#Solo 1d fic
acesofspadess · 7 months
I definitely published this a bit out of order but bare with me
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“Hello Team Niall.” Niall introduced as they all waved and greeted him back. “Well, I've got a bit of news for you. Because of my concert schedule, I actually won't be in town for knockout rehearsals.” Everyone was shocked… and rightfully so. “Because I won't be there, I've chosen another coach to come in and mentor you guys for rehearsal.” Everyone started to freak out wondering who on earth it might be. 
“And they have been in your place before so I think they’ve got exactly what you need.”
The scene changed to the all too familiar practice room with an empty directors chairs. The sounds of steps progressively got louder until the special person appeared. 
“I'M BACK!” 
But let's not get ahead of ourselves. Let's rewind a bit.
A day or two after The Voice Finale
“Hi I’m Maia Quinn, and I'm the Season 23 winner of The Voice, and we're hanging out with Rob on Front Row Live.”
“Go with me.” Niall moaned into your mouth as you straddled him. “Where?” you question kissing down his neck. “Boston. I know it's last minute and we’d leave in the morning-” you shut him up with a kiss and a roll of your hips, his hands tightening against your thighs. “Just wake me up an hour before we leave.”
Sitting at the desk of you and Niall’s shared hotel room the morning of May 26th  you had early interviews to get through before you were meant to go to the festival. You looked over the camera to see Niall already looking at you.
“Maia congratulations. What a night you had a few nights ago.” Rob praised and you smiled adjusting your airpod. “I am super excited for you and your career and your future. Especially because you're starting so young. You have enough time to kind of like, continue to evolve, and understand your voice; learn a lot more about yourself throughout this process. Talk to me about this process of your experience here on the voice and how you've evolved as a vocalist and a performer.” The interview was more than you could ever imagine. 
“Now your relationship with Niall this season has had fans going crazy. From the after performance hugs to the duet, and the after party, what can you tell us about that?”
You saw Nialls face peak over the laptop screen and stayed neutral. “Niall has been the most supportive and very encouraging. He has become one of my best friends through this whole journey. I lost a lot of my confidence during the pandemic unfortunately. It made me think that I would never be able to do things that I certainly could do and Niall- all these years later- has been there to remind me that I probably can do them, and then make me do it. So our friendship and relationship has been so important to me. He is my best friend across the charts and he’d hate me for saying this, but I wouldn't be here without him.” 
“Last question before we go. Is there anything we can look forward to seeing soon? Maybe another EP?”
You smiled glad you were able to share some information on what was coming next. “All I'll say now is, look for me on stage back home.” you winked dramatically knowing those who would get it would get it.”
“That's amazing, I'll definitely keep my eyes peeled. It was so great having you on. I hope to see you in person soon.”
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User10 i'm actually really happy she won
User2 wait…Slane is in Ireland…..
User6 I just learned she had an EP…. what?!?!?!?
Being at Boston Calling with him
“Boston, Massachusetts, how you doing?” he asked the crowd after he finished ‘Heaven’. The loud response made him smile excitedly. “Holy shit! This is crazy.” you face palmed knowing he was going to slip up sooner or later. “Thank you all so much for coming out to see me. I really appreciate it.” they cheered again as he sipped his water. You watched as he looked at the amount of people and a smile formed on your face.
 “This is uhm- this is actually my first ever Festival.” he let out a breath at the realisation. “I've definitely been drunk at a few.” you laughed at him with the rest of the crowd. “But I've never played at any and for that reason I'm absolutely shitting myself.” he said looking at you knowing you would calm him, and him seeing you laugh did just the trick. 
“But thank you for being here. I know some of you guys have been queuing for years.” he looked around at the signs “My girlfriend showed me this earlier ‘i travelled four thousand miles to be here from Brazil’ your eyes went wide at the declaration and the deafening screams were present. He subtly looked in your direction and saw your reaction, his worry diminished as he saw you smiling making him smile. “Makes you feel bad from coming just down the road doesn't it? ‘I came from round New York’.” he mocked, “awe who cares.” he laughed with them and you hid a big smile behind your hands. 
You walked the same route you came flashing your pass when you reached the gate and made your way in to see Niall. When you saw him you squealed and ran over to him. He turned when he heard you and caught you in his arms as you wrapped your legs around his waist and he spun you both around hands on the swell of your bum.
“I'm so proud of you!” you screamed and he laughed before he was kissing you passionately. It was quick as many more pecks through giggles followed. “I can not explain to you how happy i am.” he whispered in shock as you were sitting in the trailer behind the stage and he was getting changed. “You should be so happy, my love. That was incredible, and I am so so proud of you.” he smiled at you before grabbing your hand and kissing the ring on it. “You make me so happy, baby girl.” you melted at his words and stood up to kiss him softly. “And you make me the happiest girl, Ni.”
You surprising Niall at his Zane Lowe interview and him outing you 
You knew Niall was disappointed when you told him you wouldn't be able to make it to his Zane Lowe interview today. He was really excited for this one and wanted you to be there. It was only a few days later that you flew from Boston down to LA for the interview. You were working on last minute stuff for the announcement today and you were nowhere close to done when he was getting ready to leave.
“I'm sorry love.” you kissed his pout away as you both stood by the door of his  LA house. “I know, it’s okay. I know why you can’t make it, and for that I am so very proud.” he melted his lips against yours as your hands went to the curls on the back of his neck and he wrapped his went straight to your bum.
Niall was watching Zane play his songs and the guitar with a big smile a few hours after he left. “There are some pretty songs on this record bro.” Zane complimented as he switched playing from ‘The Show’ to ‘You could start a cult’. You who had just made it into the studio to surprise Niall were standing behind the glass watching him, waiting for him to notice. 
“Thank you very much.'' He cut through Zanes music. “This one kills me.” Zane admitted as Niall caught on to what he was playing. “Yeah.” he cheered Zane on softly, finally noticing you. You saw his smile widened and you waved softly. “You Could Start A Cult.” he named distractedly, still looking at you as if he looked away you would disappear. 
“Kingdoms fighting over you,” Niall continued. “I think that like they’re the ones- that could have very easily been, ‘ i like waking up beside you and you're my favourite person.” he joked easily. “But ‘you could start a war’.” you shook your head at his lyrical genius. “Do you ever crack yourself up with it?”
‘Yeah it was something silly at first but now everyone's obsessed with it. It started with me and my girlfriend now, when we met we would watch crime shows together over facetime,” he exposed and you chuckled at his laugh.
‘You say girlfriend now, sorry if i'm over stepping but..” zane trailed off
“No,” he shrugged off looking at you, who nodded, “she was not my girlfriend at the time, she is now, is what that meant.”
“So did she not know the song was for her?”
“She didn't know any song was for her- or about her I should say. The road from when we met to now has been a very dark windy tunnel, but we made it to the other end.”
“That's beautiful Niall, truly.” You smiled at him agreeing with Zane.
“This was the last song on the record that we wrote.” Niall confessed, and you wondered why. “Why, what was missing?” and without hesitation he pointed to you, “her.” Zane looked to where he was pointing and you waved happily at him. He waved back to you just as happy before turning to Niall with a face of shock. “No?” he gasped and Niall laughed, throwing his head back. “Yeah, I know. Way out of my league.” he watched you shake your head with an eye roll and he couldn't stop the smile from gracing his face.
“I could’ve gone and did what I did with the rest of the record and put BV’s all over it and strings and that was my plan - and John just said to me- because we we were not talking at the time…” he pointed between you and him, “...this is your message to,” he paused, ‘“ her’ keep it that way. Just you and your guitar and your feelings.”
And while there's much much more… you’ll see that soon
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Hii! I hope you're having the best day! I've got a few prompts, if you're taking requests, hardly anyone does Niall prompts and I'm sad:( the prompt I have is something along the lines of "Niall is back in London after a few days away and wants to meet up with his girl but she says she's busy. He's sad but goes to his signing of The Show, his girl surprises him by queuing as the last person in line and getting a CD signed" I went to the signing and met him after 13 years of being a fan and it's made me need more Niall fluff in my life😂 xx
Welcome To The Show
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Niall Horan x reader
*pic of this precious baby does not belong to me*
Summary: Y/N surprises Niall at his London signing for The Show
Okay first of all, thank you so so much for trusting me to write this for you! I love writing for our Irish boy and he doesn’t get as much attention as he deserves. Second of all, HOLY CRAP YOU MET HIM?! UMM YOU’LL HAVE TO TELL ME HOW GREAT IT WAS!!! I’m seeing him next year and I honestly can’t wait😭 Okay anyways… I hope this is everything you wanted! Feel free to request more of him or checkout Flicker!
“You really can’t make it, Y/N? I haven’t seen you in six weeks! You can’t cancel this one time?”
I sigh and run my hand through my hair.
He’s right… We’ve both been so busy that we haven’t been able to see each other, barely talking either since we’ve been on different time zones. But he’s got a surprise in store…
“I know, Ni. I promise, I’ll make it up to you as soon as I get home next week! I’m almost done with my book and I send it off to the publisher. After that I am all yours!”
He sighs and I can’t help but frown.
“I know Petal, I know. I just miss you. I’m proud of you, just wish you could be done already.”
I clutch the CD in my hand, my smile not wavering as I continue to talk to him, walking towards the line outside of the record store.
“I know, me too. But I took time off of writing when you started on the Voice! Andrea’s still mad about pushing my deadline… But I promise, this is the last in the series and I should have some time after before I have to think of something new to start. I’ll be all yours babe.”
I hear him let out a small laugh and I sigh.
“Sure Petal, I’ll be holding you to it! I have to go to my signing but I’ll call you tonight?”
I bite my lip but I reply to him.
“Yeah, I’ll stay up. Have fun!”
He hangs up and I let out a sigh.
I had been planning this all week. My book is already done, so I figured I would surprise him. By showing up out of nowhere. At his signing.
