#Spec Ops Nutrition
supp-up · 7 months
Workout Nutrition DIY: THIS is Better Than Caffeine for Workouts.
Workout Nutrition DIY: THIS is Better Than Caffeine for Workouts. #caffeine #workout #gym #workoutnutrition #supplements #workoutsupplements #suppup #supp_up #workouttips #nutrition #nutrtitiontips
If you’ve ever served in the military, or had a work week that demanded crazy hours from you, you’ve probably run out of time in the day to get what you want/need to get done outside of your work hours. I’ve been guilty of it, and over the years I had to find a way to navigate sleep deprivation before my body forced me to rest. So many of us take sleep for granted – we count hours and minutes…
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mallowmaenad · 1 year
my new political ideaology is that I get a device called the dipshit detector that removes self-important white people’s ability to use cellphones for 1 month and I don’t fucking care if this is a fascist dictatorshit i actually would turn joe biden into joe woke and donald trump into pronoun trump if i see one more loud mouthed straighty act like their opinion fucking matters im introducing their shy 9 year old son to my little pony i cant fucking take this shit yes fuck it throw republicans in concentration camps they’re practically begging for it they wont shut the fuck up about how theyre gonna be hunted down and killed wish granted bitch blam blam its wabbit season bitch im sick of liberals im sick of voting im sick of norway if youre even slightly uncomfortable around gay people you should be set on fire black power asian power jewish power latino power and i fucking mean it im not just buying the stupid 30$ tshirt on fckhate.com the worst thing to ever happen in american history is abraham lincoln not publicly executing every confederate general and outlawing slavery full stop we literally live in starship troopers we are trapped in a shitty gmod half life dark rp server yeah I do think you’re basically a terrorist if you go to disney land and i also think that if the first words out of your mouth when the rustbelt gets set on fire is “those dirty rednecks deserve it” ill show you a fucking redneck you fucking yank prick you fucking racist i wish hilary clinton would explode on live tv charitys are fucking fake theyre as fake as those cardboard towns in north korea oppenheimer was a limpdick pussy and fallout is becoming a game franchise that fetishizes the mass genocide of asians and i want todd howard pinned under a large rock for it spec ops the line wasn’t ugly enough there is a conspiracy started by the cosmetics, nutrition and fashion industry in collaboration with the upper class descendants of fucking typhoid “moneybags” marys to fool the masses that fat people aren’t hot as fuck. My body and mind and soul degrade with the week because of yhe shit ass menial labor yhey made me do and the fucking lead in gasoline and world war 1 started a chain reaction of fathers beating their kids and wives because it’s cheaper to buy a gun than go to therapy because we’re fucking warhammer orks without any of the endearing mental stupidity we live in mordor. we live in fucking mordor. it literally does not matter who is president our two political parties are Nazis and Neo-Nazis bernie sanders was the closest thing to a centrist this country has ever seen. capitalism grinds up joy into a paste to divvy out on 500$ gucci toothpicks public urination should be legal rent is theft corporations are agents of satan who is jesus christ who is not jesus of nazareth jesus christ is the poster boy of white supremacy i fucking hate Hamilton white people should listen to MORE rap i want to get my dick sucked at a death grips concert. Laundromats and burger joints where you can get a meal for 5$ are far more important than police stations and walmart. pop anarchists want to personally confiscate your wheelchair uou fuckers treat yhis like a game fuckin e girls with hammers and sickles in their icons arguing about what form of communism or socialism or whateverism is right when bitch that is a pipe dream you are going to die in captivity arguing about which dragon ball z character is the strongest (girl broly) at least go punch a hole in your wall and fuck it to prove you’re human you facebook fetishist jesus christ every other day i want a biblical death just so my fucked up thouhhts mean something i need a fuckingjason vorhees bitch wheres the yandere tea party this is all so fucked up its not fucking real the christian god hates you whoever says otherwise is trying to make you a fucking slave. Mormonism and scientology should be wiped off the map any religion formed after the invention of the gun is a fucking pyramid scheme i wish i was a 9 foot toll shark lady with hugebrealssta so i could fucking knock over thechrystler building
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ginbiscuit · 3 years
Oh damn. I went down a "how many calories do biotics need" research rabbit hole. Still in the middle of research, but I found a nice spec ops nutrition guide for Navy Seals that I can base my theories on. And I actually went ahead and calculated my Shep's caloric needs (as a non-biotic civilian).
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ryder616 · 5 years
Rewatching The Hub
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The Hub is by far my favorite episode of the early batch and one of my favorites of the entire run of the show. One of the reasons why I like it so much is that I’m a sucker for the “odd couple” trope and here we have two: Fitz and Ward’s adventure with The World’s Most Dangerous Sandwich(tm) - and yeah, some doomsday weapon and Ossetian separatists, whatever - and Jemma and Skye’s Bad Girl Shenanigans(tm) aka Skimmons against the World, The Prologue (and how sad that we’ll have to wait until season 4 for Act I).
On the face of it, sending Fitz - who has failed his field assessment, is not cleared for combat and can’t pass through a door without tripping himself - to infiltrate a warzone undercover is patently insane. They need someone to dismantle the weapon quickly without the design specs, fine. Shouldn’t they have trained combat personnel for these sorts of things? Tsk,tsk.
As it turns out, Fitz is the reason why the mission doesn’t fail right off the bat and he complements and augments Ward’s standard superspy approach every step of the way, surprising him - and maybe himself, too, despite his proud and well earned assertion that he’s every bit the agent that Ward is - with a very cool head under pressure (and cleverness and resourcefullness, but we already knew he had those). Nutritional disagreements aside, they emerge from the mission with a renewed trust, fondness and respect for each other. And yes, I was glaring at Ward very pointedly the entire time.
Despite their excellent job against crazy odds, they still would have likely died in South Ossetia without Skye’s healthy distrust of The System, both in general terms and where Big S.H.I.E.L.D. is concerned. Her skepticism kicks in immediately when they freeze her out of the loop in the name of hierarchy and only grows from there. To her credit, she tries to do things the somewhat “proper” way, first pestering May (good luck with that) and then Coulson. When neither approach wields answers, what’s a passionate young hacktivist supposed to do? Enlist the help of the world’s worst liar - at this time at least - risk everything and hack the System, of course.
And Jemma’s role cannot be overestimated. She’s still under the delusion of being a rule-follower (please) but she takes just as big of a personal risk as Skye, even without factoring the shooting of Sitwell. And without her, Skye wouldn’t have been able to circumvent her tracking bracelet, certainly not in time, and Fitz and Ward would have been captured and/or killed. Skimmons 1, World 0.
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The other reason I love this episode so much is that I think it’s the turning point for Coulson, the “company man”.
When Coulson formed the team, he already valued independence and the ability to go off book if needed ('Cause we'll be running ourselves. Picking the ops, making the calls. No red tape). And so far we have seen him going against established S.H.I.E.L.D.’s protocols pretty much every episode. But he still trusted the system, welcomed the safety net of a benevolent background entity ready to assist them if things went south and envisioned his team as a necessary part of the larger whole, certainly not in contrast with it.
But after this episode, he can’t really do that anymore. Big S.H.I.E.L.D. used and callously risked his agents’ lives and kept him in the dark about it. And it’s witholding the very personal information about his recovery. It will take a few more episodes, the memory machine’s torture and the fear of losing Skye, the one team member he wanted on board specifically because she wasn’t S.H.I.E.L.D. (she doesn’t think like us -- exactly) for everything to fully coalesce, but the seeds start sprouting here.
And for the audience, the positioning of Coulson’s unorthodox team as the foil to the monolithic bureaucratic entity that values secrets and numbers more than people - something that was hinted at from the beginning - is now fully in the open. The days of Big S.H.I.E.L.D. as the unquestionable good guy of the show, if that was ever a thing, are already over.
Stuff that crossed my mind:
Coulson in a suit, adjusting his tie, before riding a sledge after escaping Rura Penthe a siberian underground prison, is a big mood.
S.H.I.E.L.D.’s whole infrastructure is based on the hierarchy and compartmentalization of intelligence. Every agent can't have the intel on every mission. Makes the entire organization vulnerable. -- Okay, fine, but if I just fought my way out of an underground Siberian prison, I'd kind of want to know what for. Skye’s advocating for the human element here. And she really wants to learn about stuff.
Everyone's wearing the same suit. Someone tell me why, please. Skye is really not impressed with Big Brother’s lack of fashion diversity. Which is a bit ironic, since her own wardrobe choices will narrow considerably in the next few years.
FitzSimmons fanboying/fangirling over Victoria Hand reminded me of Jemma fangirling over Peggy Carter in S2.
Saffron Burrows as Victoria Hand is so perfectly perfect, why oh why did she have to die after only 3 episodes? Waaaaaaaaaarrrrrddddd!!! *shakes fist*
Did they just leave Skye handcuffed to the wall by her tracking bracelet? Rude.
I really don’t get S.H.I.E.L.D.’s logic. Fitz has failed his field assessment but they send him on a vital, dangerous mission in hostile territory and without extraction? Was somebody trying to get him killed? (Oh! Maybe it’s one of the Chronicoms’ temporal machinations!)
Prosciutto and buffalo mozzarella -- With your homemade pesto Aioli? -- Just a hint. Ah yes. The sandwich of choice among Russian sewer rats. ;)
It’s cold enough to lightly snow but Ward and Fitz are driving an open jeep because...?
