#Star Wars Android Background
quasi-normalcy · 1 year
So the thing about Star Trek: Picard is...
Say what you will about the first season, but it’s meaningful. In fact, Rios says explicitly what it’s about in the fourth episode: “the existential pain of living with the consciousness of death and how it defines us as human beings.” Pretty much all of the character arcs are about different reactions to this, and the supposed “grimdarkness” of the setting reinforces this point; the Federation has become reactionary and xenophobic because it was a utopia that experienced mass death right on its doorstep for the first time in living memory. The conflict with the Synths is ultimately rooted in the fact that we die; they don’t. The fact that the finale was called “Et in Arcadia ego” really just telegraphs this; “Even in Arcadia [utopia], I [Death] am.”
And the second season, for all its many flaws, carries this theme forward, proposing that love, togetherness, and companionship are the only meaningful candles in the dark. Q is dying; he awaits meaning, and he doesn’t find it. And so he opts instead to do one last favour for Jean-Luc so at least he can spare his favourite mortal from his own fate of dying alone. Jurati is able to connect with the Borg Queen because she recognises that her own motivation is something similar: the Queen can feel herself dying across infinite realities and she doesn’t want to be alone. Seven and Raffi find each other; Rios gives up his entire life for a shot at love. It’s an infernal mess, a budget-saving exercise in want of a plot, but I’m going to be honest: I kind of adore it. I think it’s beautiful for all its flaws.
Throughout the first two seasons, we have serious contemplations of transhumanism and identity in the face of death. Picard escapes death using technology, even as his friend, a living machine, embraces his end as a necessary part of being human. Soji loses her identity even as she gains knowledge of herself as an immortal android. Jurati too embraces transhumanism and, to some extent, loses her identity by so doing, but–in an interesting twist for Star Trek–this is not stigmatized; this is framed as what’s best for her. All of this is philosophically rich, high-octane fuel for thought, as speculative fiction should be.
The third season, meanwhile–for all that I have loved (some of) the nostalgia hits injected directly into my veins–bugs me because of how absolutely lightweight it feels. Death is gone. Not just as a theme, but gone from the narrative. Sure we kill off Ro, and T’Veen, and Vadic, and Shelby, and Shaw, but it feels like nothing. Death holds no dominion; Data is back; so’s the Enterprise-D; so’s Q (or maybe he’s come in from an earlier point in his timeline; it’s not clear). Kirk apparently is alive again, resurrected offscreen sometime after Generations and kept in a covert warehouse awaiting new adventures. Apparently Terry Matalas has already formulated plans for bringing Todd Stashwick back if when he gets his “Legacy” spinoff. I’m half-surprised that they didn’t reveal that Romulus magically popped back into existence in a background Okudagram somewhere. The Federation is as “grimdark” as it has ever been depicted, but unlike the first season (or Deep Space Nine, or even the first season of Discovery), this is never seriously interrogated or problematised. We go through the motions, cargo-cult-like, of moral debate in episode 7, but it’s not connected to anything. We hear that Vadic was the product of Section 31 war crimes; Picard looks shaken up by this, but then he and Beverly immediately decide to commit some war crimes of their own by executing her. This is never mentioned again. The whole exercise feels perfunctory, as I have said above: like ten-year-olds playing with action figures. It doesn’t feel like Picard, and frankly, for all of the surface detail it gets right, it feels even less like TNG.
So no; I’m not pleased that the first two seasons were ignored.
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quarktrinity · 3 months
quark watches star trek season 2 episode 20
Mysterious Happenings
"we are hundreds of lightyears past where any earth ship has ever explored" somehow i doubt that
woah, a planet similar to earth that experienced some sort of cataclysm? craaazyyyyy thats never happened befooooore
Psychic Man wants to be friends
their sensors are wrong all the time why do they even bother with them
Psychic Man specifically wants to be friends with kirk and spock. dude theyve already got a third but hey im sure theyre open for a fourth
thank you background music for telling me this blonde woman is hot
we are extremely lucky that Psychic Man appears to be at least not chaotic evil
Psychic Man is an orb. ok
woah, there was a war and it was bad? we dont like war???
kirk. you cant just bring up the cold war every episode. youre making the hand of the author too blatant
kirk gets possessed
yet another alien wants kirks body
this is the most erotic description of basic human anatomy ive ever heard
"your captain has an excellent body, doctor mccoy" does he now
...i think this is the episode 0 plot again. i think theyre trying to set up an adam and eve thing with kirk and sexy doctor lady. they literally already did this one
orb shelves
oh ok they need their bodies to build robots. got it
"is it you, jim?" oddly tender there, mccoy. i know what you are.
