#SkekGra x Urgoh
yucenkio · 1 year
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SkekGra was well known for being the most beautiful of the skekses, the most talented on the sword for his stillness (?) Just a silly headcanon
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vaguelyhumanshaped · 2 years
Fellas, is it gay to mourn the loss of your (stoner-coded) other half (theatre kid-coded), after being physically split from a single being after tricking a borderline goddess into a more than millenia long acid trip?
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Propaganda under the cut
Captain K. P. Hob x Delloso de la Rue (Hobrue) - Dimension 20, season 15: A Court of Fey and Flowers
Starts out as a star-crossed, Beauty-and-the-Beast-style romance between a very animalistic, awkwardly formal, military man—well, goblin (Captain Hob) and a very elfen-esque Master of Ceremonies (Rue), who’s busy with the job of hosting the huge, politically important party they just put together, and is also technically a member of another royal court. SPOILERS: Turns out Rue is an owlbear under their glamour, aka just as massive and animalistic as Hob. Both of them really love the other’s body specifically because it looks like theirs rather than fitting in with the traditional fey standards of beauty, so they’re lowkey serving t4t-vibes, despite existing in a setting where there are zero social expectations around gender. Technically they’d be a monster x monster pairing no matter what, as they’re both fey, but the fact that they both stick out even among the extreme visual variety of the fey people, and very much feel the weight of that exclusion, really makes them a monster x monster pairing in spirit too.
SkekGra X UrGoh (GraGoh) - The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance
They literally are each other's halves. No really. They used to b a whole being named GraGoh and split as two separate beings and now want to be joined into one again. So in the meantime they live together like an old married couple. Bickering and trolling, taking drugs, with the same passion for theatre and puppetry, going against their species' philosophies to be joined again (SkekGra is the only Skeksis in the whole franchise to have redeemed himself and live like an UrRu alongside UrGoh and was banished for that, and said Urgoh does not exactly follows the Mystic way either). They even have a rock gollem son. They long for each other and seem to want to hug and their one goal is to essentially hug further forever
Almost a canon ship tbh, very cute
Hobrue art by @sileohsile
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
9, 25, 27, 40 and 47!
Sorry for the delay !
So keep in mind I may have more than one ship for those but the rule is to pick one so I'll just say one for each !
9. Would be toxic in real life but it fits them in fiction
SkekSil X SkekUng from the Dark Crystal franchise. In the movie, I can't help but see them as very angry bitter exes who still have feelings deep down (SkekSil didn't kill him and SkekUng not only stopped the others who were about to rip him to shreds and accepted him back in the court later) hidden under anger, insults, fights, revenge and humiliation not helped by their common ambition : wanting to become the new Emperor. They regularly fight as much physically as verbally and hatefuck inbetween and feel cheated when one fucks someone else even if they are no longer together, but that doesn't stop them both to move on and to enrage the other. But even when they were together in my HC or even in @dracocheesecake's and mine Native AU in which they are still together, they would angryfuck, backstab each other, argue very often, kill one's enthusiasm and even going as far as hitting. But they are evil bastards, it just FITS them and feels "sexy" and funnt for them y'know
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25. Power duo in their profession
Dogamy and Dogaressa from Undertale. A canon married couple ! They are very in love with each other often kissing and being affectionate and if you choose to kill one the other is extremely sangry feeling empty but determined to avenge the other by killing you and being more dangerous than when they were 2, but they still are very professional and not blinded or distracted. They are equally good at their Royal Guards job, don't stray from their mission, form a very good duo attacking in sync with a good strategy to get their enemy, they are not just a couple they are a duo
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27. Dumb and dumber
Scratch X Grounder from Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog. NO They're not brothers, they're not more brothers than the other robots who still get together but nobody say a thing like Breezie and Junior, why is it any different for them ? That said, they're absolute dumbasses who keep bickering because that's all their artificial brains can do, but they do care, have very sus moments that had teenager me go "BRUH" and THEY EVEN MADE A KID TOGETHER
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40. Old married couple
SkekGra and UrGoh from The Dark Crystal Age of Resistance. They technically are the same person but when splitting with their own personalities they feel whole together and want to feel even closer by wanting to fuse back. SkekGra fucking became GOOD for UrGoh and his morals which is a huge exploit from a Skeksis who are meant to be the darkest part of UrSkeks, and UrGoh himself isolated himself from the other UrRu because he wanted to be as active as his other half rather than waiting like the others. They also bicker over anything or are annoyed without being too much annoyed, and are old funky men. They have been together smoking weed and playing puppets for centuries in the middle of the desert so I guess it counts as old husbands
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47. Soulmates
Jen and Kira from The Dark Crystal. Not only was it fate that they would meet, restore peace and more or less "repopulate" as the 2 last of their kind (even if the sequel comics had them childless with lots of Gelfling popping up from nowhere), they have an instant connection, not just a cliché love at first sight but the first time they see someone of their species, the first time they can be as intimate as dreamfasting, learn from each other, and finally know happiness. True soulmates
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skeksha97 · 10 months
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goblin-iz-whack · 3 years
What if UrGoh speaks slowly because SkekGra has a nail in his head and as we all know the Urru gets the same injuries as their corresponding Skeksis. UrGoh may have gotten a speech impediment from the injuries but SkekGra didn’t...
