#Spellman sisters
addiemilfgomery · 4 months
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they're literally the powerpuff girls.
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months
when someone insults you (child)
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There are many ways to cause problems and tension, within the clan and between Navi themselves. One way would be insult someone of the clan and thinking their family and friends, will not do anything about it. Once that insult had come out of their mouths there was no, taking back what had been spoken.
Jake x Neytiri
demon blooded girl
Those words had been said toward you by an older Navi women, you had been carrying some basket when a group kids had ran into you. resulting with the kids fall to the ground and getting some scraps of their keens and arms, you and rush to help the kid up. Taking the kids to healer hut, and have the kids attend to as well. The children were okay after the tears had ended but that didn’t save you from the rage of their mothers. As they had been told and thought you had pushed their kids. They had started scolding your outside of the hut, one od them hissed at you tried to grab you arm, soon throwing the insult at gained everyone near by attention.
women “ you demon blood child you have cause not only my kid pain but all these other kids pain” the women soon had came at you with her blade making you doge her and soon, fall down into ground.
Y/n “ please stop and hear me out there a misunderstanding” the women was looking down at you as she was standing tall, but she was not standing tall for that much longer until someone had attacked her.
neytiri “ don’t you dare lay hands on my daughter” neytiri had come right away soon kicking the women away from her child.
???? “ sister” you had been helped onto your feet by Loak and spider, as neteyam had stood between you and the other women.
Kiri “ you are bleeding”
neytiri “ you dare make my child bleed I will make you pay” before neytiri could do anything else Tsu’tey and Jake had stopped her.
Jake " neytiri no justice will be handed out in another way"
moat “ my granddaughter what has happened”
y/n “ there was accident with some kids and I took them here to get healed … ahhh”
Kiri “ grandma her injury”
moat “ come inside I will attend to you” you and kiro followed moat, as the rest of your siblings stood outside waiting. It easy to hear neytiri voice as she yelled at the group, as Jake tried his best to make sure she didn’t do anything else. Your grandmother and norm had been able to heal you up after the incident. They are mad as well and so are your siblings, the mother had been sent to their homes and away from you and everyone else.
neytiri " daughter are you okay"
y/n " I'm fine mom the cut will go away in days"
neytiri " how dare that women lay a hand on you if I was not for your father, and uncle I will taught her a good lessons"
neytiri " I will make them pay for what they have done to you my daughter"
y/n " mother please no we don't need anymore trouble"
Jake " sweetie I and your mother will handled this but you can share you side, of what has happened"
y/n " yes father"
Jake " good and your are not in trouble some witness had told us what happened, but we wish to hear from you as well"
y/n " yes father"you had nodded your head and told them everything, this had made your mom even more mad. As the women and her friends had no good reason to fight you a child and insult you as well. The mothers had been forbidden by your father and mother forming coming near you, for a very long time. They had been in major trouble with your family and the clan, for what had happened today. Their husband had came by your home with offers for forgives and to repay you as well, they had been checked careful by your mom and grandmother. You had forgave the husband and kids but stay away from their mothers for some time.
Jake x neytiri x Tsu’tey
Demon spawn
The day had started off normal for you as you had been doing your task, for the day as you had done every other day. It seems like your day was not going to stay normal. As you had been doing some fishing for your family and grandmother, by the river when some tension had came around. As you are about to hit a fish when you spotted another group arrive, you had smiled and went back to fishing. The group of kids had been to close to edge of the river bank, worrying you as you had called out to them and told them to move a bit. You even help them find a good place to fish and good position to use while fishing, and they seem to love your advice and help. You had been able to caught some big fish and started walking home, you had been that far from home when someone shoved you to the ground.
y/n " hey"
Navi teen boy " don't your dare speak to my brother and his friends like that demon spawn' You had got up not wish for a fight right now and tried to collect your fishes, when the boy had shoved you again onto the ground as the other kids came.
navi teen boy 2 " you heard what you told me demon how dare you tell them what do to do"
y/n " I was helping them that all and making sure they didn't get hurt, and making sure they were able to bring some fish back as well"
navi teen boy 3 " you are a freak and have no right to tell us how to live and do anything, and you dare lay your demon hands on my brother"
y/n " leave me alone so let walking away or this will become a bigger problem"
navi teen boy " we will never obey the words of demon girl that ...." the boy had been punched in the face by no one other then, lo'ak who was mad right now.
lo'ak " hands off my sister" the second boy had been kicked by someone who was spider.
spider " hands off of her"
????? " y/n" neteyam had been seen as he soon helped you stand he was mad as well.
navi boy teen " " the demo. Spawn started it first"
lo'ak " don't your dare call her at and or speak to her like that"
navi boy teen " demon spawn" A fight soon broke out between the boys.
???? ' enough " your dads had shown up with the other kids fathers breaking up the fight.
neytiri " what the matter here"
lo'ak " this boy was looking over my sister as she was laying on the ground, as him and his friends yelled at her fathers"
Tsu’tey " what"
spider " they insult her and called her demon spawn" soon all eyes were on you and it easy to say that you had been shoved to ground.
