#Fergus Breaks The Rules
pistonsandgearsinc · 1 year
Traintober: Day 4 "Devious"
"The Ironworks, you know it, I know it, shit always goes horribly wrong."
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[Killdane Ironworks & Smelting Company, East Sodor]
The lineside was littered with scrap and debris, rusted out hulks lay sad and disgraced all in a row. Damien had never been to an ironworks, much less a scrap yard and believed it would be a walk in the park for himself. He is rather dense. A grimy and worn western tank engine, stopped just ahead of the shunter. Their brass and various other parts coated in a fine rust, that had built up amongst their workings.
Their gaze bored into Damien, and they spoke with a low measured tone, "So, you're the new shunter?". "Naturally, afterall I'm a new, modern-" Damien replied in a smug self satisfied spirit, but was quickly interrupted.
"You are another engine like the rest of us, now get to the far side of the yard, there's a train of slag that need's shunting." The tank engine hissed.
Damien was taken aback, "Now hang on a minute-"
"I'm going to stop you right there, I have work to do, we are especially busy this time of year, and unless you intend on making yourself useful, I strongly suggest you leave and free up some space." The tank engine wheezed its way into motion and glided past a stunned, Damien.
But the tank engine wasn't quite done yet, "If you thought I'd be anywhere near as much a pushover as that traction engine, you've got another thing coming." The Western Engine sauntered off, into the bowels of the yard with a set of flatbeds in tow.
Damien watched them go, quite bewildered. How on earth did they know about. . . .well it is a small island, word travels fast and all that. He wasn't quite sure, but one thing was set in stone.
"Devious" Damien was going to hate it here.
Sprites and Background by PrincessMuffins, Amelheronemus, etc. [I have only reskinned some stuff]
Happy Traintober!
Before anyone asks, yes I took the HIT bibles "two diesel's" theory too seriously.
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someheroescarryfloss · 9 months
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vigilskeep · 10 days
do you have any opinions/speculations about the potential for a succession crisis in ferelden? ik depending on worldstate there may have already been a mac tir and/or cousland holding the throne without incident for the past 10+ years w the last living theirin dead/frolicking through a field of flowers, but breaking hundreds of years of precedent like that does seem like it could kick up some instability, even if it was offscreen? and obviously even if alistair is king his womb is barren, so like, what gives.
oh i mean we’re definitely extremely fucked and there are no good options!
the theirin line is done for, for a start. even if the sole remaining one does become king, he’s a bastard with bad chances of having a child at all. his two known possible queens are a fellow warden—making the chances of conceiving even worse! near impossible, in his own words—and anora mac tir, who never managed it with her non-warden husband, and regardless of whether or not she is actually infertile as is rumoured, seems to be actively avoiding even trying, based on loghain dialogue if she marries cousland and her unwillingness to marry at all if she becomes sole queen
since anora and alistair are both unlikely to have children either alone or together, and a cousland spouse only lessens the chances for both of them, and those are... all our options... yes we will see a succession crisis in ferelden. it’s not a maybe. if anora and/or alistair clearly declare a chosen heir before their deaths we might be able to avoid it being an open conflict but whoever they choose will definitely suffer for lack of legitimacy
assuming no royal children, the only obvious contenders for the throne are teagan guerrin and fergus cousland, and any heirs thereof. both are alive in any worldstate
the guerrins are closely related to the royal family—cailan’s mother was the elder sister of eamon and teagan—and widely respected. alistair actually suggests passing the throne to eamon in dao, and he usually has a pretty good read for what’s reasonable. i don’t think this is a bad idea. on the other hand, teagan spent his youth in the free marches, and is headstrong and not particularly politically gifted. there’s also the question of his own marriage and heirs; since the epilogue slides aren’t canon, there’s no need to accept the one where he inexplicably marries what very much seemed in game to be an underage girl, but he definitely can lose his heart to a warden of any origin in like two conversations, and all in all you’d want him settled with an acceptable queen before we could take this seriously. otherwise we’ll just have another crisis about that. i mean, one hopes he’s married and a father already by dai for this to be anything. his free marcher connections might be a boon here bc i’d like ferelden to marry into them more
the couslands are second only to the royal family, and it was suggested by some even back during ferelden’s rebellion against orlais that bryce cousland should take the throne instead of the theirins. his son would certainly be an acceptable contender. fergus may not have any living children, but he has at least proved he’s capable of having children, which is somehow as good as it gets around here. he is trained as a capable leader and ruler, is very fereldan, and maintains good diplomatic relations with factions like the inquisition. the downside to this is that it alters the political makeup of ferelden quite a bit, in that the couslands have kind of survived as the only remaining family of such power by not trying for the throne. their rule would be even more absolute than the theirins because there would be no teyrns left at all to contend with it. someone like anora in particular would be very aware of this and also simply of how dangerous it is to promise ferelden’s future to him before her death. suddenly everyone would look to the couslands as the future and not to her
there aren’t many other options that we know of at this time. there’s alistair’s kieran, but i don’t take that seriously, morrigan would never allow it and a bastard’s apostate bastard raised half in the orlesian royal court is several steps too far. if connor guerrin lives and leliana is divine, assuming the ending of the circle of magi means that mages can hold titles now, he could be a possibility
it isn’t completely impossible for anora or alistair to have children, of course. if sole king alistair actually got around to marrying at some point, that’s probably the best chance for it out of the landsmeet options?
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greatwesternway · 1 year
Diesel Does It Some More
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A thing I think is sort of overlooked about Diesel is that he is one of the few characters in the series who gets genuine development over the course of the show. Some characters get that over the course of two episodes, particularly if they are a one-off, but Diesel is the only one who got development slowly - so slowly - over the course of several seasons.
I have a longer, different post coming about his early history on Sodor so we're not gonna talk about Duck v. Diesel here. This post concerns what happens after the point at which we can assume Sir Topham Hatt finally gave in and bought Diesel outright, securing his place on the NWR's roster.
Effectively, what this means is Diesel is no longer in danger of being sent away, but it also means he has to invest more in his relationships with other engines because it's a small island.
He's not been well prepared for this on the Other Railway. Luckily he has tons of time to learn.
The first few seasons after his acquisition are rocky. Diesel needs to show he deserves his place on Sodor, but he usually tries to accomplish this by undermining other engines which is not conductive to getting the work done ("Fergus Breaks the Rules"). He's also still telling them that steam engines will be scrapped ("Thomas to the Rescue", "Squeak, Rattle and Roll"), which is obviously not true on Sodor but is often an effective way of achieving his first method. (It's also, I think, important to note that the punishment for the thing with Fergus was being sent to work at the smelter's, which is where 'Arry and Bert work, but that's an entire other post too. It set him back, let's just say.)
From here on out, though, Diesel is sometimes treated by the narrative neutrally rather than as a villain. In "Respect for Gordon" he's making fun of Gordon, but so is Emily so that's not really a comment on him so much (also he does this by facetiously wishing Gordon well which is an interesting and funny twist on that). He's the villain in "Emily and the Special Coaches" but it comes about that he's behaved this way because his accomplishment of shunting the most trucks in a day has been overlooked and he's acknowledged for it by the end of the episode.
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In "Thomas and the Billboard", Diesel is actually the victim of circumstance (and his own reputation, let's be real). During a photoshoot for a billboard, Diesel is directed by the photographer to move forward and he accidentally obscures Thomas from the shot. Later, when Thomas sees the billboard, he assumes Diesel blocked him on purpose. Shit happens, the billboard has to be redone anyway, but this time, Thomas deliberately does not tell Diesel about the rescheduled shoot. Thomas keeps stalling the reshoot to keep Diesel from finding out about it, which in turn keeps all the other engines off their jobs as well. It later turns out the Diesel was doing the priority stuff they were all supposed to be doing and was now late to do his own jobs.
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So to sum up, Diesel is the only one doing his fkn job today and Thomas is trying to fuck him over all unbeknownst. Fascinating! Thomas does apologize eventually and everyone gets to be on the billboard.
Then you got "Don't Go Back" where Diesel keeps goading Thomas into - more or less - friendly races that end up causing confusion and delay. The episode concludes with them setting out on another race so the takeaway isn't that Diesel was actually out to make trouble so much as just show he was better than Thomas.
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These are all from the model series. I don't necessarily think there was any sort of organized effort to make Diesel more friendly here. One might even attribute this to the show seemingly forgetting who certain characters were. I'm pretty sure the show bible at this point specifically said he was a villain. Still, there's a cohesion to it and they're doing interesting things with the expectations. (Also, as an aside, Diesel being the only one doing his work also happened in "Diesel Does It Again" so that's not exactly out of character, hilariously enough.)
Diesel gets sidelined to cameos for a while as the show transitions to CGI, but he does have one notable outing in which he's desperate for the approval of children and commandeers a bunch of other engines' seemingly better freight to get it ("Diesel's Special Delivery"). This episode is sort of ??? but I do like the end where Diesel's boring utilitarian freight (slate to repair their school's roof) is actually what the children want. It's not a full treatise on steam/diesel relations, but most people probably think the Class 08 is boring compared to steam engines so if you're choosing to see this as a metaphor, then it's nice the functional freight got the appreciation in the end.
And this is where shit starts getting real interesting!
Day of the Diesels is... it's not a good movie. I won't lie and tell you that. But it does do very interesting things with the diesel vs. steam concept. It points out things that would happen on Sodor as a logical conclusion of dieselization on the mainland (things that look much more unfair than they are in a show that prefers to disregard that part of the lore) and I love how they re-conceptualized Diesel 10 from his Thomas and the Magic Railroad debut. That stuff deserves its own essay, but the important thing about Day of the Diesels today is that it's the first time we see a steam engine really giving Diesel the benefit of the doubt.
The engine in question is Percy and he's ideally suited to extend this olive branch. As far as steam engines go, he's got the least status among them. He pulls the mail train, but even the Pride of the Line is treated as beneath most of the other steam engines. He also lacks a pedigree. Granted, most of Hatt's early acquisitions have dubious claims to lineage but Percy's just a straight up mongrel with no discernible builder. And most exploitable, many the other steam engines don't treat Percy with much respect either. Even Thomas is blowing him off in the movie, which is what gives the diesels their opportunity.
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It's no accident that the diesels choose Percy as the target for their appeal and it's no accident they enlist Diesel to reel him in. Diesel is convincing, persuasive, and knows the motions of sympathy even if he doesn't quite manage empathy.
