#Short Sentences for Ships Ask Meme
siixkiing · 2 years
❛ you are the peace i crave in this chaotic world. ❜ -Eclipse mayhaps? @sxturn-bxrs
☯  &. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬. | @sxturn-bxrs  ☯
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“Huh — ?”
The sudden admission from the other simian had caught him completely off guard, having not expected it. Not from Eclipse. Feeling a faint heat rising to his cheeks in the moment as flaxen hues stared at the other, trying to process the words spoken.
He had to be messing with him. That seemed to only logical conclusion to what was being said. After all, the other simian did love to fluster him when he could and this was definitely causing a red to dust his cheeks. A soft huff after a couple more seconds ticked by slowly, eyes darting away from the other.
“Y-You’re pulling my tail right now, arn’t you?”
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“You can’t seriously mean that, you’re just trying to get a rise out of me.”
Did a small part of him want to believe those words? He wasn’t sure in the moment. Still, he couldn’t help but feel a little flattered about that. Even if he was certain — to some extent at least — that the other was just playing around with him. 
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sunhill-archive · 2 months
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𝖶𝖾𝗅𝖼𝗈𝗆𝖾 𝗍𝗈 𝗈𝗎𝗋 𝗇𝗈𝗇-𝖽𝖺𝗂𝗅𝗒 + 𝖼𝗈𝗇𝖿 𝖿𝗈𝗋 𝖲𝗎𝗇𝗁𝗂𝗅𝗅𝗌! The Sunhills are a rather underrated ship, so the goal of our conf is to get more people's attention on these, and in short, to spread this beautiful ship <3
𝖭𝖺𝗏𝗂𝗀𝖺𝗍𝗂𝗈𝗇 / TAG [🤠🪽] — ART!
[🤠🪽] — MEMES!
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Like everyone (non)-daily + conf, we have rules that are important to follow in order not to get banned forever!
— We ask you to read this before sending your headcanons and artwork to our offer!
In the offer, you can easily throw character art separately or headcanons.
Before you submit your headcanon, make sure your sentences are worded correctly!
If your headcanons include NSFW content, then be sure to note this. (It's better to write about it at the very beginning!)
If your art contains NSFW content, then please also write about it above.
Under your art and headcanon always indicate your authorship! Because your proposal is not released to the blog as an answer to a question.
If you don't include your own art in the proposal, then the authorship is also required. If there is no mark under the art, then the post is not posted and you are automatically banned.
For insulting the conf moddie and for insulting this ship, you immediately get banned, even if your insult was a joke.
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© Sunhill archive 2024
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ebongawk · 5 months
I just binged your 'heart begins to beat' fic. Sorry, but where do you get off being so god-damned talented? It was fucking glorious. I'm new to the ship but ready to get stuck in after reading that. Do you have any recommendations? Also, do you take requests? (I'm poor but I have good vibes to send)
In all seriousness, you smashed it.
Oh gosh, hello there!!!
First of all, welcome to my shit show, where it’s my show and I go from being the shit to full of shit, usually within the same sentence.
Second of all, omfggg thank you so so much 🥹🥹 heart begins was truly a labor of love, and I cannot accurately depict what it means to me when people tell me any of my work has touched them. I appreciate it endlessly.
Regarding recommendations: *slides my fake dating AU across the table like a $3 bill* we're a lie (you and I) was my very first hellcheer long fic (my very first hellcheer fic title belongs to ransom my heart., actually, if you're into two-chapter smutshots). I have a few other stories up on ao3 as well!
I don't read as much as I wish I did because usually I can either read or I can write, but seldom can I do both at the same time. However, cyraclove, justhere4thevibes, deathinasmalltown and justyrae have never missed in my opinion.
(that's @cyraclove @justhere4thevibez @billysblueeyes and @astorytotellyourfriends respectively.)
Regarding requests: The short and long of this answer is: sometimes! I will usually post when I'm in want of doing Tumblr drabbles, whether it be me begging the timeline for inspiration or me reposting an ask meme. I don't really take, like, rec's I'd want to post on AO3, but every now and again my ask memes or desperate search for inspo end up evolving into a much longer story that goes up on AO3 (as was the case with my a/b/o AU, give me your hand (give me your sound) lmao)
Finally: Welcome to the fandom! We're all pretty fucking spectacular, in my humble opinion 😘😘 and we're so excited that you're here!!!! 🩷🖤🩷🖤🦇
(also, I LOVE vibes, so if you ever wanna bounce ideas off me just shoot me a message!!)
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onlymorelove · 9 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love 💖
Thank you so much for sending me this ask, Stella! <3<3<3 Did you do a self-rec thing of your own? Pls link me if you did; I'd love to read it. I can't pick favorites of anything, so I'll just mention five fics I wrote that I like.
Unwell (Fandom: Bones (tv show))
Yup, the mighty Temperance Brennan was sick. Takes place after Season 3, Episode 4.
I love banter-y ships. I wrote this fic 15 (!!!) years ago, but I remember getting a kick out of mixing banter and silliness with deeper conversations. Booth even reads Brennan a short section from a romance novel. :D It's been a while since I wrote Unwell, but I think I wanted to follow some loose threads in Bones and explore the emotional ramifications; fic is such a great place to do that. He's a candle (burning in my room) (Fandom: MCU)
It's just sex, isn't it? (Some talking + a lot of feelings + a smidgen of smut = this fic.)
