#Spider is terrorizing the RDA
movietimegirl · 2 years
Spider: *Pop*
Spider: *Pop*
Spider: *Pop*
Quaritch: Oh! For five minutes.
Quaritch: Could you not be yourself…for FIVE minutes?!
Quaritch: Gah!! Are we there yet?!
Wainfleet: Yes!
Spider: Oh, Finally!
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sullyfortress · 2 years
Imagine Lo’aks daughter being the exact same as him and Jake, always finding ways of putting herself in danger. Lo’ak nearly pulling his hair out in worry and stress while Jake is laughing his ass off at how the tables have turned. 🤣
Ok so just some general headcannons
Pey Pey + Ziri relationships to the other Sullys:
He loves that Ziri has a rebellious streak and Lo'ak is experiencing the same terror that Jake did raising him. Ziri reminds Jake of Neytiri alot. Jake also as we know is a girl dad and has a soft spot for his granddaughter which does not help in her discipline(Yes he calls her babygirl). He and Neytiri often get in trouble covering for her or teaching her hunting skills that Lo'ak thinks she's too young for. Also he and Tonowari definitely get competitive trying to proove who's the best granddad.
Pey Pey is Jake's little man. He is a silent shadow of Toruk Makto. It's not uncommon to see Jake walking about given instructions and orders to his warriors fighting RDA with Pey Pey on his hip.
Pey Pey loves to mimic his granddad and definatly got the need to please Jake gene from Lo'ak. Like many in the family, Jake is very protective of Pey Pey, as he does remind him of Neteyam. This leads to frustration from young Pey Pey as he is coddled more than his sister.
Badass grandma to the max. She often will buck against Lo'ak an Tsireya and join sides with Ziri. Especially when Ziri wants to take a warrior route while Tsireya wants her to take more of a pacifist path. Neytiri helps Ziri connect to her Omaticaya culture.
Ziri also really wants her own Ikran like grandma so Neytiri insists upon taking her on a field trip to Ayram alusìng(Floating Mountains) to get her own Ikran. To which Lo'ak says no because they are Metkayina she doesn't need an ikran and Neytiri raises hell going on and on about how she won't deny her granddaughter her culture!!!
Neytiri has a special love for Pey Pey as his sweet disposition reminds her of Neteyam. She spends time teaching him to braid and bead jewelry just as she taught Neteyam.
Also her and Ronal also compete over being the best grandmother.
Kiri has a closer relationship to Pey Pey than Ziri. Pey Pey's calm and inquisitive nature means he himself is more curious about Eywa and the life on pandora. Also with him being deaf, connecting with ilu's and other creatures gives him access to senses that he's never had before.
Kiri has become a mentor of sorts to Pey Pey and teaches him much of what Mo'at taught her about medicine and spiritual intuition.
While wild in her youth, Tuk actually becomes the responsible battle aunt. Tuk grew up to be a powerful warrior in the Metkayina clan. She loves to play from time to time, but growing up as a child in war did leave Tuk to be a little more precarious. Like many in the family, Pey Pey and Ziri remind her of Neteyam and Lo'ak. Which means she cares very deeply and very muchy hovers over her niece and nephew. But she also knows that fun and play are important distractions from war.
He's the crazy uncle who encourages Ziri's rebellious nature. He also has a soft spot for little Pey Pey and makes sure to include him whenever he can. Pey Pey likes uncle Spider as he is coddled less with him.
Ziri calls Spider 'baby uncle' due to his small human size.
*Neteyam* Spirit: (Same relationships if he was alive)
When they are old enough to connect to the spirit tree, the kids meet their uncle.
Ziri loves to hear stories from her uncle about the Omaticaya forest and about her family when her father was a child.
Pey Pey, can speak through Eywa and therefore has a voice that only Uncle Neteyam can hear. He often shares insecurities and frustrations that he is unable to vocalize with the rest of the family. Neteyam and Pey Pey understand one another best in the Sully family as both are reserved and often put the needs of others before their own, and had a desire to please their fathers but always feeling out of reach of approval.
Pey Pey also feels insecure about not wanting to be 'a warrior'. He very much connects more with the role of a healer and worries he will disappoint Jake and Lo'ak.
Neteyam comforts and relates to him as he was forced into the perfect son role, but isn't sure that was really what brought him joy. (in my canon, Neteyam actually loved beading and jewelry making and had a lot of anxiety connected to the perfect warrior role).
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naavispider · 11 months
Ok so the last part in “Jake’s first flight” soundtrack in Avatar is Ninat praying to Eywa, and that game me an idea. What if the recoms squad camped somewhere near a lone tree of voices and Spider took the opportunity to bow at its roots and sing prayers? How would they (mostly Quaritch tho) react to it? To him singing in Na’vi, and in a religious context?
The moss was a soft blanket under his knees. He knelt down amongst the tender, lilac tendrils of the Tree of Voices like he was on hallowed ground. Every movement had to be soft, considered and mindful. This was a place where Eywa saw all.
“Great Mother, I pray for the wellness of my family. I pray for the prosperity and safety of the People. Let the be okay. Let them escape the terror of discovery.” He carded his fingers through a few glowing branches, as softly as he could, and closed his eyes while holding them. “Most importantly, I pray for forgiveness for my part in that terror. I will be strong, but I know it is not enough. I pray that you can forgive me for being with the Sky People. I pray that you can forgive me for the evil in my veins. Look into my heart and know that it is with the People. Ma Eywa, forgive me.”
When he opened his eyes, he was still as alone as he could be. A soft breeze rustled over the grass around him, and for a second he swore the tree grew brighter. He splayed one hand on the ground as his heartbeat picked up, keeping the other gently holding the tree’s tendrils. It had always been his way of connecting to Eywa without a kuru. “Ma Eywa,” he whispered through closed eyelids, feeling more certain than ever that she was listening.
“What the hell are you doing, kid?”
In an instant, it was over. The wind died and the light dimmed. Spiders heart sank as he opened his eyes in anger, immediately raging that none other than Colonel Miles Quaritch had interrupted.
“Minding my own business,” he growled, standing up and turning around to glare at Quaritch.
Quaritch however, seemed oblivious to Spider’s ire. “What was that?” he asked, a frown forming on his face as he gestured at the tree.
Spider narrowed his eyes, not sure if he wanted to share that most precious moment with the RDA squad leader. He bit his tongue for a moment. “Nothing.”
Quaritch looked suspicious. He tilted his head to the side and his tail swished agitatedly behind him. Eventually he decided to take Spider’s word for it. “What are you doing over here by yourself? Come back to the squad.”
Spider turned his back, resuming his position on the floor. “I’m good, thanks.”
“Leave me alone.”
Quaritch clearly felt some type of way about this, because he hesitated before answering. “If you get eaten by some beast don’t blame me.”
Spider rolled his eyes at the man’s attempt at humour, and didn’t respond. If he did, it wouldn’t be pleasant. He waited until the sound of the recom’s boots had retreated all the way back to where the rest of the temporary camp was set up, a decent distant away from the tree. He closed his eyes again, trying to get back to that place of calm and stillness that had allowed Eywa to hear him. He lowered his breathing and heart rates, and tried to focus on feeling her energy, but the moment was gone.
“Demons!” he cursed.
He took a deep breath, and settled back on his haunches, listening to the low buzz of the forest as he brought to the forefront of his mind a song. In a low voice, he began to sing:
Utralä (a)Nawm ayrina’l(u) ayoeng, A peyä tìtxur mì hinam awngeyä N(a) aysangek afkeu, Mì pun N(a) ayvul ahusawnu, M(ì) aynar Na seze A ’ong ne tsawke. Utralä (a)Nawm ayrina’ l(u) ayoeng, A peyä tìrol m(ì) awnga.
The song told of the connectivity of the People, and Spider had heard it sung and joined in countless times during periods of loss and also celebration. It was one of his favourite ways to pay tribute to Eywa.
Unfortunately for him, his singing hadn’t gone unnoticed. He was brought back to reality by a piercing whistle from the camp. He gasped, spinning round to see who or what had just invaded his privacy again.
“Shut it Lyle,” Quaritch chastised from not too far away.
Wainfleet looked smug as anything, grinning from ear to ear, but he had the common sense to not speak again.
“Bastards,” Spider hissed.
Quaritch put his hands up, slowly approaching Spider’s spot under the tree as if Spider was a scared animal and he was worried about spooking him. “That was pretty impressive. That was all in your funky alien language?”
Spider simmered, clenching his fists at his side. Why he ever bothered trying to teach Quaritch the funky alien language, Spider didn’t know. “Are you trying to piss me off? Cause it’s fucking working.”
“Hey, don’t give me that,” Quaritch said, making a faux offended expression. “I was just thinking how nice it sounded.”
Spider raised an eyebrow. That sounded like some bullshit. “Did you fall over a blastbulb or something?” Maybe the recom was sick.
"Can I not enjoy something?"
Spider squirmed uncomfortably. Not when it comes from me. "No."
Quaritch took a seat next to Spider. The tree of voices's branches brushed over the recom's shoulders and he pulled them off gently. "Sounded real special."
"It was," Spider replied, deadpan. He so did not want to be having this conversation with Quaritch. Especially not here, so close to Eywa.
"What does it mean?" Quaritch pressed. He sounded sincere for once, so Spider grit his teeth and tried to explain.
"It's a song about connectivity. It tells us that we're all seeds of the sacred tree. We are all of Eywa, and eventually we will all return to her."
"The Great Mother."
Quaritch nodded his head as if he'd just put the name to the colloquialism. "Gotcha."
Spider stared at him sideways. Why did he care? Why was he listening to him?
