althafrana · 10 months
Understanding Spermatorrhea: Recognizing the Symptoms and Seeking Support
1.Involuntary Semen Discharge: •Spontaneous release of semen without sexual activity or arousal.
2.Frequent Nocturnal Emissions: •Regular occurrence of wet dreams or nocturnal emissions during sleep.
3.Fatigue and Weakness: •Some individuals may experience fatigue or weakness, especially if sperm loss is frequent.
4.Back Pain: •Some people report lower back pain associated with spermatorrhea.
5.Irritability and Mood Changes: •Changes in mood, irritability, or feelings of anxiety may be present.
6.Difficulty Concentrating: •Some individuals may experience difficulty concentrating or focusing on tasks.
7.Urinary Symptoms: •In some cases, urinary symptoms such as painful urination or discomfort may be reported.
It's important to emphasize that symptoms can vary among individuals, and not everyone with occasional spermatorrhea will experience all of these symptoms. Additionally, occasional nocturnal emissions are considered normal and are not necessarily a cause for concern.
If you or someone you know is experiencing persistent or bothersome symptoms associated with spermatorrhea, it's advisable to seek medical attention. A healthcare professional can conduct a thorough evaluation; identify any underlying causes, and recommend appropriate treatment if necessary. Self-diagnosis and self-medication are not recommended.
To get more information about Spermatorrhea, please do contact Dr. Rana’s Medical Hall. We are working as a one stop solution for all your sexual problems since 1960. Moreover, we have facilitates for both online consultation & direct consultation.
Read More: https://ranamedicalhall.com/spermatorrhoea-ayurvedic-treatment-kerala/ WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/918848511462 Online Consultation form: https://ranamedicalhall.com/consultation-form/
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thosearentcrimes · 7 months
Me for the past week: Damn I really need to focus on writing this paper about revolutionary self-perception in 1789-1794 France. No distractions, just relevant stuff, deadline's coming up.
Maria Edgeworth's 1817 novel Harrington contains a vivid evocation of the Gordon Riots, with two unsympathetic characters taken for Papists and finding refuge in the home of the rich Spanish Jew, the father of the young Jewish woman at the centre of the love story.
huh never heard of her I wonder what was up with her
She held critical views on estate management, politics and education, and corresponded with some of the leading literary and economic writers, including Sir Walter Scott and David Ricardo.
that David Ricardo? from economics?
After Honora died in 1780 Maria's father married Honora's sister Elizabeth (then socially disapproved and legally forbidden from 1833 until the Deceased Wife's Sister's Marriage Act 1907)
wait what
The Deceased Wife's Sister's Marriage Act 1907 (7 Edw. 7. c. 47) was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom, allowing a man to marry his dead wife's sister, which had previously been forbidden.
ok yeah that's pretty much what it says on the tin
The 1907 Act did exactly what it said and no more. It was amended by the Deceased Brother's Widow's Marriage Act 1921 to allow a widow to marry her deceased husband's brother.[36][37] This was a response to First World War deaths to encourage remarriages, reducing war widows' pensions and increasing the birth rate.[37]
the war really did do a lot for gender equality didn't it
anyway what was up with Maria Edgeworth, let's catch up with her
When passing through the village, one of the party wrote, "We found neither mud hovels nor naked peasantry, but snug cottages and smiles all about".[10] A counter view was provided by another visitor who stated that the residents of Edgeworthstown treated Edgeworth with contempt, refusing even to feign politeness.[11]
Ireland moment
Following an anti-Semitic remark in The Absentee, Edgeworth received a letter from an American Jewish woman named Rachel Mordecai in 1815 complaining about Edgeworth's depiction of Jews.[45] In response, Harrington (1817) was written as an apology to the Jewish community.
imagine if Graham Linehan had responded this way to criticism of his transphobic IT crowd episode :)
Rachel Mordecai married widower Aaron Marks Lazarus in 1821, and moved to Wilmington, North Carolina, where she lived for the rest of her life. The Lazaruses had four children together, three daughters and a son, M. E. Lazarus, in a household that also included Mr. Lazarus's seven children from his first marriage.
