#Soap's 4Runner
brewed-pangolin · 10 months
Excuse me while I whip this out....
NSFW under the cut. As per usual
Reference to this post here
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Soap loves to fuck you in the back of his 4Runner. Even more so than in your shared bed.
He always invites you out on his camping trips. He says he does so because he adores your company while in the wild and can't get enough of how much of an adorable novice you are in the art of deep wilderness living.
He used to only set up camp on the ground, as before you it was just him he had to worry about. But that first time you tagged along and begged to sleep in the trunk space of his SUV in fear of getting mauled by a bear, he caved immediately.
He was reluctant at first to admit how much he enjoyed the vehicular enclosure deep in the woods. And the way you snuggled yourself up against him to keep warm did nothing but fuel the burning fire of arousal deep within his loins.
It didn't take long before you were naked, having only a blanket draped around your shoulders as you vigorously rode on his hardened cock. Your fingers digging into the flesh of his chest, his strong hands gripping your hips as he guided your soaking heat along his length.
And as you bounced on him, you couldn't help but notice the sounds of the vehicle's suspension creaking at every up and down movement of your hips. Aiding in your upward motions, assisting in your downward plunge until your bodies moved in tandem with the springs of the SUV. The sounds of pleasure mixing with the strain of metallic distress as you rode him like an animal in the midst of the deep wilderness.
You were a staple on his excursions from that point on. He taught you the ways of the wild. The life-saving techniques if you were ever faced with such a circumstance. And within a few months, you were no longer a novice. You were a well-rounded outdoorsman, fully capable and confident in your abilities to even go on a few short solo trips while he was on his extended deployments.
But they were never the same. They were tranquil, yes. But his company always made the trips more enjoyable. Especially when those wildly lascivious needs crawled into your psyche.
And that damn 4Runner. You had to admit, you were getting soft on it. You never drove it while he was gone. It was his baby. And you almost felt like you were cheating on him just looking at it. So it became a quick tradition that within the first few days of him coming home, you took a trip into the wilds tougher. To get away from the world and reconnect after months of prolonged separation.
And of course, fuck in the 4Runner. Your favorite of outdoor activities.
4Runner Wingman Masterlist
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@deadbranch @sofasoap @d3athtr4psworld @punishmepunisher @jynxmirage @obligatoryghoststare @homicidal-slvt @glitterypirateduck @kkaaaagt @macravishedbymactavish @mykneeshurt @astraluminaaa @shotmrmiller @haurasha @writeforfandoms @havov973 @luismickydees
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esteljune · 7 months
Jhonny "Soap" MacTavish x surgeon f!reader
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Synopsis: It's Christmas Eve, Johnny is on temporary leave at his family home. He didn't have the courage to ask you to go with him because you've only been dating for a few months and you have to work anyway. As soon as you tell him on the phone that you'll be working the night shift, he feels like an idiot for not asking you to come with him so he jumps in his 4runner (thanks @brewed-pangolin for introducing me to this mindblowing headcanon) and drives for over three hours straight to come to you.
As you watch him walk out the door, you've never once protested, never hesitated, always showing your best side. Your best, which is equivalent to sincere love, the most tender dedication, the broadest understanding.
Every time that blue-eyed giant leaves you behind, a piece of you inevitably goes with him, a piece of that heart that now beats wildly in front of his tender and apprehensive gaze.
It's hard not to get carried away knowing that this ridiculously and scandalously attractive guy drove like a maniac on a holiday just to see you again.
He had drawn you to him by grabbing the stethoscope intertwined around your neck, a satisfied and cheeky grin painted on that face so painfully close to your heart that it made your stomach churn.
Whatever you had wanted to object to his madness had been silenced by a kiss. One of his. So deep and all-consuming that it clouded your brain, keeping you anchored to his hot skin, to that rapid breath with a vague scent of tobacco and coffee.
"As much as the prospect of kissing you for the fifteen minutes of break I have left is definitely tempting, Sergeant. Can you tell me why you're here? Like, for real." you murmured on his soft lips, in the pause needed to catch your breath, the stubble on his scarred chin tickling your face.
"Steamin' Jesus. Because I wanted tae ask ye tae come to Glasgow with me when I came back, but I didn't. Instead, ye'll spend the night with your hands inside someone's chest." he cursed in that thick Scottish accent that was capable of making you lose your head on its own. His forehead pressed against yours, desperately.
"Johnny, stop worrying about me. I'm fine. And I'll be fine tomorrow. Knowing you're happy and safe is all I need right now." you breathed a smile, and you meant it, you meant it with every fiber of your being.
And yet, that pain, that insecurity so deeply rooted inside you had not escaped those brilliant ice blue eyes.
If he had known words strong enough to tell you how Soap felt, he would have done it, but he was not like you, his world was all action, adrenaline, discipline, control, instinct. There had never been much room for that oppressive and nameless feeling that had crushed his chest since the day he met you.
For Johnny, actions were worth much more than his limited arsenal of words.
"Here, take these. I want ye to keep them. For when I'm gone." he grunted with a breath caught in his broad chest, as his big, calloused hands nervously fumbled around his neck.
He almost awkwardly pulled off the dog tags, now dulled by the time spent resting against that familiar body, and dropped them into your hands. For a moment you could have sworn you felt him trembling. Your heart skipped a beat.
"I can't accept them, you stubborn Scot. Your blood type is written on them." you muttered, trying to camouflage your burning cheeks, the words dying in your throat.
"It's also on my combat gear." Johnny grinned in response, with that childish and mischievous smile that had often almost made you slap him.
"You always have a quick answer, don't you?"
You looked at them, more intensely and for longer than you would have liked. The truth was, you were afraid.
"I can't, Johnny. Keeping them... It would almost feel like you're never coming back to me." you confessed in a barely audible whisper, your heart sinking a little in your chest.
His rough fingers on your chin had the effect of an electric shock, forcing you to lock eyes with his prodigious blue ones.
"It's just a wee loan, aye? You decide if and when to give them back tae me. I'll always be here." he smiled and you felt like you could breathe again.
"If I could tear me heart out of my chest and leave it with ye, I would, lass. Ye'll have to settle for these."
That promise seemed to imprint itself so deeply inside you that you thought it would leave a scar.
"You can't say these things to me, Johnny. I'll end up believing them." you replied softly, praying with all your heart that it was true, that his absence would not one day destroy you.
Seeing in his eyes that he had caught the doubt that had slowly crept into you broke your heart.
"Hen..." he began in a hoarse whisper, again searching for words he didn't know.
The sound of your pager interrupted him and the moment was already gone.
“I’m sorry, I have to go.” you smiled, brushing your fingers against his achingly beautiful face, his icy eyes melting into yours and turning your blood to lava.
“Go. Save the world, bonnie.” he was so proud of you that he felt his chest might burst. Whatever he had wanted to tell you, he was sure you knew it already, you knew everything, even before he confessed his love to you. You had understood it before he did.
He loved you, and he let you go.
Please bear with me and my poor imitation of Johnny's accent T_T unfortunately english is not my first language
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My personal head cannon of the four 141 dudes in alphabetical order and what they drive.
Price - Silver Volvo as suggested by @laughroditee
Gaz - Red Mercedes-Benz SLS
Ghost - Black 4Runner
Soap - Green Land Rover Defender
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*Spoiler alert: he's not.
Summary: Dean Winchester is an addict and an alcoholic, a USMC veteran, a father, and an older brother. As Battalion Chief with Lawrence Fire & Medical, Dean comes under investigation when he makes a dangerous and impulsive decision, defying his superiors and abandoning the team he is supposed to lead. He is given the choice to go to rehab for 28 days, or jail. His lawyer insists on rehab, and Dean begrudgingly abides.
Chapter characters: Dean Winchester, Nick (Iblis), Zeke Gadreel, Missouri Moseley, Jack Kline, Pamela Barnes, Gabriel, Crowley, Meg Masters, Rowena Macleod
Chapter tags/warnings: 18+ ONLY, references to sexual activity (everyone is 18), references to underage drug addiction and prostitution, Dean’s heading into withdrawal, he’s injured and unmedicated
Chapter WC: 3,200
Author’s notes: Sunrise Bay is the fictional soap opera in which Schitt’s Creek’s Moira Rose starred. I couldn’t resist giving it to Rowena.
I don't have ample words to thank @brrose-apothecary and @stusbunker for their continued support and readings, but I will thank them and declare my undying love.
Text divider by @talesmaniac89
Dean’s chest is tight with panic. 
“It wasn’t my fault.”
John is furious, driving erratically, and hurling threats and accusations. 
“Of course, it’s your fault, Dean — you’re a man. Men don’t get to play innocent.”
If John had learned about Dean’s mushroom-enhanced threesome with Jamie and Carmen any other way than from Jamie’s pissed-off mom, he’d be slapping him on the back and handing him a beer for earning another couple of notches on his belt.
But nobody likes to be told they’re a shitty parent, especially not John Winchester.
“They were trippin’ and half-naked when I got there, I didn’t-”
“Gimme a break, kid. You went there to get high and get your dick wet. I was 18 once, too, ya know.”
Dean’s mind races as John speeds through town. “What about Sammy?” 
