#tony the doorman
scoonsalicious · 5 months
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4.2 Major
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: Lily McIntyre, trainer for new SHIELD recruits at the Avengers Tower, has been in love with her best friend, Bucky Barnes, from the moment she met him. She's been content with her role of the #1 girl in Bucky's life, even if it means she has to sabotage a romantic relationship or two. It'll be worth it when he realizes that they're meant for each other, right? There's just one small problem: Lily McIntire never expected Bucky Barnes to fall for You.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of sex, mentions of Bucky's past.
Word Count: 1.5k
Previously On...: Bucky convinced Sam to lie to Lily for him if she asks where Bucky is tonight.
A/N: In the car, I just can't wait / To pick you up for our very first date!
Is it cool if I hold your hand? / Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance?
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
You were nervous. Why were you so nervous? This man had already had his mouth on your lady bits; there was no reason to be nervous about just having dinner with him, right? Yet your heart was racing as you waited for Bucky to come pick you up for your date. 
You must have checked your hair and reapplied your lip gloss a thousand times when the doorman buzzed to let you know you had a visitor. After telling him to send Bucky up, you glanced at the clock– he was exactly five minutes early, and you stifled a giggle at the thought of him pacing in front of your building until an appropriate time. 
Soon enough, there was a gentle knocking at your door, and with a last glimpse of yourself in the mirror, you opened the door.
You both stood there for a moment, taking the other in. Bucky looked positively resplendent in a black suit and burgundy button up– no tie, and the first few buttons left undone. The contrast with his eyes made them look even more blue than you remembered from this morning.
“Hi,” you breathed. “Uh, hey,” he said, seeming to come out of a trance. “You… you look fucking amazing.” You ducked your head to hide your blush– you’d put on an emerald green, A-line Chiffon cocktail dress with an asymmetrical skirt that hit just below your knees and a peekaboo cut in front– held together with beading– and a v-tieback. “Stole my breath for a minute there.”
“Thanks,” you murmured, feeling the blush creep up your cheeks.
“Oh, these are for you,” Bucky said, handing you a bouquet of white roses.
You held them to your face and inhaled. “They’re gorgeous, thank you,” you said, moving aside to invite him in. “You’re spoiling me, you know that, right? First the orchid, now the roses?”
You moved toward the kitchen to find a vase to put the flowers in. 
“Did you like the orchid?” Bucky asked, almost shyly, as though he was afraid he’d made a wrong move. You turned back to smile at him. “I loved it,” you told him honestly. “How did you even know orchids are my favorite?”
Bucky chuckled and nodded his head toward your living room wall, where you had three giant paintings of orchid flowers hanging over your sofa. “Just a lucky guess, I ‘spose.”
“You’re very perceptive, Mr. Barnes.” You put water in the vase, setting the flowers inside and placing them on the dividing wall between your kitchen and dining room. “There,” you said, stepping back to admire them. 
“You ready to go, doll?” Bucky asked, extending his arm to you. 
You took it gladly, slotting yourself next to him as though you were made to fit there. “I am,” you said.
Bucky had borrowed one of Tony Stark’s sports cars for the occasion, and you felt incredibly fancy as you drove through the streets of the city in it. You and Bucky made small talk on your way to the restaurant where Bucky had made a reservation for the two of you, and you found him so incredibly easy to talk to. You talked about the differences in the army between the ‘40s and now, and shared a few light war stories. By the time you reached the restaurant, he had you laughing so hard at a story he told about living with the Avengers that you thought your sides were going to burst.
You weren’t sure what kind of establishment you’d expected him to bring you to, and truthfully, you would have been thrilled with a regular old burger joint, if you were going there with him, but when you stepped out onto the rooftop terrace, you let out a gasp. The restaurant overlooked the Hudson, offering a dazzling view of the sunset over New Jersey. The tables were all tucked behind and around towering pieces of greenery– palms and ferns, and blossoming shrubs offering a screen of privacy for every group of diners. Overhead, cafe lights hung from pergolas, washing the area in a soft, warm light. It was heavenly.
Once Bucky gave his name and the hostess began escorting you to your table, he leaned in to whisper to you “What do you think?”
Your head was moving in every direction as you tried to take in every ounce of ambiance. “It’s gorgeous, Bucky,” you told him truthfully. “How did you find this place?”
“Pepper Potts recommended it,” he said. “She said it was the perfect spot for an intimate meal. Plus, they close for the winter, so if I wanted to take you, I’d better do it on one of our first dates.”
You tilted your head up to look at him, studying his face. “You’re planning multiple dates already?” you asked, a curl to your lips. 
“‘Course, doll,” Bucky said as you approached your designated table. “Gotta whole list of things I wanna do with you.”
You felt your face flush as he pulled your chair back for you before gently pushing you in. 
“So, what’s on this list?” you asked him once he’d sat himself down. 
“Nuh-uh,” he chided you. “They’ve gotta be surprises, at least until we get closer to ‘em.”
There was no way this man was real, you thought. No way you, of all people, could get lucky enough to catch his eye.
The waiter approached, asking if you would like wine for the table, and a panicked look flashed across Bucky’s face. You asked the waiter for a few more moments to decide.
“What is it?” you asked him.
“I have no fucking idea what wine to get!” he said, a hint of desperation in his voice. “Fuck! I knew I should have asked Pepper!”
You reached across the table and put a comforting hand on top of his. “Hey, it’s okay,” you told him. “I actually don’t know shit about wine, myself.” Bucky gave you a skeptical look, but you nodded reassuringly. “How about we just get cocktails, instead?”
The smile Bucky gave you then was equal parts relief and gratitude. “Yeah,” he said, looking much happier. “I’ll get me some of that delicious girly shit.” He winked at you, and you laughed. 
The waiter returned shortly, and you both placed your orders. Once he left, you realized you needed to come clean about something.
You cleared your throat. “So, uh, I actually have to confess something to you,” you told him, fidgeting with the napkin you’d placed in your lap.
“Oh yeah?” Bucky asked, leaning forward, eyes sparkling in the soft light.
You closed your eyes, feeling horrible for what you were about to say. “I… I Googled you,” you told him. 
Realization dawned on Bucky’s face. “Oh,” he said, expression falling. “Yeah… uh,” he coughed into his hand. “That makes sense. So, you came to dinner to, what? Just let me down gently?”
Your mouth hung open in surprise. “What? No!” You reached over to grasp his hand again, this time interlocking your fingers with his own. “Look, the truth of it is, I told a couple of employees– my friends– about meeting you last night, and they brought up your trial.” Bucky visibly flinched at your words. “I admit, I knew nothing about it– it happened around the same time I was getting divorced, so I was kind of preoccupied for a while,” you said. “So, when my friends told me about the charges, I got… curious.”
You noticed Bucky was studiously looking down at his bread plate, not meeting your eye. “Hey,” you said, tugging gently on his hand. “Look at me.”
He slowly raised his eyes and you were struck with how… remorseful they looked. “The more I read,” you told him, “the more I realized the whole thing was a trumped up circus. Anyone with an ounce of empathy could see that you weren’t responsible for what you were made to do; that you were a victim. They just needed someone to blame, and you were a convenient scapegoat.”
“Doll,” Bucky said, his eyes glistening with unshed tears, “you don’t understand. I–”
“No, Bucky, please,” you said to him. “I don’t want you thinking you have to disclose anything to me unless you want to and you’re ready. I just want you to know that I don’t hold those things against you. I don’t blame you, and I don’t think you should be blamed. I want you to know that none of it matters, not to me. I look at you, and I don’t see the man the media tried to paint you to be. I see someone sweet, who makes me laugh– someone I really want to get to know better. I just want you to know all that.”
Bucky’s eyes were wide as saucers as he took in your words. You were almost afraid you’d said something wrong, after he hadn’t spoken for nearly a full minute, but finally, he squeezed your hand. “Thank you,” he said, voice choked. “You… you don’t know what that means to me. I can’t tell you what that means to me– I don’t have the words. I just… thank you.”