oh the lady had a son who she named after the author she liked who turned out to be willing to not be anti-semitic, that's nice
Marx Edgeworth Lazarus (February 6, 1822 – 1896) was an American individualist anarchist, Fourierist, and free-thinker.
oh well that sounds nice enough
Lazarus was a practicing doctor of homeopathy
Through his adult life, Lazarus tried to cope with apparent mental and physical disturbances, in particular what seemed to be chronic nocturnal emissions, a condition that at the time was labeled "seminal incontinence" or "spermatorrhea," believed to be detrimental and even fatal to the mind and body. Lazarus sought treatments through homeopathy, hydropathy, and electromagnetic treatments that seemed to bring some temporary relief. He also discussed the condition in his 1852 book Involuntary Seminal Losses: Their Causes, Effects, and Cure," where he suggested that the total sexual abstinence that he had tried to practice might be one of those causes. In 1855, Lazarus shocked some of his fellow Fourierists and free love advocates by marrying a 19 year old woman from Indiana, Mary Laurie (or "Lawrie).[1]
oh... a libertarian...
By the mid-1850s, social movements like Fourierism were in decline, and Lazarus's later life seems to have had less focus. When the Civil War broke out, most members of Lazarus's extended family lived in Southern states and generally supported the Confederate cause. In 1861, Lazarus, was staying with relatives in Columbus, Georgia and joined the local City Light Guard when war broke out, later serving as company physician for the Wilmington, NC Artillery.
on the one hand, obviously very bad to enlist in the Confederate army right, but on the other hand a semen retentionist doing homeopathy to them can't really be classified as "aiding" them can it
After the war, Lazarus continued to practice his areas of medicine and contributed articles and comments to various publications.[5] By his last years, though, he had become a disenchanted recluse known as the "Sand Mountain Hermit" of Jackson County, Alabama.
most normal libertarian
I wonder what those articles and comments are, and what kind of website they're hosted on. Oh.
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foldingfittedsheets · 2 years
My betrothed is a doctor in acupuncture and Chinese medicine, and that has expanded my life to include a lot more doctors. So I’ve picked up a lot of medical lingo and proxy knowledge.
Recently in the group chat they were discussing my insomnia. My betrothed is sharing a list of symptoms for some sort of deficiency with another ND/acupuncturist and I noticed there was one symptom I didn’t know. Spermatorrhea.
I googled it. I informed the group that I experienced that one too. (It’s basically the medical term for wet dreams but essentially the symptom is: spontaneous orgasms when you’re sleeping.)
Later I told my betrothed, “I didn’t know that word, spermatorrhea. I had to look it up.”
They laughed.
“Yeah,” I went on, “but it makes sense. It’s like a diarrhea of sperm. It’s kinda sexist because uteruses can do it to, but I see where the name came from-” I finally noticed their face.
They were looking at me with a mixture of horror and disgust. “I went through my entire medical education without having to hear that connection be made. Sperm diarrhea. I wish you hadn’t.”
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gross-galaxy · 5 months
Sometimes it’s nice being in sfw spaces but sometimes I want to talk about how funny the spermatorrhea fear was or like..vibrator history
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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Bai Shao - White Peony Root - Paeonia lactiflora
Sedative and hypnotic
White Peony - is mostly known in the west for the lush, full and abundant flowers that bloom early spring. It is said that the ancient Greek healer Paeos used the roots of the white flowering peony to heal the gods injured during the Trojan wars. Thus, the peony was named after Paeon, the Greek physician of the gods, indicating the high regard in which it is held.  Bai Shao is the perfect spring herb! It has a bitter sour flavor and is cooling in nature. It is beneficial to liver, qi, and blood. In Chinese herbal medicine it is a root that is dried and used in medicinal teas, soups, tinctures. It is always used in conjunction with other herbs: along with licorice, white peony is the other ingredient in well known Chinese herbal formula shao yao gan cao tang, used to relieve muscle cramping and spasm. Dried withe peony root is available through reliable suppliers of chinese herbs.   In China Bai Shao has been used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus, erythematosus, hepatitis, dysmenorrhea, muscle cramping and spasms, and fever for more than 1,200 years.
