#Shugo Mamoru
mahoutoons · 2 years
on the topic of men in magical girl shows being treated worse than women in shonen... mot only is it not true but a lot of men in magical girl shows are actually nuanced, full fledged characters with their own personalities and characters arcs.
mamoru chiba may be the poster boy for the male damsel in distress in magical girl shows but he's actually very helpful to sailor moon, supporting her both emotionally and in fights and doing everything he can to be useful to her. he even had a whole arc in the dream arc about wanting to be more useful to usagi.
syaoran li starts out as a rival to sakura and proves to be quite capable, even collecting a few cards on his own. he slowly becomes friends with her and eventually, her boyfriend. in clear card he's a very loving boyfriend and does everything he can to support sakura and make her happy.
touya kinomoto is sakura's brother who knows about her powers but doesn't tell her. he watches sakura from a distance and protects her in any way he can.
yukito tsukishiro is the alternate form of yue. he only knows about this near the end of the sakura card arc. but even then he's a good character with a full fledged personality. also he and touya are such a good couple.
masaya aoyama puts on a facade of the perfect, popular boy but deep down he's cynical and hates humanity because of what they're doing to the planet. but him meeting ichigo and spending time with her opens his heart. he also takes on the role of blue knight to protect ichigo.
shugo chara has many magical boys. tadase hotori, kukai souma, kairi sanjou, and nagihiko fujisaki are all just as important as the girls and they have their own character arcs. even ikuto is quite a complex character, that is if you take away his whole deal with amu.
princess tutu has just as many main male characters as female characters, probably even more and they're all extremely important to the story. mytho is the prince from the story drosselmeyer wrote who went into the real world after he shattered his heart to seal away the raven. fakir is a descendent of drosselmeyer and starts out mean but eventually grows to care about ahiru and plays a very important role in the finale. drosselmeyer is the driving force behind all the events in the series.
the precure franchise, although it did some of its male characters dirty (*cough pikario and takumi cough*) also has some great male characters.
seiji sagara is megumi's childhood friend who finds out about her being a precure. even though he doesn't have any powers he does his best to support her and her friends.
prince kanata is the catalyst behind haruka becoming a precure and he's a capable fighter who does anything to protect his kingdom and supports the girls whenever he can.
henri wakamiya is the first ever male cure (although he's not on the main team) and gives a wonderful lesson about gender expression.
masato aikasi starts out being very conservative but after his heart is opened by henri, he starts to learn that gender roles are stupid and even stands up for his sister against their grandfather.
and now we have cure wing, who is going to he the first main male cure in the franchise.
even though there are male characters in magical girl shows who are either done dirty or quite useless, a lot of the time the authors actually develop the male characters just as much as the female characters.
and this should be an example because if these shojo magical girl authors can put just as much care into their male characters as their female characters, then what's stopping these male shone authors from doing the same to their female characters? shonen being aimed at boys and the authors not knowing how to write women is not an excuse. if shojo authors just said they don’t know how to write men, they would get laughed at. so why is it seen as an acceptable excuse for male shonen authors.
and even if there is a lack of men in these magical girl shows, so what? men have like 148293 shonen anime with generic male protagonist #738383 who beats up bad guys and gets a love interest whose only purpose is either the damsel in distress or fanservice bait. let us have a genre made for women by women. it won't hurt you.
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troycattribunny · 2 years
Nothing is more pathetic than non magical girl fans commenting on the genre. You don't even understand the basic themes shut the fuck up
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colorfuldream · 2 years
Forgot how gross Chibiusa's character is and how the narrative really tries to make it "funny"
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viktortittiforov · 5 months
on the subject of old ships DO YOU remember our old drrr ship. mikado x aoba. i still have fanarts saved somwhere i think
YEAHHHHH ofc i remember!!! also kida x mikado for me ahahaha oh man :") i still have a tender spot for these ships too......... never 4get
(also the fact that toyonaga toshiyuki voiced both mikado and yuuri is NOT lost on me lol I WONDER IF IT'S A COINCIDENCE THAT I IMPRINTED ON BOTH OF THESE CHARACTERS HMMMMM)
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stardustizuku · 1 year
Part 1: The Love Square. Why it worked, and why it failed.
