#Squirrel sib
theredhoodedcryptid · 1 month
There’s a red squirrel that frequents our house and my sibs have let me name it, therefore I of course named them Jason (after my beloved Jason Todd), but also cause ya know. Red Hood. Red Squirrel.
I fear the day Jaybird doesn’t come.
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Anon, I have a list with most (?) of the recent AUs so I hope this helps :D
Unnamed: team seven has their own genin teams
- Okay but if team seven eventually had genin teams of their own?
- And imagine Sasuke having his various outfit choices criticized by three teenaged girls everyday for the rest of his life.
- the day they all come to training in orange
- naruto is awful at shogi
Unnamed: hokage naruto and sasuke take chunin exam and adopt a bunch of kids
- A record number of genin are promoted and every single one of them are hanging off the literal Hokage
- Naruto just “I am your father now” to everyone he sees.
- The world needs more good dad naruto :D
- Their third is a naruto clone transformed into a fox and controlled by Kurama
My Brothers Keeper Au: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/my%20brother%E2%80%99s%20keeper%20au/chrono
- Ride or die sasuke
- sasuke slashes his kunai
Pakkun Sensei: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/pakkun%20sensei/chrono
Little Trickster AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/little%20trickster%20au/chrono
Bodyguard AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/bodyguard%20au/chrono
Alpha Shika: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/alpha%20shika/chrono
Buff Tenten: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/buff%20tenten/chrono
Green Pens and Vigilante Justice: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/green%20pens%20and%20vigilante%20justice/chrono
Bard Zuku: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/bard%20zuku/chrono
- They would take one look at this feral child that fights with their words and just yoink Izuku so fast.
- Don’t know if I want it to be Izuku or an OC but mha character whose quirk is basically vicious mockery/other bard spells.
- The embodiment of that one Stiles quote. They are a hundred pounds soaking wet and like 5’5” sarcasm is their only defense.
Cataclysm AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/cataclysm%20au/chrono
- there was a tornado. That was on fire. With water whips attached.
- Naruto has a wind affinity and a proclivity for being yeeted
- Flying squirrel Naruto is killing me like this man makes the first version of a wind suit so he can go farther.
- Just Kakashi’s little cataclysms
Ghosts and Greenery: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged ghosts%20and%20greenery/chrono
Omega Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/omega%20naruto/chrono
- Aged up Kakanaru could be fun
- If sasuke tried to leave the village and omega naruto was there
Omega Izuku: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/omega%20izuku/chrono
- But with shindeku everyone would assume
BirdZuku AU:
- molting would suck in the dorms
- Izuku with fragile little bird bones
- Concept: Tokoyami doing the toothless
- I’m imaging a very much Bird Crush
Fox in Wolf’s Clothing AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/fox%20in%20wolf%E2%80%99s%20clothing%20au/chrono
Idol AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/idol%20au/chrono
- First post: Gaara is known for a more Rock
Cowboy Sand Sibs: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/cowboy%20sand%20sibs/chrono
How to Woo an Uchiha: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/how%20to%20woo%20an%20uchiha/chrono
- AU with no Uchiha Massacre where Naruto is Sasuke’s
- My mother says I have Uzu eyes
Red Lights and Fox Fire Au: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/red%20lights%20and%20fox%20fire%20au/chrono
Unnamed: kitsune naruto
- Naruto curses himself for not learning more
- Naruto would be so precious with fox summons
Hot For Teacher AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hot%20for%20teacher%20au/chrono
Song of the Sea AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/song%20of%20the%20sea%20au/chrono
Timeloop AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/timeloop%20au/chrono
Symbol of Safety AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/symbol%20of%20safety%20au/chrono
Hatake Clan AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hatake%20clan%20au/chrono
- Note: Some Hatake Clan lore is untagged and can be found separately by searching…
- “I wanted to share this Kakashi AU in fic format”
- “The image of the Hatake’s walking through a field”.
- “I decided to rewrite and expand on some things :))”
- “The Hatake were not always as they are”.
- “Kakashi is so goddamn stressed out he turns his ancestors hair gray”
- Idk if these were meant to be untagged but I included it anyway:
- “The rest of the pack just watching/scoring”
- “They meet up with Guy all the time to swap the stories”
- “Pakkun is a crotchety old man trapped in the body of a pug”
- “Tsume: They really need to do something”
- I hear what you’re saying but what it sounds like is Kakashi basically Jack O posing to box with a fucking pug
- Pakkun would find it more insulting if he didn’t look so hilarious doing it
- minato watching nearby
- kakashi would never shut up about it either.