Menstrual dysfunction, vaginal discharge, and uterine bleeding; lusterless complexion, and dull, lusterless nails
Flank, chest, or abdominal pain; stop painful spasms in the abdomen, stop cramping pain or spasms in the hands and feet, headache, dizziness
Spontaneous sweating, vaginal discharge and spermatorrhea; exterior wind - cold
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thecryptkeeper · 2 years
me walking around listening to a youtube video on the medical methodology of curing spermatorrhea
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topaz-eyes · 2 years
Fiction ask meme:
You know I want to pester you about Deluge, but I won't. I'll ask about House Victorian Interlude. What was the inspiration behind that? Did you have to do research? Do you have a favorite line/part?
House Victorian Interlude! There's a blast from the past. Going back 14 years...this is a 3-part House/Wilson Victorian era AU, written in 2008-2009. The individual fics are:
Towards An Understanding of the Catabolic Nature of the Human Male (9464 words, Explicit) Even in the Victorian age, it was all about sex.
Ardor Resolutus (2700 words, Explicit) What happened after Wilson appeared on House's doorstep in "Towards an Understanding of the Catabolic Nature of the Human Male."
On the Commission of Unnatural Offenses (9351 words, Explicit) Wilson sadly came to learn, all the heated evenings, all those months sleeping in House's bed, would still leave him woefully unprepared for the most unusual, and disturbing, proposition the man had ever let loose upon him.
What was the inspiration behind that?
Crack. It was all crack. I'd known about the Victorian era diagnosis of "feminine hysteria" for awhile, and the "treatment" for it, but didn't know what to do with it. Until one day in mid-August 2008, I was in kind of a hyper mood, and I thought it'd be fun to write Victorian era House/Wilson. That's all. Oddly, no one else I knew of had done that before (which I thought strange, House MD was a loose adaptation of Sherlock Holmes, it seemed a perfect setting for an AU). I made Wilson a newly-arrived specialist in female disorders, who makes his acquaintance with House, a brilliant but misanthropic doctor and professor of medical philosophy at Princeton. I wrote it in 10 days, 2 lovely people beta'ed it, and "Towards An Understanding..." was posted to LJ end of August.
I never intended to continue the AU, but in late December 2008 I decided I wanted to break 60k words of fic posted for the year. Iirc "Ardor Resolutus" was the original ending for "Towards An Understanding..." but I cut it from the initial draft before I sent it to beta because the fic felt too long otherwise. (It's been 14 years, memory is fuzzy and I didn't take detailed notes at all.) In 2 days I fleshed out what I cut, took 2 more days for beta, and I posted it to LJ just in time to meet my 60k goal for 2008.
I started "On the Commission..." right after posting "Ardor Resolutus". Like "Ardor Resolutus" it rose from paragraphs cut from "Towards An Understanding…". I had 5000 words for it by mid-Jan 2009, but then ended up picking at it over the next 3 months. It was finished in late April, then beta'ed and posted to LJ by the end of April.
Did you have to do research?
I sure did. I had to adapt the circumstances of House and Wilson's meeting, of course, and the source of House's leg injury (falling off a horse); the entire theory of the "catabolic" male vs the "anabolic" female re sex, which House was keen on disproving; and Victorian male fashion, where men were considered immodestly undressed if they didn't wear cravats and vests/waistcoats. (Not to mention the "spermatorrhea" bit for entirely normal wet dreams. The entire Victorian attitude towards sex was seriously more an eye-opener than I expected.) I also wanted to include enough setting details that the story felt grounded in the era and believable. If I'm going to write crack, I'm going all in.
Do you have a favorite line/part?
I like the scene in "Towards An Understanding..." where House explains his theory to Wilson; and the end of "On The Commission..." where House subverts Wilson's expectation of being outed (and arrested).
Thank you for letting me take the trip down memory lane, Phoenix! And you can ask about "Deluge" if you want, I don't mind.