"And this Eywa, she's the big daddy around here, right? The one all the local nuts are obsessed with..." He didn't say it as a question, more like a memory that was coming back to him from a previous life. "I remember Augustine..."
Spider flinched at the mention of Kiri's mom. He also wasn't used to anyone talking about Eywa in such a dismissive and disrespectful way. He'd never heard that before. "You don't see, so just stop talking."
Quaritch had the gumption to look confused.
"You think it's something to joke about. Well I don't want to hear it. Go slander her name to your boyfriend." He nodded over to Wainfleet.
"Woah, kid!" Quaritch was clearly baffled at Spider's response. "I didn't mean to offend. Don't get yourself riled up. I just wanna know why you believe so much in this... this deity."
"...Why do I believe?"
"That's right."
Spider thought about it for a moment, running his hands over the moss beneath him and watching it glow. "....Because she's real."
"Ah ah!" Quaritch made a disappointed face as if Spider had just lost a game or answered a question wrong. "That's a logical fallacy. I'm asking you what evidence do you have."
Spider frowned.
"I mean, there must be a lot if you're willing to sit and sing a song to a tree for half an hour for her."
He bristled, trying not to let Quaritch's language rile him up. "She lives in all of us," he began to explain slowly. "When we die, we return to her and the People can hear their ancestors living on at places like this. She guided Jake through her eye and blessed him with a new body." He shrugged. "If you want evidence, talk to the science guys. Oh wait..." He looked straight at Quaritch. "You already killed one of them."
Quaritch kept his face impassive, though he stretched his jaw, taking in Spider's words. "We've all wished for do-overs, kid," he finally replied, so quietly that Spider wasn't sure he'd heard correctly. Was Quaritch trying to say that he regretted killing Grace?
"You don't belong in a place like this," Spider said, having finally had enough.
"What? And you do?" Quaritch appraised him, an irritated frown line forming between his eyes. "Look at you. You can't even plug into the thing."
Spider snapped, hissing at Quaritch. How dare this man invade his privacy - invade Eywa's sacred site - spew doubts and insults and then attack Spider for not being Na'vi... "Get out!" he yelled, needing the man to retreat to at least a few feet away from the tree's edge. Preferably the middle of a deep lake with weights on his feet, if possible.
"Right, you're kinda sensitive about that, huh?"
"I said get OUT!" A breeze had swept up in the past minute or two, seeming to circle where the pair were sat. At Spider's words, it turned ice cold.
"Jesus!" Quaritch cussed, noticing the dramatic change in temperature. He stared questioningly at Spider, who remained resolutely planted on the ground, the temperature not appearing to affect him. After a second of hesitation, Quaritch got up to his feet and hastily retreated back to the camp, watching Spider the whole way.
Spider didn't know why the cold didn't bother him. He could feel it for sure, but only as if he was a passenger in his own body, feeling without really experiencing. His heart was hammering twice its usual speed. That was the second sign from Eywa today. He didn't know how or why, but it seemed like she had heard him.
She'd heard him.
"Thank you, Great Mother," he muttered, so quietly that no one would be able to hear, even Quaritch, who was stood on the perimeter of the tree, staring at Spider as if he was finally learning to See.
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ladylaviniya · 3 months
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|| Masterlist || Chapter 2
Chapter Summary: From a sweet little game to a total nightmare, you will do whatever it will take to protect the children, even face monsters.
Pairing: Recom!Miles Quaritch X Na'vi Reader
Chapter Warnings: 18+ Dead Dove Do Not Eat, Dubious Consent, Kidnapping, Colonisation, Weapons, Death Threats, Coercive Control.
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Author Notes: Hi everyone! Life has been crazy but I finally got around to rewriting/editing The New Mission. I will post a new chapter once a week every Tuesday @ 3pm AEST
Inspiring Song: "Cosmic Love" By Florence & The Machine.
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As Miles slowly opened his eyes, he was immediately met with a strange feeling of displacement. The bed beneath him felt unfamiliar, and as he sat up, he caught a glimpse of himself in the mirrored window panel across the room. His heart skipped a beat at the sight of his own reflection – the now distinctly blue skin and unfamiliar features staring back at him were both fascinating and disconcerting. For a moment, he had to remind himself that this was not a nightmare, but reality.
Waking up in a different body is always difficult. Well that’s what people with a second chance can say. Miles felt this was a curse at first. He hated how every time to passed a window panel the reflection of blue skin made him want to shoot it.
He hated how he had to crouch under door ways to get into the next room. Most of all he hated the way he was stared at. He thought back on his former human form, when people looked upon him with respect because of his rank and the battle-earned scar that marked his resilience. But now, it was different – people didn’t admire him for his achievements; instead, they gawked at him like some sort of aberration, a living testament to their ungodly science. Miles sat and pondered briefly...had the human race gone too far.
It came and went out of his mind just as quickly, consumed by the bitterness of why and how he came to be in this clone flesh suit he hated.
Confronting Jake Sully proved to be a rushed decision on Miles’s part, as his months spent with Spider had done little to equip him with ample knowledge about Pandora. He was, in essence, a greenhorn in this alien world, and the enormity of his possible failure dawned upon him with stark clarity. Miles was aware that his performance would have far-reaching consequences, not just for himself, but for his standing within the RDA.
The ride back on his Ikran was an ordeal, especially after the grueling battle fought on the fringes of Awa’atlu. He had nearly slid off the creature’s back twice due to his battered state. Arriving back at base, Miles was consumed by a mix of shame and anger, and he was promptly escorted to the medical tent to rest and heal. Weeks passed as he recuperated, until the shrill voice of the General invaded his solitude, a sound that brought a wave of uneasiness to him.
The General, standing on a stool to address the hospitalized Colonel, spoke with a chilling tone, her words sharp as a blade. “I granted you the opportunity to seek revenge, Colonel,” she began, her hand lightly resting on the bedside railing, “yet you have disappointed me. Your mission was straightforward – hunt and execute Jake Sully for his alleged crimes of terrorism and treason. But from what your team has revealed, your pursuit was anything but focused. Instead, you chose to chase after his children, wasting time and resources. Simply putting it Colonel, you fucked around.”
He longed to lash out, to tell her where she could shove her condescending attitude in a place where ‘The sun don’t shine.’. After all, here he was, nursing a broken rib, a split lip, a chipped tooth, a concussion, and a near-drowning experience, and she had the audacity to come down to the infirmary and give him an earful? It was clear as day that they needed him, yet now they were treating him like yesterday’s trash.
“General,” he began, forcing a strained smile even as he slowly sat up, disregarding the protests of the monitors and wires attached to his body. “If I may explain, my choice to pursue Sully’s children was a deliberate tactic. I intended to use them as hostages, to entice him out of hiding.” With a purposeful motion, he pinched off the heart monitor and swiftly removed the remaining cords that tracked his health. The machines worried and beeped loudly, attracting the attention of doctors and nurses. He rose to his feet slowly and bent at his hips to look down at her.
The General instinctively took a step back, taken aback by the imposing figure of the Colonel standing before her. Despite his injuries, his height and stature were intimidating, and she instinctively swallowed, her composure faltering momentarily. “Colonel,” she continued, her tone measured, “I regret to say that this incident has demonstrated a lack of confidence in your ability to carry out the mission effectively.”
Quaritch’s brows furrowed, his anger mounting within him, causing him to clench his teeth in frustration. But instead of lashing out, he nodded with resignation, his acceptance of her words thinly veiled. He would not succumb to the savage hissing urge building up in his throat.
The General let out a weary sigh, her gaze fixed on him. “I can’t afford to jeopardize more lives for your failings,” she stated firmly. “Consider yourself lucky that I haven’t demoted you or worse, discharged you from service.”
Quaritch’s eyes widened and his ears flattened in surprise at her words. He couldn’t help but retort sarcastically, “Discharging me, eh? Wouldn’t be much point in sending me back to Earth though, would there? Might as well stick me in the kitchens. Blue Shrimp! Order up!” he flashed his smiling canines down at her, they were gritting tightly. It took the power of whatever he called a god to not throttle the bitch.
The General’s nostrils flared, and she slammed her hands on the bed rail, her voice sharp. “One more smart remark from you, Colonel, and I’ll throw you out of this camp without a second thought.” Quaritch rolled his eyes in response, his patience wearing thin. Without another word, he stormed out of the medical room, clad in his scrub dress, determined to leave the infirmary behind.
Quaritch heard the General’s command echoing in his wake, “You haven’t been dismissed, Colonel!” He paused, the weight of her words and the eyes on him forcing him to consider her directive. But did he really care? No. Yet he remembered the gazes of the nurses, other patients, and the armed men standing guard – their stares burning into him, reminding him that he was nothing more than a freak, a monster, a clone of some nightmarish alien creation. What respect did he have left coming from them?
Quaritch whirled around, crouching down to meet the General’s eye level. He forced a smirk, and in a mocking tone, he inquired, “May I be dismissed, General?”
The General returned his smile with a sly one of her own, “No,” she replied, her voice dripping with satisfaction. “You’re going to hear to your newest mission.”
Quaritch’s breath caught in his throat at her words. “New mission?” he echoed, his voice betraying a mixture of curiosity and anticipation. He truly thought he was done for with the walls caving in. He was being given a chance, again. This one he didn’t want to fuck up.
    Sitting comfortably on the plush grass, you listened intently to the sound of muffled giggles emanating from the trees above. Your little brother Häewip and his best friend Rìngeay were engaged in a playful game of stalk-and-catch, but it was abundantly clear that they were dreadful at it. Their giggles echoed through the foliage, their hiding spots easily detectable.
