#I literally don’t have much time so uh this is just the christmas post here lol
rosiefairlands · 2 years
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Have a Supercharged Christmas y’all. 🎉
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daughterofcain-67 · 10 months
𝑀𝒾𝓈𝓉𝓁𝑒𝓉𝑜𝑒 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒪𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝒜𝒸𝓉𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈
(Alec McDowell x Female Reader)
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𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚜 𝚗𝚘𝚝𝚎: Thank you so much for your request, Love, and I hope that you enjoy! 💖
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Alec isn’t really into the holiday season but when Max forces him to go to a party, he starts to get curious about certain traditions. Little does he know that you’d be willing to show him.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: This is not accurate to the show, sorry to those who know if Alec has already celebrated Christmas or not. This is in essence Alec’s first real Christmas without having to train or be on any sort of mission.
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It was a cold, honestly ugly day in Seattle. There were piles of muddy snow where people would walk, and people would complain about freezing their asses off. Meanwhile some other people would talk about the upcoming holidays and how they should enjoy the time while it was there. Even when that may have been easier said than done for some people.
Alec never would have thought in a million years that he would be standing right here. He knew of what Christmas was because of how Max had described it to him sometime after Manticore blew up. But he never thought he’d actually get around to celebrating it. Not really.
Most of his Christmas’s growing up on the military base were spent either training or working on some kind of undercover mission. He’s never experienced the whole decorating a Christmas tree thing or making gingerbread houses, or anything like that. And since he escaped, he wasn’t necessarily sure that he really wanted to be a part of the holiday activities. He didn’t really see the point.
At the moment Alec had just arrived to the post office to clock in for the day when Max caught him. He lifted a brow as he looked down at the fellow mutant soldier and smirked.
“Isn’t it a little early for you to be seeking me out?” He asked and Max nudged his arm and rolled his eyes.
“It’s way too early for you to be a smart-ass.” Max said, “Anyway, I only came over because Original Cindy and I are going to have a Christmas party at our place and she thought that it would be a good idea for you to swing by.”
“You mean you aren’t going to your little boyfriend’s place for the night? That’s a first.” Alec smirked.
“Logan is coming by too.”
“Right, and you think I’d actually go to a party like that?”
“Why not? You seem to be the type to go to any other party. And it’s not like there won’t be any girls there for you to flirt with.” Max reminded.
“How dare you?” Alec feigned offense by placing a hand over his heart, “You really think I’d only go to a party for girls?”
“You would if you thought the girls were hot. And I know for a fact Y/N is gonna be there.”
Alec’s brows raised up for a moment, “So?”
“Oh don’t act like I don’t know what I’m talking about. I see the way you look at her and the fact that you have talked to literally all of the girls here except her kind of speaks volumes.”
“No one ever said those statistics always have a positive outcome.” Alec commented. “Besides, I don’t care who’s going. And I just haven’t gotten around to talking to her yet. I’ve been talking to some others first, is that so wrong””
“Uh, little on the defensive aren’t we? Okay well, you’re going whether you like it or not. It’s not like you have any other plans other than hitting the bar or the strip club tomorrow night, right?”
Alec rubbed the back of his neck, feeling a little called out since that would likely be the only plans he would have. “Tomorrow night? Yeah, I guess it won’t kill me to make an appearance.”
“Good. Now I’ll see you around.” Alec watched Max leave.
Honestly, he hated how much Max was starting to be like a sister - in the sense that she was starting to know him a little too well and she’s starting to read him like a book. But he supposed it wasn’t totally a bad thing. She did tend to have his back the more they got to know each other. He was thankful for that kind of sibling bond - even if she was a pain in his ass most of the time.
While Alec was heading to his locker, he caught a glimpse of you taking some packages and put them in the basket of your bicycle.
So what if he hadn’t talked to you yet? He’s seen the way that you were with people. You were so optimistic about so many things even if this world was shit. You have a certain charisma that pulls everyone towards you and they like you almost instantly, whether you care to talk to them or not. You were just approachable, likable.
Not to mention beautiful.
Sure, Alec has talked to several women and yes a lot of them were attractive. But none of them were quite like you. You had the most beautifully colored eyes he had ever seen, and the way your hair frames your face so perfectly. Everything about you was stunning, but he knew that you had to have some kind of boyfriend already.
Just because Alec talked to a lot of women, that didn’t mean he was the kind of guy to go after someone else’s girl.
In the midst of his thoughts, he didn’t realize he had been staring at you. Not until he saw you wave and he blinked before he looked away, slamming the locker door shut and he went to go deliver packages.
You were a little stunned when Alec abruptly slammed his locker door and walked off. That was a little unlike him.
Then again, you weren’t necessarily sure what he was really like at all. You barely knew a thing about him, much to your dismay.
“You good?” Max asked and you glanced over just to see her and Cindy standing together.
“Yeah, just wondering if Alec’s alright. He was staring at me, I don’t think he realized that he was. But when I waved at him, he slammed his locker and went to start his route.” You explained and Max chuckled.
“Oh don’t worry about him. I’m sure he’s fine. He has his random moments, I swear he’s not normally that awkward. Maybe he had something on his mind.”
You shrugged it off, but you still couldn’t help but wonder what he was staring at you like that for. It was a little creepy if he just did it for no reason. But you turned back to your basket to make sure your packages were secured while Max spoke again.
“You’re still coming to the party tomorrow night right?” She asked.
“Yeah! It wouldn’t be a party without you there.” Original Cindy smiled and you grinned. How could you let your two best friends down.
“I didn’t exactly have anything else planned now did I?” You replied, “I wouldn’t miss it.”
“Great! Now don’t forget that it’s at six tomorrow.” Max reminded and you nodded.
“I won’t forget, and I’ll see you there.”
As Max and Original Cindy walked off, you grinned at them. You never thought that you’d have this sort of camaraderie when you started working here at the Jam Pony. Max and Cindy took you. Under their wing practically from the first day you started working here three years ago. You had gotten to the Jam Pony two years before Alec did.
He was certainly an interesting character you had to admit. Attractive, sarcastic as hell, but he never failed to make you smile even if he didn’t intend to. He just had that kind of personality you supposed.
You wondered if he would be at the Christmas party, or if he’d find different ways to spend his time.
Honestly you hoped that he would decide to come to the party. Maybe that would be the chance you would have to actually talk to him and maybe get to know him a little outside of work.
After all, everyone could use a friend.
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You were enjoying yourself at Max and Original Cindy’s party. There was some faint Christmas music in the background but it was mostly overshadowed by people talking amongst themselves and having a fun time.
You couldn’t help but notice how Max seemed to really let down her walls around Logan. He seems really sweet to her and you hoped the best for the two of them.
In a way you envy them. You’ve never found someone that made you feel the way Logan made Max feel. You simply figured that it wasn’t your time yet.
Anyways, you were leaning against the counter top in Max and Cindy’s kitchen while Cindy and Sketchy were talking. You heard about half of what they were saying, yet the other half just went straight though your other ear.
“Hello? Earth to Y/N?” Sketchy waved the palm of his hand in front of your face, causing you to look up at him and then at Original Cindy.
“Girl, whatcha thinkin’ so deeply about?” Cindy asked you and you shrugged.
“Nothing, just watching people enjoy the party.” You insisted.
“Oh come on, now’s not the time for people watching! Here, let me pour you a drink.” Sketchy said and he grabbed one of the solo cups from the counter to make some kind of concoction.
“She’s got it bad for him, doesn’t she?” Cindy asked as she looked at Max and Logan.
“I’d say so. They have their cute moments. Although Max should lighten up a little more and let something come out of whatever it is they’ve got going on.” You let out a sigh.
“Yeah well I give it another hundred years before those two become official.” You heard a different voice chime in. When you looked over, you and Original Cindy saw that Alec made an appearance after all.
“About time you showed up.” Cindy said with a smirk, putting a hand on her hip, “What took you so long?”
“Better late than never, right? Besides, I had to make a pit-stop.” Alec said as he held up a couple of six packs.
“Ah great! We’ve got some extras.” Sketchy said when he came back with your drink and he handed it to you, then he took the six packs from Alec to put them somewhere with the other drinks.
“I didn’t think you would show up.” You said with a chuckle and Alec looked down at you since he was significantly taller than you were.
“I mean I thought about it. But you know Max. She can be awfully…”
“Persuasive?” You completed and Alec chuckled before he nodded.
“So, where’s your boyfriend? Didn’t he come to this thing?” He asked you, and you were confused.
“Was I supposed to have a boyfriend to come to this thing?” You asked with a chuckle, then you realized he looked confused for a moment, “Who told you I had a boyfriend?”
“No one, just an assumption.” Alec said with a shrug then he looked over at Sketchy, “Here, let me help you with those so you don’t spill anything.”
About an hour went by and it was starting to get a little late. Some people left a little early because they had earlier shifts, but the ones who had later shifts or had days off tomorrow stayed behind. Alec happened to be the ones that stayed behind.
Although something caught his eye.
There was a green plant with red ribbon pinned on the doorway separating the kitchen and the living room of this place. Anytime two people lingered beneath it and they were either caught or they noticed it for themselves, they would kiss.
This happened a couple of times and it was starting to puzzle him, did people kiss under the mistletoe on purpose?
“You’re doing that thing again.” Alec heard your voice.
When he looked at you, you were holding two styrofoam cups full of cider and you offered him one.
“What thing?” He asked you before thanking you for the cider. It felt warm in his hands and he took a sip of it.
“That staring thing. I wouldn’t make it too much of a habit. Some people might get creeped out by that.” He heard you chuckle and he figured you meant about the previous day.
“Sorry about that. I guess I should break that habit.” He chuckled and you smiled at him.
“No worries. Just wondering if you’re alright.”
That was… oddly sweet of you. Then again, he knew that it was in your nature from what he had observed about you, “I’m alright. Just a little confused by the amount of make outs that have taken place under that doorway.”
He watched you glanced over to the corridor and he heard you chuckle before you looked up at him, “Do you not know what happens under the mistletoe around this time of year?”
Alec shook his head and he saw a look on your face, maybe shock? “I’ve been told I live under a rock.” He explained.
“Ah… well typically when a couple stands beneath mistletoe, they kiss. It’s one of those Christmas tradition things.” You replied and Alec lifted a brow a little.
“How did you not know that?” Alec heard the curiosity in your voice and he let out a nervous laugh before he rubbed the back of his neck, covering up the barcode.
How was he supposed to say that where he came from, he was a soldier and Christmas traditions were the last thing the soldiers of Manticore were concerned with, “Where I come from, we didn’t really celebrate Christmas or indulge into those traditions. So I’m a little bit of a late bloomer with knowing what some of the traditions are.”
You gazed up at him as he talked to you. This was probably the longest conversation you’ve ever had with Alec, and you honestly hoped that it wouldn’t end anytime soon.
“I see.. well there’s nothing wrong with that. I mean I know of some traditions but I don’t really indulge in them either. I’ve actually never made a gingerbread house, but that’s a big thing that some people do around Christmas time.” You confessed.
“I’ve heard of gingerbread houses. Sounds like it could be… interesting I guess? Unfortunately I’m not much of a baker, not exactly an architect either.” Alecs laughter made your heart swell but you grinned at his response.
“Guys! Come on, you’re gonna miss watching the Grinch with us!” Sketchy called to you and Alec.
“Well, you heard him, Alec! Let’s go.” You smiled and you took his free hand before the two of you ended up sitting together on the floor to watch the movie together. It was the version of the Grinch with Jim Carrey and it happened to be one of your favorite Christmas movies.
“Have you ever seen this before?” You asked Alec and he shook his head before you grinned. You supposed he would have quite a few firsts the more he hung out with Max’s group.
You continued to watch the movie yet you couldn’t help but to wonder what else Alec had missed out on if he’s never heard of the mistletoe thing, never made a gingerbread house, or even seen the grinch. Then you wondered what exactly he had done.
Meanwhile Alec watched the movie for the first time and he could see why you liked it. It was actually pretty funny. Although it was kinda pathetic that an entire town bullied a kid into self isolation. What a shitty thing to do.
When he glanced down at you, he noticed that you seemed to be off in your own little world while you enjoyed the movie. He noticed that this is probably the happiest he’s seen you, surrounded by Christmas related activities and parties. Even at work you seemed to smile more.
Honestly, seeing you like this was uplifting in a way. It gave him a break from the shitty job he had or the memories of those past Christmases with missions he had to deal with. He wouldn’t mind if you taught him some traditions or even did some of those traditions with him.
He wondered what experiences you’ve had with the holiday growing up, it kind of made him wonder what he and so many other transgenics like him missed out on because of their upbringing.
On the flipped side, Max had been in the very same shoes that he was in, and now here she was hosting Christmas parties and having fun. He was excited to be out of that military base so he could experience all of these things too, really experience them without worrying about blowing some kind of cover he was under.
While he turned his attention back to the movie on the screen, he placed his arm around your shoulder, deciding to make a move now that he knew you didn’t have a boyfriend - a fact that still shocked him - and he could feel you relax beneath his touch. He grinned to himself the moment he felt your head on his shoulder.
Unfortunately, every year you felt like when you watch the Grinch, or any Christmas movie for that matter, the film got shorter and shorter. It felt like only thirty minutes had gone by and it was over. When the movie ended, some people said their goodbyes and decided to call it a night.
You decided to stay behind with Sketchy, Logan and Alec to help clean up the place so it wasn’t too much of a disaster to deal with the following morning.
You were in the kitchen washing some of the dishes so Max or Original Cindy wouldn’t worry about them, and while you were doing that Alec happened to come in with a trash bag full of cups and cans and other trash guests left behind.
“Can I ask you something?” You finally spoke.
“Yeah, shoot.”
“How come you’ve never talked to me before tonight?” You asked curiously. That question had been in your mind for a while, even before that night had even started, and you couldn’t help but wonder about it.
“Honestly, I dunno. You seem friendly and I know I’ve had different opportunities to talk. But I guess at work all we really get is a quick ‘hello’ before we go on our routes. Never had the time to have more of a conversation than just that.” He said.
And you supposed that could be a fair argument. It was rare that the two of you have had the same shifts. And when you saw each other any other time, it was like he said: if you two were to actually talk, you didn’t really get a word in before it was time to go on the routes. Normal was a little relentless with how he runs things at work.
“Yeah, I guess with Normal being up everyone’s ass it kind of makes it hard to have longer talks.” You said, but it still felt like he was holding the truth back - whatever his truth was. You wouldn’t push him though. Honestly you weren’t sure if you wanted to know what his truth was.
“Now it’s my turn to ask you a question.” You heard Alec say as you finished up with the dishes.
“How come you didn’t have anyone to bring you to this thing?” He asked, causing you to lift a brow.
“Anyone meaning a boyfriend sort of anyone?” You laughed and he shrugged as he tied a knot in the trash bag so it could be taken out.
“Well, it could be any mixture of things I suppose. Maybe it could be because I haven’t really been talking to guys at work and caught their interest yet. Maybe it’s because a the one person I would have an interest in hasn’t asked me out yet. Maybe it’s just because I don’t quite get out much and my life is mostly between work and home.” You shrugged.
“A mixture of those, huh?” Alec chuckled.
“And since you brought that up, how come you didn’t have a girlfriend to come along with you? I mean you’re bound to be someone’s type.” You said with a teasing tone and a smirk, causing Alec to chuckle a little.
“Well, maybe I have the same predicament.” Alec said.
“Yeah right! That’s so not what I’ve heard. You have no problems talking to other girls, and how come you didn’t have a little arm candy?” You dried off your hands with one of the kitchen towels.
“Honestly? Felt like coming by myself tonight. Yeah I talk to different people but obviously that’s empty flirting and I can do that anywhere I want to. Just didn’t feel like it this time around I guess.” He replied and went to the sink, washing his hands to get whatever gunk was on the trash bag off his hands.
You hummed a little at the explanation, leaning your back against a random wall before you handed him the towel to dry off his hands and he thanked you for it.
“I’m glad you came, even if Max may have had to persuade you to come.” You admitted and he looked at you once more.
“It was actually pretty fun. I didn’t think she knew how to throw a party that was fun like this.” He commented and you rolled your eyes.
“You’d be surprised,” You grinned, “You two really are like siblings, huh?” Then he laughed.
“Sort of.” He said but then he noticed something about where you were standing.
“Well, we’ve established that couples kiss under a mistletoe, but you didn’t explain when a one person is beneath.” Alec commented and he watched you look up above you just to see the plant above your head. Then he saw the way your cheeks seemed to flush in color.
“Well… you’re a smart guy. I’m sure you can figure it out without needing someone to explain it.” He heard you say and he smiled a little before he tossed the hand towel onto the counter next to the dishes before he carefully walked towards you.
“Well, I can’t keep a damsel like you waiting alone, now can I?” He said as he carefully placed a hand on you hip. You could tell that he was being cautious and trying to give you the opportunity to push him away if this wasn’t what you wanted.
A sweet gesture, really, but how dumb could he be to think you didn’t want this? And how dumb could you be to push him away?
“I suppose it wouldn’t be that heroic of you to keep one waiting beneath mistletoe.” You chuckled and one of your hands found a spot on his shoulder.
Then, he carefully leaned down and placed a soft and quick kiss on the corner of your mouth, as if he were trying to be a tease about it. You weren’t surprised that he would be a bit of a tease.
When you moved your hand from his shoulder to the back of his neck, however, he looked down at you for a moment before he smirked slightly. Then he leaned down and kissed your lips and lingered this time.
You knew that this wasn’t anticipated, and honestly you didn’t think you would be standing beneath mistletoe and kissing a man you had barely spoken to, but Alec took your breath away with his kiss. This kiss was different than you had expected from him; surprisingly sweet and gentle and he handled you with care.
His lips were a little chapped but they were warm and soft nonetheless. It took you by surprise when you felt his other hand cup your face but the moment that he did it felt like it was just the two of you. You had honestly forgotten that you weren’t even in your own home.
Then, the kiss ended too soon for your liking but you knew you couldn’t stay there forever, even though you would have loved to stay like that with Alec.
“Wow…”You whispered breathlessly and Alec grinned, noticing your cheeks were redder than before.
“It��s about damned time you two did something!” Original Cindy’s voice broke through the atmosphere between you and Alec.
You and Alec both glanced over and noticed that you had a little audience, consisting of Cindy, Max, Alex and Sketchy.
“How long were you guys standing there watching?” You asked with a chuckle.
“Long enough to know that if something doesn’t happen between you two after tonight, I’ll be sorely disappointed.” Cindy said.
“Same here. Alec, you had better take care of my girl, Y/N, otherwise I’ll be kicking your ass straight to the moon.” Max said with a playful smirk as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Wait, you two have been waiting for something like this to happen?” You laughed.
“Waiting? More like manifesting. Max has told me about you two and what she’s hoped to happen.” Logan said with a little chuckle as he adjusted his glasses.
“Awe, so you do think of me outside of work.” Alec teased and Max rolled her eyes and shook her head, smirking.
“Yeah, whatever. Now would you guys get out of here? Cindy and I will finish up with the cleaning.” Max said.
“Personally, I’m wiped. I’ll see y’all around. Thanks for the party, guys. That was great.” Sketchy said with a smile and he held up a peace sign before he walked out of the door.
“I’ll stay and help you finish up.” Logan insisted, but that wasn’t too much of a surprise there.
Then Alec looked down at you for a moment, “You want me to walk you home?”