Venomous Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/venomous%20naruto/chrono
Venomous Naruto: The Breaking of Team Seven: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/venomous%20naruto:%20the%20breaking%20of%20team%20seven/chrono
Naruto Uzumaki Protection Squad: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/naruto%20uzumaki%20protection%20squad/chrono
- Note: first 2 post are not tagged; can both be found by searching “slacker squad”.
- Additional note: second post is tagged #Naruto protection squad instead of #Naruto Uzumaki protection squad
Shinobi Babysitter’s Club AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/Shinobi%20babysitter%E2%80%99s%20club%20au/chrono
- Note: The first post was a kakashi simp/appreciation ask from me but it could be added to the tag for full coverage since it sets the scene of the au. Can be found by searching “Aizawa energy”
Kakashi’s Mom: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/Kakashi%E2%80%99s%20mom%20au/chrono
Unnamed: there’s this kinda au you made with Naruto thinking the fourth hokage is boring and preferring Hashi or Tobi but it doesn’t have a tag. Screen shots included in next ask so u can just tag that
Unnamed: Shikamaru finds out naruto is the son of the fourth hokage.
- Note: Second post can be found by searching “my tumblr keeps crashing” and the first by searching #brilliance.
- There is also 2 other people find out posts that can be found by searching “it happens in the middle of class” and “Are there just no pictures of the Fourth Hokage other than the whole mountain thing”
Unnamed: another orochimaru time travel. Less of an au and more of a prompt. Post can be found under #Oro-Sasuke is redefining emotionally repressed
Tree of Youth: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/tree%20of%20youth%20au/chrono
Color Blind Naruto: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/color%20blind%20naruto/chrono
Ohana AU: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/ohana%20au/chrono
- Some posts are untagged so you can find them by searching:
- “Both are amazing. I could see them doing both tbh”
- “I mean Naruto is definitely his own level of Too Much”
Foxy Naru: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/foxy%20naru/chrono
- Unincluded post can be found by searching:
- “Give me night shine and predator instincts”
- “The fist time Shikaku woke up his son and got growled at”
Vigilante Deku: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/vigilante%20deku/chrono
- Note: I included post can be found by searching “They’re honestly thankful for their mask so he can’t see how flustered they are”
Hunter Au: https://dark-elf-writes.tumblr.com/tagged/hunter%20au/chrono
Ya boy ye ally needs to go through and start naming things and organizing tags. Big rip
Also bless you I adore you
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Sleepless, Stormy Bracelets
Synopsis: you decide to go bother the boys, finding them very sleepy, hyper, and fixated on bracelet making.
Warnings: cuss words, mention of a b!ohazard symbol
Word count: 1,018
HI BEANS!! This is a short little fic-let I came up with about four goofy little vampire boys who definitely still reside in the Cave in Santa Carla :3
I had so much fun writing this, and it made me even happier knowing that I was writing for a new friend (@checkitoutmikey , here u go!)! Also, big shout-out to @fandoms-are-my-friends-1321 for proof reading and to my sib for hyping up my random bits of dialogue I am absolutely head over heels for.
Please bear with me, formatting wise. I have never done this before and I am.. very sleepy. Also, please give credit where credit is due!🥲
Dreary. Gloomy. Overcast. Drizzly. Any word along this vein would work, but it was not yet storming.
The day had crawled by. By 7 p.m., you couldn't stand it any longer, taking your bike out to the Cave to bother your boys a bit earlier than usual. It was still drizzling. The water on your face was a welcome change to the sweltering sun that usually enveloped Santa Carla. Dodging squirrels and asshole drivers, you made it to the cave, parking and ducking inside.
"Peaches!" Paul tackle-hugged you the minute your feet hit the floor.
"Hi, Pauly." You laughed. "Couldn't sleep?" He shook his head, still squishing the daylights out of you.
"I can never sleep when it's stormin'," he planted a giant kiss on your temple before wandering off to do who knows what.
"Hey, sweetheart." Marko called from his cozy position on the couch. It was easy to see that he was still very tired. You plopped down next to his legs, jostling the smaller vampire.
"Still sleepy?" You cocked your head. He nodded.
"Paul wakes us all up when he's hyper as shit—which just so happened to be at 3 in the afternoon." Marko yawned. "Just another hour would be fantastic."
"I'll see what I can do." You tossed a blanket over the dozing boy, finding Paul looking through an assortment of beads he very clearly pilfered.