People who aren’t as interested in Magical Girls as I am, specifically Magical Girl Animes with Romance, may not understand why the Love Square was such a big deal. Why it was the core; the life of the series.
Okay, so how many times have you seen a love triangle unfold? Quite many, I must guess. Some really good, and some, uhm, not so much.
In Magical Girl Animes they’re common – and the most popular ones have one very particular dynamic. Let’s run down it, shall we?
Our main character falls in love with another man, someone unreachable, unattainable. It’s someone she genuinely looks up to, and is most likely popular already.
I call this character “The Prince”
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In Princess Tutu, it’s Mytho. In Shugo Chara it’s Tadase. In Tokyo Mew Mew it’s Aoyama. Sailor Moon has Motoki Furuhata in Season 1, and Mamoru in Stars.
He is the type of guy you want to fall in love with. Nice, kind, good-natured, a good leader, pretty and everything.
There’s one issue, though. The person who our Main Character’s crush likes is not her, but her alter ego. Mytho is in love with Tutu, not Ahiru, Tadase is in love with Amulet Heart not Amu. The one she becomes thanks to super natural magic.
Then, there’s the opposite. I like to call them the “Rebel” character.
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You know who I’m talking about. The Ikuto, the Kishu, the Fakir or even Seiya of the story. They serve to be a contrast to the “Prince”. They’re often times, the only one who gets to see through the MC’s disguise and comes to understand her. “Rebel” characters are rarely in love with alter ego, but instead feel attraction to the MC or the “real one”
These are all fan favourites characters that fall under the “Bad Boy” trope. And for good reason.
Bad boy characters are popular with little girls, teen girls, women or even AFAB people in general since they call out something in our society. There’s very real pressure put forth by either parents or society to adhere to certain gender roles, and what they mean.
In other words, you’re “supposed” to be a good girl.
You have to get good grades, you have to smile all the time, you have to be polite, and you have to play nice. A bad boy character in fiction allows the viewer (in this case and for simplicity) girls to push back or be rebellious in a very safe way.
You don’t have to be good, you’re just following the steps of a bad guy with a heart of gold. He will help you break out of your shell, and be more confident. You get to feel like you’re trying to be the good girl society tells you to be, while finally exploring these darker aspects of your personality.
In YA and more mature books, this can involve anything from trying alcohol, having sex, or allowing oneself to be angry (exploring the “bad” or “not good” emotions AFAB people are always told they shouldn’t have).
But in audiences more aimed towards children, like those in Magical Girl animes, shoujos or tween cartoons, they exist in a more subdued way – although still tapping into this idea of rebellion against the status quo.
That’s why these characters are fan favourites.  
So, to summarize. You have the MC in love with a “Prince” who in turn is in love with the Perfect Girl version of the MC. And a “Rebel” who is in love with the Real Version of the MC, flaws and all.
This particular dynamic is used as a thesis of sorts in any good story. Only by understanding both the real and idolized version of the MC can a man can “win” the love of our protagonist. And only by our MC knowing who she is, what her alter ego means, or how she relates to these dichotomies, can she understand herself.
And really, depending on how each show tackles its themes, it can have different answers. Tokyo Mew Mew offers the idea that the Prince is the correct option, while Princess Tutu says it’s not. Then there’s those with open endings such a Shugo Chara. Again, they use the dynamic, the thesis of their characters, to come to a conclusion that neatly ties to the theme.
Princess Tutu, for example, ties the ideal version of Mytho with the tragedy of a fairytale. Ahiru has to let go to be able to reach a conclusion. In Tokyo Mew Mew Ichigo sees her flaws (the cats ears) as something someone as perfect as Aoyama could never love – yet he shows he isn’t perfect and that he loves her with or without the perceived flaws she has.
That said,
It’s exactly why I loved Miraculous Ladybug when it first aired. It managed to boil down this interesting dynamic into the Love Square. The perfect and the real, the idolized and the true.
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Ladybug represents the perfect version of Marinette. Adrien represents the perfect version, while the real one is Chat Noir. Chat was both the “Bad Boy” and the “Prince” all in one. Both Marinette and Adrien were in love with the “Perfect” or Idolized version of each other.