You smiled up at him, “I’d like that. Maybe on the way we can talk about more of those traditions. I’ll even look into getting some gingerbread houses or something.”
“Sounds like a plan, Sweetheart.” Alec said and he held your hand before the two of you walked out of the apartment.
Never in a million years did Alec think he would be in a place where he would be kissing a girl under mistletoe, or even talk about something like building gingerbread houses. But he knew that this year would be different and he couldn’t be more excited to what this season held for him now that you were there.
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Hello everyone! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed! This will be the first of hopefully a plethora of holiday themed one shots and I ok forward to sharing them with you! Wishing you all the best~
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@roseblue373 @deans-spinster-witch
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kitmoas · 9 months
WOAH im 2 on this wonderful hellsite?
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First off I wanna start out by saying I know that this year I've been a bit MIA :( I basically ended TGU Season 1 and left you guys pretty high and dry until I started posting some Halloween fics (no one look at the fact that I'm missing a couple of those)
I have had a pretty busy year but I wanna just do a lil backtracking and talk about it. Ive gotten to do some amazing things this year. I got to meet and be with my gorgeous girlfriend @themidnightcrimson <3 (hi lil sickie). I got to meet daddy, mommy, and Dragon Mommy with my best friends @maximotts and @belovaskitkat (the 4$ water at con truly did something to us). I got a few promotions throughout the year even if my job literally makes me want to die (Im frantically typing this BEFORE i go into work even though its Christmas Eve and my tumblr birfday)
I got to get closer to so many people and I just know that even though so many shitty things happened this year and so many things really tanked most people's year that I have some of the best people that surround me.
I just want to thank you all for being here and being part of my lil chaos community. I want you guys to know that even when Im being a lil cryptid that I do remember you guys and will always come back!
That being said I am going to give a shoutout to some lil gay people in my phone and then also theres a poll right there that you guys should vote on, cause I am going to give you guys a gift even tho its my 2nd birfday
@bunplushyy @crescent-witch @caroldantops @wandasdolly @scarlettwlw @didujustcallmedumb @didntalwayslookthisrough (Lain wtf it won’t let me tag you) @softlymaximoff @inkblot-inc @furys-eyepatch there’s prolly more and I suck and am running out of time so if you see this and we have spoken even once this year. I fucking love you lil gay person
Also. All my lil nons. I love you guys so fucking much. Okay? I know I don’t know who you are exactly but thank you 🥺🥺🥺💖💖
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ducks-and-stuff · 8 months
okay so that last repost I did had the exact opposite intended affect on me and now I want to write about how much I hate Pearl and Grian and skyblings in general and sure I don’t watch a lot of their content nowadays and I never watched Pearl’s side of Evo but guess what? no-one is reading this anyways so here we go: 
So first off, do- do Pearl and Grian, like, interact that much on camera? Obviously they’re friends cause Grian invited her to the Life series and  Evo and stuff but when they’re recording they tend to do their own thing in different directions. This might just be because Pearl is upside down all the way in Australia time differences but even when playing on the life series neither of them seem to really spend vast amounts of time with the other. Just a quick cool quick little interaction or teaming up because convenience or they respect the others skill. Or maybe I just don’t watch either’s perspective enough, who knows, just haven’t seen them spend quality time with each other a lot on there. 
As for Hermitcraft, Boatem was a really good group but, uh, guys? Friends? Fellas? there were 5 members of Boatem, not 2. Why are we not going around headcannoning Mumbo and Impulse as brothers if living together makes Pearl and Grian siblings? I don’t remember them interacting all that much in season 9 either, but both did choose to live relatively close to at least one other Boatem member, Impulse and Pearl sibling au when? 
So maybe it’s beacause of Evo then. Maybe it’s that little ol’ Minecraft series that Grian left half a decade ago, cool. Pearl had a sad little montage, good for her. I’ve also heard someone say they were canonically siblings in that series but I’m not bothering to do actual work for this rant so… fun. Point is, all that was a long while ago. Sure their content has gone in wildly different directions since then with being Hermits and Emperors and little copper golems but basing their current relations off of Evo is still relevant, right? And to that I have to say, ABSOLUTELY. I’m a sucker for Evo’s ending and people who love each other finally managing to claw their way back into the other’s arms or literally any other story revolving around the end of Evo ever. I will hold onto my half a decade old Grian and Pearl headcannons till the end of time you hear me???? Authors out there including Evo angst in your work I love you so much, you make me cry. Characters separated by the gods themselves are best characters, and if the only way I’m going to get that content is if they’re blood related then I will swallow my pride and enjoy it to no end! Write more Evo affecting the present stuff and I will uh- give you this random dust bunny in my pocket. Fair trade. 
But- ahem- yes, back to complaining. Jimmy and Pearl. Guys. GUYS, I write Pearl and Jimmy interactions all the time, I’m the Pearl and Jimmy guy! And even I don’t think they interact that much??? As for the present, They have good moments together yeah because they’re both hilarious but they have their own little groups they tend to stay within. Pearls being a girlboss with her best buds and Jimmy’s being bullied by his. Have they even ever teamed in a life series? Did they ever really talk on Empires that much? Jimmy invited her to help with his Christmas village building which was a really nice surprise and they hung out on Evo, but, anything the fandom is both glued to and recent? 
Honestly, my biggest issue is just that is seems like the age old trope of tying a female to a more popular male character and I hate it. Obviously in the world of male dominated mcyt this is kinda hard to avoid but… this headcannon with most popular kid in school Grian specifically when I don’t even see them interacting that much? I understand Grian and Jimmy because they actually have a lot of close, consistent interactions but every time I see Pearl in the mix I just have to pause and question it. There was a really good post a while ago about how people tend to assign her as oldest because reason that is probably ‘well, girls are more mature’, and yeah, why are we doing that? Why are we all just putting her into a trio she’s rarely seen with nowadays anyways? She’s a public menace, not a menace to these two in particular.
With Grian especially it seems to me like it could be a case of sure, woman in her own is cool but what if it was woman and DUDE EVERYONE ALSO LIKES SO MUCH?!???? HOW AMAZINGLY AMAZING. They’ll fit together like two puzzle pieces from different boxes with the same color scheme! So fun right? To me it seems as though this dynamic was not based around these three close friends who were like siblings, but instead, Grian plus his loving family. One member of which is going to wander off to find Gem and Impulse anyways. 
So yeah, I say free them all, but especially Pearl, from this dynamic. Share her chaos! Give her a mace! Set her lose onto the world! 
Or, don’t, lol. Ultimately the point of a fandom is for everyone to have fun, and if shoving these little guys together is what makes you happiest then go for it! I just like complaining and I see a hint of underlying sexism in the headcannon being so widely accepted on what seems to me as such little basis, but who’s a random internet user to stop you from doing what you love. 
Just because I have a personal problem with something that isn’t really hurting anybody doesn’t mean you should stop, like I said, I love writing stories about Jimmy and Pearl clinging onto each other after Evo regardless of my belief that they don’t really do that at all in their content today. So yeah, write your stories, make your art, and remember to have fun with (any very non-problematic 👍) things regardless of what anybody else says! Best wishes to you MCYTumblr! Everyone’s art and writing and we weaves and whatever over these little guys we’ve all decided to cling to is absolutely beautiful to witness! 
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awooghan · 2 years
24 to 25 ✧.* y.ji (TEASER)
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➳ PAIRING: jeongin x fem!reader
➳ GENRE: fluff, angst, childhood friends to lovers
➳ WARNINGS: none (teaser only)
➳ WORD COUNT: 1.5k for teaser; 25k+ for full fic 😵‍💫
(UPDATE: i gravely underestimated my final wc t’s actually 47.7k 😭)
➳ SUMMARY: “stay for christmas?” was a phrase jeongin first uttered to you when you were both ten years old, but neither of you had any idea the bond those three little words would hold as the years go by.
➳ NOTES: hey besties! this is a backup account for @//plutominho , i got shadowbanned on there and just made a new account so ppl can actually see this come up in the tags 😭 this is my longest fic yet and i’m honestly still writing the last few parts of it 🫠 but i rly like how it’s turned out so far and i hope y’all will like it too! it’s a rewrite of a fic from last year. i’ll save the actual long note for when i post the final product but thank you so so much to @svtbabies for helping me throughout the course of writing this fic. you’ve helped so much in fleshing out the plot and the little details that i got stuck on and i absolutely adore what’s come out of this. also ty for the lovely banner ahhhhh ilysm 🥹🫂
@starlighthan @starseungs @crispy-chan @gloseoks @pearlychai @sulfurcosmos …uh hey i’m alive 👁👄👁
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“Come on, Y/N, you can’t cling onto my shirt forever,” your mother urges you with a small chuckle.
You stiffen up in your spot at the edge of the picnic bench, and your eyes bounce between the several children on and around the playground equipment. Mixtures of squeals and cheerful laughter ring above the christmas song playing from the outdoor speaker your new neighbors, the Choi family, set up. You forgot if it was the one with the son older than you or the son your age, though—you didn’t exactly bother to learn their names when your mother introduced you.
“Go on, Y/N.” Her voice fills your ears again as she gently pushes you off the bench. Speak of the devil. 
Shoving your hands in your pockets, you kick the dust with your feet and you keep your gaze cast down on the ground. You didn’t want to socialize—why would you want to make new friends when you had perfectly good ones back in your old neighborhood? Why couldn’t you just go back there? Or just snatch your mother’s dingy old flip phone for a couple minutes to send them a message?
Besides, most of the children here don’t seem like ones you’d be particularly… compatible with. You shouldn’t be one to judge, but the majority of the ones doing laps on the playground equipment couldn’t have been older than five or six. At your big age of nine years old, there’s not much you would have in common with a literal kindergartener. Plus, it seems like they had all formed a friend group of their own, and you’re more than content just watching them chase each other around, gleeful, high-pitched squeals bubbling from their sticky mouths.
Turning your head slightly, you find a group of teenagers sitting around another bench several feet away from all the adults, two of which had their bottoms perched on top of the table as they faced their friends. You would approach them, but just like how you wouldn’t exactly favor befriending the five-year-olds with crayons up their noses, the teenagers likely thought the same of you. Closing your eyes in despair, you groan to yourself and resort to dragging your feet across the dirt.
Why did you even have to move?
As you let out a sigh, you perk up at the fact you could see it in the cold air. It sparks an insurmountable amount of joy for some reason. Perhaps it’s because of the timing of the puff of air with the line, ’Jack Frost nipping at your nose’ that rings from the speakers at the other end of the small neighborhood park, but it causes a giggle to slip past your lips. It’s almost like a new light under the already-dimming sky, the soft pinks and oranges slowly dissipating as the sun begins to dip behind the mountains and give way to the overcast above. 
However, you quickly get distracted by the sight of a boy your age—or at least, you assumed—and you hesitantly step closer.
And there he was.
He was short, upside down on the monkey bars, and wearing the most obnoxious shade of purple you had ever laid eyes on. You aren’t sure what hurts more: the sun in your eyes or staring at his sweater. 
Looking away from the light gray clouds that hung above the park, you let your gaze fall to the boy. He watches you quietly as he continues to hang upside down, and you notice the small smile that paints his slowly reddening face.
Here goes nothing, you guess.
“Um… hi.”
He stays silent, staring at you with his beady eyes. 
Gulping, you continue. “I'm Y/N.” 
He mumbles something back, but you can barely make out what he says and you tilt your head slightly in confusion.
“My name is Jeongin,” he repeats, only the slightest bit louder. 
A smile of your own quickly forms on your face. You raise a hand up for him to shake, and he just stares at it for a second before moving one of his outstretched arms to meet you, his hand grasping yours at an awkward angle. You both can’t help but giggle as you give your best attempt at a handshake.
“Nice to meet you, Jeongin,” you say, slowly pulling your hand away and letting his drop above, or rather, below his upside-down head. “I'm Y/N.”
“You said that already,” He says, and his bluntness makes you chuckle.
Slowly, Jeongin maneuvers himself so he’s sitting on top of the monkey bars instead of hanging upside down. Once he gets upright and steadies himself from the blood rushing down from his head, he stares back down at you. 
You stuff your hands into your pockets and heave out a sigh. “My mom says I need a friend,” you explain your current plight to Jeongin, and you find his soft gaze once again. It’s strange, really—you've only exchanged a few words with this boy, but you already feel comfortable enough to complain about your mother’s nagging to him.
You suppose that helps your next words spill out more easily.
“Want to be friends?” 
You watch Jeongin expectantly as he looks down, picking at a piece of lint on his hideous purple sweater. He ponders your question for a minute, and you feel a wave of relief wash over you when he finally nods in response. If your mom wanted you to have a friend so badly, there you go. You got one.
You stand there awkwardly, your eyes drifting back up to the sky for a moment. It occurs to you that you’ve never asked someone to be friends with you; it’s always just kind of happened.
And now you’re stuck, unsure what to do next.
You let out another huff of air, another smile tickling your lips as you watch the faint, white puff form in front of your eyes. Then you look back up at the boy in the obnoxious purple sweater, who seems just as amused by the cold air as you as he lets out his own breath, exhaling like a small dragon.
A chuckle escapes your parted lips as you watch him, kicking his legs lightly as he stares up at the sky. After another minute, you speak again.
“Can I sit up there with you too?”
Nodding his head, he mumbles a small “yeah” and the corners of your mouth twitch up as you hurriedly climb your way up onto the monkey bars. You dangle your legs through the same section as Jeongin’s, and you shift your position slightly as you steady yourself.
A gust of cold air causes you to shiver and as a response, you pull your puffy coat closer to you. This seems to make Jeongin chuckle fondly, and you feel his eyes linger on you for a second before he looks out at the horizon. Neither of you are tall enough to see much above the houses in front of you, but you figure you can use your imaginations to picture what lies beyond that. It’ll have to do.
You both remain silent for a while like this, allowing the chatter and Christmas music below to fill the air around you. It’s comfortable, it feels like a weighted blanket wrapped around your shoulders—which is funny to say because you’re sharing this moment with a kid you’ve barely known for ten minutes. You don’t mind, though. By the looks of it, and the friendly glances you exchange with each other, Jeongin doesn’t seem to, either.
Suddenly, a cold, wet spot falls onto your nose, causing you to gasp and look up.
“Is that…”
Jeongin tilts his head up as well, and he chuckles when another wet drop lands on his face. Meanwhile, you’re in awe. You let your mouth fall open, and your eyes swirl with pure wonderment as you watch the white crystals above you flutter down. It sends chills down your spine, but wraps you up in a cocoon of warmth at the same time. 
“Snow…” is all you manage to mumble. 
Jeongin turns to you, a small smile tugging at his lips. “Have you never seen snow before?”
You glance at him once, shake your head, and look back up at the sky. 
The boy’s jaw drops. It almost mirrors your dazed expression, except his features are twisted in surprise. But it’s true—snow was something you had only witnessed in movies. As far as you were concerned, the fluffy, white particles only ever graced the stop-motion characters on the old-timey Christmas cartoons you rewatched every year, or the main couple in whatever cheesy Hallmark movie your parents decided to indulge in.
That is, until now.
You didn’t know at that moment what type of future you had in store, but you know one thing: the snow is beautiful. And as you follow Jeongin down the monkey bars and to your first snowball fight, you have an inkling that you’ll be sticking with him for a while.
Maybe this move won’t be so bad after all.
full version release date: december 25 (hopefully)
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nobodysdaydreams · 10 months
Also: Whiskey boy needs to chill, seriously. Are we sure Doug is the one with the problem?
Welcome back dear readers. Thanks again for your patience. Excited to continue with my season 3 reactions!
Tagging the mutuals who got me invested in this, and if you want to be tagged or untagged from these posts, lmk, or you can follow my blog or simply follow the tag "#bods wolf359 reactions". Anyone who has followed me for a while knows my updates are inconsistent, so I apologize in advance for that and for any spelling/grammar mistakes in my posts.
@sophieswundergarten @oflightningandstars @acollectionofcuriousreblogs @herawell @commsroom
Episode 38: Happy Endings
I'm gonna be doing chores while I listen to these three episodes, so sorry if the notes get a bit brief.
This Hilbert and Doug morality debate is funny because it's literally one actor debating with himself.
I'm sad Hera can't be a part of the group.
"2am"? How is it 2am? You're...you're not on earth. I understand keeping up with a schedule, but it's still a little weird, what time zone are they following?
The way Hilbert talks about Sam... it's like he has this shred of humanity left inside him that he's just gotten used to ignoring.
And Hilbert, I have a clear answer to your little "trolley problem": the decima virus is CUTTER'S property. He put that in your contract, or have you forgotten? Do you seriously think that man will be using it for the good of humanity? Because I don't.
I also feel like the "No one gets a happy ending/ there are no happy endings" think is foreshadowing. But I hope I am wrong.
"This wasn't here last time"
IS THIS THAT WEIRD DOOR???? FINALLY! Bah-ha just shove him in! At least it’s not the airlock which is what I was expecting.
Hm. Do not like the dark. Uh what. Also. Isn’t he supposed to be alone? Totally alone? And shouldn’t it be an emergency?
Dentist chair from hell? Nope. Don’t like it.
Recorded message? Oh gosh not the slow claps…Cutter no doubt. Of course he does a dramatic dark room, and the lights go up on an evil chair...he was one of those kids in school who at recess would find insects and torture them for fun, wasn't he?
Easter egg? Cutter, this is the worst easter themed scavenger hunt I've ever heard of. Where are the chocolate bunnies? The jellybeans? The message of hope, love, and rebirth? But I suppose I should expect nothing else from the man who ordered the killing of three people on Christmas. Makes you wonder what Cutter has against holidays. Did mommy and daddy not give someone enough presents?
“The other crew has... gone away like last time” Cutter you suck. Seriously his villain mode does not have an off switch.
What does Cutter want with his brain? An old friend made this for him?? Is it the dude he killed or is it the Pryce person he wrote the book with? Makes me wonder where his mysterious friend is hiding. In the shadows at Cutter's right hand or six feet underground with a knife in the back? Not sure which is worse. I guess we'll see.
THEY CAN SCAN HIS BRAIN AND GET THAT KIND OF INFO? That...but...I...as someone who knows slightly more than average about how the brain works, Cutter needs to learn how to make better use of his tech. I cannot even BEGIN to tell you how much better his evil plans would go, if he focused on THAT instead of...oh I don't know...investing his money into elaborate dark rooms with evil dentist chairs and slow clap videos?
Also "Hera can't detect these secret rooms" HOW. HOW CAN SHE NOT THAT'S AN AWFUL IDEA: She flies the ship, she has to calculate for its size. It's science fiction, so let me be 100% clear, I'm not dumping on the creators or writers, I'm dumping on Cutter the character. You idiot.
Oh he’s just leaving him in space. Oh...Hilbert will come around in the hopes that he’ll use decima to help people. That's cruel. “Thanks for all the memories” Cutter. DUDE. Too much.
Do not give him your memories. Do not Hilbert.
Haha… hee hee… why is he laughing?
Brilliant? Chance for work to continue? NO. HILBERT YOU DUM-DUM. THEY ARE NOT GOING TO USE IT FOR GOOD. CUTTER WILL NOT USE IT FOR GOOD. BECAUSE HE IS NOT A GOOD MAN. The reason you shouldn't do this has nothing to do with sacrifices for the great good...it's that the greater good IS NOT GUARANTEED AND LIKELY DOESN'T EXIST BASED ON CUTTER'S BEHAVIOR!