“What about him?! You gonna go home and tell him you got caught fuckin’ his English teacher’s daughter?! Ya think that’ll make him proud, somethin’ to live up to?!” 
John is roaring loud as he pulls into a parking spot in front of the USMC recruitment center. He kills the engine and turns to Dean, but Dean can’t look his dad in the eye.
John scoffs. “Don’t worry about Sammy, I think I can handle it.” 
Dean knows John can’t handle it. John doesn’t even know what time Sam’s school starts or how much money he needs for lunch. John barely even knows what day it is half the time.
Dean’s voice is quiet when he speaks. “They’ll send me to Afghanistan, Dad.” 
He’s afraid — for his own life and to leave his little brother behind. He doesn’t want to go to war, and he doesn’t want Sam to have to navigate his teenage years, dodging bullets from John. 
Dean doesn’t realize he’s crying until his tears drop to his hands in his lap. 
“Oh, man-the-fuck-up, Dean,” John growls, wrenching the door of the Impala open. “Let’s go!”
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Twenty-four hours after waking up in the hospital with multiple injuries and the acrid contempt of his little brother, Dean is informed he’s being transferred to a rehab facility.
He isn’t allowed any real pain medication, and he’s riding a class VI hangover, even with fluids being pumped into his body. His head, shoulder, ribcage, and hips are throbbing. He’s starving, too, but he knows there’s no way in Hell he’d be able to keep any food down.
In the early afternoon, he’s escorted to Discharge by hospital security. He wishes he’d showered because his skin is itchy, and he knows he looks like hammered shit. When the guards walk him outside, he sees Nick and Zeke, waiting for him in Zeke’s 4Runner. 
“Fuck,” Dean mutters under his breath.
Sam undoubtedly hand-picked the Green Berets to transport Dean’s sorry ass to Kansas City. Not only do Nick and Zeke not give a single shit about other people’s drama, but they’re also brick fucking walls of defense.
The security guards disappear back inside the building, leaving Dean no other choice than to limp toward his former teammates. As he nears the vehicle, Nick climbs out of the passenger seat and opens the back door. 
Dean floats an attempt at good humor, which promptly falls flat on its face. 
“You two suck at Roshambo, or what?” 
Nick’s silent, answering smirk is devoid of any trace of mirth. 
Dean purses his lips and bobs his head before ducking to gingerly slide across the backseat next to his familiar duffle. He immediately pictures his Dopp kit inside the bag with his trusty bottle of pills. 
With the combination of his injuries, this epic fucking hangover, and his escorts’ chilly reception, he could really use a Vicodin or two right now, but Sam’s no idiot. He chose Nick and Zeke for more than their lack of investment in bullshit or their multiple factors of intimidation; Dean can only assume that everything in that bag has been thoroughly searched and stripped.
“D’you pack my SpongeBob toothbrush? It’s my fave.” Dean asks from the back as Zeke wordlessly pulls away from the curb. 
“Packed what was on the list and nothing that wasn’t, Chief,” Nick replies, confirming Dean’s suspicion. 
Dean nods, slipping his phone from his pocket to thumb out texts to Gordon and Lydia, letting them know where he’s going. He tells them both that he’ll be in touch soon, each for different reasons. Then finally, he pulls up a video game and slumps into the seat for the longest 50 minutes he’s ever endured.
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The facility looks like a high school in a John Hughes movie, but with a bunch of weird-ass people standing around outside, hugging and singing and chanting. 
Dean rolls his eyes and hoists his bag onto his good shoulder with a wince. Every second of consciousness reminds him of broken bones, twisted ligaments, and fragments of self-loathing that thrive under his itching skin. The last thing he needs right now is a round of kumba-fucking-ya. 
He peeks over his shoulder to see Nick hanging out the window with a savage grin. “Go on.” He waves Dean off like he’s shooing a fly. “Have fun, and make lots of friends.” 
Dean scowls before turning back to face the entrance and trudging inside, careful not to move too fast. His hip is killing him even more than his slinged shoulder or his ribs, probably because he’s injured it twice before. Fidgeting in the backseat of Zeke’s ancient SUV for almost an hour didn’t exactly help.
Once the facility’s revolving door spits him inside the bright lobby, a warm, welcoming voice calls to him from the centered reception desk.
“Dean Winchester?”
The voice belongs to a pretty, middle-aged black woman in a nurse’s uniform, rounding the desk to greet him. He continues forward, eyeing her sideways. 
“Yes, ma’am?” He doesn’t know what he expected from rehab admittance, but kindness was not it.
“Sam called. Wanted to make sure you got in OK. Nice boy.” She looks him up and down, and her brow furrows. “Let’s get you checked in so you can get settled and rest up.” 
The warmth of her tone and gaze hug him like a thick, soft blanket.
“Yes, ma’am,” Dean responds.
Her ID badge reads ‘Missouri’. Dean doesn’t know if that’s her name, or where she’s from, but it doesn’t matter much to him because she’s already soothed his senses more than anyone he’s spoken to in the last 36 hours.
“Come on, right in here,” she says, showing him to an open office space. 
Inside the room is a male orderly who helps Dean unload his bag before pulling it open and searching its contents.
“Not gonna find much more than Visine in there, buddy. Crocket and Tubbs already got to the good stuff.”
The orderly remains focused on his work, and Missouri focuses on Dean.
“You mind your manners, boy, and let him do his job,” she says. 
Dean drops his eyes to the floor. “Yes, ma’am.”
As the orderly continues his examination of Dean’s belongings, Missouri rattles off some basic rules.
“There’s no fraternizin’ with other patients, no phone calls ‘cept once a week for 10 minutes at a time...”
Dean nods along as she speaks. He flicks his gaze up to watch the orderly drop his iPhone, its charger, and his AirPods into a plastic bin, and Dean shakes his head but remains silent. When the orderly finds the Swiss Army knife Emma bought him last year for Father’s Day, his heart clenches in his chest. 
“You’ll get that back when you check out, Dean,” Missouri assures him, warmth seeping into her tone and eyes. “Now, just a quick pat down, and I’ll show ya to your room.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Dean nods. He’s relieved to realize that he likes Missouri. She’s a bright spot in this quagmire of misery he’s brought upon himself, and that’s a gift.
The orderly pats him down and checks his sling for anything else the place doesn't allow, and once he’s been stripped of all things sharp or shiny, Missouri leads him through the building, pointing out public sitting areas and restrooms. He’s fucking exhausted and beginning to suspect his hangover is actually withdrawal, which he’s been dreading since he woke up this morning.
Before long, Missouri pauses a few feet from a recreation room with several round table and chair sets, some mismatched lounge furniture, and finally, a single flat-screen TV on a low table. 
“Folks, this’s Dean Winchester,” Missouri says.
Dean takes note of three people piled onto a small couch, another guy next to them in a side chair, and two petite women settled on pillows facing the screen. Some Marvel movie is paused on the screen, by the balding man in the chair. 
“Pills,” he says with an accent, narrowing his gaze as the corner of his mouth twists upward.
Dean’s eyebrows and lips quirk.
“Hmm... sex and booze,” declares the tiny, familiar-looking redhead on the floor. She also has an accent, and Dean wonders where all these Brits are hiding in the middle of America.
“Sex and anything he can get his hands on,” says the bright-eyed brunette from the center of the couch. Her gaze sparkles and dances in a way that makes Dean instantly begin to calculate how to get around the no-fraternizing rule.
“You guys’re good,” he says.
The brunette rakes her appreciative gaze over Dean and licks her lips, as a goofy-looking blonde guy reaches across her to grab a large bowl full of popcorn from the lap of some floppy-haired kid.
“Well, kiddo, since your roommate’s here, I’ll take this off your hands. And, uhh, my money’s on coke,” says the blonde guy as he burrows back into his corner of the couch.
The kid brushes his hands along his thighs before standing and turning to face Dean and Missouri. As he approaches them, he holds up a single hand like he’s swearing to God.
“I’m Jack.” 
Dean darts his eyes to Missouri, who’s smiling reassuringly at the boy.
Dean wants to ask, what kind of crack therapy team thought it’d be a good idea to pair a literal fucking child up with the likes of himself? 
Instead, he waves back at the kid with a weak smile. 
It’s awkward, and Dean is far too undermedicated and stressed to have to deal with a kid. The anxiety makes his heart race and his stomach roil. 
“I can introduce him and show him to our room,” Jack offers with a blush.
Everything about this kid and this room and... everything is making Dean’s skin crawl.
“That’d be real helpful, Jack,” Missouri replies, then turns back to Dean. “This’s your roommate — Jack Kline.”
Dean glares at her before drawing a shallow breath. “Yes, ma’am. I gathered that.”
“I’ll head back to the desk, now,” Missouri says with a pointed look before walking away.
Jack motions toward the group and begins introducing everyone. 
“That’s Pamela,” he says, his brow furrowing in concentration. “Mother of two and meth addict. Next to her is Gabe. He’s a compulsive liar and gambler.”
Gabe salutes as he cheerfully munches popcorn with his mouth full. Dean shakes his head, amazed that Pamela and Gabe seem perfectly comfortable with this little shit airing their dirty laundry all over the rec room.
