fifisworld212 · 1 month
A simple hug or cuddle
I find that a simple hug or cuddle off someone can make me while to let a lot of relief off my mind. It’s very stressful when you’ve got a lot on your mind in regards to anxiety, depression and PTSD but a simple hug can sometimes help people are suffering very badly
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aloyiouis · 27 days
ive been wanting to make a certain post for a while about the reload ryoji route and how bumming it down to just an unrequited romance route is a pretty shallow take on things and also just an untrue reading on the text. especially if you disregard the 2009 social climate towards homosexuality and protags individual feelings outside of being controlled by the player. but i can never find the right ways to word it.
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rosemoonweaver · 2 years
Cake decorating videos where they make a gorgeous gradient on the side of the cake then cover it all up with the sloppiest fucking draping and ugly ass ruffles make me irrationally angry.
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androidsvsvikings · 2 years
Can we just talk about how the Maura and Daniel sex scene is the best sex scene on TV I have ever seen? The aesthetics, the passion in their movements, the breathtaking simplisity of it. The kiss. They literally did missionary and made it seem like the best sex you can ever experience.
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tblsomedoodles · 3 months
Sooo in FW Jennika looks up turtles facts after finding out the turtles are her brothers. What cool turtle facts actually apply to the boys like....
Can donnie breath underwater like nonmutant spiny softshells? Or is it something else that can be applied? How do their spider and turtle traits clash? (How stressed is poor leo when it cones to their medical notes becayse they are a. Hodge pog of human pider yokai and turtle and that has to have conflicing health things)
Ok, before I answer your questions proper, i'm going to explain a bit about the boys weird genetics, and why they're not as weird as they could be lol.
Basically, summed up to, they just don't have a lot of spider genetics compared to the human and turtle they got. And here's why!
Yokais, for my things at least, are mostly very old or descendants of Mutants from when the Krang came to earth originally.
Big Mama, specifically, comes from several generations of human-spider mutants. So! When Mama has kids with a plain old human, they end up with kids that are about 75% human, and 25% spider (assuming that mama's human-to-spider ratio was 50/50 for simplisity's sake.)
so then these little 75/25 hybrids get mutated, turtle taking over half of what is already there. This doesn't exactly leave a lot of Spider genetics, and what they do have, get suppressed (until being around Mama for that time mystically unsuppressed it that is.)
(not to mention, i imagine the mutagen has a stabalizing affect on the genetics to insure they aren't a medical wreck from two genetics being smashed together)
ANYWAYS! That being said!
(Sorry for answering these backwards but here we are lol)
Yeah, Leo and Donnie both were pretty stressed when putting together everyone's medical files. Like there is no information about what is normal for them so they kinda just have to guess, and both of them hate that. (Donnie help b/c research is fun and Leo wouldn't actually keep the files neat and readable if he didn't lol.)
Because of the whole 'stabilizing' thing and how little spider dna they have left, their turtle and spider genetics don't clash as much as one would think. I think the biggest change (other than the obvious ones) are that their diets shift a bit. Mikey has to eat more protein than he was b/c of the webs. Leo and Donnie have to eat more in general b/c of the massive 4 arms growth spurt they're in the process of. Raph needs to eat more too, but only when he's been in human form a lot. being in human form takes extra energy and thus needs more food to fuel it.
As for cool Turtle facts Jenny found, hell yeah one of them is that Donnie can breath underwater. And he definitely can. He doesn't particularly care to b/c switching back and forth ends with a lot of choking on water/air during said shift, but it's still a thing he can do.
She also found out that tomatoes are toxic to turtles, which kind of causes her to panic the first time she sees them eat a pizza lol. (her brothers didn't inherit that particular trait lol. though they are allergic to Avocados/avocado pits as a result of the mutation.)
That's all i can think of right now.
Thank you!
