#So Tony simply doesn't give a shit about him
whysamwhy123 · 7 months
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le-trash-prince · 8 months
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Okay. It is once again time for me to talk about my number one little man. I was interested in Kenta from the very beginning, and at some point I realized that I was not going to be normal about him, but I really did not anticipate how much he would come to mean to me. I hope y'all have enjoyed witnessing my descent into feral blorbo state. It is not over for me in the slightest.
I want to say that Garfield really acted the shit out of this role, and the writers knew what they were doing when they cast him. His arc was so important to the overall plot, with his growth being pivotal to Tony's downfall, and yet he had a relatively small amount of dialogue to work with (although certainly not the smallest amount of the cast).
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A lot of his scenes involve him standing in Tony's office, taking instructions, or even just simply observing. A lot of his lines are based around business deals and errands—rather than furthering his emotional development. He doesn't give big speeches, he doesn't talk about his feelings or his dreams, it's always just "I'm doing xyz for Tony, and I will never betray him."
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Some of his most dialogue heavy scenes are in one stairwell with Pete and in another with Tony, which I think are extremely pivotal moments, both of which reveal a fear of abandonment.
But it's honestly when he's quiet that he says the most.
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And I love that, I'm obsessed with it. I love that the whole fandom could insantly tell that he and Pete had something going on, just from the way they looked at each other. I love that the storytelling in his arc was so highly visual.
In the beginning, Kenta appears to be nothing more than Tony's lackey: quiet, intimidating, and actively complicit with what is going on.
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But as we see him more and more, it becomes exceedingly apparent that he cares, so much. I know I am biased in saying this, but I do also pay close attention to what other people are saying about Kenta, and I know almost everyone has been waiting the entire series to see him stand up to Tony. The amount of acting that Garfield did with his eyes, while remaining such a stoic character, was insane.
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Despite him repeatedly declaring his loyalty to Tony, despite the fact that he does not reveal any actions against Tony until episode 12, we feel so much of his inner conflict.
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I think for me, personally, the aspect of Kenta's character that I relate to the most is his inability to speak up when he wants to. I've struggled with selective mutism my entire life, and there have been countless, countless scenarios where I've had so many things to say and no ability to say them. The more dire the situation, the more my words fail me. I have to spend so much of my energy constantly planning for potential conflict scenarios just so I can have the time I need to figure out which words to use. Because it can sometimes take months for me to figure out certain phrases. And because it is so painful to stay silent when you want to tell someone to stop. To stop fighting, to stop hurting each other, to stop hurting me.
So I was beyond moved and proud to watch Kenta finally be able to protect his brothers and quietly say the one thing he has wanted to say all along.
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Don't hurt anyone anymore.
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Don't hurt anyone anymore.
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Don't hurt anyone anymore.
I will take some of the words that P'Chod gave to Garfield before they went into production. "It’s just you want to live in a peaceful house and be happy together.” All we want is peace.
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I wish that Kenta had not been forced to kill Tony because I don't think he has ever wanted to hurt anyone. But I'm sure as hell not sorry that he did it. There will always be people who are unwilling to stop.
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And I recognize that Kenta tried a peaceful method first. He gave X-Hunter what they needed to put Tony in jail, and Tony refused to give up. He was never going to be the kind of person who would simply surrender. To him, these people's lives are property that he is entitled to.
Here is an auto translation of something Garfield said about Kenta at the final episode screening.
"I already knew that Kenta would be similar to me, in that I'm someone who doesn't dare to express my feelings to the people around me, saying very little. So when I got the role, I felt… that it teaches us that as long as we dare to be ourselves and do things that make us happy, that's enough."
We may never know what happened to Kenta after Tony died, but I hope he is able to find his peace. I hope he is able to engage with restorative justice, and I hope he is able to learn what family really should be.
And I hope that someone, anyone, will give him a goddamned hug.
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the first shot / the last shot
Thank you, Kenta, from the bottom of my heart, for showing us yours.
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ollieoliver910 · 3 months
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*In Regards To Wong Creating The New Avengers...*
Yeah, I'm done with Marvel. I'm tapping out. Any lasting hope I had, especially when it came to Doctor Strange. One of the last pre endgame characters left that is still popular and relevant is now completely gone.
Benedict Cumberbatch man...he was so fucking robbed of something more. It also doesn't help that he had acknowledged in a podcast that M.O.M. did not feel like HIS movie...which it wasn't...which is why it sucked major donkey balls. Trust me, you do not want to suck donkey balls, but I wouldn't doubt that the people at marvel are getting high writing this shit just by doing that.
I don't even know where to start because I was processing the "Wong will create the Avengers" information for a couple of days...So I think I will begin things with this.
STRANGE should have replaced STARK as the leader (or one of the leaders) of the avengers. Infinity War and Endgame almost hinted at the fact that this was going to be the case...AND THAT WOULD HAVE MADE SENSE FOR HIS CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT! Strange has problems working as a team, something that Tony himself had to overcome for almost ten years! The fact that they had this fantastic set up for Strange, especially when he is the exact opposite of Tony when it comes to his powers, and they didn't jump for it, like...ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? As a writer, this hurts me SO BADLY because it was the OBVIOUS thing to do! Even a high schooler who knew enough about the marvel cinematic universe would probably want Doctor Strange to go in that direction too! This isn't even a college level writing class thing, or a college class that trains you to pick apart every word from a book and analyze it. This is, simply, the most EASIST SHIT TO CONNECT. Even if you don't write for a living, you can just see and feel where they should have taken Doctor Strange and or the rest of the movies that followed Endgame. If it was me, I would have put Doctor Strange and Black Panther together as the next Iron Man and Cap dynamic, which again, with them being opposites (magic vs technology) would have worked so damn well! Sadly, because Chadwick Bosemen passed away, that will never come to be and with how bad the writing has become overtime. I don't think marvel would have the mental capacity to try to catch lightning in a bottle twice.
THIS, one top of my seething list of issues of how they disposed and misused Doctor Strange is why I am done with marvel, PERIOD. M.O.M wasn't even a Doctor Strange movie, it was a Wong and Wanda road trip movie that FORGOT they had set up something with Mordo and NEVER followed though on it. Plus, it didn't even feel like a Doctor Strange movie VISUALLY! That's what I loved about the OG movie. It was a trippy, surreal film with AMAZING effects that were also present in Infinity War, which to me, made that fight with Thanos my favorite scene in the movie.
In M.O.M, all that is GONE! Or is limited to a 10-20 second scene when Strange and Chevz travel to another dimension. I read a while back that Scott Derrickson wanted the second Doctor Strange film to be a horror movie, which sounds fucking awesome! But Disney was so against the idea that Derrickson left due to creative differences...and we got what we got instead...damn.
What makes everything a thousand times worse is the Wong pandering in every fricken film/tv show that comes out, and I used to like Wong! Mostly because in Infinity War and Endgame, he was robbed of any substantial screen time in those movies and I kind of felt bad for him because of that. Now, he has WAAAAY too much screen time, to the point where ALLEGEDLY, Wong might be the one creating the new avengers too...sigh...push an agenda.
Doctor Strange has only been demoted from Sorcerer Supreme once in the comics (I believe) in order to save the whole damn universe, but outside of that. Sorcerer Supreme IS his title. This is what makes him DOCTOR STRANGE, and to give that title to, essentially, your sidekick who does nothing other than berate your actions because your a straight white man is just like...FUCK. HOW DID WE GET HERE??? HOW???
I have no hope for Doctor Strange 3 if Marvel decides they are going to pursue it, why? Because there is no way a writer on that film can develop Strange and Clea's relationship within a single movie right before Cumberbatches contract is about to end. I literally guarantee you when Secret Wars is finally released. He will be one of the first ones to die. Without going too much into the comic itself, he was done justice there. With Secret Wars, his death will be agenda based, I would bet money on it.
So yeah, that's it. I'm done. I'll just sit behind my computer screen and continue to watch Disney burn. They already ruined all the other franchises they own, I guess pain is nothing but a flavor for them at this point...
Rant over.
Edit: Spider-Man: No Way Home is the last movie I felt Doctor Strange was phenomenal in. I wished they pushed the father/son dynamic with Strange and Peter so much more since Tony is no longer part of Peter's life...but don't worry. Marvel will revive everyone and none of this will matter in the end...barf...
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aurumacadicus · 1 year
Witchy AU: Tony/Everyone
Everyone's loving witches! Especially me.
Tony is one of the most powerful witches on the east coast. He's also without a coven, which puts him in a very delicate situation where he can't tell if people are kind to him because they're nice or if they're trying to sway him toward their own coven. He knows it will get worse as soon as he turns thirty, when he can no longer hide behind the thirteen years of mourning that comes with being orphaned by his own coven. He knows he's part of the reason they're champing at the bit to get him in their ranks--most Endlings mourned for a few years and then fell into the open arms of their favored coven, wanting the safety of a large group. Tony is really the only one who has actively avoided joining a new coven that he's ever known of. He doesn't want to lose his heritage, is the thing. To enter into a new coven, he'll have to give up his family's legacy, his last name and take their own, and yes--he doesn't want to give up his family's money, either. Call him greedy. He doesn't care. His mother didn't hit the docks with nothing but a suitcase of clothes to her name, and Howard didn't start his business from the ground up by himself, to have it taken away from their child. But he has nothing but his money and powers to bargain with, and that's exactly what everyone wants. So when hears about a coven made up of other Endlings, who have banded together specifically so that they don't have to give up anything, sure, he's a little desperate when he goes to them and offers them free use of his mansion and an allowance from his fortune so long as he gets to keep his name and legacy. "How big is the allowance?" a guy with blond hair asks, and then gets elbowed swiftly in the gut. "I dunno, like five grand?" Tony says, shrugging. "A year? Kinda stingy," the woman who elbowed him says, narrowing her eyes at him. "...A month," Tony corrects, trying not to sound snide and failing. The Avengers agree. And then collectively lose their shit when they realize he meant five grand for each of them every month.
The Avengers move in. Tony doesn't see them, though. He thinks they might be avoiding him? He once found a hot cup of coffee still sitting on the table. He'd puttered around for a few minutes to see if the owner would come back, but they hadn't, so he'd simply taken it to his workshop with him. He's not sure if this is normal? Tony had rarely seen his father before he died, and while he'd seen his mother a little more, she'd always been busy. Maybe this is just how covens work--meeting up only when necessary, and only as long as it took to come to a consensus. But maybe he shouldn't have assumed that, Tony thinks, blinking at the rest of the Avengers, holding a cauldron of inert sleeping potion and wearing nothing but a red thong. "...Oh," Steve finally squeaks. "Tony," Bruce says pleasantly when no one else moves to speak. "Why are you naked?" Tony blinks again. "Better results when I can absorb more moonlight. And I'm not naked." Everyone looks down, then back up very quickly, blushing. Even Natasha has turned vaguely pink. "Naked adjacent," Sam says after clearing his throat. Clint squints skeptically. "Does that really help?" "Well," Tony begins, and then the moon comes out from behind the clouds, and it hits his cauldron. The cauldron sparks, sparkles, then exudes a billowing of steam. Tony inhales some and promptly passes out.
