#Sing Judith
hoperays-song · 11 months
Than’s for the Pokemon AU question ok here one thing that I thought what kind of Battle Mechanic Phenomenon our Sing Trainers would be using like Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, Dynamax/Gigantamax, or Terastal❔
Of course, i'm glad you liked the others! I'm so sorry for the delay in answering this one but I hope you still enjoy it! - <3 Gooseless
There aren't that many trainers that actually fight in the Pokémon AU, as most characters are Performers. However, of the list of trainers, here's their battle mechanics I do think they would use!
However, since these aren't super common in the actual world of Pokémon, most of them won't have any, so just a warning. Also a warning, I'm giving out so many non official forms of Pokémon on this list... and since I know nothing about Terastal forms, I will not be including them just to be sure I don't mess up.
Buster: Z-Moves (Rockium Z) with Sudowoodo
Eddie: None, doesn't battle much.
Mrs. Crawly: Gigatamax Machop.
Wildan (Meena's Grandfather): Mega Evolved Swampert.
Tahiyat (Meena's Grandmother): Mega Evolved Camerupt.
Aamanee (Meena's Mom): None, doesn't battle much.
Marcus: Mega Evolved Blastoise.
Stan: Z-Moves (Fightinium Z) with Hawlucha.
Barry: Z-Moves (Waterium Z) with Prinplup.
Jimmy: Gigatamax Glalie (I know it doesn't exist but it would be cool).
Jerry: None, doesn't battle much.
Judith: None.
Hobbs: Mega Evolved Gallade.
Mizuki: None.
Alfonso: None.
Nancy: None.
Suki: Mega Evolved Meowstic (I know it doesn't exist but it would be cool).
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mimmixerenard · 1 year
The most niche crossover I've ever made; I wanted to honor some fictional ginger ladies that I love (click for better quality!)
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From left to right — Penny (Dr Horrible's Sing Along Blog), Barbara (DC comics), Judith (Le Visiteur du Futur)
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From left to right — Penny, Judith, Emeraldas (Leijiverse), Barbara
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From left to right — Katerose (Legend of the Galactic Heroes), Barbara, Judith, Sylvia (La Tour de Babel), Emeraldas, Penny
You know that moment when you start something that slowly but surely begins slipping out of your control? Well, that's me with this crossover. Props to you if you do know all (or at least most) of the ladies featured there btw (and actually, please DM me if you know all the ladies featured there, I'd love to talk to you)
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lemonisntreal · 2 years
Them <333
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This is probably the closest I'm gonna get to making a Sing OC I think lol
Anyway, yeah! I love them. Love them love them love them love them so much oml. Like their dynamic with Buster is just too perfect and I'm currently obsessed, and VERY SAD- because they don't really get a spot in the script until all the way in Chapter III. And even then, they're just kinda like "what's up? I heard that you're being a lying fuck again :D" so-
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It's very much like a "I hate you but I would kill anyone who even touches a hair on your body" kind of relationship between these two maniacs. An "I'd really like to send you into orbit right now, but you're actually wholesome and just traumatized, so I'll cut you some slack- but if you tell a single soul I have a soft side, then I'm gonna choke you to death with the aforementioned cut-off slack" kind of situation. They're both insane <3
They're not truly horrible or really a villain, just incredibly blunt and strict and cold. I think. I can't decide whether or not I want them to make up with Buster or if I want to go full in on their awfulness. Who knows what they're gonna do, wOooOOo omiNoUS-
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itgirlfyp · 2 years
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🤍🎶Musician Singers Thread🎶🤍
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tigresslanzhu · 1 month
What Judith From The Bank says. Buster in Sing 1: I run a bank, not a charity! Pay your rent for this theater!
What Judith means: I’m pissed off that you won’t pay! Your shows are stupid!
What Buster Hears: Now would be a good time to procrastinate further and pretend this “competition” of yours will be successful!
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capybaraonabicycle · 1 year
For one single cup of coffee (Jase/Natalie)
Written for @none-ofthisnonsense for the prompt 12: a kiss to distract the other from the first kiss prompts by @sasslett.
(I have decided to tag you, @none-ofthisnonsense, I hope that is alright. This scene is happening about 2 years prior to the plot of the musical, in case you are interested in reading it. So it should be spoiler-free except for maybe the first 10 minutes of the musical and later minor points. You can find the musical here for context if you like.)