Don’t call her Isabel. You are in the wrong here Hilbert. And there is a very clear difference between what she is doing and what you are doing. She knows better than to count on a killer for benevolence.
Good. Smart. Don’t get in the chair. It would probably slice off your head or something.
Something about Eiffel? Minkowski… Doug is your friend. Just because he served time doesn’t mean he’s a bad guy.
Well Lovelace and Hilbert...it's an unusual alliance. Hope it works out.
Episode 39: All Things Considered
"It's a bottle…"
👎🙅‍♂️🤬❌ WRONG!
Oh it's the Whiskey isn't it.
Wrong! Cancelled! 🤬👎🙅‍♂️❌
Oh my gosh Kepler shut up.
Of course duck boy knows the boss’s drinks. Teacher's pet.
“YOU VILLAGE IDIOTS!…🤬... but points to you Jacobi 😏🥰👍" okay… clearly discount Cutter has his own discount Kepler.
oh I love these stories. Why do I feel like Minkowski's is gonna be the most realistic. Like, I can see Doug making lightsaber noises, and I can see Jacobi being a little arrogant. Just...maybe a little exaggerated.
Oh my gosh Jacobi's story. 😂😂😂 The way he's portraying Doug is way too much.
“But the button is so shiny! 🥺” PFFT- the way Jacobi portrays Doug... I'm sorry for laughing but it's too funny😂
He’s doing Minkowski dirty. Why is he making her talk like a valley girl?
“I’m sorry Jacobi you were right!” / “I’m just gonna lean against this big red button!”
Duck boy who do you think you’re fooling with this one 😂
I cannot wait for Doug's story.
Yes, Doug I am ready for the truth. I am so ready. I AM READY!
I love Hera’s announcement: "Uh...yeah some stuff is happening today for sure"
“The innocent victim stepped in to help” why is Doug me telling a story.
“We’ve never high-fived!” “We’re headed to truth town!”
Heck yeah we are! All aboard to truth town Doug, this is the best story yet!
Why are they like fighting elementary school children? I love this. Dang Doug is roasting them!
“Oh thank goodness Doug you saved us 🥰”
"Minkowski decked him!" "I did not!" "Duck boy passed out" "I did not!" "But then Hilbert came. Russian's are drawn to loud noises and he wanted to experiment on Jacobi's brain."
Doug, if you made a fictional podcast about your time in space I would listen to it. It sounds amazing.
Why is Minkowski doing a different accent now? WHY IS HERA THE VILLAIN SUDDENLY DOING A ROBOT UPRISING? 😂
"Is there any truth to your story?" Um...yeah? I'm pretty sure there were donuts in multiple stories Kelper 🙄
"But... but truth town! 🥺"
I agree. Doug was taking them straight to truth town and Whiskey boy shut down the railways. All because discount Cutter can't handle the truth. Big surprise.
“As I've mentioned...I like the feel of it IN MY HAND 😡”
Geez man okay.
And Doug's story was not a time waste. It was delightful. Just because discount Cutter is evil doesn't mean he has to be the fun police.
“Until your idiocy stretches all the way around back to half-way competent” dang I really am like Doug. 😔
Episode 40: Limbo
"Lob of meat" well you don't have to say it like that Hera.
"I can't think of a single way to prank everyone else" Doug. Jacobi is afraid of ducks. You are sitting on a gold mine.
Ugh this is awful because I can't tell if Hera's compliance with Maxwell is programmed or not! It's so scary that her free will can just be...programmed out.
Maxwell. Why are you interrogating her? Hera. Do not turn on your friends. Maxwell. You BETTER be trying to help.
I'm very worried about Hera. Is Kepler going to shut her down?
Good on you Hera. She deserves to know the truth.
...oh no.
Maybe I'm misremembering this, but was it Maxwell or Lovelace who said "if only Hera knew the truth" a few episodes back? I'm really suspicious about how Cutter and co. treat the AIs and what they want with them.
Hera. Talk to Doug about it. Just let him know you're scared. He'll be there for you.
Hera please let your friends help you. Please let them help you. AND LEAVE HERA ALONE STOP OVERWHELMING HER! She clearly has...whatever the AI equivalent of anxiety is.
I feel so bad for Hera. I swear. Whatever Cutter has planned for her...he will pay for this.
Hera offline? NOOOOOO...
Maxwell you kinda got in her head.
But everyone has problems. And Hera is more than a robot computer. She's a friend. You can't just shut her down!
I KNEW IT. A panic attack. She has anxiety 🥺. Poor Hera.
What's dummy program? Would they destroy Hera's freewill? Neanderthal version of AI? No. Maxwell no. You don't get it. Hera is a friend. Oh they don't get it. They think it's a companion to her, not a replacement for her.
I need Whiskey Boy to drown in his own whiskey. And I need Hera to be okay. You can't do this to me. You already took Blessie you monsters. YOU ALREADY TOOK BLESSIE!
Maxwell stand up to discount Cutter! "Don't forget what she is Maxwell. She went rogue and tried to escape. There's a reasons she's up here. She's expendable. Make sure that doesn't become you." YOU better make sure it's not YOU whiskey boy. Hera just wanted freedom! She didn't ask to be born!
Minkowski just tell him. Please tell him.
Minkowski don't make him go through this. Please stop.
Kidnapping isn't the worst part? That's...this doesn't sound like a fun story. This doesn't sound like a trip to truth town.
Right. His daughter. Baby Ann 🥺
Doug would make a good dad. Oh no. I predict that he had drug and alcohol issues!!! Oh he gets clean. Good for him. Oh no... Doug...relapse is bad.
Oh he loses Ann. HE KIDNAPS HER? Doug bad idea. People get put away for stuff like that.
NO HE CRASHED INTO SOME TEENS. ...Model UN president in a wheelchair?
The way he says "I was fine...the driver's always fine..." yikes. He made her deaf? He hasn't seen her since? How old was she?
Hera needs to be okay. And I'm sorry if they have the tech for sentient AI, decima viruses, space travel, and who knows what else, that weird brain transmitting machine, then deafness should be totally curable by now, Cutter's just hogging the tech to himself like a psychopath. I hate him. I hate him so much. Cutter is the worst. I hope HE loses his senses. Almost all his senses. Except for pain. That's the only one he deserves to keep.
I hope Maxwell can save Hera. She has to! Hera can't die now. We already went through that, and she deserves to be happy.
But I do get the feeling that might not happen. For anyone.
You know, as I go back and edit this, I gotta say, in some ways Kepler is like an evil version of Doug. They both clearly like alcohol and substances (Kepler's "I like the feel of it in my hand" and Doug's "I just want to hold the cigarette"), but Doug wants to get better while Kepler clearly doesn't. "You're like this Whiskey see? I'd be sad without it but I'd be okay." And then he risks the life of his crew for it. You sure you don't have a bit of problem Whiskey boy? 👀
And that's all folks! Thanks dear readers for coming along on my journey. Sorry for the delays in reactions. Life gets busy, but I try to do at least once a week for you guys.
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Oh Holy Night
Fandom: 9-1-1 Rating: General Pairing: Buddie, Eddie Diaz x Evan ‘Buck’ Buckley AO3   Masterlist
Summary: The 118 get a last minute call on Christmas Eve that does not go well. 
     The alarm rang with literally one minute left to go before the end of shift, and as much as they all wanted to leave it for the next shift and make it home in time for Christmas, they all knew they couldn't do it. 
     “One more to close out the shift, guys, let's move!” Bobby called as he ran past them and toward the truck. 
     They were pulling up to the fire just minutes later, a structure fire in some old abandoned warehouse. Buck couldn't help but feel relieved about that. He couldn't even imagine showing up to a house or building fire, having to pull families out of their burning homes on Christmas Eve, seeing the devastated faces of the kids. 
     There was another fire house already there when they pulled up and hopped out of the truck, pulling out some homeless who had taken shelter inside. “What's going on?” Bobby called to the chief of the other station.
     “We've pulled five already, one of them said there's another guy still inside, said he ran toward the back of the building when the fire broke out. I've got guys searching the front and left sides of the building, but we haven't found him yet. Name’s James.”
     “Okay!” Bobby nodded, then turned to his crew, “Chim, I want you to help treat those who have already been pulled from the fire. Hen you're with me, we're going to sweep right, Buck and Eddie, you two head to the back of the building. We've got a man missing, his name is James. Listen to your radios, we won't have much time once we're inside, so when I say out you haul ass, understood?”
     “Yes Captain!” They all answered in unison, then everyone ran off to their assigned places. 
     Hen and Bobby entered first, immediately turning to the right. Eddie and Buck were right behind them and quickly made their way to the back of the building. The fire was roaring to life around them, the smoke was so thick they could barely see where they were going, the only way Buck even knew Eddie was just an arms reach ahead of him, was because every few steps he'd reach out to touch him. 
     They finally made it to the back rooms, looking through each room and calling out but no one answered. “I don't think he's back here, Buck!” Eddie shouted over the fire. 
     “Yeah, I don't think so either! Radio Bobby, let him know it's clear back here.”
     “Buck, Eddie,” Bobby beat them to it, his voice ringing clear through the radio, “we got James, head back!”
     “Copy that, Cap,” Eddie answered back, then turned and started making his way back with Buck.
     They were halfway back when the building started to shake. Buck looked up just in time to see one of the beams falling toward him, but at the last second he was pushed out of the way by Eddie. He felt it miss him by mere inches, brushing past his back as he stumbled to the ground. He called out for Eddie, turning back to try and look for him, but he didn't get far before the rest of the building was falling on top of them and everything went black.
     Buck groaned and lulled his aching head to the side. He slowly opened his eyes only to be met with the dim light from his helmet, and found he was encased in a bubble of debris. “Eddie?” He called out, choking on the still settling dust around him. “Eddie? Where are you?”
     A groan to his left had him turning his head, and he could just barely make out Eddie beside him coming to. “Uh, Buck…?” 
     “I'm here, Eddie!” 
     Eddie turned his head fully to look at him. Buck could see that his helmet had fallen off during the chaos and there was a gash on his head, it didn't look too bad but he couldn't see much more than that.
     “Are you hurt?” Eddie asked.
     Buck shook his head, “No, no I'm good, my leg’s pinned under something, but I'm fine. You?”
     “I hurt like hell, but I think I'm okay.” 
     “Can you reach me?” Buck asked and held his arm out through the debris, reaching over the beam that had fallen between them. 
     Eddie lifted his arm too, but they were just a few inches short of touching. “Maybe I can move and, ah-”
     Eddie winced and pulled back, his face contorting in pain and Buck panicked. “What?! What's wrong?!”
     “My side,” he grunted, reaching a hand down to touch it. Then he lifted his hand to his face to look and both of them went still, silent. “I think… I don't think I'm okay, Buck.”
     “Hey! Hey! Help us!” Buck had been screaming for what felt like hours. Since the second he saw the blood covering Eddie’s hand, he hadn't stopped. Eddie was getting paler and paler by the second, Buck couldn't move to get to him, to put pressure on it, the radio wasn’t working, and no one was coming. “Hey! Were down here! Hey!”
     His throat was raw with how hard and how long he'd been screaming, “Help us!”
     “Buck,” he breathed, a little more forceful this time, “Buck, it's okay.”
     “It's not okay, Eddie. You're bleeding out, you need help, I can't…”
     “Buck, I need you to stop for a second, please stop.” He kept screaming, kept slamming his hands against the debris over his head to no avail. “Buck!”
     Buck stopped moving and looked over to Eddie. He couldn't see much in the dim light but he could tell that he had pretty much no colour left in his face, his skin was almost gray. His eyes were just slits and Buck could tell he was fighting to even keep them open that much, and he had started to slump against the beam that separated them. Buck was trying his best to hold it together, to focus on trying to get Eddie help as fast as he could, but seeing Eddie look like that was more than he could handle. It was just like the last time.
     “Buck, are you listening?” Eddie breathed and forced his eyes open enough to see Buck nod. “Good. In case… in case I don't make it-”
     “No, stop,” Buck whined, shaking his head, “don't say that. You'll be fine, they'll get us.”
     “In case I don't make it,” he repeated, “I have some things I wanna say. First, you remember when I got shot and I told you that I had made you Christopher’s legal guardian? I need you to make sure you follow through with that. No matter what happens, please, make sure my parents don't try and take him away. He's going to need you, Buck, and I know you're going to need him. You have… you have to stay together, okay?”
     “Eddie, you know I'll always take care of Chris, but I won't have to-”
     “I'm not done,” he sucked in a raspy breath, “there's one more thing I have to say, and I'm just going to say it. Buck, I love you.”
     “Eddie…” Buck was crying, tears streaming down his face, clearing tracks through the soot caked on his cheeks.
     “I always have,” he whispered, leaning more heavily against the beam, his voice getting softer with each word, “I just wanted you to know, just in case I don't make it out. You don't even have to say it back, I just… I just needed to know that if I… if I do die, I at least got to let you know how I feel about you.”
     “Eds… Eddie!” He called to him as Eddie fully slumped over the beam, trying desperately to reach him. 
     “Keep him safe, Buck, keep Chris happy, I…” Eddie’s arm dropped from the beam, limp like the rest of him was now. “I… Buck, love you…”
     “Eddie! No, Eddie, gah!” He screamed again, feeling each word rip at his throat, grunting as he pushed with all his force at the debris above him. Eddie wasn't answering anymore, he wasn't even sure if he was breathing, and Buck felt his own chest tighten and he put everything he had in him to try and break through. 
     “Ahh!” He grunted, then suddenly his arms burst through and someone was grabbing his hand.
     “Hey! We're here, we're gonna get you out! Just hang on!”
     Chim, it was Chimney. Then there was light in his face, blinding him, and finally there was hope.
     “Alright, let's get you out of here-” Chim started to say, but Buck stopped him.
     “No! Get Eddie, you have to get Eddie! He's hurt!”
     Chim ducked his head under the debris to look at where Buck was pointing, and as soon as he saw Eddie's limp form, he jumped back up and started yelling for the others to help him. Buck waited and held his breath, then finally Chim popped his head through the debris over Eddie. He reached down to place his fingers on Eddie's neck, then yelled for a collar and a backboard. He watched as Chim and someone from another station lifted Eddie from the hole they were in, then he was gone, and suddenly Hen was on him.
     “Buck, are you hurt?” She asked, her eyes scanning him and her hands roaming his body looking for any indication of injury.
     “Is Eddie okay?”
     “Buck, baby, answer me. Are you hurt anywhere?” Hen asked again.
     “Is he even alive?!” Buck screamed and Hen jumped back a bit. He'd never yelled at her before, and he hadn't meant to now, but he needed to know.
     Hen lifted herself back through the hole and looked over to where the other station's medics were loading a still unconscious and unmoving Eddie into the ambulance and driving away. She didn't know, she hadn't checked for his pulse or taken any vitals, so she didn't know what to say and opted to just say nothing.
     Buck took in the look she was giving him, that heartbroken stare and he didn't need her to say anything, it was all in her eyes. Eddie still wasn't awake, Eddie still wasn’t responding, if he'd been awake when she looked up she would have told him. All he could do was cry.
     He registered Hen trying for a third time to ask him questions, he heard Chim behind her while the two talked. He saw through foggy eyes when Chim climbed through the hole where they had taken Eddie, felt him crawl over and lift the beam off his leg to free him. But while it was all going on his thoughts were only on Eddie, on Christopher, on what Eddie had said and on what Buck hadn't said. He thought of the dull gray colour of his skin, the limpness of his body, the silence that followed it all. 
     “Buck, I’m putting a collar on you, okay,” Chim said right beside his ear, “Hen, pass the board.”
     The next thing Buck knew he was being lifted through the hole, then he was horizontal and moving. Again he registered both Chim and Hen talking to him while they pushed him to the ambulance, but again he said nothing. He just kept staring up, into a void that was Eddie shaped and all consuming, feeling the tears falling from the corners of his eyes and gathering in his hairline. How was he supposed to live his life without Eddie, and how was he supposed to tell Chris his dad was gone?
     He was wheeled around the hospital and put through every kind of test imaginable, which he was pretty sure Bobby had a hand in. He'd had his blood taken about three times already, x-rayed about every bone in his body, and seen the inside of a dozen other machines. But all the while he was in a daze, this hazed over trance of complete and utter hopelessness. His heart was aching for Eddie and the loss he now carried, would always carry, and his mind was stuck on Christopher. He didn't know if he was okay, if he was home, if anyone had told him, and on Christmas of all days. He was going to be devastated. 
     Eventually he was wheeled into a room, his vitals checked one last time, and then he was alone, which was all together worse than having the distraction of the tests to at least dull down some of his thoughts. 
     “Hey, Buck.” He didn't move his eyes from where they remained stuck on the ceiling, but he knew it was Bobby's voice. “How do you feel?”
     He didn't answer, he just couldn't find the energy in him to make his mouth work.
     Bobby walked over and sat in the chair by the bed. Buck managed to tear his eyes away for a split second to take in Bobby. He didn't know how long he'd been doing all his tests for, it had felt like hours, but despite how long it had actually been Bobby had obviously been there the whole time. He had ditched his turnout gear but he was still in his uniform, and he was just as covered in soot and ash as Buck was. It was in his hair, on his face, his hands. He'd stayed at the hospital the whole time, hadn't left to shower or change, Buck hadn't expected anything less from him.
     “I wanted to let you know that Chris is alright. I knew you'd be worried about him, but as soon as we got him out and into the ambulance, Athena called Eddie's Abuela and told her what happened. She's going to keep Chris at her house for now.”
     Buck nodded, the first sign that he'd even been listening since he was pulled from the debris. He was relieved to know that Chris was safe and with someone he loved, but then the tears started up again as he asked, “Does he know?”
     Bobby scrunched his brow and leaned to rest his elbows on his knees. “Know what? About the accident?”
     “About…” He took a breath, “About Eddie.”
     “Buck, Eddie-”
     “I should be the one to tell him,” Buck blurted, choking on a sob, “he should hear it from me.”
     “Tell him what exactly?”
     “He's going to be devastated,” Buck sucked in a breath and covered his face with a hand, “so I… we've been through this once before when Eddie… when Eddie was shot, so it should be me. I'll tell him what happened, I'll make sure he knows his dad died a hero.”
     “Died… Buck,” Bobby leaned in even further and shook his head, “Eddie’s not dead.”
     “What?!” He turned two shimmering, hope filled globes on Bobby, begging for this to be real. “He’s… when I asked if he was alive Hen didn't say anything, and I just… I thought…”
     “He's alive, Buck,” Bobby smiled at him, “Hen didn't know the extent of his injuries, the other station's medics transported him while Hen and Chim pulled you out. But he is very much alive and he's actually the reason why I'm here right now.”
     “What do you mean?”
     Bobby couldn't help but laugh a bit before he answered, “He's all patched up now, he's got a concussion, stitches in his side, but nothing’s broken and his other scans came up clear. The doctors wanted him to rest with no visitors except for me, but he's refusing to rest. He's also threatened the nurses more than once that he was going to rip out his IV and wires, and get himself out of bed if they didn't let you into the room to see him. So I've come to bring you to Eddie's room before he causes any more of a fuss. So, do you wanna go see him?”
     “Yes! Yes, let's go!” Buck swung his legs over the side of the bed and was on his feet, before nearly falling over.
