#So it’s messy but I kind of like it LOL
nalyra-dreaming · 2 days
I don't think Louis and Armand's dynamic is kinky either. I guess on paper it would seem that way, but then we hear their voice tone, see their facial expressions and it's never completely passionate, flirty, sensual or delicate either. Sometimes it's not at all. The "I want you more than anything in the world" feels somewhat sweet from Armand's part, but Louis doesn't seem into that. The "are you asking or making me?" scene is just weird. I believe Louis is trying to feel tough and in control again after everything that happened with Lestat, I also think there's some level of dissociation and/or not wanting to fully let Armand in and be vulnerable with him. And I don't blame him, I get where he is coming from. Not to mention how (black) boys are taught by the world to be cold, an Alpha macho man and all that. I guess there might also be some kind of sixth sense in him that knows Armand specifically can't be trusted, even if he's consciousness hasn't fully caught up yet. Like, how sometimes we feel uncomfortable with people/situations and can't figure out why, and then something happens and you realize you instinctively noticed the danger even before your mind was aware, you know? Brain and instinct are funny and who knows how they work when you're a vampire lol. On Armand's side, at least from Assad's acting and interviews I've seen, I get the feeling the sexual abuse he endured is so profound that made him live his life in a dysfunctional way? He can love and be loved, but I don't believe he knows how give and receive it. So he brings back that kind of vocabulary and roles, because it's the reference he has? I know Armand is a hell of manipulator, but I think on those moments he isn't weaponizing it or anything, I just see being vulnerable and working on automatic. And that's not to say Louis is taking advantage of it either, but, like, they're a product of their time, experiences, it's not like vampires have the luxury of therapy and this is just a dysfunctional dynamic of two people with different traumas that never fully healed and don't know how to help each other and their relationship with those stuff (not to mention the manipulation and all their other problems and imminent divorce et all). Not a great comparison, but feels like a parent that knows when their child needs therapy for whatever reason and refuses because they're like "my child is perfect and happy and this is just an inconvenience that will be over soon". Like, even if there wasn't all that other stuff going on, they don't know what the other and that relationship needs. They probably don't even know what they need as individuals. I guess the closest to a D/S dynamic where both people enjoyed was 1x06.
Possibly (and the ask was sent^^).
I think it is a very complicated beast, and instead of trying to formulate it on my own, let me redirect you here, where it was put quite precisely, imho:
Louis was distrustful of Armand, his "inner Lestat" showed that quite plainly. And as such I think the OP of the post hit the nail on the head, neither Louis nor Armand could get what they wanted from the other, and it then shifted into this messy echo of what it could - and maybe should - have been.
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pinterestmom5 · 3 months
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authenticity is important
but I’m not sure who I am anymore
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fiendishartist2 · 4 months
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redraw of this post from bunnyfarm's release
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youngyoo-apologist · 2 months
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Regressor OG!Cale and Regressor!Kim Roksoo based off of that one Skip and Loafer panel
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birdstooth · 11 months
Right so it's definitely canon that César, the white horse from The Profeta likes Christine. She hand feeds him on the regular and he recognizes her and is happy to see her when Erik puts her on his back.
We can also assume (given that Erik was able to lead him off with apparent ease) that César, the white horse from The Profeta trusts and likes Erik as well; as much (or almost as much) as Christine.
So let's imagine for a moment Erik and Christine doing the age old "let's see who the pet likes better" game standing on opposite ends of the room with César in the middle and both trying to get César to come to them at the same time and hims don't know what to do.
(He finally chooses Christine, and Erik is both dejected but also can't fault him for going to Christine because of course he should because Christine is the best. In fact erik might have been offended if César didn't pick Christine.)
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olessan-lokenosse · 1 year
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Each year the annual meeting of the ambassadors brings a new face or two 🐍
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odessastone · 1 year
The way Satya and Niran weren’t really compatible when they first met years back because both of them were stubborn as hell and convinced that their way was the right way - and yet they still got along, the only friend either of them had, because they could see that the other had a good and caring heart. Things got soured when Niran took off and Satya convinced herself he was a traitor - yet she could never fully commit to that feeling.
Then both Satya and Niran go through so many changes getting older, as they see more of the world and realize maybe they actually know a whole lot less than they thought they did. Both of them are forced out of their self-righteous bubbles. They travel down different paths, but they’re walking parallel to each other.
And THEN they meet again when Satya, already questioning Vishkar more than she ever has before, is sent to apprehend Niran and steal his tech “back” for Vishkar. And she sees him, sees how much he’s grown and changed from the spoiled, stubborn boy he was when she knew him, and she herself has grown from the rigid corporate weapon that never dared question Vishkar, and she realizes she really, really does NOT want to steal from Niran, even in spite of Vishkar promising it would use his Biolight to improve the world. And Niran, having firsthand experience with the way Vishkar grooms vulnerable children and makes them feel valued, cared for, useful, is gentle with Satya, not offended in the least that she came after him.
And when they talk a bit, and he begins to realize her loyalty to Vishkar is wavering, he’s secretly delighted - but careful not to push her, because he knows she has to go through change slowly and on her own terms. And Satya realizes as they’re talking how much she’s missed him, even if he’s as ridiculous and dramatic as ever, even in spite of his chaotic ways.
She should hate this man who “stole” from Vishkar and selfishly kept his healing technology from the world, and he should hate this Vishkar goon who’s been sent to steal from him and have him arrested. But neither of them can feel that way about the other. There’s too much history, and they both care too much.
With someone like Niran back in her life to support her, I feel like that will be what finally convinces Satya to take the leap and cut ties with Vishkar. She’s got an example to follow now. She’s got a safety net. She’s got someone to lay out the steps into the terrifying unknown instead of diving in all alone. And Niran, who’s thought about her and missed her all these years while facing the world by himself, couldn’t be happier to have her along for the ride.
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unipacas · 11 months
trying to be brave and share more doodles/WIPs here, i’ve been redrawing some spider-man 2099 comic panels in my AU and im having a blast LOL....his mom 😭😭💀
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more sketches under the cut bc i don’t want this post to be super long lol
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ok ty for looking, or sorry that u did LOL
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nanatsuyu · 8 months
what makes you like kandrew so much?? what drawns you to them??
(not trying to sound rude or condescending or anything im just curious lol)
I really adore characters that bite and snarl at each other for the purpose of enrichment in their respective enclosures.
On a more serious note lol—other than the fact that I have A Type when it comes to pairings (davekat, edxizzy, amberprice, etc), I enjoy characters that have somewhat of an unhealthy codependency on one another. Which is the extremely general way of putting it. I like characters that are kind of doomed to the narrative to never really be sated by what the world has to offer, but their person makes up for that (not that they always recognize it as such or that it's entirely positive or sometimes even completely mutual). And I don't mean doomed in a "never amount to anything" way, but in that bittersweet tone where both of these characters, wherever they fall into each other on the timeline, are at a place where their lows sync up, and that harmonizing rattles something to the perceived tune of "we're the best we're ever going to get". Again, that's all really general for the vibes of why I was drawn to them. There's a bit more nuance for them (and the other pairings ofc).
I like that they have a deal that encompasses both of them trying to push the other into being a better version of themselves but they're both too stubborn/scared to move first because realised potential means you have to recognise it too. Kevin can't expect Andrew to try his best when he himself is not, and Andrew can't expect Kevin to show him his worth* if he doesn't bother to try in the first place. (Though I know their deal was labelled more as moriyama protection for Kevin, I think that kind of encompassed the idea that Andrew would be a crutch till Kevin could stand on his own if that makes sense)
Not to quote the ec but it's one of like 3 parts I would willingly print and eat:
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Andrew is the kind of character I adore because he says this and he really genuinely means it. Keeping what little he has left of himself is a last ditch self preservation tactic because he can't get hurt if he has no hopes/expectations/aspirations. No one can let him down if he doesn't let them. But he's so wonderfully flawed in his own ruleset because he keeps doing just that in the hopes that maybe someone will be different this time . Like maybe this time someone will be right when they say he's worth it** like maybe Kevin is right and he can make Andrew see what he's been refusing himself.