This is a Steve/Tony fic, and it means a lot to me; I think it always will. There's a splash of body image issues, a dash of pining while fucking, and a ton of emotional vulnerability that's tied up in the sex, the build-up, and the afterglow.
My only sibling killed himself in February 2018; my dad died less than five months later; I started writing this story around three months after my dad's death. Life was a huge struggle, and so was writing, but I tried really hard to get down words, and I pushed myself with the imagery and the feelings. some words build houses in your throat (Fandom: MCU)
The night before they travel back in time, Tony says what he needs to say.
Someone anonymously sent me a "stevetony + confession" prompt in response to a three-sentence fic meme here on tumblr. This fic was my attempt to fill their prompt. It's a sort of missing scenes fic for Endgame. I was hungry for a little bit of team feels. I wanted Steve and Tony to both use their words AND try to behave like adults. Adulthood is complicated. We don't always get everything we want. Not all of our dreams and wishes come true. I wanted to play with honesty/revelation but also with restraint. And I really, really wanted Steve and Tony to quote parts of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass to each other. So I wrote it. ;) I Barely Knew I Had Skin Before I Met You (Fandom: Timeless (tv show)
Sometimes love is found in unexpected combinations. Lucy wakes in the middle of the night to find one less man than there should be in her bed. [Set sometime in the future. Lucy, Garcia, and Wyatt are in a polyfidelitous relationship. Translation: the three of them are romantically involved and are faithful to each other. They also live together.]
As mentioned above, I have a weakness for banter. I wanted to write a story with a poly ship—Garcia Flynn/Lucy Preston/Wyatt Logan. I wanted banter, flirting, and domestic fluff, and I wanted discussions of grief and loss because I thought they made sense in the context of the show's canon. A few small scenes popped into my head, and I wrote toward and around them.
my life is for you (and no one other than you) (Fandom: Teen Wolf (tv show)
It’s a journey they began years before, but one they have to take again and again. Together. (Post-coital, slice-of-life fic. AKA sass and fluff.)
Courtesy of my Thiam phase in 2017, here we have Liam Dunbar and Theo Raeken as adults, being established-relationship ridiculous and sweet. Thanks again for the ask! *hugs*
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burningdarkfire · 8 months
books i read in sept 2023
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[these are all short + casual reviews - feel free to ask about individual ones if u want my full thoughts or ask for my goodreads!!] 
sometimes u travel somewhere where u have a relative lot of downtime + no data and u reinvent urself as a person who reads
she who became the sun (reread) + he who drowned the world - shelley parker-chan ★★★★★ (historical fantasy)
i reread swbts before tackling hwdtw and the way that this duology is so emotionally devastating! big win for readers who are fans of characters tearing the world apart in their grief and then realizing they cannot live in their new world! and the insane gender goodstuff, of course. ough. will think about this for a while
into the riverlands - nghi vo ★★★★★ (fantasy)
excellent third entry to the series that felt more fun than the other two thus far - i love playing around with myths and legendmaking
[reread] raven quest - sharon stewart ★★★★★ (adventure)
really happy to find out that this book from my childhood absolutely holds up. tightly plotted and paced and really poignant. i love animal adventures <3
the last devil to die - richard osman ★★★★★ (mystery)
no more withholding 5*s from genre fiction!! this book made me tear up for real so even though a silly murder mystery is probably never going to change my life, we have to give credit where credit is due. the most character-focused entry of the series so far and it definitely shows!
war of the foxes - ricahrd siken ★★★★☆ (poetry)
individually less interesting but collectively more coherent than crush. it's cool to have a conversation with a bit of poetry standing in a field, and I do love a good metaphor
the paper menagerie - ken liu ★★★★☆ (sci fi short stories)
great collection to go over slowly - i suspect it might have felt a bit tedious reading it front to back in a sitting. i liked how chinese a number of the stories felt. lots of ideas to chew on!
the poisonwood bible - barbara kingsolver ★★★★☆ (historical)
i just know this book went crazy in high school english class! it has themes and motifs and characters to compare and contrast! there's so much rich ground for analysis. and also treating characters like a bizarre personality test (the avenue of entertainment i chose). fantastic book to chew on and i greatly enjoyed talking to people about it
carrie - stephen king ★★★★☆ (horror)
yeah, i get the hype! this is a book that's impossible to read divorced from how deeply it's ingrained in current popular culture, but it stands up beautifully for itself. i'd love to read more analysis of it that puts in the cultural context of the 70s
hotline - dimitri nasrallah ★★★★☆ (historical)
surprisingly kind and hopeful story, definitely lovely if you want something feel-good. i really enjoyed how the occasional french was threaded into the english, it felt very montreal to me
the monstrumologist - rick yancey ★★★★☆ (historical horror)
tremendously gory and often unsettling. i found myself surprisingly attached to the characters and all the historical affectations of the book - it's not a series that i'm itching to continue but it was a good read
hark! a vagrant - kate beaton ★★★★☆ (historical humour graphic novel)
skimmed through parts of this but it was a fun read from cover to cover. always entertaining to see the origins of some very famous internet memes and there are also some hidden gems!
dead silence - s. a. barnes ★★★☆☆ (sci fi horror)
the author writes a very good spooky ship and very mediocre everything else
the word is murder + the sentence is death + a line to kill + the twist of a knife - anthony horowitz (-★★★☆☆+) (mystery)
decent murder mystery series. the author self-insert is goofy, the random homophobia is persistent, but they're quick and easy reads that go down like junk food
all that's left in the world - erik j. brown ★★★☆☆ (post-apocalyptic romance)
genre-mash that just didn't quite work for me. the tonal shifts between "fluffy gay YA romance" and "the world has ended post-apocalyptic bleakness" were jarring and the book never felt like it cohered into anything meaningful
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katyspersonal · 1 year
*knock knock*
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Asks for Adella!