     Bobby reached out and caught him before he hit the ground, and propped him against his side for support. “Easy there, Buck. You also have a concussion and a sprained ankle, so let's not over do this alright.”
     “I just want to get to Eddie, I need to tell him something.”
     “I know,” Bobby chuckled again as Buck tried to hop them forward, but he kept a firm grip on his waist, “but Eddie’s not going anywhere, so just slow down.”
     Buck reluctantly slowed his pace to match Bobby’s and allowed him to lead him through the halls. With every turn down a new hallway Buck hobbled a little faster, then finally they were there. He could hear Eddie's voice coming through the slightly opened door, and if Bobby hadn't had such a grip on him he would have been running.
     Bobby reached a hand out to push the door open, revealing a very determined looking Eddie and a very distraught looking nurse. “I told you if you didn't let Buck in here, I was going to see him myself! I need to see him!”
     “Sir, Mr. Diaz, please,” the nurse begged, trying to stop him from ripping out the IV, “your boss has gone to speak with Mr. Buckley, just have some patience, I'm sure he'll be back soon.”
     “And here I am,” Bobby said as he walked in with Buck in tow, “or rather here we are, so stop pulling on that IV and relax, Buck’s right here.”
     “Buck!” Eddie beamed and reached his hands out toward Buck, and Buck pushed himself away from Bobby to lunge at the bed.
     “Eddie!” He hobbled over and landed himself in Eddie's waiting arms, and Eddie pulled him tight against his chest and back against the bed to practically lay on top of him.
     “Buck! Do not pop his stitches!” Bobby yelled, but Eddie just waved him off. He didn't care, he was just glad to have Buck in his line of sight again.
     He pulled back just enough to look at Buck and take him in, leaving their chests pressed together, and took Buck's face in his hands. “Hey, what's with all these tears?” He asked as he thumbed them away, leaning in to press their foreheads together.
     “Eddie, I thought you were dead,” Buck shook his head as more tears streamed from his eyes and collided with Eddie’s thumbs, “I thought I lost you-”
     “Well, you didn't, I'm right here, okay, right here,” he breathed, rubbing his nose against Bucks, “and I'm not going anywhere because I love you.”
     “I…” Buck smiled, feeling warm again for the first time since they were trapped, “I thought when you said that down there it might have been caused by the blood loss.”
     “And here I am, back to normal, and I still love you, Buck, so much.”
     Buck ran his hands up Eddie's chest to cradle his face, and closed his eyes as he breathed, “I love you too, Eds. Don't ever scare me like that again.”
     “I promise.” Eddie pulled Buck in and closed the gap to kiss him, their lips meeting in the most passionate kiss of his life, filled with all the feelings both of them wished they had said long before this.
     They kissed until they couldn't breathe, and even then they went back for more. They would never get enough of this, of finally being together, of finally being able to love each other. It was all either of them had ever wanted, and after a heart stopping shift and a very chaotic Christmas Eve, they finally had it.
     When they eventually managed to pull away from each other, both completely exhausted from not only the events of the day but the rollercoaster of emotions as well, Eddie shifted over in the bed and lifted the blanket for Buck to shimmy in beside him. He tucked himself right next to Eddie, settling onto his chest with his head in the crook of his neck, and their arms wrapped around each other tightly. 
     Just as they settled in, a nurse walked through the door and past Bobby. She stopped dead upon seeing them stuffed onto the bed together, especially since Eddie had just nearly died and still had very fresh stitches holding him together. “No, no you guys can't lie like that. Mr. Diaz needs to rest-”
     Bobby reached out to gently grab her arm and pull her back toward the door, guiding her out of the room and whispered, “I think you'll find that you'll have a much harder time getting them to rest if you try and separate them, trust me, this is the best for both of them right now.”
     The nurse tried to protest, but Bobby just shook his head and led her out. He turned back to grab the door handle, sneaking one last peek in at the boys before he closed it, then left. 
     Once Eddie heard the door open, he peeked an eye open to look down at Buck who was pretty much already asleep, then he looked over to the clock on the wall above the door. “Hey, Buck,” he whispered, and Buck hummed sleepily, “merry Christmas, Cariño.”
     Buck lifted his head off of Eddie's chest just enough to see that the clock read 4:49 am, Christmas day. He smiled and laid back on Eddie's chest, lifting his chin up just enough to place a loving kiss along his jawline. “Merry Christmas, Eds, I love you.”
     “I love you too.”
A/N: Prompt number two! A little bit of angst for my birthday, but always with the happy ending for our boys. I hope you enjoyed part two of Buddie Ficmas, part three coming to you on the 10th. If anyone wants to be tagged in future Buddie Ficmas posts, just let me know and I would love to tag you! And as always, thanks for reading <3
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blocksruinedme · 1 year
wip wednesday: burning man au, flower husbands. it's, uh, 1436 words. a fic preview really!
Alright! Once I finish my wips, burning man au is on the damn horizon. High priority, my dudes. This is the scene that spawned probably 100k+ words! Those words still have plenty of jimmy/scott... but a lot of jimmy/joel and etho/joel and mumbo/grian/scar. This scene was going to be a one shot about Jimmy rolling at a rave, that I came up with staring out the window driving home on christmas day, and now there's two authors and... we'll you'll see soon. :)
[edit: well i kept editing more of the wip, and i realized it's 5 months today since i started this who thing and I'm insane that we haven't published anything so here's a preview that is barely shorter than my shortest non-drabble fic.]
My co-author in this grand project is @toasted-cricket, who you can find on ao3 cricket_toast for sfw and toasty_cricket for (excellent) nsfw. (and of course I'm BlocksRuinedMe.) Subscribe to us to make sure you see the AU when it premieres!
Also, here's our playlist! I'm tossing some notes at the end of the post. (I can not believe I have made a second *spotify* for mcyt, this is out of control)
[CONTENT NOTE: drugs (mdma/ecstasy/molly). starts out with jimmy intoxicated, all explicit discussion below the cut].
"Just Keep Following The Heartlines on Your Hand" (working title)
Fic will be rated E but this is just T.
Setting: It's wednesday afternoon at burning man, and scott does not like being in a dusty hot desert, but at least he has a giant derby hat and a smoothie from the disco smoothie theme camp down the road. Suddenly, there's a Jimmy on him!
“Hmm?” Jimmy shifted to put more weight, and more of his hip, on top of Scott. They’d been cuddly while drunk at parties a couple of times, but nothing like this.
“Jimmy, did someone give you something special?”
“Scott.” Jimmy moved so he could look directly at Scott, which unfortunately meant he was now fully straddling Scott’s left leg. Jimmy’s face was soft, intent, determined, and even more beautiful than normal. Right. 
Jimmy looked at him until he made some private decision, nodded slightly, and began speaking more quickly than Scott had ever heard. “Scott, I really really need to tell you how much I love you. You’re actually so wonderful, and you’re literally so smart and you make me so so so happy, I’m literally so glad to have you in my life, and don’t laugh–” Scott was not laughing  “--I know you’ll think, you might think, I don’t know what you’ll think but I hope you won’t think…"
"...it’s not just because I’m on Ecstasy, okay? I love you when I’m sober but it’s scary to say and I really really don’t want to make you uncomfortable but I do, so much, do you understand? I need you to understand.”
Scott let out a breath. This was ridiculous, this was trite. He wasn’t going to be responsible for hours of Jimmy desperately needing to talk about his feelings, that was for Lizzie or someone, but for now? 
 This was okay for now.
“Yeah, Jimmy, I think I understand. You’re a very loving person, and I’m glad to be your friend.”
The smile that blossomed on Jimmy’s face made Scott feel like the wind *had* been knocked out of him. Jimmy wasn’t normally a tense or stressed person, or he didn’t show it, and he smiled all the damn time, but all the brain chemistry made his face so sweet, so open–and now it was more than just the chemicals, he supposed, because this smile came from what Scott had said.
The words began pouring out of Jimmy in a torrent. Scott could make out everything he said, but he needed to focus–which wasn’t that hard given that Jimmy was both on top of him and staring directly into his eyes.
“Scott, you’re actually so funny, do you know that? Like your Scott humor, which isn’t anyone else’s, it’s really so unique and good?” 
Scott nodded and attempted to thank Jimmy, but he didn’t seem to notice. 
“Scott, I actually don’t know if you know how good you are? You have–basically a good soul? Yeah, that’s it, and Scott–Scott, maybe you’re too hard on yourself? You’re so good and I know you have high standards, but I’ll tell you, I promise, okay?” 
Scott didn’t know what it was Jimmy was promising to tell him, but he was content to let Jimmy have his E word explosion. It was probably his first time, which was generally extra intense. Scott smiled and let Jimmy continue.
“And you’re smart, so much I don’t always know what you’re talking about but you look at things and you understand them literally so quickly. I watch you, sometimes, how you talk to people and how you get information and know what to do so quickly, and I can’t even imagine, I literally can’t imagine. I know that basically everyone here is so much smarter than me, but it’s not like I can tell being good at robots from being great at robots, but Scott you’re good at things and I can tell that you are and wish I could be a little smarter. Do you know, Scott, do you know all the things you’re good at, I bet you don’t, but do you?”
 Jimmy did not pause for an answer, Jimmy did not seem to even imagine that Scott might want to talk. Luckily, he didn’t. At least until Jimmy gave him space to. 
“And you’re so cute, I know you know that but I want you to know that I know, especially when you’re flirty and I know you flirt with everyone but I really like it? And your smile, and when you chuckle and you smile? Scott –You’re beautiful, you really are, do you know that?
Scott froze, hoping Jimmy would move on from this topic. Quickly.
“I bet you don’t know how beautiful you genuinely are, I bet you don’t let yourself, but you’re perfect and I can actually literally see it and I’d never ever lie to you, okay? I will never ever lie to you no matter what, Scott, I genuinely really wouldn’t, I swear I wouldn’t–”
Jimmy had gone from a look of “the universe is nothing but peace and love” to “very distressed” disorientingly fast - presumably from the idea that Scott was accusing him of lying. 
“Hey, hey, Jimmy, it’s okay. I know you wouldn’t.” Scott was limited in what he could do physically while pinned under his very strong (and incredibly attractive friend) but he put his right hand on Jimmy’s cheek, which seemed to stop his sudden distress. 
Scott's attempt at calming Jimmy down worked perhaps too well, because he closed his eyes and basically nuzzled Scott’s hand. Everything was getting more intimate than Scott had intended, but Jimmy stopped talking about Scott, which was a great relief. 
While Scott was considering what his exit strategy should be, his situation was made much more complicated, (emotionally, logistically, and potentially… other ways), by Jimmy letting himself fall onto Scott. His legs were still straddling Scott’s left leg and the rest of him was draped across Scott’s chest. Most troublingly, his face was turned into Scott’s neck. Scott took some deep breaths to calm down, but just as he thought he was making a bit of progress, Jimmy moved his left hand to cradle Scott’s head. Scott hadn’t been touched that way in many months, and he was considering the merits of pretending to be unconscious when Jimmy resumed talking. Into his neck. Where Scott could feel his breath and almost his lips. 
At least Jimmy couldn’t see his face. Scott decided to just give in, resting his face atop Jimmy’s hair and wrapping his non-pinned arm around Jimmy’s back. He felt so warm, and even though they’d been in the god awful desert for however many days, he somehow smelled good – or at least his hair did. 
“And I know you try to play it off sometimes, I really see you Scott, but you’re sweet, you’re so sweet, you’re so good to your friends, and I love you, I really really love you, with literally all my heart. And everyone can see you’re so confident, and I don’t know how much that is–-everyone has doubts, right? But you always keep it together, right? You’re so good at keeping cool Scott, and I appreciate it, I think everyone does, we love you, you’re so good and lovable. But you don’t always have to, okay? Keep it so much together, taking care of everything, everyone. I could take care of you Scott, I really could, I don’t know if anyone does? If you let down all your—your thingies. Masks or walls or whatever.  If you ever want, with me, I’ll take care of you and be nice and I’d never judge you, because I love you so much, do you understand? ”
This was maybe less okay. …Definitely less okay. Scott had been around rolling people before, and been included in “i love everyone in the world” pronouncement, and “I love everyone in this bar” equivalents, and a few rounds of “Scott you’re great I love you (as much as many other friends)”. Scott had seen people being perceptive on E, getting that “magic insight”, but he was absolutely not prepared to get something like *this* from *Jimmy*. It’s not that it was hard to guess that confident people sometimes had doubts, but the way Jimmy was talking to him, was looking at him, was… too much. Scott had just wanted a smoothie and a nap and instead Jimmy was trying to see into his soul while straddling his leg and nuzzling his neck. 
All Scott could think to do was redirect. “Yes, Jimmy, that’s great, I understand you. I can go be sad at you if I need to.” 
Jimmy shifted his weight again and then his hand was on Scott’s cheek. This was an entirely bad idea, this was too intimate in half a dozen ways, Jimmy was being too much, and Scott needed to stop him immediately, to get loose and find someone else to foist Jimmy onto.
He did not.
--------- And that starts off one of the story cycle fics! It's one wednesday at burning man, and to get the full story you have to read from different POVs - y'know, like an smp
Thiss the Jimmy centric one which is def scott pov and def fwhip pov and i'm not sure otherwise. The Joel fic is joel/jimmy and joel/etho and joel/gay panic
There's a Grian fic that's about anxiety, but also Scar and Pearl
There's like 4 others fics that might happen on wednesday. Then there's the story of this community over the next year that will.... it might not be possible for me to write everything I want to write in the time I have but we will see! Ships include: scar/grian/mumbo, soup group, jimmy/scott jimmy/fwhip jimmy/joel, etho/joel, oli/joe... like a lot. It's gonna be great! ----------
So, the playlist!
Cricket and I both love music and have put a lot of energy into trying to get each other to like our music. Sadly, I'm been more successful.
You may notice a lot of Kate Bush, Florence + The Machine and Dessa on here, we have this idea of every fic in the series having a title from a song by one of them, we'll see.
Why songs are on here
- They speak very specifically to a character/group (Hounds of Love by Kate Bush, All This And Heaven To by Florence + The Machine)
- Like a couple lines speak to a character and that’s enough to want it there
- Music we’ve listened to a lot while planning the series (Waterloo by ABBA)
- A vibe we want for a lot of these people over the year because we’re gonna make ‘em all better, one way or another (Level Up by Vienna Teng)
- Good “Burning Man Music” (Halycon + On + On by Orbital, Little Fluffy Clouds by The Orb)
- We don’t fully remember cause we started this au on christmas
- Music that gives me energy to Write Introspective Character Studies 
- Y’know, it slaps?
If you want to ask about a specific song, go ahead!
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baenxietydad · 2 years
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I posted 279 times in 2022
That's 88 more posts than 2021!
12 posts created (4%)
267 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 276 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#insp - 86 posts
#fc - 59 posts
#hatter - 58 posts
#nemo - 25 posts
#the mountain goats - 17 posts
#r: the baes - 7 posts
#snow - 5 posts
#sled - 3 posts
#r: sled - 3 posts
#jenny - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#// can't tell if this makes me sad or proud but this is the first time he's referred to nemo's eomma as my son's mothero ut loud vs my wife
My Top Posts in 2022:
Scat Cat Saturday | Zarlin
Task #7 – Business Savvy Thread: Plot a thread that takes place in one of Swynlake’s businesses with a mun that you don’t currently have a thread with.
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It was Marlin’s day off from both the clinic and Pixie’s! This only came once a month or so, so instead of sleeping it away, Marlin was spending it at Scat Cat, hunting for some new records and for some Christmas presents for people. Surely there’s something someone would like...
He was buried in a record bin when he happened to look up, and spotted a pixie he wasn’t familiar with. Oh, that’s new!
He waved politely and greeted him quietly. “Hi there, what’s your name?”
See the full post
1 note - Posted November 8, 2022
Wearing Karen’s Drink On Your Sleeve || open
Marlin was having a great shift, actually, thanks for asking! Nevermind the thought that he’d been scheduled off tonight was in the back of his head. He’d picked up that sixth shift from [insert-name-here] on his own volition of course! 
Of course, this made eleven nights in a row working, on top of being awake during the day some days to handle duties in the Hollow clinic. His patience for people was growing thin. Fortunately he wasn’t being tested much tonight.
Until some Karen tourist started yelling at one of the other bartenders-- like well and truly screaming at them -- and Marlin decided to take one for the team and interrupt. As everyone’s Work Dad (as several of them had him as in their phones), he took it a little personally when someone was screaming at his coworkers. Those were his work kids, thanks, you can yell at him instead.
He passed the other bartender the handful of drink tickets from the cocktail servers and went to try and calm Karen down. He wasn't sure what he said -- probably "ma'am, I'll remake the drink, but a tequila sunrise is literally orange juice, tequila, and grenadine and that’s what you got" -- but the drink in her hand ended up on his face and all over his shirt.
"Aish, so annoying." Marlin muttered to himself in Korean, as the bouncer made his way over to ask her to leave. “A toddler has better emotional regulation.”
...someone laughed.
At what he said.
He had, in fact, switched to grumbling to himself English. 
“Uh. If you say you didn’t hear that, then your next round is on me?”
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14 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
shut up and eat your kimchi jjigae || the baes
Mu-yeol and Nemo were good at not talking about things when it suited them. They did not talk about how much money Mu-yeol had saved for uni so far. They did not talk about Robbie. They did not talk about how many extra hours Mu-yeol was working at Pixie’s, and how he only didn’t work seven nights a week because Peri was too good to let him. 
They were just as good at talking about things they wanted to talk about, and getting better at things they needed to talk about. There was a third category. Things one of them wanted to talk about, but the other would rather avoid. Ninety-eight percent of the time, these were harmless but awkward topics. Both of them were good at bringing up these things.
Nemo was much better at it than his father, at tactfully, sneakily broaching subjects his father avoided. But...but he could too! He even had a plan to bring up one of them tonight!
With a trap of delicious kimchi jjigae.
“I knew you’d wake up if I started cooking something,” Mu-yeol teased as Nemo’s bedroom door opened. “I’m not working tonight, I thought we could have dinner together. I don’t feel like waiting in line at the Circle tonight.”
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27 notes - Posted March 19, 2022
Karen Hours || Hatfish
Marlin hadn’t been into Hatter’s much lately, less as a consequence of that weird making-out-with-him dream and more because he didn’t have the time or spare money for coffee. Every purchase was money he was taking from Nemo’s uni funds, he told himself, so he’d even been buying less food to cook at home. He went a full week without cooking anything for him and his son a couple weeks ago, which wasn’t at all typical.
Even the best penny-pinchers eventually had to give into the body’s need for rest -- by that, he means of course, ignoring it with coffee.
No telling if he’d make it to walk to [name redacted], and Hatter’s was right there so...sure.
When it was his turn in line, he came to realize he completely forgot to actually think about what he wanted and just said the first coffee-related words that came to mind.
“Uh, can I just get a latte with an extra shot of espresso, please?”
Manners, always, perhaps too many. Such is the curse of service industry workers, to always be excessively polite to your kind.
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34 notes - Posted June 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
What’s Wrong With Secretary Bae? (Trope Extravaganza AU!)
Sixty days until Secretary Bae’s last day
Marlin Bae has got this. 
He was so convinced not only because he spent the last ten minutes hyping himself up in their building floor’s bathroom mirror, but because his son tossed both thumbs up before he left for school and told him he believed in him.
