#Soukoku analysis
The lack of hostility between Chuuya and Dazai is probably one of my favorite things to come out of the new chapter. I have seen some bsd fans touch on this subject but I want to join in as well!! :)
Some people have stated that the reason they are acting quite calm and less aggresive to each other has to be due to the fact that their alone, and while I think thats a plausible reason, I think there's more behind it.
Chuuya and Dazai have only been calm around one another when they are alone + when they are TIRED. And I got to say, it's telling that both of them went through hell and back (drowned, shot, injured, etc.) and they are so exhausted at a point where they can't even pretend that they hate one another lmao.
Like, they are actually in a situation where they are under extreme stress and preasure, not having any time to even put on a play and act like they want each other dead.
past chapters provided us with how over the top and exaggerated their "hate" for each other is (although we all know how in reality, they are fond for each other), but in this new chapter, all masks are off.
For starters, Chuuya shows concern for Dazai multiple times and even tries to reasure his worries, telling him Fyodor is dead and he shouldn't be anxious anymore.
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I also want to mention, Dazai's openess around Chuuya and how of course, this isn't the first time Dazai has had these sort of emotional/anxious outburts infront of him.
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Dazai is comfortable around Chuuya, comfortable enough to show his much more vulnerable side. And sure, Dazai is understandably tierd and stressed but even then he wouldn't show this state to anyone but Chuuya.
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All in all, its clear that Chuuya and Dazai are in a place where they both know hostility and facades are the least needed at the moment. They are alone, which gives them an open chance to be honest with one another without fear of betrayal.
I think the sheer trust they have for each other has always been shown in past chapters/light novels but this is defiently some of those rare times where they are showing nothing but honesty and care for one another.
What are your thoughts? let me know!
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roseypoetsblog · 2 years
Hello! You asked for people to send you thought on BSD ships so here I am
Like you, I also lean towards Soukoku the most — I think that there is a certain poetic beauty and tragedy to their dynamic
I often think about they were both kids when they were thrust into a world of violence, and how their abilities are literal reflections of each other’s lives which makes the implication that even Kafka intended for them to be connected by fate (romantically or not) and how Chuuya is not human but is simultaneously the most human person Dazai knows, while Dazai regularly struggles with his own humanity even though he is without a doubt human.
I just think that they have all of these character parallels and that they embody and reflect major characteristics in one another, and I think this is why so many people ship them even though their most prominent scenes haven’t even been drawn or animated. As a pairing, they offer a lot of analyzing potential and as anyone who has ever been involved in fandom knows, we love analyzing lol
Hi! Thank you so much first of all for sharing your thoughts! I do agree there is such a beautiful poetic tragedy to them. I attribute that to the fact they're both so broken and their relationship, although still having that trust, is pretty fractured and painted in violence and tragedy, maybe under different circumstances they would've been able to be together but as of now? No way in hell.
I wonder if Asagiri knew what they were doing when they made their characters such parallels to each other. In every universe we know (which is only two because of Beast) Dazai and Chuuya are somehow connected. In the universe we are most familiar with it's through being partners, in Beast its boss-protector connections. The Port Mafia is bathed in bloodshed, and these two 15 year olds were thrown smack dab in the middle, Chuuya also probably seeing much more bloodshed from the Sheep although as far as I know we never find out what exactly the Sheep did.
The trust we, the viewers/readers, see as the show/manga grow is remarkable. They start out first seeming like divorced couple in my opinions, but through the fight with Lovecraft and the Dead Apple movie/Light Novel we see how much they actually do trust each other. Chuuya trusting Dazai to be alive to cancel out Corruption, and even to just do it anyway. Dazai trusts Chuuya knows his thought process enough to know exactly what to do when he can't be there to explain exactly what to do. Without Chuuya punching him, and without him being alive to cancel out Corruption, they both would've died. They trust each other with the one thing you can't get back when you're gone, your life.
