#Skin Diseases
fallevs · 6 months
Does anyone among my mutuals (or not) suffer from psoriasis? What products do you guys use to do skincare? I'm sometimes afraid even soap or moisturizer will give me irritation, I don't know what to do and I can't find anything on the internet that isn't super expensive medicine, while I'm just looking for a simple skincare line that doesn't set my face on fire 😭
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pwlanier · 1 year
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Mrs Bennett, afflicted with a skin disease 1818, completely recovered 1821. Oil paintings on canvas.
Wellcome Collection
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saitoakirachan · 7 months
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lazymcfail · 7 months
hidradenitis suppurativa keeps me humble
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whats-in-a-sentence · 8 months
Thalidomide, now sold as Thalomid by Celgene Pty Ltd, remains in use today, but now its potent effect on cellular biochemistry is exploited as a last line of defence against some cancers and as a treatment for leprosy and certain skin diseases.
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"Chemistry" 2e - Blackman, A., Bottle, S., Schmid, S., Mocerino, M., Wille, U.
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incognitotrail · 19 days
September 3, 2024
Preface to Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment According to the Law of the Similars
by M. E. Douglass, M.D., Published in 1900 by Boericke & Tafel
Welcome to the republishing of M. E. Douglass, M.D.'s seminal work on dermatology. In this blog, we will be sharing the complete text of Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment According to the Law of the Similars, originally published in 1900. This classic text remains a valuable resource for understanding skin diseases from a homeopathic perspective.
Man is a composite being. We have the skeletal man; the muscular man; the arterial man; the nervous man; the venous man; and enclosing and protecting all these, the skin—our outer man. This outer man is the one in whom we all take a greater or lesser pride; the one that receives the greatest amount of attention; the one that more pains are taken to beautify and adorn than all the others; the one in which any imperfection is soonest noticed, and for which relief is most promptly sought.
The physician who can soonest remove disfiguring blemishes, heal diseased conditions, smooth and beautify the skin, is the one whose praises are the loudest proclaimed by the gratified patient.
In no other department of medical science is a reputation so readily made as in the department of dermatology, for the reason that patients can speedily judge whether the physician is likely to do them good or harm.
What not to do in treating skin diseases is an important thing to know. The physician must have a thorough knowledge of the general course and behavior of skin diseases, and it is essential that he should be proficient in the principles of general medicine, in order that he may treat affections of the skin intelligently and successfully. The reason for this statement will become apparent as we study the etiology of the various lesions. We will then find that it often is necessary only to treat the cause to remove the lesion; and in this branch of medical science, more than in any other, perhaps, we will find Hahnemann’s rule to treat the totality of the symptoms complained of by the patient as the only method by which we may cure our patient.
“The highest aim of healing is the speedy, gentle, and permanent restitution of health, or alleviation and obliteration of disease in its entire extent, in the shortest, most reliable, and safest manner, according to clearly intelligible reasons.”
“When the physician knows in each case the obstacles in the way of recovery, and how to remove them, he is prepared to act thoroughly, and to the purpose, as a true master of the art of healing.”
The author has been prompted to prepare this work by a conviction of the existence of an urgent demand for a work on Dermatology in our School of Medicine, which should embody the advances recently made and set forth the distinctive characters of our therapeutics in a rational and practical manner.
The work has been written in the first instance with the view of meeting the wants of the homeopathic practitioner in his daily dealings with diseases of the skin; at the same time, the needs of the medical student in preparing for his examinations have been kept constantly in mind.
The author has endeavored to present his subject in the most practical manner and with the fewest possible words consistent with an intelligible presentation of the same. To this end, he has avoided all theoretical and controversial discussions, which are of interest to the specialist rather than to the general practitioner or student.
— M. E. Douglass, M.D., 7 W. North Ave., May, 1899
The content presented on this blog is a republication of Skin Diseases: Their Description, Etiology, Diagnosis, and Treatment According to the Law of the Similars by M. E. Douglass, M.D., first published in 1900 by Boericke & Tafel. This classic work is now in the public domain.
Important Notes:
Historical Context: The information in this book reflects the medical knowledge and practices of its time. While valuable as a historical reference, some content may be outdated or superseded by more recent medical research and practices.
