#Sodor Ironworks
duskstargazer · 8 months
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The twins were resting in the Smelting Shed when the new engine arrived.
“Oh, look.” Harry grunted, unenthusiastically. “Mr. Goody Two-Screws 'imself.”
“Morning, you two!” Paxton smiled, as he came to a stop before the scrap diesels. “I'm here to help. Where do I start?”
“Ya can start wit’ takin’ empty trucks to the scrap sidin's.” Bert smirked. “Then bring loaded ones to the Smeltin’ Chamber in the back.”
“Okay, I'm on it!” Paxton scurried cheerfully away.
“Don't worry,” Bert grinned at Harry, “runt won't last the afternoon. I bet 'is chippa smile won’t last ten minutes.”
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pistonsandgearsinc · 1 year
Traintober: Day 4 "Devious"
"The Ironworks, you know it, I know it, shit always goes horribly wrong."
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[Killdane Ironworks & Smelting Company, East Sodor]
The lineside was littered with scrap and debris, rusted out hulks lay sad and disgraced all in a row. Damien had never been to an ironworks, much less a scrap yard and believed it would be a walk in the park for himself. He is rather dense. A grimy and worn western tank engine, stopped just ahead of the shunter. Their brass and various other parts coated in a fine rust, that had built up amongst their workings.
Their gaze bored into Damien, and they spoke with a low measured tone, "So, you're the new shunter?". "Naturally, afterall I'm a new, modern-" Damien replied in a smug self satisfied spirit, but was quickly interrupted.
"You are another engine like the rest of us, now get to the far side of the yard, there's a train of slag that need's shunting." The tank engine hissed.
Damien was taken aback, "Now hang on a minute-"
"I'm going to stop you right there, I have work to do, we are especially busy this time of year, and unless you intend on making yourself useful, I strongly suggest you leave and free up some space." The tank engine wheezed its way into motion and glided past a stunned, Damien.
But the tank engine wasn't quite done yet, "If you thought I'd be anywhere near as much a pushover as that traction engine, you've got another thing coming." The Western Engine sauntered off, into the bowels of the yard with a set of flatbeds in tow.
Damien watched them go, quite bewildered. How on earth did they know about. . . .well it is a small island, word travels fast and all that. He wasn't quite sure, but one thing was set in stone.
"Devious" Damien was going to hate it here.
Sprites and Background by PrincessMuffins, Amelheronemus, etc. [I have only reskinned some stuff]
Happy Traintober!
Before anyone asks, yes I took the HIT bibles "two diesel's" theory too seriously.
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thomasbeyond · 1 month
Thomas: Beyond! Lost Test Archive (2022)
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So, I might as well share this. Back in 2022, I wrote a script for a hypothetical first issue of Thomas Beyond, and illustrated a couple of pages to get a feel for the art style I wanted. Sketches were done in Toon Boon Harmony and Inked/colored in Photoshop. Unfortunately, I wasn’t very satisfied with what I had made, and decided to rework the script and delete the pages I had already done. Looking back I really regret doing that, but I have a couple of archived screenshots (albeit VERY cropped) that I sent to some friends for their advice.
The Issue was titled “Mystery of the Mail”.
One night, Percy is tasked with his usual run with the mail train, retrieving Sodor’s outward-going mail for an express post train bound for the mainland. However, after dropping his mail vans off in their designated siding at the big station, he is shocked to find out they had vanished in the middle of the night, and the train had to depart the Island of Sodor without collecting them. While most initially assume it was yet another instance of Percy’s clumsiness, tensions grow even higher after Sir Topham Hatt reveals one of the mail vans contained a special delivery of stock meant for a bank. With the police beginning to thoroughly investigate the North Western Railway, and all of staff questioned, it becomes evident to all that the NWR fell victim to a train robbery. Percy is shunned by most of the other engines for being so careless, with some even suspecting he and his crew were somehow involved in the heist despite pleading their innocence. Percy is utterly distraught, and becomes a disgrace. Not one for wanting to see his best friend’s reputation sink further down, Thomas (with the help of his driver, Bob) vows to solve the mystery of the mail and clear Percy’s name.