The line moves progressively slow, as I suspected. One thing I’ve always loved about him is he cares, especially about his fans, so he takes the time to talk to them. After about 30 minutes, I finally make it inside.
Paul spots me immediately and I raise a finger to my lips with a smile, to which he nods and returns my smile. Niall’s focus stays on the fans in front of him and finally, it’s my turn. It takes him a moment to look up and he doesn’t notice me at first as he takes my CD from Paul, who had taken it from me moments before.
He signs my CD with his elaborate signature and he begins to talk to me.
“How’s your day going? I appreciate you coming all this way and supporting me!”
I hold back a laugh as I respond.
“It’s going good! I just thought I’d pop in and surprise my boyfriend!”
He smiles as he looks up and his mouth drops when he sees me. He shoots up from the table and runs around it, picking me up and squeezing me tight in his arms.
“I missed you so fuckin’ much!”
I laugh as he twirls me in his arms and I hug him tight. He sets me down but he takes my face in his hands and pulls me into a kiss. I sigh into his hold, pulling him closer as our lips move in sync.
He finally lets me go, and I see tears in his eyes. I smile and wipe his tears with the sleeve of my- no, his cardigan.
“Why the tears, handsome? I thought this was supposed to be a good day?”
He smiles and kisses my hands before he squeezes them.
“I just missed you, Petal. And I’m honestly surprised to see you. What happened Y/N? I thought you were behind and had to finish?”
I smile and shake my head.
“That’s what I told you, but I wanted to surprise you. Did I succeed?”
He chuckles and nods as he wraps his arms around my waist and looks down into my eyes.
“You definitely did. And I’m kind of glad you did. I think I’m all done here, should we go home? Catch up some?”
He wiggles his eyebrows at me and I giggle.
“Yeah, we should. I’ve missed you and honey. I need my dose of puppy cuddles.”
He nods and takes my hand and I move to follow him when I stop, turning around. He raises a brow at me and I grab my CD from off the table before turning back to him.
“What? It’s the #1 album in the UK and it’s signed! I’d be crazy to forget this!”
He laughs and shakes his head. We walk hand in hand to the car, and I can’t help but feel the happiest I’ve ever been. With Niall, I know I always will be.
I hope you enjoyed! I loved writing this!!🥹 Requests are open lovelies!
Tag List
@be-with-me-so-happily @swiftmendeshoran
@babyiamperfectforyou @freedomfireflies
@kaminokatiee @harrysmimi
@violetsandfluff @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs @strwbrrydaydreams
@rafaaoli @kimmi-kat
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stellatekintsugi · 3 months
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Niall Horan
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that01d · 1 month
am i delusional or did he lowkey look in my (one) direction.
ok i’m done w stupid jokes this is the forum night 1 song: slow hands!! lmk if you guys want more i have like so many videos!! 💕
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ziamxltsource · 10 months
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Liam Payne and Zayn Malik at Magic Kingdom (Made by me) I hope you like it.x
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lewishamiltonstuff · 2 years
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sparkrls · 10 months
Must Be Love | Chapter 5 is OUT NOW!
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kwritingbooks · 2 years
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co-written by me & @shroombloomm
read on wattpad or tumblr masterlist
It wasn’t supposed to end this way. Harry felt like he had been so careful. The person he thought he could trust the most let him down and now he felt like he had nothing. But he did he really have nothing? Was this all a waste afterall?
AU: star-being!harry x astronomy-student!aurora
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Harry’s POV
Coming home was like a walk of shame, especially with Leon. I knew Leon cared about me, but sometimes his love felt so cold. I wasn’t sure if love was supposed to feel that way. I had always been the bubbly one out of the two of us; he was the most serious. I think that was why father would always choose Leon to do things over me, perhaps because I wasn’t serious.
But I could be.
Growing up on this planet was hard enough. Being the son of the king, I had to live up to a lot of standards, but I was afraid they were ones I simply couldn’t reach.
Father used to scold me about playing around too much, even if it was with one of the other star-kids. He told me that I should follow Leon’s steps, take after Leon, walk like Leon, talk like Leon. It was always about Leon.
Leon. Leon. Leon.
But me?
I just wanted to be my own person. Outside of my brother.
I wanted to be like everyone else, but my father never allowed me the fun activities that I should have had. So instead, I was the one that peered outside my room to see the star-kids playing. I envied them and maybe they envied me, but if they were in my position they wouldn’t feel nearly as jealous. Money was not everything, sure we had the riches, but that meant nothing to me if I wasn’t out there having fun or living a life I wanted so desperately to have.
I wanted to feel what those kids felt as they beamed from point to point together, leaving trails of laughter in their own dust. It would echo in my brain, even when they were far gone. It stayed with me like a gnawing in my chest. And once that feeling started, I never really grew out of it.
Leon took on missions way before me. My father didn’t trust me up until this point, so you could imagine my excitement whenever the mission was offered to me. Before that, I was watching Leon leave our planet almost every day to do his missions. I envied him in the worst way, I could admit that. Jealousy washed over me every time he got to leave the planet while I had to stay by mother’s side.
It was embarrassing.
And yet, I somehow managed to fuck up my first mission this bad. At least that was what it seemed like given the distant glares I would catch from Leon as I followed slowly beside him. All the way past the clouds, past the moon, and to the familiar glare of our home planet.
Our bodies grazed against the cold surface of the ground, the twinkling lights of our palace that once soothed me, now blinded me with shame ahead of us. I didn’t even bother to look up to greet the guards, who seemed to immediately notice my change in demeanor. As well as Leon’s.
We walked silently through the hallways of the palace, the silence deafening. Our heels clicking only rang louder in my ears the more I tuned into our surroundings, it being the only sound in the hallway other than my nonexistent heart pounding. When we got to my room, I stopped at the door, staring at it as if it was going to bite me.
I didn’t want to be here.
I wanted to be with Aurora.
My Aurora.
My sweet, soft, caring Aurora—
“Adhara was asking of you earlier.” Leon said. “She was asking how you were. I thought it to be quite odd, I thought you two didn’t talk after the break up. It’s been like a hundred Earth years anyway.”
My body stilled, ignoring his last comment. “She was asking about me? Well, I…we haven’t spoken in sometime, sure. We ran into each other at the bar a bit ago, but that was it. I hadn’t seen or talked to her since.”
Leon hummed, nodding. “She seems to still be fond of you from the way she was talking, but don’t take my word for it, what do I know about romance?” He chuckled lowly but quickly regained his previous stoic look.
“Ha, yeah…” I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck, pulling my lips into my mouth as I let my mind wander off.
I wasn’t sure about Adhara. Though the split was a clean break, it was odd she was asking about me. I hadn’t thought about her in a long time. Ever since I met Aurora…
Well, even before then. She had no room in my mind. I had too many things on my plate.
“Rest well, brother.” Leon’s voice shook me from my thoughts. “You will need it.”
I stood there, my mind blank. I wasn’t sure what to say, not after what he had seen. I never thought he would find me curled up with a human, yet there I was, being tended to by a human. One of the most important rules, broken, and I was caught when I was sure I was being careful. Obviously I wasn’t being careful enough.
After some moments of silence, Leon gave me a short nod and began to walk away. I felt my nerves prick up inside of me, it was that anxiety Aurora had told me about. I knew that now and I couldn’t let him go without making sure father would never hear of what happened.
“Leon, wait–” I hushed under my breath, reaching out to grab his arm. He turned around, brow arched as he looked over my sullen expression. “Um…” I dropped my hand by my side, finding myself fiddling with my fingers.
“Harry, is there something wro–”
“Please do not tell father.” I interjected lowly, eyes darting side to side as if he was somewhere around us, waiting for us to speak of something we weren’t supposed to. I was paranoid. I didn’t want him to know, it wasn’t his business. I needed to show my worth, show my father that I was able to do this mission and succeed at something for once.
Just once.
“You expect me not to bring this up to father?” Leon chuckled darkly, tilting his head in confusion as he gave me a once over. He was looking at me like I had two heads. “I mean, really Harry. You almost died!”
“Leon, I am asking you for a favor, please do not tell him!” I raised my voice enough that it echoed through the hallways, my eyes blinked hard as I scowled at him. “I need this mission. This is my one shot, I know I messed up, but I can do better!”
“Exactly, Harry. You messed up.” Leon pointed at me as he took a step closer, a grimace on his face. “This is an important mission, if not the most important mission. Our lives are in your hands and yet you are on Earth running around with a human? Does our kind not mean anything to you?”
I felt rage, but I couldn’t say that it was entirely directed at Leon. I was angry with myself too, but I was more angry that Leon was the one to point out my mistakes faster than I could admit to any of them.
“Of course our lives mean something to me!” I nearly yelled, feeling my cheeks heat into a dark blue with anger as I clenched my fists by my side. “This mission means something to me, Leon. I need this. I am simply asking you, as your brother, to not tell father. You don’t know what’s happening on Earth. There’s a man named Collins and he knows something about me. I just–I can’t quite put my finger on what all he knows yet, but he seems to be noticing my absences now and because he sees me in the sky! I don’t think he really knows it me yet, he is just tracking it but soon–”
“And what, Harry? Do you really think a human is going to know anything about our wars? Our history?” He interjected, gesturing his arms out all around us as his eyes wandered with it. “As far as I am concerned, you are to watch over the aurora lights and you cannot even do that. Instead you meddle around with humans! Is that not a part of the most important rules?!”
“Do not bring Aurora into this.” I hissed with a grimace, clenching my jaw tightly as I took a challenging step towards him. “You leave her out of this. I am taking care of this mission. You are just not giving me enough time.”
Leon laughed softly, shaking his head as if I had said something funny.
“Father was right. You are not ready for this mission.” He said bluntly, shrugging both of his shoulders as he took a step back from me to create distance. He could see how flustered and angry I was. I was sure he was trying to deescalate the situation, but his words angered me more. “I know that you have kept your nose in books all of your life and maybe you live a fantasy of being a hero, but you are not ready.”