"Check it out!" He beamed. "There's a bunch of really sick charms, too!" You looked at the amalgamation of plastic charms; dinosaurs, fruits, hearts, cards, numbers, and more.
"Have you made bracelets before?" You asked. The blond looked offended.
"Duh!" He rolled his eyes before adding sheepishly, "It's just been a while."
"Let's go set up in my corner. We'll make everyone a bracelet." Slight relief washed over you as he took the bait. Did he know you were trying to keep him semi-quiet so the others could sleep? Yes. Yes, he did. Did he care? Not a bit—not as long as he was with you.
It was 9:30 by the time the others 'rolled out of bed.' Yawning and rubbing the sleep from their eyes, the three made their way over to where you and Paul sat surrounded by an arsenal of multi-colored beads and string.
"Thanks for letting us sleep, darling." David pressed a kiss to the top of your head in greeting. You smiled.
"Not a problem." You grabbed your finished gifts. "Lookit—Paul and I made bracelets."
"We can see that." Marko grinned, still waking up. You smacked his arm, laughing.
"What do they look like?" Dwayne asked. You gave them all their respective bracelets, heart warming as their faces lit up.
"Sick! Thanks!" Marko immediately slid his on. The multi-colored beads matched his jacket, no rhyme or reason to the colors—simply put, it looked cool.
"We did all black for you, David. The charm was a last minute decision." Paul said. David smirked at the black and white biohazard symbol, chuckling. The sound sent a small chill up your spine.
"Is this glitter?" He finally asked.
"Shit, I tried not to grab ones with-"
"It's fine." David slid it on, just above his other bracelets, a silent thanks. You shared a look with Paul, both stoked that the hard-headed ring leader liked it.
"Paul, what's this little guy?" Dwayne singled out a bead.
"A rabbit. We couldn't find any jaguars. We chose the blue because it was the closest to gray."
"Then we did the greenish beads to look like grass." You added. Dwayne smiled, sliding it on and adjusting the rabbit to sit on top of his wrist.
"I dig it. Thank you," he said. Paul looked elated, having been very worried about the selection of beads for his brother.
"Paul, do you have one?" Paul showed Marko the bracelet you had made; red and light brown with a guitar charm. Marko grinned.
"What about you?" Dwayne pressed lightly. You stopped. It hadn't occurred to you to make one for yourself.
"I didn't make one." You shrugged. The four stared at you for a moment. You busied yourself with the beads, feeling like they were about to start singing 'Happy Birthday' or something.
Talk about awkward.
"It's alright, really." You insisted, standing. Paul and Marko stood with you, David helping you pick your way around all the beads.
"Why don't you go pick something to listen to?" David's syrupy voice was slick to the touch. You smiled, going off in search of Paul's rock-box and the impressive hoard of cassettes the boys had amassed.
It took 20 minutes to find the damn rock-box, and another 10 to find the box of cassettes. Why the four couldn't keep them both in roughly the same spot was beyond you, but you didn't comment, instead shuffling through the rows and rows of music.
"Hey, what'dyou think? Billy Idol or Metallica?" You called to the strangely silent group. They were still huddled in the corner, voices hushed and giggles arising from Paul and Marko. You rolled your eyes. They think they're slick, you thought, popping in Metallica and reading the inner pamphlet. The guitar scratched just the right spot in the back of your head, making you smile.
"Metallica. Good choice." Marko dropped onto the couch next to you. The other three perched in their varying spots around you, grins on their faces.
"What chaos did you commit now?" You raised a knowing eyebrow. Paul stuck his tongue out at you as David lightly grabbed your wrist, flipping your palm up and setting the bracelet in your hand.
"Your favorite colors," Dwayne smiled at the awe on your face.
"Boys, it's beautiful." You beamed. "'L B?'" David chuckled weakly.
"It's us. Our… moniker, if you will." He explained. It clicked.
"Lost Boys." The word was a breath.
"We have a piece of you to take with us everywhere," Paul showcased his bracelet for effect. "And now you have a piece of us." Tears welled up behind your eyes as you realized just how much thought went into making the bracelet.
"I'll never take it off."
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magpiesky · 8 months
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Sorreltail!! Finally putting all three sibs together
HC and alt version below
Pulling from the Bones idea that there was lingering effects of her poisoning by Darkstripe, but instead I think she's very prone to illness. She was in the Med Den often as a young warrior, which is how she got close with Leafpaw/pool in the first place.
While I think her dying in the Great Battle is fair, I think it's an infection and her susceptibility to illness that gets her. Still tragic as she passes after the battle has ended, but none of the "hiding injuries from her kits" thing.
