#Shouei Barou x Y/N
geekedoutbunny · 2 years
Shouei Barou x Bullied Female Reader Fluff
Part 1, Part 2, Last part
Master List
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You and Barou silently walked to your home together, you were cuddling a soccer ball to your chest as he carried both of your bags. The sun was setting, shining a bright orange over everything in its path. You were deep in thought over today’s events. ‘Barou called me his girlfriend. Is it true? It’s gotta be if he’s willing to say it in front of his crew.’ You thought to yourself, as you sneaked a peak up at him.
He seemed to be as deep in thought as you were, but he also looked content, like he was pleased. You stared at him for a moment longer before you looked off from him, your cheeks warmed from embarrassment. You looked down at your feet, hugging the ball closer to your chest as you thought to yourself. ‘Barou, the guy that everyone wants, and he wants me?’ You thought in disbelief as you looked back over at him timidly. Your eyes met with dark red ones, and you squeaked in shock from the eye contact as you shot your gaze straight forward.
He stared down at you in silence for a while longer, and you could feel your heart beating in a frenzy as his stare was practically burning a hole in the side of your head. ‘Ohmygodohmygodohmygod!! HE SEEN ME LOOKING!!!!!’ You thought in a panic as you gripped the ball in a death grip. “I meant what I said.” Came Barou’s deep yet steady voice. You stopped walking, before you slowly looked over at him, seeing that he was still looking at you.
You blinked up at him before you swallowed your panic and responded to him. “W-w-what?” You asked in a timid and shocked voice. He turned towards you, giving you his full attention as he stared down at you, the shade from his body blocking the sun made his eyes shine a bright ride, and the sunlight seemed to make him look like a true king. Your eyes sparkled at the view, marveling at him. “I meant what I said.” He repeated himself, making your eyes focus on his once more.
“You’re my girlfriend, I chose you to be mine.” He said with a voice of absolute authority. You stared at him with a look of disbelief, before you blinked. “You really want me, to be your girlfriend?” You asked, you couldn’t actually believe that he wanted to even be with you, the loser of the school, the nobody. But even though you call yourself all of these heinous things, he still wanted you. He was the first person who accepted you when you were pretty much bald, he didn’t even bat an eye at the fact that you even were!!!
He was the one who gave you true confidence, he gave you a real reason to smile, to want to go to school. He made you happy. You were pulled from your thoughts when he dropped both of your bags on the ground carelessly and he walked towards you, you stared up at him, his eyes staring back into yours, a strange look was within them, his eyes were so expressive, that whatever his mouth didn’t say his eyes did instead. But this time around, you couldn’t read anything, but that excited you. Once close enough, he cupped your cheek gently as his thumbs rubbed over your cheek.
“I want you to be mine, and mine alone. You’re a rare gem, that’s only fit for a true king. For I can see your true worth, like a diamond in the rough.” He said as he stared down at you with the most intense yet passionate stare you’ve ever seen. ‘A rare gem, that’s only fit for a king….To be his rare gem, his one of a kind.’ You thought, before you reached up with one of your hands, and cupped one of his cheeks as well, in response to that he pulled away the warm hand that was on your cheek and placed it over the hand on his cheek, gripping it firmly yet gently.
Your eyes began to shine as unshed tears gathered in your eyes and you smiled. “I will gladly be your rare gem, Barou. For I know that I’ll be kept in good hands.” You said, with a confident voice. His eyes seemed to widen slightly, as they shined in glee. “You were mine from the beginning, the moment you walked past that fence, you were mine.” He said in a possessive voice. The orange sunlight made your figures look like shadows, before he leaned down, and claimed your lips.
The rest of the walk was peaceful and fulfilling, you both stopped at a few stores, and he bought pudding and as strange yet as normal as it seemed, an abnormal amount of cleaning supplies. You didn’t question it, you just saw it as a person trying to be hygienic and clean. Plus he also pretty much bought you anything you wanted so you weren’t going to complain. The train ride home was normal as always, you held onto his arm, as his soccer ball rested in between your feet while both of your bags were held off of his free arm that held the signal breaker. The arm that you were holding onto was holding your shopping bags.
You rested your head against his arm, as you gently closed your eyes, enveloping yourself in his warmth and in his sent. Just enjoying his presence, and he seemed to respond in kind as he leaned more into you as well. You smiled at the small yet appreciated movement. You both got off the train, and the ball was once more cuddled up against your chest as you both silently walked home. Barou was a silent soul but so were you, the only difference was that he was quicker to voice his displeasure or his authority than you were, and that was a perfect balance.
Once at your door, you turned towards him, having been exchanged his ball for your possessions, you stared up at him, your cheeks warmed from shyness. “Umm, I’ll see you tomorrow, Barou. Thanks for walking me home again.” You said, slightly awkward as you didn’t really know what to say, you never had a boyfriend before. Sure, he’s been walking you home for months now, but that was as a friend he’s your boyfriend now. “No need to thank me, I’m just doing my job, making sure to keep what’s mine safe.” He said, his voice firm as he stared down at you.
You looked up at him for a moment, before you nodded. He stared down at you before he looked up at your door, the sound of the door knob moving made you also look around, and out came your mom. She looked at both of you in shock before she smiled. “Oh, (Y/n) there you are, I was wondering where you were, You’re a little home later than usual.” She said as she gave you a relieved smile. You just smiled up at her sheepishly. “Sorry mom, I didn’t mean to worry you, I was just having so much fun that I forgot to message you.” You said as you nervously smiled at her.
She seemed to accept your excuse but she still gave you a light lecture. “That’s perfectly understandable dear, but please do try to remember to text me next time, anything could've happen to you.” She said in a stern voice before she looked up at Barou. “And who would this young handsome man be?” She said as she smiled up at him. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment as you scrambled for an excuse. “OH UMMM, HE- HE’S BAROU!!! HE’S MY UMM FRIE-!!” You said in a panicked voice before his more calmer one cut you off.
“I’m Shouei Barou, and I’m your daughter's boyfriend.” He said in a confident voice as he stared down at her with respect. Your whole world cracked as you seemed to fall into a hole of disrepair. ‘NOOOOOO!!!! BAROU!!!! WHY!!!!!!’ You cried mentally as you could only imagine how angry your mother would be.
Your mother just stared up at him with a shocked expression, before she gave him a giddy smile as she clapped her hands together. “OH MY GOODNESS!!!! A BOYFRIEND!?!?! (Y/N) WHEN WERE YOU GOING TO TELL ME THAT YOU HAD A BOYFRIEND!?” She yelled in excitement.
Your inner turmoil stopped as you came back to your senses, your hands on your cheeks as you stared at her in shock. “….What?” You asked in shock and confusion. She seemed unbothered by your shock as she continued to smile happily at you. “YES!! WHY HAVEN’T YOU TOLD ME THAT YOU’VE GOTTEN A BOYFRIEND!!! I WOULD LOVE TO MEET HIM!!! AND HE’S ALSO SUCH A GENTLEMAN!!!!” She happily said as she smiled down at you.
You continued to just stare at her in shock as you could only just make a small “eh.” In reply. She then smirked before she leaned in. “Annnnd, he’s a real looker too, looks like ya shook what mama gave ya!!” She said in a suggestive voice as you shot up in a heatwave of embarrassment.
After the whole fiasco, your mother invited Barou inside, and she welcomed him to stay for dinner, you all ate, and your mother and Barou got to know each other. Barou thoroughly enjoyed your mother's cooking, and it showed in the way he was shoveling food into his mouth, and you had to admit that he looked like a cute little genuine pig, but you didn’t dare make a comment on it. She offered for him to stay the night, but he kindly declined, saying that he had to clean once he got home. So that explained why he got the cleaning supplies earlier.
Both you and your mother saw him out, waving him bye as he walked down the now darkened street. Your mother even wanted to exchange numbers with his mother so that they could become future friends. In the middle of that, you were even able to exchange numbers with Barou, getting his number in your phone finally.
After Dinner~
It was just you and your mother, you both were cleaning up the remainder of the mess. She was drying the dishes and putting them away while you were cleaning off the table. It was a comforting silence before she suddenly spoke up. “You know, maybe next time he’ll spend the night, this way he can take a nice shower and you can get your naughty eyes full.” She said in a suggestive voice as she smirked over at you. Your cheeks heated up and your eyes widen before you whirled around and you shouted in embarrassment. “MOM!!!!” While she just evilly laughed at your discomfort.
Later on in the night, the house was dark and quiet, you lay in your bed, your phone light illuminating your face as you stared anxiously at your phone, a newly acquainted number message chat was empty. You stared at Barou’s message chat with an intense stare. You wanted to text him ‘Good night.’ but you were too shy to. You’ve been staring at the screen for the last 10 minutes, your thumbs hovering over the keyboard. You kept air typing out the word ‘Goodnight, Barou.’ over the correct letters, but your thumbs never made contact.
Your eyes slowly got heavier, as sleep slowly came over you, your thumbs slowly made contact with the keyboard, and your world went dark.
You awoke three hours later, and you stared at the wall that you were practically cuddled into, you laid there for a few more minutes, before you turned over and turned on your phone. The first thing you checked was the percentage, and you groaned to yourself, as you saw that it was at 15%. ‘Ugh, I forgot to put it on the fucking charger. Dammit.’ You thought in regret, before your eyes trailed down to the time.
1:04 am. You counted the amount of time you had left to sleep in before you had to wake up for school. You then unlocked our phone, and your eyes nearly bugled out of your head.
But you then calmed down, and just stared blankly at the messaging chat, before you smiled. You then turned off the phone, and paced it on the charger, before you turned back over, and you went back to sleep with an easy mind.
Your accidental text message:
Sent: “I woluve hio, Baqoru. Npghe”
Replied: “I love you too, (Y/N). Sleep well. And from now on, call me Shouei.”
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babeeangel · 26 days
soulmate give away
What made the bllk boys realize you might be their soulmate. 
Do you believe in soulmates ? To be fair, sometimes, some signs can be considered as dead giveaways that you and he are meant to be. 
super shorts hc, gender neutral with isagi, kurona, shidou, rin, kaiser and barou. fluffy ig ? Part two with reo, chigiri, sae, kunigami, bachira and nagi !!
Isagi: You reached for the same ice lollie flavor at the same time. The weird, grandpa, unpopular flavor mind you. He thought that if one person had to have the same quirky preferences as he did, it had to be his other half. 
Kurona: You had the same childhood plushie as he did, but it’s not a popular brand, so he found it scary, he definitely thought this was a sign from the universe that the two of you were meant to be.
Shidou: You always say the same things as he does at the same time as he does. Obviously it happens often. But with the two of you ? It happens a LOT and for precise things and it’s not even like you spend too much time with each other… It’s almost freaky. 
Rin: You have the other half of a very curious rock he found once. He picked it up because it was really pretty and appealing somehow, only to find out that you have basically its other half, or at least a rock that looks suspiciously similar to his and fits perfectly in. 
Kaiser: You are physically connected to him. As in, you make the same movements at the same time, look aways at the same time, blink in synchronicity… Maybe it's because you and him were made from the same star.
Barou: You appeared in a photo he took years ago. When he was in Tokyo, he took a pic at the red Eiffel tower thing, and there you were in the background, back when you didn't know each other and didn't even live in the same city. Imagine how shocked he was to realize you had crossed paths so many years before.
pfff i wish i was consistent with my writing but i hope i make at least another human being happy with this post... Anyway read blue lock. It was quick to write which i like, giving me a break from a bigger isagi writing that i'll post soon >v<
This isn't that good but if you wish me to do specific characters, i'll do it with pleasure !
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kazvha · 2 months
What would dating them be like? pt. 2
Including: Isagi, Reo, Bachira, Barou, & Hiori
Notes: -> Here is part 1.
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Dating Isagi would include:
Buying double popsicles and sharing them. Trying out new street foods. Going for walks in the city and also nature. Having movie nights and trying out a new snack every time. Him geeking over his favorite actors, characters, and footballers. Gifting him a little candy and his cheeks gaining a rosy tint. Playing video games together while snuggling under a soft blanket. Drinking good tea. Him trying to make you laugh because he loves your smile.
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Dating Reo would include:
Dressing up in fancy clothes. Shopping together in high-end stores. Him showering you with gifts. Ending the day on a good note in a fine restaurant. Him teaching you everything about the stock market, whether you like it or not. So you end up making money together. Dates with Nagi as the third wheel. Petting his head when he feels down. Analyzing-football-matches-nights instead of movie nights. Dealing with the girls who think they would have a chance with your man (the disrespect? pls).
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Dating Bachira would include:
Painting on gigantic canvas in his mom's studio. Making a mess and throwing paint at each other because you're idiots. Doodling on each other's headphones and littering them with stickers. Him trying to teach you how to dribble, but then stopping after 10 minutes, saying it's boring. Him being transfixed with your eyes. Him dragging you out to do every possible activity when the weather is nice. Baking pancakes together. Lying down in the grass and staring at the cloudless blue sky. Matching bracelets you braided yourself.