Does that mean that you do know something and you can't tell us, or that you don't know anything? Which non-expression is this? -- We know what we're supposed to. When we have more information, we'll react. May, I love you, but if you had waited for more information from the proper channels, you’d be down one engineer and one traitor. Unless she was counting on Skye going off on her own. In which case, that’s one hell of a gamble. Then again, that’s exactly what she’ll do in The Magical Place. Did she learn from this experience or did she just double down?
How long can you hold your breath underwater? Oh no, you didn’t!
He’s being a robot version of himself right now. Not yet, but give it a few years...
I like following the rules. No, Jemma, you absolutely do not. You like following the rules you agree with. Those you don't, you're quite comfortable disregarding.
Get this man a drink! On first watch I was expecting Fitz’s tolerance for spirits to be on the lower end. Until I remembered he’s Scottish.
Skye trolls Reddit. It’s canon.
You certainly have a gorgeous head, don't you? I like men that are about my height, but heavier than me. I don’t know if those field assessments FitzSimmons didn’t pass included undercover work but if they did, I think we can guess which portion of the test Jemma failed the worst.
Despite the temptation, Skye puts aside her lifelong search for her family to save Fitz and Ward. You did good, proto-Tremors. You did good.
If they use the overkill device, everyone on the border's in danger. And that includes Marta and Vlad. Is it weird that I really liked Marta? She had a certain mother hen vibe. The “I will murder annoying foreigners who show up in the middle of a game” type of mother hen, but still...
And now you've destroyed the world's most dangerous sandwich. Congratulations. ROTFL. And no wonder he’s still mourning it the next morning, I don’t even want to imagine what an “odorless” energy bar tastes like.
Our team can go off book because there is a book. A Hub. An organization watching our backs. Except it doesn’t do that with Fitz and Ward, it didn’t have Jemma’s back in F.Z.Z.T., it almost won’t have Coulson’s back when he’s kidnapped, as Hand will be treating the stomping out of Centipede as the real priority, and John Garrett’s origin story as a villain is a refused medevac.
Someday I may have to trust you with a secret and I need to know that you can keep it. Subtle foreshadowing, this is not. Giant neon letters pulsing across the screen would be less obvious xD
I thought there wasn't gonna be an extraction -- All our resources were needed elsewhere. And it's Agent Coulson's team. They didn't need one. You know, maybe if you had told Agent Coulson that from the beginning, they would have gladly provided their own extraction as they eventually did and your precious classified servers would have been safe from “electronically tagged non-agents”. Just saying...
I had Ward's back the whole time. Pretty much saved him from a gang of Russian mobsters and kicked a few guys' heads in. But enough mission talk already. I love how Fitz is visibly bursting at the seams to tell Jemma all about his adventures but checks himself and asks her about her day instead. Nice one, little bear.
I shot a superior officer in the chest! C’mon, you can say it: and it was fun!
The unredacted file about your past. I found it. It really says something that with everything that was going down and his initial anger at Skye’s snooping, Coulson still kept his promise to look into her file.
Who didn’t think for at least one beat that May or Coulson were the agent who had dropped baby Skye off at St. Agnes?
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there’s this amazingly simple easy elegant solution for something in the book that i absolutely CANNOT bring myself to use.
character with v special magic dog is a marine
marine special forces k9 units exist
IS hot necromancer dad a marine raider spec ops k9 handler? absolutely fucking not. shouting “I’m not a dog person!” for the entire book is central to his charm. “i’m not a dog persoN!” as he almost dies for like the third time, rescuing the magic dog. “i’m not a dog person!” as he bakes fancy dog biscuits after reading about canine nutrition for five hours straight. “i’m not a dog person!!” absolutely fucking losing his shit when his magic dog is about to get shot. “im noT a dog person!” he screams, about to resort to a shit ton of necromancy if you don’t let go of that dog right now, my guy.
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
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supp-up · 1 year
Workout Nutrition DIY: Mineral Replenishment is Key - Here's Why.
Workout Nutrition DIY: Mineral Replenishment is Key - Here's Why. #nutrition #workoutnutrition #military #muscle #gym #gymlife #fitlife #militarymuscle #armylife #veterans #supp_up #gainz #militarylife #workout #militaryworkout #buildmuscle #muscle #strength #gainz #workouttips #gymtips #zinc #magnesium
We’re back with another Workout Nutrition DIY post. This one is all about mineral replenishment after you workout and the benefits therein. A post-workout protein shake is fine for making sure your muscles are fed to grow, but like I say in my nutrition guides, workout nutrition is so much more than that. If you read my previous post on the importance of polyphenols, you know where I’m going with…
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Workout Edge: The Correct Way To Do Ab Wheel Rollouts
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supp-up · 1 year
Workout Edge: Reg Park's Classic 5 x 5 Method.
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Well now…it’s been a while since I’ve done a Workout Edge post. Readers have been missing this so I thought I’d dust off my arsenal and share another with you. Check out my last Workout Edge post if you haven’t already. Simplicity is and simplicity always has been the best way to train – don’t let those IG influencers fool you. Get back to basics, eat your food, get your rest, and train smart –…
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supp-up · 1 year
Breakfast Bites: Easy Polyphenol Packed Shake Recipe.
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It’s Sunday and we’re back with another Breakfast Bites post. If you haven’t already, check out the last blog post on fruit and vegetable supplements now – it’s tied in with this Breakfast Bites one. Last time I posted about fruits and veggies, we got into the nitty gritty of whether or not fruit and vegetable aka super food supplements are really worth it and the importance of whole foods,…
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supp-up · 1 year
Workout Edge: Reg Park's Classic 5 x 5 Method.
Workout Edge: Reg Park's Classic 5 x 5 Method #workoutedge #regpark #classicbodybuilding #bodybuilding #supp_up #classicphysique #oldschool #Schwarzenegger #gym #gainz #fitness #weights #military #army #navy #usmc #airforce #nationalguard #workout #fitness #health #exercise
Well now…it’s been a while since I’ve done a Workout Edge post. Readers have been missing this so I thought I’d dust off my arsenal and share another with you. Check out my last Workout Edge post if you haven’t already. Simplicity is and simplicity always has been the best way to train – don’t let those IG influencers fool you. Get back to basics, eat your food, get your rest, and train smart –…
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
1000 Military Manuals Available For Instant Download
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/1000-military-manuals-available-for-instant-download/
1000 Military Manuals Available For Instant Download
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 Buy Now
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    Survival Manuals Essential Survival Skills
Finally, A Quick, Easy and Proven Solution To Develop Combat and Survival Skills…
“At Last! Discover How You Too Can Survive And Thrive In Any Situation, Dominate All Threats And Develop Incredible Capabilities Starting Right Now!”
With Over One Thousand Proven Military Manuals Included, You can Develop Your Combat and Survival Skills Faster and Easier Than Ever Before Because We’ve Done All The Hard Work For You!
Dear Friend,
Does it frustrate you that your Survivability Index is not at the level you want?
Doesn’t wasting time downloading toxic files make you madder than mad?
What if you could have powerful and proven combat and survival training manuals, packed with easy to learn and quick to master skills, at your fingertips instantly?
How would you like to have one thousand of them given to you right now?
Imagine having a simple system already set up so you can get them with one click.
Now please continue reading on because you’ll love what I’m about to tell you…
You can have not only proven combat and survival training manuals that are already intense enough but also have exclusive banned content you have to see to believe instantly 24 hours per day 365 days per year…
Because dominating all threats, destroying attackers instantly and developing super soldier capabilities are all possible. That’s right!
When you own the most comprehensive combat and survival manuals developed you’ll definitely have the training…
And the best part is…
You’re already halfway there because you’ve just found the right website so you can learn to Survive And Thrive In Any Situation, Dominate All Threats And Develop Incredible Capabilities With Very Little Effort Right Now!
You can get all this packaged in one impressive product I call The Ultimate Survival Library!
If You Do Not Have This Survival Library You are Spinning Your Wheels!
With The Ultimate Survival Library you will have only proven combat and survival training manuals developed by real combat and survival experts.
You’ll find it easier than ever to learn the skills to:
• Survive and thrive in any situation,
• Dominate all threats instantly and
• Develop super soldier like capabilities with ease!
The answers will be at your fingertips…
The Ultimate Survival Library!
It’s massive! It’s comprehensive! And it’s just waiting to be devoured by you. Take a look…
Here’s just a sample of the combat and survival manuals you’ll have instant online access to right now:
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Learn to survive and thrive in any environment. Our Survival volume leaves nothing out.
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Learn military precision and become deadly accurate!
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Learn Special Forces tactics and dominate threats.
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Learn military warfare survival tactics.
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Learn first aid first. Our huge first aid volume is included for you!
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Drastically improve your self defense skills with military developed techniques.