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bestsexologistdoctor · 3 months
Effective DS Treatment: Best Sexologist in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey
An important note on Dhat syndrome:-
Dhat Syndrome is a vague sexual problem that has no any organic cause. It generally affects the youth people when the puberty starts or other causes. In this case, the patient with Dhat Syndrome reports that his precious metal is coming out through his penile during urination or Spermatorrhea. It is regarded in the tradition of Hindi Spirituality, it is described that semen is the vital fluid of our body. The loss of semen always makes a person weak and aimless.
As we have already said that there is a vague cause of this sexual problem in youth people. Therefore, on the basis of symptoms, the sexual health care doctor treats the patients. The world famous Ayurvedacharya Dr. Sunil Dubey is a senior and experienced clinical sexologist doctor in Patna, Bihar who has researched on this Dhat Syndrome and has discovered the medicine in his Ayurvedic medicine profession. He says that there are following symptoms of Dhat Syndrome and according to the symptom, the patient can get his treatment.
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Symptoms of Dhat Syndrome:-
Loss of Semen through urination
Loss of Appetite
Lack of Physical Strength
Fatigue and Tiredness
Loss of Concentration
Other vague somatic troubles
Mostly people ask about Spermatorrhea, they should understand that it is also a part of this Dhat Syndrome and it refers to the excessive emission of semen without orgasm. It can compromise the quality of life for men.
About Ayurvedic Sexologist Doctor and Health Care Centre:
Dr. Sunil Dubey is the best sexologist doctor in Patna and he practices at Dubey Clinic. This is a certified Ayurveda and Sexology Medical Science Clinic of India that is located at Langar Toli, Chauraha, and Patna-04. It is a well-equipped health care Centre for the treatment of men and women sexual patients. Actually, Dubey Clinic is the first Ayurvedic Clinic of Bihar, India which was established in 1965 seeing the problems of sexual patients.
Currently, the world famous Ayurvedacharya provides his comprehensive sexual treatment to men, women, young, and middle-age people at this clinic. He is an expert in Ayurveda medicine research and sexology medical science who has researched on various sexual problems of married and unmarried people. He also researched on this Dhat Syndrome sexual problem in men and he says that the treatment of this type of patient is based on anti-anxiety medicines, sexual counseling, cognitive sexual behavioral therapies, sexual education, and cultured-appropriate counseling.
This worldwide famous sexologist doctor says that there are lots of side-effects of this Dhat Syndrome in men. These lead him to depression and anxiety. The patient does not lead a balance life due to this sexual problem. There are following side-effects:-
Visible loss of semen after passing urine troubles the patient
He needs for regular masturbation to avoid this symptom
Participation in excessive sexual activity frequently
Poor concentration takes him to memory loss
Preoccupation with worry and fear about future
Seems most of the time nervousness in life
Easily feels tired and fatigue
Lack of strength in body and cells
Dr. Sunil Dubey, the best clinical sexologist in Bihar also says that the patient should not worry because more than 70% youth is affected with this problem. It is treatable and after a certain course of Ayurvedic medicine, behavioral therapies, and sexual counseling; the patient improves his sexual problem.
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Rich Food for Dhat Syndrome Patient that helps to prevent Dhat:-
This world famous Ayurvedacharya said that Tomato, mangoes, water melon, etc. are natural fruits that helps to block DHT production in body. In fact, that food which is rich in lycopene helps the patients. Berries, Legumes, oily fish, and banana can also assists to produce skin and scalp in body. By the way, during the Ayurvedic medication; the sexologist doctor always guides you to take these natural supplements in accordance with your health-related issues.
Make an Appointment with Dubey Clinic:-
If you are a sexual patient with Dhat Syndrome or any other sexual problem; then you can make your appointment with Dubey Clinic. The appointment is available over phone where on average thirty to forty sexual patients visit this clinic every day to improve their sexual problems. Choosing the right sexual health care doctor always provides you the safe mode of treatment and medication.
