#Slasher Flick Chick
moonchild-in-blue · 1 month
Tumblr sleepover with the moots where we do quizzes (silly uquizz ones and that one bdsm test) and eat snacks (we order pizza and feast on the delivery boy's guts. also on the pizza).
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xxgalacticambitionsxx · 3 months
Normalize making up ocs based on dreams you had actually
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Highbrow this, lowbrow that, how about we just accept that sometimes things are just fun to watch? If you enjoy watching obscure Swedish arthouse films made exclusively in abandoned theme parks, great! If you only watch cheap horror flicks that use blood they got from Spirit Halloween, whatever! Once you try to assign objective value to something that is almost purely subjective, that's when you start to drain all the fun out of it
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skipppppy · 7 months
Boo I felt like making headcanons again bc I spend more time wondering what these assholes do in their free time than I do on my job
Didn’t have access to movies growing up so Player, Zack, and Ivy have been catching her up on the most popular ones
HORRIBLE to watch with. Doesn’t really understand “suspension of disbelief” as a concept and will ask stupid questions the whole time. Player almost ended their friendship because she nitpicked Lord of the Rings for being “unrealistic”
Enjoys low stakes 2000s girl chick flicks like mean girls and legally blonde. She has enough stress in her life man she just wants to relax
HATES heist movies because of how innacurate they are. Team Red has taken to watching them JUST to hear her pick them apart
Sci-fi/fantasy junkie. Anything and everything that has aliens/magic and shitty practical effects from the 80’s/90’s he is all over
Has never said a single kind thing about the Star Wars franchise in his life. They are his favourite movies of all time
ADORES Edgar Wright and has slowly been converting Team Red to his movies. Zack loved Baby Driver. Ivy loved Shaun of the Dead. Shadowsan loved Hot Fuzz. He considers Scott Pilgrim the pinnacle of Canadian cinema
Cannot STAND the amount of remakes happening in Hollywood recently
Canon enjoyer of blockbuster action movies. Everyone dreads the nights when he gets to choose a film bc his taste is so generic
Does not know what the Snyder cut is. Thank god
His only redeeming quality is a love of early dreamworks. Will not stop quoting Madnagascar
Has seen every Marvel movie and thinks all of them are good. Player has BEGGED him to watch better movies but he won’t. He’s the type to rag on Scorsese for being “boring”
Has seen Kevin Feige’s extended filmography. Does not know who that man is
Horror fanatic
Banned from choosing movies for film night after convincing them to watch her “favourite lesbian romcom” with her. That lesbian romcom was Saw
Ellen Ripley was not only her personal hero but also her gay awakening. The Xenomorph queen was her second gay awakening
Also loves period dramas. Enjoys the tiddies and knows she would look SO good in those fancy waistcoats the men wear
Watches old slashers with Carmen and laugh whenever someone dies in a stupid way
Faculty considered movies “low brow” entertainment so he hasn’t seen a movie made before the year 2000
Loves a good mob flick. Got into Scorsese specifically because Zack hated him. Goodfellas is his favourite
Everyone assumes he enjoys samurai movies but he actually HATES them. Hideo would ramble about historical inaccuracies the whole way through and he’s still bored just thinking about it
Used to love Yakuza films back in the day but they were soured for him after actually living as one
Loved Knives Out, found Daniel Craig VERY attractive, and has since fallen down the James Bond rabbit hole
The most pretentious film hack you’ve ever met in your life. He is taking you to a back alley screening of some arthouse eastern european gay porn on a first date and it will be the most profound thing you’ve ever seen in your life
Detective noir movies and cheesy black and white romances are his favourites. He likes falling asleep to them
He and Player both appreciate animation as a form of cinema, but while Player is referring to like. the Mario movie, Chase is talking about some 3 minute Russian stopmotion surrealist piece from 1951. He attends Annecy every year and has been banned from the Oscars due to threats of violence
He likes Poirot tho. Transmasc king
If she has a few hours to herself she’d rather watch a documentary than go to a movie theatre, but she loves historical dramas
Enjoys biopics but thinks it’s stupid to make them for people who are alive
Likes watching movies for the sake of trash talking them, so she is the only person who can tolerate sitting through one with Carmen
LOVES Wes Anderson though. Chase got her into his stuff and the symmetry scratches an itch in her brain. But don’t tell him that
Also enjoys period dramas for the tiddies
Shitty cop movie enjoyer. The kind of person who insists that Die Hard is her favourite christmas movie
LOVES heist movies because of how inaccurate they are. Will mentally nitpick whatever secret service is going after them and be like “ACME wouldn’t do that lol”
She’s semi aware that she’s the antoagonist in Carmen’s own heist narrative so she’s started having fun with it
Closet lover of b-tier comedy movies. Like the ones with Adam Sandler and Kevin Hart on the cover
Does not enjoy watching movies socially. That is quality time for her and her cat. She does not have to shush Commander
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What I think each Yellowjackets character’s Letterboxd top 4 would be
*I’m including movies past the 90s even though some of these characters didn’t live long enough to see them*
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I think Nat is a huge horror movie fan (specifically 80s slasher and demonic possession) and loves edgy gothic vibes. I also think she would love some artsy indie movies about sex and challenging gender roles (and just some cool action movies with hot badass women).
Honorable mentions go to The Craft and Kill Bill
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We all know Misty is a theater kid. She loves musicals and I think girlie is definitely singing Sweeney Todd and Phantom of the Opera songs to herself 24/7. And I feel like I don’t even need to explain the Steel Magnolias inclusion, she had that monologue memorized like it was imprinted on her soul.
Honorable mentions go to Hairspray and Hamilton
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I know Jackie loves a good chick flick, particularly those with homoerotic subtexts. I think, if she had gotten to live long enough to start coming to terms with her sexuality, But I’m a Cheerleader would definitely be her gay awakening. And then Bottoms once she’s tip-toed out of the closet a little bit more (RIP Jackie Taylor you would have LOVED Bottoms). And of course, I had to add Beaches because of the “Are you quoting Beaches at me right now?” line, and also because I think Jackie would watch it and shed a secret tear because it makes her think of her and Shauna.