Sorrel has always struck me as bi, however she was unaware of Leafpool's crush on her for the longest time.
It caused Leaf to start distancing herself around the time crow came around but they get close again after Leaf returns and the kits are born.
Sorrel actually had a hard time settling into the nursery, and Leaf would often help watch the kits. It was not unusual when Leaf did the same for Squirrel.
Sorrel is the jock of her litter, and takes the most after Whitestorm. She similarly could have been a great deputy had timing lined up, and Sorrel actually given an apprentice.
I really liked having her be full tabby tortie, but also wanted the design to be close to the James Barry version.
Here's the OG design tho
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year
sunstrike x applefur (oots) hypokits please! mayb with a 'sunstrike as the windclan leader' au? (you dont have to add the au if you dont want to)
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And we return to my Roots!
In the first AU, Harespring and Sunstrike swap - Hare is killed in the Great Battle, and Sun becomes deputy. She confesses the reason for joining the DF was because she couldn’t be with her Shadowclan Bae otherwise, and Onestar, doing a solid for the first time in a long time, figures out a way to get Applefur into Windclan. Canon progresses, and Sunstar and Applefur’s twins help keep Bristlefrost from being Evicted From Reality.
In the second AU, Featherkit and Stormkit stay in Thunderclan, with frequent visits to/by Crookedstar. Leafkit and Squirrelkit are born much sooner - within a month of the Bloodclan Battle - and Leafpool is named for her calm nature as a warrior, instead of finding the Moonpool as a Medicine Cat. Leaf goes on the quest with The Squad instead of Squirrel (which saves Shrewpaw), and Brambleclaw perishes taking down Sharptooth. The pair bond with Crowclaw, because No Apprentices On The Quest, and they maintain a close relationship after. Nightcloud gets a hot loner BF as a treat.
In the next AU, Longtail the loyal warrior yeets Tigerclaw and Darkstripe both from Bluestar’s den, and medicine cat Fireleaf is incredibly flustered. They have a one night stand, but don’t stay long-term mates - Smoke joins up and Longstar is dazzled by her killing swipe - however Bugkit never doubts her parents love her. Having a loving stepmom, stepsibs, half-sibs, and cool mentor Swiftspirit also keep her grounded.
In the Last AU, instead of going to the Barn, Ravenpaw is dropped off at Smudge’s house. This goes very well for Raven - the twoleg name is odd, but hey, free datefriend and medical care! When old Graystripe finds Warriorclan, he’s enthusiastically greeted by an old friend he never expected to see again.
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transingthoseformers · 11 months
Good ol' Devil Fruits. Aka cursed fruits that give eaters superpowers in exchange for never being able to swim again. Guaranteed to drive a logic based bot crazy.
Paramecia which ranges from a rubber body like the Gum Gum Fruit to turning others into toys by touch like the Hobby Hobby Fruit. I don't think Megatron wants to be turned into a monkey plush because he try to grab a human.
Logia which turns the person's entire body into a living element. The Smoke Smoke Fruit turning a person to living haze or the Flame Flame Fruit into a walking inferno. Rodimus Prime doing a double take as he watches someone become literal smoke and slip inside an air vent of the Lost Light.
Zoan being shapeshifters that can shift between hybrid and beasts. Forms which range from animals such as anaconda with the Snake Snake Fruit Model Anaconda to even gods such as the the Human Human Fruit Model Buddha. Also the type of fruit which can bring sentience to inanimate objects with a technique that allows it to 'eat'.
The absolute chaos if the Allspark ate a squirrel based Zoan Devil Fruit or the Matrix of Leadership eats a reindeer based one. Autobots and Decepticons fumbling to catch a sacred object that became a small rodent. Or Orion Pax staring at a Matrix of Leadership Reindeer.
Just complete and utter madness Devil Fruits would cause. Especially if a Sparkling ate one. Now I want to write Orion eating one as a bitty bot and being an utter hellion to raise.
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Dear fuck yes, Shockwave would simultaneously hate them but be infinitely fascinated by them and very much want to experiment with them. G1 Prowl, or at least what I've seen of his fanon personality, would hate them way a lot because that unpredictability of devil fruit users is dangerous.
Now I know... A little bit about them. Not much, mind you, but some things. Sure, my sib hasn't been in the One Piece phase since 4-5 years ago, but I remember some stuff.