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holic-user · 4 years
urGoh: Literally does anything
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skekshroom · 4 years
SkekGra/Urgoh,SkekMal with a blind human who curiously asks if they can feel their face or hands so they can feel what they look like.
[SkekGra x reader x UrGoh]
- They happily agree, and gently guide your hands to them to explore. You feel every deep divot and wrinkle in their hands, careful to mind SkekGra’s sharp claws. You smile as you feel the knitted fabric of his fingerless gloves. 
- Up to their faces you move, feeling the firm and textured skeksis skin and long, protruding jaw bones. He closes his eyes as your fingers trace over his bushy eyebrows and feel along the sticky lines of facepaint.
- UrGoh’s face is a gentle slope with creases and aged lines along it. He’s so cute and round, a perfect compliment to SkekGra’s spiny features.
[SkekMal x reader]
- You didn’t have to ask- he offered, actually. He had been thinking about it for a while and couldn’t take it anymore. You yelp in shock as he takes your wrists.
“What are you d-” Thats when your palms press against curved bone and he slowly releases you as your hands move to explore. Your mouth is slightly agape as you feel all the nicks and scratches of the bone mask. Suddenly it moves from under your touch and you feel firm and wiry skin. There’s about a million little pockets to his face, and protrusions along his cheek and above his eyes. 
You realize after you pull away and you hear his mask replace onto his face what he wanted. He just wanted you to see him. 
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kiraleestudios · 4 years
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Some fan skeklings and one urling
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shortpirateking · 5 years
Poly UrGoh and Skekgra headcanons please?
When they find their Third(or others, honestly they could range from a cute three person couple to a giant pile of happy beans), they welcome them with open arms, Urgoh calm and gently welcoming them to their home while SkekGra practically bounces about introducing them to everything and almost tugging their arms off in his happiness.
Both have their own qualities that show during their relationship, SkekGra is far more creative and bubbly while Urgoh is teasing and down to earth. Because of this, Urgoh tends to be the one to notice when their S/O’s saddened or down in general, while SkekGra tends to make sure they never feel that way in the first place.
SkekGra, of course, is an avid cuddler and will often snuggle into either Urgoh or their other S/O’s. He tends to be the skeksis in the middle, unless asked by the others.
Urgoh tends to give decent advice when he isn’t being confusing, and will often hold his own way of cheering up his love by driving SkekGra insane by his much too slow speech. 
Skekgra will often sing songs about them, as well as urgoh, and just them all together
Often they make puppet shows with the three(or more) of them, often silly shenanigans like ‘tricking’ skekGra puppet that the mini circle of the suns is on fire, or other silly but cute things.
When they mention their rejoining, they often take notice of the fear and worry within the eyes of their third. They understand the fear, given they know once they are GraGoh, they won’t be the same as they were separate. One thing they know, is they will never stop loving them, even after they merge once more.
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bramble-rose · 5 years
The Story of SkekGra and UrGoh
Okay so I just wrote a post about SkekGra and UrGoh and what happened after they were separated but Tumblr deleted it ... Great. So here we go again.
I think what happened after they were separated is that they weren't that different from the others. There was a lot going on and there was chaos around them... so maybe they were busy with proceeding that they were seperate beings now. The only thing that made them different was they felt pain about not being one being anymore ...
After the separation I think they hadn't so much to do with each other except they were missing their other half and were longing for it. I think Thra sensed that and used that knowledge. So both of them got the vision much later BUT don't think that the vision caused them to feel this way. I think they felt this way right from the beginning.
So ... we know SkekGra was known as the conqueror and was famed for it by the other Skeksis. I know the Skeksis are supposed to be the evil side of the mystics but I have a theory. What if SkekGra was a brutal conqueror _because_ he and UrGoh were separated. The pain of being separated from his other half was too much to bear so he lashed out at others and therefore fulfilled the role as the conqueror...