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catarinacosplay · 1 month
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Difficult Love Gumi Megpoid - Vocaloid 2019
Second cosplay of 2019 was Gumi! From 2019 till 2021 I have quite a lot of costests that although simplisic I really like so I do want to share them but I'll try to balance them out between photoshoot photo's :p
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aita-blorbos · 10 months
AITA for trying to steal something from a ancient tower
i (60ish? i stopped counting idk M ghost) have a rival (late 60s F), i am a pirate and she is apart of the navy (not gonna type in pirate talk for the sake of simplisity)
one day i was with my crewmates, mostly crabs but i also had a kid on the board (10? NBY), they were quiet and were new to being a pirate, all was well and good untill she came in with her own new small sailor (also 10 NBY), they took my crewmate while i took my escape and mentioned a specific tower nearby (wont mention for doxxing reasons but its well known so it wouldnt be hard to guess which tower this is) and how it had treasure
i, like any good pirate, got my ship to the tower, my rival was already there, and let me tell you this tower looked amazing, it was made out of ice and had over 100 floors! there were alot of pearl statues (not sure how to describe them, apparently they told a story but nothing was written on them), i finally got to the top and i was shocked to find no treasure, only a lake that was glowing, in the end my rival, the small sailor and my crewmate went to get me
other shinanigans happened with the kids, my crewmate turned out to be half shark they just couldnt speak while on the land and they went underwater using the help of a werid waterdroplet thing with a pearl
in the end, the sea goddest who was rumored to guard this tower came out of the hole w the two kids (something about pureifying her heart i dont remember) and i scrambled back with my crewmate back to my ship and we continued our game of cat and mouse
im just very dissapointed i couldnt find treasure (hence the try in the tower) :// AITA
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orlaite · 6 months
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Don't come at me for contradicting and presuming that I know better than Vito Russo but I begrudge that any time Lawrence is brought up in a LGBT film history context it's with these same simplisic talking-points which seem the result of working backwards from a conclusion. I'm not impressed with the astuteness and historicity of analysis that uses the Hays code and the American dream as vantage points to analyze a film that's so iconically and intristically British (& yes I know it was distributed by Columbia). Using Wilson's thoughts about the Deraa scene and what it represents to support an authorial conclusion when it seems this is one of the many things Wilson and Bolt disagreed on makes for a pretty thin foundation for an argument.
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kalocart · 1 year
So i discovered that the lady from the first episode of helluva boss might have gotten plastic surgery after getting the money
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This is how she looked before the time skip. When I saw this i thought it was for simplisity ad to not draw the bandages over her shin and stuff. But then I noticed pictures in the background of her getting accion
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In these pictures their the same as when shes bandaged, so that was her actual face shape. But not only that her teeth and chest are extremely diferent to
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I mean do whatever you want, either way she was getting other womens husbands. I was just interested and surprised that I noticed this a year later
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fifisworld212 · 6 months
The simple things in life
There are even the most simplest things in life that make me smile. When your feeling low and you have you feel that you have done a good dead or even have the littlest face smile back at you completely washes my troubles away. It always makes me think that the troubles that i have aren't so bad. Just that little thing to make it refreshing makes it all worth wild.
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bunbunpawz · 1 year
I hate it when people shame others for not being 100% accurate to their fashion. So many circumstances come into play, there is never a need to be rude when people are trying so hard. Long ago, before jirai kei, I tried to put my feelings in other fashion, I tried Lolita, Gyaru, soft girl, 90′s trend when it was a thing etc. I found myself drawn more towards the aesthetic of Japanese clothes, I wouldn’t mind wearing not Jfashion but at least in my country and my circumstances there weren’t many girlier, softer cuts for clothes. So naturally I became more interested in the Japanese clothing. Lolita was one example, in Japan, Lolita fashion is a lot more broad and forgiving. Fashion in general in Japan if forgiving. But when I tried it back in my own country, there were so many rules to follow! And I do undestand that without some guidelines, any A line dress could become “lolita”, which can beome so vague that it no longer looks accurate to the look. However with so many rules, I found myself more stressing out than relaxing in garments I enjoy wearing. Even something as small as saying “lolita” instead of “lolita fashion” could be ridiculed. Even when the intend is very clear to what I mean.  I was drawn to the country lolita the most, because I wanted to feel a sense of simplisity and freedom, and in general I have a more softer persoanlity. Kinda Ironic I chose to wear Jirai Kei over Ryousangata isn’t it? In anyway, I had about the same feelings people developed years later towards Cottage Core. By the time that became a trend I already quit.  Gosh, I remember how every detail mattered, down to socks and if your shoes have open or closed toes, even when the Japanese lolita fashion accepted either! It was so stressfull. With Gyaru, I never actually got to go outside dressed in gyaru. I went to a meet up once but I kinda messed up and thought it was themed like the meet up before that. Because of that I felt kinda shamed and missplaced. So gave up here too.  I tried some classic Jfashion too, the Harajuku very known ones like Dekora and Mori-kei. Later I just wanted to find easier to find clothes that were simple and comfortable to wear while also easy to find. BUT AGAIN! my country didn’t come through for me. Something as simple as a plain white T-shirt was such a mess to find. Wide Jeans what were those? It would be years before they returned back to fashion. WIth such circumastances its no wonder I had to go through loops and hoops to find anything close to what I was looking for. On top of that I couldn’t order online and could only rely on what I could purchase at a store and with minimal income. Luckily for me we had Jfashion stores, very expensive ones, but every now and  then a gold item would pop up. Something cheap and good looking.  Thats why even though SheIn is awful for the enviorment, it can be so helpful too. Its a double edge sword really. People that cant get the correct sillouete or order from japan, or even just afford the style, can get cheap, stolen designs from shein that cost a fraction, but are also made cheaply in comparison. But sometimes that is all you can do. I dont support theft of course not, but popular desings that are stolen within the community itself, I cant help but feel like maybe its alright? For example, the Jirai Kei bear pattern clothes are so popular, many different brands made similar designs and copied off of each other. Shein also made a similar design, which can be called out for being awful, or can be called out for being inclusive to people that cant afford the bigger brands or order from Japan. And what about Plus size? Most Japanese brands are onesize, to a 3 size methood, which depends on your country could be summed up to, XS, S and M. And what nobody ever talks about is that Japanese women are short! so clothes made in Japan for Japanese women, tend to be short. If you’re a western person like me, even if you’re not that tall, you might not be able to wear the clothes without exposing your belly or not having it sit prooperly on your arms. With such inclusivity I really do enjoy the freedom of using Shein for Jfashion. I haven’t actually ordered much from Shein, because I still cant splurge but from what I did see and try, it can be a hit or miss and with Jfashion it seems to be more of a hit.