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tony-stark-ing · 8 months
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Tony shows up barefoot and in boxers and the doorman is not even surprised.
Iron Age: Alpha
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madhatterbri · 9 months
Always Be You | HOOK
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Summary: Gangster Tyler 'Hook' Senerchia helps you out of a police raid at a speakeasy. Set in the 1920s-1930s prohibition era.
Hook Masterlist
In the dimly lit back alley of 1920s New York, the air was thick with a mix of jazz and cigarette smoke. The entrance to the underground speakeasy was guarded by a burly doorman, letting in only those who knew the secret password.
The speakeasy was regularly filled with men and women looking for a good time. From men trying to unwind from the family and their job to women looking to make a few extra bucks, times were fun at Toni's Tipsy Speakeasy.
Many things were overlooked at the establishment, but the most notable involved you. Despite the reward they could get for reporting you, no one wanted to risk their lives.
On one of your adventures to the speakeasy, you managed to catch the eye of HOOK. The man known throughout New York City for his upper hook punches. You knew his identity immediately from all the wanted posters across the city. Despite the danger, you had to have him.
The attraction was like a moth to a flame. Your visits to Timeless Toni's started to pick up to a couple of times a week. Long nights spent getting to know each other. Thoughts of him started to consume your life, and you hoped you wouldn't get burned.
"What are you thinking about, sugar?" HOOK asked while running his thumb down your lip. You looked into his eyes. The same ones with the devilish glint that drew you in.
"You," you answered and kissed him once more. His thumb drew random shapes on your shoulder. He held you close to him as he deepened the kiss. He leaned his forehead against you. "It will always be you,"
A loud bang came from the speakeasy entrance. HOOK stood up immediately, watching as police pushed their way in. The jazz band stopped playing. The patrons started to realize this was a raid.
The chief of police scanned the place. He ordered his men to round up the customers inside and destroy any contraband. Men and women struggled against the officers. HOOK knew he had to get you out of there.
"We gotta go, sugar," he informed you and grabbed your hand. His fingers laced into yours. You followed after him, pushing past the panicking patrons. "Almost there,"
"Oh no, you don't," a man yelled and grabbed your hand. He pulled you back towards him. You screamed in shock and slipped out of Tyler's grip. Despite resisting, the man had a firm hold of your hand.
"What's your name?" The officer asked. His hand gripped your arm roughly enough to leave a bruise. You struggled against him. Tears pooled in your eyes. He couldn't possibly leave you at the mercy of the police. They were known to rough up the women to make them talk. You didn't answer him. "Doesn't matter. I saw who you were with, lass. Hope you feel like talking, or it will be a bad night for you,"
"She ain't gonna be talking much to you coppers," HOOK spoke once he appeared before him. With a balled up fist, he punched him, knocking the man unconscious. The man's grip loosened from your arm before he fell to the ground with a thud.
HOOK grabbed your hand and led you to a curtain. He pushed the curtain aside and opened the door for you. You slipped inside and waited for him to lead the way.
Silence filled the labyrinth of secret passageways from Timeless Toni's speakeasy. Something was bothering him. You could feel it. He was normally not much of a talker, but his face showed he was upset.
"We are here," HOOK informed you and opened a door. You walked out to a street and sighed in relief. The block wasn't far from your apartment.
"I'm sorry about tonight. Not all my nights end like this, but most can get violent. This is the kind of life I live, and if you don't want to be a part of it, I understand,"
"It will always be you," you assured and kissed him.
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The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Chapter 10
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
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Chapter's Note: An undercover mission? In fancy/sexy clothes? And they pretend to be dating? Nooobody knows where this could possible lead to! Clearly not some intimate moments between Loki and the Witchling. Clearly. Beta by @zaria-04 <3
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Chapter 10: Club Enchant
Before she arrived, Nat called up a blueprint of the building and committed it to memory, making sure she knew every last detail. Finding the necessary points, she cycles through those details, planting the customary mental markers in place.
Total building occupancy: three hundred twenty six, single door entrance located on the north side of the building. One bouncer is manning the main door, armed with a well hidden taser. Twelve security cameras are positioned through the club, with none of those cameras pointed at the secluded VIP area.
Single door exit point on the south wall, illuminated by a neon green sign; bathrooms on the east wall, accessed through another door and a small hallway. No windows.
"Clint, re-confirm your position," Natasha speaks calmly.
"Still north of the entrance, opposite building. Clear visual, nothing irregular to see." Clint's voice comes clearly through a tiny device tucked in Natasha's ear.
Loki and you are driven to the front of the club in a dark limousine. The driver opens the door for you. Loki gets out first, then extends his hand to help you.
"We arrived," you murmur just loud enough for Natasha and Clint to hear over comm.
There's a small line of waiting people lined up, but you don't even glance at them. People who don't walk right into the club are beneath the dignity of those you pretend to be today. Loki has perfected this behavior. It must be his royal blood, you realize, he is used to this. As he leads you to the entrance, you feel like a piece of jewelry being carried out on his arm.
The doorman stops you. "Name?" he asks briefly but not rudely. He will be if he doesn’t find you on his list.
"Pine, Jonathan." Loki's voice is bored, on the edge of annoyed. Like a man in his position would think that when he appeared, you would know who it was. Still, he can't help but feel important when fuss is made over him. Even if it is only to have his presence, his status, confirmed by someone in a certain position. Not that the bouncer is an influential person, but he does hold some power in his hands, deciding who belongs in here and who does not. Loki plays his role perfectly.
Only you notice the small gesture of his hand, the brief flicker of green light on the display, which immediately disappears again.
The doorman scrolls and then nods. The door opens for you. You are let in.
Loud music is booming towards you. Unfortunately, it’s very generic, not to your liking. But you're not here to have a fun time.
The club is furnished in a modern style. It's clear at first glance that only people with money come here. There are quite a few of those in town. Every year there is a new secret location tip that is passed on only in certain circles. Some of these clubs want to give the impression that they belong to the underground, with industrial ambiance. The more run-down, the better. It's a trend so that the children of the rich feel transported to another world for a night, a world of the forbidden and the gutter.
Not Club Enchant. Everything looks expensive. The walls and floors are white, almost marble-like, with silver accents. In the neon light they have different shades of pink, blue and purple. The seats are covered in red leather and the staff wear very questionable-short uniforms and masks of black lace.
What the decor shows in taste, the female guests lack in their outfit choices. While the men wear dress-shirts and slacks, sometimes even suits, the ladies show a lot of skin. You see more than a pair of breasts under fabric that is so translucent that it doesn't even deserve its name. You feel almost overdressed with your short dress, but you are glad it covers everything important.
There are two levels. The main area has a large bar, a spacious seating area with armchairs and small tables and a dance floor. For being so exclusive, the club is very crowded. It has to be, so individuals can get lost in the crowd.
A staircase in the back leads to another bar, a smaller one. Up there, you see Natasha standing. She's sipping champagne from a glass and apparently watching the dance floor. Your eyes meet briefly, but neither of you acknowledges that you know each other. Then she turns her back to you.
"Do you see the red velvet curtain to your left, guarded by a bouncer?" you hear her voice over comm. "Behind it is the VIP area. Identification mark is a tattoo on the right forearm, checked with UV light."
"Who gets tattooed for a club?" you ask, frowning.
"You'd be surprised what rich people do to give the impression of being exclusive." You hear amusement in her voice and make a mental note to ask her about it later. For now, it's better if you talk as little as possible to her.
So the first hurdle of the evening is to figure out what that tattoo is. You can't show up with the wrong one.
"Why don't you have some fun without me?" asks Loki, who's been listening in on comm. "I'll be right back."
"Having fun without you? How do you expect me to do that?" Your tone is playful, but you let go of his arm and he disappears into the crowd of guests. You glance after him for a moment, then turn in the other direction. You remind yourself that the two Avengers can overhear everything. You should be more careful about flirting, even if it is part of the role. Fortunately, the comm remains silent.