Apparently, everyone was avoiding Tony because they thought he wanted space. Why else would he duck other more established covens to join their ragtag group? Most of them hadn't even had a coven to teach them their powers. He was the one they were taking cues from on how to be a normal coven. "D...don't do that," Tony says, stunned. He doesn't know what a normal coven looks like, because even his own had felt wrong to him. It was another reason he'd been scared of joining one of the established families--he wouldn't know what was normal and was terrified they'd take advantage of him. "Yeah, we figured that out," Steve says, rubbing the back of his head and looking anywhere but at him. Tony looks down at the blanket they've covered him with, then squints back up at Steve skeptically. He's covered. "He's an Artist," Bucky explains, clapping Steve on the shoulder hard enough the blond grimaces. "He's already got your body memorized and I'm sure we're going to find one of his moving portraits in the studio--" "Goodbye, Bucky," Steve says, solemn, and then clotheslines him. Tony watches them wrestle for a moment, then turns his squint on the rest of the coven. "Is this normal?" "Eh," Clint replies, shrugging, as Sam puts his face in his hands with a sigh and Natasha and Bruce watch to make sure they don't actually kill each other. "Well, get used to me walking around in a state of undress," Tony retorts. "Clothes feel bad when I do magic." "Oh no," Natasha deadpans. "However will we cope. I hope Steve plasters moving portraits of your bare ass all over the mansion." "You can see it any time you want," Tony answers snidely. "I'm easy."
Now that they know they're welcome, the rest of the Avengers are happy to seek him out to chat. Tony has no idea how they've survived this long. Steve's magic fluctuates wildly, and Bucky's sometimes dims to an ember. Bruce's is based in alchemy, and he rarely practices it safely. Natasha and Clint are secretive about what, exactly, their magic can do, but Tony has noticed more spiders in the corners of the room, watching from their webs and not moving. (He doesn't ask about them). Sam seems to be the only one who has any idea what he's doing, and it turns out the only reason he left his family coven is because he had a trauma that snapped his family ties. He's working on rebuilding them, though. "You're the only normal person here," Tony tells him. "Yeah, I figured that out quickly," Sam deadpans, and then, "Can I keep a falcon?" Tony tips his head and tries not to squint at him. Natasha had told him it looked more judgemental than he meant it to. "It's your house too. Just make sure it meets all specifications, get the permits. Err on the side of too much." "How am I supposed to get permits," Sam asks. "Every time I try they tell me the queue is backed up with years' worth of requests." Tony can't help finally squinting at him with all the judgement he can muster. "You're not a coven of Endlings now, Sam. You joined with the Stark Coven. The name means something to people. And by something it means curses." Sam opens his mouth, but nothing comes out. "Did your parents curse people?" Natasha asks, turning from her book. It's the most intrigued she's ever looked. "Not that anyone can prove," Tony replies, and then doesn't say anything else about it, even when everyone pesters him. Sam tries to punish him by getting chickens, quails, and geese, but it backfires because Tony loves chickens.
"Hey, do you know anyone who wouldn't mind fucking me during the waning gibbous?" Tony asks at dinner, ignorant of the way everyone else either spews their beverage or coughs on food. "It's one of the steps for a spell I'm trying out." "ME," Steve bellows, slamming his hands down on the table as he stands up. Tony blinks at him, stunned. Then he blinks at Clint as he lunges across the table to tackle him with a snarl. Then at Bucky trying to leap at him, except Sam gets in his way. He turns and looks at Natasha and Bruce, who are still eating, casual, as if the rest of their coven are not engaging in fisticuffs. "Sex doesn't do anything for me," Bruce says with a shrug, not looking up from his food. Natasha glances at him, then looks up properly, frowning. "Wait, do I count?" "Are you against pegging?" Tony asks frankly. Natasha stares at him for a moment, then stands up, knife gripped tight in her hand. "Look what you've done," Bruce sighs when she lunges at Sam and Bucky and they promptly start screaming in terror. Tony isn't sorry, even if his mouth has dropped open in shock.
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starandcloud · 1 year
So Y/N works at the avenger's tower, and literally all they do is fix shit Tony doesn't have the time nor shits to give for.
Imagine them bringing Loki in and Y/N walks past him
Takes a few steps back before their face pulls an "Um, excuse me? What the actual fuck?"
Making Loki crack up and them go
"What the fuck are you doing here-"
Y/N asked, now laughing with Loki.
Thor is just simply done with his adoptive brother's shit and pinches the bridge of his nose.
"I seem to have forgotten my brother works with Y/N."
Thor explains deity work while Y/N and Loki have a moment.
"You've grown so much Little One..."
Loki's voice was gentle as they smiled sweetly.
"Well... I'm seventeen and the last time we talked like this I was like... fourteen so-"
Y/N said making Loki chuckle and roll her eyes.
"Don't be a smart ass Child-"
Y/N interupted Loki to correct him before Peter walked by, catching Y/N's attention.
Poor Peter was thrown head first into a conversation with Loki, the guy just wanted to eat his damn bagel and here he was talking to... well listening to Y/N talk to a God who seemed mildly concerned for the five foot something gremlin who was bouncing off the walls now. Explaining the smallest of things and getting louder about topics they enjoyed.
All the while Thor was on edge, usually things like this annoyed his brother but... the docile look on their face... seemed to put those worries on edge.
Just as he was about to relax he watched in horror as Y/N wrapped their arms around Loki. Making them shift. He was about to step in and pull Y/N away, for their own safety, but the way Loki carefully held them made Thor hesitate. How could this be the same person who was a wanted criminal on both Asgard and Earth?
"I love you Boba..."
Y/N mumbled as they melted into the only person that stuck with them through all of their mental issues and bad days and stayed when shit hit the fan.
"I love you too Little One..."
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slaygentford · 1 year
i was with you until walter white has no origin story. umm yes he very much does. have u not seen breaking bad or does gray matter mean nothing to you
I just gasped out loud of course IT MEANS NOTHING TO ME. oh my god it literally means nothing to me boohoo sorry you can't shoulder your own burdens and misfortunes with grace oh my god I just thats so ravened into a future where I say this and then someone is like um actually brba is about how America is evil and obviously no one in your family has ever died of cancer and then I'll have to show my fathers death certificate so I dont get doxxed........... joking OR AM I no anyway so like, breaking bad imo is about how we all have these things happen to us, and when you think about it this kind of huge miss/regret is something everyone has once you reach middle age. like most of us are gonna have that and that's life. the point of brba is we all have an "origin story" it's just about if we choose to be fucking psychopaths about it or not yk. imo brba is a great character piece because it's taking what's genuinely a quintessential/inevitable crisis for an American (aging, sick, shit healthcare) and giving it to a remarkably average person who has just about all the same gripes and regrets of anyone, and then Walter is actually secretly fucking nuts. like if gray matter is Walts origin story then my origin story is xyz trauma but am EYE manslaughtering about it? no because I am not a dracula. tony has an abusive mother and she did a lot toward poisoning him but a lot of people have abusive moms. a TRUE origin story in this context of monstertalk is like, Erik phantom of the opera is horrifically scarred and was like locked in a cage for his entire childhood. that's utterly out of the norm of what happens to like, people. having a regret from a big missed opportunity when youre around 45 is incredibly normal. so in terms of monstertalk Walt doesn't have an origin story at all. but also gray matter doesn't illustrate what makes him evil it doesn't explain it it simply illuminates that he's prideful and like he literally SIGNS HIS OWN DEATH WARRANT at the end of gray matter because of his ego. again again again brba has nothing to do with origins. bcs is explicitly about origins but gray matter is a vehicle to tell us what Walt is going to keep doing until it kills him and people around him: putting his ego and his pride before every other single thing and person on earth
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dolly-macabre · 2 months
Unedited because fuck it 🤣
Write about your ship cuddling ❤
(Had to make this Snakes N Barrels era because I'm listening to my 80s/90s  playlist) 
“I'm on my waaay! I'm on my waaaaay! HOME SWEET HOOOOME!” Dolly's husky while sweet voice croons in the humid California summer air. She's very much intoxicated. Pickles is by her side with one of her arms slung over his capable shoulders. He would be lying if he said he was sober though. He's pretty much as wasted as his partner, his tolerance is just much stronger than hers. He holds her close, chuckling as she hiccups mid song. 
They approach their apartment door as her singing continues. She's sloshing around a bottle of Rosé wine, her third bottle of the night from the after party they had just attended. He fumbles with the keys and the lock until the door finally opens. 
“Yeah, yeah! We're home alright, Dolls!” Pickles snickers as they cross the threshold. Her arms, now each wrapped around his neck as he sloppily hoists her up in his. 
“Woah there, baby!” Her head just barely misses the door frame as they both tumble through the small kitchen towards their living room. They can't stop laughing together till he finally falls backwards on their musty couch, bringing her down with him. She clings close to his slightly toned body. The bottle of Rosé slips from her grip and lands haphazardly on the shag carpet without breaking. 
“You gooood?” Pickles’ voice slurs as he grabs each of Dolly's cheeks. 
“Mhm!” She giggles as she buries her face into his freckled chest speckled here and there with red hair. 
“Good! Now where's dat bottle ya had?” 
“Floor.” She states simply pointing to the ground. Pickles stretches out as far as he can and grabs ahold of the discarded bottle, taking a deep swig from it until it's empty. His lips then find her forehead, facial hair tickling her skin as he does. 
Dolly lets out a squeaky laugh, her teeth nipping playfully at his neck. 
“Could you two keep it down?? I told you guys I have to work in morning.” Tony grumbles from a few feet away on their secondhand futon. They had forgotten he was crashing here until the exterminator was done at his place. 
“Oh shit, sahrry dude!” Pickles clasps a hand across Dolly's mouth until she slobbers all over it. She doesn't want to be silenced! 
“Forgot you were here, man!” Dolly laughs as Pickles wipes her saliva off on his sleeveless shirt. 
“Whatever… Just get a room or something!” Tony mumbles as Pickles starts dragging his shitfaced girlfriend to their bedroom by her ankles. 
Once she's tossed on the bed, she begins to roll around restlessly in their pile of blankets. Pickles crawls into bed right after her, grabbing her from behind and pulling her close. She shifts to face him, looking up into his beautiful green eyes as she climbs on top of him. She runs her fingers through his sparse chest hair. She's so close, the tips of their noses are touching. 
His lips turn up in that crooked smirk as her hands wander across his torso. 
“Ya like whatchu feel, gorgeous?”
Suddenly her long black nails scratch down his back. Pickles shudders in satisfaction, his lips meeting hers while his hands grasp her ass. 
