#Stan has this guy wrapped around his little finger
the-angry-pixie · 1 year
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the losers love each other moodboards (15/?) - Stenbrough 🧩
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ashxketchum · 7 months
Now it feels like we’re celebrating the 25th Anniversary 😍
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This new art for an upcoming collaboration with Karatez is just simply stunning. The theme is (very obviously) “idol” and I personally love the futuristic pop concept they’ve added to the outfits. Although exact date and merch details haven’t been shared yet, they shared a few layouts of the key art.
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The outfits are also great this time around because of their little references to the partner Digimon’s Perfect evolutions. Listing them down one by one as always.
Taichi: The blue markings on his jacket plus robotic arm markings on his right sleeve are a nice shoutout to MetalGreymon.
Yamato: We see WereGarurumon’s pattern on his jacket and a few belts wrapped around his hands that captures the punk-grunge vibe of WereGarurumon well. It may be Yamato’s affinity to music, but he looks extremely in his element in this art, it’s not often we see him so raring to go in official merch art (he’s more of a soft smiles guy usually).
Sora: Her gloves and the red bandana on her arm coupled with the feather in her hair are clear shoutouts to Garudamon. It’s kinda funny to me that being the girl who’s crest is a heart symbol, she’s making a victory sign while Mimi and Hikari are both making different types of finger hearts 😆
Koushiro: Honestly they were really subtle with the reference for him and even twitter couldn’t exactly answer my doubts so I’m gonna have to see Koushiro stans step up and answer whether the reference in his outfit limited to the markings on his jacket resembling AtlurKabuterimon’s chest?
Mimi: I think she’s the one with the most easy to catch references, her skirt resembles Lilymon’s and her hair tie looks like Lilymon’s flower canon. I love that she’s making the big finger heart because it’s just so very Mimi. If Yamato suits the passionate side of being an idol, Mimi is definitely meant for the cutesy visual vibe that can make fans go crazy over just a wink and a smile.
Jou: He’s wearing three belt like bracelets around one wrist like Zudomon which makes his a minimal reference though not as subtle as Koushiro’s. I do feel that they could’ve done a bit more with his look, maybe add a horn to the side of his headset? I also can’t wait to see the full art for each kid individually cuz I do think him and Yamato are wearing similar bellbottom pants!
Takeru: The feather on his headset and the yellow suspended straps are a decent reference to HolyAngemon. Considering that they wanted to keep the outfits limited to one colour per kid, I think this is the best way they could slip in the reference, though I wouldn’t have minded a few rings.
Hikari: The feather on the headset, the corset-ish belt around her waist and her gloves are very nice references to Angewomon. Keeping Hikari’s innocence as a kid intact while referencing a Digimon that is undoubtedly considered one of the most sexiest mons in the franchise would have been really tough and I salute the illustrators for coming up with this design! I also like the OG Korean finger heart she’s making, such a cute look on her.
The cherry on top are each of the Digimon partners holding supportive cheering goods for their kids. Piyomon’s love for Sora goes hard with her big name banner. Meanwhile, Agumon and Palmon kept it simple with haoris, Tailmon and Patamon too decided to go the simple route with light sticks. Gabumon, Gomamon and Tentomon seem normal from afar with their hand fans but when you get a closer look on all the hearts around Koushiro’s name on Tentomon’s fan, you know the three spent time making those themselves.
All in all, a pretty amazing illustration to be able to get merch of!
But wait that’s not all, andGallery has also teased a future cafe collaboration with Digimon Adventure on their twitter, more info will be announced on 19th Feb but they did share a preview of what to expect.
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milkibabe · 1 year
♥ family camping trip w/ stan (headcanons) ♥
✢ summary: headcanons on going on a camping trip with Stan’s family
✢ warnings: nsfw
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Stan HCs
It was of course Randy’s idea to bring you along, Stan didn’t want to subject you to his family for a week.
He was glad you came anyways since he loved having you around.
“Bring your earbuds, you’ll need them in the car"
You and Stan of course shared a tent together.
Stan was a pro at putting the tent together since he had gone camping with his family since he was a toddler. 
Stan literally wakes up the latest out of everybody. 
You would always get up early to start making breakfast with Sharon.
Stan unzips the tent and comes out with his black hair all messy and rubs his sleepy eyes. 
“That smells amazing babe”
Stan sleepily holds your waist and rests his chin on your head while you prepare breakfast on the little propane stove. 
Randy says cheesy dad stuff like “ah, young love” and “to be a teenager again”.
Stan always rolls his eyes at his dad being cringe, but you find it endearing.
Sharon always tries to make sure you’re eating enough.
Shelley was forced to go with, but you and her get along well enough. 
Stan LOVES documenting everything you guys do with photos.
You’ll just be cozy in your pajamas, wrapped in a blanket, roasting marshmallows when he whips out his phone to take cute pics of you.
He’s totally posting a photo dump of you two on his insta when he gets back home (and has wifi).
Asks you to go on hikes with him away from his family when they become a little suffocating.
“Are your feet tired? I can carry you on my back.”
You two go on the most romantic midnight stroll by the lake and stare at the pretty stars.
He’ll let you sit on his lap while you two listen to music in the dark. 
While you two are sitting and taking in the view he wraps his arms tightly around you.
“Look at the sky tonight— all of the stars have a reason”
Stan’s a fucking fiend for risky sex, so this camping trip is his time to shine.
Purposely told you to sit way in the back of the car during the road trip so he could finger you under his blanket when he got bored.
He was so eager to fuck you he told his parents “we’re heading to bed early, its been a long day” on the first night.
It was like 8pm...
As soon as you zipped the tent closed Stan’s hands were already roaming your body.
“Fuck, your ass looks so fucking good in those shorts”
Wanted to give your ass a loud slap but his parents were literally 40 feet away outside the tent.
Opted to biting and marking up your body instead. 
As soon as you got a little too vocal he’d grab your jaw with his hand and hush you. 
“Do you want my parents to know just how much of a slut you are for me?”
You’d of course shake your head no, which would make him give you a quiet chuckle.
“Then be a good girl and be quiet for me.”
He says that but would go right back to making it impossible to stay quiet.
It’s almost as if he likes making your life harder than it needs to be.
Slides his fingers inside of you and fingers you, just slow enough for you to always be on the edge.
You beg for him to let you cum in the quietest voice you can muster.
“Be patient princess, as soon as they all go to sleep I’ll give you what you want.”
His parents go to bed finally and after a while Stan finally withdraws his fingers from you.
You whimper desperately but become excited when you hear him shuffling out of his boxers. 
With no hesitation he thrusts into your needy, wet pussy.
He’s on top of you, clamping your mouth shut to keep you quiet.
Tears start to spill from your eyes as they roll into the back of your head. 
“Mmm, fuck, your so fucking tight for me. Squeezing me like a good little slut.”
That was enough to send you finally over the edge as you release the tension within your body into a heavenly orgasm.
Stan cums inside you soon after that, painting your walls with his seed. 
Stan rolls over, sweaty and out of breath.
You were tired and satisfied, drifting off to sleep when you hear him softly say something.
“Oh princess... we aren’t done yet”
Welp... you are not getting any sleep tonight.
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caranfindel · 1 month
Walker fic: Die young, stay pretty
When I saw episode 1.17 of Walker, “Dig,” I knew I needed a version with more whump. So here it is.
Emily was right, as usual.
“I wouldn’t ever dig my own grave.” Cordell had said that once, years ago. They were watching some forgettable movie (was it about cowboys? or maybe gangsters?) with a man being forced to dig a shallow grave at gunpoint. “If I’m gonna get shot anyway, why would I go through all that first? I’d just say no and let them shoot me then and there. Let the goons dig the hole.”
“But what if you wanted to use that time to think?” Emily had said. “To come up with a plan? Or to give someone else time to come rescue you?”
He’d laughed and pulled her closer. ”I’m the cavalry, sweetheart. No one’s gonna rescue me. I do the rescuing. Nah, I’d just call his bluff and say go ahead and shoot me, you dumbass goon. And keep in mind, you’re gonna have to dig a hell of a big hole if you wanna hide all this.”
But she had been right, as she always was. Because now he’s being held at gunpoint by a couple of - a couple of goons, the only word for them is goons - and he’s digging a hole that is surely meant to be his grave. And he’s watching and waiting for his opening. After all, he was right about one thing: no one’s going to rescue him.
Goon #1 is closer. Goon #2 is distracted, watching for someone, rifle slung over his shoulder, but Goon #1 is focused. Cordell’s knee buckles and he pauses for a moment to lean the shovel against the edge of the pit, to sweep the sweat out of his eyes and breathe for a little bit. Partly to stall for time but mostly because he’s fucking exhausted and everything hurts. After the truck rollover, the forced hike to this clearing, and digging the pit at gunpoint, he feels like someone spent an hour beating the crap out of him.
Goon #1 narrows his eyes at him, then leans over and rests the barrel of his gun against Cordell’s temple. The metal is cold, even in the stifling Austin heat, and Cordell can feel his pulse pounding against it. He holds his hands up in surrender and picks up the shovel again.
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When the person Goon #2 is watching for does show up, Cordell isn’t surprised that it’s Stan. Half of him has been hoping Mendoza was mistaken, or lying. That it was all a misunderstanding that could be explained away as easily as Geri’s connection to the money was explained away. But the other half of him recognized immediately that Mendoza was telling the truth. And that half is ready to finally get revenge, to finally look into the eyes of the person responsible for Emily’s death as he wraps his hands around their throat.
The biggest surprise, though, is when Stan drags a body out of his truck. Any remaining hope Cordell has about his old friend being innocent vanishes completely. He continues pushing the shovel into the ground, one eye trained on Goon #1.
Stan doesn’t speak to him. Doesn’t even look at him, really, and that’s a bad goddamn sign. Because if you’re going to kill a longtime family friend, murder him in cold blood and leave him in a shallow grave, it’s going to be hard to look him in the eye. Instead, Stan starts yelling at Goon #2 about plans gone wrong and needing time to think.
Out of the corner of his eye, Cordell watches Goon #1’s revolver dip lower as he’s distracted by the argument. When Goon #2 angrily shoves his rifle at Stan, Cordell makes his move. He swings the shovel into Goon #1’s solar plexus, knocking him into the pit. He grabs the guy’s gun with one hand and his neck with the other, pulls him in close, and pushes the barrel into his chest. One shot and Goon #1 is down.
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He wheels toward Stan and Goon #2. The goon is running toward him, so Cordell takes him out with a shot to the core. Then his right arm explodes in a white hot flash of pain and the gun drops from his numb fingers. Stan is looking down at him from the edge of the pit, rifle trained on him.
“Sorry, son. I’m gonna need you to put your hands behind your head.”
“I’m kinda defenseless here, Stan.” Cordell’s right arm hangs limp and useless at his side. Blood runs down his fingertips, pattering onto the broken earth. He nods toward the body lying next to Stan’s truck. “What about that guy? Was he defenseless too? When you killed him?”
“That was an accident.”
“And Emily? Was she an accident?”
Stan sighs. "I didn't want anything to happen to Emily. You have to know that, Cordell. I never would have hurt her if I had a choice, not for the world. But there was nothing I could do. She saw something they didn’t want anyone to see, and that was that. If I had tried to save her, they would have killed me and her. I couldn’t save her.”