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Dating the King Barou would include:
Spending time with his little sisters who love you. Your belongings getting ruined because his sisters draw on them with markers. Deep cleaning together every weekend. Eating pudding as a reward after the cleaning. Trying to make him emotional with sweet gestures because he claims he never cried before. Playing bowling and getting too competitive. Smuggling snacks into the bowling alley because the food is bland and way too overpriced. Him letting you style his hair.
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Dating Hiori would include:
Gushing over how cute his accent sounds. Playing video games together, his goal is to turn you into a pro gamer like him. Learning how to respect each other's boundaries. Being his support when he faces his parents. Him trying to stop being too much of a homebody to discover the beauty of the world together with you. Dancing in the rain and complaining about feeling sick afterward. Making pinky promises. Eating ice cream in winter and getting brain freezes.
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hxnbi · 1 month
♡ blue lock boys and their first impressions of you
The first thing they noticed in you, their lover? — gn. reader
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ꗃ Your appearance. It was the quickest trait that he could evaluate at first glance, and instantly captivated him. But it's not as shallow as it initially may seem to the casual observer, as many people would assume. Your appearance attracted him the very first moment he saw you. You looked so radiant, so captivating, enough for him to take another glance in your direction, and then another, before finally going up and talking to you, only to realize that your appearance wasn't just a surface-level attraction but complemented the amazing person you were. And years later, this still holds true. He still loves to look at you and marvel, finding new facets of your beauty every time and cherishing the moments when you catch him looking and smiling back at him. Yes, this is all that he could ever want.
micheal kaiser, chigiri hyoma, naruhaya asahi, mikage reo, igarashi gurimu, shido ryusei, aryu jyubei, otoya eita, hiiragi reiji, gagamaru gin
ꗃ Your personality. That alone was what truly captivated him from the very beginning. It didn’t matter how you looked, as opposed to how you carried yourself. How they carry themselves and how they treat others spoke volumes about your character and your sincerity to not only him but everyone both he and you knew or even just merely talked to. With no exaggeration, you were like a beacon of light in his life. Just being in the vicinity of your presence, he felt at ease, understood, and appreciated. Your kindness and authenticity shone through in everything you did and in every interaction. And he couldn't help but watch you secretly as you navigated through your days, noticing the little quirks. He realized then, that true beauty lies not in outward appearances but in the depth of one's character. And it was your character that he fell in love with, time and time again. With each passing day, he would find new reasons to admire and cherish you, like each day was his last.
kunigami rensuke, hiori yo, karasu tabito, tokimitsu aoshi, raichi jingo, tsurugi zantetsu, nanase nijiro, oliver aiku, alexis ness
ꗃ Neither. It's the amount of time and how much he knew of you that made him notice your true character. And you did just that. Your appearance might have drawn him in initially, but it was your genuine self that made him stay. He watched as you navigated through your days, noticing the little quirks and mannerisms that defined you. Your beauty was also just as charming. He couldn't imagine, seeing an individual so radiant yet so sincere. With each day spent together, he realized more and more that it was your true character, your kindness, strength, and authentic spirit that he cherished the most. So, he continues to find joy in every new discovery about you without needing to search for anything else. After all, he loves you and continues to love you more deeply with each passing moment.
nagi seishiro, isagi yoichi, itoshi sae, baro shoei, bachira meguru, niko ikki, itoshi rin, kurona ranze, yukimiya kenyu, ego jinpachi, kiyora jin
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©hxnbi. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of my works.
note: a disclaimer that this is all just my personal opinion, you're free to imagine whatever character you'd like :) fanfics are all about creativity and imagination after all ♡
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nicxl333 · 9 months
could you do a part 2 of bllk boys accidentally hurting their partner bu with a good ending please.
My stomach wouldn't be able to handle mor angst(⁠T⁠T⁠)
thanks for the req anon, i think you’re doing everyone a favour here by asking for this because whew! i was ready to dropkick a mf from writing pt.1 lmao
also if you’re here by chance it’s probably best if you read pt.1 for context before you read pt.2 | :3
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characters: isagi yoichi, reo mikage, nagi seishiro, barou shoei, itoshi rin
content: overwhelming fluff, slight angst, major angst (in rin and barou’s part), reader is female coded (the term ‘girlfriend ‘ is used)
tags: @kaiserkisser @silly-ez @scaramouchemyloveee @mariyumemi @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife @hsxhype @aquamarine001 @nxgiswife @hanagoromo-roses
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two weeks. two long, monotonous weeks spent without isagi. yes bachira did his very best to make sure you were comfortable with him, but you missed isagi so damn much.
it wasn’t only difficult for you though, bachira was trapped in a bad position. due to him being a friend of both you and isagi, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. while it was evident that isagi had fucked you over badly, being in a team with isagi and having him as a bestfriend didn’t make things better. he couldn’t just pick a side and be done with it.
unbeknownst to you though, isagi asked bachira multiple times each day about how you were doing. after some self reflection, he realised just how wrong he was for treating you that way. especially since people like you nowadays are hard to come by. someone so nurturing, caring and full of love and devotion for their s/o was quite the rarity to find. and to think he nearly lost all of that with just a few words. really opened up his perspective of things. he wanted to do better. for you and himself.
and so, he cut down his training times, making more time for himself to wind down from daily intensive workouts. he thought of words to say to you, to make it known to you that he was aware where he went wrong and was taking responsibility for his actions.
he also went shopping, to buy you a multitude of gifts. clothes, jewellery, trainers and heels, perfumes, trinkets. you name it, he bought it. it all cost him a hand and a foot, but he didn’t mind, he would do it 100 times over for you. (we should remember this man is a professional footballer, he’s got dough.) once home, he placed all the gifts on the coffee table in the living room, having to put some on the floor due to the sheer amount he bought, ready to take them to bachira’s tomorrow.
little did he know he wouldn’t have to make the commute.
you had said your goodbyes to bachira that same day, thanking him for taking you in for so long with a big bear hug, to which he returned with just as much (platonic) love as you had shown him. you placed your bag in the backseat of your car, turning on the ignition and beginning the drive back home.
as the roads whizzed by you on the highway, so did the thoughts in your head. you were very nervous to have to talk to isagi again, to have to recall exactly what happened that night. glancing at the time on the dashboard, you drew the conclusion that isagi should be training right now, which would at least give you time to prepare before he got back.
as you pulled up to the apartment complex, the first thing you noticed was that isagi’s car was there, in his usual spot next to yours.
‘he’s home?’
surely not, maybe he just hitched a ride or something. although that didn’t make any sense whatsoever. there would be no reason why isagi would skip his evening trainings, not that you could think of anyways. even after joint practice with his team he would then further push himself to do his own training, polishing up on his skills. so to think he’s potentially broken that pattern confused you.
after parking your car and collecting your things you made your way to your front door, unlocking it and venturing in. once you placed your keys on the side table and took off your shoes, you walked into the empty living room, ultimately puzzled when you noticed the coffee table filled to the brim with bags from your favourite places.
“yoichi? you there?”
you therefore assumed he was out, deciding to take a closer look at the bags. inside, everything you had ever bought for yourself or displayed interest in while out with isagi lay in each bag. even things that you didn’t have, but wanted, were present.
he remembered.
your eyes immediately welled with tears of appreciation, head snapping to your bedroom door when you heard it open, isagi’s figure stepping out. you immediately jolted, not expecting him to actually be here, even though you didn’t actually take the time to look and see properly.
“shit! y/n, you’re back? wait, why’re you crying?”
in an instant he crossed the distance to you, wiping the tears away once he assessed and evaluated that you were not hurt.
“uh— sorry. i should’ve asked you first. is this okay?” he quizzed, holding the sides of your face tenderly. you nodded, leaning into his touch.
“are these for me yoichi?” you looked into his cobalt blue eyes. one hand left your cheek, rubbing at the skin behind his neck, suddenly feeling shy.
“erm…yes. yes they are. i wasn’t expecting you back though, i was gonna surprise you tomorrow. ” he pulled you towards the sofa, sitting you down and looking deep into your (e/c) eyes.
“look y/n, i know materialism doesn’t take away what i did to you, but i want you to know just how sorry i am. you didn’t deserve how i treated you. not two weeks ago or months before. i made you feel lonely, i put football before you. when you needed me, i shut you out. and i take full accountability for that. words couldn’t describe just how badly i’m in love with you and how crazy you make me feel. i couldn’t bear to lose that forever. hell, these two weeks without you have tormented me enough. a lifetime without you would finish me off for good.”
you listened to him speak every word, touched that he would say such soothing words to you. yes, you did expect him to apologise, but not to go above and beyond to show his willingness to change.
your nose started flaring, the sting of your eyes warning that you were about to cry again.
feeling uncomfortable with your silence, isagi pressed you slightly.
“y/n? are you— are you oka-”
you cut him off by pouncing on him, engulfing him in a hug, wrapping your arms around his neck and kissing him like it was your last.
“i’m yours yoichi. always and forever.”
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you woke up in the same hotel room you cried yourself to sleep in. throat dry, head pulsating and heart wounded. you needed some form of rejuvenation, but, considering you didn’t have any clothes on you, seemed hard to achieve.
you reached for your phone, shocked when you saw 20 missed calls and 46 messages from the very same person who caused you anguish in the first place. opening the message app you see the most recent messages being sent at around 5am.
“y/n, where are you?”
“y/n please answer the phone!”
“are you safe at least, i’m worried about you.”
“i just wanna know if you’re okay, we need to talk.”
“y/n please, im starting to worry, just send me a text, or something. let me know you’re okay.”
although you were beyond pissed at the guy, he was concerned for your safety, and to make him worry for you like that shouldn’t have to be something anyone should experience.
you sent him a quick, straightforward response.
“i’m fine, you don’t need to worry.”
the read receipt came as quickly as you sent it, a bubble popping up, signaling that reo was typing. however, after a few moments, it disappeared altogether, leaving your message standing alone.
you sighed, deciding that the least you could do was shower, feeling clammy and, simply put, dirty.
luckily, your job was well paying so you were able to book a lavish en-suite hotel room, although you didn’t pay attention to that much last night, willing to go just about anywhere as long as it weren’t near reo. inside the bathroom lay exquisite amenities, top branded shower gel, shampoo and conditioner, along with oils and different expensive face care products. an unopened toothbrush pack also was present on the bathroom counter, with toothpaste alongside it. and by the full glass shower itself stood a towel and robe on the hanging rack.
it weren’t exactly clothes, but it was a start. better than staying in your dress the whole day. while you waited for the shower water to warm you looked at yourself in the mirror, cringing at how dishevelled your figure was. your cheeks were tear stained, causing your mascara to run, your lips had smeared lipstick still present, and your hair? let’s not even go there. you looked a hot mess, physical evidence of your current mood.
once heated to a substantial temperature you stepped into the shower, revelling at how that warm water melted into your skin. you made good work of scrubbing down your skin, leaving no traces of any events that may have transpired the day before.
soon enough you finished up your shower, stepping out and wrapping the towel round your figure, feeling refreshed, but still incomplete. you brushed your teeth next, trying to avoid letting your thoughts go off topic from the current task at hand.
just as you were walking into the room itself to look for moisturiser, you heard a knock at the door. it confused you to the core. no one actually knew your whereabouts so you couldn’t rack your brain to guess who it could be. you ventured close to the door, looking through the peephole and visibly relaxing once you saw a hotel worker standing, waiting.
“ah, good morning miss y/n, i have a bag here requested to be brought to you.”
if you weren’t confused before, you were bewildered now. this meant that someone hand to have known where’d you were, but how? only one way to find out.
“requested by who, might i ask?”
“mr…mikage reo?”
what the actual hell. you were well and truly silenced by the revelation. more importantly, it’s quite amazing how he managed to find your location with such haste. although it shouldn’t really surprise you so much, considering he probably had connections due to his status. it made you wonder just what exactly he brought to you.
“erm ma’am?”
you cracked the door open, seeing one of reo’s duffel bags stuffed to the brim. the hotel worker held it out for you to take, bowing then turning to leave immediately after. you carried the heavy bag through the room, placing it on the ottoman at the end of the bed.
you stood for a second, debating whether you should open it or not. curiosity got the better of you though, and you unzipped the bag, stalling when you realised it was a bag of clothes for you, as well as the moisturiser you use, some makeup products and your favourite trainers. it’s like he somehow knew you would need clothes, probably since you didn’t return home last night.
taking the clothes from the bag you realised he packed you one of your favourite hoodies, his own hoodie.
after moisturising yourself you started to put the clothes on, feeling slightly better about yourself. you looked into your makeup bag, seeing some of your basic everyday skin and hair products, as well as your everyday perfume, feeling grateful that reo at least paid attention enough to know what you liked and used.
just as you had finished your skincare routine you heard another lock at the door, wondering who it could be at this time. you got up and crossed your way to the door, looking through the peephole and freezing.
your boyfriend, reo stood at the door, looking around nervously.
you gauged your options for a moment, reaching an ultimatum with yourself that you couldn’t avoid him forever. you opened the door fully, stepping to the side for him to walk in, which he did, stepping meticulously and with precaution, while you closed the door behind him.
all was silent for a moment, neither party knowing what to say to the other, a million thoughts rushing through the room. the tension was taut, the air thick, and awkwardness seeping in.
you collected yourself, deciding to start it off.
