#Sneaky Sneaky Stabby Stabby
theluckywizard · 7 months
In the Shattering of Things, Ch. 70: Chasing Shadows
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Summary: Rose continues to uncover the chaos behind the scenes at the Winter Palace and alerts her advisors to her discoveries.
Fic Summary: Lady Rose Trevelyan's idle, aristocratic life blinks out in a haze of irrelevance when the breach destroys the Conclave. She may be soft and coddled when she joins the Inquisition, but there's a fierceness inside her she's yet to fully recognize. Armed with only a few relevant skills and the mark that makes her a legend, she is thrust onto a path delivering hope where it’s long been scorched away and finds comfort in the grumpy, handsome stick in the mud charged with her protection and training. As she stumbles her way across southern Thedas, she begins to realize she's tangled at the center of machinations she barely understands, and she's not alone in that. Enter Hawke.
Excerpt below the cut 👇
“We found more evidence of foul play— a lot more. Which may or may not be related to the Tevinters.”
“Then perhaps we should warn the empress now,” he says, leaning to peer through the door back into the ballroom.
“Aside from Josephine skinning us alive for being too obvious, Celene’s advisor Morrigan said she’d be by her side,” I explain.
“Did her advisor even make it that far?” he asks.
“I’m not sure.”
“We should check,” he insists and moves to stride back inside. 
I catch Cullen by his hand before he draws too much attention looking eagle eyed and overly alert at someone else’s party.
“Not like that,” I scold him. “Here— give me your arm. We have to act casual.”
“Andraste have mercy,” he mutters, rubbing a hand over his face in frustration. “What does that even mean?” 
Apparently he used up all his patience for playing it cool earlier. He holds out his elbow stiffly. I tuck my hand into it.
“Smile,” I instruct. I pretend to delight in my surroundings before glancing at him. “Act like you’re having a good time.”
Cullen stares at me blankly, addled by how far outside his skill my directive falls.
“Well— just, try not to look so antsy,” I say. “Talk to me.”
“About what?”
“Explain to me— the finer points of our latest siege capabilities.”
Cullen’s gold embroidered epaulets fall an inch. “The ballistas or the mangonels?”
I grumble softly, waffling my head around in frustration. “Take your pick.”
We move back into the ballroom and Cullen begins explaining the rationale behind our array of mangonels and the benefits of single projectiles versus scattershot. I nod and smile, and snatch us two glasses of punch from a passing tray, offering one to Cullen.
“I’m not drinking tonight,” he argues, baffled once again.
My eyes do a somersault. “It’s for show. Just— pretend to take a sip.”
Apparently incapable of pretending to drink, Cullen dribbles a splotch of punch on his uniform. He curses under his breath and I stifle an unruly laugh.
“At least it’s red,” I note in a whisper. “I see part of Celene’s dress around that corner. Keep going. Mangonels.”
Cullen continues, discussing a few options for setting payloads ablaze and which are the most cost effective. Celene comes fully into view, clearly in discussion with someone I can’t yet see.
“She’s talking to someone— don’t look.”
“I’m not,” he protests. Cullen cranes his head and looks.
I poke him sharply. “Tell me about the tar.”
He scowls at me momentarily before continuing. “The tar pits of Edgehall are rather close, fortunately. Geologists believe—”
Morrigan’s raven black and wine-colored form appears from around the corner as she emerges to sweep her eyes over the room. A young heavily armored man stands vigilant beyond Celene. Morrigan nods to me subtly.
“She’s there. Along with Celene’s champion I believe,” I remark, allowing the breath I’d been partially holding to leave me fully.
Read the rest here
Start the fic here!
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emacrow · 7 months
Danny has an aggressive secret admirer and that Admirer is Damian wayne.
How this all started was during the Gotham exchange program where Danny had accidentally enrolled in as a joke but didn't think he actually get picked.
Luckily his rogues decided to give him some peace for once since they didn't want to go anywhere near Gotham because she a scary lady, but she actually a very misunderstood lady who just want companion..
Just have a odd way of expressing.. but she allow him in her city until the program is over but has hinted very cryptic if he want to stay then Her Knights have ways.
On his first day of gotham high, everyone so far kept whispered about the new wayne bait?
He didn't really listen but he was mostly asleep in the classes because he already have the whole class homework down already and he using this entire program as a vacation to sleep for once since he first became a halfa.
