#Star Trek the original series photo edit
ghostlyfanparadise · 1 year
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spirk-trek · 6 months
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Ooh-wee-hoo, I have broke the Prime Directive
Oh-oh, and they’ve built a Warp Core
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subterraneanna · 1 month
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A mysterious encounter on Thaxes IV leaves Spock with precognitive abilities, but his visions are limited to McCoy's future fashion sense.
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Star Trek: The Original Series | 01x06 | The Enemy Within
Screencaps and photo edits by 1Shirt2shirtRedShirtDeadShirt
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worldcatlas · 23 days
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (part 2)
We’re back to the big screen to finish up Star Trek: The Motion Picture, and discover even more exciting shades of beige.
In part one, I skipped over a brief appearance by the Klingons because you can barely see them, but with a bit of photo editing, we can take a closer look.
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Why are their bridges so dark? Do targs have sensitive eyes?
Interestingly, they wear a style of uniform we would later see in TNG and beyond – all grey leather and metal studs – rather than the “sparkly sweater vest” uniforms Klingons usually wore in the original series. Although it’s a significant and unexplained departure from their small-screen appearance, I have to say, it’s a lot easier to take these Klingons seriously.
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Remember these guys? Star Trek wants you to forget.
I also skipped over a brief appearance by a lil’ guy in a space suit, but we’ll get back to this costume later.
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You just float there for now.
Picking up where we left off, Kirk steps off a shuttle sporting a handsome new uniform in slimming charcoal grey and white. It maintains the gold rank braids on the cuffs from the original series uniforms, but adds a futuristic belt, military-style shoulder marks, and a solid metal Starfleet badge. A stiff, quilted collar adds a touch of “space suit,” as well. All in all, a very sleek space-age outfit that feels like a solid upgrade to the brightly-coloured sweaters of TOS.
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I can’t wait to see how everyone else looks in this cool new uniform! 
We also get a momentary, blurry glimpse of some excellent-looking Vulcan robes in black and gold, but once again, this beautiful costume barely gets a moment of screentime before being whisked away.
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He had to hurry off to fix his eyebrows, I get it.
So… as it turns out, only admirals get the cool new penguin uniform, and everyone else is stuck with space scrubs. They don’t even get a metal badge (not even hard-working Scotty!), just an embroidered patch with a silver Starfleet delta against a coloured circle indicating the wearer’s department.
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At least he gets the cool belt.
Up on the bridge of the Enterprise, It’s a full-on Situation Beige. Crewmen buzz around the bridge in every imaginable shade of white, off-white, tan, taupe, and ecru, blending in nicely with the bulkheads.
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Fashion crimes notwithstanding, I think there’s also an OSHA violation or two going on here…
Not even Uhura is immune to unflattering shades of khaki, although she does give us a quick glimpse at the Apple Watch-like wrist communicator worn throughout the film. It’s a great accessory that would unfortunately be rendered obsolete by the comm badge as the franchise moved on.
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This woman deserves fashion, dammit!
Chekov, Sulu, and other crewmen model a few interesting variations on the theme, including a tight-fitting polo, a standard crew neck, and an awkwardly-tailored sport coat that can’t possibly be regulation.
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You know, for uniforms, they’re not very… uniform.
While others, like Commander Decker, enjoy tight-fitting jumpsuits in the beige-est possible shade of blue. Somehow, I just don’t get a sense of authority from a man who looks like he’s been vacuum-sealed inside his footie pajamas.
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Oh boy, you can see Commander Decker’s whole entire Commander Decker.
Next, we are treated to a great crowd shot that really shows off the scope of the costume department’s efforts, with dozens of varied uniforms packed into the scene. It makes me feel a little bad for going after the colour palette so hard, considering the difficulty of coordinating so many pieces.
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Then again, it really is giving “thermal underwear in space.”
There are a few noteworthy variations in the crowd, including the guy with an uncovered electrical socket in the front row, but my favourite is probably this Native American officer with cool beaded accessories.
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Chakotay could learn a thing or two.
The next character to make their big screen debut is the ship’s doctor, Leisure Suit Larry Dr. McCoy, in a fly as hell, disco-ready outfit, complete with gold chain, oversized belt buckle, and a frankly criminal amount of chest hair. And let’s not even talk about the beard. Thankfully, the good doctor soon cleans up and changes into uniform.
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Still too much chest hair.
Next, we pay a visit to engineering to see Scotty, who has gotten a significant costume upgrade. Along with his fellow warp core enthusiasts, Mr. Scott sports a heavy-duty, protective-looking white suit with a strange socket (or antennae?) on the chest, surrounded by concentric circles of padded fabric that really make you wanna plug something in there. Oddly, the costumes also feature black rubber collars that presumably attach to their matching helmets, but do not appear at all sealed to the body of the suit.
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They’re air-tight…ish.
Fortunately, the suits also include a handy, built-in to-do list.
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Memory aids can be helpful for a… mature crew.
Last but not least, the old gang is finally back together as Spock joins the crew, feeling absolutely no emotion about how slick he looks in these long-sleeved Vulcan robes. I love the matching grey tones between the high-collared shirt underneath and the embroidered Vulcan script on the outer garment (though I’m sure this was a purely logical choice).
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It says “zip up here.”
Sadly, Spock is quick to follow protocol and changes into a Starfleet uniform as well. However, he does keep the collared undershirt, creating an ensemble that – in a nice nod to TOS – closely resembles his old uniform.
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Spock appreciates consistency.