     •Survival Series:
o Map Reading and Land Navigation Course o Adverse Weather Survival Course o Summer Survival Course o Wilderness Survival Course o Evasion and Survival Course o Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year o MREs Meals Ready to Eat FAQs o Food Preparation Course o Water Supply Locating Course o Preservation of Foods Course o Shelter and Camp Making Course o Sheltering in Place Course o Above-ground Home Fallout Shelter Course o Below-ground Home Fallout Shelter Course o Radiation Safety Course
o Recovery From Nuclear Attack Course AND MANY MORE…
• Weapons Series: o Use them effectively, if you have them. o Build your own, if you don’t! o Protect yourself against people with them. o Basic defense o Long Range Uses o Develop Safe Handling Skills o Maintaining and proper storage o And many many more…
•Special Forces Series:
o Guerrilla Warfare & Special Ops o Special Forces Handbook o Counter guerrilla Operations o Ranger Unit Operations o Evasion and Survival o Recon and Surveillance Support o Weapon Training for Spec Ops o Operations Security o Combative Hand to Hand o Ranger Unit Operations o Shelter and Camp Making o Pathfinder Operations o Navy Seal Patrol Leader’s Handbook AND MANY MORE…
•Combat Series:
o Personal Fitness Training Plan o Peak from Nutrition & Exercise o Combat Stress Guide o Soldier’s Common Tasks Warrior Skills o Tactical Combat o Own the Night Unit Night Fighter Guide o How to Kill Tanks o Physical Readiness Combat Training o Tactical Level Logistics o Training for Urban Operations o Combat in Built up Areas o Soldier Health Maintenance o Sniper Marksmanship
•Command Leadership Series:
o Command Policy
o Decisive Force In Theater of Ops
o Joint Force Land Component Command
o Military Leadership
o Military Operations
o Operational Terms & Graphics
o Operations in Low Intensity Conflict
o Peace Operations
o Preparing & Managing Correspondence
o Public Affairs Operations
o Risk Management
o The Universal Task List
o How to Conduct Military Training
o Military Leadership
o Decision Making & Problem Solving
o Effective Communication
o Emergency Management
o Leadership and Influence
•First Aid Series:
o First Aid For Soldiers Guide o Special Forces Medical Guide o Poisonous Snakebite Treatment Guide o Body Airway Obstruction Guide o Cardio Resuscitation CPR Guide o Taking Vital Signs Guide o Treating Fractures in the Field o Casualty & Wound Care Emergency Surgery o Obstetric & Newborn Care o Storage and Sanitation o Preventive Medicine
•Construction Series:
o Plumbing 101 o Construction 101 o Home Fortifications Guide o Chemistry Guide o Mathematics Course o HVAC Course o Water Supply o Sewage How to o Land Surveying o Carpentry Guide o Structural Engineering
What Can You Do With The Ultimate Survival Library?
• Use either on a PC or MAC – really any device that can open PDF files – and take it with you so wherever you are you can develop your skills.
• Instantly download and print out each training manual to give yourself a hard copy back up. • Learn the precision shooting secrets of world class military snipers.
• Quickly learn basic to advanced marksmanship techniques and drastically increase your accuracy and groupings. • Learn the effective team leadership skills you’ll need to be a successful leader.
• Easily learn proper tactical techniques and become devastatingly effective at clearing buildings room by room and urban operations. • Create your very own custom training program and schedule and do what you want.
• Painlessly learn advanced Special Forces Tactics and see if you have what it takes to make the cut. • Get into the best shape of your life quickly with gut flattening hardcore workouts.
• Easily develop mass utilizing the diet and exercise plans that’ll get you sore but still begging for more. • Learn the most devastating and straightforward self defense system available and destroy attackers with little effort.
• Effortlessly master the punishing hand to hand combat secrets of the military’s elite shadow warriors. • Learn to defend the vital points on your body, as well as learn to attack your opponents vital points and instantly neutralize them.
• Learn the secrets to create impenetrable and deadly security methods and protect your home and loved ones from danger. • Get peace of mind knowing you can completely focus on developing your skills because you’ll have the same training programs as elite soldiers.
• Have a RISK-FREE purchase, because The Ultimate Survival Library is covered by our 90 day Satisfaction Guarantee. • Have a worry free download with no threat of malware, adware or a virus taking over your computer in a few weeks and wiping it out.
• With The Ultimate Survival Library you can say goodbye to “what looks good and might work”, so-called experts and questionable survival training, and finally have all the survival secrets the military has developed at your fingertips!
• Even if you have no desire to dominate all threats, destroy attackers instantly or develop super soldier capabilities, you can gain a ton of valuable information that may one day save your life.
Get Instant Access To This Incredible Package Right Now!
Survival Manuals Library
Or FREE World Wide Shipping
Click here to Order Now!
Order Now and You’re Also Going To Get These Bonuses…
Sure I know what you’re thinking. The Ultimate Survival Library can’t be all that amazing. There are tons of survival books on Amazon that must be better. Heck there are tons of survival guides floating around out there that promise the same thing! So why is The Ultimate Survival Library any different?
The difference is The Ultimate Survival Library is the only survival product prepared by the US Military!
That’s right!
The US Military, the most dominant military in the history of mankind has directly contributed to the formation of this incredible survival product. How you may ask?
Well, it’s no secret the US Military has the greatest survival experts on their payroll!
These survival experts have developed the most complete survival training programs for use by not only new recruits but even all the way up to the elite Special Force’s groups. And now for the first time (perhaps in recognition to the growing crisis we are facing here in America) these exact same survival training programs have been released!
Don’t ignore this!
The US Military is releasing these once secret training manuals now!
It seems they know something we don’t! Could we be facing a complete collapse? Are they attempting to get this info into patriotic hands?
Perhaps they know that if a complete collapse occurs they will need the help of true patriots to help protect, defend and rebuild our great nation!
   Now before we go a step further, you need to know this…
   The survival skills, survival methods and survival techniques in The Ultimate Survival Library are the real deal! They are direct from the military and nothing has been replaced by “Hollywood” junk, edited or water-downed.
   The Ultimate Survival Library is completely organized and in depth. This is a massive collection of PDF eBooks that you can read, you can print and you can use immediately and easily on any computer, e-reader or tablet! No special software needed.
   But it gets much better…
Tumblr media Tumblr media
  The Ultimate Survival Library is a massive, relevant and easy to use how to survive anything resource library already. But, just in case…
You’ll receive all updates FREE for LIFE!
This way you’ll save a ton of money and always have the latest manuals available!
With The Ultimate Survival Library you’ll not only have the greatest survival library automatically updated for you for free and forever, but you’ll also get…
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This SUPER BONUS is what I call the Banned Book Collection. I’ll be honest this collection of banned content makes me a bit nervous. It’s that intense, so get it while you can before I lose my nerve!
The Ultimate Prepper’s Survival Handbook
This SPECIAL BONUS is exactly what you need to know to become an expert prepper and be ready at a moment’s notice if things start to go downhill fast.
Nothing is held back. I’ve given you some of the most powerful and effective survival strategies out there… And most importantly, this is a zero-fluff guide that is specific to your prepping needs!
Take a look at what my customers have to say…
“Thank you! I gave up trying to do this myself – it was taking forever and who knows what I was downloading. Saved time, and got exactly what I wanted. Free updates forever to boot. Sweet service you guys got.”
Cindy Arizona
“Excellent Collection!! Ordered the DVD and the Downloads. Couldn’t be more pleased. Thanks.”
D. Clarke Mass
“Very Happy Here! The DVD rom version arrived yesterday. I’ve spent a few hours going through them, and I still have a ton more to go. Good job on the organization too.” A++
Zach California
“A+ Customer Service!! I have never written an email to an online company and had a response literally 10 Minutes Later. Love the Downloads, just got the updates today. Good job!”
J. J. Australia
“My wife ordered this for me after crashing my computer for the third time. I have to say thank you very much. This has saved me hours and hours of searching, downloading, virus scanning and organizing!”
Richard Texas
You get it all backed by My 90 Day RISK FREE ROCK SOLID GUARANTEE!
Don’t Delay Order Today Before This Powerful Resource Is Banned And Gone Forever!
  The Ultimate Survival Library is available now.
You can have it discretely shipped world wide for FREE or you can gain instant online access. It’s completely up to you! And you’ll receive the exact same product!
Listen, we both know that I’m not going to get rich selling this collection and that’s not the reason for me releasing them anyway.
The Ultimate Survival Library is really my way of giving you the key to prepare intelligently and effectively without breaking the bank. Trust me, it’s in my interest to get people who know what their doing on my side if the sh*t hits the fan!
That being said…
I’m going to give you The Ultimate Survival Library, lifetime upgrades forever, The Banned Book Collection + so much more for the price of just $29.99!
You can probably do the math to see how incredible this deal is compared to the cost and time of getting each manual individually!
  Don’t forget you have nothing to lose! Your order is 100% Risk Free!
Join the calling…
Get Instant Access To This Incredible Package Right Now!
Survival Manuals Online
Click here to Order Now!
Respectfully Yours,
John Roberts
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P.S. I hope you decide to let The Ultimate Survival Library work for you. Because these skills, techniques and tactics, are written by true survival experts, and aren’t water-downed Hollywood fiction. You’ll be able to survive and thrive in any situation that you may face in the future with real confidence knowing you have the very best survival training available.
P.P.S. Remember The Ultimate Survival Library can be banned at any moment. Get it while it’s still 100% legal to own. Once this incredible resource is banned… It’ll be gone forever! So get it now!
