#Clean Snacking SUPP UP
supp-up · 5 months
Clean Snacking: Easy High Protein Ice Cream [4 Steps]
Clean Snacking: Make Your Own High Protein Ice Cream #icecream #highprotein #protein #gym #health #nutrition #suppup #supp_up #cleansnacking #snackideas #easyrecipes #fitness #gymrat
It’s sunny somewhere – I don’t know about you but I’ve always been a fan of ice cream, not matter what time of the year it is..and now that we’re approaching summer it’s the perfect excuse to find ways to make your own custom spin on ice cream in 4 easy steps. So here’s a good recipe for when you want clean, high protein ice cream. This one’s different than the other ice cream post I did a while…
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hippiegoth97 · 10 months
Diary of a Hawkins Hussy: A Stranger Things x Reader Anthology
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Banner by me :)
Master List
Content Warning 18+ Only, Minors DNI: smut, swearing, heavy kissing/groping, mentions of heartbreak, light crying, oral sex, unprotected sex, lots of praise, dirty talk, fluff
Word Count: 10.9k
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Divider by @firefly-graphics
Diary Entry #7: Steve Harrington
May 30th, 1985
Dear diary,
Today is the grand opening of Starcourt. The whole town has been buzzing about it for weeks. Even Alex and Julie are excited to check it out, despite hearing my numerous diatribes about how malls kill small business. But I suppose that's just how��things go. Everyone likes the shiny, new things. Long-term consequences be damned.
The store is completely dead today. Hell, most of downtown is quiet and empty. I only hope the novelty of Starcourt will wear off soon enough, and people will realize where quality product and exceptional customer service truly comes from. A true, personal touch is what keeps people coming back, not some corporate-mandated mannerisms and brain-dead training videos. Just you wait and see. In a few weeks, they'll be back.
June 7th, 1985
Dear diary,
I decided to bite the bullet and check out the mall. I figure it doesn't hurt to get an idea of what I'm up against. I had no intention whatsoever of purchasing anything, mind you. Except maybe a snack. Sleuthing tends to work up an appetite, you know. I drove over there in the early afternoon, and it was exactly as I'd expected. A huge, hulking building with a ridiculously large parking lot. It was almost completely packed outside, which tracks for a Friday at the beginning of summer. Well, that, and the fact that the mall has only been open for a week.
When I walked inside, I was honestly shocked to see just how clean and shiny the whole place was. Two stories hosting an endless array of shops and restaurants, the first sets of escalators to ever grace our sleepy little town, even a fancy water feature. It was worse than I thought. And that was before I even scouted out my direct competition. Sam Goody. Ugh, it was awful, diary. They must've sent a spy to my damn store, because all of their records and cassettes just barely undercut my already measly prices! I have no idea how they make a profit like that, they were practically giving the shit away!
I couldn't bear to stay in what essentially is a death sentence for Waxed Out, so I left the store and walked around the mall aimlessly for a while. I felt helpless, honestly. There's no way I can feasibly compete with them, it's only a matter of time before I'm out of business. I can't believe I went all in on this damn shop. I can't believe I talked myself out of taking the Mayor's deal. But who am I kidding? That deal could've been complete bullshit anyway, that man is not to be trusted.
After what felt like hours of walking, though I'm sure it was only a few minutes of moping, I happened upon the foodcourt. 'Oh, yes', I thought to myself. 'Some fattening food ought to drown my intense dread and sorrow'. I looked around at the choices, letting my stomach make the decision for me. Imperial Panda, too salty. Hot Dog On a Stick, too greasy. Orange Julius, too citrusy. And then my eyes fell upon a nautical-themed ice cream shop. Scoops Ahoy...
Bring on the empty calories, you think to yourself as you approach the rather long line at the ice cream parlor. It's a cute place, with the employees dressed in sailor outfits and particularly nautical sounding music playing over the speakers. You get behind the mass of ten people waiting to be served, allowing yourself to space out while looking at the menu. You're thinking a USS Butterscotch sounds nice. A big, messy sundae to stuff your sad face with and forget all about your troubles for a little while. The line moves pretty quickly, thanks to the two young kids scooping their butts off behind the counter. Your eyes wander, noticing there's only a couple people that have gathered behind you now. You suppose the lunch rush is beginning to die down.
It's eventually your turn, and you find yourself face to face with one of the prettiest young men you've ever seen. He has fluffy brown hair, slightly smushed and pushed outward by the white sailor hat on his head, embroidered with the word 'Ahoy' in blue thread. Well-groomed brows rest casually above his gorgeous brown eyes. He's got a strong nose and jawline, and plush, pink lips that almost shine in the fluorescent lights above you. His skin is fair and healthy, with a few small beauty marks gracing his flawless complexion. In one word, he is hot. You notice those kissable lips of his moving as he speaks, but don't you register a single syllable. You're too focused on admiring his handsome face.
"I'm sorry, what did you say?" You ask dreamily, snapping yourself out of your trance. A light blush creeps up your cheeks for ogling in the middle of the line.
His smile grows from your reaction, finding your attraction rather flattering. He repeats himself, no doubt speaking in a more flirtatious tone this time. "Ahoy! What can I get for you?" He asks cheerfully, giving you a subtle once-over with his eyes.
"Uh..." You start, cheeks growing redder by the second. It's not like you to be so bashful. Usually, this kind of interaction goes the other way around. You suppose it has been a while, though. You've been avoiding dating and hook-ups like the plague ever since Scott ended things. "Sorry. Um, I'll have a USS Butterscotch, please!" You finally get the words out, though they spill out of your mouth in a rushed half-yell. Jesus christ, what is up with me today?
"Of course. Is there anything else I can get for you?" The young man says with a chuckle.
Your phone number, you think, but don't dare say. You doubt he'd be interested, he's far too attractive to waste his time on the likes of you. Plus, he's busy working. You don't want to hold him up. "N-no, thank you. That's it for me." You answer nervously, reaching for your wallet inside your purse.
"Aye, aye, Captain." He says, giving you a playful salute and a wink while he punches in your order. "That'll be $2.50."
"Here's five. Keep the change." You give the crisp bill to him, your hand trembling slightly. You really don't know what's gotten into you, but you're making a total fool of yourself.
"Thanks. It'll be right up." He gives you a charming smile.
"Thank you...Steve." You say, pausing to read his little red name tag. You step off to the side, waiting for your sundae to be ready. The girl working with Steve, who's own tag says 'Robin' calls out your order a couple minutes later. You grab it and a red plastic spoon, and take it over to one of the booths inside the shop. You sit down on the leathery cushion, and finally feel like you can breathe again. You're thankfully facing away from the register, hiding yourself as your flushed face falls into your hands for a minute. You feel like an absolute idiot for being so bumbly and flustered. You sigh deeply, raising your head and letting your arms fall to rest on the table.
What a day it has been. You've found out just how bad things are truly going to get for your store, and you managed to look like a complete ass in front of a cute sailor that sells ice cream. At this point, all you want to do is gobble down your rapidly melting snack and get the fuck out of here. You pick up your spoon, and dig into the ship-shaped sundae. You lift the messy bite of banana, whipped topping, and butterscotch ice cream to your lips, and take the whole thing inside your mouth without another thought. It's cold, and sweet, immediately sending all your woes running for the hills. You moan quietly in satisfaction as you swallow, ready to dive in for another bite.
"That good, huh?" Steve says, suddenly taking the seat across from you in the booth.
"Uh, yeah. It is. What are you—" You start to ask what he's up to, wondering why he isn't helping his rather surly-looking coworker.
"I'm on break, don't worry. I noticed you were a little flustered back there." He cuts you off, leaning back into the seat to get comfortable.
"Yeah. Sorry, you're just...um, really— cute. I guess." You explain clumsily, your ears and neck heating up along with your face this time. You stare at your ice cream, unable to meet his eyes.
"Thanks. So are you." Steve replies, like it's nothing at all.
"Thank you." You say meekly, absent-mindedly picking at your food.
"You might want to eat more of that soon. It's gonna melt." He says, encouraging you to take another bite. You do, scooping up another hearty spoonful. And once you take it in your mouth, chew, and swallow, you feel far more in your element.
"Sorry." You lift your head up to finally meet his gaze. "I'm not usually like this. You know, all blushing and...sweaty." You laugh at yourself, finding an amused look on his face. "It's just been a while since I've put myself out there." You say honestly, though you're unsure Steve wants to hear about your personal problems.
"It's alright, really. I think it's sweet. I haven't really been 'out there' much lately, either." He replies, which surprises you.
"What? A total dreamboat like you? No way!" You giggle in disbelief, but his face falling makes it die off. "I'm sorry. Bad breakup?" You tut, reaching your hand across the table to put it over his.
"Yeah. You could say that. You?" Steve says with a sigh, warming slightly at your touch. It's been quite some time since he's had a girl touch him, in any capacity. A couple stray butterflies form in his stomach, flapping anxiously against the internal walls.
"Same. I..." You trail off again, wondering if it's a good idea to tell him what's on your mind. "...I thought he could be 'the one', ya know? But life got in the way, and—" You stop again when his eyes meet yours, widened in understanding. It's like you've told him everything, without really saying a word. He knows how you feel, because he's been in a similar place himself. "Well, anyway. You get it." You brush off the subject, pulling your hand away.
"Yeah. Yeah, I really do." Steve says, laughing dryly. "Shit, I gotta get back. But lemme give you my number." He says, pulling a napkin out of the dispenser on the table, and a pen from the pocket of his apron. He scrawls his number down on it, sliding it over to you. "Maybe we can help each other get over our exes. Or, whatever." He shrugs, still trying to come off casual.
"Sure. I'd like that. Or whatever." You tease, mimicking his shrug with a laugh.
"It was nice meeting you, uh..." Steve pauses, searching for the name you didn't give him.
"Y/N." You answer, and he nods.
"Y/N." He repeats, finding it to be a very pretty name. "Great. Well, enjoy that sundae, and call me. I'll see you around." Steve says, walking backwards towards the counter. You can't help giggling when he almost slips on a spilled glob of Cherries Jubilee, his shoe squeaking loudly against the tile floor. He barely catches himself by grabbing the edge of the counter, his chest heaving. He straightens himself out, and gives you a small wave. His cheeks burn bright red, which only makes him look cuter than he did before. You wiggle your fingers back at him, and turn around to finish your treat and head home.
June 8th, 1985
Dear diary,
As much as my trip to Starcourt left me feeling really gutted about where Waxed Out is probably heading, it was nice to meet Steve. I didn't catch his last name, or learn very much about him at all. But I've still got the napkin with his number written on it, and I fully intend to use it. I think I'll wait until after the mall closes, though. Just in case he has to work the evening shift. Plus, late-night conversation tends to be far more entertaining.
I'm not saying I want to know everything about him, just the basics. This feels like a rebound right from the jump. But I don't mind. I need this, diary. I need one good fuck to get over Scott, it's been so long since I've brought anyone into my bed. Or been in anyone else's bed, for that matter. I feel so cold and lonely at night, despite the summer taking a firm hold on Hawkins. And even though whatever is going to happen between Steve and I will surely be a one-time thing, I know we have one thing in common. Heartbreak. We can talk all of our shit out together, and then kiss it better. Well, hopefully more than just kissing. But you get the point.
June 9th, 1985
Dear diary,
I called Steve last night. It was really nice talking to him. He's very sweet, and funny, too. We talked about our exes, and got to know each other a little bit. We also made plans for him to come over tomorrow night after his shift...
You carefully read the crumpled napkin in your hand, punching the digits into the phone. Once you've pushed the final number in, it starts to ring. It takes a couple rounds of that vibrating tone for your call to be picked up, possibly catching Steve right as he walks through the door after work. There's a small crackle on the other end as the call is accepted, and the sound of someone clearing their throat before speaking
"Harrington residence." You hear Steve's voice say in his usual cool tone.
"H-hey, Steve. It's Y/N, from the other day?" You reply nervously, hoping he remembers you.
"I was wondering when you'd call. Had me worried for a minute there." He says smoothly, and you can practically hear his smirk through the phone.
"Well, I-I didn't wanna seem too desperate." You laugh, causing him to chuckle too.
"It's not desperate at all, Y/N. I gave you my number, remember?" He reminds you, putting you at ease. There's no need to be so nervous. He likes you, he wanted you to call him.
"No, I know. I just...well, I—" You struggle to find the words to explain why you waited, but he finds the answer for you.
"I know. It's that whole 'putting yourself out there' thing." Steve says calmly, finding your fumbling rather sweet. It's been a very long time since he's made a pretty young thing like you get so out of sorts.
"Yeah." You sigh, rolling your eyes at your continued mess-ups. You used to be so good at this. It used to be second nature to you. But your confidence has been rocked to its core, and it'll take far longer than you'd like to build it back up again.
"Just relax, Y/N. Let's start with the easy stuff, hm?" He suggests, and you nod. Easy stuff, that'll work.
Realizing he can't see you bobbing your head like an idiot, you speak up. "Sure. You first."
"Where do you work?" He asks, getting right into it. You don't mind that one bit, though. This'll surely become easier as the conversation goes on.
"I actually own Waxed Out Records downtown." You answer, leaving out the part where the mall is going to put you out of business. There's no need to be negative right now.
"You own it? That's awesome!" Steve lights up, very impressed by you.
"Thanks, I appreciate that, Steve." You chuckle, glad he finds that interesting. "My turn. How old are you?" You ask, biting your lip. You feel like a silly teenager again, twirling the cord of the phone around your fingers.
"Eighteen. Just graduated in the spring. What about you? You seem pretty young to own a store all by yourself."
"I'm twenty, getting pretty close to twenty-one. I started working at the store after I graduated in '83, and quickly worked my way up. Music is my passion. Well, listening to it, at least." You explain, ending on an amused giggle.
"That's really impressive, Y/N. I'll consider myself lucky if I can move up one rung of the Scoops Ahoy corporate ladder." He jokes.
"Oh, I'm sure there's something else you wanna do with you life besides scooping ice cream. Isn't there?" You ask, noting the tinge of sadness in his voice.
"I honestly have no idea. Everyone else seems to have it all figured out. But, me? I couldn't even get into a goddamn community college." Steve says bitterly, making your heart sink.
"Trust me, Steve. No one has it all figured out. People make it look like they do, because they're thinking the same thing you are. That's all." You try to comfort him, though you aren't sure the words from almost a complete stranger are going to help much. "What do you like to do? What's something that sounds like fun?" You question, thinking maybe turning the subject more positive will be useful to him.
"I dunno, Y/N." He says quietly.
"It can be anything. Doesn't matter how unrealistic you think it is. Just blurt it out." You insist, and he thinks on it for a moment.
"I guess, I like kids. Or, more like kids like me. So...maybe a teacher, or something?" Steve answers with uncertainty.
"That sounds great. What kind of teacher?" You press on, thinking you're getting somewhere.
"Oh, gym, for sure. I'm very athletic." He replies cockily, which makes you smile.
"Yeah, I can tell. That cute little sailor outfit of yours doesn't leave much to the imagination." You tease, recalling the blue shorts he was wearing that showed off his thick thighs and perfect ass. Your mouth waters at the thought, and your thighs rub together on the couch.
"You like that, huh?" Steve asks lowly, his tone sending a shiver up your spine.
"Normally, I'd think it's pretty dorky. But it looks really good on you." You reply, trying your best to keep things playful and light. For now.