That would exactly certainly be incentive for mecha to get a whole lot less grabby when it comes to humans. After all, many of them are less fortunate in how they weren't around to learn after that particular lesson :)
Roddie would be so confused and rumors about a human ghost/spirit on the Lost Light would run wild (which I mean is the kind of thing that would happen on the exactly cursed quantum anomoly love boat.)
Ohhhoh the chaos of the Matrix becoming an animal
Also a sparkling + devil fruit combo would be. So fucked up. It's like an outlier, almost, but you can become one rather than be born one...
... wait.
What if an outlier sparkling ate one and became like. Outlier²?
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midnightcreator12 · 1 year
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Slowly building a Star Wars AU for the turtle teens. The basic story is outlined more OVER ON THIS POST (gave them the green back, its iconic, they look weird without it) 
It’s still VERY WIP but have some random turtle stuff.
Mikey is Force sensitive due to being Mutated from Splinters DNA. He’s also the most in tune with it out of all of them. As such, combat tends to be tricky when they fight living people because he can feel when they die. He says it feels like the air is crying if he’s to close to someone dying. 
He doesn’t have a lightsaber. His weapon is a set of nunchucks with very long chains hidden in the handles. If needed, he will fully extend the chain and use the Force to control them and smack enemies. (think Mikey’s mystic chains from Rise but it’s actually chains) And part of the reason he doesn’t use the saber is because he doesn’t want to like like a Jedi. The idea of not being able to love his family with everything he has is very scary to him.
Leo is also Force sensitive from being mutated with Splinters DNA. He is much more invested in the tenants of the Jedi Order than his brothers, partly out of genuine interest and partly because he wants Splinter to be proud of him. He’s not a naturally connect to the Force as Mikey, but his dedication to training means he has a great deal of skill in using it.
While he does take the Jedi way of life much more to heart, the attachment rule also gives him hang ups. He loves his family, and he fears that he may have to choose between them and the Jedi Way. He also fears the day Splinter may make that choice and wonders if their father will choose them if put under pressure.
Donnie was mutated with Zabrak DNA and is not Force sensitive. All four boys have a higher than average medicolorian count but Donnie’s is just a smidge above the average. He’s the most diplomatic out of his siblings, prefuring to use plans that don’t involve direct conflict if he can help it. This does not mean he cannot fight, and the speed and strength boost from his Zabrak heritage gives him a pretty good edge in fights.
He’s, of course, the team tech guy. He has the most clothing so he has plenty of pockets to squirrel away any spare gears, chips and wire he finds. He also enjoys hacking Empire systems to pull ‘banned information’. He’s amassed quite a collection on many cultures and races in addition to the latest Tie fighter blueprints and Imperial attack plans.
Raph was also mutated with Zabrak DNA and is not Force sensitive. He’s also not really an angry guy, he just comes off like that. His mutation supercharged most of his senses so he’s kinda in a constant state of borderline overstimulation. He and his family have done things to help but they’re kinda fugitives so he’s learned to deal with it.
He’s the most independent of them all, out of a self imposed thought that he has to be. He was the first one who got mutated so, technically, he’s the oldest. He also remembers the most of the Krang lab they were made in, remembers the experiments done there and how bad things could get. So he’s overprotective of his sibs with everyone, including Splinter for the first few years of him adopting the turtles.
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vanessagable · 1 year
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Full name: Vanessa Renee Gable
Nicknames: Van, Ness, Nessa
Age: 31
Star sign: Aquarius (January 29th)
Hometown: Ocean Springs, Mississippi
Occupation: Bass guitarist for Submergence
Pronouns/Gender: She/her, cis female
Time in town: 11 yearsish, with some gaps in LA mixed in
bio contains mentions of divorce and cheating, please proceed with caution if topics are triggering
vanessa was raised by her single mother in a small beach-side cabin on the coast of the gulf of mexico. van never knew who her father was and honestly didn't care much or ever have any real questions about it. she was always realistic about it and didn't ever have any grand delusions about finding her father or thinking he'd come back to connect to her. (if he wanted to he would, he didn't)
her mother was an eccentric of sorts and always treated van as more of a best friend or tiny roommate than daughter. for better or worse, van grew up with a lot of freedom and was hell on wheels in her youth. eventually she ended up being homeschooled by her mother (which allowed her a lot of time to explore artistic expression) for most of her grade school years and attended the public high school when the time came.
while she received above average grades and a diploma, van skipped her high school graduation as she had already taken off out of town with her boyfriend (puppy love and first one ever). the two took his beat up car and made their way east, getting married in vegas on their way.