“Crowley’s on the end, in the chair,” Jack continues. “He’s an alcoholic, and usually very cranky — probably because he killed one of his patients—”
“That was two years ago, you twat,” Crowley drones with an eye roll back to the screen in front of him as he presses play.
“It’s part of your story,” Jack adds matter-of-factly before gesturing to the two women sitting on the floor with their backs against the couch. 
“Meg...” Jack says, and Meg waves. “...was a prostitute and heroin addict — like me.”
Dean’s heart jumps into his throat, and he thinks he might throw up right there. Jack can’t be a year older than Emma. He’s a fucking minor, for christ’s sake.
Meg throws Jack a wink before chiming in.  “I second Pamela’s bet — sex… and anything else he can find.”
Meg holds Dean’s gaze for several beats, and Dean feels like the air’s been sucked out of the room. The buzzing in his ears almost drowns out Jack’s last introduction until he hears something familiar.
“...a retired soap opera star and opioid addict—”
“Rowena Macleod,” Dean says with a small huffed laugh. “My, uhh...” He snaps a few times, shaking his head, trying to jog free fond memories from decades before. “My babysitter watched Sunrise Bay. You were amazing.”
“Ohh,” Rowena coos and Pamela chuckles as she nudges Rowena’s delicate shoulder with her toe.
“Seriously, so much of my childhood is wrapped up in those episodes.”
He remembers Spaghettios and hot dogs, animal crackers, and cherry Kool-aid. His babysitter used to paint his toenails, even though he’d make her take it off before John got home.
“Why thank you, darling,” Rowena preens. “‘Twas so long ago, I barely remember a thing anymore—”
“Might be the morphine,” Gabe mutters, and Pamela smacks the back of his head.
Rowena ignores them both in favor of reminding Jack to bring his “new friend” to dinner.
“Don’t forget, Jacky — four-thirty sharp.” She bats her eyelashes and fusses with her jewelry. 
Dean gives her a warm smile even though he feels hollowed-out, heavy and hot. His skin’s tight and prickly, yet he feels like he’s falling apart. He knows what’s happening, and he fucking hates that he can’t do a damn thing about it but get through it.
“Do you want to go get settled and cleaned up first?” Jack asks, startling Dean to attention.
Jack’s eyes are so wide and so blue, Dean thinks he might fall in and drown. He wants to fall in and drown. Anything but this.
Instead, he nods in answer and follows Jack to the staircase.
It isn’t long before they arrive at their room.
“Curfew is at 8 PM, but I usually read until Lights-Out at 10.” Jack stops in front of their open door, and Dean peeks inside.
The bare bed closest to the door holds a stack of folded bedding and a single pillow. The nightstand is donned with a non-descript lamp and a pad and paper.
“That’s me.” Jack motions to the far bed, which is neatly made with what appears to be a furry dragon dead center of his pillow. On that nightstand is a short stack of comic books and a bag of Milky Way candy bars.
Dean is sure he’s being Punk’d at this point.
“Nice dragon. What’re you, four years old?” Dean asks, pushing inside the room and dropping his duffle to the floor beside what is now his bed.
Jack stands in the hall with his furrowed brow. “I’m 17. And that’s a gryphon; dragons don’t have fur, Dean.”
Dean huffs an ironic, pained laugh and shakes his head before dropping his chin to his chest and letting his heavy eyelids close. 
“My bad,” he mutters, rubbing his burning eyes with the thumb and forefinger of his good hand.
Maybe if he goes to sleep, he’ll wake up, and this’ll all be over with. Maybe he can find someone somewhere in this place with something, anything, to put him to sleep so he can wake up without feeling like a bag full of broken glass.
“It’s OK,” Jack replies with a shrug as he wanders inside the room toward the toy in question. “Not a lot of people know what a gryphon is. They’re guardians of the divine. My mom bought it for me before I was born because she wanted me to always be safe. She died in childbirth, and I never knew my dad-”
“Kid,” Dean interrupts Jack’s monologue of fantastical tragedy. “Can we save the overshare for when I’ve had at least a few hours’ sleep and some food?”
Jack absently pets his stuffed guardian, curiously eyeing Dean. “Openness agitates you. I noticed downstairs that hearing everyone’s stories made you... uncomfortable.”
Dean scoffs. “Well... yeah. I don’t need to know everyone’s dirty little secrets — especially not on the first day.”
Jack shrugs, and Dean watches him carefully replace the plush toy atop his pillow. 
“You’ll get used to it. Honesty is the first step.” Jack looks up as he rounds the foot of Dean’s bed on his way back to the door with a wide, satisfied grin.
Judging by his posture and careful pronunciation of the word, Dean has a feeling that learning the importance of honesty was a big lesson for Jack. Dean isn’t ready for any lessons right now. 
“I’ll see you downstairs when you’re ready. Just follow the signs. The dining hall isn’t far.” 
Jack disappears out the door and around the corner, and Dean sighs with relief to finally be alone. 
As he unpacks his clothes and puts them in the dresser, he tries to ignore his runny nose and full-body chills. He distracts himself by wondering how long the kid’s been in this place, which leads to speculating what landed him here, and then he’s chewing the inside of his mouth bloody thinking about the fucking pieces of shit who sell dope to kids, and — worse — the kind of sickos who pay to touch them.
He slams his dresser drawer hard enough to rattle the mirror on the wall beside it, closes his eyes again, then inhales in through his nose and exhales out his mouth. 
Tessa, one of the nurse practitioners in the Medical division of the department, taught him breathing exercises. He went to see her under the pretense of managing work-related stress, but really he just wanted an in to meet the hot newbie. Turns out, Tessa isn’t just good-looking; she’s also great at her job because the stupid exercises work.
He and Tessa also talked about spirituality from time to time. She’s been trying to convince him for weeks that asking the universe for help doesn’t make him weak. He’s not so sure he agrees with her, but at this point, he’ll try anything to help him get through the next few weeks without losing his god damned mind.
“I feel... fucking ridiculous doing this,” he starts, quiet as a whisper. “But I’m fresh outta ideas.”
He breathes in deeply and out again, dismissing the sharp pain in his chest that every breath brings him, yet tears begin to flood his closed eyes. 
“C’mon, Dean, you got through two tours in Afghanistan, for fuck’s sake!” he berates himself.
Maybe the universe is punishing him for going overboard. Maybe if he promises to reel it in, he can do this without his usual vices to lean on and places to hide.
“Listen, I swear to dial it back when I get out. No more all-night parties, no more mixing- just, please. Gimme somethin’.” 
He sniffs and wipes his eyes, still shivering, cramping, and swallowing back bile, but at least he has a plan. 
“OK, you can do this,” he tells himself, grabbing his Dopp kit and heading to the bathroom for a hot shower.
As the steam from the shower fills the stall and he stands under the hot spray of water, he continues to tell himself that he can get through the next 28 days without imploding. 
Chapter 3
Please let me know what you think!
Series Masterlist
MJ's Masterlist
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shotmrmiller · 8 months
I want you to know that because of your genius little mind, I am going to headcanon 4Runner Soap texting reader..
..when he wants to bone in the backseat.
Thank you very much.
I love you.
do i wear a skirt? no knickers?
how far away are you? do i have time to shave?
you're welcome! i'm just paying my soap squad ™️ taxes ❤️❤️ ily!!!
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antoine-roquentin · 4 years
Twenty-four-year-old Lauren Mestas was already having a bad day when she noticed a cop car tailing her northbound on Interstate 35, headed into downtown Austin. She wasn’t overly concerned at first, as she wasn’t breaking any laws, but the patrol vehicle remained on her tail as she exited onto Riverside Drive, headed west. She started to suspect that it might have something to do with the slogans soaped all over the windows of her 2001 Toyota 4Runner. In addition to “BROWN PRIDE” and “BLACK LIVES MATTER,” written across the rear window were the words “FUCK THESE RACIST POLICE.”
Two days earlier and not even a mile away, a few blocks south of the Texas Capitol in the center of Austin, Mestas had witnessed an off-duty Army sergeant named Daniel Perry shoot and kill an Air Force veteran named Garrett Foster, who had been at a BLM protest with an AK-47 slung across his chest, pushing his quadruple-amputee fiancée in a wheelchair. At the sound of gunfire, Mestas and two other young women had fled across Congress Avenue, the main downtown boulevard, and hidden behind a column of the Frost Bank Tower. In the process, she had accidentally lost her cell phone, as well as the remote control to open the gates of her apartment complex.
That night, on arriving home, she’d parked in an ungated portion of the sprawling, 42-building apartment complex, located in far South Austin. Badly shaken by the shooting, she must have confused the spot, because when she went out the next morning, a Sunday, she couldn’t seem to find the 4Runner anywhere. “I was not in a good headspace,” she told me. “I thought somebody had stolen my car.”
She called the city’s non-emergency line to report the suspected theft. Eight hours later, she stumbled across the 4Runner while walking her dog, a chihuahua named Optimus Prime, and redialed 311 to retract the stolen vehicle report. The operator, Mestas told me, assured her that the 4Runner’s vehicle identification number and license plate number would be removed from the police department’s stolen vehicle list, and gave her a confirmation number for verification, should she happen to get pulled over.