"Thanks." He brightens at your compliment. He himself hates that uniform. But to know that you like it, that it shows off his assets, it makes him dislike it a little less. "Did you wanna talk about your ex?" Steve says abruptly, immediately wondering if he's just blown this whole thing.
"Sure. I'll show you mine, you show me yours." You say casually, and he hums in agreement. This is technically part of your little arrangement, painful as it is. He'll heal your broken heart, and then you'll do the same for him. "His name was Scott...Clark." You start slowly, hating to say that name out loud again.
"The science teacher?" Steve asks in shock. He has no idea what a beautiful young woman like you would see in an old dork like that. He also finds it hard to believe that such a non-threatening man would dare break your heart.
"Yes. He really was sweet, and kind, and smart." You say softly, tears pricking your eyes at the memories you made together.
"But he's old." Steve interjects, crinkling his nose.
"I don't care about stuff like that, Steve." You sigh, rolling your eyes at his rather rude comment. "And mid-thirties is not that old. But that's beside the point. We really cared about each other. I loved him, and he loved me too. But then his aunt got sick, and he had to leave town to take care of her until she died. I would've gone with him, if he would've let me." You finish, sitting in uncomfortable silence afterwards. You're a bit worried Steve hung up on you, until he pipes up again.
"I'm sorry, Y/N. I shouldn't have said that. It sounds like you two had a good thing going, and I'm sorry he left you behind." Steve says sincerely, feeling extremely bad for his comment. You're clearly more mature than him, he could probably learn a thing or two from you.
"It's alright. You're still a kid, you don't get it yet. But you will." You sniffle lightly, wiping your eyes. You hope Steve doesn't hear the sounds of your gentle crying, it would be rather embarrassing. "Alright. Your turn." You exhale shakily, trying to ignore the pain you still hold inside your chest.
"You got it." He says kindly, preparing to pour his own hurt out on top of yours. "Her name was Nancy Wheeler. We dated in high school for a couple years, I was a year ahead of her. God, she was perfect. Smart, beautiful, everything a guy could want. I thought we were happy. Maybe we were, for a while. But then she said our relationship was bullshit, essentially. She didn't love me. I think I was just the first guy to give her any real attention. I sure as shit loved her, though." He ends on an unsteady breath, putting himself in the exact same position as you are. Still so deep within the pit of yearning and despair. It appears you need one another more than ever now.
"Oh, Steve. That's terrible. I'm so sorry." You tut, unsure what else to say. You're definitely familiar with Nancy, you've seen her around town with Jonathan Byers. You never got the impression that she was such a heartbreaker, though.
"Yeah, well, thanks." He scoffs, running his hand through his mane of hair. "Guess we both kinda suck at love, huh?" He asks with a laugh, pulling one from you as well.
"You can say that again." You giggle, the sorrow in the air beginning to dissipate. It feels good to talk to someone about all of this, especially someone that understands your situation so well. You haven't really kept any friends from high school. Everyone either moved away, or left you behind to pursue more lucrative social circles. So, you end up spending most of your time alone. "So, I'm guessing you didn't give me your number just to talk. Right?" You ask cautiously, not wanting to mess up the nice thing you seem to have going here.
"Uh, no. I was thinking that we could, ya know..." Steve trails off, attempting to put this delicately. But there's really no need for that.
"Hook up?" You finish his sentence for him.
"Yeah." He agrees, swallowing thickly. "Is that alright?"
"That's fine. Not a date, though. I'm not looking for anything serious." You make it very clear to him that you're only interested in keeping this casual.
"Me either." Steve replies shortly. "So, when should I come over?" He asks, becoming very eager to spend a night with you.
"How about tomorrow night?" You suggest, hoping that works for him
"Sounds good. It'll be a little late, though. I've got another closing shift."
"That's fine, Steve. I'll be up. And could you..." You start to ask him another question, but you're unsure you should.
"Could I what?" Steve asks, your apprehension piquing his interest.
"Could you...wear the uniform?" You get the sentence out, wincing once the words leave your lips. He probably thinks your a total freak now.
"Sure thing." He chuckles darkly.
You finish the phone call, giving him your address and setting a time. And once you both hang up, you're overcome with a intense feeling of excitement. This is exactly what you need after such a long period of solitude. You can tell, you're finally ready to get back out there. To continue one of the few life missions you've set up for yourself: to enjoy as much mind-blowing sex as you possibly can.
June 11th, 1985
Dear diary,
Oh my god, last night was just what I've been needing! Every single moment was perfect. Steve was so sweet, and careful, it was everything. I think I'm finally over this slump, and I can move on with my life...
Knock. Knock. Knock. You hear rapping on the door just as you've finished getting ready for tonight. You're not wearing anything all that special. Just a matching bra and panty set under some casual clothes, jet black lace that compliments your body perfectly. You leave your bedroom and go to open the door. You turn the knob and pull it open, finding Steve standing in the doorway.
"Ahoy." He says with a wink and a smile as he leans on the doorframe. He's dressed in his Scoops uniform, sans the apron. His hat is tipped to the side cheekily, and his eyes give you a once-over as he waits for you to let him inside.
"Ahoy there, sailor. Come in." You step back to let Steve inside, watching his ass as he walks past you. You bite your lip at the sight of it, so perfectly round in those little blue shorts. "Did you want a beer or soda, or something?" You ask once you close the door. You yourself have been indulging in a couple glasses of wine this evening, trying to calm your nerves for what you plan to do with your guest.
"Beer's fine." He replies casually, taking a seat on your couch and kicking off his shoes. He removes his little sailor hat, tossing it on the coffee table. A large hand runs through his hair to fluff it back up. You can't help staring at him for a moment as he does so, seeing the full volume of his chocolate locks only adds to his attractiveness. "Everything okay?" He asks with a grin, very amused with the needy look on your face. You've got it bad, and although Steve hides it better, so does he.
"Y-yeah. Sorry." You snap out of your trance, and quickly retrieve Steve's beverage from the fridge. "Here." You hand the can over to him, and he pops the top open to take a large sip. You take a seat beside him, leaning your elbow on the top of the sofa and sitting sideways to gaze at him some more. He's just so pretty, prettier than any man you've ever seen. You can't help sighing dreamily as you take in his beauty, admiring the way his lips hug the rim of the can, his eyes falling closed to reveal long lashes as he swallows. The bob of his Adam's apple as the beer washes down to his stomach, the satisfied sound he lets out as it cools him down on this rather hot night.
"You know, it's a bit rude to stare, Y/N." Steve teases, turning his head to look at you. He sets his drink down on the table, scooting closer to put himself right next to you.
"I know. But I can't help it. Have you looked in the mirror lately? You're gorgeous." You almost whine as you speak, acknowledging how much you're devouring him with your eyes, while also needing him to know just how handsome he truly is.
"Thanks. You're really beautiful too, ya know." He replies softly, the apples of his cheeks tinging pink.
"You really think so?" You ask playfully, reaching a hand forward to toy with the ends of the red neck tie on Steve's uniform.
"Oh, please. You know how attractive you are." Steve scoffs, lifting a hand to cup your face. He gives you a meaningful look, speaking again. "Everything about you is perfect. Your eyes, your smile, and that body...you're essentially sex on legs." He says honestly, feeding your confidence everything it needs to pull him towards you and press your lips to his.
"Mmm." You immediately melt into Steve, his own mouth quickly taking the lead. He brings an arm around you to pull your body towards his, and you crawl over to straddle his lap. His hands meet your ass, squeezing the cheeks roughly in his hands. You moan against his lips, rolling your hips to grind against him. He grunts at the friction, slipping his tongue inside your mouth to tangle with yours. He tastes like beer, and mint, and the slightest hint of...cherry lip gloss. You'd wondered what made his lips look so damn plump and kissable, and now it appears you've figured it out. "You taste really good, Steve." You pant between passionate kisses.
"Thanks, so do you." Steve replies hastily, unable to get enough of you. You're so fucking beautiful, he can't believe he's got you grinding in his lap and making out with him like your life depends on it. You're completely ravenous, all previous jitters having been thrown out the window. It becomes clear to him that this is your true self, a confident young woman that takes what she wants. And he finds it absolutely intoxicating.
You continue to moan and grind on the sofa for what feels like hours. Steve gently bucks his own hips up into yours to give you both even more friction. His hands keep a firm grip on your ass, not wanting to let go for a single second. Your own hands have weaved into his beautiful hair, which is so unbelievably soft to the touch. Steve's swollen lips break away from yours, rushed breaths escaping your mouths as oxygen fills your lungs again. His head lowers to kiss your neck, nipping ever so slightly to give you teeny tiny love bites. "Steve." You moan, so very wet inside your shorts. The fabric of your panties slips all around your pussy in the constant rocking of your hips. You imagine you've already made a wet spot on Steve's uniform by now, wondering if he can feel how much you want him.
"Can I take this off, baby?" Steve asks, ceasing his searing kisses on your throat and lifting his hand to tug at the hem of your shirt.
"Yeah." You swallow hard, your mouth has run dry from panting like a dog. You let him remove your shirt, tossing it away to the floor to reveal your bra.
"Damn." He chuckles at the sight of your tits in the luxe fabric, his large palms raising to cup and press them together in curiosity. You sigh lightly at his touch on you again, carefully reaching your arm behind you to pick up your wine glass. You bring it up to your lips, finishing the rest of it to rehydrate your mouth. You set the glass back down, and watch Steve play around with your boobs for a little while.
His hands move slowly and gently, his eyes glued to your chest as he melds your supple flesh in his grasp. He's completely mesmerized by you, admiring every slight wrinkle his movements make, the jiggle that occurs once he lets you go again. He's always loved tits more than anything else, though he's unsure why. There's just something...special about them. No two sets look the same, they come in all manner of shapes and sizes. He loves every single pair he's had the pleasure to see and touch. Big or small, squishy or firm, light and pink, dark and brown, everything in between. He adores them all in their uniqueness, along with the pretty noises that come out of whichever girl he's appreciating in this way.
You reach around your back to undo your bra, assuming Steve will be even more enamored if he can fully see the swells of your chest. The straps go slack on your shoulders, and his hands move out of the way for a moment so you can discard it altogether. It joins your shirt on the carpet, and his eyes widen as he lets out an appreciative groan.
"God, you're gorgeous." He says softly, his eyes flicking to meet yours for a moment. You give him a kind smile, reading the neediness in his pupils to fully feel you. His hands wrap around your back, pulling you closer to him. His head meets your chest, plush lips sucking on the bottom of your left breast.
"Fuck." You whimper, grinding against him a little harder now. His large fingers spread along your back, holding you tenderly as his mouth and teeth and tongue do their very best to worship every inch of you they can reach. He suckles dark hickeys on your sensitive skin, drawing moans from you and groans from him with every one. He eventually closes in on your nipple after making quite the mess of gloss and saliva all over you, nibbling the hardened bud between his teeth. "Feels so good, Steve." You praise breathlessly. You've never had anyone be so entertained by your boobs, let alone take the time to show every bit of them so much care and attention.
"Mmm." Steve grunts as the friction you're still creating against him is becoming unbearable. He wants to take his time with you, to enjoy every single second of this night. "Slow down, honey." He gently requests, bringing his lips to yours again for a moment. The kiss is so tender, making your heart burn inside your chest. It sends the message that he'll give you everything you want, that he won't leave until you're fully satisfied. But he needs you to stop rushing, because he wants this to last as long as possible.
"Okay." You reply once he pulls away. You still yourself over him, fully allowing him to take control of the situation. He knows what he's doing, he won't leave you disappointed. All you have to do is trust him.
"Lay down, baby." Steve says in that same kind tone, gazing deeply in your eyes. You nod, sliding off his lap and lying down onto the couch cushion. He carefully puts himself over you, cupping your face and stroking your skin with his thumb. He gives you another heart-melting kiss, though he doesn't stay there long. He gradually makes his way down your body, blazing a trail along your neck, chest, and stomach. He sits back on his knees for a moment, lifting his shirt over his head. Steve reveals his toned chest, and you can't help gasping at the sight of his pronounced pectorals and thick, dark body hair. He's left in just his shorts now, a very noticeable erection forming an imprint in the fabric. "Eyes up here, honey." He teases as he's caught you staring again.
"Sorry. You're just...fuck, you're so hot!" You babble breathlessly, giggling as you're unable to think straight. You just cling to the only idea that's able to stay coherent inside your mind: You want him.
"So are you, Y/N." He repays the compliment, chuckling at your giddiness. You're already so fucked for him, and he can't wait to make you a total mumbling mess. Steve leans over your lower half, reaching a hand down to your belly to undo the button of your jean shorts. He slides the zipper down its track, your breathing picking up in anticipation. You lift your hips up to help him as he pulls them down your legs, leaving you in your matching panties when you lay back down. "So beautiful, baby." He coos, smiling at how soaked the fabric is. He kneels before you, bringing his head down to kiss your hips through the lace. You watch as he slowly trails downwards, inching closer to your clothed heat. His lips press against your pussy, trying their best to feel you through this thin barrier.
"Fuck." You whine at the contact, which feels so good, while also not being nearly enough. Steve presses on, locating your swollen clit and sucking it and your panties past his lips. "Steve." You whimper, bucking your hips towards him. He presses a hand down on your stomach to hold you still, keeping up his suction. He moans at the taste of your arousal leeching out of your underwear, his eyes meeting yours as he teases you. "Please, baby. I need you." You beg for him to move things along a little bit, to fully put his mouth on your throbbing pussy.
"Mm-mm." He hums, shaking his head in disagreement. He continues his exploration along your soaked slit. He drags the flat of his tongue along your covered folds, driving you insane when he goes so far as to push inside of you.
"Jesus...fuck." Your hands fly into his hair, hips rolling into the sensation. He pumps his tongue into your soaked hole as best he can, though your panties prove it to be a bit of a challenge. Despite this, you're still coming undone under his touch. Moaning and squealing, completely drunk with lust. He pulls back after a little while, much to your dismay, fingers looping in the waistband of your underwear. He yanks them off in one fluid motion, spreading your legs wide to get a real good look.
Your silk glistens in the light with sweet, messy juices. Steve licks his lips at the sight, eager to have a true taste. "Such a pretty pussy, baby." He compliments, returning to his position. He inhales your scent, his head dizzying at how delicious it is. He starts off by sucking your clit into his mouth again, moaning at the musky flavor finally meeting his tongue for real this time. He works your bundle of nerves between his plush lips and teeth in a slow, steady rhythm. His tongue swirls around it in broad circles, making your eyes roll back into your head.
"Feels so good, Steve." You pant, holding his head between your legs as he works you over. His arms creep under your thighs, reaching around to take hold of your breasts as a way to hang on while he eats you out. He rolls your nipples between his thumbs and forefingers, dialing up the sensation.
"Your pussy tastes so good, so fuckin' sweet..." Steve mumbles against you, his cock straining inside his shorts. He loves what a mess you are for him. Your thighs twitching at his purposeful movements, the filthy noises fleeing your lips, the fucked-out look on your face. It's all so beautiful, like a vulgar work of art. He decides to up the stakes, angling his head sideways a little to basically make out with your cunt. He leaves your bud alone, kissing your second set of lips, rolling his tongue in repetitive strokes.