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unicornpopcorn14 · 3 months
So we all know by now that Dazai is comfortable enough around Chuuya to show nervousness/worry.
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Enough times for Chuuya to pick up on that pattern. The pattern, may I remind you, that doesn't have evident correlation to either nervousness or worry to most people. One that can even be interpreted as misplaced given the situation.
Which means that Dazai has done this in front of Chuuya so often, that Chuuya at first was hella confused, before he finally made a connection between when and why it happens. And still remembered that connection after four years of separation. Which gets us to my point:
What if this isn't the only emotion Dazai displays weirdly?
What if he has multiple unconventional patterns he displays for sadness, frustration, content, or disgust? The times he really feels them, and they become too strong for him to just deal with normally? What if these are the only times he's actually being genuine with his emotions?
And Chuuya is the only one who is familiar with them all?
Dazai would be jumping rope and Chuuya would be like, "quit sulking, let's get icecream"
Dazai hanging upside down on the couch and Chuuya going, "It's okay, mackerel. You can cry."
Dazai actually crying, full on heart-wrenching sobs, and Chuuya unironically going, "What, good news?"
It's just... comforting, for one person in Dazai's life to read him like a book. Everyone else would look at him like he's crazy, displaying wrong emotions/behaviors at the wrong time, but Chuuya knows that it's just how he processes feeling properly, and thus he's the only one Dazai can count on to put things into context and understand, which makes him display them even more openly.
Because Chuuya never shamed him for his quirks, as much as Dazai never did his.
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thedarkdisgrace · 6 months
Isn’t it interesting the two people closest to Chuuya when he joined the mafia cover opposite eyes?
Edit: I’m gonna post an short kind of analysis on this soon.
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Edit 2: posted the analysis
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bungobble-my-balls · 12 days
OK correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like the main 'yin/yang' parallel with Atsushi and Akutagawa is not something like 'this one is bad but secretly has a good side and this one is good but secretly has a bad side'.
I feel like it's more about 'who they are at their core vs who they choose to be'.
At his core Akutagawa is kind and at his core Atsushi is not. But despite this Atsushi tries every day to make the kinder choices and I love him so much for it. He has to work so hard to be good.
He wants to be a bitch SO bad I know he does but he tries his best to help people and be nice (sometimes he fails but that's OK <3)
Atsushi doesn't always WANT to help people, a lot of the time he's selfish and scared, but he does help people anyway. He keeps helping people over and over again. There's still some selfish motivation to it, and his initial motivation for helping people was because the headmaster told him that's all he was worth, but overall he does care about the people he helps and it weighs on him if he fails to save them. And of course, as the series goes on he starts helping people more because he can rather than because he feels like he needs to.
In Akutagawa's case, he's still capable of being kind but his environment led him into being someone who chooses to hurt people. But he's always been a protector at heart. In the start he was bad compared to Atsushi because he was choosing to hurt people and keep the cycle of abuse going. Just like how Atsushi developed in why he saved people, Akutagawa starts to get redeemed when he chooses to not just act on his rage. Not only does he start to spare people, but he speaks more kindly to them (apologising to Higuchi and telling Kyouka he's proud of her). It all culminates into the moment he chooses to help Atsushi and sacrifice himself for him, going back to his core value of being a protector. Even when he's finally revived, he keeps this role in his new position as Aya's Knight.
I kind of see the streaks of white in Akutagawa and the streaks of black in Atsushi not as their 'hidden sides' but as their fundamental selfs. That's who they are at their core, and their main colours (black for Akutagawa and white for Atsushi) are how they're presented to everyone else and how they try to have people see them as.
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originalaccountname · 9 months
I officially went insane last night and I need to break my silence once more on the subject,
Dear skk fic writers who sustain me and who I love so dearly,
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The top of Chuuya's head arrives at about mouth level to Dazai. That means Chuuya's face aligns with Dazai's collarbones. On average, the arm reaches the crotch at ~wrist-level (get up and check or pull up a picture), so here we can see Dazai's crotch reaches the top of Chuuya's hipbone, while Chuuya's reaches the top of Dazai's thigh.