Thomas and Bob’s mishaps and hijinks in detective work end up distracting them from their usual jobs on Thomas’ branch line. Sir Topham Hatt reprimands Thomas for his immaturity, and Bob for knowing better than to give into Thomas’ shenanigans. The next day, the two are tasked with assisting the Sodor Ironworks in dumping their molten slag (this is where the conversation in the first image occurs). During their stay there, Thomas and Bob discover that the Ironworks orchestrated the heist, having sent Iron Bert out to retrieve the cars. Bert’s crew stuck off the main line as much as possible to avoid drawing any attention from the signal boxes. Upon retrieving the vans, Bert flew the express headlamps to disguise himself as the post train in the dark. Edward comes forward and swears he heard 2 trains pass by his yard at night, adding an extra layer of truth to the story. The police grow suspicious and obtain a warrant to search the Ironworks’ premises. Sure enough, tucked away in a shed, the vans are recovered, with several crowbars pathetically still pried upon the completely-locked doors.
Percy’s name is finally cleared-up, and he is welcomed back by everyone. As for the Ironworks? Well, the manager was VERY conveniently not present the day the mail vans were found… or the day after… and the next one after that. Many suspect that he ether successfully fled the country, or those whom he had “connections” with caught-on that his mission had failed, and were the ones to “hold him accountable” rather than the law. Just one more layer to this mystery that may NEVER be solved.
I have issues with this plot. Everyone is so quick to dogpile on Percy, including Sir Topham Hatt. Also, while I do remember that Bob does butt-heads with Thomas a lot of the time in small dialogue bits, I feel like he DOES give into Thomas’ whole detective bit wayyy too easily. I characterize him as being a lot more level-headed and dry in order to bounce off of Thomas’ impulsivity and eccentricity. Also, bleh. Of COURSE the Ironworks are the bad guys! Who could’ve guessed that it WASN'T them after the moment they became apart of this? Also, I pulled the whole “The Ironworks may or may not have ties to the criminal underworld” way too early. I like that idea, it’s funny and provides a genuinely good force for our heroes to combat against, but idk. It came and went wayyy too quickly. I’m much prouder of the narrative I have going on now for Sudric Storm, I feel it’s a better introduction to the Thomas series in the form of a comic, and provides a much more enriching story for these characters to play around in.
Welp, that was a blast from the past. Hope you enjoyed! (Also, 14 hours? Thomas… that’s… literally nothing. That’s a pretty average amount of time for being awake on a given day, what??? Amateur.)
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engineer-gunzelpunk · 5 months
Scenes from 'This is Sodor: The Iron Age'/Calling All Engines humanized: Diesel Gets Defenestrated
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The Tidmouth Gazette reports:
Tensions between steam and diesel locomotives are set to escalate from this latest incident from the so called ‘Sodor Airport Conflict’. Main heavy fast goods locomotive, ex-(railway of origin unknown)Stanier Black Five NWR#3 ‘Henry’ was captured on photograph defenestrating ex-BR Class 08 ‘Diesel’ from a station window into a pit of mud after the former engine was humiliated by ex-BR Sodor Ironworks Class 08 shunters ‘Iron ‘Arry’ and ‘Bert’, when they assaulted him and doused him in oil in an earlier incident of violence on our fair Island home…’
"But for a few bruises and a besmirched outfit, he was unharmed'
"This is merely the latest incident of steam-diesel violence which includes; the aforementioned dousing in oil, ex-GNR NWR #7 steam tram "Toby" being hung up by the ankles from a loading ramp by Diesel, ex-LB&SC shunter NWR #1 "Thomas" getting doused in paint by Diesel (the triggering incident of the conflict), 'Arry getting shoved onto gravel by Thomas and ex-L&Y Class 28 NWR #5 "James" being grabbed and thrown under a coal hopper where he was subsequently buried in coal. His outfit was besmirched but he was otherwise unharmed.'
"It is to the shame of the NWR that we on fair Sodor should witness the type of mindless violence plaguing the Mainland in imitation of the conflicts between the youth cults of Mods, Rockers, Teddy Boys and Skinheads, particularly from our naughty engines. It behooves Sir Topham Hatt to quell the violence and restore order before it spreads out of control..."
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"The Tidmouth Gazette with the kind permission of the Daily Mirror has printed this invaluable guide to the youth cults from which the engines are patterning their style and dress."
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The book Sodor, Its People, History, and Railways claims that there are 80 engines working for the NWR, so is it true for this universe as well?