Uhura has also gotten a costume change, and although they still won’t let her out of Beige Hell, she has at least gotten a smart two-piece pant suit that looks a little more comfortable. In addition to being more flattering, this uniform also includes the gold rank braids at the wrists.
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Maybe the replicators in the 2270s only have one colour of ink.
Some plot happens, and the ship’s navigator, Ilia, gets hijacked by an alien entity. After briefly experimenting with no costume, she manifests this wild sci-fi bath robe with a huge Dracula collar. The asymmetrical hemline is super cute, but the belt at the waist could be a bit higher and more fitted. I do like how the pink lining inside the collar complements the robo-transmitter implanted in her collarbone.
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The bad news: an alien has taken over your body. The good news: they put on a cute fit~
The back of the collar is a nice touch as well, tapering into a heart shape that flatters the actress’ perfectly-shaped head.
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So smooth.
On the other hand, I cannot agree with V’ger’s choice of psychically-manifested footwear for this outfit. Clear plastic high heels might look futuristic, but they’re completely impractical for walking through a ship with perforated deck plating, running through sandy-floored caves, or standing near a warp core without melting.
At the other end of practicality, we are introduced to some members of the ship’s security team, who are inexplicably dressed like old-timey football players. They sport shiny helmets, phaser holsters, and crotch-protecting armour in a lovely chocolate brown. While it does break up the beige, it feels a bit silly to see combat guys ready to rumble on a Starfleet vessel.
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I think they saw what the Klingons were wearing and got jealous.
Deciding to accessorize, V’ger tries on a headband belonging to her host. It’s a lovely beaded and sequined piece, with a gold charm dangling at one side, and very nearly reminds the navigator who she used to be.
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Does this accessory clash with my parasitic control of another sentient being?
Things are getting intense story-wise, and Spock suits up in a shiny red “thruster suit” to take care of business – that is, an EV suit painted safety orange and strapped onto a rocket that looks like it was built with spare kitchen utensils. The whole ensemble is incredibly bulky, but believably looks like a rocket-belt-type contraption that might’ve existed in the 1970s.
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Do what you have to do, Spock, but I’ll need my colander back before dinner.
We’re treated to a close-up on the suit’s gloves as Spock pilots the contraption, revealing plenty of details, including more structural quilting. I like the raised details along each finger on the gloves, implying some kind of built-in system, perhaps heating or robotic assistance. The frame of the thruster suit (painted beige) contains a control panel, with buttons on every surface. This segment detaches from the suit itself, so there are also buttons built into the left sleeve.
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One for lemonade, one for ice, and one for diet Romulan ale.
We also get a good look at the back of the suit without the rocket attachment when Spock mind melds with V’ger, revealing more quilted details, including some hilarious concentric squares on the butt. From this angle, the suit is mostly the work of the prop department, who have done an excellent job making the hardware look both hi-tech and capable of playing Betamax tapes.
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I think my Grandma had one of those on top the TV.
Kirk comes thrusting to the rescue in his own suit, and soon Spock is whisked away to Sick Bay for another costume change. I think this is meant to be a futuristic hospital gown, but it really looks like they’ve just wrapped the sheets around his legs and pinned them in place with binder clips.
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In case the doctors need quick access to his thighs.
On the other hand, the sleeveless top is a whole look, and I love the hood with contrasting orange lining.
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Not gonna lie, I’d wear it.
As a bonus, Doctors McCoy and Chapel have evolved into their final form: an all-white medical uniform with an oddly rounded collar, shoulder marks, and – notably – a rod of Asclepius embroidered on the left breast, in lieu of a Starfleet delta.
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Missing a couple buttons there, Doc?
In the climactic finale, our brave crew suits up for one last away mission in suede jackets, taking advantage of the material’s natural beige hue. Unusual for Trek, they appear to have several large, prominent pockets – but any unease is quickly dispelled by the reassuring presence of decorative quilting along the arms. Speaking of which, the left arm of each jacket bears a reflective stripe that, curiously, does not seem to indicate rank or department, as Spock alone has a red armband.
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With little to differentiate their outfits, Decker decides to accessorize with dramatic lighting and sparkles. Lots of sparkles. Met-Gala-rolled-in-a-Michaels level of sparkles, a.k.a. the correct amount for any outfit. And with that, the Earth is saved.
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What was the point of the film again?
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mazarinememories · 1 month
About the Blog & the Author Behind It
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The Blog:
This blog's primary focuses include: Star Trek (The Original Series and TOS films), the Spirk ship (Kirk/Spock), other variations of ships of the triumvirate (Spones, McKirk, and McSpirk), and anything regarding Leonard Nimoy, the actor who portrayed Spock in Star Trek: TOS.
The blog was created to showcase the blog author's creations and contributions to the Star Trek fandom (coming soon, I promise). It's also to record other important contributions to the fandom; such as artwork, fanfiction, music, zines, memes, edits, behind-the-scenes facts and photos, as well as TV show and movie screen caps and scenes.
The blog was first created on November 20, 2023, but not revamped until July 16, 2024 for the Star Trek fandom.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This blog occasionally features text and images that are NSFW, so minors be warned (you can still interact with me, but just be wary of any adult-themed content you might see on my blog). It's also not spoiler-free -- proceed with caution!
Reason for the URL:
Mazarine: being one of the names of the author of the blog, meaning "deep blue color".