Their lips part, a trail of saliva still connecting them. Just long enough for Dolly to whisper, “Yeah, I really do.”
He can feel goosebumps raising all over as her fingers run through his long ginger hair. She kisses him this time, moaning softly into his mouth. They're both so sweaty and gross but they're much too inebriated to care. Pickles holds her face in his palms, her eyes becoming heavy as she gazes at him with a goofy smile. 
“Get some sleep, angel. I know yer tired.”
Dolly nuzzles against him, breathing in his musk. 
“Fine… but in the morning you better rock my world!” She yawns loudly. 
“Whatever you say, babe.” He chuckles, petting her disheveled hair while she gives his chest little kisses till she succumbs to sleep. 
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headmate-sanctum · 18 days
can we have a subsystem (up to you the count) w Transmasc Katsuki Bakugo who had a past life as Black Widow from Marvel (he's based off a fanfiction) and whoever else you want (doesn't have to be from the same media)
Hope this is alright. I think I found the fic you are talking about and it seems very interesting, I might end up reading more of it - Raphael
Name: katsuki bakugo, widow, blaze
Age: 17
Pronouns: he/him
Gender(s): transmasc
Orientation: bisexual
Source(s): my hero academia fanfiction
Role: anger holder, host
Personality: he's quick to get angry over small things, but when he's actually mad, he looks incredibly calm and collected. when someone upsets him or people he's close to, he's very quick to get revenge. It's pretty hard to get close to him however, he tries his best to push everyone away despite the fact that he craves close relationships.
Interests: ballet, superhero comics and how the main themes in them have changed throughout the years in response to real life issues, organized crime.
Extra info: he's sassy as fuck and always has a comeback for everything.
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Name: Taskmaster, Anthony, Tony
Age: mid 30s
Pronouns: he/him
Gender(s): male
Orientation: straight
Source(s): marvel comics
Role: physical protector
Personality: he likes to simply observe what's going on instead of actively interacting with it. He only fronts when there's a serious threat that he doesn't think the others can handle and in doing so will often cause more harm than help. Whenever spoken to, he'll give cryptic answers that don't actually answer anything because he likes to be a little shit like that.
Interests: hate-watching superhero movies
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Name: spider-man, spidey, peter, parker
Age: 17
Pronouns: he/web
Gender(s): transmasc
Orientation: bisexual
Source(s): tom holland's spider-man
Role: emotional protector, anxiety holder
Personality: he's typically pretty upbeat, preferring to try to look at the bright side of situations instead of wallowing in how bad they may be. Web only fronts around people the subsystem is comfortable around, although he loves to talk to people. Oftentimes him fronting will cause the body to feel the anxiety that web holds, so it's not preferable for others in the system to allow him to front. He's by far the most outgoing and social out of the others though.
Interests: science, especially anything physics and chemistry related. Web loves to explain complex theories and equations and will spend hours researching them if given the chance.
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Name: all might, hercules, gabriel
Age: mid-30s
Pronouns: he/him
Gender(s): male
Orientation: straight
Source(s): my hero academia
Role: something like a father figure and caretaker
Personality: very confident, never gets shaken even when faced with things that would terrify the rest of the subsystem. He fronts whenever the others are scared and takes control of the situation so that the others don't have to. he's very fatherly and takes others under his wing in order to protect them.
Interests: football, history (especially the world wars, he's very interested in the battle tactics and technology used)
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
No one is having a problem with tae mentioning jk. But It's the way he's mentioning him that doesn't seem sincere.
The First time, no one thought anything of it. The second time also, But then it kept happening. He starts an unnecessary couple minute vlive just to drop jk's name, unprovoked, then turn it off, give it a few days, then do it again. You can't help but wonder why is he doing this. Now, he's even opening a vlive from jk's home without his permission!
Now, if tkkrs were to just gush over tkk and leave Jimin alone then it would be fine, but they always have to attack him. And tae knows that because he monitors social media like the rest of the members. He knows how tkkrs will react and he still chose to do it. Now tkkrs are getting even more vile towards Jimin because they believe that tae is sending them a message that tkk is real.
It was clear that tae has started to align himself with Jungkook once their solo activities have been announced. The likes, comments, stories… Maybe the reason is because they have a song together and he's promoting it, or maybe he's feeling the pressure of the solo era and want to win tkkrs. Then if this wasn't enough, he suddenly started to drop his name suspiciously when the rumors about him and jennie started. Coincidence?
Whatever the reason, is it worth all the hate Jimin gets because of it?
And the funny thing is that he doesn't do all this with his so called soulmate!
Honestly and like you said, Hobi is the one that feels like jm's soulmate. And I love how very protective of jkk he is. Like that time he posted jkk the same day their bond was dragged on twitter. I love him.
Oh man.
Now if tkkrs were to just gush over tkk and leave Jimin alone it would be fine. But they always have to attack him
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I have this one problem with Jikookers. (Not all, of course) Just the ones that get easily affected by the cult. Tkkrs aka the vermin are many. Like there's a big amount of these pieces of shit. And they can get very loud and in your face. Its mostly because people are scared of them that they have been able to become so rampant. But listen, its for a reason. they threatened youtubers like Jeonssy found her family n shit and said they would harm Lil Tony's pregnant wife till both these Jikookers (and many others) left the platform all together. Then we have DT Parker who had to create a separate Jimin channel because of these people. I mean the vermin are dangerous. They are no joke. They attacked Poly C and so many other brands that dared confirm Jikook were wearing their shit. So who are they not to come for normal Jikookers who are just here minding our business?
But because they are so vile and so disgusting Jikookers have come to hate them so much that they don't want them to have anything. And so when Tkk have a moment, we already have Jikookers slamming their heads against the wall. But then there lies my issue. If members do something and your first thought is the cult, then you need to get your shit together. We should FIRST enjoy the moment and then later be like "ugh. The vermin are gonna act up." But not the other way around. The only one time I ever thought about tkks first, was this one
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(Credit to owner)
(I'm lying, first i drooled and then turned on the fan)
The moment he said "bro" I was like "why JK??"
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He he he he heee.. but this a habit we need to break. If you are reading this post and you do this;
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Otherwise you are on your way to becoming a V anti and no member deserves this. V has indeed been acting some type of way since Gurumi. Say mentioning JK and only JK all the damn time. BUT If you think what V is doing is wrong simply because that's how u feel, then that's okay. But if you hate what V is doing because of the cult, then bro, I'm sorry, but u need to reevaluate your priorities. JK doesn't seem to like Tkkrs. He has debunked them more times that we can count. As long as Jikook keep debunking Tkk moments I will never put the vermin first.
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maple-the-awesome · 1 year
We'll Meet Again...I Know When || Chapter 26
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x GN Reader
Words: 3,544
Overview: Given your old-fashioned personality and obsession with all things 1940s to 1980s, it’s no wonder that most people refer to you as an ‘old soul’ who would’ve rather lived back then than in the modern era. Little do they know, you already did, but with your previous life as Hollie Stark cut short, you’ve been left with some…unfinished business, to say the least. Top of your list? Finally getting to marry your thought-to-be-lost fiancé.
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T'Challa shows you all to where Vision will be kept in one of the safest and best hidden facilities within Wakanda. Even if his location is discovered here, this lab rests on a tall mountainside, so in theory at least, no massive spaceships will be able to land. They'll instead be forced to go miles out into some fields where your own army will be waiting, effectively putting a comfortable distance between enemy and friend (if all goes according to plan, that is).
"Shuri, this is (Y/n)," Although the overall mood of the room is rushed and laced with stress, Bucky seems to find a temporary distraction from it all as he drags you over to the Wakanda Princess seconds after she finishes talking with T'Challa. You've seen her before, of course, sometimes in the background of your shared video calls with Bucky, yet this is the first time you've officially gotten to speak directly to each other.
"Sooo, I take it you're the one I have to thank for going through the torture of teaching this old man how to FaceTime?"
"Unfortunately. It was a true test of patience if I've ever had one!" The young girl groans dramatically, but her mocked annoyance quickly melts away into a similar smile as your own, "Although I must say, that hell was preferable compared to listening to him mope about you all the time."
"Mope, eh?" You smirk, glancing at Bucky who grumbles.
"...I didn't 'mope'..."
Shuri takes no shame in embarrassing him, in fact she's eager to keep it up, "Yes, he moped aaall the time! Day in and day out, just wandering about my lab pouting about 'his (Y/n)' and how much he misses you. It was to the point that I couldn't get any work done! Finally, I got so tired of it that I gave him that tablet to talk to you with - just like turning on cartoons to distract a toddler!"
Bucky glares at Shuri, his cheeks a red hue, but you simply laugh while snuggling up to his arm, "Well, I suppose I can't judge. I was pretty mopey myself back then. I'm honored to be missed."
This makes him smile bashfully, however you don't miss the way his shy joy fades into a more dejected stare as soon as you look up with a teasing flutter of your eyelashes only for him to quickly dodge your gaze.
While he makes no attempt to move his arm away from you, that distant look on his face doesn't exactly make your actions feel welcomed, thus you're quick to step away, putting a safer space between the two of you. If it wasn't for a more dire situation being at hand and the fact that this room is filled with people, many of whom you either don't or barely know, you would've asked him what's on his mind, yet you end up storing the question in the back of your mind for later instead.
There, you nearly forget about it while trying to focus on Vision's neutron connections as Shuri scans them. In her opinion, while Tony and Bruce did well enough to make Vision functional given the whole 'Ultron time-crunch' they were racing against, in a moment like this where the stone needs to be fully removed, they did a pretty...shit job, to be nice. Even Shuri, with her seemingly endless intelligence, estimates that it'll take her quite a bit of time to get this task finished without accidentally causing any circuit failures.
"How long do you need?"
"As long as you can give me."
Sometimes it feels like the universe truly is against all of you. Seconds after Shuri's sentence, Okoye receives an alert that something has entered the atmosphere. You swear, you can hear a collective inhale as everyone already assumes what 'something' must be, however no one reacts too outwardly aside from that, in fact the whole room is rather calm as they move to the large windows overlooking a vast amount of land beyond the mountainside, eyes tilted towards the sky in preparation for an attack to rain down upon your heads.
"Isn't there a dome covering most of the city?" Bucky asks, appearing to be relatively relaxed given the situation. He must have faith in their systems. Going off all the wonderful technology you've seen thus far in Wakanda, you wouldn't be surprised if they do have some super high-tech way to keep Thanos out.
"Yes, but it stops just before those trees out there," T'Challa answers.
Outside, giant ships collide with seemingly nothing in the air hundreds of feet above; the dome Bucky must've been referring to. This facility itself must have excellent soundproof walls, though, because even as those massive spacecraft crash into an explosion of flaming pieces that would surely be booming enough to make your heart leap, you hear nothing. Regardless, your heart does spin a bit as you witness several ships safely land in the forest where the dome ends one after another until you can no longer care to keep counting; that won't make you feel any better.