My first impression of them
10. Describe the character in one sentence
12. Sexuality hc!
16. A childhood headcanon
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
29. How do you think they would be as a parent?
Okay okay for real though now (Asks are from this ( x ) meme)
10. Describe the character in one sentence
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Sorry I couldn't think of anything funnier hgnjh
12. Sexuality hc!
I want to say 'obviously bi since you can play as male or female character and nothing change', but I myself already stated that her reasoning is the wish to protect the person that saved her from the blood that she was ensured is "dirty" and not some yandere antics...
So she is now bi just because I say so. XD
16. A childhood headcanon
I believe I did mention some stuff in a (very large -_-) ask from Crow that concerned ideas on her past and Arianna's, but the gist of it was that she was orphaned, and picked up in Healing Church since young age by Norbert (the guy before Amelia).
However? I've been enjoying an idea that there was a school connected to the Healing Church; you bet they controlled everything, especially after Cainhurst's fall... And that Adella was one of the people going there, and Edgar was a teacher! Before he ranked up to be trusted into Choir.
I am just trying to say...... the kids antics. Adella never really fit in with the team though, despite Henriett and Alfred being there too (future Healing Church hunters, mind you!) and in fact got others endangered by snitching a few times! She didn't mean bad, she was just a kind easy to fool by adults about "just trying to help". 🙄
24. What do you think is a secret they have that they never told anyone?
She was the last one to see Brador in "reality", as that old man. When Henriett was snooPING AS usual, and Adella tried to control the situation and follow (remember that Henriett is a detractor!). By controlling the situation I mean trying to cut her with the poisoned knife the stealth style, but... long story short, she killed Brador instead. On accident.
Well, his death traumatized her more than himself (You can only say something like that for a FromSoft game, I swear...).
29. How do you think they would be as a parent?
Sigh... Probably not the best one. Adella strikes me as that kind of a (single) mother that would more or less project her issues and gripes onto her (only) baby. She didn't have some sort of convenience or a belief in her youth? Then her child should neither! She would also let her protectiveness to get the best out of her and not only control her child's circle of friends, but in the end lead that child to being very socially unadapted. Never seeing their peers, only Adella's adult friends and associates.
Her kid would either be grow up a huge weenie not prepared for real life and real relationships, OR grow 'in secret' from never trusting their mother (maybe even lying) and allowing their friends teach them life instead. This one depends on the child's starting stats personality.
I think a lot of this could be balanced out by a second parent that'd compensate for her quirks and weaknesses, though! Adella's good traits as a parent is protectiveness and being able to offer strong morals and some discipline, it should just be kept in reasonable amount; the second parent, on the contrary, should know how to offer freedom and some fun. Don't be surprised since what I told about a ship before, but I genuinely could see Arianna being a second parent that'd balance Adella well. x)
Thank you for asking!!! *collects the Blood Echoes from the spot where you killed me*
EDIT: I forgot number 1 at first because I am a little dumbass, sorry hfjjkjhh Let me!!!
1. My first impression of them
Well, yes, my first impression WAS the yandere nun antics, heheh. It is just one of those NPCs that give kind of clear vibe, and you just find nuances of it later, upon loredigging.
However, I also used to call her 'just female Alfred' - again, something I had to retract later, as I found more nuances comparing the two.
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blackkatmagic · 2 years
If you're still taking these, for the ask meme: 6 and/or 7?
6. Share one of your weaknesses.
Endings. Endings, ending, endings. I'm fine until I get to the last eighth of a fic and then I just choke. Even when I know what I want the ending to be, putting it all into words is the worst.
And also titles. Loathe titles. I'm so bad at them.
7. Share a snippet from one of your favorite pieces of prose you’ve written and explain why you’re proud of it.
The storm breaks with moonrise, rage fading and scattering into gold-limned clouds that can't quite hold themselves together. Fox stands in the doorway watching, still wrapped in Jon's cloak, with his head cocked like he’s listening to something Jon can't hear.
“You're going towards the sea,” he says.
Jon supposes that he is. That’s the direction the Force draws him in, and it’s where he hopes to find the wreck of the chancellor’s ship. The planet keeps its secrets, but a few half-there glimpses as they landed serve well enough as a guide, at least for Jon.
“Yes,” he says after a long moment. The helmets are still sitting on the steps, and he thinks for a moment of trying to take them along, of finding them a resting place that isn't so touched with pain and fear. At length, though, he leaves them be, because he still has no way to carry them, and Fox needs more immediate help. A night’s sleep has left him steadier, without the washed-out pallor of exhaustion, but there's still a strange slowness to each motion, carefully controlled.
Fox grunts, pushing the robe’s sleeves up to his elbows. There are needle marks in the veins at his wrist and elbow, jagged and scarred over. Not voluntary, Jon thinks, though he doesn’t remark on them.
