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The fountain in Lyon, France was coloured with red in protest against the killing of Gaza's children. The demonstrators demanded that France cease supplying Israel with weapons.
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mahmoudghannam · 7 days
Urgent Help Needed: Save Our Family
Hello, I am Mahmoud from Gaza🍉🇵🇸
I apologize for this urgent plea, but my heart is heavy. We’ve lost everything—our home, possessions, and stability. Our four young nieces and their family are living in a makeshift tent, and their grandmother is battling cancer.
We need to raise $5000 per person to evacuate them. Please consider donating just $20 to help us provide them with essential aid and safety.
Here’s the link to donate:
Thank you for your compassion and support.
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gazaaid · 5 months
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whiteboyday · 6 years
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“From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free” #palestineunderattack #solidaritywithgaza #ballyliffin #freepalestine🇵🇸 (at Ballyliffin)
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warspeak · 10 years
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"You can't defend yourself when you are militarily occupying someone else's land. That's not defense." - Noam Chomsky
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mkposh · 10 years
Alright, that's it.
I know most people wont bother reading this because majority of the world hates Muslims so they'd probably want them to die in thousands, rather than the hundreds dying in Gaza. Some people wont bother to continue because they just don't care, BUT those who will (and I appreciate you few) please help the people in Gaza.
Why should you continue reading this? I don't know why I should have to give you a reason. But if you really want one: You should read and support this if you've ever experienced the pain of losing someone. If you've ever had to bury a child, if you've ever stood up for injustice and felt good about it. If you've ever done what is right because it is your duty as a fellow human being. If you've ever felt empathy and if you realize that there are people in this world other than you. If you've ever supported Harry in his fight against the evil of Voldemort. If you've ever cried about the death of Fred, felt the pain of George for losing his brother. For Harry and Teddy, who never saw their parents, the orphans of Gaza cry too. If you've supported Frodo and Sam through their wearisome journey to put an end to all that was bad in their world. Why am I using these comparisons? Because what is fantasy to us is a reality to them. Help them if you've ever had dreams, because Palestinians die before they even get to bed.
Look, we just wan to call for a ceasefire because PEOPLE ARE DYING. And not just men, or adults even, it's the children of Gaza.
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^That's an authentic picture posted by UNICEF (10th July statistic). Or will you continue to say that the pictures are fake? Yes, some pictures online are old pictures used by people who are unaware of their sources, but it's very easy to identify them, but the posters only intend for the world to recognize the issue.
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We're not asking you to save the adults, but PLEASE make an effort for innocent children. https://www.facebook.com/unicefstateofpalestine/posts/696960010340935 https://www.facebook.com/unicefstateofpalestine/photos/a.593063597397244.1073741828.593049637398640/696919953678274/?type=1
Israeli soldiers arresting Palestinian children: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=693653984041010&set=vb.100001892442085&type=2&theater I don't know who the journalists behind the video are, but they seem British.
GRAPHIC VIDEO, PLEASE WATCH IF YOU CAN HANDLE IT: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=681960138561780&set=vb.518947111529751&type=2&theater Translation: Father to child: Wake up, I have brought you a toy! Oh God, oh God!
I know women cry their hearts out when they have miscarriages, their attachment to their unborn child is more than anyone else can imagine. So how do you think a Palestinian mother feels when she finds her child dead under the rubble of her house, or bleeding to death in her arms? "No parent should have to bury their child" - King Theoden, Lord Of The Rings
Now I found some posts on Tumblr, and I couldn't believe that they had more notes than the rest of the posts about Gaza. A community that discourages Homophobia, suicide, body image issues, rape culture etc, posts about things like Harry Potter and Lord Of The Rings, but supports the mass killings of Palestinian children. http://skrillbug.tumblr.com/post/91357671020/i-wont-even-try-to-make-a-bigass-post-about-the
a. It says that Israel is not attacking the Palestinian civilians, but the Hamas. Then why are 121 people dead (12th July statistic) and 30 of them children?
b. Civilian casualties are caused by terrorists hiding behind them and using them as meat shields. Why is it that every time the rubble of a building is removed, NO terrorists are found, ONLY innocent women and children? And is there really no better method to eradicate the terrorists? Why do so many casualties of innocent people have to occur for a small number of extremists? You can view entire streets on Google Maps, but you can't accurately locate terrorists? Technology is far more advanced than you make it out to be.