Right, it wasn’t like it was so difficult to hand Mr. Hatter an envelope.
It was only his letter of resignation for his job of thirteen years. He’d worked for Mr. Hatter almost as long as he’d lived in this country.
He entered Mr. Hatter’s office, and after running through his schedule with him, cleared his throat. “Sir? There’s one more matter. I have something to tell you.”
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81 notes - Posted February 12, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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apathyfairy · 3 years
i truly think christmas should be a solitary event like just spending the day alone doing alone things with a tree in your house sounds great. no one else needs to be there
#not to be depressed on christmas but it’s christmas w family so of course there’s drama#so my mom brings up her ex and apparently he’s been hitting her up which she told me about#but what she Didn’t tell me about is how he said he was coming to visit her and she said uh no#bc well. he’s a mentally abusive asshole so idek why she’s talking to him at all#and she hasnt seen him since 2008 but he’s tried several times over the last 13 years to worm his way back into her life#but like i said he’s an asshole so she’s been like yeah no. but now she’s like well no#…but maybe someday i’m like HELLO ?#but also ok whatever it’s her life and i’m obviously an adult now and i don’t even have to see him at all if i don’t want to#listen this is the guy she dated right after my parents got divorced and if youve been here a while or#have ever read a sentence i’ve ever written clearly i have issues and part of that is bc my dad was mentally abusive..#so literally this guy is worse and she went to a worse version of my dad and trust me i’m not a fan of my dad so it’s not bias or whatever#but this guy was such an asshole to 11 year old me jesus i hated him so fucking much and i’m sagittarius so when i hate someone#they know it so hed bitch to my mom like ohh she hates me and shed be like yeah lmao#and he’d make it her problem which of course i still feel guilty for which isnt fair bc i was 11 but ANYWAY#this post isnt even about him but i just fucking hate this guy so much i can’t stop once i get started#what this post is About and not to be Selfish but i’m sitting there listening to this like…#this mentaly abusive fuck gets to slime his way back into his ex’s life and he’s just fine and dandy.#MEANWHILE my ex who. to this day. is genuinely the nicest person i’ve ever known. has to be dead when i try to contact him#it’s just. again not to be selfish and woe is me. but it’s not fucking fair#and i Know i talk about him way too much but i struggle with it still and i’ve been thinking a lot lately#about how unfair it is that it’s like this. like t*ylor sw*ft and everyone else in the world can be lile#*like oh boo hoo my ex hates me and i can never fix it ☹️#literally pick up the fucking phone he isnt dead. i can NEVER fix what i’ve done#and god it pisses me off so much that whole ‘mourning people who are still alive is the worst thing ever😔’#no it’s fucking not. being dead and not being able to make amends is the worst and i wish to death i had known that sooner#like literally wish i had just grown the fuck up and just texted him like just pushed whatever the fuck#embarrassment guilt whatever down and just Talked to him. and now i can’t and too bad for me#but again the point is i don’t think it’s fair that assholes like my moms ex get to just exist and hit people up#and my ex does not when he was a genuinely good person.#and not to be selfish but i wish things were different.
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mammonsbby · 3 years
Christmas in the Devildom
A/N: I know it's a week late, but I'm so happy with this fic! I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to check out my ko-fi and patreon, in pinned post! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
✨My Masterlist✨
Warnings: Cursing, gift giving, Christmas-related activities Pairing: Demon brothers x poly!GN!MC Words: 4055
You never expected to celebrate Christmas during your stay in the Devildom. After all, it’s filled with literal demons who couldn’t care less about the holiday. You thought you were fine with it, but as December approached, you realized that you were going to miss exchanging gifts with your loved ones. And now, you have new loved ones…
You toyed with the idea of having Christmas in Hell. It was a ridiculous notion, but… since it was important to you, you decided to ask. You’ll never forget Lucifer’s face when you bring it up on the second day of December.
“So… guys,” you start, sitting your fork down. Each of the demons at the table looks up in your direction.
“What is it, MC?” Lucifer asks, picking up his glass to take a sip.
“You don’t really do Christmas here, do ya?” you ask. At that, Lucifer nearly chokes on his drink, eyes bulging slightly. Belphie laughs at him and a couple of the brothers snort.
After Lucifer recovers, his eyes narrowed to thin slits at the ones who dared to laugh at him, he looks back to you. “No, we do not,” he answers simply, taking another, more cautious sip just in case you’re about to mention Easter.
You nod to yourself. You figured as much, but…
“How averse are we to doing a little something for the human’s sake?” you ask, resting your chin on your hand.
Lucifer’s face twists into one of… anger? Annoyance? Confusion?
“MC, we’re demons. We’re naturally opposed to celebrating… that.” he answers calmly.
“Yeah, I know. I know. I just… miss it,” you say, looking down at your lap.
“Aw, you made our human sad,” Asmo whines.
You hear a sigh from the head of the table and know that Lucifer’s just about to give in, so you continue. “My favorite part is decorating. No, no, giving gifts. Or baking cookies—”
“I’m in.” Beel somehow manages to cut you off, with a mouthful of food.
“Gifts?” asks Mammon, eyes gleaming.
“Yeah, you buy presents for the people you love! And you make gingerbread houses. I’m not great at it, but it’s still fun. The decorating is fun too.”
“Wait… What do you decorate exactly?” Asmo asks, taking a sudden interest.
“Everything. I mean, you put up a tree with lights and ornaments and tinsel. And—”
“A tree?” Satan asks, a strange look on his face.
“Yeah, a pine tree. Nowadays, most people use fake ones. And, uh, you hang stockings on the mantle.” You’ve never realized how odd this would be to hear for the first time. Everyone just looks more confused than ever.
“Fake trees…” Levi mutters, “normies.”
“There’s a lot of Christmas movies we could all watch together! I just think it’d be a nice way to have fun with you guys.”
Everyone seems to be considering it. You look to Lucifer, who seems to be having a mental debate, and decide to pull out your secret weapon.
“I bet Diavolo would love to learn more about human customs.” you say, picking at your plate.
“That’s blackmail,” Lucifer says, knowing that if it gets to the prince, it’ll be unbearable.
Satan snickers, “I’m proud of you, MC.”
“As long as Lord Diavolo isn’t involved, I suppose it’ll be alright. What do we do?”
You clap your hands together in excitement. “Holy crap! I didn’t think you’d go for it. But we can decorate a tree and I’ll find some good cookie recipes… And we’ll all get each other gifts and exchange them on the 25th! And I have a list of movies—”
“Woah, woah, woah, human. I’m a little strapped for cash right now. I can’t afford to blow a buncha money on these losers,” Mammon says, waving his hand at his brothers, most of whom groan.
“You’re always ‘strapped for cash,’ dumbass,” Levi mutters.
“For real,” adds Satan.
“Okay… then, we’ll do Secret Santa?” you suggest.
“Secret Santa?” Beel asks between bites.
“Yeah, Santa.”
“What’s that?” says Asmo.
“Santa Claus…” You’re met with seven confused faces. Fuck, another stupid thing that you have to explain.
“Uh, long story short, he’s the face of Christmas. He’s got a long white beard and he’s fat and he wears a red suit. And he comes down the chimney at night with a bag filled with presents. And he leaves them under the tree. That you decorate.” You try your best to make sense, but it seems to be a lost cause. Every word makes you seem more and more insane.
“MC, have you hit your head recently?” Belphie yawns.
“Uh, no…” Before you can tell him that you’ve been doing Christmas your whole life, you’re interrupted.
“Wait… So, some creepy, old man breaks into your house? Through the chimney?” asks Asmodeus, completely appalled at the thought.
“Hey, if he’s giving out free stuff, I’ll open the front door!” Mammon says.
You shake your head, “he’s not real. It’s like… a myth you tell your kids.”
“Humans are stranger than I ever thought possible,” Satan says, looking at you as if you were under a microscope.
“Yeah, the whole thing is… odd to say the least,” adds Belphie. His twin nods in agreement.
“Well, Lucifer, what do you say?” You give him your best puppy dog eyes and he groans, unable to resist them.
“Whatever. But you’re in charge of it. If anything goes wrong, it’s on you,” he says, giving you a stern look. You leap out of your chair so quickly it startles Mammon and stride to the end of the table.
“Thank you!” you say, hugging the first born around the shoulders before dashing to your room to make plans.
Within the next couple days, the house is decorated beautifully. A magnificent eight foot tall tree stands in the entrance hall, fully decked with the most gorgeous ornaments you’ve ever seen. All Asmo’s doing, naturally.
Anytime one of his brothers showed up to help, he shooed them away saying that the first thing one sees when they enter the house should be perfect. And they were all liabilities.
So, there’s another— slightly less perfect— tree in the common room that everyone helped to decorate. Beelzebub had even lifted you up so you could add the star to the top.
Today’s the day to draw names for Secret Santa. And everyone’s supposed to meet in the common room, where you’re currently hanging eight stockings above the fireplace. Each is a different color, from blue to purple, plus a plain white one for you.
Just as you finish arranging the garland on the mantel, the brothers begin to trickle into the room.
“Wait, what’s with the giant socks?” Belphie asks, taking his usual spot on the sofa.
You sigh, had he been asleep during your explanation?
“Presents go in them, from Santa,” you answer.
“But you said Santa isn’t real.”
“It doesn’t matter, there will be presents I promise.” you answer as Lucifer enters, the last to arrive. After everyone’s found a seat, you grab a bowl from the table and give it a good shake.
“Okay, everyone’s name is in this bowl. We’re all gonna pick one and that’s who you get a present for. No cheating! And no telling anyone who you get. I’ll know if you do,” you say, putting on your scariest face as you look around the room at each of them. Your ‘scary’ look garners a smile from each of them.
“Oh, and the maximum amount to spend is… say, 20 Grimm?” you ask, glancing over to Mammon, who nods. Levi rolls his eyes and Satan huffs. “20 Grimm.” you repeat.
You hold the bowl out to Beel, but he pushes it back to you, “you pick first, MC.” His brothers agree with him. After all, there’s a better chance for each of them to be picked by you if you go first.
“Oh, okay.” You stick your hand in and stir the scraps of paper for a few seconds, before finally drawing one out. You open it, holding it close to your chest. And grin.
Everyone demands to know why you’re smiling like that. ‘Who’d you get?!’ being the argument of the day. But you refuse to say, and make them each pick a name.
After everyone’s drawn, most of them look disappointed. And you feel sort of bad, but… that’s the way Secret Santa works.
You watch Lucifer tuck his name into his chest pocket and pull out his phone. “Oh no,” he says, eyes blown wide.
“What is it?” Mammon asks.
“Diavolo is on his way here.”
The Demon Prince arrives less than five minutes later and there’s no hiding the Christmas tree in the foyer.
“What is this?” Diavolo asks, walking around the tree, in awe.
Lucifer brings a hand to his forehead, “it’s… a human custom. To celebrate…” sigh, “Christmas.”
Diavolo laughs, “Christmas? In the Devildom?”
He chuckles for the next few minutes, noting how well wrapped around your finger the brothers are, before finally following Lucifer to his study to talk about something important.
You find that it takes you twice as long to navigate the HOL during the holidays. This being because anytime you pass under a doorway, there’s a demon waiting for you. Somehow, it seems that every doorway in the house has mistletoe hung in it, despite you never bringing up that specific custom.
And Asmo has taken the liberty to put some in his own bedroom door, so… anytime you go to see him, you get smooched. “It’s tradition, MC.” he smiles playfully, pecking your face again, for good measure.
One night, you have all the brothers gather in Mammon’s room to watch Home Alone, parts one and two. And… swiftly begin to regret that decision when you see Satan take out a notepad and pen, likely to borrow inspiration from Kevin McCallister to use against his eldest brother.
Aside from that, however, movie night goes off without a hitch. And thus, you all meet in Mammon’s room each night to watch a different Christmas movie.
The third movie night, you find out Belphegor is freaked out by stop motion animation, so… ten minutes into Rudolph, he chooses to fall asleep.
As promised to Beel, you and he spend a lot of time in the kitchen, baking cookies. And your gingerbread houses turn out wonky, but they’re still Devilgrammable. (Thanks for the critique, Asmo.)
In his off time, Satan reads ‘A Christmas Carol,’ a book that you’d given him. Being that it was quite old, he was shocked he hadn’t stumbled upon it sooner, but enjoyed it nonetheless.
After experiencing the magic of Christmas through movies and books and songs and decorations, the day finally comes and it’s time to exchange gifts.
At the crack of dawn, everyone gathers in the common room once again. This time each of the brothers (and yourself, of course) is accompanied by some form of a gift.
“Here you go, Lucifer!” you say, excitedly stretching your arm towards him. “I had your name!”
He takes it from you, “I know.”
“You knew?” you deflate. You’d tried so hard to keep it from him.
“Yes. All these fools wouldn’t stop complaining that I’m the only one getting a special gift from you,” he says, lips curling into a sneer.
“Yeah, because you don’t deserve MC’s attention,” Belphegor mumbles. Lucifer shoots him a look and starts to open your gift.
When he finally removes it from its wrapping, he’s puzzled. Not that he’d ever in a million years admit that he doesn’t know what it is. So he merely smiles softly, “thank you MC.”
“What the hell is it?” Mammon asks.
“Oh, it’s a mug warmer. You plug it in and set your mug on it and it keeps your coffee or tea or whatever from getting cold,” you explain happily.
Upon hearing the explanation, Lucifer is touched. He smiles warmly and sets the… thingy down. “Thank you. It will be used often.”
When everyone sits down to exchange gifts, Mammon is pumped! He’s ninety-percent sure that you got his name. Why the hell else would you have been asking his shirt size?
He’s practically vibrating as everyone takes their seats. And he nearly dove over Asmo to get the spot next to you on the couch.
“Oh, hey Mammon,” you laugh as Asmo huffs and sits elsewhere.
“Gimme my gift already!” he says, almost snatching the bag from your lap.
“You don’t know that this is for you!” you say, pushing your hand against his chest.
“Yeah I do. Now c’mon!”
“Mammon, you’ll be going last,” Lucifer says, to the delight of all his brothers. Except one.
“What? Why’s that? I didn’t do nothin’!” says the second born.
Lucifer doesn’t offer a reason, so you just… give Mammon a sympathetic pat on the shoulder. He pouts, but leans back against the couch, practically in your lap, and the two of you watch everyone else exchange gifts.
Finally, fucking finally, everyone is done with their stupid junk and you hold your bag out to Mammon, who looks like he’s about to tear into it with his teeth.
Instead, he pours the bag into his lap and is amazed to find a dozen shiny, golden rings looking at him, “MC. This is more than the limit,” he says, his mouth dry.
He faintly hears his brothers blathering about the special attention he gets, but fuck ‘em, he deserves it.
“Do you like them?” you ask, head tilted.
“Of course I do!” he says. Mammon starts to slide the rings onto his fingers and realizes that they aren’t real gold. He can tell from the weight of them. But regardless, he’s touched. He shows off the rings, flashing his model hands, and you laugh.
Levi had been a hard one. There aren’t many things that you can get for less than 20 Grimm. Not for a nerd whose main interests are gaming and anime. Games are expensive. Anime merch is expensive.
So… yeah, you had a rough time. But now that he’s sitting across from you, you’re sure you picked the right gift. The third born winces and rubs at his wrist, the result of another gaming session.
You smile at him from across the room and after Satan finishes opening his present from Asmo, you stand and hand Levi his. His eyes widen and he reaches into the bag, pulling out a mousepad with wrist support and a download code for an indie dungeon crawler you’d caught on sale.
“Oh wow,” he says, when he sees the paper. Then he places the mousepad on his thigh, he rubs his wrist against the support to test it. “This is nice.”
“I hope it helps. Also, I’ll be in your room later to try that game.” you say with a wink.
In a very anime-esque fashion, his eyes grow large and a red blush creeps quickly up his face. “Th- thanks MC.”
In all honesty, Satan had no idea who’d gotten his name. He hoped, like all his brothers, that he’d get a gift from you. But he realized that the odds were against him. So he decided that he’d be happy with anything, as long as Lucifer wasn’t giving it to him.
You watch Belphie ball up a bit of wrapping paper and toss it at Mammon’s head. “Hey!” shouts the Avatar of Greed.
You roll your eyes. “Hmm, I guess I’ll give mine now.” you say. Everyone’s eyes snap to you and you toss a box at Satan. “Catch, Say!”
His eyes widen comically, but he catches the box. He quirks a brow at the wrapping paper, which he’s just now noticing has cats on it. He tears the paper carefully, he fully intends to keep it. It’s just cute.
Satan opens the box and finds that his gift has multiple parts. One being a pack of several cat-themed bookmarks. The next is a stress ball, in the shape of a cat. And finally, there’s a pair of fuzzy black socks. He turns them and there are pink cat paws on the bottoms.
“Cute! I’m going to steal them~” Asmo sings.
Satan flushes, “no, they’re mine!”
“Do you like them?”
“They’re great. Thanks MC,” he answers, squeezing the stress cat, “love you.”
Half his brothers are shocked but you just laugh, “love you too.”
Asmodeus had secretly been watching you, and through his spying, he’s pretty sure you got his name. He hoped so at least. Oh! To receive a gift from his darling MC! It would be the best day ever!
And if he got a bad gift from one of his brothers, he’d scratch their eyes right out!
But enough about that.
“Hey guys!” you say to Mammon and Asmo, who look like they’re about to have a slap fight. “What’s up?”
“I’m sittin’ next to them,” Mammon says, gesturing to the middle seat on the sofa beside you.
“No, I’m the prettiest and I get to sit with them,” Asmo counters, shoving his brother backwards. To keep it from escalating further, you scoot from the end seat to the middle cushion.
“Hey, hey, guys. Please, just sit,” you plead, patting the empty spaces on either side of you. This seems to appease them both, Mammon plops down on your left and Asmo on your right.
Once everyone is situated, you ask who wants to go first.
“Ooh, you should go first, MC,” Asmo says, tracing the pattern on your pajama pants with his finger.
“Are you sure? This could be for anyone,” you say, shaking the box.
Asmo narrows his eyes, “I think it’s for me~ Give us a hint. What’s in the box?”
You think for a second, trying to come up with the most suggestive description. Then you drop your voice really low, “hmm, it’s battery-operated and pink. And it may vibrate…”
Asmo’s eyes widen and he flushes slightly, “MC! You’re so naughty! Give it!”
You laugh as he claws his way to the box and pulls out a facial cleansing brush. He cackles, throwing his head back, “that’s not what I was expecting, but thank you darling.” He pecks your cheek and turns the box over to read its instructions.
“You’re welcome, gorgeous.”
Somehow, you had a way of bringing his brothers together. He’s felt closer to his family in the past month than he has in centuries. To Beel, that was a gift in itself.
But he was really hoping you had another one for him.
His own gift, for one of his older brothers, was wrapped and sitting at his feet as he gnawed through a piece of the gingerbread house you’d made together a few nights ago. He watched everyone interacting and smiled the entire time.
He handed his present off then realized he was the last one without a gift. And you were the only person who hadn’t given one, a box still in your lap.
About the time he notices, you stand and hand him the large box, covered in a candy cane printed paper. He carefully unwraps it and pops the box open to find… a bunch of food. He gives you a look.
“These are a lot of my favorite snacks from the Human Realm. I hope you like them.” you say. Beel glances back down to the box, filled with candy bars and packets of chips and some kind of cookies. He’s ready to tear into it immediately, but since it was a gift from you… he’ll try to make it last a little while.