You sit down at a free table and let your eyes wander. The music is loud and the beat is pounding in your head. The light changes between different colors and for the most part you can only make out the outlines of people. The club does have its charms, if you're into that sort of thing.
Rose Petal must have money if she can run this club. It's not unusual for witches, over time they just learn how to make money - and more importantly, how to keep it. They have more time, more resources, more knowledge. They don’t always stick to legal ways.
Not every witch lives as solitary as you have the last few years. You can find witches in all walks of life. Whereas the magic is never publicly practiced. The threat of witch hunters is still too real for that.
Suddenly, someone sits down next to you. "Surely a woman sitting here all by herself and without a drink is waiting to be approached."
It's a man probably in his 40s or early 50s. Below average height, round face and a receding hairline. His suit looks expensive enough that it may compensate some for the fact that there's something predatory about his small, watered-down eyes and the grin that shows just too many teeth. His arm rests casually on the back of your seat and it wouldn't take much for it to be around you. At least he hasn't put his hand directly on your leg.
For a moment your gaze is irritated because you were in thought, but you catch yourself immediately and give him a fake smile. You need to be more on guard and aware of your surroundings. "You seem to know a lot about women," you reply innocuously.
The man's grin gets a touch smarmier. "Well, I have a pretty good eye for these things. What would you like to drink? You can choose everything on or off the card."
"That sounds generous but maybe the lady is more interested in visiting the VIP lounge," another voice interjects from behind you. You recognize it immediately and as you turn around, you see Loki holding out his hand to you. He eyes the guy disdainfully.
You place your fingers in his. "That offer is much more tempting."
Without another word, you let yourself be led away, not even feeling the annoyed look at your back. Loki squeezes your hand gently, a reassuring gesture. You repeat it, as a sign that everything is fine. The guy wasn't really bothering you, he was just being disruptive.
You reach the red velvet curtain and Loki pulls up the hem of his right sleeve, just enough to expose his wrist and a bit of his forearm. The bouncer shines a small UV flashlight on it and you see a diamond with small line-like details shining brightly. You recognize it as the Lion's Paw symbol, a foreign rune.
You are let through without any objections. Behind the curtain you are walking up a staircase leading to a door at the top.
"This is an unusual place for Berber magic," you murmur just loud enough for your companion to hear you.
"We'll see if it's real or just for show."
Things are a little quieter in the VIP area. You notice a wall of windows facing the rest of the club. From the outside, it had given the impression of a mirror. Of course, you have a good overview of the club from here. People feel much better while watching the ordinary people that don't deserve to even breathe the same air.
You sit down at the bar and order drinks, looking around a bit. There are about thirty people up here, sitting or standing together in small groups. The largest group sits in a booth in the back corner and seems to be having a splendid conversation. At least you hear laughter from there every now and then and notice a lot of glasses and bottles standing on the table.
There you also spot Rose Petal and her right-hand man, Daegal Thornton, who is always at her side. With a nudge you draw Loki's attention to them. You recognize her immediately from the photos: blonde hair, an expensive pastel lipstick and designer clothes. A silver, tight-fitting dress and a fur stole to go with it. Everything about her screams 'I'm too rich for you to even look at me'.
Her right-hand man is the exact opposite in the matter of appearance: dark, short hair, lots of tattoos and a glance that tells you you better not bug him with unimportant things. His outfit is all black, but looks no less expensive than Rose's.
As you eye him secretly, you curse softly. "Shit."
"What is it?" asks Loki quietly. His expression remains calm, as if you're talking about something trivial.
You nod your head in their direction. "See that guy at Rose’s side? The one with the tattoos on his neck and hands and the black goth clothes, who looks like he fell out of a Tim Burton movie? He's the witch."
The Asgardian reaches for his drink and sips it as he sneaks a look at the man. "Are you sure?" This changes the facts of his assignment. But it wouldn't be a problem.
"Absolutely. They are magical rune tattoos. Either he's a huge fan of the aesthetics or he has spells stored in every single one of them," you explain, "My sister uses the same method."
Now Loki gives the sorcerer a more interested look. "Pretend to be offended when you leave," he says, without looking at you.
You slide off your barstool and scowl at him. "Be careful," you hiss, jostling his shoulder as you walk.
He doesn't answer, but you can hear him ordering a drink for the witch. It's all part of the performance. If Loki is to distract the man, you can't be in the way. And what's more flattering than someone else getting dumped for you. You're sure with his charm Loki can wrap anyone around his finger – if he wants to.
Back in the main area on the first floor, you disappear into the crowd of dancers, to shake off curious glances and avoid being approached by a creep again. Normally, you like to dance. But not when you're surrounded by sweaty bodies and with that hypnotizing, monotonous beat in your ear.
"Having fun?" you hear Natasha over comm.
"Right next to the bar is a door that leads to the basement. I'll distract the bartender."
"Copy that."
"Nobody says that."
"Yeah, rookie mistake," Clint joins in.
You don't say anything in reply, but make your way through the crowd, walk up the few steps to the elevated bar. You could use a drink, especially since you forgot your glass in the VIP area. So you order yourself another. While you wait, you take a look around. The door Natasha was talking about is near you. Perfect.
The drink you get has a color gradient from yellow to red and is decorated with skewered fruits. You put them between your lips and pull out the skewer as you watch Natasha flirt with the bartender at the other end of the bar. Briefly, you check the area again, but there are no other staff to be seen near you. Setting the skewer down on the napkin, you take your drink and slip through the door.
Behind it you find a short corridor and then a staircase leading down. You've just reached the stairhead when somebody places a hand on your shoulder from behind. You spin around, a spell ready in your hand. You stop just barely in front of Loki's face.
"What the hell are you doing here?" you ask in a hushed voice.
"The witch is boring. He's talking to an illusion of me." Loki steps past you down the stairs. "Come on. We don't have all night."
You finish the rest of your drink in one go and follow him, after placing your empty glass on a step. Someone else can take care of that.
The Asgardian is waiting for you downstairs and together you walk down the hallway. You keep passing small branch corridors with doors signposted as storerooms.
Suddenly Loki grabs you and pulls you into a narrow side corridor, pressing you against the wall. He clasps his hand on your mouth, his face very close to yours as you stare up at him with wide eyes.
"Sshh," he murmurs as you try to speak. His body presses against yours and you feel its warmth through your dress, which is basically a breath of nothing. Maybe you've been enchanted and this is just a dream. One you don't want to wake up from so soon. It must be so, you have no other explanation for this – admittedly your brain is not capable of thinking straight right now.
Suddenly you hear footsteps as someone approaches you. Panic adds to the confusion of your feelings and you hold your breath. If you two get discovered, it will jeopardize the mission.
Your eyes search his gaze. Loki is perfectly calm, even winking at you. As if to tell you that he has everything under control, you just have to trust him. You have no other choice. Maybe he created an illusion around you, protecting you from the gaze of others. His warm breath brushes your skin and you bite your lower lips to avoid making a telltale sound.
The footsteps stop very close to you. Loki blocks your view to the main hallway and you don't dare turn your head.
"Hey! What are you two doing down here?"
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @baebeepeach @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23 @ozymdias @huntress-artemiss @thedistractedagglomeration @rosaline-black @sofi786 @moonlightreader649 @paetonnn @eldriidd @r4inlov3r
Tell me if you wanna be added, removed or I accidentally forgot you
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pastself · 9 months
Even through his fog of worry, Peter felt something warm build in his chest. Because he had known that Tony liked him, really liked him, but this — this was something else.
Want for Nothing (on ao3): Chapter 2
Peter Parker/Tony Stark | Chapter count 6k+ (Total 10k+)
Chapter summary: It's Christmas in New York City and some of Tony Stark's gifts require negotiation.