I also love that their deal extends far past the deal itself. In the most basic of terms, it was: 'you go, I'll go.' Andrew didn't have to trust Kevin beyond that. But he gave Kevin his meds and trusted him not to abuse that. Kevin had even already promised to help him figure out a way to wean off them before if they could earlier (and I genuinely think his fear of Andrew getting off his meds early was both a kneejerk 'the game/my safety' reaction because Kevin has a lot riding on this semester too, but also because he knows he made his own promise to Andrew and he thought Andrew coming off his meds early might have been an obstacle even Kevin's stubbornness couldn't hurdle when it came to helping Andrew on his feet after). Likewise I have to imagine that very few people put their trust in Kevin with much of anything outside of Exy given his temperament and wallflower disinterest in team building extra curriculars. So for Andrew to willingly give Kevin his meds to hold onto that he's gotten violent over before probably created a very morbid sense of.. pride, I guess? Like I trust you to hold onto the thing that ruins me is so... clenches fist
There's also this rough handed care that comes with all of that. They're unforgivably honest with each other at the best of times and unnecessarily biting at wounds just to get a genuine reaction at the worst. But then they also have these quiet side/off screen moments that are unyielding in tenderness? Andrew inspecting Kevin's hand for injuries. Kevin covering for Andrew when he's sick on court. Andrew telling Kevin to trust him during a panic attack and that he'll take care of it. Kevin turning his entire attention away from the Raven's to pull Andrew up to his feet. Them smiling at each other first genuinely?? Being idiots on the court with playful mocking shoves that don't get heated?? Like you give me these two characters who make it seem as if their hearts will genuinely stop beating if they stop nipping at each other, and then show me that they're actually wrapped up in one another so tightly that they're rarely seen apart? And are burdened (affectionate) with the task of keeping the other from doing the very thing that drowns themselves?? Okay
Also a looooot of this is from my perspective on Andrew's perspective on Kevin since we're given a lot more to work with, but I genuinely think Andrew was the first to push back at Kevin and make him prove things to Andrew and himself. Kevin had maybe a couple people at most before he fled to the foxes. Like he had nothing other than his name and reputation, good and bad, when he showed up at wymack's door. I can't help but imagine some part of Andrew saw this as amusing but also rather tiresome when it came to seeing Kevin constantly shut away in hiding. He was so loud before, where is all that roar now? When Kevin left Jean, he really left his only friend behind (sorry Thea fans I know she's there I know). So here you have Andrew, offering a deal that becomes this codependency because being out of the nest alone most certainly took its toll for a while, and it sounds too good to be true but most things are. So Kevin snatches it up and then there's the trust in the meds and the constant presence (in the sense of comforting consistency in spite of any disagreements (but abandonment issues kandrew is a whole other post now innit)) and the care and it all looks a lot like what someone might call a friend. And I mean they could both say they're not friends till their dying day but they're the only ones they're still trying to fool.
I just like that they gnaw on the scraps that they snag off one another, these leftover cuts from failed attempts at love and kindness, and act as if they didn't hand the pieces to each other themselves in the bed they share.
*Andrew is worth more than his ability to play Exy obviously, but I'm working from the angle that these boys have a very limited vocabulary in how to express that given their upbringings lol ie: my absolute Favourite part of the ec:
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Like again I have my hangups with some of the ec but this provides soooo much more context to their beef pre-canon and the history behind Andrew's failed recruitment. Not to mention Aaron internally calls out Andrew for blatantly lying to Kevin when he tells him he doesn't care. (I think Andrew probably holds a certain disdain for Kevin struggling to verbalize how he measures worth and how that might differentiate off the court, because that line between wanting to be told you're worth putting in the effort for versus being told it's because of your latent potential is most likely rather precarious. Shipping goggles on: I imagine wanting to get someone's attention whose love language was built up around Exy is a tad difficult even if Andrew does in fact hear what Kevin's trying to say. I also don't think Kevin's malicious in his inability to truly express that Andrew really could have everything and it's infuriating to watch Andrew self destruct.)
**And for me, this, coupled with the above conversation with Renee, really puts into perspective how agitated Andrew is with Kevin for squandering his potential. He thinks Kevin has zero self preservation skills when it comes to maybe not putting all his balls in the exy basket, but that's also why he's so drawn to him because he has this insatiable drive to live for this one thing? And yet he's not even giving it his all like he's asking of Andrew despite that? It'd be easy to dismiss Kevin's overzealous love of the game as gross infatuation that's bled into Andrew's life, but if he smothers Kevin's drive and doesn't encourage him to be exactly as he sees Kevin, this person who really can achieve these things, what is there for him? He wants Kevin to thrive, but Andrew also wants Kevin to be right and that he can thrive too.
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intermundia · 1 year
i've done some work on the house over the past few weeks!! it's been a lot of reorganizing and cleaning, and it's all shaping up nicely imho! the first project was opening up the den so that i could do yoga in there without worrying i'm going to kick something lol
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then i set up a drawing station and my old keyboard, trying to push myself to do hobbies that help my mental health haha. i also organized my closet by color which helps to feel in control of my life haha, i like order very much and find it peaceful lol
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the plants in the living room have been happier since i figured out how much light they actually need. the cats usually spend the morning in here, as it faces east and there's lots of sun. the stuffed lion is named mufasa and i won him in a raffle when i was six lol.
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i collected all my pink art and put it in the map hallway, and got a lotr shower curtain to make the hallway bathroom fit in with the map theme when the door is open haha. it's difficult to see on the wall but my friend in college photoshopped circe's head onto everyone in the school of athens lmao
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and then my bedroom library is much the same except the pile of to-read books and articles only seems to grow haha
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that's it i think! the actual art studio where i paint is a mess so i don't want to post it lmao and the kitchen of course with the marbled stools but i posted about them before. im just proud tho it's been lots of work and finally all the traces of my ex are gone and it's all coming together!
oh, and this is what it looked like outside this morning! i love living here so much, it's so quiet
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klanced · 1 year
Man ty for popping up on my dashboard. I miss voltron, but whenever I try to check what's up I get reaaally bad flashbacks as to how the fandom was. It's kinda worse when u accidentally triggered a community of a popular ship (its not kl@nce) :')))) hnghjgn idk how u do it
voltron is just. such a funny phenomenon. the show was like a C+ at BEST but we all stuck around anyway clinging to the hope that things would eventually improve and then they NEVER did. & so we all had to make do with literal scraps and we were RESOURCEFUL!!! 😭 I have honestly never seen a fandom where the fan content was so divorced from the actual source material like 💀💀💀 and i think this scarcity of good content forced people to be extra creative, which is why the voltron fandom was 1) so genuinely hilarious and 2) full of content producing MACHINES
Literally all we could do was just talk to each other. we were forced to survive off each other’s kindness & it made everyone super co-dependent. it really was a bunch of high schoolers forming parasocial relationships with other high schoolers; of course it got messy!!
also this is such a minor detail in the grand scheme of things but voltron hit tumblr at like the exact time social media became more accessible to people under 13 years old. and like. conflict and discourse is an inevitable part of fandom. but the end result was we had college students picking fights with LITERAL middle schoolers. and I genuinely cannot believe we all thought this was normal behavior!!!!!
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todayisafridaynight · 3 months
At which point did you realise that the plot of IW is ass? I've seen people complain only about the ending or the halfway point where the teams separate, while I was already actively rolling my eyes like four-five chapters in
i think the moment i fully accepted that IW's story was. Definitely A Story was the moment ebina announced 'bleach japan'. like i think leading up to that point i was thinking to myself 'oh i hope i see X happen' or being like 'i wonder where this is going' and that sort but the proverbial bucket of ice was definitely that moment
#infinite wealth spoilers#snap chats#what reaaaaally hammered it in too if it wasnt obvious already was the execution of the jimas/daigo like that still irks me LMAO#i cant even remember what chapter that happened in i just know when it did i was utterly pissed#i think i started to take things less seriously once bryce entered the picture but thats only because of how distracting his VA was#like much love the JP voice actors who try to speak english and japanese but i just cant act like it's not incredibly distracting#esp when the character is supposed to be white yk what i mean- or at the very least their first language is supposed to be english#typically i can look over that thing if its a one or two time kind of deal but he had to speak in english much longer than others#im just rambling about bryce tho this aint bout him. i mean he could be a part of it the cult was executed really sloppily#it might have been the introduction of bryce actually ... i remember thinking to myself 'oh brother' with the whole messiah thing LMAO#maybe it was when kiryu told us his cancer cam from radiation instead of. smoking 💀 ESPECIALLY not even five chapters in#like straight out the gate you just wanna drop that on us mr I Can Do Everything Myself I Cant Worry Others ok#thats a post for another day tho im EVERYWHERE#POINT IS this is not about Retrospect this is about First Impressions and memory warps over time#but i know for a fact i found the bleach japan thing utterly ridiculous and was squinting at the plot the entire time thereafter#like ive said this a million times at this point but although i love IW for it's gameplay (pardon some nitpicks like lack of shortcuts)#its story really feels so messy and had much to be desired. which is so sad after the wonderful stories rgg has been making since 0..#BUT OH WELL im still excited to replay it in english. god willing i ever get the time#i still wanna finish lost judgment <- isnt even halfway through the game#and i wanna do a fun stream Maybe with YK2 but ill get into that when i get into that#if youve read this far. thanks LOL id say sorry for the novel but thats what we expect of me at this point
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not-poignant · 4 months
Hi there! I absolutely love your works and, having followed you for a while now, I also really admire you as a person and an author in general. Every update on AO3 and Tumblr is always such a delight. I'm sorry if this ask is coming out of the blue or if it's something you've been asked before, but how did you take the plunge from writing predominantly fanfic to posting original fiction in serial form and also self-publishing novels? I'm currently in the process of drafting two original works after writing/posting fanfic regularly for years, and I'm just lost as to how to set everything up. I have a general idea (post chapter-by-chapter on AO3 and offer early access and some exclusive content on patreon or some other subscription service), but it all feels so daunting right now. Any bit of info or advice on how you got started would be immensely appreciated <3
Hi anon,
Tbh, I went from writing fanfic to original fiction because I had original characters in my fanfiction and readers asked me about them.