“How do you know what I am ready and not ready for?!” My anger finally exploded, the scream ripped through my throat loudly as my fist hit the wall next to me before finding myself stomping to him.
“All my life I have had to live up to our father's expectations! Leon this, Leon that, ‘Why can’t you be as good as Leon?! Why can’t you be as strong as Leon?!” I was now inches from him, disgust written across my face as I let out a harsh breath. “You haven’t even been around! Growing up, where were you? Training! Doing missions! I would like to say that I feel like I know you, but the more we speak, the more you are nothing but a stranger to me!”
“That cannot be true–”
“It is!” I interjected quickly. “But you wouldn’t know, would you? Because you are his favorite.” I pointed towards the royal hall doors. I paused, almost not saying what I so desperately wanted to. “Are you even my brother anymore? Were you ever my brother, Leon?”
Leon trained his eyes on me, nostrils flaring as I exploded in his face with rage. It wasn’t even half of it. There was so much more I wanted to say and I could barely get the words out without feeling like I was small for showing any kind of emotion. Leon never did. My father never did. Maybe I took after my mother because she, out of all of us, was the most in touch with her emotions.
“You have no idea what it is like living in your shadow.” I whispered harshly. My chest felt like it was going to cave in. It took me back to the day I broke down in front of Aurora. The feeling was similar, but this hurt worse than any kind of disappointment I could possibly experience. “So please…brother. If that is what you are to me—” My voice cracked, causing me to flinch at the sudden emotion. “Do this for me. Please.”
His lip twitched, straightening his posture as he created distance between us. I watched as he turned on his heel and began to walk away. Just as I was about to yell at him once more, he stopped and turned his head just barely to glance at me.
“I will remain silent until I cannot any longer.” He said, hushed. “Our lives…ride on this.”
“I know…”
With that, he said nothing more and disappeared into another quarter of the house. I felt my body relax, but not by much. I was riding a high, maybe it was just a power trip, but I felt good about myself. So many times I had let Leon run all over me but not at that moment.
I almost wished that I could tell Aurora about it.
Soon I could.
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I hadn’t talked to Leon since our argument. To be honest, I had just kept to myself. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. I didn’t want to accidentally bump into anyone I knew. I just wanted to be alone. With a book. Like I used to always find myself doing whenever things were normal. Or as normal as I could remember.
I reread one of my favorite books that I had remembered reading when I had just begun to learn our language well enough to read full sentences. It was a book about enchantment among the stars. The history of it made me gape with wonder every time. It was amazing to think such little flicks of light could completely shape who we were and how our people came to be. At least a small part of it.
It was fascinating nonetheless.
I had just gotten to my favorite part about how energy formed the enchantment for some of our first beings. Little particles swarmed together, creating a mystifying sequence of events. That little moment of joy was quickly stolen from loud thumps sounding through the kingdom, mixed with an animalistic growl.
“Harry Edward!” Boomed in a room separate of my own, from the vocal range of none other than my own father.
“You better explain yourself immediately! Leon!” His voice sounded louder, his steps shaking the paintings that had just hung motionless on the walls.
I inched closer to my closed door. I knew it didn’t hold much protection against the anger that was waiting for me. I could tell he was opening and closing doors, along with the helping hands of random guards who must have been recruited for the job.
“Get down here now!” He somehow yelled louder, stomping his staff onto the hardened stone below his feet. It sounded like the loudest noise I had ever had the displeasure of hearing. It even sent a shiver down my back as I peered around the crack of the door.
I could see the frame of him, standing to attention in the middle of the bottom floor. Knowing he wasn’t on the same level as me did fill me with a slight amount of peace at least. It would at least give me time to run if I had to.
Just when I was about to bolt back into my room and lock myself away from his wrath, I felt two large hands wrap around my arms and jerk me backwards from the bedroom door. Gasping, I looked back to see two guards that had stone cold looks.
“Wait, don’t–” I whispered quickly, but they were not amused and instead dragged me down to the bottom floor where my father stood. I could feel my insides twisting, even if I didn’t really have insides like humans did, there was still a vivid feeling; one that I had had during my time on Earth. The stairs brushed against the heels of my feet as they dragged me, I could still hear my father throwing a fit, and I couldn’t imagine what it was about.
If I could empty my stomach like I had on Earth previously, I would’ve. The anxiety was too much for my body to handle. Standing up to Leon was one thing, but to my father? Well, that was like signing a death certificate.
When we got to the bottom steps, the guards pushed me to the ground in front of where my father stood. I landed onto my knees, my hands catching my fall onto the cold, hard floor. My eyes trained on the stone for moments, I didn’t dare to look up at him. If he was looking at me, which I was sure he was, he would notice my body visibly shaking.
“You.” I heard him spit in anger, gazing my eyes up to his sterned look.
“H-Hello, Father–” I tried to stand to my feet, but he was quick to use his staff to hit the ground, causing the floor to shake hard enough that it made me fall back to the ground, a loud yelp escaped me. Gusts of cracked flooring ricocheted in the room as I stumbled back onto my feet. Even a layer of star dust had been disrupted and sprinkled against my skin amongst the chaos.
“Just what were you thinking?!” His voice was loud and scary, one that I had heard many times, but nothing like that. I didn’t think I had ever been as scared of my father as I was right then.
My eyes searched the floor for answers. This had to be a trap. I didn’t know what I had done. Searching through my memories, I didn’t think he could possibly know anything of my wrong doings. Leon promised he wouldn’t tell father–unless he…
I looked to the side, finding Leon that was entering the shit-show that father had displayed in the corridor. He stared, confused, watching me as I kneeled before our father with mercy.
He couldn’t have.
“Father, I-I can explain–” I rushed out, locking my eyes with his as I pleaded silently for his mercy, but instead his hands wrapped around my neck and stood me to my feet. I struggled for what seemed like lightyears, but it was only a fraction of that before I was being pushed against the wall besides us.
“A human?! You have been meddling around with a human?!” He roared out, so loudly that I could’ve sworn his throat ripped from the scream.
But my body stilled.
I looked towards Leon whose eyes had widened in mutual horror. Narrowing my eyes to him just for a moment, faster than my father could have caught it. He stood far from us, it was almost like he was eavesdropping.
If I could’ve lost the hue in my face, I was sure it would’ve been some sort of meek, lilac color instead of the vivid purples it typically held. I stared wide eyed, hands wrapped around his wrist as my nails dug slightly into his form. My body shook. He knew the truth. After everything, Leon still went to tell father. He betrayed me and my trust and now I was left to be dealt with by the scariest man on this planet.
“N-No, it’s not true–” I spoke low, gulping thickly.
“Do not lie to me, Harry Edward!” He pulled me back from the wall, only to throw me back once more even harder. I felt the air leave me, inhaling sharply as my knees buckled underneath me.
“I am not lying! I don’t know what you’re speaking of!” I groaned, furrowing my brows tightly. There was a silence drawn out in the air, which I wouldn’t find as scary if he wasn’t already pissed off, but a silent father was the worst thing that could have happened in any circumstance.
“Fine.” He said shortly, pulling away from my body as he glanced towards the center of the room and gestured his hand towards it. A ball of light shone in his palm as it flattened, and his finger pointed straight out.
My own fingers were digging into my thigh as a hologram shone from his opened hand. What happened next made my throat close up. I suddenly felt like I couldn’t breathe. I was once again fighting against my emotions, but the current was stronger than I could fight it.
“What is this then?” He looked back at me. I stood there, picking my fingers as I forced myself to look at him. I stayed silent. “What is this, Harry?! Tell me!”
Glancing back to the hologram, there was a video of Aurora and I. We were holding hands, walking down the road. I remember this. This was after our first kiss. I had walked her home that day after class. Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes as my breath hitched in the back of my throat. My fingers tapped the corners, looking down at the wet liquid. Why was this happening? I recalled the first time crying with Aurora, though I had never done this before Earth. Not here at home. We didn’t do that here. Our emotions were different here. They didn’t have the same physical reaction.
Could this be happening because I spent too much time on Earth? It seemed impossible. That was crazy, right? Star-beings didn’t cry. They couldn’t.
They didn’t even know what that was.
Or was that why we never did—we just never knew it was possible?
The video kept rolling and when we got to her door, I kissed the side of her face and gave her a hug and parted ways. Watching it back, I didn’t regret it. I didn’t regret a single thing that happened when I was with Aurora. Maybe she meant more to me than I could ever possibly admit to myself. But in that moment, I knew I was fucked regardless.
I was done for.
My father balled his fists up, making the hologram close and there was nothing but a dull room. Dull because Aurora could always light the room up with her presence and even if she wasn’t in this room, I could feel her anyway.
She was everywhere around me.
“Father, I–”
“You have failed me once again.” He interjected as he turned towards me, staring daggers at me. “The most important rule and you’ve disobeyed me. I knew that you were not ready for this mission, but your mother wanted to give you a chance. I should’ve never listened to her.”
“Just let me explain mysel–!”
“No!” He roared out, slamming his staff down once again onto the ground for emphasis as he stalked towards me. “To think I had faith in you? To think that for a mere moment that you could ever be like–” He stopped himself.
My chest stung, face softening as my lips parted. Once again, I felt like a kid. I was two moon pebbles tall, watching my father beam proudly at Leon while he smugly excelled at all of his tasks. When I was younger I always looked up to my brother. I always wanted to be like him.
But realistically?
I never really stood a chance.
“Say it.” I gritted through my teeth, balling my fists by my side as I stared at my father who dared not to look at me. After a few moments of silence, I could feel the anger boiling up. “Go on! Say it, father! I could never be like Leon!”
His fingers tightened around his staff, clearing his throat dryly. “I cannot have you messing this up for us! Our lives are at stake, Harry! You–you’re off the mission! You’ve left me no choice!” He yelled loudly, causing me to flinch. “Leon will be taking your place, effective immediately. You will no longer be allowed on Earth. You are to stay here, perhaps do more training–”
“I’m off the mission?! You cannot do this!” I blew my top, stomping towards him, teeth clenched tightly in anger. “This is my mission! Mine! You never gave me a chance!” I started to panic, maybe it was for all the wrong reasons, but I couldn’t go another day without seeing Aurora.