Memories: the author has always had a fascination with psychology and memories. This is also a nod to the many decades of hard work, passion, and dedication from many of the cast, writers, filming crew, and fans who kept this series alive; the legacy of multiple forms of art left behind; and the inspiration of many people to pursue STEM careers and further the advancement of human society.
The words put together: the memories of the blog's author that give them a reason to live, to be strong, to be logical, to never give up despite the hardships of life, and to leave the world a better place than when they first entered it. The URL also has a nostalgic feel to it, as the series is a source of nostalgia for some.
The title:
Ad Astra Per Aspera is Latin for "through hardship to the stars". Not only is it a personal favorite motto of the blog's author, it's also a most fitting quote for Star Trek's philosophy.
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And the author makes their entrance...
My name is Mazarine A.S.C. (Mazarine Alcine Severen-Cress). I also go by Mazz, Mazzy, Mazzy Star (like the band), and Masc. (Someone once called me 'Mezzanine' and I accept that too, I like Massive Attack.) I'm a fic writer as well as a fledgling vidder and archivist. I'm also an active participator of KiScon as well as their Discord server as of July 2024.
I'm 22 years old, genderfluid/nonbinary, and a certified lover of women and enbies. My preferred pronouns are they/them/theirs.
About my name: I chose this moniker to identify myself because I wanted a unique, debonair, gender-neutral name that had the same vibes as Yves Saint Laurent or Christian Dior (not that I shop those brands but it's to give you a good picture of what I was trying to go for).
The meanings of each name are as follows:
Mazarine: Deep blue color. Feminine and French origin. The hex code for the mazarine color is 273c76.
Alcine: Strong-willed. Gender-neutral and Greek origin. (I found it when trying to look for 'witchy' names.)
Severen: Stern, severe, austere. Masculine and Latin origin.
Cress: From atop of the hill. Gender-neutral and French origin.
I like to think that when the names are put together, it means: "The stern witch from atop the deep blue hill."
My profile picture is a cropped image of one of the pictures displayed in the New York Times article regarding the death of Leonard Nimoy. (Note: the article is paywalled.)
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About Mazarine the Trekkie
How Mazarine Got Into Star Trek:
I was first introduced to Star Trek like many other people have been: their relative putting on a few episodes of The Original Series or The Next Generation on TV during childhood and watching in awe as the characters solved problems in a futuristic time on a weird and wonky planet and learning a lot about themselves along the way.
I didn't truly pursue an interest in Star Trek until 2020, however. But months before I started watching the series, I stumbled upon an interesting fanvid... that's right: "Closer". Because I had no clue what exactly it all meant ("What if they never returned to Vulcan in time?" and all the spicy clips of two men going at it), I was very confused, but fascinated! I was already quite interested in mlm and yaoi content and had harbored such interests for years before encountering that video. I didn't know at all that Kirk and Spock were shipped, let alone of how much of a legacy and impact it had left.
It wasn't until the night of September 1, 2020 (I theorize that's the exact date), that I started watching TOS. I'm someone who prefers to watch in release order because I believe that's the best way to understand a franchise. This was back when Netflix carried all of the Star Trek shows and movies. It was in the midst of the pandemic and I was starting college. I had plenty of time on my hands apart from online schooling and freelance work, so why not start watching shows and movies I had been meaning to try? I decided to start with Star Trek. I was in my living room and I found The Original Series, and selected the very first episode: "The Cage". I found it cerebral, but interesting; I kept watching despite how cheesy the 60s production value was.
Never in my life had I seen a single show from the 60s at that time, except for The Twilight Zone. The production style was completely new to me: it was colorful, the sounds were softer than today's TV shows, and it had so much more dialogue. It was engaging even for my bad attention span. The writing of the characters was so intricate and life-like, it was no wonder the show caused such a mania and cult following.
I mostly used it as background noise whenever I did work, chores, or creating art. I was still able to pick up what was going on thanks to the frequency of the show's dialogue. In time, Spock and his suave ways began to grow on me. I noticed the way Kirk and Spock interacted with each other and began taking a liking to their friendship. Eventually, I began shipping them a little bit.
One night, I was doing some scrapbooking and I had Star Trek on. Dr. McCoy was voicing his concerns about Spock to Captain Kirk and Nurse Chapel was running out of Spock's room while he was yelling at her. The Vulcan stormed out, and his face looked so angry. I snapped my head up from my journal and my eyes were instantly glued to the screen. Now this, I HAD to watch.
My art abandoned, I watched with great interest as Spock reluctantly explained to his commanding officer that he needed to take an early leave because of a fatal condition that came every seven years and could only be satiated via coitus. I gazed with anticipation as T'Pau approached, as T'Pring declared Kal-if-fee, and when Kirk was then made to battle his first officer and best friend to the death. I leered at the screen as they fought, their theatrical movements and bodies rolling in the sand putting me in a trance. Kirk's shirt tears in a place I had no idea I needed to see. I watched in horror as Spock eventually, and inevitably, delivered the final fatal blow.
"Well, what the fuck are they gonna do now? Kirk is dead!" I thought to myself.
T'Pau bade him Live Long and Prosper. Spock forlornly responded, "I shall do neither."
My heart palpitated with an indescribable feeling upon hearing that. In sickbay, Spock was about to relinquish his authority, then I smiled like an idiot as Kirk came up right behind him.
"Don't you think you better check with me first?"
"Captain... Jim!"
And thus, a trekkie is born.
