#Slice of life fic
nburkhardt · 1 year
begging for a full version of your celeb secret relationship Mpreg au
Idk if I could do a full version of it right now buttttt I do think about it quite often. Hope this is slice of life moment is enough for you 🥰
(Quick recap of the idea. Steve’s social media/internet famous doing baking/cooking videos. While Eddie’s famous with Corroded Coffin. They keep the relationship out of the spotlight, only their inner circle know about it. Everyone knows they’re both mated, just not with who. It comes out via Steve making weird cravings on one of the videos along with Eddie appearing/speaking in it)
Steve finding out he’s pregnant when Eddie’s out doing press for the newest album.
They both just assumed he was coming down with the flu and so Steve just pushed him out the door and promised to text him what the doctor says.
It’s not the flu, he’s just pregnant.
Deciding not to be a little shit, Steve just sends a text saying he’s fine and at dinner he’ll explain more. He doesn’t realize that despite saying he’s fine, it still makes the alpha panic.
The band and the interviewer notice immediately, Eddie was on edge at the start and even more so after reading his phone. His best friends are already in the know of the relationship, so they talk more in the interview instead of Eddie. Gareth and Jeff keep up a nice back and forth with the interviewer, while Frankie peeks at Eddie’s phone and steals it just to keep Eddie from checking it every five seconds.
The minute the interview is over and they’re making their way back to the car, Frankie hands the phone back to Eddie. Who immediately calls Steve, “Honey?”
“Aren’t you supposed to be in the interview?”
Eddie sighs and dives into the car, “Finished it, the boys and I are heading back now, should they come over still?”
Steve hums, “of course. Bobs and Dust are already here, Chrissy’s on her way with food. Can’t have a family dinner without the rest of the family”
It calms Eddie down just a little, but, “Even with how you’re feeling?”
“Yep! All good, Bambi. Stop that worrying” Steve laughs and it brings a smile to Eddie’s face to have that sound in his ear.
The drive isn’t very long and as soon as the car stops, Eddie’s out of it and rushes inside. Relaxing once he sees his mate sitting on the couch with Robin and Dustin.
He drops down next to Steve before pulling him onto his lap, further calming down. Scenting him and pressing a kiss to his temple. They stay like that for a few minutes, Eddie needing it and Steve never gives up being close to him.
“Come on, Eds, I’m okay. Let’s set up the table before Chrissy gets here”
Steve gets up, holds out his hand before leading him into the kitchen. Stopping at the cabinets furthest from the other room, “I really am fine, I’m great even.”
“Are you sure? You’ve been feeling sick for the last few days, Honeybun”
It brings a smile to Steve’s face and he nods, “you’re right I have been, but that’s because I’m pregnant.”
Steve watches as Eddie processes the words and the moment it clicks into place, Eddie’s eyes are wide and tearing up. His arms wrap around the omega, holding him close and Steve melts into him.
“Really?” Eddie whispers, “pregnant?”
He nods against him, his own eyes watering at the hopefulness in Eddie’s voice. Their scents are strong with happiness and this is something they didn’t think would honestly happen. Steve shifts enough to scent Eddie, Eddie humming softly and pressing his lips against the omega’s neck for a second before swaying them.
“Steve, did you decide to start baking before even- what’s happening right now?”
They look over and find their friends standing there, Dustin being the one who spoke. All of them look confused. Jeff knocks Dustin up side the head, “they’re just happy, dumbass. Set up the table”
Dustin grumbles and throws up a middle finger, while the rest of them move further in. Eddie rolling his eyes, but not moving away from Steve.
“I think that was sweet, wish my partner did that with me” Chrissy chips in while setting the bags down, giggling when Jeff pulls her away and pressing kisses all over her face before holding her close in a hug, “okay! Okay! Stop now, Jeffery please!”
It makes everyone laugh and they all get settled in before making plates and enjoying each other’s company and the food, small chatter and laughs only.
Eddie bumps Steve’s shoulder, a silent question, and Steve just smiles and nods. “Hey, Honeybee and I wanna tell you something”
Everyone looks over and Steve’s face hurts with how much he’s smiling.
“I’m pregnant”
Okay so. Maybe this might have to get more love from me. This kind of thing is so fun to write, especially just building up the world without actually writing it out before hand, just start typing and figuring it out as I go. Like that bit with Jeff and Chrissy? Yeah that came out of no where and now I need more. Anyway, hope that was enjoyable for everyone ☺️
Idk if everyone in my permanent tag list is a fan of a/b/o and mpreg. So uh, sorry for that. Please let me know and I’ll make a note to remove the tag from any future fic with those things.
@spectrum-spectre @itsfreakingbats @mysticcrownshipper @artiststarme @thereindeerlady @justforthedead89 @ronniescontinuum @freyaforestafay @littlewildflowerkitten @gregre369 @zerokrox-blog @flustratedcas @carlprocastinator1000 @marvelmwah @solliesolesito @navnae @i-less-than-three-you @grimmfitzz @estrellami-1 @cartercaptainofthemoon
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6vaguebook · 6 months
I just want a slice of life fanfic set in camp half blood
No angst. No plot. Preferably no callback to dead characters. With Jason.
And because I don't trust anyone but myself, instead of hoping on AO3 and browsing the slice of life fics, I decided to just do it myself!
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
One Autumn Day
Fandom: The Sandman (TV) Pairing: Morpheus x f!Reader Rating: G Summary:  "Your hair is really soft, you know?" Words: 700 Warnings: None Notes: For @mousedetective Prompt(s): 13.- I don't want you to do that from @fictober-event
Read @ AO3
It is a lovely autumn day.
You and Morpheus were having a small picnic in the park during one of those days he came to visit you in the waking world. Your back against a tree as he rested face up, his head comfortably lain on your thigh.
You were reading poetry out loud, relishing in the quietness of the moment. Your hand occasionally running through Morpheus' hair. It was soft, very much so. Like the finest silk that you'd ever touched. You stopped reading, placing the book to the side of you and looked at him, "Your hair is really soft, you know?"
