#So this will be a whole learning process to me
luveline · 6 hours
Hotch request w Jack and new baby!!! Coming back from the hospital and reader is in bed with new baby and Jack while Aaron is in another part of the house (maybe making food in the kitchen) and reader starts crying because she’s in pain and jack is all concerned and sweet and goes to get Aaron??
thank you for requesting, sorry I messed up where everyone was! fem, 1.3k
“He’s gonna stab him!” 
You blink from the spot you’d been staring at, pain momentarily forgotten. “What! Where’d you learn that word?” you ask in surprise. 
Jack leans back against his big velvet pillow, blue with silver stars, looking as though he’s in the lap of luxury. “At school.” 
The cartoon mouse on the TV raises his fencing sword high in the air. 
“He’s not stabbing anyone, they’re fencing,” you say, reaching for his hand to hold. “Stabbing… that’s pretty scary. How did that make you feel?” 
“Well, I’m not gonna stab anyone,” Jack says. 
He’s confused that you’re making a fuss, just old enough to realise you’re poking around for his feelings. You worry lately that you aren’t paying him enough attention because of his new brother, and the word stab isn’t exactly age appropriate. 
But maybe that’s what the boys his age are talking about? You frown more, your hand slipping along his arm to curl behind him. You pull him toward you. “Come on, handsome. Cuddle me.” 
You’re too sore to move, so Jack has to come to you. He crawls across the couch until his arms can wrap around you and his cheek can rest against your chest. Stab is an apt word for the feeling in your stomach. Jack’s arm squeezes at you and the pain worsens, so you move it up your front and curl your arm around him. 
“Is it a bad word?” he asks. 
“No, it’s just like hit or slap, I guess. And I know you’re not gonna do any of that to anyone. You’re too gentle.” 
“Gentle is a good word.” 
“Yeah.” You kiss his forehead, a moment of self indulgence. You love your stepson, and he is oh so kissable. “Oh no, look at the mouse.” 
Charlie sleeps in his swing seat, the soft whirring of its constant motion almost as comforting as the sound of his soft breaths. You watch him for a while, Jack climbing up at your side to press his face to your neck, leg on your thigh, slowly pressing against the tenderness that is your abdomen. “Uh, Jack,” you breathe, trying to pick him up, “you’re gonna have to climb off of me, my tummy hurts too much.” 
“Sorry,” he says quickly, slipping off of you and onto the couch cushion. His foot kicks out as he rights himself, a jamming of his toes against the pain like a spike. 
You take a deep breath. Ouch. 
“It’s okay,” you say, groaning softly as the pain thrums, hand on your stomach as though your touch can make it stop, “just a tummy ache. I– I’m okay.” 
“You got little tears?” he says, his voice going wobbly. You try to blink away tears and end up with a straggler curving down the slope of your cheek. “I’ll go get dad!” 
“Jack, I’m okay,” you say. 
Too late. Jack scrambles from the couch and away from you, up the stairs to find his father. You’re not sure what Aaron’s up to, he’d only said, “I’ll be right back,” twenty minutes ago. You’d guessed laundry. 
You’re glad Jack’s run upstairs when you realise the pain isn’t going away. It’s not bad, not half as bad as your contractions had been, but the whole labour process has sapped you, and you feel weak as a willow branch in bad weather. You shift heavily onto one leg and cross them, uncross them when the pain spikes again, letting out a weird and breathless whine as it turns to a full blown cramp. 
Jack returns with Aaron in tow. His hair is dripping wet, soap suds on his neck and his shirt stuck to his chest. He’s rushed out of the shower to see you. 
“What’s wrong?” he asks as he rounds the couch. “Jack told me you’re not feeling well.” 
You hold your arms out for a hug. He doesn’t falter, simply does as you want, his hair wringing wet and dripping onto your shoulder as he gathers you in his arms. 
You hold onto him like a lifeline. The cramp curls, and tightens, has you seizing up against him. 
“What is it?” he asks softly. “Stomach pains again?” 
The nurse said it’s your uterus shrinking. Whatever it is, it’s sudden agony. You shudder into Aaron’s shoulder until the pain pangs and fades, leaving your stomach a tense mess. It hurts to move, so you stay clinging to your husband and let him hover over you. 
“Are you okay?” Jack asks.
You sniff. 
Aaron pulls away to take your face into his hands. He holds you with care, his thumbs under your jaw, index fingers running diagonally under each eye, tips at your brows. Just a stolen few seconds for him to check you over. No tears to be wiped away. 
“Still hurting?” 
You shake your head, eyebrows pulled down in a bad frown. 
“Okay. Alright. Motrin?” he asks. 
“No,” you whisper, “can you just stay here?” 
Jack says your name. 
You peek past Aaron’s body. “Jack, sorry.” 
“Are you okay now?” 
You grimace, “I’m gonna be fine, it just hurts sometimes and I didn’t have any medicine today. That’s all. Sorry, I scared you.” 
“You didn’t scare me,” he denies. 