If you want to join Dubey Clinic to get rid of your sexual problems permanently, then once call us@ +91 98350 92856
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dubeyclinic · 6 months
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Best Sexologist for Treatment of Dhat Syndrome in Patna, Bihar | Dr. Sunil Dubey - India Best Sexologist in Patna for Treatment of Dhat Syndrome (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1434000352-best-sexologist-for-treatment-of-dhat-syndrome-in?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=bestsexologist What do I do if I have Dhat Syndrome? Actually, many youth search this question on the internet. Actually, this is a common sexual problem that starts occurring in youth as they grow into adulthood. To some extent, the secretion of sexual hormones and the changes occurring in the body during puberty are responsible for this fact. Testosterone levels are high and their sexuality begins at this early age. Generally, the average age of youth is 13 years when they reach their puberty. Dhat syndrome is a sexual dysfunction that troubles you with sexual discharge. In this condition, a young man always reports that semen is coming out from his penis during urination, nocturnal discharge, etc. He neither masturbates nor participates in sexual activity, yet semen continues to flow from his penile. No exact cause of this sexual disease has been found in medical science. It is an unexplained sexual problem with no biological cause. It is described in traditional Hindi spirituality that semen is vital fluid and the entire body is created from it. People know this sexual problem by different names like Dhat Syndrome, Dhat Rog, Spermatorrhea and Penile Discharge etc. The cause of this sexual disease is vague, but the symptoms are clear which helps people to recognize their problem. Today we will have a detailed discussion on this sexual problem occurring in the youth with the world-renowned Ayurvedacharya. At present, he is the best sexologist doctor in Patna who treats all types of sexual patients at Dubey Clinic. According to him, the symptoms of metal disease are as follows:-
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stephaneros · 10 months
Spermatorrhea: When Male Hysteria Over Seminal Leakage Hit Victorian England | IFLScience
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Sri Sri Tattva,
Haritaki is a good laxative and provides relief from constipation. It is also indicated in Tamaka Shwasa, Kasa, Pandu, Prameha and Arsha.
Key Benefits
It has laxative, rejuvenative, purgative and astringent properties.
It is also effective for gastrointestinal ailments, tumours, ascites, piles, worms and colitis.
Helps in urethral discharges like spermatorrhea and vaginal discharges like leucorrhea.
Improves digestion and promotes the absorption of nutrients, and regulates colon function.
How to Use
As directed by the Physician
Key Ingredients
Extracts of Haritaki
Net Weight: 500 mg
CONTACT NO :- 0251 2499991 AND :- +91 9967280407
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biomedres · 1 year
Current Research Progress on Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Application of Guhan Yangshengjing
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Current Research Progress on Pharmacological Activities and Clinical Application of Guhan Yangshengjing in Biomedical Journal of Scientific & Technical Research
Guhan Yangshengjing (GHYSJ) is based on the essence of the bamboo slips “Healthcare Prescriptions” and “Endo-meridians” from the ancient tombs of the Western Han Dynasty in Mawangdui, Li Congfu, Liu Bingfan, and Ouyang Qi of the Hunan Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, condensed a compound recipe with their decades of clinical experience. GHYSJ,, composed of a variety of Chinese herbal medicines, has the efficacy of invigorating the kidney for strengthening the spleen, tonifying qi for benefitting essence, which is used for dizziness, palpitations, dizziness, tinnitus, forgetfulness, insomnia, impotence and spermatorrhea and fatigue and weakness caused by deficiency of qi and yin and insufficient kidney essence [1]. GHYSJ has been put into production since 1986,of which two dosage forms, oral liquid and tablets are developed with multiple specifications and models, which can meet the purchasing needs of different groups. In the process of longterm clinical application, it has been found that GHYSJ also has a good effect on many other diseases, such as atrophic gastritis, coronary heart disease, alopecia areata, chloasma, hypotension, Meniere’s syndrome, senile habitual constipation and menopausal syndrome [2].