Monday morning, she went to her job at Planet K, the longtime Austin smoke shop where she was employed as a shift lead. She had yet to recover, emotionally, from witnessing Foster’s murder. “I spent two hours on my shift sobbing,” she told me. “I had just seen somebody get shot and killed. I was pretty much catatonic.” A little after 10 a.m., her manager sent her to the bank to break $200 into small bills and coins. She took Optimus Prime with her for company.
It was on the way to the bank that the cop car picked up her tail. The officer, a state trooper from the Texas Department of Public Safety, or DPS, later filed an incident report which made clear that his reason for running a license plate check was that, in his words, “the vehicle had anti law enforcement rhetoric scribble [sic] all over the outside.” He followed her for a mile on Riverside Drive along the south shore of Ladybird Lake, and waited a full five minutes to hit the siren and lights.
“Oh my God,” Mestas thought, surmising what must have happened. “They think I stole my car.”
She panicked, and instead of pulling over, she came to a dead stop in the middle of the First Street Bridge, blocking the inside lane. The spot where she braked to a halt might well have been the precise geographic center of Austin, with Ladybird Lake flowing beneath her toward Longhorn Dam, Auditorium Shores and all of South Austin to her rear, and City Hall directly in front of her. It was 10:40 on a weekday morning, and normally the bridge would have been packed with traffic, but four months into the pandemic, there were hardly any other cars.
The state trooper, Garrett Ray, was joined by a second DPS officer, Jason Melson. Instead of approaching the 4Runner, they drew their service weapons and took cover behind the open doors of their patrol vehicles. According to Ray’s incident report, it was an “HRS,” or high-risk stop, also known as a felony stop: a procedure employed when an officer believes that someone in the car has committed a serious crime and could be dangerous.
The tactical terminology is worth noting because earlier that very same morning, the Austin Police Department had released damning dashcam footage of officers shooting and killing an unarmed man named Michael Ramos in a high-risk or felony stop that, like this one, had been based on faulty dispatch information. A 911 caller reported that Ramos and a woman had been using drugs in a parked car, and that he was holding a gun. Ramos had been spooked by the sight of eight armed officers pointing weapons and screaming at him to get his hands up. When he tried to flee, one of the officers opened fire with an assault rifle. APD later confirmed there was no gun in Ramos’s possession.
One hour after Mestas was pulled over, at 11:40 a.m., I happened to come across the scene by accident. I was riding my bike around Ladybird Lake, and I counted at least 40 DPS vehicles blocking the south end of the First Street Bridge. There had to be 80 cops on scene by that time, if not 100. The emergency vehicles included a fire truck, an ambulance, and two BearCat armored personnel carriers.
Every minute or so, a mechanical RoboCop-like voice repeated, “Driver, exit the vehicle with your hands up.” The dystopian intonation sounded over Auditorium Shores, where a crowd of people who had been exercising or playing with their dogs had gathered on the sidewalk to watch the spectacle unfold.
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shinegraffix · 4 years
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biofunmy · 5 years
The Man Who’s Putting More Sex Toys on Walmart’s Shelves
NEWTON, Mass. — Last year, Jamie Leventhal, the chief executive of Clio, a small company that makes devices like personal hair trimmers, got a call from a buyer he knew at Walmart.
“What do you think of sex toys?” Mr. Leventhal said the buyer had asked him.
It was a bit of a surprising question from a retailer known for its buttoned-up corporate culture. But Mr. Leventhal knew that Amazon and other retailers were having success selling adult products and that there was money to be made. So did Walmart.
Now, 45 years after feminists started selling vibrators by mail-order catalog, 20 after the Rabbit toy was praised on “Sex and the City” and in a moment when brands like Goop are espousing “sexual wellness” to women, Mr. Leventhal’s company has created a line of sex toys that are being stocked and sold by Walmart, the largest retailer in the United States.
Clio’s PlusOne line started appearing in 4,300 of Walmart’s roughly 4,700 stores and on Walmart.com in October. Walmart sells the items in stores in every state in the United States except Virginia and Alabama, because of laws in those places. The retailer plans to begin carrying four more PlusOne products in August.
“This is not a new category for us,” Walmart said in a statement, noting that it carries vibrators made by the condom companies Trojan, Durex and Lifestyles. But PlusOne is a much bigger move into sex toys.
The products are designed to be high end. They are waterproof, rechargeable and made with body-safe silicone, features once found only on products sold at sex shops and online. Yet they’re priced between $10 and $35, far less than “designer vibrators” from companies like Lelo, which can cost $75 to $200.
The PlusOne line is also more identifiably sexual than the other devices on Walmart’s shelves. Clio will release a clitoral stimulator as part of its August expansion, along with a mini personal massager, cleaning wipes and a lubricant.
Although Clio developed the products for Walmart and the retailer is its top customer, the company’s vibrators are also carried by Target and Amazon. In the last eight months, Clio has sold over a million PlusOne units. The company now has more than 26 percent of the sexual massager market, according to Nielsen.
“I want to become the Kleenex of sex toys,” Mr. Leventhal said, “the brand that you associate with sex toys.”
Clio is hoping to appeal to women who have never bought a sex toy before, particularly mothers over 25, but are embracing the idea that “sexual wellness” is good for you and can be empowering.
“It is like bringing a mini-sex toy store to every small town in America,” said Hallie Lieberman, the author of the sex toy history “Buzz.” “It is very revolutionary in a quiet way.”
“This feels like the tipping point,” said Chad Braverman, an executive at the sex toy manufacturer Doc Johnson, which was founded in 1976, when sex toys were still an underground business. “It is another step toward normalcy.”
When developing the line, Clio considered various factors, including price and aesthetic, but especially, Mr. Leventhal said, “how do we do something that Walmart shareholders won’t be offended by?”
Mr. Leventhal, 46, also has to figure out how to market a device that some in the public still view with suspicion. It was illegal to sell sex toys in Texas until 2008, and still is in Alabama. This year, at CES, the largest consumer electronics show in the country, an innovation award given to a sex toy was revoked; a rule prohibits products that are “immoral, obscene, indecent, profane” or do not reflect well on the show’s image.
Still, sex sells quite well. The “femtech” market, which includes the category of sexual wellness, could be worth $50 billion by 2020, according to a 2018 report by Frost and Sullivan. The adult store industry made $9.5 billion in 2018, and sex toys account for nearly 80 percent of that revenue, according to a 2018 report from Ibis World.
Trojan began selling vibrators in 2005, and they soon appeared in drugstores like CVS and Walgreens. By 2008, Walmart carried objects like vibrating rings, which are primarily designed for men.
Mr. Leventhal founded Clio in 2002. At the time, he saw an opening in the market for less expensive grooming products. The company now has five departments: grooming, nail care, skin care, cosmetic appliances and sexual wellness devices. Sex toys will soon become the majority of the products that Clio ships.
Mr. Leventhal admits he is a novice in the sex toy industry. Ms. Lieberman’s book on the history of such devices is in the office, but he hasn’t read it. “I’m curious, but I’m also busy,” he said.
He goes to hot yoga at lunch when he can, and drives an 11-year-old Toyota 4Runner he named Whitney, after Whitney Houston. He plays tennis with his two young children and spends time thinking about innovative retail products like EOS’s spherical lip balm and Method’s teardrop soap bottle. And he’s not sure why selling sex toys in a major retailer would be a big deal to anyone.
“I don’t see it as taboo,” Mr. Leventhal said.
He recognizes that not everyone feels the same way. “I think there’s a group of men that definitely do see a sex toy as a threat to the intimacy in their marriage,” he said.
Clio’s competitors are watching closely.
Alexandra Fine, the chief executive of Dame Products, thinks Walmart’s investment in PlusOne could make it more likely for her company to attract investors, which has not always been easy, she said. Dame Products sued New York’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority in June for refusing to place advertisements for the company on subways.
“It’s challenging to get people to see the value and the importance of female sexual pleasure,” Ms. Fine said. “It can be frustrating to be fighting for that and then to see men more easily profit from it.”
Mr. Leventhal grew up in Sharon, Mass., and his father and uncles all bought and sold merchandise for retail companies. He studied at the Florida Institute of Technology and Hofstra and went to work for a company in Chicago that made fans.
Mr. Leventhal thinks Walmart approached him because his company is small and works quickly. There are only about 20 employees, including two product designers.
PlusOne’s designers, several of them women, are also new to sex toys and take inspiration from specialty shops, items on Amazon and premium products made by companies like Lelo, WeVibe and Womanizer. One of the female designers said she also got ideas from pornography, though Stephanie Trachtenberg, Clio’s marketing director, said the company wanted to distance itself from that world because of negative associations consumers might make.
“We’re not kinky,” she said. “This is good for you.”
Jason Cornaro, 28, one of PlusOne’s designers, often thought about how he could make the products feel accessible and inviting to a first-time buyer. He wanted to make them attractive, not vulgar, but also immediately recognizable and easy to use.
“It has to kind of appeal to everyone, or at least not turn anyone away,” Mr. Cornaro said.
Clio is already working on a new product that looks like a vibrating silicone feather. Employees are calling it a “tickler.” It was Ms. Trachtenberg’s idea.