You can’t help smiling, then. “Okay, I didn’t. Thanks for getting dad for me.” 
“He’s our hero,” Aaron says. He sits down beside you carefully, his voice quiet and his hand gentle as he holds your thigh. “I’m glad he did.” 
Jack climbs into his dad’s lap. Aaron wraps an arm around him, the other at your side, fingers tapping at you. 
You rub your forehead. Tip your head back and take a deep breath. 
“Jack,” you whisper, breathing out, “I’m sorry if I startled you. It doesn’t hurt anymore.” 
“It wasn’t scary, I said that already.” 
“Oh, you did?” Aaron teases. 
“It was okay, I just don’t want you to hurt.” 
“Only baby pains,” you say. 
For a few minutes, you and your small family sit there in silence. Aaron works a hand behind your back to hug you, Jack snuggles into his chest, and Charlie stirs in his swing seat. The quiet calms him, and he goes back to his soft snoring seconds later. 
“I’m sorry about your shower,” you whisper. 
“It’s okay. I’m sorry about my baby,” Aaron whispers back, drawing circles into your lower back, “he didn’t mean to chew you up.” 
“Ugh, I know.” 
Jack raises his nose. “What? Chew? Do babies bite?” 
“It’s an expression, babe.” 
“Oh.” He looks at his baby brother with suspicion anyways. “He doesn’t even have teeth?” 
“Buddy, it’s just a joke,” Aaron says, laughing as Jack slips out of his lap to go and look at Charlie in the seat. 
“Maybe he did have teeth,” you say. 
Aaron ushers you toward him, rests his cheek on your forehead. “It’ll feel better soon. You need to rest, that’s all.” 
“Your hair is so wet.” 
“I was in the shower.” 
“Don’t be,” he says. “Don’t be.” 
You reach up to tousle his wet hair. “Miss showering with you.” 
“We showered last night.” 
“No, I stood there and you helped me wash my back, that’s not the same.” 
“Well, I enjoyed it.” 
“I bet you did.” 
Your fondness attracts many, many kisses, his nose nuzzling your cheek. You settle under the weight of him and watch Jack where he frowns at Charlie, big brown eyes squinted, waiting for a show of teeth that won’t happen. Aaron brings a hand to your tense stomach, waiting for you to lean back before he begins massaging the tensed muscle there with a slowness that borders unmoving. 
“Tell me if it hurts too much,” he says. 
“You can go finish your shower.” 
“I was finished. M’gonna start pressing in, okay?” 
You wince as Aaron begins, but slowly, slowly, the tenseness from your cramp softens. It still hurts, but he makes it manageable. Jack delivered your rescuer, and your rescuer loves a soft touch.
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eliza-forget · 21 hours
PLEASE tell us more about your Leshy and the two cats!!!!! The cats are so pretty and also so is your art. I love your art so so so so so much 💖
Well, I'll start by saying that the Leshy himself in my AU is quite dark, violent, and traumatized. He survived the sudden betrayal of Narinder (as the one he trusted and looked up to most as a child), he survived all the turmoil associated with the fact that faith in the bishops was shaken, I call this period as "shaky", and the whole four were on the verge of losing their authority. And already during the game's storyline, Lamb's campaigns, Heket died. In my Au, which is mostly based on my insane playthrough of the game, Leshy was the last Bishop to be killed by Lamb. I mean, there was this sequence: Heket> Shamura> Kallamar. I have that point actually explained in the storyline, but that's not what the main question is about xd.
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In the works, where you see him in the clothes of a follower (yes-yes that red one), has its own meaning. It's like a sign of his acceptance of a new way of life and to some extent, a rejection of the past. In this story, he's processing his traumas, learning the ways and lives of mortals, and then he makes two close friends: those two cats.
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In general, I can characterize my Leshy as a personality. He changes slowly, but throughout the narrative in my Au. Leshy is still the Bishop of Chaos, in terms of character, but has softened a bit because of his environment in which he resides.
Let me briefly tell you about Tirena's storyline. Her parents were nomads who came from other lands to the lands of the Old Faith. They mostly moved between locations, but eventually stopped at Darkwood.In fact, Tirena's family was loyal to what was happening in the lands and tried to please all the local cruel rules. The turning point of the plot for Tirena came at the time of her coming of age, for which her parents sacrificed themselves to the bishop, and she was given a necklace (but not the one she wears now) in memory of her parents. As a result of which she ran away from the place. Stumbled upon Lamb by accident, from behind a campfire in the night. So in the story, she showed up in his settlement and became a devoted disciple in the future, but still with an unconcealed grudge against the bishops.
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In comic, she got into an altercation with Narinder on the same topic.