"We're out of time. We must destroy the stone now," Vision decides, or at least attempts to.
"Vision, get your ass back on the table," Natasha orders, her voice stern which makes it clear she won't be taking any objections.
"We'll buy you time," T'Challa announces calmly, glancing at Steve who gives him a slight nod before turning to the rest of you.
"(Y/n), you stay here and help Shuri get that stone out of Vision's head as quickly as possible. Wanda, once they do that, you blow the thing to hell, got it?"
You both nod without hesitation, after which you turn on your heel, accidently walking directly into Bucky's chest. His hands find themselves on the sides of your arms, pushing you back to look into your eyes, "Don't leave this lab."
"I won't," You almost follow with a snarky remark, something along the lines of you being capable enough to follow simple commands, but by the time you take in a deep breath, you find yourself with no strength to be ornery, "Preferably you wouldn't either...but I'm guessing that's not an option here?"
He frowns and shakes his head, "...I gotta help."
"...I know you do," You whisper before throwing your arms over his shoulders and bringing him into a tight embrace only comparable to the one you gave him not even an hour ago upon reuniting...It hasn't even been a full hour yet and he's already going off on his own again, "You come back to me, James."
Bucky scolds into your hair, his warm breath brushing your skin, "Didn't I come back the last time?"
"I think I technically came to you," You close your eyes and sigh, "...But I'm sure there must've been some point where you've come back to me...Let's just make it a habit. You'll go off for a little bit then get your ass your right back here so that I don't have to start missing you too much."
"How about I return so quickly you don't even have the chance to start missing me, huh?"
You shake your head, the movement restricted due to your face being pressed so closely to his chest, "...Impossible. I'ma gonna miss you the second you step away from this hug, Sarge..."
Bucky frowns, holding you a bit tighter. Everyone else is filing out of the room one by one in a hurry. He should really be following them, however there isn't a single bone in his body that actually wants to. He'd much rather stay here in the labs even if he wouldn't be of any help. At least he'd be able to keep a watchful eye over you to ensure no harm comes your way.
Truthfully, he doesn't like that Steve brought you here. You'd be much safer in New York, not mixed in with all this 'possible end of the world' crap. Now you're right in the middle of it and will be working in the exact same spot Thanos will be aiming for. Bucky wouldn't want to offend you or anything, but you're not exactly going to be a threat to any of those aliens if they come knocking. Then again, that's exactly why Steve brought you here. Your skill lies with your smarts. You can help get that stone destroyed without costing Vision. Bucky just prays it doesn't cost you any. He's already lost Hollie. He can't lose you, too.
"This is absolutely adorable and all - I'm really happy for you both, but we're kinda in the middle of something here," Shuri rolls her eyes while tapping away at her hologram to get everything set up.
Clearing your throat, you reluctantly step away from Bucky, although you keep your hands together and give him a serious look, "I mean it, James. Come back or else I go out there looking for you, and if it comes down to that, you know I'll be pissed. Between Tony and you, my hair might turn completely white by the end of the day."
"Trust me, darling. I already spent two years away from you. I ain't looking to add to that any time soon," Bucky whispers, slightly dipping his head yet stopping himself short during the action.
Oh, how much he wants to just kiss your forehead at the least. That's not so bad, is it? One could argue it's merely a display of platonic care, understandable given these stressful circumstances. Still, it feels a bit too intimate to justify. He's tempted, but not confident. Ashamed, but somewhat selfish. He hasn't seen you for two years, after all - Well, he's seen you over video calls, however that hardly counts.
Maybe you've come here because Steve asked. Maybe you're here to save the world because despite your nonchalant attitude, you've always had an heroic heart. Of course, Bucky likes to believe you just came here for him. He wanted to believe that, anyways, when you first ran over with that beaming smile and leap right into his arms.
You've stuck by his side, rarely giving anyone else the time of day despite being in this miraculous country that's right up your alley. It's all been obsolete in comparison to Bucky who you look at as if he holds your entire world - a glittering to your eyes and dreamy grin upon your lips that make up an expression he hasn't seen in decades.
It makes Bucky bitterly wonder if you look at your fiancé the same way. No, that look would surely be different. Whoever that man is, he must not hold your entire world, he must be it. After all, he has to be truly something spectacular if you love him. You choose him, after all, judging on the fact that you've proudly been wearing a ring on your finger since arriving here.
Bucky can't ignore his hate for that cold chill whenever it brushes his skin when holding hands. Forget Steve bringing you, what kind of fiancé lets his one-of-a-kind partner risk their life in a place like this? If it were him, even if an ordinary civilian with no powers whatsoever, he would still be following you to the pits of hell just to ensure your safety...Some fiancé you have...
"Hmm?" He blinks, realizing that he's been spacing out a bit.
You're frowning at him, your eyes holding a precious amount of concern for your 'friend', "...You're certain that you're okay? You don't have to go out there if you don't want to. I won't let anyone make you -"
"- No...No, I'm good. I just..." He trails off, finally saying 'to hell with it' and lifting your hand to press a gentle kiss to your knuckles. Fuck what your fiancé might think. As far as Bucky's concerned, he's been through enough with you to at least earn a knuckle kiss, "Be safe."
"I will. I'll stay right here until you get back," You then let your famous smirk tug at your lips - the one that never fails to strike his heart, "This would be a good point to remind you: you owe me an in-person tour of Wakanda and I expect to be able to pet every single goat you own."
"I look forward to it."
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From bad to worse is how the whole ‘fighting Thanos and protecting Vision’ fiasco went, although in the beginning, you focused primarily on the task of helping Shuri with whatever she needed. A double check of her calculations? An extra hand? The passing of a specific tool? You were there, glad to have something better to do than chew on your nails. Together, you worked fast - as fast as you both could without risking a mistake that could possibly harm Vision.
Despite the room being covered in windows and the pull you continuously felt towards them, you refused to take a peek at the commotion outside. You kept your back turned to them instead of giving into that desire, not daring enough to concern yourself with the others because that would only make you worry and worry only results in mistakes; mistakes you couldn’t afford.
As much as you attempted to ignore it, you could tell the war out there wasn’t going well based on Wanda’s actions. She was possibly the only person in the room more anxious than yourself, being rather fidgety from the start while fretting every second over the robot she loves. Her pain was understood, but you did have to shoo her aside eventually when her hovering became a nuisance. After that, she took to standing by the windows, growing increasingly concerned about the battle happening outside until she suddenly rushed out of the room with little explanation. You didn’t truly need one to conclude her reasoning, though.
They’re struggling out there. Even from the mountain lab, you could hear the distant echo of war growing louder…Bucky and all your friends were in danger and all you could do was suck it up while continuing to work, hoping Shuri and your own efforts wouldn’t be in vain. So much for that…
It became impossible not to worry when shouts and grunts were heard right beyond the lab doors, alerting everyone inside that you, yourselves, were officially in harm's way. As the attacker fought his way into the room, you had drawn your taster and rushed at him as soon as he passed through that doorway. Unfortunately, if trained warriors couldn’t stop that alien soldier, then you probably should’ve known then that your own chances were very low, yet that didn’t stop you from trying your best to land a hit.
As anyone could’ve predicted, each attempt ended in failure as his movements were just too quick and skilled compared to yours. Within a few swings, you were thrown back into Shuri who was about to abandon her work and help the fight. Instead, her mission was put on pause as both of you hit the ground hard. Even when she pushed herself up and tried shooting at him with her own advanced weapon, the blasts were simply swatted away like mere flies until she was knocked over yet again.
The attacker raised his sword, attempting to swing at her, however you managed to grab her waist and pull her out of the way in the nick of time, although to spare a deadly slash of an alien’s blade, the two of you tumbled off the balcony where you luckily took most of the impact.
It wasn’t much distance considering all the other heights you’ve had to leap from and you’d rather protect the young princess than yourself any day, but after sitting up, you were quick to realize you have at least one broken rib from that experience. Still, a broken rib is better than either of you sustaining life threatening injuries.
You aren’t sure what happened with Vision or the battle after that. When you were finally able to stumble to your feet with Shuri’s help, you could only see a destroyed battlefield outside, being too far to make out any specific fighters in it. Seeing as the window glass had been shattered, you could assume Vision went out there, but whether that was by his own freewill or forced by the alien attacker, you were left guessing; the answer would be unknown for a stretch of time that felt like hours.
Hours of sitting around wondering whether you should go down there to warn anyone. Hours of praying everyone you love and hold dear to yourself are safe, not among the rumble or flames you fear below. Hours of just waiting for something, anything…Then it came…
It happens quickly, allowing you no time to process the events as dreadful and terrifying as they may be. You’re not even sure Shuri or anyone else had a chance to realize it. One minute you were back at the window biting your nails while hopelessly waiting for any sign of good fortune. Maybe a voice on your earpiece - one sweet and whispered belonging to Bucky as he assured you of his safety. Hell, you would’ve also taken Tony butting-into the scene, giving some cocky joke to announce his arrival before magically showing up to tip the scale in everyone’s favor…What you got instead was a sound - you’re not sure what - that turned your head just in time to see floating dust particles disappearing in the faint light right in the place Shuri had been standing seconds ago.
You don’t know what actually happened - how can you? You’re confused, wondering where she went and why she left without saying anything. Then, when you hear cries from the hallway and you fear something else is wrong - possibly another attacker here to finish you all off - so you round the counter cautiously to see with your taser in hand.
You’re horrified to see a man disappear into dust before your very eyes, gone within a flash without so much as a peep from himself, only the screams of his fellow guards who watch on with as much terror as you do. Witnessing such a thing makes reality sink in. A silent voice connects the dots and makes your heart drop completely into your stomach…Vision -…Thanos…He won…
It’s instinctual after that - racing down the halls with cheeks drenched in tears as you realize you just can’t get your legs to run fast enough no matter how much you try to work them! Maybe you’re sobbing, maybe you’re screaming. To be honest, you can’t hear anything let alone yourself, your ears are too numb against the thoughts that overwhelm your head.
'Gotta find Bucky! Gotta find them all! I can't lose them again! I can’t stand to lose them again - not when I just got them all back!’
Of course, luck has never been on your side, has it? Here you are, trying to get somewhere as quickly as possible so it only makes sense that you have to trip on the way. Being so muddled and scared, your reaction time is delayed, too, causing you to almost hit the floor before catching the wall just in the nick of time to save yourself from a nasty faceplant.
