#Ship: Jonathan x Steve
faithfulcat111 · 1 year
Stonathan Sundays
No Six Sentence Sunday today, sorry. I've had a lot of personal stuff going on and actually had no time to write this week. But I still wanted to hit one of my weekly things, so have another Stonathan Sunday, fulfilling the prompt: "Why do you care?"
This also fulfills a few other bingo prompts:
@anyfandomangstbingo Any Fandom Angst Bingo
Title: Stonathan Sundays Chapter 7
Pairings: Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington
Word Count: 740
Warnings: Period-typical homophobia, brief injury description, vague mentions to canon-typical violence and past canon fight
Square filled: Wrongful Imprisonment
@julybreakbingo Post-July Break Bingo
Fandom: Stranger Things
Square Filled: Feelings Realization
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"Why do you care?"
Steve winced at the other boy's hoarse voice as he looked through the bars at him. Jonathan looked way too small in the cell, black eye and split lip accompying his bloody knuckles and making it clear that whatever fight he landed himself in had been much more evenly matched than the one they had nearly two years ago. But still, "You were the one who called me, remember? Not the kind of call I like to get in the middle of the night." Thankfully, it happened to be one that Robin wasn't there with him. She and Steve had been nearly living in each other's pockets since Starcourt, but band camp was apparently a type of hell that had Robin crashing at her parents instead.
Jonathan blinked, clearly confused by that. Steve really needed to get him to the hospital or something. There was no way Jonathan had recovered enough from July for another fight not to rattle his brains. Steve sighed as it became clear that Jonathan wasn't going to explain himself without prompting, "Look, you didn't tell me anything on the phone except that you were being held all the way in Indianapolis. And the bozos up there told me you were being held for attempted hijacking of a car and attacking a police officer. Which I told them was a load of horseshit because pretty sure you wouldn't hijack anything outside of Upside-Downy reasons and if that is back already, I'd like to know cause I'd rather just join you in there than go back to Hawkins and deal with that shit again so soon."
Jonathan blinked at him, silent for just long enough for the awkwardness to start creeping in, before bursting into laughter. He wrapped an arm around himself, the sound just slightly too wheeze-like for Steve's comfort, but he was smiling. Genuinely. Steve was terrified.
"No, it was a fight," Jonathan finally contained himself long enough to explain. "A stupid fight is all."
"A fight? Why would they lie?" Steve turned slightly to look back through the door to the main room. No one was hovering, but it wouldn't be long before they came back to ask if Steve was really posting the bail.
"Because they're homophobic bastards is why," Jonathan growled, mouth clearly running faster than his brain. He went extremely pale the moment he appeared to realize what he said, hunching over on himself even more. That could not be comfortable.
Steve blinked at the absurdness of that last thought before shaking his head to fully take in the weight of the moment. He took in Jonathan and how small he was making himself, the way he and Nancy had fallen apart so spectacularly in the aftermath of Starcourt. Steve thought of Robin looking so scared on that bathroom floor, making herself as small as possible as well in that moment before Steve reached out to her. He thought of how pissed his dad would be at Steve using the money he still sent for something like this, even if he never found out. And Steve thought of the last three years, even before everything began that connected them. How he was partnered with the strange quiet boy in his math class and how it pissed him off back then in a way he couldn't quite reason out other than there was something strangely appealing about someone who refused to fit themselves in past-Steve's worldview but also was genuinely helpful in a bizarre sort of backwards way. How he then always orbited on the outskirts of his vision before being forced to confront each other once again. And again. And again. And... Oh.
"Well," Steve tried after failing the first time and having to clear his throat. "Those bastards are the real idiots. Seriously hijacking your own car? Couldn't even come up with something more creative. Losers."
Jonathan jerked his head up, eyes wide with something Steve couldn't quite parse out but the warmth filling him gave him a clue. He opened and closed his mouth a couple of times before Steve took pity and said, "Seriously, give me a few. We'll get that bail paid and get you on your way back home. We can work out how to get your car back later, I promise."
Jonathan blinked again before his face softened even as he winced at his smile pulling at his lip, "Thank you."