Honorable mentions go to Uptown Girls and Heathers
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Van would definitely refuse to watch anything past the 90s. She loves comedy classics and queer staples. I know Van quotes The Godfather in the full Italian accent constantly (especially around Nat to piss her off) and she’s watched The Princess Bride an ungodly amount of times and knows pretty much every line (Buttercup was her queer awakening).
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Like Jackie, Shauna love movies about intense (homoerotic) friendships. I know she relates to Needy in Jennifer’s Body living in Jennifer’s (Jackie’s) shadow and resenting her for it but also being so obsessed and intertwined with her; and she also just loves the visuals and its satire on female exploitation. Shauna maybe relates to and roots for Pearl a little too much, she loves a movie about a woman desperate for recognition and teetering on the edge of insanity while maintaining a sweet and innocent facade. Also I can see adult Shauna in particular just being charmed by Little Women (partly because of the love triangle but mostly because of the womanhood and female friendship themes).
Honorable mentions go to Juno and Scream
Also side note: I feel like Shauna would love Daria, but it’s a TV show so I didn’t include it.
Laura Lee
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Laura Lee loves uplifting and wholesome movies. I can see her shamelessly liking kid’s movies well into adulthood. She likes movies centered around helping people in need like The Rescuers or going through hardship and discovering faith like Soul Surfer. Girl is religious-religious so her favorites are definitely going to be centered around faith and Christianity. But she also just likes a simple feel-good film; the cheesiest, sappiest movies you can imagine.
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Okay Lottie was hard to pinpoint but I’m pretty sure she would like angsty, artsy shit. Like, in high school, she would pretend to love chick flicks like the rest of her classmates but when she gets home she’s putting on the darkest and most depressing weird girl movie you’ve ever seen. I think she likes Suspiria for the occult themes, the otherworldly feeling of it, and eccentricities of the main character who never knows what’s real and what’s not, which she relates to. I think she likes some mental illness movies like Donnie Darko because of her diagnosis and upbringing and The Virgin Suicides because she’s lonely and feels overly-controlled by her parents. And Amelie because she once again relates to the loneliness and likes that the main character discovers her gift for helping people. I think Lottie would prioritize good cinematography and visuals in movies, too.
I don’t think Lottie would really watch movies as an adult because she would be too busy running a cult and disconnecting from society, which is why these picks are centered around Teen Lottie.
I couldn’t think of what Tai would like! She is a mystery to me. I can see her maybe liking something like Whiplash because she is super driven and ambitious and kind of tortures herself for success? But idk. Please comment or repost with what you think her’s would be!
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ultralightpoe · 1 year
Busted - Ethan Landry
Authors Note: First Ethan imagine, take it easy on me 
Warnings: ghostface, death, mentions of sexy times 
Word Count: 1485
Description: Ethan lays out the rules for the slasher movies, and you notice that he pretends not to know when the slasher becomes real 
If you like Taylor Swift then look at my request event for April HERE!
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The apartment door had 6 locks on it, and there was something odd about that to you. 
Mindy claimed that it was completely normal, considering what Sam and Tara had gone through, and bragged about the taser she kept in the nightstand of her dorm room. Anika laughed and claimed that it was hot. 
You were still left unsettled by the locks on the door, and you still had no clue what they went through but it seemed extremely rude to ask so you kept your mouth shut until you were in Ethans dorm later, on the floor playing Uno. 
Chad had left for one of his classes a mere 15 minutes ago and you were trying not to let the awkwardness of being left alone with your crush get to you. Not that anything helped considering you were still a blushing mess. 
“Hey, uhm Ethan?” You ask, voice hesitant as you finally get the courage to speak up. His head snaps up from the deep concentration he had on the cards “I had a question about….well your friends….”
You had met Ethan before you had met any of them, having been sat next to him in Film Studies, ignoring the stupid commentary of your fellow classmate Jason Carvey. Ethan had kept forgetting pencils and you kept supplying them, then you went to share headphones when you forgot your pair and he had a good taste in music. 
Then he introduced you to his roommate Chad, where you met his twin Mindy and her girlfriend Anika all the way to the sisters Tara and Sam and their new roommate Quinn. It was a lot of people for you and honestly you felt awkward and quiet whenever you were near them. 
“What about them?” He tenses up, cheeks falling red as you stare back at him. 
“They keep talking about something happening to them and well……I don’t want to be a dick and ask because that would be way out of line and they are pretty vague about it all so I was wondering if you k-”
“You don’t know?” He laughs, instantly dropping his cards, which left you thankful cause you would have lost judging by the amount of pick 4’s he had. 
“No?”  If it was possible his face seems to light up even more and he scoots forward until his knees are touching yours. 
“You know about Sidney Prescott right?”
“The chick that inspired all those Stab movies?” 
“Yes her. So basically Sam and Tara lived in the town that those all took place and there was a copycat killer that found out that Sam is the daughter of Billy Loomis-”
“Who is that?”
“Billy Loomis is one of the original killers.”
“Got it.”
“So they survived a ghostface,” As he is explaining it all he pulls out his phone and shows you photos of ghostface and Sam all bloodied up leaving the house where the murders took place. An uneasy feeling rises in your gut but you push it down, leaning forward to set his phone down. 
“No more.” 
“What’s wrong?” He asks, eyes flashing concern as he leans his forehead against yours. 
“It’s all just so….. terrible .”
“Well I’m glad you know. Being around that group is a hazard.” 
“Then why do you hang around them?”
“Because he’s my roommate.” He shrugs, but something seems off with him as he stands and heads to the mini fridge to grab two drinks for you both. “By the rules of slasher films if you don’t know what happened before you are either the first to die or you’re pretending cause you’re the killer.”
“I’m sorry?” You laugh, flicking the cards away, fully invested in the conversation now. “Rules?”
He turns, eyes on you as he pretends to be dramatic. “RULES TO SURVIVE A SLASHER! RULER NUMBER ONE, NEVER HAVE SEX-”
The thought that this was happening because you had sex seemed quite funny in retrospect, but it’s the first thing you think when you hear the news of Jason. 