Hey, yeah I really need to count my locis cause wowie I have a lot of them and not sure if we’re counting privately owned companies like say the Ironworks or AW.Dry or even Crovan’s Gate but its safe to say I got more than 80 engines working here.
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agustinserrano62 · 4 months
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My TTTE OC: Giovanni/D5700 (BoCo, Boris and Roderick's oldest brother and the leader of the Ironworks Diesels)
Giovanni is an agressive but polite Ironworks diesel engine with thick eyebrows and an eyepatch on his right eye who works at the Sodor Ironworks. When he was built, he was painted red, but when Sir Stephen Topham Hatt III bought him in 1988, Giovanni was later painted dark green with yellow hazard stripes on his front and back. He also has his company's name painted white in both sides.
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Original sprites by CJ-The-Creator and Princess-Mufffins (c)
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Story ideas I had while sleep deprived
Exactly what it says on the tin. Might try and write a couple of these once I get a handle on the insomnia.
Kana’s Midnight Ride - After finding out that Kana - one of the engines meant for the earl’s railway museum - is going to be put on static display despite how new she is, Thomas, Percy, and Nia secretly begin taking the electric engine out at night to give her a few long runs.
Express Mail - The holidays are fast approaching and there’s more mail than ever. Thomas and Nia are sent to help Percy, but after the two get too caught up in trying to finish first and forget to deliver some of their mail, it’s up to Percy to finish the job.
Snow Problem - Nia is sent to clear the line up to Ulfstead castle, but when she starts having flashbacks to the avalanche in China, it’s up to Edward to help her face her fear.
The Lady Sings at Night - After Percy is sent down the wrong line and hears a strange wailing noise, he, Thomas, and a reluctant Duck investigate the abandoned line.
High-Speed Thomas - After being late one too many times, Thomas decides he should be more like Kana, only to land in trouble after taking a turn to quickly.
Mid-Sodor Reuinion - The earl is holding a celebration for the defunct Mid-Sodor railway, and manages to track down some of its former engines. But there’s one engine that Duke isn’t too excited to meet again...
Blurred Lines - After having an accident on his way to the quarry, Toby finds out that he needs glasses. Honestly, this could work with Edward too. They’d both look distinguished with glasses.
Marvelous Mountain Engines - Ashima and Gator are visiting Sodor for vague earl related reasons, idk yet, and decide to have a friendly strength competition on their way to the castle.
Pop My Pistons - While taking a train of scrap to the ironworks with Ashima, Nia develops a steam leak in one of her cylinders. Not wanting to be late, Nia doesn’t tell anybody. But the problem only gets worse and worse the further they get.
Out of Practice - After spending so long in her old shed, Lady realizes that she isn’t used to pulling passengers or trucks anymore. Luckily, Rosie is there to help her get back in the swing of things.
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ap2004 · 1 year
Thomas as Oliver (however, he has a second form: his normal face with red eyes. Also, the beast inside him is a demon he is struggling to control, and whenever he has his face on, he can talk.)
Gordon as Duck (based on Sodor Fallout AU: Gordon…How Could you?... - YouTube)
Percy as Thomas
Toby is his own character
Duck is his own character
Donald as Gordon
Douglas as Donald
Oliver as Douglas (I ship Oliver and Douglas. Also, Oliver doesn't sacrifice himself.)
Emily is her own character
Rosie is her own character (I ship her and Thomas, but if you want, you can have the one you ship Thomas with be the one to tell him to fight demon inside him.)
Lady is her own character (She brings everyone back at the end and cures James and Percy' mutations)
Molly as Emily
Neville is his own character (he saves the engine that takes Percy's role along with Stanley)
Stanley is his own character
Ryan as Percy (he survives)
Annie and Clarabel are the same
Henrietta as both Annie and Clarabel
Scruffy is the same
Toad as Scruffy
The Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt as Toby (he is kidnapped and taken to the ironworks, where he sees Thomas as the Beast. Topham tries to apologize to Thomas, but Thomas just attacks him along with the other men. Topham barely escapes, but not before he is injected, which causes him to get a second face behind his original face. Topham feels so much guilt and feels responsible for Thomas turning into the Beast, not helped by the face that's constantly tormenting him, which eventually leads to him shooting himself with a gun.) Lowham Hatt as The Fat Controller/Sir Topham Hatt
Sailor John as PT Boomer
Skiff as Toad
Everyone else are the same
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daikenkki · 1 year
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Neville and the Sodor Ironworks twins by lightningice243
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spc-rambles · 10 months
Ok hear me out… this song but Samson.