Preferably, you would’ve gotten right back to your feet and started running again without any concern of scraped knees, however while suffering the worst spell of dizziness you think you’ve ever felt in your life (including both of them), you’re forced to instead kneel there for a second or two, shakily catching your breath to heal your nauseous stomach. You do recover eventually, though, and waste no more valuable time standing. You practically throw yourself up onto your feet then, hurrying around the corner to -
- Hitting a solid body, some of your worst fears leap to the controls, pulling you backwards where you instantly reach for your taser in preparation of fighting this assumed enemy. Be it that alien guy, Thanos himself - you don’t care! Terrible fighter or not, you plan to risk it all, not willingly to let anyone stand between you and finding your loved ones.
The gentleman in front of you doesn’t appear violent; probably a fortunate thing for you since it only takes him - or rather his cape - a half a second to rip the taser from your grip. After that, the man merely gazes down at you with a tired expression, “I take it you’re (Y/n) (L/n)?”
“Ummm -” You look behind yourself as if the shadows stretched on the floor will answer for you. When they don’t, your eyes cautiously return to this strange man who doesn’t dress like any of those Children of Thanos guys. Compared to their dark gothic tones, he wears too bright of colors to be a dictionary definition villain - then again, Thor has happily shown you pictures of his brother, so who knows?
“- Great!” The man, whoever he may be, doesn’t even wait for your answer. He just claps his hands together with sarcastic joy before turning slightly. With his back half facing you and hand held out, he makes a circular motion, leading bright sparkles a few feet in front of you both which soon make an opening to a settling completely different from this cold hallway.
As if such a magic trick is the least bit impressive, he turns back to you and nods his head towards the portal rather simply, “Your help is needed.”
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jyndor · 2 years
At this point I'm just convinced that most Star Wars fans are simply not used to thinking of their characters as nuanced, and the sequels and the disney+ stuff before andor didn't really help our case lol.
The fact that the writers retconned Luke-fucking-skywalker, the dude who gave a big F You to all Jedi traditions in the original trilogy, and also used him at Bait for the mandalorian is a true indictment of the current scenario lol.
At this point, I'm just trusting Tony and Diego more than the execs at Disney- it's clear that they want to create a specific story, and don't really give much of a fuck about the fandom which involves guys with 4+ million subscribers who have such AMAZING takes like "star wars doesn't have bricks"
jessie gender has a good video essay on youtube about andor and while i don't necessarily agree with all of it, i think the parts about how disney depoliticized star wars and made the first order almost exclusively reminiscent of nazi germany (to the exclusion of a lot of the references the empire had to us empire) as well as through use of intertextuality (almost exclusively referring to other star wars things instead of referencing to real world things like the original trilogy, the prequels and rogue one did) are 1000000% on point.
as a result fans expect cameos and easter eggs out the ass (easter eggs and cameos are fine imo as long as they make narrative sense - ie: rogue one has good cameos - mothma, saw*, bail, leia, tarkin and vader ALL make sense in the context of the story- and bad cameos - artoo and threepio are just distracting imo and don't really add anything of value except to get audience members to say HEY OMG I KNOW THOSE GUYS) and for everything to directly connect.
which... sometimes again it makes sense (the prequels being about anakin and obi-wan makes total sense, it's the point of the prequels to explain how we got to the point where luke has to fight the empire and anakin has to redeem himself and destroy the emperor) and sometimes it's just absurd and cheap. "somehow palpatine returned" auihiuahduash oh my god it's funny because it's not even like it doesn't make sense for sheev to be so obsessed with living forever and having absolute control over the galaxy, plus legends also had a story about palpatine cloning himself... but it feels absurd because the sequels weren't leading to that, we all know lucasfilm didn't have any plan whatsoever, largely bc disney wanted a fast return on their investment, but rey being a palpatine is... just insulting. rey being a skywalker is less so because of we know the main trilogies are about the skywalkers.
i don't know that i'd call any of what happened with luke in the sequels a retcon unless we're talking about how disney got rid of the entire expanded universe and now it's called legends. i mean i consider it more of a reset (especially because george lucas wasn't really involved directly with legends stories and didn't really care about any of it - not that i care what he cares about, give me my mara jade back lmfao).
but im gonna push back on luke giving the jedi order a middle finger in the OG trilogy. first off, from an out-of-universe perspective, while i'm sure lucas had some idea of what the jedi were about, i doubt he really had the order's practices worked out because lol this is the guy who didn't know that he was going to make luke and leia twins before rotj. sometimes he had his shit worked out, other times he was just figuring stuff out as he went along - and hey i get it, but lol fandom can be a bit too referential about him.
i don't know as much about how he developed the jedi so please correct me if im wrong, but there's no way that luke was intended to be a refutation of jedi practices since... luke was written decades before the prequels came out. before the prequels came out, no one in the fandom even conceived of the jedi having rules against romantic relationships and/or attachments - that's why you've got so many jedi falling in love and being married in the legends 'verse, including and especially luke.
i know my generation is much more okay with the jedi order's practices because we grew up with it and understand it more, but there was a big pushback at the time of aotc because no one had thought of the jedi being celibate or not having attachments or being raised by the order as children. but that wasn't a retcon so much as george lucas going in a direction pro fanfic writers hadn't known he was going to go in. and while he did have a final say over what legends writers could do, those weren't his stories. now i don't care lol the thrawn trilogy is great and losing mara jade as thrawn's foil makes his story less compelling (and frankly it reeks of misogyny to bring him back and not the most important character of that story but whatever). but a lot of fans were annoyed about the direction the jedi took in canon because it didn't jive with decades of pro fic.
i'm sympathetic to that. and of course add into it that the prequels were poorly executed, good intentions and ideas aside.
i don't agree that the jedi were told to fuck off by luke (obi-wan and yoda perhaps to some extent but by then their religious group had been killed off in a genocide. and only because obi-wan and yoda withhold information from luke about his father, not because they are believers in jedi teachings). in universe, remember that luke doesn't know any jedi, he isn't brought up in the order, he doesn't have that cultural context. he doesn't know about them like that. he doesn't even really get into the jedi teachings besides the sparknotes version yoda gives him in empire (and a little bit with obi-wan). he knows very, very little - so he's a new kind of jedi because the jedi were killed off by the sith.
in the time between the originals and the sequels i guess luke does try to rebuild the order but lol idk i cannot even with the story he gets in the sequels because it doesn't work with what i grew up with, it's not the luke i knew and loved as a kid. i mean im not sure how anyone can make the argument that he makes choices that are consistent with who he is at his core but whatever. that's not a retcon though (unless we consider the retconning of legends but i mean that's kind of complicated since legends was pretty inconsistent itself) since it doesn't erase his story. even if he is out of character in the sequels.
god i cannot believe im defending the sequels but yeah they didn't retcon luke's story in the original trilogy. they did retcon legends but i mean again legends was never really as canon as the films or anything that george lucas worked on.
as far as his appearance in the mandalorian, imo it is an example of a cameo done right. it was consistent with who luke is, it made some narrative sense (no reason why luke wouldn't sense grogu reaching out to him, and since he is trying to rebuild the order why not bring in someone who had some experience with the old order?) and it helped establish scale of power (similar to vader massacring the rebels at the end of rogue one) in a story mostly about a character who is an extraordinary ordinary guy (like rogue one). it doesn't take away from the core of the show - the relationship between din and grogu, and din's relationship with his identity as a mandalorian - and helps propel the story forward. similar to how ahsoka is used in mando, there's a point to it. is it fan-service? yes! absolutely, and i would argue it was sorely needed given luke's treatment in the sequels was so polarizing and hurtful to so many fans, myself included. bo-katan also makes sense since she is a literal mandalorian lmfao like it works and helps build on the differences between sects of mandalorians.
HOWEVER. juxtapose that with the book of boba fett. you've got a show about a beloved legacy character who has been a fan-favorite for decades (despite me not really caring about him before his appearance in mando lol i can't deny his popularity) and finally he's getting his story fleshed out in a way that so many fans have wanted for ages.
and not only is the story arc poorly received (imo the best parts are the stuff with the tusken raiders but even that is handled terribly because they just kill them off off-screen) but in the middle of the show, we cut away to... the mandalorian season 2.5 which then goes on to resolve the conflict set up at the end of s2 far too quickly to be as effective as it should have been.
and then as a result of the writers using 2 episodes of an 7 episode season, boba fett's story is not only structured poorly but feels rushed. he gets sidelined. in his own show. as much as din djarin gives pure 'im trying to be a secondary character in my own show' energy, he is still the core of mando. he is centered even if he isn't always the hero or the most powerful guy on screen. with boba, he feels many times to be an afterthought in the show. about him.
and that's because these cameos are really poorly used. luke could easily show up in boba fett's show because it's set on tatooine. luke could be poking around his childhood home. they have history, it's not like it wouldn't be interesting - even if i'm like meh on the idea myself. but luke doesn't show up to further boba's story. he shows up for GROGU, for the mandalorian's story arc. same with ahsoka who has no business being in bobf imo. din i can see because boba showed up in mando and they have ties to each other, but as a CAMEO. as a secondary character. poor guy can't even be the side character in a show about someone else lmfao.
this stuff is not just fan-service done poorly to me, it feels like studio meddling, like the studio was nervous about splitting up din from their cash cow baby yoda. why couldn't that have been part of mando s3? idk there's really no good explanation for it.
cameos, fan-service, even retcons and resets can be used effectively. but it depends on how they are used and why. andor handles its cameos really well because they make sense in the story. rogue one mostly does too. mando does too imo but i get why people would be frustrated with how s2 seems to overemphasize cameos... but again imo they make sense. bobf's cameos are ridiculous and insulting.
*saw gerrera isn't handled as well as the others but i'd say it isn't out of the bounds of reason for saw to be jyn's adoptive father. i think we should have seen jyn as a teenager with him.
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crashstanding · 1 year
HELLO FOOL. FOR THE OC ASKS (you don't need to answer them in the same ask!):
Nana: 1, 4, 5, 7, 10, 14, 20, 22, 23, 27, 38, 40 E, F, G
Tony: 1, 2, 6, 11, 16, 26, 29, 30, 31, 42 A, C, E
and ofc my buddy
D: 1, 2, 3, 8, 11, 13, 14, 17, 22, 27, 30, 31, 35, 38 A, B, D, F, J
Uncommon Questions for OCs and their creators:
Oh lordy, Okay, putting this mess under a cut!
I am, in fact, a foole for not expecting to get any asks lmao
1 - What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
About three hours. As long as he can listen to someone else doing something (as simple as moving around or sleeping) he can actually sit still for quite a while.
4 - How easy is it to earn their trust?
Oh it's about nigh impossible to gain his trust if you didn't have it before everything went to hell. He keeps his cards close to his chest unless he's exploding. The somewhat exception to this is children, in that he is willing to give them the benefit of the doubt more easily than teens/adults
5 - How easy is it to earn their mistrust?