You had been disappointed earlier when your boyfriend had canceled plans but as you sat in his lap now, watching your shared friends panic about the current events and try to figure out what to do, you were thankful that you spent some time studying. 
“You okay?” He whispers, leaning so his chin rests on your shoulders as everyone keeps panicking. 
“I feel sick.” You admit, turning to touch your foreheads together, something you had been doing long before either of you admitted your feelings for the other.  “Based on the slasher movie rules….because I lost my virginity to you, that means I die right?”
“Those are fake.” He sneers, as if angry at the thought. 
“Well you said-”
“What are you two over there whispering about?” Mindy sneers, making you blush. 
“What’s happening?” Ethan asks, pulling you closer to take most of Mindy’s attitude. “Why is everyone freaking out? Who is a ghostface?”
“Come on Ethan, catch up.” Anika snaps but you are frozen in his lap, an unknown feeling rising in your chest.
What was it he said a couple months ago? Something about- 
“Y/n?” Someone calls, and you cannot answer, eyes connected to the screen of the tv as a mask appears. 
It was a different feeling from hearing about ghostface to being actually chased by a ghostface and you were absolutely terrified. Tears were leaking from your eyes as the masked figure banged against the door, blood covering most of the floor where Quinn was stabbed. 
“Oh my god ohmygod-” You sob, hand covering Anika's wound as the red leaked out and she began spitting blood. “NONONONO-”
Sam taps your shoulder, urging you to the window where the ladder had been sat up, trying to get you to go. 
“No, her wound-”
“Y/n! GO!” Mindy snaps, her back against the dresser as Sam helps you crawl up. 
“I can’t.” You sob, pushing Sam to go first. “I will help Ani-”
So you wait as Sam crosses, holding the ladder as she does so before you call for Mindy who kisses her girlfriend before crawling herself. “Ani come on-”
“Go. You go Y/n.” She whines as the banging begins to get harder when ghostface breaks through the dresser a bit more. 
A few more moments of arguing before you both are on the ladder, you in the front with her holding your ankles to follow. Both of you were sobbing while the three on the other end screamed for you, yelling about the masked killer behind you. 
Turning, which if Ethan were here he would correct, and seeing the man right at the window, tilting his head when you look back. 
“Shit shit shit.” You curse, trying to go faster and slipping a bit. The ladder slides to the left, and you slip some more since you are covered in blood but the gloved hand of the killer catches it before it could tip you over. 
Not risking it, you rush forward, letting Sam's boyfriend grab you into the window as you turn to see the Ghostface begin hitting the ladder harshly to knock Ani off. 
You were sitting between Tara and Mindy, Chad on Mindy’s other side as tears slid down her face. Right down the alley held Ani’s body and you were doing your best not to throw up, holding yourself as you began to rock back and forth, 
“Y/N!” Someone shouts and you see Ethan running up with his backpack, a worried look on his face. 
Mindy snatches your forearm as Chad stands up to shove him back, Ethans eyes widening. 
“Back the fuck up!”
“Whoa man, what’s going on?!”
“You claim to know nothing about Ghostface all this time and the second you disappear my sister loses her girlfriend when we all get attacked?” Chad scoffs and that gut feeling rises again. 
“I WAS AT CLASS!” Ethan argues, lunging for you again and getting shoved back once more. 
“Rule number 6.” You mumble, everyone looking to you as you wipe your eyes.  “Rule number 6. They claim not to know about it then they are either first killed or the killer in disguise.”
“She’s right.” Mindy nods, more tears sliding from your cheeks. “I’m with Y/n on this one, nerdy white boy is suspect number one.”
Ethan looks at you, something in his eyes before he shoves Chad back and moves closer. “If I’m the suspect then keep me in eyesight right? But I need to make sure you are okay.”
His hands are on your arm in an instant, following the trail of blood and looking for a wound. “Where were you hit?”
“She’s the only one that wasn’t stabbed oddly enough.” Mindy sneers. “Would make sense now.”
Ethan glares, pulling your face into his chest and although everything in you screams to run away you sob anyways.
(my first ethan imagine so please take it easy. If you like taylor swift then look at my request event HERE!) 
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manicplank · 7 months
I’m going to keep this simple, I want a headcanon about their favorite movies.
fuck this might suck bc I don't watch a lot of movies. bare with me here it might not be super specific.
Peppino: I feel like he would enjoy classic movies like Titanic or The Great Gatsby. Classy and classic. Hates horror movies. Actually watches movies quite often.
Gustavo: Also loves the classics. I can see him watching Sweeny Todd or The Master of Disguise. He likes comedy movies, too. I can imagine that he loved the movie Elf.
Mr. Stick: Loves mafia movies. Thinks he's an old fashioned ganster when in reality, he's just greedy. The Godfather is his favorite. He probably also liked Knives Out.
Pepperman: I don't see him watching too many videos since he's always busy painting. However, I think he would really like cheesy movies. Fame would probably be one of them. Probably even loved the movie Chicago.
The Vigilante: Anything old western. Dreams of being a real cowboy. Once watched Brokeback Mountain not realize what the movie was ACTUALLY about, he was thoroughly traumatized. His favorite was The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly.
The Noise: HEAR. ME. OUT. This absolute fucking crack baby would LOVE the first two Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies. He tried to get Noisette to watch them with him, but she started crying because it was too disturbing. I feel like he'd love slasher films in general. Judges most movies as he thinks his are better. (Secretly loves Inside Out. Cried over it. Noisette teases him about it constantly.) Also loved Parasite and The SpongeBob Movie.
Noisette: She loves anything Disney, especially the classics or princesses. Knows all the songs to Frozen. Her favorite was Tangled. She still hasn't stopped asking for a white horse and an iguana sidekick. She always cries at movies. She doesn't like horror or gore in movies. She also loves cheesy chick flicks and Noise's movies. She's his #1 fan, after all.