Get FREE Survival Skills and FREE Survival Tips Join My Newsletter:
© survivalmanualsonline.com        Home    Contact Us
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
1000 Military Manuals Available For Instant Download
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/1000-military-manuals-available-for-instant-download/
1000 Military Manuals Available For Instant Download
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Survival Manuals Essential Survival Skills
Finally, A Quick, Easy and Proven Solution To Develop Combat and Survival Skills…
“At Last! Discover How You Too Can Survive And Thrive In Any Situation, Dominate All Threats And Develop Incredible Capabilities Starting Right Now!”
With Over One Thousand Proven Military Manuals Included, You can Develop Your Combat and Survival Skills Faster and Easier Than Ever Before Because We’ve Done All The Hard Work For You!
Dear Friend,
Does it frustrate you that your Survivability Index is not at the level you want?
Doesn’t wasting time downloading toxic files make you madder than mad?
What if you could have powerful and proven combat and survival training manuals, packed with easy to learn and quick to master skills, at your fingertips instantly?
How would you like to have one thousand of them given to you right now?
Imagine having a simple system already set up so you can get them with one click.
Now please continue reading on because you’ll love what I’m about to tell you…
You can have not only proven combat and survival training manuals that are already intense enough but also have exclusive banned content you have to see to believe instantly 24 hours per day 365 days per year…
Because dominating all threats, destroying attackers instantly and developing super soldier capabilities are all possible. That’s right!
When you own the most comprehensive combat and survival manuals developed you’ll definitely have the training…
And the best part is…
You’re already halfway there because you’ve just found the right website so you can learn to Survive And Thrive In Any Situation, Dominate All Threats And Develop Incredible Capabilities With Very Little Effort Right Now!
You can get all this packaged in one impressive product I call The Ultimate Survival Library!
If You Do Not Have This Survival Library You are Spinning Your Wheels!
With The Ultimate Survival Library you will have only proven combat and survival training manuals developed by real combat and survival experts.
You’ll find it easier than ever to learn the skills to:
• Survive and thrive in any situation,
• Dominate all threats instantly and
• Develop super soldier like capabilities with ease!
The answers will be at your fingertips…
The Ultimate Survival Library!
It’s massive! It’s comprehensive! And it’s just waiting to be devoured by you. Take a look…
Here’s just a sample of the combat and survival manuals you’ll have instant online access to right now:
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Learn to survive and thrive in any environment. Our Survival volume leaves nothing out.
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Learn military precision and become deadly accurate!
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Learn Special Forces tactics and dominate threats.
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Learn military warfare survival tactics.
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Learn first aid first. Our huge first aid volume is included for you!
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Drastically improve your self defense skills with military developed techniques.
     •Survival Series:
o Map Reading and Land Navigation Course o Adverse Weather Survival Course o Summer Survival Course o Wilderness Survival Course o Evasion and Survival Course o Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year o MREs Meals Ready to Eat FAQs o Food Preparation Course o Water Supply Locating Course o Preservation of Foods Course o Shelter and Camp Making Course o Sheltering in Place Course o Above-ground Home Fallout Shelter Course o Below-ground Home Fallout Shelter Course o Radiation Safety Course
o Recovery From Nuclear Attack Course AND MANY MORE…
• Weapons Series: o Use them effectively, if you have them. o Build your own, if you don’t! o Protect yourself against people with them. o Basic defense o Long Range Uses o Develop Safe Handling Skills o Maintaining and proper storage o And many many more…
•Special Forces Series:
o Guerrilla Warfare & Special Ops o Special Forces Handbook o Counter guerrilla Operations o Ranger Unit Operations o Evasion and Survival o Recon and Surveillance Support o Weapon Training for Spec Ops o Operations Security o Combative Hand to Hand o Ranger Unit Operations o Shelter and Camp Making o Pathfinder Operations o Navy Seal Patrol Leader’s Handbook AND MANY MORE…
•Combat Series:
o Personal Fitness Training Plan o Peak from Nutrition & Exercise o Combat Stress Guide o Soldier’s Common Tasks Warrior Skills o Tactical Combat o Own the Night Unit Night Fighter Guide o How to Kill Tanks o Physical Readiness Combat Training o Tactical Level Logistics o Training for Urban Operations o Combat in Built up Areas o Soldier Health Maintenance o Sniper Marksmanship
•Command Leadership Series:
o Command Policy
o Decisive Force In Theater of Ops
o Joint Force Land Component Command
o Military Leadership
o Military Operations
o Operational Terms & Graphics
o Operations in Low Intensity Conflict
o Peace Operations
o Preparing & Managing Correspondence
o Public Affairs Operations
o Risk Management
o The Universal Task List
o How to Conduct Military Training
o Military Leadership
o Decision Making & Problem Solving
o Effective Communication
o Emergency Management
o Leadership and Influence
•First Aid Series:
o First Aid For Soldiers Guide o Special Forces Medical Guide o Poisonous Snakebite Treatment Guide o Body Airway Obstruction Guide o Cardio Resuscitation CPR Guide o Taking Vital Signs Guide o Treating Fractures in the Field o Casualty & Wound Care Emergency Surgery o Obstetric & Newborn Care o Storage and Sanitation o Preventive Medicine
•Construction Series:
o Plumbing 101 o Construction 101 o Home Fortifications Guide o Chemistry Guide o Mathematics Course o HVAC Course o Water Supply o Sewage How to o Land Surveying o Carpentry Guide o Structural Engineering
What Can You Do With The Ultimate Survival Library?
• Use either on a PC or MAC – really any device that can open PDF files – and take it with you so wherever you are you can develop your skills.
• Instantly download and print out each training manual to give yourself a hard copy back up. • Learn the precision shooting secrets of world class military snipers.
• Quickly learn basic to advanced marksmanship techniques and drastically increase your accuracy and groupings. • Learn the effective team leadership skills you’ll need to be a successful leader.
• Easily learn proper tactical techniques and become devastatingly effective at clearing buildings room by room and urban operations. • Create your very own custom training program and schedule and do what you want.
• Painlessly learn advanced Special Forces Tactics and see if you have what it takes to make the cut. • Get into the best shape of your life quickly with gut flattening hardcore workouts.
• Easily develop mass utilizing the diet and exercise plans that’ll get you sore but still begging for more. • Learn the most devastating and straightforward self defense system available and destroy attackers with little effort.
• Effortlessly master the punishing hand to hand combat secrets of the military’s elite shadow warriors. • Learn to defend the vital points on your body, as well as learn to attack your opponents vital points and instantly neutralize them.
• Learn the secrets to create impenetrable and deadly security methods and protect your home and loved ones from danger. • Get peace of mind knowing you can completely focus on developing your skills because you’ll have the same training programs as elite soldiers.
• Have a RISK-FREE purchase, because The Ultimate Survival Library is covered by our 90 day Satisfaction Guarantee. • Have a worry free download with no threat of malware, adware or a virus taking over your computer in a few weeks and wiping it out.
• With The Ultimate Survival Library you can say goodbye to “what looks good and might work”, so-called experts and questionable survival training, and finally have all the survival secrets the military has developed at your fingertips!
• Even if you have no desire to dominate all threats, destroy attackers instantly or develop super soldier capabilities, you can gain a ton of valuable information that may one day save your life.
Get Instant Access To This Incredible Package Right Now!
Survival Manuals Library
Or FREE World Wide Shipping
Click here to Order Now!
Order Now and You’re Also Going To Get These Bonuses…
Sure I know what you’re thinking. The Ultimate Survival Library can’t be all that amazing. There are tons of survival books on Amazon that must be better. Heck there are tons of survival guides floating around out there that promise the same thing! So why is The Ultimate Survival Library any different?
The difference is The Ultimate Survival Library is the only survival product prepared by the US Military!
That’s right!
The US Military, the most dominant military in the history of mankind has directly contributed to the formation of this incredible survival product. How you may ask?
Well, it’s no secret the US Military has the greatest survival experts on their payroll!
These survival experts have developed the most complete survival training programs for use by not only new recruits but even all the way up to the elite Special Force’s groups. And now for the first time (perhaps in recognition to the growing crisis we are facing here in America) these exact same survival training programs have been released!
Don’t ignore this!
The US Military is releasing these once secret training manuals now!
It seems they know something we don’t! Could we be facing a complete collapse? Are they attempting to get this info into patriotic hands?
Perhaps they know that if a complete collapse occurs they will need the help of true patriots to help protect, defend and rebuild our great nation!
   Now before we go a step further, you need to know this…
   The survival skills, survival methods and survival techniques in The Ultimate Survival Library are the real deal! They are direct from the military and nothing has been replaced by “Hollywood” junk, edited or water-downed.
   The Ultimate Survival Library is completely organized and in depth. This is a massive collection of PDF eBooks that you can read, you can print and you can use immediately and easily on any computer, e-reader or tablet! No special software needed.
   But it gets much better…
Tumblr media Tumblr media
  The Ultimate Survival Library is a massive, relevant and easy to use how to survive anything resource library already. But, just in case…
You’ll receive all updates FREE for LIFE!
This way you’ll save a ton of money and always have the latest manuals available!
With The Ultimate Survival Library you’ll not only have the greatest survival library automatically updated for you for free and forever, but you’ll also get…
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This SUPER BONUS is what I call the Banned Book Collection. I’ll be honest this collection of banned content makes me a bit nervous. It’s that intense, so get it while you can before I lose my nerve!
The Ultimate Prepper’s Survival Handbook
This SPECIAL BONUS is exactly what you need to know to become an expert prepper and be ready at a moment’s notice if things start to go downhill fast.