For more articles in Journals on Biomedical Sciences click here bjstr
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स्पर्मेटोरिया: धातु रोग के लक्षण और उपचार
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स्पर्मेटोरिया (Spermatorrhea) या धातु रोग एक स्वास्थ्य समस्या है जिसमें पुरुष अनचाहे रूप से स्वतः सेमेन का निकलना या निकलने के प्रयास को अनुभव करते हैं। यह आमतौर पर सप्ताह में कई बार घटित होता है। यहां हिंदी में स्पर्मेटोरिया के कुछ मुख्य लक्षण दिए जा रहे हैं: धातु का स्वतः से निकलना: स्पर्मेटोरिया के प्रमुख लक्षण में से एक है कि पुरुष बिना योग्य कारण के स्वतः सेमेन का निकलना महसूस करते हैं। इसमें नींद में होने पर भी सेमेन निकल सकता है। शारीरिक कमजोरी: धातु रोग के साथ शारीरिक कमजोरी की समस्या आमतौर पर देखी जाती है। पुरुष थकावट, कमजोरी, थकान, और शारीरिक अस्तित्व में कमी का अनुभव कर सकते हैं। मांसिक अस्तित्व में कमी: स्पर्मेटोरिया के कारण पुरुष के मांसपेशियों में कमजोरी हो सकती है। यह शारीरिक कमजोरी का एक और प्रमुख कारण हो सकता है। नींद की समस्या: स्पर्मेटोरिया के रोगी अक्सर नींद की समस्या से पीड़ित होते हैं। यह रात में उठने, अनिद्रा या अस्वस्थ नींद के रूप में व्यक्त हो सकता है। तनाव और चिंता: स्पर्मेटोरिया के रोगी अक्सर तनाव और चिंता का अनुभव करते हैं। धातु रोग के कारण उन्हें मानसिक तनाव और चिंता महसूस हो सकती है। यदि आपको स्पर्मेटोरिया जैसे लक्षणों का अनुभव होता है, तो अपने नजदीकी चिकित्सक से परामर्श करना अत्यंत आवश्यक है।
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cipzercare · 2 years
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Cipzer Halwa Supari Pak  May reduce anxiety, stress, intestinal worms from the body and strengthen the kidney
Benefits of Cipzer Halwa Supari Pak
It is beneficial for anxiety and stress
It may strengthen the kidney also improves digestion
It is helpful for leucorrhoea in women and spermatorrhea in men
It helps to expel all intestinal worms from the body
It may help to reduce tapeworms and prevents their further reproduction in the body
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cipzer29 · 2 years
Spermatorrhea or Excessive Ejaculation Ayurvedic Herbal Remedies
Spermatorrhea can’t be considered a disease, but mostly a condition and it implies excessive ejaculation. This happens involuntary and in an uncontrollable manner. It is very close to what we call night emissions or wet dreams, but it is however slightly different. It does not occur only when a person is asleep and it’s not always triggered by erotic dreams or thoughts. Many young boys in their teenage years or in their early adulthood are scared after they experience night emissions, because they are worried that something bad is happening with them and they are suffering of a disease. In fact, sporadic ejaculations during sleep are nothing to worry about and they don’t signalize any serious medical attention. Unfortunately, the problem of involuntary ejaculations is not very much discussed with physicians because most men decide to keep it for themselves. They feel embarrassed about talking such intimate issues with their doctors and no one really knows for sure when night emissions turn into spermatorrhea.
If you feel any type of sexual health problem, first of all, talk frankly with your partner, do not hesitate, these remedies are tried and tested and Dr. Hashmi is known to help a good.
Write or call us at Hashmi Dawakhana, Amroha, and Uttar Pradesh for better assessment.
For more information visit - www.hashmi.in and www.hashmidawakhana.in
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Best Sexologist in Patna - Ayurvedacharya Dr Sunil Dubey
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Best sexologist in Patna in Ayurvedacharya Dr Sunil Dubey Depending on the general condition, predisposition and age of the patient, there are various symptoms of spermatorrhea. Early symptoms include headache, back pain, inability to exert weight and feeling tired. As the emission frequency increases, other symptoms appear, including dizziness, blurred vision, tremors in the limbs, palpitations, chest pressure, and signs of dyspepsia.
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