“It’s less than a day, if we’re walking,” Fox says, and turns, watching Jon with those strange eyes. Eyes with too much in them, Jon thinks, and has to look away.
--This whole fic is one of the pieces of writing I'm proudest of tbh. I really, really love most how words can create atmosphere, and the atmosphere in like a wolf at a live heart is exactly what was in my head when I sat down to write it. The way the sentences themselves are structured adds to that, and I worked for a really long time trying to get the combo of short, direct sentences and longer, flowery descriptors to flow well.
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shadecrux · 1 year
About/RP Info
~~Short About~~   This is a mixed blog!  You’ll find RP, fandom posts, my art and writing, memes, informational posts... really all kinds of things, I apologize to anyone who follows me for only one kind of content - you’re not gonna get that.  I don’t have any sideblogs, so everything all gets dumped here babeyy.  .  
I am selectively open to new RPs either on here or via discord!  
Looking to begin publishing my fics here on tumblr as well as branch out with my writing.  I’m not ready to open for requests yet, but in the future I would like to give it a shot!! 
If doing character asks, please specify which muse! 
------------------ Current Hyperfixations:  
Bucky Barnes lord help me. Loki, Sylvie, Sylki, yes.  WTNV - currently relistening to all of itttt.  ~disclaimer~ I suffer from a handful of mental and physical illnesses that can sometimes make functioning difficult. Some of these conditions incur chronic pain, and flare ups, bad days, mood shifts and so on can mess me up a lot.   So if I’m ever slow to reply, or miss a fic request or comment, or come off in some unintended way in a post I promise, it’s not you - it’s just my brain. I am find with being poked and reminded about things as long as it’s not excessive.
Ariadne Hart (OC): 
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Sylvie Laufeydottir: 
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Fandral The Dashing: 
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In the past I’ve written as Loki and The Grandmaster as well but those muses have been weak lately. 
Other Characters
RP Side Characters I’ve written as:
The Grandmaster, Thor, Volstaag, Hogun, Kang, Frigga, Odin, Laufey, Freyja, Freyr. 
Characters I would like to RP as: 
Rocket, Wanda, Natasha Romanoff, Bucky Barnes
For purposes of fic writing or roleplay side characters, I will write anyone and everyone~! 
For RP mains I only like to write as ones I feel a bit confident in, but I am willing to experiment with the caveat that I might fail at them. 
RP Basics
1. I am open for canon, canon-divergent and AU RPs with canon characters or OCs! 
2. I am 33 and I require RP partners to be over the age of 18. Age MUST be in bio.  
3.  Open to RPs of all ratings and ships as determined by plot and chemistry.
4. Any adult writings will be tagged as such and beneath a page break.
5. I’m very adaptable with my roleplay replies! If you want multi-paragraph RP with all the trimmings I can do that! If you prefer shorter form, I can do that too. All I really need is for replies to at least be a couple of sentences and i am happy to adapt within that scope. 
6. I typically write third person, past tense, but I am willing to adjust if a partner prefers something different.
7.  If we are writing with longer replies, I am okay with minor things being written for my character if it fits!  Such as being led somewhere, the continuation of some action from the previous reply, and so on. If something goes too far I’ll be sure to let you know - I’m quite easygoing but I don’t want to be god-modded either.
8.  I  can be a little shy/awkward but I can promise I’ll always be kind!
9. I like to talk plot in ooc. Check in with how people are feeling about things, talk about replies or upcoming plot points to be on the same page, clarify things, etc.  I encourage my RP partners to do the same - I am very happy to hash things out, plot together or make corrections and clarifications if need be. 
10. I do have some triggers and limits when it comes to RP but I would rather discuss those privately as opposed to posting them up out here. I have very few hard limits overall though. 
Will and Won’t  Writing and RP 
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Wil write: Most things to be honest.  I can do fluff, I can do angst, I can do smut and any combination of those. I am comfortable with most adult and difficult topics. I LOVE writing combat, and I really should do more whump. Most kinks are alright. Will mess with incest and certain flavors of dubcon/noncon.  Won’t write: Underage NSFW, Kinks involving scat or vomit or other very dirty sorts of kinks.  Might write: Darker noncon scenes (in fics, I can’t handle it in a RP) , kinks/characters I am not familiar with, really if anything isn’t on one of these lists just ask. I can write about a character throwing up or being sick but would prefer not to go into great detail as it can be a trigger for me.
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chaztalk · 2 years
Before I get into this, I’d like to provide some context.  The meme they are using is the one that I recently reblogged, basically depicting Romione and Dramione shippers are fighting about who “deserves” Hermione, meanwhile Harmony shippers (and other non-canon shippers) are in the background relaxing and indulging themselves in fanfics, not caring or partaking in the shipping wars.  Now, how I came up with this meme: first, Romione shippers are OBSESSED with Draco for some reason, so they compare the two (Ron and Draco) to show who’s better, which is just pathetic because Ron is 1000x a better person and I don’t need to write an essay to prove that; second, they actually write essays on Romione vs Dramione; and the Harmony and other non-canon shippers just no longer partake in the shipping wars anymore.
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You acknowledge that I correctly tagged a post, and yet I’m still a hypocrite.  That surely makes sense.