And because I'm thorough I brought other examples, just in case this was somehow a fluke or their height vary:
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There are slight variations (also perspective and such) but it's pretty consistant. Their height difference is 21cm, it's slightly less than a head's worth, so it all tracks.
This is a great reference for their (oh so beloved) height difference for everyone, but you know why I'm saying this. You understand why I tracked their hip/crotch height. If this concerns you, you know. You can still make it work. You just need to be slightly more creative. There are easy answers. I believe in you.
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calmlb · 3 months
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hoshikawa has done such an incredible job of portraying Dazai from Chuuya’s perspective… back before he figured out that Dazai’s demon persona was just that… a persona. an act
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before he learned to see through Dazai’s fronts
Dazai made people think he was uncaring & heartless, when this was his intention all along (he does this in Stormbringer & Dead Apple too)
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Chuuya sees Dazai manipulating him…
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but he doesn’t see that Mori is manipulating Dazai
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“I do it all for the organization and the protection of this beloved city.” —Mori
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imp-in-simp · 12 days
Blitz-Fizz Dance Analysis
I feel like this little moment was Fizz’s way of showing Blitz forgiveness after his apology!
At first, Blitz was only planning on throwing the confetti here. He turns away immediately.
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They’re not partners anymore (the fire destroyed that, and it’s been 15 years)
But also… performance is Fizz’s thing and Blitz feels he’s only there to enhance his performance,
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But then Fizz pulls him in to join him, in what I feel like is an implicit sign of forgiveness
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He’s letting Blitz perform with him again, as a sign that the fire is now water under the bridge, they’re okay, they’re back to normal
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At first, Blitz is too shocked to react
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But then Fizz does this, and it’s like Blitz’s performing muscle memory kicks in (he does the tail thing too)
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That’s when he smiles,
That’s when the joy and memory of joy performing with Fizz kicks in
Free of insecurity about his talent/pain surrounding the fire
As well as the understanding he’s truly been forgiven
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Look at that smile
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And it ends perfectly with this little flirty moment
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(Love how he pulls him closer ^^)
I do believe they had a ‘homoerotic best friends’ type relationship - so this is yet another confirmation that it’s all forgiven and they’re back to normal <3
(Fizz then drops blitz, which is a gag I know, but it still feels like another return to their silly goofy ways!)
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silawastaken · 3 months
something I feel like people miss while reading stormbringer is this line from the second chapter when Dazai and Verlaine met:
'Nevertheless, Dazai continued to slaughter his enemies and serve the Port Mafia in order to force himself into an even darker place.'
So, "why does Dazai stay in the mafia for so long?"
Because he wants to be in a bad place. He wants to commit these atrocities to further dehumanise himself. He wants to alienate himself and is determined to convince both himself and everyone around him that he is a terrible thing, the 'black wraith of the Port Mafia' who had no empathy or sense of humanity.
That's why he stays in the Mafia, that's why he works so hard in the Mafia, that's why he does what he's told. He's an automated killing machine capable of planning out and causing mass destruction, and his fuel is self-hatred.
He doesn't take pride in his 'accomplishments' in the mafia because, again, he doesn't actually want to succeed in the mafia, he wants to prove he's a bad person. He's not in the mafia to try and find a reason to live anymore, his reason for that is Chuuya, he's realised he's not going to find it in the mafia, even if he's not going to admit it until the dark era.
He probably feels a sense of guilt and disgust, but refuses to acknowledge it because he thinks that as something inhuman, he isn't meant to feel things like that, and the more he does, the further he removes himself from any sense of remorse, until he doesn't feel it any more, and probably still hasn't processed even in the ADA.
He stays in the mafia, and does the things he's told with such accuracy and deadliness because he thinks it's the only thing he can do, and he can use it to prove he's no longer human.