Tags for this chapter: Major Sugar Daddy vibes, Meet the Family (and Karl the doorman), Ned and MJ are the best bros, author did not go to medical school
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haveyoureadthispoll · 6 months
An unexpected act of violence brings together a Chinese-American family and a wealthy white lawyer in this propulsive and sweeping story of family, identity and the American experience—for fans of Jean Kwok, Mary Beth Keane and Naima Coster. Set in New York and China over three decades, Paper Names explores what it means to be American from three different perspectives. There’s Tony, a Chinese-born engineer turned Manhattan doorman, who immigrated to the United States to give his family a better life. His daughter, Tammy, who we meet at age nine and follow through adulthood, grapples with the expectations of a first generation American and her own personal desires. Finally, there’s Oliver, a handsome white lawyer with a dark family secret and who lives in the building where Tony works. A violent attack causes their lives to intertwine in ways that will change them forever. Taut, panoramic and powerful, debut novelist Susie Luo's Paper Names is an unforgettable story about the long shadows of our parents, the ripple effect of our decisions and the ways in which our love transcends difference.
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popculturebuffet · 1 year
Pirate Week/Monthly Muppet Madness: The Muppet Show: Glenda Jackson (Comission for WeirdKev27)
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In Loving Memory of Captain Glenda Jackson
Avast ye happy swabs and welcome to pirate week! Well half a week at this rate but it dosen't sound as good does it. Arrr.
Pirate Week continues a tradition going all the way back to .. last year with pirate month, simply compressed into a week because my schedule has been in freefall since my movie in june and i'm just now getting it back in order.
So to kick this one off we're bringing back some old friends. It's been a bit since the muppets themselves have featured on MMM, it's grown into being about muppet style puppetry in general, but their back in style with one of the best muppet show episodes i've seen.
For those like me not familliar with today's guest, Glenda Jackson was a classically trained actress, winning the triple crown of acting, having won two oscars, three emmy's and a tony and thus being a big deal i'm shocked I hadn't heard of sooner. She also went into politics and all in all seems throughly amazing and i'll certainly be looking into her more after this.
Despite this though when it came to the muppets... she was ENTIRELY chill. Jerry Juhl explained in the book of muppets and men which I just now know exists and now badly want..
“A problem with some guest stars is that they have strong ideas about the show -- about what they'd like to do on it -- and those ideas are not exactly original. Almost everyone wants to work with Piggy, and sometimes that's fine, but often we'd feel much happier if we could match that guest up with another puppet. I think we generally do our best work when we're given a completely free hand, as happened with Glenda Jackson, for example. We asked her if there was anything she would like to do and she said, 'You people know what you're up to. I'll do anything you write for me.'”
And what I love about this is it's clear from the episode.. Glenda didn't say this out of "Oh well I don't give a shit do whatever" syndrome. She's giving her all to the material this episode and having a fucking blast. She simply trusted one of the best creative teams on earth to do what they do and they in turn didn't let her down.
The result is both one of the best muppet show episodes, as I said, but also one of the fucking weirdest. And given this is the muppets that only adds to it. So join me under the cut to see classically trained award winning actress turn out to be a pirate and hyjack the muppet show under the cut!
We open with a standard mupet show opening: our host checking in with Pops the doorman. I see these more in later episodes, with most of the first few seasons instead doing the more memorable "5 minutes to curtain (Insert guest star name here)" with Scooter. She has a penguin sidekick for this one and I love how some guest stars will just casually have their own muppet entourage.
So after our into and standard gonzo gag (this time with a bunch of penguins and given I love me some pengys I loved this), we get our first musical number: Gonzo singing Jim Croche's working at the car wash. What I like is listening to the original while Croche did great Gonzo adds some nice pathos to it, his slower more glum tone giving it a bit of a more melancholy tone while the fact he's surrounded by his chickens and in fantasy takes the day off to go do some stuff i'd rather not competmplate iwth camilla makes it work. Solid sketch.
So Kermit goes to get Glenda.. and it's here the episode goes off the rails only a few minutes in and is all the better for it. So given free reign to do whatever they want with the guest, the writers decided.. to have Glenda be the decendant of the pirate, and with her crew (including my boy sweetums as long john silver, that'll teach kermit to keep leaving him places), mutiny's and takes over the show and shanghais it, leaving the muppet theater stuck on a boat. I paticuarlly love the bit with her pengy parrot, with Kermit snarking the guy up and down about being in a pengy desiguse, not being able to change and then having to go offscreen to do it. Sassy kermit is almost as good as depressed overworked kermit, aka relatable kermit.
The pirates then sing tie the man down.. I forgot this one happened.
Glenda has decided to take the theater ship to go search for treasure, and after one fozzie joke, they set sail to find One Piece!
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Oh boo yourself I didn't have time for a once piece film this year. Let me have this.
We then get a great pirate shanty, A Captial Ship. It's a number that both shows off Jacksons pipes and just how game she is. She was handed this pretty nonsensical, if deeply hilariously weird idea and just runs with it. She has pitch perfect comedic timing (When one of her crew worries they've tied kermit too tight she quips "Don't worry his eyes always look like that) and a ton of energy. It's clear like most muppet show hosts she's having a fucking ball doing this.
We then get her parrot singing carolina in the morning... in the croakiest, most nausating voice possible. We don't even get the cahtarsis we should as Sweedish chef prepares to cook the bastard.. only for him to shoot him.
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We then get some more antics on deck as Scooter gets seasick, complete with a brand new puppet. And I have to agree wtih muppets fansite tough pigs.. this puppet is all time great muppet stuff.
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Especially since they had to make an ENTIRE MUPPET just to do this one gag. Which isn't unsuual for them and probably easier because they know how to make a scooter, but it's still bonkers they put in all that extra work for one sight gag and I salute it.
We get a segment of At the Dance, my faviorite recurring muppet show segment. For those who haven't seen this one, the muppets do a ballroom dance. Usually their pretty good but the jokes here just aren't the strongest and most of it is the boat is moving and knocking everything about. A real disapointment especially since it's a rare gimmicky one that has a certain theme.
We then get Muppet Sports and this one is fun as Lou interviews a crewman whose yard arming, i.e. hainging onto the yard arm of the ship (the thing that comes out of the crows nest that you climbed in donkey kong). He naturally falls thanks to looking down just 5 minutes shy of a world record and even more naturally takes Lou with him. A fun skit, mostly for the ending but I love that they were able to adapt every sketch after the first for this new gimmick. It's still the usual runners but fit sthe perfomers being stuck on a ship.
We then get.. the weakest part of the episode. Shakey Sanchez, the nights intended performer is donig a bomb juggling act. That on a rocky ship.. would work and be geninely funny either because he dosen't drop them and then casually whoopsies or because of all of the explosions. What we get.. is piggy threatning to tip them because she tips the ship wherever she walks. BECAUSE GET IT SHE'S OVERWEIGHT. HA HA. And look I do think you can make an overweight joke work in two circumstances: If it's clearly in good faith by someone who has some weight , like moi, or it's so cartoony and over the top it's less fat shaming and more just plain slapstick, like 80% of the jokes from the critic or this joke from family guy.
In this case it's just "THIS WOMAN IS HEFTY AIN'T THAT FUNNY" which no. It isn't. Your just an asshole. I'm not the biggest Piggy fan but of all the things nto make fun of her for, you choose a non issue? Really?
This also causes a VERY rare event: Kermit ... tries to stop the show
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Keep in mind just HOW much shit Kermit goes through on a nightly basis. He didn't stop the show when Alice Cooper kept making deals for satan or when they had to do it at a train station. It just boggles the mind to think just how much this guy can normally take.. and after this too. He dosen't do this after and genuinely dosen't quit unless really pushed. After being kidnapped by a guest who sailed the theater away into the open sea what besides personal issues COULD POSSIBLY BREAK YOU.