I literally GASPED out loud, hands covering my mouth, eyes going wide as saucers. He smiled. He fucking smiled. And a real smile this time -- not one caused by drugs or one of those slight smiles of amusement! A real, motherfucking smile! Oh, it was beautiful. Thank you so much, Nimoy!
The episode concluded with McCoy's sarcastic remark, and I'm left sitting in my chair giggling like crazy. Spock became my favorite character that night; and Nimoy, my most favorite actor of all time.
A moment later, it hit me like a truck: the "Closer" video! My eyes went wide as I suddenly remembered the video and then I pieced the puzzle together.
"I ship it." I whispered happily to myself.
Then, came the falling down the rabbit hole: the 3 AM fanfiction readings, the hours of perusing Tumblr blogs, hunting down rare Star Trek paraphernalia, cosplaying, discovering KiScon, and eventually joining the KiScon Discord server and making a lot of wonderful friends there, on Twitter, and Tumblr. Now I'm here, writing this About Me page to pin at the top so you can groan at how long this is. Thanks for putting up with me.
The show gave me a sense of optimism during the heavy turmoil of 2020 as it did for those in the 60s. Like many others, it inspired me to get into STEM, so I changed my course of study years after starting college and began teaching myself statistics, programming, and medicine.
I love being a Trekkie. I love that the fandom still persists to this day despite it dwindling, but I thank the internet for keeping it alive and well and warmly welcoming new people with open arms. I enjoyed watching my brother get into Star Trek, and now we can't stop quoting the original films to each other. The impact it has even to this day is timeless and unreplicable. It's art in itself. Gene Roddenberry claimed he was no guru, but it doesn't take anything less than a genius to create what he did.
Character: Spock (TOS version)
Show in the series: The Original Series
Films: The Motion Picture, V: The Final Frontier
Favorite episodes: "Amok Time" (S2E1), "I, Mudd" (S2E8), "The Corbomite Maneuver" (S1E10), "The Menagerie" (S1E12/13), and "Assignment: Earth" (S2, E26)
Ship pairing: Spirk (Kirk x Spock, or K/S, or "The Premise")
Show tropes: the way Kirk looks at Spock, Spock and Bones bickering
Fanfic tropes: old married Spirk, pon farr, domestic life (living together in San Francisco or the flop in "The City on the Edge of Forever")
Quote: "Logic clearly dictates that the needs of the many far outweigh the needs of the few." "Or the one." "You are my superior officer. You are also my friend. I have been and always shall be yours." (The Wrath of Khan)
Scenes of all time: When Spock Realizes Kirk Isn't Dead, Spock Motivates Kirk to Take Command, Spock's Arrival on the Enterprise, This Simple Feeling, It Gives Me Emotional Security
Favorite fanart: I Shall Do Neither by Nox Zaiden
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Favorite fanfiction: And Filled With Tomorrows by Android_And_Ale (Pairing: Kirk/Spock, Rated: E, Words: 5,886, Published: March 22, 2024)
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About Mazarine Themselves:
Star Trek: TOS
Wong Kar Wai films
Portishead (90s band formed in England)
60s gogo dancers
Geisha and maiko (Japanese culture)
Psychology and mental health
Art history
LGBTQIA+ history
Writing (poetry, plays, and fanfics)
Documentaries/docuseries of literally anything
Favorite Things:
Colors: mazarine blue, sky blue, indigo, lavender, mauve, jade green, seafoam green, ivory, black, and vermillion
Singers/Bands: Portishead, Fleetwoood Mac, Björk, Massive Attack, Mazzy Star, Röyksopp, Daft Punk, The Flaming Lips, David Bowie, Garbage, Nirvana, The xx
Song: "Glory Box" (Portishead, 1994)
Music Genres: trip-hop, electronica, jazz, classic rock, industrial, k-pop, alternative/indie, lofi, vaporwave, 60s garage rock, and anything 70s, 80s, and 90s.
Actors: Leonard Nimoy, Michelle Reis, Winona Ryder, Angelina Jolie, Lauren Bacall
Authors: Franz Kafka, Sylvia Plath, Margaret Atwood, V.E. Schwab, Oscar Wilde, Edgar Allen Poe
Films: Fallen Angels (Wong Kar Wai, 1995), Frances Ha (Noah Baumbach, 2013), 2001: A Space Odyssey (Stanley Kubrick, 1968), American Graffiti (George Lucas, 1973), World of Tomorrow (Don Hertzfeldt, 2015), Deathwatch (Vic Morrow, 1965)
TV Shows: Star Trek (TOS), Arrested Development, Parks and Rec, Nathan For You, Community, Better Call Saul, The Sopranos, Squid Game
Directors: Don Hertzfeldt, Wong Kar Wai
Art: Ballet Rehearsal on Stage (Edgar Degas, 1874), The Brooch. Eva Mudocci (Edvard Munch, 1903), Fireflies on the Water (Yayoi Kusama, 2002), Composition with Red, Blue, and Yellow (Piet Mondrian, 1930)
Interesting Facts About Me:
My astrological signs are Aries Sun, Pisces Moon, and Taurus Ascendant.
I'm an INTJ-T on the MBTI scale. (I know the history of it, but I still found it interesting.)
My ancestral research has linked me to Irish and Scottish druids, as well as Nordic vikings. It's quite funny, because their blood now resides in an anxious shut-in obsessed with a fictional show.
My hobbies include writing, poetry, journaling (regular journaling and bullet journaling), listening to music, learning languages (currently Japanese, Mandarin, and Arabic), collecting CDs, reading fanfiction, doodling, and people-watching.