Neytiri " you dare lay a hand on my daughter to hurt you, you boys are shameful"
Jake " what happened y/n"
y/n " I was walking home when I was shoved to the ground, all because I help their younger siblings with their fishings"
tsu'tey " this that true"
boys " ....."
navi father " olo'eythan Tsu’tey our boys ......"
Tsu’tey " I was speaking and they will answer me"
boys " yes"
Jake " how dare you all do this over our daughter being helpful, and then you insult her as well"
neteyam " insult our sister is insult us all" the boys who were once acting like they were all that, were now not saying anything as all eyes are on them.
Jake " you boys will stay away from my daughter and my kids, after the events today until you came come up with a good apology to her" no one dare say anything else boys and their fathers had been escorted home by some of the warriors.
y/n " I'm sorry but it seems like dinner for us and grandmother is gone" your family looked at the fish they there was no saving them for later.
lo'ak " I will caught some later with the boys" you had nodded your heads as your mother had taken you and your boys to healer hut, to get checked out and soon enough home as well. Your brothers and spider had been able to caught new fishes for the family, but there was still tensions as your whole family had become mad about the insult tossed your away. They soon clam down after dinner but there was still issues here and there, the boys had stayed away from you until they came to say sorry with their siblings and your siblings there as well.
Tonowari x ronal
shameful girl
since the arrival of the sully family and their clan life in your clan and village changed, dramatically and you enjoyed it. You had made sure to be helpful for your village and the new arrivals, even learning some stuff from the humans as well. Soon become close friends with the sully kids and spider, along with the rest of the humans as well. You had given them a chance to show they are good and will be allies during the fight with the evil humans. One day you are walking to meet with your siblings and friends, when you had walked pass some of your clan members who were that happy with you.
Y/n “ good morning” you smile and look towards the group as they didn’t say anything else.
Navi women “ are you proud of yourself child” you had stopped and looked at the women.
y/n " proud of what if you don't mind me asking"
navi women 2 " proud of yourself for being friends with the family and clan, ruining your reputation and image by being with them"
y/n " I know we all have our own feelings about them and I don't blame you, but they are not like them and if you give them a chance you can see that"
navi women " you are such a shameful child and the whole clan knows that, It good you are out the tshaik and olo'eythan as you will be ruining their blood"
y/n " I'm going to leave right now before anything else is said"
navi women 2 " Such a shameful child you will ruin our clan and your family" You did nothing as you soon started walking away from them right away.
Navi teen girl " You will never be their daughter just some shameful child that will never be loved, and once I become mates with your brother you will be gone ... no more freaks and no shameful ones as well like you and them"
y/n "It will be best if you stop talking and following before anything else happens"
Navi girl 2 " you shouldn't be speaking to your future tshaik like that, it rude and you have nothing to hold over us we all know that freak"
navi girl 3 " no more freakish girl good I love that"
????? " what going on here" everyone had gotten spooked when they hear someone speaking up, they soon saw your siblings and older sully kids and spider there. none of them looked happy your sister and brothers went to you.
tsreyia " sister are you okay did they hurt you"
navi girl 3 " we will never hurt her"
rotxo " my sister was not speaking to you she was speaking to y/n"
y/n " I'm good they aeee just speaking their minds"
neteyam " they were being rude and disrespectful towards you y/n for no good reasons, and you being the olo'eythan and tshaik daughter"
lo'ak " yes they were coming from what we heard and saw"
kiri " you all are rude for being mean towards y/n"
spider " yes"
navi women " we were telling her the truth how dare she ruining your family and our clan by being friendly towards them, we were doing your parents a duty by dealing with this freak girl"
aonung " you have no right to speak to her like that"
navi women " my daughter and you are arranged I'm doing what bets for both, our family your parents will thank me"
???? " that is lie I will never thank you"attention had soon changed the parents who arrived, and ronal along with tonowari are very mad.
navi women " ronal I was ...."
ronal " don't your dare utter another word right now hoe dare you speak to my daughter like that, you are foolish women and rude as well"
navi women " I was doing what I thought was good for my daughter future"
tonowari " well now you have done something for your daughter future, my son and her are no longer promised to each other"
navi girl " no that not fair"
ronal " yes it fair you have not rights to become tshaik and have failed, to prove yourself as well as my daughter have done that perfectly"
navi women 2 " that clan will not love this"
ronal " the clan will understand what has happened now you will never go near my daughter again, after today until I deemed your worthy along with the great mother as well"
navi girl 2 " we didn't mean no harm we will telling her the truth"
Jake " you all were acting like green eye monsters .... jealousy is ugly things to have I came here to thank y/n for being helpful to my family and clan"
navi women 3 " we are sorry lease this will look bad on our families"
navi girl 3 " please"
Neytiri " it to late to be sorry you most learn from this"
ronal " now leave my husband will speak to your mates later on and we will see what happens later on. but there is no more promise of marriage"
tonowari " get them out of our sight" the mothers and daughters had been taken away. As they had been given glares by everyone else for what they had done.
tonowari " my daughter dont listen to them I love you and you make me proud"
ronal " yes your father is right my daughter"
y/n " thank you mom and baba but please don't punish their whole family"
tonowari " yes I can make that happen" you had nodded your head feeling better about everything that happened, your siblings and friends had spent the day with you making sure everything that you are good and happy. True to their word the promise between aonung and the girl had been called off, and when the mother made a scene to the whole clan the truth was revealed to everyone which made matter worst for the mothers and daughters. They had been official told to stay away from you and if they dare do anything else, there will be trouble and they were already in enough trouble with your family and clan.