Rating: Teen
Genre: Angst with a little fluff
Warnings: Dubiously consensual kissing in the way that Judith is using a false identity and they are both drunk, plus some swearing
Summary: At the end of their first date, Jase walks Judith Natalie to the door. Neither really want the evening to end but it's 4 am and they are trying to be reasonable. And then Jase finds a concerning message on Natalie's phone…
Words: ~2000
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[ID: An unlocked phone lying on top a wooden table. end ID]
Jase was a gentleman. Of course he was, Judith knew him well enough after just one evening not to be surprised. No, not Judith, Natalie. She had almost messed up twice already - the first time not responding to him using 'her' name, the second stumbling over it when recounting a slightly tweaked story from childhood - she was better off reminding herself and using the name she had introduced herself with. Especially since he was just too sweet. He offered her his couch and when she refused - too many difficult thoughts and emotions in her head she had to work through before managing to smile at him across a breakfast table - he called her a cab and walked her to the door.
It was nice, not having to put her foot down to go home after the first date, not having to deal with expectations of any kind. But honestly, that was the tiniest tip of the iceberg of things that were nice and beautiful and scaringly perfect about everything that had happened this evening. Never in her life had she felt this close to a person she had just met - maybe she had never felt this close to anyone. Damn, those scientists really knew what they were doing, didn't they? But then there was obviously the question of what lay beneath the water surface, what was hiding behind this amazing evening, the net of lies she had spun more and more tightly around herself the longer the evening went on. The reason she had to go home now, much as she wanted to stay in this glimmering illusion, stay sitting on his carpet, stay in his life, stay Natalie Cook forever.
She stumbled a little when reaching for her shoes and his hand steadied her on the elbow, tender and kind and rather inefficiently as he was swaying as well. The two bottles of wine had not gone unnoticed.
"Whoops" she said and they giggled like preschoolers. He looked so beautiful when he laughed. Happy and soft and innocent. He didn't know the world like she did - she had learnt that tonight.
"You sure you'll make it home okay?" He asked, slightly slurring. "Should I come with?"
'No!' her mind screamed instinctively but she managed to laugh it off.
"I think that would rather defeat the purpose of sending me home, Jase" she said.
His eyes widened in shock immediately. "Oh, god, no! I didn't mean it like that! I would take the cab back after, of course."
"Don't be ridiculous" she chided him gently while trying to force her feet into the overly fancy date shoes. "That would only cost an unnecessary fortune."
"Not unnecessary" he murmured. When she stopped and looked at him questioningly, he elaborared: "We always laugh it off as long as nothing happens but once in danger we would easily spend a fortune to save another human's life, wouldn't we?"
He picked at his sleeves awkwardly while she stared at him. 
'He's too good' she thought. 'How did I end up on a date with someone like him?'
Well, she didn't, Natalie did. Natalie was the kind of girl who dated boys like Jase.
She cleared her throat. "Yeah, but if you come with me, you might be the one in danger on the way back. So, don't worry, I will be fine. The cab's gonna bring me right to my doorstep, nothing's gonna happen."
"I'll tell the driver to wait in front of the house until you're safe inside" Jase nodded resolutely, before instantly backtracking, "unless you think that's overstepping a line? Am I patronising you?"
She closed the strap on her shoe and put a hand on his arm reassuringly.
"Relax" she told him. "I think it's sweet."
"Good" he breathed out audibly.
A heavy silence settled over them and not for the first time this night she felt the urge to kiss him. Judging by the way his gaze flitted over her face, she wasn't the only one. Yes, this was a first date following a chance meeting. And yes, they were quite drunk. And yes, climbing into his bed was out of question, very probably for both of them. But a kiss? She would really, really like to kiss him.
She reached down and fixed her other shoe. Jase cleared his throat, taking a tiny step backwards.
"You got all your things?"
"What, are you asking whether I 'accidentally' planted a jacket I will have to retrieve to see you again?" she joked and he laughed.
"Now you make me regret asking."
"I could still lie and deny any jacket." It was meant as another joke but it closed up her throat when she was reminded of all the lies she had been telling tonight.
He still laughed. "Sorry to disappoint you, Natalie, but you are wearing your jacket. Unless you brought an extra one just for leaving here and quite honestly, that would be a little creepy."