We get our finale a battle at sea and my faviorite part. Not only is the song top notch but we get a lot of fun as Gonzo storms the ship to take it back, his chickens as his crew and some human canonballs as his ammo. It's truly awesome and wonderfuly caathartic to see the muppets take their show back. Sadly Glenda fakes just getting to into the bit and ends up winning, but frankly this episode is so insanely redieculous it works. Roll credits. This episode.. has quickly become one of my faviorite muppet show episodes. Not EVERY segment lands, like I said there's a few duds.. but the theme, Jackson's performance and the music is so damn fun you don't dwell on the weaker segments for long and instead just have a lot of fun with the insanity that's unfoldlding. Glenda Jackson trusted they knew what they were doing.. and unsuprisingly the muppet show crew absolutely did. Thanks for reading.
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misterah13 · 1 year
All SpongeBob characters
SpongeBob SquarePants
Gary The Snail
Shelley The Scallop
Patrick Star
Squidward Tentacles
Sandy Cheeks
Mr Eugene H Krabs
Sheldon J Plankton
Karen Plankton
Mrs Penelope Puff
Pearl Krabs
Larry The Lobster
The Flying Dutchman
King Neptune
Queen Amphitrite
Princess Mindy
King Neptune’s Mother
Mermaid Man
Barnacle Boy
Pyrite Ponderer
Miss Appear
The Elastic Waistband
Captain Magma
The Quickster
Madame Kassandra
Madame Hagfish
Squidina Star
Bunny Star
Cecil Star
Herb Star
Margie Star
Grand Pat
Uncle GrandPat
Inga Star
Ed Star
Sam Star
Silly Star
Confused Star
Hungry Star
Janet Star
Marty Star
Patrick Nonstar
Ice Cream King
Elephant Snail
Moose Snail
Squilliam Fancyson
Ma Cheeks
Pa Cheeks
Granny Cheeks
Randy Cheeks
Rowdy Cheeks
Rosie Cheeks
Sue Nahmee
Man Ray
Dirty Bubble
Harold SquarePants
Margaret SquarePants
Grandma SquarePants
Grandpa SquarePants
Todd SquarePants
SpongeBox’s Holographic Doorman
Burger Beard
Craig Mammalton
Rosy Cheeks
Kenny The Cat
Regigilled The Octopus
Wise Kraken
Goth Whale
Doctor Marmalade
Professor Percy
Lord Reginald
Atomic Flounder
Jumbo Shrimp
Sinister Slug
The Octopus King
The Moth
Breakfast Monster
Kelp Thing
Clam Head Candy Cad
Jeff Tentacles
Kevin C Cucumber
Gordon Plankton
Cletus Plankton
Mama Plankton
Plankton 2.0
Betsy Krabs
Redbeard Krabs
Mr Doodles The Worm
Krabs Senior
Mrs Tentacles
Granny Tentacles
Jeff Tentacles
Plankton’s Ancestors, Cousins and Family
Granny Plankton
Spot The Amoeba
Chip Plankton
Lighthouse Louie
King Poseidon
Tony The Sea Turtle
Sea Turtles
Anchor Man
Wonder Whale
Robot Mantis
King Jellyfish
Queen Jellyfish
Blue Crested Blaster Jellyfish
Speckled Squirter Jellyfish
Two Fisted Jumper Jellyfish
Gold Throated Singer Jellyfish
No Name/Friend The Blue Jellyfish
Ol Bessy The Jellyfish
Dopey Dick The White Jellyfish
Bat Jellyfish
Moon Jellyfish
Jellien Leader
Sea Urchins
Jennifer The Sea Anemone
Comb Jelly
Stan The Manta Ray
Gulper Eel
Professor Percy
Dr Marmalade
Lord Reginald
Fuzzy Acorns
Mystery The Seahorse
Sea Whelks
Sea Snails
Miss Marigold The Sea Snail
Penny Pinchers
Alaskan Bull Worm
The Sneaky Hermit
Hermit Crabs
Yeti Crabs
Federico The Waiter
Brine Shrimp/Sea Monkeys
Johnny Krill
Sea Slug
Stanley S SquarePants
Captain Blue SquarePants
BlackJack SquarePants
Bubbles The Talking Dolphin
Janitor Bots
Ancient Warrior
Manatees/Sea Cows
Earless Seals
Bubble Buddy
Black Scallops
Karen Plankton 2.0
Abominable Snow Mollusk
Mermaid Teenager 1
Mermaid Teenager 2
Mermaid Teenager 3
Mermaid Teenager 4
Mermaid Teenager 5
Mermaid Teenager Incidentals
Mermaid 1 (The Cosmic Shake)
Mermaid 2 (The Cosmic Shake)
Mermaid 3 (The Cosmic Shake)
Sir Urchin
Snail Fail
Tooth Fairy (Character)
Narlene Narwhal
Nobbert Nobby Narwhal
WillyBob The Narwhal
Ma Narwhal
Pa Narwhal
Mr Eugene Krabs’s Three Nephews
Captain Of The Sea Ship Atlantis
Lord Royal Highness
Atlantean Royal Guards
Worm Hogs
Rolly The Dinosaur
Sea Dinosaurs
Sea Tigers
Sea Elephants
Sea Cows
Lucky The Sea Cow
Sea Giraffes
Sea Bunnies
Sea Bears
Sea Spiders
Sea Chimps
Sea Monkeys
Sea Rhinoceroses
Sea Baboons
Sea Hippos
Sea Snakes
Sea Mules
Sewer Snake
Sea Monsters
Sea Monster
Fifi The Worm
Robot (Character)
Spotted Glistening Meadow Worms
Mrs Wormsley
Wormsley Children
Peanut Worms
Rex The Worm
Atlantean Citizens
The Greek Chorus
French Narrator
Goofy Goober
Mayhem Machine
Mr Sun
Patchy The Pirate
Potty The Parrot
Stephen Hillenburg
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americanrecord · 5 months
best friend says she pictured al pacino!priest like tony the doorman from jessie, how do i recover from this one
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monstrous-femme · 1 year
took me a week to even process the Riverdale finale, but here it is, the final quiz!!
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Ok so my American friends. Y'know the Tony's (the awards for Broadway shows)?
My old neighbor, and childhood friend who babysat me growing up, is the producer for them this year.
Like this man is famous legit. Goes traveling around the world with famous magicians (I've personally met like several America's Got Talent magicians who'd won in previous years, I've met a world famous balloon artist comedian magician, I've met Jeff McBride, like they're all friends with my neighbor, and so I grew up with these folks). Hell. My neighbor would just do levitation illusions on me in the middle of my driveway as a kid sometimes.
About 10 years ago he went on to be a producer for the hidden magic TV show "The Carbonaro Effect". Michael was the doorman at my friend's wedding like 4-5 years ago. I got to meet with him and his husband that night. I went to one of his shows in 2019 as well, but his husband wasn't there because their cat was sick, so he stayed behind to care for it.
Anyway, yeah. Now my friend, he's fucking producing the Tony Awards on Broadway tonight. Matt Schick. Dude's incredible, super kind, and I'm sad I only get to see him like once or twice a year even though he doesn't live too far from me. He's always traveling, so when I go to the city, he's basically never there. If he were, I'd totally hop on the train sooner and go chill at his place a while before heading to whatever event it is I'm there for.
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I'm gonna put this here while I look for all these lost fics...
All HP x Marvel crossovers.
Harry is Tony's son and he goes to stay at the compound and breaks the chandelier in his room, which used to be Tony's mothers/grandmother's. Found!!! It's Trust is a Delicate Thing by TheRedPony6677.
Harry is Tony's son, goes to stay at the tower with Tony, and gets shown around by an American wizard, who later talks with his sister/cousin at a tattoo parlor. There might also be a scene where Harry does something and Stark Tower lights up with magic. I think the American shopping district also has a dome/net of warding magic that Harry can see. Found!!!!!! It's The Boy Who Survived by OnlyHereForTheSnacks.