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frost-queen · 11 months
Witches hour (Reader x Ambrose Spellman)
Requested by: anon ,Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
Summary: You are but a mortal friend of the Spellman's, working with Hilda in her shop as you become off interest to the Weird sisters and one wicked boy. They find it funny to scare you till it gets out of hand and you get hurt. Afraid and frightend you run to the Spellman's because you are too scared to be alone. Ambrose comforts you and considers to tell you magic is real and how he feels about you.
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“Ambrose.” – you called out as he was blocking your way in the small row between shelves. He chuckled leaning with his arm on top of the shelves. – “I’m just standing here.” – he answered smiley. – “Yes in my way.” – you laughed out picking a book from the few books you were carrying. With a small novel you hit Ambrose against his shoulder. It startled him making him flinch. – “You know how much your aunt hates you slouching against her books.” – you said teasingly. Ambrose smiled sheepishly, rubbing his arm as you moved past him. You went to the next row to set the books you were carrying away. Noticing Ambrose had followed you. – “Shouldn’t you be at home helping your aunt Zelda?” – you questioned.
Ambrose pulled his shoulders up. – “Maybe?” – he replied mischievous. – “Wait till your aunt Hilda sees you here.” – you joked out. – “Alright, alright you sure can pester one way.” – Ambrose answered bothered as it made you laugh loud. – “Now go.” – you said slapping another book playfully at him. Ambrose moved his hands up, backing out of the row. – “Go.” – you mouthed laughable to him, seeing him linger. Looking over your shoulder you looked to see if Hilda was coming out of the back door or not. Ambrose exited with a grand gesture making you laugh loud. You kept laughing till you heard Hilda’s footsteps. She had come out of the back area carrying a box.
“Was.. was that Ambrose?” – she questioned seeing the last of a shim disappear into the night. – “Sure not, Ambrose is at home as he is supposed to.” – you told her with a cheeky smile. Aunt Hilda quirked her eyebrow up but was gullible enough to believe you. – “I’m just going to set this box away and we can start locking up for tonight.” – Hilda spoke showing the box your way. You hummed loud in response. Hilda left as you continued to stock the few remaining books away in your hand. On top of a shelf laid pumpkin lights as you smiled upon them. You blinked confused seeing a pumpkin light flicker. It was so briefly you weren’t sure if it was a trick of the eye or true. The lights appearing normal now. Leaning in closer you stared at the pumpkin light.
From the corner of your eye, you saw another pumpkin light flicker. Turning your head you saw it flicker clear as day. More lights started to flicker making you be stunned at bit, not knowing what to do. Then the flickering stopped, all the lights turned off from itself. Curious and confused you leaned closer once more, pointing your finger out to tap the light. The moment your finger touched the light you saw a scarier face appear on the light. It had scared you so much you dropped the book in your hand, jumping back against the bookcase behind you.
“Everything alright Y/n?” – Hilda asked lifting her head up from across the shop near the window. Looking back at the lights, they were normal again. – “Yes… everything is alright.” – you answered to pick up the fallen book. You quickly put it away. Meeting up with Hilda, you said your goodbye’s. – “See you tomorrow Y/n.” – she spoke giving you a hug. – “Happy spooky season.” – you called back to her, waving your goodbyes, knowing how much Hilda loved the spooky season of October. Only a few days till it would Halloween.
A cold breeze would creep up on you once you were outside. Leaves dancing in circles on the ground carried by the wind’s orchestra. Looking up to the night sky you saw a crescent moon. You started walking home in the dark of night. The trees rustling as a breeze swept underneath your coat sending your scarf up. It caught you off guard making you turn a bit around as if someone had touched you without permission. Your eyes went slowly up seeing a figure stand at the end of the street. Lighted up by a streetlight. It came you the chills. A loud scream carried away by the wind made you cover up your ears and duck down. Looking back up the shadow was gone. Panting and frightened you turned around only to be met up with the shadow.
You screamed your lungs out, swaying your arms around and take a run for it. You started running for your life, wondering if you had seen too many scary movies last night with Sabrina, Theo, Harvie and Rosie. That must be it. Your mind was still thinking about the scary movies you had seen. A dog barked loud making you jump away, picking up more speed to hurry up home. Out of breath you reached your house, hurrying to get the keys. Panicking his much you dropped them.
Scrambling to get them, your hand shook as you tried to stick the key in the keyhole. With one last scream of feeling rushed, you opened the door jumping inside. Without looking back, you shut the door behind you. Locking it immediately. Switching on the lights you felt more at ease. You jumped out of your skin seeing three girls in your living room. One of them sitting down, the other two sitting each on a side. – “Well hello mortal.” – the one in the middle purred out while checking out her nails.