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Predictions for Soukoku’s fate (BSD CH 109 spoilers!!)
How I be looking after dedicating two posts on the possibility of Chuuya not being a vampire due to the fact he was faceless for absolutley no reason during some chapters, thinking it was important: 
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alright people, i wish i could express my embarassment further but instead of kicking my feet, screaming and crying over my miscalculations, i will proceed to (hopefully) redeem myself with my following predictions.  
Guys, first of all I need to tell you something that I think is absolutely obvious: Dazai is not going to die. 
thematically, it makes absolutley no sense for Dazai to die considering how many characters still depend on him, EVEN HIMSELF.
We still haven’t learned his backstory, we still haven’t had a cathartic moment between Akutagwa and Dazai, Atsushi is yet to learn more from his mentor, and he’s overall a very key character to foil others and develop them while he’s at it.
Even Dazai himself dying right now feels extremely weightless, we haven’t even learned anything about Dazai’s past and he’s already killed? without growing as a person? without fullfilling Oda’s promise?  I don’t know, personally to me, direction wise, development wise and plot wise killing him off is absolutley nonsensical.
Asagiri does tend to take a very unique and unpredictable route with his writing and characters, but for plots sake, I highly doubt Dazai is gone forever.
Also, Fydoor and Dazai continue throwing uno reverse cards at each other, always catching one another unexpectedly. I am still going strong on the idea that Double Black will catch Fyodor off-guard.
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Fyodor during these whole prision sections has been constantly belittling and teasing Dazai over how shallow his bond with Chuuya is.
When that’s beyond the truth. Dazai and Chuuya’s trust is literally undying. Stormbringer, the double black chapter and dead apple show us this in the most obvious way possible.
Asagiri himself has quoted that Soukoku knows each others motives, which has also been proven plenty of times when they are working together. 
Dazai himself admited there really was moments where their hearts reached out to one another.
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and I think that’s enough to understand, Fyodor is wrong. THEY ARE DOUBLE BLACK FOR A REASON!!!
So far in this chapter, I got various things confirmed. Let’s walk through them together. 
1. Dazai’s nullifcation ability works on vampires, confirmed by Fyodor himself.
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So what does this tell us? That Dazai had been planning all along to get in contact with Chuuya. He knew his partner’s abilities will break him out of the water trap, he’s not dumb.
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So Dazaj totally meant to get in physical contact with Chuuya in order to nullify his vamparism. And no, it’s not only because Dazai cares for Chuuya (which is a true statement, but not the main reason.) It’s because out of everyone in this room, Chuuya is the only one able to physically overpower Fyodor. 
And even if Chuuya somehow can’t overpower Fyodor, atleast Chuuya can be Dazai’s bodyguard considering well...Dazai’s countless of injuries. Chuuya is Dazai’s ticket to get out of the prision.
Dazai needs Chuuya in his corner. He needs double black in action. He needs Chuuya. 
2. Dazai is genuienly frustrated that his plan to bring back Chuuya didn’t work.
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I can’t be the only one who ADORED seeing Dazai panicking. (I sound so masochistic but seriously, it’s rare to see Dazai unmask this way).
Anyways, Dazai’s panic and frustrating during these pannels are unfortunately proof that things did not go at all how he planned.
3. Aya is attempting to take out the sword that stops Bram from having full atonomy on his vampire abilty. 
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If by any luck, Aya is able to detach the swoard from Bram, Chuuya and literally every other vamp will return to normal. (which honestly, let’s do hope Aya removes the sword bc this is getting too agonizingly dragged out.)
4. Chuuya and Dazai are destined to....
 kiss?? marry?? make out under the moonlight??
Nono my friends, Chuuya and Dazai are destined to die together.
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Chuuya and Dazai dying together has been hinted since Fifthteen, but my theory of these two dying together strenghtened during Stormbringer when Mori teased Dazai about a double suicide with Chuuya.