Morpheus smiled, "Is it now?"
"Yes." You said still teasing his strands. "I am sure that whether long hair or not, it would always be soft and I would have troubles keeping my hands out of it."
"I have worn it long," Morpheus said, lifting a hand to softly caress your cheek. "I could alter it, should you want me to."
Leaning into his touch, you blink. I mean, sure, you knew that he could do that. It shouldn't have come as a surprise but. "I don't want you to do that," you said. It was your turn to cup his cheek. "And by that I mean that I love you. Long hair, short hair, no hair," Morpheus laughed and you winked at him. "However you want to look, I'll always love you. You don't have to change your appearance for my sake alone. Do it if you want to look different, do it if it pleases you, if it makes you happy. But just because you think I would like it more? No."
Morpheus sat, breaking the contact you both had and he lifted a brow, one corner of his lips, not quite a smile, and you could have sworn that the stars in his eyes shone brighter. "I will keep that in mind." And then, "So, you think I would look good with long hair."
You lifted your hands to cup his face. "Morpheus, darling... you always look good." Leaning forward, you kissed the corner of his lips. "Your eyes leave me breathless, and please, don't get me started on your voice. I love your lips, ever so soft, your hands that could break me and yet hold onto me as if I were made of crystal. I am jealous of your cheekbones, your skin almost seems to shine. You're beautiful, no matter how you look. But I will not deny that this appearance you have taken is quite pleasing to the eyes and..."
Morpheus didn't let you finish as he leaned forward and captured your own lips with such a kiss, you saw stars behind your eyes and were grateful that you were sitting down, else your knees would probably have given in. You wrapped your arms around his neck, returning the kiss with all the passion that you felt for him. And did not part until you had trouble breathing.
"Not quite so, darling."
You chuckled, "Close enough. Also, I think you just ruined me. I doubt that I'll ever kiss anyone like that ever again."
"Good," The smugness that was radiating from Morpheus was near tangible. "Because I do not share."
"Neither do I."
With a swift movement, Morpheus changed positions so that he was the one with the back on the tree trunk, pulling to rest in his chest. You let it happen, finding comfort in the circle of his arms. You two stood still for a while, only moving when you got thirsty.
Reaching for the apple cider and turnovers, you offered them to Morpheus and got some for yourself. Morpheus took them, "Am only eating this because you made them."
You beamed, relishing in the small victory. "Thank you, my love."
And with a calm sense of serenity, and in the comfort of knowing that you were loved, you let go of worries and allowed yourself to simply enjoy the picnic. And you knew, that for all his protestations, Morpheus was at peace in the moment. And you could only hope that you two would be able to have more moments like this in the waking world.
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"Wrong one, Nanami-san!"
Welp guess who the cat done dragged back out of hell and outta her shell. Quick lil post, and yes I did just get braids.
Rating: PG | warnings: cursing probably, one asscheek squeeze, poorly edited
introducing Bambi, my newest reader stand-in
"Wait, you said you took zelle?! I didn’t bring cash.” Bambi looked back at the woman, bewildered. It was 3:40 pm, and she had been in the small braiding shop since 7:30 am. Her head hurt, her leg started cramping, her stomach been growling since noon, and her ass was numb like she got injected with novocaine on both cheeks. 
The struggles of being a bad bitch.
“No, no, no. my sister does zelle, but she is not here. I only do cash.” As she spoke through with accented tongue, the braider had begun retracting her hands, resting the tools of her trade that had been working non-stop all day. Bambi could feel her irritation grow. As much as this whole situation peeved her off, she would be damned if she returned home with half her hair done. 
“Okay, lemme call my boyfriend. He’ll bring the money.”
“Okay, honey. Call him now. I take break now.” Bambi nodded, getting out of the worn stylist chair to get her blood circulating while her fingers tapped on the phone screen. The call was brief, all she had to do was ask for him to stop by with the money. A question from him had Bambi call out to the braider, who had moved to the front of the shop to check in with her family and other clients. 
“Gena? What time will we be done?” The woman paused her vivid storytelling to respond to Bambi. 
“Two more hours. Remy, come help me finish and we’ll leave after. Okay?” Called to attention, a little girl no older than 12 removed her earplugs and put down her iPad. 
“Okay, momma.” Bambi relayed the message to the receiver, smiling, and pressed the red end button when he promised he would personally come to deliver the money.
“He coming with the money, hunny?” 
“Good, good. Okay, let’s finish.” 
Two hours passed torturously, her focus spit between pressing down on whatever braid was being tugged on to relieve pain and prevent her follicles from getting ripped out, and watching the foreign romance drama playing on the mounted tv via the mirror’s reflection. In the two hours, Bambi watched with envy and scrunched nose as two of the seven other clients leave, the scent of hairspray and small drips of boiling water showing their trail. 
“Stay still, hunny.” With a minute nod, Bambi did as she was told, steam licking the fine hairs of her ears and neck. “Almost done. Where is your boyfriend?”
“He’s-” the sound of the old bell above the door being ringed silenced Bambi. Call her crazy, but she likes to think her senses were acute when it came to her boyfriend. She could tell by the summer breeze that filled the room he was in the room. 
“Bambi?” Yuji’s upbeat voice reached all the way to the back where she, Gena, and Remy were stationed. 
“Here.” He followed her reply into the back, pushing beads that separated the front from the back out his way. He gave a soft smile, in awe of seeing her in such a state. It wasn’t often anyone got a glimpse of her primping and preening. Most of the time the group only got the end result, hair and accessories already perched in place. The Bambi in front of him looked vulnerable, unease written clearly in her expression. 
“Who do I give it to?” he looked at the other two people in the corner, fighting the muscles in his face wanting to keep his expression neutral. 
“Gena.” Without hesitation, Gena got up from the chair, hand out, ready to accept her payment for almost twelve hours of labor. 