“thanks for the clothes, i appreciate it.”
“it’s…the least i could do, considering how i treated you.” he said, simultaneously biting down on his lip.
he moved closer towards you, looking at your expression to see if he was crossing boundaries at any point.
“y/n.” you looked at him with apprehension, worried about what may fly out of his mouth next. “i want you to know that what happened last night, was entirely my fault. i need you to understand that.”
you frowned with sadness displayed on your face. yes he may be owning up to his actions, but that didn’t explain why he said what he said. especially if he could say something of that degree to you with such ease. it sounded like he meant every word.
becoming slightly anxious from your silence, he continued on.
“i made you it sound like you were inadequate or you were lower than me because i have money. i know it sounds bad, but y/n, it’s really the opposite. you don’t look at me for my background, you look at me for who i am as a person. you make me feel normal. make me feel like i can be myself around you. i don’t have to keep myself guarded around you and i appreciate you so much for it. i guess that’s why i spoke out of turn to you like that last night. because you’re probably the only person who can actually knock me down a peg. and having nagi hear that made me scared. scared because i was vulnerable in front of him. of course, i’m not excusing my actions, and i’m not asking for forgiveness, i just want you to know i’m sorry.”
you nodded slowly in understanding, looking at the way he subconsciously tugged on a piece of his violet tresses. he left his hair down today. you loved it when his hair was down. he knew that.
“i hear you reo, but that’s not the only issue. this whole problem stemmed from the fact that you spend too much time with nagi. i don’t wanna be the girlfriend that prohibits you from spending time with your friends, that’s not who i am, but when you’re with nagi so much that it makes you forget important dates, that’s when it becomes a problem. especially when you then make it out to be like i’m the problem. no one is saying you can’t be around him, but have a backbone please. he’s always there reo. sometimes i just want you to myself, is that too much to ask for?”
he realised where he went wrong, casting you aside for the sake of nagi, which wasn’t cool. and he didn’t want to lose you. you were too good to him and he felt so strongly about you. anything you asked for could never be too much, not to him.
and so, he stepped closer to you still, scooping you up in his arms and spinning you around, relishing in the way you wrapped your arms around his neck, both for stabilisation and comfort.
“no baby, it’s never too much. not when it comes to you.”
you squeezed him tighter, nuzzling your head into the crook of his neck and smiling.
“i don’t like it when we fight reo, i love you too much for that.”
“i love you too y/n,” he placed you down gently on the bed, laying you back and caging you in with both arms, his hair hanging directly over your face. “so…we’re gonna go back home and i want you to pack your bags. we’re going to mykonos for the week to celebrate our anniversary together.”
you straightened up, wondering where this was all coming from.
“huh? reo, you’re forgetting something? you may be off season right now but i still have work.”
“not for the next two weeks, i pulled some strings so now you have paid time off, which, gives you more time with your favourite man.”
you chuckled at his revelation, knowing he definitely used his power to threaten your manager. reo could be so demanding at times.
“speaking of which, do you know where he is?” his face immediately darkened at that.
“wanna repeat that?”
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nagi was in a state. it had only been 4 days since you broke up with him, but that was 4 days too long for him. it wasn’t actually until you broke it off with him and it sunk in that you were gone, that it really registered for him.
he missed you.
it made him realise, as much as he hated being bothered…he didn’t mind if it were you. he really did enjoy spending time with you. especially when cuddling. your figure was so soft, a perfect cushion for him to lay on as he slept. you would play with his hair so gently, lulling him to sleep. and you were really pretty.
the apartment just seemed all the more empty without you. yes, he did live alone pre blue lock a few years back, but having you live with him made him get used to having someone around. he grew comfortable and accustomed to it. so much so that it felt lonely when you left.
you had temporarily went back to your parents house while you looked for a new place to live. you had a few items of miscellaneous clothing left behind in your room, but you had ran out, thus needing the majority of your stuff, which you had left back at nagi’s.
you left off, with the promise to your parents that you’d be back soon.
the engine hummed as you drove back, playing your playlist on a high volume, hoping to drown out the thoughts spiralling in your head, although it did little to silence them.
you didn’t plan a time to leave out, but realised that you had coincidentally headed out at the same time nagi would be home, a meeting inevitable. oh well. had to happen at some point. you planned on a quick and brisk pit stop, hoping to minimise interaction with him as much as possible.
you pulled up to the apartment complex, walking through the lobby, swiping your keycard and pressing the lift to go to the penthouse.
in no time you reached the top, the lift doors opening. you stepped out and pushed your key into the lock, opening the door as silently as you could, walking in and shutting it with a click.
yes, you may have been moving around like a teenager after a forbidden night out, but you would much rather that than have to be further insulted by nagi, should he catch you.
alas, things cannot always go smoothly in life, for nagi had heard you, stepping out of the bedroom, shirtless with loosely hanging shorts, evidently having just woken up from a nap.
he instantly stopped, rubbing his eyes to see if he was tweaking or not. yet, you stood there, trying to disappear in that moment.
“y/n…you’re here.”
“only to get my things nagi, i’ll be out of your hair in around half an hour.”
nagi. his own name turned his mood sour. he’d much rather you call him by his actual name, or sei, not his last. and you knew that fact very well, making sure he knew damn well you were serious.
you begun to hurriedly walk towards the bedroom, where he was standing by the door, attempting to walk past him as quickly as possible. he intervened however, stepping about halfway into the door so that you were now directly in front of him and couldn’t get past, unless you spoke to him.
“are you really leaving y/n?”
“it’s l/n to you nagi, and yes. you don’t get to say something like that to me and think we’ll be cool after. it’s fucked up.”
you turned so he couldn’t see you, tears beginning to form at the painful recollection of what occurred a few days ago. you didn’t trust yourself to say anything else, for the fear of bursting into tears held you back.
“please don’t leave me y/n, i can do better, i promise. i regret what i said. really badly. i’m— i’m sorry.”
you knew that nagi didn’t like talking as it is (he referred to it as a hassle), so to have him trying to at least communicate with you did mean something. not enough to satiate you though.
when you didn’t say anything back he lightly tugged your hand and turned you around, eyes widening once he saw tears streaming down your face.
he attempted to console you, wanting to pull you into a hug, but drawing back when you lightly pushed him off you.
“y/n- what’s wrong?”
“i can’t sei, i’m scared. scared you’ll grow bored of me. i don’t know if i’m bothering you or not and it kills me to think that you’d spend more time on games than with me. you basically told me i’m a hassle. how the hell else am i supposed to take that?”
your tears wouldn’t stop pouring down no matter how much you tried to calm yourself down, sniffles loud and clear as day.
something unusual happened to nagi as he watched you cry your eyes out. he felt his heart breaking into tiny shards at your state. more so because he knew it was because of him. he didn’t want to be the cause of your pain. he didn’t want to see you like this, experiencing such distress.
he wrapped his arms around you, one hand shielding your head and pulling your face into his bare chest, where you sobbed some more, letting up all the feelings built up from days prior.
“you’re not a hassle y/n. i said that out of turn. you could never be a hassle to me. while you were gone, i couldn’t even play my games properly. i just slept and trained because i missed you so much and didn’t know what to do without you. i know i’m lazy, and i know i don’t make you feel loved enough, but i do. i love you. i’ll do better for you and i don’t wanna be the reason why you’re upset. so please stop crying, wanna see your pretty face smile for me.”
you smiled into his chest, your sniffles beginning to subside and still.
“thank you sei, i really needed to hear that.”
“i would say it over 100 times for you. it might take a while but i won’t get bored of it. not when it comes to you.”
you wrapped your arms around his broad figure, squeezing tightly.
“will you be my girlfriend again y/n? no one else can reach your level. not now, not ever.”
you let go of his body, instead placing your palms on the back of his neck, pulling him into a kiss.
“of course i will seishiro.”
“good, because i wanna cuddle with my girlfriend.”
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it had been 2 months since you broke up with barou and he was miserable. who would’ve thought you leaving would cause such a rift in his life? his performance in matches were shit, he became pissed off at people more easily, and he was benched more often.
due to him not having someone to talk to, he essentially had no form of a wind down from football, something you were able to give him while you were together. something he had come to miss, and wished he appreciated more.
the lack of your items in the house made your departure all the more apparent. your decorations and items around the apartment were what made the house a home.
and you as a person? what wasn’t to like about you? you were a very levelheaded but gentle person, a great contrast to his fiery, angry personality. you catered to his every need, be it mentally, physically or sexually. your voice was what carried him through his day, soothing him to the bone, calming him down when he needed it. the more he thought about it, the more he realised he made a grave mistake pushing you out. the more he realised just how much he was attached to you, he was just unwilling to acknowledge it.
barou was no pussy, and he had enough of living like this, living without you, so he decided to get you back (and not fuck up this time).
he knew you were most likely staying at your childhood friend, chigiri’s house. he knew him very well, having done the blue lock training program with him years back, and played against him in several matches. he knew where he lived, having gone to parties held at his house through mutual connections.
and so, after practice, he grabbed his car keys and set off. he weren’t good with words, so his mind stayed scrambled as he thought of all the things he could say to you. while he couldn’t think of specific sentences to say to you, his goal remained the same.
after some time passed, he pulled up to chigiri’s house, your car the only one on the drive, which meant that only you were home. he switched off the ignition, stepped out of the car and walked up to the door.
with slight hesitancy, he lifted his fist to the door and knocked three times. he listened for any shuffling inside, but heard none. after a moment he turned away to leave, thinking you might’ve not been there after all. it’s possible you might’ve been out with chigiri in his car. yeah, that was probably it.
“what do you want barou? i thought i was ‘making your life too hard’?”
shit, you were home. your voice was muffled, due to you speaking through the door, having seen his figure through the peephole.
“i- i didn’t mean that. not that way.”
you opened the door, allowing him to see a crack of your figure, donned in shorts and a tank top.
“then how did you mean it barou? don’t take me for an idiot, because i’m not one. no one says anything of that depth if you didn’t feel that exact way before. so before you let anymore bullshit spout from your mouth tell me exactly how you meant it, in what context. because i’m tired barou, tired of being in a relationship where i feel like i’m treading on glass around you because you don’t wanna do certain things. it’s not a nice feeling. you may not feel that way, but i do. i’ve felt that way during our whole relationship, but i feel like i can’t tell you shit so i’ve kept. it. in.”
wow. he really didn’t see things from your perspective. once he heard it from you, he realised just how much of a dickhead he sounded like. he couldn’t say anything, how could he explain himself after that?
he didn’t.
and after hearing no refutation or explanation from barou, you simply let go of any hopes of talking this out with him.
“shouei,” his ears perked at you using his first name. “i think…you should go. i don’t wanna have any hard feelings between us but i don’t think we’re right for each other. please understand and respect tha-”
you stopped short of ending your sentence upon seeing barou turn and leave before he could hear you out, getting back into his car and preparing to drive off.
you sighed, shaking your head and closing the door, effectually ending your relationship for good.
he got what he wanted, right?