Answer this: If the US military has managed to kill Osama Bin Laden without destroying the entire city of Abbotabad, why does the Israeli Army only manage to kill women and children, with no reports of terrorist casualties? And let me tell you a little something about Arabs: They live as communities. If people find out a death has occurred in a neighboring house, they rush to help the rest of the family immediately and put themselves at their service, much like most Asian cultures. If the army recognizes a sense of compassion as "sacrificing themselves for Hamas" then maybe it doesn't know what compassion is, so maybe we shouldn't expect them to recognize their atrocities. http://istandwithpalestine.com/human-shields-myth/
c. They inform civilians before an attack If they inform civilians before an attack, then why do civilians keep on dying? And you're firing Missiles, missiles that level entire buildings, create shrapnel at inhuman speeds. HOW DO YOU EXPECT A HUMAN TO STAY CLEAR OF THAT? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vdULPgX5mR0&feature=youtu.be https://vine.co/v/MPUbqH5ehAZ ^I'd like to see you avoid that https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=682309128526881&set=vb.518947111529751&type=2&theater ^I SAW A CHILD'S PURPLE DOLL IN THE RUBBLE, DID YOU SEE IT? DID YOU SEE A DEAD TERRORIST IN THE RUBBLE? THEN WHY WAS THE HOUSE BOMBARDED? http://antoine-roquentin.tumblr.com/post/91358959693/the-israeli-defence-forces-are-again-using-a http://m7madsmiry.tumblr.com/post/91391527740/just-imagine-that-moment-when-the-israeli-army
d. Why are there more Palestinian casualties than Israelis? Let me tell you something: THERE ARE NO ISRAELI CASUALTIES FROM THE ROCKETS. Israeli casualties (such as the condemnable kidnapping of the three boys) only occur due to clashes between Israeli and Palestinian settlers. Whose families have condemned the act and also emphasized that their deaths SHOULD NOT BE AVENGED.What a courageous thing for them to say, when they are the ones who have suffered the losses. Despite that, hateful Israelis kidnapped a Palestinian boy and burned his body in vengeance, trying to take matters in their own hands, while only making the situation worse, and disobeying the wishes of the families of the deceased.
e. Israelis have bomb shelters Yes, Israelis have bomb shelters. PALESTINIANS HAVE NOTHING. https://vine.co/v/MPUbqH5ehAZ ^I reiterate.
f. Gaza uses resources Israel sends them (for building/thriving purposes) on the rockets instead of shelters. Please let us know when you manage to make ROCKETS out of BRICK and MORTAR. (assuming that that's how buildings are made)
g. Stop sympathizing with terrorists
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Thank God that terrorist is homeless. Just look at him walking off with his supplies for making rockets. ^That was sarcasm, in case you misunderstand.
They say they warn the residents before attacking the area: WHERE DO THEY EXPECT THE PEOPLE TO GO?
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They have no bomb shelters like Israelis. ROCKETS ARE NOT THE SAME AS MISSILES.
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Missiles level buildings, rockets dent the ground. Bomb shelters would be of no use anyway. The entire area is being bombed, you leave your house and go to another area, how do you know that wont be bombed too? If civilians are being warned to leave their houses, WHY ARE YOU BOMBING THEIR HOUSES IN THE FIRST PLACE? IF YOU KNOW THEY ARE INNOCENT, YOU SHOULDN'T BE ATTACKING THAT AREA IN THE FIRST PLACE.
"It's not our fault they don't have bomb shelters, it's the responsibility of their government to provide them"
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EACH AND EVERY ACTIVITY IS MONITORED BY THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT IN GAZA. Check posts at every point, everything from water, electricity, even internet access is controlled by Israel. They're not even given permission to build houses. Did I mention raiding houses at midnight is the norm? They're not even provided with clean drinking water and consistent rumors of cutting internet access are spreading.
http://blog.eretzyisrael.org/post/91428231633/did-you-sleep-last-night http://blog.eretzyisrael.org/post/91440403560/terrorists-in-gaza-fired-over-570-rockets-at http://poorrichardsnews.com/post/91367408863/video-wedding-guests-in-israel-flee-to-shelter-when http://azgunguy.tumblr.com/post/91403753486/riddle-me-this ^WE RESPOND TO THEM WITH THIS:
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But we still appeal to their humanity, because we know they have it and WE HAVE PROOF: http://www.breakingthesilence.org.il/ PLEASE GO THROUGH THE SITE OF "BREAKING THE SILENCE" AND LEARN ABOUT THE THINGS SOLDIERS ARE FORCED TO DO IN THE ARMY.
This is the absolute height of militarization, as you can tell by the responses of the children: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=681382278619566
http://www.worldpressphoto.org/content/swedish-photographer-paul-hansen-wins-premier-photo-contest-award ^That photo won an award.