her husband was an aspiring actor and van helped as best she could for him to achieve that dream. while he went out on auditions she picked up odd jobs to try to cover rent. (jobs included: nanny, singing telegram, go-go dancer, award season seat-filler, wedding singer and bartender) eventually (after several failed pilot seasons and sparse commercial work) he got a role on a soap opera and became a fan favorite.
helped co-found the band 'submergence' with some friends during a pilot season in LA. after doing so much side hustle van wanted something that could just be fun and creative and hers and thats what the band was.
the band starting gaining traction at the same time as her husbands career. as the band was starting to gain momentum, he left soap acting and landed a popular netflix show. the same week the band got signed to a label her husband announced that he was leaving her for his co-star. since there was no prenup and he could afford better lawyers he essentially got everything and van landed on her ass
that was roughly two years ago. she spends most of her time on her music now and collecting various hobbies -- such as constantly redectorating her studio apartment
fun facts.
collects vinyl records. while most people would assume it to be vintage rock, it's actually mostly old broadway musical soundtracks.
actual fiend for donuts. always buys two -- one for now, and one to keep in her bag for later in case she starts feeling kinda bummed.
expert cocktail mixologist. her favorite is a pink squirrel. enjoys ordering it in bars purely for the look on people's faces. (also queen of tequlia shots)
once went viral on tiktok for the face she makes while playing bass solos. now it's just a thing and she does it every time because the crowd goes wild.
sunglasses indoors kinda gal just for the vibes really.
tries to convince everyone to cancel their netflix subscription.
fluent in french and italian.
current connections.
bandmate and girlfriend of @xaviermattthews
ex sister in law of @luckylewis @lemielewis @lorelailewis
half-sister of @ulyflynn, cousin of @jordanmitchell
friends with @bradley-banner, @kaylatullz, @ecchs
wanted connections.
always down for friends! she needs people to have deep convos with
someone she knows through eccentric hobbies. she picks up something new every other week.
could possibly explore the potential for half-sibs down the line!
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troutfur · 1 year
Trout, Trout everyone is literally forgetting the best part of the brotherhood relationship whatever the hell Ashfur/Hawkfrost have going on that has Hawk leave Tigerstar and de-escalate. IT'LL make Squirrel and Leaf Wrong, and Bramble jealous that yet another sibling picked someone/something else over him. Twany picked Shadowclan, Mothwing picked Medicine and Leaf, and now Hawk picked Ash and Riverclan over him and Tigerstar. Can you imagine what's going on in Squirrel's, Leaf's, and Bramble's heads in Thunder? Honestly Cloud and Fern are probably the only sibs taking it well, lol.
TRUE, that's such a power move on their end! I can see Bramble going off the deep end here all the while Ashfur and Hawkfrost are just vibing. Bet Hawkfrost's dream voicemail is getting clogged by Tigerstar yelling at him though.
I can see Leaf and Squirrel moving on because like at least he got... if not better at least he's not causing them problems directly, but they probably wish they hadn't been left with Bramble in the aftermath.
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bookishjules · 1 year
To answer your "how else do you say squirrel" is honestly like how it's spelt? Skwi-rul. Like squiggle but with rs instead of gs I guess? That's how we say it in England anyway
(the of thing I don't get either bc it's not even like Americans say it with a 'u' sound either. So Idk why they did that one)
i had to try and say "skwi-rul" aloud like 20 times before i could actually get all the sounds lol it kinda sounds like a fantasy creature, like something my sibs and i would have imagined up in our woods.
thank you for answering the question!! very fun. very interesting. we love english language discourse around here <3
(and thank you! okay i'm not going crazy then lol i couldn't figure out how someone would pronounce that like.. with the f sound, and not have it sound like "off")
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a-earthssprout · 2 years
🍂🥧 answered asks ! // children’s memes ( no longer accepting ! )
@spiinsparks​​ sent: “It really scares you, huh? Here, how about I do it first so you can see it’s not so bad.” (I've only followed ur blog for like a day and a half but i already love her, so have a hedgehog who's always lookin' out for lil' sibs)
FOR A LITTLE GIRL WHO SOUGHT OUT ADVENTURES in the strangest places, but who also bore the burden of an anxious heart, it was no surprise that she would become hesitant when DANGER lurked about; thus, climbing up the tall old oak and resting on one of its thick, strong branches was where bravery would both begin and end. 