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you woke up in the morning, immediately panning your vision to your left to see if rin had returned to bed. the bed imprints remained the exact same as you had left it when you fell asleep, which lead you to wonder if rin had even returned home.
you slid out of bed, your feet touching the cold wood floor, you trudged your way through the apartment, looking for signs of life, your shoulders falling in disappointment when you realised rin was nowhere to be seen. it was debatable if he even came home or not, the answer you would probably never find out.
you warred with yourself in your head about what to do. considering rin didn’t even try to talk to you to rectify the situation showed he didn’t really give a shit. if he didn’t come home, then he probably didn’t even know if you came home or not, which meant he isn’t worrying about you or where you were.
you weren’t a dickhead, and waiting for someone who evidently didn’t want you seemed like such a desperate action, which you weren’t trying to act like.
and so, calling a few willing friends, shedding some tears here and there, and half a day of hard work, you had effectively moved out of your shared apartment with rin, leaving a half completed home. he didn’t return home the whole day, not that you gave a shit anymore.
imagine rin’s surprise when he returned home from his team practice, expecting to see you moping around somewhere, but instead, nowhere to be found. as a matter of fact, where the fuck was your stuff? the apartment looked very much empty right now. he took at least 15 minutes to look around, analysing his surroundings, the same he would do during a game. any potted plants you bought for the house, specifically for the living room disappeared. your stupid candle ornaments that somehow made the house look better? not a ghost of a trace left behind. your clothes? gone. even from the laundry basket, only his clothes remained.
your products, your favourite sleeping pillow, even your toothbrush was gone. you left no stone unturned, questionable if you ever lived there in the first place.
still slightly puzzled but somewhat aware of the answer behind all of this, he pulled out his phone, clicking immediately on the message app. he sent you a message, heart dropping and suspicions confirmed when his message was not only green, but displayed a ‘not delivered’ message underneath. you had blocked him, and moved out without his knowledge.
he knew you were pissed off from what had transpired, but he didn’t know you would take action this soon. you didn’t even wait to talk to him for the love of god. this wasn’t supposed to happen this way, he was only angry at you because he felt threatened in the moment. but, recalling just exactly what he said to you, maybe it was warranted.
maybe it was for the best. you barely had enough time together as it is, due to unmatchable schedules and rin always being abroad. he was never able to give you enough love. funny, considering he didn’t even make sure to tell you. looking back on it, he realised he was kind of a dickhead to you.
so, he let go of the relationship for good.
four months had passed. he’d gotten bigger as a football player after his team winning a multitude of matches had lead to him becoming their star player, constantly getting man of the match achievements. this lead to his popularity increasing, getting more fans and fame as a result. he had been abroad this whole time, focusing on his career.
oh. but don’t think he had escaped you.
he couldn’t get his mind off you.
you tormented his thoughts daily and nightly, his yearning for you and hate for himself flourishing simultaneously as he repeatedly recalled how he fucked up. he wished he could go back to that night, heeding your warnings.
either way, that couldn’t be achieved now, for he didn’t know your whereabouts. he hadn’t known since that night on the pitch.
he tried to move on the best he could, returning back to japan to visit his parents whilst he had time off from football.
it just so happened one day while he popped out to a grocery store to get ingredients for his mother, the he saw the back of a familiar head, whisking away to the next aisle over. piquing his curiosity, he immediately paced to see if it way really who he thought it was.
and yes, the face he thought he’d never see again, the very same person who had been frequenting his mind,
“y/n!” you froze, not expecting to find him here of all places. last time you had seen on tv, he was abroad. he wasn’t supposed to be here. deciding you had to face the music at some point, you turned around, watching as his demeanour melted, at really seeing you again after so long.
all was silent for a moment, not knowing what to say to each other. what does one say in situations such as these? not to worry, rin answered for you.
“how…how’ve you been?”
“good thanks, how about you?”
“i’ve been— alright.”
silence settled again. rin wanted to voice so many things to you, starting with how he wanted you to know how he’s changed. how he’s calmed down in terms of training. how he’d make more time. he wanted you to know he’d do things differently, if you ever took him back. he wanted you to come home… but he didn’t know where to start.
he would have to at some point however, for you wanted to get away from him as soon as possible.
“well…um, it was good seeing yo-”
“wait!” he interjected, panic settling in that you would disappear and he would never get the chance again. “i— i just wanted to tell you tha—”
“y/n baby, i’ve got the washing powder.”
baby? what the fuck?
he looked just past you to see a guy walking up to you, taking the basket from your hands with a peck to your cheek. you smiled at the action, lacing your hand in his hair as he took place behind you. he then noticed rin, standing there with visible shock on his face, confused on what he missed while he was gone.
“who’s this?”
“oh, just an old friend.” a bold faced lie. anyone with two functioning brain cells could feel the history between you two. “i’ve got my stuff so let’s go to the queue. nice seeing you rin…have a good day.” you walked off with your supposed new boyfriend. a boyfriend that wasn’t him.
have a good day? after you just shattered his heart like that?
his throat turned dry, awareness sinking in.
he wanted you to come home…but he was too late.
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baby you sold me a dream pt.3
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rottiens · 7 days
⊹ ˚. BAROU SHOEI ┊ tags. . 18+, professional player barou, established relationship, afab reader, pussy inspection, oral sex (f! receiving), praising. divider creds: cafekitsune.
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You are comfortable. Barou's bed has always felt that way to you. Your back rests on the soft mattress, your body sinks just a little into the blue sheets with white triangular patterns. The room smells clean as always and of the lavender spray in which Barou bathes every space in the room after he comes out of showering after a long match.
The ceiling fan makes a barely audible noise which you catch, recognizing for the first time about three weeks ago after years of spending time in his room. The window is open too, helping to keep you from breaking a sweat.
You have a pillow under your head, one on your lower back and, you're comfortable… You might even fall asleep, if of course, you weren't so excited to pay attention to him.
You crane your neck to get a better look at him and see exactly what he's doing, what he's looking for.
"Hold still," he growls, grabbing a restless foot that moves over the width of his shoulder.
"I wasn't planning on going anywhere—," you tell him, even though you know he's not paying attention to you, not to what you have to say at least.
Your stomach raises your hands with a deep inhale.
"What are you doing?" you want to stir beneath him again, acutely aware of what he's doing, or rather what he's not doing.
Every now and then you feel his fingers sinking the cotton of your panties between the folds of your pussy, other times his breath leads in hot swirls to your slit and, you know at this point your panties are soaked, dripping through them, making the material see-through.
"I'm watching." Barou replies, obvious. One thumb at a time strokes your clit in circles, the feel of the fabric kissing your sensitive area and you gasp slowly. "I can tell you like it when I do it."
"That's not—"
"Don't lie to me," he accuses you with a smile you can't see. You settle your posture again to watch, the air billowing over your heads brushes the sweat from your forehead and tousles Barou's dark strands in soft spirals. Across your 'M' shaped legs and the valley of your stomach, he gazes at you with narrowed eyes and a hunter's gaze. "You're so wet," he acknowledges, breaking the connection between his eyes to look at your pussy now.
He tosses the edge of your panties aside, the smell of sex and sweat wafts to your nose barely noticeable amidst the overpowering scent of lavender. Your breath hitches and your face feels even hotter. You know that it being summer only makes your heat that much worse.
With your pussy now naked under his nose, Barou can take a much better look at the mess he's created. His thumb helps him spread the folds apart, going up and down on the soft sensitive flesh of your inner labia.
"Hold your thighs for a moment," he commands, his voice husky.
You do so, grab the flesh just below your thighs and expand them further for him, with your feet now not on his shoulders but in the air you feel much more unsteady, weaker.
You are trembling as he squeezes your clit between index and middle fingers, as he slides a digit up your slit and your hole twitches at the sudden touch. Barou can sense your desire, noting how eager you are by the flushed hue that has taken over your pussy. Borou squeezes it, pinches it, uncovers it as if he is touching it for the first time, like a scientist experimenting. You are trembling, now harder, you call his name and regret it almost immediately.
Barou looks at you as if he hasn't touched you for days. His mouth is open, his lips wet with, perhaps sweat, his own saliva. His hair is black as if someone has tousled it with their fingers and his crimson eyes have turned dark.
"What, baby?" he asks as if he doesn't know what you want. "What is it?" he speaks after leaving a kiss on your thigh.
Your throat turns scratchy as soon as he lowers his head without losing eye contact, his tongue just a pinkish flash that you lose sight of after it sinks into you. A flat tongue lick that makes a mess of your juices, he tastes you, devours you. He takes your nectar on his tongue and swirls it around your clit, sucking and licking, increasing his stroke with each new taste.
Barou grabs your ass and pulls you further into his mouth. He raises his eyes and looks at you with your pussy in his mouth, shaking his head from side to side as he sucks on your clit.
You're not going to see him for days after today because of his practices and the big game he has at the end of the month. You know he has to concentrate, that he's not going to be distracted by seeing you in person because he can't think of anything but you when you're around, always full of devotion to you, so maybe this is his way of making you remember him, that you'll be thinking about him all those weeks until you see him again.
Barou sucks once more on your clit, your fingers loosen to grab his hair and yet he whimpers like a wounded animal. He pulls away with pursed lips from the sweet fruit he is devouring to bark— "Keep them open for me."
You do as he asks, and Barou alternates between fucking you with his thick tongue and licking your clit. Between the heat rising like an invisible fog that overwhelms you and his punishing tongue leaving you no room to escape, you have no choice but to cum in his mouth, arching your back and falling further into the trap that was him.
"Give it all to me," Barou rolls the words on his tongue, full of possession, full of egotism, proud to know that there is no one in the world who can taste you the way he does.
And this is all he will think about in the match. Every goal he scores, he'll get him closer to being with you and going home. Every game he wins, he knows it will be an orgasm he's going to give you.
"That's my girl. Drink water, you're going to give me another one."
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lonelystarrs · 1 year
The Pudding
Barou Shouei x FemReader (Ft Isagi Yoichi)
Barou was acting like you’d been winding him up to brat tame, however you’d been on your best behaviour since Isagi came to crash with you guys for awhile, who knew he’d be such a homewrecker and not even release it was his fault. That pudding Barou was obsessed with do be good though!
Warnings: 18+ MDNI • DomBarou • smut • Barou being Barou. • dirty talk -filth • this do be spicy get your face fans out• 5 years after Blue Lock • Isagi temporary house mate causing arguments • crack • established relationship • the ending tho 💀 isagi you homewrecker.
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Frantic, aggressive and a borderline bully -Barou Shouei was showing all these traits when he’d stomped his way over to you, red eyes glowing as his figured shadow drew closer.
Normally you’d do something to warrant this kind of a reaction from him, brat taming you was something he enjoyed and something you found amusing to draw out in him.
Today however? You hadn’t done anything, in fact since Isagi came to crash a couple of days ago with you both for a few weeks you’d been pretty good. Barou only allowed it because Isagi was easy to live with, he knew this from his days in blue lock, collecting laundry and at least trying to aid his level of OCD with cleaning. He was respectful and he, unknowingly to you or anyone else owed Isagi a favour.
Why? That secret would die with Barou -and with Isagi if he kept his word on not telling anyone. Barou had actually asked him to try find out your ring sizes, which he had successfully done -fuck knows how he pulled it off and fuck knows how Barou bit his pride to ask. He wanted someone outside to get the job done, he himself or his sisters would be way too obvious. Apparently he took you shopping with Bachira who you had a soft spot for, the guys eccentric personality made it easy to fall for, he made you try on a load of stacking rings and Isagi remembered the one for your ring finger, clever little shit Barou had to give him that.
“W-wait Barou, s-slow down-“
You tried to tighten your thighs together in an attempt to block him but he’d only pushed his weight by his hips further into you causing you to spread them.
Normally Barou would prep you, much needed considering how thick and long this guy was, he was built like a god head to toe and taking him was always a stretch.
You were actually a little worried at how fired up he was, but equally excited by his sudden attitude shift, he was fine this morning but he was borderline feral at the moment.
Barou snorted a laugh, red eyes looking up to you as he held himself over you. Hands planted by your sides as you gripped onto his forearms to brace yourself, his huge biceps bulging as he held his own weight above you. His shoulders looked fucking huge, pure muscle hovering over you as sweat dripped from his body from his wound up he was getting not even cooling down after he finished a work out. His cock rested hard on your stomach, leaking at the tip.
“Huh? Where’s that cocky attitude gone, girl?”
Eyes returning down he watch himself as he lifted his hips, flexing his thick, heavy cock to hit his stomach watching the pre cum link between him, before dropping it down to press the thick tip to your entrance. You clenched around nothing as he pressed against you, easing the head in.
His deep voice making bumps rise on your skin, there was nothing unmanly about this guy, he oozes testosterone and gruffness, but that voice? God it got you every time, especially when he was threatening you.
“I’ll warn you now-“ he glanced up at you, his gaze harsh as he kept eye contact “-I’d find something to hold onto if I were you. You’re getting devoured, teach you to stop pissing me off.”
You swallowed and he was drinking in how vulnerable you looked under him, eyes glazed and doe like, it sent his ego soaring. The growl that left his chest was feral, eyes flashing as he tried to control himself from pushing himself in with one thrust.
Barou was mean, but not a complete sadist.
You moved a hand to press against the headboard behind you, the other remaining on his forearm.
He felt the tight ring of your cunt protest as he pushed the head in, you were so tight he couldn’t pull the head back as it gripped onto him and it was game over for you when he felt it sucking his cock in.
He pushed through to the hilt, bullying this thick cock through your velvety walls as they gripped him, milking any precum he had crawling up his dick.
“Fucking hell s’fucking warm, how you stay this tight huh? This cock not fucked you enough times?” he breathed out, not once dropping that gruffness his voice carried. He pressed his forehead against yours looking down at his cock buried in you. Barou was big, he had the length and the thickness but this man knew how to roll his cock into you.
“B-Barou s’too much please just -“
“Tch, thought you knew what you were in for? Acting cocky and now whinin’ cause you can’t take me? Suck it up princess, wanna help yourself? Reach down and play with your clit as I fuck you, it’s the only mercy you’re getting.”
You whimpered under him, your hips twitching to try angle yourself better as your pussy clenched around him.
Despite years of being together he was still a stretch to take especially when he’d been away for a few weeks for soccer and you’d not had him. This time, it was because he’d remained rather tame while Isagi was crashing at your place whilst he moved into his new one.