“Thank you. Your boyfriend is very handsome, Hunny.” Gena quipped as her fingers ripped open the sealed envelope. 
“He’s not him, Yuji, where is Nanami?” She could feel young eyes peep up to her, to Yuji, towards the front, before refocusing on dipping the ends of the braids. Remy’s mother gasped, done counting her payment. 
“Too much! Almost ten thousand.” She uttered, mind frazzled at the amount in her hand. Bambi gave a scrupulous glance at the braider before looking at Yuji, who had turned a soft pink. 
“I’m sorry, give me one second!” Ripping the money out Gena’s hand, the young man flounced back to the front, ringing the bell as he opened the door to talk to his boss. 
“Wrong one, Nanami-san.” The occupants of the shop went hush, waiting on how the mysterious man that had been pacing back and forth like a predator, talking swift and curt on the phone, would respond. A few still chirped on though.
Bambi heard the bell ring once again, ignoring the whispers between mother and daughter trying to speculate who the hell was in their shop. Bambi liked Remy’s guess of ‘conman’ the least. Nanami would never do something so lowbrow as conning. 
That was her territory. 
He came in with the next gust of wind, trenchcoat flowing behind him like a cape. The conversations come to a full halt then, all the patrons and workers fixated on his simple movements. Bambi swore even the beads moved out of the way for the man as he crossed over to the back, the phone still pressed to his ear, the ticked-off expression he wore morphing into a fonder one. He tapped the mute button on the screen to address the room.
“Sorry, ma’am. My mistake.” He said nothing more, producing a new unopened envelope for Gena. This package was noticeably less dense. Just as she accepted her payment, Remy squeezes the last of the boiling water out of the fibers of synthetic hair. Bambi can’t control the groan released from her spirit. 
Yuji followed his boss back in and was about to offer a hand to help her out of the chair until Nanami gave him an unreadable expression. She got her boyfriend’s hand instead.
Bambi smiled cheerily as he gently pulled her out of the chair, raising their joint hands towards the yellowed fluorescent lighting. He looked at her like a king does his god. Her long braids flew behind her when she fell into his embrace. Letting go of her hand, Nanami wrapped his arm around her waist, securing her to him. 
“Absolutely stunning.” His low tone sent shivers down her spine. Already she could feel skin melt and stick to his aura. He didn’t care about the others in the room with them, he only had eyes for his Bambi. 
“Thank you,” Swallowing the lust in her throat, Bambi turned to Gena and her daughter. “Thank you, see ya’ll next time.”
“Okay, hunny. Goodnight.” Gena spoke automatically, her focus refusing to move from the stack of money in her hand. It was still twice as much as she charged. She didn’t even attempt to cover her daughter’s eyes or admonish the couple when Nanami gave a quick but strong squeeze to his girlfriend’s ass. 
“Let’s go. I have to make another stop and get a new envelope and-” The voice on his phone increased its volume, reminding everyone he was on a call. Kissing Bambi’s gleaming forehead, he mouthed a sorry as he pressed the mute button again. 
“Yeah, I’m here.”
Bambi waved as she left the shop, happy to be free from the pain and suffering. The door hadn’t even closed all the way when she heard the explosion of conversation they left in their wake. She turned to Yuji and poked him in the cheek, right under his scar. 
“Make a stop at Whataburger, yeah? I’m craving a shake.” 
“Sure thing, boss.” 
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The Chain, The Magic Circle, and Us
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Warnings: tooth-rotting fluff
Relationship: Stucky x reader (gender/appearance nonspecified)
Summary: You, Steve and Bucky share a hobby, and a learning curve.
A/N: Continuing in my supersoft supersoldiers theme, this is Stucky x reader fluff and I am wholly unashamed. Headcanon format
It started after a long, and frankly frightening mission. Casualties, both team and civilian, weighed heavily on Cap’s mind, even after he removed the uniform. 
He came down to the common room after cleaning up to grab some snacks and noticed you on the couch watching tv. 
You were both in the same place of wanting to be near people but still left alone, so when he sat down at the far edge of the sofa from you, you acknowledged him with brief eye contact and nothing else. 
The movie on tv was JAWS, the original version. It was one of those movies that you could enjoy but not pay close attention to while your mind went through its decompression cycle. 
On the couch next to you was your craft bag, the giant bag of yarn, crochet hooks, and whatnot that you carried with you on every mission to keep your hands busy on the flights. It helped manage your anxiety. It was something you could do that didn’t require you to look at it, necessarily, but the repetitive movements gave you focus so you could keep your mind sharp and free of the brain kinks that came with panic. 
Your hands were going, making a seemingly infinite number of granny squares while vaguely watching the carnage unfold on a beach in a fictional New York town. 
Steve found you infinitely more entertaining than the tv. Your quiet nature after missions was so at odds with your personality the rest of the time. 
You were so loud, affectionate, ‘ebullient’ according to Jarvis. Unfailingly kind to everyone, relaxed and nonjudgmental, you had a warmth that just drew people to you. 
And by people, he meant himself, and probably Bucky. 
He says ‘probably’ because while they haven’t discussed that part of things, he knew his best friend was more than a little sweet on you. He could relate. 
As he picked at his tasteless food, he watched you generate square after square from the yarn, the bright colors and style reminding him of a large, warm-looking blanket he’d seen in Wanda’s quarters. 
“You wanna learn?”
Your gentle question brought his eyes to yours in shock. He wasn’t expecting interaction, but, to his surprise, he didn’t find it unwelcome. 
“Sure, if you want.” 
You patted the seat next to you and passed him a hook and ball of blue yarn.
Your teaching style was like you: laid back, relaxed, and gracious in the face of his many beginner’s mistakes. You took it all in stride, and when he finished his first square, lopsided and curled from inconsistent tension, you cheered him on and encouraged him to do it again. 
So that was how it came to be that after missions, you’d seek each other out, sit on the couch in the common area, and quietly make granny squares while watching movies or listening to music. 
He loved the nights with the music most of all. 