I had no kind of...dreams of being an original author in this way, I was published via other pathways already, and fanfiction was really an escape for me, a chance to break with all the conventions of standard writing and just do what I wanted.
But I needed a broader cast than what the movie gave me re: my first fanfics, and I added my own OCs, and left them in the background as much as possible, but even back while writing that fanfic, even the OCs were getting fanart. Sometimes readers would send me anons about them, or ask me more details about them.
Finally, I decided to write some hatesex between them, just something to kind of...idk get it out of my system? Answer what the readers were looking for?
The flow through therefore felt natural. Game Theory flows very naturally on from From the Darkness We Rise & Into Shadows We Fall. And from there, moving into other original works has been easy, in part, because I've often being doing alternate universes from a core of original characters.
If I want to introduce new original characters, I introduce them in stories where pre-existing original characters have already been established.
I didn't even start writing original works with a view to making money off that. In fact I thought it was a very foolish thing to do. A lot of people on AO3 don't want to read original works on AO3 and refuse to do it or only do it if it's PWP / pornography.
I started my Patreon account because readers asked me to. I got asks from very very generous people who wanted to know my Paypal, or asked if I'd start a Ko-Fi, and finally a few people just asked if I'd start a Patreon. I said I didn't think it was a good idea, and they said it was up to them if they wanted to pay me or not, but I should at least consider giving them the choice.
From there, I found it all very overwhelming. I made lots of mistakes. I had to go on hiatus for a year because I promised too much and couldn't deliver on many of those rewards. And for many years I only offered one early access chapter per week for one story, and my main stories were never early access (and still aren't, Underline the Black goes up for everyone at the same time - and while that may change in the future, it's definitely unconventional).
I've always been transparent with my readers that with very few exceptions, if they just wait, they eventually get everything for free. But if they want to support this kind of writing and/or enjoy it, and can comfortably afford to send some dollars my way, they can ensure that I can keep writing this way.
I have for a long time offered no exclusive content at all, I believe that can do well, but it's not my preferred way of doing things.
This career has been incredibly reader driven, anon. I would not personally attempt it cold, without a really fantastic readerbase who encouraged me every step of the way in the first place, because I am a cautious, insecure writer who doesn't like to take risks. So I can't give you advice on how to build this career without the support of the readers there in the first place, and I believe the only reason why I had their support was, in part, because of the actual strength of the writing itself. Which isn't to say it's the best, it's not, it's what I needed at the time and it's what a few other people needed, and that's basically how this works.
If you turn up with the writing, and the audience comes, and they want the story, you have the career.
In terms of practical advice - you can introduce original characters in fanfiction, just be aware that readers tend to be hostile by default if they pull any significant 'screen time' away from the fandom characters (and readers are extremely savvy to authors trying to build a financial business through AO3)
It IS daunting, but the good news is you can do a soft launch. You can open a Patreon or Ream account tomorrow and tell no one. You can mess with your graphics and your tier rewards to your heart's content when you don't have any subscribers. Build a buffer of early access/chapters, and make sure you don't overpromise on anything. Whatever you think you can realistically deliver to readers, cut it in half, because the stress of chapter update deadlines every month can really add up and it's a very different landscape to novel releases.
You can take your time, you can build interest slowly.
Remember you can never ever mention any kind of site where you're getting paid inadvertently, sneakily, or directly on AO3. You can't mention Ream, you can't mention Patreon, you can't mention Ko-Fi, you can't go 'learn more about my writing here' and link to those places. You can't mention buy links. You can only mention sites like Tumblr, Linktree, Twitter etc. Places where the point of sale isn't happening. Not doing so risks AO3's Not For Profit status and risks your entire account, and it's not worth it.
I did an interview with Subscriptions for Authors where I actually talk about many of these things so you can watch (or listen to) the podcast here if you're inclined! It also talks about the importance of community-building, gratitude to the readers, and generosity.
I am here because my readers wanted me to be. So I'm very concerned with making sure I can give them the best writing possible within my abilities. This makes me not very suited to offering 'how to start in this career' advice because it was a happy accident. It's hard to teach something I have never done your way myself, anon, because I worry I'd give bad advice. My writing had people turning up, but I'm not sure anything else I did, added much! I think responding to Tumblr asks and replying to every comment helped too! But...I don't know for sure.
But this career path does make me pretty well suited to offering 'how to keep this going' advice, because I've been doing this for ten years. <3333
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stilemawillow · 1 year
Zenith [Levi | Blind! Reader | Soulmate AU!]
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"This is fucking bullshit." Was the one brave invective not one person in the room had dared voice despite everybody's desire to do so. The figures - seated, standing or otherwise having placed themselves about the interior of the spacious office - reached the ultimate number of five. A random insignificant number they didn't seem to pay attention to or grasp the meaning of. Five was a steady number that could easily ruin itself - not a personal favourite of most people one came across even though they would hardly have time to think of a preferred number in a world such as the one they inhabited. Analogically, five's qualities were of no importance whatsoever to the members of the supposedly secret meeting currently holding place.
Standing in front of everybody, with his callused index finger pointing at a specific spot on a detailed map, Erwin Smith raised a thick blond eyebrow for everybody to see. The prominent question it posed - is everything clear? - would unanimously be given an affirmative answer but that didn't stop most from wishing to shake their heads in fake misunderstanding instead, just for the sake of being obstinate. The situation's sombre atmosphere prevented that from happening by inflicting professionalism upon those listening to the plan of action, with its one purpose being to draw results nearly as quick as they would be positive. It was Erwin's speciality - acquiring positive results through efficient plans.
The one to have requested the founding and application of such an efficient plan was standing by the open window, tall and bearded, with his arms crossed over the breast pocket of his uniform and his dark eyes tracing every movement in the room. Nile Dok had been reluctant to ask help of the Survey Corps' Commander and his most trusted subordinates but as long as the unsuitable (not to mention humiliating) phrase could be substituted by the better-sounding impose his command the raven-haired superior felt no need to admit his helplessness. Ordered to do anything he thought would reap results the quickest had immediately made him think of his old friend and fellow Commander, but now he was rather dissatisfied with his own actions.
A few feet away from him Hanji Zoe - most vivacious and outspoken of the five - was seated at the table with her brows knitted and her usually smiling lips curled downwards. If that wasn't enough of a shock, the following comparison would make up for it: a blind person could probably tell she was morose. The woman who would've been maybe the second person to object to Erwin's plan was now only frowning at the map in front of her, head and mouth both devoid of words that might as well be called 'an act of insubordination' if ever spoken aloud. The scientist's brown gaze wasn't flittering about as it normally would and had instead chosen to stare at the spot Erwin's finger stood over as if hypnotised.
Across from her weirdly silent self sat Mike Zacharius, second in abilities and power only to Humanity's Strongest Soldier, with one of his hands running through his dirty blond locks and the other one resting atop the polished table - stiff and tense, and ready to take action though nothing dangerous was close. Besides being strong and responsible for a lot of confidential information, Zacharius was famous for the one thing nobody else had or could acquire - his extremely acute sense of smell. Now his nose told him a long tale of all the emotions in the room: frustration, pride and indignation mixed with thoughtfulness and confusion, but a clear sense of malodorous reproach outshone them all and its source was unmistakable.
Levi Ackerman, besides occasionally being vulgar and oozing raw austerity 90% of the time, was also the one person who, in such a moment of unprecedented stupidity, would've been most vocal about his negative opinion. Now he was leaning against the wall across from Mike, glaring daggers at his blond Commander, with his slender finger pointedly tapping away at his bicep. Maybe it was wordlessly articulating an angry rant in morse code nobody in the room could understand. Either way, a clear sense of reproach rolled off of his body like waves, hitting everybody present as hard as a heavy rock would hit their head if properly guided by a malicious hand. Levi's discontent with the situation was obvious, but his usually harsh tongue was yet to lash out and choose itself a victim.