You had no idea why Barou was so pissed off, he only got like this when you’d been teasing him or winding him up until he entered his brat taming mode.
This time though -you hadn’t.
You pussy was soaking, drooling to your ass and over his cock and balls, he tilted his hips so the hilt of his dick rubbed your clit and you threw your head back with an unholy moan.
He withdrew slowly, a deep groan leaving him as he watched his thick dick slide from you covered in slick.
“You’re a mess, acting like you can’t handle it but she’s drooling for me-“ he thrust sharply, hitting that spot in you that made your breath hitch, your mouth fell open as you looked down in slight worry, your hand on his forearm quickly pressed against his six pack.
“Found it already huh? Tch, too easy thought you’d put up more of a fight.”
He rolled his hips beautifully into you, setting a pace that was borderline cruel -hard but not quiet fast enough to build your orgasm as quick as you’d want it.
Barou watched your tits bounce with each thrust into your pussy, hugging him begging it to fill you with his cum, but he wasn’t done yet.
Your vision blurred as he shifted you, only to focus again as he looked down on you folded beneath him. He had hooked both arms under your knees to push you upwards under him, folding you in half as his hands grip the head board behind you to stabilise himself.
Your eyes widened at what he was about to do, tears gathering in your eyes as he moulded you into his own version of a mating press. Mounting you like some animal as he stared down at his prey.
“You’re fucked now, woman.”
His first thrust hit so deep you almost seen stars, head kissing your cervix as he pushed to the hilt whilst rotating his hips in circles.
“Your safe word, you got it?” You nodded dumbly and he pressed a kiss to your leg, a fleeting moment of showing his softness before his annoyance for whatever triggered this took him over again.
Your hand moved to press a finger to your clit and Barou’s eyes followed to watch you rub circles into it, matching his pace to each round.
He was impossibly deep even he could feel resistance to how deeply he’d managed to bury himself into you -actual pride swelling in his chest at you being such a champ and taking him like this. Your clit was hard and burning under the pad of your finger as you eased towards cumming for him. Each squelch of his cock bullying into you, each slap of his skin as his balls hit your ass every moan that left your throat as you begged and spurred him.
Slurring words of adoration for him as he drank everything you gave him, his ego soaring with his heart as he started to rut into you violently. Knuckles turning white as his gripped the head board, sweat dripping from him onto you under him as he pushed himself physically.
“Fuck,” a frustrated growl left him, “-fuck you’re too fucking good.” His words through grunts as he kept up a feral pace. “-you’re fucking made for me.”
“Yeah? You made for this king? Made to take this dick?”
“M-made for you- Ngh-Barou I’m gonna- hah- please I’m cumming, Barou- y-yes there, please-“
“Yeah? Keep fucking begging n slurring all dumb like that, makes me wanna devour you.”
He felt you start to roll your hips under him, your spare hand blinded reaching for his on the head board, finding it you gripped it, fingers laying over his. The finger on your clit started stuttering, picking up a fast messy pace.
“Cummin’ f’you- Bar-King, fuckfuckfuck!”
He smugly watched you lose it under him, body tightening and your toes curling, feeling your pussy clamp around him made him buckle slightly, edging him towards his own release. He didn’t ease you down, instead Barou shifted another gear as his pace turned fast and hard.
“S’Kings gonna fill that pretty cunt up-“
He flipped his hand, twisting it to lace his fingers through yours and planting beside your head, letting one of your legs lower. Barou pressed his lips to your leg still held up by his other, placing wet kisses between bites, panting through his nose as he groan into your skin holding between his teeth.
His thrusts turned sloppy but kept their hardness fucking into you like an alpha fucking his mate through a rut.
“Take it all -fuuuuuck!”
He hunched over you pressing his hips to yours as he spilled into you, cock flexing inside you as he moaned into your leg, red eyes half hooded and glazed. His hips twitched against you as you clenched around him, stomach muscles flexing in little spasms as he came hard emptying into you.
The room was filled with both your panting, coming down from your highs and Barou released you, sitting back onto his folded legs spread. You whimpered as his cock pulled from you now half hard as he softened. Your legs bent up and still spread, shaking as you felt the tremors start to inch up your body. Hands shaking you sat up onto your elbows, Barou was still breathing heavy, red eyes fixed on your swollen pussy starting to leak out his cum and he groaned again. It was the only kind of mess he deemed somewhat acceptable. Running a hand through his hair you could see him shaking lightly, a smug smirk made it’s way to your face.
“The fuck is with that smug smile? Knock it off,”
“You’re shaking.”
“I fucking wouldn’t be if you hadn’t ate the last pudding!”
“What?” You deadpanned at him, “-I didn’t.”
“Don’t bullshit me, I didn’t eat it and it was there this morning.”
“-wait, Barou did you just fuck me like that cause you thought I ate your last pudding?!”
“Hardly the first time, you act like a brat to get fucked like one. Got what you wanted now go out and replace it!”
“I can’t fucking walk! You literally just beat my pussy up!”
“Yeah? I’ll do it again until you stop stealing my shit!”
“I didn’t eat it Barou!”
Meanwhile Isagi sat in the spare room listening to you both from across the hall. -completely forgotten about that he was currently residing with you guys and was actually in the building.
An impressively raging hard on at the inspirational rough sex he’d just heard whilst looking down at his hands, one with a spoon and the other holding an empty container for pudding. He’d been eating it whilst you guys fucked like animals in your bedroom. Like popcorn at a cinema.
Man, Barou really liked his damn pudding, Isagi didn’t think he’d heard him that angry since he called the king a donkey back in Blue Lock 5 years ago.
He shrugged and cleaned the spoon off, ah well Barou didn’t know it was actually him who’d stolen the last pudding, ‘sides it was worth it listening to that.
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© pharix 2023 permission is not given to repost, translate or post anywhere else.
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kuromochimi · 1 year
Cuffing Season
Nagi Seishiro, Barou Shouei, Kunigami Rensuke
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the big boy song has been STUCK AND I MEAN STUCK in my head for days now, and I’ve been wanting to write for blue lock since I started watching the anime.. so have some blue lock big boys scenarios.
Content Warnings: f!reader, NSFW, smut, dry humping, kissing/making out, fluff?, cuddling, slight exhibitionism, unprotected sex, fwb, mutual masturbation, lmk if I missed any
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Nagi Seishiro
It felt warm and snuggly… and awfully heavy? Your cozy slumber was disturbed by the sudden weight you felt on your chest. Not enough to suffocate you, but definitely enough to cause discomfort, and you knew immediately who the culprit was. “Sei, move over. You’re sooo heavy” you tried to speak as best as you could while sleep still enveloped your entire body. “Come on baby, just a little. It’s getting cold” and he further snuggled into your body, moving up a little so that he could bury his head into the crevice between your neck and your shoulders. You surrendered. Was this the random guy you slept with at a Christmas party last week all because you complained that you were feeling lonely and you were both drunk enough to fuck at a storage closet? Yes. Was this also the guy who was surprisingly persistent on not only sleeping together but also hanging out and you always agreed to come with him because it was the holiday season and you didn’t want to feel lonely? Also yes. Your haywire thoughts were cut short when he started kissing up your neck, all the way to your jaw. His kisses were soft, gentle, and warming. He loved kissing you everywhere but he knew where you liked it best. “Stop teasing, sei, come up. I want it here”
With groggy eyes, nagi looked up at you as soon as he heard you speak. You were so sexy with your sleepy voice. He found you biting your lower lip, already anticipating his lips to unlock your own. “Course baby, I got you” without a single breath to spare, he moved himself up to level his face with yours and he all too suddenly, but gently, locked his lips with yours, not waiting a single moment before he pushed his tongue into your mouth like he hasn’t already done it countless times before in the week’s time you’ve known him. His huge hands were gripping your thighs, pulling you ridiculously closer to him, almost grinding your clothed pussy against his crotch, all while you were heavily making out and losing breath over your mutual refusal to pull away from each other. You were getting too wet. Just as the thought of going all way popped up in your head, the loud alarm of your phone resonated all over the room. You remembered setting it to wake you up in time to clean your place up before your parents came to visit. It was utter panic in your head. “Sei, we can’t.” You trued pushing him away “fuck I want to, but my parents are on their way right about- fuck.. stop grinding” he clicks his tongue before getting up to grab his clothes, strewn all over your bedroom floor. “Fine, but you’re going to have to make it up to me. Such a hassle. Making me leave with a fucking boner” he was mumbling while putting his clothes on. You couldn’t help but giggle a little at how cute he was acting, like he didn’t almost just fuck you stupid had the circumstances allowed him to.
Barou Shouei
Months into your friends with benefits set up with barou, you found that he had a habit of grunting A LOT in his sleep. And to be honest, you’d normally complain about it if it were any other person. But god does he sound so fucking sexy like that. His deep, rough voice just becomes a hundred times more attractive when he’s sleepy. At first, you found it embarrassing to admit that his grunts sometimes turned you on. But you immediately caved and told him when you just couldn’t stop yourself that one time during winter. “Shouhei” you gently nudged him awake after you barely just got out of his tight embrace. He wasn’t a light sleeper but whenever you’d wake him up under such circumstances, he already knew what you were going to ask for. “Didn’t I fuck you enough a couple hours ago, hm?” His eyes were still closed as he spoke. He’s right. In fact, you were still a tad sore but you were also dripping wet right now. “Just.. just keep talking, shou, like.. like that” your words were spoken in broken breaths, and he didn’t have to look to know what you were doing. He could hear the sheets rustle and the all too familiar sound of your sleep shorts and panties being pulled down and it was all he needed. “Acting so slutty and it’s barely even dawn. How are you so insatiable? Fine, get off with my voice, won’t you? Use me to make yourself cum” no more words came from you. Only whimpers and moans and the squelching of your fingers plunging in and out of your pussy. “Fuck that’s so hot” it took a while for you to notice that he too, was touching himself. He was grunting again, but not because of sleep but because he was fucking into his fist while listening to you moan his name over and over while you took care of your own pleasure.
Kunigami Rensuke
It felt both awkward and surreal to be snuggled into kunigami’s chest while a movie was playing in the background. Yes, it was only background noise at this point as you were too busy humping your childhood friend turned.. situationship or whatever the hell you two had. He had his arms wrapped around your body as you straddled him. Your body was tucked into his warm embrace while your hips moved to grind your clothed core against his hard dick which he had already pulled out from his sweats. “Ren, we have to stop” you whimpered into his ear while still grinding against his hard, exposed, leaking cock. You wanted to let him fuck you so bad but unfortunately, your sister, who also happens to be your roommate, was already asleep in the room right across the couch where you were currently at and all she knew was that kunigami was nothing more than that kid from across the street. The kid you always claimed to be nothing but your friend. Yeah right, you thought. Friends definitely don’t fuck. Especially not ones with as much of a history as you and kunigami did. He bucked his hips up, grazing against you clit, making you release the moan you’ve been trying so hard to stifle for the past whatever minutes you’ve been humping your “friend”. “I can’t stop, princess. Too good. Too fucking good, can I cum?” Your eyes widened, unsure if it was safe to let him cum on the couch. What if he cums all over and messes up the couch and then your sister would find out about what you’ve been doing with kunigami during your “movie nights”. “No, ren you can’t make a mess- Cum inside me!” you almost moaned again. “Okay fuck you’re so hot, so good f’ me” he pulled your sleep shorts and underwear to the side before abruptly shoving his cock into your pussy before he came inside without a single thought except the pleasure you were giving him.
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Finally! My first ever blue lock work <3
This was written on a whim but it’s been a while since I’ve had the motivation to write and I was so surprised with how quick I finished this. Didn’t even have to make a draft bc I straight up wrote and posted it in one go 😵‍💫 Hopefully blue lock gives me my writing motivation again..
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merlucide · 4 months
reader gets hit on
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Notes: holy shit i didn’t know I had this in me- I read this, and then they were like “you should write sum using this” and I was like “Hell the fuck yah” soooooo! 2 friend read throughs later, I present to you this fic attempt!!!(also had no idea what to call this lmao)
Words: 1k
Warnings: reader is fem(can be read as gn or masc), harassment, alcohol mentions.
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"You don't have to protect me. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't protect myself."
"I'm not protecting you because you're a woman. I'm protecting you because you're my woman." - @leosxrealm
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Excitement buzzed through you at the thought of the upcoming party, a chance to mingle and have fun. You found Shouei, hoping you could convince him to come with you. "There's a party tonight at Fukiwara-kun’s. It's going to be really fun. I’m gonna go, you’ll come too?" you asked, a hopeful smile on your lips.
Barou's reaction was immediate, his brow furrowing. "No, and you shouldn't go" he replied, his voice full of disapproval.
"Why not? It's just a party, it’ll be fun!”you protested.
“Parties like that are just trouble waiting to happen. You know how those scrubs are, especially with drinks involved. It’s not safe. End of discussion.”he argued, his annoyance evident.