“Sure,” Cordell says. He somehow manages to sound calm, even though everything inside of him is screaming. “Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
Stan is still pointing the rifle at his chest. So this is it, then. Stan killed Emily and he’s about to kill Cordell and no one’s ever going to know. He wishes he’d told someone about his suspicions before he went running off on his own. He wishes he’d had a chance to hug his kids one more time, to say goodbye to his parents and his brother. He wishes a lot of things.
“I’m sorry it has to end like this,” Stan says. “I hate to do this. I really do.”
“Well, I’m sure it gets easier every time,” Cordell snaps. Time stretches out. He hears his own labored breathing, and the gentle drip of his blood hitting the dirt. He can almost hear his own heartbeat.
Then Stan’s mouth twitches into something that’s part smile, part grimace. “No,” he says quietly, “I don't believe it does.”
(I’m sorry, Em. I tried.)
There’s another bright burst of pain, and a thump in his chest like he’s been kicked by a horse. Cordell slumps against the side of the pit and then slips down into darkness.
“Hey, cowboy.”
They’re lying in a big bed. Not their bed, not their house. There are wooden beams running overhead and gauzy white curtains covering a glass door that opens onto a balcony. He can hear sounds from outside, music and happy voices floating up into their room. Emily’s head is on his shoulder, he’s running his fingers through her hair, and they’re barely paying attention to the television. There’s a movie on, gangsters or cowboys or something.
“You remember this place?” she asks.
He does. “That hotel in San Antonio, on the riverwalk. We came here for our anniversary. This is where we saw the movie, the one where the guy was digging his own grave, and I said I wouldn’t do that.”
“But you did.”
“Yeah, I did. And it didn’t matter. I didn’t come up with a plan and nobody rescued me.” He puts a finger on her chin and tilts her head up for a kiss. “It’s okay, though. At least I get to be here with you.”
Emily looks at him with sad dark eyes and doesn’t say anything.
Liam Walker spends his entire life watching his brother defy death. Cordell is always climbing things he shouldn't climb, taunting animals he shouldn't taunt, swimming in the pond on the south forty acres even though Daddy had warned them about snakes, inventing insane games with Hoyt Rawlins like truck surfing and rake jousting and chicken played against an angry bull. Die young, stay pretty, he always says. And if you survive, chicks dig scars, Hoyt always responds. Cordi considers himself invincible, and every day Liam fears he’ll be proven wrong.
But it isn't until Liam is ten years old that he starts seriously expecting his brother to die. Cordell gets arrested for something stupid, some ridiculous prank that involves breaking and entering and a fire and God knows what else, and their father lets him stew in the county jail overnight before bailing him out. The next day, Daddy is furious. Mama is horrified. And Liam stands in the hallway, listening unnoticed as they both light into his brother. “You're a goddamned idiot! You could have gotten yourself killed!” Cordell stands there and takes it, head bowed, but when he heads back to his room he winks at Liam and says "Die young, stay pretty, right?"
It doesn’t stop when Cordell graduates from high school; the stakes just get higher. Liam spends years waiting for his brother to return from Afghanistan in a flag-draped box. And then the undercover shitshow that almost feels like a passive suicide attempt, like some kind of subconscious mission to follow Emily into the dark. And the silent months at the end of it waiting for the phone call saying he'd done it; he'd died young.
All of this is to say that when Micki calls and says Cordell's truck has been found, wrecked and empty, Liam's second thought is he obviously got out, so he's just walking around somewhere in a daze; we'll find him and he'll be fine. But his first thought is maybe this is the day; maybe he finally did it.
Micki tells them all to stay home and let the proper authorities take care of it. Liam and his father ignore her. Abilene says she’ll stay at the house with Stella and Augie. "Someone needs to be here in case he comes home," she tells them. "You know how your daddy is. He'll get a ride from a friend and come strolling up here asking what's for dinner." And she might even believe it. But Liam can see on Stella’s face that her thoughts mirror his own. No, that's not how he is. How he is, is that he goes out and does something reckless, something crazy, something dangerous, and disappears, and you just sit and wait for someone to come tell you he's dead.
“He’s fine,” Liam tells her. He puts on his best everything will be okay expression, the one he wore for the kids so frequently when Cordell was gone. “We’ll find him. He’s fine.”
He almost believes it himself.
When Liam and Bonham pull up at the scene of the wreck, Micki greets them with an eyeroll. "Someday, one of the Walker boys is gonna do what I tell him to do."
"Maybe someday," says Bonham. "But not today."
The truck is a mess. Liam can’t imagine Cordell calmly getting out and walking away. "His phone's buried in here somewhere," Micki says. "I can hear it ringing when I call him. Things go flying around in a rollover. So it's possible he couldn't find it and he just started walking."
"But you don't think that's what happened," says Liam.
She pauses, as if considering how much to tell him. “Well, there’s this.” Micki motions them over to the driver's side and points to a scrape of grey paint. "Has he been in a wreck lately? Because this looks like he was hit by another car."
Bonham clenches his fists. "This is new. Someone did this? You think someone ran him off the road on purpose?"
"We don't know," Micki says. "It's entirely possible that it was an accident, and the other driver gave him a ride, maybe took him to the hospital. But no one has heard from him and he hasn't shown up in any local hospitals or walk-in clinics yet, so I think we're going to assume that isn't what happened. If it turns out I'm wrong, we'll just be pleasantly surprised. Right now we're calling in a search team and setting up a grid." She keeps talking, something about APBs and grey vehicles with red paint, but Liam is distracted by something on the ground. A long line scratched through the grass, as if gouged into the dirt by someone’s boot heel. It points away from the wreck, off into a line of trees about a hundred yards away.
"He went this way!"
Bonham and Micki turn to him, confused.
"Here, look. He used to do this when we'd play hide and seek, when I was little. He always left me a clue.” It took a long time for Liam to realize his big brother was doing it on purpose. For years, he just took pride in his observation skills. “He made this same mark for me. He pointed me in the right direction."
“All right then,” Bonham says. “We go that way.”
Micki puts a hand on his shoulder. “Wait. We’ll have a search team here in just a minute. We should…” She trails off, looking toward the trees. “No. Let’s go find him.”
They keep their eyes on the ground as they walk, looking for more lines scraped into the dirt. After five minutes or so, Liam is afraid it wasn’t an intentional signal after all, but Bonham spots the next one. Cordell is out here somewhere. Out here and signaling for help.
Micki stops to answer a radio call from the search team when they arrive on the scene, and Bonham slows down after several minutes of walking, so Liam is the one who crests a ridge first and sees it. A clearing. And in that clearing, a large mound of dirt that looks too much like a grave. He yells something. Later he won’t remember what it was, Cordell or Daddy or fuck, or something else. All he remembers later is that he’s screaming when he runs, is still screaming when he falls to his knees at the edge of the pile of dirt, when he sees the hand.
It isn’t Cordi’s hand. The fingers are too short and the hair on the back is too heavy, too dark. But it’s a man’s hand sticking out of this makeshift grave. Liam grabs it and pulls, but the rest of the man doesn’t budge. He starts frantically scooping away the loose dirt with his hands, revealing an arm and then a chest. Then he feels someone hit the ground next to him.
His father’s voice. “Oh God. That’s not -“
“No! Help me dig!”
In a moment Micki is there on her radio, giving coordinates and talking about shovels and an ambulance. Liam and Bonham manage to uncover the man’s upper body. His face has the grey cast of someone who’s been dead a few hours. Liam has no idea who he is, and honestly doesn’t care, because it’s not Cordell. He leans over to grab one arm and Bonham grabs the other. They’re finally able to pull the dead man out of the dirt, and Liam hears his father’s quick intake of breath as they see what was underneath the body. Who was underneath the body.
Cordell is leaning against the side of the pit as if he’d been seated and then slumped over in sleep. The body on top of him apparently shielded him from much of the dirt. He’s covered in dirt and what looks like blood, but the soil that was shoveled into this godforsaken hole didn’t cover his face. There was air there, at least for a while, if he was alive to breathe it.
They dump the dead man unceremoniously at the edge of the pit. Liam jumps into the hole and kneels next to his brother, putting his fingers against his throat. The man they just pulled out was cold, but Cordell’s skin is still warm. And there, against his fingertips - a flutter of movement. And then another, and another.
“He’s alive!” he yells. “Daddy, he’s still alive!”
Bonham had been moving slow and stiff, but he jumps into the pit with the agility of a decades-younger man. Together they frantically shove dirt away from Cordell. Micki’s there now, warning them to be careful, to wait for EMS, but Liam and his father know one thing - they’re getting Cordell out of this goddamn hole. Once they’ve cleared enough of the dirt away, Bonham grabs his legs and Liam bends Cordi’s torso forward so he can slide behind him. He grabs his arms and tries to get into position to lift his brother out of the pit. But when he lifts, Cordell wakes with a gasp of pain.
Liam eases him back as gently as he can, kneeling next to him. “Cordi,” he says. “You’re okay. Everything’s okay.”
Cordell’s eyes flicker open for a moment. “Liam?” His voice is faint and hoarse.
“Yeah, it’s me. You’re okay.” Which is a lie. Cordell is not okay. He’s not as grey as the body they pulled off of him, but his face is pale and his lips are faintly blue.
“Micki!” Bonham yells. “Where’s the ambulance?”
Micki doesn’t answer, but Liam looks up to see her several yards away, at the top of the ridge, facing away from them. She’s waving her arms to catch the ambulance driver’s attention. It must be close (please, God, let it be close).
Liam turns back to his brother. “Tell me what happened. Where are you hurt? Who did this?”
Cordell coughs wetly. “Stan. It was Stan Morrison.”
”Stan Morrison? What the - why? Why would he do this to you?”
Cordell opens his eyes and grasps at Liam. “He killed Emily. Tell Cap…” He stops and tries to take a deep breath. It triggers another wet cough. “Make sure James knows. He confessed. Stan killed Emily.”
Liam looks up and meets his father’s eyes to make sure they heard the same thing. Because that can’t be true. It can’t possibly be true.
“If I don’t make it…” Cordell coughs again. Blood splatters onto his lips, and bloody foam trickles from the side of his mouth. “Tell him. Tell him to talk to Mendoza. She was a witness, so Stan killed her. Promise, Liam. Make him talk to Mendoza.”
“Shut up. You can tell him yourself.” But Cordell’s eyes close and he goes silent.
The EMTs arrive and Micki pulls him away from his brother. “Let them do their job. He’ll be okay.” And then more officers are there and there are phone calls to be made and a statement to be taken (what do you need? I dug my not-quite-dead brother out of a grave and he says a family friend did it and also murdered his wife, for fuck’s sake, that’s all I know) and suddenly Liam looks up and sees the ambulance bouncing back toward the road. Bonham watches with him as it moves over the ridge and out of their sight, then slumps against a squad car. He looks pale and wiped out.
“Micki?” Liam says. “You think someone could give my dad a ride back to his truck?”
“I don’t need a ride!” Bonham snaps. “I’m fine.”
But Micki sees it too. “Mr. Walker,” she says, “They’re taking Cordell to Dell Seton hospital. I’m sure you want to get back to your family as soon as possible and get everyone over there. Let one of the guys here give you a head start by driving you to your truck.”
He acquiesces. “Yeah, yeah, okay. You coming?”
“I, ah.” Liam turns to Micki. “I’ll meet you there, if Micki doesn't mind giving me a ride. I need to call Larry James.” And this is true, but it’s equally true that he needs to drop the everything will be okay expression for just a bit.