I just want to not to things regarding the second paragraph: One, my reblog contained a pic of a Romione saying, “Ron deserves Hermione more than anyone else”; two, this person has stated that Hermione “deserves” better than Harry.  Your sarcasm/attempt to deflect isn’t going to work here.  
“Who did Hermione choose in the actual story”?  Uhhh, it’s kinda hard for her to choose if she’s not in control of her character.  The author is.  It’s kind of funny how, in the previous paragraph, you were talking about how Harmony shippers “shove their non-existent ship down others’ throats” and yet here you are now, attempting to do the same thing, but with Romione.  Also, if Harmony shippers are “cry babies”, what does that make canon shippers complaining about the existence of Harmony shippers?
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.And this is a response to a comment I made on the post.  It’s outdated now, because I referenced how many favorites I got from it (48 then; 248 now).
Brian?  My name is Chaz, by the way.
Harmony shippers always trash Ron?  I don’t.  I literally made a post a couple days ago insisting that Harmony shippers should look how bad Romione is in Ron’s perspective.  I mean, there’s even Romione shippers that admit that Hermione’s abusive towards Ron.
Y’know, I recently made and posted a poll on here, asking what Harry Potter character they’d marry, and I added a 4th option (”None cuz none of them are real”).  I’m the only one that has voted for that option so far.  So, Hermione is far from being my “dream girl”.  And I’ve stated this several times on here that Hermione’s not my type (bushy hair, into politics, not being a sports buff, etc).
And all I will say about that last sentence is that it’s cringe and comes off as hating on short people.
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If you think that RobSt is the best Harmony fanfic writer, then you know absolutely nothing about the Harmony fanfic fandom.  First of all, I wouldn’t consider him a Harmony shipper since he does not exclusively write Harmony.  Secondly, RobSt fics are pretty popular, but that does not mean the best.  That’s like saying the best ship in the HP fandom is Drarry because there are like 13 of their fics in the top 20 on Ao3.  Thirdly, most of his fics have Harry and Hermione end up pretty quickly, which isn’t my cup of tea.  And lastly, most of these fics are from 6-14 years ago.  Can canon shippers never move on from the past?
SweetShireen, Untold Harmony, ProphecyMarauder45, Emmy_Award_Writes, MADharmony, and ladylaughalot are all better Harmony writers.
That is all.
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driftward · 1 year
Writer's Game: First Sentences
Rules: post the first sentence of your last ten fics. If you haven't written ten fics, share as many first-sentences as you have.
Tagged by @autumnslance! Gremlin ❤️
I am tagging @yloiseconeillants, @sasslett, and gosh @autumnslance already tagged pretty much everyone else I could think of, so that's the short list. 1. A Place to Call Home, a work based on a piece of art I commissioned, about when Y'shtola and Zoissette finally settle down (if they ever settle down):
She was not completely certain that she was capable of truly getting used to sharing a space with someone else once more.
2. Can Bottomless Hearts fill Bottomless Voids?, a speculative piece based on a recent ship meme, where someone asked about Zoissette and Lyse.
Zoissette walked slowly in between the cots in the infirmary in the Rising Stones, fingers barely not touching the bodies that rested in each one as she passed them by.
3. How Do You Do It, which is another piece based around a comm. Unlike A Place to Call Home, where I wrote after the art had been made, I had this piece written and in mind when I requested the comm, and then adjusted it to the comm after the art arrived.
Zoissette was asleep on her stomach in bed, the night’s activities having spent her, and Y’shtola was now wiling away the late hours of the night.
4. The Witch and the Shieldmaiden, my latest short story, about two children from very different cultures meeting one another.
She was nervous, and she was excited, both at the same time, and both feelings hummed and buzzed up and down inside of her and she was not sure where one ended and the other began.
5. Different, an entry for Year of the OTP, and it is kind of doing set up work for things to come later.
This one was different, her cousin Zel had said.
6. I know what I am doing is a series of vignettes centered on a theme throughout Zoissette’s life, which I am beginning to think may be one of my favourite styles of writing.
Zoissette looked up at the training dummy.
7. Meya (Savage) is based on a joke a friend of mine made in Discord, and which I felt compelled to expand upon. Mind the rating on this one, it has some sexual content.
Meya and Y'shtola had spent a most pleasant time together.
8. Noumenon Learning Hours, a shorter piece - I meant to write a bunch of shorter scenes, starting with this one, but that did not gel. This one shows Zoissette and Y’shtola handling the briefest moment of tension.
Y'shtola found the section she wanted to look into next, and saw Zoissette there, sitting on the floor.
9. Begin Again is, more than usual, a story that’s more for me than anything. It’s a companion piece to the next entry.
Zoissette woke up in the Baldesion Annex.
10. Icemelt is about Zoissette dealing with some extremely complicated emotions, or rather, not dealing with them, and maybe finally getting some help for that.
She held on for so long.
Looking back at all of these, I am actually surprised at how short a great many of them are. Also, when I stop to think, I usually try to -ask a question- very early on in the start of my stories, which gets answered over the course of the work. Some of these do that, but not as many as I would have guessed. I have definitely read the advice that you have about the first sentence of a story to hook a reader, and some of these I think make decent hooks, but just as many of them are simply setting up. This strikes me as okay; not everything needs to follow formula. Enlightening, in interesting ways.
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siixkiing · 2 years
❛ i’d be yours, if you asked. ❜ [Tang @ Wukong]
☯  &. 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐩𝐬.  ☯
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“You dork, you already have me.”