Like I can picture him coming home from one of his big fuck ups on Sodor and be wrongly reassured and comforted by a bunch of trucks he knew from his old ironworks, right down to praising him for even getting whatever got thrown at him on Sodor.
Yes, even the ‘manhood’ of a tiger.
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duskstargazer · 11 months
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"So, what's this old wreck?"
'Arry and Bert gazed at a pile of stained grey timber and warped metal, resting on a flatbed.
"Looks like some poor old brake van. Long past its-"
"I can see that, ya bellend."
"Good, you're not completely useless."
"Alright you two, stow it." The foreman strode up between the two diesels.
He then looked down at the mess of old parts, vaguely resembling a brake van from the pre grouping era.
"What'cha think, Boss? Fuel for the furnaces?"
"I think we can do something a little better." The foreman slowly lifted his head from the broken van before him to the depths of the Smelting shed, as a malignant grin worked its way across his lips in a way that even sent chills into the frames of his diesels.
"Not quite gone, is it? Unable to speak, unable to listen. …Yes, you'll be perfect."
[ / ]
Oliver looked up. Above him was a huge grabber.
“This engine’s NOT for scrapping!!”
The grabber wasn’t listening…
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pistonsandgearsinc · 1 year
Traintober: Day 10 "Happiest"
"Nobody's ever happy being around Killdane."
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[Killdane Iron & Smelting Co, East Sodor]
Derek trundled into the yard with a long train of scrap from The Mainland in tow. He glanced about the yards watching the workers going about their work. Truth be told he wasn't at his happiest here, for good reason, naturally. He himself had been in danger of being scrapped not long ago, still work had to get done, and he had a job to do.
As he approached the smelting sheds, he noticed something odd. The Ironworks was. . .staffed with different engines. Drake, a small great western shunter stopped ahead of Derek. "Good work, if you need the fuel pumps they're on the siding nearest the sheds.", Derek looked the engine over, and against better judgement asked, "Are you new to the ironworks?" The engine, stared at Derek, grumbled something indiscernible, before bluntly stating "No, I've been here for quite a while."
Derek thought for a moment, and asked.
"Weren't there two diesel shunters who ran this yard?".
Drake stared, a difficult to determine expression with hints of tiredness fell upon their face. "No." they said quite plainly. "Are you quite sure?" Derek ventured again, Drake pondered for a moment. "Over there." they said, Derek looked over and watched an unfamiliar diesel shunter, grumble past with a train of slag wagons and what appeared to be a rusty tender in front.
Derek didn't quite know what to say.
Sprites and Background by PrincessMuffins, CJ The Creator, Amelheronemus, etc. [I have only reskinned some stuff]
Happy Traintober!
Sorry for the absence, college is a lot of work.
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feigeroman · 3 years
Thomas Headcanons: ‘Arry & Bert
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Both ‘Arry and Bert were built in 1955, although by which workshops is not known. In any case, they were both initially based at a marshalling yard in East London - possibly Hither Green, going by their accents. However, they only worked there for a few years. In 1960, BR sent both of them to the Barrow-In-Furness area, in answer to a request by Barrow Ironworks Ltd for shunters to help their own engines with an extra workload.
In early 1962, both ‘Arry and Bert were transferred again, this time across the channel to the neighbouring Vicarstown Steelworks, in response to a similar call for help. They had little contact with the NWR engines at this stage, although it is known that they had a brief altercation with Stepney when he arrived on his initial visit to Sodor.
This explains 'Arry’s line, “Got you this time, Stepney!“ in Stepney Gets Lost, implying Stepney had previous met the diesels on at least one occasion.
Despite having been on Sodor for a good decade or so, it wasn’t until 1973 that the diesels were officially purchased by the NWR, in a joint agreement between the railway and the Steelworks. It is theorised that this arrangement was made so that Sir Topham Hatt would be able to keep tabs on how ‘Arry and Bert interacted with the rest of his engines. The fact that the sale was made shortly after their infamous second attempt on Stepney’s life seems to lend credence to this theory.
Like most of the engines jointly owned by the NWR and other private concerns, the exact nature of the arrangement is a little dubious, It seems, though, that the NWR owns the diesels outright, and simply leases them back to the Steelworks.