By the time they all get to the hospital, Cordell is already in surgery. He's fine, the surgeon tells them afterward. He’s going to be fine. He had a couple of bullet wounds, a punctured lung, broken ribs, damage to his shoulder that shouldn't be permanent. Lost a lot of blood. But he’s going to be fine.
This time, anyway.
Only two visitors at a time are allowed into Cordell's room, so Stella and Augie go in first. Liam paces. Bonham retreats to the end of the hall to make a call. Abilene sits alone on the ugly burnt-orange vinyl bench. She's the toughest woman Liam knows, but right now she looks like a broken baby bird. She digs in her purse for a tissue, and Liam realizes tears are streaming down her cheeks. He sits next to her and puts an arm around her shoulder. “Mama, he's gonna be fine. There's no reason to cry.”
“Oh, Liam,” she sighs. Her voice is shaky. “I just don’t know why this family has to go through so much. After Emily, and you, and Cordi and Hoyt. I don’t like my babies being hurt. I can’t stand it.”
Liam resists the impulse to reach up and touch the scar where Stella cauterized his gunshot wound. “Well, maybe this is it. Maybe we’ve used up all our bad luck, and there’s nothing but good times ahead.”
Abilene laughs a shaky little laugh. “Maybe so. It would only be fair.” She wipes her eyes and puts on her own everything is okay face as Stella and Augie step out of the room.
Daddy must have been watching, because he ends his call quickly and takes Mama's hand to escort her into Cordell's room. Liam puts his arms up and the kids snuggle next to him, one under each arm, like they used to do when they were worried about their dad. When Liam was pretending not to be worried about him too.
"The guy who shot him is still out there," Stella says, and Liam suddenly realizes he doesn't know what they've been told, if they know an old family friend murdered their mother and then tried to kill their father. No one talked about Stan in the waiting room, and these kids are used to their father being a target. It's so fucking unfair. They shouldn't all have to spend their lives waiting for something horrible to happen.
"It's okay," he says. "I'm going to stay here tonight to keep guard. No one's going to hurt him."
Mama and Daddy take the kids home, and Liam finally opens the door to Cordell's room. It's dim - all the lights are off except a light over the sink - but he can see his brother well enough. The blood and dirt have been washed off, revealing cuts and bruises to his face. His chest and right arm are heavily bandaged, with a wound drain snaking out from his bandaged chest. An oxygen canula is taped under his nose.
"Hey, Stinker," Cordell says. "You all right?"
"Am I all right? Jesus, Cordi." Liam sits in the small side chair and angles it so he can see his brother's face. "How do you feel?"
Cordell tries to speak again, but falls into a coughing fit. Liam grabs the plastic water mug on the bedside table and holds the straw up to his lips. Cordell presses one hand against his chest incision and takes a small sip of water. "You talked to Larry James?" he says.
"I did. But I didn't know much. He said he'd send someone to talk to Mendoza, and he'll be up in the morning to get your statement. What the hell, Cordell? You said she was a witness?"
"Yeah. Stan was involved in some shit. Emily saw it." He closes his eyes and sighs. "I'd rather not talk about it right now. I'm kinda..."
"Yeah, no, sure. I'll hear it in the morning anyway. I'm going to stay here tonight."
"What do you mean, stay here? Go on home, man. You look like crap."
"Yeah, I don't think so. There's a man out there who wants to kill you. Think I'll hang around and make sure he doesn't."
"For fuck's sake, Liam. There's no reason to think he's going to come up here and finish me off."
Liam stands. His pulse pounds hot against his branded scar. "And yesterday there was no reason to think he was going to shoot you and bury you in a mass grave. But he did it, Cordell. And I'm not giving him the opportunity to do it again!"
"Liam -"
"No." Too loud, he's in a hospital and he's too damn loud. "Could you, just once in your life," he hisses, "stop trying to die?"
Cordell blinks in shock. "Okay," he says softly. "Okay. Stay here, if it makes you feel better."
"It does." Liam sits again, a little embarrassed, a lot relieved."You know, you can give up on that whole die young, stay pretty plan,” he says. “It's too late. You're old."
Something painful flickers across Cordell's face, and Liam immediately regrets whatever memory he unintentionally dredged up. Emily, Hoyt, their whole lives ahead of them. But then his brother smiles a faded ghost of a smile. "Maybe so," Cordell says. "But I'm still pretty."
Liam pats his ankle. "Yeah, I guess. For such an old guy."
(Maybe, just maybe, he’ll actually get old. Maybe Liam can make that happen.)
Please note that, though I’m posting this after s4, I actually wrote the vast majority of it during s1. In other words, I buried him first.
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verynotsigmaofu · 3 months
I have no idea what I’m post today so here just some hc for my encanto social media au (you have any hc for the characters comment them and I’ll add them to here !)
-an absolute little shit
-has a brother like bond with Mariano (which is why he messes with him all the time)
-favorites Antonio but annoys Dolores the most
-the type to comment “ trigger warning would be nice” on any picture Dolores or isa posts of themselves
-obsessed with Hamilton
- acts like he hates playing Roblox with Antonio but he actually loves playing
-third wheels Dolores and Mariano just so he could get free food
-totally brain rot
-LOVES to remind isa that she single asf
-is secretly terrified of Luisa 
-ABSOLUTELY HATED Mariano in the beginning but once he noticed how he treated Dolores he accepted him (and maybe cause he saw that he rich asf
-talks shit with mirabel 24/7
-tried to hack into Mariano bank account once so he could get vbucks (failed miserably)
-“what the sigma?”
-surprisingly he can cook but would eat it all while cooking, but CAN NOT bake
-isn’t that active on social media that much but when she is, no one can get her out
-gym rat
-doesn’t have a favorite sister buts vents to mirabel the most
-has a pet donkey..
-crys over dog movies
-one time she busted out crying during a family dinner from watching sad edits of a dogs purpose
-secretly is her parents favorite cause she the only one that has her life together
-chases Camilo around cause she knows he scared of her
-probably loves her donkey more then her sisters 
-could cook but prefers not to
-also tried to use mariano card to buy new weights (failed as well)
-LOVES family drama (as long she not involved)
-helps isa with her captions
-favorites Antonio more then her own sisters
-is also brain rot
-talks shit with Camilo about ANYONE
-hates the word sigma
-loves butterflies 
-can’t cook but could bake
-#1 fan of Dolores and mariano relationship
-fights with isa 24/7 but would get back to getting along in like a minute
- plays the Roblox’s horror games with Camilo
-also tired to get mariano card number to order her Amazon cart (almost worked but fail)
-uses Instagram and Twitter 24/7 for the memes
-also third wheels mariano and Dolores whenever they all go out just so she can get free drinks
-fights with Camilo and mirabel 24/7
-fights with mariano over Dolores
- atp she arguing with all her sisters and cousins (but Antonio)
- literally gets really nervous whenever a girl flirts with her fails to flirt back
- also tried to steel mariano card so she could go out (failed HORRIBLY)
-plant lady
- Chappell roan Stan till she dies
-uses twitter as her diary 
-one time she was yelling at a guy face cause he was hitting on Dolores
-despise cooking
-loves watching kids fall
-cat mom (has 3 of them and one is a Mainecoon)
-fights with Camillo 24/7
-funny asf when she wants to be
-also tried using mariano card (succeeded and doesn’t care when she does it)
-daddy’s girl
-was her parents favorite until Antonio was born
-doesn’t drink that much but when she does, may the lord be with her
-has mariano WRAPPED around her fingers 
- SZA die hard fan
-lowkey kinda brain rot and blames camilo on it
- camilo #1 hater
-loves the beach
-could sleep for a week straight
-can’t cook or bake (will literally burn down the kitchen)
-loves to bite (mainly mariano or isa)
-pretty crier
- is camilo #1 victim to his pranks
- all the madrigal at one point tried hacking into his bank account or tried stealing his card (used to it atp)
-is the one that adopt Dolores mainecoon cat and surprise her with it
- has unlimited beef with camilo
-accidentally revealed that Antonio was his favorite
-filthy rich for no fucking reason 
-knows he wrapped around Dolores finger and proud of it
-early bird
-amazing cook
-he has Dolores banned from the kitchen
-one time he had to carry Dolores on his shoulders when she was drunk because she kept on running away
-has a love hate relationship with kids
-loves to play with Dolores hair (wasn’t kidding when I said he a big simp)
That all I got, comment if you guy any I could add
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cloudy-skyes · 1 year
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General Main 4 Headcanons
Notes: Hi Harleyy <33 Sorry I accidentally lost your actual request (thank god i screenshotted it) Thank you for the request :)
Warnings: Slightly suggestive, smoking (Kenny)
Relationship: Established romantic relationship
Gender: Gender neutral, no pronouns mentioned
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Not only is Kyle an amazing boyfriend, he’s also an amazing study buddy with you. If you’re struggling with homework or you have an upcoming test, you two will have a study date at one of your houses.
These dates often include you being held in his lap, while he points at homework/test questions and explains them to you.
Breaks are always important in studying though!! So when you two get sick of studying, you have cuddle sessions where you calmly run your fingers through his curly hair.
Speaking of his hair, he secretly LOVES it when you play with his hair. Kyle won’t let anyone else touch it but you. It’s just something about your touch that is so relaxing to him.
He is SUCH a gentleman. He’s the type to hold doors open for you, pull seats out for you, and other acts of service. He likes holding your hand in his own hands and kissing your knuckles. It’s a little bit cliche but it still makes you feel so loved.
Kyle adores it when you get along with his little brother, Ike. He’s such a family oriented person, so seeing you play with Ike makes his heart flutter with adoration. Ike totally acted like Kyle’s wingman before you and Kyle started dating too.
Kyle tends to have a short temper, especially with Cartman. He looks to you as a source of serenity when he needs to calm down. I swear if you just hold him and give him a kiss it soothes him right away.
Kyle also has some abandonment issues because of his history with failed relationships. Please just reassure him every now and then that you love him, he loves you too <3
First off, Stan is absolutely head over heels for you. He loves being around you. He’s practically living at your house at this point, he’d rather be with you than at the farm with his dad.
Stan does struggle with depression, and goes through depressive episodes pretty often. You know it isn’t your responsibility to care for him, you do anyways. He always tries his best for you so you return the favor by being there for him.
This includes SOO many cuddle sessions. When he’s cradled in your arms, one wrapped around his torso and the other gently holding his head in your shoulder, he feels much better.
Stan also plays the guitar, he often brings his guitar over to your house and plays songs for you. Sometimes he’ll even have you sit on his lap, his guitar on your own, and guide your hands with his to learn to play the guitar :)
He’s also a HORRIBLE texter. It’s a little bit ironic because he shows his affection to you constantly in person, but this guy cannot get any more dry over text with you. That’s why he prefers to hang out in person anyways.
Stan has gotten better with his vomiting issues over the years, but he still struggles to hold back nausea when he’s with you. He’s just so overwhelmed with how much he loves you that he can’t help it.
Despite the fact that Stan cannot stand his dad, Randy ADORES you. His son? Got a girlfriend?? He tries so hard to be friends with you (and sell you weed). Stan always tries to get his dad to knock it off, ashamed by Randy’s antics, but Randy doesn’t really care. Even though Stan’s dad is super overbearing, at least you’re always welcome at the Marsh house.