"Holy shit..." You've never had anyone do this to you before, but it feels fucking incredible. Every last bit of your pussy is attended to, pushing you far closer to the edge than you expect. He continues with this method, the tip of his tongue dipping inside your entrance every so often. Your nails dig into his scalp, and his hands knead your tits to bring you nearer to your orgasm.
"Mmm." Steve hums against you, drinking up what he can of your slick that's drenching his cheeks and chin. His nose nudges against your clit as he turns his head the other way, making you twitch in response.
"Keep going, baby. You feel so fucking good." You encourage him as the end draws nearer for you. You focus on the sounds of his wet kisses and slurps, and the satisfied moans escaping him as he painstakingly devours you. It all sounds so dirty, but in a most favorable way. You're soaked for him, and he's drunk on you. And neither of you would have it any other way. "Don't stop, Steve...g-gonna cum." You warn, your voice broken and unfocused.
"Mmm." He hums to assure he's heard you, keeping up his pace and intensity. He can't wait to see you cum.
"Oh, god...fuck!" You cry out as bliss finally washes over you. Your thighs tremble, scorching heat setting you ablaze. You tug roughly on Steve's hair as you cum hard on his face. He grunts at your release splashing warmly into his mouth. He swallows what he can, lapping at you until your high subsides. "Fuck." You exhale once Steve pulls away from you to sit back on his knees. You meet his gaze, finding his gorgeous face shining with your arousal. "That was amazing." You praise, sitting up to put yourself level with him. You put your hands on his broad shoulders, giving him a thankful kiss. You moan at the taste of yourself on his lips, taking the lead this time and slipping your tongue in his mouth.
"Mmm." Steve hums into you, letting you lead him to lay down on the other side of the couch. You kneel above him, lowering your lips to kiss his neck. You bite down on his tender flesh, just enough to leave a faint hickey behind. "Y/N." He moans your name at the welcome sting, getting the idea of where this is going.
"You ate my pussy so well, baby. No one's done it that way before." You say lowly in his ear, nibbling on the lobe afterwards.
"You really liked that, huh?" Steve asks, grinning in self-satisfaction at the knowledge of pleasing you. As if your rather loud orgasm wasn't enough indication.
"Mmhmm, it was perfect. And I'd like to return the favor." You lower your hand between his legs, grabbing hold of his erection. You can feel how big he is through his shorts, and your pussy throbs at the needy sound you pull from him as you squeeze.
"Knock yourself out, honey. I'm dying to see what the pretty mouth of yours can do." Steve says, aching to feel you on his cock.
"Oh, believe me, it can do a lot." You giggle excitedly, giving him another brief kiss before positioning yourself between his legs. You pull off his shorts, leaving him in his boxer briefs. You bend down to lay your lips on his stomach, just above his waistband. He sighs quietly at the contact, watching your every move. You press your lips to his clothed erection, noting the damp spot in the fabric where his precum has soaked through.
"Y/N." Steve moans at your teasing, propping his head up with his arm to observe you. You continue to mouth his cock, your saliva forming wet circles in the dark material. Hushed whimpers escape him, he's getting more wound up by the second. You usually don't take so long to go down on a guy, but you figure it's only fair you repay him for giving his all just moments ago. You reach for the hem of his underwear, sliding them down his thick thighs and releasing his stiff dick. It springs free, smacking loudly against his stomach. The fat head is red and swollen, leaking precum profusely.
"Damn." You murmur at his size, unable to look away as you finish removing his boxers. You grab hold of his cock, stroking it firmly to make more pearly fluid leak out of his slit.
"Fuck, baby." Steve moans, hips bucking slightly at your touch. You lower your head to lick up the mess, slowly dragging your tongue in a wide circle around his tip. Your eyes are locked on his as you do so, unbridled lust burning in your pupils. He tastes warm, and salty, even a little sweet. You press wet kisses to his slit, gradually moving down his length as you lazily pump him. More pretty noises leave Steve's lungs, fueling your desire. You drag the flat of your tongue up and down his shaft, watching every small expression that crosses his face. His mouth falls open repeatedly, his brows scrunching in pleasure again and again.
"Havin' fun, Steve?" You ask, spitting on his length to stroke him easier.
"Yeah, feels really good." He pants in reply, eyes rolling back a little at the wet warmth of your saliva. You take him by surprise when you suck one of his balls into your mouth. "Holy shit..." He groans, his free hand gripping the cushion of the couch. You roll his lump of flesh around with your tongue, switching to the other one after a while. You want to tend to every inch of him, just like he did for you. Steve feels so close already, and you haven't even taken his cock all the way in your mouth yet. You work your way back to the main attraction, kissing a blazing trail from his inner thighs to his hips, inching closer to his throbbing length. Steve whines every time you move nearer to where he wants you most, his breath coming out quick and labored.
"You want me to suck your cock, baby?" You ask seductively as you kiss the spot right beside his shaft.
"Yes...fuck, please." He begs, growing more impatient by the second.
"So needy." You chuckle darkly, before taking his entire thick length inside your mouth in one swift motion.
"Fuck!" Steve cries out, his fingers digging harder into the sofa. He's so deep in your throat, he can feel you clenching around him as you gag and attempt to swallow. "Jesus christ..." His knuckles go white as he clings to the couch, eyes squeezed shut so tight as the pleasure is almost unbearable. He won't last much longer, his hand that's propping his head up quickly leaving to grab hold of the armrest.
"You like it when I take your huge cock deep down my throat, Stevie?" You ask, drawing off of him for a moment to breathe. You'd kind of jumped the gun there, almost choking yourself to a point where all that wine would make a reappearance. You couldn't help yourself, you were just so eager to take every last inch of him at once to blow his mind.
"Yes, please don't stop, honey. That felt so good, I almost came." Steve whimpers, forcing his eyes open to beg you to keep doing what you're doing. Just as he's taken you by surprise with his oral skills, you've brought him to once-unknown places with your own.
"You got it, baby. Can you try to hold back for me? I wanna make you feel so good." You offer him this small challenge, wondering if he'll be up for it. But you can guess just how toe-curling and amazing it could be for him if he takes it.
"I-I'll try." He nods frantically, breathing so hard as he longs to feel your hot, wet throat again. You don't say anything else, resuming your previous position. You take him in slower this time, breathing through your nose so you don't yak on him. "Fuck, baby." He moans once your nose brushes against his mound of hair. You suck harshly around his length, swirling your tongue where you can reach as you keep your head still for a moment. Steve mumbles various swears and all the sweet little names he's been calling you, utterly entranced by your seemingly bottomless throat.
"Mmm." You hum quietly as you start moving, a muffled moan as you witness his complete undoing by your own hand. Or lips, more like. He's such a fucking beautiful mess. His mouth running a million miles a minute, shimmering sweat forming on his face and chest, his large hands holding the couch for dear life. You've never seen a man so unraveled, and it's making your pussy drip all over the cushion beneath you. You raise your hands to drag your nails down his chest, bobbing your head at a steady rhythm, taking every last centimeter inside before carefully slipping back off again.
"Jesus- shit- fuck! Your mouth is so damn good, honey. Gonna make me cum so hard down that tight throat of yours." Steve spouts off in a whiney mumble, unable to control himself at this point. His brain has melted into soup, a lusty stew that his mouth frantically serves up to your starving ears. His fingers begin to slip from sweating so damn much, his grip tightening regardless. His body trembles the way he's seen so many girls do before, feeling his high fast approaching. His breath shudders, coming out hot and thick. "Best fuckin' head I've ever had, baby. Such a sweet girl for me, suckin' me so good." Steve continues on like this, every new phrase turning you on more than the last. He's got one of the dirtiest mouths you've ever heard, and that's saying something.
"Mmm." You moan in appreciation of his filthy exclamations. If you weren't so engrossed in watching him lose all semblance of control, you'd lower a hand between your thighs to touch yourself. But it's his turn right now, he needs your skilled mouth to give him the climax he's undoubtedly earned.
"I'm gonna cum, honey. Fuck, it's gonna be so much, fill up your throat with every last drop. Please, I gotta- fuck. Can I cum, honey?" He asks, eyes locking into yours for a moment as he waits for permission. It's been taking everything in him to hold back, it sounded like such a fun idea. But now, he's worried that his cock might actually burst.
"Mmhmm." You nod gently as you keep going. He holds your stare as a shaky gasp leaves him, mouth fallen agape in the prettiest 'o' shape imaginable.
"Oh my- fuckin'- ahh..." He can barely form a sentence as his orgasm takes over his entire body in a flash of blinding white. He groans loudly, hips stuttering and toes furling as his load spills down your esophagus. You swallow every last drop, some of it slicking his length as you continue to suck him through his high. You clean him off with your tongue, not wasting any of his mouth-watering release. You pull away afterwards, letting him lie there panting and struggling to catch his breath. His arm falls across his eyes, trying to block out the bright white that still hasn't left him. "Jesus." He exhales, finally coming back down to earth after a couple orbits around the sun.
"Did you like that, Steve?" You ask, carefully crawling over to lay over his still-trembling body. He senses your weight and warmth on him, wrapping his arms around you as your head meets his chest. His eyes are still closed, but he clears his throat to speak.
"Yeah. Fuckin' loved that, honey. Definitely never had anyone blow me like that before." Steve chuckles, drawing a pleased giggle from you as well.
"Glad I could blow your mind, baby. No pun intended." You both laugh a little harder, unable to help yourselves. It feels so good to do this with someone again, even if it's just for one night. The laughter dies down after a while, the both of you lying in comfortable silence. That is, until you open your mouth again. "He used to call me that, ya know." You say aloud, the thought's been swirling in your head for quite some time now.
"What?" Steve asks, knowing who you're referring to.
"'Honey'. And I called him 'baby'. It was like, our little thing. Simple, and sweet." You say softly, unsure why you're telling him this. You don't expect him to care, or understand. You're probably killing any potential second boner of his, if anything.
"I get what you mean. Me and Nance did the same. Everything else just sounded..." He trails off, looking for the word.
"Corny?" You both say at the same time.
"Yeah, that." Steve laughs lightly at your similar minds. It doesn't surprise him much, though. You're both in the same boat, sailing on the ocean of heartbreak. That's part of what this night is all about. Working through that leftover pain. Together. "It's not weird, right? That we're calling each other that, I mean?" He asks, feeling a little unsure now as you've gone a bit quiet.
"No. I don't think so. At least, it shouldn'tbe. They're pretty common words." You shrug, looking up to find his kind eyes gazing at you.
"They sure are." He smiles, and you can't resist returning it. "Wanna take this to your bed, baby?" He asks, changing the subject.
"That sounds perfect." You gently nod, standing up off the couch and leading him down the short hall to your bedroom. You both crawl under the covers, tangling your bodies together. Your leg rests over his, and your arms are wrapped firmly around one another as you start to kiss heavily again. "Mmm." You moan against Steve's lips are your tongues roll against each other. You can feel his cock poking into your inner thigh, a small streak of precum wetting your flesh. You leave it alone for now, you want to enjoy this as much as you possibly can.
Steve rolls your both over to put himself on top, your legs wrapping around his lower back to keep him close to you. "You're so beautiful, Y/N. You have no idea." He compliments, lips lowering to your throat and hands grabbing hold of your supple breasts to warm you up for him.
"Oh, Steve." You moan breathlessly at his searing touch.
"Such gorgeous tits, they feel amazing in my hands." He says lowly against your neck. "And your sweet little pussy, so wet and sticky for me. I could eat it all night if you let me." He continues, lowering a hand between your thighs to rub two fingers against your clit.
"Fuck, baby. I want you...want you so bad." You whimper, grinding yourself upwards to create friction with his fingertips.
"Yeah, honey? You wanna feel my cock inside that perfect little pussy? Have me fill you up, make youscream for me?" He questions seductively. There's no teasing in his tone, he's genuinely asking you what you want him to do. He's hell-bent on making you feel good, no matter what it takes.
"Yes, Steve. Please, fuck me, baby." You beg, rolling your hips more to get your point across.
"You got it. Just relax for me. Don't wanna hurt you." He says calmly, his hands going to your waist to still you.
"Okay." You slow yourself down, taking a deep breath.
"That's it, sweet girl. Gonna take real good care of you." He presses a final kiss to your throat, soft as silk. He raises his head to look down at you again, taking hold of his stiff cock to lead it towards your entrance. His tip meets your needy hole, making you whimper at the light contact. "I know, honey. I'll give you what you want." He coos, slowly pushing his thick length inside of you.
"Fuck, baby." You moan at the stretch, welcoming every inch of him inside your slippery walls.
"Shit, you're soaked. So tight, too..." Steve groans breathily, working himself inside your taught cunt until he eventually bottoms out. "There we go." He sighs, relieved that he's fit in you so completely.
"You're so big, Steve." You murmur as his tips rests at your cervix, filling you up just the way you like. Your insides clench around him out of reflex, drawing a quiet whimper from the both of you. "You can move now, baby." You say softly, cupping Steve's cheek as he looks down at you. His eyes are blown wide, mouth sitting open as he's stuck in this moment. It's been so long since he's been inside anyone, and he's overwhelmed by the reminder of how good it feels. "Hey, you okay?" You ask, drawing him out of his frozen state.
"Yeah, I'm good. Just...been a while." He laughs lightly, shaking his head to set himself straight.
"It's okay, I'm in the same boat. Just take your time, have fun with me." You reply kindly, bringing his head back down to give him a tender kiss. You wrap your arms around his back to keep him close. "Fuck me, baby. I want you..." You speak against his lips, pressing your heels into his back to coax him into moving. He does as you ask, keeping his bruising lips connected to yours as much as possible. Steve slowly pulls out, and glides back in with ease. He does this a few more times, allowing you to get a real feel for each other.
"God, you feel so good inside, baby. Like goddamn velvet..." Steve groans lowly, carefully sliding his hips back and forth. You're soft and wet around him, keeping his cock nice and warm. He can't get enough. He just could stay like this, thrusting so very slowly into you all night.
"And you're filling me up so well, Steve. So fuckin' deep, but I want more, go faster." You reply breathlessly, needing him to pick up speed and force.
"Sure thing, honey." He says softly, setting a steady pace now. His dick slips against your g spot, making your back arch off the bed. Steve slides his hands underneath your back, wanting to hold you close as he thrusts into you. He's still taking his time, making sure you can feel every curve and vein of him, while taking in every last ridge and squishy spot inside of you at the same time.
"Feels so good, baby. Keep fucking me just like that." You moan, desperate to tell him how well he's doing.
"Yeah? You like that, honey? Am I hittin' that perfect little spot for you?" Steve asks through his groans, kicking up the pace just a tad.
"Yes! Fuck, right there, Steve!" You cry as his cock reaches your g-spot quicker and harder than before. He's so far inside you, you swear he's in your stomach. It's so good to feel this full again, driving you towards an unbelievable high.
"That's it, sweet girl. Takin' me so good, makin' such pretty noises. Music to my ears, baby..." He chuckles against your throat, his head fallen down to focus on his thrusts. You're drenching him with every stroke, making such a mess between your thighs and his own. And the moans and gasps you let out as he fucks you are making him crazy, motivating him to keep giving you what they're so clearly begging for. He kisses your flesh wherever he can reach, your neck, your cheek, your lips when he can bring himself to lift his head. He wants to devour you, to drag you down into a pit of passion and ecstasy with him.