Unfortunately, the second Percy arrives at the Dieselworks, they literally put Diesel on a shelf and Diesel 10 takes over.
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But the point is, Percy is now an ally of diesel equity and he's got a sort of acquaintance with Diesel himself (aside from it undoubtedly being Percy's idea to strike rather than work with Diesel, who he'd only just met at that point). And it comes back around later.
In "Percy and the Calliope", Percy and Diesel are tasked with taking a busted-ass calliope to the smelter's, but Percy wants to see if it can be fixed. Diesel disparages the operation the whole time... but he does go along with every single thing that Percy wants to try too. Even after Percy insulted him by mistaking his squeaking axles for the Monster of Brendham six episodes earlier.
"Disappearing Diesels" is when the effort to actually develop him starts in earnest. Up to now, things have just been kind of moving along in a lazy and convenient sort of way. Diesel gets to approach the possibility of being cool as a matter of deus ex machina. This episode marks the first time they actually put a specific thing in that they reach back for later to show he's learned something.
In this episode, Diesel convinces all the other diesels to hide from Paxton. And Paxton, not being too bright, comes to the conclusion that all the diesels on Sodor have disappeared. He searches all over Sodor until he happens upon Diesel at the docks. Diesel runs from him but because he spends so fuel evading Paxton, he runs dry on the line. Paxton then shunts Diesel to the next station to get refueled which Diesel does not understand because this is surely not a thing that he would do.
"That's what friends are for," says Paxton.
That evening, Diesel takes the berth next to Paxton's and, though he cannot bring himself to say thank you, he does give him a pained little smile.
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The next season, we've got "Wild Water Rescue", in which Diesel commandeers a job Percy was given because he thinks he's going to get his picture in the newspaper. He sends Percy to an abandoned quarry instead where Percy runs himself into a pond and puts out his firebox. Later, Diesel (after finding that the photo was only of Search and Rescue vehicles) goes to find Percy and tries to pull him out, only to flood his own generator too.
And as they are sitting there in that pond, Diesel makes a valiant effort to actually apologize to Percy. He can't quite get the word "Sorry" out of his mouth and he's interrupted by the entire Sodor Search and Rescue before he could manage it. Unlike the thank you he owed to Paxton in "Disappearing Diesels" though, he's actually making an effort here for Percy.
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And Percy knows what's up. Percy knows what's good! The next day, he visits Diesel in the Dieselworks to thank him for trying to rescue him (even if Diesel tricked him in the first place) and to show him that he did get his photo in the paper.
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Couple seasons later, there's "Springtime for Diesel" where he bumps Daisy so hard that her springs sprong. She has to go to the Dieselworks and it takes so long to get replacement springs in for her that rumors start circulating that she may have to be scrapped. Diesel feels terrible about this and goes to visit her. She pretends to be asleep though, which permits Diesel to actually say that he's sorry this time. With the words and everything!
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He's then quick to excuse his behavior by saying that he's mean to other engines because they're mean to him and they blame him for everything, but that he likes Daisy and wishes he could make everything right again. He's resigned though that after this, she's probably not going to want to be his friend.
When Daisy does get her new springs, Diesel is the first to meet her on the tracks. She doesn't directly acknowledge his apology because I think she does get that's a big step for him and she doesn't want to call attention to it. She does tell him though that if he wants to be friends, he has to change his ways.
And he does!
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...until literally the next episode where he's trying to start shit between her and Harvey, but Diesel is as Diesel does.
Finally - finally! - in "Sonny's Second Chance", Diesel comes full circle and takes responsibility for his mischief in order to save Sonny from being sent away.
In this episode, Sonny (a steam engine who arrived in the company of a pair of thieves) has been offered the chance to stay and work on Sodor, but only if he proves himself trustworthy and Useful. He finds however that though he tries to be helpful, his actions are interpreted in bad faith by other engines, leaving him ripe for exploitation by a certain engine who knows that song and dance by heart.
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Diesel tricks Sonny into hauling his cars to the dump, but they're actually having fun together.
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But Diesel fucks it up 'cause of course. On his next job, he brags to Percy that he tricked Sonny into pulling his fish cars, but Sonny overhears. He storms off to deliver the cars and Diesel, realizing he's fucked another friendship, chases after him, but gets switched onto a siding, derails, and almost falls into a Class 08-sized grave. Sonny (who has notably quick reflexes demonstrated both here and earlier when he bumped James out from under falling watermelons) is able to hook a tow chain on and pull Diesel away from the hole. He accidentally derails his own fish cars by backing up so fast, but he catches Diesel before he falls in.
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And Diesel thanks him for it! No hesitation, no hemming and hawwing. And. AND! He also admits that he did not deserve to be rescued. Look at my boy! Look at him GO! And Sonny! Sonny tells him straight up, "No, probably not." Which, gangster. "Consider it a second chance." A second chance! For Diesel! No one's ever actually given him one of those before.
Then Sir Topham Hatt rolls up and - in form we've not seen Hatt Bullshit in for quite some time - looks upon this scene and focuses his attentions on clearly the most pressing and important thing: "What's going on here? And what are those fish doing on the tracks?"
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Sonny takes responsibility for the fish, and Hatt is all "Well, you've had your chance. I did say you'd have to leave if-"
"No!" interrupts Diesel. And he begs Hatt not to send Sonny away. And admits that everything was his fault. And tells Hatt that Sonny saved him.
"Is this true?" Hatt asks in his blithe Hatt Bullshit way. And it is, so Hatt declares that Sonny can stay and word gets around that Sonny's a hero.
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Then they cancelled the show so we never get to see him again!
I'm real fuckin' mad about it honestly because not only was Sonny's episode the culmination of a seasons' long character arc for Diesel, but Sonny is such a uniquely perfect character to give Diesel a proper friend, which I'd argue he never got. Paxton is too trusting, Percy has better options, Daisy obviously isn't going to be BFF's with this guy.
Sonny was so uniquely positioned to be a good friend for Diesel. He's new so he doesn't have existing relationships to interfere with or a long history of previous slights to overlook. He's already committed to giving Diesel a second chance at getting this friend thing right, but he's not forgiving or naive the way Percy and Paxton are. Sonny suffers from the same problems of reputation that Diesel does but is determined to overcome them, which Diesel has never had motivation or incentive to do before. They'd be good accountabili-buddies that way. And perhaps most importantly, Sonny is a steam engine so he'd be closing that old diesel vs. steam gap once and for all.
That Diesel actually fessed up to keep a steam engine on Sodor is something on its own. The implication is that Diesel has found something compelling and resonant about this guy that copping to his bullshit is preferable to Sonny being sent away. If you're keeping dieselization in the back of your mind, you perhaps know there's not many other places anymore for such an engine to go.
What a turnaround for the guy who first arrived on Sodor bragging about how revolutionary he was.
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Credit: pixiv.net/artworks/70581957
Hajime is Dr. Romani. This is going to connect with Izuru later. But still, of course Hajime is one of the dealy beloved human characters of Fgo.
Chiaki is Frankenstein's Monster (call her Fran). She looks great and all but besides the love of electricity and childlike mannerisms, not sure Chiaki fits Fran's animal like berserkness and tragic need for love.
Mahiru is Boudica. I can say for certainty this is solely due to Red hair and mother like qualities. Pretty sure we shouldn't compare Mahiru to someone whose entire purpose in Fgo is being that meme person who really hates the Roman Empire (ironically the founder of Rome is her best partner in battle), has big boobs, has a terrible skillset in battle, and is defined by her backstory of losing the war against the Roman Empire and had to watch her daughters be relentlessly raped by them before most likely being forced to join them which lead to her falling into despair and killing herself.
Ibuki is Nobunaga. This is solely cuz of the amount of fourth wall breaking chibi style comedic relief and crazy hijinks. (Nobu Nobu Nobu? Nobu Nobu Nobu Nobu Nobu! Nobu? Nobu Nobu! Nobu...)
Mikan is Skadi. I have no idea why. What does shy and clumsy as fuck Mikan have in common with a wise nordic giantess with insecurities about being single and unmarried?
Hiyoko is BB. BB and Hiyoko might both be detestable trollish pieces of shit who keep fucking people over and getting away with it, but comparing Hiyoko to essentially AI Junko Enoshima on crack is a bit too far.
Kazuichi is Nikola Tesla. Electricity. Master Inventor. Eccentric mofo. I approve.
Sonia is Marie Antoinette. Princess/Queen like character. I can see that. (Tho we should also try to look out for Marie Alter cuz that bitch is crazy as fuck and wants everyone to experience how it felt when the guillotine beheaded her). Tho Sonia wishes she was as much a cinnamon roll as Marie.
Gundham is Ozymandias/Rameses II. Boisterous mofos collide. I approve. (Sidenote: Ozy is voiced by Dio. KONO OZY DA!!!)
Izuru is of course Dr. Roman's true identity as King Solomon, King and Progenitor of All Magic. All magic apparently stems from him, motherfuckers. All hail the character we will never get and wish he would come back.
Nagito is Edmund Dantes. Only cuz of Memes based on similar looks. Nagito has nothing on Dantes's year long pursuit for revenge. Tho I guess they both were "saved" by the woman they loved most in the world.
Twogami is Julius Caesar. Only cuz they are chubby charismatic likeable people.
Peko is Tomoe. FUCK YEAH I APPROVE. Peko would totally be Tomoe. Why do you think I made Tomoe her Persona in my headcanon. It fits her SO MUCH TO A T.
Fuyuhiko is Rama. Why? What does Fuyu have in common with a guy who kills demon kings with an army of monkeys cuz they stole his wife yet was also cursed to die whenever him and his wife would ever meet? (Poor Rama in fgo, all he wants is to be with his wife again but destiny keeps screwing him over by killing him seconds before his wife reaches where he is).
Nekomaru is Iskandar/Alexander the Great. Solely due to being super muscular likeable badass motivators of living a great life. Nekomaru clearly doesn't want to conquer lands and rule the world.
Akane is Francis Drake. Only cuz of giant cleavage window alone. Akane ain't no pirate queen with literal flying sea ships with giant laser cannons.
And Teruteru is Fergus. Only because both of them are a super perverts with mindsets primarily filled only about banging women and having sex. Teru is no ripped Chad with a drill sword that shoots rainbow lasers from the ground. (Sidenote: Fergus's drill sword, Caladbolg, translates to "Hard Blade". Yes it's a dick joke.")