Fake Peppino: Will watch anything and everything. He will watch it on repeat until he memorizes every line. If I had to choose a favorite for him, it would probably be The Little Mermaid (animated version). He really likes the water aspect. It reminds him of being a little baby tadpole.
Pizzahead: Movie fanatic. Loves most movies and will watch any genre. Anything from the classic 1930's movie to new modern movies. Probably would love the Barbie movie. I feel like he would like musicals. His all time favorite would probably be Gone with the Wind. I also see him enjoying slasher films.
Pillar John: Likes comedy movies. Probably likes the movie Meatballs. Also likes documentaries. I feel like he would be into both Disney and DreamWorks, one of his favorites being Guardians of the Galaxy.
Gerome: Big movie lover and will watch almost anything. Secretly enjoys The Noise's movies, but won't tell him because he refuses to feed his ego. He probably can't choose just one favorite.
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crushedsweets · 11 months
Oh my gosh what would the polycue of Toby, Nina, and Clockwork be like on movie nights? Chick flicks??? Slashers?? Heart throbs???
Are they cuddling in fluffy blankets because Nina would have such cute ones? Popcorn and sodas?
I am falling in love with this idea... the anons and your drawings make it like gasoline on a firepit (good :3)
collapses. i love them so. this isnt inherently shipping but yk
they'd go through all the movies, cuz nina likes every genre besides like action and superhero stuff. natalie doesnt mind romance/chick flicks, and toby REALLY doesnt care for them but he'll just sit and eat while it plays cuz he doesn't care that much.
nina would keep trying to get on both of their laps w blankets cuz she's annoying and needs to be held 24/7 or smth. (said with love). like resting her head on one and her legs on the other. one day she'd force them to make one of those tie together blanket things, its cute and she always demands its used during movienights. nina is always trying to be in charge and do everything for everyone, which they'll let her every now and again, but toby and natalie are usually gonna try buying snacks and cooking and stuff before she can. cuz nina loves snacks and really values food and eating with people she loves cuz its like the ultimate bonding together. having a meal with your loved ones. so they'd try making actual meals, even if its just homemade pizza. obv they'll still bring popcorn and soda but nina gets so happy.
or they'd try to take her out to a rando fast food and just eat some burgers before hand. natalie and nina will go to theaters sometimes, but toby feels really uncomfortable in them cuz his tics and he thinks he'd actually kill someone if they went "SHHHH" at him cuz he whistled. so they avoid theaters mostly... toby will also set up the movies for them too, whether it be connecting his laptop so he can pirate smth or renting a dvd.
they usually occur at ninas apartment, but every now again they'll be at the cabin.
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miiilowo · 3 months
i am (politely) asking for horror movie recs
i always give people the same ones when i get asked this because they're good so here's those rattled off: behind the mask: the rise of leslie vernon (indie slasher mockumentary. funny), creep (2014) [he sure is one. hes a creep. I can confirm this] [it's really good], the re-animator movies (ONLY ONE AND TWO), the ritual (supernatural folk horror), and the thing (1982) . here's a couple different ones though :
you're a supernatural blog somewhat so im recommending my bloody valentine 3D for the jensen ackles. is it a GOOD movie? no. is it BAD? also no. it's painfully mid. but Harry Warden is there and it's better than the og. once saw it described as a chick flick slasher. do with that information what you will
similar logic can be applied to an american werewolf in london, though that ones just actually pretty solid the whole way through. takes the whole werewolf boyfriend thing pretty literally. fond of it
killer klowns from outer space is utterly bonkers if you want an insane 80s horror movie to sort of just bare witness to. most of the horror movies i like are just campy 80s ones. if u want that specifically I can provide them. But I shall withhold. For now. Same with found footage
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writerofadream · 9 months
Fortune favors the Bold ⛓
TDI!Duncan x Juvie Bestfriend! Reader ⛓
Chapter Twenty Two: WHY AM I DREAMING OF US MARRIED (Your in love idiot is that why?)
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Everyone was sitting on stumps as you all watched the horror movie play from the projector. Unsurprisingly, Duncan and you had seen the movie, so Duncan was excitedly watching it, and you were staring at it rather bored.
“The killer is gonna go for the car.” You said, sounding terribly bored, with your head in your hands. There were about a hundred other things you’d like to do.
Duncan’s attention turned over to DJ who was cowering in his seat. “Dude, how do you get any girls?” Duncan asked and DJ scowled right before going back to cowering.
Duncan’s eyes flicked over to you as if asking you what women see in DJ. “I mean we like guys with animals.” You shrugged, not really knowing how to answer. “Good thing I got two snakes, and a piranha.” Duncan smiled as you ruffled his hair.
“That’s right, sugar.” 
“...does it help I have seven older brothers who have been begging me to date you since I’m pretty sure you were born?” Duncan sighed smiling into his palm.
“They were shipping a newborn and a one year old?” You said raising an eyebrow and Duncan’s smile dropped. “No- forget I told you that.” You rolled your eyes. But you finally noticed that DJ was still shaking in his seat even after the movie had ended.
“What part scared you the most?” Duncan asked his friend, sounding way too interested to be safe, trying to convey that ‘this idiot looks like he’s about to wet his pants, shut your mouth.’ But Duncan smirked, sending you a discreet wink as he continued.
“Was it the part where everyone met a grisly death? Or was it the psycho killer with the-'' as he pulled out his ‘hook’ hand, Leshawna stifled her laughter as she watched you mimic his movements. 
“Really, what’s your obsession with having a hook for a hand?” You set your hands on your hips causing Duncan to laugh. “You look just like your mom.” He smiled, and your heart crinkled at the memory. Duncan had begged Chris to put on a horror movie for you, since you had been having a terrible day so far. 
Grief sucks. Grief sucks a lot. 
“Come on Deej, for a slasher flick, that was pretty tame.” Gwen sighed, staring disappointed at the man, who shrieked sheepishly. You nodded agreeing with her. “Yeah there was no hacking. Not like Blood-Bath 2 Summer Camp of Terror.” You muttered as you sat back down. Have you ever heard the quote “Grief comes and goes in waves?” 