It was clear by the adoration adorning his features that Tang meant the world to him and more. How easy the man seemed to push past all the barriers and barracked the Monkey King had set up. Whittling them down to nothing with little effort, it amazed him.
Reaching out as a hand came to rest against the scholar’s cheek, forehead pressing against him. Feeling at ease with the other close by. A warmth in the depth of his core that he had thought long since out of his reach. Yet, the other brought him that warmth, that care and that comfort like never before.
Golden hues closing for a moment to soak in the warmth he was feeling. Drink it in like a thirst that would never truly be quenched. A soft loving smile spreading from ear to ear across the golden simian’s face as eyes opened once more. Staring at the man he loved more than anything.
“You have me, now and further than forever. I am your’s.”
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@cantillat​ asked:  1, 2, 11
Mun Views meme - Accepting!
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1. On formatting.
I use xKit, so I try to be less picky about formatting in general as it’s fixed on my dash. However, thee are the things that bother me immensely either due to being hard to read or grammatically irritate me:
- Super small text. I understand small text. But super small? I can’t read it on your blog. That means when I’m checking out your blog to decide whether to follow you (more on that in Question 2!), if I cannot read your threads, I’m less likely to want to engage with you because I just can’t determine what your writing style is. I have to squint and get really close to my screen to decipher it, and that’s painful.
- not capitalizing your sentences, proper nouns, anything. 
- putting   multiple   spaces   between    words. This one is just a hassle for me when I’m trying to read and re-read your replies in order to craft my response. 
- Big icons, especially things much bigger than 100x100. When the icon takes up most of my screen, it just seems clunky to me. 
Elaborate banners and colored text bother me less, but random all caps is a little off-putting. I bold my dialogue though, mostly so others can find it easily when they’re looking to reply to what my muses say, but that and small text are the extent of my formatting.
And cutting posts is A+, everyone should do it!
2. On OCs.
I consider OCs (I don’t want to say evaluate or judge, but more consider which characters written by which muns I want to write with) the same way I consider canon muses. Do they have a written backstory? Do they have various character traits listed (especially beyond their name/gender/age/sexual orientation)? I look for all of these things with canon muses too (and it’s a turnoff when the only information is a link to the canon’s wiki page. I want to know how you interpret that canon muse, not the wiki!).
But overall, I’m looking at writing style and frequency. Does the mun write in a style that I’m inspired by and feel like I can reply back to, and stay engaged and interested in our interactions? Do they reply with a frequency that works for me (for me, that’s generally not next-day turnaround and not waiting a 1 month+ for replies, barring a hiatus. Somewhere between there!). 
I throw my muse in way more threads with crossovers and OCs instead of canon characters in their fandom nowadays: simply put, I tend to like the interactions more. Nothing against the Danganronpa muses I currently write with! I love writing with you all. But the majority of my interactions are not with Danganronpa canons: they’re with OCs and crossovers. When you bring in new muses and verses, there’s a lot more to write and experience beyond the plots/storylines/locations/situations common to the fandom.
11. On your character.
In short, I’m well-aware that my character is not one of the most beloved in the fandom. Sonia, for the most part (or so I’ve read), is a love her or hate her character, and with no small part to blame from the games/anime themselves and how she was interpreted, many fans see her value as three things: humor/stupidity/getting shit wrong, shipping, and wishing she’d died in order to give other characters (namely, Kazuichi) more character development.
It can be tough to be a Sonia Nevermind fan at times, y’all.
Even tougher when you’re not a fan of some of the very popular fandom ships for her.
Nevertheless, I feel the following, possibly objectionable (if the hate I’ve received in the past is any indication), things about Sonia:
- Sonia Nevermind is not stupid. She is sheltered, and there is a difference between being sheltered and being an idiot. What the canon materials did not do well where Sonia is concerned is that they did not give her a chance to really utilize the skills she does have. She lists them in the game herself: international law, economics, diagnostic medicine, foreign languages, and leadership, to name a few! However, in the context of the DR games/killing games, there isn’t much of a chance for her to use those skills. And even as a leader, she understands that, in this situation, Hajime is best fit to lead them and she doesn’t try to fight it. That is grace, that is humility, and she embodies everything a princess should be when she encourages others to use their skills to work as a team to get them free.
She comes off as airheaded because, for the majority of her life, she has been sheltered: she has mostly been in the company of other sheltered rich kids, her family, and her family’s royal staff who, because they are paid handsomely for it, do not allow her to be exposed to the ‘real world.’ I wager that even her mastery of Japanese language at times is overly formal or taken from pop culture: anime, dramas, and the like. She has an idealized vision of Japan and those who reside there because of how she was raised and taught. But she is not stupid (Except in recognizing when people are in love with her for her and not because she’s a princess, but that’s a different issue altogether!). 
She wants to learn whenever, however, possible. It’s not only part of being a member of the Novoselic Royal Family but Sonia is innately curious as a person. She does not want to remain ignorant.
- It is a perfectly fine view to have Sonia’s ‘blood sacrifice’ scene mean that she’s participated in a blood sacrifice before and that she’s not a virgin. Or one or the other. It is not fine to criminalize fans for interpreting this scene how they wish: some people have sex. Sex happens. This scene can be read multiple ways.