I’m sure we’re all aware of this by now, but Kenny is SUCH a flirt. Even before you two were together he was constantly dropping flirty and suggestive lines on you.
Occasionally, when you and Kenny are hanging out with other friends, he’ll lean into you and whisper the most suggestive shit into your ear and then continue to act like he never said anything to you.
Kenny is also very physically affectionate, when he’s with you he’s always touching you, but he’s usually just holding your hand. He probably does that thing where he swings his arm back and forth while walking and holding your hand and it’s really cute.
Like Stan, Kenny is with you most of the time. He loves you so much and he literally cannot get himself away from you. He finds himself often escaping his shitty home life to go hang out with you.
You and Kenny also become smoke buddies. Usually when you’re over at his house you chill in his room and share a joint, and talk about whatever comes to your mind. He thinks it’s so fun to get high with you.
But when you’re not in his room smoking, you find yourself playing with Karen. Karen sees you as an older sister figure and looks up to you so much. Kenny is so protective over Karen, so when he sees you two doing something cute like playing dolls, he knows he found the best s/o he could possibly have.
Kenny is really generous, and although he’s poor, he does his best to spoil you. He still works at City Wok, and he uses his extra money to get both you and Karen gifts. Besides physical affection, this is one of his biggest ways to show his love for you :)
Your relationship with Cartman is the type where both of you can insult and bully each other as a form of affection. Sometimes it sounds so real that others are unsure if you love or hate each other, but you two both know well that it’s the first option.
Cartman will hit you with an insult, and you return one right back to him. Maybe that’s why you two are so close? Since you can tolerate Cartman’s crude humor and behavior and reciprocate it right back to him he fell for you.
Nobody really has ever enjoyed being bothered by him except you. Cartman LOVES anyone who understands his humor and plays along with his banter, especially when other people like Kyle or Butters are involved.
Cartman takes you out to KFC and other restaurants on the regular. One time he even convinced his mom to buy tickets for the both of you to go to Casa Bonita. That date was definitely one of his favorites with you.
You’re good at calming Cartman down when his anger issues get out of hand. When he starts taking arguments with his classmates too far, you’re there to help cool him down. You’re often his source of sense when he’s too upset to think clearly.
If you ever give Cartman any gifts, no matter what it is, he will always keep it around. He’ll treasure it as much as he treasured his stuffed animals from elementary school. He’d have a shelf of his bookcase dedicated to things you’ve made for him or gave him, and he thinks of them very fondly.
His mom is surprised that Cartman found someone he gets along so well with, and you manage to keep his temper in check better than anyone else has. She loves having you around, you treat her and her son so kindly after all.
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Hi! I love your writing. I am a new Niall stan and am currently playing catch up and your blog has been great for that.
Anyway, I was hoping I could request Niall x reader kissing while watching fireworks? Thank you!
On A Night Like Tonight
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(First of all: Allow me to welcome you to the fandom lovely!!! Second of all: Thank you so much for requesting!!! Third of all: THANK YOU SO SO MUCH FOR YOUR PATIENCE AND UNDERSTANDING!!! I hope you enjoy!
Summary: It’s your 3 year anniversary and Niall has big plans for the night.
“Niall! Where are you taking me?!”
He laughs and continues to slowly push me forward, his hands gripping my shoulders so guide due to the blindfold he insisted I wear.
“Relax, Petal! We’re almost there! Just hold on a little longer. I promise it’ll be worth it.”
I groan and slow my footsteps, the only thing guiding me was the feeling of the grass on my feet. He walk for a few more yards and he finally stops.
“Okay Y/N. Are you ready?”
“Yes! Please! I want this thing off!”
He laughs and removes my blindfold, and I let out a gasp. In front of me lies a large blanket with a picnic basket, my favorite foods lying all over the blanket. I turn to Niall, tears threatening to spill.
“W-What’s this for..?”
He smiles and pecks my lips softly.
“Happy anniversary Petal…”
I smile and hug him tight, Niall wrapping his arms around my waist in return.
“You so over did it! You didn’t have to do all this!”
He laughs and shakes my head, saying nothing more as he drags me down the field and to the blanket he had set up. We sit down and he pours me a glass of champagne and hands it to me before pouring his own.
We start to eat and talk and after awhile, it grows dark and the stars become clear. We lay down and cuddle up, watching the stars in the sky when all of a sudden, there’s a loud boom of a firework. My whole body jumps and Niall laughs.
“What the actual-.”
“Calm down, Petal! It’s all good! Just keep watching.”
I roll my eyes and lay back down, now watching the fireworks, a small smile on my face. That is until I realize that the fireworks are spelling out something.
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“Will.. You.. Marry.. Me… Niall- are you serious?!”
When I turn to him, he’s sitting up, a ring box in his hand. I sit up, tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
“Marry me Y/N… I love you. I have for a long time and I’ll continue to love you. I don’t want another day without you. I want kids, I want everything. With you…”
I start to cry, no doubt ruining my mascara as I wrap my arms around him tightly.
“Yes you idiot! Of course I will!”
He laughs and hugs me tight. We pull away after a minute and he slips the cold ring on my finger before placing a soft kiss on my lips. He pulls away and we lay back down, the fireworks in the sky now flashing even brighter. We cuddle up and he holds me close, and I know, it won’t be the last.
Thank you so much for reading! I hope you guys enjoyed! Hopefully I’m out of my funk! Please like and reblog!
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noirvette · 1 year
clyde and tweek! gen dating headcanons!!
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cws: none! just fluff
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Was nervous to ask you out but he acted like he wasn't, but his awareness for how to ask you out smoothly was lacking.
He'd ask you out in class, him sitting in front of you. During work time he'd spin around to ask about a certain homework question and if you could tutor him/help him with the answers.
"Y/n? Hey can you help me?" "Yeah, uh... with what?" "Oh just what we're working on.. does Friday after school work with you? We could grab coffee?" "Clyde why do you need help on an 'About Me' essay?" "🧍‍♂️" "Sure though, I'd love to go out with you."
He spends the rest of the class time with his head in his hands bro, he's so embarrassed. He's stoked you agreed though.
Always puts his your needs and wants above his
He might "complain" about it but he's not actually complaining, he always wants to make sure you're happy
Loves PDA, but like enough for people to obviously understand you're together, but it's not over the top. He doesn't want to constantly be kissing you or something, just constant skin contact
He LOVES talking about you. He sits at his lunch table with his friends and the first topic he brings up is you, how good you look, how smart you are, as long as it's about you, he's talking.
Sends you random memes and reaction pics that just work?? Like he has a picture for EVERYTHING. Constantly texts too, he wants you to know he's engaged in conversation. Would and will respond in 2 seconds to anything you say.
If he doesn't it's because he's actually busy, which happens when his sports season rolls around (I see him on the football team w/ Stan and maybe baseball?), however he makes sure to text you before and after training/work outs/etc.
Maybe? controversial? But he's a little spoon. He wants to be held. Loves it.
Likes kissing the top of your nose or your temple. Like before you enter class, he pulls you into him, quickly kisses your temple, and off he goes to his own class.
Won't accept you paying. He pays for everything, he has to. He feels terribly if you end up paying, and if it does happen, he buys you something to make up for it: jewelry, coffee, something you eyed at the store last week, shoes, etc. WHATEVER IT IS, he bought it to "pay you back".
One time he thought you were ignoring him and he sent you an apple cash/venmo of like 10 dollars and was like "babe what'd i do, im sorry :("
When you're hanging out with his friends, he wants you attached to him, not out of jealousy or because he doesn't trust the guys he just loves you so much and wants you around him.
Arms wrapped around your waist as you sit on his lap you feel me?
If you leave for the bathroom or to get a drink or something, you come back and he's sitting still, face down on the table pouting.
Doesn't know how to respond to rants or vents though, like at all. Honestly if you send him a long message about how terribly your day went he'd very briefly scan it and respond with a "nta, divorce" and you're like "CLYDE WHAT???"
Atp it might be better to just call him and tell him your complaints.
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Doesn't know how to ask you out at all. Is overwhelmed by the possibility that it could go wrong and he ends up psyching himself out every time he's about to ask you out.
Honestly unless you ask out Tweek or some invisible force pushes you two together, you guys wouldn't start dating.
Getting his attention wasn't hard, he finds himself often taking loving glances at you through out school.
Once you ask him out he kind've.. freezes and then pinches himself. He's gotta prove this isn't the dream he's had for the past week. Once he knows it's not, he agrees, a blush taking over his whole face.
I know I keep writing these guys as not big fans of pda but I swear I only see a few of the sp guys as fans of pda 😭 (Like I only see Kenny, Butters, and Clyde as the major pda guys mb guys). Loves just holding hands though. Having his fingers intertwined with yours makes him smile.
He's often less stressed out around you, finds himself coming to you when he's anxious about something.
If he's anxious about something all he wants is to be heard, not being told solutions (this is canon but yk gotta still say it). There are times where a solution would be best and he understands then, but it annoys him if all you give him is "how" to fix the situation rather than just hearing him out
Maybe? controversial? I feel as if tweek texts pretty clearly. a few typos (but who doesn't have typos), but he doesn't have constant typos.
Loves using emojis though, he likes how he can express himself easily with them rather than using just words. Especially because there are times where he just doesn't understand how to express himself and he sees an emoji that works perfectly
Likes music sharing. He makes playlists that are just dedicated to you and he sends them to you.
He also likes calming songs (? idk think like the neighborhood, tv girl, lana del ray, cigarettes after sex, etc.)
Is another small spoon when cuddling. LOVES cuddling actually. He can fall asleep so easily with you in his arms and he's never felt more at peace than when you guys cuddle.
Also likes facing you when lying down next to you. His arm draped across your waist and his face against your chest bro, he's knocked out.
Doesn't like really public dates, occasionally wants the fun amusement park date, but if you're going to do public dates, he likes a simple atmosphere, like at an aquarium or a museum.
I feel like his love languages are quality time and words of affirmation.
Sometimes he gets in his head and believes you aren't actually with him because you love him and it's some sort of prank or scheme.
Please reassure him :(, all he needs is a constant "I love you" and he's doing better.
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abbatoirablaze · 1 month
Behind Closed Doors, Chapter 15
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings:  severe childhood trauma TW, angst, instances of a child releasing their anger/trauma, manipulation.
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“No fucking way…” Sebastian groaned, “you’ve got to be kidding me!”
“What is it, Seb-“
But you had stopped speaking as soon as you saw your ex, already with a small group of people crowding around him and asking for photos and autographs.  You felt your jaw dropping ever so slightly as Chris played the gracious celebrity, posing with adoring fans. 
“Ohhh, mommy…daddy said a bad word!” your four-year-old told you, eyes wide as he held onto his father’s hand.”
You took a deep breath as your two-year-old giggled on your hip. 
“Holy shit.”
“Shayla’s going to be so pissed when she sees him in the crowd,” Sebastian frowned, giving you a sympathetic look, “Honey-“
“But Johnny’s going to be ecstatic…”
“Do you think he showed up to prove a point?”
“And what point would that be, Seb?” you asked, sparing your husband a glance, “that he can be a father once every six years?”
“He has been doing better lately,” he shrugged, “I mean…from what you’ve been telling me about how Scott got him to go to that outpatient retreat…”
“He had to do that to keep his movie deals,” you groaned, “that wasn’t for the twins…no, putting real effort in is you showing up all the time…”
“Maybe we should give him a chance.”