Yolk (yellow cat)
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Yolk's former name was Najulmer, and he changed his name at the settlement. His parents were the same cultists who, long after Leshy's death, continued the resistance. Yolk did not share the same point of view with them; he was more interested in studying the world around him, and specifically its strange inhabitants. So he set out on his wanderings in search of that "paradise" by which he meant the Lamb's settlement. Along the way meeting various companions, studying monsters and even cooking with them. He has already been rescued by Lamb when he was trapped by the treachery of his recent companion. In the settlement he quickly finds contact with Tirena, or rather she has to tolerate his intrusive company. Then Lamb returns from a camping trip and summons Leshy from purgatory and he becomes both a nightmare for Yolk, but and an intriguing object of study. He btw yes, never once saw the bishops and didn't even know that Leshy was one.
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Somehow that's what the plot of these three sounds like. I hope it was interesting and informative to learn about them!
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maryfailstowrite · 2 days
Okay so, I think there are two possible routes the storyline could take regarding Teruko, and as much as I wish one of them was true, I have a bad feeling it’s going to be the other.
1. Eden is actually the culprit and Teruko shatters. We know Teruko actually cared (even if just a bit) about Eden even before the trial, so if she’s actually the culprit, it wouldn’t just be a “oh fuck I was wrong, I shouldn’t have repaid the favor” moment, it’s going to be a “oh fuck, one of the few people I decided to take a bet on backstabbed me AGAIN” moment. Not only her, but Eden killing Arei would mean Eden never intended to be friends with her, so that’s another trust betrayal for Teruko to overthink. Plus, if Eden is the culprit, it means all her tears and her sweet persona were fake, at the very least in the trial, if not for the whole killing game. The realization of that would devastate Teruko, and she’d regress to distrusting everyone even harder. We’d have to go through this whole process of learning how to trust people again, in an environment that is going to become more hostile, because Eden being the culprit would be a slap in the face to everyone, I feel. She’s the beacon of optimism in the group, and the one actively trying to keep people together and entertained, and knowing how much everyone else hates each other, it would be rough to get along with anyone like that. Disaster, basically. A heartbreaking disaster.
Oh, and also, David would be getting what he wants, which is to debilitate Teruko. A lose-lose situation no matter how you see it.
2. Someone else is the culprit and Teruko comes out of this stronger. She realizes that trusting people can actually lead her the right way, and so Teruko finishes her process of learning how to trust people again. She not only acknowledges that she can’t isolate herself from everyone without consequences, she learns that trusting people can lead to good things too, and that not everyone around her is out to get her. Also, Eden is still alive, so not only can her bond with Teruko grow stronger, but she’s still there to keep the group from pouncing at each other at any given time. Of course, there’d still be conflicts and shit (more murders need to happen, after all), but for a while, we could get a more trusting Teruko and a group (or at least a few people) that support her through dealing with everything that’s on her way.
And David wouldn’t get what he wants, which would just be really satisfying (can you tell I don’t like David from this post? Can you?)
Problem here is, as we all know, Teruko’s luck is shit. The world might as well be out to get her. I’m not sure if I would like to go through another chapter of Teruko not interacting with anyone (since she’s our POV, we wouldn’t get much insight on how Eden’s loss breaks the overall group), but the story could be leading to that. The parallels between Min and Eden are paralleling too strong on this one fam. She’s the one that has some connection with Arei and the case, and Ace really doesn’t have much to do with anything. He was bleeding out, and even if we assume he took the tape like that, was he really in a good enough condition to do all that took to kill Arei not so long after he got his throat slit? He’s powered by pure spite and we know it, sure, but I think it’s a bit too far of a stretch.
And the chapter’s theme “not all that glitters” would fit Eden being the culprit, whereas I don’t really think that’d be the case with Ace. Of course, one could argue that the theme was already there with J, Arei and David, so it’s not like you’d need the culprit to fit it too, but it would make the chapter more cohesive, I think. Setting up such a strong chapter theme, using various character’s arcs for it, and then have the culprit not be related to that theme in any way shape or form would be a bit weird, or at least that’s how I see it.
The culprit could be someone else, of course, and that said person could fit the theme… but it’s already episode fourteen. Are we really going back to “everyone could be a suspect” at this point of the trial? It feels like it’s too advanced to put in another plot twist that leaves us at square one again. These two might actually be the only two suspects, and I’m not having any fun with it 😭.
We might get a “Eden was not as sweet and nice as we thought” moment and I’m not here for it. If that’s actually what happens, tears are going to be shred. With all due respect to Ace fans, let him be the culprit PLEAAAAASE (he probably won’t be. I’m just in denial. Let me grieve).
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clangenrising · 21 hours
I know u said I don’t have to apologize but I would like to preface this with I’m sorry for upsetting you, I wasn’t trying to say that those with cluster b personalities are more likely to like- Hurt people, just that their “level of evil” is at a point that I can’t imagine someone just… choosing if that makes sense? I wasn’t trying to like make them little sad soft boys just that, based on my own experiences of having a mental illness that does disposition me to do bad stuff, their thought processes seemed similar to mine rather than how I’d imagine a non-mentally ill person’s thought process would work, apologies
I understand that. But I specifically told you not to apologize to me. I know it hurts to get critiques like that, especially in such a public space, but I need you guys as my audience to be brave about that stuff, okay?