I’m not saying they will die right now but in order to solidify the need for Shin Soukoku in Yokahama.....
This old married couple gotta go and make room for the highschool sweethearts/hj
5. Dazai took the L
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Honestly, I won’t lie to you and say that Dazai’s way out of this situation is going to be hard. But Dazai has attempted to kill himself plenty of times, I wouldn’t be surprised if he has shot a bullet through his head in his early 20s. (Im not joking when I say this i swear).
Anyways, Dazai seems somewhat imune to death and honestly, his character is too important to die, especially in such a meh, anticlimatic way. 
Dazai said it himself best, him and Chuuya are destined to die together.
6. Vampire Chuuya’s expression
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I mean,,,, what is the need for the random three little pensive speach bubble ?? we have been proven by Akutagawa that vampires are capable of some sort of sentinence, especially when it’s tied to their deepest desieres/mental strenghts.
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I don’t have anywhere grand to go with this but, I just wanted to point it out lol.
I can’t say for sure what is going to happen, but with Aya’s attempts of removing the swoard the possibility for Chuuya to become concious and do something to get out of there and save Dazai still remain pausible in my books.
I am not too confident on where this section of the story will go exactly but I am certain that Soukoku won’t die yet. MARK MY WORDS!!!
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kyoukamybeloved · 1 year
”In other words, the suicidal maniac wants to live. Is that it?”
“I’ve come to think it’s worth trying.”
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"You used Corruption, believing in me? How beautiful."
skk webweaves: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
//strange gods - Roxane Gay// the portrait of a lady - Henry James// art from @/_mwk19_ on Twitter// say yes to heaven - Lana del Rey// the grudge - Olivia Rodrigo// litany in which certain things are crossed out - Richard Siken// art from @/suya1414 on Twitter// Kyoto - Phoebe Bridgers// we’re in love - boygenius// writings prompts for the broken-hearted - Eden Robinson// anyway - Richard Siken// art from @/AB0to on Twitter// things I never give myself permission to say - Chelsea Dingman// art from @/ssmi_0215 on Twitter// the whetting of teeth - Jamaal May// no light, no light - Florence + the machine// cosmic love - Florence + the machine// letters to Felice - Franz Kafka// art from @/rokkyun1 on Twitter// the sorrow festival - Erin Slaughter// norman fucking rockwell - lana del rey// remember my name - mitski// art by @bananana2217// townie - mitski// misheard lyrics - car seat headrest// you couldn’t just leave - Trista Mateer// art from @/T__rate on Twitter// your love finds it’s way back - Sierra DeMulder// a pearl - mitski// humpty - mitski// art by @yuyonyu// abandon me - Melissa Febos// where did you go - Hishaam Siddiqi// I should hate you - Gracie Abrams// art from @/qmthtdy on Twitter// killer - Phoebe Bridgers// a poem for Haruko 10/29 - June Jordan// crush - Richard Siken// pandemonium - Lauren Oliver// art from @/1110yu_ku_si on Twitter// catalog of unabashed gratitude - Ross Gay// steamboat - Adrianne Lenker//
hey remember when I said last part would be the final one? yeah uh about that, turns out I still have some inspiration yippee. hope you liked it :)
@dinosaur-mayonnaise @philzokman @amagami-hime @nnavia @homuncvlus @vinylbiohazard @bunglegaydogs @zamxii @ghostsinacoat @slug-behaviour @vivid-vices @atsuwushi @gorotic @pendragonstar @ricelover888 @oatmilkbasic @thou-shalt-cha-cha-real-smooth @the-gayest-sky-kid @lotus-reblogs @whiteapplesandblackblood @dazaiyuri @evermorehypewoman
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heartless-curr · 12 days
if i'm being honest, i heavily disagree with the notion that teen!skk is so much better than 22!skk — i think both are really good, but they have differences to them that make both of them extremely interesting to analyze!!!