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pterawaters · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things - Fandom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington Characters: Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington Additional Tags: Omega Verse, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Omega Jonathan Byers, Omega Steve Harrington, High School, Alternate Universe - Roommates/Housemates, Alternate Universe - Boarding School, Friends to Lovers, Fade to Black Summary:
After Jonathan presents as an omega, he is expected by law to attend the Roane County Presentation School. His roommate, Steve Harrington, takes Jonathan under his wing and they become friends. Then Steve's heat hits...
I wrote this for Day 2 of @stonathanweek​ “Roommates AU” This fills the “Sure, friends kiss each other all the time” square on my flash @julybreakbingo​ card (under the read more)
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stbb-summaries · 5 months
Story # 5
Title: You showed me colors (You know I can't see with anyone else) Main Pairing(s): Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington Rating: E (Explicit, Includes explicit scenes) Genre: Romance, Alternate Universe Word Count: 32446 Completeness: 8 Warnings: Mentions of abuse Summary:
"Jonathan Byers didn’t believe in soulmates. Not in the sense that they didn’t exist. He knew they were out there– in theory. He wasn’t naive enough to think that he’d actually find his. He also didn’t buy into the belief that you couldn’t live a happy life without finding your soulmate. He didn’t know anyone who had found their soulmate and they all lived perfectly happy and normal lives. There was just one benefit of finding a soulmate. Colors. The moment a person and their soulmate touch, their worlds are flooded with vibrant, beautiful colors. Without that person, you were stuck in a world of black and white. When Will goes missing, finding his soulmate is the last thing on Jonathan's mind that is until he punches Steve Harrington in the face and his world is flooded with color."
Art forms preferred: I'd like any art! Highest rating art preferred: E (Explicit, Includes explicit scenes)
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"Weed? You smoke weed?" Steve asked, eyebrow raised.
Jonathan rolled his eyes. "Like you don't." He thought for a minute, contemplating wether to say this or not, but he decided to. "While I was in California, I also had gay sex for the first time."
Steve's eyes widened. "What?" he laughed.
"Yeah, my best friend, Argyle. He and I do it sometimes to, you know, blow off steam."
Steve continued laughing.
"What's so funny?" Jonathan asked. "Gonna make fun of me for being a queer?"
"Nah," Steve shook his head, "I find it funny because Eddie, that trash goblin, he and I..."
Jonathan gasped. "You didn't."
"Well not if you poke fun at me for it."
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schrijverr · 2 years
Honestly, I'm a bit in tears, thinking about Jonathan going on to be a famous photographer, bringing out a book of his early work (late 80s/early 90s) in, like, the 2010s or something and it's just full of queer joy and the queerplatonic family they all made together with the Upside Down gang.
Like it starts with Steve giving Robin a piggy back ride, both laughing their asses off. It's 1989, they had just moved to the big city bc most of the kids had graduated. It's late at night and they went to a Rocky Horror screening. Robin is dressed as Brad, Steve as Janet.
There's a full spread of Eddie on stage, he's shirtless save for a leather harness, sweaty and alive, hankerchief hanging out of his pocket. The next page is him with Steve is his normal clothes in his lap, the rest of the band and Robin around them, all stuffed in a booth in a diner. Nancy and Argyle hadn't been able to make it, but that's okay. It was Coroded Coffin's first big gig.
Argyle has a page dedicaded to him, most of them in the early mornings, sharing the bed with Nancy, the place where Jonathan is supposed to be obvious.
One is Jonathan's favorite, Eddie and Argyle are sharing a joint. They're on the roof, Eddie is gesturing with one hand, holding the joint Argyle is taking a hit from in his other hand. They often had these late nights on the roof, before their lives took off, when insomnia got too band and company was needed.
Nancy and Robin are pictured, they're kissing. They had a short fling in 1987, before Nancy got back with Jonathan and Argyle, and Robin found her current wife.
The wife, back then a girlfriend, is more femme than Robin and there are pictures of their 'wedding'. It wasn't legal, but they didn't care. Robin wore a suit, her wife a dress. There is one page dedicated to the most traditional wedding pictures they took as a joke.
Then the following pictures are more like them, posing with their collection of garden gnomes and taking goofy pictures with everyone, as well as more serious ones.
Jonathan's favorites are the one where Steve is dancing with Robin, her second dance, both having been disowned by their parents. It's obvious they're both crying. The other one is Robin covered in lipstickstains, both her and her wife grinning like madmen, clearly a little tipsy.