It was only at this point that both ‘Arry and Bert were repainted into the Steelworks’ corporate livery, and also gained their names for the first time. They were named respectively after Harrison & Hubert Beames, the twin brothers who originally founded the Vicarstown Steelworks. Obviously the full names never stuck...
An H-beam is a type of steel beam (geddit?).
‘Arry and Bert have both mainly worked at the Steelworks ever since, although being owned by the NWR, they are still frequently sent to help out elsewhere. This includes numerous stints as shunters at Anopha Quarry and Tidmouth Docks over the years, a few weeks each at various smaller yards, a few attempts at working proper trains, and even a brief spell as station pilots at Vicarstown station!
The diesels also serve as Diesel Ten′s current minions, following his arrival in late-1973. Although they themselves aren’t that competent at following his orders, they’re still a damn sight better than Splatter & Dodge, whose idiocy was great enough that Diesel Ten was often better off doing the dirty work himself!
In my headcanon, by the way, Splatter & Dodge were two other engines owned by the same government department who oversaw many of Diesel Ten’s modifications. They reportedly visited Sodor once, so they must have also been involved with Diesel Ten’s transfer there.
While it’s true that the two pairs of diesels have never been seen in the same place together, it should be stressed that they are in fact two separate pairs, and not one pair disguised as the other.
While it would be fair to say that Diesel Ten rules over the Steelworks with an iron fist (literally), he does frequently leave ‘Arry and Bert in charge while he goes out to deliver finished iron and steel, or collect scrap metal. On some rare occasions, he even lets them go out and do this, while he looks after the shunting - usually when he needs a moment’s peace and can’t be bothered going out!
To a lesser extent, the twins also sometimes serve as Devious Diesel’s minions - heavies would be a more accurate term. In other words, Diesel usually does the thinking, while they do the actual work.
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He's finally donE-
My boY-
It is midnight, I'm starving, so apologies if some of the coloring looks a little drunk.
Anyways, meet my next oc, Sergei.
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(info below, even more reading)
- He/him, gay, maybe ftm trans
- Russian locomotive type P36
- Built 1952, worked on the Trans-Siberian railway before being sold and brought to Sodor in 1991
- 54'8"(length w/o tender), 4-8-4, steam powered, coal fueled, one tender, top speed 78mhp
- He worked on the Trans-Siberian railway his entire life, even living alone, and was isolated in the mountains. In turn he had developed severe social anxiety, especially when it came to other engines. The only engines he was comfortable with were the others he would see on his railway, and they even visited each other. But one day, his owner had told him that he had to leave, and was going to a new home; the island of Sodor. Sergei thought his friends would be able to go with him, but they didn't. He was completely alone in an unfamiliar place, and a place where no one spoke his native language. Sir Topham Hatt had to give him jobs that allowed little to no contact with other engines, and gave him his own shed up in the Blue Mountain.
- Sergei is introverted, anti-social, and severely uncomfortable around other engines. He never speaks unless needed, typically nodding or shaking his head, and he avoids eye contact as much as possible. When he does speak he prefers to speak in Russian, as it makes him more comfortable, but it's negated by the fact that no one understands him. He can be very easily overwhelmed, sometimes by simply being stared at by more than a few engines. Sir Topham Hatt gave him nameplates since he has so much trouble introducing himself, so with the nameplates he has no need to
- Engines like Edward and BoCo as well as Skarloey have helped Sergei get more comfortable, but he is still incredibly anxious and dislikes being close to other engines, and is even afraid of engines larger than him, but seems to be more comfortable around small engines like the Narrow Gauges he works with, he is uncomfortable around most of the diesels, and even seems afraid of the Ironworks twins because of how much they harass him
- He pulls goods trains and freight, and occasionally pulls coaches, he is actually very strong and can do jobs that would sometimes take two engines, but due to the communication issue he shouldn't be given too much at once in case of an accident, he can't pull trucks due to his anxiety, but he doesn't seem as anxious with passengers as long as they don't interact with him
- The scar on his face was from an engine who would abuse him when he was young
- He has a habit of stopping really suddenly even if several feet away from his stop, this is due to him being used to having to put a lot of power into braking because of the icy or wet railways he used to work on