"No creepy jackets, I promise." She raised her hands defensively, then patted her pockets to locate her keys and wallets. "Shit, my phone!"
"I'll go get it!" Jase retreated back into the flat before she could stop him.
"I think I left it on the carpet!" she called after him. "Might have disappeared under the couch, too!"
She heard him rummage around a little, then he shouted back. "Got it!"
A small pause, then: "God, it is late."
Then he fell quiet alltogether, even the rumbling of his moving around subsided. Her heart dropped. He had seen something. Gosh, she was so stupid! Why did she let him get her phone? Phones were the most treaterous objects you could posses. Worse than ID's, for sure. What to do? Well, there was only one thing: Play it cool and hope for the best.
When Jase returned with her phone he was looking sheepish, confirming her suspicion. She tried to keep it together, calm her breathing while he stepped closer. He didn't hand her the phone immediately, tapping it's rim in thought.
She reached out her hand. "Jase?"
"Oh, sorry" quickly, he handed her the phone, then he shook his head. "Sorry, I know, I shouldn't have snooped, just..."
"Yeah?" Her heart was hammering so loudly she was sure he had to hear it. He would know. He would find it all out now. That the woman who had bewitched him tonight did not exist. That she was nothing but a lie.
"You got a message" he said. "And it mentioned someone having met your mum."
"What?" it was simple to feign surprise because she didn't have to feign it. Who the hell had spoken to her mum and felt like telling her about it? "My mum? Are you sure?"
She switched on the screen, scanning the message. Oh, so some idiot she had been friends in school with. Whatever the hell did they think contacting her? She tried to funnel her anger into more confusion. "This can't be meant for me. Oh, yeah, Dana! I went to school with her. Probably mistook me for someone else or I don't know."
Jase seemed torn between looking at the screen himself or giving her privacy. Still, he couldn't help but point out: "I think she must have. Look, she's calling you 'J'. That's not your nickname, is it? At least you didn't tell me about it."
"Nah, they called me 'Nat' in school" she lied effortlessly, pocketing the phone so he'd stop staring at it. "Sometimes 'Cook'. Didn't like that one."
Lying had always come easy to her but now her heart was going like crazy. Because the doubts were coming in. Hadn't this been the moment? The hint from the universe to stop the charade, come clean, see how he reacted? This was obviously so much more than 'just one single cup of coffee' to escape reality for. But she couldn't, she couldn't see the disappointment in his face now, she couldn't let him go just yet. This was too good, she wanted, she needed more of it.
"I'm sorry, Natalie" Jase said and her heart skipped a beat. But then he continued: "I know your classmate didn't mean to hurt you but she really should have checked before. She... she does know about your mother, right?"
"I think so..." she trailed off like she was trying to remember. "It happened senior year. I kinda drew away from most classmates for a while."
His hand landed on her shoulder, light as a feather.
"I am so sorry" he repeated. "I can't imagine how horrible she must feel when she finds out the message reached you on accident. Not to excuse her, of course. Are you okay? You can still stay over, you know, I mean, in case you don't want to be alone tonight? I mean, I have a perfectly good couch."
And again she was reminded how kind he was, how caring. But she'd rather he didn't fixate on her presumably dead mum that much. Not at all if possible. Lest he started asking himself questions that would make him doubt the whole story. Unfortunately, he wasn't done obsessing over it yet. 
"She really should have payed more attention" he continued his rant. "How the hell do you mess up this badly? Isn't there someone she could have asked if she lost her contact details from school? She must be at least a little close to this 'J' person if she is calling them by a nickname, how did she mistake you for them? Do you have any idea who that is, by the way? Someone from your class?"
It was probably not exclusively rightful anger that drove him to focus on the message. There was definitely a part of him that was simply stalling, like they had both been doing tonight, not wanting to let her go just yet. She did not know what reason for his rambling excited her more, just that her excitement was mixed with the desperate wish to make him stop, make him forget all about the text, distract him. And really, in the end, it was to equal parts the excitement about him caring, the fear of him finding out and the fact that she had been thinking about this all night that made her reach for his shirt, pull him in and press their lips together. 
He was startled at first and it took him a second to catch on, but then he was kissing her back, his hands grabbing her upper arms like he needed something to ground him. His lips were as soft as they had looked, a little clumsy but very eager and it took her breath away. 