You watched as Chris finished up with his autographs, before making his way over to you and Sebastian.  Pulling off his shades, he gave you a happy smile and pulled you into a hug. 
“Come on, honey…let the world think we make this function!” he muttered into your ear. 
You gave him a fake smile as he pulled away, “oh, Chris…how nice of you to show up when your children graduate kindergarten?  Should I expect you again when they graduate from high school and college?”
“She’s so funny!” he said dryly as he pulled Sebastian into a hug, “I can see why you put a ring on her finger, Stan…”
“Yeah,” Sebastian frowned, “the situation is hilarious…glad you could make it, Chris.  Johnny’s been looking forward to this all month.”
“And what about my girl?” he asked as he took off his shades, “Where’s my little Shayla Christiana Evans?”
“The kids are back stage, Chris,” you reminded him, “remember, I told you to meet up at the house earlier if you wanted to see them beforehand?”
“Flight was late,” he shrugged, “but hey.  I’m here.  Flew all the way in from Prague…in the middle of filming for something called Snowpiercer…but I told the director that I had to take some time to fly back because my kids were graduating kindergarten.”
“Really?” you asked in an amused tone, “because I just spoke to Scar the other day and she told me that you guys had to get back together for some reshoots for The Avengers film…”
He waved you off casually, “that’s not til next week.  No, I flew in early for the twins.  So…where we sitting for this thing?  I’m thinking front and center.  Let my little Johnny boy know that daddy’s here for him and his sister.”
“Come on, (Y/N), our kids are graduating kindergarten,” he teased, “enjoy the moment.”
“He’s right baby,” Sebastian said, trying to encourage you to live in the moment, “the twins will only graduate kindergarten once…this is a good day.  Let’s embody that.”
“You’re right,” you sighed, softening as you let him talk some sense into you.  He picked up Jack and balanced him on his hip, before wrapping his free hand around your waist, “let’s get some seats before everyone takes the good ones.”
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“Daddy I sleepy!”
“You should use proper English, Shayla,” Chris pointed out from his spot on the couch as Johnny proceeded to show Chris every single piece of art he made for him over the past year.  Sebastian frowned as Shayla snuggled deeper into his own chest in an attempt to hide from her biological father.  Chris’ eyes met his, “I-I could put you in bed if you-“
“Want daddy!” she whimpered softly, wrapping her little arms even more around him.
“Shayla…” you warned softly, “we’ve talked about this.  Chris is your biological daddy, and-“
“Jack-Jack and Jeffy call daddy theirs….”
“It’s fine,” Chris said dismissively, “I get it.  Sebastian’s here more than I a-“
“Daddy you’re not looking!” Johnny said firmly, cutting his father off as he held another painting in his face, “I made this one of you and me and we’re flying.”
“It’s really good buddy!” Chris offered, giving him a smile and a pat on the shoulder, “I can’t believe mommy let you keep all these.  I would have loved to get them in the mail.”
“He wanted to show you in person, Chris!”
“Speaking of in-person,” he smiled, turning his attention back to you, “I was thinking about how I wanted to take the twins for the summer.”
“Chris, we-“
“I’ve been doing a lot better,” he promised, “I did the rehab and I’ve even interviewed nannies for the kids for when I’m shooting.  They have their passports right?  I’m still in Prague for Snowpiercer!”
“Chris, we’ve talked about this…” you warned softly.
“Don’t wanna go!” Shayla whimpered from Sebastian’s chest. 
“Momma I wanna go with daddy!” Johnny exclaimed excitedly.
“Maybe this is a conversation that we have when the kids aren’t around, Chris…” Sebastian warned.
“Or maybe this is a conversation that I have with the mother of my children, about my kids,” he argued, his own tone firm as he shot his friend a look, “how about you worry about your own kids.  You have two of your own, don’t you?”
“I think that me taking the twins for the summer could give you and your husband a little break…”
“Momma, I go!” Johnny grinned, running between you and Chris, “I go with daddy!”
“Aww, buddy,” you frowned, giving him a sad look before shaking your head, “me and your daddy should really talk about this before-“
Chris leaned back, a smile on his face as he crossed his arms, “I don’t know, Johnny.  It sounds like mommy doesn’t want you to come with me.”
You gave Chris an angry look before smoothing down Johnny’s hair, “Baby it’s not that simple…daddy is-“
“Daddy, make momma say yes.”
“Sorry buddy…I can’t make mommy change her mind.”
You glared at your ex, knowing what game he was playing. 
“I go with daddy!”
“NO!” he yelled, running back to Chris and hopping into his arms, “I GO WITH DADDY!”
“Daddy can’t take you!”
You could see the tears in his eyes.
The warbling of his lip as he turned towards his father.
But Chris just had that sickening smirk on his face that made your stomach turn, “sorry buddy.  Mommy said no.  Guess you can’t come with me.”
Your heart broke as your son turned to you, “I HATE YOU MOMMY!”
It felt like you were punched in the stomach.  The air in your lungs left, and you felt like you were gasping. 
Johny, your baby boy had never said that to you. 
You knew that he idolized Chris, but you never knew just how much he had truly preferred the man who was never there over you.  Shayla, who was half-asleep in Sebastian’s arms woke up when she heard her twin brother scream and run off up the stairs towards his room.
She looked at you, and in an instant she was crawling out of Sebastian’s arms and towards yours. 
“No cry momma!” she whimpered softly, reaching up to push the tears off your cheeks.
“What the hell was that, Chris?” Sebastian growled, standing up from his spot on the couch.
“I’m trying to be a part of my son’s life.  It’s obvious that (Y/N) has poisoned Shayla against me, but-“
“(Y/N) does nothing but try to get you involved in Johnny and Shayla’s life, and she is the one that is stuck picking up the pieces when you let Johnny down!” he growled, “Every fucking time, Chris.  Shayla knows you don’t give a damn about them and latched on to me because I’m here.  I care, but you-“
“Don’t speak about my kids, Stan.” Chris warned, his tone dangerously low.
“Momma, no cry!” Shayla repeated.
“Someone has to,” Sebastian hissed, pushing Chris as he stood from his spot on the sectional, “Someone has to be there…to be a father for them.  Because while you-“
But before Chris could argue any more, Shayla had run across the sectional, and her little hands started to punch and thrash against Chris’ side, “Go WAY.  GO AWAY!”
“Shayla-“ Chris gasped, surprised at how his little girl was hitting him and trying to push him away from Sebastian, “baby girl I-“
“LEAVE US ALONE!” she screamed, tears falling down her cheeks as she continued to pound away at his side, all of the rage in her little body finally coming to the surface, “YOU NOT MY DADDY!  YOU HURT MOMMY! YOU HURT SHAYLA AND JOHNNY!  GO WAY!”
“Baby girl-“
“YOU HURT ME, DADDY!” she sobbed, finally stopping her assault as she fell back onto the couch and sobbed.  Sebastian’s heart broke as he watched the little girl who he’d all but raised expressed all of her pain towards her biological daughter.  He was quick to pick her up into his arms and she buried her head into his neck, sobbing as she clung to him, “why he hurt me, daddy?  Why he no want Shayla and Johnny?  Why he hurt mommy?”
“I think you should leave, Chris!” Sebastian sighed, tears welling up in his own eyes as he wondered how he would fix it. 
Chapter 16
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zaimta · 1 year
Hey, how are you? Can I please ask relationship headcanons for Sai from Dr Stone with a male reader? I struggle to find headcanons or scenario for him and I like this cute boy a lot.
Have a good day/night and feel free to ignore
zai says: i actually love sai so bad he's the cutest!! SAI STANS UNITE
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ˏˋ«────── « 𓆩♡𓆪 » ──────»
he’s the sweetest guy ever, pinkie link believer because he would be too nervous to hold your hand sometimes
indoor dates just chilling at one of y’all’s places is very common for y’all. maybe playing a new video game together or binge-watching y’all’s favorite show
loves playing co-op games with you, and they end up testing your relationship so bad that it’s hilarious. like overcooked!! y’all are a mess
he lets you beat him at games from time to time because he loves seeing you smile
if you wanted him to he would mod all your consoles for you. buys you all your amiibo faves your shelves are decorated with merch because if he spots something of your favorite character he will buy it for you with a quickness
he teaches you to code!! even better if you’re like a comp sci major or something because he loves helping you study
talks to you about some random coding program for hours and it’s the cutest thing ever because it’s so obvious that he loves what he does
late night talks about how he doesn’t really want to take over nanami corp. he just wants to code and make his own game
isabelle and doomguy/doom slayer vibes
he’s such a sap for you “my boyfriend” this “my boyfriend” that whoever he’s close with knows every last unnecessary detail about you because he talks about you so much
he adores kissing your hands, he never tells you why because he always gets embarrassed
bubs enthusiast!! he loves calling you that but he never calls you that around anyone else it
his stress is pumped up to ten, he’s always nervous about something and you calm him down
when he was first broken out of the stone he wanted to ask about you but he didn’t wanna feel like he was asking for too much oh but ryusui knew and gets you revived for sai
when sai can get some time alone with you he loves talking about the modern world and things he misses about it. he swears that once he’s able to code something he’ll code all of your favorite games (and he does!!)
he traces your stone cracks from time to time, his touch is so gentle like he’s trying not to ruin the cracks or like he’s afraid it’ll make them run deeper
he has you help him with the coding work, if you’re not that good he lets you do the simple stuff but he taught you enough so you know what you’re doing
when you find and error in his code that has him stressing (and since it’s on paper for a min it’s sm worse) he’s like “bubs you’re a genius!!” and he hugs you n kisses you all over your face
kinda loves it when you run your fingers through his hair, especially if your nails are on the long side it reminds him of when y’all would just chill in his room in the modern world
he loves when he gets to lay down with you and catch a break, little spoon he loves just wrapping his arms around you and resting his head on your chest and holding your hand
he’s so deeply in love with you
87 notes · View notes
angelicyouth · 1 year
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Youth ; Chapter 10
⇢ pairing: kenny mccormick x marsh!reader x craig tucker
⇢ synopsis: ❝Growing up with the boys as the sole girl of the group, it was only natural for them to grow protective over their pseudo-little sister as the years went by.❞
⇢ [AO3 link] ; [series masterlist] ; [previous] ; [next]
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Screams of excitement and the smell of greasy, deep-fried food overload our senses from our positions outside of the park. Our wide eyes watch as people quickly pass overhead in metal contraptions promising fun, our still forms vibrating in place from excitement. Clyde eagerly pulls me by the arm to take pictures with North Park Funland’s sign, a multitude of colors greeting us in large font. As we giggle at the silly poses we pull, the boys call for us when it's our turn to scan our tickets and move past the metal detectors.
As soon as we’re granted access, wide grins of anticipation grow on all of our faces. Our heads quickly look around, taking in all of the sights that the park has to offer. When the boys take a right to start their venture around the whole place, Kenny grabs onto my hand with a charming smile as he and Craig begin to guide me in the opposite direction.
“Ooo, are you fellas going a different way than we usually go? I’ll come with!” Butters eagerly says when he catches sight of us, causing the rest of the boys to stop walking at his words.
“What the fuck? No! We always make our way from the right because it’s the most efficient way to go through the whole entire park! I would know, I used to own this fucking place.” Cartman crosses his arms in indignation, his eyebrows furrowed and casting us a condescending gaze at our apparently stupid decision.