Annoyingly, it’s not wrong. “Yo, that’s my favorite movie! I love it when the killer dude sticks that guy's hand in the lawn mower.” Gwen mimicked her words, and you smiled softly. 
“Or when he pushes that one chick off the dock, and she lands on a propeller blade that slices her in half.” You remembered that was the one scene that got Duncan to scream when you were eight. 
Duncan today just gave you a look that meant ‘I swear if you tell them I’m going to tackle you’.
Suddenly Duncan noticed that DJ was still freaking out each time you mentioned the events so Duncan got in real close and whispered. “Or when he shoves the biggest dude into the woodchipper and plays with the confetti.” DJ screamed like a little girl and jumped into Leshawna's arms.
“Marry me?” You lightly chuckled, wrapping your arms around Duncan and leaning down (he was sitting where you were standing) before kissing his cheek. “Keep doing that and I might.” He mumbled before he realized what he said and stood straight up.
“It’s just mindless guts and gore.” Heather grumbled rolling her eyes. “Hey horror movies have a lot of psychological trauma.” Duncan pointed out and your eyebrows furrowed on your forehead before you spoke again. “So did both our childhoods…” you pointed out to Duncan. “Why do you think they were so fun?” Duncan said sadly kissing your forehead.
“Does anyone know what our challenge is this week?” Heather finally asked. “That’s a good question, it’s Sunday doesn’t he usually tell it to us at midnight?” You asked, suddenly looking around for the man.
Eventually Duncan and you found Chris and Chef on the dock hurriedly packing. “Is there a fire, Chef?” Duncan raised an eyebrow. The man ran onto the boat before he could respond.
“Bye beautiful, I'm gonna tell everyone we’re married.” Chris yelled to you as the boat quickly lodged off. The rest of the campers had followed you in pursuit since they had long-realized that out of the two of you, you were the better tracker. 
“You forgot this!” Owen yelled as he picked up a backpack from the dock. A newspaper fell out, you stared at it before Owen picked it up. “This is totally the challenge isn’t it?” Duncan whispered in your ear, you weakly smiled, nodding.
“Escaped psycho killer on the loose.” Owen read aloud. “Be on the lookout for a man wearing a hockey mask, who has a hooked hand and is holding a chainsaw. You raised an eyebrow. “This might be for you.” Duncan realized. 
“The plot to the Chains of Massacre: Deep in Camp, how’d he know that was my favorite movie?” You mumbled to your boyfriend who looked sheepish. “I may, or may not talk to the cameras about you a lot.” Duncan said all in one big quick sentence.
You turned around to look at him as the other campers discussed what was happening. “That’s a little bit terrifying, cute, but terrifying cause I do the same just not to the cameras, honestly a lot to Bridgette.” You admitted quietly. “Oh trust me I don’t shut up about you around her.” Duncan quietly chuckled remembering the multiple incidents.
Suddenly Owen pulled some stuff out of the backpack. Chris’s hair gel, the taser for Duncan and you, as well as a picture of you working out, a little remote, the strangest part was that during the time the picture was taken Duncan had been working out with you as well and he had been cut out of the picture. “Woah, maybe this is for real.” Gwen whispered, shocked. 
Duncan sneaked around the group before snatching the tasers and the remote out of Owen’s huge hands. He threw all three into the water and whooped.
The ankle monitor that was designed to keep you from leaving the island and would shock you unless given permission was finally done. A small smile graced upon your face. “Also, can I have that?” You snatched the picture of you out of Owen’s hands and Duncan threw you his lighter.
You held it under the picture before telling the group to continue on with their concerns. 
Duncan watched as the flames reflected in your eyes and he smiled. Doing those tasks was the first step of surviving Chris McClean.
Sadly somewhere on the island Chris laughed, replicas, everything was merely replicas. Duncan cheerfully waved goodbye to Heather as she stormed off. “Five bucks, Chef kills her on ‘accident’?” You whispered to him and he stifled a laugh. “Oh 100%.” He smirked, shaking your hand. 
Gwen shrugged, flipping the girl off behind her back before saying. “The first thing we should do is strategize back at camp. Anyone in?”
You nodded giving her a thumbs up and Duncan shrugged, “I kinda don’t go anywhere without her so-” he smiled pointing at you and you punched his shoulder. 
You all sat down around the campfire, but the sitting on the stump was killing your posture slowly so you sat on the sand but very quickly a tired green puppy *cough, Duncan, cough* had wrapped his arms around you and buried his chin into your collarbone and somehow was already snoring.
“I don’t understand how your boy hasn’t ability to sleep on command.” Leshawna sighed clearly wishing she was asleep instead of listening to Gwen go in with the rules.
“Where’s Izzy and Owen?” The goth girl demanded. “I believe they are currently breaking rules on through three, teacher.” You smiled cheekily. “That’s Ms. Teacher to you, sweetheart.” Gwen smirked right before  winking. 
You gave her a weak smile in return before she went off in her monotone voice going on about which camper should do what and yadda, yadda, yadda. 
Your eyes flickered to sleep and you snuggled into Duncan’s chest listening to the soft sounds of him fast asleep. You awoke to Gwen lightly hitting your shoulder. “Why is Leshawna gone?” She asked you. “She went to get some chow.” You sadly forced yourself around Duncan’s arms and his strong grip even when he was fast asleep.
You had gotten a little rest and felt like a new woman. “How do you know that?” Gwen asked as you both sat down on opposing stumps. “I listen a lot, even when I’m asleep.” You sighed, it was a reflex you picked up from Duncan. Gwen crossed out Geoff and DJ, and you picked up two sticks lighting them aglow. 
“You know what ticks me off? I was trying to help them.” Gwen grumbled.
“Live and learn sweetheart. Most people aren’t gonna listen to us because we act differently, or we’re girls.” You signed the flames flicking at your skin but the amount of times you’ve been burned you barely had any nerves anymore. “You really are a pyro aren’t you?” Gwen sighed.