She forgot all about distracting him, forgot about Natalie completely, too. All that mattered was that Jase was here, kissing her and holding her like he never wanted to let go. 
When they drew back, they were both breathing heavily, his hands finally wandering down her arms to grasp her fingers. 
"Was that okay?" she whispered and he laughed. 
"I think I made that quite clear" he argued, then he kissed her again, short and sweet. "Very okay. I've been thinking about doing this all night if I'm being honest."
"Me too."
They kissed again and this time his hands tangled in her hair, pulling gently. She moaned into his mouth, pressing closer against his body. 
"You know" he drew back, panting, "it's not too late to send the cab away if that's what you want. I wanted to take things slow but honestly right now I can't remember why."
She laughed, patting his chest and stepping back. Much as she agreed with his reasoning, one of them had to be the responsible one. Plus, there was still the question of guilt to work through on her side. 
"We're both drunk, Jase" she said. "I can come back to stay over tomorrow."
She realised belatedly what she had said. "Oh, gosh, tomorrow's way too quick, isn't it?" 
He grabbed her hand again, shaking his head. 
"It's alright" he promised. "I am free after 2, if you like?"
"Starting at 2pm?" she teased. "That's quite a night you have planned."
It was adorable how his face wrinkled in embarrassment.
"Maybe we can finally go have a coffee?" he offered. "Hang out in the park? Keep the option available to come back here eventually?" 
She pressed his hand. "Sounds like the perfect day to me."
His smile deepened in understanding, when there was a faint sound of a car horn to be heard from the street. 
"I think my cab's getting impatient" she remarked. 
"You should better leave before they wake up the entire building" he agreed, but they didn't let go off each other's hand. 
"One more kiss for the road?" she offered. 
"You got it." He leaned in, his breath ghosting over her mouth. "See you tomorrow, Natalie."
Thanks for reading!
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kalincka · 2 years
canon divergent au où judith survit et pendant toute la saison 4 elle est aussi chez les missionnaires et sa mission quotidienne c'est d'étudier michel comme une éprouvette dans un laboratoire. elle lui pose des questions totalement imbitables puis regarde les dégâts de ses réponses sur la psychée de constance et de henry avec un petit sourire de démon
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luckyloves · 1 year
(This has also been in my drafts for a few months.) Sing headcannons background characters part 2.
Eddie: Bisexual and might be in love with Buster.
Daniel: A proud pansexual.
Lance: Bisexual. (Becky broke up with him after he came out to her.)
Becky: Straight and homophobic. (Broke up with Lance after he came out to her.)
Bob: Gay and married, also has 2 adopted sons.
Derek: Straight and supportive.
Garry: Gay and in love with Eddie.
Harry: Aromantic, has an adopted daughter.
Hobbs: An old and proud pansexual.
Judith: A lesbian that's still in the closet.
Mario: A serious bisexual.
Nana: Straight but very supportive and proud of her grandson.
Nancy: Bisexual, she and Mike have 2 daughters assuming they're not dead.
Norman: A bisexual dad.
Pete: A fun pansexual.
Ray: Panromantic. (Best friends with Richard.)
Richard: Non-binary and omnisexual, pronouns are They/Them. (Best friends with Ray.)
Marcus: Straight and very supportive and proud of his son.
Barry: Transgender FTM, hasn't come out yet.
Stan: Gay and in a secret relationship.
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vvienne · 1 year
i require silly aus to muck around in and take too seriously or I will EXPLODE
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fvrsaeken · 1 year
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because nothing i ever did was good enough!
endless edits by peach part 13 / ∞
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Sing 1 Commentary and Review Pt. 3
Welcome back to the madness loves!!! Also, I tried to tone down the commentary so I get further in the movie this time. Is this an elaborate plan to distract me from my fic being with my beta reader? Yes! Am I using it for content? Also yes! Enjoy!
Yes, I am trying to restrain myself more this time, it's hard.
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Guys, guys, guys, here me out here... I think Barry minds.
Also, headcanon I'm not sure I ever mentioned on here before but the reason Barry minds Johnny taking his spot isn't jealousy of being passed over but because he didn't want his honorary nephew to have a larger role in the gang than he already did. He was trying to protect him.
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HERE. This is the moment where Marcus confirms they were going to stop stealing after this last heist. They were legit only doing it out of necessity because the needed money.