"So good, Stevie...so, so good...don't stop. Don't ever stop." You whimper and whine helplessly as he strategically pounds into you. He punctuates his thrusts every so often to make your muscles clench around him, dialing up the pleasure for you both. And his plush lips finding every part of you possible, marking them up with tender kisses and hickies. It's all so perfect, just what you've been missing these last few months.
"I won't, honey. I'm not goin' anywhere." Steve coos, watching you melt into a simpering puddle beneath him. Your nails are digging into his back, clawing to hold him as far down on top of you as you can. His lips find yours again, his tongue quickly slipping inside your mouth. He rolls his hips a bit now, hitting a different angle inside you.
"Oh...Steve." You whine between clumsy kisses as his new technique is truly blowing you away. You're getting very close now, and you look forward to letting it all go for the gorgeous man above you.
"Mmm, even better, baby? That feel good?" He asks, taking the hint from your moans growing in volume. He knows exactly how to drive you wild. The optimal speed, the right tempo, all of it, culminating in fluid movements that feel totally unbelievable.
"Yes, I'm getting close..." You answer him, breathing so hard your lungs are starting to burn.
"Me too, honey. You're squeezin' me so tight." He groans as your walls begin to flutter around his length. He pushes himself to go faster, overloading your senses for the big finish. Steve grunts loudly as he plunges into you, still grinding his hips as he moves to leave no crevice of flesh untouched.
"Fuck, Steve...make me cum." You beg as your orgasm rapidly approaches, the knot deep within your belly ready to snap. You dig your hands and heels into him harder, forcing him as deep inside you as he can be. He moans at the sting of your nails leaving dark scratches on his flesh, giving you his cock at full force to seal your fate. "Oh god, Steve...I-I'm cumming— FUCK!" You almost scream as your bliss finally takes hold. Your thighs tremble, and your back arches as your eyes roll back into your head. Your insides snap closed around his dick, making it difficult for him to keep thrusting. Your release spills messily on him and the bed below, hot, sweet, and sticky.
"Shit— Y/N..." Steve groans as his own high washes over him, his breath shuddering as his hips buck sloppily. You feel his cum pump into you in thick white ropes, his cock still sliding in and out to keep it all inside. He eventually comes to a stop, his body collapsing on top of yours. You both breathe heavily for a good while, lying together in your messed-up bed in the glorious afterglow. "That was so good, Y/N." Steve hums as he pulls out of you, giving your sweat-slicked shoulder a kiss before rolling over onto his back.
"It really was." You smile in satisfaction, turning your head to look at him. "Thank you." You say softly, lying still as your mixed release oozes from your cunt. You don't have the heart to ask him to grab you a towel, you're sure he's just as tired as you are.
"No, thank you." He shakes his head. He doesn't feel like he's truly done all that much, but you...you've made him whole again. He's got his game back, and now he's ready to look for someone new. Steve leans over to give you a gentle kiss on your lips, and climbs out of your bed.
"Where you goin'?" You ask, hoping he isn't leaving so soon. Although, you suppose he's served his purpose now.
"Relax, honey. I just wanna clean you up." Steve chuckles at the fear in your voice, the worry that he's just gonna fuck you and leave. That's not his style at all. He fully intends to stay over, and give you a little more fun in the morning. He likes you, you were incredible tonight. You both know this isn't going to happen again, so it would be a shame not to make the most of it. He leaves the room to retrieve a damp towel from your bathroom, and carefully crawls back into the bed and pulls the covers away to look at you. He finds a shining, pearly mess leaking from your folds, and his cock twitches at the sight. He's so tempted to lick it all up, but given how puffy and spent your pussy looks, he decides to let you be.
"You're too sweet, Stevie." You coo as he gently swipes the cloth between your legs. He goes nice and slow, carefully catching every last drop while making sure he doesn't rub you raw. You've never had this feel so...tender, like it's all part of the act. Most times it ends up pretty rushed, or you just do it yourself.
"It's the least I can do, Y/N. I made quite the mess." He chuckles, surprised that you're so enamored by his meticulous cleansing. He pulls the cloth away once you're all pretty and pink again, smiling at his handiwork. "There. All better." His eyes flick to yours, an almost heartbreaking amount of adoration in his expression. You can't help but wonder if he's like this with all the girls. You hope he is, anyway. Because if so, any woman would be lucky to have him. Steve returns the towel to the bathroom, and joins you underneath the covers again. "C'mere, baby." Steve says sleepily, holding his arms open for you to put yourself between them. You insert yourself in his hold, nuzzling into his chest to get comfortable. You can smell his cologne mixed with sex and sweat, the scent lulling you into a content state as your eyes flutter closed. You feel Steve's lips placing a kiss on the top of your head, and say something along the lines of 'goodnight, baby'. You aren't too sure, though, you're already well on your way to dreamland at this point.
...Steve held me close all night long, and this morning was just as mind-blowing as last night. He woke me up to see him chowing down between my thighs again, his hair all messy and his hands gripping my thighs for dear life. We took a shower together after that, having another round of unbelievable fucking as the hot water cascaded over us. If I hadn't promised myself not to get attached, I might've convinced him to stay even longer.
But all good things must come to an end. Steve was a rebound, that's all. A much-needed rebound, sure. I'm sure I was the same for him, and that's perfectly fine. I feel far less lost now, able to open myself up to any and all possibilities. Love is still so far off the menu for me, it's served at a completely different restaurant. But sex, all kinds of sex, is more than welcome.
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rainythefox · 6 years
Nightfall (Resident Evil WeskerxClaire fanfiction, CH3)
Synopsis: Pre-Resident Evil 1, slight-AU. Claire Redfield comes home to visit her brother Chris for the holidays but gets caught up in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with Albert Wesker, the Captain of STARS, after stumbling upon dark secrets. She can't call the law; Wesker is the law, and she can't tell Chris. She is trapped...ClairexWesker. Slight ChrisxJill. (An old FF.Net multi-chapter fic of mine that I’m revising and publishing to AO3)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/17794784/chapters/41982563 (Chapters 1-3 are up, Chapter 4 coming soon)
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Chapter 3: Blood in the Snow
Chris glared at the two women. Their giggles sounded roughly at the same time, grins wide on their pretty faces. Luckily, the Christmas music drowned their laughter out where other people couldn’t hear them as Chris held on for dear life.
"I fail to see what’s so amusing!"
Jill tugged on Chris’s arm. "Chris, it's just ice skating!"
"Yeah…it's skating, you know…on ice!"
Chris's legs wobbled and slid on the ice as he held onto the railing of the ice skating rink. Claire stood graciously next to Jill on the ice in her skates, arms crossed and breaths coming out in puffs. And even Jill had the audacity to stand on one leg so she could fix the tongue of her skate. The rink was moderately full with people ice skating, but not near as what it usually was. There was plenty of room to skate around; meaning Chris had plenty of room to crash.
The Christmas lights casted a magical glow around the trio. The snow glowed under their aura as music played in the park. The smell of food from nearby food vendors lofted in the air. It was the closest thing they were going to get to a Winter Wonderland in the middle of Raccoon City.
"The guys will never let me live this down if they see me doing this!" Chris huffed. "How the hell did you two talk me into this?"
"Because," Jill stated, looking over her pitiful partner as he was glued to the rail. "You said you’d ice skate with us if we went over to Barry's house with the guys to watch the football game."
Claire folded her arms with a smirk. "Which we would have gone anyways.”
"Don't be such a baby, Chris!” Jill’s attempts at pulling Chris away were futile. He wasn’t budging. “Look, I know you have more balance than that!"
Claire elbowed Jill, and then leaned in to whisper in her ear. Chris looked between them with a warning glare, immediately suspicious of their mischievous grins as they whispered. His fingers dug into the railing even harder, if that was even possible.
"Don't even think about it!"
Claire and Jill grabbed Chris and worked together to tear him away from the railing. They pushed him towards the middle of the skating rink. Chris looked like a deer caught in headlights, eyes wide, arms out and waving and legs slipping and sliding as he fought for balance, desperate gasps and profanities spewing from his mouth. Claire and Jill cackled at the sight, skating out towards him. Finally, Chris was able to get a grip on his balance and worked at getting himself to go forward without face planting first into the ground.
"Whoo! I'm doing it!" He sounded like a gleeful child.
"They grow up so fast," Jill joked.
Claire and Jill skated behind Chris as he practiced and tried not to crash. Raccoon City Park was full of excitement and good spirits under the starry sky. Outside of the rink, kids made snowmen and snow angels with their parents. There were even a few families decking it out with a snowball fight.
Claire thoughtfully looked over at Jill. "So…I was supposed to be sneaky about this, but I know it won't do any good. I’m just gonna be upfront. Chris is going crazy trying to find you a Christmas gift. Is there something you want he can get you so he’ll shut up?"
Jill laughed, shaking her head. "He doesn't have to get me anything."
Her smile, though amused, shaped more into an affectionate up-curve of her lips. Her cheeks had been rosy from the cold, but now they seemed extra-rosy to Claire.
"Oh, but he does…badly. Please, you gotta help me or I’ll have to deal with his whining the whole time I’m here visiting."
Jill was quiet, and Claire hoped she was thinking of something. "Well, how about something practical like a new toaster?"
Claire gave her an unamused glare. "C’mon Jill, a toaster? Really? Who wants a toaster for Christmas?"
Jill shrugged. "I really wouldn't want Chris spending any kind of money on me."
"Oh, how about that really nice sofa back in that store we checked out earlier? That would actually look really nice in your living room."
"No way! That thing was like $500!"
"Yeah, you’re right." Claire sighed, thinking. "Hmm…how about a hat? You like hats!"
"A hat sound simple, cheap, and easy. I'm all for it!"
Claire was relieved. "Glad that's over with! So, do you need my help deciding what you’re getting Chris?"
Jill waved her off. "Nah, I ordered his nearly two months ago."
"What? Really? What is it?"
"Well, I went to Robert Kendo's gun shop and had him customize a brand new issue Samurai Edge with a steel slide and a silver-glided trigger just for Chris. It’s a one-of-a-kind gun, made just for Chris. He had one, but it got blown up, and that fucker Irons wouldn’t pay for a replacement."
Claire gave a baffled look. "Blown…up?"
"Don’t ask. Long story. Basically, while dealing with a terrorist, one of the STARS vehicles got blown up with Chris’s gun inside. Everything turned out good in the end, but he sure was upset that his Samurai Edge was destroyed. It was the gun he won that last marksmanship trophy with. He's been using an old Glock instead for awhile."
"Wow, he never told me about that. How much did that cost?"
Jill looked away, mumbling. "Oh, not important."
"Alright! It cost $780."
Claire’s jaw fell agape and then she glared at her friend. "I'm totally telling him to buy you that sofa and a hat…and a toaster."
"You better not! Don't tell him the gun cost that much. I'm gonna lie and say that Wesker convinced Irons to issue him a new one."
"And what if Chris asks Wesker for that story?"
Jill bit her lip. "I…uhh…I'll tell Wesker to go along with it! Besides, Chris wouldn't dare ask the Captain for the truth!"
"Maybe so," Claire said. "But if you do that, then Chris wouldn’t know it was a Christmas gift from you. He would think it was a Christmas gift from Wesker…sort of."
Jill slumped her shoulders. "Yeah, you're right. I suck at coming up with stories."
"I won't say anything about the gun, but you should really tell him the truth when you give it to him. He deserves to know it’s really from you. And, just so we’re clear, don't be surprised if Chris buys you something just as expensive."
Jill heaved a defeated sigh. "Fine."
"Hey, kiddo!” Chris hollered. “Check this out!"
He was skating on one foot, grinning and proud of himself.
Claire covered her forehead, groaning. "He called me a kiddo…how embarrassing.”
Jill cupped her hands over her mouth, her breath coming out in white puffs. "Pretty soon you'll be an ice skating champ, Christopher!"
"Don't call me that!"
Jill shook her head. "Why does he hate being called Christopher so much?"
"I have no idea."
Chris yelped, and a crash followed. They saw Chris slowly sliding across the ice on his stomach, arms and legs spread out. Claire and Jill skated over to him while laughing and helped him to his feet.
"I think that’s enough ice skating for one day," Chris said, feeling his lip with a finger. "I think I bit my lip!"
"Alright, we better leave anyways if we’re going to get over to Barry's in time for the game," Claire replied, holding back a laugh.
Barry Burton lived with his family in eastern Raccoon City in a safe, quiet suburban community. They lived in a large, two-story house with a built in garage and large backyard. The Redfields and the Burtons went way back. Claire had known Barry and his wife, Kathy, since she was a little girl. She considered Barry’s two young daughters, Moira and Polly, as her nieces. It was the Burtons who helped look after Claire after her and Chris’s parents died, and he was forced to enlist into the military to take care of Claire. It was Barry who eventually helped Chris get hired on at the RPD as a member of STARS. They considered each other family.
While over watching the football game, they enjoyed the good company and the home-cooked food and drinks. Barry's house was full of snacks, good food, drinks, and off course friends. Claire and Jill were just as into the game as the men were, cheering for their home team. Barry left just long enough to put Moira and Polly to bed for the night. Claire wasn't surprised that a few of their STARS teammates were here to enjoy the game and visit as well. Joseph Frost, Forest Speyer, and Richard Aiken cracked jokes and stuffed their faces while the football game went on. Even Barry’s good friend, Robert Kendo, came over to watch the game and have some drinks.
Afraid they would wake his daughters from their rowdy banter, Barry slapped Joseph with a rolled up newspaper and told them to keep it down. However, when the home team scored their first touchdown, the scolding was forgotten as all men jumped to their feet whooping and cheering, Barry included.
The game lasted a couple of hours, and they rejoiced as their home team won the game, clanking beer bottles together. They helped the Burtons clean up for a short time before departing for home.
By the time Chris and Claire got to Chris's house, she was beat. She had cheered just as much as the men, and probably ate just as much too.
The Redfield siblings weren’t home long before going to bed. Chris would be returning to work in the morning, and Claire would to have to take him in because Jill’s shift started earlier.
They got up early the following morning to have breakfast downtown before Claire dropped her brother off at the police department. He grabbed the door handle of the truck and turned to her before getting out.
"Be careful if you go anywhere. We’re supposed to get more snow later," Chris informed.
The sun was rising on the icy morning, but dark gray, overcast clouds warned of more winter weather to come.
"Will do. I think I’m gonna hit the hike trails and run a mile or two before going home. I feel fat from all that good food last night."
Chris rolled his eyes. "You women. Can’t you just run at the track in town? That’s kinda far."
"It’s closed, remember? Besides, I like the scenery out there better."
"I dunno, Sis. Anything could happen that far out by yourself. Might get hurt and no one be around to help. Hell, there might be crazies out there right now."
It was Claire's turn to roll her eyes. There were times Chris’s brotherly protectiveness got on her nerves. "Chris,we’ve taken the Arklay Hiking Trails lots of times and never had any problems. If there is anyone out there, which I doubt from the weather, I bet it’ll only be that old couple Mr. and Mrs. Willow and some of those good looking track guys from Raccoon University."
"Good looking track guys? Now wait just a damn minute, I-"
"Oh c'mon, Chris, I was just joking! I knew you would freak out as soon as I mentioned hot guys!”
“Well, just run a mile around my house.”
"I’d look like an idiot running around the house."