Listening to you sing softly under your breath to whatever’s coming through the speakers brought his heart a deeply cherished joy. 
You didn’t sing in public, he knew that from Tony’s numerous karaoke nights, so it made it more special that you shared that intimate piece of yourself with him. 
The ritual moved from the common room to his and Bucky’s quarters, with Buck joining in from time to time. It was a sliver of peace and normal in a chaotic world for them. 
You bonded over stories shared and movies enjoyed. Yarn and food consumed by the three of you together, you growing closer to both men over time. 
The relationship… it had an air of inevitability around it, at least according to Sam and Tasha. Like you all found each other right when you were supposed to, and came together as you needed to. 
You three think that it might have just been the yarn. 
With his ever-growing pile of granny squares, you showed Stevie how to sew them together, starting him on a path to a blanket that would slowly fold in squares from both you and Bucky. 
In the end, the blanket was large enough to accommodate all three of you on the couch, curled up together, happy. 
And that was as it should be. 
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pers-books · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Original Work Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Original Character(s) & Original Character(s) Characters: Stigr the Halfling, Wulf the Werewolf, Elvish Kin Additional Tags: secondary world, Fantasy, Halfling, Werewolf, Trans Male Character, Non-binary character, Magic, Prompt Fic, Friendship, Gratuitous mentions of fantasy food and drink, Slice of Life, POV Second Person Summary: Heading to the little-known Hildebeorht's for refreshment after a long day of exams Stigr the Halfling discovers the cafe's owner being menaced by a couple of Elvish Kin mercenaries. They are not impressed.
I wrote the opening of this the other day in response to a prompt Tweet from Tales and Feathers Magazine. The concept and the main character hung around in my head and the following day I wrote nearly 4k words more.
To be honest, I was surprised because the Bitch Muse doesn't usually cooperate with regard to writing original fiction - she'd far sooner write fanfic. However, I'm so relieved to have been able to write anything at all after weeks of stress surrounding two major life events that I'm just glad I got any words down at all.
Thanks to @thisbluespirit for the very helpful beta! 💙
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teazingsassy · 2 years
A slice of life about three roommates. A minor league baseball player who moonlights as a professional competitive eater. An Olympian hopeful who loves to sleep. And a meteorologist who is surrounded by idiots both at work and at school. They share one car and live in the city of Rogue with their friends.
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"I think we should break up," is what Eddie blurts the moment Steve opens the front door to reveal him.
Steve's first reaction is anger -how dare he?- but he doesn't do anything with that anger. Instead, he takes a deep breath through his nose, crosses his arms, and looks Eddie over.
He's breathing heavily yet his van is parked along the curb. He didn't run here. His hair, while never tame, looks rougher. He is fidgeting but in a nervous way, not his usual too much energy way. His eyes are wide and scared. It's the last bit there that drains Steve's anger.
Something's happened.
He drops his arms and says, "well, you're not dumping me on my porch. Get in here."
This doesn't seem like the response Eddie was expecting. Even though he has been looking at Steve this whole time he still manages to do a double take at him. Steve just shoves the door open a bit wider when he turns and heads back to the kitchen, where the dishes are not washing themselves because he doesn't have a dishwasher.
"I-I'm serious, Steve," Eddie is stammering behind him, which is good. Means he did follow. Steve hears the door shut and the shuffling sound of what he assumes is Eddie trying to pull off his combat boots without untying them, like the animal he is.
"Don't shout at me in my own home! Get in this kitchen," Steve shouts, then smiles and relishes in the offended huff Eddie lets out because Steve is the one shouting. Steve picks up the dish towel he'd deposited on the counter and throws it back over his shoulder, then get back to the dishes. There's just a couple bowls and a pot left, might as well get them done.
The sink is perpendicular to the doorway, so he watches Eddie slink into the small galley kitchen, stopping just inside the doorway to frown at Steve. "I'm breaking up with you and you're just, what, gonna wash dishes?"
"You're not breaking up with me, but yes. Look, one bowl down already. Just two more dishes."
"I- what. Yes, I am!"
"Edifer, you are 24 years old. That's much too old to just show up, yell 'we're over' at someone and run away. We're going to talk about this," he's not sure if it's the nickname, or the scolding parent voice he's put on, but it gets a huff of laughter from Eddie, and he counts it as a win.
"Alright, dad."
Steve grins, "I'll be dad if you be Daddy."
There's some sputtering from Eddie, and Steve gets the final dish done before Eddie says, "you can't just say that when I'm breaking up with you! That's- that's manipulative!"
He shrugs in response. "Seems fair. You're messing with my feelings; I'm messing with your feelings."
Those words freeze Eddie, and Steve can see him processing the words. Did Eddie really not consider that Steve had feelings involved? "I- that's... um."
He takes his time to unplug the sink, rinsing away the left-over bubbles before drying his hands and turning around. Eddie looks less wild and scared, now. More conflicted and uncertain. Which could be a good or bad thing. "Did you think you would just come over, break up with me, and I'd be, like, completely fine with it?"
"No," Eddie is quick to say, "Not completely fine but like, fine enough. It's- we've only been together for a month."
Steve frowns at that. He's not going to take offense to the 'only' added in there, because he's grown a lot over the last four years. He's mature now. "Sure, but beyond that, we've been friends since the world almost ended. I don't understand. I thought we were on the same page, here."
Eddie's fidgety again, in the bad way, pacing up and down the length of the kitchen. "What if this was a mistake?"
"What if it wasn't?"
That stops Eddie in his tracks, whipping around to look at Steve. "What if this goes bad? What if you meet someone else and they can give you everything I can't? What if-"
"Whoa, Eddie!" Steve shoves off the sink and gets to Eddie in two steps. His hands come up, hovering. He wants to touch, comfort, but... well, if he allowed to? "I- where's all this coming from?"
"Dustin and Suzie broke up!"
"Dustin and Suzie broke up!! They were the forever couple! Perfect for each other! If they couldn't make it work, how am I supposed to be able to?"