"It seems to me nobody will offer an objection," Nile Dok began in a stiff tone that attracted only one person's fleeting attention, "so I'll be the first to do it." Four pairs of calculating orbs turned to look at him now, unaffected by the beginning of his sentence and completely baffled by the remainder. Suspicion was present in the air and doubt lingered about the small cracks in the paint on the tall ceiling yet the anticipant silence was not disrupted; the Survey Corps' higher-ups gave him permission to speak. "Levi Ackerman is unsuitable for the job." It was all he had to say, if the subsequent stillness was anything to go by.
"Levi is my most reliable man." Erwin intervened with a diplomatic tone that made Mike's eyebrows raise in brief surprise and Nile's lips part in objection. "He's been on such a mission before so he has both experience and skill. I don't see anything that would deem him unfit for the mission in this case." The blond's defence, however determined and assertive, did nothing to hinder Dok's inclination to argue - and argue he did, in a restrained manner with his condescending snarl being the only thing to betray the ferocity of his prejudiced opinion.
"We're talking upper-class society and proper etiquette here, not Underground rats and deals under the table. This is an elegant setting that requires eloquence and geniality. Mike's ways I trust in - because I'm aware where he comes from and how he got here - but the same reason stops me from trusting your most reliable man." The strident, almost grating speech put additional strain on Levi's nerves but he didn't show it, didn't even do as much as clench his jaw in dissatisfaction or mild anger. The person to do that was Erwin, but the clear exasperation on his stern profile was voiced by the only woman in the room instead. Their minds were linked at that moment, expressing the same notion - our comrade and friend doesn't deserve this shit.
"I think," Hanji started with startling spite, "since you're here asking for our help you'd better trust our judgement as well. Levi's past is not an ace up your sleeve for you to pull and his skill is an undeniable fact known to all people present - not to mention a treasured asset for all three walls, so I suggest you leave the subtle insults for when they're needed." The three stages of shock suffered a distinct decline painted on the faces of the three males before Zoe - from Nile's gaping mouth to Mike's parted lips to the stubborn straight line Erwin's mouth formed. Only Levi was still leaning against the wall, stiff and quiet - an uncanny phenomenon that would normally presuppose a certain lack of vocal cords for him to utilise.
"I stand by Hanji's words. Levi's background doesn't matter one bit because he's with us today, fighting and risking his life as much as any other dedicated soldier. He can handle the big city as well as the Underground and if his geniality runs out I'll be there to offer what he cannot in regards to sugar-coated pleasantries." Mike's words received a warm welcome in the face of Hanji and Erwin's defensive stances, but this whole argument had become predictable - it was a terse discussion devoid of raised voices popular amongst the more intelligent kind of soldiers and its end would mark their victory and be marked by Nile's polite retreat.
"As you can see," Erwin's restrained smile held a thousand words on the topic of his current complacency, "that's a unanimous decision right there, taken and further verified. Levi's going to do well on the mission." Erwin's blue eyes shone with dignified victory (a gleam similar to the one in a proud father's orbs when his son won his first fight) when Dok snorted at the lot of them, refraining from scratching at his goatee as his mind scurried for a final blow at their defence. And the chink in their armour was suddenly visible - not the member of their team whose reliability he was attacking, but him. Just him.
"You're too busy barking up my tree to realise he's the only one who hasn't joined. Blind overprotective mothers failing to see their son knows I'm right and that's why he doesn't put up a fight." The dark-haired man attempted offence one last time - a desperate act that reaped surprising success when it came to affecting the people most indefatigably set to argue with his statements, but then the thing nobody expected (the silent ebony-haired man speaking up) occurred and it made all occupants of the room realise Levi was far from mute or unwilling to talk. When it came to his qualities he preferred not to interfere, but when his comrades' sober convictions were being questioned he would not keep his mouth closed. He was getting tired of listening to Nile's bullshit anyway, it was finally time to end this pointless argument.
"You being right and me putting an overly big amount of trust in your few brain cells are two vastly different things, Dok. You can keep me away from the mission, but you'll never catch the royal asshole if you do since money is the only thing keeping your upper-class society from turning into a bunch of Underground rats. That being said, a knife to the throat works the same on both." Everything Levi said amounted to the exact number of words he'd given life to for the few hours preceding this moment that day, but that didn't matter as long as his words held a certain point and had the proper impact on their intended recipient. And they did both, how well they did both.
"I think," Erwin Smith started before Nile could blow a fuse, "we cleared that up. Levi and Mike leave for Sina tomorrow. The Military Police will take credit for the arrest but will not interfere with the mission otherwise. This is the conclusion of this meeting." The blond removed his finger from the map and Hanji almost expected to hear a kind of invisible glue rip the smooth paper. Mike stood from the table and Nile slammed the window shut with a last muttered reluctant agreement. The dark-haired Commander shook hands with Erwin prior to leaving the room and when everybody else started clearing the table, Levi stood against the wall, pensive still.
"Brighten up, you're getting away from the paperwork for a while." Hanji came to pat the raven's shoulder reassuringly but that didn't offer him any comfort. Yes, he might as well get a momentary escape but what would happen when he fucked up on the mission because he couldn't bite his tongue? He'd leave the talking to Mike, that was for sure, but he couldn't just play mute the whole time. Or could he? Only time would tell which way he preferred it. "You're paler than usual, shorty. You okay?" Hanji's voice sounded from up close and he could still feel her hand on his shoulder. The short man nodded, a click of his tongue announcing his mild exasperation.
"Never been better." He pushed himself off the wall and left his three comrades behind so he could flee to the safe haven of his room. On his desk, illuminated by the sun coming in through the window, stood Hanji's regular gift - a goddamn mirror. Levi grumbled in dissatisfaction prior to nearing the reflective glass with a steady step and drawn brows. It was a simple oval this time with a thin wooden frame. Levi would have a hard time discarding it, taking into account that it was also bigger than his torso. The ebony-haired Lance Corporal grabbed the mirror and lifted it from his desk with the intention to move it to where all other mirrors Hanji gave him went.
The pale man moved to the door of his personal quarters and then to the doors of his wardrobe. They creaked open as he supported the mirror's weight on the floorboards under his feet and, as always on such occasions, caught sight of the woman painted on the glass surface. Shorter than him for sure, with a defiant look in her (e/c) eyes. Long face, small nose, braided (h/c) hair. That face seemed like it would always smile. He put the mirror next to the others - small and big, square and oval - that had left almost no space for the clothes he possessed, then closed the wardrobe with a sigh. Always smiling, that woman. It pissed him off in a way.
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The silk bedsheets were warm under her waking body as Hans draped his arm over her bare torso with an audible groan. His morning breath was hot against the crook of her neck as (Y/N) concluded she would have to get up to make his coffee soon. The open window to her left let the fresh scent of morning pour inside the room - a chilly wave that caressed her (h/c) locks with its pleasant aromas. It was early morning, she analysed drowsily, because she was yet to catch a whiff of the mouth-watering freshly baked bread from Marlow's bakery down the street.
"Are you sleeping, love?" The husky term of endearment attached to the inquiry made her bite her bottom lip as her lover pressed a feathery kiss at the side of her neck, shifting in his wake. She lifted a hand to touch his jawline and he hummed in understanding like a purring kitten. "The big day is here, so I want you pretty and smiling tonight when I come to pick you up." He pulled her closer, making her nod as her fingers scratched at the beard he was starting to grow. "I don't have time for coffee today, I've got a lot of documents to put my signature under." The calm timbre of his voice had a small annoyed undertone (Y/N) didn't fail to catch.
Hans got up without waiting for her response, leaving her tangled in the sheets, with her tired eyes resting and her soft hands blindly looking around for the covers. She could hear the shuffle of his clothes and the hurry in his footsteps as he approached the door of their bedroom and bid her a last goodbye prior to leaving the house altogether. (Y/N) slowly rose from the bed they shared, eyelids lazily lifting as her warm feet came in contact with the cold floor. She stood up and counted the steps to the door, not bothering to put on any clothes. Hans's maid came in at eight o'clock and (Y/N) could bet it wasn't even seven yet.
One, two, three... eight. The ritual continued as she kept counting, drowsily letting her soft fingertips move along the wall to her left, then the railing of the staircase. The numbers were increasing in her head, numbers she knew very well by now. Twenty to the kitchen door. Five to the counter. Two more to the hot plate and then one to the drawer for the utensils. She followed the inward count religiously, with her lips curled in a childish smile and her bare feet padding along the ground. Her coffee was ready after three minutes, she let it cool for two more and took it to the living room, naked body moving slowly in the brief sunlight peeking through the windows of the empty house.
