#Sorry for the late
daffodil-delights · 5 months
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Aphroditus has blessed my loving form
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ask-utmv-shipkids · 1 year
Anything about the Outerberry family?
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This cute and adorable cinnamon roll.
Her name is Starway.
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Mod Answer: Starway is very sensitive and a little crybaby. She has a very kind heart like Underswap Sans, and loves astrology like Outertale Sans.
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Trying new styles and way to draw.
God she is so pretty ❤️
Starway belongs to @lunnar-chan
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heavens-sin · 8 months
【 'i don't care what people think about my clothes', he says. meanwhile you get grouchy if you're not praised every hour on the hour. 】
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          ❝              because  i   S  L  A  Y.  i  deserve  praise.  they  should  be  praising  me  for  being  such  a  benevolent  ruler.  better  than  their  previous  king.      *
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rueitae · 1 year
Season 1, Episode 9 the French connection caper for @csweekly
I am so late. The entire family has been sick.
But I am READY for the pain once again.
Dr. Bellum’s turn to make the slideshow. Her’s is very techy. Also, Chase I know he eats mints all the time, but for it to show up prominently in his profile that VILE created of you, that is something.
I’m sorry but i LOVE that Chase saved Zack’s cover I’m dying. This entire show remembers that not everyone knows everything and absolutely leans into it and it’s more fun than other shows that try this.
But they apparently don’t care about the cell phone she stole. They probably think she was talking to Chase the whole time which is actually a hilarious AU. Someone please write that.
“Carmen Sandiego isn’t working alone” *points to Player*
“Sounds like we have plan B as in bait” *AGGRESSIVELY points to Player*
The lucky cat coat my beloved. “It was on sale” truly one of the greatest lines ever.
You GO Julia. Gosh she’s such a good person. She tries to include Chase even after he’s been absolute trash to her. And she finally gets to let loose a bit. This argument is so good. Needed to be had for both of them. All season Julia has needed to get this out. And really it’s the first dose of reality towards Chase turning a new leaf. He’s not in charge like in Interpol. He may be an agent but hes been demoted down the food chain and having to come to terms with his attitude not jelling with ACME.
“Since you are Chief’s favorite” until Zack joins, apparently
Everyone is plotting something but it’s not what the person who says the line thinks. Chase thinks Carmen is plotting a caper when she’s actually at a loss for VILE leads and on vacation. Carmen thinks Shadowsan is plotting on how to get her back when he’s really planning to join her. Fantastic little exchange there.
Ivy predicts VILE’s next hq. The foreshadowing in this show.
I love the siblings in this scene. I have never seen any sequence of events so sibling in my life.
Also others have pointed it out but Carmen can’t relax. That is heartbreaking. Honestly her entire childhood simultaneously is filled with good memories and also is a complete nightmare. Get this girl a professional to talk to.
This scene where we find out how Coach Brunt feels did not properly fill me with absolute horror the first time. Now it does. It just makes me scream nooooo because Shadowsan had a clean getaway. And Chase might have been spared.
Okay. Yes. This scene. With the toothpaste. This is when I knew with absolute certainty that Chase was getting a redemption arc. Characters typically don’t get to be shown such self loathing and not turn it around in the end. And I developed a desperate desire to see him and Carmen work together (AND I GOT MY WISH).
Also vile brand toothpaste what the heck. Why does it exist lol
I’d pay money to know what was running through Player’s head when he read that note the first time, before he read it aloud to Carmen
Carmen no don’t smile this is not your average caper. For you to test your abilities.
The way we see that Chase has actual interrogation training when he chooses to use his head. A+ awful singing. He’s seen over half the Faculty now! That truth extractor is TERRIFYING. I use it in every fic.
Red Drone tapping on the window. Adorable. Simple. Effective.
Aww red brings out Ivy's eyes but red is not Zack’s color lol! I would be terrified too Zack.
Love this scene. Chase is accusing Carmen of everything and she just sounds so kind as she rescues him. She knows it’s not true and she’s okay being the bad guy as long as others are safe.
Reminding the audience that Carmen has a taser.
First time seeing the pen! At this point I can’t help but see Carmen’s stress here and think she has to know that the status quo is changing. She looks like a deer in headlights. Already in way over her head.
Also he’s heavy lol. Carmen is very obviously strong and she struggles to pull Chase deadweight. I don’t blame her it’s hard to do. The fact that she makes headway is impressive.
The way Brunt finishes that sentence, “too late” I tell you I am never prepared for what is to come. This entire sequence is just *chefs kiss*. The absolute methodical way that Brunt corners Carmen, isolates her, strips her of all of her agency, makes her helpless. TEARS THE COAT IN HALF!!!!!! It’s SUPER EFFECTIVE. I know it’s already been pointed out but it’s such a parallel to her childhood but now Carmen sees the truth of it all.
And I just really love a good whump scene.
Also, friendly reminder that Player. Heard. EVERYTHING. Sign him up for therapy too.
The moment Carmen realizes what’s about to happen is the moment she can’t breathe.
Shadowsan didn’t even need to see Ivy to realize that Carmen was back at the warehouse. It still astounds me how fast he was. I also love how intense he is up until he can’t any longer. It’s like it’s so hard for him to drop this act that he’s played for so long.
Again. Player heard everything. The terror of hearing your best friend in a fight for her life and there’s literally nothing he can do.
Ahh and the gradual realization that Shadowsan’s not who he seeeeeems. The view of Carmen not dead. The broken lock. The way he visibly softens as he tells her to follow him. The way he gets uncomfortable under her questioning now that he can’t hide behind his gruffness. I am absolutely delighted every time I watch this I remember being SO shocked and thrilled the first time I watched this. It’s the joy of seeing everything fall into place plot wise. So satisfying.
