jsvausvqbd · 11 days
Bae Seok Ryu and Song Hyeon Jun
Truthfully, the circumstances just weren’t in their favor, regardless of how much they loved each other and dreamed of a future together. They were faced with a huge obstacle in the form of stomach cancer, for which Hyeon Jun fully committed to being Seok ryu's caretaker, taking a sick leave from work and even putting his whole life on hold for Seok Ryu, because he loved her and wanted to be there by her side. However, Seok ryu's decision to not tell her family and close friends meant leaving Hyeon Jun- who respected her decision and even after they broke up, kept her illness hidden from her family- as her sole caretaker and support system, which was bound to take a toll on him as well sooner or later.
After her treatment ended, they were yet faced with another huge blow in the form of depression -none of which are Seok ryu's fault by the way. But once again Hyeon Jun was left as her sole source of support. Now, I'm not saying that one's partner isn't supposed to be there (I mean, "in sickness and in health", right?), but it's clear that it was too much for him at this point. This reminded me of a cancer research conference I attended years ago, where one of the discussed topics was caretaker burnout and the importance of respite for them, both the sick person and those around them are greatly affected both physically and mentally, and that's what we saw in the episode; Two exhausted people who, despite loving each other, just couldn't bear with how exhausted they were and Hyeon Jun ended up snapping. Does this mean he's a shitty person? No, we saw him be by Seok ryu's side through thick and thin, but at last he was tired and snapped in a moment of desperation. This sadly just means they just weren't what the other needed at the moment anymore, and this is a very realistic portrayal of relationships where there isn't respite nor a proper support system.
I do think he loves her and feels guilty for being so burnt out, but sadly she's ready to move on and that's all that's left for him to do now. Move on.
This sets up a huge challenge for Seung hyo tho, how do you get through her walls when she’s seen first hand what can happen to a relationship when faced with adversities? She said it herself, she’ll be constantly on the lookout for her cancer possibly coming back or even spreading. How can he convince her that he won’t burn out? How can you convince someone who knows firsthand that sometimes love is not enough? Good luck Charlie!
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Listen I am on my rewatch of The Glory and aside from being madly in love with both the romantic and unhinged nature of Joo Yeo Jeong, The absolute disparity between the good and bad parents in this show is killing me.
Dong-Eun’s mom? Absolute piece of trash with no class.
Yeon-Jin’s mom? Karen who thinks money and power can buy you anything.
Yeo-Jeong’s mom? Absolutely 100% supportive, but not stupid and committed to doing the right thing.
Kang Hyeon-Nam? The baddest bitch alive, willing to do anything to save her daughter even if it means endangering herself.
And then you have the disparity between Jae Jun and Do-Hyeong, who both cared about Ye-Sol. Jae Jun only cared about her when it was convenient for him and wanted her not because he truly loved her but because he wanted to possess her. Meanwhile, you have Do-Hyeong who is constantly looking out for Ye-Sol’s best interests even though he isn’t biologically related to her.
NOT ONLY THAT, but you also have Yeo-Jeong’s Dad, who was murdered by a patient while doing what he thought was right by saving him, unintentionally starting his son on the path to revenge.
And like yeah The Glory’s main focus is revenge but it’s also an exquisite commentary on how we pass down, inherit, come to terms with, and outright prevent generational trauma from our parents. It also shows how we can choose to do better or worse than they did based on the relationships we create or take for granted.
Idk man, as a generational trauma cycle breaker myself and mom of an (adopted adult) daughter that also experienced so much of that, this show gets to me on a parenting level in a way I can’t even begin to describe.
(Also Do-Yeong’s relationship with Ye-Sol makes me cry in the best way 🥹)
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iamacolor · 1 year
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You must be confused and lost. Something that was so natural to you suddenly disappeared. But maybe...there's a good side to this. Like what?
+ Bonus:
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sunshineandviolets · 5 months
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Werewolves vs Vampires, aka all my mcs from Blood Moon & Thicker Than by @barbwritesstuff [picrew used here]
The Wolves: Arielle (she/her) // Minerva (she/her) // Hyeon (he/him) The Vampires: Isha (she/her) // Rohan (he/him) // Chandrika (they/them)
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kyr-kun-chan · 10 days
I knew there was something more to that break up. I was ready to hate hyeon jun if he did cheat but it turned out to be more complicated than that.