She was about to sit on the couch when knocking sounded at the front door, hurried and just a bit forceful. Not any of Hans's friends then, she concluded as her voice called for the visitor to wait. She rushed upstairs, methodical counting not halting for a second - ten stairs, a turn to the right, five steps down the hall, eight from the doorstep to the wardrobe - and she got dressed as fast as she could, hurriedly combing her fingers through her messy (h/c) locks. The big mirror she passed on her way out failed to attract her attention and she descended the stairs again, wearing a pair of slippers and a black blouse tucked into a pair of pants Hans would never let her wear outside the house.
One, two, three... five and I'm by the hanger, seven more and I reach the door. Her counting was like clockwork - methodical and meticulous, always followed with utmost precision and dedication. (Y/N) opened the door with a bright smile, (e/c) hues staring straight ahead as the man in front of her - judging by his cologne - extended a hand for her to shake, as presupposed by the brief shuffle of his shirt only on the right side.
"Good morning, Mrs. Hansen. I'm Mike Zacharius and I was hoping to speak to your husband - Hans." (Y/N)'s smile didn't twitch as she found Mike's hand and squeezed with her frail fingers, feeling his gaze on her form.
"I'm afraid Hans isn't home. Furthermore, we're not even engaged so please call me (Y/N) or miss (L/N)." His hand retracted and hers lingered, analysing and feeling the skin beneath the cheap cologne meant to mask (the mold on the stone walls, the gas in the tanks or maybe the leather uniforms) something he didn't want anybody to smell. Or maybe himself? The (h/c)-haired woman's smile widened at the lack of response. "Please, come in and ask me anything you would've asked him. I'll make coffee." The additional offer was an unneeded stimulant, she figured as the man stepped forth, towering over her petite form.
"It's really unfortunate Mr. Hansen isn't home," Mike started and though his social skills were undeniable, (Y/N) was well versed in the art of unravelling people, "but I'll accept your generosity. I don't need coffee, though." She led him away to the living room where her own cup sat, patiently waiting for her delayed return. The woman took a seat on the couch and Mike sat on the armchair across the table, right by the lifeless fireplace, over which hung the only other mirror in the whole house besides the one in the bedroom.
"Where do you come from? If you don't mind me asking." She started off, not deceived by the fake disappointment in his voice and having caught the clear alleviation lacing his words from then onwards. Suspicion settled in the crevices of her brain but she wouldn't hasten to point fingers. In any case, if this Mike Zacharius bore any ill intent he wouldn't have bothered to come and sit in the armchair across from her, desperate to manipulate some information out of her mouth.
"Yolkell, I deal with farming and a friend of mine interested me in Mr. Hansen's business." The blond started with a polite tone, hinting at manners a simple farmer wouldn't have. His occupation made (Y/N)'s inward brow furrow as she contemplated the calluses she'd felt on his hand - at the base of his index finger and thumb only. A farmer had calluses all over; dry skin was easily acquired in the sun and most tools had a tendency to wear out the flesh. Mike Zacharius's hand felt like he held a pen often. Maybe something else, too. Something with a trigger. "I'll be attending tonight's celebration but I was impatient. My friend's explanation was rather vague and Hans's business sounds promising, but I crave more details."
"Hans isn't your perfect businessman, you should know. He deals with selling and distributing livestock but big deals rarely come through his hands. That's why tonight's really important for him." Mike was looking at her and she could feel it. Something about her eyes struck him as exceptional, maybe a tad bit odd. Their (e/c) colour was vivid as she observed her coffee, but their gaze was stiff and mostly glued to one spot. Mike tried not to dwell on it, focusing on the mission at hand and cursing the fact he might just get side-tracked by this woman if he wasn't careful enough.
"And what do you do, if I may ask?" Mike took the time to look around briefly - the furniture in this house was undoubtedly expensive. Not royal but getting there. If Hans Hansen's business kept growing he'd be inlaying his drawers with gold this time next year. The blond's eyes slid over to the fireplace at his side and the shelf above, supporting a number of tasteful decorations Mike would never witness in a person's home if they didn't live in Sina. Above the shelf, hanging on the wall like a framed oil painting would, stood a giant rectangular mirror, showing him a second image of the living room in all its glory. A bit conceited - hanging a mirror of such size in that place - it was like announcing: look at my fortune and now look at me doubling it as the mirror does.
"I sit around, Mr. Zacharius, nothing else. I wait because Hans is being hasty." (Y/N)'s words attracted Mike's attention but not in the real world. He looked at the woman in the mirror's reflection, expecting to see a man completely unknown to himself aside from the plain drawings Nile Dok had handed him. What he saw almost made the bearded man's eyes pop out of their sockets in shock. Pale skin, ebony locks, stiff broad shoulders and a pair of piercing hues. Levi Ackerman was sitting on the couch across from him, dressed in casual clothes and sipping on a cup of coffee. His frown was eloquent as to what he thought of its taste.
"And he is your soulmate?" Mike's tone was hushed and his tongue felt like lead but his eyes couldn't leave the mirror. There was something wrong here, in this whole picture - not just the one shown by the reflective glass. Turning to look at the (h/c)-haired woman, the tall man saw her nod in affirmation prior to sipping on her coffee. Her eyes were bright and beautiful, and completely still in their sockets. Then it hit him as to why. "If you've found him why not get married?" He prompted, making her (h/c) tresses sway as she shook her head with a sad smile. Mike suppressed the urge to look at the mirror and behold the sight of that smile on his frowning friend's lips.
"Because money, dear mister. As the farmer you claim to be, I doubt you come across a lot of cash in one place. My father does and I'm his only heir. Hans is young and blinded by the expensive life he can have, so he hurries. But I don't mind waiting until he calms down." (Y/N)'s explanation was calm and confident, in full control of the knowledge it voiced and the emotions fueling the final decision she spoke of. Mike listened patiently, registering the information he hadn't known of like a poor person collecting money from the ground. So (Y/N) (L/N) was a rich person's only child. No surprise Hans Hansen had taken advantage of her, but to what extent? Was her blindness just something he'd been lucky to have stumbled upon or was it less of an accident than suspected? He'd have to dig into that.
"He won't." Mike's soft-spoken frankness didn't evoke an ounce of shock, but called forth a smile on her lips - a sad smile. She was well aware of that, despite the radiant naivety with which she'd regarded him initially. The blond soldier stood to his feet, uncomfortably turning his back to the rectangular mirror and biting his tongue at the woman's beautiful smile. It was a vile act of Hans Hansen to abuse that smile the way he had, emotionally at least. "It was a pleasure to chat with you, Miss (L/N)." His scruffy beard itched as he forced a polite smile at the woman's standing figure.
"You've been most polite, Mr. Zacharius, it was a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Her suspicion wasn't something he could catch, but that way was best since he would not owe her any awkward excuses or explanations. She shook his hand again as they stood at the door, him on the outside and her on the inside. He could at once see her there all the time, dressed in naivety and intelligence - a rich prisoner with beautiful eyes and a sad smile. "I'm also curious as to how you've held yourself back from asking." (Y/N)'s abrupt statement failed to surprise him - his profession relied on his ability to expect everything - but he had to admit he didn't have a response at the ready.
"Plain self-restraint. Should I have not applied it?" His inquiry came out nonchalant but curious and the radiant woman in front of him parted her lips, a small snort escaping her nostrils before she laughed - a sound that was loud but by no means obnoxious. Levi might've liked it, Mike considered briefly prior to asking: "You are blind, are you not?" The question was finally here, though he didn't think he was wrong to say it. And the (h/c)-haired woman seemed not to mind its vocal appearance. In fact, judging by the smirk curling her lips, she was amused to hear it.
"Indeed I am. And I thought I had mastered the art of disguising it." She announced with a pout and a smooth voice that betrayed not a single ounce of genuine disappointment. Mike was sure if she wanted for it to appear sincere he would be nothing more than a mere slave at the feet of her manipulation. The upper-class society often taught people the art of subtlety, but this woman, blind or not, was an expert at portraying herself in different manners depending on the people she was surrounded by.
"I'll see you tonight, Miss (L/N)." Mike bowed politely, an instinct he couldn't hold back in this particular moment in spite of its pointlessness. (Y/N) (L/N) let out a giggle, like a child relishing the innocent secret it kept, and nodded at him in further confirmation. Yes, they would see each other tonight. Then, Mike realised, Levi would see her too. He'd see the braid and the smile and the eyes - the vivid orbs that would rarely stare elsewhere but up front. The tall man wondered what the Lance Corporal's reaction would be - shock maybe? Or indifference? He couldn't know.
"You, too. Make sure to introduce this friend of yours to me. I think I have a cup of tea he'll really like." (Y/N)'s words shocked him, but she regarded them casually, giving him a mischievous smirk prior to closing the door after herself - a smirk that said look at this neat magic trick of mine, it's called a sense of smell. Mike was left at the door, smelling his own coat and furrowing his brows at the faded scent of tea leaves from yesterday morning. His dark eyes turned to the street, then to the house, and he thought of the woman inside. His initial intentions had been to head back and report immediately after the visit but now he had something else to do - some research he knew for a fact would prove to be profitable.