//I mean they look good?
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eueclid · 1 month
Gwendolyne Cousland, a summary.
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The sweet and shy youngest daughter of Bryce and Eleanor Cousland was trained for battle alongside her eldest brother, Fergus. She protested at first, but eventually couldn't deny the benefits of it as she aged. How sad it was that it would come of use. The first time she ever raised her blade to another was when Arl Howe's men laid siege to her castle. No matter how much she swung her sword or how much she blood she spilled, it wasn't enough to save her parents. Wracked with grief, she had to be conscripted into the Grey Wardens and forced to join against her will. Before long, Duncan was dead too, leaving Gwendolyne alone with Alistair to raise up an army and end the Blight. Despite her protests, she would lead the charge, unite the armies, and defeat the Archdemon, escaping with her life.
Story choices:
Sleeps with Dairren.
Is conscripted into the Wardens.
Flemeth's Hut:
Gladly takes Morrigan with.
Recruits Leliana and Sten.
Recruits Shale.
Circle Tower:
Sides with the mages, declaring all blood mages have been cleared.
Recruits Wynne.
Brecilian Forest:
Helps reach a compromise between the Elves and the Werewolves.
Recruits Oghren.
Destroys the Anvil of the Void.
Places Prince Bhelen Aeducan on the throne.
Redcliffe Village:
Leaves Jowan alive.
Involves the Circle of Magi to free Connor.
Urn of Sacred Ashes:
Does not defile the ashes.
Does not kill Brother Genitivi.
Rescuing Anora:
Gets captured with Alistair rescuing Anora.
Breaks out of prison instead of waiting for Arl Eamon.
Elven Alienage:
Saves the captives and kills Caladrius.
Anora rules.
Loghain is executed.
Eve of the Final Battle:
Morrigan does the Ritual with Alistair.
Final Battle:
Gwendolyne lands the final blow and lives.
It is always Gwendolyne. Gwen is reserved for close friends / partners.
Gwendolyne is a sword and shield warrior with no specialty.
She is quite mild mannered despite her proficiency with a sword. This often comes at her own detriment.
Her typical party includes herself, Morrigan, Alistair, and Leliana. Sometimes, she'll trade Alistair for Shale or Leliana for Zevran, but not often.
She romances Leliana during the events of the game. I will not force ship anyone who writes Leliana.
After the Blight is over, Gwendolyne returns to Highever with her brother, Fergus. She does not marry, instead choosing to travel the world with Leliana. Eventually, she leaves, going in search of a cure from the Blight. She plans to stay with her after it she cures herself from the taint.
In verses outside of her canon verse, she keeps the same origin story. A more detailed verses page will come.
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beardedmrbean · 5 months
April 29 (UPI) -- Scottish First Minister Humza Yousaf quit Monday ahead of two no-confidence votes he had little-to-no-chance of winning.
The 39-year-old Scottish Nationalist Party leader resigned four days after he collapsed a coalition with the Scottish Greens that kept his government in power in a row over carbon emissions targets.
"After spending the weekend reflecting on what is best for my party, for the government and for the country I lead, I've concluded that repairing our relationship across the political divide can only be done with someone else at the helm," Yousaf said in an emotional address at Bute House, his official Edinburgh residence.
"I have therefore informed the SNP's national secretary of my intention to stand down as party leader."
The resignation of Yousaf, Scotland's first Asian-Muslim leader, triggers a contest to find a new first minister -- which as the largest party falls to the SNP -- although he will remain until post until that happens.
Party grandee Fergus Ewing immediately endorsed Kate Forbes, who came a close second to Yousaf in last year's leadership contest, saying that with the party in urgent need of a reset he had "no doubt whatsoever" she would would make the best leader for the SNP and for Scotland.
Crediting Forbes with being Scotland's most popular MSP, Ewing said the last thing the SNP needed was "another candidate that, frankly, is associated with some of the problems that have brought us down in the polls and lost us trust and confidence."
Yousaf had insisted he would not resign and would continue to govern without a majority but has been unable, or unwilling, to gain the support from rival parties he needed to do so.
His former arch-rival and potential kingmaker, Ash Regan of the pro-independence Alba Party said she was perplexed by the SNP's intransigence but pledged to work with whomever the party chose as its new leader.
"Bizarrely some forces in Humza Yousaf's own party would rather see him resign than deal with a party who really want to advance independence," said the lone MSP of former SNP First Minister Alex Salmond's breakaway party.
"However, a new SNP leader and a new first minister will not change parliamentary arithmetic. I continue to stand ready to work in the best interests of Scotland and to advance the cause of Scottish independence."
The end came after the Greens, furious at being unceremoniously kicked from a coalition Yousaf had only days previously said was "worth its weight in gold," rejected his overtures while he ruled out of hand any deal with the Alba Party.
The failure to broker a deal meant he lacked the votes to survive no-confidence votes later this week -- one in him as first minister and a second in his government -- leaving him no choice but to quit.
Scottish Greens co-leader Patrick Harvie signaled earlier Monday his party would support an SNP minority government, but only if Yousaf, whom he accused of breaking trust and creating an unnecessary crisis, quit.
"The SNP remain the largest party in the Scottish Parliament, just short of a majority, and they are capable of governing a stable minority government. Greens are ready to help make that happen.
"But I don't think Humza Yousaf is in a position to be able to lead such a stable minority because it depends on trust and I don't think there is anything that he will be able to say to restore the trust he has broken."
The resignation of Yousaf, who has been in office for a little over a year after taking over from Nicola Sturgeon after she unexpectedly quit in Feb. 2023, gives the Scottish Parliament 28 days to select a new first minister.
Failure to do so within the time limit will result in parliament being dissolved and a general election being called.
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changingplumbob · 11 months
Pancakes Household: Chapter 7, Part 2
Bob's dream is to reach the top of the chef career. However an opportunity to franchise his recipes has him considering what he really wants from his career, and legacy. Dale may be old but he's alive the entire part, no unwarned deaths here!
They were rolled for the week of Dia de los Muertos so I did my best to have them celebrate it and honour the spirit of the occasion. Obviously not a perfect representation, I'm still learning and bound to make some mistakes on the way.
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Bob: You look amazing Jumble
Eliza: You don't look so bad yourself Sleek
Bob: Listen, at work today I was approached by a rich customer
Eliza: Did they want you to add extra kale again
Bob: No, actually they wanted to open a chain of Bob Pancake restaurants
Eliza: Are you joking right now
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Bob: I know money means a lot to you so I wouldn't joke
Eliza: Are we going to be rich
Bob: I'm not finished yet
Eliza: There's more than a restaurant chain
Bob: They had some conditions. Retirement being the main one
Eliza: So money without working? Sounds perfect
Bob: And never being a chef again
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Eliza: Let me guess, you turned them down
Bob: They wanted to have sole rights to my image, my name, my recipes
Eliza: *sighs* Bob-
Bob: It just didn't feel right. I want to make a name for myself. Be a sim you and our kids can be proud of
Eliza: And a chain wouldn't accomplish that?
Bob: It wouldn't
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Bob: And I'm only 37 anyway, I have so many more years of work and creation still in me
Eliza: Oh.... thank the watcher!
Bob: Wait... You're not mad?
Eliza: I might be SAD we don't get a large sum but I'm not mad. Sleek, a life without cooking would make you miserable when you already struggle with low moods. I'd rather you be busy, happy and healthy than unemployed, sitting around the house, packing the pounds back on. I LOVE money... but I love you more
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Bob: I don't plan to be a nobody forever, I'll work hard and in time who knows, maybe I'll open my own place with my own rules
Eliza: You could never be a nobody to me
Bob: I want something I can leave our kids that's more than just simoleons
Eliza: I'm proud of you Bob
Bob: You are
Eliza: Of course. We've both grown since we got married
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Bob: Well I'm proud of you, my super hot wife who's a corporate superstar and grew two kids
Eliza: You make them sound like plants
Bob: You know you were napping on my side of the bed
Eliza: Your side? The whole thing is mine
Bob: May I sleep there tonight
Eliza: Depends how good your payment scheme is
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When the bargaining of the bed was done for the night the two Pancakes settled down to sleep. No large payout for Bob, but the future is full of possibilities. He maintains the freedom to use his name himself for whatever he chooses to do in the culinary world.
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This Sunday is Dia de Muertos, day of the dead. In my game it's used as a day to honour those that have passed on, celebrating life and family. Whereas my sims Halloween is more about embracing the candy and costumes and commercialism. It felt important to have a separate holiday for these two things.
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One of the traditions is attending a holiday ceremony together. Before the family can leave however, there is a few chores to do and a Dale to comfort. Bob improves his handiness by fixing the constantly breaking plumbing. Iggy takes time to practice his violin while Fergus uses the bathroom.
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Outfits on and faces painted, the Pancakes are ready to head to Willow Creek church and cemetery to pay homage to those sims who have passed on.
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At the community lot Iggy and Fergus happily leave sugar skulls. It appears that Eliza and Bob missed the memo about the day being a celebration, and mourn for sims that have passed on.
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Leaving sugar skulls brings a day of the dead celebrator, today it's Helena. I try to get the Pancakes to all ask for sugar skulls but glitches abound. As in Iggy received two sugar skulls, one from Fergus and one from Eliza, none from Helena. No one else could get a sugar skull *sighs*
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Back home Bob tries to improve his celebrity level by livestreaming his cooking. He is working on improving the gourmet cooking and baking skills. The drone has a friendly enough face so Bob does his best to ignore that there's real sims watching him. He manages to gain a few hundred followers.
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Eliza is busy working out when I notice Fergus has picked up some of Kelly's bad habits. On his mother's pristine porch he is dumping paint! Eliza may be embracing some of Bob's mess but that doesn't mean she'll let her kids ruin her tidy house.
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Eliza: Stop this instant
Fergus: But the deck should celebrate to
Eliza: It's a deck Fergus. Is that paint water soluble
Fergus: I don't know what that means
Eliza: You better hope it is because after a time out it's your job to clean it
Fergus: But YOU clean everything
Eliza: You made this mess, you'll clean it up
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In the kitchen Bob demonstrates he has learned to clean up after himself sometimes. Fergus looks way too happy in time out, probably congratulating himself on a good prank. After Iggy gives Dale a big hug he starts work on his fitness badge. To help, Bob and Eliza have bought him a bike.