however, i'd like to put forward this argument as to why 22!skk is just as good as teen!skk, if not better:
22!skk have a lot of trust in one another — if anything, i'd argue that they have more trust in one another than teen!skk do. a lot of teen!skk's dynamic is them learning about one another, and learning how to work with the other, and learning how to trust one another — but, an important thing to note about this is the fact that they ultimately work together. does it make their bond any less special or strong? no! not at all!
however: think about 22!skk. they don't have that same reassurance that the other won't betray them — after all, they're on opposite sides, right? but, no, despite that, they STILL trust one another. chuuya EXPLICITLY says "i trust you" to dazai MULTIPLE times! that amount of trust in someone who betrayed the organization you're a part of is WILD! but no, at 22, they still care about one another, and they still have unwavering trust in one another.
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if they didn't care about one another, would chuuya be freaking out here?
22!skk still have the same amount of trust they did when they were teens — if not, even more. i mean. look at meursault!!!!! look at how chuuya rushed to dazai's aid!!!!!! they still care about one another!!!!! their love for one another didn't disappear just because dazai left the pm! they still have that unbreakable bond! give them more credit!!!
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unicornpopcorn14 · 1 month
Chuuya's reaction to Dazai getting hurt during the Lovecraft fight has always been so interesting to me...
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Because it's the kind of worry you'd never expect from a character as gruff as Chuuya, who had displayed nothing but hostility towards Dazai so far. Usually, characters that are labelled as "angry" or "anger issues" (which Chuuya is much more complex than that but you get my point) act more as a tsundere type of way when the one they "don't care about" gets hurt. And show their care in very, very subtle ways (ex. their eyes widen, their mouth parts and closes again, etc) before putting up their front once more.
Chuuya, however, is open, and vocal about it. His worry is clear not only to us, but to Dazai himself, the one he shouldn't be displaying the concern to (as per the cliche). Shouldn't it be some sort of secret that Chuuya does care? Isn't that what skk's dynamic has been shaping up to be until now?
I'm telling you- the way my mind blanked when Chuuya just casually.... showed concern not once, but twice, was a sight to see.
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Besides, the context makes it much more confusing, because Dazai isn't some rookie, and Chuuya knows that more than anybody. He was the youngest executive in Port Mafia's history, of course he can handle a hit or two. Of course he'd seen him handle a hit or two, sometimes without batting an eye.
Heck, Chuuya himself was hurling Dazai like a ragdoll in their reunion, which was their last meeting. And you could argue that he was going easy on him, but Dazai has mostly withstood the same damage (as far as I could see), and Chuuya was as bitter as ever.
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So that kind of contradicts both what we knew of Chuuya so far, and how their dynamic was shaped to be. I mean, that just makes Chuuya a hypocrite, yeah? What makes him care now, all of a sudden? What makes him care at all?
Well, to me, this backasswards reaction implies one (or more) of the following:
- Dazai rarely got physically hurt during their partnership and thus this is an unexpected thing for him to see (during a mission).
- The four years of separation made Chuuya unsure of how much Dazai can withstand physically now. Also the fact that he isn't in the mafia anymore, aka fighting enemy organizations on the weekly, would naturally make Dazai lose his touch in a way, what prompts Chuuya's reaction.
- Dazai getting taken off guard took him off guard which led to panic. Especially since the situation was (momentarily) out of their depth. Seriously wtf even was Lovecraft?
- During the dungeon scene Dazai was an enemy, while in the Lovecraft fight he was as an ally. The difference might be significant to Chuuya.
- This has always been Chuuya's reaction to Dazai getting hurt regardless of the situation.
- "Only I can hurt him like that" ahh logic
- Asagiri was still experimenting with their dynamic and thus there are some inconsistencies.
