#Soundwave mimic
fruitful-gummies · 6 days
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Happy 40th Transformers G1 !!!!
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
I find the idea of Tarn existing in TFP absolutely hilarious because he would have a raging hate boner or be deeply, wildly in lust with Soundwave (and Megatron).
The gladiator that once tied with Megatron became his right-hand mech and a steady, unshakable pillar of Decepticon might.
Tarn wouldn't be Tarn without that Decepticon badge as his face mask, nor without his weird obsessions and extremism. He would probably dig hard into differences to shore up "openings."
Tarn's soft, eloquent prose to Soundwave’s Vow of Silence. Tank versus drone. A killer voice and a near mute telepath. Imposing power to lanky speed.
Of course, they would be foils to each other. Tarn's desperation for a scrap of attention for all of his devotion, whereas Soundwave is Megatron's very shadow of a sparkeater.
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lexisrobotcollection · 8 months
Sharing some Soundwave art I found (the artist is a massive inspiration to my overall style when it comes to transformers sbwuhwj)
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Momma Soundwave (credit to Theamazingspino)
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Might make a DC transformers Au if I feel up to it idk
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Meet the watchers family
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lets-try-some-writing · 7 months
Sparklings chirp. Birds chirp. Humans occasionaly too the mimics that they are. Cue bots and cons making fools of themselves
Cybertronians are known for their intelligence as a general rule. A technological species built for increadible adaptation and industry is not exactly the most likely to be fooled. However, there are a few things which are the most likely to trip them up across the board. The sound of a sparkling happens to be one of those things.
A sparkling has a unique signature sound that they develop a few cycles after their emergence. But a fresh sparkling does not have this signature song and instead spits out something akin to a chirp. It is simply meant to make noise as a sparkling tests their voice and develops their call. However this has in turn led to a few false alarms amongst Autobots and Decepticons.
Logically they all know that there cannot be sparklings on Earth. It is an impossibility. It is even more of an impossibility for a sparkling young enough to make a basic cry to be anywhere near and organic world. And yet, instincts are strong in those who have not seen a sparkling since the height of the war.
Arcee has tripped up more than a few times due to birds with calls just high enough to sound eerily similar to a smaller framed sparkling crying out for attention. She has, while tired, followed a few of these birds for several minutes before realizing her folly and turning back. No one will ever know, at least, that is what she tells herself. Soundwave knows everything.
Starscream doesn't like sparklings all that much as a general rule, or rather, he doesn't like the idea of any being around him during a war. He adores them in any other situation. Thus it was not hard for him to almost go nose diving toward the ground when a flock of birds got a little too close and had him frantically scanning the area in search of a fictitious sparkling before he figured out that it was just the organic fauna fragging with him.
Knockout had done more than a few hopeful rounds after hearing something small making a whistling almost chirp like sound while on patrol. He is fully aware that a sparkling being on Earth is impossible, but that hasn't stopped him from tailing such sounds only to end up very much disappointed when he finds a human messing around or some sort of bird chirping away. He wants to hope, and one can never be too careful. This has led to issues when Rafael made a squeak that bordered on a chirp during battle. Knockout almost dropped what he was doing to grab the boy on instinct before a punch brought him to his senses.
The bots at base have been led to panic on more than a few occasions when the children or even Agent Fowler whistled a little too high to be registered as normal. There has been scrambling and instinctual urges to coddle in response to the sounds. Surprisingly, Jack of all people has weaponized this to get Arcee's attention when he really wants it. He does not abuse this more than necessary. Rafael tends to accidently get Bumblebee to pick him up when he makes any sound a little too high pitched for comfort. Miko can't seem to get the whistle right, but Bulkhead has internally registered her attempts as her unique call and so he will respond anyway.
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weenwrites · 1 year
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Little Quirks About Them
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[ Please do not repost, plagiarize, or use my writing for AI! Translating my work with proper credit is acceptable, but please ask first! ]
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Given the fact he's still relatively new to this world, that means he absorbs information like a dusty, dry sponge would soak up water. He remembers a good majority of things you tell him, and there are even times where he repeats smart phrases that you've said before... Well, actually it may not actually be smart, but as long as he thinks it sounds smart, he'll repeat it in order to sound smart to his fellow cybertronians.