I look between Kenny, Craig, and the guys before Kyle catches my gaze, rolling his eyes and sighing. “Just let them be, they want to hit the haunted house the most. You don’t want to go to that, right Butters?”
“Oh gee! He’s right. Sorry fellas, but I’ll just go with the others!” Butters apologetically says to us, rubbing his knuckles together in anxiety at the thought of the horror attraction.
“Let’s just promise to meet at the food court for lunch at around 2PM, yeah?” Tolkien offers, his arms leisurely crossed behind his head. Everyone nods in agreement, shooting glances at their cellphones to see how many hours from now that would be.
I flash a small smile of appreciation towards the curly haired teen as he guides my brother’s form towards the direction the rest of the group is heading. Stan darts his eyes from me to the group, his lips quirked downwards as Kyle reassuringly pats both of his shoulders from behind. When I see their bodies slowly become smaller until they’re just specks in the distance, an arm gets thrown over my shoulders.
I look to see Kenny sporting an eager smile before Craig gently grabs one of my hands, interlocking our fingers together and squeezing our joined hands in barely concealed excitement.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
Although Kyle came up with a quick lie on the spot to get Butters off our backs, the boys and I decide to appoint the haunted house as our first attraction of the day. I happily skip ahead of them to secure us a spot in line, humming to myself in happiness as they leisurely walk to catch up to me. When they get to me, Craig hefts my body up onto the metal ramp that organizes the line and stands between my legs.
I wrap my arms around his frame, pulling his back to my chest and resting my chin on his broad shoulders. The line goes by quickly as the three of us fill the time with silly word or hand games and mundane talking. Craig periodically takes the time to offer us the bottle of water he has in his backpack due to the sunny and warm weather.
When the creepy music gets louder the more we near, the blonde and I begin to tease the other about being scared. I hug both of their arms in excitement, squeezing them to my chest whenever a person’s scared scream rings through the throngs of waiting people.
Finally reaching the dark abyss of the haunted house, the boys and I file into a single file line as per the directions of the worker. Allowing our group entrance after deeming a sufficient amount of time has passed since the last group went in, Craig stands to the front of us with my body behind his. I hug his taller form to mine as Kenny similarily has his arms wrapped around my waist as he takes up the rear.
We wobble together like newborn penguins as we move our conjoined group as one.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
“Oh, fuck. The door—I think it’s locked.” The blonde announces, pulling on the rusty metal doorknob in front of him to no use. When he plants a leg on the wall next to the door as leverage, the door still doesn’t budge.
You see, when a murderous clown randomly popped out from behind the gruesome surgery table containing zombies, Kenny and I yelled in exhilaration. As we screamed, we pushed Craig to lead us away from the bloody, chainsaw wielding worker. This in turn caused us to end up in a dark room with dusty vintage furniture, a group of creepy antique doll’s heads hanging from the ceiling. The sound of an ominous music plays in the room, a chorus of eerie children singing along with it.
“What do you mean it’s fucking locked?” Craig demands, his eyebrows furrowed and his arms crossed. I hug our hooked arms together, leisurely glancing around at the creepy props in the room.
“What do you mean, ‘What do I mean?’ When I say, ‘It’s locked’, that means it’s fucking locked! How many fucking definitions of ‘locked’ are there, Craig?!” The blonde resolutely gives up and throws his arms in the air in exasperation, an eyebrow quirked up at the question the ravenette asked. He spits out the teen’s name venomously, as if it was an insult.
I snort as I follow the chullo wearing teen’s body, our joined arms forcing me to walk along with him as he takes his turn to inspect the door. Kenny watches the teen, a condescending gaze on his face as he watches the same results come up when he tugs on the door.
There’s a moment of silence as the boys try to come up with a solution, our cell phones sadly informing us that there is no signal for us to try to contact the others. I grab onto the blonde’s hand and lazily swing our intertwined fingers together, a smile on my face as I look from each boy.
“Before you say no-”
“No.” Craig quickly cuts off the blonde’s suggestion, his voice firm and an unamused expression on his face.
“Fuck you, asshole. I haven’t even said anything yet!”
“I don’t give a shit. I’m sticking with no.” The ravenette rolls his eyes, crossing his arms in indignation.
I flash a smile at the now pouting blonde, squeezing our interlocked hands in reassurance. “What is it, Ken?”
A grateful smile appears on his face as he uses our joined hands to bring my body closer to his, planting a quick kiss on the crown of my head.
“I think Craig should put me on his shoulders so I can look for a vent on the ceiling. If I find one, I can crawl until I end up at the top of a different room.”
“That’s a stupid fucking idea, even for you.” The taller teen sneers, his face scrunched up in disgust at the idiocy the blonde presents him with.
“It’s go big or go home, Tucker.” Kenny has a lazy grin on his face, further irritating the other male.
“Yeah, go home on a damn stretcher. We’re not fucking doing that.” He rolls his eyes at the dangerous idea, quickly dismissing it.
“Well if you’re gonna shit on every suggestion I make, what do you suggest we do? Huh, Einstein?” The blonde probes after the harsh rejection, taking a step closer to the space lover. Craig just shrugs, no expression on his face as they make eye contact.
“What? You don’t have a plan?” An incredulous tone sounds out from Kenny’s words, an eyebrow quirked up.
“No.” The two boys just stare at each other, it’s quiet again save for the creepy music of the room.
“My plan was just to disagree with your plans.” Craig continues, his monotonous voice further infuriating the blonde.
“Holy fucking shit. He’s insufferable, babe.” Exasperation laces Kenny’s harsh statement as he makes eye contact with me, probably wondering what the hell I see in the other teen.
“You always see the worst in people.” The blonde continues to criticize, squinting his eyes.
“Yeah, because people are the fucking worst.” Craig scoffs as if it’s a given fact before he softly kisses my forehead as wordless reassurance that I’m the exception to that thought.
The boys plant themselves on the floor in defeat, Kenny grabbing onto my hand to pull me into his lap. His arms wrap around my waist and I lean against his chest, his head burrowing into the crook of my neck.
“This is fun.” I happily hum, the stressed out boys looking over at me and snorting in exasperated fondness.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
When the workers had to investigate why there was suddenly a congestion of people waiting to go through the haunted attraction, they finally noticed the jammed door and the people trapped within it. Craig sneers at the apologetic people we pass by, flashing them his middle finger at how long it took for them to notice. Kenny just shoots them all a wide grin, telling them that it was no problem and to ignore the grumpy member in our party.
Finally reaching the exit, I skip in excitement into the sunshine, a hand holding each of the boys and pulling them along with me. We decide to just follow the layout of the park and stop for whatever catches our eye, which leads us to the huge assortment of colorful game booths. While I ooh and ahh at every stuffed toy I see, I gasp loudly when I see a particularly cute one that catches my eye. This has led to Craig vowing to play until he gets me the prize, already $50 deep into playing.
Kenny and I watch the determined teen from the side, the blonde taking turns to feed me alternate bites of the churro we decided to snack on as we wait. A lazy smile sits on his face as he shoots unauthentic words of encouragement, further frustrating the taller teen.
I giggle from my perch on the blonde’s lap, leisurely kicking my dangling legs back and forth. I cup my sugar and cinnamon coated mouth to loudly shout out in the ravenette’s direction. “I’m okay, babe! I pinky promise! Quit wasting your money, I already appreciate the thought and effort!”
The teen underneath me mimics my actions with a shit eating grin, hollering out a mocking, “Yeah, Tucker! There’s still some rides I wanna go on, I don’t want to sit on my ass waiting for you all damn day! Let’s just use that money on a funnel cake instead!”
I lightly swat at the arm around my waist, admonishing the blonde for further agitating the ravenette. He smirks at me, a hand caressing the side of my face as a thumb shoots out to swipe at the lingering crystals on my lips. His eyes are half-lidded as he licks off the residue on his finger, my cheeks quickly heating up at the provocative gesture.
I turn from his teasing to encouragingly yell at the struggling teen. A loud, “I love you!”
Kenny isn’t deterred as he echoes back just as loud, snickering. “Yeah, we love you even if you’re complete dog shit at amusement park games!”
Craig squints his eyes in intense concentration, never sparing us a glance. His arms flex as he throws the baseball, sweat beginning to bead along his hairline. I unconsciously swallow, a tongue darting out to lick at my lips from the tantalizing sight in front of me.
I follow the veins that run along his arms to larger hands, the silver rings adorning his fingers further highlighting how long his fingers are. The amount of effort and money this boy is putting in for a stupid stuffed toy that could probably be bought for $5 at a store makes me swoon. The sunlight hits his visage in a way that accentuates his handsome features, his sharp jaw looking particularly defined.
Before I can fall even deeper into a hypnotic daze at the mesmerizing boy, the blonde below me starts to loudly clap. The girl working the booth smiles as she hands Craig the prize I want, his stoic face turning towards me with eyes that shine in excited accomplishment.
I gently hop off my perch on the blonde, running to the ravenette and throwing my body at him. I giggle as he wraps his arms around me, spinning me around with his face in the crook of my neck. I can feel his wide smile across the expanse of skin he’s hiding in and I proudly coo at the teen for all his hard work and for finally winning.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
Exiting past the metal gate of the most recent roller coaster we just rode, Kenny reaches out to smooth down my wind blown hair as I gush about my favorite parts of the ride. In every ride that seats two people in a row, the boys take turns sitting with me, holding onto my hand throughout the duration of whatever ride we’re on.
“Babe.” Craig calls out to me, his hands in his pockets as his head motions at the bathrooms near us.
I smile and thank him before running along, but not before the blonde takes the cellphone out of the back pocket of my shorts for safe keeping. The boys settle on a bench not too far away from where I’m at, the ravenette leisurely throwing both of his arms over the top of the seat they share and idly watching people passing by.
Kenny opens up the camera app on my phone, taking a plethora of selfies. He looks cute in a lot of them but in a few, he purposefully makes ‘fuckboy’ expressions and poses that make him look like a sleazy douchebag. Once he’s done, he ultimately decides on setting one of them as his contact photo on my phone. The blonde deems it perfect because he wants to put a smile on my face everytime we text or call each other.
After that, he changes his contact name from boring old ‘Ken♡‘ to one that’s more suitable yet purposefully cringey. He decisively settles on  ‘love of my life’ with a bunch of heart emojis. Once satisfied, he takes the liberty of taking a bunch of photos of him and the stoic teen next to him, setting the one he likes the most as my phone’s home screen wallpaper.
It’s a photo of him with a wide smile, beaming up at the camera with a peace sign while Craig stares off to the side with his usual deadpan expression, flashing the camera his signature middle finger. He grins to himself when he locks my phone, the ravenette rolling his eyes at all of the blonde’s invasive fiddling. When I exit the bathroom, he hopes that I’ll be pleasantly surprised when I notice the new image.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
On our way to the aforementioned meet up spot for lunch, I spot the rest of the boys walking slightly ahead of the three of us.
“Hey, dumbfucks!” I yell around a wide smile, my arms hugging Craig and Kenny’s arms to my body.
All of the guys simultaneously turn around, some of them rolling their eyes when they see who shouted while some of them smile in excitement at seeing me. They all stop walking so we can look for a table that can seat all of us together.
“Wow. I can’t believe you all turned around.” I smirk up at everyone when we’ve caught up with the group.
“N/N! I missed you!” Clyde exclaims, rushing to throw his arms around me.