I dont know what everyone else was thinking when they saw seok ryu and hyeon jun argue but to me heon jun didnt do anything wrong. Even saying the things he said to seok ryu about her "damned depression" i can forgive him. It was a mean thing to say and seok ryu had the right to get angry but taking care of a sick person takes a toll on you. Its hard. Its frustrating. Even if you love this person so much you can get angry that you have to deal with it. You wish it wasnt like this. You want to escape and not think about it even for just one day. That's why he wanted to party. Seok ryu took that as him not caring about her but i think he did that to stay sane and forget about all the bad things for a while. But since seok ryu cant do that, she cant just forget and run away from it because she is the one dealing with it personally, she felt betrayed. I do think he shouldnt have said the things about his reputation and her dragging him down with him. That was too much. But everything else i understand.
I think he does actually still love her and has a right to love her and come find her again to win her back. And seok ryu knows this and that's why she did consider getting back with him for a moment. But it's too late because she has moved on.
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gongyu · 2 years
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Minjae and his future family — Cheer Up (2022)
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goddessrisen · 3 months
ACOTAR Verse   :   A Court of Fire  &   Stars
     eons   before   the   formation   of   prythian,   before   even   the   first   glimmer   of   what   would   later   become   the   first   star,   there   was   the   celestial   phoenix.   from   her   desire   for   companionship,   were   the   first   stars     &&     planets   born.   after   her   first   successful   creation,   the   divine   goddess   desired   to   create   more   like   it.   thus,   multiple   realms   were   created.   each   was   a   vast     &&     distinct   domain,   yet   they   were   all   blessed   with   the   magic   of   a   devoted   goddess.   the   cauldron   lived   on   with   her   blessing,   forever   gifting   her   love   to   those   of   prythian.
     the   goddess   retreated   to   her   celestial   palace   to   rest   peacefully,   for   her   work   was   done.   yet   she   was   unable   to   rest   for   long,   for   the   rifts   between   realms   woke   her.   the   possibility   was   always   there,   for   why   should   she   close   the   realms   from   one   another     ??     unable   to   hide   her   own   innate   curiosity,   the   goddess   fell   far   sooner   than   she'd   ever   expected.   though   the   mother   fell   from   her   palace,   a   phoenix   never   truly   dies.
     the   celestial   goddess   was   made   high   fae,   though   most   of   her   divinity   was   sealed   away   by   being   made.   from   the   ashes   of   her   divine   form,   hyeon-seung   was   born.   brilliant   amber,   the   only   physical   reminder   of   her   divinity    –    other   than   her   phoenix   form    –    a   stark   reminder   that   she   was   well     &&     truly   fae.
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     newly   made,   hyeon   spent centuries   wandering   her   creation.   rumors   started   to   spread   about   a   lone   high   fae   wandering   prythian,   aiding   the   freedom   of   enslaved   humans   whilst   consuming   the   hearts   of   any   fae   that   opposed.   though   she   wandered   the   entirety   of   prythian,   the   solar   courts   held   a   special   place   within   the   ever-burning   fire   of   her   heart.   the   homesickness   that   would   often   render   her   unable   to   breathe   lessened   within   these   courts,   especially   the   night   court.
     a   quiet,   tumultuous   friendship   formed   between   the   celestial   bird     &&     the   high   lord   of   the   night   court.   there   would   always   be   a   space   for   her   should   she   choose   to   make   the   night   court   her   home,   though   she   has   yet   to   truly   accept   the   offer.   her   presence   was   kept   hidden   from   any   who   were   not   a   high   lord   of   the   solar   court,   for   she   was   far   too   powerful   to   be   tethered   to   just   one   court.
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     though   her   presence   within   the   solar   courts   was   kept   secret,   hyeon   did   not   sit   idly   by   during   the   war.   she'd   made   friends   with   humans     &&     fae   alike   who   supported   the   freedom   of   all   humans.   once   more,   rumors   started   to   spread   about   a   phoenix,   a   firebird,   unlike   any   had   seen   before.   this   celestial   being   seemingly   halted   time     &&     space   that   gave   her   allies   a   much-needed   upper-hand.   however,   hyeon   was   not   all-powerful,     &&     she   could   not   save   everyone. 
     after   the   war   ended     &&     amarantha   ascended   as     ❝   high   queen   of   prythian   ❞,     hyeon   slumbered.   the   war   had   taken   much   from   her,   having   burned   her   new   fae   body   away,   leaving   only   an   amalgamation   of   stars   behind.   she   needed   time   to   regrow,   but   this   time   it   was   .   .   .     different.   she   was   more   powerful   than   she'd   been   before,   had   more   access   to   her   divine   abilities. 
