#Shirley & The Pyramids
bandcampsnoop · 5 months
I'm going to guess that The Garrys don't sound like any other band ever to come out of Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. They sound like a combination of 60s girl band with surf music. In fact, in the Bandcamp notes for "Get Thee to a Nunnery", their style is described as a combination of "The Ventures, the drama of Ennio Morricone’s spaghetti westerns, the dreamy psychedelia of Kurt Vile, France Gall’s brand of mod-pop cheek, and the lo-fi garage noir of Los Saicos."
I would add Electrelane and Barbara Manning to that description.
The Garrys are made of up of the three Maier sisters and they have releases going back to 2015. They have a new single, "Cakewalk" which may signal a new release in the future.
"Get Thee to a Nunnery" and many of their other releases are through Saskatoon label Grey Records (the label has also released work from Shirley & The Pyramids).
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olaskoolkitchen · 8 months
Ola's Kool Kitchen podcast 494 sonic treasures from Fabienne Delsol, Shirley & The Pyramids, Purplespace, The Telescopes (Official), レオニダ, The Bug Club & Anna B Savage.
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funky-sea-cryptid · 2 years
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aboutchigiri · 2 months
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curaçao nights | nagi seishiro x f!reader
"she's working at the pyramid tonight." - frank ocean
taglist : open ! (send asks!!)
series status : [ongoing]
୨ৎ cw: HEAVYYYY smoking/drinking , mentions of hooking up (no outright smut), aged up characters [nothing weird is gonna happen regardless hush] and cursing/language, many kys jokes, bsfs to lovers, exes to lovers, fwb dynamics and confused stoner nagi.
୨ৎ specific cw will always be at the beginning of every chapter!
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[m. list] under reno 🚧
[🍸] - indicates a majority written ch (more than 1k words)
[🍺] - indicates minor writing portions (less than 1k words)
intros : mad scientists | boot lickers
001. calpico + a hint of weed [🍺]
002. slutty waists & a mojito
003. fix that face
004. knu schools + overgrown bangs [🍸]
005. college daze [🍸]
006. smoke break [🍺]
007. average dirty shirley enjoyer [🍺]
008. day off [🍸]
009. op platonic lunch date [🍸]
010. deluded and sick
011. cuffed era
012. tbd
013. tbd
014. tbd
015. tbd
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upslapmeal · 3 months
The Legend of Ruby Sunday
Can't wait to find out that Ruby's mum is the Rani
they're really going with the flying tardis this series aren’t they
UNIT theme!
‘how’s your uncle’ awww
what a weird way to ask about your other self Doc 
though tbh maybe actually less weird than directly asking how your other parallel split past self is
Lenny Rush is so great!
though quick question Kate do you employ two children
....does UNIT have HR
good thing Fifteen could grab some episode footage for those Susan Twist images. given that Doctor Who Is A TV Show etc etc
lol 5 seconds later…there I was thinking I was being clever
‘obviously’ ‘even I got that’ OK NO NEED TO RUB IT IN
IS IT HAPPENING???????? ok I know it won't they wouldn't have brought it up so early BUT!!!!!!
‘SUSAN SUSAN SUSAN’ yeah me too
‘It was 2004’ I feel ancient Rose Tyler is out there somewhere and in a few days will be told she'll have a great year!
Ruby and Rose instant besties <3
ah Mrs Flood our third mystery woman
‘still hoping for that growth spurt’ RIP Ruby lmao
Cherry Sunday and her cup of tea, starcrossed lovers
‘he waits no more’ yikes that was a quick turnabout
what happened to Shirley Anne Bingham?
I’d want to make a copy of that vhs if I were Ruby before it potentially (...inevitably) gets destroyed by a time window
nobody seeing her face is giving 73 yards vibes
.....Ruby is her own mother? [I'm My Own Grandpa starts playing faintly in the background]
the colonel going behind the tardis out of view…..yeah he’s not coming back
turn off the time window!!!
oh that was a Look from Kate
potentially rethinking what she said about the Doctor bringing joy
‘stop grizzling and fix it’ love u Mel
‘Doctor who?’ wahey
'do you ever dream of being an ambulance' line of all time lmao
has susan been chameleon arched???
oh the tardis is NOT sounding happy
that's the same sound from after Maestro took control of it right?