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Dale is the best assistant chef anyone could hope for. He always check on what Bob is cooking, and eats any scraps that drop. Between putting things in the oven and getting them out Bob makes sure to shower Dale in affection. He loves his four legged family member.
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Eliza: Fergus! Dinner!
Iggy: Slow poke
Eliza: I can't believe you did so much today Sleek without messing up your facepaint
Bob: I can cook on auto pilot
Fergus: Why do we even celebrate it
Eliza: I beg your pardon
Fergus: We don't have an Mexican heritage, do we
Bob: We don't but that's not the point
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Iggy: The point is sugar skulls
Eliza: No it isn't
Bob: Boys, sims come from many cultures. We may not have Mexican heritage but other sims in this save do
Fergus: So we do it for them?
Eliza: Them and our own ancestors. Dia de Muertos is about celebrating the lives of sims who came before us
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Iggy: Who came before us
Bob: Your grandparents
Fergus: Shouldn't we have their photos displayed somewhere
Bob: Normally on Dia de Muertos you would, along with food and candles for their spirits
Eliza: But being premades we don't have any photos of them
Iggy: That sucks
Eliza: Iggy! Language!
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Bob: Your grandmother made this soup for me when I was little, it always made me feel comforted
Eliza: And your grandfather taught me how to budget, make do with what you have. I value nice things because I know what it is to have nothing
Fergus: I never knew that
Bob: And that's why we celebrate
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Eliza's week will likely be filled with boosting skills for her next promotion. Her hobby is arts and crafts though so it's important she takes some time to relax and cross stitch. Of course, it's hard to do that when you have an adorable dog wanting attention. Dale and Eliza have become companions.
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It's hard to pull pranks when everyone is busy so Fergus sets himself up at an activity table to do some drawing and make some crafts. Outside Iggy is still working on his bike riding for his Keep Fit badge. Eliza finishes her cross stitch, though she received a few pricks getting there.
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Bob is busy trying to write a cookbook about breakfasts when Dale approaches. He wants to play fetch! Bob eagerly abandons his work and heads to the backyard. The yard has enough space to play fetch properly and Dale and Bob have a whale of a time.
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Ever After Academy route summaries
Abel Hawthorn the Woodsman
Abel has been cursed with the same contract that bound the Tin Man to kill Hero and Heroine. But Hero believes they can overcome the curse together and they renew their vows to each other. Abel can’t let Hero go, curse or not. But, a mysterious green fog claws its way across campus, draining magic everywhere it goes. The rush to cure the trees increases as they discover Arin is dying from their connection. Hero learns to wield axes from Abel and to use magic from Nora. In return, Hero teaches Abel how to cook. To everyone’s horror, they find the green fog was sent by the Wizard as it takes over the Labyrinth! Hero discovers that fixing the lighthouse lamp has to be from his own magic. As the fog gains power, everyone begins to see creepy magical illusions of their fears. In the finale, the fog is strong enough to possess Abel’s body and Hero must fight him. But in the end, it’s love—not power—that saves them both. Breaking the spell on Hero helps break the curse on Abel at the last minute through love.
For the remaining seasons, trust, loyalty, and ‘love as an answer’ were to be the main themes. Hero fixes the lamp as he retakes his Light Keeper role and becomes an unofficial Woodsman. Abel becomes an efficient cook and confidently faces down all his past enemies. They continue on many adventures in both realms, often able to fulfill their separate duties together. Eventually, Abel is given his own, unique title from the White Queen and becomes his own boss, employing dedicated Woodsmen around the world. This gives him more time with Hero where they raise orphaned children together.
Lavinia the Ice Queen
The mystery of Lavinia's parentage is revealed. She was born to Titania, the queen of the Summer Fae Court and the most powerful of the Fae. Titania loved her daughter for a time, but Lavinia was half human and Titania also realized that Lavinia could grow up to be a threat to her. So she had Lavinia left in the snow to freeze. Lavinia has no memory of her early days among the Fae, but she does remember doing anything she could to survive...and she does remember that magic came to her naturally. When Lavinia came into her full power, she caught the attention of Titania who at first wondered who this new queen was...and then realized it was the daughter she tried to abandon.
We planned on spending the rest of Lavinia's route delving into the topics of betrayal and love and Lavinia would grapple with both her struggle for power (which has always been her way of self preservation) and her own sense of morality. After finding out she is the daughter of her worst enemy and a universal villain, she will also struggle with who she is as a person. Titania will try many tactics to either destroy Lavinia or make Lavinia give away her power. Ultimately, it will be the grounding love of Heroine that will help Lavinia through this difficult time. They will break the spell on Heroine and defeat Titania and her Fae Court. Lavinia will choose Ezra to rule as regent in her kingdom while she travels with Heroine while she works as the Path Finder. When Heroine and Lavinia's child grows up, that child will become the Path Finder. Heroine and Lavinia will return to Lavinia's Ice realm and rule as equals.
Arin Langdon the Guardian
The final challenge is interrupted by the arrival of Wilhelm Grimm, one of the Brothers Grimm. Heroine is able to use her magic to turn the tide in the fight against Wilhelm, and in doing so finds a way to use the magic of the Path Finder...to create paths and to open portals between this world and the magical realm. The clash with Wilhelm culminates in the temporary defeat of Wilhelm, but in the death of Dr. James Tutorea. As he dies he gives Heroine a ring that matches the one she wears. Fergus also sees the error of his ways and withdrawals [sic] from the competition. It is decided the best thing the group can do is find a way to travel to the magical realm and go to the Red and White Queens as James was doing to get the seeds.
Arin and Heroine are then confronted with a problem that they will have to deal with the rest of their lives: that Heroine's place as the Path Finder is in the magical realm and Arin's is in the Library. Over the course of the rest of the seasons we would break the spell on Heroine and have Heroine and Arin grow in their magic together as well as in their love. They would wear matching rings that magically create a space between the worlds where time stops for just the two of them where they can be together whenever they want for as long as they want. In this way they can fulfill their duties but also be together. Before Heroine goes into the magical realm, they have a wedding that solidifies their union. Heroine and Arin will eventually retire from their roles and pass them down to their children.
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www-islandofsodor · 1 year
Sodor Rebirth fanfic hot takes:
What’s the Matter with Henry actually takes place in the early 1930’s prior to Henry’s Coal trilogy. The only difference being Edward would be in place of Emily. This version would be the start of Henry and Edward being best friends.
Scaredy Engines transpires on Halloween night 1974 but with James in Thomas’ place. It is here where Percy and James finally start becoming friends.
Spotless Record and Something Fishy take place in 1975 but with James in Thomas’ role. James would be jealous of Arthur’s spotless record; thus providing motive for playing a trick on him. It also establishes James’ disdain for fish
Salty’s Secret would take place in 1974 at the newly restored Brendam Bay China Clay Pits with Boco instead of Mavis. This would then carry over into Salty’s Stormy Night where Bill and Ben (formerly Thomas & Percy) would further tease Salty and Boco would be in place of Emily; furthering adding character continuity.
Twin Trouble would remain the same, but with Oliver in Thomas’ place. Also, instead of Annie & Clarabel, Toad & Isabel would be mentioned instead.
Oliver would be better suited for Thomas’ role in Emily’s debut episode. Especially where he bickers about new coaches to Sir Topham Hatt but changes his attitude after being saved by Emily. This would demonstrate Oliver’s pride in his individuality.
Dennis would takeover both Diesel and Thomas’ roles in Fergus Breaks the Rules. It would show that despite being a lazy prick, Dennis still doesn’t want anything bad to happen to Fergus. He would even own up to his mistakes at the end of the episode.
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dishtothedeath · 1 year
Two Tickets Home [CHAPTER 4 MOTIVE]
“Well done to our winning chefs and close second. Even without the whole rule breaking fiasco, your attempts of working together was entertainment enough, hoho!” 
Skull-kun’s expression falls flat before he continues. 
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“Now, we’re running overtime for this segment, so let’s cut to the chase, shall we?”
“We cannot ignore that some of you have been… growing closer.”
The robots can’t help but look towards Yukari and Fergus.
“Despite the ferociousness of the competition, you demonstrated the power of human bonds and friendship in your latest challenge. So for your next motive to help encourage you to complete the next challenge, we propose this…” 
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Ides has been staring blankly into space for quite some time after the execution, but something turns on inside of them and they’re back to their presenter self. 
“F-for our next killing challenge, if you manage to murder someone and get away with it, you can choose one other contestant and leave the competition!! Together!”
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Biscuit Beastie adds, “N’ fer good measure... We’ll even throw in a small cash prize o’ $50,000 for the both o’ you t’ share. Ain’t that nice…” The robot smiles.
Skull-kun smiles as BB smiles, then turns back to the rest of you. 
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“The competition is only getting harder from here on out. People will be taking more risks! Look to your friends Haruki and Castella, for instance— but perhaps this is something that’s worth such a risk, hm?”
“Food for thought, yes? Haha. Alright, the cooking challenge is complete. Time for y’all to skedaddle. It’s Daffodil’s feeding time and she gets grouchy when she goes too long without dinner!”
“Good luck, get cooking or killing! Preferably both!”
0 notes
the best by far is you: chapter 22
Read on AO3
Previous Chapter
Summary: An exploration of Claire & Jamie’s story if their firstborn had lived and they had the chance to be parents together of wee Faith Fraser before the Battle of Culloden.
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Chapter 22
“Easy now, Sassenach. That’s it.”
Her skin prickled in irritation hearing Jamie talk to her in a soothing voice that she knew to be often reserved for horses, and the comparison to how big she felt at the moment flitted through her mind. Her jaw clenched as a few choice words leapt to her tongue, but she held them back, seeing as she was relying on his help getting out of the carriage. With her feet firmly planted on the ground, he pressed a sweet kiss to her temple and she felt a little of her irritation dispel.
And Jamie wasn’t the only one treating her carefully these days. As their family spilled out of the carriage, Fergus appeared at her side and she tucked him under her arm ‒ she found his constant hovering to be easier to take in stride ‒ and was reminded of how much he’d grown in the last year as he felt almost too tall to fit snugly under her arm like he used to.