The thought of losing her forever, not being able to be around her anymore. I had grown so fond of her. I realized now that I had feelings for her. They were deeper than I could’ve imagined.
“I will do what I must to keep us alive! And you must learn there are consequences to your moral failings!” Father screamed back at me, a cold look shooting towards me. “You are off the mission! That is final!”
Anger and sadness encapsulated my body. I watched as my father walked out of the corridor to reside and I was left there with the guards that were standing by the staircase. I stared at the floor as it was all I could manage to do. I was trying to process everything, thinking about all the times I could’ve been more careful with Aurora.
Leon rushed towards me, eyes widened. “Harry, I swear I didn’t—“
“Are you happy now?!” I yelled at him in anger, shoving his hands off of me as I backed away from him. “Do not fucking touch me—do not even get close to me!”
I was livid. I felt so many emotions, I didn’t know what to do with them. They were hitting me all at once. For a moment I wanted to cry and the next I wanted to blow a hole through the wall. For once, I couldn’t predict what I was going to do.
“You must believe me, Harry, I swear—“
“Do not speak to me, Leon!” A throat ripping scream surpassed my lips, surprising not only me, but him as well. He stood there in shock, lips pressed tightly together before backing away from me. “Don’t you get it? You’ve ruined my life before it ever began!”
I needed to be alone before I did something irrational.
I felt myself choke on a sob, tears streaming hotly down my cheeks as I pushed myself past the guards and stomped myself up the stairs. I tried to hide my emotions. That was one thing I was never good at. I wore them on my sleeve, and sometimes I envied Leon for how well and composed he was with his emotions, but me? I always got the short end of the stick.
“Harry, darling? What’s happening?” My mother watched at the top of the stairs, concerned as she saw the wet streaks run down my face. She looked in deep concern, but I wasn’t sure if it was due to my yelling or by the mysterious tears she had never seen before.
I let out a weak sob, shaking my head to her as I pushed past her and made my way to my room. I was always so open with my mother, but this time I needed to keep to myself. If I was to talk now, it would only hurt more. I used the back of my hand to brush away the tears, pushing myself into my room before slamming it shut and pressing my back against the door once and for all.
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Time wasn’t felt the same way on our home planet compared to how it was felt on Earth. Earth had the sun and the moon greet them to match different times of the day. There was a societal structure to everything and everyone followed it according to where they were located on their floating rock.
Our floating rock didn’t have those societal rules. We didn’t have the sun to light up and reflect against our faces. We never got to feel the warmth of the morning sun after freshly waking up. We didn’t even wake up because we didn’t even sleep.
All that was to say, I didn’t know how long it had been. It felt long, but time also seemed to stop since my last argument with father and Leon. I hadn’t left my room for any reason. There had been a couple of attempts from my mother to check on me, but I always came up with some excuse as to why I couldn’t talk.
I doubted she even believed me when I gave her each new excuse.
I need to rest. Our beings didn’t rest.
I’m studying right now. All my studying materials were in the library where I left them.
I have a friend over right now. I haven’t talked to any of my friends here since before the mission even started.
She never questioned it, though. She always just let me be.
In reality, all I had done was sit in varying spots. For awhile it was slumped over in one of my study chairs that remained useless recently. Then it became me migrating to the floor, face first against the cold surface. That was my favorite out of the options I found. Although, I didn’t mind floating in circles. It took too much focus to keep doing it for too long though.
It was hard to focus on anything besides the words that cut so deep rock in my brain so loudly. It was never ending. It almost felt like I had lived my life a lie this whole time. No one in this family ever really valued me. No one ever believed in me. And maybe that was why I continued to fail in their eyes, because that was all they ever thought of me. So much so that I started to believe it myself.
And now here I was.
I considered slipping out through the window, but whatever was outside didn’t interest me enough. I didn’t want to see any of those backstabbing good for nothing guards either. They all thought the same about me anyway. They were always so far up my father’s ass that he could say anything and they would believe him.
Anger festered for a long time while I was willingly holed up in my room. I was so angry that I couldn’t even pinpoint the specifics. I was mad at everything. Leon was who I was most angry at, not even father. I expected that out of him, but Leon?
He promised and he broke that promise. So quickly too. I could never trust him again. I couldn’t trust anyone. Not even mom. She would just tell dad anyway.
I was drained. I was drained of any semblance of who I used to be—or at least of who I used to believe I was. Maybe this was the realization of my reality afterall. I did seem to screw everything up. Aurora will never know what happened to me. She would probably think I wanted to cut her out of my life.
But that could never be more wrong. I needed her. Now I would never see her again. It was hard to fully even blame anyone else. I knew I shouldn’t have done what I did, but I still didn’t regret it. The fact that I didn’t regret made me start to believe what father and Leon had said from the beginning.
I wasn’t ready. And I never would be, because I couldn’t stay away from her. I couldn’t.
I would see her again. I would make sure of it. I just wasn’t sure how. This just couldn’t be the end.
Knock knock.
“Studying again, mom. Maybe later.” I mumbled from a couch cushion that I had submerged my face into awhile ago. I could smell the fragrance or juniper that had been brushed on by mother sometime ago.
“Not mom.” The voice said from the other side of the door. I shot my head up, not expecting the sound of my brother speak. The knob wiggled, but the lock fought harder against the movement. I felt my nerves prick at me, slowly soothing themselves when the movement stopped.
For a moment I thought he has given up, just like mom when she would try to engage in conversation with me.
I smashed my face back into the pillowed fabric, quickly gasping when I heard a loud noise from the door. My head picks up, seeing an opening where my door once stood. Leon’s hand steamed with vapor as he reached out in front of him.
I grumbled under my breath. I could lock my door and lie all I wanted, but if Leon wanted something, he would always find a way around it. Even if that meant using his powers to do so. I should’ve known.
“I don’t want to talk, Leon.” I pointed my attention out towards the window, pretending to be interested in the same scenery as I had seen every other time I had spent infinite amounts of time in the same spot. “Not right now and not ever. Get out.” My tone was bold and serious. I meant every word.
“Harry.” He drew out a long breath. I could already envision him looking at the ground, trying to think of a way to manipulate the situation so he could get what he wanted. I knew him better than he thought I knew him.
I was so tired of being fooled by him. Not again.
“Harry you need to get out of your room. It’s not good for you. Mother is worried about you.” He said through a disgruntled breath. It wasn’t disgruntled in the way it normally was when he didn’t immediately get his way though. I couldn’t tell exactly why though.
“Don’t talk to me about what’s good for me. That mission was good for me. Earth was good for me. I’m starting to believe I’m more appreciated down there anyway. People actually care about me there. It was a nice change.” My eyes stayed focused on the beings floating below. I watched them as they ventured in and out of different rock-formed buildings. Some looked happy. Some looked neural. Some even looked like they were in a rush—for what, I wasn’t sure.
“Harry, don’t say that.” He held his breath and I could hear it. His feet making closer steps in my direction were heard but I did my best to ignore it. I wanted to ignore everything that was going on. Everything besides the strangers below. That was all I wanted to be interested in at the moment.
“You know I didn’t tell him, right? I have no idea how he found out. I didn’t have a reason to tell him. I told you that.” I could feel him behind me now. Even his shadow felt intimidating.
“Why should I believe that?” I grumbled into my palm as it rested tightly against my chin.
“How would I have gotten a video? I had just found out. Why would I even need a hologram for father to believe me? I could’ve just told him simply and he would’ve believed me. It has to be someone else.” He walked up to the window I was peering out of, seemingly searching for the same mindless things I was.
I turned my body in his direction, meeting his eye this time. He continued to trace the beings’ paths of voyage down the pebbled path.
“So it wasn’t you?” Was all I could manage to say. It was like I was talking aloud to myself. I couldn’t believe the words out of my own mouth. This whole time I believed it was him, but he was right. Father would’ve believed him just by him saying something happened. It got me into countless trouble as a kid, whether it was true or not. It didn’t matter.
He was right.
“No, Harry. I told you.” He said as he looked into my eyes. They didn’t waver or have an evil glimmer that it normally did when he was trying to trick me. There wasn’t anything in between his words that reeked of his normal manipulation tactics. He was serious.
I huffed a deep breath, looking back out of the pane of sparkly glass. I wasn’t going to apologize for assuming. I had every right to assume. He gave me no reason to trust him, so he couldn’t be surprised that I thought that.
“I wanna help you figure out who it was. He paused and stepped in front of me to block my view. “Who knows what else they know? What if it’s a light guardian? Some kind of spy?”
“Spy?” I repeated. “Like someone watching me?”
“Watching me. Watching you. Watching all of us. That’s what we need to figure it out.”
I stood up straighter now, no longer laying my body in different directions against the chair. My voice even perked up, less slurred and depressed like it had been. Life sparked back in me.
“How do we find that out?” I questioned him curiously. I hated that I was still going to him for answers. Had I learned nothing?
“Not here. Follow me.” He gestured for me to follow him as he passed through the empty doorframe. I rolled my eyes, remembering how annoying his entrance was.
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Before I knew it, we were outside, a place I hadn’t even considered going near since I got back to this hellscape. My bedroom was all I had recently, especially because I couldn’t have what I actually wanted. Or needed. Her dark hair still flowed through my mind so easily. Maybe that was what humans felt when they dreamed. The details of her that I memorized felt so real and so made up all at the same time.
I felt lightweight, but not in the lack-of-gravity way. Like in the way I would when I was on Earth in a fully human body. Everything felt fuzzy and a bit disorienting. I found myself wondering if Leon would know what I meant. I wasn’t going to bring it up though. I felt alienated enough.
Plus I was still confused on where we were going.