Sutekh! oh they’ve been in classic who haven’t they
pyramids of mars?? four? def one I’ve not seen yet annoyingly
(hehe as of posting I now have!)
oh susan your face 💀
'did you think I was family?' :(((( oh that hurts
And now there's just one left!! V much looking forward to seeing this again in the cinema in *checks watch* just under 2 hours!! It was never going to be Susan was it. but. BUT. I live in hope. One day we will come back!
I do kinda wish there had been a bit more Ruby Sunday in the ep but other than that great fun, very enjoyable setup, big evil dog, bring it home RTD babeey
Also interested to see how Tales of the TARDIS plays into the next ep - are they going to go into it with Ruby suddenly just knowing all about Sutekh??
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being-of-rain · 3 months
In the days before The Legend of Ruby Sunday, I thought to myself 'RTD did a lot of big bombastic series finales in his day, and always with Classic Who villains. But that was fifteen years ago. Maybe he's mellowed.' Dear readers, he had not.
Here's my thoughts on the episode! But fair warning, they're mostly that it was just okay. I mean it was fine. It was a fun, mindless bit of build-up and spectacle. Of course it was very much a Part One, so a lot of my thoughts are just 'I wonder where this will go next episode.'
Firstly, I don't think I'm a massive fan of RTD's method of story arcs, which is to sprinkle references to something throughout a season that'll be part of the final story without much elaboration. It feels less like a story, and more like a drawn-out teaser for the finale. And continuing a trend that started in RTD's last full season that I'm not crazy about, there was so many arcs and plot hooks too. Before the episode my brother and I listed as many we could think of, and it actually addressed almost all of them, plus one or two we forgot about or thought wouldn't come back. It started to feel like the characters were ticking off a shopping list of questions. And I know that these things basically just exist for fans to speculate about. And I can't pretend I didn't have fun joking and memeing about all the arc elements with other fans. But as someone who both isn't really that interested in genuinely theorising about how a series is going to end (odd for a Dr Who fan, I know) and who really likes story/character arcs that develop over time, I guess I'm just not the target audience. This season the arcs have pricked my curiosity, but not much more than that - except make me wish they did more with the supernatural elements than a few badly-conceived gods and the cool fairy circle episode.
Anyway, Sutekh! In the last few years the TV show has done the Morbius Doctors, Beep the Meep, the Toymaker, the Shalka Doctor... I really shouldn't be surprised by anything anymore, but I still sit in bemused shock when a finale revolves around Susan and Sutekh. And that is pretty fun. We had basically nothing of Sutekh this episode, so I'm very interested what the next episode will do with him.
I'm especially curious how much it'll dip into the Egyptian mythology aspect. Because on one hand, Pyramids of Mars is sorta built on the problematic and awkward trope that aliens at least inspired Egyptian culture. On the other hand, I think the Egypt link & aesthetic is a big part of Sutekh's identity as a villain/monster. I remember being bored when Big Finish tried to divorce him from it in their latest audio with him (but tbh I trust RTD to at least do a more entertaining story than that, even if he's boiling Sutekh down into simply a God of Death). Similarly, I think a really big part of why Sutekh made a big impact on the original Dr Who fandom is how he was a genuine overwhelming threat to the Doctor, something that probably won't be as big of a shock today. But the final part of Sutekh's identity is Gabriel Woolf, and he's absolutely as entertaining as ever.
As for Susan, after all that drama it'd almost be stranger if she didn't appear in some form in the finale. I'm wondering if Mrs Flood is Susan, something that's really weird to say seriously after thinking people were wrong about her being an important character for 6 months. At the very least I really hope they give Carole Ann Ford some kind of cameo, because it'd be such a missed opportunity if the very first companion actress was still alive and they didn't do anything with her.