Belphie had to admit he didn’t care about this shit. Not at all. His celestial family could get fucked. And hell, he doesn’t like most of his brothers, but… he noticed how happy it made you. And his twin for that matter, so…
He struggled to stay awake while everyone opened gifts. And about the time he dozed off, he’s lightly shaken by Beel. “It’s your turn,” he says.
Belphie starts to open his eyes, but can’t hold them open. And his sin carries him away, not caring that he has a gift to open.
“Here.” He vaguely hears you whisper, followed by a tearing noise. “Just raise up a bit.”
Suddenly, he feels something soft and warm under his head and snuggles into it. Then, something of the same texture is draped over him. “Merry Christmas, Bel.” you say, pushing his bangs out of his face.
When he wakes, an hour later, the room is empty. It’s just him asleep on the couch. He raises up slightly, squinting at the seats his brothers had been in. The one you’d been in. Then he realized that he’d fallen asleep.
“Damn it!” he says, feeling like shit. He tried so hard.
At this point, you’d been on your way to check on him (and fix his blanket if necessary). “Belphie, are you okay?” you ask, padding over to the couch.
“I missed present time,” he pouts.
You stifle a laugh, the poor demon doesn’t seem to realize that he’s using his gift. “Check under your head, hon.”
Belphie turns his head and his eyebrows scrunch up. He sits upright and produces a strangely shaped stuffed animal from where he’d just been laying. A cow, with blue splotches.
His eyes widen when you show him the strap that converts it to a pillow. And when you sing the jingle, “it’s a pillow, it’s a pet,” he laughs.
“Wait, are there more of these?” he asks seriously, holding the cow in his lap.
“Mhmm. Maybe I’ll have to get you a different one for your birthday?”
He nods and rubs his hand on the fur of the cow. “Thank you MC.”
After everyone had finished opening their Secret Santa gifts, it was technically time for breakfast, but you have other plans.
You tell the boys to hold on a sec and grab Mammon’s hand, dragging him towards your room. “Woah! What’s goin’ on?!” he asks. Not that he minds being dragged to your bedroom…
But, once you get him there, you merely hand him four boxes. Then you pick up three yourself and return to the living room. And when you start to hand out the boxes, everyone starts to protest.
“Okay, so I know, I know. We were only allowed to get one present, but I’m the human, so rules don’t apply to me.” you say, handing the last box to Beel, for Belphie when he wakes up.
And everyone starts to open their surprise gifts, to find identical books. Lucifer raises a brow, “what’s this?”
Meanwhile, Asmo has already opened his, “oh MC! This is amazing!”
You’d made each of them scrapbooks of photos you loved. With descriptions and dates beside each picture. Among them are pictures you’d taken the first day you arrived and every day up till now.
It was quite the collection, filled with selfies and candids and one in particular you knew Lucifer would be mad about, but maybe he won’t notice.
“Heh, look how mad Lucifer looks on page 4,” Satan laughs. Well, there goes hoping he won’t see it.
After a few seconds, Lucifer groans, “MC, was it really appropriate to add photos from that night?”
“Yes.” He groans at your answer. “No one else is going to see it but us,” you say.
“That is not reassuring,” he mutters, flipping to the next page.
Knowing that an eighth copy of the book rests on your bedside table, with plenty of empty pages, you take out your phone and open its camera.
“Hey, merry Christmas!” you say, pointing your phone at them. Each of the demons looks up to say it back and you snap a photo. Asmo demands to see it and then asks you to take a selfie with him, for Devilgram.
And of course, everyone else wants the same. So… you take several more photos and finally settle on the arm of the couch. “Oh, I love you guys.” you say, mostly to yourself, as everyone is laughing about a picture of Mammon and Levi on page thirteen.
You spend the next hour this way, reminiscing and poring over the memories in the pages. And you’re thankful for every single one.
Thank you so much for reading! Please like and reblog! (And leave a comment if you enjoyed it!) Don't forget to check out my ko-fi and patreon, it would really help me out!
<3 Aerie
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hottielindholm · 3 years
hey can we get some buddie fic recs? only if you feel like it obviously.
Ok off the bat I’m gonna tag people I read from every time they post smth @evanbucxley @hmslusitania @littlespooneven @fangkinkdiaz @cinematicnomad @finduilasclln @evcndiaz @werewolfdiaz @vampirebuckley
★ underneath my scars by woodchoc_magnum
Post 5x01 "Panic", in which Eddie struggles with his panic attacks, Buck helps him through it, and they find their way to each other.
★ Strong and Able by middyblue (daisyblaine)
Or, things Buck has made: a bench; a cutting board; a skateboard; a safe home; a dinner; a family.
Kicks and Giggles by alexmercer
“The laughing gas,” Buck moaned, sounding mortified. “Please don’t tell me I did anything illegal.” Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Do you usually do illegal things on laughing gas?” “I stole a dog once,” Buck admitted. “Ah. Then it’s a good thing I told you that we couldn’t stop to pet every single dog we saw.” ~ While still under the effects of laughing gas after a trip to the dentist, Buck ends up running his mouth a bit and saying a few things he might have normally kept to himself, much to everyone's amusement and Eddie's delight.
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It starts after Eddie’s Abuela breaks her hip.
Not an auspicious start, and certainly not a sexy one, but after Buck introduces him to Carla he’s so damn grateful he barely waits for the door to shut behind her before he’s crowding Buck up against the kitchen counter and dropping to his knees.
Eddie falls into a friends with benefits relationship with Buck, and then he just keeps falling.
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After coming out to his parents doesn’t go well for Eddie, Buck is determined to give him the perfect Christmas.
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“You should just move in,” Eddie said one night.  They were already laying in bed, Buck’s face half-buried in his pillow.
“Where would I sleep, Eddie,” Buck deadpanned, sleep heavy in his voice.
“Here,” Eddie said, not entirely sure how Buck missed that part.  “The same place you’ve been sleeping.”
Bobby raised an eyebrow when Buck updated his address on all of the necessary paperwork, but Eddie wasn’t entirely sure what the big deal was.
Buck and Eddie had always been unconventional. Neither of them gave it much thought – they were just them. Buck and Eddie - partners, best friends, co-parents – just as entangled in each other’s lives as any actual couple in the 118.
Or, the story of how Buck and Eddie went about their relationship in entirely the wrong order.
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“Right, well…” Eddie rubs the back of his head. “If you want, you’re free to spend the night at ours. I know you’re probably gonna be tired still and I thought that, uh, it might be nice. It didn’t seem right letting you go home alone after everything you did.”
After the tsunami, Eddie invites Buck to stay with him and Christopher.
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They trade for a winger after Buck’s second season. When he walks into the dressing room a few days later, Buck freezes in his place.
Chim and Bobby are huddled in the corner, openly staring from their stalls.
“Who the hell is that?”
Bobby simply shrugs. “Eddie Diaz. New winger out of Dallas.”
or: the hockey AU that literally NO ONE asked for
How to Find Home by wilddragonflying
Inspired by this post on tumblr
Buck's been on his own since before he joined the 118; never really had a territory, never had a pack, but that changes the day he meets Eddie Diaz.
It just takes a while for them to realize it, that's all.
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“Shut up, darling, it’s nothing. Now get gone, my son is waiting to hear how the pirates found the purple dinosaur.” He laughs again before pulling his phone away from his ear, hanging up the call with an achingly soft smile at his screen.
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Is it weird that her boyfriend has never called her ‘darling’ but calls his best friend that?
We Really Should Stop Meeting Like This by GeraskierIsCuteNGL
Buck doesn't know how much time passes before he hears his door opening, Eddie calling out his name in search of him. Buck reluctantly gives away his location, heart in his ass as Eddie ascends the steps. He can practically hear the raising of Eddie's eyebrows when he takes in the spectacle. Buck tries to turn his head to catch a glimpse of him but it feels too much like he's pulling a muscle.
"I'd say this isn't what it looks like, but I don't think anyone would believe me," Buck says, laughing to fend off the heat in his cheeks.
"So this is what you meant by stuck. Honestly, I was expecting to come in and see you halfway in the washer because you got curious enough to see if you could fit."
In all fairness, that's something Buck has done before.
★ how to peel oranges by iphigenias
“Buck?” Eddie’s voice is scratchy when he answers the phone and Buck instantly regrets calling. He pulls it away from his ear, notes the time in the top left corner—1:47, fuck.
“Shit, sorry,” he says. “I didn’t even think about the time. Just—forget it, Eds, fuck.”
“Hey.” Eddie’s voice is still rough but clearer, more distinct. “I’m awake now so tough shit, tell me what’s going on.”
Buck laughs, humourlessly. His legs are tangled and sweaty in his sheets and it’s definitely too hot to be wearing sweats and socks to bed but he can’t bring himself to move. He swipes at the damp on his forehead. “What do you think?”
There’s a pause. “Do you wanna tell me what it was about?”
“Not really.”
“Okay.” On the other end of the line there’s some rustling, like Eddie’s getting out of bed, then a yawn. Buck takes the sound and tucks it in between his palms, a benediction. “Do you wanna hear about Chris’ book report?”
Five conversations Buck and Eddie have on the phone + one time they hang up.
Sweet Summer Heat by waywardrenegades
It’s July in LA, there’s a heatwave, and Buck is fucking upset.
★ Actually, Truly by MilenaDaniels
Isabel calls to tell them Eddie's been shot on a Thursday afternoon and by lunch on Friday Helena and Ramon are landing at LAX. When they land, they learn Eddie's already home recovering and has been for two weeks.
Or, Helena (and Ramon) tries to find a way back into Eddie's life and doesn't know what to make of finding Buck around every corner she turns.
Diaz Family Dinner: Spaghetti Thursday Edition firstdegreefangirl
“Know what we’re making tonight, kiddo?” Buck stands back up, ruffling Chris’ hair, but Eddie doesn’t think he’s been spotted yet. He’s not trying to hide, but he stays in the doorway, lingering on the edges of the moment until he’s taken it all in.
“Yeah, it’s Thursday,” Chris rolls his eyes, like it’s the most obvious answer in the world, and Eddie tries not to laugh at Buck’s affronted expression. “We’re making spaghetti!”
Buck is the catalyst for the latest Diaz family tradition. Helpful that he's part of the family, before any of them realize just how much.
The Long Road to Boning by redinblack
Happy weewoo day, everyone, here's a fic that I wrote to help me get through the last 3 days of waiting. It was supposed to be pure smut, but apparently I'm incapable of not giving context (of like 5k words).
Have fun. (No cheating and no character bashing happens in this fic. Ana and Taylor are both out of the picture before Buddie happens.)
232 notes · View notes
sunflowerdarlingx · 4 years
Fred Weasley - “Fred doesn’t date” 3
H everyone, I hope you’re all okay! 
Thank you all for the kind comments on the previous parts of this imaine. I post these chapters before I go to sleep and waking up to all your lovely comments and messages really give me the best start to the day.
This is the final part to this series. I’ve had a lot more interaction with people from this story so if anyone would like to request a piece please let me know :)
I hope you all liked the ending, it’s a bit longer than I thought but hopefully its what you all wanted x  
Female Reader.
Warnings: None
Fred felt his chest get tight, the sound of her voice alone made his heart ache. He felt the overwhelming need to cry again, tears threatening to spill whilst a lump formed in his throat. Fuck she can’t see me like this.  
His body urged him to look at her, he sucked a deep breath in and turned his head to look at her, shit she looks so fucking cute. She was stood in a pair of shorts and one of Fred’s hoodies with a blanket wrapped around her loosely. Her hair was messy, and her glasses were resting a little low on her nose before she pushed them up.  
His eyes trailed down her body, he felt a small sense of pride seeing her in his hoodie, like he had some sort of claim on her when she wore it. Take that perfect Diggory, she likes my clothes better. I wonder if she wears it when she’s with him?  
Fred hadn’t realised how long he’d been staring for, “I..if not I’ll just go, sorry Freddie, for interrupting” Y/N turned on her heels, tears blurring her vision before he made a noise. A sort of squeak left his mouth before he cleared his throat “it’s okay, you can join me”, his hand patted the spot next to him.  
She patted her hand on the grass to make sure it wasn’t wet before sitting beside Fred. The sat in silence for a bit before Y/N decide to speak, “I’m sorry Freddie, I’m not really sure what I’ve done but I’m sorry if I’ve upset you. I don’t like seeing you upset… especially if I’m the one who caused it” her voice broke and Fred looked down at her, even sitting down he still towered over her slightly.
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder “don’t worry about it” a fake smile took over his face. He wanted to tell her how much he wanted her, he really did but she was with Diggory now.  
“W..what did I do Freddie?” Her voice was a hushed whisper as she leaned her head on his shoulder. Fred looked down at her, internally battling himself about what he should say. He wanted to tell her, he hoped she would change her mind, but if he told her, would she leave him? She had become one of his closest friends, the thought of not having her in his life at all was a thought he wanted to have.  
Fuck it.  
“I em…I saw you and Diggory, outside the kitchens”, that statement alone filled his body with anger as it replayed in his head, Diggory making her laugh, touching her, kissing her. His body tensed beside her, he removed his arm from her shoulders, his jaw clenched and he averted his gaze back up to the sky, sending the moon a deadly glare.  
“Oh…that was nothing” Y/N noticed the shift in Fred, she couldn’t help but admire him in that moment, the way the moon reflected on his skin, the way his jaw tensed and honestly she thought he looked sexy.
Fred averted his gaze back to her and watched her closely, the way her eyes skimmed his body, “didn’t look like nothing to me” his voice was cold.
Y/N’s eyes widened slightly, shocked at his tone, “it didn’t mean anything Freddie” she placed her and on his shoulder, “it just sort of happened”.
“Well I heard you were very cosy behind me at dinner so it must have meant something” he shrugged her hand off his shoulder. He usually loved having her touch him but he was angry, so fucking angry.  
He wondered what had happened once he left, for all he knows the exact same hands that were touching him had been all over Diggory. That then lead to him thinking about Diggory having his hands all over Y/N, touching her and holding her all the ways that Fred wished he could have done.  
Y/N was close to getting up and leaving, she was hurt by Fred’s words, why did he hate Cedric so much? So what if they kissed? Then realisation hit, “Freddie, are you jealous?”, his head shot down to face her.  
“No, I don’t get jealous” he stated. Shifting slightly, his eyes were dark as they stared into hers, his jaw still tense.
“Yes you are” she chuckled lightly “you’re jealous because Cedric kissed me”.
Fred groaned, his chest heaved slightly whilst the moment replayed in his head again “ugh don’t remind me, you shouldn’t have kissed him”  
“Why?” her perfect doe eye looked up at him through her glasses, batting her eyelashes as innocence filled her eyes.
“Don’t act like you don’t know” he grunted and looked back up to the sky.  
“Well Freddie I don’t know, why shouldn’t I kiss Cedric?”
“Cause you should be kissing me Y/N, not Cedric! For the last god knows how many weeks we’ve spend so much time together, a lot more than you and perfect Diggory have and you still chose him! We’ve been on dates down to Hogsmeade, spent nights cuddled up sleeping in the common room and even talked about spending Christmas together! Like what on earth went through that pretty little head of yours when you decided to kiss him? Is he really that much better than me?” Fred’s whole body had turned to Y/N, his eyes pleading with her for some sort of explanation as to why she chose Diggory.
She smiled slightly “Freddie, did you ever actually state that those were dates or ever ask me to go on a date with you?”
His eyes widened “no, I thought it was fairly obvious what they were” he huffed.  
She turned to the side and sat up on her knees, “how many girls have you taken on dates from school?”.
The question shocked Fred, why was she asking about other girls?  
“None, I don’t date girls”  
“So, why did you think I would just assume they were dates?”, Y/N was confused, she never really thought Fred would like her like that, obviously what she was told today gave her a hint but she never knew what to think about the dates, she could only hope they meant as much to Fred as they did her.
Fred couldn’t come up with an answer, he sat with his mouth open and closing like a fish out of water for a minute and a half, “it wasn’t obvious?”.Y/N shook her head no. “Well what did you thunk they were?” he was so curious as to how she never figured out they were dates.  
“Well I… I mean I thought we were just hanging out. I kinda hoped they were dates but you don’t exactly have the reputation for dating do you Freddie? I kinda just always thought I was like Angelina or Katie or Alicia. I always wanted to ask but I was scared, I didn’t want to lose you as a friend”  
Fred couldn’t believe what he was hearing, was his reputation really that bad? I mean just because everyone knew he didn’t date didn’t mean he never dated anyone. “Oh” was all that left his mouth.  
“Yeah, oh” Y/N chuckled as she watched Fred’s brows knit together as his thoughts took over.  
They sat in silence for a few minutes before Fred decided to speak “so, say if you knew they were like… official dates, would you have kissed Diggory?”  
“Of course I wouldn’t have” she shook her head quickly.
“Would you have kissed me instead?” A cheeky grin took over Fred’s face.
“If I knew they were dates I would have kissed you the first night we came out here” she giggled and Fred couldn’t help but grin.  
“So what’s going on with you and Diggory then?” Even saying his name pissed Fred off.
“Nothing, he kissed me and then sat with me at dinner out of the blue, I’d hardly call that dating”.  
“What about me and you? Are we…you know…dating? Just since we’ve agreed that we have been on plenty of dates” he emphasised plenty as he chuckled at her.  
“Well that’s up to you Freddie, I thought you didn’t date” she teased, poking his chest.  
“I don’t date, unless I know the girl is right for me and someone I can see a future with so…”
“You see a future with me?” She interrupted him mid sentence.  
“Of course I do, the second I laid my eyes on you, I knew you were special. You literally took my breath away that day on the train, I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone as beautiful as you. And these last few weeks…months, have only shown me how well we work together. Seeing you every morning in the hall just makes me feel so.. so good, and then when we are alone it’s like no one else exists. I’ve never felt this way about anyone, I’ve had my guard up for so long, sticking with people I know and am comfortable around and then you came along and the walls I’d built up crumbled. I’ve told you things that not even George knows. I just can’t explain it, I think that if I lost you now I’d be lost.”  
A few tears slipped down Y/N’s cheek whilst Fred spoke. He looked back up at the stars and wrapped his arm around her waist beside him.  
“Of course I can see a future with you, I picture it all the time. We’d have our own little house out in the country and a massive garden where the kids could play quidditch or some muggle sport that you’d get them into and we’d have a good space for outside summer parties like what we have at the burrow. Our kids would each have their own room so they didn’t have to share like George and I and they’d be little pranksters like me but just as smart and talented as you. oh and we’d have a dog, mum never let me have one …”
“We’d have kids?” Y/N’s soft voice brought Fred back to reality.  
He looked down at her “of course we would” he smiled “and we’d have a big wedding, like what Bill and Fleur are planning but we’d have to wait a bit after school before all that started”  
“Wow…you’ve really thought all this through Freddie” she giggled “so now that I know all about the future that you have planned for us,  what do we do now?”
Fred gave her a puzzled look raising his eyebrows whilst he raked his brain for an answer. “Uh….”
Y/N laughed “shouldn’t you ask me something?”
“Oh yeah right, I forgot. Would you like to go on a a date with me?”.  
Y/N frowned slightly, Fred’s eyes widened “what did I do something wrong?”  