There are also pictures from that first summer after Hawkins split open. Nancy on Argyle's shoulders, Steve's on Eddie's, the four of them fighting in the quarry. Robin floating nearby on a floaty along with Max. In the background the boys are jumping down, only held in posed in the air like that by El, who had taken an interest in photography after she realized how easy it was to forget.
There is also thanksgiving at the Hopper-Byers, 1986. Murray is there as well and they're all pushed together on the table, far more people than they thought would survive. Everyone is laughing, because Jonathan is sprawled over Agryle, having tripped in his haste to get seated for the timer.
It's the intimate domesticity that Jonathan has gotten good at capturing that makes the book pop.
Steve, dead asleep, head resting on Eddie's chest, legs thrown over Robin's lap. Eddie is pressing a kiss onto his forehead, Robin is holding his hand. The photo is called: Nightmares
A picture taken by El is in there as well, properly credited. It was taken when visiting Nancy, Argyle and Jonathan in 1991, the three of them are all half asleep, sitting at the table, all wrapped up together, but doing their own thing. Nancy is making notes on a notepad, Jonathan is rolling film and Argyle is doing the crossword in the paper.
There is also one of Coroded Coffin sitting around, crammed into the tiny apartment Eddie, Robin and Steve shared when they first moved out to the big city. They're writing lyrics, obviously mid argument about something. What is noteble is Steve in the background, leaning against the doorframe, looking very fond, dishtowel slung over his shoulders.
Naturally there is also one with all the kids around the table, dice scattered about, Eddie in the midst of a dramatic narration, seemingly oblivious to Steve, smiling dopily and nearly sleep, from where he is draped over Eddie's lap.
There are also pictures of Robin painting Steve's nails, because while Steve knew he'd had to take it off before work, he likes the way it looks.
As well as Steve doing Eddie's eyeliner, because Eddie used to be baby about it, before he got used to doing it before shows.
Will is also in there, alseep in the backseat with Mike, draped over the other guy. They're both in the remnants of cosplay, on the way back from a convention.
All the kids are, though they feature less, having been younger and in different phases of life.
There is a picture of Max and El asleep in Max's dorm when she went to college. Her skateboard is leaning against the wall along with her crutches. Max's hands are in El's hair, it's half braided like they fell asleep before finishing it.
Lucas is pictured with Steve, sweating on a basketball court, what is more obvious is Eddie and Max in the foreground. They're both leaning on their knees, oggling the two players. Max's eyes peer out through thick lenses, but that doesn't hide the moon eyed expression that matches Eddie's.
Another intimate moment that Jonathan captured was Steve, Eddie and Dustin, the three of them in front of a mirror, shaving. Eddie is just dry shaving, but Steve and Dustin both have foam beards, by the looks of it, Steve is teaching Dustin how to shave.
There are also just a few pages dedicated to cheek kisses, both platonic and romatic. They have big grins, soft looks, tears and blood in them. All of them look meant.
One double page is Argyle, Eddie, Nancy, Robin and Steve painting protest signs. There is laughter, but a somber atmosphere too. A heartbreaking point in history to be alive.
The next page is Eddie, Steve and Nancy, the three of them black eyes, Steve even missing a tooth. They're on the steps of a police station, Eddie is giving it the finger, his other arm slung around Steve. Nancy is getting checked over by Agryle, looking determined. Robin is running towards Steve.
Furthermore, it's filled to the brim with pictures of them doing dishes, playing games, backstage with Eddie, Nancy interviewing leather daddies at pride, hands twined together on the dashboard.
Nancy has provided the writing, telling their stories of those times. They might not be able to say it all, but they can say more than back then and their stories deserve a space too. Their interlinked dynamics, their ups, their downs. The family they built together.
Just Jonathan's queer photography of the late 80s/early 90s y'all.
On AO3
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augustjustice · 2 years
I’m a big fan of Steve “queer all along but didn’t realize it” Harrington, but in the most specific way possible, which is this: Steve was in quasi-poly queerplatonic relationships with both Tommy and Carol and then Nancy and Jonathan without knowing it. 
Like, Steve and Tommy grew up as close friends, and when Tommy started dating Carol in junior high, Steve just...kept hanging out with him, but now as a trio rather than a duo. Thirdwheeling on dates without ever thinking anything of it, attached at the hip. 