What else? Mel continues to be lovely, and I continue to wonder if there's any reason it was her in particular who was brought back or if it was just to have a classic Who companion hanging around. Rose continues to be precious, and her instant bonding with Ruby is just adorable. I missed Ruth Madeley's Shirley, I assume it was filming conflicts that led to her being replaced by a preteen? When Harriet was introduced I distinctly remember thinking 'oh she's cute, I hope she sticks around.' And the Vlinx continues to have 1-2 lines and no explanation.
The VHS-powered time window was an extremely cool concept, but I feel like it didn't look as good and distinct as it could have. I'm not totally certain what I'd have done different but I still felt underwhelmed. And I'll say something I've said a lot, but I wish there was at least some vague rules to things like the time window. I don't care about scientific accuracy or real life logic, only narrative logic; if anything can happen with only a bit of poetry to justify it, the stakes and losses and victories aren't nearly as satisfying.
And this might make me sound like someone who looks for anything to complain about, but I feel there's something off about how UNIT is depicted recently. Like it's being glorified and simplified as 'the good guys' maybe more than it has any time before in the TV show's history. And it feels especially awkward when some of the UNIT characters are armed and armoured soldiers. I'm just very not in the mood to heroise someone who I might see committing war crimes on the news, you know. So I'm not really a fan of this version of UNIT and how it's consuming so many past companions.
Mystery Woman 1 (Susan): Sutekh. Mystery Woman 2 (Mrs Flood): Susan? Mystery Woman 3 (Ruby's mum): At this point I have to assume it's the Rani or Iris Wildthyme or Gillian Who or something.
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squarebill · 1 month
Continued from here So, the Little Golden Books thing reminded me of a Little Golden Book I had read involving Winnie the Pooh. Not that surprising - there are many Disney properties (and others!) that get turned into Little Golden Books. But maybe I was thinking about it because I was thinking of the silly little blurb in the newspaper (the one that pulls up when you type WEIRDMAGEDDON into the computer). It talks about how Soos gets his head stuck in a clay honey pot. So silly! This is obviously a Winnie the Pooh reference as Winnie the Pooh is often getting his head stuck in honey pots. It's cute and silly, but also... Kind of odd? But that's Soos for you. And then, I was thinking... Wait. Soos is the one who fixed the thisisnotawebsitedotcom. FIXINIT1 also cuts to a supercut of scenes with Fixin It with Soos (unrelated, but that cuckoo clock looks like Bill?), the L IS REAL 2401 password that you can put in the computer leads to Soos making a little "Doo doo doo" to the Mario theme, the "BOOBERRY" code pulls up a question mark symbol with a rant by Bill that's titled "The Meaning of Life." The question mark symbol has always been associated with Soos. And I thought to myself, well... Maybe I should just... Go take a look at Winnie the Pooh's wikipedia page.  Now We Are Six (1927) - Hmm. Okay. That could be nothing, though. Ashdown Forest. Valley of Ashes??? Coincidence, probably.
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Ahahaha. Little triangle/pyramid thingies in the background. But hey! Triangles are a common shape! It's fine. And then, I read this on the wikipedia page From the front lawn the family had a view across a meadow to a line of alders that fringed the River Medway, beyond which the ground rose through more trees until finally "above them, in the faraway distance, crowning the view, was a bare hilltop. In the centre of this hilltop was a clump of pines." Hilltop. Clump of Pines. Okay, okay, maybe I'm just stretching here.