You can sneeze wrong in his direction and he won't trust you unless you rip out your liver and present it to him. He is very mistrustful, despite having that friendly persona
7 - What triggers nostalgia for them, most often? Do they enjoy that feeling?
hummu... this one's harder for me, but I think it would actually be seeing children being silly. Makes him nostalgic for the childhood he's lost. It's bittersweet
10 - What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
"Are you sure that's what happened?"/"This is for your own good." (It haunts and clings to him until he's too warped to realize it)
14 - What animal do they fear most?
Does their "best friend" count?
20 - If they were asked to explain the difference between romantic and platonic or familial love, how would they do so?
You couldn't force them at gunpoint to explain this. Love is love is all consuming. There's no difference (Related, he's aro and doesn't realize this)
22 - How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Possessive, clingy, and fretful
23 - How does envy manifest itself in them (they take what they want, they become resentful, etc)?
Possessive, clingy, and fretful -
27 - What causes them to feel dread?
The thought that he's too selfish to live alone, that maybe what he's been doing for years wasn't the best thing, the idea of meeting their best friend in the afterlife and being found wanting
38 - What memory do they revisit the most often?
Teeth latched around his neck, just barely stopped. Too late to save anyone else, but he's managed to save himself... for now
40 - How sensitive are they to their own flaws?
Trick question!! Nana doesn't perceive his own flaws, and if he does? He fucks with his own memories to make it not happen! If he had to deal with how much he sucked, he'd kill himself
Creator section:
e - Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
Oh absolutely not. I think I'd simply explode from his rancid vibes and he'd explode from the fact that I'm a wretched creature <3
F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
"Oh my god, you're so fucked up you little freak. I want to study you in a lab - "
G) What trait of theirs bothers you the most?
1 - What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
37 seconds. She'll die if there's nothing to do, you have to understand this. They've always gotta have something to fiddle with or read or do.
2 - How easy is it for your character to laugh?
It's soooo easy <3 She's full of love and laughter
6 - Do they consider laws flexible, or immovable?
"Laws are more of a guideline, really..."
11 - How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
They just play along with whatever's going on. They'll figure it out... eventually
16 - What makes their stomach turn?
The thought of anything bad happening to their siblings, the thought of children in pain, deep bodies of water, hands in their hair, purple fire, eye trauma -
There's a lot. They just have a good poker face
26 - What is their preferred mode of transportation?
She has a motorcycle that she loves! Bonus: she likes trains but doesnt trust them
29 - Do they usually live up to their own ideals?
They try.
30 - Who do they most regret meeting?
You know, despite everything that's gone wrong in their life and things they wish they could do differently, I don't think they regret meeting anyone. Every person who has touched their heart has changed them in a way that makes them who they are
31 - Who are they the most glad to have met?
Every single motherfucker they've adopted into their little found family <3
42 - How badly do they want to reach their end goal?
this implies they have one
A) Why are you excited about this character?
I made her for me. She's so so cool and full of love. Funny guy <3
C) Did you have trouble figuring out where they fit in their own story?
In their original story? Nah, they made their little niche as the protag easily! But with me trying to see if I can't take her out of fandom stuff into original stuff, she's giving me a lil trouble
E) Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
I think I'd be super awkward at first, but as soon as we find a common ground to nerd over, we'd get along well
1 - What’s the maximum amount of time your character can sit still with nothing to do?
About six minutes. This is because "doing nothing" to them doesn't include exciting things such as "watching a bug crawl" or "having a staring contest"
If you include those things, they can cap out at about 45 minutes
2 - How easy is it for your character to laugh?
Actually hard to get them to full on laugh, but you can get a huffed little giggle - like a "hf." noise - from them with prat falls.
3 - How do they put themselves to bed at night (reading, singing, thinking?)
Counting sheep actually. Or something like that - they think a simple repetitive thing until their brain shuts off. Counting Sheep, reciting a poem, pretending to play piano, all work
8 - What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child
Stop fidgeting/staring, start emoting/talking
11 - How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
They don't often ask for direct help from someone who's confusing them, but they do tend to try to observe things/find a book to research the confusing thing
13 - What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
Lime green. And no.
14 - What animal do they fear most?
I dont think they??? Fear animals??? D's brain sees animals as just like - these are fellow little guys, just trying to do their jobs. No need for fear
17 - Are they easily embarrassed?
Absolutely. But it's only things like complementing them or calling them cute that embarrasses them. Or being forced to try and speak
22 - How does jealousy manifest itself in them (they become possessive, they become aloof, etc)?
Staring longingly at the thing they want. They're jealous of a child with a toy? stare at it. jealous of someone getting the last snack? stare at it. Jealous of someone getting a hug? Stare at them.
27 - What causes them to feel dread?
Being forced to be alone, being forced into company of others. Essentially being forced to do anything actually.
30 - Who do they most regret meeting?
How do you say you regret meeting someone when they don't have a name?
31 - Who are they the most glad to have met?
Evie and Ari, though their memories of them are few and far between. They're thankful for them for everything they did for them...
35 - How do they treat the things their friends come to them excited about? Are they supportive?
INTENSE LISTENING. And then researching the thing their friend likes so they can keep up with it, perhaps trying to acquire friend something of the excitement thing
38 - What memory do they revisit the most often?
Someone's hand in their hair. They don't remember who it was, but they liked it, being warm and the gentle scritch scritch of someone's nails on their scalp
A) Why are you excited about this character?
B) What inspired you to create them?
God, its been... 12? Ish years since I made them. I'm not entirely sure but I think part of it was the feeling of walking home in the cold with the sky grey and the air smelling strangely of warm laundry. That's why I made their story anyways. Their actual design is inspired by Yume Nikki and some of it's fan games
D) Have they always had the same physical appearance, or have you had to edit how they look?
Literally the only thing that's changed about them is their hair got fluffier. Hold on, I have art -
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There we go, first drawing vs latest rendered one.
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Bonus Chibi comparison. I kinda stuck with the same general idea for them, other than one redesign they had in like, 2017?
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But I went back to the original design with added buttons, bc I liked the silhouette of the long coat better
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F) What do you feel when you think of your OC (pride, excitement, frustration, etc)?
J) Did you have to manipulate or exclude canon factors to allow them to create their character?
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Hallway Crush
Elvis Presley x BAMF!OC Fem
Toni Stark is unlike any of the women Elvis has known. She's insanely intelligent, witty, and doesn't stand for anyone's shit. He develops a crush on her from afar, giving longing glances every time he sees her exiting press conferences when he's on the way to his concerts. Toni never notices him, more focused on escaping flashing cameras. But, what happens when Toni is gone for three months and comes back a changed woman with a certain glowing contraption in her chest?
Or: Toni Starks stays at the International Hotel pouring her time into the party life and meaningless one-night-stands. Elvis has a fierce interest in her, but then she's captured in Afghanistan and eventually comes back to Vegas as a workaholic and the metal hero we all know and love.
Not placed in the MCU or its timeline, I'm just using versions of the characters and their backstories in this story. Also will not be historically accurate when it comes to American politics and wars of the time. Priscilla does not exist in this story. Also not betaed.
Chapter 1: Let’s Start at the Beginning…
Antonia Margaret Stark was born during a catastrophic thunderstorm on May 29, 1945, foreshadowing the immense impact she would have on the world around her. Her loving mother, Maria Stark, was thrilled to welcome her baby girl into the world, while Howard Stark, Antonia's father, was quite the opposite. He needed a son. He had written in his will that his eldest child was to inherit the ownership of Stark Industries when he passed. Such a position was not meant for a woman. And he couldn't try to make an exception and have another child, as he and Maria already struggled to bring Antonia about. He was stuck and already held a grudge against his daughter for simply being born a female.
So, growing up, Antonia, or Toni as she would prefer to be called, was constantly pushed away by her father when she ever showed an interest in his line of work. At age 7, she had wandered into her father's office to show him a mechanical toy car she had built. He had been in a meeting with Obadiah Stane, Toni called him Uncle Obie, and when Howard was interrupted by the little girl's voice shouting, "Daddy, look what I made!" he slammed the door right on Toni, resulting in a few of her toes being broken. She didn't even have the energy to cry, too shocked to even feel the stabbing pain running up her left foot. When her mother found her crumpled on the floor by Howard's office door, her toy car scattered around her in pieces, Maria did not need to question what happened. She knew of Howard's distaste for their only child. Her mother simply bowed down to scoop Toni off the ground and laid her in her bed, calling a doctor to fix her foot.
Throughout elementary and middle school, Toni proved to be more intelligent than some of her teachers. She always won top prize in science fairs and spelling bees. Her mother was always there offering her sweet smiles of reassurance as well as her Aunt Peggy, one of her father's old friends from the military, who Toni looked up to for her strength, was there looking at her with pride. Uncle Jarvis, Howard's right-hand-man, was sure to attend every single one, being the father figure Toni never had. Even Uncle Obie had managed to come to a few of her events, apologizing for Howard's absence, claiming he was too "busy" with board meetings and inventing the next big military weapon.
From then on, Toni made it her life's mission to prove her father wrong, and show that she could be just as successful as him, if not more. Luckily, she was not alone in her journey, her mother supported her, buying her the textbooks she wanted and helping her change her bedroom into a lab space for her to experiment. And, of course, she had her Aunt Peggy and Uncle Jarvis who would come to the house to tell Howard about their adventures, but would always devote time to listen to Toni ramble on about electric circuits and whatever new scientific discovery she had made. Uncle Jarvis was the only man in Toni's life she truly trusted. He taught her how to ride a bike and tie her shoes. But, she had a special bond with her Aunt Peggy as well, her hardiness and red lipstick just two of the things Toni had admired about her aunt. She always took Peggy's advice, to always stick up for herself; not to move, but make others move instead.
At age 13, Toni was already enrolled at MIT, breezing through her courses, rarely paying attention to the lessons, having the occasional professor call her up to the board to solve an equation to which she would break down with ease. In 1958, she was the youngest and only female student at MIT. She was sure her name had something to do with her enrollment, but she also knew her credentials were beyond extraordinary. She constantly had a target on her back, not missing the sneers some of the boys give her, assuming she only got in on the basis of who her father was. But, she had many accomplishments at MIT, including her invention of the first form of Artificial Intelligence. She decided to create a robot to help her with her tools, which prompted her to try a new type of coding where the robot’s skills developed by learning through experiences. It also caused the robot to gain personality traits, one of which being its blatant ignorance, earning it the name of DUM-E. She graduated at age 17 with an undergraduate degree in computer science and molecular biology and eventually received two master’s degrees in engineering by age 19.
After her time at MIT, Toni spent her days on minor projects for Stark Industries because of her father’s refusal to give her an official position in the company. It was better than nothing, she told herself. She was participating in the hands-on aspects of the engineering, experimenting with welding and proper wire placement. Most of the time she had the fellow engineers question her methods or tell her to leave and let the men do the work. Her life went on like this for two years, she was content(ish), but felt she was ready to move on to bigger things.