Jamie had Faith in one arm, no longer needing the aid of a cane to walk, and Murtagh exited the carriage last, keeping a close eye on them as they turned altogether and headed for the charity hospital.
They were breaking their cardinal rule for living in Paris by visiting a place so central to their time here before, but as they doubted the sisters of L'Hopital des Anges would ever betray them, it had been an easy decision to return.
Stepping foot inside of the hospital felt like stepping back into a dream for Claire ‒ one that hadn’t been entirely pleasant. Everything looked the same as it had over two years ago when Claire was last here. Bouton was still there to greet them as they entered, barking madly at Jamie in particular.
“Away ye wee devil,” Jamie growled and shifted Faith higher up on his shoulder.
“A dog!” Faith pointed excitedly, unbothered by Bouton’s manner.
“Nay, lass, that thing can hardly be called a dog,” he muttered. “Now stop that, Faith. I willna set ye down while that vermin is‒”
Claire turned from watching Faith struggle to get free of Jamie’s grasp to find her old friend standing before her in stunned disbelief. “Hello,” Claire smiled nervously.
Mother Hildegarde’s gaze swept from Claire to Jamie to the restless toddler in his arms and the older woman’s brows rose in surprise. “Quel miracle. I’ve thought of her often, but to see her again and so old now… She is in good health?”
“Yes,” Claire answered with a smile, her own gaze drawn to the girl in question. Faith was a slight thing ‒ and maybe always would be ‒ but she wasn’t so fragile anymore. “And keeping us on our toes every day.”
She could see the question lurking in Mother Hildegarde’s eyes as to why they had returned to Paris, but instead of asking that, she gestured to Claire’s rounded belly. “And I see you are to have another one. I hope you are in good health as well.”
“So far, yes, it’s been an easy pregnancy. And that’s actually why we’re here today. Or part of the reason,” her arm draped around Fergus’s shoulders and pulled him back to her side. “I wanted to ask if you and one of your midwives would help deliver the baby when it’s time. Maybe not your most experienced midwife,” Claire said delicately. Not someone who is stuck in their ways and won’t listen to me. “I have particular requests for the birth and I want someone who will listen. It’s… it’s why I want you there. Someone I can trust. And maybe a good midwife who doesn’t mind taking orders.”
Mother Hildegarde wasn’t cold exactly, but she did often wear a mask of seriousness. She nodded slightly with a faint smile on her face and Claire felt the knot of anxiety in her chest tug free. She would have at least one person in her corner during the birth, someone who had also been there through the horror of Faith’s birth.
“I have someone I could ask, one of the Sisters here. I believe she would do well.”
“Thank you,” Claire exhaled a smile and squeezed Fergus’s shoulder. “And the other reason we all came is because we’re wondering if you could arrange a baptism today. It’s for our son.”
“A toast,” Jared said brightly, glass raised to all of them seated around the dining table, “to Fergus Fraser.”
“Fergus Claudel Fraser,” Jamie amended, raising his own glass with a proud smile.
While he hadn’t been in attendance for the baptism, Jared had surprised them with hosting a dinner, just for the six of them, in Fergus’s honor. For all that they were in his debt, Claire had begun to worry that they asked too much of Jared in keeping them hidden. But in the warm glow of that dining room, with her gaze resting on Fergus’s beaming face, she was reminded of Jamie’s promise to her on their wedding day.
You have my name, my clan, my family…
She had no way of knowing then how that promise would hold true. And while it was not for nothing in exchange that Jared sheltered them ‒ he was receiving Jamie’s assistance in business matters ‒ it wasn’t an even trade. She just hadn’t realized until this night how deeply the loyalty to family ran in Jared Fraser.
And Abbott Alexander too, come to that. He’d remained a rather aloof presence while they’d stayed at the abbey, but he’d been greatly concerned for Jamie after his injury and he’d kept them safe and well cared-for in the abbey for as long as they’d resided there.
Jamie had understood the weight of what he’d promised her that night, but she hadn’t. Not at first.
And as her gaze flitted between Fergus and Faith, both now bearing the name of Fraser, she felt some small bit of peace settle deep in her bones that she and Jamie could give them this ‒ the protection of family and a certain belonging she hadn’t had in the same way growing up.
Her gaze shifted to Jamie and she caught his eye, feeling the soft tug of a smile at her lips. No, she hadn’t had any idea back when she married him that this was where the road would lead them ‒ back then, she hadn’t thought that she would stay, given the choice. Now, their lives had never quite been so unsettled, their future unknown. And never so full, having their own wee Fraser clan with them.
She lifted her glass. “To Fergus Fraser.”
“Is that his foot?”
Claire shook her head. “That’s the top of his head. He’s stretched out sideways just now.” She moved his hand around the swell of her belly and pressed his fingers firmly over another spot. “There’s his foot.”
The baby pushed back against their hands and she saw the spark in Jamie’s eyes as he felt the kick. “Hallo, a chuisle.” He leaned over and kissed her belly through the thin fabric of her shift, over the spot where they’d felt the crown of the baby’s head. “It’s yer da,” he said fondly.
The echoes of conversations had at night while in bed, in this very house when it was Faith that she carried, drifted through her mind. It was hard not to draw parallels between then and now ‒ same place, same unbridled excitement to meet their baby ‒ but they hadn’t known then the horror of how Faith would come into their lives.
And now they couldn’t forget it if they tried.
“Should be dropping down into position soon enough.” Claire caressed her belly. “Until then, the stubborn little thing likes to lodge herself sideways while she still can.”
“That’s alright. You take yer time, wee ‘un,” he murmured to her belly, and her heart lurched at the underlying strain in his otherwise gentle tone. “Grow hearty an’ strong first before ye join us. We’ll bide until then.”
She exhaled shakily, choosing to look at her pregnant belly instead of her husband for fear of what she’d find there in his eyes. This was as far as she’d made it in her pregnancy with Faith and what came next with this child was unchartered territory ‒ she hoped and fervently prayed it would be the unchartered territory of a normal and safe labor.
Both of them startled at the sound of a door latch jiggling, but it became quickly apparent that it wasn’t their main bedroom door but the one that led to the adjoining nursery. Faith was too little to lift the latch but she could just barely touch the handle if she tried. When she couldn’t get through on her own, they heard her wailings through the door.
“Christ,” Jamie muttered under his breath. But he was up and out of bed faster than Claire could blink, opening the door for their distraught wee thing to join them. Faith toddled in, face flushed and already streaked with tears, and Jamie wasted no time in scooping her up. “Och, wha’s wrong, mo nighean?” His tone was affectionate and soothing, the soft voice he reserved just for his children. Faith’s head rested on his shoulder as he began to pace the room with her. “Ye canna do that in a few months time or ye’ll wake the bairn.”
Faith only sniffled and turned her face into Jamie’s neck.
“She has no idea what’s coming,” Claire shook her head. Jamie’s smile was bright even in the dim lighting of their room but she found it hard to match his joy in that moment. If she wasn’t worried about the birth, she was worried about Faith feeling cast aside once there was a baby in the picture or about Fergus feeling he was less important to them if his own needs at eleven years old weren’t as demanding of their time and attention as those of a toddler and a newborn. It felt as though they were in such a precarious spot with both children, with Fergus’s adoption being so new and Faith having to adapt to such drastic changes in such a short time.
“Ye ken, lass, I think yer mam could use some cheering up, too.”
She startled out of her thoughts to see Jamie’s perceptive gaze on her. He gave her a soft smile, but his own concern was poorly concealed from her. “Just… letting my thoughts get away from me.”
“What d’ye think, Faith?” he whispered conspiratorially to their girl, slowly sauntering towards Claire’s side of the bed. “Can we cheer her up?” Faith’s head popped up from his shoulder, eyes intent on finding Claire.
Instinctively, she sat up a little further in bed, unsure if Jamie was coming to pass Faith off to her or not.
“Gib her a kiss?”
Oh, darling girl…
“Oh aye,” Jamie said brightly, “that should help. Ready?”
She watched him shift Faith sideways in his arms and held her out towards Claire, his large hand supporting Faith’s ribcage.
She stole a kiss from the sweet little face hovering in front of her and couldn’t hold back a smile.
“Again!” Faith crowed, face scrunched with pure joy and arms outstretched, and Claire wanted to freeze that moment forever. Instead, she accepted another kiss from tiny rosebud lips and felt Faith’s weight slowly sink onto her as Jamie gently draped her slight form over Claire’s chest and protruding belly.
“There’s my girl.” She kissed the crown of Faith’s head, sweaty from sleep, and wrapped her arms snug around her warm little body. Faith’s hand reached up and patted her cheek and Claire turned her head so she could press a kiss to the little palm before it withdrew. “You are such a loving girl, Faith Fraser, so kind and generous.”
Jamie crawled over her feet to his side of the bed and propped himself up on one elbow facing the two of them, his face almost level with Faith’s. “Aye, what a kind lass ye are, helping yer mam feel better.”
He leaned over and kissed Faith’s cheek, a loud smacking kiss that left the girl giggling and turned her face into Claire’s chest.
Two months ago, she’d held a sleeping Faith in her arms, practically a stranger to her then, and felt as though her whole world might crumble at any moment. If she could’ve given herself anything two months ago on that first, terrible day at the abbey, it would’ve been a glimpse of this: Jamie, alive and whole at her side, and Faith in her arms, wide awake and there of her own choosing. The three of them cocooned in their reclaimed intimacy they’d had as a family before the Rising.
Faith still hadn’t called her “Mama”, but that troubled Claire less and less these days. It would come. And the progress she’d made in rebuilding a relationship with Faith… It was enough.
“I love you, sweet Faith.”
Her miracle girl. Her everything. When the anxiety over the baby’s birth became too loud, she reminded herself that Faith, against all odds, was still here. And Claire was, too.
Faith’s hand rubbed up and down Claire’s arm like she was trying to soothe her still.
“Lub ye,” her wee girl said.
She met Jamie’s shining gaze in the dimness and oh, it was enough. It was more than enough.
Despite how she tried to keep her fears at bay, Claire was not, it turned out, safe from her subconscious.
In a dream that felt as real as the strong kicks from the baby within, she was back at the charity hospital. She felt a sharp twinge of pain in her belly as she moved down an aisle of patient beds. Her breath caught in her throat and she froze, knowing exactly what that pain meant: the baby was coming ‒ much too early.
And she was alone.