How he met Damian was pure accident.. literally, as he had accidentally body flipped him so hard to the ground due to Damian grabbing his shoulder and he really didn't meant it but his body instinctly grab his hand.
Which lead to his now peaceful vacation becoming a bit problematic.. as Damian will not leave him alone..
Unknownly to danny. He had gained admirer..
His locker filled with letters that would make Dora blush with how old fashioned they were written in. The occasion and daily weapon gift giving left in his own dorm.( he thought it was skulker leaving him weapons to try out on their next fight) The chocolates he kept receiving thought it was from the other girls from the other class room. Some of his clothes were missing but he thought it was his roommate.
Meanwhile Damian is at his wits end to the point of nearly putting cameras in Danny's room if it weren't for Tim catching on rather quickly on his 'too far gone deep obsession' with the new kid. He had been benched several times because he had been caught on several occasions trying to sneak into Danny's apartment, his locker, his gym locker. To the point they now trying to distract him from approaching danny.
He is just doing the courting rituals that he had learned so far from Talia.. he didn't even get to try the kidnapped and held hostage ritual yet :(
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y-rhywbeth2 · 1 month
On the note about multiclass builds, I'm considering doing a strange run where I multiclass all the origin characters. I know not why. Anybody got suggestions for multiclassing the characters who aren't Astarion? Without changing their stats via Withers, nor getting rid of their initial class, and preferably in ways that fit their characters. Doesn't actually have to be optimised, fit their stats well or be even remotely useful. Ideally every class should be in the party.
I'm pretty committed to Astarion's current headband of intellect powered assassin/wizard murder-machine set up. He'll be so good at wizardly hubris, however much he complains magic is boring.
Wyll goes ranger of his own volition, so I could use that. He's traveled alone, and has the 2e obligatory-good-aligned-ranger nature hero thing going for him, though I do feel bard vibes from him. Also the classic paladin vibes, but those are still holy warriors in realmslore and I don't think he's swearing himself to any gods or other powers right now, he's got enough with Mizora.
Shadowheart I'm considering rogue, even though we've already got one. I could kinda feel sorcerer but none of the subclasses are fitting.
Gale can't be a cleric of Mystra, their connection being on fire aside, he is not terribly good at her doctrine of 'avoid hubris and seek magic less the more power you have' atm. Maybe Karlach and Lae'zel can teach him to hit things and he can make up for physical stats with spells... EDIT: Orrrr the disruption of the orb and the damage it causes the Weave could cause his magic to occur as wild magic, so wizard/wild mage was a good suggestion.
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shrapnelsong · 2 months
@recitedemise || continued
She walks the perimeter out of habit. Ever since shedding the surname she was deemed so undeserving of in exchange for her life, she's never felt truly safe at night anywhere that isn't her grandfather's farm. And after waking up to allies holding something sharp to her neck one too many times in recent memory, that instinct will continue to speak louder than usual for a good while.
There is one absence that makes itself most noticeable, and her gaze washes searchingly over the area, finding a gentle spot of summoned light that draws her in like a moth to a flame. Her steps remain silent whether on stone, earth or grass, sauntering closer and closer without apparent detection.
Smiling to herself, Alice crouches down next to the mage, admiring him from upclose. She knows he can take care of himself - has witnessed him wield his magic with terrifying mastery, shoulder a god-given burden with almost infuriating grace - but seeing him like this, so innocently engrossed in the well-loved book, it makes her want to protect him.
Gingerly, she pushes back a lock of hair hanging over his eyes. Her heart breaks in waking him, whether from slumber or from his immersion, but his body will thank her for it later. Her smile widens when he remarks upon it himself, watching him with affection shining in her gaze. From her own experience, she knows that a book he carries with him has to be a treasured one, but the knowledge doesn't keep her from taking a peek at it.
It is not the first time she's had this thought while in Gale's presence. Perhaps if her life had been a little less tumultuous, if she hadn't stumbled upon the arcane and learnt it out of necessity... If she'd had safe ground and time spent not running to nurture her curiosity, perhaps she would have trailed a similar path to his. But it goes away as quickly as it appears. If her journey had been any different, maybe it wouldn't have led her to him.