It takes a lot out of me to feel like I need to console my audience any time i push back on something they say. It's kind of exhausting to do so much emotional labor.
As well, you're still not understanding my point, or if you are you're ignoring it to justify saying what you said when you really don't have to. Razor and Sardine did "just choose" to do the things they did and they did them for racist, sexist, and egotistical reasons. That's the whole point of their characters. People can choose to be harmful and just because that choice feels justified to them doesn't make it okay and it also doesn't mean that they must have a sympathetic reason for making it or they must be mentally ill.
I'm not trying to say anything about your experience with mental illness. It sucks to have a mental illness that causes you to make poor choices or hurt those around you, I know from experience. But I think you're projecting onto these characters and that was the point of my original response; to say "You are reading my characters extremely incorrectly in a way that is actually very harmful to people who actually have those disorders".
Please stop for a second. Think about what I said and actually work on your beliefs/behavior. Do not return to my inbox to perform contrition.
The behavior itself is the real problem, not whether or not I personally got upset. You don't know me. I'm a stranger on the internet. You shouldn't be trying so hard to make me like you. This goes to all of my followers - you shouldn't be so focused on getting my approval that you ignore the actual message I'm trying to send. I want people to learn and grow, I don't care if they come and apologize for having a bad take.
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dilfartist · 22 hours
Perhaps yandere Chilchuck from Dungeon Meshi headcannons?
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TW: Kidnapping, Yandere tendencies, manipulative actions, Yandere, Obsesion.
Notes; {I used some lines from the media I posted before so you might see some lines you’ve already read.}
Reader description; Female/GN
When Chilchuck first recognizes his feelings towards his darling he’s quick to separate himself from them. Not only because he acknowledges these thoughts of keeping a human to himself is not normal but also because he can’t help but run away from a potential relationship. Chilchuck is still struggling from his divorce and the last thing he needs is a new one with the possibility of disappointing his darling as well. His obsession starts slowly because he distances himself.
Chilchuck detests the fact he often has dreams of you or the fact he remembers your favorite foods. He especially hates it when he gets a foreign fuzzy feeling in his chest when it comes to you. He’s often rude and closed off to his darling. He comes off meaner to his darling than anyone else. It has gotten to the point the others often call him out on his behavior which he’d scoff and walk off in turn.
It won’t be until he reveals his divorce to the party that he realizes that trying to have a relationship again isn’t that bad of an idea. Knowing that not everyone will leave him and he can learn to be a better partner, Chilchuck opens himself to being romantic with his darling. He grows to love his darling so dearly. He often writes to his daughters about his darling.
What type of yandere is he? Lucid, possessive, and protective.
Chilchuck won’t let his thoughts or tendencies surface until he and his darling get serious. He’ll be protective of them at times and he’ll get easily jealous when others take their time from him, but he won’t become a yandere unless there's a romantic relationship built.
Once the relationship grows serious, Chilchuck can’t help but monitor his darling. What if they leave him too? He never expected his wife before to leave him, but she did, so he’ll keep a close eye on his darling, and when he notices a change in them he’s quick to please them. Although he’s finally going through the process of learning to forgive himself for his divorce, he’s still paranoid. If you show any signs of leaving him, he’ll become uncharacteristically clingy. If his darling attempts to leave him then he’ll allow himself to act on his yandere tendencies.
Chilchuck can be manipulative if he feels the need to, and he does just that when his darling thinks it’s time to go their separate ways. “You said you’d never leave me. What happened to that? Is it me? Fine, go ahead, I don’t mind being alone.”
If his manipulation wasn’t enough to force you to stay then he’ll force you by his side. You might think, he’s small theres no way he’d force me to stay by him, then good luck because that isn’t happening. Besides Chilchuck’s small size, he’s incredibly smart when it comes to dire situations. Such as you leaving.
Chilchuck kidnaps you. He doesn't call it kidnapping, he calls it making you come to your senses. Forbids the party from entering his home and if they end up stumbling upon you, he convinces them you’ve been hit with a spell and he’s caring for you in your delicate state.
Won’t force you to stop adventuring. Aside from leaving him, Chilchuck doesn’t mind you making your own decisions. However, Chilchuck needs to be by your side the whole time.
Trust his party members around you, maybe not senshi as much...
What can he say, Senshi is a handsome guy. He can’t help but be a bit protective around Senshi lest you fall for the charming dwarf.
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merrybloomwrites · 3 days
I'll Be There for You - Platonic Smosh x Reader
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Summary: 2020 starts great for reader before covid enters the chat and flips her world upside down. Her friends at Smosh are there to support her through one of the hardest times of her life.
Word Count: 2.5K
CW: covid, quarantine, parent death, panic attack
AN: Was listening to a Smosh Mouth episode and they brought up filming during quarantine and it randomly inspired this story. I lost my own dad during covid and Smosh was absolutely one of my escapes during that time so this story may just be me processing that haha
No romantic relationships for reader in this, just lots of supportive friends.