My ultimate goals in life: to become a psychiatrist, a published author, a playwright; to live in Massachusetts, travel the world, and see every Star Trek show and film.
I'm older Gen Z, born in 2002.
I have maladaptive daydreaming disorder (MDD).
I own a first edition copy of Killing Time by Della Van Hise and a signed copy of Leonard Nimoy's autobiography I Am Spock.
My Socials:
Discord: mazarinememories (Please, feel free to friend me there! I love making new Trekkie friends and just any new friends in general. I think I'm pretty cool.)
Email (for artistic inquiries): mazarine.asc @ gmail.com
By all means, friends: be well to each other. Live long, and prosper.
Ad astra per aspera.
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To tide y’all over until the bracket is finished, here’s a list of every fandom in the tournament! Sorted by when each got its first submission.
It takes time to make the bracket cuz I gotta arrange all of these to be at least semi-equal in popularity to each other, and then make all the edited photos. I’ve been rather busy lately, but it should be up by tomorrow night :)
Minecraft Diaries
The Outsiders
God of War
Ace Attorney
Bungou Stray Dogs
Murdoch Mysteries
The Raven Cycle
Lego Star Wars
Sanders Sides
Kamen Rider
Castle Swimmer
The Magnus Archives
Lego Ninjago
Half Life VR But The AI Is Self-Aware
DC Comics
Critical Role
Romeo & Juliet
Witch Hat Atelier
Final Fantasy
One Piece
Warrior Cats
Chicory: A Colorful Tale
Trigun Stampede
The Owl House
Ori and the Will of the Wisps
Fallout: New Vegas
Tokyo Ghoul
Total Drama Island
The Cable Guy
Marble Hornets
Marvel Comics
The Umbrella Academy
Life Series SMP
Fire Emblem
Julie and the Phantoms
Persona 5
Star Wars
Young Justice
Fullmetal Alchemist
The Shadowhunter Chronicles
The Young and the Restless
The Untamed // Mo Dao Zu Shi
Cooking Companions
Demon Slayer
John Wick
Pit People
Battleblock Theater
Star Trek
LittleBigPlanet 2
Midnight Museum
The Witcher
Teen Wolf
Beast Wars: Transformers
The Stormlight Archive
The Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System
The Arcana
Jujutsu Kaisen
Ultraman Nexus
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Edward Scissorhands
The Mechanisms
91 Days
Assassination Classroom
Death Note
Repo! The Genetic Opera
Kikai Sentai Zenkaiger
Battle for Dream Island
Twisted Wonderland
The Iliad
Call of Duty
Tangled: The Series
Team Fortress 2
The Goes Wrong Universe
Harry Potter
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Live A Live
Real Life
Stranger Things
Red Dead Redemption 2
Ib (2012)
Spies Are Forever
Madoka Magica
Magia Record
My Hero Academia
Ravenous (1999)
Lifesteal SMP S4
Outsiders SMP
Phineas and Ferb
Empires SMP
Ruse of the TMNT
Origins SMP
The Otterverse RP
Witch’s Heart
Project Sekai
The Silmarillion
The Lord of the Rings
Helluva Boss
Greek Myth
Percy Jackson
Limbus Company
Rain World
Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure
Mob Psycho 100
Lord of the Flies
Good Omens
Word of Honor
Just Roll With It
Witchcraft SMP
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun
Realm of the Underlings
Omniscient Reader’s Viewpoint
Rats SMP
Steven Universe
The Hunger Games
Fate Grand Order
Welcome to Dreamworld
The Dolls of New Albion
Pact Web Series
Brandon Rogers
Ghost Quartet
The Dragon Prince
Steam-Powered Giraffe
Six of Crows
Bojack Horseman
Epithet Erased
Tale of the Nine Tailed
Cookie Run
Purple Hyacinth
The Wicked + The Divine
Outer Wilds
Miraculous Ladybug
Transformers Comics
Legend of Zelda
Breaking Bad
Devil May Cry
Dragon Age
The Locked Tomb
Mystic Messenger
Black Butler
Interview With a Vampire
Death By Dying
Higurashi When They Cry
Transformers Animated
Pirates SMP
All The Bright Places
Ride the Cyclone
Grey’s Anatomy
Empire of Exiles
Octopath Traveler 2
Hello from the Hallowoods
The Burning Sands of Ma’ssob RP
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walks-the-ages · 1 year
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Then please, please consider donating to the Internet Archive!
Each year, Archive of Our Own far surpasses their donation goal for their fanfiction hosting archive-- let's see if we can't meet or beat that for the original archive, that preserves media that would otherwise be lost, is an open free and accessible online library, and is an absolutely invaluable resource if you are a fan of literally any old media; so many books are completely out of print for scifi series such as Quantum Leap, Star Trek DS9, Babylon 5, etc, and physical copies are sold for hair-raising prices ($100-$500+), and digital copies available to purchase are extremely few and far between.
Some of the Star Trek books have been digitalized as ebooks by Amazon, but none of the Quantum Leap books exist anywhere online as purchasable ebooks, and the only place you can find them is on ebay (for various price points from reasonable to absolutely hilariously outrageous), but they are not available in any accessible format...
Until the Web Archive digitalized them for their Open Library!