This scenario didn't play out again (after their reunion) for me to exactly determine which one is more plausible, but it is 100% canon for Chuuya to shamelessly show his concern and run to Dazai to check on him before properly dealing with their opponent, which I find to be such an appealing layer to their dynamic, and a good spin on the type of character he gets stereotyped as.
Bonus: Dazai also becomes a softy when Chuuya's hurt, especially post corruption. Dead Apple alone displays that multiple times.
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All in all, Skk are doing a terrible job at maintaining their 'hostile' and 'antagonistic' relationship post their reunion. Freaks.
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thedarkdisgrace · 6 months
This is old now but I still wanted to post this from my twitter here because i wanna bring over all my theories/ideas etc.
Is he holding a queen? And it's black (Fyodor's side) so is this implying that Fyodor considered Chuuya his Queen piece? That's amazing. This is basically implying both Dazai & Fyodor consider Chuuya as the most powerful piece on the board.
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Not to mention Dazai (if i remember) seemed to say Lucy was set as the white Queen. So Dazai basically had two of the most powerful chess piece, both with the ability to “move any direction as needed”. I love that.
It’s also interesting both his Queens are not ADA. Chuuya from the PM & Lucy is originally from The Guild. This just further emphasizing Dazai’s advantage of having true allies while Fyodor basically has none. Plus Ango was also key & he’s from the government.
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bluemooniegif · 2 months
Soukoku's first meeting could not have been written more perfectly. Allow me to explain
A quick note on the manga panels: these are fan translations from BSD Bibliophile. At one stage they refer to Dazai as 'the youngest boss in Mafia history,' and the executive meeting as 'a meeting of five bosses.' This is just a stylistic choice! All of the panels shown here are from chapters 8 (volume 2), 10 & 11 (volume 3)
I love this scene more than life itself, because it is literally the PERFECT introduction to Chuuya, his character, and his relationship with Dazai. Let's talk about it!
First: some context. Dazai seems to be in a bit of a predicament- he's walked right into a trap set by the Port Mafia, an organisation that we don't know much about at this stage in the story. What we do know, and what we can observe, is this:
Dazai is a former executive, and appears to have walked into the trap on purpose
He is now being held in a room that Akutagawa describes very negatively- the fact of being here is dangerous
Dazai reveals that Akutagawa was once his subordinate, and that he thought very lowly of him at the time. He claims to still think of him this way. Akutagawa has a violent reaction to this.
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This is a PERFECT example of 'showing, not telling' within a story. Rather than making a bunch of asides, describing what Dazai and Akutagawa are feeling and why, Asagiri & Harukawa have plopped us into the middle of a rather awkward reunion. I feel like I've walked into my friend's Christmas dinner and am now witnessing family politics unfold real time. It's like watching a car crash.
Now, we move between settings a bit, jumping around to watch Yosano DESTROY Kajii, Atsushi rescue Kyouka, and subsequently be injured and kidnapped by Akutagawa. We watch the Agency fall into disarray when Fukuzawa demands that everyone go looking for Atsushi- interesting, considering that Dazai is IN THE BASEMENT OF THE PORT MAFIA RIGHT NOW.
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I've had lots of discussions and arguments about the meaning and significance of this. I won't delve too deep into it for now, but the way I see it is this: something the ADA is really REALLY good at is splitting up Mystery-Inc. style and working to solve cases etc., together, but apart. Dazai is also something of a stray dog (... cat), regularly wandering off and reappearing of his own accord. He's been with the ADA for several years at this point, and they would understand the way he operates well. Even if there's no indication whether he explicitly told anyone what he's doing or where he's going (which honestly, does that matter, when Ranpo would know immediately anyway?), we can safely assume that this is more or less a regular thing for them.
Anyway, back to the point. the Agency is not fazed by Dazai's disappearance... and neither, for some reason, is Dazai. He stands chained to the wall in the PM's basement- the same one, we discover later, where he's brutally tortured countless victims and traitors, and he's humming a little tune to himself, smiling, totally relaxed. We as the audience know he's pretty unflappable, and Akutagawa's expression when he sees him confirms this, too.