Nothing is held back. I’ve given you some of the most powerful and effective survival strategies out there… And most importantly, this is a zero-fluff guide that is specific to your prepping needs!
Take a look at what my customers have to say…
“Thank you! I gave up trying to do this myself – it was taking forever and who knows what I was downloading. Saved time, and got exactly what I wanted. Free updates forever to boot. Sweet service you guys got.”
Cindy Arizona
“Excellent Collection!! Ordered the DVD and the Downloads. Couldn’t be more pleased. Thanks.”
D. Clarke Mass
“Very Happy Here! The DVD rom version arrived yesterday. I’ve spent a few hours going through them, and I still have a ton more to go. Good job on the organization too.” A++
Zach California
“A+ Customer Service!! I have never written an email to an online company and had a response literally 10 Minutes Later. Love the Downloads, just got the updates today. Good job!”
J. J. Australia
“My wife ordered this for me after crashing my computer for the third time. I have to say thank you very much. This has saved me hours and hours of searching, downloading, virus scanning and organizing!”
Richard Texas
You get it all backed by My 90 Day RISK FREE ROCK SOLID GUARANTEE!
Don’t Delay Order Today Before This Powerful Resource Is Banned And Gone Forever!
  The Ultimate Survival Library is available now.
You can have it discretely shipped world wide for FREE or you can gain instant online access. It’s completely up to you! And you’ll receive the exact same product!
Listen, we both know that I’m not going to get rich selling this collection and that’s not the reason for me releasing them anyway.
The Ultimate Survival Library is really my way of giving you the key to prepare intelligently and effectively without breaking the bank. Trust me, it’s in my interest to get people who know what their doing on my side if the sh*t hits the fan!
That being said…
I’m going to give you The Ultimate Survival Library, lifetime upgrades forever, The Banned Book Collection + so much more for the price of just $29.99!
You can probably do the math to see how incredible this deal is compared to the cost and time of getting each manual individually!
  Don’t forget you have nothing to lose! Your order is 100% Risk Free!
Join the calling…
Get Instant Access To This Incredible Package Right Now!
Survival Manuals Online
Click here to Order Now!
Respectfully Yours,
John Roberts
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P.S. I hope you decide to let The Ultimate Survival Library work for you. Because these skills, techniques and tactics, are written by true survival experts, and aren’t water-downed Hollywood fiction. You’ll be able to survive and thrive in any situation that you may face in the future with real confidence knowing you have the very best survival training available.
P.P.S. Remember The Ultimate Survival Library can be banned at any moment. Get it while it’s still 100% legal to own. Once this incredible resource is banned… It’ll be gone forever! So get it now!
Get FREE Survival Skills and FREE Survival Tips Join My Newsletter:
© survivalmanualsonline.com        Home    Contact Us
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
1000 Military Manuals Available For Instant Download
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/1000-military-manuals-available-for-instant-download/
1000 Military Manuals Available For Instant Download
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Survival Manuals Essential Survival Skills
Finally, A Quick, Easy and Proven Solution To Develop Combat and Survival Skills…
“At Last! Discover How You Too Can Survive And Thrive In Any Situation, Dominate All Threats And Develop Incredible Capabilities Starting Right Now!”
With Over One Thousand Proven Military Manuals Included, You can Develop Your Combat and Survival Skills Faster and Easier Than Ever Before Because We’ve Done All The Hard Work For You!
Dear Friend,
Does it frustrate you that your Survivability Index is not at the level you want?
Doesn’t wasting time downloading toxic files make you madder than mad?
What if you could have powerful and proven combat and survival training manuals, packed with easy to learn and quick to master skills, at your fingertips instantly?
How would you like to have one thousand of them given to you right now?
Imagine having a simple system already set up so you can get them with one click.
Now please continue reading on because you’ll love what I’m about to tell you…
You can have not only proven combat and survival training manuals that are already intense enough but also have exclusive banned content you have to see to believe instantly 24 hours per day 365 days per year…
Because dominating all threats, destroying attackers instantly and developing super soldier capabilities are all possible. That’s right!
When you own the most comprehensive combat and survival manuals developed you’ll definitely have the training…
And the best part is…
You’re already halfway there because you’ve just found the right website so you can learn to Survive And Thrive In Any Situation, Dominate All Threats And Develop Incredible Capabilities With Very Little Effort Right Now!
You can get all this packaged in one impressive product I call The Ultimate Survival Library!
If You Do Not Have This Survival Library You are Spinning Your Wheels!
With The Ultimate Survival Library you will have only proven combat and survival training manuals developed by real combat and survival experts.
You’ll find it easier than ever to learn the skills to:
• Survive and thrive in any situation,
• Dominate all threats instantly and
• Develop super soldier like capabilities with ease!
The answers will be at your fingertips…
The Ultimate Survival Library!
It’s massive! It’s comprehensive! And it’s just waiting to be devoured by you. Take a look…
Here’s just a sample of the combat and survival manuals you’ll have instant online access to right now:
Tumblr media
Learn to survive and thrive in any environment. Our Survival volume leaves nothing out.
Tumblr media
Learn military precision and become deadly accurate!
Tumblr media
Learn Special Forces tactics and dominate threats.
Tumblr media
Learn military warfare survival tactics.
Tumblr media
Learn first aid first. Our huge first aid volume is included for you!
Tumblr media
Drastically improve your self defense skills with military developed techniques.
     •Survival Series:
o Map Reading and Land Navigation Course o Adverse Weather Survival Course o Summer Survival Course o Wilderness Survival Course o Evasion and Survival Course o Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year o MREs Meals Ready to Eat FAQs o Food Preparation Course o Water Supply Locating Course o Preservation of Foods Course o Shelter and Camp Making Course o Sheltering in Place Course o Above-ground Home Fallout Shelter Course o Below-ground Home Fallout Shelter Course o Radiation Safety Course
o Recovery From Nuclear Attack Course AND MANY MORE…
• Weapons Series: o Use them effectively, if you have them. o Build your own, if you don’t! o Protect yourself against people with them. o Basic defense o Long Range Uses o Develop Safe Handling Skills o Maintaining and proper storage o And many many more…
•Special Forces Series:
o Guerrilla Warfare & Special Ops o Special Forces Handbook o Counter guerrilla Operations o Ranger Unit Operations o Evasion and Survival o Recon and Surveillance Support o Weapon Training for Spec Ops o Operations Security o Combative Hand to Hand o Ranger Unit Operations o Shelter and Camp Making o Pathfinder Operations o Navy Seal Patrol Leader’s Handbook AND MANY MORE…
•Combat Series:
o Personal Fitness Training Plan o Peak from Nutrition & Exercise o Combat Stress Guide o Soldier’s Common Tasks Warrior Skills o Tactical Combat o Own the Night Unit Night Fighter Guide o How to Kill Tanks o Physical Readiness Combat Training o Tactical Level Logistics o Training for Urban Operations o Combat in Built up Areas o Soldier Health Maintenance o Sniper Marksmanship
•Command Leadership Series:
o Command Policy
o Decisive Force In Theater of Ops
o Joint Force Land Component Command
o Military Leadership
o Military Operations
o Operational Terms & Graphics
o Operations in Low Intensity Conflict
o Peace Operations
o Preparing & Managing Correspondence
o Public Affairs Operations
o Risk Management
o The Universal Task List
o How to Conduct Military Training
o Military Leadership
o Decision Making & Problem Solving
o Effective Communication
o Emergency Management
o Leadership and Influence
•First Aid Series:
o First Aid For Soldiers Guide o Special Forces Medical Guide o Poisonous Snakebite Treatment Guide o Body Airway Obstruction Guide o Cardio Resuscitation CPR Guide o Taking Vital Signs Guide o Treating Fractures in the Field o Casualty & Wound Care Emergency Surgery o Obstetric & Newborn Care o Storage and Sanitation o Preventive Medicine
•Construction Series:
o Plumbing 101 o Construction 101 o Home Fortifications Guide o Chemistry Guide o Mathematics Course o HVAC Course o Water Supply o Sewage How to o Land Surveying o Carpentry Guide o Structural Engineering
What Can You Do With The Ultimate Survival Library?
• Use either on a PC or MAC – really any device that can open PDF files – and take it with you so wherever you are you can develop your skills.
• Instantly download and print out each training manual to give yourself a hard copy back up. • Learn the precision shooting secrets of world class military snipers.
• Quickly learn basic to advanced marksmanship techniques and drastically increase your accuracy and groupings. • Learn the effective team leadership skills you’ll need to be a successful leader.
• Easily learn proper tactical techniques and become devastatingly effective at clearing buildings room by room and urban operations. • Create your very own custom training program and schedule and do what you want.
• Painlessly learn advanced Special Forces Tactics and see if you have what it takes to make the cut. • Get into the best shape of your life quickly with gut flattening hardcore workouts.
• Easily develop mass utilizing the diet and exercise plans that’ll get you sore but still begging for more. • Learn the most devastating and straightforward self defense system available and destroy attackers with little effort.
• Effortlessly master the punishing hand to hand combat secrets of the military’s elite shadow warriors. • Learn to defend the vital points on your body, as well as learn to attack your opponents vital points and instantly neutralize them.
• Learn the secrets to create impenetrable and deadly security methods and protect your home and loved ones from danger. • Get peace of mind knowing you can completely focus on developing your skills because you’ll have the same training programs as elite soldiers.