Not all of them are available on the web archive yet-- physical copies are donated to the archive and have to be digitalized there, but many are already available that you would otherwise have to shell out $100 or more to scalpers and resellers on ebay, while the original creators never see a cent of the profit (the books originally sold for $6.99 when they were released)
Not only does the Internet Archive preserve books that are decades out of print, but also documentaries, ancient video games and software, live music, and what most people know: The Wayback Machine! The magical tool that preserves defunct or dead websites (or even just to show original posts or articles before they were edited or deleted) for future reference and preservation !
And the web archive is not just for fandom purposes-- live news broadcasts, radio plays, NASA images, public domain audio books for accessibility, movies, podcasts, traditional art backups, and more!~
Do you have old family videos and photos? You can upload them to the archive!
Do you have a family recipe book from your great grandmother? You can upload it to the archive!
Do you like to craft and make crochet or knitting tutorials or patterns? You can upload them to the archive!
So, if you love to read, and you love media preservation, please consider donating if you are able (This is not only available during a set time, they accept donations year round if you want to wait til payday!) and please reblog to signal boost this!
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sunnydaleherald · 16 days
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Thursday, September 5th and Friday, September 6th - Part One
Joyce: I guess I slipped and cut my neck on... The doctor said it looked like a barbecue fork. (looks at Buffy) We don't have a barbecue fork. (looks at Giles) Are you another doctor? Buffy: Oh! Um... No, Mom, this is Mr. Giles. Joyce: Oh, the librarian from your school! (confused) What's he doing here? Giles: Uh, I-I just came to pay my respects, wish you a speedy recovery. Joyce: Boy, the teachers really *do* care in this town.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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Far From Over by veronyxk84 (Buffy, PG-13)
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As Close To Heaven As I'll Come by Coraniaid (Buffy/Faith, T)
Necromancer by The_Crazy_Knight (Buffy/Giles, T)
Sing Me Something I Need by luuluuluu (Spike/Xander, not rated)
Can't hear you... by Anonymous (Giles/Spike, E)
Holiday Cheer by TooManySpatulas (Willow/Tara, T)
Retaliation by Anonymous (Buffy/Spike, E)
First There Was Nothing by TooManySpatulas (Willow/Tara, E)
The Aftermath by TooManySpatulas (Willow/Tara, T)
The Consequences by TooManySpatulas (Willow/Tara, T)
I Like to Watch by spikesgirl58 (Giles, Xander, Grimm crossover, G)
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20 Minutes by tempestt (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
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Wind Beneath My Wings by Geliot99 and Claire (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
[Chaptered Fiction]
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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Shadowed Suspicion, Chapter 340 by madimpossibledreamer (Ensemble, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure crossover, T)
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The Night We Met, Chapter 3 by TheSadPoet (Spike/OC, M)
The Engagement, Chapter 12 (complete!) by ChecksAmali_23 (Buffy/Faith, E)
Don't Swerve, Chapter 8 by thisyearsgrrl (Buffy/Faith, E)
After Life, Chapter 3 by Alwaysandforevermylove (Buffy/Faith, E)
Fluttering Hearts And Fluttering Wings, Chapter 1 by graysilly (Amy/Drusilla, G)
When Karen Met Kate, Chapter 1 by rhodrymavelyne (Kate, multiple crossovers, not rated)
Hello, Darling, Chapter 1 by Spikelover4ever (Buffy/Spike, M)
Angel/VD: A Vampire and Human Reunited At Last, Chapters 1-9 (complete!) by Datherine100 (Angel, The Vampire Diaries & The Originals crossover, T)
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Buffy's Conversation with Willow, part one by ILLYRIAN (Buffy & Willow, not rated)
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Mirror, Mirror, Chapter 19 by scratchmeout (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Neighbor's Point of View, Chapter 128 by the_big_bad (Buffy/Spike, PG)
To All We Guard, Chapter 29 (complete!) by simmony (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Aurelian Prophecy: There's No Way Out, Chapter 12 by Willow91 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Where Clocks Don't Tick, Chapter 8 by Willow91 (Buffy/Spike, R)
Waiting for You, Chapter 19 by honeygirl51885 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
The Degradation of Duality [Series Part 2], Chapter 48 by Ragini (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
Mysterious Destinies, Chapter 8 by EnchantedWillow (Buffy/Spike, NC-17)
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Dawn Rising, Chapter 72 by Luna (Buffy, Lord of the Rings crossover, FR15)
The Stars to Hold Our Destiny, Chapter 31 by Hermionetobe (Buffy, Star Trek Strange New Worlds crossover, FR15)
The Immortal Rebel, Chapter 1 by LoneFrog (Xander, Highlander crossover, FR15)
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What the Drabble? Vol. 2, Chapter 68 by VeroNyxK84 (Buffy/Spike, PG-13)
Oh My Goddess, Chapter 1 by Maxine Eden (Buffy/Spike, R)
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork: Could the legend be true? by JSBirsa (Buffy/Spike, not worksafe)
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Artwork: furry angel getting distracted by a laser pointer by artsying-ifer (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy by bugaboooooooooo (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy by kairennart (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy Summers, my beloved lunchtimebedamned1997 (worksafe)
Artwork: Black buffy sketch dump inspired by my mutual @pzyii ‘s incredible au by noeysnowy (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy/Spike by o-cm-draw-o (worksafe)
Artwork: Buffy by o-cm-draw-o (worksafe)
Gifs: BUFFY SUMMERS + high ponytails by clarkgriffon (worksafe)
Photo/text edit: The Story of a New Name, Elena Ferrante / Faith and Buffy in Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Season 7 by raffaella-cerullo (worksafe)