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     and   so,��  the   celestial   phoenix   sleeps,   a   stalwart   presence   within   velaris.   if   it   were   not   for   the   slightest   movement   of   her   feathered   body,   many   would   assume   her   to   be   a   statue.   hyeon   slumbered   for   the   entirety   of   amarntha's   rule,   far   too   weak   to   be   of   much   use   until   awoken   by   the   return   of   the   high   lord   of   the   night   court. 
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havocavatars · 1 year
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queendom puzzle : girls i'm voting for (so far)
yeonhee, fye, hwiseo, yeeun, yeoreum, kei, nana
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dragscore · 2 months
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sneaking around at night for a lil tryst are we
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strywoven · 4 months
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@goddessrisen has requested a story : ' you don't look particularly sorry. you look rather pleased with yourself. '   - verona, ofc.
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Verily , not a trace of guilt upon her , not hardly the barest hints of remorse for having caused such a scene ( one still currently transpiring in the wake of own actions : a man barking mad for having just caught his woman in the coils of a serpent ) .  Verona looks on at the two caught in the aftermath of her lascivious meddling , observing with an air of UNDESERVED PRIDE ; mortals were so w e a k , so susceptible to pleasure and the longing for m o r e , for b e t t e r ( & who is she to deny a woman’s obvious desires ? perish the thought ! ) .  It is a sick sense of pride which swells further when the other woman ignores her boyfriend and meets Verona’s eye across the bar with a knowing smile ( the very same coquettish look which began this whole debacle ) .  The empyrean tips her head , lifting her glass to the other before shifting focus to Hyeon , tossing her a Chesire’s grin ; all teeth , all malignant glee and gratification.
❝ Well , life is much too short to regret one’s choices , hm ? ❞  She sips her cocktail , self-satisfied , ❝ Besides , how is it MY FAULT that the man did not keep a good enough hand on his woman ?  Truly , sounds more of an issue on his part than my own , if you ask me !  And all I did was simply introduce myself , I assure you , nothing untoward happened — ❞  Not unless one were to consider the way her hand sat possessively upon the flesh of the other’s thigh , sneaking clawtips ever higher beneath the hemline of a skirt , whispering seductive p r o m i s e s through her thoughts ‘pon a forked tongue — Yes , nothing untoward AT ALL .
Verona presses a hand to her breast , expression feigning i n n o c e n c e , ❝ I promise you , it was not my intention to sully their love !  ❞  Though , clearly , if all it took to break them apart was the infraction of a single soul , was it really l o v e at all ?  Verona doubts it.  ❝ I merely saw an enchanting little morsel and could not help myself.  Now , is that so terrible , to want to indulge ?  Is that truly A SIN ? ❞
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giftedeath · 9 months
@goddessrisen / starters ; ❛ you can yell at me later. just let me help you. ❜
nervous  hands  move  frantically  to  clean  up  the  mess  she  had  made,  𝒃𝒍𝒐𝒐𝒅𝒚  𝒌𝒏𝒖𝒄𝒌𝒍𝒆𝒔  and  bandages  strewn  haphazardly  around.   ❛  do  i  yell  at  you  a  lot  or  something  ?  ❜  buffy  lets  out  a  low,  slightly  sarcastic  chuckle.  but  it’s  also  her  way  of  accepting  the  help,  pushing  the  first  aid  kit  in  hyeon’s  direction.  ❛  you  ever  heard  of  a  mohra  demon  ?  turns  out  punching  them  relentlessly  doesn’t  really  do  much.  hence  the  state  i’m  in.  ❜
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stillresolved · 8 months
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tomorrow (today after i wake up): headcanons for aeri's modern verse
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yioh · 8 months
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kimhyeon · 11 months
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he's a baby girl sometimes KIM HYEON; a moodboard
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night-triumphantt · 2 years
Shout out to my mutuals w former wayhaven detectives, who, in the time between book 2 and book 3 have found thriving lives outside it 💀
Cheers y’all, 1 month away and 0 detective routes to play w
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kdsburneraccount · 8 months
I think about this Australian Open run sometimes Video Source
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