You chuckled, recalling fond memories from your childhood. This game was a favourite pastime, meant to teach youngsters the art of stealth, concealment, and stalking their quarry. Young Häewip and Rìngeay had pleaded to be the ones to hide while you took on the role of the hunter, and you always obliged, knowing that they cherished these moments together.
Ah, the memories brought a smirk to your face. You never lost this game, even as a child, always skilfully evading detection whenever it was your turn to hide. And when you were the one doing the seeking, your younger siblings and friends could never find you. After hours of playtime and gathering fruits and meat for the village, you decided to play one final game before returning home.
Finding Rìngeay was easy; her red tail guard stood out against the yellow petals of the tsyorina’wll flowers, giving away her position.
Dropping silently into the soft moss and grass, you crouched, your smile widening. The sound of their giggles meant they could still catch glimpses of you, but you knew you had to hide and stalk even more covertly. With quiet precision, you reached for the riata tied to your thigh, navigating silently through the foliage and vines. Every step was calculated, ensuring not a sound escaped your presence.
With a swift, feline-like motion, you moved around the base of a sturdy tree, adhering to its bark and beginning your ascent up its sturdy trunk. Unseen from the children’s view, you continued climbing, your slender frame blending seamlessly with the foliage. As you ascended higher, you keenly overheard their heated debate – arguing whether you were concealed behind the surrounding tsyorina’wlls or the paywlls nearby.
Unseen, you surpassed them, nimbly ducking to avoid their flicking tails as you continued your climb. As you ascended higher and higher, you finally positioned yourself just above the pair, ensuring they remained oblivious to your position. A swift flick of your wrist and a deft swing sent the lasso loop hurtling towards them, ensnaring them firmly in the air. Their screams of shock echoed through the clearing, only to be overshadowed by your joyful cackles and laughter.
“Taronyut yom smarìl! Hehehe!” The prey eats the hunter; everything possible that can go wrong does! Hehehe!
Your fingers dug and danced over their sensitive skin making them shriek with laughter.
Rìngeay cried with laughter as she was attacked with tickles while she was still bound in the tether, “Ftang! [Y/N]! Ftang!” Stop! [Y/N]! Stop! Laughing tears filled in her eyes.
You turned to smother kisses and tiny bites over Häewip little arms and cheek. He too begged for mercy with a smile before you spat out the tip of his pointed ears with a “Ftxìvä’” Yuck!
Their playful attempts to resist your victorious gloating were thwarted as they promptly wriggled out of their bindings and tackled you with a barrage of affectionate hugs. Laughter rang through the forest air, filling the space with joyful abandon. The three of you took a moment to catch your breaths before settling back against the sturdy branches of the tree. The game had been a much-needed respite, a temporary diversion from the anxieties waiting back at home.
The gentle warmth of the breeze enveloped you, its caress a soothing touch against your skin. The sweat trickling down your forehead spoke of an impending rain, as the humidity had slowly been building throughout the past several days, culminating in this humid day. The soil beneath you felt parched, yearning for a refreshing drink. The feeling was strangely familiar – you sympathized with the great mother, feeling just as exhausted and longing for a fresh change in your life, yet uncertain about the path you were expected to tread.
“Tsmuke?” Sister? Häewip suddenly asked.
“Sran?” Yes?
With a pleading look in his big, yellow eyes, he asked, “Fta si tswin rutxe oeyä?” Please retie my queue braid? A fond smile tugged at your lips, for this was a familiar routine. Despite growing older, he still sought your help, asserting that you could tie it just right – not too tight, yet not loose enough for it to come undone easily.
You let out a soft sigh, gesturing to the space between your legs. “Za’u,” Come, you instructed, signaling where he should settle.
Rìngeay swiftly crawled over, joining her friend, both eager for you to tighten their braids. As she waited her turn, she took the initiative and utilized your lasso to hoist the sack of freshly hunted meat up towards you all. She knew all too well the importance of safeguarding the fruits of your labor, ensuring no lurking animals could snatch them away. After all, hunting effectively with only a knife was no easy feat. Your mother had strictly forbidden you to use a bow for hunting, and her word was law.
‘Häewip is getting taller everyday now,’ you thought to yourself as you realised where he head sat and how high you had to lift your arms now to carefully braid his long black mane around his queue.
It had been only nine wet seasons ago that you sat beside the birth of your brother. Your mother’s weeping and her joy at a son. The joy your father had, picking you up on his shoulders so you could have a better look at the wet ball that was of newborn Häewip. You wondered how you must’ve looked twenty wet seasons ago. Perhaps just the same.
Häewip was growing more confident and ambitious, dreaming of becoming a warrior just like your cousin, Rawm. You silently hoped that he would never emulate Rawm’s recklessness and ride out into a storm, only to be struck by lightning. Fortunately, the chances of that happening seemed slight, as more often than not, Häewip was practically attached at the hip to Rìngeay, his unwavering companion. Although they were the same age, Rìngeay seemed to consistently adhere to the village curfew, unlike your more daring brother. When you inquired about her dreams, she would blush and shyly admit her ambition to being that of the wife to a great warrior. You wondered if it was her own little heart that held the nobility of a warrior instead.
Finishing the last strand in Rìngeay’s hair you suggested to the two younger na’vi, “Pxoe kelku kivä ko,” Let’s All Go home.
And they agreed. The distance was far and if they didn’t get home before the sun hid beneath the mountains it would be your head.
You reckoned somehow it would not matter anyway because today you had been disobedient...
You were supposed to be diligently gathering utumauti and pixayzekwä berries, preparing to simmer them into a hot boil to create a wine for your impending marriage ceremony to Pukxaw – a warrior Na’vi of another tribe.
The thought of your mother’s furious reaction upon your return to Greenhome filled you with dread. Her wrath would be intense, and your ears would undoubtedly be in danger once you faced her.
As you traversed the familiar path back home, your younger companions sprinted ahead, effortlessly leaping over logs and foliage. A warm smile tugged at your lips, as you silently hoped that the great mother would bless your future with children as exuberantly happy as them. However, your thoughts briefly strayed to your intended mate, Pukxaw. You secretly wished for a spouse far better than him.
Pukxaw was a warrior Na’vi from the Anurai clan. He was tall, thin and nearing his elder years, and his personality matched his appearance – he was a dull and stoic Na’vi with little patience. He enjoyed hunting, but your scholarly vows restricted you from using a bow, this seemed to irk him when you meet him at the last clan gathering. To your surprise, once the decision was made for your clans’ mating agreement, you found yourself utterly shocked at the prospect of being bonded with such a bland and unappealing individual.
You couldn’t help but wonder if Ewya, the great mother herself, would have bestowed upon you a mate who possessed patience and the ability to communicate effectively. You longed for a mate who possessed a genuine sense of humour and one who could provide the comfort of a warm embrace when needed. Someone who, above all else, would graciously listen to your thoughts about your people’s rich history. The prospect of being eternally bound to a reserved and disrespectful mate who solely provided you with skins for your labor seemed utterly unappealing.
Glancing over at the grazing Yerik, you immediately noticed a shift in their behavior. They had halted their movements, their eyes fixated in a particular direction. As a show of respect, you lowered your head, but to your growing concern, they continued their unwavering stare. Something felt amiss in the air – the wind turned chilly, and an eerie silence enveloped the surroundings. Your eyes widened as you wondered, ‘Why is it so quiet? Where are the children?’
Panicked, you frantically scanned your surroundings, but your brother and Rìngeay were nowhere to be seen.
“Tsmuke! Srungsi!” Sister help! You heard Häewip scream in the distance. Your heart sank like a stone, and a wave of dread washed over you. They were in danger!
Dropping the sack of meat you sprinted ahead and screamed back, “Tsmukan!” Brother!
You strained your ears intently, hoping for a response, but all you heard were the terrified cries of the two young ones.
With the riata clenched tightly in one hand and the dagger in the other, you prepared yourself for whatever might await you. Realizing you would have to engage the threat at close range, you cautiously advanced towards the source of the whimpering and crying.
As you got closer, the voices grew louder, and a wave of worry washed over you. Regret stirred within you for taking them so far away from safety.
Your breath hitched in your throat, and a cold shiver ran down your spine. Standing before you was a group of individuals unlike any you had ever seen before – no, they were not Na’vi. These were aliens from the stars, the dreaded Uniltìrantokx. Their unusual attire and strange, indecipherable speech sent a chill through your body.
Your heart squeezed tightly as you remembered the dark days of the war, the great battle – a tragic period that had befallen on Pandora fifteen wet seasons ago. The horrors and terror of that day still lingered, leaving emotional scars upon your soul.
Your heart sank further at the excited sound of a female Uniltìrantokx’ voice through the air. “Colonel, look at what we just found, two little blue rats!”
A surge of protectiveness flared within you, watching Häewip bravely threaten the aliens with dire consequences if they harmed “his” Rìngeay. However, his brave act earned him a sharp slap in the face from another Uniltìrantokx. Indignantly, your lip curled in anger at the sight, and a fierce determination surged through you as you plotted to make the offending alien pay for laying a hand on your loved ones.
Your nimble fingers hovered anxiously over the dagger’s hilt, contemplating your next actions. This was unprecedented; you had never confronted such a large number of foes before. Truthfully, fear and uncertainty gnawed at your thoughts, leaving you questioning your ability to overpower them all.
Retreating to Greenhome for help was not an option; the distance would be too great to cover in time. You would have to rely on your own skills and bravery to free your loved ones, and hope that a hasty escape would be possible. The plan was risky, but it was all you had at the moment.
The Uniltìrantokx held sinister-looking tools in their grasp – their dreaded guns. Memories of Toruk Makto, the legendary leader of the Omatikaya, sending these fearsome creatures away flickered through your mind. Rumors had circulated about their potential return to Pandora, yet you had always dismissed them as mere tales to frighten the children before bedtime.