He even mimics any mannerisms that he thinks would make him look imposing, intelligent, and powerful. Like he'll put his hands on his hips and puff his chest out to look confident, or he'll cross his arms and scowl to look intimidating. Or he'll even put his hand to his chin in that thinking-emoji pose to try and look like he's thinking about something really deep even if he really isn't.
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Whenever someone says something he considers annoying, he'll repeat it to you later behind their back as he tells you about his day. And whenever he does it, it always gets a couple laughs out of you because the audio is distorted and of course purposely edited in a mocking way. (Think of that one "Optimus Remix" from "Minus One" S3E10)
But if the poor vehicon who's the butt of the joke walks in and starts arguing with him, (they won't be too gutsy for long) it always turns into some big laughing spectacle that you get to watch unfold.
"Stop copying me! It's rude!"
"sToP cOpYiNg mE! iT's rUdE!"
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He doesn't fuss too much over noise, but if possible, he usually prefers to work in complete silence. And I mean complete. Aside from the sound of lab equipment whirring or liquid chemicals bubbling, it's dead silent. He doesn't make any noise at all while working—he doesn't even talk to himself.
But if you happen to be in the habit of frequently asking him what he's doing, he'll eventually get accustomed to explaining what he's working on, and what his thought process is whenever he sees you pop into his lab. It usually goes waay over your head, but he tries to simplify it for you, so you can better understand.
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chubs-deuce · 6 months
hiii omgomg, i am literally hyperfixated/so obssessed w ur au rn. i found your blog/acc yesterday and i read all of ur posts AHHH omg… regarding dawn, what do you think her personality is if she grows up? would she be more of her mom or dad and in ur imagination what would her quirks be and etc? (sorry if this was answered already)
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To answer your question, I've technically already outlined a lot of my thoughts on her personality as she grows older in this post, but that was technically to a barely related question and more of a stream of consciousness that turned into a ramble xD
But obviously I don't mind pulling out some more if you'd like to indulge me a little lol.
When she's younger she's a lot more like her father - mischievous, fun-loving, spiteful and to a harmless degree even a bit manipulative (as in it's never to anyone's detriment) - but as she grows older, there's a lot more of her mother's sympathetic and protective passion coming through too.
Dawn as an adult is temperamental like her father but ultimately well-meaning and has a strong sense of justice - though unlike Charlie she doesn't shy away from breaking rules to get her way if needed.
She's the type of friend in a group that would go to the cashier and declare sternly that you've asked for no pickles and then proceeds to scare the eyerolling jerk behind the counter into compliance >:D
Here's some quirks I can think of lol:
When Dawn gets frustrated or particularly angry, her ears start flapping/twitching pretty hard
She has her mom's ability to control and summon hellfire and sometimes when she's bored she'll just doodle with it in the air a little
She sings a lot (probably more than her mom if given the chance to) and does so with her whole chest lol.
Her dad taught her how to play piano but she likes using those skills for "evil" (i.e. Playing brief little meme songs and ad jingles)
Dawn loves sweets! Some of her beverage concoctions put even some of Charlie's worst hot chocolate builds to shame in complexity and overdoing it on the sprinkles
Dawn can, to a degree, manipulate soundwaves, though not radiowaves like her father. Her skills consist more of manipulating the sound of her own voice or the voices of others. She could hypothetically mimic voices and mute other people temporarily. So far Alastor is the only one able to circumvent this lol
Dawn doesn't have a good Pokerface
Thank you so much for this ask!!! <3 have a good one~
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cityzenshark · 8 months
What if newborn Cybertronian protoforms look different from Terran protoforms?
Terran protoforms look more organic than metallic. Some parts of their body mimic that of human muscles. The glowing ovals around their body looks squishy, too.
Maybe Cybertronian protoforms are just armorless, in a way it more of a walking skeleton than a person. Instead of ovals, they'd have numerous biolights (refer to tfp Soundwave).
This could explain why Megs and OP are wary of Twitch and Thrash when they first met.