“It’s amazing,” Mr. Leventhal said, as the product buzzed. “We’ll launch that in the first quarter of 2020.”
Sahred From Source link Fashion and Style
from WordPress http://bit.ly/2XkICYx via IFTTT
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brewed-pangolin · 10 months
I may or may not be just looking at 4Runners just for sh*ts and giggles. 🤭 got curious to what the inside looked like. 😏
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There's a reason they make air mattresses for 4Runners...
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brewed-pangolin · 9 months
I'm making a series that will revolve around Soap's 4Runner. They'll be simple drabbles that will focus on the adventures (fluff and smut alike) and times spent in Soap's cherished vehicular baby.
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If you have a request for a specific scenario, send one in. I'm all about expanding this series.
And thank you to the lovely @glitterypirateduck for coming up with the name.
Much love 💛
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brewed-pangolin · 1 month
Corner Lot Creamery
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Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x f!Reader
MDNI 18+ Explicit smut, unprotected p in v, backseat sex, Soap being a vulgar little fiend, creampie if you look closely, just absolute filth
WC ~1.3k
Synposis: Everyone loves that new car smell. Except Soap. He prefers a more natural scent. Yours. And he knows just what to do to get that new leather lathered in it.
@glitterypirateduck @deadbranch this one's for you💛
Soap MacTavish is a simple man.
He appreciates quality over quantity. And prefers subtlety over indulgence in regards to the finer things in life.
This is nowhere more prominent than when he signs the down payment on a new 4Runner. Him being handed the keys, his mind already playing out the next strategic maneuvers needed to inact his plan while he aids you in effortlessly moving the belongings from one vehicle to the next.
"You alright, babe?" You ask. Glancing over your shoulder with a smile, scrutinizing the knowing grin etched in his lips.
"Aye. M'good, hen."
It was the simplicity and deep brogue of his reply that had your mind tumbling. The sound of his toolbox jiggling in the back not too dissimilar to the gears turning within your thoughts. Nestling the distinctive red Milwaukee chest in the corner, keeping it in place with his duffle bag that rarely left the vehicle's trunk.
"God. Is there anything better than new car smell?" You boast. Sliding into the passenger seat, the fresh leather molding to your frame, softened by the heat radiating from your skin.
His silence to you was unusual.
Soap was always a talker. Rarely going an hour without interjecting himself into any discussion, and more than comfortable putting his own view on any and all topics of the day.
Your eyes narrowed at him. Trying to decipher his unreadable expression; gaze focused on the road, barely a twitch to the corners of his lips. And his eyes, normally bright and expsoed in the midday sun, were darkened by his Ray-Bans, impeding your perusing stare.
"Johnny. What's going on with you?"
Almost instinctively, and with the speed and fluidity of a hardened servicemen, he reached out to wrap his hand around the flesh of your thigh. His unwavering stare focused on the road, his fingers traveling up the suppleness of your inner thigh, only to nestle between your legs and press his fingertips into the seam of your pants. Feeling the throb of arousal beneath the fabric, pulling a sinful whimper from your lips, adding the perfect amount pressure to the area around your clit.
"New car smell's fine, yeah. But I want somethin better," Soap growled. Pulling into a vacant parking lot, hurdling the sparkling new SUV into a corner spot with a dramatic jolt. Barely able to unfasten his own seat belt, his hands shaking with need, crawling into the backseat before grasping at your clothes to drag you back with him, an excited shriek erupting from your chest from his needy exuberance.
"M'gonnae make 'er smell like you, bonnie. Want yer scent on me, every time I get in 'er."
His hands were on you like a feverish fiend. Tearing your clothes away, fabric tossed to the back with reckless abandon as the scent of arousal permeated into the pours of fresh leather.
Silencing your protest with his mouth, tasting the sweetness of promiscuity on your tongue, exhaling a growl between your lips while he rocked his hips, grinding his hardened cock into your core, feeling the heat radiate over the fabric of his jeans.
Breaking the kiss with a wet pop, he fumbled with his belt, opening his pants with a determination you knew all too well. Thankful for the tinted windows and private brick cove of the parking lot. Not wanting to add indescent exposure to the days events as he moved to hover over your naked frame. Fully intent on christening his latest 4Runner with the spicy bouquet of sex.
With a focused purpose, Soap pierces your silken cunt with the throbbing hardness of his cock, devouring the moan escaping your throat with a heated kiss. Gliding his tongue in a sultry dance tandem with the languid roll of his hips.
"Gonnae make ya come...fuck...got'a make ya come, bonnie. Cannae pull out til ya fuckin clench 'round me."
If it wasn't the desperate plea echoing on a breathy growl, it was the steady and determined roll of his hips that ultimately sealed your fate in that parking lot.
The thick, spongy head of his cock kissing the sensitive wall of your cervix. Refusing to pull out entirely with every backward thrust, keeping himself buried within your velvety walls, pushing you towards overstimulation with every labored exhale. The metal carriage keeping the world at bay as your mind and body succumbed to climactic euphoria.
"Tha's it, hen. Come f'me. Feelin ya fuckin wrap 'round me."
Your orgasm moved with a chaotic symphony of gasps and moans.
Wanton and unadulterated.
Muffled by his lips, tangling with his animalistic growls. Legs wrapping around his waist to keep yourself grounded to reality for fear of drowning in the abyss of his own intrepid making.
The rhythmic roll of his hips steadily began to falter. Every forward push accentuated by a groan.
Gravelly and unfiltered.
"F-fuck, bonnie. Gonnae come-...fill ya up. Make ya-...spill me outta ya."
You never tired of his vulgarity when he was on the cusp of emptying himself into your cunt.
He was breathless. Beautiful. And altogether beastly as a surge of warmth and pressure filled your canal. Prompting him to give one final thrust as your combined fluids dripped out of your fluttering hole and onto the maiden and unblemished leather beneath.
"Johnny-, you-, you're gonna stain the seats." You plead, attempting to push him off, halted when met with the weight of an immovable Scottish brick wall.
"Tha's th'fuckin point, lass. Gonnae mark 'er up wit ya. Douse 'er in tha' sweet fuckin scent a'yers."
You knew better than to deny him when he was like this. Hell bent on replacing that distinctive new car smell with the aromatic scent of sex and natural arousal.
Letting the quietness surround your conjoined bodies. Acting like a soothing blanket, ignoring the world outside to feel the qualitative euphoria in the afterglow.
Reluctant to move, Soap instead laid himself down and buried his head into your chest. Stifling a moan into your flesh, tilting to the side as he blanketed your naked body with his sculpted frame.
You realized then, gazing up onto the brickstone wall outside, that he had found refuge in the back parking lot of your favorite custard creamery. The familiar font gracing the red barrier catching your eye, exhaling a quiet moan of contentment, watching it rustle over the Scots distinguishable mohawk.
"What?" He breathed. Voice low, muffled against the supple flesh of your breast.
"I think I've thought of a name for her."
"Aye? Wha's tha'?"
You let the silence hang for a moment. Allowing his mind to settle on suspicion, tilting his head to rest his chest between the valley of your breasts.
"Well? Wha' is it, lass?"
"How about CeeDee? Cookie Devil. Our nickname at Culver's, to where you just so happened to park us."
Soap lifted his head, taking a quick glance at the signage above. Replying with a perplexed brow, softening his expression with a gentle yet appreciative grin.
"Aye. Cannae lie, hen. Kinda like it."
You smiled at his approval. Cupping his face to bring him in for a kiss. His lips still reddened from the impromptu coitus, drawing a deliciously soft whimper from the depths of his throat.
"Easy, lass. Been a while since I kissed ya like tha'."
You ignore him. Blissfully continuing with your previous conversation, feigning innocence.
"Y'know. CeeDee can actually work quite well. It's an acronym for the other name I want to give her."
"Mhm. And wha's tha' one?"
Pursing your lips, you paused. Keeping your wits about you in fear of bursting into a fit of laughter at any moment.
"Well, if you plan on us fucking a lot in her, why don't we just call her the Cum Dumpster?"
"Steamin fuckin Jesus, bonnie."
4Runner Wingman Masterlist
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@ohgeesoap @writeforfandoms @efingart @sofasoap @mini-metal @shotmrmiller @homicidal-slvt @astraluminaaa @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @crashandlivewrites @random-thot-generator @glossysoap @devcica @tacticalanxiety @gazs-blue-hat @chamomiletealeaf @thetrashpossum @queen-ilmaree @weebumochi @sadstone-s @slutweeds @foxface013 @lily-ilo
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brewed-pangolin · 7 months
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Ribbed for Her Pleasure
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A/N: I can't recall who I saved this Soap photo from. If anyone knows, please tell me so I can give credit. 💛
Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x Fem Reader
18+ MDNI Explicit Smut, P in V, filthy banter, car sex, slight exhibitionism
Thank y'all for being patient. Seems like the writers block has started to lift a bit, and I'm finally back to indulging myself in Soap filth. Enjoy a nice road trip that turns into an exciting sexcapade. @glitterypirateduck I decided to flip the script on this one. I can't say no to Soap being a menacing tease. @waves-against-a-cliff thank you for sending in my first 🛞⭕💢⭕💢🛞, hope you like it.