“Where are we going?” My voice broke out with slight annoyance as I continued to get bored of the slow pace he maintained. He seemed to look at every little detail that was around us on both sides. Like he was seeing movies of moments with each step.
If I wasn’t so annoyed I might have found myself doing the same. The space in front of us, our own private area given to our family when our father accepted the throne, was full of endless memories growing up. Some good, some bad. Some really bad. But, also some really good too.
I was still too drained to think of anything else besides how I wanted to go back to my room and continue the pathetic attempt at a life I had going for me. I just didn’t understand why he was bringing me all the way back here to tell me some seemingly secretive plan on how to find these people that we didn’t even know existed or not.
Sure, it was a possibility. Plenty of people would have wanted our heads on sticks when light guardians were brought into the equation. But they could do so much more damage than tattling on the king’s son. They could kill me if they really wanted to. Especially on Earth, but they didn’t.
So was it a light guardian that sent in that hologram? I didn’t get it.
Before I knew it, I stumbled into the back of Leon. My face screwed into confusion, my arms reaching out in front of me instinctively.
Leon whipped around with a confused look, quickly shaping into amusement. “Still clumsy as ever, I see.”
I fought a smile that spread over my lips, not wanting him to get the satisfaction or idea that he was completely off the hook for everything that had happened.
Luckily, he had already turned around and took a sharp right at the marble statue that stood at least three times our size. Suddenly I remembered one flash of memory of us climbing to the top, only to shortly be yelled at by our mom to get down before dad saw. We would pretend to ignore that mom would smile at us with a wink. She always seemed happy when she found us doing normal brotherly activities. I never realized that was what that look meant until I got a lot older.
Following him felt like another eternity, but I knew where we were going now. We were heading somewhere we hadn’t been in hundreds of years. We stopped going once Leon met the age where he started going to missions. He would promise we would go again when he would get back, but then he started leading those missions and soon lost track of time. He was always busy—whether busy at work or busy being praised for doing everything I couldn’t.
The same space traveler that had a bright blue gleam along each side still stood proudly. Its rounded body still looked like it had never been touched, not a scratch of color or a bend in the metals. It had withstanded so much, from blasts of star energy thrown to asteroids bouncing off like hail.
It actually seemed to glow brighter with a green hue as we got closer. A wave of guilt came forcefully as I realized I had completely pushed away and forgot about this thing. This thing traveled for us during attacks, sure, but it was also how Leon and I got to our favorite spot in the entire galaxy.
Our lone star that we named Solus. It was the Latin word for “alone.” We both agreed that that was what that star was for. It was our secret spot for when things got to be too much. There weren’t any guards watching us when our parents couldn’t. There weren’t other beings watching us just to catch the next drama to concoct about us. We were always just Harry and Leon here. That was it.
We still hadn’t said anything, even after coming to the realization that we were going to go to Solus after all this time again. There wasn’t anything that needed to be said anyway. We both understood why we were going there. We just needed to be Harry and Leon for this.
The mobile rocked a bit from our bodies shifting inside as it was suspended in its gravity-induced landing. Little freckles of moon dust got pulled in as we shut the door behind us. It let out a sucking noise, indicating that it was closed completely tight.
Leon made his way to the steering mechanisms silently, but instead of immediately following him, I looked around at all the blinking buttons. Each had different colors, indicating different codes that I could never remember. That was also probably why I was never allowed to steer myself.
“Ready?” Leon asked. I heard his buckle click into place, strapping his chest to the seat. His fingers danced around the dash, pushing different buttons and flicking switches in opposite directions that I also didn’t understand.
I nodded my head and found my way in the seat beside him. My arm extended towards the crossbody belt, hearing the same click as Leon had made.
“Ready.” I finally spoke up, intertwining my fingers together in my lap.
It was hard to conceal all of the excitement I had. I almost felt like a kid again. Back when Leon and I actually knew each other.
Within moments, a gust of light encapsulated our space traveler, making a buzzing noise that increased in intensity. Until the light vanished, immediately jolting us forward. Flashes of light zipped past, not allowing us any time to even make out the star formations. It all seemed to mix together and create one big stream of light that would only slightly waver if I looked close enough.
It didn’t last long until the ship came to a holt, sure to have flung us to a different galaxy if we weren’t belted in the way we were.
If I had bones I was sure they would’ve cracked one by one. If they even remained intact.
“That doesn’t feel any easier than when we were younger.” Leon muttered under his breath, rubbing at his head with a chuckle. He clicked himself free, pushing more random buttons to finish docking it.
“If anything, that felt worse than when we were kids.” I said with a smirk, fiddling with my own belt now.
“We’re just old now, eh?” He shot me a joking look as he walked out towards the door, waiting from a distance as it swung out with a few dinging noises.
Everything was so still. Every little flake of light looked just as we had left it. It was no brighter or dimmer than I last remembered.
And the silence. We didn’t hear footsteps or people chatting away about useless things. We didn’t hear any of it. Not even the mobile we had taken to land; even it floated without a single noise coming from it.
I had almost forgotten that Leon was there until he snuck around me, taking the first step onto the brightened surface. It gleamed against his skin, highlighting features I hadn’t noticed since we were kids.
His nose was pointier than I remembered and his cheekbones didn’t look as sharp now that so much light was finding every corner of his face.
I smiled for a moment, almost forgetting why we were here in the first place. That smile dropped.
I took a step onto the ground, whipping around behind me from the sudden noise of the door closing behind me. When I turned back around, Leon was there chuckling from my startled look.
I ignored it and walked past him. It wasn’t a large star, which was why it never seemed to be visited by anyone besides us. It only took a few extra steps before reaching the edge of it.
A gradually fading flow of light surrounded the star, showcasing the countless amount of others all around us. This was our favorite one because it gave the perfect view of everything we could have dreamed of, but particularly the moon.
That was one thing I missed while on Earth, being able to see it so close when dancing through the galaxy—or even just when at home through my bedroom window. Earth was beautiful, but it could never top something like this.
The craters were so much deeper and full of life. I remembered when we were younger that I would bet Leon that I could even jump through the stars and reach it. Leon never let me try, but now I saw why and how that was impossible.
Watching it from here was perfectly fine. I enjoyed it just the same.
“You remember back at the height of everything? When I was back home before my mission was supposed to end?” Leon voiced calmly behind me. He reached my side and sat down.
I looked down at him, considering if I should keep standing or not too. I decided to sit down.
“Yeah, you finished it way quicker than father expected.” There was a sense of glum to my own voice. I didn’t want to just sit here and look back at all of his accomplishments again. I could even feel my anger start to bubble back up.
He shook his head. “No.”
My eyebrows crinkled, averting my gaze from the moon and to his face now. “No? What do you mean?”
He exhaled a large breath while still fixated on our sea of stars instead. He had a look of defeat along his features, making me even more confused.
“No, that’s not what happened. That’s just what I said happened.”
“What do you mean? The mission was completed. Father even said so.” I rebutted almost defensively. Did he lie for the sake of Leon? Was the mission even really completed?
“It was completed, but not by me. Father sent in Callisto and Kepler to finish for me.” He paused as he adjusted his hair out of his eyes. “I was taken off the mission.”
I turned to face him in bewilderment.
“What?” I couldn’t believe it. I felt like I was in the middle of a joke, waiting for the punchline. But it didn’t look like the punchline was anywhere near.
He nodded his head. “I got taken off because I met someone, too. Her name was Mathilde and we were in France at the time. I think it was about 1901.”
He hadn’t looked me in the eye yet besides a brief glance before he finished his sentence. There was so much going on in my head at once. So many emotions at once. I couldn’t even pinpoint what came first or what was the strongest of the bunch.
He continued. “Father still doesn’t know. I think he was suspicious at first, but he never dug deep enough to figure it out completely.” He shrugged his shoulders, a mild slump in his back now formed as he glared ahead.
“So what actually happened? Why did you get kicked off?” I gaped with wonder. It felt like puzzle pieces were finally getting put together. Leon really was just Leon. He wasn’t any better than me, he was just better at hiding it.
He finally looked at me. There was a sadness in his eyes. I think it was guilt.
“It was mom actually. And I forfeited my spot in the mission. I had to, it would have cost us too much if I stayed on. I knew I wouldn’t have been able to separate myself from her if I was still on Earth.” I swore I saw a tear begin to collect at the corner of his eye.
Could he cry, too?
“What about mom?” I immediately questioned. I wasn’t even mad anymore. I was too curious. It felt like a wall finally came tumbling down, granting me a sense of relief.
“She found us. Well, she had come down to check on everything. She was too excited to wait for my return home and wanted to see it herself. But…” He trailed off for a moment.
“But what?”
“But I was with Mathilde. Mom tracked us to Bois de Vincennes, a park we went to often. She told me about how they had just had the summer olympics there the summer before. It was beautiful.” His eyes were ahead, but I could tell he wasn’t looking at the scenery in front of him. He was reminiscing on the memory.
“What did she say? Was she upset?”
He shook his head again, looking down at his feet and then back up to me. “No. Disappointed, but she never made me feel bad about it. She was glad I was happy, but she’s the one who convinced me to take myself off the mission. I knew she was right, too. That was the hardest part.”
I hummed in thought to myself. “And that was it? You just went back home and never went back?” I felt my palms grow sweaty, imagining that reality for myself. There was no way I would be able to forget Aurora or not see her again.
His nose twitched as he bit against the inside of his cheek. “Kind of. I had one final evening with her before I could muster up the courage to leave. I wasn’t allowed to mention me leaving. She never found out why I left and I never found out what happened to her afterwards or how she reacted.” The tear that had came and went was now back and falling down his cheek this time.
“You never thought to go back?” I asked him.
“All the time, but I knew I couldn’t. Sixty years had passed on Earth by the time I was sent on my next mission, and it was in Turkey. I was scared to know if she was alive or not.”
“Wait, there’s a place named Turkey? Isn’t that a bird?”