“No..it’s just… never mind. I’d love to go on a date with you” She smiled up to him, cuddling into his side. As much as she would have loved the official title of being his she would wait as long as it took.
He pulled her blanket away from her and wrapped it around him. “Oi Freddie that’s mine, give it back” she giggled as she tried to pull the blanket back from him. Fred stretched his arm and held the blanket away from her, she got on her knees and leaned over Fred trying to get it. She placed her knees at either side of his thighs as she tried to reach over.  
She finally gave up and rested in his lap, “Freddie it’s cold” she pouted. Fred’s breath caught in his throat as he looked down at the position they were in. His eyes looked at her lips, then her eyes and then her lips again. God he wanted to kiss her, he wanted to see how it felt.  
Y/N leaned forward and placed her lips on Fred, he was surprised that she initiated the kiss but quickly responded, his hands dropped her blanket and went to her hips and pulled her closer to him, making sure his hands didn’t sit to low. His tongue glided across her bottom lip asking for entrance which she gladly excepted, their lips moving in perfect harmony.  
Y/N couldn’t help but think about how right this felt, Cedric was nothing compared to Fred, as cliché as it sounds she saw fireworks and butterflies fluttered in her stomach.  
Fred had never had a kiss this good, in all honesty he never really kissed the girls he had sex with, it just made the encounter far to intimate for him. But kissing Y/N felt amazing, he loved being so close to her. He pulled back and rested his forehead against hers “I hope you know you’re mine now”, Y/N nodded eagerly before pulling him close for another kiss.  
They spent the rest of the night cuddled up under the stars watching as the sun came out. They walked hand in hand to the castle and sat at the Gryffindor table for breakfast. George was the first to come down and see them sat together “ah no more tears over Y/N then Freddie, did you finally convince her to give you a chance?” he poured himself a glass of pumpkin juice.  
“Yes Georgie he did” George choked on his juice slightly before grinning like the Cheshire Cat.  
“Finally! It’s taken you both long enough, sorry for the glares yesterday Y/N, they were mainly at Diggory, I just don’t like seeing Fred upset”.  
Y/N just shrugged before smiling at George “It’s okay Georgie, I don’t like seeing him upset either” she laughed and took a bite of the strawberry she was eating.
The rest of Fred’s friends came down, congratulating the two for finally getting together. Ginny came and sat with them, a big grin on her face. “All worked out in the end then ay Freddie” she teased as she ruffled his hair, “you made the right choice Y/N, perfect diggory is nothing compared to our Freddie”.  
Fred rolled his eyes as Y/N chuckled “you’re right about that”. They ate their breakfast in peace, Fred noticed Cedric come in and pulled Y/N close for a passionate kiss, all of his friends whooping and cheering making sure everyone’s eyes were drawn to them. They both pulled away, Y/N blushing and burying her head in Fred’s chest.  
Ron came over just as they were leaving “here’s the letter to mum gin, just Fred and George left to say if they’re taking anyone home for Christmas” he handed the parchment to George who lazily scribbled Lee’s name down with a little message before handing it to Fred.  
“Do you still want to come?” he looked down to Y/N whilst everyone else engaged in conversation, “If you want me to come I’m there” she smiled up at him and watched him scribble on the parchment.  
Hi mum,
I hope you and dad are good, I miss you both.  
I’m going to take my girlfriend home for Christmas, her name is Y/N Y/L/N, give her a sweater that would fit me please – she keeps stealing mine!
See you soon.  
Love, Freddie x  
He handed the letter back to Ginny before pulling Y/N away from the table, “time for our first date as official boyfriend and Girlfriend” he smirked before leading her to one of the secret passages to Hogsmeade.  
Having his girlfriend at the burrow for Christmas was everything Fred wanted and more. He never realised how much he had missed out on. They spent their days cuddled up on the couch watching old films whilst drinking hot chocolate, or out in the snow sledding or building snowmen. Every night was filled with more movies, games and of course Y/N reading muggle tales to Fred as they cuddled in front of the fire (although some of those tales were interrupted by mr Weasley who was so fascinated by the things muggles came up with in their stories).  
It was Christmas Eve and all of the family were heading up to their rooms, Fred tugged Y/N over to the front door and slid her jacket over her shoulders before securing her hat to her head and tying her scarf loosely around her neck. “Get on your boots cutie, I’ve got a surprise”. As Y/N got on her wellies, Mrs Weasley came over with a basket in hand.
“Everything you asked for Freddie” she popped it on the floor, “good night dearie, Freddie is so lucky to have found you” she wrapped her arms around Y/N, she did the same to Fred after he was ready. Walking over to the stairs she stopped and turned on her heels “remember when you get back to go to your separate rooms, I’m not ready to be a grandmother just yet” with a wink she made her way up the stairs.  
“She’s honestly something else” Fred chuckled taking Y/N’s hand in his and leading her out to the garden.  
“I think she’s great”  
Fred used his wand to conjure up a seating area for the two of them and a little fire in front of them. In the basket was blankets, two mugs, a flask of hot chocolate and some marshmallows.  
“Freddie this looks great” Y/N couldn’t help but smile at Fred, she was so lucky to have him.  
He grabbed her wrist and looked at her watch, “five minutes to go” he wrapped a blanket around them both before getting the hot chocolate for them.  
He wrapped an arm around them as they watched the stars “they look so much prettier here than they do at school” Y/N looked up at Fred who was already watching her.
“You look just as pretty here as you do at school” he kissed her forehead. The clock struck midnight and suddenly fireworks started going off.  
Red ones, green ones, white ones, ones in the shape of Santa, ones in the shape of snowmen, Y/N couldn’t look away from them, they were beautiful. Suddenly the fireworks made two figures, they showed two people that Y/N recognised very clearly, it was her and Fred sat in two chairs, the scene sort of reminded her of the times they spent in the library. Next showed the two of them near a circle of blue, this reminded her of all the times they’d spent at the black lake.  
Finally the fireworks showed them kissing and “merry Christmas Y/N” was spelt above them, with “I love you” underneath.  
Y/N gasped as she looked over at Fred, a few tears had escaped her eyes and Fred softly wiped his thumb across her cheek, smiling down at her. “Do you really?” She asked in disbelief.  
“I love you” he placed a kiss to her lips, slow and gentle before pulling back. Y/N was practically grinning from ear to ear “I love you too Freddie”. They sat outside a little longer continuously saying those three special words to each other. They made their way back inside, sitting on the couch for a cuddle before bed. “Merry Christmas Freddie” Y/N yawned and cuddled into his chest.  
“Merry Christmas cutie” he kissed her forehead, his eyes shut.
They woke up the next morning to Mrs Weasley standing above them “I said separate rooms” she said sternly before breaking out into a smile “merry Christmas you two” she kissed both of their foreheads before going into the kitchen.  
Fred and Y/N were the first ones up, when they joined her in the kitchen they both apologies only to be waved off my Molly.
Soon it was time for presents, everyone received a jumper from Mrs Weasley and she followed Fred’s instructions, ensuring the jumper with Y/N’s initial was the same size as Fred’s.
Fred and Y/N left opening each other’s presents until last. Y/N got Fred a new beater for quidditch, some sweeties from honeydukes and a big teddy in the shape of a dog, “I know how much you’ve always wanted one” she winked. Fred grinned from ear to ear as he showed off his new bat to George.
It was now Y/N’s turn, there was a small box on the floor with her name on it, she carefully took off the wrapping paper and opened the box to reveal the most beautiful bracelet she had ever seen, there was a W charm attached with a broom and a star either side. “Oh Freddie I love it, thank you so much!” she practically flew into Fred’s arms giving him a big cuddle and a kiss.
“I love you” he whispered into her ear.  
“I love you too”  
@jenniweaslee @britishspidey @parkeroffline @westyywifee @gloryekaterina @pineapplesandpinas @manuosorioh @itsbebeyyy @nojamsonmytoast @blackqueens01 @mahvelous @supermassiveblackhope @justmesadgirl @fandomlovver
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Bakugou Meets his Future Kids
Hiya! Long time no see! So I’ve been gone a while and today I was actually supposed to post the last part in the Aizawa mini series. That wont happen today because unfortunately even though me and my whole family have been super safe and only go to work and home I did test positive for Covid-19. I'm okay though just really drained and this was easier for me to finish. I'm hoping to have the Christmas fic up by the 28th at the latest, so sorry about that! For now I hope you can enjoy this! The kids do call reader mommy but there is no assigned gender! Anyone, any gender can be a mom!
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
He meets his kids from the future in a troubling way
Words: 1896
It was supposed to be a normal day and it was for about 10 seconds. About 11 seconds in Bakugou had somehow been wrapped into a trip to the mall with most of the class. Bakugou prided himself on being a strong immovable boulder but when you asked could he come… lets say he had a temporary weakness. Now here he was at the food court as you all argued over what to eat.
“Is there a place that sells soba?” Todoroki asked.
“Even if there is, we aren't eating there! You always eat that!” Mina said, pointing at the boy who looked back a little deflated.
“I think we’ll be okay getting soba, his obsession with soba is super cute!” you said with a small laugh. This had Bakugou craning his neck. Only ever eating one thing was not cute, how could you think that!
“Like hell we are, Come on Y/n were getting a burger.” Bakugou said standing and pulling you away you didn't get far before you all heard someone crying and yelling. You and the rest of the class looked at each other once before you dashed in the direction of the cries. Arriving on the scene you see 3 kids surrounding a boy who was crying while one was holding back a girl who seemed to be crying in anger. 
“Hey what the hell is going on here?” Kirishima said in a scolding tone. The kids turn around and pale probably recognizing the group of soon to be Pro-Heroes.
“Nothing we should be going, later losers.” The kids said quickly scattering into the crowds at the mall. The girl quickly ran to the boy's side still crying.
“It's alright, you don't have to cry, I have a first aid kit if that helps.” You said trying to console the kids. At your voice both of the kids looked up at you before tackling you in a crushing hug, sobbing even more. You looked up at your class confused; they only shrugged at you.
“Mommy! I'm sorry, I took Hiroyuki from school and we followed you and then we got hit with that big scary guy's quirk and then we ended up here and we been here for like 2 days. I'm sorry!!” The girl cried, rubbing her eyes furiously.
“Uh um sweetheart, I'm sorry you got lost but my teachers will help you. We’ll find your parents I promise.” You said rubbing her checks.
“But you're our mommy.” The young girl sniffled.
“I'm not, you must be confused. I'm L/n.” You said, smiling at them as they seemed to tear up.
“That's not funny mommy, stop joking right now.” The girl said, shaking her head, more tears spilling from her eyes.
“Sorry kid they aren't joking, L/n doesn't have any kids.” Denki said, crouching to meet her eyes.
“Are you mad cause we didn't listen? Are you gonna send us away?” The girl said, beginning to cry even more.
“Stop making my sister cry!!” The boy said with tears in his eyes, the tears were short lived as explosion went off all around them. Everyone looked at Bakugou who was quietly watching
“It's not me, it's one of them.” He said with his teeth gritted. The class didn't have time to figure it out as the explosion stopped and they saw their teacher next to them.
“It’s always something with you guys. Hey kids I'm gonna need you to come with me so we can sort this out.” He said offering his hands to them which they didn't hesitate to take. The walk back to the school was relatively short and quiet. Now they were all sitting outside of recovery girls office waiting on some kind of news.
“I think i know what's happened. They kept calling you mom, right?” You nodded at her with a small smile.
“Well while I was trying to heal them I asked them some questions to make sure their heads were on straight. Their answers were very much incorrect to us but also not completely insane. For Example Dynamight, Deku, and Shoto are all top 10 heroes. The league of villains are no more and I'm dead. I examined their bodies and it seems they were hit with a time travel quirk from the looks of it. Not sure when it will wear off but my best recommendation is for them to remain under L/n and Easerheads care, I will check for any signs of it wearing off, every other day.”
“Huh? Is Easerhead their dad! Do you and L/n get married in the future?! That's kind of kinky…” Mineta said with a gross smile
“No, you creepy child. It seems they do like him though.” Recovery girl said with a sigh. You thanked her and went into the room.
“Hey, did recovery girl explain what happened to you guys?” You said as you approached them.
“Uh huh she said we went in the past to where you and papa were students. Like in the pictures on the walls.” The girl said.
“Mhm very good, so can you tell me your names? Then we can go hang out with my friends and eat something!” You said with a smile.
“Hiroyuki…” the boy mumbled.
“I’m Kaori!” The young girl cheered at you. You thanked them and guided you out the door and found your friends and teacher waiting. You led them to the dorm lunge where food was waiting on them.
“So which one of you have an explosion quirk?” Kirishima said as the kids were eating.
“We both do, kind of.” The girl said absentmindedly. “Mom says I make explosions from the heat of the food I eat, I like spicy stuff.” She said with a smile.
“Oh okay cool! But no spicy stuff for you.” Denki laughed at the girl who wasn't exactly happy.
“What about you, little guy?” Sero asked the younger one. The little boy looked at Sero before burying his face in his hands and shaking his head.
“Yuki, has a really cool quirk! Mom says he works like a gas stove! He leaks this stuff that's like propane! Then he can ignite it based on how he is feeling! Angry or emotional means bigger explosions! It comes from his pores or his hand.” The girl chimed in for her brother. He was upset at her words and ran to Aizawa.
“Sorry, we didn't mean to make you uncomfortable!” Mina said as she couched to the level of the boy who further hid his face into Aizawa legs.
“It's okay, kid, Bakugou has an explosive quirk, it's cool!” Denki said with his flashy smile.
“We don't care about that old man's quirk!” The girl said fresh tears on his face.
“What’d you say you little brat?! I’m not an old man!” Bakugou roared back to Kaori.
“You are a mean old man and I hate you! Its all your fault I'm stuck here without my real mom and papa! I hate you! I hate you so much Papa!” The little girl roared back before running back to you crying.
“Papa?” Kirishima echoed quietly.
“Kaori, you shouldn't yell at people or tell them you hate them it's a mean and strong word.” You said crouching down to her level and stroking her cheek.
“B-but it's all his fault. He said me and Hiroyuki were weak and and we couldn't do much because we're kids and it's best for us to stay out of Hero’s way! Like were burdens!” She said growing further agitated.
“And I was right, you followed your mom and you both got hurt when you shouldn't have been near the battle anyway.” He said with a frown.
“But that doesn't mean we are useless and can't do anything by ourselves! WE ARENT DUMB!” She yelled back at him.
“Future me didn't say you were dumb, he, I just want you to be safe. It's best for you and your brother to stay out of the way for now. However, that doesn't mean your a burden or dumb.” Bakugou said seriously. The little girl didn't say anything further and just threw herself into her your arms. Hiroyuki came from in between Aizawa’s legs and also threw himself at you.
“Okay enough mingling for today I guess, time for bed! I’ll be right back guys.” You said as you carried both kids off to your dorms with surprising grace. Once you were gone the group turned to Bakugou.
“Papa, huh Bakugou?!” Denki said with a chuckle.
“It's too surprising! I didn't even know you had a crush on L/N!” Mina said with a pout.
“Really? it was pretty obvious Bakubro had a crush though. Literal tiny explosions go whenever L/n is near.” Kirishima said with a cute head tilt.
“The hell they do.” Bakugou said angrily.
“No they do, I’ve had to stop them a few times now.” Aizawa said with his weird grin.
“I can't believe it though, they are so cute! Kaori is so much like you and I cant believe Hiroyuki’s quirk is so kickass!” Sero said rubbing the back of there necks.
“Well of course they got kickass quirks. With me and L/N as parents there’s no way they wouldn't!” Bakugou said flushed red.
“I'm just glad you cleared up everything with them. It would be pretty bad if they went back mad at the future you, or thinking something damaging like that.” Deku said with a sigh. Finally you were back with no kids, at least it looked like you didn’t have kids.
“So this parenting shit is pretty hard!!” You said as two figures came from behind your legs. They blushed before pointing to Bakugou and then back at your dorm.
“Use your words.” Bakugou said, cocking an eyebrow at the flustered kids.
“Story, Papa.” Hiroyuki slurred out.
“I'm sorry for saying I hate you… I didn't mean it.” The young girl said softly
“You better be, that's a strong word. Now let's go to bed.” Bakugou said nonchalantly as he picked up both kids and walked back to your dorm. The kids remained with you two for about a week and half. You learned lots like you and Bakugou have twins on the way and still want at least one more. Hiroyuki loves Aizawa because he is able to keep his quirk under control around him and they both have an addiction to cats. Bakugou is indeed amazing at everything except anger management. When they left it was during one of your cuddle sessions and boy did you cry like a baby.
“It’s been almost 2 weeks, where could they be?? What if they’re…” You said into Bakugou's chest.
“They’re fine, okay? Our brats are tough so wherever they ended up in time doesn't matter they’ll kick anyone's ass.” Bakugou said, trying to console you. You didn't get a chance to respond before you dogs went crazy at the knock at the door. You yelled for however it was to come in and you thought your mind was playing tricks on you.
“Don't worry they are just drowsy.” Aizawa said with the two kids in his capture weapon trailing behind him. Bakugou was the first to move and was on his knees, in tears in seconds.
“You idiots! Never, ever do that again.” He said hugging him like his life depended on it.
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ubemango · 4 years
*gregorian chant* breeding kink c*m inflation kink breeding kink c*m inflation kink breeding kink c*m inflation kink bree
In another universe pups is the ABO fic I never wrote HJDHJDSHJDSHJHJFHJFSD OK so anyway I won’t lie I had to google what cum inflation was and when I saw what I saw.... yes. Ok. It got my brain gears going *rusty noise of gears turning* U know what I mean??? So i was thinking..... ***NSFW WARNING
You see hentai on Namjoon’s laptop one day. You’ve mastered the art of nonchalance, though. So when he comes back from the bathroom and gives you a smile—as if you haven’t gotten a peek into Things That Turn Namjoon On That Don’t Include You—you breathe an internal sigh of relief. Safe.
Except you’ve stopped taking notes and now all you can think about is Namjoon watching porn so brazenly on his laptop. Where he does schoolwork of all places! He could at least just use his phone. Also you’re just a teensy bit wet because cartoon boobs and dick is still conducive to horny hours, even if you are doing something as unsexy as critical writing.
Your study date ends with a simple kiss on the lips because Hoseok’s home this time and you’d rather not taint the living room space while he’s occupying the apartment too. Namjoon slips in a little bit of tongue though, because he’s cheeky like that.
You text Namjoon right when you get home. You lie and say you’re going to sleep early, with the excuse that you have to wake up early for a meeting with your advisor. And when he sends you his good night text, you get to it. Getting ready for bed, turning your night light to the colour red once you’ve settled in.
You have sleuthing to do.
Because the hentai wasn’t just... well there’s no regular hentai, is there? It’s just. There. Being hentai. And what’s Namjoon without an inclination for messy pussies because of—because of—
You close your eyes tight because you can’t believe what you’re about to type into the search bar on your phone.
But first!
Incognito. Whew. The shame of clearing your history would be too much to bear. So when you press enter on cum inflation it isn’t so bad. Especially when all the X-rated websites pop up and your screen just becomes Anime Boobies Galore when you click the first link.
You can’t believe Namjoon had the gall to just leave that website up there on his screen. You’re scrolling down the page and already you’re feeling hot. And it isn’t even because of the fact that you’re skimming through videos of perfect girls getting so cummed up their stomachs literally become distended. Nor is it the thought of Namjoon watching it and enjoying it, either. Rather...