- Sonia had to mature at a very young age and her ‘talent’ has been her responsibility since she was born, for as long as she can remember. Other classmates were able to develop their interests, and subsequently their talents, over time and by choice. Sonia is not afforded that opportunity: she has always had the responsibility of being the future Queen of Novoselic.
This influences how much her own talent, and the studies/training that go with it, influences her day to day life. I talk a lot about her princess duties and skills on this blog because I cannot imagine them taking a backseat in her life, no matter how much she tries. That is one of Sonia’s constant struggles in every universe and every interaction: how do I reconcile my own desires and needs with those of my family and country?
Furthermore, while she is kind and friendly almost everyone (piss off Junko), this means it’s usually harder for her to give her heart to someone else romantically. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been approached for insta-shipping because “Sonia is such a kind pretty and nice muse and she will love my muse ASAP!”
That’s not how it works. She falls in love far more quickly as a teenager to be sure, but when becoming a legal adult kicks in and she’s given more responsibility and sees a lot more ugliness in the world? She has to be choosy about who she picks as a partner, or at least how easily she will open up her heart and all of its flaws, to someone else. It’s not just about her and her needs: she has so many other people to consider. Millions of them.  
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starsasunder · 3 months
Some ground rules for your consideration:
this blog is selective. this means that I usually only roleplay with muns whom I feel compatible with style-wise. please have a visible rules and about section up if you wish to roleplay with me.
this blog is private. this means that I will roleplay with anyone through asks, but I must be selective with threads due to real-life constraints on my availability. We must be mutuals in order to continue a thread.
minors do not interact. this is an 18+ blog. I will only roleplay with those who clearly have an about page on their blog, and whose age is over eighteen. no minors allowed.
on nsfw. mature themes will be present here. these will be tagged and will generally be hidden behind a read-more or fade-to-black.
on triggers. I do not have any triggers to mention. I will gladly tag common triggers for others using the format 'trigger tw', as that seems to be the most common tag format. if there is a particular trigger you would like me to tag, please feel free to DM me or send an anon asking that it be tagged and I will be happy to do so.
on shipping. inanna can and will be involved in multiple ships, and each relationship will take place in an alternate universe unless otherwise noted. I absolutely love writing romantic ships, and am happy to do so with both canon characters and original characters. however, I will not immediately jump to shipping, as it is important to me to see how muses interact and what sort of chemistry they have. note: inanna is open to polyamory, but that does NOT mean she is polyamorous in every verse. that is dependent on her partners and their own interests. her relationships are closed unless otherwise noted. > further note: I am open to exploring different kinds of relationships, both toxic and healthy.
on mains and exclusives. due to poor past experiences, I will not be doing exclusives, but may choose mains depending on muse chemistry. These muses may occasionally receive preference in order of replies simply because they are what I have muse for, but I will always try to reply in a timely manner if I am active regardless of status.
on reblog karma. in general, I practice reblog karma. I will not 'steal' a prompt list, meme, or dash game without sending something in. I ask that my mutuals try to do the same, but will not be upset if it happens once or twice so long as it's not a continuous problem. I will also do my best to reblog from the source.
longer-form roleplay is preferred. while I can and do write sentence-based starters and sometimes interact in short form, I prefer paragraph-style interactions. I will almost always match my partner's length, but don't mind if my partner shortens the thread.
you may interact with muses who are:
- alternate universe
- duplicates
- original character (multi-wol friendly!)
- minors (no nsfw)
you may not interact with muses who are:
- self-insert characters
- real life roleplay characters (actors, singers, etc.)
- real life people roleplaying with my characters
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eveniingstar · 3 months
Some ground rules for your consideration:
this blog is selective. this means that I usually only roleplay with muns whom I feel compatible with style-wise. please have a visible rules and about section up if you wish to roleplay with me.
this blog is private. this means that I will roleplay with anyone through asks, but I must be selective with threads due to real-life constraints on my availability. We must be mutuals in order to continue a thread.
minors do not interact. this is an 18+ blog. I will only roleplay with those who clearly have an about page on their blog, and whose age is over eighteen. no minors allowed.
on nsfw. due to the nature of ishtar as a character and as a real-life goddess of sex and fertility, mature themes will be present here. these will be tagged and will generally be hidden behind a read-more or fade-to-black.
on triggers. I do not have any triggers to mention. I will gladly tag common triggers for others using the format 'trigger tw', as that seems to be the most common tag format. if there is a particular trigger you would like me to tag, please feel free to DM me or send an anon asking that it be tagged and I will be happy to do so.
on shipping. ishtar can and will be involved in multiple ships, and each relationship will take place in an alternate universe unless otherwise noted. I absolutely love writing romantic ships, and am happy to do so with both canon characters and original characters. however, I will not immediately jump to shipping, as it is important to me to see how muses interact and what sort of chemistry they have. Ishtar in particular strikes me as someone who does not easily form romantic attachments despite her nature as a goddess of love. > note: Ishtar is open to polyamory, but that does NOT mean she is polyamorous in every verse. that is dependent on her partners and their own interests. her relationships are closed unless otherwise noted. > further note: I am open to exploring different kinds of relationships, both toxic and healthy.
on mains and exclusives. due to poor past experiences, I will not be doing exclusives, but may choose mains depending on muse chemistry. These muses may occasionally receive preference in order of replies simply because they are what I have muse for, but I will always try to reply in a timely manner if I am active regardless of status.