“Harry—.” He let out a breath.
“Anyways.” He continued. “I just wanted you to know that I get it, okay? I would have given anything to tell her goodbye or at least explain. She didn’t know what I was, so I couldn’t. I was too scared.” He opened his mouth to say more, but quickly sealed it again.
I didn’t say anything. I didn’t think I could say anything. I didn’t know what to say.
He found his words again. “I want you to have that. You deserve it. That’s why we’re going back down.”
My heart stopped. “What?” I was in dismay. I even considered insanity. There was no way. “Right now?”
He shook his head, a wide grin spreading across his face where the tear still stood. I couldn’t resist my own.
His face grew stern again as he stood up. “Only this once. Only to say goodbye.” He extended his hand for me to grab me up.
He looked so tall as he stood in front of me. He was the brother I remembered growing up, before he was put on a higher pedestal than me. He was just my brother. He was just Leon.
“Okay.” I said as I reached for his hand. “Only goodbye.”
19 notes · View notes
nooradeservedbetter · 2 years
0 notes
dejwrldarchived · 8 months
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⤷‧₊˚ oh no, yoruichi shihouin has another subordinate under her spell.
┊ •° ੈ ⋆° ┊ warning readers discretion is advised — black reader with descriptors, female anatomy described, her/she pronouns, usage of y/n, 2nd pov, reader is part of 2nd division, slight canon bleach verse, power dynamic, reader have a slight background because you truly can't write a x reader fic with a blank reader, finger sucking, top!yoruichi, nipple play, breasts play, clit play, usage of spit, tribbing/scissoring, bottom!reader, mdni
sticky note from deja — was listening to the best 1d member solo album and remembered that him & kehlani came out with this banger.
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You had a crush. The crush in question is your superior. The head of the Shihouin clan. The captain of the 2nd Division. The commander in chief of Onmitsukidō. The Yoruichi Shihouin. This was bad—quite reckless if you were going to be honest with yourself and your delusions. Especially as a subordinate of hers. Merely a member of the Onmitsukidō and Division 2 who was still an outcast due to traveling rumors of favoritism due to how much and how long you’ve been by Yoruichi’s side since you joined. So long that you’ve developed a crush on Yoruichi that you didn’t even think felt right.
She was your captain. You weren’t even supposed to be looking at her in that manner. It wasn’t like nothing could ever happen between you two—that would break some rules, right? Were there even any rules about what you were mentally alluding to? Maybe. Did you care about these possible rules? No….Maybe. Having a crush on your captain can get complicated. It was a major distraction. How can you complete tasks that you were assigned if your mind keeps lingering off to think about the raven-haired woman?
“Your head has been in the clouds lately, can you keep up out there?” A voice interrupts your thoughts before you regain your composure.  
When you glanced up from the paperwork you were assigned to do, you saw Soi Fon waltzing in to possibly see if you were working. She tended to do that since you joined Division 2. You would have thought that Yoruichi herself told her to do the micromanaging the young woman has done since you joined. However, you just saw it as Soi Fon wanting what’s best for Yoruichi. Which was having the most skilled and ambitious fighters at her side in the Onmitsukidō. You didn’t take offense to it because you mentally were admitting that in your head indeed had been in the clouds. But would you admit that to her? No. 
“Of course,” You uttered as your eyes glanced up from your paperwork. “Can you?” Your lips coil into a grin seeing Soi Fon tip toe into the room.
Light as a feather, you would always describe the young woman because you never know when she’s walking behind it. It was amazing—quite imaginable if you asked yourself. You and Soi Fon’s relationship was odd. It wasn’t like it was bad blood between you two. You just can sense that she didn’t trust you. But they didn’t shock you, you did join Division 2 quite late and in complimentary of Yamamoto who was a good friend of Grandma’s. Hush rumors went around that your being here was merely a favor after your grandma didn’t know what else to do with you after the third marriage proposals went into one ear and out the other with you. 
You can feel her presence as she sits in front of the chabudai watching you do paperwork. It was frankly the only thing you did despite knowing how to fight—really well, actually. Your pending crush on the captain did blossom from just seeing her out of the blue (that was possible and you oddly believed in love at first sight, okay?), it blossomed from the late-night training of catching you up with everyone else. Which you were extremely grateful for. However, no one knew about this. Not even Soi Fon. Sometimes when the woman would be her usual overbearing self, you wanted to gloat about the training you’ve had with the captain. Purposely knowing how much that would crawl under Soi Fon’s skin after her blunt comments that have been thrown jabbing at you constantly. 
“Of course, I can.” She utters in disbelief that you would even question that. “It’s just odd, it’s as if you’ve popped up in thin air.” She hums slowly watching you write.
“It’s none of your business.” You added. “Don’t you have some task to do or something?”
“You’ve been here for hmm, three months now and have yet been assigned to-“ 
Your words were interrupted by the sound of the door of the room sliding open. Your eyes saw another member of Division 2 claiming that Yoruichi wanted to see you. She probably wanted the paperwork you were doing. You stood up collecting your things eyeing Soi Fon’s expression. Mentally taking a bite at how it changed at the sound of the captain’s name leaving someone’s lips. You didn’t even wish her farewell out of respect like usual, but instead made your way to Yoruichi’s chambers through the crisp night. 
Your mind raced with thoughts of why she would want to talk to you. You stayed out of trouble and practically kept to yourself. You ensured paperwork was done thoroughly—even triple-check it on some days. But when you stepped through the doors, you were expecting to be scolded. However, the energy in the room felt calming. So instantly you relaxed. Your shoulders fell with ease and you found yourself unclenching your first anticipating the worst.
“I been meaning to talk to you all day, but have been swamped with other matters.” Yoruichi beckons for you to come further in and you did what you were told. 
You haven’t been in her chambers before, so automatically this felt strange. As if it was tilting over the boundaries that you told yourself you would put up as your crush only blossomed more. But who were you to defy your captain, especially given that she has helped you tremendously? 
“I have some news for you, but I’m not sure if it’s good or bad news.” She sighs as she plops down on the pillows. 
You sat down on one of the floor pillows, your eyes immediately going to the paperwork that was on the small table. 
“I didn’t want to pry that old man in Division 1 about you and being who I am, I had to do some digging.” Yoruichi’s lips form a straight line before she sips from her cup. “You’re one special young woman, Y/N.” She adds. 
Then it hit you that the paperwork on the table was about you. From your bloodline to the mystery event that made your grandma send you away in the first place. You had a feeling that could come back to haunt you. You were considered a cursed child, rumors going around that it was due to your mother’s infidelity. You didn’t believe it until that night. The night you nearly killed a man you were originally betrothed to. You didn’t remember much from that night. It was as if you blacked out and when you finally came to your senses, you held a a knife to the man’s throat. 
“Are you going to-”
“For you to even think that is insulting, to say the least.” Yoruichi’s fingers traced alongside the rim of the cup she was sipping on. Her eyes glance over your confused expression before speaking once more. “If you train hard enough, you can control whatever is that is inside of you. We have worked together and I know you can
Your faces were inches apart, you could smell the scent of her. It smelt comforting and intoxicating. Your mind was yelling at you to call it a night. That you should head off to bed early considering your tasks for Soi Fon in the morning. But the pulse in between your thighs said something completely different.
You lean forward, your elbows resting on the table. “I don’t think so, I nearly killed someone.”
“And that’s why you’ll be assisting Soi Fon, tomorrow.” 
“Seriously? She hates me.” 
“She doesn’t hate you.” Yoruichi lets out a boastful laugh before leaning forward also. “She just doesn’t trust you.”
“And possibly jealous I’m stealing her time with you.” You uttered gaining a snicker from Yoruichi. 
The two of you sat in silence before Yoruichi stated, “You’ll do fine. I’m sure of it. I have seen you train. When you’re in your element, you truly know what you’re doing.” She grins at you and your cheeks instantly heat. 
The distance between you two was practically nonexistent and frankly, you wanted to delusionally admit that each passing second—you moved closer. 
Kiss her, Y/N.
You did just that without thinking about the consequences. But that was just you, you made decisions without thinking about the consequences. It’s the reason why you were here in the first place. It was the reason why your grandmother sent you away from the family estate. 
And she kissed back. 
This was wrong, right? The taste of Yoruichi’s lips on yours was wrong. You shouldn’t have been able to taste the sake she previously was drinking. This was breaking the rules you made up in your head during your time being here. During your time training with her, you can play catch-up with the rest of her comrades. Her lips linger upon your elegant-shaped jawline, trailing harsh kisses while her fingers are undoing your attire. Ultimately you can stop her, you can stop all of this and head to your room to listen to the sound of crickets creating late-night tunes. But you didn’t. You enjoyed this—correction, you were longing for this. Perhaps just this moment would set you straight. Just this moment would have you pushing your jarring thoughts about the captain out of your mind now that you kissed her. Or maybe this can go truly wrong? You two can cross this boundary and it’ll never be the same. 
You guess you’ll figure that out when you get there though.
Her hands cup at your exposed breast, fingers rolling your marbled nipples in between them gaining a moan from you. For once your previous complaints about how far Yoruichi’s chambers were from the rest weren’t there because you didn’t think no one would hear your quivering moans. Her lips trail down to your collarbone and back to your lips while she continuously rolls your brown-shaded hardened nipples between her fingers. Occasionally yanking at them to gain a yelp from you so she can let her tongue slither into your mouth. Her fingers that previously toyed with your nipples like they were stress balls travel down below your waist, fingers climbing into your panties that dampened at her previous motions. But before Yoruichi did anything else, she stopped.
She was perhaps having the same thoughts you were having. How inappropriate was this? How this shouldn’t be happening? How wrong was this? But as she broke the kiss, to stared at your exposed chest. Your breasts were fully exposed and you were thinking that maybe this is where you should stop this from happening, but Yoruichi’s words took you by shock.