I mean... can you imagine him as a conqueror? With his ego all screaming and yelling, waving his sword like: kill them all!! He must have been a Nightmare for his victims. And then he changed drastically...
Back to business...
So after the vision they both needed time to think everything over, hesitated some time and then went out to search for each other (maybe UrGoh started searching much early hence his name the wanderer) and I think when meeting again there were some problems. I think they needed some time to get along. I am sure there were prejudices on both sides. Maybe they were hurting each other but sooner or later they learned there was no point in doing so. Maybes SkekGra tried to threaten UrGoh a few times falling back in conqueror mode... and maybe UrGoh was annoyed by this since he is known to be a little moody too at this point. So they formed a fellowship simply for one purpose.
Then they tried to talk to the Skeksis and I think that changed a lot (in their relationship too) since they got attacked by the Skeksis. After recovering they tried to talk to the Mystics but they were like: ehm.. no thanks but time isn't right and stuff bla bluh.
So they went to the desert to do their own thing. Trying to bring the Skeksis to fall, creating the Sword and Lore. Eating berries and hoping to get a new vision to know what to do next.
Spending a lot of time with doing nothing and trying not to fall over and die out of boredom exspecially SkekGra sence he is hyperactive as fuck. Aaaand getting high for the next trigons and crafting puppets.
[And then ... after the battle and everything.. Thra noticed their effort and how hard they tried and gifted them with reuniting them to be GraGoh again. Beeing pure again they were allowed to return home and lived their happily ever after on their home planet.]
The end.
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GraGoh Week 2021 Day 7: Unity
GraGoh, being whole once again, shows his brethren a different form of an urskek that helped to unify SkekGra and UrGoh in a different way.
(I couldn’t decide if I wanted to just draw GraGoh or UrGro, their son, so I went for both and I just--I got cuteness overload!)
Thanks @mystics-and-chill and @gragohweek for the amazing prompts! I had such a blast with this and I’m glad to see there’s still people who ship these two lizards!
Characters (c) Jim Henson Co.
UrGro (c) Me
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neima-hound · 4 years
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So sorry for the messy art! I’ve been pretty slammed with life lately, but I wanted to submit SOMETHING for #StoneGrotWeek. This is based on the prompt for #Day4 - Brea plays matchmaker!
I’ll maybe revisit this art in the future to polish it up... But for now, enjoy!
Crafty Brea arranged a surprise romantic dinner for her two friends. Rian is VERY flustered at first.
BONUS Panel - Rian feels its *especially* much when SkekGra and UrGoh provide music (totally LadyAndTheTramp style). But Deet seems to love it, so he tolerates it for her. ^^
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afrych · 5 years
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I really want to make these into an acrylic charm
What do you guys think?
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skeksha97 · 10 months
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urleaf · 4 years
This one’s for @skekshroom but I’ll still use ‘you’ so anyone can enjoy. Happy broth birth day. skekGra and urGoh had asked you to go out for food scavenging with Lore which wouldn’t be all that unusual if it wasn’t for them acting all weird for the past few days. It was mostly skekGra who was giggling and being all jumpy more than usual, whilst urGoh was speaking in riddles more than ever. "Do you think this will be enough, Lore?" you asked, getting a head tilt from the creature you decided that it’s enough. Both of you started to make your way back. Most of the trip you had spent wondering what the pair could be doing, hoping there was no anniversary you had forgotten about.  When both of you finally arrived back to the circle of the suns you heard Gra shushing Goh as you approached. When you entered you noticed that the place was redecorated. The place was brighter with a few pieces of cloths hanging down.  You looked around, taking in all the beauty of the three suns shining perfectly, to create a warm, welcoming atmosphere. You saw skekGra and urGoh pop out from one of the curtains with their arms up “Happy birthday” both of them exclaimed, urGoh speaking a little delayed. Both of them engulfed you in a group hug, Lore awkwardly joined in. “Thank you” you spoke into urGoh’s shoulder, your voice muffled.  Pulling away from the hug skekGra spoke “We didn’t know when is your actual birthday, but it’s been a year since you came to Thra, so we thought that shall do!” he explained.  “We also.. made you.. a cake” urGoh spoke as he moved out the way to reveal something that resembled a cake. It had clearly broken into many pieces but was put back together rather messily. It was surrounded by a bunch of sticks that were lit up. That explained the burnt off sleeve Gra had been sporting.  “Happy first Thra-birthday!”  The cake contained urdrupes
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