(aka my debt theory is going strong bwahahaha)
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Ok but the way Marcus looks at Stan and Barry when Johnny storms off, just his face of "that's weird right? or is it normal teenage angst? what's going on?" is so funny. He's so lost.
Also, I genuinely believe that Johnny might have been planning on telling his family about the singing here (he comes back much later but seems still really hyped up like he was getting the confidence to do so) but didn't when he was given the role of getaway driver. Even if it was just for one job, it clearly made him feel way less seen as a person and like he was a disappointment for not fitting into the mold of who he thinks his father wants him to be (the queer metaphor is still going hard I see, lovely).
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👏 Relationship👏  Counseling👏 
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Engineer Rosita My Beloved!!!! <3
This woman definitely has at least two masters degrees in mechanical engineering because the machine she made is something out of Willy Wonka.
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So... there either were intake forms where they all listed their talents and Johnny put down a skill he hadn't done since he was little or... Buster legit just asked this teenager to learn an skill that takes years upon years of training in like a month. For some weird reason, i'm leaning towards the latter and Johnny having experience is a coincidence.
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Horrified Punk Rocker™️
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I completely forgot that Meena wrote out what she was gonna say to Buster on her hand. I love that and I will be including it everywhere.
Also, unrelated, but Buster is on his second felony of the movie right now and we barely are passed the 30 minutes mark. Not to mention the numerous misdemeanors.
And, the workshop where they build their props in apparently on the second floor according to Buster. That seems like you're making more work for yourself with all the moving up and down but, you know, you do you.
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Mike puntable moments counter: 19
He really does not think things through does he?
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Lance puntable moments counter: 17
Dude, she's your girlfriend, for fucks sake, be supportive!!!! It's not rocket science over here!!!
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Johnny making fun of his dad and exaggerating his accent will never not be funny to me. He's acting like a regular teenager, not a gang member, and it's both adorable and hysterical.
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Judith has arrived!!! We love characters who are actually just trying to do their jobs here. Like imagine being the bank representative assigned to Buster freaking Moon. You'd be pissed off too.
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... Gay. That's the only commentary I can add here. That's very gay.
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Gunter, the chaos enabler, Rosita, the chaos handler, and Caspar, the chaos.
You just know as soon as Caspar got home he was begging him mom to let him hang out with the fun dance guy again.
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Johnny's over here going through the nine stages of grief about his singing career.
Also, do we know why Johnny was called away this time? Because they weren't planning any heists in between the one we have already seen and the failed one to our knowledge. So, was he actually called back because of something to do with the garage? It would technically be a family business thing then after all.
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Ash, I am so sorry. About everything you go through in this movie. So sorry. You get adopted by a crazy guy and an old rockstar by the end of the next movie if it's any comfort (probably not but worth a shot).
Also, their apartment is huge!!! How are they affording that when struggling to find and keep gigs???
Lance puntable moments counter: 27
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I am once again reminded that the mob canonically exists here and Mike thought cheating them was a good idea?!?
Mike puntable moments counter: 23
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The last moments those poor flowers had. RIP.
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The dramatic music that appears whenever she does is honestly amazing. And I love how she just seems to despise Buster on principal here.
But the fact that Eddie's grandmother knows Buster? And a fair bit about his life? Eddie has definitely mentioned him and also Buster went to Eddie's graduation!! That's so sweet, you know he was one of those people who make huge posters of their loved ones faces and their degree.
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This, my lovely gentlefolk and assorted cryptids, is what a bad idea looks like!
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Ok, we have arrived to the failed heist. Now personally, I would have just pretended to be sick so that Buster would have let me go without worrying about the show. That way my role in the show would be safe while I would also be out of debt, win-win. However, that's clearly not what happened here.
I stand with the fact that this could have been easily avoided but I do not solely blame Johnny here. He's a kid. Kids make mistakes all the time. He just made a mistake. Was it a bigger mistake than a lot of people's? Yes, but it was still a mistake. He is not at fault here.
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As for the gang, smart move on their part to immediately surrender. That way they lessened their sentence by not resisting arrest. Also, Marcus looks genuinely worried when he realises Johnny is not there, and I completely understand that. He has no idea where his son is and there's police everywhere, he's bound to be panicked.
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Rosita is amazing. I love her, she's so sweet.