• Have a RISK-FREE purchase, because The Ultimate Survival Library is covered by our 90 day Satisfaction Guarantee. • Have a worry free download with no threat of malware, adware or a virus taking over your computer in a few weeks and wiping it out.
• With The Ultimate Survival Library you can say goodbye to “what looks good and might work”, so-called experts and questionable survival training, and finally have all the survival secrets the military has developed at your fingertips!
• Even if you have no desire to dominate all threats, destroy attackers instantly or develop super soldier capabilities, you can gain a ton of valuable information that may one day save your life.
Get Instant Access To This Incredible Package Right Now!
Survival Manuals Library
Or FREE World Wide Shipping
Click here to Order Now!
Order Now and You’re Also Going To Get These Bonuses…
Sure I know what you’re thinking. The Ultimate Survival Library can’t be all that amazing. There are tons of survival books on Amazon that must be better. Heck there are tons of survival guides floating around out there that promise the same thing! So why is The Ultimate Survival Library any different?
The difference is The Ultimate Survival Library is the only survival product prepared by the US Military!
That’s right!
The US Military, the most dominant military in the history of mankind has directly contributed to the formation of this incredible survival product. How you may ask?
Well, it’s no secret the US Military has the greatest survival experts on their payroll!
These survival experts have developed the most complete survival training programs for use by not only new recruits but even all the way up to the elite Special Force’s groups. And now for the first time (perhaps in recognition to the growing crisis we are facing here in America) these exact same survival training programs have been released!
Don’t ignore this!
The US Military is releasing these once secret training manuals now!
It seems they know something we don’t! Could we be facing a complete collapse? Are they attempting to get this info into patriotic hands?
Perhaps they know that if a complete collapse occurs they will need the help of true patriots to help protect, defend and rebuild our great nation!
   Now before we go a step further, you need to know this…
   The survival skills, survival methods and survival techniques in The Ultimate Survival Library are the real deal! They are direct from the military and nothing has been replaced by “Hollywood” junk, edited or water-downed.
   The Ultimate Survival Library is completely organized and in depth. This is a massive collection of PDF eBooks that you can read, you can print and you can use immediately and easily on any computer, e-reader or tablet! No special software needed.
   But it gets much better…
Tumblr media Tumblr media
  The Ultimate Survival Library is a massive, relevant and easy to use how to survive anything resource library already. But, just in case…
You’ll receive all updates FREE for LIFE!
This way you’ll save a ton of money and always have the latest manuals available!
With The Ultimate Survival Library you’ll not only have the greatest survival library automatically updated for you for free and forever, but you’ll also get…
Tumblr media
This SUPER BONUS is what I call the Banned Book Collection. I’ll be honest this collection of banned content makes me a bit nervous. It’s that intense, so get it while you can before I lose my nerve!
The Ultimate Prepper’s Survival Handbook
This SPECIAL BONUS is exactly what you need to know to become an expert prepper and be ready at a moment’s notice if things start to go downhill fast.
Nothing is held back. I’ve given you some of the most powerful and effective survival strategies out there… And most importantly, this is a zero-fluff guide that is specific to your prepping needs!
Take a look at what my customers have to say…
“Thank you! I gave up trying to do this myself – it was taking forever and who knows what I was downloading. Saved time, and got exactly what I wanted. Free updates forever to boot. Sweet service you guys got.”
Cindy Arizona
“Excellent Collection!! Ordered the DVD and the Downloads. Couldn’t be more pleased. Thanks.”
D. Clarke Mass
“Very Happy Here! The DVD rom version arrived yesterday. I’ve spent a few hours going through them, and I still have a ton more to go. Good job on the organization too.” A++
Zach California
“A+ Customer Service!! I have never written an email to an online company and had a response literally 10 Minutes Later. Love the Downloads, just got the updates today. Good job!”
J. J. Australia
“My wife ordered this for me after crashing my computer for the third time. I have to say thank you very much. This has saved me hours and hours of searching, downloading, virus scanning and organizing!”
Richard Texas
You get it all backed by My 90 Day RISK FREE ROCK SOLID GUARANTEE!
Don’t Delay Order Today Before This Powerful Resource Is Banned And Gone Forever!
  The Ultimate Survival Library is available now.
You can have it discretely shipped world wide for FREE or you can gain instant online access. It’s completely up to you! And you’ll receive the exact same product!
Listen, we both know that I’m not going to get rich selling this collection and that’s not the reason for me releasing them anyway.
The Ultimate Survival Library is really my way of giving you the key to prepare intelligently and effectively without breaking the bank. Trust me, it’s in my interest to get people who know what their doing on my side if the sh*t hits the fan!
That being said…
I’m going to give you The Ultimate Survival Library, lifetime upgrades forever, The Banned Book Collection + so much more for the price of just $29.99!
You can probably do the math to see how incredible this deal is compared to the cost and time of getting each manual individually!
  Don’t forget you have nothing to lose! Your order is 100% Risk Free!
Join the calling…
Get Instant Access To This Incredible Package Right Now!
Survival Manuals Online
Click here to Order Now!
Respectfully Yours,
John Roberts
Tumblr media
P.S. I hope you decide to let The Ultimate Survival Library work for you. Because these skills, techniques and tactics, are written by true survival experts, and aren’t water-downed Hollywood fiction. You’ll be able to survive and thrive in any situation that you may face in the future with real confidence knowing you have the very best survival training available.
P.P.S. Remember The Ultimate Survival Library can be banned at any moment. Get it while it’s still 100% legal to own. Once this incredible resource is banned… It’ll be gone forever! So get it now!
Get FREE Survival Skills and FREE Survival Tips Join My Newsletter:
© survivalmanualsonline.com        Home    Contact Us
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allenmendezsr · 4 years
1000 Military Manuals Available For Instant Download
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/1000-military-manuals-available-for-instant-download/
1000 Military Manuals Available For Instant Download
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Survival Manuals Essential Survival Skills
Finally, A Quick, Easy and Proven Solution To Develop Combat and Survival Skills…
“At Last! Discover How You Too Can Survive And Thrive In Any Situation, Dominate All Threats And Develop Incredible Capabilities Starting Right Now!”
With Over One Thousand Proven Military Manuals Included, You can Develop Your Combat and Survival Skills Faster and Easier Than Ever Before Because We’ve Done All The Hard Work For You!
Dear Friend,
Does it frustrate you that your Survivability Index is not at the level you want?
Doesn’t wasting time downloading toxic files make you madder than mad?
What if you could have powerful and proven combat and survival training manuals, packed with easy to learn and quick to master skills, at your fingertips instantly?
How would you like to have one thousand of them given to you right now?
Imagine having a simple system already set up so you can get them with one click.
Now please continue reading on because you’ll love what I’m about to tell you…
You can have not only proven combat and survival training manuals that are already intense enough but also have exclusive banned content you have to see to believe instantly 24 hours per day 365 days per year…
Because dominating all threats, destroying attackers instantly and developing super soldier capabilities are all possible. That’s right!
When you own the most comprehensive combat and survival manuals developed you’ll definitely have the training…
And the best part is…
You’re already halfway there because you’ve just found the right website so you can learn to Survive And Thrive In Any Situation, Dominate All Threats And Develop Incredible Capabilities With Very Little Effort Right Now!
You can get all this packaged in one impressive product I call The Ultimate Survival Library!
If You Do Not Have This Survival Library You are Spinning Your Wheels!
With The Ultimate Survival Library you will have only proven combat and survival training manuals developed by real combat and survival experts.
You’ll find it easier than ever to learn the skills to:
• Survive and thrive in any situation,
• Dominate all threats instantly and
• Develop super soldier like capabilities with ease!
The answers will be at your fingertips…
The Ultimate Survival Library!
It’s massive! It’s comprehensive! And it’s just waiting to be devoured by you. Take a look…
Here’s just a sample of the combat and survival manuals you’ll have instant online access to right now:
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Learn to survive and thrive in any environment. Our Survival volume leaves nothing out.
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Learn military precision and become deadly accurate!
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Learn Special Forces tactics and dominate threats.
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Learn military warfare survival tactics.
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Learn first aid first. Our huge first aid volume is included for you!
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Drastically improve your self defense skills with military developed techniques.