The individual known as the Colonel responded in a dismissive tone, “Just our luck, Walker,” as he swatted away a bug that had landed on his shoulder. He surveyed the surroundings once more, his hand touching his neck, and spoke into a communication device, “Blue Bird, come in. We have what we need. Bring the chopper over here, pronto!”
His eyes scanned the trees and bushes and then he saw it…a whisp of blue. He smirked, he wasn’t surprised these kids would be all alone and so far from their village. This was exactly what he needed… an adult. He saw your numb expression in the bushes, devising an attack. His gaze met yours, and a sinister smile played upon his lips as he aimed his gun directly at you.
“Well hello, hello- Now, why don’t you come out and join us, friend?!” He spat and licked his canines chuckling, “we ain’t gonna hurt ya!”
Your grip on your knife tightened as you cautiously rose from the brush, your heart pounding in your chest. The Colonel gestured toward you, beckoning you closer, his weapon still pointing in your direction. You inched toward the group, and he observed your eyes nervously flicker between all five of the Recom. His smile turned predatory as he noticed your trembling hands and strained tail. He perceived you as an easy target, assuming your fear would render you vulnerable and helpless.
With a calm yet firm voice, you called out, “Lonu fo,” Release them.
Your footsteps moved cautiously around the group, your knife held firmly in your grasp. The Recom knew that your weapon was no match against their bullets. He had already devised plans for you, viewing you as a perfect addition to their plans in store
“Mefo eveng,” they are children, you pleaded, attempting to negotiate with the Colonel. Your body language – the tilting of your head and shrinking of your stance – was a clear sign of your surrender and willingness to cooperate. You desperately hoped that it would evoke a sense of mercy within these creatures, these pretenders.
The Colonel quickly realized that you were relinquishing control, and he noted your worried glances toward the rowdy boy and whimpering girl. He couldn’t help but speculate about you ‘Is she the mother of these two kids?’
 Rìngeay shouted out your name.
“Shut it!” the Uniltìrantokx who was holding her to her knees yelled causing the poor girl to start sobbing in fear.
The Colonel was not surprised seeing how your nostril flared and teeth bared like a wild cat.
He scowled, “Nga kem si ìnglìsì tslam?” Do you understand English?
Your breath came hard and fast, betraying your fear. He advanced toward you, his gun still aimed in your direction, but it was now resting on his hip, rather than held at the ready. He casually scrutinized you from head to toe, his eyes taking in every detail.
“Well?” He drawled.
Your gaze flickered between the children and the Colonel, your heart pounding in your chest. You took a deep breath before uttering, “Let. Them. Go.” The words tasted foreign on your tongue, your mind racing to recall the right terms in English.
A sly smile formed on the Colonel’s face as he revelled in your broken English.
“Let them go,” he mimicked, his voice dripping with condescension. He was taken aback as he felt the cold blade of your dagger pressed firmly against his skin. Clearly, you did not appreciate his attempt at humour. He stared into your eyes, which had widened with anger, and observed the way your teeth were beginning to bare intensely.
“Let them go- now,” You said fluently, “or I take all your lives.”
He admired your confidence. The sound of guns cocking surrounded you both. He huffed softly from the cold bite that came from your dagger.
“You alright boss? This bitch moves we’ll smoke her.”
The Colonel could clearly see the rage burning in your eyes. He recognized the determined glint in your gaze and knew that you were not about to back down. His own golden eyes flickered, betraying his surprise at your fierce perseverance, he grunted, “Stand down. Release the brats. We don’t need ‘em.”
The other interrogators exchanged puzzled glances, clearly unsure of how to react to this unexpected turn of events.
Meanwhile, the Colonel watched with amusement as a look of relief washed over your face when he ordered his companions to release the children.
Your voice rang out, filled with urgency, “Nìwin! Hifwo! Hum! Kä!” Quickly flee! Leave! Go!, you shrieked at the children, urging them to flee to safety.
Your eyes remained locked on the Colonel, listening as the sound of the children’s footsteps faded into the distance as they raced away. The Colonel contemplated sending some of his men after them, back to their village, but he quickly realized the suicide in doing so.
With a pained expression, he felt the sharp blade of your weapon press against his skin, causing a small knick. You hastily pulled back, a look of realization and remorse on your face. In a soft voice, you whispered, “Thankyou.”
He was now impressed by your english and knew what he had to finish today,
He smirked, “You’re a polite one aren’t ya?”
The Colonel couldn’t help but be impressed by your improved command of the English language, but he knew that there was still work to be done.
Suddenly, an Uniltìrantokx stepped up behind you and forcefully twisted your wrist, forcing you to drop your weapon. You cried out in pain as you were struck in the face with the butt of a gun, knocking you to the ground. Blood trickled from an open wound on your forehead, and you instinctively covered your injured eye.
In a swift motion, the Colonel dropped to his knees and forcefully pinned you onto your stomach, restraining your flailing body as you cried out in agony. He cruelly stepped on your tail, intensifying your pain and causing you to howl in torment. Despite your struggle, you frantically tried to claw at his arm, desperate for liberation. A sharp jab pierced your lower back just above your tail, leaving you writhing in pain.
As his grip loosened, you wasted no time in scrambling to escape. You managed to push passed the Colonel and sprinted beyond the tree line, urgently pursuing Häewip and Rìngeay.
The sound of the Colonel’s feet pounding behind you echoed through the forest, filling you with a chilling sense of fear. Your legs and tail throbbed with pain from the numerous scrapes and cuts that littered your body. All you wanted was to reach the safety of home as soon as possible.
With every nimble move, you dodged branches, ducked under hanging limbs, and scrambled across fallen logs, but his relentless pursuit continued to gain on you. Your weary legs grew increasingly numb and your back started to ache from the arduous run.
As you forced yourself to keep moving, your body felt heavier with every step. You were overwhelmed by a wave of nausea and exhaustion, your stomach feeling like it was weighed down by an invisible burden. Unable to continue any longer, you slowed to a stop, preparing to vomit, but instead, you collapsed onto your hands and knees.
With trembling limbs, you tried desperately to crawl away from the approaching footsteps of the Colonel above. Your fingers felt distant and disconnected, while your head buzzed with a dizzying sensation. You emitted a weak cry and tumbled headfirst into a patch of slippery mud.
The figure above you started to move and became a dozen shadows, his voice filled your ears, “Going somewhere sweetheart?”
Your vision grew hazy and your eyelids felt heavy, making it impossible to open them anymore. In your disoriented state, you could only hope that Häewip and Rìngeay had safely returned to the villages.
The Colonel’s lips curled into a sinister smirk as he looked down at your drugged and unconscious form. With ease, he hoisted your body over his shoulder, carrying you effortlessly toward the waiting helicopter.
  To Be Continued....
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I'm just imagining Jack after he's assembled every single Na'vi he could muster, all ready to storm bridgehead and drive the human away once more, only to find it laying in ruins. Terror sweeps over him as he wonders what could have caused such destruction to the fortified base. In the distance he sees a lone figure surrounded by the rubble, it's hand tightly holding something strange. As they move closer, cautious of the stranger, his features become clearer until eventually he can be recognized as none other that Spider. In his hand he clutches a battered and dented fire extinguisher, it's red paint almost completely scratched off. And as Jack tries to get over the shock, Spider looks him directly in the eyes, his expression frighteningly calm. Before he's even able to open him mouth, Spider says: " Lo'ak said "no balls"." and without any further elaboration, he walks past the shocked and confused Na'vi, heading to reunite with his siblings.
As night grows closer, the clans return to the camps they had setup, theirs respective tsahík at the ready to tend to any injured warriors, only to find there where none, only the human child baring any kind of injuries. As everything settles down, murmurs and whispers about the boy filled air, reaching all the way to the tent where the same boy was both tended to and chewed out by Mo'at for doing something so stupid over a dare.
In a quiet corner of the camp, Jack stares off into nothing in particular, sparing a few glances at the fire extinguisher that they found Spider with, now comically small in hand. As much as he mulls it over, he still can't quite figure out what happened today.
That's the end.
Why did I write this shit? It's 3am, I should be sleeping.
I love the idea of entire clans witnessing that shit, lol. Why no balls? It's so so close to being "fuck it, we ball," if you recall my Lo'ak and Spider finding out about gen-z slang and adopting it post. That would've sent me over the edge, haha.
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byunpum · 2 years
The new member | Part 5
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Pair: Miles Quaritch (baby blue boii) x Human reader
tw: Teasing, mmmm miles being soft, Lyle bestie and spider, zdog being jealous, Quarith being upset.
POV: Y/N is sent from Earth to Pandora to be part of a particular group of people…
p.s. This story is created after the ship altercation. Neteyam never dies, the sullys are able to run away, but spider decides to go with his "father" to the base. All recoms are still alive.
Note: I can't…I try to make Zdog as mean, but I can't. She looks like such a good person…but whatever. This part was pretty short, because part 6 would be the end. This was supposed to be a short series, and it's already 5 parts long. I hope you like it!!!! yassss
AVATAR MASTERLIST | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5
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"We're part of what?" you felt the grip on your waist tighten. Quaricth's ears fell back. And his face reflected a look of terror. You weren't really upset by Z-dog's comments, she was always talking more than she should. You were upset because while they were investigating and taking custody of the caged animals, one of the PPA members handed you some papers. In those papers, there were photos of each of the recoms. There is also all their personal information, how they had created them and the goal they had with them.
You sigh a little, trying to explain everything to Quaritch. "I imagine you know some things…but not everything. You are part of an investigation, you are literally guinea pigs. I don't know what they will do with you. But in those documents…" You stop talking for a moment, at this point Quaritch had already gotten up off the floor. And he had taken some steps backwards, his hands were folded on his chest and his tail was on the floor, wagging slowly.