I giggle as I hug the brunette back, Tolkien speaking up for the teen clinging onto me. “He’s been sulking ‘cause Jimmy tricked him into going on the dropzone with him.”
Craig snorts from beside us, pushing our conjoined bodies towards the food court. We all catch each other up on the rides and attractions we went on today, my eyes wide as Butters tells me about losing the group for a whole 30 minutes.
When we find a suitable location, the boys all place their backpacks onto various chairs. After relaying my order to my brother, they all leave me at the table to watch everyone’s stuff and to save our seats
When I’m tapping away on my phone, I smile fondly at my new home screen photo. I open up my photo library to see the rest of the damage the blonde did. At a particularly ugly face Kenny does at the camera that has me laughing, I feel a person’s presence slowly approach me from behind.
I smile up at the intrusion, thinking it’s one of the boys until I look up to see someone I’ve never met before. It’s a boy with fairly handsome features, someone I can see girls falling for if I wasn’t already so smitten with my current boys.
Politely smiling up at the teen, I subtly glance around to see if he was with anyone else before kindly speaking up. “Hi! Can I help you?”
“Sorry, I just couldn’t help myself when I saw you sitting by yourself. Did you come here with anyone?” He sends me a pleasant smile and I mentally roll my eyes. Why the fuck would I come to an amusement park all by myself?
“Yeah, sorry. My brother’s here with me.” As I inform him of my company, my eyes frantically look around the food court to see if I can spot any of the guys for a desperate way out.
He places a hand on the back of the chair I’m sitting on, my body automatically leaning out of his reach at the suddenly close proximity. “Ah, I see. I don’t think I caught your name.”
I laugh, a sweet smile on my face. “That’s because I didn’t throw it.”
He chuckles along but it doesn’t seem like he got the hint. The insistent teen opens his mouth to continue this torturous exchange but before he can say anything, a bright red tray gets slammed onto the table. The overpriced food laying on top of it slightly wobbles but thankfully doesn’t fall.
“Fuck off.” My brother lowly growls, his knuckles are white from his tight grip on the plastic he’s holding. “That’s my sister.”
I let out a small sigh of relief under my breath but roll my eyes at the familiar scene playing out in front of me, variations of the same scenarios never failing to rile my brother up.
“Ah, I apologize…” The teen lets go of the hold he has on my chair, taking a step back. He glances between our faces, a thoughtful expression crossing over his. “It seems like good genes run in the family.”
Stan and I shoot each other a confused albeit pained expression, the elder Marsh quietly mouthing a what the fuck to me. I shrug in response before a hand reaches out to pull my brother back from the material of his jacket.
“Sorry, excuse him. Was there something you needed?” Kyle butts in, a quirk of an eyebrow on his face as he warily watches the still unnamed teen. His words are polite but the tone of his voice is cold, his smile also devoid of warmth.
The rest of the boys take their seats around the table, some of them with subtle glares on their faces but some are entertained at the protectiveness being unleashed at the unfortunate soul. When Craig settles in his seat next to me, he throws an arm over the back of my chair in a nonverbal threat to the stranger. The poor teen takes the arrival of way more people than he anticipated as his cue to leave, quickly dismissing himself.
“What did he want with the ugoo?” Cartman disinterestedly asks around a mouthful of food. I scrunch my face in disgust when bits of food and spit spray out onto the table.
“He was just asking when your whore mom was going to call him again.” I shoot back around the bite of the corn dog Kyle tries to feed me. Sorry Aunt Liane, but your son’s a complete dick so I had to.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
For the rest of the day, we decided to stick along with the rest of the group since it’d be harder to see one another once it gets dark. When Clyde and I start to complain about wanting something cold because of the warmth so rarely seen back at home, the boys and I decide to share some ice cream and drinks with one another.
While leisurely walking and cooling off, Tolkien spots a gift shop that he wants to check out in an effort to buy something nice for his girlfriend. With my lips wrapped around a straw, I loudly sip on my slurpee as I look around. I lightly drag my fingers over the assortment of trinkets and candy as I pass by them, humming to myself before I feel something being placed on my head.
Turning around, I see Kenny step back away from my form to scan my appearance before guiding me to a mirror to see what he put on me. On my head sits a cute headband of one of the mascots of the theme park and I gasp at how adorable it is.
I spot Craig approaching us from behind through the reflection of the glass in front of me and I see that both he and Kenny also have matching headbands decorating their heads. We each have a different character and I get excited at the prospect of matching with my boys. As thanks for treating me out the whole day, I leave room for no complaints as I resolutely march up to the cashier to pay for our wares.
I take a picture of the three of us in extreme bliss, wasting no time in setting it as my lock screen wallpaper. I smile in happiness when I look at the new images that decorate both my lockscreen and my home screen wallpaper, my pixelated boys looking back at me from the glass screen of my phone.
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
When the golden rays of the slowly descending sun cast itself over the entire park, Kenny tugs me to his side with a handsome grin on his face.
“Let’s go.”
I don’t question him or wait for him to expand on his words as I smile up at him, the others falling into a line for another rollercoaster. The blonde interlocks our fingers together, about to make a quick escape before I pout up at him.
“Ken!” My cheeks puff out, my feet resolutely planted to the asphalt below us.
He rolls his eyes at me as he tugs on Craig’s sleeve as a sign to follow us, the ravenette furrowing his brows at the teen who was about to ditch him. I intertwine my other hand with the taller boy and we laugh as we quickly run the opposite direction. We hear the other’s yell after us but we don’t stop, quickly weaving through the multitude of people walking.
We stop to catch our breaths when we reach the ferris wheel, my lips parting in excitement when I see the height of the ride. Craig simply lifts an unimpressed eyebrow before we’re soon getting ushered into a carriage by the worker manning the metal contraption.
The boys sit in front of me as I marvel at our slowly ascending height, my hands holding onto the colorful yet cool material keeping us locked in. The view of the park looks breathtakingly beautiful underneath the warm tones that signal the sun’s rest, washing it in various shades of orange, yellow, and red. I bring up a finger to point things out for the boys, the both of them watching me with tender smiles on their faces at my child-like wonder.
I beam a wide smile at them, my happiness overflowing my body and out of every pore on my skin. I feel so grateful for the spontaneous day trip that the boys decided for today, granting me an opportunity of quality time with the two before me. I reach out my arms, holding onto each one of their hands and squeezing them with fondness. The two boys return my smile before quickly sharing a glance at one another.
“Y/N.” The taller teen calls out to me, his voice bringing me to his attention.
He gently smoothes a thumb over my hand, his voice low as he continues in the still air between us. “I wanted to tell you that I would like to be with you, to continue this.”
My eyes widen in surprise at the sudden confession, my head moving to seek the blonde’s azure orbs. He has a soft expression on his face, a smile so tender and warm. “I agree. If you’ll have the both of us, I’d like to stay by your side too. It’d be an honor, Princess.”
Lips slightly parting, I breathe in a shaky intake of much needed air. I can feel my heart running at a hundred miles per hour, butterflies quickly beginning to fill my stomach. The blonde lifts his unoccupied hand to my face, lightly soothing a thumb over my warm cheeks.
“I know that this will be hard. People are going to say stuff, they’re going to look at us differently. But I just wanted to say that even if you don’t feel content with where you are, I am so proud of you for being where you are and for following your heart. You have overcome more than so many people know and I want to be there for you. Maybe there was a time where you didn’t think you would make it, but here you are—so radiant and beautiful.” Kenny’s voice is so soft, so caring and loving. I feel my eyes start to water at the overwhelming love I begin to feel from his words.
Craig squeezes our joined hands, his lips quirking up into a smile so gentle and sweet that I begin to feel goosebumps dance along my arms at the wash of feelings it elicits. He brings our interlocked fingers to his mouth, slowly moving along before placing a soft kiss to my wrist.
He mumbles against the purchase of skin, “You made it and you will continue to make it. You deserve to live the life you want to live, not the life others expect you to live. You deserve to be proud of the person you are and love the life you are living. If someone has a problem with the three of us, just say a word and I promise that I’ll hurt whoever made you cry.”
I wetly laugh through the wide smile forming on my face. My cheeks begin to hurt and all I can get myself to say is a small fuck, my voice pathetically cracking. The boys endearingly laugh at my speechless figure, my face so utterly distraught at the influx of high emotions I’m currently experiencing.
I leap out of my seat to jump into their arms, the carriage we’re seated in tilting dangerously from the unbalanced weight. I giggle when Kenny yelps, wrapping my arms around their shoulders and smiling against their bodies. There's a small smile on my face, one so filled with love that I can’t help but to hide it into the material of their jackets.
“Thank you for being my heart split into two human forms.”
・ ─ ・ ⋯ ・ ─ ⊹ ♡₊˚๑
“Holy shit, my feet are fucking killing me.” Cartman complains as we all find an empty plot of grass among the sea of park goers.
Jimmy snorts, watching the larger teen heavily plop down on the floor. “Y-Yeah, I can imagine. Y-Yuh-your poor feet has to s-suh-support all of your fat.”
The boys snicker as they tiredly situate themselves on the green flooring in a much more dignified manner, Cartman too tired to say anything as he throws a middle finger at the disabled teen. Large hands grip onto my waist, guiding me onto Craig’s lap from his perch on the floor.
We all fiddle on our phones as Tweek and Tolkien ask for any snack orders we may have before they set off to get the group some food for the upcoming show. I lean my body against the sturdy chest behind me, the taller teen hooking his chin over my shoulder and watching me scroll through Coonstagram.
We both snicker when we see a picture of all of us from today at the food court that Butters posted, Clyde looking moded as he smiles mid-blink. When Kenny comes back from the bathroom, he lays down in front of me and lays his upper body against my smaller one. I weave my arms around his broad shoulders, gently stroking locks of blonde hair from the head against my stomach.
When a multitude of colors flash into huge explosions in the pretty night sky, a large smile sits on my face as I glance at the reactions of the boys to see if they’re having a good time. The luminescence of brightly lit hues reflect on their faces, their eyes look even more radiant than ever.
And all I can think to myself at that moment is how I wish this could last forever, with Kenny and Craig by my side.
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mistyfoxxy · 2 years
This has been on my mind a lot lately. And idk y or if this is definite proof or not but look.
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We all wondered if this meant the two of them would get together in the first special.
They’re the only two looking back at eachother.
They’re holding hands with interlocked fingers for crying out loud.
But what does this mean? We didn’t really get any huntlow or confirmation in the first special except for the hair cutting scene, blushing at ‘buff brains!’, and the finger gun and winking scene.
So what does this all mean? Are they together? Are they a thing? Are they tip toeing around one another?
I know the crew likes to tease and such. They parallel other couples and scenes to eachother. The crew themselves are more than on board with making Winter art!
So what if these two are already together?
In the first picture, the crew is heading in different directions, the two are looking back at eachother but they aren’t together. And Flapjack is still there.
In the next one, they’re together, hand in hand, flapjack… isn’t there. RIP my favorite little buddy. But what if that means the two got together somewhere between the beginning and end of their stay in the human realm?
Now I’m just gonna be real. As much as we want these two to canonically be stuttering blushing messes and jumbles of words with eachother, we want to see the development. We just don’t really… have a lot of time for that?
Now I’m down, I’m sooooo down if they’re just tip toeing around eachother and they end up making it an official thing in the next two specials. Like be real, I’m a majorrrrr huntlow/winter Stan.