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Fanvid: Buffy ( & Spike) || The Bolter by FandomDiaries
Fanvid: Willow + Xander - Always gold by Faith Victoria
Fanvid: Buffy ~ Loving you is a losing game by Dacy Toxic
Fanvid: Ashes [buffyverse] by Aurora Edits
Fanvid: Willow & Tara | loml | Buffy the Vampire Slayer by Little Tree Productions
Fanvid: Buffy & Spike - All the Kisses by Buffy & Spike Channel
Fanvid: BTVS - 04x18 - Giles Sings 'Behind Blue Eyes' (Extended) cover - The Who by NessaKins91
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - Kiss it Better By Rihanna by Naki-a Littlejohn
Fanvid: Buffy and Spike - Baby Boy By Beyoncé by Naki-a Littlejohn
Fanvid: Spuffy s6/7 edit || BTVS by cupcakexmeow
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Lover's Lane Ending (Rescored (except for Spike's part)) by Bobblehead89
Video: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Revival Season 10 Episode 18: California Dreaming by Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chosen
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Rewatch thoughts and questions [Soul Purpose] continued by multiple posters
‘Buffy Revamped’ by Priceless
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Video: Up The Buff! Ep 1 'What is your childhood trauma?!' 90s Nostalgia Alert: Belfast Boys Buffy Binge by BigBadLlama
Video: Conversations with Dead People-Slayer Sunday by Jane Talks Buffy
Podcast: BwB 107 [Angel] - Hair Band Klingons by Beer with Buffy
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Podcast: Buffy S7E9: Never Leave Me by Booze & Buffy
Podcast: Buffy 2.15 Phases by Once More: A Rewatch Podcast
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Fic rec: The Worst Journey in the World [Buffy/Spike, T] by Glassdarkly recced by flowspuffy
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Fic rec: Twilight by chrislee [Buffy/Angel, E] recced by I Will Remember You Marathon
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Vid rec: One of the best Buffy tribute videos I've seen [Buffy The Vampire Slayer by The Rusty Lion] by WhatName230
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inkofamethyst · 1 year
May 23, 2023
I’ve found a cute little apartment that suits what I’m looking for, and I’m in the final stages of submitting an application for it.  And I know it’s not the absolute best option (tiny kitchen, weird flooring), but it fits the budget, the location, and the most basic of amenities that I’m looking for, plus getting to June with the piece of mind that I wouldn’t be homeless this fall... suffice to say I’m hoping praying it works out.  I’ve got a lot of nervous energy right now because of it, but I also have a bit of a good feeling, I think.  The housing market there is a beast, but I’ve heard repeatedly that everyone finds something eventually, so I’m counting on that. 
Part of me wants to learn how to party, how to flirt, how to just let go for a little bit.  But I am unfortunately too full of worries, too rigid, too afraid.
You know that Star Trek quote, “Do not mistake my composure for ease”?  Yeah, that.
I’m looking forward to the night on the town (we’ve set a date!!!!!), but I don’t even think I have good clubbing clothes.  I mean going to the formal earlier this semester with my photo-friend was nice, I guess, but I don’t really dance or drink (though dessert wines ain’t bad, and I’ve tasted a fruity wine I liked, but I’ve still yet to find a cocktail I really enjoyed).  I’m okay being the mom friend, I think.  The friend who watches over people’s bags while they do the roller coaster.  The friend who helps clean up after a party.  The friend who observes. [edit: I think this just means I’m an introvert actually lol]
Anyway, speaking of Star Trek, I was at first really critical of (or maybe confused by) people who don’t like Picard (the show), who say it tarnished the reputation of their favorite captain, of their comfort show.  I, personally, felt as though the show added an additional dimension to my favorite captain and the Star Trek world as a whole.  But I think I’m beginning to at least understand their position.  Gene Roddenberry designed Star Trek Starfleet as a utopia where all of humanity’s current issues have been resolved and we can devote ourselves to arts, humanities, passions, exploration.  Picard (and Discovery, from what I’ve heard) deviates from that ideal.  As much as I love the idea of Star Trek’s utopia, I’ve never been entirely convinced that we could do away with vices like greed within four hundred years or so, and I was very much aware of how the interspecies conflicts were not entirely absent.  Space was still a dangerous place, politically, with the Klingons and the Romulans and whoever else.  So seeing that element of danger explicitly was a positive for me, though I can understand how that type of content may not be what older ST fans turn to the franchise for (not to mention how they decry women in power on the newer shows, as if we’ve learned nothing since having Black, White, and Asian senior crew members in TOS (but old fans not recognizing their hypocrisy over how the current ST series confront modern social issues is an old argument that I’ve seen time and time again and doesn’t need repeating)).  Maybe Picard does deviate from Roddenberry’s original vision.   And that may be unwelcome for some.  And that’s okay.  I would go so far as to say that the target audiences are a little different.  Which is also okay.
I’ve been watching season three with my parents, and while the beginning was dreadfully slow, it’s started to pick up :)
Today I’m thankful that... my mom hasn’t come down too harshly on me for my room being a mess (yet).  I’ve almost entirely moved out of my apartment, and I’ve stuffed everything into my teenage bedroom, and I haven’t unpacked it yet because I’m pretty sure most of it will just be going with me when I move out again, and I’m not entirely sure how to handle the two-and-a-half-month interim.  I’m thinking about developing a capsule-ish wardrobe for the summer and sticking the other items into storage bins, ready for the move.  While I’m glad my mom hasn’t chastised me yet, I’m certainly feeling the negative mental effects of a messy room (seriously, it’s horrific in here).  I just need to come through here with dead eyes and a trash bag.  Maybe two or three (or four or five) trash bags.