"Fine, whatever. Just don’t take too long and please call me when you get home, alright? If I don’t hear from you in a few hours, I’ll come searching. I mean it!”
"Yes, sir!" Claire stated sarcastically and stuck her tongue out at him.
After her brother got out, Claire drove the truck away from downtown Raccoon City and took the main highway out of the city’s limits. Dreary clouds snuffed out the early morning sun. Claire knew it would snow again soon, probably before noon. It was cold and snowy, but Claire felt the jog would do her some good. She had neglected her exercises since arriving to visit Chris on her winter break, and knew it would also be nice to get out of the house and clear her head for awhile.
Claire smiled. Yes, it was a good day for a jog.
The Arklay National Forest was a vast wilderness that surrounded the city with mountains and rivers for miles around. It was a popular tourist attraction within Arklay County. There were several camping and hiking locations throughout the county, but the more popular ones included the Arklay Hiking Trails to the northwest of the city, off Route 6. They explored Arklay Mountains and provided beautiful sightseeing, rock climbing, and breathtaking vistas.
Claire parked the Dodge truck in the parking area of the hiking trails. The small forest center stated the hiking trails were closed due to the weather. Claire had never seen something like that before, as closing the national forest to people seemed far-fetched. She saw other vehicles in the parking lot, so figured the sign was forgotten about from the ice storm a couple weeks ago.
She climbed out, bundling up in her parka and gloves. She wore dark pants and snow boots and a scarf around her neck. The forest around her was quiet, only the soft cracks of snow falling off tree limbs could be heard. Claire took a good look around. The snow had transformed the forest into a winter wonderland. And though Claire was more of an autumn person, she had to admit that the snow made everything seem mystical.
As she walked over to the start of one of the scenic trails, she noticed the other vehicles parked in the lot, just a few slots down from her truck. She was surprised to see them. In this biting cold and snow, only the determined came out here to walk or hike the trails. She didn't recognize them either. The older couple see saw often drove a Ford car, and they also didn't belong to the track guys from the university.
There were three of them parked side by side, and the models surprised Claire. There was a brand new black Jaguar XK8 that caught her eye. Luxury cars weren't uncommon in Raccoon City, thanks to the booming economy and high-paying jobs from corporations like Umbrella. The Jaguar wasn't one of those more commonly seen though. Whoever owned this car had a lot of money. The other two cars were not near as stunning as the Jaguar, but also were high dollar luxury cars. There was a silver BMW M3 sedan, as well as a dark green Mercedes-Benz S320. The cars were mostly clean save for some dirty snow and mud caked up under the fenders.
Well, it looks as though we got some rich buddies going for a stroll. I hope one of them is good looking!
She laughed inwardly at her own joke, shaking her head and moving on. She was sure whomever owned these cars were not her type and were probably much older. Claire picked the trail that she and Chris would go on all the time, wondering how the snow and ice had changed its beautiful scenery from the spring and summer seasons. She pulled her hair up into a messy ponytail and did a few warm up exercises before starting to jog along the trail.
The scenic trail she took was the one of the longer ones, but Claire knew she could always turn back if she started to get too cold. She jogged along the snow-covered path, careful not to slip on any ice. She took in the sights as she followed the trail. Icicles hung from tree branches, thicker branches held snow. The wind whistled as it whipped through the forest, picking up dusts of snow. There was even wildlife nearby. She could see and hear birds as they flew from branch to branch, tweeting and singing. A few squirrels were out, their tails twitching as they chased each other through the trees. A red fox that watched the snow for a mouse saw her and vanished into the woods. Not far from the trail, Claire saw a small herd of deer and stopped to watch them. They ate the bark from the trees, and there were even does with fawns. A buck turned his head towards her, mouth chewing and tail flicking.
I wish I had my camera!
Suddenly, the deer turned and fled deeper into the forest. Disappointed, Claire carried on, but decided to walk for a bit to further enjoy the vibrant wildlife that surrounded her. Her lungs burned from the biting cold and running, and came out in white puffs as she caught her breath. She walked the trail deeper into the mountains, still seeing wildlife here and there.
The deeper she followed the trail, the more it became deathly silent and unmoving. Then it was gone. There was no life whatsoever out here anymore. Even the wind had died down, and so not even the tree limbs groaned or cracked in the distance. Claire's nerves twitched, and she felt a knot growing in her chest. The kind of knot that told her it was time to turn back. Something wasn't right at all, and she suddenly remembered the three cars back at the entrance by her truck.
I should’ve seen somebody by now…
She halted on the path. She looked all around her, that feeling in her chest getting worse. Something bright and red caught her peripheral vision, and Claire looked down onto the snow-covered trail. A few feet away from her was a couple of quarter-sized blood splotches. The sight of the blood itself was enough to make hers curdle. She noticed the other flecks of blood, and even a trail. The dark red spots had melted the snow into a thick syrup-like substance, and were fresh.
Did someone get hurt?
A sharp, pained cry hit her ears and startled her. Her heart jumped to her throat, nerves sizzling as she backed away from the sound. Claire swallowed hard, frozen in place. Her gut urged her to turn back and flee, but she couldn’t just leave without making sure someone wasn’t hurt or dying out here.
The snow crunched quietly below her boots as she followed the blood drops along the path. There were footprints here other than hers, and grooves in the snow that looked like there had been a struggle. Voices carried through the trees, and her breath caught in her throat with a shaky sputter. She went off the path to hide behind a thick, large oak tree. She took a deep breath to steady herself and looked around the trunk into an opening not far off from the trail.
Claire saw a man, maybe in his forties, with graying five o'clock shadow on his knees, wincing in pain. Blood stained his shirt, and his face was welted and bruised. The blood on the trail had to have been his. Claire’s pulse rose as she realized the man's arms were tied behind his back. There were two other men, and they stood in front of him.
One of the men was thin, handsome, and looked to be in his mid-thirties with dirty blond hair, blue eyes, and five o'clock shadow. He wore a coat with a white shirt and a sloppily tied tie and dark slacks. Claire didn't recognize him. The other man was one she recognized all too well. Her eyes widened, heart catching in her throat as she recognized Albert Wesker. The leader of the Special Tactics and Rescue Service wore his dark uniform, the same one she saw him wear the other day. He had a handgun aimed at the bleeding man.
What the hell?!
The man beside Wesker rolled his neck, yawning as if he was bored. "C'mon, Finley, we don't have all day."
"Fuck you, William. I'm not telling you two anything!"
“This is a strange spot to board the Ecliptic Express. The train doesn’t stop out here, unless of course you bribed the engineer because you were trying to avoid us.”
“What?! You’re crazy!”
"You had a contract, Mr. Finley. You are obliged to tell us what you know," Wesker said coolly, the gun unwavering near Finley’s face.
The battered man glared at the STARS Captain. "Yeah, I did have a contract. But not to you, Albert! Just because you killed Crawford doesn't mean I have to answer to you."
"Well, that's too bad," William stated, smirking. "I guess that means we’ll have to resort to other measures, isn't that right, Al?"
"You two are fucking insane! I’ve kept up my end of the deal. I didn't do anything!"
"On the contrary," Wesker interrupted. "You informed a different party about the change in the Tyrant Project as well as gave out crucial information on the Golgotha. That is quite a problem you’ve caused for Spencer and Umbrella, and well as for us."
Finley spat blood from his lips. "You have no proof!”
Wesker bashed the pistol across the man’s face and he yelped.
“William and I do not like our time wasted. The longer I have to play pest control, the less desirable your fate will be.”
“I’m not scared of you.”
“Well, you never were very bright, Fin,” William retorted with a chuckle.
"William, how about we head over to Finley's house to dispose of his family and make him out to be the killer who shot himself?"
"You always come up with the best plans, Al."
"W-Wait, n-no! Not my f-family! I'll tell you everything; just leave my family out of this!"
Wesker purposely put the barrel close to the beaten man’s eye. "Then where are the disks?"
Finley took a deep breath, his body shaking, but Claire doubted it was from the cold. "I-I gave them to S-Steve Morgan."
"Oh, for crying out loud," William groaned. "Steve Morgan? You’re siphoning information to the Ashfords?! I should kill you where you stand!"
"He’s still in town! You can stop him! Besides, you can’t kill me! Spencer won’t allow it! I demand you two to take me to him!"
Wesker lowered the gun, a ghost of a smile forming on his lips. "Of course, Finley. I won’t go against Spencer.”
"R-Really?" Finley gasped.
William rounded on Wesker with wide eyes. "What?!” Then he suddenly calmed, clearing his throat and smiling. “Ohhh. Right. Sure, Fin. Whatever Al says, goes.”
Finley looked between them, pale and sweaty. “G-Good. Now take me to him.”
Wesker rubbed his chin. “Then again, I hate snitches.”
Finley barely got a plea out before Wesker aimed the gun and pulled the trigger. The gunshot pierced through the woods like a cold dagger.
Claire almost screamed when she saw Finley's head explode. The body fell limp to the ground, blood gushing out onto the snow. Claire covered her mouth, not trusting herself to make a noise at the sight. Her breath became shallow gulps, her heartbeats quickening in fear.
William sighed. "You made a mess…again.”
"I'm running late, William. I'll call Sergei and make him send a group out here to clean everything up and dispose of Finley's car."
"Fine. Next time, let's try to move them somewhere a bit more private. I know he was coming back from the express, but someone could’ve been walking the trail, ya know? Not everyone listens to those closed signs."
Wesker shrugged. "We weren't expecting Finley to pull a gun on us, now did we? He was ready for us. It’s why the train stopped out here instead. He knew I killed Crawford and we were coming for him next. This did not go according to plan. He has been in contact with somebody other than Morgan. We should look more into this.”
"Agreed," William replied, kicking Finley's limp leg. "Goddamn rat."
Claire slipped behind the tree again, her heart pounding so fast, it was about to burst from her chest. They were heading back to their cars! There was no way Claire could get back to the truck and leave before they saw her. And she knew Wesker would recognize Chris's truck. She was in a very bad position. She couldn't believe that Wesker, the Captain of the STARS force and one of Raccoon City's Finest, was a dirty cop.
They were talking about something big, she knew. The Umbrella Corporation was one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world, and had actually played a big part in the building of Raccoon City. Besides that, between the pharmacies, facilities, and warehouses, Umbrella gave more than 25,000 jobs for the city alone.
Claire desperately thought on what to do. She couldn't make a run for it without them hearing or seeing her. Wesker obviously had a gun and was not afraid to use it. If she remained in hiding, Wesker would recognize Chris's truck, and would either be back on the trail to hunt her down, or heading back to the police station to confront Chris and possibly lead him into a trap like they did with this poor fellow out here. At this point, Claire had no idea what Wesker was capable of. She always heard that he was one of the most honored and respected men at the RPD, with a prowess like no other. Now it seemed he was a two-faced traitor that used his position in law to his advantage.
"Wait a minute. Look at these shoe prints, Albert!"
Claire froze, the rough bark of the tree digging into her back. She dared not to look around the tree. They sounded right on the other side of it on the trail.
"Woman, size seven and a half. Interesting," Wesker commented.
You've got to be shitting me…
"Alright, little lady, come out! Don't be shy! We know you’re here! We promise we won’t hurt you!" William said, his tone friendly and comforting, but Claire knew better. She then heard him whisper to Wesker. "I knew this was a bad idea! We're going to get caught! I blame this on you!"
"Shh!" Wesker hissed.
They went silent, further antagonizing Claire. She was so terrified, she felt she had frozen herself with the tree and become one with it. Her mind ran a million miles a second, trying to come up with a plan, and fast.
"The footsteps go towards that tree. Stay here," Wesker said.
William scoffed. “Psh! Yeah, better you than me!”
Claire could hear his footsteps heading in her direction off of the trail. She looked down, hoping to God she could find something to use as a weapon against the both of them and escape. All she saw near her feet was a rock twice the size of her fist. She bent over to grab it up, making not even a peep. She struggled to keep her throat from letting a cry out. Why did she have to leave her gun and knife in the truck? Chris always told her to carry them, and the one time she didn’t, she needed them.
Wesker’s footsteps neared the tree, and so she braced herself. Maybe if she was able to knock Wesker out and take his gun, she would be able to get away. William didn't seem much of a threat, but Claire didn't want to take any chances.
As Wesker came around the tree, Claire swung the rock. Wesker barely evaded it, his reflexes quick and nimble. He grabbed her arm, twisting it around her back and slamming her into the tree. It made her drop the rock. Claire yelped, fighting his hold, but he tightened his grip, threatening to break it, and she gave in with a cry.
"Well, well, well, this is quite a small world. Wouldn't you agree, Ms. Redfield?" Wesker greeted, sounding amused as he let her arm go.
Claire turned around with a glare. She tried to push past him, but Wesker shoved her back into the tree and held her there. It didn't take long before William came around to where they were.
"You two know each other?"
"Chris Redfield's younger sister. He’s a member of STARS," Wesker answered simply. Those sunglasses focused on Claire once more, and his grip tightened on her shirt just above her breasts as he kept her in place. He used his free hand to take of his sunglasses, pocketing them. A dark smirk formed on Wesker's lips, his gray-blue eyes piercing her and making Claire's bones freeze. "You better have a good explanation for this, dear heart. I'm just dying to know why you are here."
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greenbagjosh · 4 years
Feb 2006 Days 4 and 5 – cruise up the Bosphoros to Anadolu Kavagi and departure to BG and RO
EN Hi everyone, today we will have some sunlight, take a ferry north from Eminönü to Anadolu Kavagi with many stops along the way, enjoy a lahmacun and soup, get money out of an ATM, get to Sirkeci station for the night train and miss out on a whirling dervish performance and end the day by getting out of the train for an exit passport stamp.
Herkese merhaba, bugün biraz güneş ışığı alacak, Eminönü'nden kuzeye vapurla Anadolu Kavağı'na gidecek, lahmacun ve çorbanın tadını çıkaracak, ATM'den para alacağız, gece treni için Sirkeci istasyonuna gideceğiz ve kaçıracağız semazen gösterisinde ve çıkış pasaportu pulu için trenden inerek günü sonlandırın.
Здравейте всички, днес ще имаме малко слънчева светлина, ще вземем ферибот на север от Eminönü до Anadolu Kavagi с много спирки по пътя, насладете се на лахмакун и супа, вземете пари от банкомат, стигнете до гара Sirkeci за нощния влак и пропуснете на въртящо се дервишко представяне и завършете деня, като излезете от влака за печат за изходен паспорт.
Salut tuturor, astăzi vom avea puțină lumină solară, vom lua un feribot spre nord de la Eminönü la Anadolu Kavagi cu multe opriri de-a lungul drumului, savurăm un lahmacun și o supă, scoatem bani dintr-un bancomat, ajungem la stația Sirkeci pentru trenul de noapte și pierdem la un spectacol de derviș rotitor și încheiați ziua ieșind din tren pentru o ștampilă de pașaport de ieșire.
Поздрав свима, данас ћемо имати мало сунчеве светлости, трајектом северно од Еминону-а до Анадолу Каваги-а са много успутних стајалишта, уживати у лахмацуну и супи, извући новац из банкомата, доћи до станице Сиркеци за ноћни воз и пропустити на вртлог дервишке представе и завршите дан изласком из воза за излазни печат пасоша.