"In those documents they talk about…how they are going to eliminate you if in 3 years you don't achieve the expectations of their plan" You look up, all this time you were looking at the ground. You didn't want to be the one to tell him, but you had to. That's why you were here… to protect them.
"So you knew all this?" says Quaritch, his tone of voice rising a little. And his expressions had changed to one of anger.
" No, wait!!! I just found out" you try to approach him, but he takes a step back.
"Right…that's why you're here. To protect the damn animals…and that includes me" Quaritch shouts. This time, it's you who steps back. If Z-dog was intimidating, imagine Quaritch.
"MILES!!! I didn't know anything I swear… those papers were just handed to me. I'm only here to protect you guys, I'm not the villain" You try to take his hand, but he keeps pulling further away from you.
"The right thing to do… is for everyone to calm down. And let the PPA take custody of you" you speak.
"Custody? We're not animals Y/N" Quaritch yells. He was scaring you. You knew you didn't have to say these things, let alone like this. But it was the reality, if they were part of some investigations, they have to be safeguarded like the others… living creatures.
"I know… but it's protocol. I swear, they will not be treated like animals. Our goal is not that…but I need you to understand, that the RDA is just using you. Everyone on your team…they are using them." You are silent for quite a while…Quaritch is pacing from side to side, you can see how upset he was.
"Quaritch…you're not even you. You only have the memories of that person, and I know you fight every day with your subconscious, we…" you see how he turns and approaches you in giant steps. You stand still.
"No… I know who I am, and you're not going to come here and tell me who I am or how I should act. Just do your job" Quaritch speaks, his tone is threatening. You decide not to say anything, you knew he was on the defensive. Being told that you are just an experiment, and that you are now the property of the PPA. It must be difficult.
To your bad luck, half of the conversation you two had had was overheard by the Z-dog soldier, she decided to come out and apologize to you. But she was taken with this surprise. You turn around and see the woman approaching you. Oh no, this couldn't get any worse. "Is something wrong here?" asks the woman.
" No, let's just go" Quaritch says placing a hand on the woman's back and walking away. "Miles…please don't leave like this" you speak, but the man ignores you. You stand in the hallway in silence, thinking about what you did wrong. And you didn't do anything… you just want to protect him. At that you hear footsteps, and you turn to see spider approaching. "Hey…what's wrong? Why did they leave like that… they already finished picking up all the animals" says spider, the boy looked happy but his smile was gone when he saw your worried look.
"Spider… how do I make someone understand that I just want to protect him?" you speak, spider saw how you were turning red and your eyes were getting watery. "But what happened?" Spider didn't know anything about you and Quaritch, so you decided to tell him everything, cautiously of course. Because even though Spider was 'big' he still didn't have any malice in many things. The boy listened to you from beginning to end. When you finished explaining everything, the hallway became quieter as spider thought about how to answer you.
"So… you and my 'dad' are dating…" spider asks. " Well I thought so…" spider shuffles his hair and then starts talking. " And you found out about the RDA's plans with the recoms, and you told him about it and he got upset with you?" spider speaks up. " Yes, I was explaining to him that the PPA will take custody of them, but of course… he thinks we're treating him like an animal. But we're treating him like…" spider interrupts you, finishing your sentence. "Like a living human being. I understand," spider says, pulling you in for a hug.
"And they're going to be okay?" spider looks at you. "Yes, this change will happen in a few days" you say, pulling away from spider's embrace. As you see lyle approaching, he doesn't look upset. In fact, he was walking with his unique style. "Doll… I've been told. Is it true that the PPA will take custody of us?" asks lyle, approaching where you and spider were. You were surprised at how calm he was. How was it possible that he was taking it easy and Quaritch was not. "Who told you?" you ask. "Oh, it was the PPA custody team, they told us that in these days we will have to sign some things blah blah" lyle speaks. "And everyone took it well?" lyle looked at you and laughed a little. You knew that was a no, it was normal for them to feel that way.
" Honey… look" Lyle kneels down to be on your level. "I understand you… the colonel is furious. And some of the guys are too" lyle says. "Including zdog?" you look at him, raising an eyebrow. Spider laughs a little. "Including zdog, but let them be…they'll figure this is for the best. I don't feel like getting killed a second time" lyle says getting up. "Quaritch almost killed me, when I told him everything" you say, as spider comes over to give you another hug. You felt he needed a lot of love, so you hug him back. "The colonel has been having trouble adjusting to these new bodies, he'll understand - just give him space - don't worry your boyfriend will stop being mad at you," Lyle jokes. You stick your tongue out at him, spider copy you. "At least you have your stepson on your side," lyle continues to joke, and spider starts playing with him.
After talking for a long time in the hallways, you decide that you'd better pick up the food from the cafeteria and go eat it somewhere else. You knew that when you entered the cafeteria area you were going to meet everyone, so Lyle entered without causing any suspicion, took some food to eat, and left as if nothing had happened. You were watching the whole thing from a small glass window overlooking the table where he was. Quaritch looked annoyed, but lost in thought, he didn't even look at Lyle.
"Well… it's been a long day, see ya" you start to say goodbye to the men. "another question, they're going to give us good food right?" lyle asks, this causes you to tap him on the arm. "Lyle, no one is going to get them out of here… the RDA is going to change administrations. And I doubt the disgusting apple mash will change it" you make a disgusted face, and are joined by lyle and spider. At least you had two people on your side. You two escorted spider to his room and you and lyle walked together to the dorms. When you arrived you noticed that no one was there, there was only zdog sitting on the couches, reading some magazines.
Lyle said goodbye to you, ruffling your hair a bit, and saying a cute comment. Which made you laugh." Are you sure you want me to leave you with this lioness?" says lyle, giving a quick glance to where zdog is sitting." Yeah, don't worry. Go and rest" you say, as you push lyle to go to her room.
You stood there thinking silently, until you feel a look. You turn to confront the look. You watch as zdog gets up, and walks slowly towards you. " The night is beautiful" you say, watching as zdog stands in front of you, causing you to look up. "Custody?" she spits, she had this attitude of superiority. "I'll explain…this is what's best for you" you speak, until you feel zdog grab your forearm. He was squeezing hard, you knew he was going to leave a mark. "Listen to me you fucking rat…I want you away from the colonel" she spits, lifting you off the ground a little. You squeal, she was squeezing your arm so hard you felt it was going to break. "Let go of me!" you whine, and she throws you to the ground. You feel the blow on your spine. " I-I don't want to hurt him" you were getting up from the ground, but the woman pushes you down again. You decide to do nothing, she was three times your size, it was an unfair fight. "Leave him alone." You stayed silent, watching the woman walk away from you and walk to her room.You weren't going to fight or lose your patience. You knew quaritch wasn't interested in zdog, so you weren't going to fight.
Your arm and back hurt so much, you just lay there on the floor. It was to be expected that someone had heard something, the scream that came out of your mouth when you fell to the ground was very loud. While you were trying to relieve your back pain. You hear a door open. You looked up to see who it was, you were begging for it not to be zdog. You were surprised when you saw Quaritch. He stood in the door frame looking at you. "What happened?" Quaritch moves a little closer to you, but still keeps his distance. " Nothing… I'm surprised at how many enemies I've gained, and all I've done is help" you complain, trying to stand up from the floor. Just before you get up, your lower back fails and you fall back to the ground.
"Hey… be careful" says Miles, reaching over to lift you by the arm, But just before he touched you, he saw the hand mark z-dog had left. "She… did she do this?" asks the man, bending a little to lift you up by your sides and standing you up straight. "Who else is going to do… I can't fight her" you say, avoiding his gaze. You knew he was upset with you, but you are surprised when he reaches over and strokes your cheek. "I'm going to talk to her…she shouldn't have done this," Quaritch says, taking your arm to check on the bruise. "Don't tell her anything…I don't want to have any more run-ins with her" you say as you follow Quaritch, he is helping you sit on one of the couches.
You were sitting next to him, letting him touch and caress your arm. "Are you still upset? Lyle said…" Quaritch interrupts you and reaches over to your arm and places a kiss on the wound. "Yes…I'm still upset, but…I care about you" Quaritch says, pulling you closer to his body. Making you lie on him. "Just promise me…you won't do anything crazy with us" Quaritch says, you look up. You pull out of his grip and sit up on your knees to take his face in your hands. "It's going to be okay… we're going to take care of you. I'm going to take care of you" you reach up to give him a kiss on the tip of his nose. Miles laughs and reaches over to steal a kiss on your lips. "You're easy to get along Colonel" you tease him. "Only because it's you" Quaritch grabs you around the waist, making you giggle a little as he settles you in his lap.
"So …. you're going to take care of me" you see how he's laughing, as he launches himself to kiss your neck. Moving down to your chest, while one of his hands is already working down your shirt. "Yes, I'm going to take care of you".
"Hey… let's go to my room shall we?" you give him another kiss on the lips, as you start to get up from his lap. You hear him moan a little, he was purring. "You purr?" you look at him surprised. You didn't know he could do that, you had heard from some people that they were able to do that, but you had never noticed it.
"Of course not" quaritch says nervously, as he breathes in some oxygen from his mask. Shit, you made him so nervous. "Yesssss you were purring…my cute giant kitty" you speak hugging his waist, your face reaching just above his pelvis. "Careful precious…you're too close" Miles laughs, moving his hips forward. You lift up his shirt and give him a kiss right on his lower abdomen, making the man purr again.
