#So I thought of mario and luigi
federthenotsogreat · 2 years
Fawful Month day 17: 🍭Sweet Dreams
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"Good night. Fawful is wishing you dreams of sweetness!"
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factual-fantasy · 2 years
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I felt like it was about time I gave Mario and Luigi an emotional support animal a new friend. So I figured why not bring a Yoshi into the mix? Now read my ramble explaining the Yoshi’s ENTIRE backstory! :’D 
Mkay, so you see, the Yoshi’s used to be a lot smaller and they would just lazily roam around and eat fruits and veggies all day. But then at some point they discovered this island that lay in the middle of a giant river..
Now, something about this island made all the plant life that grew on it to be HUGE, and full of the same power that superstars have. All the Yoshi’s from across the land gathered on this island and ate until their hearts were content. The food they were eating was so rich in vitamins and full of so much power, that over a few generations they grew to be giants. And they became a lot more intelligent as well.
Eventually, word got around that this island had super food growing on it. So the Toad people started to cross the river and take some of the plants for themselves. But the Yoshi’s? Oh they didn’t like that. They didn’t like people that they were no longer familiar with coming onto their island and taking their food. So they fought back. The Yoshi’s were so big and so aggressive, that they were quickly labeled a dangerous species. And Yoshi’s island was deemed a lost cause due to the number of casualties that were had in trying to explore it. Since then no one has step foot on Yoshi’s island. And the bond between Toads and Yoshi’s was officially broken...
That is until Mario and Luigi show up of course. Naturally these idiots fell into the river and washed up on Yoshi’s island. They were super lucky that the Yoshi that found them was a gentle creature at heart, and took a liking to the brothers. After carrying them to the other side of the river, this Yoshi decided to leave his home to ensure that Mario and Luigi made it back safely. 
And after returning the brothers to the Mushroom Kingdom? Yoshi just.. never went back. Mario and Luigi were his home now.
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
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Head empty, only thinking about Ultra Protective Big Brother Mario at all times and how ever since he was a literal baby who just learned to walk, his first, strongest instinct, as unthinking and instantaneous as a reflex, as breathing, has been to position himself in between Luigi and the slightest hint of danger with absolutely ZERO hesitation
(Their expressions are EXACTLY the same in the 1st and 3rd image!!!! Some things never change!!!! LOOK HOW HARD I CAN CRY!!!!!)
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itsamenickname · 1 year
Bowser: *adjusts his bowtie before holding out his hand* Let's rule the world, together. Forever. Will you marry me?
Luigi: *staring at Bowser with an annoyed expression as he's tied to a chair and also wearing Peach's dress and wig*
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multicolour-ink · 1 year
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After the first hug, Mario immediately goes to gently cup and pull Luigi's face towards him. He needs to take in that his brother is right here. He needs to make sure that he's not hurt.
And stars help Bowser if Luigi was!
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Oh stars the forehead touch. So much meaning in this one moment ❤💚
Now, forehead touches can have various meanings in many cultures; but in general, touching ones forehead to another person's is a way to get across love, soothe anxiety, and can be seen as a protective gesture.
And that's exactly what's happening here. The Bros are grounding themselves in the moment. And look at the way their eyes meet! In various cultures as well, the eyes are believed to be windows to the soul. The Bros are not just communicating through their physical affection - they are healing each other's hearts.
And given what they have been through, they need it 💗
In this one moment, the Bros can forget about the terror and danger around them.
In this one moment, they are able to focus on the one thing that matters the most to them.
- - -
Also a side note: Luigi doesn't say a word during this exchange (not counting after, when he makes the bear comment 😁). And some will probably think "Oh man that sucks!", but honestly it says a lot about these characters. Luigi chooses to remain silent, because he knows that if he attempted to speak in that moment, he would burst into tears and be unable to stop💧
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beebfreeb · 7 months
One of the most heart-wrenching things that've ever happened to me occurred while trying to research the Super Paper Mario art style.
"Ohh what a beautiful and interesting art style! It is very distinctive! I wonder if anyone else has tried or wanted to try breaking it down and replicating it?" Obliviously, I typed in Super Paper Mario Art Style into my search bar... only to find many people calling it ugly and saying they hate it.
This simply could not be... permanent damage was done to my artistic soul.
No joy? No whimsy in this world? No love of computer graphics? Of a certain era of clipart? Of the art that was born from the computer and is difficult to replicate without one? Of the art made when this was something new and fascinating? No love for something unique?
Super Paper Mario don't listen to all those haters I love your geometric art style influenced by what shapes are easily drawn on a computer and the smooth mechanical interpolation within your animations. I love you. Also the music is banger.
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akiiame-blog · 2 months
Currently working on a Dad Mario comic, and I wanted to share a little headcanon
Clementine would be the luckiest niece in the world. Why? Her uncle Luigi is a very talented inventor. He'd make the coolest toys for his little baby niece :] Like this little working car here
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And plenty of other toys that just makes Clementine so happy,,, Luigi adores her little face lighting up every time he comes over with a new toy, just for her :)
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best bros!!!!
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eggcats · 1 year
I wish I could write fics, because I DESPERATELY want a fic where like both Bowser and King Boo decide to break in to kidnap Luigi one night, but they accidentally do it the same night.
So Luigi just wakes up to them fighting in his room and he just assumes he's still asleep so he doesn't really react much, because this is the weirdest dream he's ever had.