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ohmrcrow · 1 year
i've been going back and forward with the themes for my tumblr blog. I like the simplisity of the lavender them but it can get boring at times, but the y2k one i had was very pretty to look at but there was something about it that was missing.
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miblue · 2 months
I'm just gonna speak my thaughts into the void.
I got two ideas in mind. One more light hearted, and one with a more dark humor vibe.
1:Superpower family, living their life on the DL in a small neighborhood. Born with powers, and it's very much x-men like world, main couple is either retired heros, or just live their life and never went into the hero buisness cause that's alot of shit. Someone has alot of trauma and just wants simplisity.
-inspiration wandavision-
2: supernatural couple, mostly one is a vampire or something that had a particular diet, the other is kinda a serial killer. They living in suburbia cause that's what wiffy wants and got lowkey stuck there and trying not to be found out about that, and not murder the whole street and be rated out
-inspiration. Chucky/Tiffany. Mostly tiff with how she talks about just wanting to settle down in "bride of chucky". Just two awful people, trying to pretend their not awful, and not impulsively murder their new neighbors-
It's very much the case of. Same idea or premise, but two very different tones.
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tblsomedoodles · 1 year
Are you gonna add the Seer au to the master post??
Probably at some point. I'm thinking of redoing all the masterposts anyways since they're exceptionally long and it's very hard to find anything in them. (and so very out of date lol.) (if i did redo them, they'd probably focus more on the art and ficlets rather than listing very single ask, for simplisity's sake. If anyone has a preference you can let me know. i have a lot of work to do on the masterposts regardless, so yeah.)
Thank you!
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nityarawal · 3 months
Morning "Cat" Physics
Wigoner Waggoner
Are They Related
Reading Up On
De Broglie - Brohn
So Simplisic
Doje Everywhere
Now Quantum
Overtaking My Lair
What To Understand
Since Physicists
Want You To Know
It's About
The "Born Rule,"
Agents Protocall
Super Agents
Smachtenberger Calls
Hustling "Qubits"
Elon Seemingly Let's Them
With Atty Coercion
But Does A
Have A Choice
Does A 
Have A Choice
Is The Cat 
Dead Or Alive
In The Box
Taunted On Bribes
Or Hostage
"I know (by the
that they know
(by the same
that "X is equivalent
to "I know that
Make Me A
Inspiring Books Like
"Time Like Infinity,"
Stephan Baxter
"Refugee Thought Experiment,"
But Is It Just A
"Quantum Suicide
Forbidden Subjects
Lead Poisoning
Don't Break My 
In Ten Thousand
Of Carbons
At Rewind AI
Like A Cat
In A Box
With Cancer
Just A Meme 
At Rewind
A Prototype
Space X
Trolling Me
Once J-ma 
Now 5 Tracey 
It's An
"Effective Collapse,"
"Empty Branches,"
They Call It
Barren Trees
Of Tree 
Of Life
Of Her Children
Fruit Of Life
In Germ
Don't Break My
Ten Thousand
Beloved Gigolos
"Trust No One,"
Says Elon
But Then We Might
Never Know Love
Eloning To
So Embrace The
Listen To What
He Once Said
Plus Your Intuition
Before Identity
Mash Ups
With Rewind
So You Can
See Past
The Smoke
Past The Clouds
Past The
"Shrodinger's Cat 
For We Lost Romeo
The King Of
Savannah Harems
"Declarence Is 
Generally Considered
To Prevent
Simultaneous Observation
Of Multiple States In
"F1 with W1 and
F2 with W2,"
(Nanny Daniel Hauptman And
Alex Martinez's Iowa
Magistrate Step Dad Judge)
Is First Sutra A "Friendly,"
Of "Pat-Anjali's"
First Sutra
In Gautama's
"The Friends'
Of Wigoner's
Is A "Friend,"
The First Sutra
First Step Of
Inter Galactic
Don't You Know
Fly With Me
Don't "Spin"
Don't Lie
They'll Try To Break
Your Heart
No One,"
Nitya Nella Davigo Azam Moezzi Huntley Rawal 
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sillysillytism · 4 months
dm me on discord at teenaged1rtbag
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