“Take your clothes off,” 
Her words didn’t come off as harsh, but they didn’t come off as soft either. Either or, you did what you were told, disrobing your uniform and tossing it to the side. The coolness of the night caused a chill to run over your body. Or it could have been Yoruichi’s gaze with her golden eyes. Felt like you were under strict supervision by a stealthy cat that didn’t want you to get away. You swallow the lump that forms in your throat before eventually, Yoruichi’s back upon you. Harsh kisses, spit being shared, and a throbbing clit that was playfully being toyed with. The captain was driving you insane as each minute went by. Your pussy throbbed for some form of action and when you anticipated that Yoruichi would finally cave and give you what you wanted, you were met with her edging you on. 
She grabs you closer after prompting your leg upon her shoulder. The beaded anklet your grandma gave you years ago brushes against Yoruichi’s ear and even the sight of that had your cheeks heat in anticipation. Her fingers drag across your swollen lips, caressing them delicately like they were soft pillows. Her index and middle fingers found a place in your mouth. Your saliva coating her slender fingers that you wished were inside of you.
“Suck them.” She says, her voice is a sultry whisper.
You did what you were told. Sucking on her finger as if it was the best thing ever. Rings of saliva coating them without care before Yoruichi’s letting them toy with your pussy. Your body reacted immediately, slick coating the inside of your thighs as she’s letting her fingers rub at your clit in slow circles. Your toes curled in anticipation as you’re glancing down at the way her skilled fingers toyed with your clit. Your essence stained her fingers like a sin while you let out breathy whimpers to ensure how Yoruichi was making you feel. 
“Look at how wet you are, kitten.” She teases, fingers rubbing teasing circles on your throbbing bud. Her index and middle fingers circle around your entrance and like a sex-deprived woman—you anticipated her to slide her slim fingers inside you (that’s what you wanted). But teasingly she’s back rubbing at your clit, getting enjoyment at the sight of you whither below her. 
Yoruichi was well aware that you were about to cum. She can tell by the look of pure ecstasy on your face. Your eyebrows burrow together attractively and if Yoruichi concentrates hard enough, she can even see your eyes beginning to water. Greedily, Yoruichi slows down the pace of her fingers nipping at your clit. Each second she slows down her motions, she watches as your eyes light up in complete dread as your orgasm is tugged away from you instantly. She’s letting your leg drop from her shoulders without a care, leaving you a panting naked mess while she removes her clothes. 
You thought to pitch yourself. Perhaps, you were sleeping, in some form of dream. But with each layer that was removed from your captain’s body causing you to gawk at her beauty—you realized that this was real. That you were about to have the privilege to see the head of the Shihouin clan bare, nude, naked…and your mind was spinning at the thought. Your heart was bouncing around your chest as quickly as it was beating. Even if the woman snatched your orgasm away as if it merely was a privilege, you felt yourself grow wet at the sight of her. Her toned physique made your mouth water. From the way her body curved elegantly without her trying. The perkiness of her breast to the dark shade of her areola. 
In such a provocative position, your cheeks heat instantly as she’s positioned herself in between your legs. The warmth feeling of her clit on yours sent a chill down your spine. It did not cause fear to tremble your bones, but more so a chill that was pleasurable—completely enjoyable. You squirmed under her touch, yearning for some form of friction on your throbbing clit. Desperately bucking your hips impatiently. 
“Settle down, kitten. I’ll give you what you want if you say please.” Her eyes stared down at you, wet clit kissing yours as she waited for you to beg. 
“Please.” Your words came out like a plea for mercy. 
And as promised, she gave you what you wanted. Hips rocking just to feel the pleasurable feeling of your clit on hers. 
You wanted to question God, how could you be so lucky? How can you be so lucky to be able to utter Yoruichi’s name like a sweet bird tune while her clit rubbed against your own? How can you be so lucky to see the way her plush lips spread apart to let out a moan of satisfaction? 
You didn’t mind how tight she was holding your thighs apart just so her clit can rub against yours even faster. The only thing you cared about at the moment was the fact that you had Yoruichi in between your thighs. The thoughts about how this was breaking some form of unwritten rule were pushed further to the back of your head as each rock of her hips and each pornographic sound of heated skin rubbed against each other. How can you even think about rules when she was talking to you like this? 
“That feels good, kitten?” When she navigates her hips in a circular motion. 
“Be a good girl and cum for me one time,” She’ll coo. 
How can you think about rules when you were about to cum merely by her rubbing her clit on yours? 
When you made eye contact with her, you felt your stomach engulfed in a feeling you hadn’t felt before. The force of your orgasm was piling up in the pit of your stomach, but that didn’t stop Yoruichi. Her clit still happily rubbing against yours without the fact that you were holding back an orgasm. 
“Fuck.” The woman utters under her breath, this time her nails dug into your soft brown skin leaving a crescent moon mark. Her eyes shifted close before her rocking upon your clit grew a bit sloppy. A spasm of humps upon your clit like a cat in heat before she finally came undone. 
Here that thought of privilege you felt returned. The mere sight of Yoruichi when she was coming down from an orgasm felt like a dream. It felt so unreal, but when your hands went to grasp her sweat-coated body, you knew that this happened. With one harsh rock of her hips and intense eye contact with you, you finally felt your legs tremble in ecstasy. Completing cuming together in tune like lovers who've known each other’s bodies for centuries before she’s plopping down next to you.
You had to transfer divisions, immediately. 
Before this gets even more out of control. Or worse, you have one of your blacked-out episodes.
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⤷‧₊˚ cuties that wanted to be tagged | @honeybleed @ayyy-pee @tojiscumdumpster @salaciousdoll @shamelesshoefairy @lunerenzo @antizenin @aizens-third-leg @strawhatsav @batmanslittlelover @hiiighforthiss @neesieiumz
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acesofspadess · 1 year
This Is The Voice
a/n: everyone needs some more Niall
summary: you're the mega mentor, and Niall doesn't know that
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“This is the last knockouts ill ever get to coach and im really excited because our mega mentor this season is one of the greatest singers and people of all time.”
“Shes a legend in the industry.”
“She is an EGOT”
“So the mega mentor this season is……… Y/N L/N! Or Horan to Niall”
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“Well this like a full circle moment for me. You were here as Adams advisor in the first season and now you are mega mentor in my last season.” blake looked down at 29 year old you who was reminiscing. “What does that say about our relationship.”
“That whenever you're here I lose.” you laughed at him as he shook his head. “You let yourself lose to an 18 year old Blake.” his eyes widdend at that, “Oh man, i forgot you were only 18. I feel so old. And now your married too.” he shook his not wanting to think about it any more.
“You still havent seen Niall yet?” Kelly and you had a moment to chat before the artist came in. “no and I feel so bad. I've been super slow on my answers to his text. I just want to hold him.”
I've know Y/N since she was around 18, we got to perform together in Vegas almost 12 years ago.
“Im so glad it's Blake’s last season. Hes just had a very good vibe.” Kelly filled you on some behind the scenes.
“Oh thats good, he really can be a pain sometimes.
And I've also been able to work with her and tour with her and learn from her. Shes so young and has taught a lot of artist with singing and being on stage. I love that all these artist are gonna get that same experience today.
There was a knock on your dressing room door and you opened it to see Chance. “Y/N!” He cheered as he opened his arms up for a hug. You laughed and thanks the heavens you werent wearing heavy makeup as he was wearing white. 
Y/N… shes a legend in the industry. Grammy award winning artist.
“And when was the last time i saw you?” you laughed at his question. “Probably Grammy’s 2020…?” he shook his head, “how could i foget miss album of the year.
Her being a top tier artist for so long and having so many experiences is something that we could all grow from. 
After Chance had run down his artist for you, you waited for them to come in and laughed at whispers you heard. “Well hello there, I love your hair.” you told Nariella whose hair was similar to your ginger colour. “I actually got the idea from you.” you both laughed and whispered an ‘i like you already’. 
I just think its so amazing for her to be here and represent black women and girls. Shes definitely someone i look up to.
It was finally time to see your love. Niall was supposed to be meeting Riley… but you didnt let that happen. You were facing the camera, your back facing the direction Niall would walk through. 
“Riley Tate-”
You turned around at the sound of his voice and he immediately stopped talking. “Hi love.” you  were smiling so hard at his reaction to seeing you before he scooped you up in a hug and twirled youn around.
“Why are you here- wait. Your da mega mentor?” his accent was thicker because of the surprise and you loved it. 
I mean to work with Y/N L/N the queen of pop… im getting goose bumps thinking about it now, its just amazing being in her presence 
Thats your wife Niall
Say it again 
“Well now that your here i was going to ask you if you wanted to come to a golf course with me.” Niall had his head on her shoulder and he could feel the laugh that came from her at his words.
Shes an absolute legend, and she teaches me something everyday, i cant wait for her to teach my team.
“Alright love, Gina, shes really shy, reminds me of you when you came to write for the band.”
Niall laughed his beautiful laugh as you hid your face in your hands. “Don't remind me.”
“You might have to tell her to speak up.” you nodded at the information and were ready to see her. “And then she sings, and a different person comes out, a lot like you.” you cooed at his comparison seeing how much Gina meant to Niall.
“Now Kates kinda got the jazzy, Amy Winehouse-y vibe.” you ‘oo’ed’ at the information. “Lets see what they got.”
You watched as they walked around the corner and saw them subtly freak out at seeing you. You got up from your seat with the help of Niall(not that you needed it but he always held his hand out for you).
“Look who ive got!” Niall cheered from behind you as the girls gave you hugs.
I saw the ginger hair and Niall leaning on her and was like- please… ITS Y/N”
“How are you?” you asked hugging them both.
I was not expecting Y/N to be in the room with Niall. I was very starstruck.”
“Im gonna sing ‘somebody that i used to know’,” Gina shared her song and you marvelled at the softness of her voice. “Im very close to my dad, and he was a DJ and that was a song he always loved.”
“Thats beautiful Gina truly.”
Listening too her sing brought chills to your skin. 