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It was nighttime, but in Sina that could hardly be recognised due to the many street lamps positioned strategically along all roads in order to illuminate their entire length and the many intersections they possessed. The houses at their sides weren't gnarled and dilapidated like in wall Rose, but well-kept and opulently decorated for everybody to admire in passing. The cobblestone streets, besides having nice pavements, were also times more even. Mike could see the carriages flying past them and could only imagine the feeling of being inside one - on this type of road compared to the one they were used to it would probably feel like flying.
"What did you even get out of that woman?" Levi was scowling at his side as they made their way to Hans Hansen's house. Mike had spent the entire day digging up information on the yet-to-be-rich (Y/N) (L/N), connecting the dots with remarkable speed as a person who was typically not the best at solving mysteries. As it turned out, Miss (L/N) was not born blind, but instead suffered an accident three years ago that, as the medical journal stated, damaged her optic nerve, halting the connection between the images she saw and her brain. And who then appeared in her time of utmost sorrow when she was told her condition couldn't be helped? Her dutiful soulmate, Hans Hansen, of course.
"She's been manipulated into thinking he's her soulmate. If the brothel ring stops doing the trick one day he's sure to force her into marriage." The blond, not having shared every bit of information with his friend beside the date of the accident, felt the inward need to protect both the woman and her real soulmate from Hansen's toxic lies. Mike acknowledged Levi was perfectly capable of taking care of himself, but the duty to help him through the situation emotionally stayed.
"She's none of our business, we're only here to seek evidence of his involvement with the ring." The ebony-haired man was quick to click his tongue in disinterest, but Mike quietly built himself a castle made of hopes that that would soon come to change. "Anyways, how does she even get manipulated into thinking he's her soulmate?" Levi's uncomprehending question, ever so appropriate and logical, seemed not to catch his tall friend unprepared. Because Mike had thought of this a lot and now as they stood in front of Hans Hansen's polished walnut door, he wished he had more experience on the topic of such conflicting scenarios.
"You'll see in a bit." Though his words were nonchalant, the genuine smile was absent from his face. Levi frowned up at him with visible confusion and disgruntlement when the taller male knocked on the walnut surface three times, calling for the host's attention. The door was flung open with restrained politeness and a beautiful pair of (e/c) hues twinkled on the other side, making the blond soldier smile his first genuine smile since this morning. The woman recognised him without even hearing his voice - it was the cologne, he concluded quickly - and grinned, beaming up at him and his companion in a way that warmed his heart.
"Mike! I was wondering when you'd show up. Oh, your friend's with you this time. I've prepared a cup of tea for you. No worries, it's not poisoned." She pulled them along inside the house, counting the steps as always, when her little joke received no response. Her smile didn't halt for a second, even when she sensed Levi's hostile air. "Mute or am I just too pretty to look at?" She fluttered her eyelashes coquettishly, to which Mike laughed, throwing Levi's stunned expression a worried look. The short man had followed them inside, but was standing motionless, shoulders rigid and eyes just a tad bit wider than usual. His stormy orbs were glued to the woman in front of them and how she wasn't reacting to him at all even though her (e/c) hues had settled on his form twice hitherto.
"I'm inclined to believe the latter, you're literally glowing tonight." Mike's compliment was background noise to the thought process in Levi's head; the gears in his mind were quick to turn and finally process the situation, piecing the puzzle together as a frown replaced the shocked expression he'd worn a second ago. His tall friend glanced at him, concerned but determined not to let him get too emotional during the most crucial part of their mission.
"Well, I'm a hostess, we have to glow in the presence of gentlemen." (Y/N)'s pleasant voice called for both's attention with mild mockery. "But don't think me naive now, I know for the men in this room I'm more of a... how do they say it in the Underground... piece of meat with tits and enough holes." She giggled like a little child at her own joke, briefly covering her mouth and averting her unseeing eyes to the floor beneath her feet. "Pardon my language, but I've always been fascinated with vulgarity. There's something charming about being that frank and down to earth. A breath of fresh air after all the pompous pleasantries round here." Her explanation was rather surprising - unique almost - because as far as both men's knowledge of aristocrats went nobody would lower their point of view to that extent.
"I see you're a woman of many faces. Why don't we go fetch Levi that tea you've promised him? His vulgarity is something to behold once he unties his tongue." Mike's suggestion had the (h/c)-haired woman excitedly nodding up at him as he reached for her arm. Levi was looking at her like he was seeing a ghost, about to follow them into the kitchen or wherever they would head, but then a big hand appeared on (Y/N)'s bare shoulder and they were at once introduced to the visage of their host and target.
"Love! I told you not to leave my side." Hans Hansen's smile was wide as his lover gently grasped his swarthy hand and grinned up at him. Levi watched the face of her so supposed soulmate, finding one or two striking similarities between the devious rat's features and his own. The ebony locks and the long nose at least. His lips were far from thin or pouting and his eyes might've not been narrow and grey but the overall facial form was there and Levi hated himself more than Hans Hansen for it.
"But I wanted to greet my new friends, Hans. The taller one is Mike Zacharius and the... silent one is," she trailed off gently prior to introducing, "Levi?" The question mark clinging to the end of his name, spoken with such softness it made his jaw clench, was what turned Hansen's head in their direction, brows twitching at the sight of Mike's face and then shooting up like a firework at the Lance Corporal's stoic countenance. Instant recognition shone in Hans's big onyx orbs, and just a smidge of fear Levi didn't fail to catch.
"Yes, just Levi." His voice had been at once retrieved in this time of need from the depths of his vocal cords and it sounded to (Y/N)'s ears like a gelid piece of metal softly gliding over a dry bone - smooth and deep but also dark and intimidating in its evident lack of hospitable emotion. "It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Mr. Hansen." A shuffle, meaning an extended hand for her lover to shake. The action was accompanied by a hesitant gulp on Hans's side only she could hear.
"... same here." The pause preceding the hardly polite sentence seemed to betray his uncanny nervousness. Not to mention the sudden stiffness in his voice. (Y/N) couldn't see but she was clever enough to understand her lover's odd behaviour was caused by the seemingly harmless guests. Her orbs switched directions to observe the spot Levi was supposed to occupy and she suddenly caught a whiff of something that made her brows furrow in uncertainty. Unlike Mike, Levi had deemed the use of cologne pointless and thus avoided it completely, giving the (e/c)-eyed woman a chance to smell the lingering scent of metal rolling off the clothes he wore. Metal and something else she couldn't identify.
"What's wrong, Hans?" Mike and Levi both heard the soft inquiry that slipped past the blind woman's lips. Hans Hansen shook his head with a smile he couldn't fake well enough, but the two soldiers didn't miss the nervous tremor that shook his hand from (Y/N)'s waist. She had obviously chosen not to ignore it as well.
"Nothing, love. Why don't we go back to Andrew and Mathias? They said they wanted to see you." He attempted to pull her along as far away from them, but Humanity's Strongest Soldier stepped forth with a polite voice that came close to surprising Mike. This mission, with the help of Levi's astoundingly admirable self-control, would be a big success. Now, they only needed an opening to investigate and acquire evidence amidst the celebration's light-hearted commotion and if Levi had already come to that conclusion then Mike had a hunch as to his following words.
"Forgive the intrusion but do you mind staying with me for a minute, Mr. Hansen? Mike can keep Miss (L/N) company." The unequivocal message in the short man's eyes made his blond friend nod in understanding as the ecstatic hostess didn't leave space for her lover to argue, grabbing Mike's arm and dragging him along inbetween the Underground rats masked as the upper-class society Nile oh so loved to worship. Levi didn't know at the time, but the seemingly naive and oblivious (Y/N) would come to be the unravelling of this case in just a few minutes when she would show Mike Zacharius her lover's study and with it, all the evidence the Military Police would need to arrest Hans Hansen and send him to prison.
"What is it you want with me?" The man with the swarthy countenance asked, Underground roots coming out when (Y/N) (L/N) wasn't close enough to sense them. Levi's frown might've been intimidating but his eyes were straight-up scary. Despite the frustrated exasperation Hans Hansen was brave enough to voice, he sensed the way in which his tall figure was struggling not to cower in fear.
"Just a chat," Levi announced casually, eyes containing a storm in the making that would soon start shooting lighting. "Since when have you been with Miss (L/N)?" The question was simple enough, both men thought so. But Hans was having doubts about answering. He couldn't allow himself such cowardice, though.