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Ok, genuinely forgot about Gunter and Rosita's fight at the dress rehearsals.
Also, Mike puntable moments counter: 25
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Ok, I feel like we missed a part of this conversation. We jump right to Marcus asking where Johnny was and looking pissed. I can almost guarantee that that conversation did not start like that. Marcus and Johnny are shown to be close, despite their communication issues. He's going to be upset, yes, but he's still gonna be worried about his kid. Marcus definitely asked if Johnny was ok or arrested or sick first.
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Also, ouch. This scene hurts. The overall message of familiar rejection for you just trying to be yourself, of who you actually are is not good enough? It makes me sob every single time. This is just insanely painful.
(Yes, this is a central part of Johnny's story being queer coded and as someone who had a similar situation happen when I came out, I'm just saying it's very realistic).
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Then the stealing bit afterwards being reference for pushing yourself into who others want you to be to feel love? And Johnny choosing even then it's better if he is his actual true self? Amazing, perfection, true cinema.
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This is the emptiest grocery store I've ever seen in my entire life. Seriously. Is anyone other than these two there? I'm guessing a cashier but I don't see one.
Also this security dude is an amazing hype man, just cheering and blasting music.
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Buster, stop encouraging kids to commit felonies. I know you're on three now but seriously man???
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WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND GAVE THIS GREMLIN A BLOWTORCH?!?!?!?! ARE YOU TRYING TO DESTROY SOCIETY???? Also, Meena and Buster were renovating the theatre at the same time as Johnny was practicing with Mrs. Crawly. I completely forgot they were there at the same time?
This is taking way longer than I thought but hey, it's time consuming!
Be back in a few (these take a bit to edit sorry)! - <3 Gooseless
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devil-doll13 · 2 years
Before that Night, The Bell family used to have a garden in the backyard. Mostly they grew a couple of sunflowers, pansies, marigolds, dahlias, daisies, and often their own vegetables. Jude loved watching them bloom with a burst of colour every Summer. As much as she loved the gentle warmth of the sun, the blue of the sky and the fluffy white clouds. The vibrant green of the grasslands and cornfields that turned to gold.
In Winter Jude watches it all happen again. That Night that haunts her waking memory, torments her every dream. That Night everything died. As the leaves fall from the trees and leave them barren, she watches as snow and ice cover and flatten everything. She is powerless to stop it, no matter how she wants to fight. To destroy the endless cycle, to prevent the Reaper’s scythe from coming down and taking with him everything she has ever loved. Just like on that Night.
5 years isn’t enough to forget. 50, or even 500 years wouldn’t be enough. What she saw. What she did. Jude’s mother will never again smile at her from across that little garden while they work. Her father will never again ruffle her hair just to laugh at her complaining he messed it up. Never again.
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hi-intrepid-heroes · 2 years
Hi Judith!!! Spotify Wrapped ask game 3, 7, and 48 💙💙💙💙💙💙
hi grayson!!!!!
3 - i hate alabama - conner smith
7 - it's ok if you forget me - astrid s
48 - glowing review - maisie peters (this is the cutest song in the universe i'm so 🥺🥺 about the whole thing)
send me numbers and I'll post that song from my spotify wrapped!
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lemonisntreal · 2 years
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Any of you guys remember Judith?
if not, then that's ok because I've pretty much rewritten them entirely lol [as you can see from this lovely interaction ~_~]
I've recently fallen head over heels for what is essentially an OC at this point. Because what you knew as Judith is now gone. Judith-from-the-bank is now a 7-foot-tall enby in a peacoat and hat who will destroy you without mercy. 7'04" if you're wanting exact measurements [not including ears] I have a whole height chart thing I'll probably put out one day [Buster is 2'11" if you're curious].
In Tone Deaf, Judith controls the entire city, not just the bank. Buster is on extremely bad terms with them, and wow, look, conflict. They're stoic, sadistic, will sell you out in a heartbeat if it's to their benefit, etc. Buster refers to them as "all business and no soul" so even he's lost all hope of getting past their walls.
I love them dearly. Definitely gonna do more art with them.
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c-nan · 2 years
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my favorite part about the seekers is they look like absolute youth pastor nerds. they’re gonna give me a bible lesson and i’m gonna listen.
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tigresslanzhu · 1 year
Never forget that Judith was only doing her job, but we still side with Buster anyway!
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