From the moment you hear about this new virus, you’re nervous about it. The news stations are trying to keep everything positive, spin it like this is no big deal. But what you see on social media is telling a different story.
You’re not so much worried for yourself as you are for your family. They’re all the way across the country on the east coast while you’re in Los Angeles. And many of your family members have lung issues. While you don’t know much about this coronavirus, it seems to be most harmful to people’s lungs, leaving you to worry. 
It seems crazy to be taking a trip right now, but the threat doesn’t seem to be too bad. Travel is still permitted, and so your group goes ahead with your trip to Australia. You’ve been looking forward to this for months, and try so hard to not allow your anxieties overshadow your excitement. 
It’s a solid group on the trip: Shayne, Courtney, Ian, Damien, Sarah, and Matt Raub. All of you are trying to ignore the increasingly worrisome news and keep things light. You attend two different expos, doing live shows as well as meet and greets with fans. Those bookend the trip, with lots of different activities in the middle, including visits to a couple zoos to learn about local wildlife. 
You hold koalas and snakes, laugh with your friends, and for a little while, you forget all about the bad things that are happening. 
But you can’t hide from it forever. Despite everyone joking about the virus, you can’t help but be afraid. Every day of the trip, more news is revealed, and things look more and more grim. 
Towards the end of the trip you do a couple planned meet and greets at Sydney’s Madame Tussauds. You’re on the verge of a panic attack the whole time, feeling like every person you talk to could be carrying this unpredictable virus. 
Ian picks up on this and pulls you aside during a break.
“You okay?” he asks, concern etched on his face.
“I can’t shake this feeling, like we’re all going to get infected and then bring it back home, and every time a new person comes in the room it’s like another chance for germs to spread. What happens if we get sick? We don’t know anything about this virus, or what it can do to people, and there’s more and more cases everyday-” your rambling cuts off as you gasp for a breath. The panic attack is officially setting in, the room spinning around you as it gets harder to breathe. 
You hear Ian say something, but the ringing in your ears prevents you from understanding him. A moment later Sarah is standing in front of you, catching your eye and encouraging you to breathe with her. After a minute of matching her breaths, you’ve calmed down and gotten through the worst of the panic attack. 
Sarah leads you to the couch, sitting next to you, close enough to be a grounding presence but far enough that you don’t feel closed in. Ian walks over, crouching in front of you and handing you a water bottle. 
“Sorry about that,” you finally say.
“Don’t you dare apologize,” Sarah says. “Your feelings are completely valid.”
Ian nods before saying, “I know we’re all making jokes about this, but I think everyone’s just covering up how scared they are. I’m definitely scared. You’re right to say that there’s so much we don’t know. I’d say don’t worry about all that, but that’s stupid because you’re gonna worry anyway.” 
You laugh at that, feeling much better now knowing that you’re not alone. Ian smiles and places a comforting hand on your knee and you reach out to hold Sarah’s hand as well. The three of you sit for a moment and then Shayne walks in the room saying, “Time to start up again.”
He looks at you guys, sees the redness in your eyes and notices the way the others are comforting you and asks, “Everything okay?”
“Yea, I’m good now,” you answer. “We’ll be right out.”
Shayne nods and walks away. You go to stand but before you can get up Ian says, “You don’t have to go back out there if you’re not comfortable. We can do the rest without you if you need some space.”
“I’ll be fine, but thank you,” you reply. He smiles and gives your leg one last squeeze before standing and giving you a hand up. It’s a nice moment, one where you’re reminded about how wonderful it is to work for Ian. He’s a kind boss, but also like a big brother to you, and you appreciate having him in your life. 
The rest of the time in Australia goes smoothly, and then it’s time to fly home. Sarah and Ian stick by you throughout the long day of travel. You don’t ask them to, but you can tell they’re worried that you’ll get anxious in such a crowded space. Somehow that makes it easier, and you’re able to spend the day joking with your friends rather than panicking. 
You’re exhausted when you get home, saying a rushed goodbye to your friends and heading home.
And then the isolation begins. The world practically shuts down completely as soon as you get back to the states. You go from constantly being around people, to being completely alone. It’s fine at first, you’re exhausted from traveling and this gives you a good excuse to be lazy for a few days. 
You spend a lot of time on the phone with your family, begging them to stay inside the house and stay safe. And they seem to listen, only going out twice for supplies. But apparently that’s all it takes. 
Just over a week after the Australia trip your mom gets sick. It’s obvious right away that it’s covid. For one thing, your mom has worked with children for decades. Her immune system is impeccable, you’ve never seen her get a cold or the flu before. For her to be sick is odd, plus she has all the symptoms, so it’s a no brainer.
And then a few days later, your dad is sick as well. You knew it was inevitable, that once the virus was in the house he was going to get it as well, but hearing it for sure makes your blood run cold. 
