#Social Inclusion
jb4lord · 1 year
Climate change affects everyone but in vastly unequal ways. To address this and drive real, sustainable change, businesses must ensure their sustainability strategies do not exacerbate existing inequalities even further.
The introduction of double materiality is set to change this and is driving a monumental shift in the way businesses consider impacts and rightsholders. Double materiality requires organisations to engage with two types of stakeholder: users of information and affected stakeholders, or ‘rightsholders,’ who are or could be affected by the organisation’s activities. To support this shift, companies must assess the significance of an impact according to its severity and likelihood. This methodology draws on established human rights impact-assessment methodologies with an emphasis on the rightsholder.
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1whoconquers · 29 days
All Are Welcome
God’s plan of redemption is an open invitation, transcending boundaries of race and background. His promise is universal, offering grace and salvation to all who embrace it. Everyone is welcome at His table. 🌍✝️ #UniversalGrace #OpenInvitation #RedemptionForAll "This mystery is that the Gentiles are fellow heirs, members of the same body, and partakers of the promise in Christ Jesus through…
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worldpopulationday · 3 months
including and empowering persons with disabilities.
UNFPA in cooperation with its partners works jointly to promote the social inclusion of women and girls.
including and empowering persons with disabilities.
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Community integration is a vital aspect of ensuring individuals with developmental disabilities lead fulfilling lives. We emphasize inclusive practices that foster independence and engagement. One of our key services, homemaker personal care in Whitehall, Ohio, is pivotal in this mission. Our compassionate caregivers assist with daily activities, ensuring clients can actively participate in their communities and live as independently as possible.
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Supporting individuals with intellectual disabilities requires a holistic approach that addresses their unique needs. At our social services organization in Indianapolis, Indiana, we understand the importance of building resilience in these individuals to help them thrive.
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humansolidarityday · 2 years
International community shows solidarity with efforts to enhance protection and find solutions for people forced to flee and host communities.
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The international community today reaffirmed its solidarity with forcibly displaced populations and host communities in Central America and Mexico during a Solidarity Event on the sidelines of the 77th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA).
The event was co-hosted by the Governments of Canada and the United States, in partnership with the Government of Honduras. It included the participation of the seven countries that make up the Comprehensive Regional Protection and Solutions Framework (MIRPS), and MIRPS Support Platform Members, as well as other international agencies and financial institutions, the private sector, and civil society.
Consistent with commitments under the Los Angeles Declaration on Migration and Protection, participants discussed ways to enhance protection and to promote lasting and complementary solutions for displaced people and those at risk of being displaced.
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l-in-c-future · 10 months
The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good 3- Rethinking social contribution and repairing the sorting machine education system.
Michael Sandel observed that in market societies where money is the measure of most things, the ease of judgemens of value is how much money a person can earn or the person's monetary earning capacity. And hence a person's contribution to society is SOLELY judged by wealth. This kind of assumption is flawed because it ignores that a person's contribution to society can be something other than the market value.
Sandel cites two examples: 1. A teacher may not earn as much as a drug dealer but a teacher surely contributes more to the society than the money made by a drug dealer.
2. The billionare casino mongul Sheldon Adelson being one of the richest men in the world makes thousands of times more than a nurse or a doctor but in terms of contribution to the society, caring for people's health is morally more important than gambling. In a twisted society when money and material posessions are seen as as the 'only success' standards, many people take illegal or unethical routes to get rich in order to satisfy all their materialistic desires.
Unfortunately, many elite universities adopt a harsh sorting machine approach to reinforce the elite families' children having much higher chances to be admitted (and therefore subsequent high paid jobs) while those who come from less advantaged families are increasingly getting harder to be enrolled. In this sense, university education reinforces Darwinism and winning eat out all.
The severe competition creates many wounded 'winners' among young people in terms of mental, emotional, psychologial and physical beings. Whether they are eventually selected or not, whether they struggle to stay in the highly competitive universities environment, the amount of pressures they face is tremendous. Their supposedly playful childhood when they can safely explore to grow up is substituted by over parenting interventions because parents want to secure higher chances to get into the elite schools and universities. The young people become more fragile to failures and with higher sucidal risks if they think 'failures' (of not being admitted to elite schools and universities) is 'end of the world'.
Such type of pyramid sorting machine education system fails to prepare students to be morally reflective human beings and effective democratic citizens, capable of deliberating about the common good.
It is because many elite colleges and universities place relatively little curricular emphasis on moral and civic education, or on the kind of historical studies that prepare students to exercise informed practical judgement about public affairs. Leading colleges and universities today are better at inculcating technocratic skills and orientations than the ability to reason and deliberate about fundamental moral and civic quesitions. The growing prominance of supposedly value neutral social science, together with the proliferation of narrow, highly specialized courses, has left little room for courses that expose students to BIG QUESTIONS of moral and political philosophy and invite them to reflect CRITICALLY on their moral and political convictions.