This was something never before seen. It would make for amazing content, right? Explore why we prefer an idolized version of someone, realize that true love means caring even when you’re not perfect. What our perceived “flaws” meant to others, and if they were truly flaws – or if our environment was the one teaching us they were. The possibilities and themes were limitless. We could have had something great-
Sorry, we. We didn’t get that.
What we got were padded episodes, new love interest that refused to deal with this complexity, and a stagnant rship that refuses to explore any of the flaws of their characters - why they’re not perfect, or even a reason why they stay in love
This is why the Love Square fails. This, is the core of why and how it works. People can expand upon this in million different ways, but you inevitably come back to this.
The real and the idolized. The want vs the duty. The expectations and the responsibilities.
Instead of having an episode where Marinette realizes that Adrien isn’t perfect, that he isn’t a model 24/7 or that he has flaws, secrets and fear just like anyone else, we got Kagami.
Instead of Chat realizing that Ladybug isn’t perfect, that she isn’t always composed, that it’s just a persona put forth to feel more in control of a situation, we got Luka.
Both characters that I love, but they bring very little to the themes the Love Square was introducing, to begin with!
More focus should have been put in how these two bounce off each other.
How much better would the story had been if we got to see Marinette and Chat have a conversation? The two very flawed, very real, very confusing version fo these characters, just trying to understand each other.
And by the way, this is exactly why MariChat is the most popular dynamic.
Marinette acts like a girl. Scared, confused, and lonely. She isn’t a hero, she isn’t her perfect version. She is just Marinette. While she can put the mask on, at the end of the day, it’s still just a mask. And Chat? Well, we get to see him. Not the model, not the paper cut out, but a silly kid who wants to break free from a life of imprisonment by the parent who’s supposed to love him.
We get to see something real.
But, unfortunately we do not get that.
Their relationship stays static. The reason for this is a bit obvious.
The writers, to my opinion have come to this bizarre conclusion:
Developing this dynamic would mean changing dynamics, ending the status quo morphing the story into something new. And they assume a “new” means an “end”.
They’re thinking that the endgame is Adrien and Marinette realizing their identities, so they don’t wanna develop it for fear of bringing an ending “too close”.
Say you have 7 seasons prepared, you can't have them find out their identities in season 5 because their reveal should be in season 7. It should be the last couple of episodes even. After that, they'll date and it's over. So better drag this on for seasons on end.
This just proves to me: flawed writing skills and lack of direction.
WHICH wouldn’t surprise me seeing how Chloe ended up.
It is plain bad writing. Changing stuff doesn’t necessarily mean an endgame is near. It just means things are changing.
I’ll be mean to this series and compare it to the Magnus Opus of Magical Girls: Sailor Moon
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Sailor Moon got together with Tuxedo mask in the first season, yet the writers were able to up the steaks of their relationship through its 5-season run: Through memory loss, a long distance romance, anxieties of hurting one another, or simply…developing their relationship. People change. And so does how they interact with other people.
These created amazing episodes that highlighted how much Usagi and Mamoru loved and cared for each other. It wasn’t just chance, it wasn’t just fate. This took work, it took time, and it took trust. This wasn’t something so easily lost. That’s why SailorMoonStars hits the hardest.
In the very last season, Usagi is in a long distance rship with Mamoru. And it breaks her. We see that she misses him, dealing with the turmoil of him not answering her messages. She’s devastated, seeking comfort in other people, but unable to forget him. Not even as Seiya begs her to take him instead of Mamoru, can she bring herself to give him up– because they’ve been together for a long, long time. And we’ve seen that.
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We see her reminiscent. We see her break down and cry because he hasn’t called her. We see her thinking of him when she’s with Seiya. We see her be in love with him and we see how much it affected her that he’s ignoring her.
And by the last few episodes, we get a payoff. We find out Mamoru is dead, and that he died confident that Usagi would be strong enough to protect the Earth in his stead. That he believed in her, and he thought of her until the moment he died - uttering her name as the last thing he could do.
That’s why when Sailor Moon defeats Sailor Galaxia, the woman who killed the man she loved, through purification and not violence – it all feels right.
It’s a very simple but powerful story, packaged in 45 episodes. With enough room to breathe, digest it, but not drawn out enough for it to be annoying.
All this, when the relationship was already established. We could have had something like this in Miraculous Ladybug, if the writers WERENT drawing out the reveal and get together until the very last second!