 “Who are you?” – you asked loudly. – “What are you doing in my house!” – The girl that sat clicked her tongue swaying her finger to the side. – “We’re but friends mortal.” – she slowly got up. – “Shall we play a game?” – she asked not expecting an answer from you. – “This one is called.” – the redhead on her left said. – “Hide and scream.” – the black-haired girl on her right filled in. With the snap of a finger went the power off. You squealed loud at the sudden darkness. – “Now run!” – A loud whisper filled your ears coming from behind. Lightning stuck all of the sudden, lighting up the room. You screamed loud seeing that the girl’s faces had become horrifying. Almost demonic. You started running for your life up the stairs. Hearing their loud giggling and cackling surround you.
You ran into your bedroom, shutting the door behind you. – “Oh mortal let us in.” – one of them spoke, knocking gently on your door. Covering your mouth to silence your breathing, you backed away. – “We only want to play.” – one of the other spoke. You backed up against your bed as it startled you. A sudden grip around your ankle made your eyes widen. Before you could utter a scream you got pulled at your ankle.
Falling flat forwards, your face smacking hard against the ground. Looking over your shoulder you saw a boy hide underneath your bed. His face half caught by a shadow. His wicked smile reflecting against the darkness. You screamed it out, kicking your feet at him. What is going on? You thought. Rushing up to your feet, you wanted to run for your door, remembering in the last second that those three girls were just outside.
The boy came crawling from under your bed. Your eyes stood wide with fright, pressed against the door. He started to rise his hands as fire light up from your flooring. Forming a circle around you. You screamed it out as he could only laugh. What kind of witchcraft was this? Your head was spinning trying to process the magic just happening in your room while trying to deal with the fear. – “Leave me alone!” – you called out to him. He pouted his lips. – “But we were just making fun.” – he slashed his hand down as it made your head turn with a gasp. Feeling a sting on your cheek.
With trembling hands you went to touch it. Fingers stained with blood when you looked at them. He had left a cut on your cheek. – “You’re the devil!” – you called out. – “Oh honey I assure you I’m not. I am merely a child of night.” – he answered with a grin. Not wanting stay here with him, you jumped over the fires to the back of your room. – “Oh we got a runner.” – The boy called out swiping his hand across. A force picking you up as you got flung out of the window. Glass shattering as you crashed through it. You fell onto the lower roof part of your porch, rolling over it to drop to the ground, landing in a bush.
Groaning loud you got up seeing the cuts all over your arms and legs. You got up, running for your life. Limping at bit from the fall as you didn’t want to be home alone anymore. The boy was watching you run from up your room. The three girls coming to stand beside him. – “Great you’ve chased her away.” – Dorcas said slapping his arm. Agatha sighed loud. – “Ambrose would be furious if he finds out we scared his little mortal friend.” – she spoke making Prudence roll her eyes.
“I do not care one bit for that Spellman. He should know better than to mingle with lame mortals.” – Prudence chuckled deep. – “Shame I couldn’t make her bleed more.” – the boy said with a shrug of his shoulder. Dorcas and Agatha quirking their eyebrow at him. – “We don’t want her dead you moron! We just want her scared.” – Dorcas called out. The boy rolled with his eyes not caring much.
“Ambrose!” – you shouted loud. Huffing and puffing out of breath as you reached the Spellman’s house. – “Ambrose!” – you shouted again running up the porch. – “Ambrose! Ambrose please open up!” – you panicked banging loudly at their door. The door opened as you exhaled deep pushing yourself inside, not wanting to be one minute longer in the dark. – “Y/n what are you doing here?” – Sabrina asked as she had opened the door. – “I…I…” – you tried to speak. – “What happened?” – Sabrina wanted to know as Ambrose came down the stairs. – “Y/n?” – he said widening his eyes at the cuts on your body.
“What happened!” – Ambrose demanded to know, rushing up to you. – “I…I…I fell out of my window.” – you told him still catching your breath. – “What?” – Sabrina called out. Ambrose stared confused and slightly worried at you. Sabrina pulled her shoulders up as she had no clue as well. – “Come.” – Ambrose said wrapping his arm around you to lead you upstairs. Sabrina closed the door giving her cousin one last worried glance. Upstairs seated Ambrose you down on his bed. – “Now Y/n tell me what happened. How did you get these cuts?” – he spoke worriedly.
You looked frightened at him. – “There were these girls in my house.” – you told him. – “Girls?” – Ambrose repeated confused. – “Three of them. Demanding to play a game with me. All the lights went out!” – you panicked explaining your story to him. – “Then upstairs in my room was a boy, hiding under my bed. Fire! Ambrose there was fire!” – you grasped for his hand, startling him with your sudden loud voice. – “Fire?” – he questioned. – “Yes. Poof fire.” – you gestured out. – “It was like he created it out of thin air.” – you said as Ambrose’s eyes widened. – “He gave me this cut without touching me.” – you showed your cheek to Ambrose to show him.