Medical Advice: The information provided is for educational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Consult a qualified healthcare professional for diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions.
Accuracy: Every effort has been made to preserve the original text as accurately as possible. However, typographical errors or formatting issues may be present.
Intellectual Property: The republication of this text is done in accordance with the public domain status of the work. The original text and any modern commentary added are attributed to their respective authors.
By accessing and using this blog, you agree to these terms and acknowledge that the content is presented as-is without any guarantees of accuracy or completeness.
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thoughtlessarse · 26 days
The discovery of polio in a baby born at the beginning of the war marks the first case of the virus in the Strip in 25 years, a sign of the impacts of overcrowding, water shortage, malnutrition, and forced displacement -United Nations agencies and non-profits have been issuing warnings about the possibility for months. Some saw it as just a matter of time. Disastrous health conditions, vast numbers of people living in tents, serial displacements and food and water shortages were bound to wind up translating, sooner or later, into disease. Primarily, into those that flourish in overcrowding or from fecal matter in the water supply. Last week, health authorities announced the first case of polio in Gaza in 25 years, in Deir al-Balah, a town where tens of thousands of displaced people have wound up. The patient is a 10-month-old baby who was never vaccinated. It’s no coincidence that the youngster’s time on this earth exactly coincides with the invasion of Gaza, where vaccination rates have dropped from 99% to 89% and during which at least 50,000 babies have been born who — amid bombs and forced evacuations — have seldom received their vaccines. Polio is primarily transmitted through the consumption of water with fecal matter. The virus was detected in July, in water samples from six points in Khan Younis and Deir al-Balah. To confirm the suspected cases, the samples were brought to Jordan for analysis. Last week, the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF announced in a joint statement that they have guaranteed the supply of 1.6 million doses of type 2 oral vaccine to supply more than 640,000 children under the age of 10, but that the campaign will only be effective if it reaches at least 96% of them, which “will be impossible” without a “humanitarian pause”. The vaccines would enter at the end of August through Ben Gurion Airport near Tel Aviv, and must make their way to Gaza in temperature-controlled storage. Funding will be required to cover travel expenses, fuel, and operational telecommunications networks to inform the population of the vaccine campaign.
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rightnewshindi · 29 days
लोगों के किया परेशानी बनी गाजर घास, पशुओं का दूध उत्पादन घटा; लोगों को हो रहे त्वचा रोग और दमा
Shimla News: जिले के ऊपरी क्षेत्रों में गाजर घास (पार्थेनियम) का ज्यादा फैलना लोगों के लिए समस्या बन गया है। यह घास पशुओं में दूध उत्पादन कम करने का मुख्य कारण बनता जा रहा है। ठियोग, रोहड़ू, कुमारसैन, चौपाल और कोटखाई के गांवों में यह घास लोगों के लिए परेशानी का सबब बन गई है। इस घास को छूने या उखाड़ने से पूरे शरीद में त्वचा रोग और दमा की बीमारी फैल रही है। यदि घास के साथ पशु इसे भी खा ले तो दूध…
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zdravljeirecepti · 30 days
Otkrijte prirodnu snagu smole od smreke - Za šta se koristi smrekina mas...
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starhadm01 · 6 months
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star-ayurveda · 6 months
Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis
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Psoriasis is quite common disease affecting around 20% of the population although people with very mild symptom may not be aware they have it. Psoriasis can arise at any age of 20 − 60 years and for both genders. Psoriasis occurs when immune system over reacts causing prolonged inflammation of skin. This condition is neither infectious (do not spread from person to person) nor does it affect their general health. Psoriasis can be co−related to kitiba kusta as per ayurveda, caused by vitiation of vata and kapha doshas. The vitiated doshas affects the skin and blood tissue. It takes 27 days for skin to replace itself with new matured skin cells. But the region of skin affected by psoriasis, skin replaces itself within 3−4days with plenty of immature skin cells forming thick psoriatic patches. Ayurvedic psoriasis treatment can help with a variety of skin sensitivities, diseases, and even fatal problems that strike some people.Fortunately, psoriasis may be handled with appropriate Ayurvedic treatment, which varies on the degree of worry sensitivity.