ChatBlanc could have been an AMAZING multi-episode mini-arc.
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No time-travel thing. They find their identities, they date for a few episodes, something goes horribly wrong, and Marinette has to find a way to fix the mistakes she's made. Much like Sailor Moon R.
Maybe by the end of it, she fixes it but sacrifices most of her memories. The only thing she recalls is that she knew Chat's identity, Paris almost got destroyed, and that leads to her putting distance between them.
Or maybe one day she wakes up with the memories of Chat Blanc and spends and entire season trying to know what happened, and when she does, she's horrified.
Idk, million amazing things could have been done with this episode to further develop these two's relationship. Complex, interesting, beautiful things.
But no. Because, apparently, thinking of love post-reveal is too much. Instead, we watch them run and run in circles. Chat Blanc was a single episode, and half of it was time travel shenanigans.
And all of this, just because the writers don’t actually know what they want to do with the love square. So they add new rivals, new teams, new accessories, side plots - all to avoid touching the actual core of what made the series great.
It strongly reminds me of Star vs. in that scenario the creators also weren’t sure where to take the show.
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It wasn’t until season 2 where they started the subplot of Star realizing Mewni colonized Monsters that it started having a sense of self. And it showed in the romantic subplot, which was all over the place. They didn’t know what they wanted, so the romance in that show was a mess. Lack of direction and intention, aside from the knowledge that Star and Marco were the end game
I personally don’t hate Star vs. I don’t like how it handled romance but I will give it much leeway because the actual plot of Intergenerational conflict and coming to terms with the harm your ancestors have done to others - is quite compelling and not something I see tackled often.
But Miraculous does not get that. Its episodic plot is simple and refuses to get into the murky waters of its own premise.
The only thing it had going was The Love Square. Because I assure you, very few people give a crap about the Miraculous being stolen.
So, their lack of willingness was the first thing to ruin the Love Square. Fine.
But it’s not the nail on the coffin. The real reason why this suffered, was something that happened waaaay before all this.
Because one thing that the show refused to explore up until late into season 3 and start of season 4 was the specific parts of the “Ladybug” character. What I mean is, what “ideal self” she is as “Ladybug”. And how her existence affects Marinette. This is the fundamental flaw that issss...
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Are these brackets even readable? I dunno. Either way, here’s the bracket!
Matchups (randomly seeded) under the cut to make them easier to read. Each matchup will last a week.
The winners of each bracket will face each other in one final match to discover who is the ULTIMATE magical boy.
Criteria used to decide who got in: 1) Use magic, or 2) Have a transformation sequence, or 3) Fight with the power of friendship (and sometimes that gun they found on the sidewalk over there) or any of the above combined.
edit: Magikal Nuko Len Len has been disqualified due to the only picture being available being disgusting. Sorry for making people uncomfortable by being ignorant and bad at observation.
edit 2: I have been provided a better image of Magikal Nuko Len Len. I’ll be setting his poll back up. Sorry for the confusion, everyone.
Riku Amami (World Embryo) vs Schubert (Classicaloid)
Jio (Magical Crash) vs Kousuke Nitoh (Kamen Rider Wizard)
Tatsuhisa Kamijo (Yu-Gi-Oh Sevens!) vs Black Pepper (Delicious Party Precure)
Taishi Manza (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Judar (Magi)
Cure Kagura (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Cure Lock (Dancing Star Precure The Stage)
Saiga Arata (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Takuto (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
En Yufuin (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!) vs Dark Magician (Yu-Gi-Oh)
Mozart (Classicaloid) vs Haruhito Sugiyama (Mewkledreamy)
Chiaki Nagoya (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) vs Io Naruko (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Gabe Travolt (Magical How) vs Garnet Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Yue (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs Takuto Tsunashi (Star Driver)
Kairi Sanjo (Shugo Chara) vs Bright Illusion (Elsword)
Viperion (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug)
George Honda (Star Driver) vs Yumoto Hakone (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Merlin (The Sword and the Stone) vs Takeo Takumi (Star Driver)
Yuki (Mahou x Shonen x Days) vs Qu Le (Magical Boys)
Peter Grant (Rivers of London) vs Blanc (Kidultic Showtime)
Cure Break (Dancing Stars Precure The Stage) vs Basil (Magical Boy Basil)
Kazune Kujyo (Kamichama Karin) vs Superman (My Adventures with Superman)
Mamoru Chiba (Sailor Moon) vs Shun/Schlain Zagar Analeit (So I’m a Spider, So What?)