     •Survival Series:
o Map Reading and Land Navigation Course o Adverse Weather Survival Course o Summer Survival Course o Wilderness Survival Course o Evasion and Survival Course o Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year o MREs Meals Ready to Eat FAQs o Food Preparation Course o Water Supply Locating Course o Preservation of Foods Course o Shelter and Camp Making Course o Sheltering in Place Course o Above-ground Home Fallout Shelter Course o Below-ground Home Fallout Shelter Course o Radiation Safety Course
o Recovery From Nuclear Attack Course AND MANY MORE…
• Weapons Series: o Use them effectively, if you have them. o Build your own, if you don’t! o Protect yourself against people with them. o Basic defense o Long Range Uses o Develop Safe Handling Skills o Maintaining and proper storage o And many many more…
•Special Forces Series:
o Guerrilla Warfare & Special Ops o Special Forces Handbook o Counter guerrilla Operations o Ranger Unit Operations o Evasion and Survival o Recon and Surveillance Support o Weapon Training for Spec Ops o Operations Security o Combative Hand to Hand o Ranger Unit Operations o Shelter and Camp Making o Pathfinder Operations o Navy Seal Patrol Leader’s Handbook AND MANY MORE…
•Combat Series:
o Personal Fitness Training Plan o Peak from Nutrition & Exercise o Combat Stress Guide o Soldier’s Common Tasks Warrior Skills o Tactical Combat o Own the Night Unit Night Fighter Guide o How to Kill Tanks o Physical Readiness Combat Training o Tactical Level Logistics o Training for Urban Operations o Combat in Built up Areas o Soldier Health Maintenance o Sniper Marksmanship
•Command Leadership Series:
o Command Policy
o Decisive Force In Theater of Ops
o Joint Force Land Component Command
o Military Leadership
o Military Operations
o Operational Terms & Graphics
o Operations in Low Intensity Conflict
o Peace Operations
o Preparing & Managing Correspondence
o Public Affairs Operations
o Risk Management
o The Universal Task List
o How to Conduct Military Training
o Military Leadership
o Decision Making & Problem Solving
o Effective Communication
o Emergency Management
o Leadership and Influence
•First Aid Series:
o First Aid For Soldiers Guide o Special Forces Medical Guide o Poisonous Snakebite Treatment Guide o Body Airway Obstruction Guide o Cardio Resuscitation CPR Guide o Taking Vital Signs Guide o Treating Fractures in the Field o Casualty & Wound Care Emergency Surgery o Obstetric & Newborn Care o Storage and Sanitation o Preventive Medicine
•Construction Series:
o Plumbing 101 o Construction 101 o Home Fortifications Guide o Chemistry Guide o Mathematics Course o HVAC Course o Water Supply o Sewage How to o Land Surveying o Carpentry Guide o Structural Engineering
What Can You Do With The Ultimate Survival Library?
• Use either on a PC or MAC – really any device that can open PDF files – and take it with you so wherever you are you can develop your skills.
• Instantly download and print out each training manual to give yourself a hard copy back up. • Learn the precision shooting secrets of world class military snipers.
• Quickly learn basic to advanced marksmanship techniques and drastically increase your accuracy and groupings. • Learn the effective team leadership skills you’ll need to be a successful leader.
• Easily learn proper tactical techniques and become devastatingly effective at clearing buildings room by room and urban operations. • Create your very own custom training program and schedule and do what you want.
• Painlessly learn advanced Special Forces Tactics and see if you have what it takes to make the cut. • Get into the best shape of your life quickly with gut flattening hardcore workouts.
• Easily develop mass utilizing the diet and exercise plans that’ll get you sore but still begging for more. • Learn the most devastating and straightforward self defense system available and destroy attackers with little effort.
• Effortlessly master the punishing hand to hand combat secrets of the military’s elite shadow warriors. • Learn to defend the vital points on your body, as well as learn to attack your opponents vital points and instantly neutralize them.
• Learn the secrets to create impenetrable and deadly security methods and protect your home and loved ones from danger. • Get peace of mind knowing you can completely focus on developing your skills because you’ll have the same training programs as elite soldiers.
• Have a RISK-FREE purchase, because The Ultimate Survival Library is covered by our 90 day Satisfaction Guarantee. • Have a worry free download with no threat of malware, adware or a virus taking over your computer in a few weeks and wiping it out.
• With The Ultimate Survival Library you can say goodbye to “what looks good and might work”, so-called experts and questionable survival training, and finally have all the survival secrets the military has developed at your fingertips!
• Even if you have no desire to dominate all threats, destroy attackers instantly or develop super soldier capabilities, you can gain a ton of valuable information that may one day save your life.
Get Instant Access To This Incredible Package Right Now!
Survival Manuals Library
Or FREE World Wide Shipping
Click here to Order Now!
Order Now and You’re Also Going To Get These Bonuses…
Sure I know what you’re thinking. The Ultimate Survival Library can’t be all that amazing. There are tons of survival books on Amazon that must be better. Heck there are tons of survival guides floating around out there that promise the same thing! So why is The Ultimate Survival Library any different?
The difference is The Ultimate Survival Library is the only survival product prepared by the US Military!
That’s right!
The US Military, the most dominant military in the history of mankind has directly contributed to the formation of this incredible survival product. How you may ask?
Well, it’s no secret the US Military has the greatest survival experts on their payroll!
These survival experts have developed the most complete survival training programs for use by not only new recruits but even all the way up to the elite Special Force’s groups. And now for the first time (perhaps in recognition to the growing crisis we are facing here in America) these exact same survival training programs have been released!
Don’t ignore this!
The US Military is releasing these once secret training manuals now!
It seems they know something we don’t! Could we be facing a complete collapse? Are they attempting to get this info into patriotic hands?
Perhaps they know that if a complete collapse occurs they will need the help of true patriots to help protect, defend and rebuild our great nation!
   Now before we go a step further, you need to know this…
   The survival skills, survival methods and survival techniques in The Ultimate Survival Library are the real deal! They are direct from the military and nothing has been replaced by “Hollywood” junk, edited or water-downed.
   The Ultimate Survival Library is completely organized and in depth. This is a massive collection of PDF eBooks that you can read, you can print and you can use immediately and easily on any computer, e-reader or tablet! No special software needed.
   But it gets much better…
Tumblr media Tumblr media
  The Ultimate Survival Library is a massive, relevant and easy to use how to survive anything resource library already. But, just in case…
You’ll receive all updates FREE for LIFE!
This way you’ll save a ton of money and always have the latest manuals available!
With The Ultimate Survival Library you’ll not only have the greatest survival library automatically updated for you for free and forever, but you’ll also get…
Tumblr media
This SUPER BONUS is what I call the Banned Book Collection. I’ll be honest this collection of banned content makes me a bit nervous. It’s that intense, so get it while you can before I lose my nerve!
The Ultimate Prepper’s Survival Handbook
This SPECIAL BONUS is exactly what you need to know to become an expert prepper and be ready at a moment’s notice if things start to go downhill fast.
Nothing is held back. I’ve given you some of the most powerful and effective survival strategies out there… And most importantly, this is a zero-fluff guide that is specific to your prepping needs!
Take a look at what my customers have to say…
“Thank you! I gave up trying to do this myself – it was taking forever and who knows what I was downloading. Saved time, and got exactly what I wanted. Free updates forever to boot. Sweet service you guys got.”
Cindy Arizona
“Excellent Collection!! Ordered the DVD and the Downloads. Couldn’t be more pleased. Thanks.”
D. Clarke Mass
“Very Happy Here! The DVD rom version arrived yesterday. I’ve spent a few hours going through them, and I still have a ton more to go. Good job on the organization too.” A++
Zach California
“A+ Customer Service!! I have never written an email to an online company and had a response literally 10 Minutes Later. Love the Downloads, just got the updates today. Good job!”
J. J. Australia
“My wife ordered this for me after crashing my computer for the third time. I have to say thank you very much. This has saved me hours and hours of searching, downloading, virus scanning and organizing!”
Richard Texas
You get it all backed by My 90 Day RISK FREE ROCK SOLID GUARANTEE!
Don’t Delay Order Today Before This Powerful Resource Is Banned And Gone Forever!
  The Ultimate Survival Library is available now.
You can have it discretely shipped world wide for FREE or you can gain instant online access. It’s completely up to you! And you’ll receive the exact same product!
Listen, we both know that I’m not going to get rich selling this collection and that’s not the reason for me releasing them anyway.
The Ultimate Survival Library is really my way of giving you the key to prepare intelligently and effectively without breaking the bank. Trust me, it’s in my interest to get people who know what their doing on my side if the sh*t hits the fan!
That being said…
I’m going to give you The Ultimate Survival Library, lifetime upgrades forever, The Banned Book Collection + so much more for the price of just $29.99!
You can probably do the math to see how incredible this deal is compared to the cost and time of getting each manual individually!
  Don’t forget you have nothing to lose! Your order is 100% Risk Free!
Join the calling…
Get Instant Access To This Incredible Package Right Now!
Survival Manuals Online
Click here to Order Now!
Respectfully Yours,
John Roberts
Tumblr media
P.S. I hope you decide to let The Ultimate Survival Library work for you. Because these skills, techniques and tactics, are written by true survival experts, and aren’t water-downed Hollywood fiction. You’ll be able to survive and thrive in any situation that you may face in the future with real confidence knowing you have the very best survival training available.
P.P.S. Remember The Ultimate Survival Library can be banned at any moment. Get it while it’s still 100% legal to own. Once this incredible resource is banned… It’ll be gone forever! So get it now!
Get FREE Survival Skills and FREE Survival Tips Join My Newsletter:
© survivalmanualsonline.com        Home    Contact Us
0 notes
allenmendezsr · 4 years
1000 Military Manuals Available For Instant Download
New Post has been published on https://autotraffixpro.app/allenmendezsr/1000-military-manuals-available-for-instant-download/
1000 Military Manuals Available For Instant Download
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 Buy Now
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
    Survival Manuals Essential Survival Skills
Finally, A Quick, Easy and Proven Solution To Develop Combat and Survival Skills…
“At Last! Discover How You Too Can Survive And Thrive In Any Situation, Dominate All Threats And Develop Incredible Capabilities Starting Right Now!”
With Over One Thousand Proven Military Manuals Included, You can Develop Your Combat and Survival Skills Faster and Easier Than Ever Before Because We’ve Done All The Hard Work For You!