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OKAY MAYBE I'M CONSPIRACY-ING TOO MUCH! (Found in the newspaper picture) In the Milne books, Pooh is naive and slow-witted, but he is also friendly, thoughtful, and steadfast. Although he and his friends agree that he is "a bear of very little brain", Pooh is occasionally acknowledged to have a clever idea, usually driven by common sense. <- Sounds like Soos. Pooh makes it a habit to have "a little something" around 11:00 in the morning. As the clock in his house "stopped at five minutes to eleven some weeks ago", any time can be Pooh's snack time. <- Around 11:00... like how Alex Hirsch is apparently supposed to go through a maintenance update at 11:30 AM? And the clock being stopped... Like how in FixinIt with Soos, Stan notes that the new and improved cuckoo clock seems to be permanently set to 1:50. Again, maybe stretching here. Maybe not. Now, here's something that gets interesting. That I think might be a theme we've seen thus far with the Book of Bill and now, perhaps this as well. A. A. Milne's U.S. copyright on the Winnie-the-Pooh character expired on 1 January 2022, as it had been 95 years since publication of the first story. The character has thus entered the public domain in the United States and Disney no longer holds exclusive rights there.  Winnie the Pooh is in the public domain. Along with the Great Gatsby (which was referenced in the Book of Bill). And what else? Remember Alex had a display set-up of Bill infecting other books? Books that were in the public domain. I'm not through yet. If you scroll down much further on Winnie the Pooh's wikipedia page, there's this: 1960: Shirley Temple's Storybook on NBC: Winnie-the-Pooh—a version for marionettes, designed, made, and operated by Bil and Cora Baird. Bil missing a letter L. Marionettes are basically puppets. I decided to take a quick detour to Bil Baird's wikipedia page and...
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IS THAT THE INSPIRATION FOR BEARO?! Baird grew up in Mason City, Iowa. <- MASON?! "Flannel Mouse" the Villain "Ronald Rodent" OKAY! Back to Winnie the Pooh - Winnie the Pooh has inspired multiple texts to explain complex philosophical ideas. Benjamin Hoff uses Milne's characters in The Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet to explain Taoism. Similarly, Frederick Crews wrote essays about the Pooh books in abstruse academic jargon in The Pooh Perplex and Postmodern Pooh to satirise a range of philosophical approaches.[90] Pooh and the Philosophers by John T. Williams uses Winnie the Pooh as a backdrop to illustrate the works of philosophers, including Descartes, Kant, Plato and Nietzsche. WAIT, WAIT. WINNIE THE POOH?! PHILOSOPHY?! PLATO?!
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ryttu3k · 3 months
Okay! Thoughts on The Legend of Ruby Sunday!
Note to self: some time this week, watch Pyramids of Mars.
Since it's a penultimate season finale, let's do this as some questions:
The anagrams. The Doctor says it was an anagram, just not the right one, ie. Sue Tech = Sutekh. Except that's not an actual anagram - there's no K in 'Susan Triad Technology', and 'S Triad' is still an anagram of TARDIS. So yes, Susan was a symbol of Sutekh's return, but could she be something else as well? Maybe not necessarily Susan, the Doctor's granddaughter, but someone trying to warn the Doctor about what's happening, maybe? Or is she Sutekh messing with the Doctor by seeding a Mystery Woman all through time and space, like a living Bad Wolf message, just to lure him back to UNIT?
What's going on with Mrs Flood? All we get is her being menacing towards poor Cherry and warning about a storm! Clearly something, yes, but what?
What's going on with Carla? She's the one who names the distortion as 'the Beast' before anyone else.
What's going on with Ruby's mother? She just… faded away from the recording. Is the figure Ruby's mother? We know she took baby Ruby to the church, but does that necessarily mean she's the one who gave birth to her or has anything to do with Ruby's origins? Was she pointing at the Doctor, or was she pointing at Sutekh manifesting behind him? Who actually is Ruby? Is she connected with Sutekh in some way, or another part of the Pantheon? Maybe a child or grandchild of Sutekh? Does she have something to do with the distortion?
Relatedly, why was the image of the TARDIS surrounded by the distortion in the recording? Time is all weird at the church, does the Doctor end up having to go back (or hell, Sutekh hijacking the TARDIS for its own purposes) and, I don't know, breaking time, thus allowing Sutekh into the world? Is Ruby's whole mystery also linked with the Bad Wolf-style luring the Doctor back, maybe by trying to get him to open the Time Window?
Why did the TARDIS grumble when Rogue came in? Was it just that she was already in the process of being possessed and it was an ongoing thing, or is he tied to it too?
Staffing changes at UNIT: where did Shirley go? :( (Oh, apparently she's currently stationed in Geneva, okay.) Who dressed that poor kid? Glad that Donna is confirmed to work at UNIT, but isn't Rose (hi sweetie! You're doing great!) only sixteen? OTOH, Morris is only thirteen… and who the hell let someone named H Arbringer into a UNIT control room, seriously? XD;;
No, seriously, how did they instantaneously catch 'S TRIAD' = 'TARDIS' but didn't get warning signs from literally H Arbringer?