You shrugged, and were about to continue before you heard a whimper come out of Duncan barely audible to the bums ear. But Duncan rarely cried in his sleep, only when he was on the stupid nicotine patches. Gwen noticed how worried you looked about Duncan and she sighed, she missed Trent.
You stared for one more minute before realizing he wasn’t going to make a peep again. You shaked off your jitters before you sighed.
“So? I like burning things. It’s fun.” You smiled watching as the sticks slowly got smaller. “Is that why you went to juvie?” Gwen sounded too interested now. Your eyes found hers and you smiled cockily, summoning the girl you made for yourself in juvie. 
“Now, why on earth would I tell you that?” You raised an eyebrow, you stuck one of the flaming sticks against the paper on accident, causing Gwen to quickly run off. “Y/N, Y/N, Y/N, Juvie, Juvie, Juvie.” You heard the supposed killer whisper, and your eyes flicked over to Duncan as his eyes flickered in his sleep, almost awakening to the whispering. 
“Alright, killer. You and me.” You quickly walked off trying not to wake Duncan. But the second you walked off Duncan was whisked away by Chef, and put in a cot in his cabin.  
“Okay, have you ever woken up a person having a nightmare? Imagine that but with an ex-con who I know for a fact has knives on his body. I mean in a different setting I’d love for his knife to be on my throat. Just not on live television.” You laughed staring at the outhouse camera.
You met the killer on the dock, and smiled, flicking the lighter in your hands on and off. “Hey, goalie boy. Ever got beat by an exhausted girl?” Surprisingly you launched yourself at him even though the chainsaw was going. 
You scaled up Chef and used all your body weight to throw him backwards, causing him to land on his back and you straddling him as you took the hook, and chainsaw out of his hands. You took the mask off of Chef and smiled.
“Hey, Chef.” You helped him up as he saved you a side-hug and ruffled your hair. “Just so you know, I got Gwen and Duncan is in the cabin asleep, kid.” Chef let you escort him back to the tent.
Which was full of all your friends, unsurprisingly. 
“Hi, Y/N! We need to fight some time!” Izzy was so excited to see you. Everyone congratulated you. But something on the camera caught your eye.
Duncan was asleep but a masked killer stood over him like a looming shadow. “Who the hell is that in the cabin with my boyfriend?” You almost screeched. Scratch that, screeched. 
Everyone bolted out of the tent. 
Duncan’s dream
He came home from work, (where did he work?), and stepped into a house that wasn’t his own. He walked in, holding a briefcase and saw a woman that looked suspiciously like you sitting in a chair rocking a baby back and forth. 
“Hey, sweetheart.” The woman whispered since the baby was fast asleep. “Hello, mi vida.” Duncan smiled, kissing your cheek. (Oh my god was that you?) 
He was forced awake when he saw a chainsaw man standing over him. His first reaction was to, you know, stab his eyes out, and beat him to death, but then you all quickly ran in.
“DUNCAN.” They all yelled at him. But he was focusing on you, the absolute fear in your eyes and on instinct he reacted. 
He launched himself at the chainsaw man and kicked the hook straight off and pinched a nerve which made the man drop the chainsaw, he then grabbed the man’s short hair and pulled back as far as he could exposing his neck which was the signal for neck kick.
Duncan couldn’t see it, but he felt the impact as your carefully aimed kick was sent straight at the killer's throat, who very quickly started high pitched before he stomped off.
“Well that was fun, same time next week?” Duncan said, trying to mask the outright fear he felt now. But you smiled, rolled your eyes and gave him a kiss, which calmed him like a drug.
Gwen came over and gave you a high five. “I might steal your girl, Duncan.” Gwen smiled, staring at you with mock dream eyes (hopefully), Duncan laughed “You wish.”
That night Duncan and you got partial immunity which meant that in the situation one of you was voted off your votes would be cut in half.
Which honestly didn’t really matter that night because literally everyone voted for DJ, so it was a waste of winning a challenge. Anyways on that happy note, see you next episode.
Bonus: Your favorite memory of your mom
Ages: 4
The tired woman looked up from her newest dish, but once she saw it was you she smiled happily.
“Yes, bunny, how may I assist you?” She helped you to sit on top of the counter. “How do I make brownies for Duncan? I have no money to buy a huge present.” You said the last part sadly.
She laughed and was curious “What would his big present be, sweetheart?” You smiled not truly understanding how deep your next words would be. “A new daddy. One that makes Duncan happy.” You clapped and your mom sighed sadly.
“Mm, you got a good heart my love. Yes, I will help you make brownies for Duncan’s birthday.” She smiled at you, you despised cooking but wanted to make your best friend happy. 
So that’s what you did that afternoon, you cooked, well mostly she cooked, you whined how boring it was, but your mom turned on music and told you to get your wiggles out on the counter that held no ingredients.
You danced as your mama cooked and she smiled slowly beginning to dance with you. After the brownies finished cooking, your mom let you have a taste test and you smiled wide.
“Thank you, mami! You're the best and I love you so very much.” You wrapped your arms around her neck kissing her cheek.
“Of course, bunny. Anything for you.” She smiled, attacking your face with kisses causing you to giggle. She sighed relishing in the sounds of her beautiful daughter so full of energy and joy.
The results had gotten in yesterday about the disease, she knew how long she had left but you didn’t know. 
She’d miss her daughter growing up.
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spookytuesdaypod · 4 months
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spooky tuesday is a (now not so new!) podcast where we’re breaking down all of our favorite slashers, thrillers, monster movies and black comedies on the new scariest day of the week.
of course we saved the best for last for mommy issues may! for our latest theme month's grand finale, there was only one real option for what to cover, and we knew we wanted to do it up right. that's why we invited some new friends to join us for a stay at the bates motel as we talk with spooky chicks & horror flicks about all things psycho (1960). arguably the most famous alfred hitchcock classic, this film literally changed the game for the genre, setting the scene for all kinds of iconic films that followed. it's definitely the blue print — so listen in as we explain the term macguffin, debate exactly when things went wrong, and find all sorts of extremely important connections to the polar express on a new spooky tuesday.
give spooky tuesday a listen on apple podcasts, spotify, iheart radio, or stitcher
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acotarmemes · 3 months
ACOTAR polls // comfort films
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hawkins-losers · 2 years
bath time with steve *wink wink*
I have an announcement to make: I will be doing another ✨SMUTTY BLURBS EVENT✨ in November!! To participate, all you have to do is sent a smut request here. I will be selecting a few to write and post on a selected weekend. You can find my characters list, previous smutty blurb event masterpost and more here
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It was a bad idea. A terrible idea.