It’s just this one specific scene that always has me going back to it.
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He is used to this! He’s used to her casually flirting by now.
Titan she even waited on the rest of them to leave. They could be keeping this under wraps for all I know!
So what if they were already together? Nobody said they’d be the most affectionate couple. Onscreen or off screen. (Even tho I’d really really want that!) The show has so much ground to cover.
I could even argue that they were kind of a thing back in Clouds On The horizon and Kings Tide bc of how overprotective they were of eachother. I could. But I’m not gonna go that far.
Think about the parallels too! Evelyn and Caleb were together when Philip killed his brother.
If we’re being real. Hunter died. Philip repeated the cycle. Hunter was gone if not for Flapjacks sacrifice. Like a post I’ve reblogged recently whom I can’t quite remember who but they recalled the fact that Evelyn most definitely held her lover in her arms and cried. Held him close. He was gone.
That’s what we got here too.
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Now I could spend all day justifying this argument too if I wanted, but I’m an hour away from home and my phone is dying. So. This is it for now. What do you guys think???
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cwcthzl · 2 months
ch2 richie and stan deciding to not drive immediately home after defeating pennywise like the others, and just drive to another place other than derry to cool off before going back to their day-to-day life, and, well, some life altering changes. them deciding on to live a fucking day just to relax and enjoy every moment before going back to worrying all about adult stuff.
them saying their goodbyes to the losers and bev jokingly warning them about wearing protection. stan rolling his eyes with a scoff while richie tells her to go back to her divorce.
them ending up on a nice hotel out of state at night. throwing little bit of belongings they have to their room and immediately going to the bar.
them having drinks together. joking, telling stories, laughing as their voice gets more and more tired and their body starts feeling weak every moment they let pass. them not caring how every inch of their body, soul, mind screams them to rest when all they wanna do is talk, talk, and talk to one another.
richie placing his elbow on the bar's counter and leaning his cheek against his palm as he watches stan ramble about some stupid guy he has at work. richie taking in stan's features one by one - the little grays and whites in his golden curls, the wrinkles on his forehead, the little stubble that's starting to grow on the bottom of his chin, his eyes filled with exhaustion and defeat, the buttons of his shirt that got unbuttoned as stan got more drinks in his stomach, the tightly wrapped bandage covering his forearms, the slow and lazy movement of his lips, how he grabs his glass with such elegance, the softness in his face whenever their eyes meet, the familiarity - the feeling of home.
them going up to their room with hand in hand. them leaning against each other in the elevator and giggling like kids, pulling and pushing each other in various directions, holding each other's hands and arms, guiding one another by grabbing their shoulders.
them arriving at their room. stan taking off his clothes and cursing himself for not bringing pajamas, richie making a joke about hospitality of the fucking clown while avoiding looking at stan with blushing ears, stan not even having the energy to respond.
stan throwing himself at his bed, richie not being able to take off his clothes because of how shaky his hands are and stan offering to help. stan sitting up on the bed as richie stumbles across the bed for stan to help.
stan helping richie to undress. richie losing his balance on various occasions and them laughing about it until they cry.
richie attempting to lay on the other bed. stan opening one of his arms to gesture to come lay with him. richie accepting. richie laying his head on space between stan's arm and shoulder; arm slung loosely around stan's waist as stan plays with his hair.
richie gently touching the bandages on stan's arm - caressing it lightly as he feels stan's eyes on his fingers. richie crying, rambling unintelligible things as stan pets his hair and tells him it's okay.
them crying together, cuddled up in a twin-sized bed, with alcohol in their veins. them being overwhelmed with every emotion they suppressed since the year they fell apart. them being overwhelmed with everything they couldn't say to each other all these years - all the fights, all the make-ups, all the important events, all the firsts, all the successes, all the failures, all the let downs, all the get ups, all the words, all the silences. overwhelmed with the realization of their best friends' absences all those years. overwhelmed with the fact that the reason they felt so alone was because they weren't beside each other.
them falling asleep in each other's arms. them snuggling against each other - pulling each other so close that they almost become one. th- *gunshots*
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Fic idea that I cannot get out of my mind: Ford traveling in the stan o war 2, adventuring with Stan, and trying to come to terms with the fact that Bill is gone. Until one day, Stan tells Ford that he had a dream with Bill in it. Ford is equal parts concerned and... he can't admit it to himself, but also hopeful.
He finds himself more and more obsessed with the idea of Bill somehow still being alive in the back of Stan's mind. He asks probing questions about Stan's dreams, over and over again. He asks Stan if he has any memories that don't feel like his own. He tells himself it's just out of an abundance of caution about a dangerous creature possibly being back from the dead. He tells himself he just wants to make sure Stanley is safe. But when he ventures inside Stan's dreamscape through that one spell and finds no traces of Bill, he can't help but venture into Stan's dreams again and again, until even Stan can tell that Ford's obsession with finding Bill Cipher doesn't make any sense anymore. He tries to tell Ford that he doesnt have to worry anymore, that if he still can't find him then he must be gone for good. And in response to this, Ford breaks down crying.
It just comes spilling out of Ford. Things like "he *can't* be gone, he just *can't* be," and "how could he be *gone?*" and "I *killed* him! How could I have killed him?!"
And at first Stan is incredibly taken aback. He's angry, even. "You *wanted* him back? All this goddamn time, you *wanted him back?* The guy who tried to kill us and destroy the universe??" and Ford has nothing to say to that. What *can* he say? Stanley's right, and Ford doesn't know if he can ever forgive himself for missing Bill.
But after the initial shock, Stan sees the look on Ford's face, and can't find it in him to be angry anymore. He's just confused. What's Ford not telling him, here? What piece of this puzzle is he missing?
The next day, after a very quiet and tense night, Stan is ready to listen. And Ford is ready to share. He asks Stan if he remembers all the artifacts they burned. He asks Stan if he remembers what Ford wrote about Bill on some of those journal pages. And then Stan's eyebrows shoot up, and it all clicks into place. He would mock Ford to hell and back in any other situation, but something about the harrowed look on Ford's face stops him. Bill didn't just trick him. He had him wrapped around his little finger in ways that Stan hadn't even considered.
So this time, when Stan reminds Ford that Bill's gone, he says it gently. And when Ford looks like his heart's been torn out of his chest when he replies "I know," Stan doesn't fault him for it.
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knwbetter · 5 months
day 6 of no speaking to each other: i still missed him very much today. frequently thought about him throughout the day but there were times too where i hated on him in my mind. basically i did think of him and miss him but i hated him at the same time. still had no idea that he was capable of making me like him but leave in the end. he had me so wrapped around his finger that i believed he wouldn't leave me and this thing we had might go somewhere but i was too naive. i remember him asking if i might be willing to move away from here and he was glad that i would be. he even asked me what i wanted to be in life and since he knew i took psychology in school, he said i could move to where he was and be a therapist there. of course i took what he said lightly bc i know this isn't some serious talk but i did start to think about it if it really did come to a point that we became serious. i shouldn't have fell for it tho bc in the end i barely knew the guy. idk how he's like irl, i just know the dude through the screen. in reality, he might be a totally different guy in person. if he is tho, i have to say he's pretty consistent in his online persona and his stories do track back with each other. i'm paranoid and hyperaware of things like those. i can sniff out liars but ultimately a liar is different from a manipulator. those i can't sniff out, heck i fell for it.
i keep trying to convince myself that i shouldn't be so caught up on someone who doesn't even want me. it's such a massive disrespect to myself honestly. i shouldn't have to beg for someone's love and i most certainly can't force someone to like me, that's the last thing i want to do. i'm not gonna sit here and beg him to take me back. that would boost his ego like crazy, knowing he has someone that goes this crazy for him. and i wouldn't want to be the one to stroke his ego like that. he doesn't deserve it and if that is the case then he thinks too highly of himself and has a lot of growing up to do. it's certainly giving little boy behavior, i wonder if he'll ever have the sense to man up.
i felt such deep sadness when i thought of him today from time to time. still in disbelief that he did everything to make me like him but deceived me in the end, acting like i was nothing to him when he told me that i'm not nobody to him and that i'm something to him. well i'm something alright, but nothing more. even as i listen to rap, it reminds me of him bc he said old rap is his favorite. stupid me had to listen to his playlist before which full of rap and it was pretty good too. i miss feeling that good but then again i guess i didn't really know him. that shit hurts my ego too bc i take pride on being good at characterizing people. this experience humbled me bc i completely misjudged him. every little thing has to remind me of him, like when the other day i was looking at jack daniels bottles and found out where it came from. like really, universe? every thing i do has to be connected to him. i guess it shouldn't surprise me bc we did have a lot in common. otherwise i wouldn't have bothered to continue talking to him.
i finally got to drink today and i took it neat. i feel tipsy actually. i think i'll sleep well tonight. i do like the feeling of drinking tho, makes me forget him for sure. i love the fuzzy feeling of it in my head too, like i don't have room to think about anything. we would've been so cute together but he had to ruin it. i'm actually starting my new job soon and i gained crazy courage to even force myself to find a job bc i had this thought in my head that i want to meet up with him this year. whether it might be in japan or here. he definitely inspired me to start putting more effort into looking for a job and now that i got one, we're over. he might've been the push i needed to get a job but i wish there was a less cruel way to it. this experience kind of taught me to be tough and i definitely feel changed. i'll never let anyone mess with me. i know my standards and boundaries now. communication has become more important than ever before. if someone ain't serious with me then i don't want it, next. i'm not here to play and i'm not here for the mind games. how dare you do this to me, fuck you.
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ipegchangbin · 2 years
channie humping his pillow pretending its his partner
anon. youve injected an unforgivable sin into my system. the amount of chan thoughts in the air is amazing
i live for this !! i read chan as a really affectionate guy, clingy to an extent with his partner. he doesn’t have to admit it for everyone to know that his s/o is all he thinks about. chan loves you, his beloved s/o, more than you think he does.
all he can think about is you as he hugs his pillow. it’s soft and the plush mimics your plump skin, but the crucial difference is that it doesn’t have your comforting warmth. his pillow happens to feel like your size but it isn’t quite right. nevertheless, he thinks it’ll do.
you slept on that same pillow a few times, anyway. it smells like you a little bit. you slept on it last night. the reminder of last night doesn’t help.
chan would look so delicious flipping the pillow over and pawing at it the way he would hold your body. regardless of his role in bed, the common denominator between all of his nights with you is that he worships the fuck out of you. the image of you and the way you treated him last night has him sex hungry. thinking of the way you still had him wrapped around your finger has him edging himself a little, pretending to play the same game of making you finish first before him.
so he fucks the pillow steady, just the way you love it. he thrusts his hips as if he’s making deep strokes into you. he hugs the end of the pillow helplessly, arms gripping onto the fabric as if he was holding your hips. he sounds sweetest when he’s whining and chanting your name over and over.
“y/n, fuck, i love you, y/n, i miss you, i’m cumming, i need you, y/n, i need you so bad, can’t fucking cum without you—”
all he could hear in his head are the moans you would make in response to his helpless babbling. he probably sends you a voice recording of him humping his pillow, knowing full well that you’re away for something important. isn’t he delicious when he’s desperate for you?
so psa for chan stans: look both ways before you cross his mind. be ready to do that very often too!
thank you anon for sending that powerthought in omfg i think i got possessed by a horny spirit. and oops i wrote this with sub!chan in mind
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