Ichiro Dougo (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Rio Kuroki (KiraKira Precure A La Mode)
Synn Sakura (Twinkle Crusaders) vs Ge Jiuzhong (I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl)
Atsushi Kinugawa (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!) vs Jason (Kidultic Showtime)
Hinomiya Kaito (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Shining Spiral (Elsword)
Ukiyo Ace/Kamen Rider Geats (Kamen Rider Geats) vs Asahi Minamikawa (Mewkledreamy)
Camilo Madrigal (Encanto) vs Vivi (Final Fantasy)
Ryouma Kirishima (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Magolor (Kirby)
Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier) vs Tsubasa Yuunagi (Hirogaru Sky Precure)
Shu Yan (Ye Luoli) vs Takara Utashiro (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Visare Nightfall (Vampire Magicka) vs Hideki Shibuya (Star Driver)
Kikyou (Magical Boy Troubles) vs Ayumu Aikawa (Is This a Zombie?)
Kousuke Kasuga (Kimagure Orange Road) vs Ryuu Zaou (Cure High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Yakumo Katou (Shuriken Sentai Ninninger) vs Ran (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
Kirby (Kirby) vs Akihito Sugiyama (Mewkledreamy)
Henri Wakamiya (Hugtto Precure) vs Bright Heart (Elsword)
Ikuto Tsukiyomi (Shugo Chara) vs Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Mephisto (Lolirock) vs Max Owen (Magical Boy)
Cure Top (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Blue Knight (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Mei Xin (I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl) vs Ranmaru Ai (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Antonio Madrigal (Encanto) vs Magikal nuko len len (Vocaloid)
Adora Flora (Magical Mom) vs My Cat Stormy (real life)
Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai) vs Satoshi Hiwatari (D.N.Angel)
Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files) vs Minatsuki Sakuya (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Haruto Souma (Kamen Rider Wizard) vs Juka Mutsuoka (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Cure Soul (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Souta Kishibe (Magical Girl Raising Project)
Tadase Hotori (Shugo Chara) vs Shining Cosmo (Elsword)
Ryousuke Katashiro (Star Driver) vs Hikaru (Mahou x Shonen x Days)
Daisuke Niwa (D.N.Angel) vs Homura Hoterase (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Nagihiko Fujisaki (Shugo Chara) vs Shining Astro (Elsword)
Kirio Karasuma (Kamichama Karin) vs Takashi Dai (Star Driver)
Felix (Star Warrior Cosmos Leo) vs Eylan Hasegawa (This is the Magical Boy Training Center)
Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle) vs Giyru (Warriors vs. Warriors)
Daichi (Mahou x Shonen x Days) vs Xia Lou (Mahou Shounen Shuurai)
Uru Seiren (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~) vs Kevin (Power Up)
Heir of Lightning - Prince Citron (Pretty Princess Pomelo) vs Beethoven (Classicaloid)
Saki Uno (Magical Girl Ore) vs Saiki Kusou (The Disasterous Life of Saiki K.)
Gandalf (Lord of the Rings) vs Kim Dokja (Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint)
Wagner (Classicaloid) vs Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Bright Marine (Elsword) vs Ultraman Zero (Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends)
Kazama Mika (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Emerald Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Starchild (Scooby Doo) vs Mugendou Niki (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Mashira Shinkiro (Isekai Mahou Shounen Momopuri - Keiji to Yakuza ga Kawaikunatta Kudan) vs Kukai Soma (Shugo Chara)
Itsuki (Josou Mahou Shounen Battle Flyer Itsuki) vs Kuranushi Rin (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Kyoutarou Shuzenji (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss) vs Rikumori Yuu (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
so many tags.. so so many aghhhhhhhh
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pinkprettycure · 1 year
poorly developed love interests in mg stuff honestly... isnt event hat much of a problem imo????? Most magical girl love interests are prominent characters in the plot? Mamoru, Kaito, Yosuke, Syaoran, Masaya, the ugly cat bitch in Shugo Chara, etc... If they're not, like Nathaniel in Lolirock, where he doesn't do much bc he doesnt Need to lmao he just needs to b a nice guy who hangs out w Iris and encourages her to do her best, like exactly what else would he do? what would delving into his backstory really do anyways?