Then December 16, 1966 rolled around which would cause Toni’s life to take a full 180. It seemed like a normal winter day, she woke up to go to the lab, before wishing her parents safe travels for their visit to the Pentagon. Her father shrugged her off with annoyance and told her not to make a mess of his penthouse while they were away. Her mother stood on her toes to kiss Toni’s forehead, before she said her last words to her daughter, “Farewell, Gioia, show those stuck-ups that you’re a Stark,” she whispered the last part before grabbing her bag and walking out of Toni’s life forever with the shutting of a door.
While working on a new rotator for the latest missile, one of the welders had handed her a rusted phone after saying, “It’s for you, Stark,” Her eyes became watery as she heard the monotone voice on the other end tell her that her parents were in a fatal car accident while en route to the Pentagon. She dropped the phone and ran into the tiny ladies’ restroom before getting sick in one of the toilets. Her father had taken her mother away from her. He took everything from Toni. Her mother was gone. Her sweet, caring, innocent mother who had seen Toni’s potential when her father hadn’t. Her mother who had made her tea and tiramisu after having a bad day at MIT. Her mother who silently stood up against Howard by supporting Toni’s passion. She would never see her again. Toni had never felt so helpless in her life. She crumpled on the dusty bathroom tile and sobbed into her knees for hours until someone had called Uncle Obie to come looking for her. When he found her in her fetal position, he pulled her onto her feet before speaking solemnly, “Come on, your mother wouldn’t want to see you like this,” Toni let out a sob at the mention of her mother before he continued, “Let’s get you home.” But Toni knew her home would no longer be home anymore without the smell of her mother’s perfume or her homemade Italian meals.
The funeral was quiet with only close friends and family in attendance. Aunt Peggy and Uncle Jarvis were there with their arms around Toni and their eyes stuck on the shiny caskets. Obadiah had wanted Toni to say a few words for her lost parents. Toni rambled on about her mother's proud Italian roots and how she devoted her time to philanthropy and helping those in need. How she never let her own emotions get in the way of helping others. How gloomy this world will be without her bright smile. Then it came to talk about Howard. Toni talked of his scientific discoveries and how the weapons industry would not be as advanced without him. She never told of anything personal because there was nothing to tell.
As Toni watched the dirt pour onto her parents' caskets, she discovered that she would do whatever she needed to do to reach the top of the pyramid. If it meant working until her body and mind broke, she would do it. She was no longer just Toni, she was Toni Stark.
After Obadiah Stane’s temporary position as CEO, Toni took over at age 21, being the youngest and only female CEO of any corporation, ever. She was a revolutionary, and she let it get to her head. She built weapons more advanced than her father’s, working herself to the bone for countless hours, becoming a scientific prodigy. The stocks rose drastically, until eventually Toni Stark had more money than God with too many properties, cars, and expensive paintings to count. Her life became a constant cycle of working in her lab for days, coming out for a day or two of partying, drinking, gambling, and meaningless sex with handsome journalists she would charm into her hotel room. She hid her pain behind lavish clothing, self-importance, and sarcasm.
She got herself an assistant, Pepper Potts, who was more a babysitter than a personal assistant, but they had an understanding of each other that led to an unbreakable friendship. She also had her butch security guard and chauffeur, Happy Hogan, who was hired more for Toni’s teasing than security purposes. But, most important of all, she met her best friend, her platonic soulmate, James Rhodes, or Rhodey Bear as Toni liked to call him. They met through the constant meetings between Toni and the military superiors. They immediately clicked and haven’t left each other’s side since. He went from U.S. Air Force officer to Toni Stark's best friend and the military's chief liaison to Stark Industries' weapons division. He was her rock and the voice of reason in her fuck-up of a life, cleaning the messes she left behind. He was the only one who saw the real side of Toni, past the façade of the rich, genius, playgirl, and instead saw the raw, emotional wreck of a human. And he never judged her for her true self, just held her when she cried.
When Toni wasn’t in New York for boring meetings and whatnot, she spent her days in the new International Hotel in Las Vegas. She had her own special penthouse built in the hotel with a lab for her late-night inventions and enough room to house 5 families. Her only companions were her two bots DUM-E and Butterfingers, who she'd brought from New York to stay in her hotel room. Though occasionally Pepper or Rhodey would visit for business inquiries, but most people knew to leave her alone while she was in Vegas. She spent her days in the VIP lounge smoking cigarettes, drinking and flirting with men twice her age. Vegas reminded her of herself, it was full of chaos and it never slept. It was her escape from New York, the escape from the death of her mother and her father’s dissatisfaction. So, Vegas is where she stayed.
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lxvenderhxzehv · 1 year
Kindness Taken Weakness ~ Teddy and Toni an Event Self-Para
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Teddy felt like he was right where he had started a few weeks ago. Sitting with a drink in his hand.
Trying to calm his nerves as best as he could. He had never reacted like that before, but seeing Kirby with Knightley like that had triggered some sort of panic in him. Some sort of hurt that he had never felt before. Heartbreak perhaps, that confirmation of fear that would come with telling Kirby how he felt and they wouldn’t like him back. He was glad that he had been with Zarina when the attack had struck. He would never have known what to do if he had been alone. He finally pulled away from her. Explaining that he just wanted to be alone and couldn't pretend anymore and that she didn't have to help him make Kirby Jealous. It wasn't working anyway. He was too mentally drained to put on a show. He didn't care if Kirby had seen his panic attack unfold and to be quite frank he didn't care if he hadn't seen Kirby for the rest of the Event. His heart couldn’t take it. He sat at one of the pop-up bars along main street. It was pretty quiet until he heard the clanking of chains on the seat next to him. He turned to greet them but groaned when he saw who it was.
Toni was enjoying the festival, Mylene had taken up most of his attention which he didn’t mind. I really liked her and was happy she was enjoying their time together. Toni was always the observant kind so when he heard a bit of commotion over to the side he had pulled away from Myles telling her he’d be back in a moment.  He had witnessed the whole thing unfold in real time. He had seen Teddy steal a glance over at Kirby. Only to see them with Knightley. Toni saw within seconds Teddy lose almost all color in his face and his breathing became labored.
With Teddy off to the side and out of his costume. Zarina, who Toni was confused to see with Teddy to begin with. Had seemed to handle the situation as best as she could. Giving to what was Toni's understanding that this was Teddy's first ever Panic Attack. He had always known Teddy to be pretty confident and not self-aware or even aware enough in general to even have Anxiety. Teddy was the golden boy and had it all.
He followed Teddy when he ran off. Just far enough away so that he wouldn't notice. Part of him wanted to genuinely make sure that Teddy was okay. Another however wanted to ruffle some feathers. Just for fun, He was already not liked much by many of his peers. There were only a few individuals who seemed to actually like him and his company. He was growing bored of that and even being at the commune, though he would never say these things out loud. He tried to be discreet but was given away by the metal on his costume.
"You look like Hell Mi Amigo!" He began, trying to make light of the situation.
“I'm not really in the mood for anything right now Toni” Teddy shifted in his seat. He took a sip from his glass trying not to give Toni the attention he wanted. “What do you want?” Shit.
Toni shrugged “Nothing, just wanted to check on a fellow Huntsville resident. We have to look out for each other.“ He patted Teddy back. ”We've both been stuck here a lot longer than most of these people“ He then sat back on his stool, slumping almost and crossed his arms. “I can't believe I'm about to say this but I finally agree with Kirby.” Teddy furrowed his brows at him in disbelief. Was Toni sick? Was he in trouble? Was the world ending again? Teddy was already annoyed. Now it was growing at the mention of Kirby and the commune.
“you shouldn't move into the commune…” Toni finally said simply. “Can't have you panicking at the sight of Kirby and Knightly all the time now can't we?” His smile was smug. Of course he had seen Teddy's Panic Attack. Teddy tightened the grip on his glass.
“Though, now we know why you shouldn't move in, now we need to figure out why Kirby doesn't Want you to move in” He tilted his head “Do they know how upset you get by just seeing them with someone else?” Teddy shook his head looking down at his glass “hmm well maybe deep down they know you're too sensitive to see all the HookUps they get themselves wrapped up in '' Teddy downed the rest of his drink. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. He was still recovering from the panic attack. His mind was still a bit foggy, he was exhausted and the drink he had wasn't helping. However it made the pain of the heartbreak bearable.
”Kirby can hook up with whoever the fuck they want to…“ He snipped with a groan and Toni shook his head. “I’m not his keeper.” Teddy regretted the words as she spoke them. 
“And that is what a good friend does. Put their feelings above everyone else's” He praised with a soft smile. “you're always so selfless, Teddy. Unlike Kirby, Just so selfish and a bad friend…..” That snapped Teddy back. He raised a brow at Toni. he turned to face him sitting up to make himself bigger than Toni. Which wasn’t hard to do. But he was on the defense.
“I think you best stop talking” Sure Teddy was upset. He would never speak poorly of Kirby. They were a good friend to Teddy. And they set a boundary. In turn Teddy respected it, no questions asked. It wasn't his boundary to question nor was it any of Toni's business.
“You're a grown man Teddy and your life is being dictated by someone in their 20s!” The pain hit Toni before he realized what was happening. Teddy was suddenly a lot taller, Toni's jaw stung and the inside of his mouth suddenly felt warm. Teddy had actually punched him. Took a good ole swing at him and knocked him to the ground.
”how fucking dare you Toni!“ teddy barked, looming over Toni as he stood up to his full height. ”We've both told you to fuck off multiple times! Now stop psychoanalyzing our friendship!“ Toni propped himself up on his elbows spitting blood from his mouth. ”It's so painfully obvious you have feelings for them.“ He rolled his eyes. ”You'll Only Keep getting hurt Teddy. The more their body count increases the more your confidence decreases.“ He spat. ”Look at me and tell me I'm wrong Teddy. As everyday passes you worry it's never going to happen for you two or something is going to get in the way.” He smirked ” With people like Me, Knightley, and Z to hook up with at the commune, why did you really think they would pick Just you? You’re nothing special”
Teddy picked Toni up with ease and carried him over to a nearby building and pinned him to the wall. Yes, maybe Teddy knew deep down he wasn't good enough for Kirby. Knightley was the stable, more practical choice. Even Z was a better choice for Kirby. But TONI? This sad excuse for a leader? Second in command? even Teddy was beginning to question him. He had to be lying just to get under his skin. A way to get Teddy to admit his feelings for Kirby.
"Toni you lift like paper, I'll throw you in the trash like paper too if you don't SHUT. UP." He warred letting go of the man finally turning to walk away. But Toni never listened very well.
 "It wasn't all that difficult to hook up with them...Kirby certainly knows what he wants. More than I can say for you...." Teddy didn't hesitate and took one final blow at Toni hitting him in the nose before walking away and leaving him to suffer alone.
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teenagedirt · 1 year
Kissing in cars (11)
CHAPTER 11- I kissed the scars on her skin.