The Trickster was explicitly described as the God of Traps, and Morris kept mentioning the possibility of it being a trap rising. Any connection?
But really, the whole Susan Triad thing? "There's always a twist in the end!" But legit if Susan Triad isn't related to Susan the Doctor's granddaughter, that's goddamn hilarious. There's always a twist at the end! Susan, played by Susan Twist! Susan was mentioned, she must be coming back! Even the Doctor thinks so! NOPE. WOE, SUTEKH BE UPON YE.
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joju-but-trek · 3 months
Doctor Who Season 14 Episode 7: The Legend of Ruby Sunday
I know that's not what's happening, but it would be absolutely hysterical if there were two completely separate things going on with Susan Twist and Mrs. Flood. Just two completely independent eldritch horror ladies running around 2024 London.
Anyway, this episode was a lot of fun. I liked Rogue better, but I think that's because we got setup and payoff in one go. I may like this episode more next week. Overall, 9/10.
So this season was building to Suketh, huh? Suketh. Great villain. Never seen Pyramids of Mars. I'll have to watch it this week.
One of my biggest problems with when franchises like this start pulling deep cuts is that they always go for things from the original setup. The best recent example is the Mandalorian having Luke show up out of nowhere, but it happens all the time. I'm always grateful when that doesn't happen around lore things, and I tend to go easier on media that avoids that. This episode gets points for doing a Fourth Doctor thing.
Also, the anagram twist got me. I appreciate that they immediately did the obvious one and then at the end revealed the red herring. There's also something so haunting about "Did you think I was family?" that I'll be thinking about for a while.
I was shouting "Chameleon Arch" at the screen for a while, and I'm not quite ready to let go of that theory of explaining Susan Twist, but I won't be upset if that's wrong.
Even looking past the end of the episode, there's a lot of fun stuff. The Time Window is a fun concept and the joke intro is great, and everything inside it works as a set piece. There's also a good use of the supporting cast in this one. The UNIT gang is fun (even if I miss Shirley from the specials), and Carla, Mel, and Rose all have great moments. I wish we got more with Cherri, but it probably would have demanded too much screen time if we got anything more than the one scene.
I'm also choosing to believe that the hardest part of setting up the time window was finding a VHS player in 2024.
This whole episode was great, and I'm excited to see part 2. Now to go watch Fourth Doctor stuff...
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g30citiesexe · 2 months
CommuniMiitopia: The Complete (main) Story
Part 2: Neskdor
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trashmenace · 1 year
Reading Rumble Round 27
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From the unnamable, stygian, cyclopean, eldritch, etc - Lovecraft.
Imprisoned With the Pharaohs by Harry Houdini (HP Lovecraft) Weird Tales, May 1924
Harry Houdini visits Egypt, is captured, walks around under the pyramids, finds a hippo monster and runs away. Missed opportunity for an escape sequence, he's bound once but just gets out.
Consumption by Ron Kelly Thin Ice #5, 1989
Giant carnivorous caterpillar.
Come Dance With Me on My Pony's Grave by Charles R. Grant The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction, July 1973
A child adopted from a war zone has a special connection with animals. 
Paper Angels on Fire by John Shirley Sick Things, 2010, https://amzn.to/457iX96
A conman goes through a series of false afterlifes.
The Transgressor by Henry Kuttner Weird Tales, February 1939
Time travel quickie, a bit standard now but still haunting.
Mtimu by Charles Saunders Black Pulp, 2013 https://amzn.to/43NeM0T
Black version of Tarzan, who rescues a pilot from an insane big game hunter. Good set up, though the climax was off page.
Shirley and Lovecraft go over the ropes. Grant is no longer in the ring. Maybe he was never there.