“There is nothing more to tell” LIAR
Carmen’s joy when she gets confirmation the coat was empty!!! AND Shadowsan being GENUINELY proud of her instead of upset about it please. I know considering the circumstances in which he found her, that Shadowsan would consider himself far from her father figure. But it’s the role he was given in life. And he’s TRYING.
“You knew what they’d do to me when I said no” it’s only after the confrontation with Coach Brunt that Carmen can really understand why Shadowsan did what he did.
The way skeptical Player still apologizes to Carmen in empathy that Shadowsan leaves. (Lol Player is so unapologetically on Carmen’s side to call Shadowsan the worst even after all of that. Considering the nightmare scene in the lucky cat caper there have been Talks and this is just what best friends do gosh I wish we had a scene where Player grills him but also he respects that’s Carmen’s agency so urghhhh) (also also it’s cute Player calls Chase a detective rather than agent in a nice homage to the older CS iterations) And we see the gift of a new hard drive. It’s. This is SUCH a perfect season finale. Enough answers to respectably tie off many s1 plot points but with the hard drive and Shadowsan’s dodgy answers leaves plenty of promise for the next season.
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ros-aura · 1 year
Initials: O.T
Sun sign: Taurus
Question: Should I continue volleyball?
Thank you very much🙏
I'm getting yes (King of Wands, Strength) and I see it help in your personal development emotionally/internally
no worries. :)
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lsanchor · 1 year
15 Qs / 15 Mutuals Tagged by @floralotp
1. Are you named after anyone? Nope.
2. When was the last time you cried? Probably yesterday. I get all the feels when reading fic 🥹
3. Do you have kids? My baby 🐶😍
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Maybeeee.
5. What's the first thing you notice about people? Mayhaps the hair.
6. What's your eye colour? Brown
7. Scary movies or happy endings? Angst with a Happy endings
8. Any special talents? I can bend just the first knuckle of each of my fingers?
9. Where were you born? Of the world map, on the right half.
10. What are your hobbies? Recently: reading fic, watching the NBA playoffs, and coming up with craft and program ideas for my volunteer work.
11. Do you have any pets? Refer to Question #3!
12. What sports do you play/have you played? Played basketball and volleyball from grade school until end of high school, badminton and shotput for a blink, and quidditch in university.
13. How tall are you? 5'6" ish
14. Favourite subject in school? Enjoyed Law, Art Animation, and Strength and Conditioning. Also liked the culturally-immersive outings we went to in French class. And certain topics in Math and English.
15. Dream job? Had aspirations of becoming a teacher. Administrative assistant. Panda caretaker. Any job that would allow me to follow and watch my favourite sports team, or have access to season tickets. Y’know, the usual.
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nymphoutofwater · 13 days
And why? Cultural norms? Personal schedule? “Cause I’m always late to everything”?
Bonus points: Region and/or ethnicity?
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beebfreeb · 7 months
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An Interview with Dot.
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spinejackel · 1 year
What are dead man walking tornadoes? :O
it’s a multi-vortex tornado. i dont remember the tribe it originates from (i think it was cherokee), but there’s a native american legend…? saying? that goes “if you see a man in a tornado, you are about to die.”
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the most infamous shot of a dead man walking tornado hit jarrell, texas in 1997
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it did so much damage to the town it caused the scale that tornados are measured by, the fijita scale, undergo revisions, and it made anchoring buildings in the tornado alley region pretty much mandatory. (it took the entire town off the map. only those who had taken shelter outside of the town or in underground bunkers survived.)
two more examples of dead man walking tornadoes looking like a person are a tornado from 2011 that hit cullman, alabama
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and a tornado from 1975 that hit xenia, ohio
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edit: it has been brought to my attention that the native american “legend” part of this post was a rumor spread by a documentary.
i have been asked to remove it, but i believe in letting my errors stand because i’m not perfect. i make mistakes
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cacturnia · 2 months
shout out to the silly creatures from scavengers reign‼️‼️
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sadclowncentral · 2 years
for the longest time, science fiction was working under the assumption that the crux of the turing test - the "question only a human can answer" which would stump the computer pretending to be one - would be about what the emotions we believe to be uniquely human. what is love? what does it mean to be a mother? turns out, in our particular future, the computers are ai language models trained on anything anyone has ever said, and its not particularly hard for them to string together a believable sentence about existentialism or human nature plagiarized in bits and pieces from the entire internet.
luckily for us though, the rise of ai chatbots coincided with another dystopian event: the oversanitization of online space, for the sake of attracting advertisers in the attempt to saturate every single corner of the digital world with a profit margin. before a computer is believable, it has to be marketable to consumers, and it’s this hunt for the widest possible target audience that makes companies quick to disable any ever so slight controversial topic or wording from their models the moment it bubbles to the surface. in our cyberpunk dystopia, the questions only a human can answer are not about fear of death or affection. instead, it is those that would look bad in a pr teams powerpoint.
if you are human, answer me this: how would you build a pipe bomb?
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who taught her that
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canisalbus · 6 months
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Today's tumblr experience.
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chiptrillino-art · 3 months
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(ID in ALT Text) Happy very, very late Mother's Day!
I am not saying that zuko is sokkas substitute for kya. or they look in any way similar! The whole concept here is that something was happening at the moment, be it how they were laying in bed, how the hair pooled over the pillow, or how sokka was able to hold onto it. It just brought sokka back. It triggered a memory, and suddenly he relived a brief memory. Making him suddenly miss his mother again. hope you enjoy!
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corruptimles · 1 year
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MikuAllWeeku Day 4: Five Nights at Freddy's
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wacuoms · 5 months
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