“When I wanted to run I got thrown out of the window by a force. Leading to my appearance.” – Exhaling deep you felt yourself slowly come at ease. – “Darn witches.” – Ambrose mumbled under his breath. – “Huh?” – you said hearing a whiff of his words. Ambrose chuckled nervously. – “Have I gone crazy, or did they do magic?” – you asked to be certain you weren’t losing your mind. Ambrose slightly nodded, not wanting you to feel insane. He carefully watched your reaction trying to see if it was perhaps a good idea to tell you he was a witch as well. – “Okay…” – you replied neutral not sure how to react to it.
“Why… why would they taunt me? Is it because it is almost Halloween?” – you slapped Ambrose his hand out of pure over-reaction. Ambrose shook his head. – “It is because you are with me.” – he told you making you furrow your brows. – “Why would they do that?” – you wanted to know. Ambrose took a deep breath pulling you closer to him by your shoulders. – “Y/n I’m going to tell you something and I hope this doesn’t change anything… or at least maybe a bit.” -  he started.
“Ambrose you are scaring me a bit.” – you answered. – “Don’t be.” – he made sure. He took another deep breath before speaking. – “I am like them. I am also a witch, so is Sarbina and my aunties.” – your mouth fell open with shock. – “But I assure you we mean you no harm Y/n. We aren’t all bad, besides we adore you. Specially me… I…I…like…no love you Y/n. That… that is why the weird sisters, and that boy tormented you. It is because they can see I care for you, and I am so sorry for that.” – he finished.
You slowly smiled kissing Ambrose by surprise. Ambrose pulled startled away. – “I’m not scared anymore, knowing you won’t let anything happen to me.” – you told him. Ambrose nodded still trying to process the surprise kiss. – “Also I like…no love you too Ambrose. I just didn’t think you saw me in that way.” – Ambrose laughed loud, grabbing a hold of you to kiss you. This time longer and deeper. – “I promise you no harm will ever come to you.”
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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have you done your daily click
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onskepa · 4 months
Sneak Peek: A Wedding? A Wedding!!!
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“I'm busy” Norman says without looking at the kids. They give him an unimpressed look.
“Reading star wars comics for the millionth time doesnt count uncle norm” lo’ak says deadpanned. Norman stayed silent for a few seconds before putting his comic away. “What did spider or tuk eat this time?” he asks with a tired sigh. Both spider and tuk gave him a rather offended/surprised expression.
“WOW, you really take us for a couple of skxawngs?” spider asks, putting his hands on his hips.
“Sharing jake’s single braincell, yes”
“Whatever, we didnt eat anything mysterious, yet, but, tuk wanted to ask you something and now we all wanna know” spider defends while slightly pushing tuk forward.
Having norm’s full attention, tuk finally asks “How do humans court each other?”
norm ‘s shoulders deflated a bit, “of all people to ask, you had to choose the most single, and lonely human”
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gillianxmargo · 1 year
Lilith: what is up with this neighborhood?! some van just pulled up and these creepy characters are getting out!
Hilda: that is a school bus Lilith, and those are children, my love.
Lilith: well i don't like the way they're looking at me
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fandomnerd9602 · 8 months
Heya, so we've had Sabrina Spellman x reader, right? How about the weird sisters x sorcerer supreme!male reader?
The weird sisters approach Y/N…
Agatha: hello o great Sorcerer
Y/N: hey
Dorcas: we live to serve you
Prudence: we could tell you of your great fortune
Agatha: or we could just enjoy this moment together. The four of us.
Y/N: I would prefer your company over your soothsaying
Dorcas: we were hoping you’d say that
Each of them lead Y/N off to somewhere more private
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viikkah · 2 years
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Behind the scenes of Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
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caos-headcanons · 6 months
Parallels Between Chilling Adventures of Sabrina and other versions of Sabrina.
The Principal of Sabrina’s High School was a cowardly, incompetent jerk just like in The Sitcom.
Hilda writes a self insert romance novels. Hilda in CAOS wrote Buxom and The Beast and Hilda in the Sitcom mentioned that she used to write romance novels about herself using her magic typewriter, so she can watch her stories come to life.
Zelda dates an authority figure in Sabrina’s life and later dumps him after she realizes that he is an asshole.
Sabrina uses magic without considering the consequences, it’s actually a common trait of the character.
When Sabrina attends the Academy of Unseen Arts, she befriends a warlock named Nicholas and in the movie based on the animated series Sabrina attends Witch Academy and befriends a witch named Nicole, who was an outsider and a bookworm.
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caossource · 2 years
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Dorcas, from beyond the grave: Ugh, space, gross, hate it, why is it even there?