Ah. The root of it. Eddie, afraid he's not good enough. Fuck it. Eddie can shove him off if he doesn't want Steve to touch him. He slides an arm around Eddie's waist, his other hand going up to caress his cheek before cupping it, a move he knows makes Eddie melt like cotton candy on the tongue. "Eddie, baby, we make it work by working on it. Not just giving up."
Eddie does melt into Steve, his own arms wrapping around Steve (probably against Eddie's will). "I- I don't know what I'm doing. I'm gonna fuck this up and you'll hate me, and everything will be ruined."
"Well, that's melodramatic."
Eddie glares at him even as he nuzzles into Steve's palm. "Rude."
"Baby, so long as you just talk to me, we'll be okay. Don't just show up and declare you're gonna break up with me. I think there's some steps we can take before it gets to that."
He watches Eddie swallow thickly before he nods his head. "Yeah. Yeah, okay."
"So, we okay? You aren't gonna break my heart?"
Eddie whimpers at that, throwing himself forward to shove his face into Steve's neck. Steve settles his hand on the back of Eddie's head, idly scratching it while his other arm tightens its hold. When Eddie speaks, it's muffled and directly into his skin. "No. No breaking hearts."
"Hmm, good," Steve says, content to hold his boyfriend in his kitchen for however long Eddie wants to be held.
He'll call and check in on Dustin a bit later, too.
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dapper-lil-arts · 5 months
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It's never too late to love, it's never too late to live.
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triona-tribblescore · 9 months
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They meet at some stupid house party~
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eggyrocks · 6 months
nail polish: k. bokuto
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
bokuto’s hair is down, pushed out of his forehead with a wide headband, and the skin on his face is covered with a thick, wet green that he’s been told is a vitamin c mask.
“it’ll help clean the oil out of your pours,” is what she told him as she stood on the tips of her toes, biting down on her tongue as she spread the slime all over his face.
now, his fingers are spread out over her knee, his giant palm resting over the top of her thigh. slowly and deliberately, she drags the brush of blue polish over his nails. it’s the second coat now. “-and it was quite frankly just fucking rude. because like, it’s her birthday and you’re gonna text her, ask her for a favor, ask her to go out drinking with you to get over your lame breakup, and then only say happy birthday after you saw my post? like you don’t care about her let’s be real.”
bokuto nods solemnly. “that's kinda bitchy. like, oh, your birthday's just an afterthought to me, i don't really care."
"yes, exactly!"
"how long have they been friends now?”
“like fifteen years!” she exclaims, excitement making her halt her hand and look up at bokuto for some sort of reaction.
he shakes his head. "that's long enough to remember your friend's birthday."
“definitely long enough to know when her birthday is! she just bothers me because, like, she’s the type of person who cares more about whatever ugly boyfriend-of-the-month she has than her actual long-time best friends.”
bokuto exaggerates a pout. “is this how your friends talk about me? do they call me your ugly boyfriend-of-the-month?”
she snickers, returning her focus to his nails once more. “we’ve been dating for three years.”
“all my friends love you,” she assures him. “you’re their favorite uber driver.”
he laughs, and in doing so, he moves his pinkie. it’s just a bit, not that much at all, but it’s enough to earn him a gentle flick to his bicep. “stop moving! you’re messing up my work!”
“i think they look pretty,” bokuto assures her, and lifts his other hand up in the air, wiggling his fingers and examining the way the shiny blue reflects the light. “hinata’s gonna be so fucking jealous.”
she bites down on the inside of her cheek. “i just know they’re gonna be chipped to high hell after one practice.”
“then you’ll just have to paint them again,” he tells her. “next time paint them gold so they match my uniform.”
“aye, aye,” she nods, bright grin accompanied by a red tinge to her cheeks.
bokuto leans forward and places a kiss on the crown of her head. “can you put your initials on them?"
she quirks an eyebrow at him. "why do you want my initials on them?"
he grins. "you gotta mark your property, babe."
⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆⋆。˚ ☁︎ ˚。⋆。˚☽˚。⋆
an: i wanna gossip with him so bad
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cheeseceli · 5 months
Summer with you
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Pairing: Lee Know × Gn!Reader (established relationship)
Genre: fluff, short drabble, almost non existential angst
Prompt: "I loved you for three summers now, honey, I want them all"
Warnings: none? Let me know if I missed any
A/n: honestly I thought this was very cute, pls do let me know what you guys think! | Join the 1k event
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Minho never really liked the summer.
The dancing routines would become more tiring, he would constantly feel like he's sweating and it's just very uncomfortable overall. He liked the winter way more than the summer.
Funnily enough though, he met you in the sunny season. You were radiant: glowing skin with a shiny smile. It was almost as if you were a sunray personified that came down to earth just to say hi. And just like he would usually despise the heat, he thought he was fated to hate you.
That never happened though. Pretty much the contrary. Your presence would slowly melt him, in the most positive way possible. You were the light he had been denying but desperately needed.
Interesting how most of the milestones in your relationship happened in the summer.
The first one was when he met you. At first, he didn't give the encounter much importance. You were just another person in his life. Maybe even a temporary one. Just like the summer, one day you would go away as well. But you didn't.
You were there for every single thing. For the celebrations and the losses, for the smiles and tears - for him. He felt like he was experiencing the sneak peak of true love. And his curiosity was awaken, wanting to know what it could be like if he just stuck around for a little bit more.
For the first time, he didn't think the cloudless and bright blue sky was annoying to his sight. He thought it was rather pretty.
The second summer was when you both became an official couple. Without a single doubt, that period became the beginning of a life where Minho had a reason to smile every day.
The amount of dates intensified and he got to see you pretty much everyday. Picnics, walks to the park, pool dates and travels to the beach were often in his life. He felt like living an eternal holiday whenever you were around.
For the first time, he didn't think the heat was suffocating. He thought it was rather welcoming and warm.
The third one was when you argued for the first time. It was a very bad fight, making you both refuse to see each other for a whole week, be it for the pride or the pain.