You laugh a little, as you walk away, taking his hand to head to your room. This was already becoming routine for you. "This would be reconciliation sex?" asks Miles, stepping through the door frame. You just laugh and make him go all the way into your room, closing the door behind him.
Meanwhile, somewhere in the RDA facilities…
"Good evening general" says one of the employees of the research area. "Good evening" General Ardmore didn't usually ask for help in her plans, but this time it was necessary.
"May I know what you called me for, it's late" says the man. "I'm sorry…I know it's late. But I need your help" says the woman, settling down at her desk. "Do you know who Y/N is?" says the woman.
"Sure, she is the new member of the recoms squadron," says the man, already suspecting more or less what the general was going to ask him.
"Well, …. I need her to disappear or I need you to bring her back to earth. But I want her off the base" says the woman. She had a cold look on her face.
"General…that's impossible. The PPA is on top of us, they are not going to get their team out" the man speaks. In less than three weeks, the PPA was going to take over the GDR.
"I can't let the PPA come here and ruin everything," the woman says, raising her voice. "And what about Colonel Quaritch? He could help us," says the man trying to get out of the awkward situation.
"That man has lost his direction," says General Ardmore, as she takes a sip of her coffee.
The "I know I can change him" squad: @mechformers @cullenswife @littlethief78 @nieshiren @parasiiite @bxnnywriting @shelbythequeen @sassvy-blog-blog @shaylang21 @perfectgradient99 @jinx14 @elvyshiarieko @littlethingsinlife @ilovedoms @the-hufflebird-girl @ronia-entries @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @mechformers @perfectgradient99 @mad-simp420 @quaritchlvr @kittycow8875 @mjnij @ladylovegood-69 @dilfs-bitch @witchywannabe3263 @fanboyluvr @stickyfictioninwriting
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dirtytransmasc · 2 years
TW - implied suicide
I think I read too much Spider angst, cause my brain is thinking what if even with all "a son for a son" thing, shit still stays the same? Spider is still being neglected. Just this time he was burdened with the guilt of saving his biological father and having traumatic flashbacks of his time with RDA and that time when Neytiri's going feral (boy is a walking trauma collector or smtg, someone please give this boy a hug) and what if, no one notice how bad it has gone? Like, he's just so tired of everything and he want it all to be over with.
You know how a cat when it knows that it will dies, will hole up somewhere? Imagine Spider is like that and no one notice when he just disappears one day, thinking that hes doing normal Spider thing. Maybe someone decide to check up on him (Kiri? Lo'ak? Jake?) and find Spider in one of the hut, curled up on himself.
But its not when they call his name and Spider doesnt reply (i always think Spider a light sleeper), they knew that smth is wrong. So when they go to check up on the eerily still boy closely, Eywa knows the terror and grief and the loud wail when they realised that Spider is not breathing.
oh fucking ow, the cat part, I hate it cause it's true.
if spider was to ever give up, either deliberately ending his life or subsuming to old injuries and the elements around him (cause I could see him doing both tbh), he would go as far away as he could carry himself. he'd want to never be found, never be a burden; he'd just want peace.
but if he couldn't will himself to actually hide, he would find the most secluded empty hut he could, and even then, he'd tuck into a corner, and he would just give out. maybe he just takes his mask off, its only painful for a minute or two and then its over, he just has to be alone for 10 minutes tops, and then he'll be a bother to no one anymore, and he'll be free of his human body and heavy emotions.
the kids finding him though, that hurts with something vicous.
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joeyleesblog · 1 year
Post 1 | Post 2 | Post 3 | Post 5 | Post 6
"Spider calm down..."
Spider doesn't want to calm down. He is unable to remain calm when his daughter is in the hands of RDA bastards. He doesn't want to be calm, he wants to rescue his baby.
But he can't and it's driving him crazy.
"Calm down? Calm down?! How the hell am I supposed to keep calm when my daughter's been captured?!"
"Monkey boy" Kiri instinctively tries to comfort him, but this time it doesn't work, Spider feels as if his heart is going to burst from sheer agony and terror for his daughter's fate. He has been in RDA hands before, he knows very well what will happen to Polo and it makes him terrified, irrational.
He rejects the comfort of his soulmate.
"No Kiri!" he screams. "My daughter is in the hands of people who will not hesitate to torture a child for information! They will torture her before they kill her! Ah! Ah for Eywa! My daughter!"
They will kill her. Spider knows, he knows, they're going to interrogate her and Polo's just going to open his mouth to send him to hell. So they're going to fry your brain until they get some information, anything, not caring that they're killing a kid for it. Oh for Ewya.
No. Spider won't just let that happen. Never. He's going to save his girl, even if it kills him, even if he has to blow up every RDA base.
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You know what would be funny? While the RDA is obsessing over Pandora's resources and providing the rich assholes with ways to extend their wrinkled existence, the rest of humanity goes “Fuck this shit! Time to fix up our planet!” Like full on terraform Earth back to its former glory.
And so, while the RDA is spending billions to send ships to terrorizing the tall, blue people, the rest of the world is having its redemption arc up until like a year after the second movie, where they’re at the point where they can go “Yoooo, wtf is the RDA doing over there? Oh, they got bored with fucking us over so they moved to alien natives? Nah, send in the Balkan people (These mfs are built different I swear, they’ll just take a breath of pandoran air and go “Umm, spicy and refreshing”). They’re sent on their way (Let’s say they arrive in 1 year flat because screw physics, this is a joke post, mf are going 4 times ftl.), beat the ever living shit out of the Ahaa cartoon villains that are the RDA personnel and teach them some, you know, human decency, queue in the best apology video of all time, leave the blue people alone, boom mission accomplished. RDA gets sued to hell and back (You know, war crimes and all of that) and even more funding goes to fixing up Earth until its basically as we know it today.
Later down the line, the na’vi need help because of some disaster, humanity sends said help, some form of actual peace is formed, Spider becomes the ambassador of human/na’vi relationships (Guy had the glow up of the century, which tends to happen when you live in a time of peace again and people actually love and care for you “ahem, Spider Sully”) Human and Na’vi truly learn about each other (Ones aren’t uncivilized savages, but people with a unique cultures and deep history. Others aren’t advanced savages with boom sticks, but, you guessed it, people with a unique cultures and deep history.) and learn from each other.
And everyone lived happily ever after.
The end
(Very unrealistic, I know)  
Ugh, my dream. The terraforming Earth part, not the humans coming back. Because the whole movie is a colonization metaphor, I'm so tentative and iffy on the Na'vi needing or wanting any help or support from humanity.
But regardless, I am obsessed with the idea of humanity healing Earth. I know that we are cynical people and are always like "This is realistic, humans are selfish and would take advantage of Pandora as we did to Earth." And I totally get that, but I also love those humans are inherently good stories. I do think the majority of people care and have empathy about other people and their situations, and the majority of problems in the world are systematic and stem from ignorance. People are uneducated or are struggling with what they have to deal with on their own, and don't have the wherewithal to care about every single other thing that is such a gigantic systematic issue. I would love for people, for everyone, to just be like yeah this isn't okay anymore lets fix it. About anything and then everything. But I digress.
I love the idea of Spider Sully and Jake being a bridge between the Na'vi and humanity. I think Jake would have to be involved as well, because honestly Spider has never been to Earth and has never been with regular humans. My man knows no human culture or traditions, really. He's like, really Na'vi biased in that way, hilariously.
Spider: Na'vi culture is better and more important, obviously.
Someone: well, what is human culture.
Spider: clearly it's test tubes, guns, air lock doors, green paper, Jesus Christ, and also tank tops.
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naavispider · 2 years
Chapter 14 - If you playing me that mean my home aint home
The support on this fic has been so amazing I'm a puddle of gratitude 😭 I never, ever expected it to take off the way it has, and have really become attached to it.
There he lay, dead on the ground, eyes open and blood gently seeping from his chest.
"Get over here, now!" Quaritch called, anger like venom in his voice.
Spider couldn't breathe. He couldn't do anything, only stare. Quaritch was shouting furiously but Spider couldn't hear him. Next thing he knew, Quaritch was on him, pulling him away from the body towards the other recoms, where Mansk was lying on the ground, panting heavily to control the pain in his leg.
"No!" Spider shouted, pushing and pulling against Quaritch's grip. There was no way he was going anywhere with him. "Get off me!" he screamed, a sob finally breaking through his shock. "You killed him- You killed him-" he fought desperately to run from Quaritch's grip. He needed to be anywhere but here. Quaritch didn't say anything - he wasn't defending himself as he grabbed Spider's hands in one of his and roughly slapped on the red bindings again.
Spider sobbed in misery, falling to the floor - there was nothing else he could do.
The rest of the recoms were gathered over Mansk, anxiously assessing the situation and trying to help. Savine looked dead herself as she rummaged through the trauma kit, looking for something to stem the bleeding. Wainfleet was tying a tourniquet around Mansk's thigh, and Fike was injecting some kind of liquid into the skin around the wound. Quaritch left Spider on the ground and called into his communicator.
"Delta one, this is Romeo troop, over."
"Romeo troop, send your traffic," Spider heard in his earpiece.
"We require an immediate medical extraction. Mansk is down with a class 4 penetrative stab wound."
"What's your pos?"
"Sector 21, 51.5033° N, 0.1196° W."
"Stand by for extraction."
Quaritch moved over to Mansk and Spider panicked. Were they going back to base? No. He wouldn't.
He rose slowly, not caring about being seen, not caring if he'd get far. All he knew was that he couldn't stand another minute with the RDA. With Quaritch.
He bolted.