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elfdragon12 · 2 months
People who willingly skip Beast Wars because "ugh, it's so ugly" really do miss out on the best that Transformers has to offer, especially the "Code of Hero" episode.
"Code of Hero" is quite possibly the best (no competition, in my opinion) written piece of Transformers fiction ever. It is the culmination of Dinobot's 35 episode long character arc. The themes and foreshadowing are immaculate. The fate that Dinobot hesitates over is only choice he made due to the culmination of his experiences and choices over the course of the story.
So many writers try to mimic it or recreate it without really getting what made it so good. Dinobot did not become a "good guy" when he switched to the Maximal side in the second episode. His path had many twists and turns and he even intended to become a Predacon again, betraying Optimus, not long before this episode. In the previous episode, he suggests that they forget the rescue attempts and attack the Predacon because the Predacons were down 2 soldiers while they were only down 1. Dinobot was always Dinobot, even as he changed. Yes, he was honorable and quoted Shakespeare, but he was also violent, cunning, and focused on his personal goals more than anything else.
Dinobot beat Grimlock and Soundwave for the 2010 Hall of Fame in the first fan vote. GRIMLOCK AND SOUNDWAVE! By fan vote! It was because of his arc in the Beast Wars show and the Code of Hero episode (and dedicated fan campaigning).
It's unfortunate that people willingly pass the series because a series animated in the mid 90s doesn't meet their standards nearly 30 years later.
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transingthoseformers · 8 months
Ages ago, I thought of TFP Soundwave being unhappily in love and a bit of a creep.
So he'd installed surveillance in Megatron's quarters. At first, it was only for security. Really, it was. But then he saw Megatron using a false spike, and Soundwave ended up doing something he both regrets and doesn't regret at all.
Because back in their Gladiatorial days, the specs for Megatron's valve had somehow leaked and was pretty much immediately turned into a replica meshlight by some greedy mech. Probably Swindle.
Soundwave promptly bought several. And when he sees Megatron using his false spike, he mimics his movements with the meshlight. It's easy to pretend it's him Megatron is thinking about, then.
That's gotta have crunchy results, oh Soundwave you bastard
How funny / fucked up would it be if it is actually Soundwave Megatron is thinking about?
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spiritshaydra · 9 months
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Okay so YEARS ago back when I first got into TFP, I didn’t know how to draw humanoids OR mecha so I just drew catformers instead. Flashback to last year, and I’ve came full circle by doing it yet again 💀
ANYWAYS so my dumbass warrior cat AU where the Nemesis crew is like,, a sort of Great Value Shadowclan? With the ‘bots being off brand Thunderclan. NO idea if they’d have their own unique clan names yet so I’ve just been,, calling these morons Whoreclan 💀💀
FIRST OFF WE GOT MEG who’s the Leader
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He’s just gigantic hairy asshole of a Maine coon who you know for a FACT he sheds like hell just by looking at him. He definitely killed the previous leader of the Clan because they sucked. He’s got an addiction to catnip 💀 also no idea what his cat name is yet,, maybe Greystar? Silverstar??? Lmao no clue
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NEXT FELINE FREAK is Starscream! He’s the conniving deputy of these losers. I was thinking that his cat name is something like Shrikescream? Because,, he can’t be called Starscream because if he was made leader his name would become Starstar and yeeeeaaaaah 💀💀💀 I was also thinking that all of those rusty red streaks on his fur are also all artificial, like how bearded vultures dye their feathers with clay. But except he’s a cat. So nope, not a weird calico, but just a stained grey cat.
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He’s a very high ranking warrior who’s also easily the best at patrolling and being all around creepy. He’s mute as well. He also seems to be on really good terms with a raven of all things. As for his cat name,, I can’t decide on if he’s just,,, still gonna be called Soundwave or if he’s gonna have a cat name like Silentvoice.