This technocratic emphasis may have contributed to the failure of governing elites over the past two generations, and to the morally impoverished terms of public discourse.
Sandel recommended ways to repair the broken education system by by lowering the stakes of winning admission to highly selective colleges and universities. It is also necessary to honour work by recognizing other forms of learning and training that prepare people to undertake it. In this context, governments should reinvest fundings in public higher education, and technical and vocational education and their roles in training people for a broad range of works. Governments should move away from prejudical funding allocations to prestige colleges over other post-secondary educations. In my view, if a person's contribution to society should NOT be judged soley by the market values, governments should recognise contributions to a society BEYOND just the person's market value earnings or earning capabilities. e.g. mothers and housewives who sacrifice whole or part of their career lives to bear and take care of children and families should be valued. Their social contributions should be well included in social welfare and other policies where markets can't reward them. Fundamentally, their legal rights should be protected from possible abuses and discrimination because they don't have earnings or they sacrifice substantial earnings for taking up caring responsibilities.
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childrensday · 10 months
For every child, inclusion.
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Children have a right to live free from discrimination. On November 20th, World Children's Day 2023, and every day, let’s make sure every child feels like they belong and protect their right to be included.
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wmhd · 1 year
We all have the right to live independently and be included in the community.
People must have access to good mental health services as well as education, income generation, housing opportunities and social support in order to live independently and be included in their communities.
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worldcitiesday · 1 year
(Part 1) Action and Leadership from the Ground Up: Towards the Rescue Plan for People and the Planet.
Local and regional governments have been at the forefront of policies supporting the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, caring for people and the planet, through public service provision, local policy fostering social inclusion, ecological transformation and the creation of alliances and partnerships.
Lead Facilitators:
Global Task Force of Local and Regional Governments
United Cities and Local Governments
Local2030 Coalition
The Local and Regional Government Forum (LRGF) will highlight the commitments of the local and regional government constituency towards the 2030 Agenda. A special focus will be placed on local acceleration and local accountability through the lenses of the 12 transitions and crosscutting enablers of the High Impact Initiatives and their relationship with action taking place at sub-national level. High-impact localization policies and partnerships for the goals currently in place and new innovative commitments will also be announced as well as the specific localization needs and aspirations of local and regional governments to bring SDG implementation back on track.
The Local and Regional Governments Forum will therefore bring together local, regional, and national governments as well as representatives from the United Nations and other stakeholders to announce strong commitments, present coalitions for policy change, and illustrate high-impact localization policies. The Forum will also reflect on the importance of Voluntary Local and Voluntary Subnational Reviews in the acceleration of the implementation of the SDGs as reporting tools but also policy tools. The Forum will provide reflections on the constituency's priorities and aspirations for the UN Summit of the Future in 2024 and the World Social Summit in 2025.
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premimtimes · 2 years
Elite role, purpose and national development, By Olu Akanmu
Elite role, purpose and national development, By Olu Akanmu
Aerial view of Ibadan, showing the iconic Mapo Hall. The elites of old of this ancient city bequeathed unto this generation of elites ‘the promise of Ibadan”. We have an historic duty to ensure that the ‘promise’ does not die with our generation. Let history count us that we kept the promise of Ibadan aglow and passed on the torch brighter onto the next generation to also fulfill their God-given…
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nazmulparthib · 2 years
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intersectionalpraxis · 8 months
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tykewriter · 2 years
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The latest article on outHouse.
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worldhabitatday · 2 years
Roundtable discussion: Guiding Social Inclusion in Cities.
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Participe to the Roundtable discussion: Guiding Social Inclusion in Cities  Follow live feed on UN Web TV.
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taliabhattwrites · 17 days
An interesting dichotomy
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I found these two replies right next to each other, under a tweet where a non-binary person was discussing their use of "AFAB" in a thread about how much scarier it is to be "homeless and AFAB"--due to the compounded risk of sexual violence, amidst other harms.
It's an interesting look into how despite vocal, performative opposition to "TERFs" and transphobia, when you really boil down people's beliefs--even queer people--most do believe that trans women's presumed anatomy spares us from the worst excesses of misogynistic violence, or exempts us entirely.
Meanwhile, if you bother to look at the leading causes of death among impoverished, precarious, homeless, usually non-white trans women, you might have a somewhat different idea of the supposedly magical ability of the "male apparatus" to spare individuals from sexual violence and brutalization.
Freedom from misogynistic violence is not, I fear, stored in the chromosomes.
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