"Since I met her three years ago." He cleared his throat after tugging at the collar of his silk button-up shirt. Heat waves were a normal occurrence when one was under pressure and a victim of mild panic, but Hans wasn't aware of that in his nervous state, dismissing it as some type of cold he might've caught around the Underground's bad air. His work required occasional visitations to his home, but the lanky man did not feel melancholy or nostalgia once - much like Levi himself once he finally made his way above. It was the one similarity they shared that would forever stay unspoken.
"So around the time she was blinded." Levi's calm voice announced, like he was reading a number of bullet points from a document. The mechanical tone he'd accommodated in his speech made a shiver crawl up Hans's spine as he listened, features shadowed by alarm. "You met in the hospital I assume? Gave her flowers maybe. And then you told her you were soulmates, knowing very well she couldn't confirm it for herself." Occasionally, a tinge of spite or sarcasm would shine through the words, successfully jabbing into Hansen's pride and composure. The tall man stepped back a bit, glancing around for anybody who could help him get rid of Levi. Such a person was not found, or Hans was the one who couldn't find him due to the indignation he felt. Either way, the situation looked bad to him.
"If you're insinuating I'm behind the whole accident you're a lunatic. Nobody would waste that much time and effort on a random girl just to risk introducing himself as her soulmate," the raven-haired Underground rat argued, a little blue vein popping on his forehead due to how strained his nerves had become. Levi looked paralyzingly cool, placid even, with how mocking his voice came out of his mouth as he stepped forth with the intention to trap Hans Hansen. This was no longer a discussion meant to distract, it was Levi refraining from grabbing the lying bastard's hair and pulling until the bloodied white of his skull became visible.
"Not a random girl, but the very heir of the only person who comes close to being as rich as the king. A great thing to invest all that time and effort in, if you ask me. Even more when you know your looks come close to those of her soulmate." His narrow eyes glared with spite that hit poor Hans as wholly dangerous, like it would materialise in front of his face and stab him. The tall man scrambled to gather the pieces of his pride and composure, managing a last attempt at warding off the short male.
"Look, I don't know what your deal is, but if you're planning on coming into my home and accusing me of shit you can't prove I suggest you leave because I won't tolerate this." His angry tone was the one thing that didn't betray him, Hans concluded. Levi noticed the prominent blue vein on his forehead with a snort prior to giving a compassionate nod, as if perfectly understanding the low creature that dared give itself a human name and its mindset. But in truth he didn't, not one bit - mostly the bit where he'd ruined one whole life for the sake of - no, not becoming rich - becoming richer when he already had everything he could've wanted. The woman who would never see again, never trust a man again, maybe never smile in the mirror for him again.
"No, I guess you won't. How about you cut this celebration short then? It's about to become really morbid." Levi glanced over the raven's shoulder at Mike and (Y/N) descending the staircase to the right, with the woman clutching a thick file and the blond's eyes beaming at the Lance Corporal from under his hair. The game was won and the mission - a success. All they had to do now was wait for the Military Police. Nile was very diligently spying on the conversation from somewhere outside the building, but it would take him a minute or two to call for his soldiers.
"Hans Hansen, you're under arrest. On your knees with your hands in the air." Mike's booming voice caused the expected - mass panic that threatened to ruin their plan for smooth sailing to the end of this mission. (Y/N) almost tripped down the stairs, but, Levi guessed, that was more a result of Zacharius's words than their volume. Hans fell to his knees but his friends' chatting came to a screeching halt and most dropped their glasses of champagne in hopes to grab their guns instead. Levi's reaction was too fast to be traced if the eye was unprepared, and in this case, most weren't so when he whipped out a revolver from under the coat on his back the majority gaped in horror, believing the weapon to have teleported in his hold.
"Don't you fucking dare pull that gun on me, pig. God, this is so annoying." The final mutter was something that reached only (Y/N)'s sensitive ears, but she caught the minimal shuffling of clothing as the 'pig' decided he treasured his life more than his freedom. "If I see a weapon you're going to become minced meat before you can use it,” Levi warned coldly, a promise written in his eyes for all to behold. The upper-class society in the room was oblivious to something as insignificant as the Survey Corps since the army didn't affect them directly, but when it came to having a brain - no matter how big or creased - everybody in the room could agree the man in front of them was very dangerous.
Silence ensued, broken only by Mike's footsteps and the clicking of handcuffs round Hans Hansen's wrists. Then the door was slammed open and the Military Police invaded the place, successfully cuffing everybody and leading them out of the door one by one. Nile Dok stood at the entrance as his men did their work, diligently eyeing the soon-to-become vacant room as if he'd been the one to sneak inside and mingle with the criminals it contained. Nearing Hans, the Commander of the Military Police announced his right to stay silent, which, as he was being forced to his feet, the rich Underground rat had decided not to take advantage of.
"You stupid bitch, you helped them find it, didn't you!" He spat in his (now former) lover's direction as the shocked woman clutched the papers containing the evidence Mike had stumbled upon minutes earlier. Her brows furrowed as she gulped and the swarthy man watched her tremble in her pretty dress, smile gone from her lips. Still kneeling and refusing to get dragged away by Nile Dok, Hans Hansen felt the full power of Humanity's Strongest Soldier's shin as it kicked his abdomen, making a rib or two cave in, which painfully reminded him of the number of organs his body contained and how most were probably bleeding right now.
"The only stupid bitch in this house is you, Mr. Hansen." Levi spoke with a surprising amount of derision as the raven-haired man doubled over in his handcuffs, bloody saliva dangling from his gaping mouth as he tried to take a breath his lungs were incapable of producing. "And I suggest you mind your insults in front of the woman you blinded and used," he warned with a snarl as Nile called over Mike and the blond dragged away the gasping Hans Hansen, leaving his confused lover to the awkward short man. "I would very much like that cup of tea now," he said, having regained his composure and decided to distract the woman from the current situation.
"What do you mean blinded and used?" She inquired, supporting herself on the wall as her wide eyes frantically sought his face. The rhythm of her erratic heart was preventing her ears from picking up on Levi's exact location until he gave it away himself, by pulling the file from her trembling hand. Fingers brushing against hers, (Y/N) recognised the smell of gunpowder on him she hadn't been able to identify before and a shiver ran down her spine at the coldness of his skin. Levi watched her panic, the woman he'd seen in the mirror almost every week or so, and he felt sudden guilt grip his heart. Brutally honest as he was, he couldn't tell her the three years she'd spent thinking she was in paradise with her soulmate had been just a clever scheme.
"No, you meant something. Don't lie to me." There was a feral kind of anger in her voice, to the point it shook in fury, along with her bare shoulders. Levi felt her hold on his wrist and it made his nose scrunch up but he didn't make an attempt to shake it off. Giving her the truth was the only option so she would acknowledge the ways in which she'd been wronged, but he couldn't help his own regret. If he'd gone searching for her - if he'd found her - first none of the misfortunes in her life would've taken place. And she would be able to see him as he saw her - radiant and vivid, unlike any image the mirror could offer.
"... your accident aligns with his intentions perfectly. He probably studied you from afar, picking the right moment. He knew he held similarities to your soulmate and decided to use it." Levi's explanation made her features contort in clear exasperation and he thought the crinkle forming on her forehead was strangely charming, thus making her anger lose its menacing factor in his eyes. The female attempted a glare, hold on his wrist disappearing as she parted her lips.
"How do you know he isn't my soulmate? You haven't even seen me in front of a mirror." She was no longer leaning against the wall, instead huffing and puffing in dissatisfaction and making Levi click his tongue in mild condescension at her words - condescension that, subsequently, led to his fall.
"I don't need to," he said with a clenched jaw, making them both freeze as they studied the meaning behind his words. The woman was first to get over her stupefaction. He couldn't see a single feature of hers judge and blame him for what had happened to her, but when her dainty hands reached for his visage he couldn't help but step back in a fit of sporadic panic. She asked to touch his face with a tremulous voice, soft and low, and very close to its breaking point. Levi refused but she kept pleading, pleading and inching forward until he got scared she'd trip in her disoriented haste and fall.
Catching one of her wrists, he guided her hand to his face and let it rest on his cheek. (Y/N)'s (e/c) hues were staring at the staircase as she felt the curve of his nose and the form of his brow with shaking digits, tracing the outline of his jaw and lips and painting them in her mind along with the hollows of his cheeks and the distinct wrinkle between his eyebrows. Her breaths were ragged as Levi watched her unbelieving countenance, and when tears started pouring from her unseeing eyes he decided enough was enough. But she was clinging to his features desperately, like they would save her from this nightmare she was suddenly immersed in and it made his lips pout as he distanced himself from her warm touch with a frown.
"That's enough. You're in shock. I'll get you something to drink and you focus on breathing." He turned on his heel but she gave a small sob that pierced his heart from the back and then he heard her almost trip, inwardly counting as her wobbly knees chased after him.