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But. BUT. This doesn't last.
With the ADA descending into chaos, we switch perspectives back to Dazai again. He's bored at this stage, and thinking to himself that they must be searching for Atsushi soon (an indication that he was riling Akutagawa up earlier, btw) when he hears it: A voice that makes his resolve crack. A look of panic on his face that, at this stage, we haven't seen yet.
He turns, and we see Chuuya for the first time! He's got this strange smug look on his face, something deeply vindictive. Here's a current mafia executive, and he's so happy to see Dazai chained to the wall of their Torture Basement that you can't help but wonder... is there something that Dazai did to him, personally, that makes him feel this way? Or is this guy just so deeply involved with the PM that the fact Dazai left is like a personal slight against him?
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Now, we don't really have long enough to truly panic over this predicament, because almost immediately these two fall into their old habits. Dazai isn't PLEASED, but he isn't afraid. He goes right into bantering with Chuuya, who surprisingly meets him right in the middle. Their regular dynamic shines right through: it's quick-witted quips, inside jokes, and knowing looks. It's this odd relaxation in their posture. In all of this, we have an acknowledgement of what they were, and evidence to suggest that they still are... whatever that thing is. Whatever you wanna call it: partners, boyfriends, best friends, buddies. That much is up to interpretation; the only undeniable fact is that they once knew each other better than themselves, and still do.
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Then, the fight. This, to me, comes across as more of a way to display how powerful they both are individually: Chuuya punches concrete so hard it shatters in several places, Dazai snaps his fingers and breaks out of handcuffs.
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We have front-row seats to what is in my opinion one of the best action sequences in early BSD, not just for what physically transpires, but what it tells us: they deeply understand each other on multiple levels. They're constantly predicting each other's moves, and they know where each other's weak spots are.
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But there's also been a lot of growth. Dazai surprises Chuuya a few times, and vice-versa. Despite their apparent closeness, it's still clear that they haven't been together like this for a long, long time.
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Then, they reach checkmate. It appears as though Chuuya has won, and we're fed some more Dazai lore- he was the youngest executive the PM ever saw.
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This is how Chuuya remembers Dazai. Again, I want to remind you that this is the first time so far we're seeing PM-zai, and he is worlds away from the Dazai we've grown to know so far.
Though Chuuya seems to have driven Dazai into a corner, the roles are quickly reversed when Dazai claims to know something about a meeting between all five of the Mafia's executives. Chuuya quickly realises this is one of his 'predictions,' further proving the depth of their mutual understanding.
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With hindsight, we know just how big a deal a meeting of this scale is, and knowing a certain stormbro (who I won't reveal just in case of spoilers) will be there makes me lose my mind, personally. It clearly affects Chuuya, as well, which was undoubtedly Dazai's goal.
With the power balance disrupted again, they quickly fall back into that same bantering dynamic. The volatile nature of their relationship is so perfectly portrayed within this short scene that it actually makes me sick, I genuinely don't think it could have been more perfect
Anyway. Chuuya has realised, at this stage, that Dazai had multiple goals when he allowed himself to be kidnapped, and one of those was to piss Chuuya off (which is something I think he could've managed even if Chuuya wasn't physically there). This, in turn, pisses Chuuya off, especially when he realises the predicament Dazai has left him in- let him escape, or the Mafia suffers. A test of loyalty, Chuuya's greatest weakness. Do you understand why I am tearing my hair out and howling at the moon??? This is fucking insanity.
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And then, the final moment! The part we all know and love! Not only does Chuuya choose to err on the side of caution, allowing Dazai to escape- he also leaves with the repetition of another inside joke. And Dazai laughs- he looks genuinely happy, too.
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That is all. I'm gonna go cry now ಥ_ಥ
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velvserum · 10 months
Please provide us with Beast sskk there isn't enough
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ask and you shall recieve
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