He felt lost during this whole period. That's when he found out that during the time he got to know you, he became a sunflower while you were his sun. He followed your glow. Without it, he didn't know where to go. That's what made the hug he gave you after that one week be the tighest one you ever received.
For the first time, he missed the sun he thought he'd rather not have.
And now, on the first day of this summer, he was going to ask for your hand. Maybe he was being too eager. Three years of knowing each other and only two of those dating was probably too early. But when he kneels down in front of you saying he wants to spend every future summer with you and you say yes, he swears he could feel the sun shining above just a little bit more.
He's excited to know what next year's summer will bring to you.
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Masterlist | you'll probably like: Awaken beauty
Taglist (open!): @yuyubeans @dandelions-143
Credits for images 1 , 2 and 3
Dividers by @enchanthings
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
Fandom: The Sandman (TV) Pairing: Hob x f!Reader Rating: T Summary:  "How about this, love. You finish your book manuscript before January, and I will sweep us away into a nice vacation of your choice. Words: 1023 Notes: For @mousedetective & @8e-h-e8 Prompt(s): 19.- “Do we have a deal?” from @fictober-event
Read @ AO3
"How about this, love. You finish your book manuscript before January, and I will sweep us away into a nice vacation of your choice.
You mulled at Hob's words. Yes, your manuscript was giving you trouble, but the prospect of a vacation with Hob was tempting. All that time alone, without any interruptions sounded like bliss. You took a deep breath and then exhaled slowly, "Do we have a deal?"
Hob leaned to kiss your nose. "It's a deal."
"Very well," you said and opted to place a soft kiss on his lips. "My book will be done before January the 1st."
Hob smiled, "That's my girl."
"Watch me Hob, that book will be done and you and I are going to relax somewhere nice. Alone with no one to bother us at all. No work duties, no phone calls, no texts, nothing. Just you and me... alone."
A wicked glint came into Hob's eyes. "Alone, in a nice hotel, you and I. Sounds... titillating."
"Oh, it will be. It will be." You swore, because there was something about Hob that made you struggle from keeping your hands to yourself. It was like you were a hormonal teen. But at least you were not alone on that, Hob could be quite... enthusiastic about it. "I'll make sure of it."
And that is how you returned to your manuscript with fury. You made a plan on how to tackle it, you found livestreams that appealed to you (so you could pretend that you were in a writing group), made music playlists and ambiance playlists and just dove into your work as you had not done before.
Soon enough, your efforts and Hob's promise began to pay off. You wrote more in two weeks than what you had done in months. "I can't believe that I wrote four thousand words yesterday," you told Hob as you both were having dinner. "My own personal record."
Hob toasted you with his glass, "I'm so proud of you, love. I knew you could tackle that writer's block."
You smiled, "Well, I have good motivation."
Hob laughed.
"Come back to bed, babe, it's..." Hob's voice broke your concentration. "It's two in the morning. I'm sure that can wait until there's sunlight?"
"Just give me a moment, let me finish this paragraph and I'll come back to bed, promise." You told him. But you did hurry up and wrote faster to join your partner back in bed. "On the bright side, you now know how I feel sometimes."
"And I can see how annoying it can be, I promise not to do it again, unless there's a deadline I have to meet."
"That's fair." You shut your laptop and climbed the bed into Hob's arms, giving him a kiss that started soft and tender and turned hungry. You shivered as you felt Hob's hands exploring your exposed skin. "Well..." you said when you parted to take in necessary breath. "We are awake now."
Hob did not waste a moment to pounce.
Between the promise of a vacation and Hob's... encouragement, your manuscript came together faster than what you would have thought possible. By the tail end of November, you were two chapters away from finishing.
"You know, I'm almost done."
Hob looked up from the book he was reading, the corners of his eyes crinkling with amusement. "See, I knew that you had it inside to finish it quickly."
"Well," you said as you sat next to him, leaning on his arm and resting your head on his shoulder. "I do have an extra source of motivation. And besides, four months to finish a manuscript without a formal deadline is not as impressive. There are people who finish it in a month."
Hob snorted, "Yes, perhaps. But that doesn't mean what you did is no less impressive. Specially since you still have a job that takes time away from you, so don't put yourself down by comparing yourself to those fortunate full time writers. You'll get there I'm sure, but celebrate your victories love."
You turned and kissed his cheek, "Look at you, my own personal motivational speaker."
Hob laughed, "Nothing so lofty, love, just someone who believes in you."
You finished your manuscript the beginning of the second week of December. The moment you typed 'The End.' came with a deep sense of elation and the feeling of victory. You had conquered writer's block and self-doubt.
The first thing you did was rush to where Hob was and all but throw yourself in his arms and kissing him soundly. "I finished it," you whispered against his lips.
Hob beamed at you and squeezed you tightly, then kissed you again. "See, told you could do it, love."
"And all because I had you cheering me on," you told him, closed your eyes and rested your forehead against his. "I don't care if we anywhere, just let's be alone and ignore the world for a bit."
"Oh, absolutely not. I promised a vacation, and a vacation you will have. Because if I going to be honest, I could do with one myself. So, any ideas as to where you want to go."
You thought for a moment, "How about a beach. I don't care where, but I would live to swim in the ocean, what do you think?"
"I think that's a fantastic idea. We'll brainstorm places, how does that sound?"
"Sounds like a plan."
"And speaking of plans," you grinned wickedly, straddled him and whispered, "since I am done... how about some quality time?"
You did not had to say it twice for Hob to begin kissing you.
The hotel's bed was soft and it felt absolutely divine. Hob had chosen well as to stay when you two had decided to run off to the Seychelles. And true to both of your words, you barely left the room.
"This is nice," you said as you rested against Hob's chest as you two watched the sun set on the horizon at the beach. "I love this. And I love you, so very much Hob."
Hob squeezed you tighter, "And I you."