"I'm perfectly calm! I don't--- understand all this." She sounded frantic and her expression was very far from the definition of 'calm' one would have in mind, but Levi saw the pain peeking from behind her (e/c) iris and it made him understand she was more in control of her feelings than he gave her credit for.
"It's not your fault." He uttered softly, hoping to have sounded just the right amount of cold and indifferent, but he couldn't lie to himself. They were at the foot of the stairs and she wasn't looking at him, instead taking her time to wipe the tears from her cheeks and breathe properly. (Y/N) had ninety-nine problems at the moment and one of them wasn't supposed to be the compassionate tone of her soulmate, but it somehow was. Because it called forth a thought she immediately hated herself for - a very simple notion that would evoke a lot of self-hatred in Levi himself if said aloud - couldn't I have just met you first?
"What is going to happen to Hans now?" The (h/c)-haired woman's voice was back to being calm, but her thoughts were elsewhere. They were all over the man standing at her side, emanating warmth and an odd sense of comfort even though he smelled of gunpowder and ice. He was unexpectedly harsh and vulgar, but she couldn't judge him for being a person, so she refrained from critique altogether. The only thing she knew that made the usual pang pull at her heart's strings was that she couldn't see his eyes and that was the one thing she missed most in her life. Not seeing her father or the blue sky above, or the beautiful little details a person regretted not having observed only after losing sight of - those were all things she could live with. But not seeing his eyes - grey, piercing and so cold yet beautiful - was what hurt most.
"Prison. A life sentence if we're lucky, sixty to seventy years if we're not." Levi saw her blink as she moved to the living room, counting not stopping for a single second even when she was living through something similar to an emotional crisis. A turn to the right, one, two, three... seven to the door. If the furniture isn't pushed around the couch should be three steps from here. She heard the short male's voice behind her. "The house is going to get searched so you're going to have to gather your stuff and move elsewhere."
"I'll rent a room down the street. Does this mean I have to start packing now?" She was sitting on the arm of the couch, quietly staring at her feet as her dress caressed her ankles. Levi observed the furnishing with a sceptical gaze (Y/N) wasn't able to witness and maybe, in a world where she had her vision, that kind of look would've made her laugh - the loud ringing sound Mike had thought Levi would find quite pleasant. And maybe he really would, if she'd only let him hear it.
"Preferably. Won't your father take you in?" The ebony-haired male's orbs skimmed the room but only one thing attracted his attention. The mirror above the fireplace, big and rectangular. Yet another sign of Hans Hansen's greed. In the dim lighting, the image shown on the glass surface wasn't perfect but the forms it portrayed were easy to recognise and trace. There his figure was, sitting at the arm of the couch with its back to the mirror. And there (Y/N) was, in his place at the doorstep, frowning like he was. Levi's eyes left the mirror and his jaw clicked in self-reprimand.
"Things between us are fragile right now because of my new stepmother. I don't want more arguments than usual." The woman's voice sounded soft and kind when she was calm, which wasn't far from how he'd initially imagined it. Not that he'd ever admit he'd imagined things about her. Even on his goddamn deathbed, he wouldn't concede that ever so embarrassing little fact because lying in your bed at night and thinking of a stranger's voice and background wasn't really an activity Humanity's Strongest Soldier could include in his resume.
You could come live with the Survey Corps. It won't be comfortable but you'll be protected and I'll be close by if you need me. It sounded in his head but his vocal chords couldn't produce it. Hans Hansen was going to prison and there was nobody out to hurt her so there was no need for Levi to play a mother. The short man gulped down the shameful notion and reconsidered five different sentences prior to speaking up.
"Do you want help with packing?" It wasn't a suggestion he would've normally offered, but the act of it getting instantly rejected hurt his pride more than the fact he'd suddenly become mellow enough to offer it at all.
"Thank you but no. I'd rather do it on my own." The (h/c)-haired woman stood to her feet and gracefully walked to the door, standing in front of him when she sensed he wouldn't move away from the only exit. He saw her petite form crane her neck lightly and it occurred to him how poor he looked next to her. The Underground rat and a true member of the upper-class society; how unfair of fate it was to pair them up.
"I'll order a carriage for you." She felt his breath on her skin and he could see the small goosebumps covering her arms. The urge to lend her his coat was immense but he just stepped away from the door and she counted the steps to the stairs, where her feet paused and she declared that she would be travelling on foot instead since it wasn't that far away. Then, just as he thought she'd go up the staircase and disappear forever---
"Just... wait for me at the front door?" Hesitant, yes, it might've been so, but it was also the first step to what they would one day dare call a relationship. Levi gulped, watching her beautiful profile as she waited for his response. It was in that second he thanked God for the fact he wasn't truly mute - as his comrades would love to joke periodically.
"Understood." He didn't nod and she smiled on her way up the stairs, in a single moment of misery being times more radiant than she'd been at the beginning of the night. Levi took a breath when he heard the bedroom door upstairs close, then he moved to the outside, where the night air did his stranded lungs a big favour. Mike was conversing with Nile Dok and the rest of the Military Police soldiers were already leaving the place. When the blond soldier returned to Levi's side and asked him what had happened, the short male had very little to say, so Zacharius took the initiative to promise he'd wait for him back at their hotel. Levi agreed, forcing himself to seem reluctant.
When (Y/N) appeared at the front door two minutes later, he pursed his lips and offered her a hand, which she gratefully took, smiling brightly all the while. On the way to the inn she had in mind, the female scarcely tried to talk to Levi but he could see her beaming at the road ahead, unable to contain the happiness she felt. Towards the end of their journey, Levi observed a fancy store in passing, seeing their reflection in the shop window's surface. In the light of the street lamps, the ebony-haired man watched his smiling countenance, eyes glistening with genuine joy as (Y/N) walked by him, a serene look of contentment lying across her placid features. Always smiling that woman. Now he knew why it pissed him off. Because every time she'd look in the mirror, he'd be the one smiling.
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"I never once doubted you, Levi. You are my most reliable man." Erwin Smith's compliments, most would say, were a limited number you could never exceed. But, for his most reliable man, the Commander of the Survey Corps had a few more than he did for the average cadet or squad leader. "So, you want a day off? May I ask what for? You never take days off." Erwin's curiosity was, as always, justified, but that didn't mean his mind wasn't one bit clouded by the fatherly pride he felt at the moment.
"I have an appointment." The pale man stated, like a teenager announced they would be going out without wanting to give any more details. The blond was sitting behind his desk, a smile plastered on his handsome face as he took a pen from the top drawer and signed the small paper Levi had placed on the wooden surface a minute ago.
"Mike mentioned a particular... acquaintance you made that turned out to be vital to the mission." The Commander had no shame when it came to making inquiries that embarrassed his subordinates, but to say he expected genuine embarrassment from Levi Ackerman would've been a lie. "So you'll be visiting her? This is the second time if I'm not mistaken?" The results that sentence reaped were almost unimaginable. The usual frown was in place, but Erwin could see in the downward curl of Levi's pout something childish and in his eyes - a strange glimmer that dared not glare as menacingly as usual in its mild pudency. "Alright, alright. I'm just happy for you. Go ahead then, we don't want you to be late for your appointment."
"Not a word of this to Hanji." Levi cut in, halting Erwin's booming laughter prior to snatching the signed sheet of paper from his desk. He was back to normal now but for that small moment of discomfiture, the tall blond had seen in his dear friend the behavioural habit of a typical teenager about to go out on a date. Such an amusing story this would make for Mike, Erwin concluded inwardly, satisfied with what he was seeing.
"Understood." The Commander nodded, willing to obey this one order for the time being. Levi huffed, then the office door was slammed shut and its hinges cried in protest, leaving the blond alone in his office to stare at the wall and grin from ear to ear. This mission, he proudly declared in his mind, was the best thing that had happened in a while. Because what now formed the commencement of something beautiful between the two was just that - the simple beginning preceding the actual zenith of what fate dictated. And it was what they would look forward to, since such a moment was truly a sight to behold and experience; beauty and love lying tangled in reality instead of glass - relentless, unforeseen.
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g1ngerbeer · 2 months
actually i DO like tlovm percys stupid spiky hair because it makes him look younger and its important to rememebr that no matter how self assured he tries to act he is 22 years old and scared all the time. also realistically he would be cutting his hair himself and hes probably only passable at it and i dont think he could maintain the sort of haircut that lets him do the aristocracy sidesweep thing like he has in the kickstarter art especially not long-term while adventuring. also its seagull-colored and that makes me happy (i like seagulls)
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hua-fei-hua · 1 month
my worst coding habit? the fact that i'll just hard-code things in to get an idea of how i want my thing to be done, and then once i have that confirmed, go back and turn it into modular functions and variables, thereby writing and debugging every feature at least twice
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