He already has a couple of lung issues, and you can’t help but feel like this isn’t going to go well. You hate that you’re stuck on opposite coasts and can’t do anything to help. You call them as much as possible, wanting to stay positive and hearing their voices always helps.
But then your dad gets worse and ends up in the hospital. You finally tell your Smosh friends what is going on. You’d kept it quiet at first, but they picked up that something is wrong. 
You try to continue on like normal, assuring your friends that you’re fine, but they don’t accept that. While they never overstep, you’re often surprised with kind texts or things appearing on your doorstep. 
It’s a particularly bad day. Your dad has just been placed on a ventilator. You get the news while in a zoom meeting, and everyone can tell that something has happened. 
“You okay, Y/N?” Courtney asks. 
You shake your head no and think about what to answer. You could be vague, just say it’s an update about your father and leave it at that. But these are people that care about you, that want to support you. 
“My dad just got put on a ventilator,” you reply. 
“My god, Y/N, I’m so sorry. Did they say anything else?” Shayne says. 
“Apparently the doctors said it’s a preventative measure. Supposed to let his lungs heal. But we’ve all seen the statistics. Most covid patients don’t come off the vent.” 
“If you need to go you can,” Ian says. “Don’t feel like you need to stay on this call.”
“No, that’s okay. I’d rather keep working. Either that or sit in silence in my apartment,” you answer with a shrewd laugh. 
“Alright, well if you need to leave at any time please feel free. No explanation needed, we’ll understand,” Ian says. 
The meeting resumes and you sit quietly while they plan the upcoming Smosh Games schedule. You don’t have any input, and it’s pretty clear you’re not really listening, but you’re comforted by the sound of your friends' voices. 
The zoom call finishes, and you’re left alone with your thoughts. You’re not sure how much time passes, but the sun has moved to shine through a new window as husk begins so it must be a while. 
You’re startled back to reality by a text on your phone. Your heart races, fearing it’s you mom with even worse news. You breathe a sigh of relief when you see it’s from Spencer, his message saying, “Check out your front door.”
Doing as he’d instructed, you see a bag that had been delivered. It’s takeout from chilis, enough food for multiple meals, all your favorites. 
This is just what you needed. Your appetite hasn't been great, but smelling the familiar food has your stomach growling. After sending him a thank you message you dig in. 
Now full of comfort food, you manage to do your normal nightly routine of cleaning up the apartment and taking a shower. You go to bed feeling scared, but supported. 
Three days later, you get the news you’d been dreading. Your moms calls in the morning, saying the doctors think he won’t make it through the day. It’s a Sunday, and you have nothing to distract you. People text, but you leave them unanswered. 
It’s a beautiful day in Los Angeles, and you do the only thing you’re allowed to do: take a walk. 
Losing track of time, you wander through neighborhoods, making sure to keep distance from other people out walking. It pains you to see happy families, people who are making the most out of this pandemic. People whose lives aren’t being drastically changed forever. 
You get back home in the early afternoon. Soon after, your mom calls. You almost ignore it, knowing what she’s going to say but wanting to delay the inevitable. But you know you can’t do that. 
It’s a short conversation, your mother unable to say too much between the tears. 
You hang up feeling numb. It grows dark outside and finally you text Ian, asking for the next day off. 
His response is immediate, expressing his condolences and telling you to take at least the week off. You ask him to send a message to the others, not wanting to have to do it yourself. 
You wrap yourself into a cocoon of blankets, lay in bed, and cry over the loss. 
The next few days you find that you’re exhausted, with random bursts of high energy. You use the energy to respond to your friends' messages, thanking them for reaching out and telling them you’re okay. 
You speak on the phone with Damien for a while a couple days after it happens. While all of your friends are supportive, he’s the only one who’s been through this before. He truly understands what it’s like to lose a father. His experience, his words, everything he has to offer is incredibly comforting to you. And when he says he’ll always be there to listen, you know he’s telling the truth and not just saying what he thinks is the “right thing”. 
And then that Thursday, just a couple days after your dads death, the vlog of your time in Australia is released. 
You get the notification that it’s been posted as you always do, and instead of being excited that a new video is up, it sends you into a breakdown. You’re crying, gasping for breath, and you need someone there with you. 
For the first time since all of this began you cannot be alone. People have been offering to stop by and because it’s been over two weeks since any of you have been around others it’s technically safe. But you always refused, assuring them that you’re fine. 
Now, however, you need people around you. Through tears you find your phone and immediately call Courtney, asking if she and Shayne could come over. She says yes without hesitation and stays on the call while the two of them make their way to your place. 
Needing the comfort of your room you say, “Front door is open. I’ll be in my bedroom when you get here.”
“Just a couple more minutes,” Courtney replies as you climb under the covers. 
“Okay,” you murmur to let her know you heard her. 
As promised she and Shayne enter a few minutes later. Without hesitation Courtney climbs into bed with you, wrapping you up in your arms. You melt into the embrace, sobs ripping through your body. 