Frustrated by his lack of trust, you retorted, "I can take care of myself, you know. I have fine judgment of who to avoid. " Without waiting for his reply, you turned and left, determined to enjoy your night despite his warnings.
At the party, the house was alive with music and laughter. Your friends wave you over, and you chat with them for a while. You left to go refill your cup of punch, when a guy, clearly having enjoyed one drink too many, slid up to you. "Hey, gorgeous, haven't seen you around before. Wanna dance?" he slurred, his intentions as clear as the alcohol on his breath.
“Ah no thank you.” You politely decline, he inches closer to you “Ah come on- don’t be like that. Let’s- let’s have some fun yeah? That’d be fun” he pressed, now grabbing onto your arms. your attempts to politely decline proving useless. The fun and freedom of the party suddenly replaced by an urgent desire for space and safety. Before you could respond, a shadow falls over you both, the music and laughter fading into the background as Barou Shouei steps into the scene. His arrival is like a storm, immediate and threatening. his demeanor is overwhelming, his eyes, dark with anger, his jaw ticked as he glares down at the man holding you.
“Let her go,” Barou commands, his voice a low rumble that cuts through the noise of the party. His stance protective and threatening. The guy, sensing the seriousness of the situation and perhaps noticing the danger in Barou’s unwavering gaze, releases your arm, stepping back lowering his head and raises his hands up in defense.
“You’re leaving,” he tells you, not a suggestion but a command. He firmly grabs your arm, dragging you through the crowd of people.
The street outside the house is pretty empty, a  few streetlights shine down, making the sidewalk glow a little in the darkness. Now and then, you might hear a car in the distance, but that’s pretty much it.
“Shouei, you didn’t have to drag me out. I could’ve handled it,” you say, your voice a mix of gratitude and frustration. You’re aware of his need to protect, but you were frustrated that he came, not trusting you to take care of yourself. Though, you really were glad he did, that guy scared you. The mixture of emotions swirling in your gut, and the adrenaline from the previous scene didn’t help.
"I told you, it's not safe. I knew something like that would happen.” he said, his voice firm, leaving no room for argument.
You sighed, knowing he was pretty much right. It really pissed you off  that he thought you couldn’t handle yourself. "You don't have to protect me. Just because I'm a woman doesn't mean I can't protect myself," you fired back, your frustration peaking.
Barou's expression softened slightly, his next words careful. "I'm not protecting you because you're a woman. I'm protecting you because you're my woman." he admitted firmly, his voice carrying a weight that made you pause.
 you can’t help but feel a warmth spread through you. His honesty and the raw concern in his voice, showing a side of him that’s vulnerable and sincere. It’s a reminder of why you care for him so much, his willingness to stand by you, even when his instincts lead him to overstep.
Despite the comfort his words bring, a part of you insists on showing your need for independence. “Shouei, hearing you say that means a lot to me, it really does. And I feel safe knowing you’re here,” you begin, your voice soft but firm, “But I also need you to understand that I can take care of myself. I value my freedom”
You pause, looking for the right words to show your feelings of appreciation and your need for freedom. “It’s about trust, trusting me to handle situations on my own and knowing when to step in. I need that space, to feel free.” You fiddle your fingers.
Barou listens, the usual intensity in his eyes softening as he thinks about what you said. After a moment, he nods, a silent acknowledgment of your needs. “I get it” he says, and though the words are simple, it’s telling you that he will try.
everything feels okay again between you and Barou. You look at him and see how much he really cares. The night air around you feels calm now.
You move closer to Barou and hug him. He hugs you back, tucking his head in your neck. Barou then gently lifts your chin and gives you a soft kiss. It's a sweet way to make up, showing you both are okay now, without needing many words.
With a smile, you both decide it's time to head home. His hand on your waist, you both start walking, enjoying the quiet night around you. The party seems like a long time ago.
This walk home feels special because it's clear you both understand and care for each other. 
Barou can’t help the way he feels the intense need to protect you. You’re just too important.
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WAS THIS OKAY??? IVE NEVER DONE ANYTGUNG LIKE THIS BEFORE??? PLEASE LET ME KNOW🙏 also yes I know Barou would punch the dude, I just dunno how to write that lmao
made February 18th 2024
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218 notes · View notes
writer-kermit · 1 year
“Thank you for the meal.”
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❥ WORD COUNT: 1.04k
ঞ SUMMARY: After a small argument about food. You decide to give Barou the cold shoulder. That didn't work out well for you (or maybe it did?).
ᰔ KERMIT'S NOTE: Wow. Um 😀 - Sorry for being dead for like a few months now. Here's this fic to cheer y'all up. If you want commissions, DM me or visit my Ko-Fi. If you want, I'm also drawing commissions too! Thanks for the support!
ʚ WARNING: NSFW, Sensual biting, Teasing, Overstimulation, Orgasms, Slight Degradation MINORS!! PLEASE GO AWAY.
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“Oi,” Barou Shoei called out to you. “Mind telling me why there’s no good food in this house?” “What do you mean?” You asked, “There are leftovers and reheated meals I saved just for you.” “Those so–called leftovers have been in the fridge for three days,” Barou scoffed. “You think I'm gonna eat something like that?” “Well, if you weren’t so high maintenance and picky, then there wouldn’t be so many leftovers.” You explained.
“Whatever, I’ll just order takeout.” Barou took his phone from his pocket and secretly dialed your favorite burger place. “Shoei! What the hell do you-” Barou interrupted you by placing his hand in front of you. As he was busy on the phone, you threw a roll of paper towel at him. Unfortunately, he caught the roll with ease and placed it on the dining table. Defeated, you stormed to the master bedroom and slammed the door behind you.
A few minutes later, you heard the door click open. “Enjoyed your little tantrum?” Barou asked you. You responded with a faint grunt. He chuckled warmly at your little fit. “What? You still mad at me or something?” God, you couldn’t tell if he was joking or oblivious. Either way, you kept your ground and ignored him. Barou shrugged off your behavior and went to the bathroom. Good, that meant you have more time to yourself. You got out your phone and scrolled through your social media.
You heard the door open once again. Your eyes peered at Barou, drying out his hair with a towel and wearing nothing but sweatpants. Despite your craving for him, you continued to resist him. You felt the bed creak as Barou lay next to you. “What are you watching?” He whispered in your ear. That was your queue to get up and leave. But before you could get up, Barou pulled you into a close embrace. “Leaving so soon? Why is that?”
“What I'm watching is none of your concern.” You spoke. “Now, let go of me. I want to go to the living room.”
“And what if I don’t?”
You didn’t respond, but Barou still let you go. “Are you still upset with me?” He asked you. “What do you think?! Every time something doesn’t go your way, you act like a brat! You're just so spoiled!” Barou cocked an eyebrow at your frustration. “Really? Cause I wasn’t the one who threw a roll of paper towel at my boyfriend and threw a hissy fit.”
“Sho, that’s not the point!” You yelled at him. “You know, it couldn’t hurt for you to be more surface level.” Barou stayed quiet, but soon shrugged and embraced you lazily. “Fine, fine. I’m sorry. Happy now?” He murmured. “Augh! Absolutely not!” You puffed. “That was an awful apology!” “Huh? Then what’s the fucking point of apologizing if you’re still mad at me?” “That’s not my problem.”
Silence waved across the room once again. Barou then grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. “You know,” he started, “I'm getting sick of this attitude you’re giving me.” “Oh yeah? I wonder whose fault is that?” You said, still provoking your lover. “Hmm, I wonder.” Barou rested his chin against your shoulder. “Something tells me you’re acting like this on purpose.”
“Whatever do you mean, king?” You spat. “Still giving me attitude?” Barou growled. You kept quiet and smirked at him. “That’s fine, I'll get rid of it one way or another.” He then forced you into a rough kiss, leaving you surprised. You squeezed your eyes shut as you felt Barou’s growls and hum vibrate inside your mouth. Your breath hitched as Barou’s hands went under your shirt. His bristled fingers caressing your horribly sensitive skin. Barou watched you with amusement as you tried to find your breath.
“What a cute face you have sweetheart,” he cooed. “Want to give me more of that?” “Haah... Y-you wish...!” You hushed out. “Mm? We’ll see about that.” Barou plopped you onto the bed and lifted your shirt, revealing your chest. His tongue laved around your nipples, occasionally sucking and grazing them with his teeth. You bit your lip hard as you tried to resist Barou’s addictive lust. Barou quickly noticed and smiled impishly.
“The more you try to hide, the more I want to devour you...” He sang in your ear.
And he kept his word. He took his time making sure every patch of your skin was left untouched. His lips traveled down to your stomach, stopping briefly to lick your navel.
“Shou...” You whimpered, pressing your legs together. Barou chuckled darkly as he gazed at your state, he leaned forward and kissed your swollen lips.
“God you’re so fucking adorable.” He grunted. “Do you have any clue of how much I want to fuck you right now?” He kissed you again, only this time, the both of you became more sex–derived. You became more touch starved as your sex began to ache, waiting to be touched. You hate to admit it, but only Barou can tend to your ache. You guided his arm to your lower stomach, his fingers barely touching your clothed sex.
“Oh?” Barou hummed, “Want me to touch you here?” His fingers slowly teased around your sex, causing you to jolt and arch your back. “Sh-Sho! Sho p-please...” You whined, stretching your arms out to Barou’s. “Hm? What is it baby? You can use your words, right?” “Please Shou... Please don’t stop...” Barou only smirks as he slid his hands down your clothes, his calloused and devious fingers rubbing against your sex.
You threw your head back as you moaned out Barou’s name. “That’s it baby... Say my name. Say it...” Barou rasped. “Ahhn.. Oh my god.. Cumming... I’m cumming...!” You shrilled loudly as you came inside Barou’s fingers. You couldn’t help but sob silently from embarrassment. “There it is,” Barou cooed, hugging you tightly. “There’s my adorable baby...” He peppered tiny kisses across your face to soothe you.
“If it makes you feel better, I ordered food for you too.” Your eyes lit up at his response. “Actually?” You hiccupped. “You think I let you starve?” Barou laughed. You planned to respond, but instead, you sighed.
“Thank you for the meal, Shoei.” You smiled.
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verysium · 4 months
blue lock boys as assassins (au i guess?), i hope you could include Oli, Yuki and Barou!
anon you have me at crossroads because the very idea of an assassin AU spawns an infinite glitch of possibilities....🤔 like mafia underground syndicate assassin? or like solitary mysterious hitman type of assassin? or even better could this be ninja/shinobi stealth warrior assassin? i'm going give a general description though:
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oliver is the laid-back good guy. escorts you to the bar, drinks on him. claps every passerby on the back as if he personally knows them. you think he's alright. not too handsome and just the right amount of ruggedness. he offers you a good time, so you two hit off for the night. and that's where everything starts to go downhill. one shoot-out, intense knife fight, and grueling police chase later, you pant for dear life against the side of a brick wall in some torn up alley because it turns out your one-night stand was actually an assassin for japan's largest underground syndicate.
you grip your broken heel tightly in one hand, body collapsed against the brick cornerstone as you seethe, the condensation of your gasping breath forming tendrils in the cold night. you reach up a hand to wipe the sweat off your face. it comes back red, the meticulous hours of applying your makeup wasted when you see the damning smears of lipstick. this was not the type of fun you signed up for on a friday night.
"oliver, what the fuck was that?"
he laughs sheepishly, cocking his gun back with ease before he lights up a cigarette, palm cupping the flame. he turns, then walks over two bodies without blinking, suede shoes clicking against the cobblestone. you're angry at him, but he doesn't care, wrapping an arm around your waist, nose buried in your hair.
"just a side hustle, sweetheart. come on, let's get you home."
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yukimiya is the sweet, unassuming literature student. he came home from university to help his grandmother out over the summer, manning the front counter of her antique oddities shop. you like him. he's awkwardly charming, a little too zealous for the job, but still endearingly kooky. you have him pinned down as the sad poet type. the kind of person who wears the same knitted cardigan every day, complete with horn-rimmed glasses and 1940's gingham elbow patches. he can handwrite a sonnet in less than a minute, gift-wrap your purchases in record time. you let him buzz around you while you make your daily visit to his shop, listening to him talk about the collections of radioactive glassware, the vintage phonograph in the corner, and the rare edition of Gutenberg bibles sitting silently in the old book section.
"you know, you really don't have to do that."
he peers up at you owlishly, dark brow furrowed before you point out the spool of twine in his hand, the way he's carefully folding the newspaper around the edges of the new vase you purchased. he laughs, shrugging off your concerns with a wave. you catch a brief whiff of his cologne, the subtle scent of mint and toluene. maybe a hint of vanillin too.
"don't worry about it miss! gift-wrapping is a free service. i'll even add two complimentary trinkets if you'd like. we have a clearance section that's been slow to sell. you could even take a few for free."