Dear Friend,
Does it frustrate you that your Survivability Index is not at the level you want?
Doesn’t wasting time downloading toxic files make you madder than mad?
What if you could have powerful and proven combat and survival training manuals, packed with easy to learn and quick to master skills, at your fingertips instantly?
How would you like to have one thousand of them given to you right now?
Imagine having a simple system already set up so you can get them with one click.
Now please continue reading on because you’ll love what I’m about to tell you…
You can have not only proven combat and survival training manuals that are already intense enough but also have exclusive banned content you have to see to believe instantly 24 hours per day 365 days per year…
Because dominating all threats, destroying attackers instantly and developing super soldier capabilities are all possible. That’s right!
When you own the most comprehensive combat and survival manuals developed you’ll definitely have the training…
And the best part is…
You’re already halfway there because you’ve just found the right website so you can learn to Survive And Thrive In Any Situation, Dominate All Threats And Develop Incredible Capabilities With Very Little Effort Right Now!
You can get all this packaged in one impressive product I call The Ultimate Survival Library!
If You Do Not Have This Survival Library You are Spinning Your Wheels!
With The Ultimate Survival Library you will have only proven combat and survival training manuals developed by real combat and survival experts.
You’ll find it easier than ever to learn the skills to:
• Survive and thrive in any situation,
• Dominate all threats instantly and
• Develop super soldier like capabilities with ease!
The answers will be at your fingertips…
The Ultimate Survival Library!
It’s massive! It’s comprehensive! And it’s just waiting to be devoured by you. Take a look…
Here’s just a sample of the combat and survival manuals you’ll have instant online access to right now:
Tumblr media
Learn to survive and thrive in any environment. Our Survival volume leaves nothing out.
Tumblr media
Learn military precision and become deadly accurate!
Tumblr media
Learn Special Forces tactics and dominate threats.
Tumblr media
Learn military warfare survival tactics.
Tumblr media
Learn first aid first. Our huge first aid volume is included for you!
Tumblr media
Drastically improve your self defense skills with military developed techniques.
     •Survival Series:
o Map Reading and Land Navigation Course o Adverse Weather Survival Course o Summer Survival Course o Wilderness Survival Course o Evasion and Survival Course o Basic Food Storage Plan For One Year o MREs Meals Ready to Eat FAQs o Food Preparation Course o Water Supply Locating Course o Preservation of Foods Course o Shelter and Camp Making Course o Sheltering in Place Course o Above-ground Home Fallout Shelter Course o Below-ground Home Fallout Shelter Course o Radiation Safety Course
o Recovery From Nuclear Attack Course AND MANY MORE…
• Weapons Series: o Use them effectively, if you have them. o Build your own, if you don’t! o Protect yourself against people with them. o Basic defense o Long Range Uses o Develop Safe Handling Skills o Maintaining and proper storage o And many many more…
•Special Forces Series:
o Guerrilla Warfare & Special Ops o Special Forces Handbook o Counter guerrilla Operations o Ranger Unit Operations o Evasion and Survival o Recon and Surveillance Support o Weapon Training for Spec Ops o Operations Security o Combative Hand to Hand o Ranger Unit Operations o Shelter and Camp Making o Pathfinder Operations o Navy Seal Patrol Leader’s Handbook AND MANY MORE…
•Combat Series:
o Personal Fitness Training Plan o Peak from Nutrition & Exercise o Combat Stress Guide o Soldier’s Common Tasks Warrior Skills o Tactical Combat o Own the Night Unit Night Fighter Guide o How to Kill Tanks o Physical Readiness Combat Training o Tactical Level Logistics o Training for Urban Operations o Combat in Built up Areas o Soldier Health Maintenance o Sniper Marksmanship
•Command Leadership Series:
o Command Policy
o Decisive Force In Theater of Ops
o Joint Force Land Component Command
o Military Leadership
o Military Operations
o Operational Terms & Graphics
o Operations in Low Intensity Conflict
o Peace Operations
o Preparing & Managing Correspondence
o Public Affairs Operations
o Risk Management
o The Universal Task List
o How to Conduct Military Training
o Military Leadership
o Decision Making & Problem Solving
o Effective Communication
o Emergency Management
o Leadership and Influence
•First Aid Series:
o First Aid For Soldiers Guide o Special Forces Medical Guide o Poisonous Snakebite Treatment Guide o Body Airway Obstruction Guide o Cardio Resuscitation CPR Guide o Taking Vital Signs Guide o Treating Fractures in the Field o Casualty & Wound Care Emergency Surgery o Obstetric & Newborn Care o Storage and Sanitation o Preventive Medicine
•Construction Series:
o Plumbing 101 o Construction 101 o Home Fortifications Guide o Chemistry Guide o Mathematics Course o HVAC Course o Water Supply o Sewage How to o Land Surveying o Carpentry Guide o Structural Engineering
What Can You Do With The Ultimate Survival Library?
• Use either on a PC or MAC – really any device that can open PDF files – and take it with you so wherever you are you can develop your skills.
• Instantly download and print out each training manual to give yourself a hard copy back up. • Learn the precision shooting secrets of world class military snipers.
• Quickly learn basic to advanced marksmanship techniques and drastically increase your accuracy and groupings. • Learn the effective team leadership skills you’ll need to be a successful leader.
• Easily learn proper tactical techniques and become devastatingly effective at clearing buildings room by room and urban operations. • Create your very own custom training program and schedule and do what you want.
• Painlessly learn advanced Special Forces Tactics and see if you have what it takes to make the cut. • Get into the best shape of your life quickly with gut flattening hardcore workouts.
• Easily develop mass utilizing the diet and exercise plans that’ll get you sore but still begging for more. • Learn the most devastating and straightforward self defense system available and destroy attackers with little effort.
• Effortlessly master the punishing hand to hand combat secrets of the military’s elite shadow warriors. • Learn to defend the vital points on your body, as well as learn to attack your opponents vital points and instantly neutralize them.
• Learn the secrets to create impenetrable and deadly security methods and protect your home and loved ones from danger. • Get peace of mind knowing you can completely focus on developing your skills because you’ll have the same training programs as elite soldiers.
• Have a RISK-FREE purchase, because The Ultimate Survival Library is covered by our 90 day Satisfaction Guarantee. • Have a worry free download with no threat of malware, adware or a virus taking over your computer in a few weeks and wiping it out.
• With The Ultimate Survival Library you can say goodbye to “what looks good and might work”, so-called experts and questionable survival training, and finally have all the survival secrets the military has developed at your fingertips!
• Even if you have no desire to dominate all threats, destroy attackers instantly or develop super soldier capabilities, you can gain a ton of valuable information that may one day save your life.
Get Instant Access To This Incredible Package Right Now!
Survival Manuals Library
Or FREE World Wide Shipping
Click here to Order Now!
Order Now and You’re Also Going To Get These Bonuses…
Sure I know what you’re thinking. The Ultimate Survival Library can’t be all that amazing. There are tons of survival books on Amazon that must be better. Heck there are tons of survival guides floating around out there that promise the same thing! So why is The Ultimate Survival Library any different?
The difference is The Ultimate Survival Library is the only survival product prepared by the US Military!
That’s right!
The US Military, the most dominant military in the history of mankind has directly contributed to the formation of this incredible survival product. How you may ask?
Well, it’s no secret the US Military has the greatest survival experts on their payroll!
These survival experts have developed the most complete survival training programs for use by not only new recruits but even all the way up to the elite Special Force’s groups. And now for the first time (perhaps in recognition to the growing crisis we are facing here in America) these exact same survival training programs have been released!
Don’t ignore this!
The US Military is releasing these once secret training manuals now!
It seems they know something we don’t! Could we be facing a complete collapse? Are they attempting to get this info into patriotic hands?
Perhaps they know that if a complete collapse occurs they will need the help of true patriots to help protect, defend and rebuild our great nation!
   Now before we go a step further, you need to know this…
   The survival skills, survival methods and survival techniques in The Ultimate Survival Library are the real deal! They are direct from the military and nothing has been replaced by “Hollywood” junk, edited or water-downed.
   The Ultimate Survival Library is completely organized and in depth. This is a massive collection of PDF eBooks that you can read, you can print and you can use immediately and easily on any computer, e-reader or tablet! No special software needed.
   But it gets much better…
Tumblr media Tumblr media
  The Ultimate Survival Library is a massive, relevant and easy to use how to survive anything resource library already. But, just in case…
You’ll receive all updates FREE for LIFE!
This way you’ll save a ton of money and always have the latest manuals available!
With The Ultimate Survival Library you’ll not only have the greatest survival library automatically updated for you for free and forever, but you’ll also get…
Tumblr media
This SUPER BONUS is what I call the Banned Book Collection. I’ll be honest this collection of banned content makes me a bit nervous. It’s that intense, so get it while you can before I lose my nerve!
The Ultimate Prepper’s Survival Handbook
This SPECIAL BONUS is exactly what you need to know to become an expert prepper and be ready at a moment’s notice if things start to go downhill fast.
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John Roberts
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P.S. I hope you decide to let The Ultimate Survival Library work for you. Because these skills, techniques and tactics, are written by true survival experts, and aren’t water-downed Hollywood fiction. You’ll be able to survive and thrive in any situation that you may face in the future with real confidence knowing you have the very best survival training available.
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