I’m still not sold on his coloration,,, might make those light silvery blue patches that mimic his biolights red or gold instead, which would essentially make him a tortishell instead of a weird colorpoint,,
dude’s just the resident cryptid
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Dude’s the Medicine cat
also not sure what degree of his coat coloration is natural, and what portion is stained with clay like Starscream. Breakdown’s his apprentice and assistant :) The med cat den is also like a hotspot for gossip and other inane chatter, who cares if there’s a cat being patched up on the ground (it’s Starscream) there’s juicy tea to be spilled!
As for cat name,,, I thought something like Redlight would be funny 💀
I still wanna do the designs for the rest of the clowns,, especially Breakdown and Shockwave,,, (and Airachnid who I’ve decided will be called Spiderflight because haheheahaheh spider,,, flying,,,)
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Her names Six-Toes (her pre-warrior name being Quailpaw) and she has a perpetual case of that blue eyed stare. Nobody really knows WHAT exactly she is?? Other than she’s the size of a Maine coon, a tortie, has the coat of a Lykoi, and polydactyly. She can often be found in the Freak Corner of the Warrior Den sharpening bones and sticks because “it’s useful I swear” for… whatever reason. She’s also got beef with Shockwave who could,,, literally care less.
might also hit my other OCs with the cat mallet. (The mew mallet?? The miaullet???)
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kodakai727 · 3 months
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"Soundwave superior. Quintessons inferior."
Soundwave, Megatron's brutally effective enforcer! Preferring to let his Discons handle the spy work, Soundwave is Megatron's most trusted lieutenant, intel officer, and personal bodyguard. He's not exactly a violent sort, but if fighting needs to happen, he's an utter tank, between his powerful servos and his sound-based powers. Using the wheels on his forearms as a DJ turntable and the ones on his shins as speakers, he can unleash devastating sonic attacks, when he's not reading minds and modulating his voice to mimic others. He has a bit of a chill DJ vibe, able to remove his cannon from his back and use it as a microphone for his speakers. He has just enough evidence to start distrusting the Quintessons, though not enough to bring to Megatron. He holds no active hatred for the Autobots, seeing his bodyguard status as just a job. With the growl of Frank Welker and the modulation of Transformers: Animated, Soundwave's booming voice is enough to strike fear into even Optimus Prime.
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Seeing as this is Cybertron, the 'Cassetticons' have no need for disguise, and their altmodes are thus more similar to ease-of-carrying compression modes. All four can fit into Soundwave's chest at once, to boot!
Frenzy (RED) and Rumble (BLUE) are true twinsparks, born from a mutation in the AllSpark that caused one spark to divide into two. Closer twins than any battle-bonded bots, these two practically share one mind, and as such one goal; serve Soundwave, but primarily, serve the Decepticon cause. While they're more than happy to handle spy work, they'd much prefer causing active mayhem with the extendable pile drivers on their arms, and will take nearly any opportunity to do so without getting in trouble for insubordination. The two are also voiced by Frank Welker.
Ravage is a simple, soft-spoken sort. An expert in stealth, blending into the shadows and frequently deactivating her optics just to blend in that much more, she lives for the thrill of the hunt. Begrudgingly handling combat, she'd much prefer to sneak about, prowling for info and valuable resources in the Autobot base. Rumble and Frenzy like to joke that she may as well BECOME an Autobot, since she spends so much time in their base. Ravage has considered it, merely as an infiltration tactic, but decided she'd much prefer staying out of sight altogether. Ravage is played by Wendy Malick.
Laserbeak is even more simple than Ravage. Unable to speak outside of a parrot-like mimicking of people's spoken words, Laserbeak is nonetheless incredibly intelligent. Striking a nice balance between eyes-in-the-sky and lasers from above, so long as Laserbeak gets to serve Soundwave, and by extension Megatron, he's more than happy to do whatever it takes.
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cozzzynook · 3 months
Hot Rod and Soundwave's relationship getting serious. Hot Rod nervous about telling Soundwave he could have sparklings.
He would be so nervous to tell Soundwave he could have sparklings, especially the way they would emerge.
On cybertron its natural to rely on hot spots to gift a family or bot a new spark that they guide towards a frame either naturally built by their home or weather phenomenon. Or two or more bots merge sparks to create a new spark and the sire or sires build the frame from raw materials on their home world.