Entirely alone. No Jamie or Mary or Murtagh. None of the Sisters nor even Mother Hildegarde. The beds that were usually filled with the sick and wounded were vacant and untouched, and the cathedral was desolate, carrying the echoes of her screams, her pleas for someone to come help.
She couldn’t do this alone. Not again.
She doubled over with a contraction and that was when she noticed all of the blood pooling at her feet.
“No,” she uttered in a hoarse cry. “No, no, no.”
Mother Hildegarde was there suddenly ‒ inexplicably ‒ and she gently held Claire by the elbow, keeping her steady. The older woman’s face was drawn with concern, the way it had been when Claire was burning with fever. Claire felt her heart lurch at the sight of her, at the hopelessness in her gaze. “I’m very sorry, Madame.”
Claire’s hands gravitated to her belly, wanting to shield the baby somehow from whatever Mother Hildegarde’s ominous news was, but her hands touched only the soft, doughy belly that remained after giving birth.
“The baby…?” Her voice cracked.
“There was nothing we could’ve done,” Mother Hildegarde was saying, but the walls were starting to close in on Claire, and Mother Hildegarde’s voice began to sound tinny and far away as she spoke.
“... She was… mort-né…”
Claire was only peripherally aware of being gathered against Jamie’s chest in the dark, his hands finding purchase at her back to keep her close, while his voice was soft and urgent in her ear. She was only vaguely aware of all this because as the last tendrils of her nightmare lost their hold on her, she felt the wrenching movement of stubborn life from within her and her breath left her lungs in a rush. Squished between her and Jamie, their baby was still very much alive.
Real as it had felt, it was all just a dream.
She grabbed a fistful of Jamie’s nightshirt and tucked her face into the hollow of his neck, his touch grounding her now as much as the baby’s movement had. This was real. “Don’t let me go. Not yet.”
His grip tightened in response and for whatever reason, that small act had tears pricking her eyes. His voice came into focus next, still murmuring in her ear, and his words left her feeling awash in safety. She’d loved him long enough to know when his Gaelic was spoken as a fervent prayer. Her hand cupped at his neck, her thumb running along the sharp line of his jaw, and she felt his rapid pulse under her palm.
Oh god, she’d scared him through it all.
Her face flushed with embarrassment ‒ it was only a dream after all, for all this fuss ‒ and she pulled back to look at him, her hand brushing his curls back out of his face.
“Is it the bairn?” he asked, his voice tight, before she had a chance to speak.
She swallowed thickly and shook her head.
“Then what’s troubling ye so, that ye’re crying out in yer sleep, a nighean?”
“It was just… just a silly dream. It was nothing.”
“Didna seem silly,” he pushed back, and she met his gaze in the dark. Not a dream, no. A nightmare. And how many of those had haunted his sleep in the time since she’d first slept beside him? She’d lost count.
She tucked her face into his neck again, accepting his comfort, but when faced with the task of putting words to what she’d seen, she fell silent. Instead, she let out a shaky breath and uttered quietly, “Everywhere I turn, there’s memories of… the first time. With Faith.”
Claire felt his heavy sigh more than heard it as one of his hands traced the path of her spine.
“Was it wrong tae bring ye back here?”
No immediate answer came to mind, the question having thrown her as much as the tinge of guilt in his voice. Tilting her face up, she kissed his neck in reassurance. “We had no choice.”
“There’s always a choice.”
“We made the best choice we could, then. All things considered.”
In case he meant to argue that, she framed his face in her hands and found his lips with her own in the dark. His kiss was warmth and safety, and she wanted nothing more in that moment than to lose herself in his touch as well. Her hand wandered down the front of his shirt.
“Please,” she whispered in answer to his unspoken question. If she closed her eyes again, she’d be back in that empty church hearing Mother Hildegarde’s words that her baby had died.
She swallowed roughly. “I need you.”
His only hesitation, she knew, was on account of her just waking from such a nightmare. He would be careful with her, but she didn’t want careful. She wanted ‒ needed ‒ more than anything to push every other thought out of her head until it was only Jamie. Only the two of them, there in the dark, with none of her fears or Jamie’s fretting over her.
His answer came in the touch of his hands, maneuvering her onto her back before rising up above her. Her growing belly kept him from covering her completely with his body as he might’ve done, but his hand found hers where she was grasping at the bedsheets and, lacing his fingers through hers, he held tight in reassurance. Her heart tumbled.
“I love you.”
Then it was only the two of them, there in the dark.
“Fergus laddie, where’s yer ma?”
Fergus looked up from the book he’d been struggling to read. His papa had insisted on it for his studies, carefully outlining each morning the work Fergus should do during the day, and he knew Papa would ask him about it this evening, but he found no small relief in putting the book down to answer Murtagh’s question.
His maman. It left a warm feeling in his chest still whenever they were referred to as his parents.
“In her room, I’m sure.”
Murtagh’s expression turned pensive and Fergus thought he might be weighing if what he wanted to speak to Maman about was worth disturbing her peace. Papa had shared with him in confidence that Maman hadn’t been sleeping well the last few nights because of the baby. Of course, Papa didn’t say it was because of the baby, but he well remembered how Maman had been when she carried Faith. But no matter the reason, Papa had asked that he take special care of Maman wherever he could. Protecting her peace was something Fergus could do.
The problem was he knew exactly why Murtagh was looking for his maman, and his instinct had been to call for her as well. Murtagh, tasked with keeping Faith occupied for an afternoon outside, stood there in the doorway to their upstairs parlor with a muddied and too-pleased Faith at his feet.
“Go an’ find her, aye? If she’s sleeping…”
“Then I won’t disturb her.” Fergus dropped his book on the table and got to his feet. “But if she’s not, I cannot wait to hear what she says when she sees the mess you let Faith make of herself.”
He ducked past Murtagh, who had given him a withering look and a retort that Maman would also be displeased with, and ran out into the hallway with a laugh. When he neared her and Papa’s room, the door was cracked open and he felt confident she would not be sleeping. “Maman?” he called ahead of his entrance.
She was up and walking, one hand on her rounded belly as she moved towards the doorway.
“Now do not panic when you see Faith, Maman…”
She eyed him warily at that. “Why would I panic when I see Faith?”
“I said not to panic!”
He grinned wickedly, unable to help the teasing. “It’s nothing, it’s only‒”
Maman froze in place, her expression suddenly pinched as she gasped and reached a hand to steady herself against the wall.
“What is it? What’s wrong? Is it the baby?”
Her eyes had grown wide as she looked down at her other hand still cradling her belly. His heart tripped in rhythm.
“It’s too soon. I can’t‒ I can’t do this again. It’s too soon.” Her voice was tight and so quiet he wasn’t sure if she was speaking to him directly.
“I don’t‒” he gulped and glanced out into the hallway ‒ for whom, he wasn’t sure, because no one was there. Maman was still braced against the wall, clutching at her belly, at the baby. I don’t know what to do. “Don’t… I’ll‒ I will go find Papa!”
He didn’t stand around to see how his maman responded and instead fled the room, nearly tripping over his own feet in his haste.
His maman. He couldn’t lose her.
“Papa!” he screamed, thundering down the big staircase. They weren’t supposed to go wandering through the house, not like before, and only could venture downstairs if accompanied by one of the adults, but Papa was already working downstairs with Jared just now. “Papa!”
He only made it so far on the first floor, rounding the corner into the hallway when he ran abruptly into the wall of his papa’s chest. Firm hands gripped him by the shoulders and steadied him, and he looked up into his father’s fierce, bewildered gaze. “What the devil‒?”
Fergus struggled to catch his breath, so out of sorts, and he finally managed, “It’s Maman… the baby…”
His papa was already brushing past him, taking the stairs two at a time, and Fergus was left to scramble up the steps after him, heart in his throat the whole way.
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newtonsheffield · 3 years
I don't know why, but I can't the idea of Michael playing 'Spill your guts, or fill your guts' with James Corden and being asked a personal question about Frankie, only to have to eat something rank. Anyway, thanks for your hard work on this universe, its crazy how much I look forward to it each week. It's this stressed uni gal's guilty pleasure!!!
Okay! I LOVE this idea! Love and adore and from someone who used to be a stressed uni gal: You gotta have those guilty pleasures to get you through. Mine was Orphan Black which if you haven’t seen and you enjoy Science Fiction, give it a whirl girl! 
Anyway! Let’s look at Michael Stirling + Press 
Michael knew many actors had problems with press, they found it boring, or irritating or awkward, but Michael had never had a problem with it. He’d never had issues talking to people, and honestly it was kind of fun if you let it be. Playing games, making jokes, talking to another person, connecting with them for a split second, talking about work you were proud of having done, he took pride in it. It didn’t hurt that prior to his relationship with Francesca it had meant he got to see her outside of set, one more time he got to see her smile, laugh, he’d started looking forward to them. And still, though he saw Francesca every day now, saw her in the morning when her eyes were barely open, when her hair was tangled together, in her pyjamas that had Disney princesses on them, their dog cuddled on her lap, he loved doing press. Loved talking about the work they did together. It made him burn with Pride. 
“Michael, Michael, Michael! Fresh off your BAFTA win last month how’re you feeling?” The host was saying, broad smile on his face. Michael smiled. “I’m feeling great, we were really proud of the last season and ah, feels great that other people respond to it.”  “And,” The host said excitedly, “ A bit of exciting news in your personal life, Francesca Bridgerton confirmed your relationship in her speech which you’ve been very tight lipped on in the past and you confirmed your engagement the next day. Congratulations!” The live audience cheered, pride burning in Michael’s chest, his smile growing impossibly wider, he could see Francesca smiling at him offscreen, the engagement ring on her finger sparkling nearly as brightly as her eyes.  “Thank you. Frankie and I are really happy, thrilled. Ecstatic even.” Michael said grinning, his eyes locked with his fiancée’s.  “I think all of England’s pretty excited. Your family’s must be pretty excited too.” The host was saying as Michael’s attention flicked back, nodding lightly. “My Mum’s pretty excited, and most of Frankie’s siblings.” A smirk coming to his face. The host laughed.  “Well, that sounds like a story we all want to hear. Don’t we everyone?” The crowd cheered. Michael laughed himself  “Mmmmm I’m afraid we’re going to have to keep that a secret.”  “Well, we have to take a break, but when we come back, Michael and I are going to play a game with the help of someone very special.” The host said as the crowd cheered again. 