Love y'all. And happy Super Soap Sunday!
WC ~2k
4Runner Soap loves to tease while driving on extended road trips.
It's subtle at first. His warm hand resting on your thigh as you ramble on about nothing and everything under the sun.
He'll steal a few quick glances of your expression to attempt to gauge whether or not he's having the desired effect on you.
If you meet his steely gaze with equal growing intentions, he'll keep his hand resting on your thigh with a loving squeeze as his attention returns to the road ahead.
Yet if you show no reaction to his ministrations, continuing your verbal regurgitation of the weeks events, he'll have no choice but to press onward. His one hand gripped tightly around the steering wheel as the other moved further down ever closer between your thighs.
You feel his hand meandering ever closer to your clothed heat, but pay no mind to him. Only pointing out the next exit as you once more embellish his ears with mindless and unending banter.
Unperturbed by your unwillingness to give in, he sets forth in motion the one move, his last effort against your resolve to force you to finally surrender to him.
You didn't notice the subtle shift in the vehicles trajectory at first. Too focused on your phone and following the tiny icon as it moved along the highlighted route on the GPS.
It was only when you heard the rumbling hum of the tires over the ribbed outer lines of the lanes did you finally pull your eyes and pull your attention to him.
Before you could utter a singular protest, his hand moved the center of your thighs and pressed his index and middle finger into the inner seam of your jeans. Enhancing the continuous feel of the vibrations reverberating under the metal frame as they culminated into the growing throb emanating within your swelling folds.
"Johnny," you whimpered in feigning protest as his fingertips rubbed over the raised center of your trousers.
"What are you doing? Pay attention to the-"
"Shu' it, lass." Soap barked back with a playful bite rolling off his tongue.
"Rest tha' mouth a'yers fer a minute, yeah. Or I'm gonnae 'ave ta put ta better use."
Words failed you as his thick fingers continued to push into the flesh of your clothed cunt. Still riding the jagged lines on the pavement, making you roll your eyes back and bite your lip to quell the muffled moan threatening to escape within the depths of your throat.
"Ya like tha', bonnie? Ribbed fer yer pleasure by th'roadside?" He mocked with a confidence that never failed to make you quiver.
Feeling your arousal pool within in the depths of your soaking heat as his fingers pressed firmly against your swollen folds. Only managing to moan in response, which further fueled his resolve with a guttural growl, pulling his hands away from your growing pleasure and immediately shifting to take the next exit.
"Johnny, this isn't our exit."
"Nah. Emergency stop. Got a full stauner 'ere, and I cannae focus on nothin' else except tha' sweet pussy a'yers."
You turned to face him, eyes glancing down to focus on thr growing tent in his pants. The sounds of 4Runner's engine revving mirroring the sexual tension between the seats as Soap veered the vehicle into traffic, his eyes desperate and focused on finding a secluded passage for some much needed privacy.
It took no more than five minutes to find one that met his growing needs. A meandering dirt road that ended against an abandoned fence with a rusted and weather tempered 'No Trespassing' sign.
You barely had a moment to unbuckle your seat belt as he made his way to your side of the SUV. Inhuman speed fed by an unadulterated need to take you, unceremoniously throwing you over his shoulder with a huffing grunt. Only to be reciprocated by a piercing snicker, accepting your fate as he threw you into the flattened back of the cargo space and greedily began tearing your clothes away.
"Aren't you afraid we'll get caught?" Your pathetic attempt to reason with him only seemed to spur him further into a needy and unbridled rage.
"Fuck 'em. My need fer ya outweighs them bloody regulations." Soap spat back through gritted teeth.
Your exposed form laying out for him as he pulled his shirt over his head to reveal the chiseled frame that always seemed to render you speechless and begging for him.
Feeling the warmth of your arousal pool within your folds, spreading your legs to invite him in with a confident stare that mirrored his own hungry gaze.
"Steamin Jesus, look a'tha. Already fuckin soakin fer me, aren't ya, bonnie?"
"Always, Johnny. Nobody makes me wetter than you."
Soap's cerulean eyes swirled with glorious intent, flickering between your desperate expression and the glistening folds of encroaching conquest as he hastily unbuckled the confines of his trousers. Pushing the fabric of his pants and boxers down to release his throbbing length, a subtle whimper escaping his lips to the cool air hitting his hot flesh as a stream of precum ran down the tip of his reddened cock.
"Yer always so fuckin pretty like this, lass. Spread out an' jus' waitin fer me."
His jaw tightened to sight of your cunt clenched around nothingness in reaction to his sultry brogue. Splaying yourself out for him like a sacrificial lamb while the deafening sounds of echoing traffic echoed from deep within the trees and rolled around the walls of your private encampment.
"Gonnae fuck ya good, bonnie," he purred lowly with a rolling timbre. Ever so slowly moving like a predator as he encroached and hovered over your flushed and exposed form.
The maelstrom churning within the depths of his eyes luring you to his turbulent sea of ecstacy, nestling himself within the crevice of your thighs as he aligned his hardened cock to the puckering hole of your swollen cunt.
"Joh-" your muffled attempt to calm his name was silenced as his mouth sealed over your lips. Piercing the fluttering walls of your pussy in one fluid stroke, bottoming out with a resonating growl while his hands found purchase under the soft bend of your knees.
"Put yer knees on me shoulders, bonnie." He coaxed, pulling away from your lips to guide the shaky limbs of your legs over the broad expanse of his shoulders.
The sudden shift in position moving him slightly within your tight walls as the greedy flesh of your cunt clenched around his turgid length. Rolling your eyes back with a hissing breath, hands flying up above your head to find purchase within the haul of the vehicle as he laid his dense and muscular form on top of your folded and contorted frame.
"Tha's it, bonnie. Fuckin' clench around me. Lemme feel how much ya need me."
As the sounds of his rumbling voice reverberated within your ears, he glacially pulled his hips back. Nearly pulling out completely before penetrating once more and filling the silken depths of your heat in one fluid and languid thrust. 
Forcing a gravelly moan from within the cavern of your chest, fingers wrapping around the metal frame protruding from the haul as Soap braced his hands on either side of your head and steadily began to thrust himself deep into your greedy hole.
“Johnny- aren't ya gonna close- the hatch?” you groaned, gritting your teeth while he picked up his pace. Steadily pounding his hips against your ass, his lips curling into a cocky smile while his eyes glinted at his mischievous intent.
“Nah, bonnie. Gonnae give em- a good show-” he crooned in response with a breathy growl. Disregarding your concern for the outside world, continuing to pound his cock into your welcoming heat as the creaking sound of the suspension began to echo across the shell of your ears.
You attempted to lift your head and catch a glimpse of the tree laden environment around you, only to be forced back down as Soap changed trajectory once more. Your mouth falling open with a silently pleasured protest as the thick head of his cock ran over a sensitive bundle of nerves deep within your cunt that only he had managed to find.
“Holy fuck!” Your voice hollered over the sounds of the croaking suspension, finally giving into the unrelenting ecstasy only he could provide. Arching your back against the carpeted floor of the cargo space, desperate to meet his powerful thrusts and aid in his direction while he maintained a steady, vigorous pace.
“Found tha’ spot. Didnae I, bon? Gonnae make a mess on me cock? Scream me name as I fuck ya real good? Clenchin around me like-”
“Goddammit! Shut up!” 
His unending banter had finally pushed your quiet resolve to the wayside. Reaching your hand feverishly towards his neck, wrapping your fingers around the chain of his dangling dog tags to bring his running mouth down to your lips and ultimately rendering him blissfully silent. 
Sinking your teeth into the flesh of his bottom lip as you wrap your free arm around the back of his neck. Keeping his chest flushed against yours, a thin sheen of sweat forming between the sliding flesh and forcing only his hips to move as he pumped himself into the depths of your soaking heat.
The wet sounds of your pussy emanating off the plastic and fabric haul of his 4Runner, accompanied by the combined gasping breaths from your chests that formed into a blissfully erotic symphony. A duet only heightened by the most pornagraphic whimper you had ever heard against your mouth as his hips began to stutter and his eyes pleaded for his upcoming release.
“Steamin Jesus, bonnie. I’m gonnae come. Gonnae fill ya up.” Soap’s muffled words vibrated against the flesh of your mouth as your free hand gripped into the thick locks of his mohawk. 
Pulling his mouth away to bury his face into the crook of your neck. Letting your lips seal over the top of his shoulder and silence the strained bellow from within your chest as your orgasm suddenly erupted and coursed through your veins like a violent blaze.
Soap’s hot breath cascading against your flesh with a guttural growl, his hands gripping to the carpeted fabric as he bottomed out in one final thrust and emptied himself against the spongy walls of your pulsing cervix. Pulling his trembling body up to let your legs fall and extend, the burn of over exertion flowing underneath your skin as an all too familiar ache began to form within the buried tissue around your pelvis.
“Jesus Christ, Soap. Where the fuck did this come from?” Your voice hushed in the grips of blissful afterglow, hands meandering to his temples while his body steadily began to collapse above you.
“Donnae know, lass. Thinkin maybe, it was them bloody reflectors.”