The way he carries a new spark is seen as a disgrace and unnatural since it mimics organics. He can carry from transfluid or spark merging. He’s never done either for fear of accidentally getting sparked and being outed.
Before the war they’d have him offlined for being able to bring life like an organic and now its just either a myth, forgotten, or too taboo to bring up since most were murdered before the war began.
Hot rod is so hesitant to get with Soudnwave because of it and when Soundwave finally does win him over and he asks for Hot rods spark until they both flicker out and join the stars, Hot rod says yea forgetting the most important reason he should’ve said no.
Its not until their conjunx ceremony does he remember when he holds their friends sparkling.
Drift and Ratchet adopted a new spark and Drift just plopped the bitty into Hot rod’s arms. The mech knew Hot rod was really good with bitties of all ages and witnessed Hot rod taking care of a bitty when he thought no bot was looking.
Ratchet knew because Drift showed him the footage and the two wanted the mech to at least admit to his conjunx that he wanted sparklings. Optics don’t lie and the way Hot rod looked at that bitty and their own they just knew he wanted a big family.
Soundwave didn’t speak because he had static throat at the sight of Hot rod looking ethereal and in his element.
Soundwave couldn’t get the picture out of his mind and his intake picked such an awkward time to ask Hot rod after they’d locked onto each other.
“Do you want to have sparklings with me?”
Soundwave could see and hear Hot rod’s world shatter and he couldn’t back track fast enough to try soothing him before the other burst into tears trying to hide them.
Soundwave had to play back Hot rods words a few times in his memory core before he finally understood what his weeping conjunx was saying.
“You’ll leave if you know.”
“My spark, I’d never.”
“If you can’t have sparklings, us adopting is still us having our own sparkling.”
“I know. I know that…but”
“I can have sparklings.”
Soundwave was confused at that but he wanted his conjunx to calm down and feel safe enough to say it. He didn’t like that as the silence stretched Hot rod tried pulling away.
“Okay,” Soundwave soothed gently, listening.
“I carry like an organic.”
His optics went dead almost and Soundwave fought the urge to zap both their sparks at the shock and fear permeating the room.
“You’re a tank carrier?”
Soundwave remembers the discovery, the deaths, the prejudice and laws and lost lives that helped further decepticons to fight.
He remembers the frames left on the streets as a warning and the sparklings that didn’t get a chance at life.
He remembers.
He remembers all of it.
“Soul of my spark,” Soundwave wrapped his arms tight around his conjunx pulling him in close. Exposing his life as Hot rod automatically did the same, a sign of trust, comfort, acceptance, shared pain to ease the burden and a show of unfaltering love.
“I would be honored to have you bear my offspring and gift me sparklings. It would be my pleasure to have you as not only my conjunx, but the carrier of my sparklings and giving us more of a family using your own frame in such a taxing and painful way.”
“There is nothing that could ever make me hate you,” Soundwave declared, keeping their sparks pressured but unmerging.
“You are my soul,” Soundwave kissed as Hot rod sobbed into him feeling a myraid of emotions he never once thought he was ever worthy of being granted, “nothing about you is wrong to me.”
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witchofthesouls · 5 months
Wish we had more of Makeshift because we have no info on what he was doing before Screamer rounded him for that mission..
I can imagine him and Soundwave being cryptic prankster duo.. And also i feel like he would be intrigued/fascinated by humans ability to mimic
I know, right!? I wish we had more information about Makeshift, especially with his powers. Can he take the frame of any mecha, regardless of frame-type, or is he limited to similar sizes? Is the ability only a surface change, or does it warp his very CNA? How does he train each character? Method acting?
While I can see Soundwave being a cryptic prankster, I don't see him officially teaming up with anyone. If anything, Soundwave would either Makeshift's tricks to go unimpeded or secretly guide some setups as a low-key hobby that doubles as a morale booster because laughter is good.
Makeshift would arguably be among the first of the Cybertronians to see how well humans can mimic others. Not just voices and sounds, but appearances as well. He and Knock Out would get along over historical cosplay, YouTubers that focus on fashion (coughBernadetteBannercough), and Makeshift can double as a model for any of Knock Out's tailoring explorations.