The Star Ayurveda retreat in Hyderabad provides effective Ayurvedic therapy for psoriasis. Our skilled Ayurvedic doctors and practitioners have years of expertise helping people improve and manage their health while conquering a variety of health issues.
External and internal methods are used in the Ayurvedic treatment for psoriasis to speed up the natural healing process. While studies show that psoriasis cannot be completely cured, different herbal remedies can help purify the blood, allowing the condition to be managed more successfully.
Ayurveda says: the vitiated vata dries the water element of skin and also initiates rapid growth of skin tissue. Vitiated kapha dosha causes itching on affected skin.
1. hereditary − 60% is both parents affected. 2. Trauma − cuts, bruises, burns. 3. Environmental factor/climatic changes 4. Emotional stress 5. Fast foods − filly, spicy, sour food 6. Smoking, alcohol 7. Consuming opposite food (diary products) 8. Controlling natural urges − vomiting, urination, bowel
The symptoms vary from person to person:
Raised red patches of skin topped with loose, dry, silvery scales called plaques appearing on face, elbow, and knees.
If on soles and palms − called “plantar or palmer psoriases” when on friction causes cracks and bleeds.
In advanced stages joint swelling and tenderness with pain is common − “psoriatic arthritis”
Thickened pitied or ridged nails − “nail psoriasis”
Scalp may also get affected − looks like dandruff with dry flakes and red areas of skin
Ayurvedic treatment primarily focuses on blood purifications and balancing the vitiated doshas.
Shodhana chikitsa: (de−toxification treatment) called panchakarma
Takradhara is a classical external treatment which helps to heal the disease by reducing the stress and emotional imbalances.
Shamana chikitsa: palliative treatment. Drugs − manjista, vidanga, bramhi, khadhira, kumari, guductti, harindra, chandhana etc., and drugs are used in many formulations.
Rasayana chiliast − rejuvenating treatment which does not allow recurrence of the disease is followed by very strict diet regiment, lifestyle changes, and stress management.
Psoriasis though not effecting general health directly, but disturbs quality of life leading to depression, hypertension, congestive heart failure by effecting psychological factor.
Self care in psoriasis:
Do not prick / pod / scratch skin
Reduce stress levels
After bath or wash pat dry the skin
Opt for cotton clothing’s.
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svathvida1 · 8 months
Holistic Healing: Ayurvedic Treatment for Psoriasis in India
Discover the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda for managing psoriasis, a chronic skin condition, with Ayurvedic treatment for skin diseases in India. Explore natural remedies, herbal therapies, detoxification techniques, and dietary modifications that target the root cause of psoriasis and promote holistic healing. Experience the transformative power of Ayurveda in restoring skin health and overall well-being, offering hope and relief for individuals grappling with psoriasis and seeking effective, long-lasting solutions.
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It is anti-bacterial, which means it combats acne-causing germs and decreases acne. It is also high in antioxidants, which combat free radicals and keep skin looking young and supple. It contains vitamins C and E, which assist in removing spots, blemishes, dark circles, and blackheads while also promoting brighter and more beautiful skin. Vitamin C in Pure Coriander Essential Oil Indian increases collagen formation, which tightens the skin and decreases drooping, fine lines, and wrinkles. It combats free radicals and delays the unnatural process of aging. Its several benefits cure a variety of skin diseases, including dermatitis, fungal and bacterial infections, rashes, redness, and inflammation.
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The skin is the large organ that covers and protects your body. Your skin has many functions. It works to hold in fluid and prevent dehydration; help you feel sensations, such as temperature or pain; and keep out bacteria, viruses, and other causes of infection. It might get damaged due to internal and external factors, like some types of diabetes or accidents.
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ricisidro · 11 months
LIVE: #DOH Webinar on Top 10 Skin Diseases |
Kapihan with Media Partners, November 11, 2023
#SkinDiseases #Dermatology #Dermatologist #Dermatitis #Atopic #Acne #Shingles #Hives #AthletesFoot #Eczema #Warts #Psoriasis #Scabies #Sunburn #SkinCancer
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careforskintips · 1 year
Certain foods may worsen psoriasis symptoms for some individuals. These include high-sugar, processed foods, red meat, and alcohol. A balanced diet with anti-inflammatory foods like fruits, vegetables, and fatty fish may help manage psoriasis. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. To know more visit...
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