Reluctantly, Soap began to pull himself off your overly exhausted frame, only to be pulled back down by your clawing hands and laid his head against your sweat ladened and heaving bare chest.
“Not yet, babe. Just rest a minute.” Speaking in a hushed tone, you pressed your lips against the drenched crest of his scalp. Tasting the saltiness against your tongue and allowing your hands to gently run down the curve of his spine as you felt him steadily give into body’s exhaustion. 
“If you don’t rest, Johnny, I’m gonna have to drive the rest of the way while you sleep this off.”
“Haud yer weesht, hen.” He retorted, his brogue quiet and muffled against the supple flesh of your breast. Your lips curling into a smooth smile as you reveled in the gentle sounds of nature accompanied by the everpresent hum of distant traffic.
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4Runner Wingman Masterlist
@deadbranch @sofasoap @ohgeesoap @d3athtr4psworld @mini-metal @punishmepunisher @homicidal-slvt @glitterypirateduck @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @ghosts-goldendoodle @shotmrmiller @mykneeshurt @astraluminaaa @writeforfandoms @tacticalanxiety @thetrashpossum @queen-ilmaree @sadstone-s @simpingoverquestionablemen @dustycrusty09 @foxface013 @haurasha @havoc973 @kkaaaagt @designateddeadend @luismickydees
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brewed-pangolin · 10 months
Drabble request for Super Soap Sunday:
Soap and you find yourselves in an unusual place/set of circumstances when the mood strikes. How does he A) let you know what he wants and B) how does he get you in the mood too?
Domestic Bliss
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Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x Fem Reader
Warnings: 18+ MDNI: Explicit smut, some fingering, P in V, backseat sex, slightly Dom-ish Soap, tons of dirty banter, Soap being a needy little horn dog
This 'drabble' turned into a one-shot because I can't control myself.
Synopsis: You and Soap take the next step in your relationship, and his not so subtle attempt to rile you up in public ends with an impromptu session in the parking lot.
Reference for where this man takes you to Poundtown here
Word count: 2k
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"Alright, ma'am. If I can just you to sign here, here, and here. Then we should be all set up." Your advisor instructed as you sifted through yet another mountain of paperwork. Your eyes growing numb and your fingers beginning to ache from the repeated minor motion of signing your life away.
You pushed the last pile of paperwork over the advisors desk with gentle smile curling into your lips. Glancing over at the man sitting next to you with that same smile, a loving fondness in your eyes as you both took the next pivotal step in your relationship.
A mortgage.
Soap's demeanor was calm. Stoic even. Letting you take the lead in this circumstance as you were the one going to habitate the home more often than he would. A thought you both pushed aside for now to savor the wave of domestic bliss that came along after you signed the final piece of paperwork.
Yet his cool facade couldn't hide the cerulean maelstrom swirling within the whites of his eyes. A look you knew all too well, and one that never failed to send a quick shiver down your spine.
But here? At the bank?
Your smile quickly curled into a smirk, rolling your eyes at him as you turned your attention back to the advisor across the desk. You couldn't feed into Soap's growing needy desires. Not in public at least.
Pursing your lips with a heavy sigh, you tried to maintain your composure by focusing on the task at hand. Eyes trained to the quick movements of fingers across the keyboard as your consultant effortlessly entered your information into the database.
However, even the light clicking of keys couldn't keep your attention as you caught the sudden tremor of his knee in the lower periphery of your vision. The frantic cadence of his boot heel hitting the floor tearing at your concentration yet again, forcing you the bring the knuckles of your right hand up to your mouth to hide the apparent grin quickly forming on your lips.
With as subtle movement as possible, you placed your left hand on the top of his knee to quell his growing feverish motion. Gripping your fingers into the fabric of his jeans and pushing towards the floor in a physical attempt to ease his obviously heightening arousal.
“Ookay. That’s done. Let me get this all printed out and you two should be all set.” 
“Thank you, sir. Appreciate all your help with this.”
You share a quick glance with your advisor as he stands, his eyes momentarily shifting to Soap with a subtle curl in the corner of his mouth. You keep a close eye on him as he exits the office, finally turning to face Soap with a furrowed brow and address the apparent tension erupting between you two.
“Jesus Christ, Johnny. Would you please calm down?” You scolded playfully. Your lips a thin line of a smile, obscuring your clenched teeth as you dug your fingers further into his jeans.
“How much fuckin’ longer is this gonna take, bonnie? ‘Cause I'm 'bout to bend ya over this goddamn desk if he don't speed this shit up. He can bloody watch for all I care.” 
"We're almost done, Johnny. He just needs to give us the paperwork, and then we can go. So just, keep it in your pants for another five fuckin' minutes."
Your tone of reprimand barely able to combat the deep, rumbling brogue in his voice. Shifting slightly in your seat to quell the growing ache pulsing within your core. A gesture that most certainly did not go unnoticed as you took in the hungry blaze radiating within his eyes.
"Johnny. Don't. No!" Your frivolous attempt to stop him was broken down immediately as he thrusted his hand between your legs. Pressing his knuckles into the base of your heat through your jeans. Shifting to bring his chair closer and caress his mouth and tease you with his whispering brogue to the nape of your neck.
"Gonna fuckin' wreck ya, bonnie. Forget th'mortgage. This my down payment fer tha sweet pussy a'yers."
"Goddamit, MacTavish. Not here, ya fuckin' horn dog."
"Horn dog?" He questions with that distinctly mischievous grin. Pulling away as he eyed your advisor walking back into the office. His calmness in complete contrast to the excited flush bellowing from your chest as you quickly swat his hand away, scolding him quietly under your breath.
"Overconfident bastard."
"Alright. You two are all set up. You should be getting a call within the next five business days once you qualify. Other than that, welcome to home ownership."
"Thank you." You shook your advisor's hand, grabbed at your paperwork, and made an immediate bee line for the door. Beating Soap at his own game as you left him in the office with an obvious growing hard on. Already midway to the exit of the bank when you eyed him barreling out of the office in your periphery.
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You didn't want to lose focus again. Not now. Now when you had the upper hand. You Kept your eyes locked onto the 4Runner at the back of the parking lot as your feet moved quickly at their own accord. Your ears perking to the sound of its alarm, a wave of triumph rolling over you as the locks sprung free.
You opened the backseat passenger door to toss your purse and paperwork on the seat. Expecting to see Soap at the driver side as you tried to close the door.
You glanced questioningly at the door. Only then did you notice Soap's hand gripping on the edge. Spinning on your heels as you came face to face with a fiery blaze and a hungry look in his eyes.
"Get in."
You felt his hands on your hips the moment his voice registered within your mind. Thrusting you into the back seat, an excitedly victorious giggle escaping your chest as he crawled in before slamming the door behind him.
"Yer such a fuckin' lit'le minx, y'know that? Leavin' me th're wit a full bloody stonner." He growled, pulling your shoes off and tossing them to the side, frantically moving to the front of your jeans as you continued to laugh in triumph at his feverish need.
"Makin' me do the goddamn walk o' shame and...why are these fuckin' buttons so goddamn small?!"
"Ooohhh, what happened to that cool confidence, Soap? Thought you could handle yourself under pressure. Bein' a demolitions expert an' all."
"Yer pushin' it, lass." He spat back. Relinquishing the fight with the buttons in favor of simply tearing your jeans off.
"M'also not tryin'a fuck tha bombs, smartass."
Soap tossed your garments to the back, flaring his nostrils with a darkened veil in his eyes as he spread your legs to take in the sight of your silken arousal. Moving onto his haunches with a deep inhale, his eyes rolling back as he took in the scent of your growing excitement.
“Mhmm. Could smell tha’ sweet pussy in th’re. An’ ya already so fuckin’ wet fer me, aren’t ya, bonnie?”
Words escaped you as he pushed two of his fingers inside your soaking heat, your eyes fluttering closed as he slowly pumped up to his knuckle, teasingly preparing you for what was to come. Unable to restrain your body’s reaction as your walls reflexively clenched around him.
“Donnae think I didn’t feel tha’. I know what ya need, lass. An’ m’gonna give it to ya.” Soap lured to you with a husky purr, your eyes fluttering open in response to take in the sight of him stroking himself through his jeans. His steely blue gaze boring into your soul as he effortlessly worked at the buckle of his belt. A throaty growl reverberating within him as he teasingly pushed the waist of his jeans below his hips to expose his painfully hardened cock.
"Johnny, I-" Your pleasured whimper was cut short as he throw his muscular frame on top of you, sealing his mouth over yours in a wet and desperately needy kiss. His strong hands gripping into the flesh of your thighs, guiding them around his waist as he teasingly pushed his throbbing erection into your moistened cunt. Filling you to the brim in one fluid thrust.
"Th's s'my home, bonnie. Right 'ere. B'tween yer legs an' deep in th's beautiful fuckin' pussy a 'yers."
Soap didn't give you time or air to respond as he encapsulated your mouth once more and immediately began pistoning himself into your core. The force of his thrusts wiping whatever thoughts and words out your mind, only focusing on the feel of him as he caged you against the backseat with his arms bent on either side of your head.