And, so, when Steve and Nancy started dating, Steve really didn’t see anything wrong with the fact that Jonathan sometimes ended up tagging along on their dates, both at Nancy’s invitation to make it a group hang out and sometimes an invite from Steve himself. 
Though nothing explicitly non-platonic ever happened, it’s only later, when Steve looks back on it, that he realizes 1) that he’d had crushes on Tommy and Jonathan he hadn’t recognized as such and 2) there was something eyebrow-raising, in most people’s eyes, about inviting a third person to tag along on your date. 
(He hasn’t broken pattern yet, though. Because now he has Eddie and Robin, his boyfriend and platonic soulmate respectively, and Robin frequently ends up crashing his dates with Eddie. Everyone is fine with this.)
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sp0o0kylights · 2 years
Steve was going to kill Jonathan. 
He had to save the guy’s life first, but once he did, Jonathan was a dead man. 
Skidding around the corner, eyes wild, Steve only slowed down when he could visually confirm that he had in fact, made it in time.
“Whoa, hey.” Jonathan said. startled as Steve nearly crashed into him, dropping the paper plates he was carrying to his backyard. “What’s wrong?” 
“You-” Steve huffed, breath coming out in sharp bursts and man, wasn’t that a sign that he’d been slacking lately on his workouts? “You need to--”
“What’s happening?” Will interrupted, sensing trouble-- and running immediately towards it as always, El trailing behind. “Are you okay?” 
“No.” Steve growled, hands on his knees, glaring up through his hair. “No, I am not okay. Jonathan won’t be either if he doesn’t go inside and stay there for at least the next twenty minutes.” 
He slowly stood, his general fitness allowing him to regain his stamina quickly even if he had been neglecting it. 
‘I’m sorry I ever stopped going on bi weekly runs.’ 
“What?” Jonathan asked, at the same time Will and El said;
Steve turned his attention to Will, startled to find the kid was almost taller than he was. That was  a train of thought for a different day, because right now he was still focused on keeping Jonathan living and breathing. 
‘The shit I do for these people.’
“You guys remember Gareth?” He said, staring pointedly at Jonathan. 
Ah yes, there was the little wince he was looking for. 
“Gareth?” El asked, voice soft as Will stiffened visibly besides his brother. 
Steve nodded, still glaring Jonathan down. “You know, Gareth. Skipped a grade, Brown hair, part of the Hellfire club, got his ass kicked by Carver’s asshole buddies because he’s super close to Eddie?” 
“Steve--” Will started, staring at him and not at his brother's hunched shoulders, the very first sign of guilt in a Byers. 
(Among many other things, but Steve knew Jonathan better than he knew Will, and those? 
Those were guilty shoulders.) 
“Your brother,” Steve interrupted, making sure the sheer annoyance in his tone came through, “--decided to have a talk with Gareth.”
He  put his hands on his hips, doing his best to communicate ‘you done fucked up’ with his own face. “Eddie found out and is on a rampage.” 
A fact he had been alerted to by Gareth himself, after the poor kid had called him from Eddie’s shiny new government supplied house, begging Steve to stop Eddie before he made the situation worse than it already was.
(Considering Eddie’s paranoia and general protectiveness was still ramped up to a hundred even now, six months after all the Vecna bullshit, Steve didn’t blame Gareth for calling it like it was. 
Eddie absolutely would make things worse.)  
There was a very long pause, in which Steve got a front row seat to several different Byers expressions. 
First was confusion, followed quickly by realization, and then the slow dawning of horror as Will cued in to exactly what his brother had done. 
Meanwhile; Jonathan’s hunched, guilty form took on the look of something a bit more pinched. 
Like a soccer player who had clocked that the ball was in the air, hurtling dead towards his face, and all he could do was stand there and take the hit. 
“Oh.” El said, her head tilted comically, correctly reading her brothers faces. “Gareth is the boy Will has a crush on.” 
She turned to peer Jonathan, Will’s face managing to somehow go redder at his sister's words. 
“The talk Jonathan gave him was like Jim’s talk to Mike.” 
Implied: That talk broke the two of them up. 
Implied: Said talk was now firmly rooted in El’s head as a bad thing. 
Implied: Jonathan was screwed. 
“That’s not good.” She finished calmly, as Will whipped around to confront his brother. 
“What the hell!?” He shrieked, voice cracking right in the middle as Jonathan raised his hands defensively. 