And then both of them are yelling at Luigi to ask which one he PREFERS kidnapping him, like a competition, and keep being like "WELL MY CASTLE HAS LAVA SO HE CAN BE WARM IN THE CAGE!!!" "HE WILL DECORATE MY MANSION IN THE PAINTING ON THE MANTELPIECE!!!" Etc etc.
And Luigi, assuming he is asleep because this is too weird to be reality, just goes "I don't even WANT-a to know what my subconscious is-a trying to tell me." And lays down to go back to sleep, confounding both Bowser and King Boo.
It would also be hilarious if they both decide to just stay the night, because neither of them want to be the first to leave and let the other one win. And so when Luigi wakes up and they're still there he's like "THAT WASN'T A DREAM???!"
Cue both Bowser and King Boo trying to out-rizz each other to Luigi, like "Do you regularly dream about me?" "CLEARLY HE MEANS ME!"
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pianokantzart · 6 months
Hey Piano!
The other day I was looking through Mario movie stuff (A.k.a how I spend most of my free time) and I came across this!
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It’s more of a size chart but we still kinda get an idea of how tall everyone is in the movie….so yeah!
Okay, the height difference between Mario and Peach has me convinced that Mario is definitely shorter than 5'1 in this universe. I added a red line here to represent how tall Mario would actually be without his hat:
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If each line represented one foot, Mario would be about 5'4, but if that were the case Princess Peach would be 7 feet tall, and Bowser would be almost 12 feet tall (if we're including his shell.)
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It is commonly believed that Princess Peach is 6 foot. So, If we recalculate accordingly... that would mean that each line represents roughly 10.3 inches. Based on this assumption, I present to you the new canon heights of the Mario cast:
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Do what you will with this information.
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enderina · 17 days
Tommorow i'm starting school 💀 i wanna explode. Hopefully this won't mean i'll stop drawing,, Here's a few finished arts in the meantime :]
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{I draw mario so different everytime help 💀 Also luigi is pretty hard to draw so i'm still figuring him out ✌}
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azzie-tangerine · 3 months
Mario and Luigi nation (just you you're the only mario fan I follow) how are we feeling about the mario rpg renaissance
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Having a completely normal reaction what you mean
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Yes yes bowuigi Luigi dresses up as Peach and when he’s found out by a dramatic display of them lowering his mask or his wig falling off Bowser is so humiliated that he was easily tricked that he forces Luigi to stay and they fall in love with each other. BUT...what about Luigi dresses up as Peach but Bowser knows?
As in, he has spies in the mushroom kingdom who report that they saw Peach and Mario discussing how to save Luigi discreetly and he puts two and two together. Instead of revealing this, he wants to see how long Luigi can last. How long can Luigi go being referred to as Peach? When will he mess up? Bowser takes him to dinner multiple times, wondering if he’ll forget why he’s wearing a mask. 
Eventually, he finds himself growing fond of the plumber. He finds it endearing when Luigi stumbles (”Pea-I mean I, me, I’m peach, went out to the garden and the plants still had dew on them hours after it rained.” “Uh-I-learned that Italian word from Mario and Luigi, ha ha.”). Bowser finds himself being vulnerable with him, discussing his worries about the future of his kingdom, how proud of his kids he is, etc. He catches Luigi putting the wig on and thinks how disappointed he is that Luigi’s fluffy brown hair is hidden (and he kind of wants to run his claws through it...) He finds Luigi’s pretty eyes genuine and curious, interested in what he has to say. It’s nice. 
Meanwhile, Luigi is Freaking Out™. Because oh god. The Koopa King is being so so so vulnerable with Luigi, but Bowser thinks he’s Peach. Mama Mia Luigi is dead if Bowser ever finds out. (Perhaps he doesn’t want Bowser to find out. If he did, Luigi wouldn’t get to teach the koopalings how to cook their favorite foods anymore, or just hang out and surprisingly have pleasant conversations with the Koopa King.) He feels extremely guilty (how could he betray his loving brother like this? How could he play with Bowser’s feelings like this?)
The thing is, Bowser is under the impression that Luigi knows he knows (he’s kind of bad at hiding it so Bowser assumed he wasn’t really trying anymore). That conversation between Luigi and Bowser kind of goes like “YOU KNEW!!??” “YOU DIDN’T!!??” 
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elitadream · 11 months
You know which character I've been thinking about a lot lately?
The brother who is often belittled, disdained, brushed aside, misjudged and forgotten. The one that gets mocked and laughed at for his anxiety, who is never taken seriously and who is hardly ever given an ounce of respect; yet endures astounding pressure and lives his very own battles all the time.
The challenges that Mario face on a regular basis as the main protagonist are huge, and his efforts deserve to be fully acknowledged. But I find that there's a very special sort of strength residing within the younger brother which shines differently and sets him apart from everyone else.
To me, he's very much like a bottomless pond or a calm sea. The sort of thing one would feel inclined to underestimate, only- there's no way to predict what lies beneath the surface. Their hidden might and riches go unsuspected, hence why they are twice as striking when finally revealed. 🎇💚
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shapeshiftinterest · 11 months
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werewolf luigi biting bowser's hand: GRRRRR!
bowuigi halloween event
prompt mix:
art reference i based it off of luigi's werewolf costume
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itsamenickname · 1 year
No one:
Not a single soul:
Me: You know, since Luigi's first official appearance was in 1983 while Bowser's debut wasn't until 1985, that technically makes Luigi canonically older than his 10-foot dragon-turtle boyfriend.
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