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lesbian-in-leather · 2 years
Do y'all ever think about how fuckin insane the Cain Pit in CAoS was?? Like. they really said "oh yeah, sometimes Zelda just violently murders her sister but dw, they have a magic grave outside that resurrects her every time. it's just a stress reliver. don't think about it too hard"
And then periodically reminded us that yes, Hilda was getting repeatedly murdered and it took her longer and longer to come back each time and also, Zelda wasn't even 100% certain that she would keep coming back because she did have fear-fuelled dreams that she actually killed her sister for real??????? HOW DID THIS START
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marymary-diva17 · 5 months
Getting hurt and taken care of as well
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Even due living on Pandora was wonderful and beautiful there had been times, but there are times when someone will get injured or hurt. There was many ways someone can end up getting hurt while living life here, and most of these times happened during childhood. There was always someone getting hurt that was out of their control at times, and later coming home and getting some care and attention.
Jake x neytiri
knocked off your Ikran
You had been knocked off your ikran and it was out of your control, as some teens had been goofy off doing g stunts and showing off. When one of them had chased into you sending you and your ikran, falling and crashing down to the ground. The landed was soften a bit by the leaves and grass, but there was still some pain as well.
y/n " ahh that hurt .... yeah that hurts" you are looking around and saw you ikran standing once again, but she seem a bit dizzy from the fall.
y/n " hey girl I'm happy to see you are okay ... that was bad crash"
????? " y/n"
y/n " over here" you soon looked and saw your brother landed their ikran and run towards you, they soon kneel down once they reached you.
lo'ak " that looks bad"
y/n " you don't say"
lo'ak " can you stand"
y/n " on my own maybe not I need some help up" lo'ak soon helped your onto your feet.
y/n " well all seem good I don't feel any pain while standing"
neteyam " good but we need to get you home as you are hurt, and these injuries need to be attend to"
y/n " sure I don't think I can fly on my ikran right now she needs time to recover, and after that fall I don't think it a good idea"
neteyam " you cna fly with me sister lo'ak"
lo'ak " I will call dad and tell him what happened" neteyam had helped you onto his ikran, as the two soon took off into the air followed by lo'ak. Soon the tiro had arrived back at the village and neteyam had helped you off the ikran.
???? " kids" Jake had been seen rushing towards the kids and soon stopped when he saw you.
y/n " hey dad as you can see I have had a very interesting day so how was your day"
Jake " that seems to be true now come on lets take you home" neteyam and Jake had helped you get to the home, where the family was at the moment. When they laid eyes on you they all had gasped seeing you, as your grandmother and sister began to work to help you.
kiri " this will string a bit sister but it will help with your injuries"
y/n " it okay I understand"
mo'at " so they were playing around reckless and hit you and your ikran"
y/n " yes"
neytiri " I happy you are okay my mother but please don't worry me that much"
y/n " I promise mom" neytiri soon kissed your forehead as she hand you some soup to have.
y/n " thank you"
Jake " okay we are home we checked on your ikran, she is good but you two will not be flying for a couple days"
y/n " yes sir"
mo'at " your father is right it will not be good idea until we know you are healed"
y/n " okay"
neytiri " what about those kids"
Jake " I talked with them and they will be in trouble for their reckless actions, but it will be good afterwards now we have to make sure y/n is okay" your family had attended to you that night making sure you were okay, and that there was no bad side effects will happen to you.
Jake x Neytiri x Tsu'tey
falling from a high height
It was a good day for you to be out with your siblings and spiders, as you all are enjoying your day off and just having some fun. It was all going well as the family, was walking and jumping on some branches and vines. That peace and fun had ended when tuk had nearly lost her, balance you had been closer and caught grabbed her hand but the tree branch gave away you had been able to push tuk to safety.
y/n " ......." you had fallen very the very high branch and had hit a couple other branches and leaves, during your fall before you ahd hit the ground.
????? " y/n" you had been able to hear your sibling calls you but you could see them at the moment, you had felt pain in your body. you soon enough her movement coming towards you.
kiri " sister"
y/n " hey"
kiri " are you okay"
y/n " is tuk okay she didn't get hurt"
kiri " she fine always worrying about us"
y/n " always"
neteyam " can you move your head slowly" you had moved your head slowly feeling no pain, while doing that so that was good.
lo'ak " I called dads they will be here soon"
spider " to pain of one to ten tells us"
y/n " seven maybe"
tuk " y/n"
y/n " hey tuk tuk"
kiri " someone grab me some of those herbs together I can help her, for now but we will need grandma and uncle norm"
tuk " yes spider"
spider " come on I will help you"
y/n " well this looks bad hey if I'm lucky mom will let me leave the village, after this whole situation"
neteyam " she won't not that easy"
y/n " yep"
?????? " kids"
lo'ak " dads over here" Jake and tsu'tey soon came rushing they soon stopped when, they saw the kids and soon kneeled down when they saw you.
Jake " hey sweetie"
y/n " hey dad"
tsu'tey " okay she can move that a good sign right"
y/n " ahh" you had moved your arm to feel pain soon everyone looked at you.
Jake " it her arm she might of broken it or twisted it"
y/n " I think that right" soon tuk and spider came back with the herbs, that had been used for your cuts and scraps.
Jake " okay we are taking you home your mom and grandmother, are waiting for us they have something that will help you and food as well" you had nodded your head as Jake had picked you up slowly, and soon had carried you towards bob. The family had soon left and headed home right away. when you got home your mother and grandmother are waiting there, you had been taken home and attend to.