Was he thinking of you when he was watching these videos? Bending your knees up over your shoulders and promising you that he’s saved up all his cum for you? Getting you to drool down your chin, cross-eyed?
(Your hand is down your panties at the third video you come across. You come pretty hard when you see the girl’s pussy literally spew semen from how hard the guy comes inside her. And when you reach post-orgasm clarity you immediately exit the browser, chuck your phone onto the floor, and hope to god sleep overtakes you within twenty seconds.)
The next time you meet up for another study date with Namjoon is the weekend. That’s a good three nights of jacking it off to the same video of a huge dongle fucking a good five buckets of semen inside his girlfriend. And when you settle all your notebooks and laptop down, you immediately go for the kill.
“Do you like anime boobs?”
Namjoon chokes on the water he’s drinking from his bottle. “I—ahem. What, uh... what brought this on?”
“I’ve been watching a lot of hentai so I thought I’d ask,” you clarify.
“Uh-huh,” he says incredulously.
“And you know, it’s just—I liked it. A lot. You know. Just for your information.”
Namjoon blinks. “Are you trying to get at something here?”
“Because I don’t really mind, you know. Porn is porn. And you can like whatever you want. Like as long as it’s nice and consensual,” you ignore him.
“Like I would never make fun of you because I’m—well I’ve watched Grinch porn before but that was against my own will—“
“Baby,” Namjoon laughs, squishing your cheeks to stop your rambling. “What’s going on?”
“I like h’ntai,” you try to articulate with his hands still keeping your lips pressed in like this.
“I get that. But why?”
Oh god. You don’t even know what you want from this conversation. Maybe the guilt of catching him has caught up to you. Or maybe you also just want to have a distended stomach from having Namjoon bust a fat load inside you.
You take his hands from your face, clutch at them for support. “I saw... Um. What you were watching. The other day.”
“Ah.” You watch Namjoon’s ears turn red. He squeezes your hands right back. “You—damn. I’m sorry.”
“No—!” You clear your throat when it warbles. “N-No... it’s... well I...”
You feel his thumb rub comfort into your skin. He looks like he’s getting ready for a scolding. So when you say, “I actually really liked it and I’ve been watching it every night,” in one breath, Namjoon blinks.
And blinks.
After a solid sixteen seconds of silence, he says: “That’s really hot.”
You both stare at each other. The notebook you laid out for notes sits quietly, waiting.
“You wanna go to your bed—?”
Namjoon nearly dislodges your shoulder when he pulls you up to stand. “Yes we’re going right now.”
Something you’re really thankful for when it comes to Namjoon is how compatible you two are. You can’t count how many times you’ve both just looked at each other, no words to say, but somehow still completely on the same page. It’s like you both have the instinct of the other person ingrained in the part of your brain that deals with intuition.
You’re pretty keen on foreplay most days, but even Namjoon sees you’d rather rip your hair out than not immediately go for the feeling of his dick ramming inside you right at this very second. He laughs when you strip in record time, laying supine on the bed while he undresses.
“What’s gotten into you?” As if he’s not hard himself. He crawls over you with kisses warm on your belly, your breasts. “I have to admit. I really just wanted to fuck today.”
“Oh thank god,” you sigh. You knew something was up the second you realized Hoseok wasn’t home. He probably sexiled himself. You remind yourself to buy him dinner one day for his noble deed. “Just—I’m wet. I think. I just want you inside me, please.”
Namjoon groans. “You’re dangerous.”
“I watched hentai for three nights straight, I’m horny,” you whine in correction.
“You wanna know something? Please don’t laugh.”
“What?” Oh you’re wet alright. Namjoon lines his cock at your hole, slides tight inside. “O-Oh—what?”
“I kind of. I haven’t jacked off since the last time we met,” he says, voice tight. “Thank god you watched that shit because I probably sound crazed right now.”
He grinds up till his hips meet your ass, and you shiver when the tip of his cock hits just right. “I—I wanted to save my cum for you,” he admits, sweating at his neck, and something clicks inside you, because you were right.
“I thought—about that too—ngh!”
Namjoon fucks you steady now. No more shy thrusts like he always starts off with to gauge your mood. He knows you want it. “Shit. About what, baby?”
“You. A-And... making me full... of you.”
“Oh my god.” He grabs your thighs, opening you wide. Takes a thumb to your clit like he’s on a mission. “Will you come with me? Can you do that?”
Holy fuck you’d do anything for him. So you nod, moaning with every hard thrust he gives you. Your legs threaten to close when he rubs you raw, but he commands with a low voice:
“Open, pups.”
Embarrassingly, that does it. He’s never one to order you around. And knowing he’s purposefully saved you his cum like it’s Christmas come early, you know better than to hinder the process.
Your legs shake when you open wider, feeling the warmth of his cock tenfold. “I’m close,” you cry when he slams into you.
“Feel it here?” He slides a sweaty palm to your abdomen. “Gonna give it to you right there. Make you so full. So pretty. All—mine—!”
You don’t even know if that was your signal. But the thought of him swelling you up like that girl on your screen, her womb so full with cum and promise—
“Joonie!” You shriek, toppling right into red-hot pleasure, clutching at the sheets because it’s too much. You come in waves, and Namjoon rides it with you, bucks into you with one last groan. You feel it, feel his excess warmth coat your insides just like he’d told you, and you pretend you feel your stomach balloon for more space. He rubs a grateful hand on your stomach.
“My little cum dump,” he coos tiredly, and you slap his arm with a laugh.
“Don’t pull out yet.” You slide your arms around his shoulders, bringing his tired form onto you. “Keep me plugged in.”
He laves at your neck. “Oh so now I’m out of line when I say weird shit.”
“I never said it was weird,” you whisper. “I’ll happily house all your semen.”
“Oh my—pfft. Ok. You know what? Show me that video you were watching, I need to know what’s got you like this,” he snorts, and you promise to do it later. You’ll just keep him like this for a little while.
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stellocchia · 3 years
This is part 2 of the comprehensive analysis of c!Tommy and c!Dream’s relationship during the Exile Arc
Part 1
So, initially I was thinking of making only one post with only the important quotes from this streams but... yeah, not saying what I think about stuff is not in my blood. So now I’m stuck with this and I’m determined to finish it!
Once again, it’s all about the characters from here on out and I will be mentioning serious themes of abuse and gaslighting, so keep that in mind.
We’re starting this one off with the second proper exile stream: Tommy Is Getting So Much Worse in Exile...
Mushroom Henry is introduced at the beginning of this vod. Initially Tommy doesn’t like him, believing him to be a poor replacement of the real Henry. He then goes towards Tnret and finds it compromised as Lazarbeam had planted some tnt under it the day before during a visit with Vikstar and Technoblade (now, how much of that visit was canon? No one knows! But the tnt part definitely was). Also to be noted that Tommy already stopped fighting back against mobs, which is already rather worrying. 
Anyway, this is the stream where Tommy makes an enderchest with Fundy and Ranboo, so I will only write down some of the most notable quotes, and keep it rather brief. It is to be noted that Tommy’s depression at this point had already gotten worse as in the Nether time and time again he avoids doing the haybell mlg instead taking the full fall damage, he defends himself less and he’s already expressing feelings of loneliness. Also, he is now on the first stage of the exile skin set.
“Because if we can’t stay motivated then- then we won’t have anything to do (...) we’re gonna work out how to Keep Doing Things and not... sit around crying” (he has the need to keep busy to stave off loneliness)
“Now everyone, if you should know, we’re gonna go bach and reclaim everything at some point and kill Dream” (talking to chat)
“Music! It’s like a person but they’re not here!” (about Chirp)
“This is like, you know when you fall over? Or you know- or you know when one of your pets die? At school? And then all of a sudden you’re at school and you’re upset and all the people who are usually assholes to you start being nice all of a sudden. This is that!” 
This was quite interesting, so I want to talk about it briefly: but this is Tommy’s general mentality. He sees anyone trying to help him or giving him things as just pity from people who don’t actually care nor necessarily even like him. Basically, he feels betrayed and alone and doesn’t actually think that any of this people could possibly care. This however doesn’t seem like a mentality that’s born from exile (since he’s had it since the very beginning of exile) and we don’t actually know where it generated from. Though it could possibly be from the fact that he always had to be very independent since he had to fight in quite a few wars and even take the leading position in the Pogtopia times.
Other note: this is when Ranboo starts leaving letters for Tommy (You can find Tommy and Ranboo's mail exchanges here). At the beginning the chest they used to exchange them was situated on the Nether side of the original portal, which was a ruined portal a bit further away from Tommy’s camp. Also Tommy dies in lava (not canonically) a ton of times in this one and Fundy every times gives him some of his stuff to pretend like nothing got burned (which was kinda adorable).
“Fundy why didn’t you come with me when I got exiled? I was meaning to ask you. ‘Cause no-one came with me” “No-one came with you because it was- *sigh* Tommy I don’t know! It was- it was a shock to all of us” “You could have came with- yeah, but you just let me go. You just let go on me Fundy” “And- and just leave L’Manburg to Tubbo himself? Like all alone?” “No he would have had like literally everyone else on this server” “Like who?” (I just found this exchange interesting)
“I don’t think you’ll like it but Dream is uh, kind of proud of Tubbo. He- he’s actually acknowledging L’Manburg as a new country now” (and this is what the other side of the manipulation looked like from the outside)
“Wait wait! I could talk to the narrator! Then I’d finally have a friend!” (proceeds to start talking to the narrator)
“No no no. No no no Ranboo. Stop- stop complaining. Stop being weird Ranboo. You should be honoured to have a friend that’s close enough that he shoots you” “I don’t think that’s a ‘friend’, I think that’s just an assassin” (Ranboo with the common sense)
“This is where I used to live and then Dream tore it down” “Why did Dream tear it down?” “*sigh* I don’t know”
"Look guys: this is the song of a female astronaut named Clara” (about Chirp)
The vod ends with Tommy and Ghostbur’s attempt at saving Lazarbeam from lava and Ghostbur gifting Tommy the “Your Tubbo” compass.
Moving on: Tommy Is So Lonely in Exile with Dream
This is actually the first stream where Tommy starts off drowning (and he actually dies, yet again, non canonically). Also Puffy gifts him some blue wool, 3 diamonds and his own Christmas tree, specifying that it’s not out of pity so he actually accepts the present. 
“We’ve got some things to do. I’m still feeling um... I’m not feeling I AM very very very alone. Just- just so- just lonely all of the time... which isn’t, you know? Isn’t okay. I don’t know why I was at the bottom of the ocean just holding a bone”
Now, a bit to unpack here. In real time by now it had been 3-4 days technically, but in rp it has been specified already multiple times that it had been quite a few days since Tommy got exiled and we don’t really have any reason to believe that he received any more visits then what we’ve seen. Which probably increased his loneliness. Also we don’t have an actual explaination for him waking up drowning, my best guess for it is a mix of him being suicidal and general depression making it hard to get any proper rest (which we know was the case for him since he did mention at one point that he “didn’t sleep anymore”) which could have caused him to start sleepwalking since both “not getting enough sleep” and “stress and anxiety” are listed as causes of it. Now the actual subconcious reason as to why he was going in the sea and letting himself drown is unknown but, again, he was suicidal while in exile.
Also “How to Sex 2″ got burned by Ghostbur, not volountarily of course, he just had it on him when he died in lava. 
“I’m too lonely to be angry now, alright? We got to appreciate all the friends that we can get” (about Lazarbeam bringing him a present)
“The compass is nice though! We’ve got a compass that always will point to Tubbo... not that- not that he’d care” (beginning of the doubts about his old friends)
“Tubbo has one too? [referring to the compass] Oh he’ll just- if he’s got one he’s just using it for show... he’s- I’ve accepted that he’s the president now and I’m just- I’m just that guy he had to exile to show how powerful he was” (again, doubts)
Also Tommy makes his first path to Logstedshire in this stream. He also takes a liking to Mushroom Henry here after figuring out he could produce mushroom soup, meaning he actually had a sustainable source of food instead of having to relay mostly on handouts. 
“Guys we need some more coal” *Dream joins the game* “...ooooooh no please don’t come and visit me. Please please please” (I’m leaving this here, I believe this reaction speaks for itself)
“Hey! I’m- I’m above right now by the pretty Christmas tree that there is here” “Why are you here?” “I’m visiting you!” “Last time you said that you ruined me” “I- How did I ruin you?” “*sigh* Hi Dream!” “Hello~” “What have you- what” “Where are you at?” “I’m just com- why are you here? Every time you’ve been here you’ve done something destructive” “I- I what- I haven’t done anything destructive... everything’s been fine! I haven’t destroyed anything”
At the time there were a lot of people who were hesitant at calling Dream’s manipulation “gaslighting”, as that is a precise type of manipulation, but this right here? This is an example of gaslighting. Dream destroyed everything Tommy had every time he visited him and they both know this, still what Dream is trying to do here is convince Tommy that that never happened to keep up his friendly facade. Just because he isn’t saying directly “you can’t trust what you remember” doesn’t mean that that’s not exactly what he is implying. To reiterate this point they meet up right after and Dream, once again, blows up Tommy’s armour and diamond sword: 
“Hello~ take your armour off” “Why should I take my armour off?” “Um, drop it down here” “No, no! I worked really hard to get this. No!” “Okay... you can get it again!” “No! See this is what I told you about, that you’re destructive to me” “Tommy I’m not destructive... but, listen, you gotta drop it” (...) “No, no! I’m a rebellious teenager. I don’t listen to green punks” *Dream hits Tommy with an axe* “*screams* Okay okay okay okay okay”
Again, Dream hitting Tommy in this case is portrayed as physical abuse. And then Dream goes back to acting as if nothing ever happened, going on to talk about his day, telling Tommy that he knows about the 2 compasses and telling him that Tubbo went over while Tommy wasn’t there and that he is free to visit Tommy, he just hasn’t done it yet (all of this are actually true, but the implication that Tubbo didn’t want to see Tommy obviously isn’t). 
“Dream, I think I’ve realized why no-one’s came to see me” “Why’s that?” “It’s because- it’s because there is not an easy way to get to me and I’m gonna make an easy way to get to me today” “I mean, if you boat here, it took me 2 minutes” “No no-one wants to use the boat, it’s too far- it’s too far for people” “Oh you know what Tommy? I’ll do you a favour”
This is when Dream moves Tommy’s portal. Now, one thing that I want to point out is that Dream had already intercepted Ranboo’s and Tommy’s first mail book (we know this because in Ranboo’s message at the beginning of this stream he said that the first one disappeared) so he probably knew that Ranboo was using the secrecy of the further away portal to communicate with Tommy undetected. Of course Dream can’t have that, though he probably didn’t account for Ranboo not giving up that easily.
“Well it’s very awkward considering you exiled me and- and have banished me from being around all of my friends and now are trying to side with me it’s kinda-” “Tommy what’d you mean from all your friends? I’m your friend!” “Yeah... yeah you are” “I am your friend Tommy~” “Yeah I- Yeeeeeah, Dream” (just to clarify: Tommy is not agreeing with Dream here, he is being sarcastic. Also Dream starts harping a bit more on this point from here on out)
“Oh I just witnessed another suicide...” (second time this happens, the first was in the last vod, and he stays staring at the lava for a moment)
Tommy once again trying to push Dream into lava (again similarly to how he did in the first proper exile stream) and Dream just goes along with it (mostly just to flex about how that can’t actually kill him). I consider this couple of times as the first times Tommy started lashing out in exile. 
“Health and safety is important Dream! *staring at lava* Is it though?” “Yes, yes it’s important Tommy. It’s not your time to die”
“And then you’re coming over here giving me shit and also burning my shit. You’re just- you’re just a monster” “I didn’t burn any of your shit” “You blew it up! You exploded it! Man you’re ruining my life...” “I blew it up, I didn’t burn it though” (because that makes all the difference of course...)
“Hey man I could jump and you’d be able to do nothing about it and I’d- I’d be done-zo” “I- I ask you please not to” “Okay” “I need you alive and well”
Now I found this interesting when first watching as well, but Dream really did spell it out for us that he actually needed Tommy, huh? Like, in retrospect, what Dream then intended to do in the Season 2 Finale seemed kind of obvious. Also after that They have a discussion about the enderchest, but Tommy gets to keep it. Also Ranboo appears at the portal, though Dream doesn’t manage to see who it is and Ranboo manages to escape before he sees (thanks in part to Tommy distracting Dream). Now I want to point out that, even if outwardly people had the permission to visit Tommy, the fact that everyone was so scared about Dream finding out about it talks volume about how clear that was. Also this is when Dream gives Tommy the general direction of Technoblade’s cabin.
“Look at us go... hey why don’t you just un-exile me, you know? You know?” “*laughs* Well I think that I- I- I think that maybe there is a possibility at least in the- in the future that you could- you could- you know? Get a visitor’s pass...” (notice that he only confirmed a possibility for a visitor’s pass, not for actually going back, Dream literally never meant for Tommy to go back permanently)
Lazarbeam arrives to visit Tommy at this point to gift him Far and a fire resistence potion.
“See I told you! It was because I didn’t have a bridge that nobody was coming to visit me Dream! It wasn’t because it was me” “Yeah it must be...”
“Hey Dream come and listen to this man! [talking about Far]” “I-I’m-” “Hey, promise you won’t- If I get a new disc you wouldn’t mind would you?” “No I wouldn’t” “Okay, come and listen. I trust you now, now we’ve bonded” (Is this the second time Tommy invites Dream to listen to a disc with him?)
At this point Dream pressures Lazarbeam to mug Tommy with him and the whole scene is just pretty weird, but it boils down to Dream blowing Tommy’s armour up (again), while also hitting him a bit more when he doesn’t immediately comply (basically making this humiliating and making Tommy understand that he is not any safer with someone else there). Though Tommy does end up lashing out and killing Lazarbeam (not canonically) and Dream destroys his enderchest in retaliation. After that Tommy does become more submissive, not wanting to get killed. Now I want to point out that that same day Dream had agreed that Tommy could keep his enderchest without any conditions to it, but, of course, Dream’s rules are constantly changing. Dream does leave after that for a bit.
“I put your enderchest back by the way Tommy” “Really?” “Yeah. I just wanted to prevent you from putting his armour in there so... that’s why I broke it” “Thank you! Thank you” “You’re welcome” 
Wanna know why this is bullshit? Tommy didn’t even try to go towards the enderchest when he had Lazarbeam’s armour and immediately gave it up at Dream’s request. This is just Dream giving Tommy a “reward” for being compliant after punishing him. Also pointing out the fact that Tommy felt compelled to thank Dream even if Dream was the one who caused the issue he just fixed in the first place. Also Connor arrives as well.
“Yeah you can’t move into my home Connor” “Well I mean, of course he can because it’s not your home because you’re not going back” “What do you mean I’m not going back?” “Well as I said maybe potentially you could get a visitors pass” (reiterating a point from the start)
“Tubbo- Tubbo said that! Tubbo said it [the server] looked so much better since Tommy left. And I was like ‘wait what?’ and he’s like: ‘yeah it could be a coincidence though but I don’t think so'” (you manipulative green bastard)
“I don’t know if you know this but I’ve been constructing a- a uh- a prison and it is ginormous so...” (I did not remember Dream mentioning the prison this early on)
Anyway, the stream ends with Dream stripping for primes and since I need it, I decided that that’s canon.
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