HP x Marvel where the American shopping district is accessible through an elevator with a guard/doorman who takes care of the magic piece of nonmagical people. Could be Daredevil or Avengers, I don't remember.
A fic like 'So I really am Fate's Bitch' where Harry gets put in a Storage Cupboard in the Tower/Compound, but I remember afterward when Tony gets home, finds out where Harry was given to stay, has a fit about it, giving Tony Rhodey's guest room. - okay, so. This is apparently the right fic, but the author's deleted about four chapters after the ones available on ao3???
Tony and Harry having a conversation where Tony's favorite color (or Maria's?) is orange because of the sunset in Italy. This is also Fate's Bitch.
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spaciin · 1 year
Hey, I'm Spade and I run this multifandom ask blog, I've been inspired by a few blogs and thought it would be cool to try it out myself. I don't know english that much so it's sorta weird sometimes but I'll try my best. I'm on summer break so this blog may be more active.
001 . RULES
You can request almost anything, as long as the topics aren't heavily gore, heavily sexual, or offensive subjects, I'm fine with angst and sometimes touchy subjects. I will also remove requests that make me uncomfortable or it's hard to write for me like please NO mpreg, mechpreg, child death/abuse, animal death/abuse, etc.
I will write them as scenarios or HCs, I won't do match ups tho.
Please select maximum of 5 characters in any fandom.
The only Transformers continuities I do are Prime and Animated but there can be exceptions if I know the character! (Even minor characters in IDW like Skilz, Flamewar, etc.)
Interactions between all the characters are fine too lol
Please check if the inbox is open before requesting, I will close my inbox if I get too many asks.
I will read every ask I receive and try to answer all of them even feedback is welcome.
I'm a bit wary of personal questions but you can ask.
Optimus Prime (Prime & Animated)
Ratchet (Prime & Animated)
Arcee (Prime)
Bulkhead (Prime & Animated)
Bumblebee (Prime & Animated)
Wheeljack (Prime)
Smokescreen (Prime)
Ultra Magnus (Prime)
Prowl (Animated)
Megatron (Prime)
Soundwave (Prime)
Starscream (Prime & Animated)
Shockwave (Prime & Animated)
Steve (Prime)
Knockout (Prime)
Breakdown (Prime)
Jazz (Animated)
Sentinel Prime (Animated)
Blurr (Animated)
Jack Darby (Prime)
Miko Nakadai (Prime)
Raf Esquivel (Prime)
Sari Sumdac (Animated)
Uzi Doorman
Serial Designation J
Serial Designation N
Serial Designation V
Wally Darling
Frank Frankly
Julie Joyful
Barnaby B. Beagle
Sally Starlet
Howdy Pillar
Eddie Dear
Red Guy
Yellow Guy
Blue Guy
Tony The Talking Clock
Masterlist 001 [coming soon]
004 . TAGS
The tags are simple, no fancy fonts, emojis, and stuff. The fandom name, characters tag are the names above, the genre/trope (angst, hurt, hurt/comfort, fluff, etc.), trigger warnings '#[trigger] tw', reblogs are under '#spades shares', ooc stuff are under '#spades rambles', important posts are under '#important' or '#announcement', and additional tags like [fandom/character] x reader, platonic/romantic, original characters, and all are in small letters. [example: transformers prime, steve, angst, unrequited love, hanahaki disease, death tw]
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tahitiwoke · 2 years
five times kissed 🔪
they only really ever see each other in the dark. maybe that's part of the allure, at first, the quiet way she just seems to appear in his life and disappear without fuss or thought or question; he does much of the same thing with her. in and out, sticking to the shadows and the corners of their shared space if he can -- tonight is much of the same. but she'd called to say there was a creep hanging around and would you mind? are you free? as it happened, he'd been asleep (a rare early night) but he'd climbed out of bed anyway. he stayed on the phone with her as she described the guy and what he'd said, where he was sat in the diner, and it doesn't take long for him to arrive.
when he does, daphne gives him a wave and only looks twice when josephine comes barelling through the back diner door with a happy hi, baby! she kisses him, a hand on the back of his neck to pull him down and looks like she wants to flinch at the contact -- dragging him out by a hand, a look over her shoulder at a guy in a booth in the far corner. it's quick, short, unwanted but accepted as a liveable evil for the time being, the two of them satisfied when the guy breaks his leery stare.
( phil doesn't let her drag him out too quickly. he stands stock still for a long discerning moment, a mean and angry frown cutting into the sharp jut of his forehead, his jaw tensed, his demeanour as threatening as one can be in the neon of a run down diner. the guy sweats it for a solid few pregnant seconds before he breaks eye contact. )
what do you do? as a job. she's in one of those moods again. the kind where she pries and prods and gets curious about the things people in friendships like theirs should not be curious about. in the moment, she's sipping coffee and looking out at the busy city starting to wake up through the floor to ceiling windows; he has his tie around his neck, untied for the moment, and his own coffee in his hand, the other occupied with a phone. he's just finished talking to sharon about acquisitions coming up, some new tech influx from stark industries that tony wants to champion, and josephine had been listening in a way that phil thinks she thinks is subtle.
he finishes his coffee and comes to stand beside her; it's an easy lie, easier than most. " we buy companies, chop them up and sell them off to other bidders. " there's a pause; he looks over, down, at her. something happened the night before and he doesn't know what, hasn't asked about it, but she'd called upset and came and drank his wine and slept in his spare room without really saying more than a handful of words to him.
she makes a face, like it's so corporate she can hardly stand it and when he finishes his tie, she stops him with a hand on his shoulder. thank you. for letting me stay last night. carefully, hesitantly, she pushes up onto her tiptoes and kisses his cheek and phil leaves feeling odd.
he does not know why she is so sad but something has happened to upset her in a deep, encompassing way that you cannot shake someone out of; she knocks on his door, even though they both know his doorman called up to warn him. he lets her in. pours her a glass of wine before he realises a little too late that she's already drunk and when he tries to persuade her into a glass of water, she makes the most vicious face, a scathing comment about how he's being pathetic, about how she doesn't want to be babied. so she has the wine and then another glass.
he makes her dinner and when they finish, she says in a quiet, hateful little voice you shouldn't be so nice to me. something has happened. her brother, perhaps? a phonecall from the absent parents, mentioned in the midst of one of those prodding, prying conversations? a fight with a boyfriend, though he's certain she doesn't have one. maybe a fight with a friend. she'd mentioned a few in passing, daphne and patsy.
he starts to say something but before he can, she's leaned over, she's kissed him. it's not gentle. it's slightly off centre of his mouth where she's drunk enough that her balance is off and she grabs at his shirt, his shoulder, material fisted so tightly in her hand that the creases will be there until an iron can get them out. she pushes forward as he tries to lean back, away from her because he can feel the wet where she's started crying, tries to climb into his lap, but when she does -- it jostles her glass. red wine spatters across his chest.
it looks like a gunshot. she looks like the one holding a gun.
natasha stays for a couple of weeks between missions and when she leaves, it's last minute; the result being a lot of her things are scattered about the penthouse. a coat on the rack. a couple pairs of heels tucked into a space that he will move them from eventually but hasn't got around to it just yet. some nail polish in the bathroom.
josephine sits on the couch in his harvard sweater (it had rained on the walk downtown she will tell him later and she'd gone snooping for something wear) and rolls a bottle of that same red polish around in her palms. are you married she asks before he's even taken off his coat. the bottle held between them like a knife, like it's evidence.
phil shakes his head, resisting the urge to roll his eyes. " i'm not married. i have a friend who stays here now and then. just like you. " oh. he hears her say behind him. just like me? he doesn't know what she wants to hear when she says that and so he doesn't say anything at all, choosing instead to stride into his kitchen without indulging in whatever argument she's envisioning. (natasha is not like her and he isn't interested in parsing out their differences. he doesn't want to tell her about the complicated life him and her have created for themselves, about the way he likes josephine in his space and the way she has softened some of his more destructive habits; he doesn't want to tell her that he really wouldn't mind if she stayed longer than the night, that he likes her company in a way that is so vastly different from the intensity of natasha's company.)