Neytiri " until you are healed properly you will not be leaving the village that much or, doing that much climbing either"
y/n " yes mom"
Neytiri " we are proud of you my daughter now eat something" you had nodded your head and started eating some dinner. That night your siblings and parents made sure you are okay, as you will be needing care for the next couple days. Tuk had made some cute design on your arm cased at made you smile brightly.
Tsu'tey x norm
hit by hunter trap
It was morning and you had spent the night at the base with your dad, as it was too late to walk home and it was better for you to stay there for the night. So in the morning you had walked home it was bright and early, so most of the village might be awake by now. It was all going well for you until it was not, as you had been walking on tree truck when something came flying towards you knowing you off balance and onto the ground.
y/n " ahhh" you had hit the ground hard as you soon looked at where you were hit, it see a hunter rope wrapped around your leg.
????? " hey I think I caught something and it sound big by the sound, it made hitting the ground"
????? " that cool bro we can bring it home and show our dads the prey we caught"
????? " I wonder what creature we caught it most be foolish to be walking here"
???? " will you two hush you might scare away the creature or anything else, or might attract the attention of beast" you had know these three voices well as you tried getting yourself free.
???? " oh come on bro you are being to serious when we get home I can tell I brought home a good meal .... I hold my head high and say I caught a .... y/n"
y/n " oh look the mighty hunters have come"
spider " wait what did we get ... oh hey sis"
y/n " hey brother of mine"
neteyam " what oh y/n"
y/n " hello boys well it good to see you are up and awake"
lo'ak " what are you doing"
y/n " well I was walking home until this wonderful and pain gift caught me, sending him falling from there onto here making me the caught of your so called hunt"
neteyam " here let me free you" neteyam had came to help you from the trap around your leg, but even he couldn't undo by his hand and had to use his blade.
neteyam " I think you two have a long way before you two become the clan hunters for everyone sake"
lo'ak " yeah"
spider " hey sis have you see your legs " you had looked at your legs to see burn mark along with some scraps as well, you soon look at the boys.
y/n " I think you need to work on your rope material and tossing"
lo'ak " we didn't know it was you we thought it was a pray by the sound you made"
neteyam " lo'ak"
lo'ak "what I'm being honest"
y/n " well hunters why don't you help the so called caught of day get home"
spider " sure come on we had always been tasked to come get you as well"
y/n " well you have completed both task for the day good for you all"
lo'ak " I sense you are being sarcastic towards us"
y/n " oh no"
neteyam " come on let get her home and pray that uncle tsu'tey is mad at us" the trio had helped you get home as the four teens, had ran into their dads who were happy to see them but soon become shocked when they saw you were hurt.
kiri " so you three went hunting and decided to knock down y/n as well"
lo'ak " sis that was not our agenda we had gone hunting and were going to get y/n but, our plans got mixed up there for a moment"
y/n " yeah"
mo'at " well you are lucky that was not a other hunter trap are, we will be doing more work here"
y/n " oh goodie"
tuk " I thought you three like y/n"
neteyam " we do"
tuk " then why is she hunt because of you three"
lo'ak " well we were not looking and thought it was prey, we didn't know it was here until we looked at her"
kiri " it sounds like something you and spider will do"
spider " yeah it was not our best moment"
tsu'tey " how are you doing my daughter"
y/n “ good no bad damage had been caused”
norm “ good I can come home right away …”
y/n “ we are good dad the other based need you”
norm “ okay”
Jake “ boys as for you hunting trips for the time being with be supervised, for your safety and everyone else safety”
the boys “ yes sir”
neytiri “ good here some fruit for you all to eat and tea”
the kids “ thank you”
spider “ hey sis we are sorry”
y/n “ it okay but next time when you go hunting, because don’t place me in a trap” soon laughter had been heard, as everyone started laughing. The boys had nodded their heads the group had stayed with you that day, doing tasks and making sure no one else got hurt for the remaining of the day.
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frost-queen · 1 year
To have and keep (Reader!Scratch x Weird sisters)
Requested by: anon Forever tag:@missmelodramatic, @merlin-dahlia, @alex--awesome--22 @elllie-does-the-posts, @floatlosers, @merlieve, @queen-of-books, @glimmering-darling-dolly@denkisclown, @wildieflower, @meyocoko, @bubblybrianna, @justanothercoco@subjecta13-thefangirl, @m-rae23, @harleyquinnswifeyfrfr, @swampthing07, @melsunshine, @panhoeofmanyfandoms, @venomsvl, @the-uncoordinated-house-cat, @rosecentury,  @imagines-by-her,  @evilcr0ne, @vviolynn
A/n: I apologize for the shortness of it, but I wanted to write something with little time.
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You rushed out of your room, your brother waiting for you outside. – “Got everything?” – he asked removing himself from against the wall. You hummed loud with your backpack strap hanging over one shoulder. – “I’m actually quite excited about doing classes outside.” – you told him as he followed your pace. Nick scratched the back of his head with a nod. – “Yeah sure it is something else.” – he answered.