"Steamin' hell yer tight, lass." Soap growled into your lips, pressing his chest down into yours, keeping you still and allowing him full reign to pound his hardened length into your heat.
His bulbous tip kissing the flesh of your cervix with each forward thrust before pulling out almost entirely to only throw himself back into you once more. The continuous motion forcing your back to arch off the backseat, pushing your pelvis into his to stimulate the sensitive flesh of your clit.
Soap pulled his mouth away in repsonse to your shifting position, leaning forward to press his forehead into the crook of your neck. His hot breath cascading down your skin as he grunted and moaned with every subsequent thrust, his relentless pounding forcing you to grip into his shoulders to keep yourself stable beneath him.
"Johnny...Johnny..." you whispered softly against his temple. His name the only coherent word you could manage to let fall from your lips as your mind and body fell into the depths of his desperate and needy pleasure.
"Jus'...lemme 'ave th's, bonnie."
"Only g'nna need...an'ther minute.."
Soap's gasping breaths washed over the flesh of your neck, his voice rumbling within his throat like an otherworldly mixture of a growling whimper.
And the moment you felt his hips begin to falter, you pushed aisde your own pleasure in favor of reaching his. Only focusing on him. His needs. His desperate compulsion to always need to fill you and mark you as his own.
"C'mon, bonnie. Come for me."
You responded to his grunting demand by simply pressing your lips to the flesh of his temple. Wrapping your arms and legs around him tightly, letting him vigorously thrust his throbbing cock into your cunt until you felt the warmth of his release erupt deep inside you.
Soap's movements then halted all together. Burying himself into your heat as he rode out the relentless pulses of his climax.
Even within this impromptu moment, with him panting against your neck and you hunched beneath him in the backseat, there was always a certain level of intimacy that seemed to meld between you in the bliss of the afterglow. Cradling him in your arms as he slumped over in a limp and gasping mess.
"Fuckin hell, bonnie." He whispered, softly panting against your neck as he lightly pursed his lips against your neck.
"Jesus, Johnny. If I knew home ownership got ya this worked up, I'd it done years ago."
"Shut it, lass."
"Can't wait to see how hard ya get when I do my taxes."
Soap remained silent to your playful banter, responding only by continuing to kiss the curve of your neck as his body trembled, slowly coming down from the high of his release.
His mouth gently curled into a smile as he placed a series of gentle kisses up the nape of your neck. Chiding in once more to your jesting, his distinctive brogue thicker and more hoarse as he purred against your flesh.
"Won't 'ave ta, hen. Unless yer 'nta doin' a threesome."
"What?" You questioned, pulling him out of your neck to meet his steely blue gaze with a coitish smile.
"Uncle Sam already fucks ya in the ass, bonnie. It's the only time I'm yer designated sloppy side piece."
You can't hide the smile that emerged over your lips, pushing a piece of sweat ridden hair out of his eyes as you lovingly gaze up at him.
"Then I guess I'll be needing another down payment in advance. Just for good measure."
And of course, Soap obliges. Thrusting his still hardened cock deep into your core as he mutters those two words you love to hear.
"Yes, ma'am."
4Runner Wingman Masterlist
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@deadbranch @sofasoap @d3athtr4psworld @punishmepunisher @jynxmirage @obligatoryghoststare @mykneeshurt @glitterypirateduck @homicidal-slvt @shotmrmiller @astraluminaaa @kkaaaagt @havoc973 @writeforfandoms @luismickydees
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brewed-pangolin · 7 months
Wrapping your fingers around Soap's dog tags while moaning into his mouth as he fucks you senseless in the back of his 4Runner.
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brewed-pangolin · 7 months
Just thinking about being in a cute little tent with Soap and it suddenly starts raining really fuckin' hard (hah- get it? I'll see myself out.) And it's great till the thunder and lightning kicks up then I'd be clinging to him with fear in my eyes.
We can simply chat about this or you can do a half drabble with it if it strikes your fancy. I'm happy either way.
It was the sudden crash of thunder above that had you gripping tensely into Soap's sweater. Entangled under the sleeping bag, head buried into his chest as the rolling rumble echoed in the distance, steadily muffled by the heavy downpour hitting the fabric of the tent.
"Y'alright, hen? Jus' a bit a thunder." He asked, lips caressing the top of your head as he wrapped your trembling frame into his comforting arms.
"Yeah. Just a little scare-"
You were cut off by a blinding light that streaked across the top of the enclosure. A skriek escaping your chest as an earslpitting crack erupted from the strobing black sky, tendrils of light snacking along the menacing overhead while you clung to your Scottish beau with childlike terror coursing through your veins.
Soap couldn't help but grin as your fingers locked into an all-out death grip into his overgrown sweater. A muffled hum emanating from his throat in an attempt to calm your nerves while caressing your back with gentle circular movements of his hands.
"I got ya, lass. Ain't nothin' gonnae get ya while I'm 'ere. Not even tha' pesky lightin'".
His voice always seemed to soothe you in the most strenuous of circumstances. And this was no different. Nudging yourself further into him to mold your form into his hulking frame.
Another bolt lit up the tent once more, accompanied by a resounding sound of thunder that seemed partially more distant and not so deafening.
"Ya hear tha'? Storm's movin' out."
Your reply was to simply pull your face from within his chest. Peering up to the eyes that never failed to bring you a semblance of safety and comfort as your fingers loosened their grip on the fabric of his jumper.
A gentle smile then crept into your lips. The constant deluge slowly shifted and gave way to more gentle showers as the sound of thunder echoed over the towering trees above your encampment.
"Can we stay like this a while, Johnny? Just, y'know. Holding each other?"
"Bon, if I could, I'd keep ya forever like this. Cannae let ya out me arms even if I tried."
You spent the remainder of the evening wrapped in each other's embrace as the sounds of rain and distant rumbling danced across the nylon fabric of the tent. Strengthening the intimate bonds of devotion while losing yourselves to the quiet symphony of nature that played just beyond the veil of your seclusion.
4Runner Wingman Masterlist
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brewed-pangolin · 8 months
Drumming in the Deep
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Johnny 'Soap' MacTavish x Fem Reader
18+ MDNI Sexual Themes
Synopsis: Every good outdoorsman needs a trusty set of tires he can rely on. You can't stand them at first. Then, slowly, you begin to appreciate them. And more so than just for their necessity.
(This is just a quickie. Wink wonk)
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4Runner Soap enjoys a few good days tearing up the trails while he's on leave. Painting his vehicular baby in a thick layer of mud and making memories that'll last him until he comes home from his next deployment.
Which means man's gotta have some thick treads on his tires.
Like, thiccck
We're talkin BF Goodrich All Terrain KO2.
They're big. And they're loud.
And you hated them.
At first.
"They're obnoxious, Johnny." You said, rolling your eyes as you lightly slammed the passenger door.
"They're practical, lass. Need 'em for th'trail. Donnae want to get stuck out in th'wilderness, do ya?"
"No. It's just-"
"Jus' what?" He interrupted with a playful scowl.
Crossing his thick arms over his chest, giving his newly acquired rubber a quick glance, then returning his steely gaze back to you.
"They look good, though, yeah?"
You fought the urge to stare but ultimately couldn't resist. And you sighed in defeat.
"Yeah. They look good, babe."
That hate slowly began to turn into something more akin to skillful appreciation. Especially on the multiple trips you both took deep into the mountains. Saved only by the expert treads as they traversed easily over the rocky and mud covered terrain.
Yet it wasn't their skill at grappling the earth that had your undivided attention.
It was their sound.
That one aspect of them you hated most had become his calling card when he was home. And on a quiet day you could hear those treads screaming his arrival a quarter mile away as he made the turn down into your secluded neighborhood.
You didn't mind the distinctive drumming anymore. In fact, you craved it.
Began to identify it more out within your daily life. Listening to the specific hum of tires while running your errands like a practiced composer.
Focusing in for that specific wavering thrumb that somehow ricochet within your mind and traveled down your spine into the velvety flesh of your core.
Soap had infiltrated your daily life in a way you could have never imagined.
He had inexplicablly turned something so simple and mundane into a catalyst that would bring forth the most sinful and erotic memories of him.
Replaying those moments of primal bliss as he buried himself deep within the silken walls of your cunt. Lost in the grip of his animalistic tendencies within the realm of nature as he fucked you into oblivion in the back of his 4Runner.
You couldn't eacape it anymore. Everywhere you went, there was a symphony of treads that echoed around you.
You could barely go to the grocery store without having to hear the constant drumming in the deep as your walls clenched to the low hum of an all terrain chorus.
And it never failed. Quick trip to Walmart, automatic change of panties when you got home.
And you hated him for it.
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4Runner Wingman Masterlist
@deadbranch @sofasoap @d3athtr4psworld @punishmepunisher @homicidal-slvt @shotmrmiller @astraluminaaa @glitterypirateduck @tacticalanxiety @jynxmirage @a-small-writer-in-a-big-world @obligatoryghoststare @shotmrmiller @mykneeshurt @writeforfandoms @ghosts-goldendoodle @thetrashpossum @designateddeadend @simpingoverquestionablemen @queen-ilmaree @foxface013 @sadstone-s @haurasha @havoc973 @luismickydees @kkaaaagt
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