"I would gladly listen to you reading anything." Born to a songstress, her ears are particularly attuned to voices. His is a balm she will never tire of hearing in all its little lilts and dips, in how it speeds up when he's excited or flustered. "But perhaps we should turn in?" She suggests gently, running a fingertip along his jaw. "We can always read together later." His moments are no longer numbered, after all.
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llitchilitchi · 1 year
Not sure if you're still open to asks but for the [Oblivion AU], can George do magic as a priest? Also what are Dream's skills? Where's Sapnap? Are they still besties? Ride or die pals?
George is a very powerful magic wielder! priests/clerics are primarily healers, which is something that comes in handy because much like real Dream, obliv!Dream is a trouble magnet that needs to be regularly patched up. however, George studied magic beyond just healing, so he's also pretty good at combat magic, and dabbles in different schools like illusion and mysticism (I'm pretty sure I put together a whole build for his character at one point, but I don't know where it went orz)
if we speak from the game mechanics side, Dream is very much a sneak build character. he's very athletic and fast, though he's also pretty skilled in swordfighting. he's also a pretty good alchemist! he spends a lot of his free time picking up random plants and he's chewing on some weed he picked up along the way.
Sapnap in this au takes the place of Baurus, the youngest member of the emperor's personal guard and a fully trained Blade (the emperor's secret police, so to speak, working for the crown and the crown only, ranging from spies thru priests to personal guard) - he was with the emperor when he died, which is how he met Dream. they had a bit of a rocky start but when Bad tasked the two of them to work together to uncover the conspiracy of who assassinated the emperor, the two clicked and quickly became best friends. once that job was done, Sapnap got to finally meet George and swore to protect him. the three of them are inseparable from that point onwards, except for when Dream has to leave to run errands, leaving George in Sapnap's care
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Ninja Elf.
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findusinaweek · 2 years
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I cannot escape it
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deadkenndy · 8 months
I bet Hunnigan fucks with security cams so he can infiltrate places.
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liltaventures · 10 months
❛ if you don’t terrify people a little bit, then what’s the point? ❜
Quillen: "I don't prefer making others fear me. However, if I need to intimidate another to get information I will but again it is not something that I like doing."🩸🦇🎻
Yanis: "Well, sometimes making others fear your very presence is the only way to get what you need or even what you truly desire." 🌸😇🗡️
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brytnoter · 10 months
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clearcutcasualty · 1 year
Became the one thing I hated most (ghostface main)
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hornetofhallownest · 1 year
I tried Dishonoured & its pretty good, thank u mutuals you are right about everything
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sakiaii · 2 years
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I’m probably the only person who played Assassin for 50 minutes, Piratessassin for 5 days and only watched Syndicate on yt even tho I was really interested in it it’s my brother who really played the series and other game in it (except Syndicate and newer) I personally cared for these 3 releases at the time but they lagged on my old PCs 
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idanceinthegraveyard · 9 months
First post no way! Time to listen to junkie brush
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Ghostface/Danny Johnson x gn reader
Warning; Slightly obssesive behaviour, blood, stabby stab stab
You look pretty in red.
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The stress that came with every single match was unbearable. Every single time your body was enveloped by smoke your heart sank, and your head felt light. The worst part of this whole ordeal is; you won’t know the killer before the match. You can count yourself lucky if you see them in the first minutes of the match and they don’t see you. It helps you, not much but enough to know how to deal with them when the time comes.
Gideon Meat Plant was the worst map you have found yourself in. Even though it had many rooms you got lost very fast. The concrete walls made you feel small, stuck and the smell, God the smell! The air was moist, suffocating, a light hint of copper mixed with the sweet scent of death and rot hung in the air. The first time you got here you choked and gagged.
Your hands clumsily fumbled with the broken generator in the edge of the map, your head was buzzing, heart in your throat as you tried your best not to mess up. One small mistake would lead to it exploding and the killer finding you. You haven’t run into the killer, but the other survivors were not so lucky, you could tell by how loud Jake screamed. It echoed through the halls sending a shiver down your spine. You hoped the killer wasn’t Ghostface, you two had some kind of beef. He likes to start chasing you first, just to scare you, then before you even know or notice you are the last person to be alive and the real game of cat and mouse begins. The worst part is he didn’t even say a single word.
Ghostface liked to torture you, watching how you would cry and bleed out crawling in the mud, only to pick you up and hook you.