The view was simply amazing; little Ari, who was often made to push through thick shrubbery, as it tended to envelop her body whole, was able to see above most fluffy heads of the forest. Birdsong was clearer; wildlife much nearer; and she was even able to solve many mysteries around the homes of her critter friends, such as the Mr. Squirrel, who lived comfortably in the hollow of this great old oak, and Ms. Birdie, who had a proper nest built at the end of this branch, which cradled her little ones that have yet to hatch. This was a moment of delight for Ari, and she absorbed every happy feeling that came from it, for orphans longed for happy feelings and tended to savor them for as long as they could. 
Unfortunately, there were benefits of the shade when one traveled on the ground, for very little sunlight was able to peek through the spaces of the forest canopies, and therefore Ari rarely ever realized when her adventures for the day were coming to an end—when the sun was tucked in for the night to make room for the moon, it was time to head home. But, up here, it was much more noticeable how quickly daylight faded—how the happiness she found up here must be abandoned for responsibility—and knew that she must promptly begin her journey back before there was no more light to help her find her way. 
In order to do that, however, she must descend, which was a task FAR more frightening than scaling up was; one could see what was above them—where to reach and future steps, both sure to keep her steady—but one could not easily see what was beneath them. Furthermore, little Ari severely lacked both the proper skill and coordination to complete such a task without a significantly increased risk of injury.  Though that fact is rather complex, somehow little Ari was aware of it, and it only fed the strength of her reluctance. 
This fright caused nature's little soul to scoot towards the thick trunk of the tree, pressing her body against it while her eyes were fixed on the ground—she tried and tried to muster it, but the courage never came; only more uncomfortable feelings and upsetting thoughts. What would happen now? Could she stay up in the tree for the night? Surely, if Mr. Squirrel and Ms. Birdie could do so safely, then Ari could as well … oh, but what kind of trouble would she find herself in on the next day? 
Staying up was not an option and climbing down was still too frightening of one to consider—but before little Ari could be convinced that the situation was utterly hopeless, an unfamiliar, though kind, voice—as clear and as sweet as the birdsong—reached Ari's ears. The sudden noise was startling enough, causing Ari to jump, but the sight of the source brought the most surprise. When Ari turned her head, her eyes met with a creature; he wore a strange blue color on both fur and quills, shoes so large and red that they were almost comical, but he was not without the sweetest smile and gentlest set of eyes that little Ari had ever seen.
Even when one is so terribly panicked ( for more reasons than just one ) eyes would always naturally attempt to make out what one was seeing to help settle the mind. So little Ari took note of all of the creature's remarkable things, and—with a heart soft for nature and a mind full of knowledge about it—was able to make sense of what he might be. Quills … an upturned nose … why, this kind creature was a HEDGEHOG! 
Now, there was nothing to explain why the hedgehog could talk, how he sat upright, why he was blue, and all the other mysteries about him—perhaps the magic of the forest was responsible for this extraordinary occurrence, and thankfully, children accepted magic far more quickly and comfortably than adults. After all, if it was not for the unfortunate circumstance, the Hedgehog would have experienced a child most delighted by his company, and his would have been filled with never – ending compliments and curiosities. So little Ari asked no questions about his eccentricities, for they worried her not, and believed all that she was seeing. She adjusted herself on the branch, and though the Hedgehog’s company caused a curious twinkle to appear in her large green eyes, the light could not return to them just yet—not when the situation remained just as dire as it was before.
“ ye … yes, please … ” Ari admitted softly. “ I … I’m scared to go down … vvv … very, very scared … ”
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“ I … I don’t knnn … know if I’m gonna fall … ”
Though confidence was audible in his tone and bravery just as clear in his eye, the caring part of Ari’s heart would not allow her to agree to such things—she could not let an animal endanger itself. She was supposed to PROTECT them! That was her job! The little girl panicked and rapidly shook her head, scooting closer to the Hedgehog so that her hand could easily take a desperate hold of his. 
“ nnn … no, thank you!” Ari cried. “ I … I don’t www … wa … wa— I don’t want mr. Hedgy - hog to fall, please! ”
Tears began to well in her eyes, and her whole body trembled. Oh, it was all so worrisome—all so overwhelming. 
“ wha … what if mr. Hedgy - hog gets hurt, please? ” She shook her head again, as if to rid the thought from her mind. “ nnn … no thank you, no thank you! ” 
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“ I … I’ll stay up here with mmm … mr. Hedgy - hog … I … I will! sss … so mr. Hedgy - hog won’t get hurt … ”
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owlf45 · 3 years
If your sibling has gone by the name of a fish, and now goes by a name with "cat" in it, does that mean they are a catfish? Are you, an owl, siblings with a catfish?
