#black feminist thought
intersectionalpraxis · 3 months
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itellmyselfsecrets · 1 year
“When feminists acknowledge in one breath that black women are victimized and in the same breath emphasize their strength, they imply that though black women are oppressed they manage to circumvent the damaging impact of oppression by being strong…Usually, when people talk about the “strength“ of black women they are referring to the way in which they perceive black women coping with oppression. They ignore the reality that to be strong in the face of oppression is not the same as overcoming oppression…The tendency to romanticize the black female experience that began in the feminist movement was reflected in the culture as a whole. The stereotypical image of the “strong“ black woman was no longer seen as dehumanizing, it became the new badge of black female glory…Black women were told that we should find our dignity not in liberation from sexist oppression but in how well we could adjust, adapt, and cope…No one bothered to discuss the way in which sexism operates both independently and simultaneously with racism to oppress us…The stereotypical image of the black woman as strong and powerful so dominates the consciousness of most Americans that even if a black woman is clearly conforming to sexist notions of femininity and passivity she may be characterized as tough, domineering, and strong.” - bell hooks (ain’t I a woman: black women and feminism)
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forthewayward · 11 months
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bleeding-star-heart · 2 months
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intransheart · 4 months
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ablackfeministblog · 1 year
To fully understand anxiety and Black women, we must understand how Black women are viewed in this country. Research and history tell us that three basic images exist-the Strong Black Woman, the Angry Black Woman, and the Jezebel/Video Vixen. These images affect how other people see Black women and how they see themselves. They also play a role in the development and maintenance of anxiety...-Our work with these women has found that many of them are anxious. The anger is an outward expression of their discomfort with negative affect associated with anxiety. 
To Be Female, Anxious and Black- Angela Neal-Barnett, PhD
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cocofetti · 1 year
There is no way for me to read a Bell Hooks book and just take out one good quote. I just wanna take a highlighter and color the whole damn book! Almost every sentence and thought from that woman is an automatic banger in the quotes for life living category!!
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Every 5 1/2 Hours Black Femicide
I’m so over the humanity of Black Women being disregarded.
Nearly every day I’ve found myself seeking out the stories that are always there (at an increasing rate) on black-femicide slaughter in America. Every single day black women in this country are being murdered; every 5 ½ hours regardless if I look it up or not.
Existing under the diaspora of black femaleness while contending with this publicly known secret has been a hallmark of my emotional turbulence.
Because no one cares, enough and the rage of my sadness is climbing.
Undeniable is the reality that sexism, racism, unrepaired broken infrastructure of the black community, continued poverty, and the self-hate of black men spewed out at black women all blend the perfect storm playing out in the caste system of society not giving a fuck.
I know that in order for us to survive; Black Women MUST make better choices. But it still doesn’t make the utter disregard of our humanity in leu of those choices ok.
The match that struck my heart to write this was watching a body cam video of a white female cop criticizing Aisha Nelson (woman murdered with her 6-year-old hours after calling police 6/23/22) to her black male cop partner for not leaving her abuser in-spite of having called them for help. “she’s saying she believes it to be a genuine threat. But if that’s the case, why are you still here? Why are you putting yourself in this situation?” While those are serious questions; they don’t justify their unwillingness to assist her in the help she called them for. And how is victim blaming not at odds with their duty to “protect and serve”?
I’m so fuckin disgusted seeing these stories every day. And btw miss “perfect victim” Karen cop; black women making good choices are being murdered too.
I’d like to know how many white female abuse victims she also doesn’t offer assistance too, if any.
Not because it makes it better; because it’s fucked up in general, racism is fucked up in general, bigotry in the people who have the power to help us is dangerous, and fucked up in general.
So, its ok to demand justice for black men while simultaneously seeking no justice for black women?
Black Women don’t know the protection of White Femaleness and since the FBI are fully aware of that why are they only investigating the problematic black manosphere but not the daily occurrence of black female homicide? They share the same ambilocal cord of hate.
I just can’t keep how I feel about this in anymore and Audre Lorde warmed me a long time ago that my silence would not protect me. I feel like if I begin to push it out it won’t contaminate my heart anymore. That’s a lot to contend with but so is Life.
The same fucked up judges who claim to care about the “right to life” are the same ones who give no fuck about various lives individually. Shocker! Lol
I’m rambling now… I just want my life & the lives of so many others to matter for real & not just be claimed that they do. I’m trying to get to my truth in-spite of the lies.
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intersectionalpraxis · 2 months
ok but why is the black feminist forum meeting happening in the US or europe or panama instead of a black majority country... ?? this makes no fucking sense. why is black solidarity required to happen in non-black countries 💀 it isn't the west's vocation to be the prop-up provider nanny to black countries. if they don't want their countries to be shitholes, clearly international aid hasn't done the job, it needs to improve from within.
Western/European countries need to be de-centred in so many ways. Black feminists from all around the world should be able to access these spaces. I don't know why there aren't more locations added across the diaspora, or why a lot of these forums don't rotate or change up where they are being held. It's unfair and inequitable in so many ways, I hear you. I hope more people interrogate the ways in which these are often 'set up' absolutely.
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itellmyselfsecrets · 1 year
“Patriarchal power is the privilege of all men in our society regardless of their class or race.” - bell hooks (ain’t I a woman: black women and feminism)
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ifyouaskmebee · 1 year
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I’m my own mood board 🫶🏾
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deadassdiaspore · 2 years
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ablackfeministblog · 1 year
While many people (such as myself) had not heard of such as things as intersectional identities until introduced to Kimberle Crenshaw, the Combahee River Collective, a group of radical Black feminists considered this notion much decades prior and touched on the unique experience and existence of Black women and expanded outside of exising Feminist and Black nationalists movements. This group consisted of Barbara Smith, Beverly Smith, Demita Frazier, Cheryl Clarke, Akasha Hull, Margo Okazawa-Rey, Chirlane McCray, and Audre Lorde.
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cocofetti · 1 year
I can not STAND a grown ass man in my personal space mansplanning shit but still being unbelievably unhelpful. Like if you don't go lift something heavy or build a house or rebuild a carburetor somewhere out of my face!!!!
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