Üdvözlet mindenkinek, ma napsütésünk lesz, komppal indulunk Eminönütől északra Anadolu Kavagi-ba, sok megállóval az út mentén, élvezzünk egy lahmacun-t és levest, szerezzünk pénzt egy ATM-ből, érjünk el az éjszakai vonatra Sirkeci állomásra és hagyjuk ki örvénylő dervis előadáson, és úgy fejezze be a napot, hogy kiszáll a vonatból egy kilépési útlevél bélyegzőért.
Ahoj všichni, dnes si dáme trochu slunečního světla, pojedeme trajektem na sever z Eminönü do Anadolu Kavagi s mnoha zastávkami, pochutnáváme si na lahmacunu a polévce, vyděláváme peníze z bankomatu, dostáváme se na stanici Sirkeci na noční vlak a zmeškáme na vířícím dervišském představení a den zakončíte vystoupením z vlaku pro razítko výstupního pasu.
Hallo allerseits, heute haben wir etwas Sonnenlicht, nehmen eine Fähre nördlich von Eminönü nach Anadolu Kavagi mit vielen Haltestellen auf dem Weg, genießen ein Lahmacun und eine Suppe, holen Geld aus einem Geldautomaten, fahren zum Bahnhof Sirkeci für den Nachtzug und verpassen es auf einer wirbelnden Derwischvorstellung und beenden Sie den Tag, indem Sie aus dem Zug aussteigen, um einen Ausreisestempel zu erhalten.
 Today is Sunday the 12th February 2006.  This would be my last day in Turkey.  I thought the previous day, why not to take a cruise up the Bosphoros?  Hopefully the weather will be nice.  Well at least in the morning it was.
 About 7 AM I had breakfast and then went to Eminönü to catch the ferry to Anadolu Kavagi.  It cost about $ 15.00 round trip.  The ride up would take at least an hour and a half, as it would stop at five different places, either on the European side or the Asian side.  I remember doing something similar with my parents in the 1970s, and back then it was easy to tell the European side from the Asian side.
 The ferry was ready to board about 9 AM.  It was better to be inside for most of the time, than to be on the outside except for the more interesting stops.  The weather at Eminönü was nice, the clouds were not particularly thick, but when the ferry passed Rumeli Hisari, coulds thickened up and it started to snow.  The next half hour it snowed but did not ice up the Bosphoros.  We stopped about four more times before ending up at Anadolu Kavagi.  Anadolu Kavagi is a tourist town on the Asian side, and has a military base.  For lunch I went to a small restaurant on Dolay Ck.  I ordered a lentil soup, lahmacun, and an Ayran, which is a yogurt drink.  I watched the snowfall outside the restaurant.  
 I wanted to get a good view of the Bosphoros, so I walked up Cafer Baba.  I saw the nearby hills covered with snow.  I could not stay much longer.  That was the last time I saw snow in Asia.
 I wanted to buy some provisions for the night's train travel, and I was running out of money. I found an ATM but it was inside the military base.  I asked permission to enter just to use the ATM.  The gentleman was very nice to allow me to enter, and once I withdrew my money, I left and went back into town.
 Once I returned to town, I bought some Efes beers and snacks for the night's train ride.  I also bought a copy of the day's edition of the "Hürriyet" newspaper, even if I could not speak Turkish.  To end, I had a couple of glasses of tea until it was time for the return journey.  The journey took an hour and a half to get back to Eminönü.  I took the tram back to Sultanahmet and walked back to the hotel. I asked for a ride to Sirkeci station, and someone volunteered to take me for 10 Lira, not a bad deal.  I packed up my belongings and about 6:30 PM I was at Sirkeci station.
 There was one last thing I wanted to do, but it would possibly make me miss my train from Sirkeci station to Bucharest.  I had supper, a lahmacun with seasoned onions and ayran, then took my luggage to the car where my compartment was located.  I had the compartment all to myself.  The train did not have a restaurant car of its own.  I had a sink and mirror and electric outlet.  The bathrooms were down the hall.  The train left Sirkeci station about 8:30 PM for the border at Kapikule, close to both the Bulgarian and Greek borders.  It seemed a bit slow, despite being an electrified route.  
 I went to sleep for a while until about 2 AM when the conductor knocked on my door to let me know that we were approaching the border and that everyone had to exit the train, in spite of the cold weather.  Everyone had to leave the train, line up at the customs building, get a "Cikis" stamp for exiting, and board the train again.  It was good to get back on the train.  The train passed Kapikule and crossed into Bulgaria.  
At Kapikule the electrification ended (there is a project to extend electrification to Bulgarian national rail standard) and thus the locomotives were switched from there until Dimitrovgrad where the electrification resumed.  When the train approached Kapitan Andreevo, the Bulgarian custom guards boarded, knocked on the compartment doors, saying "Passport control", and reading aloud passport numbers by walkie talkie.  My passport record was clean and I was given an entry stamp into Bulgaria.  It must have been about 4 AM when the train went on to Svilengrad, Dimitrovgrad, Shumen and Ruse.  About 8 AM I bought a cup of coffee for two euro.  I received a cup of coffee and a CFR (Romanian railways) packet of sugar.  That was the only "food and drink" I received that entire ride.  The train ride was very long, with an electric locomotive from Dimitrovgrad to Ruse, where it was swapped out with a diesel train to go to Giurgiu in Romania.  I also received an exit stamp at Ruse.  The train went along and crossed the Danube into Giurgiu, Romania.
 At Giurgiu, the train stopped for about an hour.  The weather looked fine, sunny with few clouds.  But the weather could change at any moment.  The Romanian customs agents took my passport into an office and I was worried for about half an hour.  I eventually received it back, with an entry stamp.  The train left maybe 6 PM and arrived at Bucharest Gara de Nord around 7:30 PM, and it started snowing.  
 If you come to Bucharest, always be careful of scammers.  Particularly luggage handlers and taxi drivers.  If you can use public transportation, know how to get to and from your hotel and do not ever depend on the luggage handlers or taxi drivers, as they can demand outrageous fees.  For example a taxi ride should cost less than $ 10.00.  Sometimes a person can be charged $ 30.00 or $40.00, maybe more.  I did end up at my hotel, although with $ 30.00 less cash than I expected.
 It was cold and I did not really want to go out that night.  The hotel had a restaurant and I ordered some soup and an Ursus beer.  Ursus is one of the major beer brands in Romania.  Then I went to sleep.
Next adventure – the Bucharest metrou, Piata Unirii and the Ceausescu presidential building, the infamous O-Zone song on CD, supplement for the sleeper for Sofia BG
Sıradaki macera - Bükreş metrosu, Piata Unirii ve Ceausescu başkanlık binası, CD'deki rezil O-Zone şarkısı, Sofia BG için uyuyan için ek
Следващо приключение - метрото в Букурещ, Piata Unirii и президентската сграда на Чаушеску, скандалната песен O-Zone на CD, добавка за спалния за София BG
Următoarea aventură - metrou bucureștean, Piața Unirii și clădirea prezidențială Ceaușescu, cântecul celebru O-Zone pe CD, supliment pentru dormitor pentru Sofia BG
Следећа авантура - метро у Букурешту, Пиата Унирии и председничка зграда Чаушескуа, злогласна песма О-Зоне на ЦД-у, додатак за спавање за Софију БГ
Következő kaland - a bukaresti metrou, a Piata Unirii és a Ceausescu elnöki épülete, a hírhedt O-Zone dal CD-n, kiegészítés Szófia BG alvójához
Další dobrodružství - metra v Bukurešti, Piata Unirii a prezidentská budova Ceausescu, nechvalně známá píseň O-Zone na CD, doplněk pro pražce pro Sofii BG
Nächstes Abenteuer - die U-Bahn von Bukarest, Piata Unirii und das Präsidentengebäude von Ceausescu, das berüchtigte O-Zone-Lied auf CD, Zuschlag für den Schlafwagen von Sofia BG
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simmyseo · 4 years
Tooth decay also known as Dental caries is damaged caused to a tooth that can happen when decay causing bacteria in your mouth make acid that attack the tooth's surface or enamel. This can lead to a small hole in a tooth, called as cavity where as cavities are permanently damaged areas in the hard surface of your teeth that develop into tiny openings or holes. Cavities, also called tooth decay or caries caused by a combination of factors which includes bacteria in your mouth frequent intake of snacks, sipping sugary drinks and not maintaining proper oral hygiene too.
If tooth decay is not treated it can cause pain, infection, and even tooth loss. Bacteria produce bacteria produce acid from food debris.
Causes of dental caries:
• Cavities /or Dental caries are caused by destruction of enamel of tooth surface which occurs over a period of time due to acid attack by bacteria. • Dental plague which is accumulation of food debris which forms a sticky film that coats your teeth caused due to intake of a lot of sugars and starches not maintaining proper cleaning of teeth. • Plaque can further harden above your gum line into tartar which is also known as calculus. It is yellowish in colour hard accumulations. It goes deep inside the gums also sometimes and it helps bacteria as a shield which further leads to cavity development. • The acids produced by the bacteria in plaque remove minerals in your tooth hard , outer enamel. This causes tiny openings or holes in the enamels- the first stage of cavities. • After enamel is worn away the bacteria and acid can reach the next layer of tooth surface that is called dentin. Dentin is softer than enamel so more easily accessible and has dentinal tubules that communicates with the nerve of the tooth causing sensitivity. • Now as the tooth decay develops the destruction continues further the bacteria continue to invade the third layer of your teeth that is called pulp which contains nerve and blood vessel. Pulp becomes swollen and irritated from the bacteria. It can create pressure causing pain and discomfort and there is high sensitivity of hot , cold and sweet also sometimes It can lead to bone destruction which is further treated by Root canal treatment and some other dental treatments. • Intake of excess amount of sugary foods and sugary drinks leads to cavities. • Acid reflux or GERD Heart burn can lead stomach acid to go into the mouth wears away tooth enamel. • Lack of enamel can lead to cavities. • Lack of tooth brushing and improper oral hygiene can further leads to cavity development. • Fluoride which is a common ingredient in tooth paste and mouth rinses. It's deficiency can lead to cavity formation. • Dry mouth since saliva helps in prevention of tooth decay a lack of it makes the mouth more susceptible to cavities.
Symptoms of Dental caries:
• In the early stages of tooth decay tooth might be asymptomatic there are no symptoms associated with it. Early decay of tooth may look like a small white spot on the tooth. • If the decay is more deeper It may appear mare dark spot or a deep hole in the tooth and further a dentist can check it by taking an X-Ray which can tell the amount of destruction or wear of enamel in the tooth it’s invasion in bone or not. • In simple tooth decay there is no pain but in advanced stages or in dental caries especially there is toothache sometimes continuously pain and sometimes occasionally sharp pain with no obvious cause. • Tooth sensitivity: You may feel pain when eating or drinking something hot, cold and sweet. • The spots on the teeth can appear grey brown or black depends on how deep the cavity is • Bad breath can also be one of the symptom due to not maintaining proper oral hygiene. • An unpleasant taste or unusual taste in the mouth. • Discoloration of teeth, pain at the time of chewing food, tooth loss, bone loss are the symptoms. • Loose and bleeding gums, spongy gums also known as gingivitis swelling in gums can be a symptom. • Sometimes there can be sudden sharp, shooting pain which is acute pain and sometimes there is continuous lingering pain which is chronic pain.
Risk Factors of dental caries:
• Diet • Microflora • Susceptible tooth
There are some local and general risk factors related to it:
Other local risk factors includes:
• The form and arrangement of tooth misaligned teeth or crowded teeth are in high risk of dental caries due to high amount of deposition of plaque and calculus i.e. food debris accumulation , tartar so there is no proper brushing and proper hygiene is not maintained which can lead to cavity development. • Salivary flow and oral hygiene is important.
General Risk factors includes:
• Age • Sex • Race • Geographic location • Social cultural environment have an influence on the development of dental caries.
Some Frequent factors as already mentioned:
• Tooth location and it’s form and arrangements • Certain foods and drinks mostly high intake of sugary foods and drinks and carbonated drinks like cold drinks • Frequent snacking or sipping or eating a lot of junk food • Bedtime infant feeding even bottle feeding Infants can lead to Rampent caries or nursing bottle syndrome. • Inadequate brushing or not maintaining proper oral hygiene • Lack of fluoride in teeth • Younger or older age group people are at more risk • Dry mouth.
Complications of dental caries:
In brief complications may include:
• Pain in teeth • Tooth abscess or pus formation swelling, inflammation around a tooth. • Damage or broken teeth • Difficulty in chewing food. • Positioning shifts of teeth after tooth loss. • Complications from tooth cavities, ongoing tooth pain , a tooth abscess which can further become infected and trigger life threatening complications like an infection that enters the bloodstream or sepsis. • Some systemic disorders also have oral manifestations like HIV/AIDS and diabetes can lower the body's resistance or immunity to infection making oral health problems more. • Tooth decay can lead to several complications. The bacteria prevent the dental plaque (depositions of food debris) can damage not only the teeth , but also the surrounding gum and the dental boxes further leading to gingivitis and periodontitis. • Like wise there can be red, swollen and bleeding gums when brushing teeth. • This can further cause a gap to develop between the tooth and gums making the tooth feel lose, and in some cases they come out also ( fall out) • Pus filled swelling known as dental abscess can cause severe pain and you may encounter other symptoms of infection such as fever.
Prevention includes detection of dental caries. • Caries diagnosis is a important step in prevention. Dental caries were detected by visible colour and texture change , tactile sensation (touch using a dental explorer and radiograph) • Caries Risk Assessment: In past caries experience, current caries , index, oral hygiene measure such as the use of fluoride toothpaste and mouth rinse, calculus deposits, deep pits and fissures • Diet : Frequent intake of snacks and large amount of sugar intake and salivary flow also like dry mouth may all help assess individual' s caries risk and predicts it’s progression. These factors decide whether preventative measures should be taken or restorative treatment to restore the cavities (filling the cavities is necessary). • Prevention methods: • Oral hygiene: Daily brushing is good if you do two times brushing regularly it helps in daily plaque removal and all the food debris so the bacteria will not able to cultivate. Flossing and mouth rinsing is one of the best ways to prevent dental caries. Proper brushing and flossing techniques should be taught at the dental clinics during regular routine check ups. • Fluoride applications: Fluoride helps in remineralization inside the tooth surface. It strengthens the tooth enamel.
Methods of Flouride application:
It includes:
• Water Fluoridation • Fluoride toothpaste • Fluoride mouth rinse • Fluoride compounds such as gels and varnishes. • Pit and fissure sealants: In most of the cases dental caries in young children occur in pits and fissures. They are more susceptible to dental caries because of the shape is like which favors more plaque accumulation and proper hygiene is not possible. This irregular surfaces can be filled with flowable restorative material. • Sucrose: Sucrose is well known cause of dental caries. Xylitol is one of these sugar substitutes which has a sweet flavor compare to sugar and it is only non-carcinogenic but also anticarcinogenic. • Role of the primary caregiver in children :As dental caries is an infectious disease the primary caregiver of infants (most often the mother) can transmit caries causing microorganisms to a child. • Maintaining oral hygiene and undergoing dental treatment when necessary are also important for prevention of dental caries in young children.
• Treatment consits of improved dental hygiene and procedure Treatment includes fluoride , fillings and crowns. Extreme or severe caries may need a root canal or removal.