they don't really talk much the rest of the night, not until she gets up to leave and kisses his cheek, taking his sweater with her. he gets it back the next time she turns up and it smells like cigarette smoke.
at the diner, he orders eggs and coffee and she sits across from him in her uniform; he asks about her morning and she tells him, and she asks about his and he tells her that it started at six and it's been none stop since. she makes fun off, cackles when he shoots something withering back. it's nice. it's easy, easier than it has been in a while and she seems happier, brighter than he's seen her in a very long time. i met someone she says with a smile. he returns it with a wide smile of his own and they talk for a little about this new mystery man who's name she says i'm keeping for myself right now. but. i wanted you to know.
he hasn't finished his coffee when maria calls to tell him they've got steve rogers and they're about to transport him to the helicarrier, that phil is needed as a liason. do what you do best, coulson, handle the asset.
when he gets up to leave, he kisses her cheek, " i'm glad you're happy, josephine. if you're free tomorrow night, we should have dinner. i want to hear all about him. "
he's dead before that happens. but it's a nice thought anyway.
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roadtogracelandx45 · 1 year
Night Terrors| B. Barnes
This is the first time I am really writing Bucky Barnes, and I am kind of blaming this on watching The Falcon and The Winter Solider in full yesterday.
Lennon is going to be my oc from the later part of Only Fools Fall In Love.
word count:
Only Fools Fall In Love masterlist
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Summary:  It had been weeks since Lennon had seen Bucky, he had left her apartment after accidentally knocking the wind out of her when she woke him up from a nightmare and having a meeting with his court-appointed therapist, he returns to the Dakota where Lennon moved back to after her father’s death to try and make things right with her. Bucky Barnes/Lennon StarkMentions of Bucky Barnes/ Hannah Stark Steve Rogers/ Bucky Barnes
Rated M for borderline smut and PTSD
Set before The Falcon and The Winter Soldier. 
What about Lennon?” Doctor Raynor asked, dropping her pen back onto the notebook,  Lennon Stark was the one person that Bucky seemed to be open about talking about without being completely guarded. She had supposed that it was because the heiress had come with him to his first appointment and sat in for a little bit before going out into the waiting room and staying until he was done.  “You haven’t talked to her in weeks either. Ignored calls and messages.”
 “We are fine.” He returned as he slouched down in his seat, they weren’t fine, they were the furthest thing from it. After his last session, he went over to her apartment as he had weeks prior,  and they had fallen asleep watching a movie, he ended up having a nightmare that woke up Lennon who tried to wake him up from it only for him to react and throw out his metal arm into her and it sent her flying across the room and crashing into the table, breaking their leftover dishes and a vase that had the flowers he had brought.  She had called after him and even got as far as the elevator that shut as the doors slid shut to take him down the lobby.  Annoyed with the half answers, Raynor picked up the pen and went to start making notes again on the pad of paper.
“I hurt her.” He finally said, “I didn’t mean to, I had a nightmare that woke her and she went to wake me up. And.” She dropped her pen and watched him, it had been clear that Lennon had brought him a lot of peace and hope. And since the first time since Hannah died, love. He just hadn’t realized that latter part yet. “I think she is a lot stronger than you think she is.” Bucky shifted again in his seat and looked at the screen of his phone, his heart clenching painfully. She had taken his phone and messed around with it after he complained about not being able to work it. And when she handed it back to him, she had changed the background to the picture of them at the New York State Fair on one of the Ferris Wheels. 
“Go see her Sergeant, it will do you some good.” He nodded in agreement, she was right, seeing Lennon would do him some good, it usually did.
Thankfully, the doorman at the Dakota when Bucky showed up with a brown paper-wrapped bouquet and a plastic-covered brown paper bag full of Chinese food takeout, let him in with a knowing smile and, she hadn't left in three days.  And that worried him, normally Lennon was on the move, constantly working sometimes well into the early morning, perks she had told him of being the CEO of Stark Industries. She had taken more on after Tony died so Pepper could be at home more for Morgan.  
Shaking his head, he pressed the button for the floor that she had lived on for most of her life, feeling out of place like he had every time he had visited the building. She had been quick to tell him the history and how her mother and her parents lived there, and how John Lennon, her mother’s favorite Beatle and fellow resident had been murdered outside. It had been a big thing that kind of marked more mystery and interest around the building. Why she just didn’t stay in Stark Tower or at the compound was beyond him.
“Len?” He called out once the elevator doors slid open, the main living part was quiet.  A hair-raising scream came from the bedroom causing him to drop everything and go running into the bedroom, Lennon was tangled up in her bedsheets, thrashing around drenched in sweat. 
“Lennon! Baby!” He raised his voice to be heard but not to scare her awake completely. “Baby, it’s okay, wake up.”
“No! Bucky!” Lennon screamed before she sat up straight, her eyes landing on Bucky who was near the bed and the tears that she had been holding onto came down her cheeks. 
He clambered onto the bed and pulled her onto his lap. 
“I was back in Wakanda.”  
Her sudden absence had been covered by saying she needed time in an in-patient mental health facility in upstate New York when she was really in Wakanda overseeing his recovery.  And that’s when they first really started falling in love. And for the first time since Hannah, he was happy and guilty, because of the feelings he had for Steve and the hurt he knew was coming towards Steve. And he knew that Lennon had feelings for Steve and was guilty about feeling the same feelings toward Steve. 
“In that battle when Thanos.”  Bucky hushed her and pressed a kiss into her dark hair. She hadn’t been far from him and Steve when Thanos snapped his fingers and Bucky faded to dust. 
She had rarely talked about the 5 years that she had spent with Steve and Nat at the compound or of her father's return or of the 9 months leading up to her half-sister Morgan’s birth. Or what happened when her father snapped his fingers and killed Thanos .  
 “I lost my dad all over again.” Her fingers clenched at the metal arm that was curled around her waist, trying to pull it tighter around her.  Careful not to go tight, he tightened his hold on her.
 “I lost Nat, and Steve again. You. I lost you.  Again.”  
“Doll, you aren’t going to lose me.’ He promised as he moved back slightly to look at her and used his free hand to wipe some of the tears away. “I shouldn’t have left after I hurt you.” She shifted to fully face him, her fingers threading through his hair.  “I wasn’t mad, or scared, I was worried about you. I remembered that look.” Her fingers rubbed against his scalp, “Steve had it, Dad had it. Uncle Rhodey has it. Sam has it.” “You have it. After Wakanda.”
“No, no.” she muttered trying to pull away from him, “I don't want to talk about that.”  He pressed a kiss to her mouth and held her closer to him, ‘We don’t have to talk about it.’ She nodded and fused their mouths together, she needed to be close to him.
Instead of thinking, Lennon decided to go with feelings and she pressed her hips down against his hardening dick, her lips finding first his lips and then his jaw and neck, nipping at the flesh. Groaning, he lifted his hips to meet hers.
“Baby, we should stop.”  His metal fingers were already pulling at the material of her t-shirt tearing the material softly.
“I don’t want to.” She returned pulling back softly, “I want this. Please.” He nodded his head before fusing their mouths together, in the past when they got going like this, one of them stopped it.
Her not feeling ready, him for feeling guilty.  She had been Steve’s before his and he had a hard time shaking it up until Steve said it was okay and he wanted them to be together. And he wanted Bucky to take care of her. Lennon broke the kiss briefly to remove the rest of the shredded shirt, her hands reaching down to pull his shirt off.
“Needy much doll?” He teased as he pulled his shirt off and tossed it on top of the shredded T-shirt.
“Buck,’ She started resting her hands on his shoulders, “Shut up and fuck me.” He laughed at her choice of words and rolled them over so she was on her back and he was resting between her legs. He had been floored when her great Aunt Hannah used fuck for the first time hours after they met and she slipped and fell in the mud. And surprised him even more when Lennon told her father ever so politely to fuck himself when she was helping him and Steve escape in Germany.  