n characters like fukign... fuji-p?? thats barely a character in the first place and frankly the last thing i'd want is More of some random nobody lmao
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sixxtytoo · 6 months
i saw one of my mutuals do this last week and i wanted to make my list before i forgot! in no particular order, these are the works that have influenced my art the most (i think)! under the cut cuz it's long
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row 1 (from left to right): mamoru-kun curse! | mercy | creamy mami, the magic angel (1983)
row 2 (from left to right): there's nothing there | kyou wa mada futsuu ni narenai | gregory horror show
row 3 (from left to right): touhou 14: double dealing character | spider-man into the spider-verse | shugo chara
row 4 (from left to right): no more heroes 2: desperate struggle | guilty gear xrd: sign | pokespe
i think it's really cool to think about what's influenced you over the years, so i hope other people make lists with the media that's influenced their art, visual, written or otherwise :]
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
may i suggest names for the Komainu
Ichigo - Strawberry, or best guardian(i don’t know how those correlate either)
Mamoru - Protector
Shugo - Guard or protect
Shugosha - someone who guards something
if you couldn’t tell i was looking for names that meant protection or something similar
the translations might be off, i’m not Japanese, i got these off google
I love those.
I was thinking right and left. (Continuing the tradition of naming things after the obvious. Splinter named his sons colors Draxum calls animals by their directions)
But when I was looking for those names I found the words for inside and outside and since that is what they traditionally guard I like that far better
Nakami is inside.
Soto is outside.
These are the working names I had. With Nakami being a girl and Soto being a boy.
I think they boys might also call this stupid and come up with other names for them.
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demonio-fleurs · 2 years
Tag 9 People You Want To Get To Know Better!
thank you @iam-jacks-redacted-information for the tag!! it's been a minute since i've done one of these so i'm excited !!
First Ship: oh lord. um. so probably usagi/mamoru from sailor moon, but the first time i "remember" consciously shipping something, to like the point where i was engaging in the fandom for it, was tadamu from shugo chara! and it was my first taste of "ah, so this is what it's like to ship something that isn't endgame." it was also a terribly embarrassing time of my life that i will never let myself live down.
Three Ships: hmm... here's some ships i'm currently shipping
imodna(sp?) i haven't really been keeping up with cr3, but i've been popping in from time to time and i do really love the dynamic that marisha and laura have got going on with laudna & imogen. also, sapphic ships for the win!
zorobin (sp?) and lowkey zoro/perona and robin/franky. one piece is my current hyperfocus and robin/zoro/franky are my blorbos so it's just kinda natural i'd gravitate towards shipping them. i lowkey started shipping zoro/sanji at the end of the thriller bark arc, but as of right now (fishman island) i'm leaning more towards the ships i originally listed. that could change by the time i'm caught up tho!!
twiyor. uwu. i fucking love spyxfamily so much, it is my jam and twiyor are the long, slow burn i've been looking forward to for a long time!! i'm super curious to see how long it'll be till one of them finds out about the others identity!!
Last Song: i've had all of uta's songs from one piece red on repeat for the last few days, outside of that it'd be no horse in this race by my good friend zane thomas. it's a beautiful song about depression/suicide, especially in the comedy industry, as well as creating for the sake of creation. any song from his ep is amazing but i've really been listening to that one recently!
Last Movie: the grinch who stole christmas jim carrey version. although technically i just watched my neighbor totoro and spirited away at work but i don't really count that.
Currently Reading: well i just finished roman holiday from rwby, which was REALLY good, so now i'm debating reading kakashi's story or ace's story. i'm also going to be re-reading spyxfamily here soon !!
Currently Consuming: the last few sips of my rockstar limon pepino energy drink. i promised myself i'd be better about drinking energy drinks but the caffeine helps me feel more balanced when im off my meds.