Medical Procedure:
Dental filling: Self care: Oral hygiene and Fluoride:
• Fluoride treatment: if the cavity is in initial stage a fluoride treatment may help restore your tooth's enamel in early stages only. • Fillings or restorations: If the cavity include dentin and enamel only there is not very high sensations of hot or cold. It can be filled or restored by different filling materials like GIC composites etc. • Crowns: inlays/Onlays and ceramic/acrylic crowns are available and many times suggested after root canal treatment. When there is excessive destruction of tooth surface and very less sound tooth structure is left to give support. • Root canal treatment: As many of us know Root canal treatments are advised when the cavity Is very deep and it involves the third layer of tooth surface that is pulp which consists of blood vessels and nerves and there is very high sensations of hot and cold and sweet even and severe pain and on the other hand tooth is asymptomatic in some cases when there is pus formation or dental abscess formation in that cases drainage of pus is required. • Tooth extractions: Tooth extraction are advised in those cases when there is almost all of the tooth structure is damaged little or very less sound structure is left and there is excessive pus formation or abscess in the periopical region along the roots of the teeth and pus formation along the gums line which involves intraoral / extraoral swelling and the dentist will come to know by the radiographs and the clinical situation what will be the prognosis of the teeth after Root canal treatment. It depends on the teeth to teeth. Every case varies though. • Proper oral hygiene maintenance is a very important factor in treating dental caries. Two times proper brushing your mouth releasing and flossing regularly can help you prevent or treat dental Caries. • Scaling/cleaning of teeth and gums and Root planning is also important because it helps in removal of calculus ( Tartar like hard deposits) and Plaque (food debris) so it further prevents development of cavities. Deep sealing also removes plaque and calculus present along the gums lies or deep in the gums.
Medical Content Writer: Dr. Priyanka dadhwal B.D.S (dental surgeon) Certified in advanced rotary endodontics.
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babbletop · 5 years
Here's a list of 10 Cheesy Cheetos Facts That You Never Knew. Cheetos are among the most popular snacks worldwide. these are 10 things you didn't know about Cheetos. ➡️ Subscribe to BabbleTop: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg?sub_confirmation=1 There are plenty of salty snacks that get lost in the shuffle, but Cheetos are a Cheesy treat that has long been a favorite with snackers around the world. You are likely familiar with both the puffy and crunchy varieties of Cheetos, but there’s a lot more to learn. So let’s turn those fingers orange with 10 cheesy Cheetos facts that you never knew. If you enjoyed this list of 10 cheesy Cheetos facts that you never knew, then comment: #Cheetos #Snacks #Top10 TIMESTAMPS: 0:23 Making Cheetos 'till the Cows Come Home 1:47 The Cheetos Colorz Caper 3:06 A Career In Cheetos 4:19 It's A Small Cheetos World 5:55 Cleaning Up With Flamin' Hot Cheetos 7:21 Cheetos For Dinner 8:45 The Gorilla Cheetos 10:01 Cheetos Strong 11:27 Gone But Not Forgotten SUMMARIES: - Like most modern corporations, Frito-Lay, the folks who make many of our favorite snacks like Doritos, Fritos and Cheetos, keep track of a lot of information about their snacks. Of course they keep track of basic things like sales figures. - Anyone familiar with Cheetos snacks knows that the powdery cheese coating turns your fingers orange. In the early 2000's Frito-Lay decided to try a new twist on this by developing a line of Cheetos that would turn your tongue, not orange, but either blue or green. - So you say you love Cheetos more than anything. How does this sound for a dream job? The Frito-Lay production facilities spread around the world struggle to keep the taste and quality of their products consistently good. - The cheesy goodness of Cheetos snacks aren't just loved in America, they are loved around the world by those who crave a wide variety of flavors. Frito-Lay can't satisfy all this international demand just with production facilities located in the U.S. - This story deserves to be filed under American Dream: fulfilled. Richard Montanez was working as a janitor, but he had bigger ideas in mind. He loved to eat Cheetos, but they weren't spicy enough for his tastes so he quietly went to work to change this. - How much do you love Cheetos? Do you love this snack enough to scramble to make reservations for a pop-up restaurant based on Cheetos recipes? In 2017, thousands of New Yorkers did exactly this so they could be one of the lucky ones to get a taste of these cheesy-snack-infused dishes. - You've probably heard about someone seeing the face of Jesus in a home-made tortilla or in a bag of potato chips, but have you heard the one about the Cheetos that looked like Harambe? - In the early 1930's the founder of the Frito Company came up with a new way to make powdered cheese that would alter the course of snack food history. Mr. C.E Doolin used a dairy preservative technique that had been studied by the U.S. military to allow him to use real milk in foods with a decent shelf life. - Most snackers are quite familiar with the classic cheddar cheese flavor associated with Cheetos, but over the years there have been a lot of other flavors introduced. Some of them have been very successful such as Flamin' Hot Cheetos and others not so much. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE to BabbleTop! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg?sub_confirmation=1 🥳 JOIN and become a BabbleTop member! https://www.youtube.com/babbletop/join 👕 Check out our MERCH! https://ift.tt/2xcFumO 🔥 Our Most Popular VIDEOS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOvb3ZRIwh0&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg Top 10 Saddest McDonald's Happy Meal Toys Ever https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iXjSIxWR9Jo&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=63 Top 10 Most Popular Secret Menu Fast Food Items https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEDoWmFKBWI&list=PL2AXIR2uRsIlSkW5W0YF4gcw66jKxXUCy&index=13 Top 10 Candy Bars America Wished They Had https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PiVIx10iBgc&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=40 10 Coca-Cola Drinks That Embarrassed The Company https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wEqcMBAbur4&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=15 10 McDonald’s Items That Would Make America Great Again https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UksU5Ki0SW4&list=UUX--mGSg0UwDjl7MDL8H5Jg&index=9 All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
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rodrigohyde · 7 years
Yes, you can get ripped without eating meat. Here’s how.
There’s this nasty rumor that’s been going around for years. Maybe you’ve heard it, or maybe you’ve even spouted it yourself: There’s no way a guy’s going to get enough protein from a vegan diet to build the kind of ultra-ripped body you’re aiming for.
Hm. Tell that to NFL pro Griff Whalen, NBA guard JJ Reddick, or Nike trainer Joe Holder—all of whom are vegan and seriously jacked.
“You can absolutely be a vegan power athlete, be a vegan and build muscle,” says Nanci Guest, R.D., C.S.C.S., a Toronto-based sports nutritionist who works with vegan Olympic sprinters and vegan professional UFC fighters.
While it’s certainly easier to load up on protein when it comes from animals, your muscles don’t actually reward the seemingly superior source. A study earlier this year in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found it didn't matter whether protein intake was from animals or plants—as long as men and women were getting at least the recommended daily allowance (that's 0.8g/kg of bodyweight), carnivores and omnivores had roughly the same muscle mass and strength.
Of course, switching over to veganism is totally different from trying a new diet like Paleo or high-fat, low-carb. But once you learn the basics, it’s actually really, really easy. So if you’ve been thinking about ditching meat—for animal advocacy, environmental impact, or maybe just because you watched What the Health and haven’t been able to look at chicken since—we’re serving up everything you need to know.
The basics of gaining muscle while vegan
Your basic dietary tenets still apply:
Eat protein after a workout.
Eat fewer carbs late at night.
Eat a balance of fat, protein, and carbs at every meal.
The primary difference:
Eating only plants is totally different for your digestive system. Not all your calories will be getting digested in the same way.
You’ll need to eat more in one sitting.
You’ll get hungry more often.
In essence, all the ways you needed to control your intake before will have to change. The most important thing is eating enough to fuel those HIIT workouts to shed body fat. And as long as you’re hitting your protein goals, you’ll have no problem being an ultra-ripped vegan.
Here’s a guidebook on how you can give up all meat, poultry, fish, and dairy—pretty much every source of protein you probably eat right now—and still get totally ripped.
Ease into veganism
If you’ve gotten on board with going V, chances are you want to dive right in. But Guest actually advises against going cold tofurkey.
She has two really good reasons: First, a lot of people experience bloating and gas when they first switch over. “If you’ve been eating a super high-protein diet and not all that much fiber, your gut bacteria is pretty brutal,” she explains. Suddenly eating so many more vegetables, whole grains, and legumes is radically different on your system. Over time, your stomach will build up its stores of good bacteria, but in the interim, the bloating can be enough to freak out any body-conscious dude—potentially to the point of retreating back to the safer chicken-and-yogurt way of eating.
The second reason: Nixing animal products all in one go implies a vastly different way of grocery shopping, cooking, snacking, and eating out. Until you learn your go-to meals, it’s going to be more mentally exhausting to eat than normal—especially if you’re super-busy and can’t devote a ton of time to finding non-dairy grab-and-go snacks. Just like with any diet, that mental exhaustion increases your risk of giving up.
Guest suggests you start by cutting out any animal flesh—that’s beef, chicken, fish, pork—but keep in eggs and yogurt over about four to six weeks before you go full vegan.
Give soy a chance
Giving up chicken, meat, fish, milk, cheese, eggs, whey, and casein means you’re definitely adding in soy (among other proteins). But if you still equate eating soy with growing man boobs, you need to get with the 2017 science. “As much as people want to say there’s an issue with soy, the science says it’s just fine,” Guest says. “There is some research showing the testosterone spike you get from a workout is slightly blunted when you consume soy post-workout compared to other proteins, but testosterone has no bearing on muscle protein synthesis or how much strength gains you’ll get, and it doesn’t affect your other testosterone levels.”
Can switching to a soy protein powder help you hulk out like the whey, casein, or egg white kind can? We won’t argue that whey is the golden child of protein powders. That’s largely because it’s higher in a key muscle-building amino acid called leucine compared to all other plant- or dairy-based proteins. With less leucine, you have less muscle protein synthesis, or so goes the theory.
But there’s actually a ton of research to support plant proteins’ ability to build just as much bulk as dairy varieties, namely soy and brown rice. And even if there is an advantage to whey, “That extra bit of leucine will make maybe 1% difference in building muscle,” Guest says.
Alternatively, here’s another easy fix: Add a leucine supplement to your soy shake, Guest suggests. A 2015 study in The Journal of Nutrition confirms that a leucine supp. will help offset any lack of muscle protein synthesis that might otherwise come with the plant protein. (Check that your powder doesn’t already have leucine added to the formula.)
Learn your plant proteins
“Protein is absolutely important for fitness and building muscle no matter if you are keto, paleo, raw, vegan, or something between,” says Matt Ruscigno, R.D., co-author of the No Meat Athlete and Chief Nutrition Officer at Nutrinic, a nutrition counseling center in Pasadena, CA. “Getting 20g of protein at each meal is actually very easy to do when beans and whole grains are part of your eating habits.”
Your heaviest hitters are now soy milk, tempeh, seitan, tofu, edamame, black beans, chickpeas, lentils, and vegan meats. Yes, you’ll certainly bite into a few terrible soy dogs and veggie burgers before finding brands that actually taste good—but hey, the same could be said for all the whey powders you sipped before finding the one brand that doesn’t taste like chalk.
Insider tip: We highly recommend checking out the Beyond Meat product line (sold at Whole Foods, among other stores), particularly the Beyond Burger, which everyone from Ruscigno to the 76ers’ Reddick recommends thanks to its high protein count and texture that’s as close to meat as you’ll get from plants.
A lot of high-protein veggie options (tempeh, tofu, edamame, and most vegan meats) are soy. Try to cap yourself at three servings of soy a day, advises Guest. That’s not because more soy is necessarily bad, but because you should be getting your protein from a variety of sources, she explains. “We all know variety is important, but it’s especially so in plant foods since they offer such a variety of phytochemicals. The more phytochemicals, the more your hard-training body is getting what it needs.”
That really won’t be a problem. “With plant foods, the numbers are lower, but they add up quick because there's protein in everything,” Ruscigno says. Here are a bunch of vegan protein sources with 4–8g of protein per serving:
hemp seeds
chia seeds
nuts like walnuts and almonds
nut butters
seeds like sunflower or pumpkin
nutritional yeast
wild rice
Even leafy greens—which every athlete should be eating because of their ability to increase nitric oxide, which helps deliver oxygen to the muscles—contain protein, Ruscigno points out. And while 4–8g might sound low, remember that you likely won’t be eating any of these items on their own. Plus, that’s right around the protein of one egg.
Oh, and if you’ve heard you need to pair plant proteins to ensure a complete amino acid profile, you can forget that advice. That idea is outdated and misleading, both nutritionists agree. Your muscles pull from a collective pool, not one individual meal, so as long as you’re eating a variety of protein sources throughout the day, you’re good.
Adjust your macros to account for more clean carbs
Chances are your meat-eating macro breakdown was either 30% protein, 30% fat, 40% carbs or 30% protein, 50% fat, 20% carbs. But on a muscle-building vegan diet, your new breakdown will land closer to 20% protein, 30% fat, and 50% carbs.
Wait—50% carbs?!
Don’t freak out.
“When you switch over, your macros will have to change somewhat because plant-protein sources are inherently lower-fat and higher-carb,” Guest says. “Tofu, soy milk, any protein powders—all can be low-carb or zero-carb. But most pulses, like beans, lentils, or dried peas, are between 15-30g of protein per cup. That’s the same as beef, chicken, or fish, but they come with more carbs.”
Otherwise, the same eating rules apply—every meal should have a balance of fat, protein, and carbs; pre-workout snacks should be a hit of carbs without too much fiber or fat; post-workout fuel should be a mix of protein and carbs.
Learn to love carbs
If 50% carbs scares you, keep in mind you’re (hopefully) spending those grams on way healthier sources than the crap you ate before. “Inherently, your carbs are all coming from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans,” Guest says. “There’s no room in a healthy, muscle-building, athletic diet for refined bread and cookies anyway.”
Obviously you know refined junk was never on the “OK” omnivore list, but if you’re cutting out eggs and butter, suddenly the small cheats that quickly fill your 20% bucket—a small piece of birthday cake, a few bites of croissant—aren’t even options anymore.
Plus, fiber and starch are part of the carb count, so the grams on the label aren’t necessarily how many grams your body is actually getting, Ruscigno says. “Fiber isn't 'zero' calories, but it's definitely not the four calories per gram that other carbs are—which is why vegetarians and vegans weigh less, according to ongoing study cohorts with hundreds of thousands of people.”
Up your supps
You’ll score way more micronutrients with the overload of fruits and vegetables, but there are still a few vitamins and minerals you can only get when you eat meat. A 2016 study review by Mayo Clinic physicians found vegans are most often deficient in vitamin B12, iron, calcium, vitamin D, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids. Meanwhile, research in Clinical Nutrition found among vegans who weren’t supplementing with DHA and EPA—two nutrients crucial for brain health—about 60% had low levels of DHA and about 27% had very low levels of DHA, numbers akin to those who have brain shrinkage with aging.
So: Definitely pop B12 and DHA/EPA every day. And add 5g of creatine to your post-workout shake if you don't already: A recent study review found that creatine can significantly improve the performance and recovery in vegetarian athletes, since the nutrient is mainly found in beef and fish.
Eat way more often
It's totally normal to be hungry more often and to need snacks when you follow a vegan diet, Ruscigno says. “When switching to plants, you are eating a larger volume of food but fewer calories, so it's important to make sure you’re eating more, and eating more often.”