I’m also twins with a flying squirrel. The strangeness of my family shall never cease 
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trees-to-meet-you · 3 years
It just occurred to me that there are people who haven’t experienced the sheer joy of Phineas and Ferb songs and I don’t know what to do with that incredibly disheartening information
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undeaddeadgirl · 3 years
buckle up I’m going to be told about a plethora of CR lore, in the name of Sistership
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artnerd1123 · 5 years
My brain, flailing around at interests like an iPod on shuffle: there’s seratonin around here somewhere I swear—
Me, wanting to daydream consistently for more than 20 minutes: just pick one ple a s e
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lestatslestits · 2 years
Um you like Animaniacs.... What is/are some of your favorite moment(s)?
Oh boy! Great question. Potentially absurdly long answer.
As far as the Warners go, I LOVE when they get really good sibling interactions, and also basically any time they get to have nice or just really funny interactions with the humans in their lives.
This bit in “Hercules Unwound” when Dot is having an off day and Yakko offers to skip the cartoon because she’s not feeling it. They’ve already skipped a cartoon earlier in the episode as well. It’s cute to see Yakko and Wakko caring more about their sister than teaching a lesson to their “special friend.”
This very important sequence from Wakko’s Wish, AKA the cutest Yakko and Dot scene. Literally one of my favorite moments in anything ever. This movie is the thesis statement for like…..85% of angsty Yakko content, at least until the reboot.
Dot messing up her name in Cutie and the Beast, and Yakko and Wakko being little shits about it (bonus: Dot swearing like a sailor). It makes me laugh every time. Also hearing Yakko referred to as “Mr. United States Canada Mexico Panama” never gets old.
The “I’m Mad” theatrical short has it all. Peak Warner sib moments and the best Dad!Scratchansniff content. The Warners are from the late 20s/early 30s. They are OLDER than the Looney Tunes, if you look at their canonical creation dates. Seeing them getting to actually act like kids makes me feel emotions. Also Rob Paulsen is voicing HALF of the characters in this very chaotic song.
The entirety of Meatballs or Consequences, but especially this section. It’s so cute watching Yakko and Dot ask to stay with Wakko, and “are we dead, or is this Ohio” makes me laugh every time. And Jess Harnell is both Wakko and Death! I love hearing his different accents.
This scene from “Fear and Laughter in Burbank,” the OTHER angsty Yakko thesis statement. Do you wanna see an animated character have an on-screen panic attack and then almost have his soul eaten? This is the bit for you. I would LOVE to hear Rob Paulsen’s perspective of this moment, because it’s…a lot, given some of his real life circumstances at the time. Also here there be scary clowns, so if you don’t like clowns, skip this one.
“Yakko’s Big Idea” from the segment of the same name. I’m SO normal about this scene where Yakko is inventing the perfect world for him and his sibs to play in.
Drive Insane, especially the bit from around 0:30 to 1:15 seconds in this video. The Warners tormenting Scratchy by making people think he’s their dad is never NOT funny to me.
“It’s New Year’s Eve” from Hooray for North Hollywood Part 2. It’s so cute seeing them have a good time and be accepted by everyone, and it’s cute to see them celebrating Mr. Plotz. Just don’t think about how this fits into the last few episodes. Don’t. Look at Yakko giving Dot a lil kiss on the cheek instead.
Non Warner Segments:
Les Miseranimals is THE iconic Rita and Runt segment. It’s so good. This isn’t the whole thing, but I definitely recommend going and watching it all.
You could blindfold yourself and stick a pin in a list of Pinky and the Brain episodes and be almost guaranteed to get a great one, but Bubba Bo Bob Brain is one of the absolute best.
The first 30 seconds of this video includes probably my favorite Pinky and the Brain exchange of all time, from Wakko’s Wish
Honorable Mentions:
West Side Pigeons (Goodfeathers)
De-Zanitized (The Warners, and I’m only not including it because I could talk about it for about an hour)
Smitten With Kittens (Rita and Runt)
One Flew Over the Cuckoo Clock (Slappy Squirrel, and I’m not sure it’s one of my favorites so much as it makes me want to study Tom Ruegger like a bug because what the hell)
Literally every Chicken Boo segment, I’m not singling any of them out because every Chicken Boo segment is funny to me.
Lookit the Fuzzy Heads (The Warners and Buttons and Mindy, as well as a Tiny Toons Adventures crossover, shhhhh no one tell anyone that I enjoyed an Elmyra segment)
This is embarrassingly long, and I probably still forgot some. Everyone please watch this cartoon.
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