- He speaks Russian and English, having a very strong accent, but he hardly speaks as it is, some misunderstand his understanding of the English language and often think he doesn't know what they are saying, people will often say things that hurt his feelings because of this, hearing people talk about Russian stereotypes really hurts him
- Has achieved the introverted but lonely combo
- He can sometimes look aggressive but if you simply stare at him for too long he will cave, he gets overwhelmed very easily especially if there are a lot of people talking at once, he is very sensitive to physical contact and avoids it as much as possible, he greatly values his personal space and is very uncomfortable when other engines are really close(mainly if they are in front of or behind him), he is specifically uncomfortable around strangers, he will hide his face in a puff of steam if he is flustered or overwhelmed, has been prone to anxiety and panic attacks but has improved the longer he's been on Sodor
- He loves anything that reminds him of home, but often gets really sad because it makes him think of how happy he used to be, he absolutely loves snow, he's actually grown attached to the Narrow Gauges of the Blue Mountain Quarry
(engine references used \/)
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This one feels like it's much longer than the previous one, but who cares, it's midnight, I'm tired. Aight, hope you enjoy, I love this boi very much, yes I did get inspiration from Mikhail with the engine type, anyways, peace and chicken grease. ✌️✨
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toast-com · 2 years
"Remember Baxter," Fenchurch began, glancing at Captain Baxter, who was grinning viciously, teeth on display. "We go in, grab Stepney, and get out." He looked his friend in the eye. "Try not to kill anyone." Captain Baxter smirked at Fenchurch.
"No promises Fen." He replied, and the lycanthrope loped forward, shifting into his animal form; a giant river otter. Fenchurch followed close behind, heading into the Sodor Ironworks. He found his thoughts drifting towards Stepney, his little brother, and he frowned, worried.
Stepney leapt away as Bert lunged at him. He snarled. He was growing tired of this game.
"This song and dance is growing tiresome!" Stepney snapped, bristling as he shifted, his teeth growing sharp. "I will put an end to it, now!" He leapt at Bert, eyes red and baleful. Bert stumbled back, tripping over the mangled corpse of his twin brother Arry, and shrieked in fear at the sight of the corpse. Stepney lunged at him, and Bert never stood a chance.
"Stepney!" Fenchurch entered the Ironworks, Captain Baxter close behind. He could see a form, staggering towards them. Hope flared in Fenchurch's chest, and he took a step forward.
"Wait Fenchurch." Captain Baxter held out a arm, blocking him from advancing towards the figure. Fenchurch glanced at his friend. Captain Baxter's fur was bristling, and his pupils were pinpricks, teeth bared at the form approaching the pair. The figure staggered into the light, revealing himself to be Stepney, in his half animal form, eyes glowing red in the Ironworks light. Fenchurch stared at his little brother.
"Stepney?" The lycanthrope's gaze flickered to meet his older brother's. Stepney's red eyes were animalistic,band there was no recognition behind them. His lip curled in a snarl, and he dropped on all fours, preparing to attack. Fenchurch felt his blood run cold.
"He doesn't recognize me." Fenchurch thought, as Stepney lunged at him. Captain Baxter leapt at him, pinning the snarling lycanthrope under his paws.
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big-robot-fan · 2 years
I think a very important fact about Sir Topham Hatt the 3rd (aka Bertram Hatt) in Sodor Inherited (my AU) is that he never turns down a bargain, or god forbid anything free.
He goes on vacation and comes back to find some green engine visibly held together by duck tape where Thomas is supposed to be? A smart man would at least ask "Where did you get this engine?" Bertram Topham Hatt would ask "What's it's name?" and literally nothing else.
A Stirling Single just gets delivered out of nowhere to Brendam Docks? Send her to the Steamworks, we can have her pull the express or something.
BR is oddly determined to get a very specific 08 shunter off their hands? Let's throw him in the yard with Duck, aka the self proclaimed king of old fashioned values, completely unsupervised. Nothing can go wrong.
That exact same 08 shunter causes a strike at the Ironworks because the 08 shunters working there don't want to scrap their brother? Not only do you buy the troublemaker, but you strike a deal with the Ironworks manager to get first dibs on any locomotive that gets sent there (aka any locomotive BR throws away)
You get stranded on an abandoned logging island in the middle of the Bermuda Triangle, and you find a massive diesel engine with a claw??? Take him home and fix him up, I'm sure he'll make great friends with your railway of 90% steam engines.
He's not a cheapskate or anything, but can't pass up "free" anything, especially not "free" engines.
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