"i'm alright. thanks for the offer though." he nods, fingers delicately tying a bow before he places your vase in a bag, fluffing up the tissue paper on top. you smile to yourself when you see the intricate lettering of the card he snuck in. must've been another one of the love poems he wrote. you know how the saying goes.
roses are red. violets are blue.
by the time you step out the shop, the door chime twinkles in the distance, a peal of bells to signal your departure. from behind the windows and glass paneling, he watches your figure trail down the sidewalk, winter coat fluttering in the wind. his eyes darken beneath the tortoiseshell frame, finger moving down the yellowed pages of his accounting book before crossing off another name. he doesn't even look up when he hears the loud honking and screams, the sound of a body hitting the pavement.
one is dead, and so are you.
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barou is probably the most obvious one. very upfront about the work he does. the only caveat is that you can never trace his work back to him. he cleans up way too well. always shoots his targets through the eye because it's less of a mess that way. leaves absolutely no evidence at the murder scene. i picture you as one of the unfortunate victims caught up in the fray. collateral damage, as he likes to call it.
"you know, i've never met someone so equally stubborn and stupid."
you glare at him, throat sore and aching as you scream through your gag, cursing him out in every language in existence. he merely stares down at you, arms crossed and eyebrow arched in amusement. you struggle for a good minute, flopping around like a fish as you try to free yourself from your bonds. how the hell do you go from taking an errand trip to the grocery store to getting kidnapped and tied up in a man's trunk?
"what's that? couldn't hear you from all the noise."
god, you want to strangle him. you heave a breath, swallowing the bitter taste of your own spit when he finally unties the gag, your lungs gasping for air.
"i said...you think i'm the stupid one? you're the one who tied me up!"
"because you wouldn't stop squealing like a pig."
"you were trying to kill me!" he snorts derisively at your comment, his red eyes piercing and haughty. the loud thump of the trunk door closing reverberates throughout the parking garage before you find yourself face first on the pavement, body dumped unceremoniously on the ground. he looks down at you dismissively, wiping the dust off his hands.
"nah, i'd save myself the hassle."
your eyebrow twitches in irritation, jaw dropping at that violation. oh, it was personal now. he deserved capital punishment. strangling would be too merciful. you try to get back on your feet, a task that proves all the more difficult with your legs bound and arms twisted behind your back. he merely waits, as if knowing when you'd finally give up, sinking at his feet in defeat.
"you done?" you nod your head, slumping down into the concrete. your voice becomes small and sheepish by the time you raise your face to look at him.
"can't you just...let me go? i promise i won't say anything." he rolls his eyes, swinging you over his shoulder in one fell swoop, locking the car with a resounding beep. you start to panic when you feel him carrying you to the garage exit, vision swirling with nothing but concrete and the solid sound of his combat boots.
"wait....wait! i swear to god! please just let me go. i won't tell a soul."
"nope. can't have any witnesses." you feel a handkerchief come up at engulf your nose and mouth, the sweet smell cloying and sharp. you start to squirm in his arms.
"wait! no...please! if you touch me again, i'll scream." his grin is the last thing you see in the darkness, sharp canines brushing against the shell of your ear.
"oh, you'll do so much more than scream, darling."
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ada7201 · 6 months
Imagine in Blue Lock x female player reader story, the reader is like Unohana Retsu. The reader is normally kind and sweet and may be sometimes scary when it is needed but in the matches, the reader is totally a bloodthirsty and terrifying monster that could even scare the most arrogant and egoistic guys easily.
hii (ᗒ◡ᗕ)♡ this idea is so cute! i looove unohana, so im very excited to do this. hope you likeee!
a bit short, sorry everyone. but i really enjoyed writing this! and im very sorry if this wasn’t written the way you wanted of if i made our character in a different way you imagined. ♡
also, don’t forget to suggest some things. i love all your requests (´ω`)
“she’s scary!”
★ part 1 ★ part 2 ★ part 3
warnings 🤍 ⭣ ⭣
female reader, swearing, and y/n just being a little scary.
“y/n? oh, she’s really sweet.” Chigiri would say, hanging his towel up to be dried.
“oh, her? she’s the nicest!” Bachira giggles, a smile on his face as he bounces around excitedly.
“she’s nice, and very gentle!” Isagi would say, cheeks turning slightly pink at the thought of you.
“who-? oh, y/n? mmm… she’s really patient most of the time.” Nagi would say, feeling his eyes close slightly as he drifted back into dreamland.
“she’s a real cutie, but can be a bit scary sometimes.” Reo would chuckle lightheartedly, recalling a few moments where you told off your team.
“but on the field, it’s a whole other story!” They all said, faces paling as they remember the way you play.
you’re quick to run past anyone; almost knocking over even the most muscular and tallest men in blue lock. your feet are heavy against the grass, and each goal you score is recognised by the slamming of your foot against the ball. how are your feet not sore all the time?
you’re not afraid to shout insults at anyone who gets in your way. some players have seen you arguing with Barou in the training area because he kicked the ball you were eyeing.
even he had to admit, you were pretty scary when you wanted to be - and that’s a lot coming from the self proclaimed king of soccer.
some could even argue that you were more of a king than he was!
the way you can steal the ball from almost anyone - eyes darkening with pure ego.
even the players on your team shudder.
it’s almost as if you’ve got some sort of heavy feeling surrounding you.
people have felt it before - although, the only ones who could really talk about how it felt have already been sent home, never to play soccer again.
whenever you’re asked about it, that sweet smile you give is almost misleading.
“oh, i’m sorry if i give off a scary impression. i’m just a little competitive.” you’d say gently, before getting back to whatever you were doing before.
a little competitive?
“get the fuck out of my way you parasite.” your shadow loomed over the player in front of you, the sparkly eyes that usually greet them now completely shaded with ego as you ran at full speed towards them.
that player almost shit their pants at the sight of you.
“have you seen the way y/n can dribble?!” Bachira asks with an awestruck smile on his face, thinking about how talented you are. maybe even more talented than him.
you easily manoeuvre the ball through your feet, before hesitantly passing it to your teammate - could they really score from that distance?
of course, you have moments where you’re sweet to your team on the field. before switching back to absolutely crushing the opposing team as if they did something to offend you.
“move!” you shout towards the poor soul in front of you, who just managed to move out of your way before his face was absolutely crushed with the ball you kicked.
y/n scores again! 7 - 3, team _ wins!
your team was grateful to have you, but sometimes you scared them.
“i’m sorry for yelling at you earlier.” you’d apologise to a fellow teammate, smiling politely as you pat his back gently. “you did great.” you compliment, as if you didn’t score the most goals.
“she’s really scary when she plays.” all the boys conclude, heads held low.
“i don’t even think that ‘scary’ is enough to explain the pure terror i felt when playing against her!”
“she looked at me as if i was - an ant!”
“i’m convinced that girl is evil.”
“she’s not even lukewarm - she’s a whole house fire when she plays.”
“she’s scarier than that Ego dude!”
“she doesn’t have a monster, she is the monster.”
. . .
“what did you say about me?” you ask, voice dangerously low.
“oh shit.”
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koishiro · 2 months
Dating Barou Shouei <3
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=͟͟͞͞ ⌧ : the goals in this relationship is immaculate
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qinluofu · 1 year
⊹﹒blue lock boys + younger sibling headcanons ♡
sae & rin itoshi & barou shouei with a gn!neglected reader || heavy themes ! be aware masterlists ^o^ > part 2
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SAE & RIN knew you were alive, breathing, eating. and that was it. they were aware of a third sibling in the family but they just, didn't have time to care. it's like getting mindlessly lost in the midst of a field and only being able to focus on a ball.
when you were born, it was alright. during the ages of when you were younger, they took care of you. they took you out, showed you football, this & that like normal siblings - its the total opposite to the now them who only glance at you and don't say anything.
your parents were so busy with your brother's schedules and their fights that they just, forgot about you. they see you, they feed you they call on you sometimes, that's it. most weekends while in the house, if they're not talking about sae they're talking about rin, it's always their achievements and never you.
even in school, your classmates often refer to you as "sae's sibling" or "rin's sibling", somehow it's never your name. when you meet someone decent and go out with them, they end up talking about soccer and your brothers, not your likings, your personality, your hobbies . it was just - "sae" and "rin"
alot of the times, you lay in bed, thinking about a life like this. everything around you is luxurious, its top tier furniture, the air-con is always on, you wear thick and nicely hand-knitted clothes, you never lacked anything materialistic - but somehow, having everything felt like having nothing.
it's not like you didn't try to mend your relationships. you tried to text sae and rin. rin being in blue lock never responded and sae being busy also never responded. there were a few times in social media that you would see some headlines about sae and rin and you would smile and like the post.
one day, there was a post about sae hugging his manager and you don't know why, but you started crying. it was your brother, who you haven't had a proper conversation in years, thousands of miles away, giving an actual hug to someone who was way further, way longer, way distant from family blood.
did he even care about you ? why couldn't it be you who was in his arms? does he even know you exist?
you couldn't feel anything, and maybe it was because you couldn't feel anything that you felt everything. years upon years of neglect from everyone suddenly bursted in you - everywhere hurt , but you couldn't feel it. you just knew it hurt. your stomach was hollow, your heart dropped, you were sweating.
the next day, everything felt alright again, like it always had been.
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BAROU thinks about you alot, actually - but he's not gonna let you know that. it's just that he refuses to act out on his instinct, he thinks its embarrassing to show you affection. especially since he's the king of football. he shouldn't be dwadling on you too much, right?
he never really thought outside of that vicinity, never really noticed how your parents always seemed to shine when talking about him to relatives but hesitate a bit when talking about you ; never really noticed how it was all his achievements hung on the fridge and not your drawings or crafts ; never really noticed about how you were so alone and looking sad while sitting in the benches waiting for him to finish his practice.
he thinks what he's doing for you is enough, just thinking about you enough. he doesn't need to show you any affection, doesn't need to comfort you or reassure you, that's for others to do. he doesn't notice how his resting face is basically a scowl. so whenever you try to look for him, he always somehow seemed, mad. you never knew why, ever since from a young age, the only conclusion you could think of was that maybe he disliked you.
you told your parents about that thought but they were quick to dismiss you about it. claiming it was alright - it was ok. even your parents were weird, it was like they didn't seem to care about you as much as they cared about your brother.
that was a long time ago, maybe now you were slowly realising that the way your family treated you wasn't normal. walking back home from school, your brother long gone to the blue lock project, you see a pair of siblings sitting down on the bench outside of a mini mart, sharing an ice cream and laughing.
the scene was relatively normal - your feelings ? no. you suddenly felt a wave of sadness come over you, but why ? was it because barou couldn't laugh like that when you were around ? or was it because you haven't felt anything but emptiness in awhile ?
you could feel the tears slowly start to fall as you panic, suddenly crying in public would be embarrassing. you ran all the way home, opening the familiar door and walking inside the house. everything was the same, except for the fact that you realise you need to get out of this place, soon.
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nicxl333 · 8 months
you ask and you shall receive (•̀ᴗ•́)و
i do feel like rin and barou deserve some form of justice so here’s a continued ending to part two. i swear to you there’s a good ending this time.
also this took me time to write cause i’m hella busy with school since it’s my last year…exams and the like yadayadayada. anyways enough about me, happy reading!
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characters: barou shoei, itoshi rin
content: angst, fluff, swearing
please note: if you haven’t read pt.1 or pt.2 please read both for context
taglist (cause ik i pissed y’all off 💀): @faeroow @samisamaza @dookiemeshibear @91ed0 @v1v1arish
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it was bound to happen. you both had mutual connections to each other, but you were hoping and praying you wouldn’t have to have direct contact with him at this event.
however, you can’t get everything you want in life.
this event was one of major importance: the wedding of chigiri and his long time partner. you were close enough to be made the maid of honour by chigiri’s soon to be wife, and therefore already stressed with the meticulous planning of the wedding. even worse once you learned barou was on the guest list. it was stupid of you to think he wouldn’t be, given that the entirety of former blue lock players were there.
and so, you dreadfully counted down the days to the wedding, growing more and more anxious that you would have to see him.
ever since you ended things with him, you hadn’t been the best simply put. you still had feelings for him. regardless of how he treated you, there’s was something about him that put him apart from the rest.
and that scared you. mostly because you thought you were exiting your relationship for your own good, but you were fighting with yourself just as hard to avoid taking him back.
and you hoped those feelings wouldn’t overload during this wedding.
you sat in the room where chigiri’s fiancé was getting ready. the room was bustling, the makeup artist and hairstylist working simultaneously to get her finished in time, while you and the bridesmaids, already dolled up in your tailor made dresses, were giving her words of encouragement to ease her nerves, ignoring your own for the sake of the couple. once she was done and the dress was on everyone stared in awe, you included at how beautiful she looked. however you couldn’t help but think if that’s what you and barou could’ve been, what you could’ve had. who knows.
you pushed it all away though, for the ceremony was about to begin. all the bridesmaids lined up with their groomsmen, you at the front with chigiri’s best man, kunigami rensuke. when the music started, the venue coordinators opened the ceiling high doors and out your pair walked first, arm in kunigami’s.