You sat between Steve’s parted legs, your back against his chest as your needy mewls bounced on the bathroom walls. The water sloshed in the bathtub as his hand played with your clit, the constant bucking of your hips making a mess on the floor every time water spilled from the tub. His other hand was groping your left breast, flicking your nipple every now and then.
‘’Mmh- Feels so good, Stevie.’’ Your back arched a little and you let out a moan.
His fingers felt heavenly on your clit, rubbing your bud with a perfect pressure. You must be dripping down there, and not just from the bath water.
‘’I bet it does. Look at you.’’ Steve let his other hand wander to your breast, toying with your nipple. ‘’You should see the mess you’re making on the floor, baby.’’
He had promised he would behave and not let his hand wander if he joined you in the bathtub. Well, he was full of shit!
You threw your head back against his shoulder, the sensations from his touches sending fuzzy tingles from your neck to your clenching pussy, feeling your core tighten as your arousal built. ‘’Please don’t stop. Please don't stop-’’ Your hips were restless as you were getting close, sending more water sloshing over the edge.
Small tears prickled at the corner of your eyes, overwhelmed from the clitoral stimulation. The corner of Steve's lips turned up; you've always been so sensitive there.
‘’Are you going to cum just from my finger? Are you going to be a good girl for me?’’ His words elicited a needy whine from you, causing Steve's smile to turn into a smirk, watching your body fall apart from his touch.
‘’I'm cum- I-‘’ You held your breath and gripped the side of the tub, arching up into Steve’s fingers, your breathing uneven and hasty. A cry of pleasure left your parted mouth as your orgasm hit.
Your body shuddered lightly as Steve worked you through it, only taking his finger off of you when your body went limp against his. 
You could feel Steve's hard cock behind you, poking at your back, untouched – and probably aching. The good girlfriend in you wanted relieve him, but you were too worn out to do anything about it. That orgasm had worn you out. You were ready to pass out.
The only issue was: you were still in the bathtub.
The sloshing came to a stop and the – now lukewarm – bath water calmed. 
He hummed, pressing a gentle kiss to your shoulder and caressed your thigh without any sexual intentions, simply being affectionate. 
‘‘I think I get why you fall asleep after sex. This is exhausting.’’
A laugh bubbled out of him. He’ll never live this down. 
Taglist: @broadway-or-noway @violetsleftfist @thelaststraw3  @cursedandromedablack  @Slashersimpfor  @savagejane1   @wh0reforbucknasty   @eddiemunson-slut   @slvdsjjk  @hehehehannahthings  @dreamdancers-world  @eddiemunsonbby  @notbeforelong  @lexi-2004 @violetrainbow412-blog  @tatespillows  @alwayslexii  @lilygreennn   @milkiane  @imahomeslice  @bunnygrl16 @cwritesforfun @marauders3rawh0re  @your-mom21 @parkersmyth @voguesir @milkiane @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @lilygreennn @alexxavicry @charlie-chick  @wandamaximoffs-deadchild  @horrorstreet  @rmeddar123  @pastel-abyss-x @lil-tracys  @luvmybbies  @chloepricesgrafitimarker  @inluvweddiemunson @i-like-trains @kittenfrostt @simp-for-slasher @m-rae23 @kenzi-woycehoski @amberputh  @sea040561
Steve Harrington taglist: @dylanstilinskiposts  @captainbuckyyy12  @valevalentyne  @yourfavoriteakutagawakinnie  @heizenka  @eddie_munsons_girlfriend @scarlet-kazuha @uhidklol-26 @magicalchocolatecheesecake @swiftbyul @Fandomfaeryreads @harrys-tittie  @tinfoilhat2719 @straycatarang @wayfaring----stranger @starstruckspring @fourlokiss @mi-amoree1111 @starshipsxx  @ghoulishlygrey @bubsonnobx  @truewdw1 @bubsonnobx @ohhrexella  @Dreamtiara  @pastelbabygirl19  @steves-robin @eddiemunsonbby  @evanstanwhore @bootlegmothman420   @courtmr  @nia-um   @strangermarvelgirl  @fandomloversvaries  @missmaxmayfield  @m1rkw00dpr1ncess  @Minksblog  @soph69420world @truewdw1  @crying-caro  @nancewheelersworld  @nluvwitheddiemunson @veniceb1tch88 @hcloangcls @ilovetaylorswift1 @steveharringtonsupremacy  @jusstdreaaming @buckyswhxre @tomspidertingle @thechoiceslookgrimm @bobafettsleftglove @princesseddie @yourfavdummy  @eddiescvmslvt  @slightlyvicked  
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mascautomaton · 1 year
the automatons and their movie genres they prefer!!