You cheered as she finished and let Niall say what you know hes been holding in.  “And that sass that youve got this week.” Niall admired with a little laugh. “Really?” you loved how she went from this marvellous singer to this soft spoken girl. “I wasnt expecting that.” Gina thanked Niall before she looked at you and you shook your head.
“You gave me chills seriously, the only thing is ‘for lack of better wording’ understanding your words.” you watched as she took the advice and applauded her silently knowing if you were in her possician you would have certainly started crying.
“Yeah keep those words separate. Its very easy to go-” and you watched as he broke off his words in example. “You know what I mean. So give your self a bit of space.”
“I like that bub. I like that a lot.” 
You listened to him sing the words slowly and closed you eyes in sereness. “That staccato.” you pitched in. “her first audition to right now,” he looked at you threading his fingers with yours, “completley diffrent person.” you laughed softly squeezing his had. “I was just like you when i started, you can ask him.” he kissed your temple lightly in admiration, “she still is. Cant give her a compliment without her hiding away. Huh, beautiful?” you did as he knew you would and tucked your face into his neck. “See.” 
You turned your head to watch Gina and Kate play fight as theu swapped places. “I really wish you guys liked each other.” you joked sitting up properly. “I know so much hatred in here.” Niall joked back with you adjusting in his seat. “Its just awful.” Niall lost it, throwing his head back in laughter, letting you hear his laugh again. That would always be your favourite song. 
“Ooh we've got a guitar.” you saw the shaped guitar and immediately fell in love. “Its my baby.” Kate spoke. “Gonna have to get me self one just like that,” you all laughed before Niall looked at the gap between your seats and pulled your seat closer to his. You grabbed his hand and kissed it before looking back up at Kate. “what song are gonna sing love.” you asked as Niall sat back in his seat. “Im singing ‘Call Me’ by Blondie.”
“Oh lets hear it.” 
Kate had the stage presence of a lifetime. “Very good!” you clapped proudly. “Thank you.” you smiled as Niall began to speak. “My favourite parts are when its chilled.” You agreed with him softly as he continued to speak. “Dont stay with the-” Niall sang in a high pitch for example and you nodde your head. “Towards the end it gets a bit crashy for me. I wonder if there's a way of toning it down?” he looked to you for advice. “Tone down the crashing for more like ‘TOMS’ or something like that?” you offered and he took it. “Yeah so we can offer some more jazziness.” he agreed while drumming in the air, “you wanna come back up Gina?” You smiled widely hearing the softness and joy in his voice when he talked to her. “Im thrilled to pieces. I asked a really close friend of mine when were younger, who is now very successful, what is the best piece of advice you can give me. He said ‘have fun’. So i hope your having fun and getting to meet people that youll remain friends with forever.”
You watched Gina and Kate turn to each other and you hugged yourself. “Awwe that makes me so happy.” Niall grabbed your hand and held it in the air. “And one day you might marry them.” you all laughed before Niall spoke up again. “You're the best ladies.” you watched as they walked away and Niall rested his head on shoulder again. “I love you. You're amazing.”
“I love you too Ni.”
Niall taglist:
@youcan-nolonger-run @ravenclawdirectioner
@luxiorchive @maeflowers653
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Hi! I love your writing. I am a new Niall stan and am currently playing catch up and your blog has been great for that.
Anyway, I was hoping I could request Niall x reader kissing while watching fireworks? Thank you!
On A Night Like Tonight
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(First of all: Allow me to welcome you to the fandom lovely!!! Second of all: Thank you so much for requesting!!! Third of all: THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING!!! I hope you enjoy!
Summary: It’s your 3 year anniversary and Niall has big plans for the night.
“Niall! Where are you taking me?!”
He laughs and continues to slowly push me forward, his hands gripping my shoulders so guide due to the blindfold he insisted I wear.
“Relax, Petal! We’re almost there! Just hold on a little longer. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
I groan and slow my footsteps, the only thing guiding me was the feeling of the grass on my feet. He walk for a few more yards and he finally stops.
“Okay Y/N. Are you ready?”
“Yes! Please! I want this thing off!”
He laughs and removes my blindfold, and I let out a gasp. In front of me lies a large blanket with a picnic basket, my favorite foods lying all over the blanket. I turn to Niall, tears threatening to spill.
“W-What’s this for..?”
He smiles and pecks my lips softly.
“Happy anniversary Petal…”
I smile and hug him tight, Niall wrapping his arms around my waist in return.
“You so over did it! You didn’t have to do all this!”
He laughs and shakes my head, saying nothing more as he drags me down the field and to the blanket he had set up. We sit down and he pours me a glass of champagne and hands it to me before pouring his own.
We start to eat and talk and after awhile, it grows dark and the stars become clear. We lay down and cuddle up, watching the stars in the sky when all of a sudden, there’s a loud boom of a firework. My whole body jumps and Niall laughs.
“What the actual-.”
“Calm down, Petal! It’s all good! Just keep watching.”
I roll my eyes and lay back down, now watching the fireworks, a small smile on my face. That is until I realize that the fireworks are spelling out something.
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“Will.. You.. Marry.. Me… Niall- are you serious?!”
When I turn to him, he’s sitting up, a ring box in his hand. I sit up, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
“Marry me Y/N… I love you. I have for a long time and I’ll continue to love you. I don’t want another day without you. I want kids, I want everything. With you…”
I start to cry, no doubt ruining my mascara as I wrap my arms around him tightly.
“Yes you idiot! Of course I will!”
He laughs and hugs me tight. We pull away after a minute and he slips the cold ring on my finger before placing a soft kiss on my lips. He pulls away and we lay back down, the fireworks in the sky now flashing even brighter. We cuddle up and he holds me close, and I know, it won’t be the last.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed! Hopefully I’m out of my funk! Please like and reblog!
Tag list
@be-with-me-so-happily @swiftmendeshoran @babyiamperfectforyou @freedomfireflies @kaminokatie @harrysmimi @violetsandfluff @fruitmans @fruitmansrecs @rafaaoli @kimmi-kat @erggggggggg @cayleyhannha-blog @acesofspadess @that-mcu-fan @styles-barnes-bitch @purple9950 @itslottiehere
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stellatekintsugi · 2 months
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Niall Horan
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the-ace-with-spades · 1 month
u/flyin'cowboy posted in r/relationships
Jake Seresin's Adventures on Reddit - includes Jake being dumb and confused about his kinda-but-not-really sexuality crisis, reddit detectives, and internet strangers making fun of him
or an unserious addition to the (sometimes I feel) like a monkey pilot fic, aka my trans Bradley fic
chapter 4 and 5 are up:
r/asktransgender  u/flyin’cowboy • 1d. Ago About to have sex for the first time with my transgender boyfriend? (advice) 🔞NSFW Or at least I think I might be. Not to make this complicated, but my (M31) boyfriend (FTM32) is transgender and I’m not sure how to navigate this. For context, we used to date (he’s technically my ex-girlfriend) and then he broke up with me and transitioned and we met again years later and he’s a guy now. We started dating again about three weeks after we met again and it’s been going well so far — we went out a few times, but mostly with our friend group (we always had some time alone though). Today, we’re finally going out just the two of us and I’m planning on taking him home tonight and hoping I’ll be lucky. If nothing happens, that’s fine to (I plan on spending my whole life with him so it’s not like we don’t have time) but I’d like to be preapred.
r/relationships  u/flyin’cowboy • 4hr. Ago I (M31) fucked up with my boyfriend (M32) - what do I do now? (relationships) So, I've posted about him here and here. The gist of it is, my ex (and the love of my life) left me unexpectedly a few years back, we met again a few weeks back but my ex-girlfriend is now a guy — he’s trans and transitioned soon after we broke up. I still don’t getit exactly, but a big reason why he left me is that he was trans (??) and didn’t think we’d be together if he came out?? Now, we’ve been back to dating the past few weeks and it wasn’t going perfect but I felt like we’re slowly making progress to get back to the point we were at when he broke up with me. We went out on our first solo date (no friends around, just the two of us) and I thought thinks were going good. Apparently not.
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siobhanbooks · 4 months
watching the idea of you and had a great fic idea
Fourth Wing boyband AU
Xaden, Garrick, Bodhi, and Liam are all in a boyband (like 1D or 5SoS)
Other people could be solo artists or in other bands and groups or whatever.
potential ships: riorgail, immrick, bodoc, bodhiam but people could have others if they want
If people want to steal this idea, please do because I have no idea if or when I would ever write this. Just tag me so I can read it because it's already starting to nag at my brain.
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ziamhaze · 1 month
What do you think of the disappearance we've been having in terms of fanfic writers these days, there really seems to be no new stuff to read and on Wattpad, at most there are 2 accounts that actively post or update. Do you think fanfics are going to die out or will we soon have new writers again with a desire to support this fandom with a drought of new reads?
Ironic of me to be answering a question like this after having received it so long ago…
Honestly, I think it’s all a numbers game.  Meaning, as the fandom gets smaller, the odds of having people who are inclined to write fanfic also shrinks.  Many might argue that the fandom hasn’t shrunk at all, that it’s actually the same as it once was, just less concentrated on Tumblr.  And, looking at how big of venues each of the boys are playing as solo acts, I can easily see the justification for this line of thought.
However, these types of fans vary greatly.  Most are there purely for the music and less for the deep-rooted lore and/or close-knit interactions within the fandom.  Their involvement within ‘fandom’ as a whole, probably doesn’t stretch any further than a tweet or video share.  I think it’s also pretty fair to assume that the type of fandom that this is - one based around music - doesn’t illicit the same type of fanwork that say an anime or novel might.
There’s also the amount/type of content that exists to keep fueling the fandom.  There’s nowhere near as many interviews or photoshoots or candids as there once was to inspire fics.  It takes a lot more self-discipline and yearning for creative exploration to start something on your own.
Mix all of this together and I think the current 1D fanfic landscape is sadly here to stay.
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