Listen to your body rather than your daily count. “I tell people to eat if they are hungry, even if they are trying to lose weight. That's the benefit of eating plant-based: You can eat more food and feel full while also having a calorie deficit,” he adds.
But if you’re hungry right after eating, it’s a sign that you need to add more volume and/or more fat and protein, he adds. Start adding nut butter to your fruits, or bean spreads to your raw vegetables. Instead of just plain ol’ oatmeal, make it with soy milk, frozen blueberries, walnuts, and/or chia seeds. The small additions really go a long way when you’re vegan, he adds.
Commit the time to learn new “anchor” foods
“When you decide to get serious about your training, it takes planning and effort, and nutrition is part of that program. Being vegan requires meal planning and cooking, but that’s true of healthy eating whether it includes meat or not,” Guest points out.
The good news: It’s way, way easier to be vegan in 2017 than ever before. Go to Whole Foods or your local health grocer and check out what pre-made vegan options are available to give you an idea for meal prep. Develop a few go-to foods for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (we’d suggest just straight copying what these seven elite vegan athletes eat to get (and stay) ultra-jacked).
Most important, keep snacks on hand. “If you’re a busy athlete, snacks can be the hardest since most of the easiest grab-and-go foods are dairy-based, like Greek yogurt or string cheese,” Guest points out. “Drinking two cups of soy milk can deliver about the same amount of protein to hold you over.” We’d also suggest stocking up on vegan bars like GoMacro, CLIF Builder's, and PROBAR to keep hangry from happening.
Keep it simple
“I encourage new vegans and athletes to keep it simple by thinking of meals like this: grain, bean, vegetables, sauce,” Ruscigno says. Think: Brown rice, black beans, salsa, avocado, fajita vegetables; quinoa, chickpeas, kale, pesto; wild rice, falafel, hummus, roasted cauliflower, and tahini dressing. “It's a good strategy because it's easy. I find people overthink how their meals have to look or they follow complicated recipes.” Then you adjust your ratios based on your macros, adding more legumes or less grains, and controlling the calories with the sauce or dressing.
Chew your food twice as long
OK, it doesn’t actually have to be double the count—but eating slower and chewing your food is one of the best ways to reduce bloating, according to Ruscigno. “Eating slower is a tough habit for people to acquire, but not chewing beans all the way is one of the leading causes of the quintessential discomfort.” Alternatively (or additionally), eat more mush: Making hummus or refried beans is a way to get your protein without risking bloating or GI distress from beans since they’re already somewhat broken down, he adds.
Stop obsessing
“I encourage my athletes to not obsess over the numbers—calories, macros—and instead just be sure to fuel their workouts,” Ruscigno says. “We need to be eating enough to fuel the workouts to build the muscle to be lean.”
Guest agrees that too many guys get hyperfocused on protein: “To build muscle, you need adequate protein, but the most important factor in gaining mass is eating enough energy, or calories. I’ve looked at probably 200 diets of meat-eating men who want to gain mass, and they’re almost always consuming around three times the protein they need, half as many carbs, and not enough calories.”
from Men's Fitness http://www.mensfitness.com/nutrition/what-to-eat/yes-you-can-get-ripped-without-eating-meat-heres-how
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supp-up · 1 year
Workout Edge: The Correct Way To Do Ab Wheel Rollouts
Workout Edge: The Correct Way To Do Ab Wheel Rollouts #abwheel #abrollouts #workoutedge #abs #obliques #dyel #gym #gainz #fitness #weights #military #veterans #army #navy #usmc #airforce #nationalguard #supp_up #workout #fitness #health #exercise #abwork
Here it is – another Workout Edge post. This time around we’ll focus on core work, and more specifically, one of the best exercises for a strong core and the correct way to do ab wheel rollouts. If you haven’t checked out the last Breakfast Bites post about a great polyphenol rich morning shake recipe, go ahead and do that now. While just about every gym and I’m pretty sure some of your friends…
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supp-up · 1 year
Workout Edge: Reg Park's Classic 5 x 5 Method.
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Well now…it’s been a while since I’ve done a Workout Edge post. Readers have been missing this so I thought I’d dust off my arsenal and share another with you. Check out my last Workout Edge post if you haven’t already. Simplicity is and simplicity always has been the best way to train – don’t let those IG influencers fool you. Get back to basics, eat your food, get your rest, and train smart –…
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supp-up · 1 year
Breakfast Bites: Easy Polyphenol Packed Shake Recipe.
Breakfast Bites: Easy Polyphenol Packed Shake Recipe. #supp_up #food #smoothie #breakfastshake #polyphenols #muscle #gym #veterans #nutrition #recipeblog #highprotein #cleaneating #healthy #breakfastbites #cleansnacking #sundaybreakfast #Protein #workout #easybreakfast #proteinbreakfast #breakfastideas #smoothieideas #smoothierecipe #breakfastsmoothie
It’s Sunday and we’re back with another Breakfast Bites post. If you haven’t already, check out the last blog post on fruit and vegetable supplements now – it’s tied in with this Breakfast Bites one. Last time I posted about fruits and veggies, we got into the nitty gritty of whether or not fruit and vegetable aka super food supplements are really worth it and the importance of whole foods,…
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supp-up · 1 year
Workout Nutrition DIY: Are Fruit & Vegetable Supplements Worth It?
Workout Nutrition DIY: Are Fruit & Vegetable Supplements Worth It? #workoutnutritiondiy #superfood #fruits #vegetables #supplements #superfoods #workout #nutrition #dyel #gym #gainz #fitness #weights #military #veterans #army #navy #usmc #airforce #nationalguard #supp_up #workout #fitness #health #exercise #workoutnutrition
We’re back with another Workout Nutrition DIY post. It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, but some companies in the supplement industry are really starting to grind my gears again so hey – here we are. If you haven’t checked out the last blog post on how to get a Workout Edge with Reg Park’s Classic 5 x 5 Method, go ahead and do that now. Fitness and nutrition is becoming more and more…
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supp-up · 1 year
Workout Edge: Reg Park's Classic 5 x 5 Method.
Workout Edge: Reg Park's Classic 5 x 5 Method #workoutedge #regpark #classicbodybuilding #bodybuilding #supp_up #classicphysique #oldschool #Schwarzenegger #gym #gainz #fitness #weights #military #army #navy #usmc #airforce #nationalguard #workout #fitness #health #exercise
Well now…it’s been a while since I’ve done a Workout Edge post. Readers have been missing this so I thought I’d dust off my arsenal and share another with you. Check out my last Workout Edge post if you haven’t already. Simplicity is and simplicity always has been the best way to train – don’t let those IG influencers fool you. Get back to basics, eat your food, get your rest, and train smart –…
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babbletop · 5 years
Here's a list of 10 Things You Never Realized About Costco’s Free Food Samples. Who doesn't love free food!? Here are 10 things you didn't know about Costco's Free Food Samples. ➡️ Subscribe to BabbleTop: https://bit.ly/2Uu3HPe Costco warehouses draw crowds of loyal members stocking up on everything from bulk groceries to electronics. The retail giant encourages snacking in store with their famous $1.50 hot dog and soda deal or for the thriftiest: an abundance of free samples. Here are 10 things you never realized about Costco's free food samples. If you enjoyed this list of 10 things you never realized about Costco's free food samples, then comment: #Costco #FreeFood #Top10 TIMESTAMPS: 0:25 The best times to go to Costco 1:53 You don't always need a Costco membership 3:24 Costco samples are unlimited 5:10 You can make a meal out of Costco samples 6:42 Costco is stringently clean 7:55 Costco samples are not for kids 8:52 Costco’s well-tested business strategy 10:29 Sample employees aren't employed by Costco 11:45 Favorites and regular customers 13:29 The least you can do is listen SUMMARIES: - For true sample aficionados, there are ideal times to head to Costco if you're looking to maximize your sample potential. According to a Reddit AMA with a Costco employee, Mondays and Tuesdays are the prime times to score the most free food because they tend to be less busy. - You might be able to score free food at Costco without a membership. There are plenty of reasons to visit the grocery chain without one, like shopping via gift card, using the pharmacy, chowing down at the food court, or even purchasing alcohol. - Multiple employees on Reddit have confirmed that the samples are indeed, unlimited (within reason, which we’ll get to). One replied that "You can have more than one sample. Really. You don't need to ask. - A student who wrote an article in the University of Virginia's Cavalier Daily states that Costco is a "students best friend" and recommends taking advantage of your nearby Costco's free samples to put together a three-course meal. - Almost everyone has a horror story about finding something untoward in their food... it's jarring, takes away from the experience, and can leave a bad taste in your mouth when it comes to the restaurant or company. - Although grocery shopping can be a dull adult responsibility, samples make it all worth it! And at Costco, samples are effectively restricted to adults. According to Costco's rules, samples aren't supposed to be given out to kids under 13 without their parents. - Costco samples are a win-win... the company doesn't mind giving out free food because of the enormous payoffs that come with offering it, including sales boosts of as much as 2,000 percent. - If you've ever asked the person behind the sample counter to point you in the direction of a particular product and get a blank stare, there's an explanation... the people handing out samples aren't employed by the same company as the ones ringing up your groceries. - If you look forward to sharing a smile and a few words with your Costco sample guy on your shopping trip, they might recognize you too. A Costco sample employee on Reddit wrote that he recognizes some of his favorite regulars! One Costco regular shared a photo of their father with a Costco sample employee he befriended. - Numerous Costco employees online have written that they don't mind customers stopping by a few times for extra samples as long as they allow them to do their jobs. "We are obligated to try to sell our samples to you, not just give them out for free," one employee wrote. ➡️ SUBSCRIBE to BabbleTop! https://bit.ly/2Uu3HPe 🥳 JOIN and become a BabbleTop member! https://bit.ly/2DCl21k 👕 Check out our MERCH! http://bit.ly/2SWDkQM 🔥 Our Most Popular VIDEOS! http://bit.ly/2T02a24 Top 10 Fast Foods You Can Get For Free On Your Birthday http://bit.ly/2KA9px0 10 Coca-Cola Life Hacks That Will Make You Buy More http://bit.ly/2KqYu97 10 McDonalds Packaging That You'll Never See Again http://bit.ly/2KrbgEm 10 Foods America Will NEVER See Again http://bit.ly/2KuONpW Top 10 Most Popular Secret Menu Fast Food Items http://bit.ly/2Kzm17X Top 10 Untold Truths of Kool-Aid http://bit.ly/2Vnrq3s 33 Lay's Chips Flavors You Won't Believe Exist http://bit.ly/2VkxSbJ Top 10 Candy Bars America Wished They Had http://bit.ly/2Vo5S6S 10 Foods You'll Avoid After You Know How It's Made http://bit.ly/2VhkqoU 10 Secrets Walmart Doesn't Want You To Know http://bit.ly/2VkZ6Pj 10 Pepsi Drinks That Embarrassed The Company http://bit.ly/2Vlew64 10 Oreo Flavors You Never Knew Existed http://bit.ly/2VqnG1q All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
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babbletop · 6 years
Here's a list of the Top 10 Foods That Will Never Expire! Today we count down 10 foods with no expiration dates, food that never expires, food with a long shelf life. Perfect as survival, emergency food! ➡️ Subscribe to BabbleTop: https://bit.ly/2Uu3HPe The term staple foods is reserved for foods that have a long shelf life. Many food companies are adamant about making foods that can last on shelves for a longer time because in the long run it’s better for them. Better for storage, better for transport, longer shelf life. How long can that shelf life actually be? Well let’s take a look at 10 foods that never expire. If you enjoyed this list of 10 Foods that shouldn't ever need an expiration date, then comment: #Food #Crazy #Top10 TIMESTAMPS: 0:32 Sugar 1:57 Instant Coffee 3:02 Powdered Milk 4:25 Soy Sauce 5:35 Popcorn Kernels 6:52 Red Wine 8:09 Canola Oil 9:19 Spam 10:27 Dry Beans 11:49 White Vinegar SUMMARIES: - Of course sugar never expires - the most evil food in the world will hang in there haunting you from your cupboards for the rest of your life. Why doesn’t sugar expire? Well there’s a super science-y explanation behind that one. - The smell of Instant Coffee is quite amazing. There are not many things that can instantly perk you up after just one smell. Fresh ground coffee is always the best but instant coffee is a good buffer when that isn’t available. - So let’s be clear - like everything else on this list powdered milk can go bad if not stored properly. Powdered milk, also known as dried milk, is chalked full of preservatives to keep it useable for years upon years. - After some research, a lightbulb went off and it turns out that soy sauce is yet another one of those staple items that will not expire. Like many seasonings and sauces, soy has acid-hydrolyzed vegetable protein. This veggie protein also contributes to long-lasting shelf life. - Popcorn kernels are one of those foods that can just sit on a shelf and wait patiently for someone to feel like cooking them up. This is not only amazing it’s comforting. Seeing as popcorn is actually a pretty healthy snack before being loaded up with butter and all sorts of random stuff for flavor. - es, that’s right your beloved red wine can last for hundreds of years. As long as it is of good quality and it’s stored correctly. What is a good quality wine? Look for information about where the wine was made or how long the fruits aged for, and when you get as far as opening the bottle, smell it. - At one time there was a huge controversy over canola oil - people were confused about how bad it was for you. The oil is vegetable-based and from Canada. Yet, it’s hard to find out exactly which vegetable is being used. This sounds like a product that would enjoy a long shelf life. - People just don’t believe that anything in a can be healthy. So let’s take a look at why people believe Spam can go bad. We all know that once meat is processed, it needs to be eaten in a certain amount of time. - Most people avoid beans because they don’t know how to cook them. Or, they think they take too long to cook - and to be honest canned beans are way easier to deal with. Toss them in a pot and stir for a few minutes. Then add them to just about anything. Dry beans need to be boiled or soaked for a certain amount of time. - White Vinegar isn’t something that many people think of as a staple - what do you need white vinegar for? A lot actually. It can be used to pickle fruits and vegetables and clean meat before cooking. And it’s actually pretty popular when you are making your own sauces and marinades. Think about it, if vinegar is good for all these things it makes sense that it has a long shelf life. JOIN and become a BabbleTop member! https://bit.ly/2DCl21k SUBSCRIBE to our channel! https://bit.ly/2Uu3HPe 10 Cancelled Mcdonald's Items That People Still Talk About http://bit.ly/2TY10pb Top 10 Discontinued Food Items We Miss http://bit.ly/2IyUJ1Y Top 10 Saddest McDonald's Happy Meal Toys Ever http://bit.ly/2EpNlll Top 10 Untold Truths of the Heart Attack Grill http://bit.ly/2H2LLYe 10 Coca-Cola Drinks That Embarrassed The Company http://bit.ly/2T8awZL 10 Secrets You Didn't Know About Costco Food Court http://bit.ly/2GWQWsY 10 Times Fast Food Went Too Far http://bit.ly/2Iu0iPh Top 10 All Time Worst Fast Food Fails http://bit.ly/2Noh6Wt Check out our Most Popular Videos! https://bit.ly/2WtOHCy All clips used for fair use commentary, criticism, and educational purposes. See Hosseinzadeh v. Klein, 276 F.Supp.3d 34 (S.D.N.Y. 2017); Equals Three, LLC v. Jukin Media, Inc., 139 F. Supp. 3d 1094 (C.D. Cal. 2015).
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