You nudged him in the rib for his obvious lack of enthusiasm. – “What?” – Nick said smirking. – “Nothing just your enthusiasm is to die for.” – you responded with a laugh. – “That could be arranged sister.” – he came leaning in closer with a wide smile. Shoving him away from you, you rolled with your eyes. Hiding that smile on your lips. Nick and you rounded the corner coming into the open hall with the statue of the dark lord.
By the entrance stood the Weird sisters. They turned at the same time making Nick quirk his eyebrow up. Elegantly they walked in sync over to you. – “Y/n.” – Prudence purred out with a catty smile. – “You must be cold darling.” – She snapped with her finger as Agatha undid her of her jacket.
“We wouldn’t want you to have a cold in this lovely weather.” – Agatha spoke placing the jacket over your shoulders. Nick furrowed his brows. – “Why are you so tentative to my sister?” – he questioned dumbfound by their charm towards you.
Dorcas sighed deep with a shake of her head. – “Little Nickie.” – she said belittling him a bit. Nick gave her a disgusted look, clearly not liking her tone as she grabbed his shoulders. – “We like your sister.” – she whispered in his ear. Nick brushed her off him, brushing his hand over his ear with a shudder. – “We adore her.” – Agatha said hugging you from the side. Prudence stared at Nick. – “She is ours to share.” – she stated as Nick pulled you back.
“Not in hell.” – Nick answered with mockery in his voice. Prudence pulled her lip up in annoyance. – “Nick.” – you said gently touching his arm. – “It’s alright. They are very gentle with me. I promise you they aren’t doing anything weird with me.” – you reassured him. – “They better not.” – Nick answered brushing his thumb down your cheek.
Agatha cleared her throat wanting your attention again.  Dorcas grabbed your hand pulling you closer to them. – “Come Y/n let us escort you to class.” – Prudence said wrapping an arm around you. Dorcas took your other arm, letting her head lean against your arm.
Nick sighed deep going after you. The Weird sister’s couldn’t stop touching you, wanting you close. A cool breeze swept some leaves over the ground. The coming of October slowly announcing itself. A glamorous season for witches.
Prudence closed your jacket better so no wind could draft underneath your clothing. – “Warm kitten?” – Prudence asked while Dorcas was stroking your arm. You hummed softly seeing your brother roll his eyes behind you. Nick came closer pestering the Weird sisters away like a flock of annoying birds. Waving his hand around for them to move. They hissed at him, clamping even harder onto you.
“Oh get over it!” – Nick called out annoyed taking you by the arm. He pulled you away from them. The Weird sisters started to cry and whine loudly at the loss of you. – “Babies.” – Nick told you as he kept pushing you away from them. – “Don’t you ever get annoyed with them?” – he asked. You had to think for a second. – “Not really… sure they can be invasive, but they are always gentle and sweet with me. Unlike any stunts they performed on Sabrina.” – you and Nick recalled it very clearly how wicked the Weird sisters were towards Sabrina Spellman when she first came to the academy.
They never did any tricks like that on you for some reason. It was as if you had charmed them by just being present. They worshipped you. Nick and you walked into the forest close to the academy to where the class would be held. Some leaves already started to fall. Leaving you with that cozy end of September feeling. Fall was your favorite season. Pale trees. Crunchy leaves scattered on the ground. Pumpkins, full moons, and witchy hours.
By the witches circle of mushrooms stood Sabrina. She waved at Nick. Nick and you waved back at her. Nick patted you on the back going over to her. The moment Nick had left your side, you felt a pair of hands grab onto you. Getting pulled a bit back, there were more hands on you. – “Little kitten I have missed you.” – Prudence said brushing her cheek against your shoulder.
Agatha nodded with pouted lips letting her head rub against your upper arm. Dorcas stood on the other side stroking your arm with delight. The three of them guided you towards the witches circle forcing you to sit down. Agatha came laying her head down on your lap. Dorcas and Prudence each by your side. Dorcas took out your book, holding it open for you.
“Can you read it well enough?” – she asked holding it up. You nodded with a soft hum taking the book from her. – “Shall I take your notes Y/n?” – Prudence offered. – “That is alright Prudence.” – you told her. Agatha looked up to you with sweet eyes. – “Pretty sister.” – she said humming afterwards. Prudence nodded. – “If you didn’t have a blood link with Nickie, you’d be our fourth sister in a heartbeat.” – she said.
The teacher arrived as he didn’t say anything about how the Weird Sisters hung over you. Dorcas kissed your cheek sweetly during class. Agatha played a bit with your hand as Prudence kept brushing her hand over your back. It was still a bit of a mystery how the Weird sisters came to like you. From across the witches circle you saw your brother shake his head in disappointment. You simply shrugged your shoulders not even minding that much.
Read more of my fics on my Masterlists!  
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A drawing by my sister of Sabrina and Salem! I'd love to make something for this franchise one day.
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terapsina · 2 years
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claras-oswald · 2 years
no today i woke up thinking i deserved more of the weird sisters and sabrina, like they could’ve been best friends with their highs and lows idc but instead i got NOTHING
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