on reblog karma. in general, I practice reblog karma. I will not 'steal' a prompt list, meme, or dash game without sending something in. I ask that my mutuals try to do the same, but will not be upset if it happens once or twice so long as it's not a continuous problem. I will also do my best to reblog from the source.
longer-form roleplay is preferred. while I can and do write sentence-based starters and sometimes interact in short form, I prefer paragraph-style interactions. I will almost always match my partner's length, but don't mind if my partner shortens the thread.
you may interact with muses who are: - alternate universe - duplicates - original character - minors (no nsfw)
you may not interact with muses who are: - self-insert characters - real life roleplay characters (actors, singers, etc.) - real life people roleplaying with my characters
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pipism · 3 months
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Welcomed! I’m Ash ( she / her ), 29. This is an independent roleplay blog for P.ippa F.itz-A.mobi from the book series A.GGGTM. This is NOT a spoiler free blog.
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KD rp icons found here
Hey there, I’m Ashlynn, please call me Ash. I’m 29 years old. I work as a CNA at a center for developmentally disable. I love writing, it’s been something that I love to do since I was young. My muses & blogs mean so much to me as well as all of my rp partners. I do have a discord so ask for it if you’d like it.
I'm not mutually exclusive but I can be selective with who I follow. That being said if I have an open and you want to reply please do.
I’m not mutually exclusive but I can be selective with who I follow. That being said if I have an open and you want to reply please do.
Feel free to send memes and reply to starters whenever. It doesn't matter how long they've been up.
I'm not great at plotting but Im down for it. I love to explore all kinds of relationships and dynamics. Feel free to pop into my inbox or DMs for plotting.
I'm always good at matching my formatting to whoever I'm writing with. I can use rp icons, gifs, or go iconless. I'm up for writing a few short sentences, as well as a number of paragraphs. I just ask that you try to match up the length of my reply.
when it comes to the speed of my writing. That varies. I have a number of blogs and I do jump around depending on what blog I have the most muse for. I also work a full time job working 40 hrs a week with the occasional required overtime. Please if I'm taking a long time to reply, don't think I'm ignoring you and please don't ever feel the need to reply right away. You can take months and I will still want to write with you.
I don't generally have mains or exclusives, but I do have partners that I've been writing with for a long time ( some for over a decade ) so I tend to have a number a threads with them at a time.
I LOVE TO SHIP. I do ask that you don't pressure me to ship or try to force a ship. If you feel like our muses have a connection don't be scared me come and message me about it. I'm always down for discussing shipping.
I don't have many triggers. I do ask that you tag self harm / suicide. If there is something that you need me to tag please message me and I'd be happy to.
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silverwingborn · 4 months
Munday - About the Mun v.03
Name // Soul
Pronouns // She/Her
preference of communication // Tumblr DMs. For mutuals, you may ask for my Discord 👌
experience in rp & how long // I’ve been online rping for 12+ years now. Usually I rp as OC’s or my own interpretations of canon characters. I’ve been in multiple fandoms over the years.
platforms you’ve used // Deviantart, Tumblr, Twitter, and Discord. Tumblr was my preferred before all the dumb changes were made (it’s a pain to be a mobile rper primarily otl). I’ve enjoyed returning here however. Discord I use with mutuals.
name of most active muse // Silver, my OC Nephilim on this blog.
best experience // It’s difficult to pick just one, especially with how many wonderful people I’ve interacted with over the years. My most memorable ones will always be with my first online friend and RP partner, @silverfire113 . You welcomed into your incredible worlds and have helped me grow so much with writing and creating characters 💙
rp pet peeves // People that expect to auto ship and/or want to interact for the sake of shipping. Back in the Undertale and FNAF SB fandoms where I rp’d my own versions of canon characters, 7/10 interactions were romantic seeking. Or treating my canon muse like they already knew each other (mostly OC’s). This honestly drove me away from public rping and strictly to Discord for over a year. I don’t mind shipping, I love shipping! But please I’d love for our characters to get to know each other first and build chemistry. Sometimes there are ones that click very quickly, but in the end a discussion between muns is always appreciated!
fluff, angst, or smut // It really depends on my mood. I love a good balance between fluff or crack, and angst. They feed my gremlin braincell and give so much dopamine~ As for smut, ye there are times I’m in the mood for that.
plots or memes // Usually memes are the best place to start with me! It’s free-style writing/improv. Anything and everything can happen haha. I do love a good plot, especially after getting the vibe of how my RP partner and I work together in the meme threads.
long or short replies // BOTH!! I can do crack RP with as short as a sentence or two, to paragraph semi-lit style with detailings. There are days my brain has overloaded and can only do short, and then absolutely flourish and thrive in longer rps. I mainly match whatever my RP partner does.
best time to write // Evenings hours. I’m a night owl and can stay up well into the late morning hours when really into an RP. During the day I’m usually at work or have appointments and chores to attend to.
are you like your muse // The majority of my muses (especially ocs) have some piece of me in them. Normally it’s my goofy humor and adhd, but I will also implement other elements of me. For instance, Silver in her human!verse works at a bookstore. I myself am a librarian. I like to think I’ve given her some of my determined and resilient natures, just to more extreme circumstances.
Tagged: Stolen from @amischiefofmuses
Tagging: @silverfire113 and anyone else who would like to do this! ^^
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