When you’ve finally cried yourself out, you pull away and notice Shayne’s no longer in the room. A moment later he walks back in, carrying water, tissues, and your favorite cookies. You smile weakly at him and pat the bed, inviting him to join you and Courtney. 
He sits next to you, and you’re effectively sandwiched between the two of them. It’s comforting to be surrounded by two of your best friends. You’d always been close with them, and we’re happy that nothing changed when they started dating. 
They’re two people who will always have your back, no matter what. They stay with you until the next morning, Shayne leaving temporarily to pick up anything he and Courtney need for the night. 
You hadn’t realized how much you needed to be around people, but it’s clear how much it helps to actually see people and talk to them without a screen. 
Finally, you start accepting people’s invitations to hang out. You make good use of your apartment complex’s patio area so that you can hang out while still social distancing. You don’t often talk about your dad or how you’re doing, but rather about other mundane things. It feels good to talk to friends about something even somewhat normal. 
The other cast members take turns filling in for videos that you’re supposed to appear in. You’d tried going back to business as usual, but found that you couldn’t be as lighthearted and funny as you usually were. Rather than try to fake it, you’d switched to a more behind the scenes role for the time being. 
In May and June, fans start to notice that you aren’t appearing in any videos. Many theories float around, and you decide you’re ready to make the news about your dad public, instead of letting the rumors continue to spread. 
You make a post about your father on Instagram, a picture of the two of you with a caption explaining the loss. Support floods in, from friends, family, and fans alike. 
Though it’s the hardest thing you’ve ever experienced, it’s so nice to know you have such wonderful people who will always have your back.
AN: Thanks so much for reading! I'm working on two stories for Whumptober, One Spencer x reader and the other Damien x reader!
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rexervex · 10 months
Hello !
Welcome to my Tumblr page!
I'm new to posting here, so please be nice.
I'm.. Not sure what else to add here? If you have any questions do ask them! And I have my carrd linked in my bio so if you ever wanna find my socials there ya go.
I think I'll end this here, thanks for visiting :3
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(Gif is mine! :D)
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send-me-a-puffalope · 9 months
twirling my hair, kicking my legs thinking about scooped!Vanessa :333
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(process photos under cut)
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auriidae · 1 year
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goofy hermit doodles!! because uhh why not!!
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muffinlance · 4 months
Hi! Hope you're doing well! I just wanted to check in and see if there is an ETA on epubs for anyone who's ordered them recently - I ordered epubs of both Fox's Tongue and Kirin's Bone, and The Skin Stealer's Son on the 31st of May but haven't gotten them yet. No pressure! I totally understand if you're just inundated with orders or busy, I was just curious 🤗 Anyway, thank you so much, hope everything is going good!
Very very soon! I ran into some issues with a corrupted file, which meant I had to go back to the version before that, which didn't have the final typo fixes because of course it didn't so I've been cleaning those up all week, blerg. I'm 90% done now--hoping to finalize the epub tomorrow and start getting them out the day after, assuming my computer doesn't eat things again. Since I'm now compulsively saving to three locations every few hours that should hopefully not be an issue again.
Sorry for the delay, and thank you for your support!
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fryday · 8 months
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just cos i think it's a little neat, this is my last gif before vs after editing! 💓
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puppyeared · 4 months
Do you think you’ll ever do art commissions?
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im not really sure. art commissions would let me work at my own pace and make money on the side, but im worried of things thatll get in the way
firstly im more used to drawing for myself. ive drawn other ppls characters and fanart, but those are on my own whims and pace and i dont have to negotiate things with anyone. drawing for someone else can be helpful since i work best with instructions, but im not very keen on doing things im not interested in and i might be hard to work with
i also avoid using online payments when i can, so im apprehensive around making online transactions. etransfer policies arent very kind to artists and theres also the risk of disclosing my personal information
given the industry im going into, im aware that im gonna have to figure out how to tackle these sooner or later, and maybe then ill be confident enough to manage commissions. but right now its fuzzy
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zeebreezin · 3 months
I think one of the funniest (Editor’s note: should be read as horrifying) implications of developing OC relationships not necessarily in chronological order, and retroactively adding context as needed has gotta come from Bev’s motivations for blackmailing @viric-dreams ‘s Lt. Roberts.
In every timeline he’s motivated by losing his spot on the job to blow up a little section of Benthic College, right. However depending on the continually, there’s two different reasons why this pushes him over the edge. Why losing this job is what finally makes him say fuck the protocol, I need to get some control over this situation now.
Either he decides to go for blackmail because he’s bitter he didn’t get a chance to test out his inventions, and is generally motivated by somewhat petty frustration & a more reasonable concern that his own work is consistently being put on the back burner (considering he’s actively hunting down a missing bomb…)
Or! His choice is motivated by fear, and resentment of being taken off the lead role… because without him at the helm, Bev had no control over who or what got hurt, or who might get caught in the crossfire. Including his professor and only friend at the time, @thedeafprophet ‘s Josephine. And with no idea how to process that grief and terror (he’s not supposed to be caring about these people! There’s Work to be done!), Bev interpreted his doubts towards the New Sequence’s actions as hatred of his commanding officer.