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harrelltut · 1 year
since HENRY T. SAMPSON Already Pioneered in Modern [PM] Cell [PC] Phone Technologies… and Dr. SHIRLEY ANN JACKSON’s Touch Tone Phone Patents ACCESSING [PA] I.B.1698 MICHAEL [IBM] harrelltut.com's Domain Communication [D.C.] Portal of Apple.com’s [PA’s] International Startup Security [ISS] Utility Settings [U.S.] of quantumharrell.tech’s Hi:teKEMETIComp_TAH [PTAH] Cyberspace [PC] Security… on Dr. SHIRLEY ANN JACKSON’s 1st… Internet Eye Phone [iPhone] Device [I.D.] of CLASSIFIED Automated [CA] Caller ID Patents of quantumharrell.tech’s Highly Complex [ADVANCED] Ancient 9 Ether Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computational [Compton] STAR WEB GATEWAY Language Licenses of Computer [LLC] Aided [L.A.] Manufacturing Protocols [LAMPS]… Embedded w/Optical IP Switching [OIS] Network Light Connections 2 QUANTUM 1994 HARRELL T-Mobile’s 1999 Y2K 2000 Interplanetary MOON [I’M] Universe of ANU GOLDEN 9 SKY Ether Ethereal [ECLIPSE = Occulted] URANIAN Satellite [U.S.] Pyramid [UP] SUN... Eye Remotely Digitized w/Automation Processes [DAP] from 1999 Y2K 2000 before Mayan's 2012 SKY Prophecy of Twin 9/11 Towers... Scientifically ENVISIONED on Apple’s [SEA] 2024 Optimized iCloud Machine [I’M] VISION PRO... Architecturally Integrated [A.I.] w/Hybrid ACTIVE [HA = HARRELL] Directory Tools [HDT] from 1968 Quantum Dara™ the 1921 Cellular [D.C.] Automation Interpreter [A.i.] Assistant [AIA] STEELE Employed [AṢẸ] @ The_Octagon_(Egypt) of kingtutdna.com’s Pharaonic MENES EMPIRE [ME] of 1968-michaelharrelljr.com’s quantumharrelltech.ca.gov
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theam-cjsw · 2 years
The AM: March 6, 2023
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This week’s AM features a few happy returns, with new music from AM favourites Nabihah Iqbal, Mega Bog, and Benoit Pioulard (to name a few). Plus a throwback to classic mid-2000s chamber pop, violins played in the LA river, a David Axelrod track that’s technically credited to someone else, Morabeza Tobacco getting as close to the "Good Times" bassline as is legally allowed, and a healthy mix of atmospheric sounds, post-punk raves, experimental compositions and other offbeat easy listening for a Monday morning.
Listen on Soundcloud
Hear it at CJSW.com
Other listening links
Ongoing Spotify playlist (to avoid my commentary)
Tracklist after the break.
Hour One:
réfraction Onur Tarçin • Single
Ellipses Andrew Bird • Echolocations: River
A Constant Source of Joy and Fascination waivestate • Sprout Sessions
Vivid Elskavon • Origins
Bruises Earth Trax • Closer Now
Sweltering Drive Masahiro Takahashi • Humid Sun
Our Future Salad Days Dreamsploitation • The Soft Focus Sound of Today
Synchronized Swimmers Contagious Yawns • Dream of Consciousness
Bolan Muppets Glissandro 70 • Glissandro 70
Hour Two:
Les Points Cardineaux YouYourself&i • L'Amour des Anoures
Betwixt & Between Spencer Cullum, featuring Erin Rae • Spencer Cullum’s Coin Collection 2
Walking Through Morning Dew Shana Cleveland • Manzanita
Synesthetics L.T.Leif • Come Back To Me, But Lightly
O Torto Santo Bike • Arte Bruta
Tonight’s Episode Yo La Tengo • This Stupid World
Elementary Particles The Hylozoists • La Fin du Monde
Warning Against Judging a Christian Brother The Hylozoists • La Fin du Monde
The Edge David McCallum • Music: A Bit More of Me
I Have Been Alone The Common People • Of The People / By The People / For The People
Way Far High Season • The Call
Anniversary Dawn to Dawn • Postcards from the Sun to the Moon
Hour Three:
Line in the Sand Brian Eno, Hot Chip, goddess • Single
The Void Benoit Pioulard • Eidetic
Manitou (Single Edit) Zoon • Bekka Ma'iingan
The Clown Mega Bog • End of Everything
The World Couldn’t See Us Nabihah Iqbal • DREAMER
Mariana's Web Uncanny Valley • Fevering Stare
Saturnus Morabeza Tobacco • Shadow of the Cherry
Destiny Decisive Pink • Ticket to Fame
NST Gnoomes • Ax Ox
High and Low Shirley & The Pyramids • Maid of Time
Medicine Road Fog Lake • Dragonchaser
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bananacatblogs · 29 days
Who is watching?