He had never ran so fast in his life. His breath burned as he flew through the forest, leaping over fallen logs, octoshrooms, boulders, roots and vines, pitcher plants; all of it a blur. He almost lost his balance with his hands tied but by some miracle managed to keep himself upright and travelling forwards at a pace he was sure he'd never reached before. It felt like his body was going too fast for his brain to keep up - surely he'd stumble soon? The recoms would catch up and he'd be shipped off back to the General and her death machine. It wasn't happening. Ignoring the raging stitch in his side he screamed as he pushed himself on.
He had no idea where he was going. He arrived suddenly at a creek which was too wide for him to jump, and too steep on the other side to scramble up. He veered right and started running parallel along its bank.
Terror tore at his insides as he heard shouting from behind him. His scream caught in his throat - it was Quaritch, in pursuit. How far behind him he was, Spider had no idea. His legs burned as he leapt over the forest debris; stones, rocks, spines and roots all abused his bare feet as he ducked under branches and vines, running through them without time to properly avoid them.
Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God. Quaritch must be 30 or 40 yards behind. Spider knew he would eventually out-run him. He was only human. Sheer panic drove him on. He looked around as he ran, eyes wild, desperately searching for somewhere to hide. He was too terrified to stop though. He couldn't bring himself to do it. Seconds later, the creek seemed to widen and the bank on the other side looked less steep - now was his chance. Jumping the 10 or so feet down into the stream without caring whether he hurt himself, he landed in the wet, immediately screwing his ankle.
He couldn't hear anyone calling him anymore - had Quaritch given up? As soon as he thought it, Spider knew that was crazy. Blinded by his terror, he dragged his body up the other side of the bank and all pain from his ankle radiated away with renewed adrenaline. He was still going. It was difficult with his hands tied but he managed to clear the bank and then he was up, only now he realised how painful his breathing was becoming, how his legs ached - they could barely support him anymore.
Spider thought of the Na'vi man's face just before he died - the resolute way he had understood and agreed to help him - and Spider cried out again as he pushed his screaming body on. Over a boulder, across a log, and then he didn't know what came first.
"You dumb kid," a voice terrifyingly close behind him shouted in his ear, a hand closed down on his shoulder, he tripped and fell under the pressure, and then Quaritch's other hand was on his arm, grabbing him, holding him down. He cried out as he fought to get up, crawling forward as if he still had a chance. He would die before he gave up. The weight bearing down became too much and Quaritch had him pinned down. Spider gasped for air, already oxygen deprived as tears fell freely inside his mask. He reached one arm forward, clawing at the soil, still trying to escape.
"It's over." Quaritch was panting heavily on top of him. He flipped Spider over and Spider struggled with all his might. He couldn't face this. He wouldn't.
"It's over Spider," Quaritch puffed.
"Get off me!" Spider screamed.
The recom didn't reply, just held Spider's hands down in one of his, while speaking into his communicator with the other.
"You killed him! You killed- He didn't do anything!" Spider shouted, hissing and resorting back to Na'vi when English failed him.
Quaritch was ignoring him however, instead talking over the communicator words that Spider was uninterested in listening to. After several minutes of this, Spider felt his energy fading. A sob escaped him again and he realised there was no way out of this. He'd been so close. Twice.
"Did you forget about the tracker?" Quaritch demanded, turning his attention back down to Spider. "What did you think was gonna happen exactly? You'd run off to your little forest friends and get them to sacrifice themselves in the vain hope of getting you back?"
Spider closed his eyes, trying to roll away from Quaritch.
Quaritch shook his head, appraising the boy. "You just ruined my day."
Spider tried again unsuccessfully to pull his hands free.
"Colonel this is Delta One, standing by for extraction," came a voice from the communicator.
"Stand by, we are ten minutes inbound."
No. No. "Please," Spider tried, as Quaritch roughly lifted him up and dragged him into standing.
"Walk." Quaritch commanded.
"Fuck you."
Quaritch growled. Spider stood defiant. He wasn't going anywhere willingly. The recom pulled his AR around from its position slung across his back, and pointed it at Spider's leg.
The Colonel stared him down. "Let's try again, you walk your ass back to the clearing, or I'll put a hole through your leg. "
Spider stared. He looked from the rifle that was only inches away from his thigh, to Quaritch's face above, which was set completely in stone. Would you really do it? Spider didn't know. He had never seen Quaritch as pissed as he was now. He'd just killed a man. Quaritch's eyes were black, deep and filled with fury.
Spider jumped as Quaritch fired a round of bullets at a spot only a foot away from Spider's leg.
"I ain't kidding, kid."
With no choice, Spider gasped as he turned around, trying to work out the direction back to the squad. Quaritch shoved his shoulder with the end of his gun.
"Move," he growled.
And so Spider did.
He walked in a dream-like haze back through the forest, having no idea which direction to take and relying only on Quaritch's shoves to guide him. The adrenaline had started to wear off now, and he started shivering from the thick layer of sweat that covered his body. He could put less and less weight on his ankle the longer they walked. His mask beeped, warning him that his oxygen was below 20%. Neither of them said anything.
What would happen now? Spider felt like he was walking towards his death. He had to accept whatever would come. Making peace with his fate was the only way he could get through this.
"Delta one, stand by, we are one minute to arrival," Quaritch spoke into the silence.
"Received, ready and waiting, over," came the response.
Spider closed his eyes as he stepped over an octoshroom, accepting this would probably mean the Death Machine again. He tried to calm his heartbeat, to savour every breath of filtered forest air before- well, before he might never see the daylight again. He focused on the feel of the forest floor under his feet, the soft moss, even the stones that caused so much pain under his already bloody feet were a welcome distraction from thinking about going back to the RDA as a prisoner.
Eventually, the sounds of the aircraft filtered through the canopy and they reached the area where two ropes were already dangling from high above. Spider looked up, unsure he could go through with it. One of the ropes had a harness attached.
"Put it on," Quaritch instructed, his rifle still trained on Spider. Spider unclipped the main buckle and fastened it back around his waist. He did the same for the straps around his thighs, and Quaritch clipped the harness he was already wearing on. Then they were away.
Spider gasped and clung to the rope that was lifting him up, higher and higher, away from the forest floor, until they were clear of the dense trees. The wind from the aircraft engines was deafening, and Spider's body convulsed with shivers he knew had nothing to do with the cold. Then they were inside the belly of the Dragon Gunship and doors slid closed beneath them. Humans in masks swarmed on top of Spider, grabbing his hands and unclipping him from the harness. They pulled him away in the direction of the left side airlock, and he could see on the right hand side of the hanger a large group of people - humans and Na'vi - huddled around what looked like the injured Mansk.
"Take him to a cell," Quaritch spat to the humans who were gripping Spider.
Spider caught Quaritch's eye as the recom watched them drag him away. Disgust was plastered over Quaritch's face, and his eyes betrayed... could it be disappointment?
Spider hissed at Quaritch as his final parting words, before summoning his last remaining strength to punch the nearest human in the face, managing to damage their mask and give them a bloody nose, as he was pulled through the airlock to await his uncertain fate.
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naavispider · 2 years
Chapter 28 - If you playing me that mean my home aint home
The flight took less than 5 minutes from the boat to the shore, and in that time Spider had taken 102 breaths and Quaritch had informed him of the key details of the upcoming raid. Spider appreciated at least having a rough idea of the plan this time. 
“If the Olo’eyktan refuses to talk, we threaten the Tsahik, just like last time. But if there’s someone younger, more vulnerable, expect them to get caught up in it as well,” Quaritch warned. 
“Kids?” Spider asked, the alarming thought crossing his mind suddenly.
“We’ll only threaten,” Quaritch answered. 
Spider shook his head in disbelief at the RDA’s cruelty. “Shit.”
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They landed on the beach just as they had that morning, only now the clouds were darkening overhead. It would be dusk soon. 
Spider leapt off without waiting for Quaritch, landing agilely in the sand and standing up to a sight of complete deja vu. 
They made their way forwards, right into the heart of the village it seemed. Soldiers had already been in and corralled most of the onlooking Ta’unui. They were being held back by a cordon of armed marines carrying raised rifles and flamethrowers. The humans were having to fire regular warning shots to keep the villagers at bay, and as Spider and the recoms passed them, a couple broke free from the line, about to attack, before being jabbed by the electric rods that Spider had first seen yesterday. When the Ta’unui man was struck by the baton his whole body convulsed and spasmed as he fell to the floor, screaming. 
Spider gasped, tears welling in his eyes. Fuck. 
The Olo’eyktan and Tsahik were waiting for them near one of the shelters that rested near a mangrove. They were bound and kneeling, just as the pair from the morning had been. 
“<Take them out!>” the Olo’eyktan was crying, and to Spider’s horror, he caught sight of what the man was referring to. 
Crying at the back of the shelter were two Ta’unui children, who couldn’t be older than four or five. To Spider, they looked like twins. Their faces were certainly an exact mirror of terror and fright when the recom squad walked in. Spider’s heart plunged to the floor. 
“Shut up!” a human with a stun gun yelled fiercely at the man in response. 
“ Mawey ,” Spider called over to the kids. His voice broke. “<Be still, everything will be alright.>” He tried to sound confident, but he thought it just came out desperate. 
All eyes turned to him as he addressed the children, and their small eyes peered up at him in fear and confusion when they realised this alien could talk to them. 
Catching on, their parents capitalised on this quickly.
“<Please! Please take the children out! Don’t hurt them, we’ll do anything you ask!>” The Tsahik addressed Spider directly, and he was so shocked to be spoken to as if he was the one in charge, that he momentarily forgot how to speak. 
“<It will be okay,>” Quaritch allowed Spider to continue. “<These people just want to ask you something,>” he glanced towards Quaritch, who seemed to take that as a cue to begin the interrogation. 