Both timelines end up the same - with him taking a fire poker to the head and potentially never going back to the university again. But they paint two very different sides of the same guy, huh?
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batfossil-fr · 5 months
I’ve been really thinking of reopening my art shop soon… I’ve been taking some practice doodles (hence all the posting lately) while I shake off my rust and I’m finding things I enjoy working on again. I miss trying my hand at more dragons/OCs and colors. my shop’s so broken rn lmao but that’s a problem for a later date it’s just nice getting back into art
#my mental health is starting to improve a bit#took a couple years but I found some meds that finally work better for me#ofc things aren’t 100% but I was really in a pit for a while#like ‘did not leave my house in months and slept 14 hours a day’ kind of pit#so. any improvement is better lol. but nah I’ve been making real improvement and im doing better. a lil shaky sometimes but that’s expected#diagnosed with chronic fatigue too. which is unfortunate but not unexpected. i am indeed god’s sleepiest soldier#i feel like a raisin slowly rehydrating but considering i was in a desert before any hydration is welcome#just learning how to enjoy things again overall#one thing I just couldn’t get myself to do (and enjoy) was art. doodles here and there but nothing to post#and it’s kind of funny because I feel like that downtime actually gave me a chance to think about what I wanted to work on#even when I wasn’t actively practicing#just paying attention to things I guess. enjoying art styles#i genuinely think my experimenting with stained is helping me learn colors#i spend hours in the scryshop im glad it’s paying off lmao#i want to tackle bigger things but i just gotta ease myself into the hang of things again#for now im having fun and that’s coooool. thank you all for your nice comments#i read all tags while kicking my feet and giggling. thank u all#that’s the update on Me tho. more to come hopefully#starting next month/julyish I will have a significant amount of time to dedicate to drawing which i intend on doing#so who knooowwwsss#rambles#funny enough coloring has become my favorite part of the process now. it used to be lineart. now lineart annoys me LOL#i also feel like i kinda lost my ability to write which has been frustrating but im focusing on art first#anyways that’s a whole different tangent rant over
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firebound-press · 2 years
Introducing, my main project for binderary! This one is actually two fics that I combined into one book, Twist Me and Turn Me, and Ad Infinitum, both by @enlacinglineswrites. Since their copy arrived today, I figured now would be a good time to post pictures!
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At first I had been going back and forth between combining the fics vs binding them separately, since they’re both around 70k words, but I eventually decided to go ahead and combine them, and I’m very very glad I did. Not only does it work really well thematically, it also allowed me to try a bunch of new techniques!
I’ll admit I’m still so fucking proud of how this project turned out. I knew that I wasn’t going to have time to make a bunch of books during Binderary, so I decided to instead try and learn as many new techniques as possible for this one. And so I did!
First off, this was my first ever attempt at rounding and backing a book, and while it may not be perfect, it still turned out super good in my opinion. I also got to try making my own paperless bookcloth, which was very fun! And then I decided to go ahead and buy a foil quill pen, because why the fuck not! So I got to make a pretty shimmery spine!
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For the typesetting, I wanted to try to incorporate the idea of mirrors as much as I could, because it’s a very prominent theme in one of the fics, and it ended up being very applicable to the other one as well!
You can read the original works here:
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starlooove · 1 month
The woobification of Gotham rogues needs to be studied
#theyre WHITE no studying needed actually#FYM 20 kills a year#‘as long as u stay outta the way you’ll be fine’ 😭#baby they get in ur way#i thought#well no think I AM dramatic about this and am self aware enough not to make it it’s own post#but my whole thing with like. vague background characters in fanon#Idk it’s so fascinating#like side character is there to side character but the way y’all write or talk about them#Idk it’s so ugh#like It’s not me feeling for the character ig it’s a who do u think u are thing#which like u think ur ur fave ur projecting on ur fave that’s why u woobify them so much#Uhm anyways#i promise I have thought behind that it’s just not that necessary to this convo#SPEAKING OF#baby Ivy ain’t gon spare u bc u grew a flower PLEASEEEEBFR#hq show and it’s consequences#‘the rogues only hate capitalism’ uhm no#and even if they did the issue is they take that anger out with civilians as collateral damage it’s a parallel for bruce and smth he needed#to grow from#not letting them die obvi but like more care and concern for the common person he’s always been kind deep deep deep inside but it was a#process for him to be like maybe it’ll scare this old lady if I crawl into her bedroom and ask about her mugger#that concerns he learns is as a result of the rogues not caring#istg there was like a short stories comic of this….#like snippets of henchmen and civilians living their regular lives then getting fucked yo#UP#anyways#maybe it was not the premise of the comic but like scattered throughout? was it Batman 🧍🏾‍♂️#ANYWAYS NOT THE POINT THE POINT IS#Im gonna hold ur hand when I say this but they don’t give a fuck about you ur civilian 4 to them
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