Which is how Michael came to be standing in a TV studio with his jacket abandoned and his Fiancée holding a bucket of ice water over his head.  “Okay, Michael you know the rules, we’ve played before. We’ll ask you a series of questions, when you don’t want to answer, you get the water.” Michael kept the smile on his face though he had to admit, he was feeling slightly unnerved by the appearance of Francesca’s sly smirk, as though she had a plan forming. Always a little unsettling even as she kissed him on the cheek, with a  “Good luck, sweetheart.” and the crowd hollered excitedly. 
And most of the questions were easy. whose idea was it to start an instagram for their puppy Fergus? Michael’s. The crowd laughed at that.
Who was a better cook? Francesca hands down
Who liked watching Kilmartin more when it was on TV? Neither of them though Frankies Family’s group chat was very active. Another chuckle. 
Who took longer getting ready? He did he admitted with a laugh as Francesca nodded vigorously. And then 
Which of Francesca’s siblings was Michael’s favourite? Well. Panic rose in his chest, there was absolutely no way he was going to face her already manic family after answering that question. Francesca’s eyebrow was raised, a satisfied little smirk on her face as she tipped the bucket over his head.  
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doyelikehaggis · 2 years
5 Shows
Rules: Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don't cheat. Tag 10 people
Tagged by the lovely @geekinthefuschiahair
My shows:
High School Musical: The Musical: The Series
The Vampire Diaries
The Dumping Ground
Who is your favourite character in 2?
I think it might be Freddie? It definitely used to be Spencer because I always wanted a big brother like him, but now I've definitely grown more attached to Freddie.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Ooh. That's actually a hard one, I don't think I really have a least favourite? I mean, maybe Lily? I don't hate her, but I obviously like her a bit less than the rest of the characters, so probably Lily.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
I have three! "All Debt's Paid" because it's the first time we meet John, "A. Malcolm" because Young Ian and adult Fergus, and "Hour of the Wolf" because OUCH.
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
I'm struggling to choose between 3, 6 and 8. But I think I might lean more towards season 6; it has some lighter episodes that are still really good, plus it has a few new character introductions which I really like. But 8 is a close second in terms of how well-written the serious episodes are without being so serious that I tend to skip them on rewatches.
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Oh, but there are so many. I say that as if I don't know my favourite canon couples right off the top of my head. Obviously it has to be Stefan and Elena, and also Tyler and Liv. They simply deserved better, okay, and I will always be bitter about their ending.
HOWEVER, if we're talking non-canon then that is a whole other story and I would have to say Damon and Enzo but ALSO Caroline and Valerie, am I right? Yes, of course I am.
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
Oh, Carly and Freddie without a doubt. They are endgame, as they have always been, and I can't wait to see their happy ending. If I'm allowed some more creative freedom with canon then I would also like to throw in Spencer and Socko.
7. What is your favourite season of 1?
I think I enjoyed season 2 more? Obviously I adore season 1, it sets the base for us to get to know the characters and I'm a sucker for the HSM soundtrack. But there's something about the Beauty and the Beast plot of season 2 that I just love, and the original songs are gorgeous. Plus, it gave us some more Portwell, the fun dynamic between Ricky and Carlos when they write that song for Seb, the DANCE BATTLE to the mob song?? Yeah, I cannot fault season 2.
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
Oh, hard question, TDG has so many good episodes. I'm gonna give a top five instead, it's a lot easier. So, we start with "Sittin' in a Tree" because it's the first time Jody realizes she has feelings for Tyler. Then we have "Wasters" because Alex goes to do work experience at Lily's cafe, I have to add in "Auld Lang Syne" for the Jyler rivalry + all of the Rabbie Burns stuff. "Sasha Claus" because it was a (mostly) fluffy Christmas episode and I just love snowed-in episodes. LAst but definitely not least is "Breaking Chains" because 1) Kingsley is dead but also 2) Jody being allowed to grieve in her own way with some kind of closure and 3) Tyler's return and 4) Bec's coming out storyline.
9. What is your favourite episode of 2?
Okay, if we're talking original iCarly then I think my favourite might be... "iSaved Your Life" for all of the creddie stuff but also a shoutout to both "iGo One Direction" for the comedy and also "iTwins" because it was a fun decision to give Sam an identical twin and confuse the hell out of Freddie. If we're talking about the reboot, then it's a choice between "iLove Gwen" for the schemy dynamic between Carly and Millicanet + getting to see Millicent's school, and "iTake A Girls' Trip" for all of the Creddie hilarity and awkwardness, but also "iGuess Everyone Just Hates Me Now" for the same reasons.
10. How long had you watched 1?
Literally only about a week? Maybe two? But I have fallen very hard very fast and I can never escape now, HSMTMTS will forever live in my heart (especially Ricky)
11. How did you become interested in 3?
I had initally refused to even consider watching TVD; my sister loved the first few seasons, but I was so obsessed with Harry Potter that no other fandom even seemed worth it. And then I had been having a conversation at school with someone who was kind of my friend at the time about werewolves, and she told me I should watch TVD because she was absolutely in love with it. I went home, watched a few episodes and ended up slowly watching the entire show. I have never been the same since.
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Without a doubt, John Bell. I have adored that man for years since he was in TBR, and I was so happy to discover he was in Outlander. He was actually one of the main reasons I watched it at all.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Oh that's so not fair. I grew up on TDG and iCarly, but oh my god the love I have for HSMTMTS is unbelievable. I might have to side with iCarly here but then again, I just don't know. TDG I have an emotional connection to, you know, it's got some really complex stuff that hits really hard and I appreciate that. iCarly is fun and light and comedic. HSMTMTS is musical and hilarious and the characters are hard not to love. I truly cannot choose.
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
Uh, well, I've watched both shows in their entierty, so I'll switch it up a little as well. I totally binged HSMTMTS in nearly a night and have almost binge-watched every episode AGAIN today, but I've definitely REwatched more episodes of TVD (for now), just because I've been in that fandom for so long and so have had the time to do so (plus it was necessary for fic writing, which isn't something I'm doing yet for HSMTMTS)
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
That's a question. Do I really want to be any of them? They all go through the ringer quite a bit and I'm not entirely sure I'd survive half of that shit. But I suppose if I had to choose, I'd WANT to be Lord John or Josiah. I wouldn't mind being Bree or Roger but only for like the present day parts, like, before they go back in time.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
It... it could? It would have to be something involving maybe on of the Mikaelson or Katherine or Lexi, but... yeah, technically speaking, it's possible. Outlander's main time period is the late 18th century, and since they're in Scotland most of the time, it's possible that one of the originals was roaming around there in that time, probably Klaus. Oh god, I don't even want to imagine a meeting between Klaus and Jamie. Or Klaus and Claire. Or Klaus and Randall. It would be a nightmare, truly. Point is, it's definitely possible and I do not like it.
17. Pair two characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple
Yes, my time has come for HSMTMTS rarepairs! Or crackships, I suppose, but okay let's think about this properly. An unlikely pairing would most definitely be EJ and Carlos, and I honestly don't think they'd make a bad couple? I liked their dynamic in "The Tech Rehearsal" so it could be interesting. But also Ricky and Carlos? 👀 This mainly comes from Ricky helping Carlos write that song for Seb. But also what about Carlos and the French exchange student? I don't know his name, but I just really liked the part in the dance battle when those two were singing at each other, and I feel like MAYBE they could be something fun there? I don't think that Ricky and EJ are unlikely which is why I didn't put them at the top, but they would definitely make a good couple and I would be so here for it.
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
See, The Dumping Ground doesn't have one consistent storyline the entire way through a single season, because the point is that the episodes are all something different. The general plot is that it's a bunch of kids in a care home trying to deal with their issues and adjust to life in general, so it's not exactly comparable to a show like The Vampire Diaries, whose plot is supposed to be fantastical and more about things that AREN'T real as opposed to things that are. It's impossible to compare them for that reason; 3 is realistic and a way to sort of cope with life, sometimes in a light, fun way, sometimes in a deep, personal way, and 5 is an escape into a world where the problems are vampires and werewolves and other supernatural horrors. I enjoy both dearly.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
While I love singing along dramatically to the Skye Boat Song, I will always vibe with the iCarly theme, it's just so upbeat and funky.
20. What is your favourite episode of 3?
Jesus, you're asking the impossible now. A favourite of The Vampire Diaries? Just one? Okay, I actually have at least three on the top of my head so, "162 Candles" minus the ending because I love Lexi, "The Birthday" because I just like it, and "Resident Evil" because I liked the Stelena dynamic with the visions, and some of the Denzo dynamic.
Tagging @childofsquidward @nbvethbrenatto @donnas-troia @alltid-og-for-evig @infp-obsessing-over-everything @mariedemedicis @benedictbridgertonss @cescalr @dance-is-life27 @imaginearyparties @emberandshadow and anyone who sees this and wants to do it! It's actually a lot of fun! <3
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animationadventures · 3 years
So, as we all know, most of us weren’t the biggest fans of the May and June being clones of Webby twist, or the Webby being a clone of Scrooge twist. Thus, I have taken it upon myself to come up with alternate cloning scenarios that don’t take away female characters’ blood relations to each other and push them into Clan McDuck. I’ve already explained in a few other posts that I would have Webby be a clone of Beakley or the long-lost daughter of Pepper, so this time around I’ll focus on the May and June situation.
Idea A – Alan and Gideon
One plausible theory fans had when Split Sword of Swanstantine released was Scrooge was going to be cloned, and some even theorized that the clone would be the show’s way of introducing Gideon McDuck, Scrooge’s brother in the comics, to a new generation since the show seemed to only have Hortense and Matilda as his siblings. Well, I’ll take that theory and add a second clone.
It occurred to me while sleeping last night that I like the idea of Scrooge having two clones and making him the Huey of the set. So rather than finding May and June in FOWL’s lair, the family would find two clones that look like Scrooge instead. One wears Scrooge’s coat in blue, and the other wears his coat in green.
When the family introduces themselves to the clones, they find out FOWL never bothered to name them. The clones are named Gideon, the one in green, and Alan, the one in blue as a tribute to Scrooge’s original voice Alan Young, using names Scrooge’s parents intended to give any sons they had after him and his sisters.