(sorry i disappeared guys)
the spine: cowboy movies, 100%, gay ones to be exact.
rabbit: she likes older movies, kind of like from the 50s-70s, but occasionally she watches 80′s slasher movies because, why not? girls probably a horror fanatic
zer0: all genres, he likes everything.
the jon: chick flicks or ocean movies, no in-between.
hatchworth: sci-fi
upgrade: lets be honest girl watches princess movies (and barbie movies, as shes literally a barbie)
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pondslime · 9 days
3, 7, 21, and 29 for the horror themed asks? >:3
AAAA tysm ace ilyyyyy 💚💜💚
3. you’re planning a horror movie marathon with your friends - which movies are you picking?
we're going GOOFY we're going POPCORN FLICK we're going FUN
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7. answer for real life vs if you were a slasher movie character: a murder has occurred. somebody you knew, though only in passing, got knifed by some psycho killer and the whole town is in shock. the school fool has taken it upon themselves to throw a party in the midst of all of this, “to celebrate life”, as they say. - you get an invitation but are you going to the party?
real life: most definitely NOT lmao. I far exceed my social quota daily!! against my own will & desire!! I'm not hustling out to Bozo McGee's house to sip a watery rum and coke & tempt fate
slasher movie character: as a fictional horror cliche? oh ABSOLUTELY. I feel like I'd slot p easily into the sarcastic comedy relief chick (w/a dash of horror sluttiness to make me distinguishable from the final girl ofc). like a barb from black christmas. or a tatum from scream. catch my ass going to that party, making out w/some idiot in a closet, & inevitably dying in some foolish & exhausting way
21. is there a scary story that really frightens you or that just really stuck with you? a legend, a myth, something purely fictitious?
read "scary stories to tell in the dark" by alvin schwartz as a kid & these three in particular still live in my head
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bonus spooky sidenote: I was a v superstitious kid. regularly snatched the saltshaker out of the kitchen in order to line the front door and windowsills w/salt. bc I was warding away evil spirits (obviously). also thought I could control the wind & rain (but only a little. if I REALLY tried) lmao
anyway. can't remember how I got it into my head, but I was convinced that u should NEVER, w/NO exceptions, point at a graveyard. if u did, the ghosts would get angry and follow u home. the only remedy for committing this fatal faux paus was to 1) apologize profusely and 2) look over both your shoulders IMMEDIATELY.
and u know what. I still catch myself doin that now. old habits die hard ig
29. are you dressing up this halloween?
yes! no idea who/what I'm dressing up as yet! I should probably get on that soon fdghjhfdshdsf
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Prompt: Wildcard
Friendships: Demetri & Miguel & Eli (ft. Sam & Yasmine)
So I saw this week's prompt, and all I could think of was the IASIP episode where they try to sell gas door-to-door XD CW for pretty explicit sexual mentions that were...pretty inevitable, considering the source material XD Also CW for some (lighthearted) sexism, although it's kinda played for comedy/absurdity.
This a 6-parter--600 words total! Takes place in S4 or S5, when the entirety of the OG loser trio are fighting against Cobra Kai.
“As the brains of this operation, I think—”
“You’re the brains?” Miguel sounds a little heartbroken. “I thought I was the brains.”
“No, no, you’re the looks!”
“So…I’m not smart?” Miguel looks even more crushed.
“It’s not that!” Demetri gestures frantically, trying to salvage the situation. “You’re the looks, I’m the brains, Eli’s the wildcard.”
“I’m the wildcard?” Eli lights up. “That’s fucking awesome!”
“It’s the iconic formula, right?” Demetri grins. “Can’t fail with it. The Scooby Gang never did!”
“So…by not playing into that dynamic, we’re limiting our potential?” Miguel looks intrigued.
“Exactly. Can’t mess with a classic.”
“So Cobra Kai’s plowing us in the ass, right?”
Miguel’s dubious. “Don’t know if I’d put it like that—”
“Their stupid merchandise! Their flashy ads!” Demetri scoffs. “They’re ruining our lives with their synchronized kicks and their rotten ass-plowing hearts! As the brains, I’ve concocted a plan that involves oiling our asses and doing a little plowing of our own.”
His accompanying gestures are met with concern.
“Not gay sex,” he clarifies.
“Oh, good! I was sorta worried.” Eli sounds almost insultingly relieved. “What did you mean?”
“Gentlemen…” Demetri smirks. “We’re going to sell more merch than Cobra Kai.”
“We’ll need a bank loan to order and print the merchandise. I’ll spin the proposal to sound sensible, and Miguel’ll sit there looking pretty…and possibly providing sad puppy-dog eyes if needed.”
“This plan sucks.” Eli scowls. “I don’t get to do anything!”
“Untrue!” Demetri retorts. “You’re the wildcard—you sit there looking unhinged. Like you could snap should our proposal be rejected.”
“Like this?”
Although Demetri appreciates Eli’s reluctance to re-awaken The Hawk, a little pout isn’t very wildcard-esque.
“Pretend the bank left Miyagi-Fang a bad Yelp review. You’re plotting revenge.”
Ah. There’s that slasher smile.
“That I can do.”
As Miguel presses the gas, his eyes flick between Demetri and Eli.
“What the hell happened?”
“Eli tried showcasing the merch with karate moves, and we kicked our first potential customer in the face. She called the cops.”
Miguel groans.
“Demetri, you said this plan was flawless.”
“Hey! I did exactly what a wildcard would do!” Eli protests.
Miguel sighs. “So Demetri as the brains isn’t working, so I’ll be the brains and Demetri can be the muscle.”
Despite himself, Demetri blushes.
“You…think I could be the muscle?”
“Yes, sure, if it means I make the plans from now on.”
“Don’t you see? That’s why the plans weren’t working! We were operating on an incomplete crew!”
Miguel gestures frantically at Sam and Yasmine, whom the boys have doggedly hunted down in Forever 21. When Miguel unexpectedly changed course to the Valley mall, all Demetri and Eli could do was confusedly follow their new leader.
“Sam’s the muscle,” Miguel explains. “I’m the looks, Demetri’s the brains, Hawk’s the wildcard. It’s a full set!”
“You’re going to steal my only shopping buddy?” Yasmine complains. “Moon’s in the Maldives all week!”
“Come along!” Demetri says brightly. “We still need a Token Useless Chick!”
Demetri loves being the brains again.
“Sam, once we kidnap Kyler, beat him up until he confesses to some Cobra Kai felony.”
“My pleasure.”
“Miguel, use your puppy-dog eyes and sweet-talk the cops into giving us reward money for turning Kyler in.”
“Will do!”
“Yasmine, continue being useless and complaining about everything.”
“Reward money goes toward making merch, and—hey, what’s with the brakes?”
Eli’s shriek fills the car.
The Sentra’s evacuated in seconds, albeit with much screaming and cursing. But let it never be said Eli Moskowitz doesn’t commit to the bit.
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