“Look, you’ve been through a lot, and-” He started, only to be immediately interrupted by a furious;  
“That’s not an excuse!” 
Will advanced on him, sticking a pointed finger in Jonathan’s face, a whole tirade of words pouring out of his mouth. “I can’t-I can’t believe you! I told you about Gareth in confidence! You told me I could tell you anything, Jonathan!” 
Steve raised an eyebrow, impressed to find that baby-Byers could actually be intimidating when he wanted to be. 
He was pretty sure it was the height. 
“Scream about it later, get inside now please.” Steve said, trying to cut Will’s attempt on Jonathan’s life off. 
Personally he didn’t care if the guy’s own brother murdered him, he just didn’t need Eddie to catch a charge.
The very thought coincided with their time ending, as a furious screech of wheel’s and muffled metal roared into the Byer’s driveway. The car wasn’t even off by the time Steve heard the door slam, Eddie’s stomping footsteps loud enough for Steve to track him as he came around to the backyard. 
“Hey, El?” He said, as he turned to face down his furious boyfriend. “Tell Will I’m on his side for this one, would you?” 
El nodded politely, a smile overtaking her face as she watched Steve match Eddie’s stride, aiming to head his boyfriend off. 
Kid probably knew what he was going to do before he did it, the little shit. 
“Get out of my way, Steve-!” Eddie bit out, stopping only so he could point to where he wanted Steve to move to. 
Sadly for him, Steve had a different plan.
Instead of slowing down, he simply bent at the knees, wrapping his arms around the back of Eddie’s thighs and putting his shoulder firmly in Eddie’s torso. He had to withhold a grunt to do it, the step- to kneel-to carry was not as smooth as it used to be when Steve was in proper shape and throwing girls around like footballs, but he managed to get Eddie over his shoulder anyway. 
“Hey!” His boyfriend squawked, as Steve smoothly continued walking, right back out of the Byer’s backyard, Eddie hanging over his shoulder. 
“Steven Reginald Harrington, put me down right now!” Eddie shrieked, the words only slightly tangled with Will’s own;
“You’re DEAD Jonathan!” 
(and Els’ gentle laugh, of course.) 
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samgelina-jolie · 2 years
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hexiewrites · 1 year
i need every hollywood script writer to repeat after me:
love triangles BAD, polyamory GOOD
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harringroveera · 1 year
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Harringrove AU where all of them have a study date together but Steve’s eyes are a lil more glued on Billy than the notes in his hands
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kitchen-spoon · 11 months
Post S3 au:
Secret previous Steddie who fell in love over the summer and had a summer romance.
Starcourt happens but Steve doesn’t make it out. Robin insists he is still alive and wont let it go despite everyone trying to tell her he is gone. Her and Eddie become close bonding through their shared loss of Steve, and their shared determination to find him and refusal to believe he is dead. Robin doesn’t get why Eddie is so invested at first until eventually Eddie comes out to her and reveals he and Steve were dating in a weak moment of devastation where he truly believed Steve was gone and needed someone else to know about what they had.
Meanwhile Steve is still alive and in Hawkins. Well more like under Hawkins, being held captive in a bunker by the Russians as they were too compromised to try and sneak him back to Russia. He isn’t sure why they kept him, how long they are going to keep him, and what exactly they plan on doing with him but he doesn’t want to find out beyond the starvation and daily beatings he has gotten so far. Steve bides his time and eventually escapes causing the gossip mill of Hawkins to once again start spinning.
He is found by Lucas and Mike wandering the roads barefoot and beaten in the rain. This of course causes the whole party to assemble. Steve is happy to be home but its all too much, too many people too loud so he leaves. Sneaks out the bathroom window and wanders his way to Robin’s place. He sits on her front step giving her a wobbly smile when she eventually arrives. He stays with her for a few days but it isn’t a permanent solution trying to hide him from her parents.
So Steve moves into the trailer with Eddie and Wayne. Accept he isn’t really there not like he used to be. Wayne see’s the look in Steve’s eyes and knows it well himself from his time serving. So the Munsons slowly but surely acclimate Steve back into society after his months away.
Its not easy with many bumps in the road but it works.