Together with Scrooge, the three parallel the triplets. Scrooge is more willing to bend or break rules than Huey, so Alan would be like Dewey but without the ego, and Gideon would be Louie without the greed.
FOWL tried to use the clones to make the papyrus appear, but they technically don’t count as heirs, so FOWL use them to get the final Missing Mysteries from the family instead.
Like with May and June, Alan and Gideon eventually realize that FOWL views them as disposable after Bradford throws his own clones into the vortex, and join the family. While taking everyone home, Scrooge introduces Alan and Gideon to Fergus and Downy, who are more than happy to take them home to Castle McDuck so they can get to know their new sons. After being used by FOWL, Alan and Gideon deserve to live in peace and not deal with being mistaken for Scrooge business-wise or revenge-wise.
Idea B – Phooey and Lizzy
Okay, hear me out. What if instead of May and June, we actually got Phooey? Phooey is used to try and make the papyrus appear, but again, the papyrus does not recognize clones as true heirs. So FOWL decides to use Phooey to infiltrate the family and get the remaining Missing Mysteries, but he can’t do it alone. He needs a partner. Cue Black Heron reviving her Beakley clone project to create a second Webby to help him out.
The family finds the clones in the lair. Dewey insists on calling their clone Phooey, and Webby’s clone gets a name like Lizzy in reference to her name in other dubs. Being the only two kids in the FOWL base, Phooey and Lizzy are very attached to each other.
Stealing the Missing Mysteries happens. The big confrontation in the Lost Library. Phooey and Lizzy switch sides.
On the way home, Beakley repeats history and gives Phooey and Lizzy places in the Beakley/Vanderquack family next to Webby, giving her three kids just like the McDuck/Duck family have.
Hope these are some good alternatives to canon.
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What if in earlier seasons, Crowley was written as an amiable ally for the boys, rather than them disliking him. Imagine Crowley being established as “not as bad as other demons” in the Winchester’s eyes, as a semi-reluctant ally who – yeah, on occasion, puts his own interests first, but never directly threatens and even occasionally helps the boys. He’s still snarky, and he can still be an arse. But the boys know that as long as they don’t cross him, Crowley won’t mess with them. From Crowley’s end, that’s because keeping good relations with the infamous Winchester brothers is to his benefit. But then, they start to grow on him. And maybe he’s a little more lenient with the flannelled nightmares than he should be, a little indulgent, rolls his eyes and does a few favors for them. Which only further encourages the Winchesters, and later a less willing Castiel, to view him as a frenemy.
The rest of the early seasons is the same, except now, moving into season 6, the boys are willingly working with Crowley and Cas. They don’t like the idea of opening up Purgatory, but they understand that Hell and Heaven really do need to be taken in hand – and who else are they going to trust to do that? As things start to look really dark throughout that season, the boys start pushing back, start testing their relationship with both angel and demon, and Cas still betrays all of them and takes the souls for himself. And now there’s season 7, with Crowley working with the boys to stop Cas – Dean wanting to save him from himself, Sam and Crowley unhappily planning to kill the angel – Sam because he doesn’t think Cas can be saved, and Crowley because he wants his share of the Purgatory power. Unleash the Leviathans, and now we’ve got the King of Hell working closely and willingly with the boys to stop this new threat. Demons at their disposal, even. Which doesn’t put Crowley in a very good position in Hell, but he pushes on because it’s this or let the Leviathans eat the world. The Winchesters plus Crowley and a now restored Castiel manage to defeat the Leviathans, just as the demons rise up and dethrone Crowley. Hell is a free-for-all, and demons are loose in the world.
Then have all of season 8 be about demon in-fighting and the human casualties along the way. The boys work to get Crowley back on the throne, so he can restore some order. But that also means he’s temporarily dependent on them, in hiding with them from his former minions. Leads them to the Men of Letters legacy, which in turn leads to the bunker. Bring the British Men of Letters back in seasons earlier, alerted to the awakening of one of their old establishments in the States. Throw Abaddon into the mix, providing a competitor for Crowley laying claim to the throne, which would make him more susceptible to the help offered by the Winchesters, and unfortunately to the supposed support of the BMoL as well. By now, Crowley’s an unofficial member of Team Free Will, the boys well aware he chose saving the world (and them) over giving his full attention to Hell, leading to all this. There’s the sense that the four of them – plus Kevin and Charlie, at this point – are all in it together. Maybe even Meg is still around, maybe she’s trying to lead one of the demonic factions, and there is this whole I-care-about-you-but-we’re-on-opposite-sides between her and Cas. Crowley has softened, the same way Cas softened over time with exposure to humanity and the Winchesters.
Of course the tablets and Kevin came into play with the Leviathans. The BMoL reveal they have the demon tablet, and suggest Kevin might be able to find something on it to control demonkind and restore Hell. Big dramatic reveal to the Winchesters only, the BMoL admit that there is a means of closing the Gates of Hell permanently on the tablet – learned from a previous prophet whom, ahem, did not survive their duty – and now the Winchesters are torn between sparing the world from demons and betraying Crowley. Crowley, who is counting on them to help him get his throne back. Crowley who has begrudgingly and then more willingly worked cases with them while they’ve tried to find an answer to all of this. Crowley who led them to the MoL and the bunker in the first place. Who isn’t as bad as the rest of his kind, who Dean likes to go for a drink with and might even consider a friend. And just as the Winchesters decide they can find another way to close the Gates, Kevin discovers the necessary spell, and the BMoLs take advantage that there is a demon close at hand, and snatch Crowley to perform the demon trials.
And by the time the Winchesters race to his rescue – torn, because ending the trial means not closing the Gates, but damn it, he’s had their backs, so they’re going to have his – Crowley is in the last hour of the cure. Tells them to let it happen, let the trial be complete, the Gates slammed shut. His own soul restored. But there’s that whole thing with Metatron and Cas and the angels going on, so of course this is the moment the angels are cast out of Heaven. And Abaddon bursts in, maybe Meg comes to challenge her. And in all the chaos, the cure is never completed, time’s up, too late. The boys defeat the BMoLs, rescue Crowley, escape. Cas is lost somewhere in the world, human after what happened in Heaven.
Season 9 would be almost completely the same – Crowley’s blood addiction, searching for the Mark and the Blade, Abaddon, the angels, all of it – except, the Winchesters actually sympathize with Crowley. They express concern, ask after him, say maybe having regained something of his soul is a good thing. And Crowley is torn, because he can now really feel that affection he has for the boys, and he might very well have the option of a place among them, but also he knows Hell needs a ruler to keep demonkind in line, and he still likes power. The boys help him overthrow Abaddon, help him get clean of his blood addiction. Maybe there’s a scene where Crowley and Meg compare notes – he who went through the cure, and she who cares for an angel, neither of whom really fit with demonkind anymore. And by the time the season reaches the later episodes, with Crowley back on the throne and the boys working cases while trying to figure out what to do about Metatron, Crowley is an acknowledged, secret extension of Team Free Will. Makes changes to Hell, keeps demonkind under tight control, helps here and there on cases.
All of this, all of this headcanon, just to get to the point where the boys are always making side comments to Crowley about, you know, how if he wanted to give up Hell and join the three of them full time, he’d be welcome. Come on, just work one more case with us. Just this one about hellhounds. Just that one with vampires. Just one more, one more, one more. And Crowley acquiesces more than he knows he should. Cares about the boys and Cas more than he knows he should, hates Hell and demons more than he knows he should.
So that by the time the Mark takes Dean and turns him into a demon, it’s not only Sam and Cas that are hurt by it. It’s Crowley, too. Crowley who sees Dean turning into something truly evil, something worse than Crowley himself is now. And he agrees with Sam and Cas that he’ll take demon!Dean under his wing as his second-in-command in Hell until they find a cure, a cure for the Mark as much as for being a demon. Season 10 is all about Cas (who’s grace is fading) and Sam working to find a cure while working cases, and Crowley trying to keep Dean occupied with hunting down rebel demons and the like. He even sends the Knight of Hell after angels, to capture more grace for the fading Castiel. Throw Rowena – as Fergus’ ex-wife – in there, attempting to convince Crowley to share his throne with her, causing mischief. He would feel this deep sense of loneliness – demon!Dean isn’t the companion he was before the Mark, Rowena only wants power for herself ultimately, demonkind hates and is in open rebellion against him – and Crowley is beginning to admit to himself that he just doesn’t have this in him anymore, to be the kind of monster it takes to rule Hell. Maybe Dean even tries to take the throne from him, with Rowena’s help, and the acceptance by the demons of this alternative ruler is everything Crowley needs to finally break from old loyalties and the desire to rule, from demonkind entirely.
Realizing the situation is entirely out of control, Crowley, Cas and Sam work to capture Dean. They convince Rowena, who has now taken the throne of Hell for herself, to remove the Mark, thus removing a threat to her reign. Crowley makes an oath that if she will do this, he will never seek to retake the throne. An enraged demon!Dean is forced through the demon trials, in which he says the most horrible and hurtful things to Sam and Cas. And to Crowley, cuttingly demanding to know why the former king will put Dean through this, restore the hunter’s humanity, but not his own. Crowley doesn’t have an answer. He doesn’t have an answer because he realizes that, once, he would have said it was important he hold Hell, or that he wanted the power that came with being a demon, or that he was scared of facing what he’s done as a demon. In light of everything that has happened – the complete rejection by demonkind and the loss of Hell, the revulsion he feels after the aborted cure and Dean’s own time as a demon, and knowing he has a place here on Team Free Will – Crowley realizes he no longer has a reason not to complete the cure.
And in the last hour of the cure, with Dean almost entirely restored to himself, the hunter understands the demon better than ever before. Tells him, one of these days, it’s going to be Crowley in this chair, the cure coursing through him, the three of them gathered around him, supportive. And Crowley knows he’s right. It’s no longer a question of if – only when.
Once they’ve completed the demon cure, the boys set about removing the Mark, with Rowena’s help. And removing the Mark unleashes the Darkness in the world. In season 11, the Darkness should have been something much more insidious, and dangerous. A force which slithers into people, bolsters the innate darkness that is in everyone, turning people into their worst selves. And it controls demons utterly. They are mostly formed of the Darkness, after all.
And for Crowley and the cure, “when” is now. It is that, or fear turning on the people who used to teasingly ensnare him in “just one more case,” who would embrace him as one of them if only he’d allow it. And now, he’s finally ready for that.
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