Warning!- mentions past selfharm. And the scars. Talks about past relapse. please skip this chapter if it will trigger you.
A/n I don't know if the word bunkroom is real or not but I'm using it so it doesn't matter. I know that the line "I missed the scars on her skin" isn't about selfharm but I wanted to kinda write this into this little short story. Because this is something I've struggled with, and I wanted to write something that would be comforting for me.
The next couple of weeks flew by. Tonight is the last show of the tour. "Hey,y/n I'm gonna go ahead and do sound check with Tony and Jaime, just come to the venue when your ready. I sigh quietly, and poke my head into the hallway.
"ALRIGHT" I shout back. I hear the bus door open and close. I continue to search for something to wear. The only thing I've found was shirts and a Tshirt. The shirt isnt the problem, its the shorts. They are quite short. Meaning they'll show my scars. My past isn't a secret, I've talked about them before on social media, but they are still one of my biggest insecurities. I sight looking in the mirror. They was no point in trying to cover them. "Shit" I say to myself. Knowing vic, he'll notice that there's a couple more scars than there were two years ago. He didn't take the time to notice when we slept together, he was focused on my lips, and other various parts of my body.
I roll my eyes and walk out of the bathroom. I grab my shies and slip them on. When I get my hightops on and comfortably tied, I grab my phone and walk out the door. I jog to the back entrance of the venue. "Hey y/n" tony says waving,I wave back and make my way to find Vic. I hear his voice so I follow the sound.
I find him on the phone so I wait for the call to be over. " Allright, bye mom. I love you too" he speaks into the phone. I smile at the sight.He turns around, he sees me and jumps back slightly. "Jeez I didn't know you were there" he says grabbing his heart in a dramatic fashion. He laughs at himself and walks over to me.
"You're so dramatic" I say. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me in for a quick kiss.
"You should come on stage tonight. During 'new national anthem'" I stand thinking about it.
"Alright" I say and he hugs me once again. I check the time. "The show starts in forty-five minutes" he nods. We sit on the edge of the stage, looking out into the arena. I notice Vic distracted and try to pull my shorts down as much as possible to cover as many scars as possible.
"Whats wrong baby?" He asks.I don't say anything I simply look down at my thighs. He looks as well. I hear a sigh, "there's no need to be insecure darling. I have scars too, a lot of people do. I nod and rest my head on his shoulder.
Around thirty minutes pass and the show is now starting. I walk off stage and wait like I always do. Except today while Vic is singing 'new national anthem' I'll be up there for everybody to see. My scars on full display.
They are almost finished with the set when Vic calls for me. I don't know why he wants me up here. He points at the place he wants me to sit so I quickly comply, I want to get it done and over with. He sings the majority looking st the fans, occasionally glancing at me. This quickly changes he walks right in front of me, squats down and grabs my hand. "And if I ever catch the one who hurt you. I'm hoping that God looks away this time."he sings to me. The fans scream and cheer, at this. I smile with warm tears coming down my face.
As he finishes the song he pulls me up, and wraps his arms around me and engulfs me in a tight hug. He pecks my cheek lightly and we walk off stage together, the others following.
"Hey Vic me and Jaime are going to go to a bar, you wanna come?"Tony asks after giving Vic a high-five. Vic sighs and shakes his head no.
"Nah man I'm tired, sorry" Tony nods and walks off with Jaime. We walk to the bus in comfortable silence. He opens the door, "after you" he says and I walk up the stairs into the bus. He follows and closes the door behind himself.
"Can we talk about what going on" I sigh and nod yes. He leads me to our bunkroom. He sits on the edge of the bed, so do I I turn and face him. "You used to say that your scars are proof that you've held on. What's changed" he asks. Tears bubble in my eyes. I don't know if I have the heart to admit to relapsing last year. "Well, I guess with all the things people tend to say it made me hate them. Hate how they made me look. Hate the way will forever be there. " I say tears slipping put of my eyes.
His eyes fill with tears, but he quickly blinks them away. "Your scars are beautiful, but let's not make more. You're perfect." I start to cry, so he pulls me into a hug, tightly embracing me, rubbing my back. When my sobs got worse he would softly whisper "Shh, Darling it's okay to cry but you're going to make yourself sick".when I stopped crying he grabs my hands and looks at my wrists. The few faded scars there is he kisses them gently.
He looks at my thighs. "May I" he asks. I nod,he turns my body slightly. He runs his hands up my thighs. He gently rolls my shorts up. He leaves wet kisses on my scars as I start to cry again. He places my hands on my hips. As he finishes kisses them. He whispers into my neck, "you're perfect don't forget that", he kisses my neck. We lay together, embracing each other, whispering how much we love each other.
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assbutt-writes · 9 months
A Heart Of Iron Chapter 12
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Chapter below cut
Shit. Why did it have to be right then? Loki sighed and then teleported outside, instantly appearing face-to-face with a gray man that seemed to be entirely covered in some sort of red tattoos. Maybe they were scars? Whatever they were, the man was standing extremely still, staring at Loki.
"Drax, get over here. We've gone over this, standing still doesn't make you invisible, it makes you look like an idiot," a raccoon said, and, wait a second, why was the raccoon standing up? And why could it talk?
"Did that raccoon just talk?" Clint said, bemused.
"i'm not a raccoon!" the raccoon yelled, a look of anger crossing it's face.
"I am Groot," the tree said smugly, and the raccoon looked insulted.
"Hey!" the raccoon said, and he started to shoot the tree with his blasters. The tree just stood there, and wait, was it laughing? A talking tree and talking raccoon. Surely this day couldn't get any weirder.
"Rocket! Groot! Break it up!" a man behind them said, trying to break up the fight, and yeah, apparently it could get weirder.
"Stay out of this, Quill!" Rocket hissed.
"Okay, what's going on?" Clint cut in, "Why are you here?"
"My father was here on Earth, and we're trying to stop him from wiping out half of all of the life on this planet," a green woman explained, and Loki's eyes went wide. He knew that someone was playing God and wiping out half of all life on each planet they went to, but if they were Thanos, they didn't stand a chance. Nobody stood a chance. He was called the Mad Titan for a reason, after all. His race practically were gods, and races far greater than his were no match for him. And if that was the case, then the woman had to be–
"Loki?" Clint asked, looking over at him with a concerned look crossing his face, breaking Loki out of his thoughts.
"You–You're Gamora, right? I–I've heard of this. I just never knew it was Thanos. If it is him, we're doomed," Loki said, starting to panic.
"Maybe you could've broken it to them a little easier, Gamora?" a man said from behind the group, and Gamora spun around to face him.
"Cut it, Quill. They needed it hear it, and I don't sugarcoat things. You know that," Gamora said, giving Quill a terrifying look. Quill backed off immediately, looking appropriately scared.
"Okay," Clint said slowly, wanting to make sure he understood, "So we're all about to die, and you guys are here to try and stop it?"
"Pretty much," Quill said, shrugging. Gamora rolled her eyes at him.
Clint let out a long sigh.
"I guess you guys can come on in, then. We can use all the help we can get," he said.
"Wait a second. How did you know who I am?" Gamora asked, spinning on Loki.
"You and your sister are common knowledge where I come from. Gamora and Nebula, two children, the last of their races, taken in by the Mad Titan and raised to be warriors," Loki said.
"And where exactly do you come from?" Gamora asked, her guard obviously going up.
"Asgard," he said simply, and she nodded, accepting his answer.
They all walked back inside, Jarvis assigned the aliens a floor, and Loki went back up to Tony to fill him in on what happened. He told Tony the story, the other man's eyes going wide.
"So let me get this straight, a bunch of aliens came down in a spaceship and said that, what, we're doomed?" Tony said exasperatedly, running a hand down his face.
"Pretty much," Loki said, and Tony let out a groan.
"Why can't I have one normal day?" he complained.
Just then, Rocket entered the room, as if to punctuate Tony's sentence.
"Wheres the bathroom?" he asks, and Tony looks disgusted.
"Why is there a raccoon in my room? Get it out of here!" Tony said as Loki tried to stop him.
Rocket looked offended. "I'm going to ignore that, seeing as you're in a hospital bed right now, but if you ever call me a raccoon again," he said, leaving the threat unfinished, "I'm not an it, either. My name is Rocket."
"N–Nice to meet you, Rocket," Tony said hesitantly.
"Yeah, yeah, now where's the toilet?"
"Down the hall," Loki said, trying not to laugh.
After he was gone, Tony turned on Loki.
"You ass! Why didn't you tell me one of them was a raccoon?"
"I thought it would be funny?" Loki said hesitantly, his face breaking out in a grin.
Tony threw a book at him.
"Ow," Loki said completely deadpan, and they both broke out into laughter at how completely absurd the situation was.
Clint came in, grinning from ear to ear.
"Strange says you can get a wheelchair now!" he said, and a similar grin broke out on Tony's face. He threw his fist in the air and whooped happily.
"Mobility!" he cheered, making Loki laugh.
Clint brought in a StarkTech wheelchair, and, after 4 failed tries, they got him into the wheelchair. Tony gave it a few experimental spins, and attempted to pop a wheelie, which ended up with him on the floor.
"Tony!" Loki shouted, while Clint laughed.
"Hey! Don't laugh at my pain!" he shouted, and then, noticing the look of concern on Loki's face, he said, "I'm fine, Lokes,"
Loki helped him get back up, and they went into the common room. Tony froze when he saw the group in the living room, watching Star Wars and talking about how inaccurate it was.
"Holy shit there's a tree in my living room."
"I am Groot!" Groot said, crossing his arms.
"Okay, then," Tony said, taken aback, "It talks."
"I am Groot!" Groot yelled, obviously offended. Gamora rolled her eyes and stepped in before another fight could break out.
"Guys, I think we have bigger problems right now, like Thanos," Gamora said, turning off the TV.
"Right, so what are we going to do about that?" Tony said, getting straight to business.
"There are 3 Infinity Stones on Earth right now, the Time, Space, and Mind Stones. We don't know where the others are, bit if we can stop Thanos from getting those Stones, we can stop him from destroying half of all life in the universe," Gamora said.
Tony nodded, "We already know where they are: the scepter, the Tesseract, and with the Ancient One. We already have the scepter and Tesseract. "
"Good. We're going to need to go to this 'Ancient One' and get the stone from them," Quill said, and the others nodded. They did a bit more planning, but when they started talking about going right then, Steve cut in, indicating the clock.
"I vote we do that in the morning," Steve said, yawning, "It's already 11:58."
"Fine, old man," Tony said, and Steve throws a pillow at him.
"I agree," Rocket said, "You have no idea how hard flying a ship is."
"Wait, he flies the– You know what? Why not," Tony said resignedly.
They all went back to their rooms, Tony wheeling excitedly to his, talking about his "first time in a real bed in forever". Loki fell asleep right when he got to his bed, and, for the first time in a while, he didn't dream.
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