Ghostface also had a fun habit of watching you, stalking, and taking photos. At first you didn’t notice a thing. He was one sneaky bastard, he seemed very happy and content with that, after some time he appeared to get bored of you being unaware of his existence.
He left you photos, a whole bunch, some of them had something written on the back. They were usually hearts, written in drying flaky blood. He scared the shit out of you and he liked that oh, too much.
You hate him with your whole heart.
Suddenly the generator explodes, hissing in pain you hide your hands and get on your feet. It was loud, echoing through the halls only to fall into silence and then nothing. No loud heartbeat, no chase. Nothing. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you bring your slightly sweaty and burnt hands to your chest. Out of instinct For a second a wave of comfort overwhelmed you, you were safe. Well, as safe as you could be in the Entities realm. “Boo” Your eyes widen and before you are even able to open your mouth to scream you are stabbed in the back and kicked onto the floor. White warm pain blossomed in the places he stabbed you, vision blurry from the impact that your head made with the floor. He sat on your back, stabbing you more. Ghostface grabbed your head, pulling it back to take a photo. A coppery taste filled your mouth, you coughed and it spilled onto the ground.
He took a few more photos, and when he felt satisfied he got off of you. Your mind was blank, the hot pain in your back made it impossible to think or scream.
You could only let out low whimpers, it made him chuckle. He lifted his mask, you could see his blurry smile and before you knew it he gently kissed you. You didn’t kiss back, your strength leaving your body as quickly as your blood. He licked the blood of your lips. He watched the light fade away from your eyes, oh how he adored the sight. His smile got wider.
Before the fog had the chance to take you away, you heard him chuckle and say;
“You look pretty in red”
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Undead Character Showdown Redo: Round One Matchup Two
Who is your favorite undead character?
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(Sasha art by @ravensa, can be taken down if requested!)
Sasha Rackett: "Sasha died and was brought back to life, but the resurrection caused her to slowly turn into a zombie. She is sneaky, stabby, and had a fucked up childhood. Also, so many daggers. I love her" -Submitter
No propaganda is submitted for Luke Patterson! If any is submitted through the ask box or comments on reblogs, they will be added next round!
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pumpkinsy0 · 4 months
I like the idea of Ponyboy being a sneaky little shit and getting Curly a book on horticulture ("Haha, you said whore." -Curly) and Curly being all "why the fuck do I want this?"
Ponyboy says nothing, just smiling as he turns the pages to show one how to grow marijuana and Curly's all "Babe, I'll fucking marry you."
Trial and error, good days, bad ones. It's all worth is cause in eight weeks time Curly has his first sprouts. They are wrapped in a baby blanket under a heat lamp in the shed. The sprouts grow and soon enough he's ready for business. He dubs himself "The Greaser Gardner" cause it's kinda true, but also tuff when he puts it into perspective (it's not cool. Angela told him he sounded like a hick grandpa)
Speaking of names, he names his plants too. "This one is prickles, this one is stabby, that one back there is pluck and this one. . . . . this is Ponybabe. I named it after my wife."
Curly makes 50 bucks a month selling the stuff.
Tim is baffled. Perplexed. Because when the hell did Curly prove he could a.) read, b.) comprehend what he was reading and c.) put what he read and comprehend into action all at once?
i giggled at horticulture too, i am NO better than curly
im ngl i IMMEDIATELY thought of that yrailer park boys episode where ricky and julian were growing weed in that one empty ass trailer, I FORGOT EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED BUT IT WAS THAT EPISODE WHERE THE STRIPPER FUCKING STOLE EVERYTHING😭😭
curly going from “babe ill fucking marry u” to “i named it after my wife” what plot development THIS is what we need to see more of ☝🏽☝🏽☝🏽
he only sells stuff from the ponybabe™️ plant to special customers so i like to image he gets really really dramatic talking about that plant, pretending like he’s a wife at sea at the lighthouse waiting for his husband to return from the war
and look rule #1 is “dont get high iff ur own supply” but curlys always like “i gotta test it out before it gets to my customers” (he just rlly wants to get high and doesnt feel like spending money)
i think tims more baffled at the fact that curly is actually able to take care of a living thing without it going to absolute shit, curly is SO heavy handed its not even funny
he likes to spend or give some of his profit to pony, he wouldnt b here without him🙏🏽🙏🏽
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