Currently Craving: red bean covered dango. i had it for new years and it's so fucking good and i could eat dozens of it.
okay. tagging peeps. let's see @eriklehnsherrr @neeshabun @questionablecryptids @tablednacl @thegreatbaerri @katia-dreamer @chasmophilia @dnd-n-tea @i-phoenix
Tag, you’re it!
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years
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Happy birthday Shugosha Mamoru!
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itsashowtime · 6 years
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∞ 11/12 ー JEWELS/GEMS 【宝玉】
(Behind those brilliant gems was a lost soul)
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lonelyhorrortea · 6 years
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A Christmas present for @itsashowtime
I really hope you like it!
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angelnightrose · 6 years
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I wish somebody would have told me....
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shadowrichu · 6 years
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Infiniteshipping Month Day 10: Height difference  I feel ya Jougo, You have to assert your dominates against the Tall’s by sitting on every table you see.  @itsashowtime
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The winners of each bracket will face each other in one final match to discover who is the ULTIMATE magical boy.
Criteria used to decide who got in: 1) Use magic, or 2) Have a transformation sequence, or 3) Fight with the power of friendship (and sometimes that gun they found on the sidewalk over there) or any of the above combined.
Matchups under the cut. (and oh, some of these are gonna hurt!)
Schubert (Classicaloid) vs Kousuke Nitoh (Kamen Rider Wizard)
Black Pepper (Delicious Party Precure) vs Taishi Manza (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss)
Cure Lock (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Saiga Arata (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-)
Dark Magician (Yu-Gi-Oh) vs Mozart (Classicaloid)
Chiaki Nagoya (Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne) vs Garnet Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Yue (Cardcaptor Sakura) vs Kairi Sanjo (Shugo Chara)
Viperpace - Viperion+Carapace (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Yumoto Hakone (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Merlin (The Sword and the Stone) vs Qu Le (Magical Boys)
Peter Grant (Rivers of London) vs Cure Break (Dancing Stars Precure The Stage)
Superman (My Adventures with Superman) vs Mamoru Chiba (Sailor Moon)
Rio Kuroki (KiraKira Precure A La Mode) vs Ge Jiuzhong (I Don’t Want to be a Magical Girl)
Atsushi Kinugawa (Cute High Earth Defense Club Love!) vs Shining Spiral (Elsword)
Ukiyo Ace/Kamen Rider Geats (Kamen Rider Geats) vs Vivi (Final Fantasy)
Magolor (Kirby) vs Qifrey (Witch Hat Atelier)
Takara Utashiro (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~) vs Visare Nightfall (Vampire Magicka)
Ayumu Aikawa (Is This a Zombie?) vs Ryuu Zaou (Cure High Earth Defense Club Love!)
Yakumo Katou (Shuriken Sentai Ninninger) vs Kirby (Kirby)
Henri Wakamiya (Hugtto Precure) vs Syaoran Li (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Mephisto (Lolirock) vs Blue Knight (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Ranmaru Ai (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~) vs Antonio Madrigal (Encanto)
My Cat Stormy (real life) vs Tsukasa Tenma (Project Sekai)
Harry Dresden (The Dresden Files) vs Haruto Souma (Kamen Rider Wizard)
Cure Soul (Dancing Star Precure The Stage) vs Tadase Hotori (Shugo Chara)
Hikaru (Mahou x Shonen x Days) vs Daisuke Niwa (D.N.Angel)
Shining Astro (Elsword) vs Kirio Karasuma (Kamichama Karin)
Felix (Star Warrior Cosmos Leo) vs Howl (Howl’s Moving Castle)
Daichi (Mahou x Shonen x Days) vs Uru Seiren (Fairy Ranmaru ~Anata no Kokoro O-tasukeshimasu~)
Beethoven (Classicaloid) vs Saiki Kusou (The Disasterous Life of Saiki K.)
Gandalf (Lord of the Rings) vs Chat Noir (Miraculous Ladybug)
Bright Marine (Elsword) AND Ultraman Zero (Mega Monster Battle: Ultra Galaxy Legends) vs Emerald Heart (Magical Warrior Diamond Heart)
Mugendou Niki (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Kukai Soma (Shugo Chara)
Kuranushi Rin (Dear Magi -Mahou Shounen Gakka-) vs Kyoutarou Shuzenji (Cute High Earth Defense Club Happy Kiss)
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