What TV shows did you watch as a kid? The Addams Family Dr Who Reading Rainbow Mr. Rogers Neighborhood Sesame Street Little House in the Prarie Looney Tunes The Smurfs Laverne and Shirley Wonder Woman Duke’s of Hazzard The Hulk Hee Haw (with my grandma) A.Lawrencw Welk B.Wheel of Fortune C. Jeopardy D.Family Feud E.1000 Dollar Pyramid F. Channel 7 news (all these with my…
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stevishabitat · 3 months
The Legend of Ruby Sunday live commentary...
Dramatic entrance Doctor
Where's Mel? And Shirley?
OK the anagram is sketchy. But...
1. Why do we assume this is actually Susan Foreman?
2. And why do we assume she's evil?
Also, could she be the Master in disguise and taunting the Doctor.? Very Harold Saxon vibes if you ask me.
OK, well I guess we're explaining regeneration early. Does Ruby know how old he is though? She seems unsurprised that the mystery woman could be his granddaughter.
Oh! Mel! Good for her being undercover. And now "Susan is actually pretty nice" make up your minds UNIT!
Well they asked the obvious question, is she the same woman? But that's too obvious. Right??
OMG Carla and Donna as the TARDIS Mums Association. Terrifying idea.
And we're picking up Mrs Flood now. More mystery ladies!
"Hiding away" Mrs Flood being a bit sketchy.
"Mrs F"..... F for Foreman???
He... He who?
How did UNIT not know about Susan Foreman?
How many times has the Doctor not recognized another Time Lord? (I asked this out loud and my kiddo responded "For example: The Master, the Master, the Master, the Master....")
Of course UNIT messes with time tech. As soon as the Doctor turns his back...
Cue snow
Omfg commercial at the worst time!
Is she pointing at him or the TARDIS?
"I'm so sorry" yep. Always.
Put on your big Time Lord pants and fix some shit, Doctor!
She dreams about her other lives.
The TARDIS is nauseous again.
Now we're in Moon Knight territory.
I have to admit, I was not expecting Sutekh.
Time for a quick Pyramids of Mars refresher before next week, I guess!
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playlistjunkie · 11 months
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Drew Barrymore & Elliot Page - ITunes Celebrity Playlist - 10/14/2009
Elliot Page Drew Barrymore
• Everything Is - Neutral Milk Hotel
• Crazy in Love - Antony & the Johnsons
• Ol’ Worl’ - Beastellabeast
• Time Is Running Out - The Section Quartet
• Hold Heart - Emilíana Torrini
• Skeletons - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
• Four Provinces - The Walkmen
• Lose Control - Missy Elliott
• Dandelions in Bullet Holes - Sarah Harmer
• 1901 - Phoenix
• Sawdust & Diamonds - Joanna Newsom
• Trouble - Cat Stevens
• Walking on a Dream - Empire of the Sun
• No More “I Love You’s” - Annie Lennox
• Blood Bank - Bon Iver
• Postcards from Italy - Beirut
• (Being) Green - Shirley Horn
• Islands In The Stream - Feist
• Suffer for Fashion - of Montreal
• Talk To Me - Peaches
• Home - Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
• Pyramid Song - Radiohead
• The Step and the Walk - The Duke Spirit
• Piano Sonata No. 14 - Ludwig van Beethoven
• Kiss With a Fist - Florence And The Machine
• Acid Tongue - Jenny Lewis
• Geraldine - Glasvegas
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