“congrats on your win rensuke, i saw your match. looks like you’ve gotten sloppy though, your kicks have lost power.” you teased.
you and kunigami were friends, meeting each other through chigiri, immediately getting along.
“oh please, i’d like to see you do better in my exact position.”
“i wouldn’t need to, a five year old could’ve done better.”
“stay bitter y/n.”
you lightly chuckled to yourself as you reached halfway down the aisle. you could see your best friend at the alter, smiling proudly at you. you smiled back, looking around to see how beautiful the hall was. everyone involved with the planning had really outdone themselves.
your eyes had happened to wander too far however, immediately locking with a familiar pair of red eyes conveniently standing in front of a seat closest to the aisle. in that moment your heart had skipped a beat, seeing the man you still once loved looking at you as hard as you were looking at him. his hair was down for once, donned in a black sheen suit, with a navy blue tie. he looked so handsome, and you had fallen right into his trap. you couldn’t pinpoint it, but he was also looking at kunigami with a face of…discontent?
you forced yourself to tear your eyes away, focusing on what you were supposed to be doing, which was completing your walk.
as you neared closer to him, your anxiety grew with each step, until you were parallel to him. you passed him completely with two more steps, proud at yourself for not acknowledging him. that work was undone though once a wave of your favourite cologne on him hit your nostrils, melting at the familiarity.
you immediately collected yourself, completing the walk up to the altar and disconnecting from rensuke with a small pinch to his arm, to which he lightly swatted at you with a smile. your hand reached out to briefly hold chigiri’s with an encouraging smile before making your way to stand to the left of the altar, facing the crowd.
as the other bridesmaids were walking down the aisle you couldn’t help but sneak a few glances towards barou every now and then, only to find he was already looking at you each and every time.
after an exchange of vows, a few tears shed here and there, and rings given, the spotlight couple were announced husband and wife and exchanged a long kiss. the crowd erupted into cheers and applause, and the reception was about to commence.
once the food was eaten and speeches had been given, most of the attendees had either made their way to the dance floor or broke into conversation with others.
you did neither the former or the latter however, instead opting to sit at your table alone, watching others have their moment.
you froze, head whipping to your right just in time to see barou himself sinking into the seat beside you.
“good turnout huh, heard you had a hand in the planning. you did well.”
“what is it? cause we both know you didn’t come to talk about the decor shouei.”
he paused for a moment, not expecting you to be so sharp about it.
“i wanted to see how you were doing. i miss you y/n, badly. and i know you established your boundaries the last time we saw each other, but when i saw you enter it just reminded me of us, especially when i saw him next to you. dunno, call it jealousy or some shit.” you looked down, studying your maid of honour dress, while contemplating what to do.
this weren’t heading in a good direction, you could tell. specifically because you missed him too. and your composure was slowly unraveling. and you cursed yourself for having a few flute-fulls of champagne, because you knew your tongue had loosened up enough to speak your truth.
“i…miss you too. but i don’t know, shouei, why does it have to take losing me just for you to realised what you had? why let it get to this point? we could’ve been in so much of a better place right now.”
“i know y/n, shit, i know. but i wanna make it up to you. wanna show you how much i appreciate you for what you do. i know i should’ve done better by you, but that’s why i’m here now. to make up for my actions. i wanna start over with you.”
he looked at you still avoiding looking at him, taking his index finger and thumb to lift up your chin towards him, slowly rubbing your lip. he knew you liked it. it made you realise maybe he did pay attention to you here and there.
“we’ll go slow y/n, i’m gonna take my time to do this properly with you.”
you gave him a nod, and with that, he neared closer to you for a kiss, you meeting him halfway until you connected, sharing a sweet moment. your hands threaded through his hair, feeling his soft locks in your grasp. after a while you parted, his eyes full of adoration, something you didn’t know he could show.
“c’mon, let’s get out of here.”
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life went on. for six more months rin carried on climbing his way to the top, attempting day by day to erase you out of his mind. he went on dates, brought numerous girls home. it just posed one slight problem though;
none of them were you.
he ultimately gave up on love, believing that you were as good as it gets. he screwed up, and now someone that wasn’t him was able to enjoy the undeniable luxury that was you.
he really fucked up.
it was his own fault, any idiot could see that.
and paired with his stresses concerning you, the pressure of being a football player was getting to him. he needed an escape. and so, in the late hours of a simple thursday night he ventured to a discreet bar downtown japan, considering he was out of season currently. mind you, rin never drank, but if exiting sobriety would ease the devastation coursing through his body, then so be it. he’d deal with the consequences later.
what he didn’t anticipate however, upon entering the bar, that he would chance upon the very centre of his agony once again. seemed like life just continually kept kicking him in the balls.
what he should’ve done, was exit immediately, come to term with the fact that you had a new life, new lover, and therefore not open that door of angst once more. but…that selfish element inside him wanted to indulge in you, give him that temporary relief to bask in your presence, know where you are in that moment, what you’re doing.
and so, he walked into the bar, taking a seat on a barstool, opposite ends of the room from you where he could see you in between the few people in the bar.
he ordered a drink, letting his black card give a payment from the hundreds of thousands that resided in his account.
he took discreet glances of you here and there as he slowly sipped on his drink, the burning in his throat soon to be gnawing away at pieces of his rationality.
however, the more he looked at you over time swirling a finger around in your drink, the more he noticed something was off. he blinked harder, looked more attentively- were you crying?
he immediately entered a state of protective mode, feeling a panging state of yearning to brush away your tears.
the drink didn’t help either, for he felt himself rising off his seat, something he wouldn’t never done had he been sober, and took quick paces towards your table.
the tears were more evident now he was closer. bags weighed underneath your eyes, but he still found you to be as beautiful as ever. even in your state of disarray.
you caught him in your peripheral, slowly coming into full view the nearer he got to you. at this point you couldn’t give a shit, simply over it and everything life had to offer at this moment.
you barely acknowledged him as he slid into the seat opposite you, a heavy silence setting into place. you both had more than enough things to say, but no words escaped.
eventually however someone had to face the music.
“you’re finally ready to talk huh? only took you 10 months itoshi-san.”
itoshi-san. he hated it. hated how it symbolised the distance between you two. how in less than a year, two individuals who were so close with each other, so damn comfortable could end up this way.
“i- yes. yeah i am.”
you waved a waiter over, ordering drinks for the both of you, rin looking at you in confusion once the waiter walked away.
“we both know damn well this conversation ain’t gonna go easy. and i’m already suffering from a breakup. might as well loosen up before you lay it all out on the table.”
within record time your drinks arrived, downed immediately by both parties.
“so, what is it rin?”
he stayed silent for a moment, unsure of what to say. he knew what he wanted, but to voice it to you was a different story.
“i…i fucked up. badly y/n. i took my anger out on you where it wasn’t needed-”
“badly is an understatement rin. you degraded me, hurt and damaged me- made me feel some type of way because you— you felt threatened because someone acknowledged your state of distress? has it ever occurred to you that i was trying to help you? because i love— loved you rin.”
he flinched at your slip up, the word ‘love’ shattering him into pieces. you weren’t done though.
“have you ever seen it from my perspective for once? i never felt like you loved me, god knows you didn’t tell me enough. i went above and beyond for you, given the fact we didn’t see each other enough, what the hell did i know?” your voice cracked mid sentence, emotions you’ve kept in for the past year coming to surface. tears came up once again and cascaded down your cheeks right in front of him.
although the boundaries were there, he couldn’t just let you suffer alone, especially because he was the source of your bottled up pain.
he rose once more, dashing to your side and engulfing you in the biggest hug. your sobs grew in intensity, the unexpected comfort from rin sending you into overdrive. he shushed you, slowly rubbing the back of your neck with his thumb as he held you close, scared you’d escape his grasp once more.
after awhile your sobs subsided, taking deep breaths into his chest. you basked in the familiar warmth coming from him.
“i still love you rin, i really do…but i can’t live like this. if you can’t change your ways, there’ll never be a way out for us.”
“y/n, i swear to you, this last year has been pure hell for me. being without you by my side, living without you has made me realise just how much i should’ve valued you more. i need you, i can’t live without you, not in peace i can’t. and i am so fucking sorry for everything i put you through. if you’d have me, i’ll do everything in my power for the rest of my life to make sure this doesn’t happen again. there is no one who compares to you, i can be absolutely certain of that.”
it was silent once more, you could feel his heart pulsating in anxiety from what your answer would be. you both knew that you still loved each other, but your fear held you back. fear that things would end up the same way it ended. alas, you missed him so much. even while you were with your partner, he wasn’t rin. the fact that he cheated on you spoke volumes to you loud enough. your selfish nature yearned for rin. so maybe…just maybe, things would be different this time around? time to find out.
“alright…we’ll try this once more. but rin,” you pulled away from him so he could see your expression. “i’m being serious. if you fuck this up, i can guarantee you, you’ll never have me again. and i promise you that.”
“i won’t screw this up y/n. not again, i won’t lose you again.”
he lowered himself to you, gently clutching your chin and sealed his words with a passion filled kiss.
“i love you y/n.”
“i love you too rin.”
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luselih · 1 month
hello!! i hope you're doing good at this moment :>
i saw that your requests were open and i wish to make one (if it's too uncomfy or not something that you want to write that's totally fine ^^). i was wondering if i could request a hurt/comfort or just comfort fic with fem!reader that struggles with eating disorders (ana and bulimia) ft. bllk characters oliver, tokimitsu and yukimiya (+ any other ones if you want to)? maybe something like them comforting her after a bad episode or talking with her about it in a general way. i hope that's not too vague or too specific, and again!! totally cool if you don't like the idea of this request!!
byebye ^-^
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looking out for you || bllk boys
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summary/ask: their s/o struggles with anorexia and/or bulimia (angst and comfort!)
content warnings | eating disorders so heavy themes ahead!, fem! reader , bad eating habits and mental health, bad relationship w food, vomiting, physical comfort and emotional support from them, shorter than i intended to be + more?…
a/n - i have done my research on bulimia and anorexia before and i have couple of friends who suffer from them so i will try to write it good, keep in mind that i am chubby person so myb some parts in this aren’t as good as others (plus i barely write for Tokimutsu too so) :( please take care of yourself anon, i am here for you <3 sorry if it is too short :((
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My yuki :( He’s a sweetest one of them all. When you opened to him about it in yours relationship he felt honored, really. His gentle hands taking your shaking hands in his, kissing your knuckles and tip of fingers as he’s even gentler eyes looked at you so softly, his voice barely higher than a whisper.
“my lovely, thank you for having enough trust to share something like this. i am here for you, in both for better and for worse times. don’t forget that. ever.”
His body making you finally relax after a long time, your head on his chest as his chest. His lips kissing the crown of your head as one of his hands rubbed your shoulder and another one your hand that rested on other side of his chest, your legs tangled up as the peaceful slumber creeped on both of you.
My boy is not entirely sure what to do or react when you said that you suffer from an eating disorder. He panicked at the first, he loved you dearly and didn’t want to do anything wrong or hurt you at any point, so he took a deep breath. Relaxing his stiffened shoulders from his overwhelming anxiety and took you into his hands. His warm yet gentle gigantic body immediately relaxing your body, his hands rubbing your arms softly as he whisper sweet nothings against your lips after a harsh period for you, he’s staying here for you and you will never be alone in hard times and he’s always going to be your number one supporter :)
He might not like it, but he cares deeply in his own teasing ways. He WILL pull you into his lap and pout like a little baby when you can sense a nasty self harming episode approaching, whining your ears out while those dumb puppy look from his eyes stared at your face closely.
“i wont let go till you tell me what’s wrong. i know when something is wrong but i for sure can’t read your mind, so pretty please”
So when you finally craved and said how you feel helplessness, fearful and just unhappy he kisses out those tears that feel from your eyes down your cheeks and kisses your lips next and just maybe shows how much he adored your body in more than one way later ;)
You cursed yourself for having unexpected episode of binge eating late last night, having an urge to eat leftovers from dinner late at 3 am and now late morning, your weak arm holding onto toilet bowl as other hold onto your hair, trying not to get it in your tired face that was almost covered in your own tears, vomit and drool. As you get that feeling in your stomach, you felt unexpected touch, he saw you. Your boyfriend Barou wake up and found you in a so called “unsightly” position and situation. Your overthinking was cut short when your body reflexively went back to vomiting but this time, Barou’s hands put your hair in a quick ponytail and with one hand he wrapped around your waist and pressed you close to his core, your body finally getting warmer from long time kneeling on cold marble, his deep and warm voice ringing in your ear as he rubbed your back comfortably.
“It’s okay…it’s okay, i an here now…shhhh..”
When he make sure you are finished with vomiting he picked up your face with his strong hands, cradling you in his lap as he kissed your forehead, then connecting your forehead together as both pairs of eyes closed, he whispered.
“We are going through this together, okay? Don’t think you will be ever be left alone again when i am here for you in everything.”
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