#So lmao
cryptid--bunny · 4 months
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where's my trailer park yaoi fandom at cmon kings and queens
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farlooms · 6 months
i cannot help but wonder if matpat knows how much creators fucking hate him. like countless creators have either said “i dont want him to touch this” or “im upset that he made theories on this, he got it all wrong and his fans are coming at this in bad faith because they took what he said as gospel”.
like between the sheer amount of ableism, transphobia, etc that is damn near constant in his videos, his INSANE elitist up-his-own-assedness and how fucking insistent he is that he MUST be right and if hes proven wrong its the CREATOR thats wrong, and the fact that creators fucking hate him i NEED to pick his brain and figure out what he thinks his reputation is. because theres no way in hell he DOESNT know people see him as a parasite that ruins everything he touches but i also dont understand how he COULD know that and do nothing about it because having creators like him would LITERALLY be better for everyone INCLUDING HIMSELF AND HIS OWN CAREER.
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smuggonifico-lmao · 10 months
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I love leo in this AU
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witchvvolf · 10 months
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WIP INTRO: Sea Angel
Hey, I just woke up... so have a wip intro!
disclaimer: this is an original work, and any sort of plagiarism will not be tolerated.
Genre: Adult literary fiction (?) again i don't know. anyways, take it.
Synopsis: Ryland sets eyes on Thalia and Pru, and cannot escape how enchanted he has become.
Setting: somewhere in Portland Maine
Trigger warnings: violence, blood, animal death, cannibalism, drowning, death
The vibes: the light house flashing over the docks, crashing waves, thunder storms, the scent of sea salt, girl that smell like britney spears, glitter, the scent of bleach in the bathroom, microkinis, chrome, vanilla ice cream, bare feet in the sand, chapped lips, sapphires, long nails, snake skin, tide pools, dancing at the club, eating ice cream on the sidewalk
click me for the pinterest board! and click me for the playlist!
Snippet from the first chapter in Thalias perspective (which is unnamed) below the cut!
Tw for mention of vomit
Thalia hardly registers the touch of fingertips brushing her skin through her sweat drenched curls as she retches into the toilet, her small body trembling as she blinks back the tears in her eyes. “You shouldn’t have had so much to drink, girly,” says a voice above her. It’s deep, melodic, soft and luring. She can hear the sound of a lighter sparking a flame to life and within some seconds, the stall is full of cigarette smoke. As if it didn’t smell bad enough in the bathroom. Her bare knees pressed into the tile, the powder blue heel of her nine inch pleasers dug into her bottom. She got the fucking memo, tasting the bile in her mouth, wiping the tears of mascara from her cheeks. Thalia lifts her chin, a pout on her full lips, stained a berry red, brown eyes framed by faux wispy lashes. “Blonde looks good on you,” the fingers in her hair retreat, the green chrome shining like snake skin in the dim bathroom lighting. “Thanks, Pru,” Thalia mumbles, wipes her lips on the back of her left hand and reaches to flush the toilet when she would usually do so with her foot. Pru leaves the stall first, the heavy door slamming the stall next to it. Pru is taller than her, especially in heels, paying the club a visit on her off day to see how the new Swan was fairing. She was beautiful in a way that wasn’t textbook, her features sharper, especially those eyes of hers. The cigarette hangs between her lips, glossed a cherry red as she watches Thalia wash her hands in the sink. Thalia was still getting used to this lifestyle, leaving the mascara trails to dry on her cheeks—because some guys liked that, right?
lmk if you wanna be added to a tag list or something. otherwise, mwah!
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kand1-lynx · 10 months
my boyfriend on me drawing atsv miguel o hara:
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inkykeiji · 5 months
clariiii we need a modern!au sukuna-nii fic 😩😩😩 with sukuna being a complete troublemaker
i’m working on one, i promise!!! and it’s a rly fun twist on a classic AU/trope!!!
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max--phillips · 7 months
Back at it again at the dentist . The chances of me getting a tooth yoinked in the next hour is not 0
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unohanadaydreams · 1 year
I have ten bleach favs but I’m happy to find a mayuri simp 🥰
Tbh I think I'm even beyond the label simp. Human receptacle for Mayuri thoughts and desires, maybe. Desperate fly on fictional character Mayuri Kurotsuchi's lab wall 24/7 in my mind. At this point, it's probably a disease. Kurotsuchitis.
But thank you lmao.
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tsubasaclones · 11 months
the most annoying thing about the files from the 2nd tsubasa ds game is like, some of these literally never appear in the game. at least that i saw. and so i have no idea what to do with some of them like...
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what’s going on with these why are they silhouettes. where would these be used. i have no idea what colors to use to fix these properly because i never actually SAW THEM. also he looks like a sad clown in the last one
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why is there a version without the cape (first one is in the game). i just used the same colors for the second one the best i could but i doubt his shirt is actually supposed to be greenish in this one because with the cape it’s the same color as the cape shade color. the third one i don’t remember seeing in the game at all either but his face looks funny in it so it gets a pass tbh
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rius-cave · 11 months
I mean yeah, if that's tumblr's layout now, it's definitely "twitter"ized, but like,,,,, it's not bad just because of that? I don't have it yet, but it looks functional. I'd even say that, before, it bothered me how much empty space there was, so tbh I think the new layout is alright
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are requests open?
it's been two years.
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rchardgrayson · 2 years
batfans when they find out not all DC character fans argue about the morals of killing: 🤯
I can't tell if this is supposed to be a dig at me or not cause I'm not a batfan lmao
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atsu-i · 2 years
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galpalaven · 2 years
Y’all can keep sending shitty anons but I refuse to answer them lmfao
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starryflix · 1 year
being ace and on the aromantic spectrum but also an artist is for some people a mindbending exercise because NO I AM NOT LOOKING AT THEIR MUSCLES OR THEIR FACE BC I FANCY THEM I JUST WANNA SAY THAT THEIR FACE IS AESTHETICALLY PLEASING (and unique and different in all the good ways making them interesting to draw) AND THE MUSCLES PICTURES ARE GREAT FOR AN ANATOMICAL STUDY.
same goes for the fact I often adore actors for their talent and their performance, making them attractive in an entirely non-romantic non-sexual way. So many people just don't understand this at ALL.
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raysofcrosby · 2 years
nothing beats walking into an urgent care thinking i might have a uti and leaving w a lecture about dehydration and ✨menstrual pain✨
never going in again based on pure embarrassment akdkakdj
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