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teatitty · 3 months
You know if you only look at the manga canon Iruka doesn't actually have like. Any friends at all, outside of our own headcanons about Kakashi. He has Naruto, but that's more older brother-younger brother, Mizuki betrayed him and then there's Hiruzen who is.... not so much a friend as he is a pseudo-mentor figure. And then there's Kakashi, who goes out of his way to make friends all over, and is completely open to making new connections
Basically what I'm saying is: Kakashi finding out from Naruto that Iruka doesn't actually hang out with anyone and he's worried about his Not-Brother being alone and working all the time so Kakashi is like "bet I got this" and shows up at Iruka's place to bodily drag him out somewhere ignoring all his questions and protests and that's how Iruka ends up shoved into the jounin friendship circle with no idea why
[The "why" is because Kakashi knows how it feels to self-isolate and ignore your own needs and he likes Iruka and wants to help him somehow and so he casually mentions to Gai that he thinks Iruka might be lonely without Mizuki around anymore and oh nooooo would you look at that, Gai's all teary-eyed and determined to make him feel better now so of course he's gonna end up babbling to Kurenai and Asuma and anyone else in their circle and now Iruka has become the hissing stray that all the elites are trying to coax into their homes with scraps of food and really good books]
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andi-kook · 5 months
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SUMMARY: A series of drabbles featuring you, a twenty-five year-old high school Literature teacher living on the same floor as Jeon Jungkook, a thirty-one year-old single dad and filmmaker living with his eleven-year-old daughter Yuki, and your encounters that leads the both of you to be hopelessly captivated with each other. Based on Niki’s Take A Chance With Me.
DRABBLE 01: A panicked Jeon Jungkook knocks on your door for help.
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PAIRING: Jungkook x Fem!Reader
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GENRE: Angst, Fluff, Slice of Life, Single Dad AU, Age Gap AU
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WARNINGS: Suitable for all ages. No specific warnings for this drabble. Dad!Jungkook, maybe? Oh, and talks of menstrual period and allusion to complicated family relationships. Not proofread!
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Your peaceful Sunday afternoon consisting of catching up on the episodes of your comfort series while eating your comfort food with a bottle of cola on the side is interrupted by a set of knocks on your door. Your eyebrows meet in confusion, not expecting anyone to come over nor did you have any deliveries. And even if you are expecting someone, they would have to use the intercom before the security lets them in. So, while you’re walking down to answer the door, you can only deduce that whoever is knocking on your door must be a neighbor. Your theory is proven correct when you open the door, and you see Jeon Jungkook – or should you say Mr. Jeon Jungkook – standing on the other side with an apologetic smile plastered on his lips and his eyes wide and panicked.
“Y/N, hi, I’m so sorry for bothering you. I just really need your help,” Jungkook states immediately, rubbing his palms against his loose black pants.
“It’s okay, Mr. Jeon. What is it?” You ask politely, placing your hand on the door.
“It’s Yuki. She’s-She’s calling for you. I think she’s gotten her period and is terrified,” Jungkook explains, biting his lower lip as his chest rises and falls heavily. He’s clearly concerned and worried.
You perk up, recognizing the seriousness of the situation. “Okay. Yeah, that can be terrifying. I have some pads she can use – they serve the same purpose regardless of age, don’t worry. I’ll just grab them and meet you at your apartment?”
A look of relief washes over his face. “Thank you, Y/N, seriously. This means a lot.”
“It’s no problem, Mr. Jeon,” You reply.
You make your way to your room and grab the unopened napkin from your shelf before making your way to the Jeons’ apartment three units across from yours. You knock, as a sign of respect, and Jungkook immediately answers the door and leads you to the bathroom. Your apartment’s floorplan is slightly different, you notice. His is clearly more spacious than your studio-type.
“She doesn’t want me anywhere near her, but if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know. I’ll be right down the hall,” Jungkook tells you softly to which you nod.
You wait until Jungkook is at the end of the hall before you softly knock on the door. “Yuki? Hi, it’s Y/N from Apartment 609. Your dad says you called for me. Is everything okay?”
You hear sniffing on the other side and your heart breaks just a little. Children crying are always a weakness of yours. “Y-Y/N? Is that really you?”
“Yes, Yuki, it’s really me. Can you tell me if you’re okay?”
“No, I’m not,” Yuki replies honestly. “I-I don’t know what to do!” She begins to cry again.
From your peripheral vision, you see Jungkook about to walk but you put up your hand to stop him, shaking your head. “It’s okay, Yuki. I was like that too when I first got my period. I was clueless on what to do.”
“I-I’m scared.”
You nod even though she doesn’t see you. “It’s alright to be scared of something you haven’t experienced or seen before, Yuki. If you let me, I can help you be a little less scared of it.”
It’s quiet for a moment then you hear the soft click of the door unlocking. The door opens slightly, and you take this as a sign to slip inside, seeing the dark-haired eleven-year-old sitting on the toilet with her face buried in her hands. When she hears you close the door, she looks up at you, eyes red and swollen, cheeks stained with tears. Her shiny black hair is all over her face and she’s still wearing her matching blue pajamas with little various kinds of shark printed on them.
You smile as you lower yourself in front of her to meet her eye-level, placing the napkin on the sink. “Hi, Yuki.”
She sniffs but politely returns the greeting. “Hello Y/N.”
“It’s scary, isn’t it? Waking up and seeing all this blood?” You ask and she nods. You hum. “Has your teacher or parents talked to you about getting your menstruation during puberty?”
“Yeah, my Science teacher, Ms. Cho, gave a lecture about it last semester,” Yuki answers, eyes similar to that of her father’s lowering as she fiddles with her fingers. “Mom and dad never really did.”
You nod in understanding. “I see. I learned about it through my teacher too.”
Her eyes shoot up to meet yours again, wide and filled with validation. Your heart breaks again. “Really?”
“Yeah. My mom passed away when I was young, so she never got the chance to teach me about periods and napkins and all that stuff. My dad – he was working so he wasn’t able to teach me about it too.”
