face total oblivion that rise again as an undead monstrosity and become a threat to the very people they fight for. As such, some learn divine or occult methods of suffusing their bodies with trace amounts of positive energy that lingers after death, preventing all but the most powerful forces from raising them as undead, and making their corpse actually toxic to the unliving.
Similarly, many train to inure themselves to negative energy and harmful necromancy.
Though sometimes others may have differences of opinion or goals that run counter to these sentries, most will not slay the living if they can help it, learning how to better deal nonlethal blows against them when a peaceful resolution cannot be reached.
When one is part of a shield wall, it is often important to know how to push foes back with one’s shield, and so these warriors do, especially if they are also champions with a knack for using both hands to strike with a shield.
Some have fought they undead so long the can sense their presence, giving them an early warning against unseen foes.
The undead hoards just keep coming, and one must often adapt to the quirks of different undead types on the fly, and so these sentries do, recalling their weaknesses and how to pierce them in the same motion as they strike.
Like any foe, the undead are capable of mistakes and poor luck despite their relentlessness, and many of these warriors train to capitalize on that, punishing such fumbles with a mighty shove driving them back.
Rather it be by personal prayer, the blessings of a priest, or sheer willpower-driven occult power, more experienced soldiers of lastwall find their weapons able to strike true against spectral foes.
Some that revere a goodly deity sometimes channel a bit of their god’s blessing into their shield, causing it to flare with positive energy and light to harm and drive back the wicked undead.
Even negative energy is not exempt from their shields, giving them a new way to absorb the harm caused by the undead.
Necromancy is an insidious school of magic on the offense, and as they continue to inure themselves, they learn to better resist such spells which would have a partial effect even when they would succeed.
Those that have honed their senses against undeath can refine them further into a more precise sense, letting them better root them out.
True to their part as members of a shield wall, these warriors can protect others with their shields, not just themselves, and they often reflexively move to interpose the shield if it is an undead assailant.
Death and corruption are old companions of these warriors, and they not only better resist such effects but also try their best to ignore feelings of nausea and unwellness.
Whether it be divine intervention or a spot of uncanny luck in the face of doom, but these guardians sometimes find their shield holding out against one more attack when others would splinter and shatter.
It’s a simple lesson, if evil magic is being cast or manifested nearby, you disrupt it however you can, and some learn to do this with their raw spiritual power alone.
Some of the most powerful sentries are so resolute that they don’t just resist the life-sucking power of the void, but all forms of harm that undead would do to them, standing firmer against the deathly tide.
This archetype is one half improving your shield usage, and one half resisting and retaliating against the undead. As such, it really is meant primarily to be used by champions, fighters, rangers, as well as any sort of class build that makes heavy use of a shield in one hand and a weapon in the other. I will say, however, that a lot of the feats available to the class really are “you resist the deathly effects of undead, but in a different mechanical way”, which gives the homebrewer in me a headache. Even still, if you’re planning on building a shield-based character that fights a lot of undead, and this archetype is available, go for it, and remember it can also be a stepping stone for two other specific archetypes!
It really is inspiring to see heroes emerge from tragedy, to see people be subjected to the absolute worst that life has to offer and say “You will break before I do.” I suppose that’s why such characters are so popular across media.
Long has the Shining Legion stood firm against the horrors of the armies of Kados. However, when the necromancer king recruits a cadre of summoners, the legion will find itself against an unfamiliar foe in the form of hordes of elementals, including massive crystal striders and the like.
Though stout of heart, Pebbo the grippli is an odd choice indeed for a member of the Holy Phalanx, but he insisted he could be of use despite his small size, and he meant it, offering to train his very own underfoot brigade of smaller peoples to supplement the main shieldwall.
With the prestige of both the knights reclaimant and the knights vigilant, it’s often easy to assume that the sentry legion is full of those that couldn’t hack it in either of those groups, but that couldn’t be further from the truth, as most are proud of their role as defenders. However, there are rarely those that live up to the stereotype, and though some learn to move on from those feelings of bitterness, others do not, forming a festering cyst in the unbreakable shell of the legion.
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soulsbetrayed · 11 months
confiteorims asked:
“You shouldn’t judge people by how they look.” / from Bors to Galahad Alter (ofglories)
“I am sure they are judging me just as much as I am them.” the Shield Knight teases as he pushes his bangs out of his face revealing his golden eyes in full. “Either way it takes a scoundrel to know a scoundrel.” he laughs.
He knows Bors will figure out what’s wrong with him in due time.  He was livelier than he ever was when he was alive but the only thing he hated about his status as an Alter Servant was the outright disgraceful way he lived. Back then he was running on impulse never once caring to bridge that yawning gulf between him and his fellow Knights of the Round and now here he was free of the restrains that being a Grail Knight imposed upon him.
The light in his eyes were gone but a fire burned regardless. Galahad truly was living for himself for once he was human and he was grateful for it.
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