Want to talk numbers? I'll give you a full scoreboard:
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Governments are condemning the attacks: The Scottish, Irish, Japanese, Egyptian, Jordanian, Iranian, Venezuela governments have condemned Israel.
http://www.theguardian.com/science/political-science/2013/may/13/stephen-hawking-boycott-israel-science?CMP=twt_gu https://m.facebook.com/notes/roger-waters-the-wall/an-open-letter-from-roger-waters/688037331210720#_=_ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10154342410365497&set=vb.248368955496&type=2&theater
AND THOSE WHO ARE CONCERNED AREN'T GIVEN THE CHANCE TO SPEAK UP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=E21MdXe3BOQ https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=516183671794761&set=vb.100002093972429&type=2&theater
I could respond with hate speech and anti-semitic remarks, but I wont:
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I know some of the pictures I've posted are harsh, but: WE'RE NOT BLAMING JEWS, OR THE PEOPLE OF ISRAEL. WE'RE BLAMING THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT, AND THE LIES IT FEEDS IT'S PEOPLE. Forcing the army to bathe their hands in innocent blood and forcing their citizens to hate an entire nation. I know it's difficult to believe the truth when you're scared and rely on your government completely for protection. But you have to realize that you wouldn't be scared if your government wasn't so cruel.
Why am I doing this? "Dark and difficult times lie ahead. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy. But remember this, you have friends here. You're not alone." - Dumbledore
"If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” – Dalai Lama
Imagine people just like you constantly dying, but everyone ignores their deaths, or worse: celebrates their deaths. Can you imagine ignoring your pet's pleas for food? Your cat/dog might even be overweight at this point. Then how can you ignore the pleas of the Palestinian children? I know I'm only one person, and there's just so much I can do, but I know that I have to make a difference. It is my duty to make a difference. I can't do much, but I can spread awareness about the issue, causing ordinary people such as you pressurize the governments and help international authorities call for a ceasefire, and struggle to end the issue once and for all. The majority of the media won't show you the truth, it's up to you to go and seek it, and my duty to help you find it. It's really frustrating sometimes, when you try to get attention for Gaza but all everyone posts about is One Direction or Fifth Harmony or the World Cup, but please. This is a reality we need to solve. For more information, please feel free to message me, but don't send me hate for speaking out about what I believe is right.
So I beg you, please be aware of the issue and call for a ceasefire. Sign petitions, join protests, trend #Gaza on twitter, whatever you can to gain the attention of others, the media and your governments and bring an end to this mass murder.
Frodo: What are we holding onto, Sam? Sam: That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo... and it's worth fighting for.
LINK FOR PETITIONS: https://petitions.whitehouse.gov/petition/condemn-apartheid-state-israel-their-human-rights-violations-against-palestinian-peoples/CjmPSCsG http://www.avaaz.org/en/petition/Ban_Ki_Moon_Stop_the_Israeli_war_on_Gaza_Operation_Protective_Edge/?dVuzVhb&pv=1
PROTEST OF 10,000 PEOPLE IN LONDON: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=682847481806379&set=vb.518947111529751&type=2&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=634157620023831&set=vb.341504945955768&type=2&theater https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=634157620023831 https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=729361490442818&set=vb.100001069227614&type=2&theater "The number 9 bus was on its way to Earls Court when it got caught up among the thousands of people protesting outside the Israeli embassy in London. Our numbers swelled to 10,000 as we showed our support for Gaza. That support was also shown by the lovely bus driver who happily allowed protestors to take over the stuck bus!" www.palestinecampaign.org
EVERYONE IN THE UK CAN NOW DONATE FOR THE PALESTINE EMERGENCY APPEAL VIA TEXT. JUST TEXT PSTN50 £5 TO 70070. (They're in dire need of aid for hospitals and shelter)
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mahmoudghannam · 12 days
Hello ,
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Mahmoud Ghannam, and I’m reaching out to you with a heartfelt plea. My family in Gaza is facing incredibly difficult times due to the ongoing war. We have four little girls – Sham, Sara, Kinda, and Nadin – who have lost almost everything. We are doing everything we can to provide them with a safe future outside of Gaza.
I know your voice reaches many kind-hearted people who care deeply about humanity. I kindly ask if you could share our GoFundMe campaign on your page. A simple share from you could make a world of difference and give them hope.
I’ve included full details about the family, along with their pictures and the GoFundMe link, in the pinned post on my page. You can find everything here: https://gofund.me/dbf7431d
Thank you from the bottom of my heart, and may your kindness be returned to you many times over.
Warm regards, Mahmoud Ghannam
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