 “Your wish is my command princess.’  
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IRONHAWK/ The bigger apartment on the lower east side.
The three of you decide to move into the bigger apartment on the lower east side.  You didn’t want to lose any of the space Tony already has, given that he and Clint are already giving up having instant access to labs and shooting ranges, but you like the fact there’s a doorman to stop people from loitering at the door or ringing the bell.  It feels safer and more private than a house.  Plus it means it’s easier to sneak in and out.  The press might get wind of Clint and Tony living together, but they didn’t have any reason to look twice at you, so as long as you left separately to them, there was no reason they’d ever really get wind of the relationship.
It takes about three months to move in.  The first month is just the usual settlement period, where the current owners pack up and fix the few things that need to be fixed.  In that time you, Clint, and Tony decide what of the things you all already owned would go into the new place and you speak to a designer to help figure out how they all work together and buy any new pieces you might need.
The two months after that is construction.  Tony has FRIDAY installed in the apartment and he does the work converting the study into a workshop.  It’s a big job, but Tony has the money to have it expedited, so what would take most people six months or more, takes him only two.
The day you move in, you haven't seen it yet, so walking through and seeing your things mixed with Tony and Clint’s and the new pieces the three of you picked out together.
“I can’t believe we’re actually here,” Clint says, as he wanders down the hall.
“Believe it, baby,” Tony says, playfully slapping his ass.  “We live together.”
“Well,” Clint says, turning around and taking both your and Tony’s hands.  “I think we might need to break one of these rooms in.”
“Laundry!” you shout, making both Tony and Clint laugh.
“What laundry?  We have a washer and dryer in one of the cupboards,” Tony teases.  “We need a little more space than that.”
“Fine,” you huff playfully, following them.
Clint flops onto the couch and pulls you down on top of him, and you laugh as you bring your lips to his.  Tony stands and watches the two of you kiss as he takes off his jacket and hangs it over the back of one of the recliners.  He’s unfastening his pants when you finally break the kiss with Clint.
“So we’re breaking in the couch?” Tony asks.
“Looks that way,” Clint replies, reaching out to Tony.  Tony takes Clint’s hand and the three of you squeeze together on the couch.  Clint leans over you and kisses Tony as Tony starts to scrunch up your skirt.  Both men turn their attention on you, Clint starting to suck at your nipples through the bodice of your dress, while Tony kisses your neck and starts to palm your cunt through your panties.  Your skin buzzes and your cunt begins to drip.
“Fuck, I want you both so bad,” you whine.  “Lube.  We need lube.”
Tony chuckles.  “Don’t worry, honey.  I set the house up.”
He tapped a secret compartment on the coffee table and a drawer popped open containing not only lube but also some sex toys.  You look over at it and smirk.  “That’ll be fun for the guests to accidentally stumble upon.”
“Don’t worry,” Tony laughs.  “It’s set to our biometrics.  Cap’s not going to find any of our stashes unless we specifically show them to him.”
You look back into the box and lick your lips.  “I want the cuffs and the plugs on, and I want you both inside me.” 
“Well, now,” Tony says, grabbing the cuffs.  “That’s my naughty girl.”
Tony pins your hands behind your back, and then with surprising tenderness, he attaches each of the leather cuffs, making sure they're firmly in place but not too tight.  He pushes you so you’re bent over and pressing up against Clint, and Clint maneuvers himself so he's lying back and you're between his legs.
As Clint starts kissing you, Tony pulls your panties down and off. You lose yourself in the sensation of Clint’s lips moving with yours while Tony squeezes lube on your ass.  You’re surprised by how relaxed you are as Tony teases your ass with the plug and starts to ease it in.  There is a pinch and burn as it stretches you open, but the way Clint is kissing and touching you keeps you pliant and willing.
Tony holds the toy at its widest, making your ass burn, and your cunt drip.  You mewl and rock your hips against Clint trying to get more friction.  Tony pushes the toy in and smacks your ass, pushing you so you were straddling Clint.  Clint unfastens his pants as he continues to kiss you.  Tony pulls them down just enough to free Clint’s cock and guides it into your waiting cunt.
Both of you moan and Clint bucks up into you, dragging out that hot pang of pleasure through you.  Tony pushes his pants down and lubes up his cock.  You feel the press of his tip against your entrance, pushing down against Clint’s cock and stretching you to take him.  You break the kiss with Clint and mewl, burying your face into Clint’s neck as Tony slowly eases into you.  They’re both gentle with you, taking the time to let you adjust to them, even with your helpless position between them.  When you finally relax, Tony grabs the chain linking your wrists together and pulls you back as he starts to rail into you.
You can barely hold yourself together.  Everything is so good and so intense and you’re helpless together.  You’re full to breaking and each time Tony thrusts into you, it pushes against the plug in your ass and sends a hot jolt right through you.  Clint leans down and sucks on your breasts through your dress, making your nipples harden and forming wet patches on the fabric.
Both men moan with each thrust, their movements affecting them just as much as they affect you.  Your orgasm grows, coiling inside you and pressing down in your core.  “Fuck… fuck… fuck…” you chant as you try and hold back.
“That’s it, baby,” Clint praises.  “Let it happen.”
It’s like his permission is enough to send you over.  You cry out and arch your back as you come, crying out loudly as your whole body clenches and shudders around them.  They keep thrusting but it becomes more erratic.  Clint’s orgasm hits first.  He arches his back under you as he releases, flooding your cunt with thick ropes of come.  The pulse of Clint’s cock as it coats Tony’s is enough to send him over too. Their loads combined leaked from you, dripping onto Clint.
“Nice,” Tony says.  “Haven’t even been here an hour and we need to get the couch steam cleaned.”
“I’d wait,” Clint says, as Tony goes to remove the plug in your ass.  “I think this couch is going to see a lot of action.”
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Clint hangs up the phone with a sigh.  There have been a lot of calls since you moved in.  With Tony’s mini workshop and Clint’s archery, you are all noisy upstairs neighbors.  There are complaints made about you constantly.  It’s annoying, but probably not as annoying as it is for the people below you.
“Tony! Babe!  You need to quiet down,” Clint calls down the hall.  You can hear the banging from his workshop.  You know that just calling down isn’t going to quiet him up, so you follow Clint down to try and get his attention.  You step into the room and FRIDAY shuts off the music.
Tony looks around confused and then sighs.  “Again?!” he groans, putting his tools down.
“Well - you can’t blame them?” you say.  “You’re not exactly quiet.”
He huffs and kicks his chair and it goes spinning out across the floor.  “Fuck.  What are we going to do about this?”
You lean against the workbench and shrug.  “I feel like there are three options.  The first is you stop using the workshop here and only tinker at the tower.  Same with Clint’s archery.”
They both whine.  “It’ll mean we both spend more time there than here.”
“I know.  It’s not ideal,” you agree.  “The next would be moving again.”
“Where would we move?” Clint asks.
“Well, we could go to the tower.  I know we decided it was better for us to get our own place that’s just ours, but at least you know there’s a space for you guys to do what you need to do to wind down,” you suggest.  “Or we could sell this place and buy one of the other ones we looked at.  Maybe living in a house and not needing to worry about the people downstairs will make up for the fact people might ring our doorbell or our relationship getting outed.”
“What’s the other option?” Tony asks.
“We spend a lot of money trying to fully soundproof this place,” you say with a shrug.
“I’m not sure that’s possible,” Tony says, frowning.
“So one of the other options then?” Clint says.
“Moving will be expensive,” you say.
Tony waves you off.  “Don’t worry about that.  Cost isn’t the problem.  The stress is.  What do you want to try?”
stay put, have the guys do their work at the tower.
Move back to the tower
The mansion on the East Side
The town house on the west side that needs all the work
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