He would be so down to join sci-fi and fantasy conventions and ren faires as he can walk around as himself with mass conversion and win many cosplay competitions (and heckle at so many dedicated 'true fans' before being dragged into said arguments for real).
And on a side note, he would definitely be the first 'con to clang humans. He has the advantage of becoming many humans' robotic/completely armored bedroom dream.
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As per usual, I was talking to a client this week about autistic cognitive processing and I felt the sand shifting under my feet. So I come here to you Tumblr to do my own autistic cognitive processing in the hopes of better serving myself and my clients.
I have known for a long time that I can't process my thoughts and emotions verbally. This is what sometimes leads to me getting frustrated, "stuck," and increasingly pressurized towards my meltdown threshhold when I'm trying to express a half-formed thought or need. This is why I often choose to process my cognition in writing. It allows me to sift about in the sands of my mind, sliding to and fro, checking and rechecking, until I find what I need.
There is something to the capacity to shape my communication more freely and without the preesure that I put myself under which often leads to stammering, stuttering, aphasia, confusion, and my inability to hold something as ephemeral as language in my head long enough to manipulate it like clay with my hands. Words are not my brain's mother tongue in the first place, and it can be a welcome relief to truly take the slowed pace I need to translate my thoughts into a language others will understand.
Some others. I am well aware of who I learned my translation process from and of how that has made my translations inaccessible to some of the very people who share my brain.
The thing is, to learn to speak at all when your brain processes this slowly takes enormous effort. To learn to CHANGE your speech is back breaking. I have been trying for fifteen years.
Autistic cognitive processing pace and the disabling ramifications aren't things we talk about often. It's one reason some of us become obsessed with having back up plan upon back up plan (because we literally cannot think fast enough to keep up with the demands of our lives). It's one of the fastest paths to burnouts and meltdowns. It's part of why we are unable to keep up with the demands of social interactions, especially in large groups (too many social cues moving too quickly to be processed at pace and we drop the ball in the moment even if we realize later).
Because the pace of our cognition is chronically slowed, we are chronically disabled socially, emotionally, cognitively, etc, and we are forced to spend an incredible amount of mental and physical energy either compensating for that, recovering from it, or both. That is energy and resources neurotypical people get to spend on other things in their lives, maybe a project or hobby, a relationship, hell, just relaxing.
There can be upsides to it. This slowed cognition seems to be related to how the process of bottom-up analysis functions during cognitive processes in Autistic folks' brains. That bottom-up analysis is a really interesting cognitive processing style that seems to be responsible for increased pattern recognition! So a lot of how we're able to analyze, learn, understand, mimic, etc based on pattern recognition is thanks to this processing style. It helps us take in a holisticly detail oriented view of the things we look at, which can (with support) make us great researchers, investigative journalists, and inventers.
But while the upsides have become more discussed as we've become more willing to see Autism itself as neutral (a very good thing in my opinion), we sometimes forget the other side of the coin.
I often find myself trying to brute force my way through my processing pace. It always ends badly. And that's really the trouble. I can talk most of the time, but I can talk A LOT faster than I can process my thoughts. So most of the time my words are just. Garbage. Sounds. If you ask my to speak to you, you are asking me to fill up soundwaves because realistically my brain moves at about 25% of the speed of the conversation.
It's why as a clinician I have to be so incredibly careful what I do and say and how I hear my clients because I *truly* am processing what the tell me at auch a significant delay. It can sometimes be days later when the information truly settles into place.
The same is obviously true in my personal life! It can take me days or even weeks to figure out what a single thought or feeling means in the context of my own life because I have to process that often entirely alone or just on paper. Not because no on one WOULD help me I have people in my life who would be willing but because by the time talking to someone would be any help, I would have basically figured it out enough to just say it out loud and I don't really need their help by then. There are rare exceptions to this when I do definitely seek help but it can be so frustrating to be trapped, voiceless, in your own emotions.
I don't have a framework for this, only the suggestion to embrace the slowness. I have found that when you are not constantly fighting against it all the time, it feels a little more like home, a little more like it's working FOR your instead of AGAINST you.
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