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ghostlyfanparadise · 1 year
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factbanana · 2 years
Photoshop free 3d models
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#Photoshop free 3d models how to
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#Photoshop free 3d models how to
In this icon design tutorial you will learn how to make a sweet and tasty donut icon from an initial sketch. Illustrate a woofer and make a simple wood texture for the background. In this tutorial you will learn how to make a great looking Wireless Phone.ĭraw a retro Star Trek style communicator, a voice communication device used in the original Star Trek series. How to draw a Photorealistic device Bamboo Fun tablet from scratch. Learn how to design a Classic Guitar from Scratch In Photoshop. In this tutorial, you’ll be creating a nice 3d scene using 3d models. In this tutorial you will learn how to re-create an Apple iPod Shuffle by using the original image as a reference.ĭesign a detailed, metallic Compass Icon in Photoshop. In this tutorial you will learn how to make a shiny new apple remote. How to illustrate a USB key floating in the air and reflecting on a surface. In this tutorial you will learn how to draw a pencil icon in photoshop.Ĭreate a Realistic Wine Bottle Illustration From Scratch. How to create a 3D cup from scratch in Illustrator and how to apply some texture to it in Photoshop.Ĭreate the cover design, the striker on the matchbox from a pattern, and placing the cardboard texture on the box.
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Give a video a vintage feel and mock it up inside an old TV screen. How to create a roll of camera film using Photoshop.Ĭombine the power of pixel editing in Photoshop and vector drawing in Illustrator to draw a realistic compact cassette. How to draw a Super Retro Style Game Controller for all you classic arcade lovers. How to create a very easy, but really cool, 3D and geometric effect for a Retro Game Cartridge Design. In this tutorial you will earn you how to illustrate a retro cassette tape in Photoshop.Ĭreate a Polaroid camera icon by the use of lots of layer styles and draw manually with the brush tool to achieve this realistic appearance. In this detailed tutorial we will learn how to design Canon digital camera.ĭraw one of the most notable Leica cameras in Photoshop, the Leica M1. How to create a detailed Fuji X100 camera icon in Photoshop. Learn to create a Camera Lens in Adobe Photoshop.
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In this tutorial you will see a powerful combination of vector shapes, layer styles, and manual drawing to create a photorealistic camera. In this tutorial you will learn how to draw a digital camera with wooden Accents using Photoshop. Learn How To Create A Nintendo WiiU From Scratch In PhotoshopĬreate the Magic Mouse in Photoshop, though you could use these techniques to create other mouse design styles as well. Walking through the making of an interesting, creative advertisement poster.
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How to create a detailed audio receiver icon using Photoshop’s vector editing capabilities.ĭesigning a Portable Gaming Device Poster This Photoshop tutorial will show you how to create the black Nintendo Wii. Use several basic techniques to create a vector style monitor and mouse. In this tutorial you will learn how to desgin a Black Zune 2. How to create a detailed vintage TV from scratch using Photoshop’s vector editing capabilities. How to create a cute detailed vintage television icon from scratch using Photoshop. This tutorial will show you how to create a photo realistic image of Apple’s iPhone4. In this tutorial you will learn you how to draw Apple’s iPad 2. What a black iMac might look like? Well, use a regular one to base it off. How to create a realistic Apple iMac in Adobe Photoshop. Learn how to create a pretty nice wall clock in a few steps. Learn how to render an apple watch from scratch in Adobe Photoshop. In this tutorial you will learn how to create an Apple Watch in Adobe Photoshop.įollow this step by step guide to create a cool vintage clock design with lots of detail. Use layer styles and shading to produce a really nice rendering of an analog watch in Photoshop.
35 Beautiful Vintage and Retro Photoshop Tutorials.
40 Beautiful Grunge Photoshop Tutorials.
50 Photoshop Tutorials For Sky and Space Effects.
70 Beauty-Retouching Photoshop Tutorials.
Let’s see what it takes to turn Photoshop into a design workspace. In this article, we look at Photoshop in a different way: as a tool for designers to create realistic objects and 3D models.īelow you’ll find over 50 Photoshop tutorials that teach you how to create beautiful realistic objects and 3D modeling. You need to discover them and decide how to use them in new and innovative ways to create the creative, beautiful and realistic digital art. There are many things you can do using its endless features. You have to use Adobe Photoshop for a really long time to understand its potential completely.
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Bones McCoy
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subterraneanna · 7 months
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S4 E5 — Chapel negotiates a truce with the help of McCoy's family recipe. Curley demonstrates his excellent lettering and spelling. Spock discovers the solution to a circuit burnout is a firm slap to Toby Jack's face. The full cowboy crossover series
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ansonmountdaily · 5 years
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Anson Mount with fellow Star Trek actors:
- with LeVar Burton at Destination Star Trek: Birmingham, Oct 27 2019 - with Brent Spiner at Destination Star Trek: Birmingham, Oct 27 2019 - with Jonathan Frakes filming Star Trek: Discovery Season 2, Feb 4 2019 - with Nichelle Nichols at Shore Leave Convention, Jul 14 2019 - with William Shatner at Ticonderoga High School (for Star Trek: The Original Series Set Tour), Dec 8 2018 - with George Takei at Star Trek Las Vegas, Aug 5 2018
Photo credit: [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
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