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faithfulcat111 · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington Characters: Jonathan Byers, Steve Harrington, Will Byers, The Party (Stranger Things), Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Jonathan Byers-centric, Hurt/Comfort, Blood and Injury, Panic Attacks, fear of the dark, Angst, Post-Season/Series 04, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Childhood Trauma, remember when i said that one of my stonathan sundays was a prequel, Here we go, Memory gaps, Canon-Typical Violence, Abusive Lonnie Byers, he isn't in this but he has a huge influence on the narrative, New Relationship, they are still figuring it out, post-apocalypse hawkins, Fear of enclosed spaces, July Break Bingo, July Break Bingo 2023, Stonathan Week, Stonathan Week 2023 Series: Part 7 of Stonathan Week 2023, Part 5 of Faith's July Break Bingo 2023 Summary:
Jonathan knew it was a problem that he was missing large chunks of his entire (albeit short) childhood and couldn't properly explain what made him panic. But having someone there when he reached the other side, that was far more than he ever expected.
@stonathanweek - Written for Stonathan Week Day 7: Forced Proximity
@julybreakbingo​ - Fills squares “After Dark or Early Morning” and “That looks like it hurts.”
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reyofluke-ocs · 8 months
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OCs DESERVE BETTER -> Claudette Henderson (Stranger Things) FC: Katie Douglas "Look, if it was my brother... there's nothing in heaven or hell that would stop me from getting him back. So, you have my help - if you want it."
The older sister of Dustin Henderson, Claudette is like your average small-town girl-next-door: pretty, decently popular, cheerleader, good grades. Born with mild cerebral palsy, she has always been determined to not let her disability define her. Sure, she knows there are peers - even among her fellow cheerleaders - that laugh about her and talk about her behind her back, but she ignores it for the most part. Besides, she knows as soon as she graduates, she will be heading for university and leave the town of Hawkins behind except for visits to her mother and younger brother.
Then Will Byers go missing and Claudette finds herself joining Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler - two people who she only really knows through their younger brothers' friendship - in uncovering what really happened to Will and finding him if possible. Between discovering the existence of monsters and that the government is shady as hell, Claudette begins to think whatever is happening goes far deeper than anyone could imagine.
tagging: @endless-oc-creations@stanshollaand, @foxesandmagic , @hiddenqveendom , @arrthurpendragon , @cas-verse, @eddiemunscns , @far-shores, @oneirataxia-girl, if anyone wants to be added/removed or I accidentally forgot, please let me know!
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stbb-summaries · 5 months
Story # 8
Title: When we first met, I was out of my head (and so were you) Main Pairing(s): Jonathan Byers/Steve Harrington, (past) Tommy Hagan/Steve Harrington, (mentioned) Will Byers/Male OC(s), (past) Jonathan Byers/Nancy Wheeler, (past) Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler, (mentioned) Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington, Jonathan Byers & Joyce Byers, (mentioned) Steve Harrington & Dustin Henderson, Steve Harrington & Female OC(s), Jonathan Byers & Will Byers & El "Jane" Hopper Rating: T (Teen and Up, Includes swearing and talk about adult themes) Genre: Romance, Fluff, Angst Word Count: 7,300 Completeness: 4 Warnings: Mentions of substance abuse, mental health issues (depression, anxiety, PTSD), illness of a family member. Summary:
It’s 2009, and after twenty-odd years of living a comfortable life in Lenora, California, Jonathan Byers finds himself right back where he started: boring, lifeless Indiana. Joyce’s health is slowly declining, and, as usual, the responsibility of taking care of family falls on him. He doesn’t expect a lot from Indiana, but it finds him anyway. In the form of Steve Harrington. Older, wiser, and honestly? Kind of a loser. He works at a shitty used car dealership, only hangs out with his snarky teenage daughter, and constantly pesters Jonathan with attempts to spend time together. As much as he tries to resist, it seems the old ‘Harrington Charm’ still holds up, and with it, the pair find each other closer than they ever thought they’d be.
Art forms preferred: Traditional/Digital drawing, Graphics package (icons, section breaks, etc.) Highest rating art preferred: T (Teen and Up, Includes swearing and talk about adult themes)
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Prologue? Pilot? IDK Man I Just Work Here
(part 1.2)
{hey so uhhhh
i have finals coming up and its the last week of classes and im lowkey failing two of mine right now, so unfortunately im going to have to go on hiatus for a bit- even though i literally just started, ugh- while i try to catch up and deal with... all that
that said, ive decided to split the prologue up into three parts instead of two and just go ahead and give you what ive got so far of the rest of it
this and the third (and hopefully final) segment is where we really start setting up/contextualizing the "full house" premise of the fic
link to part 1.1 here}
So, over the next several weeks, they come up with a plan.