It’s a watered-down version of your childhood, but you’re not about to trauma dump to an eleven-year-old.
“Can we clean you up? I’ll teach you everything I know about dealing with this every month,” You say, sucking your teeth. Yuki nods. “Okay. Do you wanna take a shower so you can get cleaned up? I’ll be outside with your clothes and towel once you’re finished.”
“Okay. Thank you, Y/N.”
“No problem, Yuki. I’m glad to be of help.”
You leave the bathroom to give Yuki privacy and spot her father leaning against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. When he hears the door close, his head shoots up at your direction.
“Everything is fine, Mr. Jeon. She just got shaken up, but she’s already taking a shower. Can you prepare her clothes and her towel?” You ask, placing your hands on your hips.
“Yeah, her room is the one on your right,” Jungkook says as he points at it. “You can come inside if you want.”
So you do, looking at the ocean-themed room from the blue walls, the shark-printed bed sheets, whale-printed curtains, the sphere lamp covered in different marine animal stickers.
“She’s currently in her marine phase though it’s gotten a bit longer than I anticipated so maybe it’s not a phase after all,” Jungkook shares as he grabs clothes from his daughter’s cabinet then takes the towel hanging on it.
You nod, completely getting it. “I’ve had my phases too. Some I never really grew out of.”
“Yeah? Like what?” Jungkook asks, sending you a smile.
You can’t help but return it, albeit a teasing one. “It’s a secret, Mr. Jeon.”
He laughs a little, nodding as he grabs a pair of clean underwear from Yuki’s drawer. “Alright. I respect that.”
Once Yuki finished showering, you hand her the towel to dry and cover herself before you enter and tell her some tips on how to handle her menstruation, demonstrating how napkins work and telling her when to change it so she won’t get any sort of rashes. You also tell her about cravings and mood swings. Once she’s all done, you and Yuki step out of the bathroom, her hiding behind you and only peeking through your arm to look at her father who has lowered himself on the door, an encouraging smile on his face.
“Go on, Yuki. There is nothing to be ashamed of towards your dad,” You tell her gently. “But if you’re not ready, it’s okay too. I’m sure your dad will understand.”
Yuki contemplates before ultimately deciding on running towards her father who greets her with his arm wide open. You watch as Jungkook embraces Yuki warmly, eyes closing and pressing kisses on her cheek. Yuki buries her face on the crook of his neck.
“It’s okay, baby. I’m not mad. I understand. I’m just happy you’re okay now,” Jungkook soothes, rubbing Yuki’s back in circles.
At that moment, you feel a tug in your heart. You’ve never really looked at Jeon Jungkook before – your paths didn’t really cross despite living on the same floor. You would only get a chance to talk to Yuki when the two of you would be walking up the hill to your apartment building after school ended. Maybe it was because you were a homebody who spent your free time in the comfort of your home. But now that you had gotten the chance to really see him – you couldn’t deny that he was one of the most handsome men you had ever seen.
You quickly shut down this thought. He’s a married man for crying out loud – it’s not right for you to be thinking about him in any way.
“Did you say thank you to Y/N?” Jungkook asks Yuki.
“She already did, and really, it’s not a problem. Glad I could be of help,” You say with a smile. “Anyway, I guess I’ll be on my way. I still have some papers to grade.”
“I’ll walk you back,” Jungkook offers.
You shake your head. “No, it’s okay, Mr. Jeon.”
“No, please, let me. It’s the least I can do for your help, for now, at least,” He insists. “I prepared your favorite snack in the kitchen, Yuki. I’ll just walk Y/N back to her apartment then I’ll join you, okay?” He tells his daughter, kissing the top of her head.
“Yes dad,” Yuki answers with a nod.
She gives you a hug on your way out.
“There’s really no need for you to walk me back, Mr. Jeon,” You say as you scratch the top of your head awkwardly.
“We are walking now so too late,” He quips, a lopsided smile forming on his lips. You only now see his piercing. Damn. “I’m serious though. This won’t just be the last thank you you’ll receive from me. You helped us out so much. You deserve better than a walk.”
“It’s really okay. I’m just happy that Yuki is fine,” You say as you reach your apartment. “Here I am. Thank you for walking me back, Mr. Jeon.”
“Thank you for everything, Y/N. If there is anything you need – anything – I’m just at 613, okay? Please don’t hesitate to knock on our door.”
You smile, nodding. “See you around, Mr. Jeon.”
“See you, Y/N, and if you’re comfortable with it, please just call me Jungkook.”
“Okay,” You say. “See you around, Jungkook.”
His smile widens – or at least in your mind it does. “Great. Enjoy the rest of your afternoon, Y/N.”
When you walk back inside your apartment, you press your back against the door, heart beating faster than normal. Why do you get the feeling that you’ll be seeing more of the Jeons? And why does it make your heart race?
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ANDI: I need this while working on something as dark as Dead Kids so I won’t be too burnt out when writing it. I hope you guys liked it and let me know what you think! 🦉
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iamthecomet · 8 days
𝙳𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚔 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚜𝚎 𝙳𝚛𝚊𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚂𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚜
Rating: E Pairing: Mountain/Everyone but specifically Mountain/Cirrus/Rain Featuring: A day in Mountain's life. Gardening. An outdoor threesome (ish). Cirrus being Cirrus. Rain being a little shit. Oral Sex. Swimming. Gardening (again). Cooking. Mountain feeling like he has to be useful to be valuable. Swiss using quintessence. Stoned Ghouls. Soft, sappy, ghouls in all their forms. Word Count: 6k.
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Sunshine gets there last, dirt smeared on her jaw this time. Mountain watches as she presses a small cloth pouch into Aeon’s hand. He takes a sniff and the tension drains from his shoulders. He grins up at Sunshine, mumbles a thanks as she sits next to him. 
He thinks this is the kind of thing people take for granted. This comfort. Watching people he loves, love each other. The care they all take with each other, for each other, for this place that has given and taken from them in equal measure. 
Read it all on AO3.
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