“Jake Sully. Toruk Makto. <Where is he?>” Quaritch started, as Wainfleet passed him the screen showing Jake’s face. 
The leaders’ eyes widened. “<We don’t know!>” the Tsahik replied. “<Please, you have wasted your time. We have never seen him before!>”
At Quaritch’s look, Spider translated. “They haven’t seen him. We’ve come to the wrong village.”
“Nope,” Quaritch replied confidently. “I think they just don’t understand.” The man crouched down, so he was at eye level with the kneeling Olo’eyktan. “Look,” he began again. His voice seeped with feigned sympathy. “<I don’t want to hurt you. We don’t want to hurt you. But. We need the information. When you tell us, we leave.>”
Ordinarily Spider would have been impressed with the level of Na’vi that Quaritch was able to use now, but his gaze was trained on the cowering children at the back. They were a boy and a girl, clinging to each other. Two humans stood over them, electric rods raised and ready to strike if they moved. 
“Tell him as soon as they tell us, we leave.”
Spider was brought back to the clan leaders’ attention as he closed his eyes to translate the words. 
“<We do not know!>” the Olo’eyktan repeated, as the woman beside him wept. 
Spider looked at Quaritch despairingly, pleading with his eyes for them to back off now. 
“Hmm.” Quaritch was quiet. He was considering something. 
The whole assembly held their breath. 
“Bring me one of the tykes,” he told one of the soldiers guarding the kids. 
“ Kehe! ” The parents wailed as the soldier standing nearest to them began to reach for the little girl. 
Lots of things happened at once. Mansk and Savine moved closer to hold the clan leaders down as they struggled to break free. Wainfleet and Fike quickly backed them up, ensuring the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik were firmly pressed against the floor. Spider lunged forward, pushing over the human who had grabbed the Na’vi girl. He hissed as he pushed the child behind him. The other human immediately moved to overpower Spider, brandishing the electric rod, sparks flying. The sound sent cackles through the air, and Spider’s eyes widened. That shit looked painful. 
“Shit!” he exclaimed, now finding himself in a stand-off between the human marines and the Na’vi children. He had no weapon, just his bare hands, which were held aloft in front of him against the soldiers. 
“Okay.” Quaritch held his hand out to calm the situation. “Let’s everybody just take it down a notch.”
“No one touches the kids,” Spider announced firmly, not taking his eyes off the soldiers in front of him. 
The rest of the recom team were too occupied keeping the Olo’eyktan and Tsahik on the floor. He had the upper hand. 
“<It will be okay,>” Spider whispered behind him. 
“Alright, I hear you Spider, okay?” Why did Quaritch sound preoccupied? Something was wrong. 
Spider had realised a second too late. Fike had left the team holding down the Tsahik, and was standing right behind the kids, out of Spider’s line of sight. The man lunged for the little girl, grabbing her in one fluid motion as Spider spun around. 
“No!” he cried, pouncing forwards to protect, but something struck him from behind. Something cold. He had no idea he had been stunned until he hit the ground. 
His whole body seized up, he couldn’t move - he couldn’t breathe. His muscles spasmed and cramped agonisingly for seconds that lasted years. “Ahh!” he screamed, as soon as his body relaxed, crawling away from the source of the attack. “Fuck!” 
“That’s enough!” Quaritch roared, grabbing hold of the marine who had shocked Spider, and picking him up in both hands, completely lifting him off the ground before slamming him down to the floor with as much force as his powerful arms were capable of. But Quaritch wasn’t done. The Colonel picked the soldier up again, and this time threw him completely clear of the shelter. The man crumpled to the ground ten feet away on the sand, unmoving. 
Spider could do nothing except try and force shuddering breaths in while his body recovered. 
“Please, not the kids…” he begged. 
Quaritch looked him over, and Spider did his utmost to sit up, still gasping slightly. He hated the way the man’s eyes were filled with concern - soft around the edges and open, searching for signs of injury. Hypocrite . 
Quaritch seemed to decide something after a moment, because he moved away, back to the little girl struggling against the marine. 
“<Hello,>” he bent down to get as close to her eye level as possible. She was clearly terrified. “<My name is Quaritch. Your mother and father have been very bad. This man - Jake Sully, Toruk Makto, Olo’eyktan of the Omatikaya. Where is he? He is in this village?>”
“<Get away from her!>” growled the Tsahik. The Olo’eyktan let out a string of curses and threats, some of which were unintelligible even to Spider. 
The girl’s eyes overflowed with tears as she shook her tiny head, braids swinging. 
“You got what you want!” Spider called. “Now let her go!” he scrambled over to the little boy, and surprisingly no one stopped him. He touched the boy’s arm, trying to comfort, not wanting to scare him further. “<It will be okay, it will be okay.>”
The boy whimpered before him. 
Quaritch growled. “Move out!” he roared, once again commanding the burning of the village. 
Spider saw the little boy and girl returned to their parents once the recoms backed off, but had to turn his back as the sobs of the reunited family triggered something deep down in his bones. 
The squad moved out, only the one other human stopping to check on his fallen comrade. Spider didn’t hang back. 
As he followed Quaritch along the beach, he did his best to just not think about it. If he ignored the last half an hour, pretended it never happened, it couldn’t affect him, right?
So Spider cleared his mind and focused instead on putting one foot after the other. The sand was soft and more difficult of a texture to walk on. It didn’t help that his calves already felt like they were on fire, and his thighs burned with the effort to keep up. 
As they returned to the ikran, the smell of burning filled Spider’s mask like a poison from the flaming village, which was illuminating the now dark sky. He coughed, trying to clear the mask of it, but it was useless. 
Hopelessness bubbled up his throat, threatening to overcome him. But Spider was strong; he pushed it down forcefully. He would not break again. 
He reached Cupcake before he realised, stopping short. Quaritch came up behind and before he could react, had lifted him up with both hands onto the animal. 
“You alright kid? You hurt?” Quaritch asked once he was also mounted. 
Spider shook his head in response. 
What a lie.
Sadly for Spider, Quaritch attempted conversation as they flew back to the waiting ship. “You know, I never wanted you to get hurt.”
Spider ignored him. He couldn’t be bothered to entertain this. He’d been pushed, grabbed, drugged and shocked, all with only a couple of hours sleep the night before. It felt like years ago that he had asked Quaritch to stay in his room with him while he struggled to recover from that nightmare. Night terror , Quaritch had called it. Spider laughed a short, sarcastic laugh. Add that to the day ones. 
Quaritch misinterpreted this. “You do know that, don’t you kid?”
Spider groaned. “Enough!” he said. “I don’t care! I don’t give a shit what you believe, if you were any type of father you’d listen when I told you I would always hate you.”
Now it was Quaritch’s turn to fall quiet. Thank Eywa. 
Night had fallen in earnest by the time they landed. Artificial lights illuminated parts of the deck, but the lack of any plant life to bioluminesce made the place feel creepy and dead.
Spider thought he had never been in a place so dark before, stranded out at sea. 
He climbed off the ikran as the rest of the squad swooped down. 
“We camp out on deck tonight boys,” Quaritch stated. The squad went off to retrieve their packs from wherever they’d stored them while the ikran screeched goodbye by flying off into the night.
Where did that leave Spider?
Quaritched seemed to have the same thought. He turned the boy. “It’s 18:34, you stick with us until later. Then you can sleep inside the ship if I think you’ll be cool.”
Spider let out a disbelieving laugh as he shook his head in annoyance. He needed to be babysat, even on a boat in the middle of the ocean. Of course.
They moved towards the starboard side of the deck, which was a large, clear area. Slumping down to sit at the railings, he swung his legs over the edge and watched the water. The ship was travelling further out to sea, but the wind wasn’t strong. The water glowed where the edge of the ship cut through the waves, but other than this and a flood light on deck, it was completely dark. Despite his repressed terror at being alone on the vast ocean, he dangled his legs down and began to look for creatures in the waves. 
He had expected to see animals resembling dolphins or whales, perhaps leaping out of the water like he’d seen in old Earth TV shows, but there was nothing.
The sea was empty and black. Spider shivered. He wondered if this was normal, or whether the sea creatures just knew to stay away from the alien ship.
The noise of chatter and laughter brought his attention back on board. He turned around to see the recoms lighting a fire in some sort of container, and setting their packs around it for the night. 
“Hey kid,” Savine called over. “You wanna try the game again?”
Spider turned and shook his head. He was so tired. 
Another wave of pent up emotion coursed through his insides, but Spider had become skilled at pushing these away. Like earlier, he pressed it down, focusing on the here and now. He realised his head was starting to get dizzy from tiredness. He couldn’t stay where he was in case he drifted off and fell overboard, so he picked himself up and moved to slump against a wall near the warmth of the fire. He just wanted to close his eyes. He knew sleep was coming, fast. He was almost embarrassed about it. 
He lay his head against the hard wall, and brought his knees up to his chest. He closed his eyes, so ready to escape this reality. 
“Nah-ah, you’re not falling asleep like that.” Quaritch had spotted him. Spider opened his eyes to see the man rummaging in his pack for his jacket, from which he also pulled out Spider’s own spare clothing and a nutrient bar. “Eat this first,” Quaritch ordered. 
“I’m not hungry,” Spider said without any emotion, but he was betrayed by the rumbling of his stomach. 
He sighed, irritated as Quaritch smirked at him. He grabbed the bar and managed to eat it by only taking his mask off twice. It was such an annoyance. 
“You happy now?” Spider growled harshly. He did nothing to soften the hatred in his voice. 
Quaritch handed him the clothes as a pillow and threw the jacket over Spider’s abused body. 
As soon as Quaritch’s back was turned, Spider’s eyes closed. He didn’t even think to check his oxygen before he passed out completely. 
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