Most of them aren’t exactly happy about the plan, but… oh well.
The parents are determined to move their children- who have proven themselves to be prime targets for the supernatural- out of town, to relocate them somewhere they’ll be well-removed from the apocalypse unfolding in Hawkins. Caught up to speed about the history of Hawkins Lab and Owens’s involvement in everything, they all but order him to help with the arrangements.
And he delivers. Calls are made, blueprints are drawn, and before they know it, a plot of land has been secured two thousand miles away in California for a house to be built on. And it’s going to have to be a pretty big house, considering it’ll be home to six teenagers and a pre-teen.
The kids are dead set on not being separated again; it’s one of their conditions for agreeing to leave. Steve can’t blame them, honestly. After everything they’ve been through together, he doesn’t want to be apart from them either. In fact, he’s been feeling a bit paralyzed by the thought, has had a little trouble breathing since the move was decided.
He’s sort of out of it the next time everyone gathers at the hospital to hash out the details, to be honest, but in his defense, his head isn’t quite what it used to be before all the hits he’s taken in recent years.
But then the ongoing discussion turns to who will look after the kids, and well, that certainly gets his attention.
There’s a military blockade taking shape around the area, keeping the threat contained- but also the citizens. It’s only through Owens’s connections and influence that they’ll be able to sneak the kids out, and just that in itself is going to be risky. As much as they’d like to, they can’t take everyone.
The parents have agreed to join the resistance that’s starting to form, a force of townsfolk who have finally realized what’s really happening and are banding together to find a solution, or at least hold off the Upside Down from taking over for as long as they can. Hopper and Joyce have taken it upon themselves to teach everyone as much as they can about what they’re up against, and a few of the others are helping out with pooling resources and organizing community childcare.
For various reasons, their families won’t be coming along.
“Who’s going to take care of you all?” Sue asks, her question directed more towards the room at large than the kids themselves. “None of you are older than fifteen; I don’t want you out there on your own with no adult supervision.”
Karen starts to say something, probably about how she doesn’t intend to let Nancy stay behind either, that there will definitely be at least one person over fifteen present, but Steve cuts her off in his eagerness. He practically jumps out of his seat, actually, but he’s held in place by his desperate grip on the sheets of the hospital bed he’s still stuck in until he’s done recovering from the demobat bites.
“I’ll do it!”
Once again, all eyes are on him, and they’re broadcasting confusion, surprise- in the case of the parents, that is. The kids mostly look relieved. None of them will say it- the little shits- but he’s pretty sure they were just as worried about leaving him behind as he was about sending them away.
Claudia tilts her head at him in question. “You? What, by yourself?”
Steve figures the faintly bitter disbelief in her voice has less to do with him and more to do with Dustin’s deadbeat dad, so he chooses not to take it to heart. But before he can make a remark about how some men are actually interested in fatherhood- although he’s not entirely sure what his brain even means by that- Karen Wheeler speaks up.
“Not by himself, no. What I was about to say a moment ago was that Nancy is going too. I don’t want my daughter staying here after being involved with all this pretty much since the beginning. But, Steve, even then, you’re hardly adults yourselves- Nancy only just graduated high school last week. I don’t think you two should be left to basically parent seven kids all alone; it’s too much responsibility.”
(While she does have a point, and he’s certainly not opposed to having Nancy out of harm’s way, it’s also important to note that the daughter in question is currently busy giving shooting lessons to a sizable portion of the resistance. Nancy is no stranger to responsibility, but she isn’t exactly the motherly type, either. Regardless, Steve wants both roles for himself- at least on a subconscious level. He’s not quite aware of it yet, his rightful place as both mom and dad to the party, but… he’ll get there. He thinks of himself more as a glorified babysitter, really, but it is a position he takes very seriously nowadays.)
Mistaking Steve's spacey expression for something else, Dustin mutters smugly beside him, “I bet you would looove that.”
Steve rolls his eyes and shoots back, “Can it, kid. We’ve been over this. Nance and I are not getting back together.”
Nancy and Jonathan broke up after her graduation, for reasons which Steve has decided are none of his business. In some ways, this made the idea of rekindling their relationship- something his friends insisted he should try to do- more of an actual possibility. And yet, somehow, that in itself helped him realize that he doesn’t really want to get back together. And he knows she feels the same, even if there are some weird lingering feelings on both sides of the issue. They simply aren’t compatible, and that’s okay. It took him a while to get here, but now he’s happy just being her friend.
Thankfully, Robin joins in, interrupting that awkward train of thought and providing the solution to a problem Steve hasn't even considered yet.
“They wouldn’t be alone, Mrs. Wheeler. I can help out, too.”
“You would do that? Move across the country and play house with me and these brats?”
“Of course I would, dingus. Where you go, I go.”
The fondness in their exchange prompts some raised eyebrows from the others, but that’s irrelevant. Steve is just massively thankful that Robin is offering to come along. Having to choose between the kids and his platonic soulmate would have torn him apart just as badly as the bats did.
“And I’d say the same about Will and El,” Jonathan says as he joins the group. “So I hope there’s room for a couple more.” He glances questioningly at Argyle, who came in with him.
Argyle just shrugs. “I’m sticking with you, man.” Apparently, his parents turned him out to fend for himself when he hit eighteen, so he doesn’t have much to go back to, and he’s been content staying with the Byers until the blockade is lifted- or for the long haul, it seems.
Karen nods in Jonathan’s direction. “Good, I’m sure Joyce will feel better knowing you’ll be there.”
So that makes five of us. Considering I’ve wrangled most of these guys on my own plenty of times by now, that should be totally manageable. I guess it will be nice to have some guaranteed backup for once.
It looks like the gang is staying together after all, plus at least one new-ish addition.
But, speaking of "new-ish additions" to the group, there is still a six-foot deep hole in the entire plan, which is the question of what to do with a dead man when all his remaining friends are ditching town.
“What about... Eddie?”
{well folks theres the second installment of the prologue. as for the rest of it... youll get it when you get it. hopefully ill be able to start updating more regularly once i go back home for the summer. things are just kinda crazy right now hahahahaha <-(the deranged laughter of a person whose ass is not passing all their courses this time and is very seriously considering becoming a college dropout)
oh and yeah so eddies dead i guess. not what i had planned but sometimes the plot just does what it wants. you know how full house basically starts off with dannys wife dying in a car accident (offscreen and prior to the events of the actual show anyway)? and steve is like, very loosely the au's parallel of danny? well you might not have known that actually but i just told you. so. yeah. you get where this is going
also, to my unofficial beta readers and lovely mutuals @moreover-clover and @redley-of-many-noodles: i have seen your comments/messages and i appreciate your input, but ive decided im going to try not to take this project too seriously and just have fun with it rather than worry about how polished it is, so i think this is going to be a no beta project from here on out. thank you for the thoughtful commentary/critiques on part 1.1, and i do hope you continue to enjoy it <3
having said that, if anyone happens to notice glaringly obvious/simple typos that i could easily fix, or if any parts are just genuinely incomprehensible, feel free to point it out/ask for clarification if you want to}
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yes-17-15 · 7 months
Rating Stranger Things Ships
Byler - 10/10, definitely my favorite M*leven - 0/10, yucky poopoo Jopper - 10/10, super pookie bear Rovickie - 4/10, I like it but Vickie has like 1 second of screen time so it's really hard to want them to be together Ronance - 0/10, Nancy is as straight as a ruler, sorry not sorry Jancy - 7/10, I don't really care for it Stancy - 0/10, not cool yucky Steddie - 9/10, I like it but it would never be canon Stonathan - 4/10, it's a nice concept but I personally just don't like it Harringrove - 0/10, what the fuck who thought of this JonEddie - 8/10, absolutely love this one Jargyle - 7/10, I'm sad we don't get to see more of them :( Lumax - 8/10, they're sooo cute Elmax - 7/10, I really like the concept but I just don't really ship it if that makes sense Elumax - 3/10, I just don't see El being into Lucas Bywheelclair - 4/10, I don't know what else to add Henclair - 1/10, I don't really see it, I think Dustin is straight Duzie - 6/10, cute but it's hard to ship since we don't see much of Suzie Murrlexi - 10/10, awww so cutie patootie
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