k we got kirk back
i think he might be slightly in love with this orb
extremely sudden jumpcut back to the ship. little clumsy there
"are they alright in the head, doctor?" "no comment" mccoy i love u
"a simple transference, their minds and ours" "quite simple. happens every day."
kirk is oddly excited to have an alien man inside him
kirk wants your consent before letting aliens enter you
oh this is what a kirk speech is, got it
possessed spock shut up i dont like you
why are there so many episodes where kirk gets horny because of psychic aliens
why are there so many episodes where kirk makes out with somebody because of psychic aliens
alien possessing spock is evil. pretty sure hes jealous of the first guy
noooooo spock dont commit medical malpractice
"android robots"
stupid alien love triangle motivating murder
ominous music as we see doctor lady with her hair down
possessed spock is the straightest weve ever seen him
possessed kirk makes out with possessed doctor lady and then dies
Lets Save Kirks Displaced Mind
why is that robot so slimy
not sure asking mccoy to trade one life for another is gonna work. pretty sure the hippocratic oath prevents that
i kinda love this evil psychic alien lady. shes interesting
oh ok shes not evil anymore. yay!
Psychic Man is once again in the ship, hes actually fine
kirks fine now
"spocks consciousness is gone" no its not
nurse chapel coming in clutch
rip loser
"my friend, spock" mhmm.
woahhhhh spock is actually fine???? wooooooaaaahhhhh.
they played keep away with spocks mind
"oblivion together does not frighten me, beloved" that line kinda goes hard ngl
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blazehedgehog · 6 months
Would it be worth revisiting Gerald Robotnik as a villain? Obviously the real one is dead, but I feel Shadow meeting an android/ghost/etc. of Gerald as he's still in full-tilt planet destroyer mindset after his "failure" to follow through in SA2 could be interesting.
Eh, I dunno. I'm against "Star Warsing" things where you go through and wring every drop of blood from a plot. Even a cursory dig will reveal almost every character that gets any amount of screen time in Star Wars has a name and a background, no matter how mundane or pointless.
Sometimes that can be cool, but alternatively it leads to a story taking place within an entire galaxy where most events are centered around the same four planets because that's where these thousands of characters were located.
A character can have an impact on that story, leave that story, and never come back. That's fine. It should be the norm.
There's something to be said for the progression of:
Professor Gerald is one of the greatest scientific minds of his era
He's conscripted by the government to research the fountain of youth
He only agrees in the hopes he can use it to cure his sick grand daughter Maria of her terminal disease.
The research involves dealing with some very dark science. They break a lot of laws of nature.
The only thing keeping him sane is the thought that he is saving Maria's life.
The same government that hired him becomes afraid of him, raids his research station during a pivotal experiment.
Maria, his only salvation, is accidentally killed during the raid.
He uses his knowledge of dark science to turn his final experiment against not only the government that forsake him, but the entire population of the world.
In the end, though Maria herself did not survive, her love does, and it is the one thing that spares the world from destruction.
Gerald could not save Maria, but Maria saved everyone else.
It's clean. It's impactful. Digging Gerald's work back up again, like suggesting he had more experiments he hid that also want to do evil or whatever, it has the potential to muddy some of that messaging.
Like, at best, the only angle you get from that is to show the progress Shadow has made and him being the one to deal with this new creature in the name of Maria's love. For him to be the one to say "Gerald is lying to you, let me show you what this world is really like and why they do not deserve this."
But even then, you're just retreading Sonic Adventure 2. That story still exists. I don't know if we need to repeat that message.
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dragonsrain · 8 months
Neon Rain Lore
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Dragon/Darina Dragunovina
Darina is only 27, and was 12 when The War ended. She was born in the midst of that long, drawn out conflict, and in fact, lost her family to the fighting in Russia. Either side could have been to blame, but she was picked up by a Ghost Corps patrol after the fighting had destroyed most of the small town she had called home. By the time The War actually ended, Darina had already undergone some of the new experimental processes Red Wolf was pushing to gain an advantage over the Patriot heroes, and was undergoing extensive training and reeducation to ensure extreme loyalty to Ghost Corps. It was drilled into her that Patriot and the United States were responsible for the deaths of her family. She was beaten if she asked questions, beaten if she didn’t perform up to the high expectations Red Wolf expected of his star experiment.
Before her training was complete, The War came to an end, and Ghost Corps was ostensibly disbanded. The Russian government reasserted itself and the enhanced soldiers were banned. However, Red Wolf still operated in the background, exerting influence through the vast sums of money he had accumulated over his abnormally long life. Ghost Corps continued to operate in the shadows as well, now billing itself as a company on the leading edge of medical technology and the advancement of androids, called Advanced Nanocorp. In fact, they did create a series of increasingly advanced androids, as well as nanotechnology that worked faster to heal and eradicate diseases. This earned them a great deal of goodwill, but their advances came at a price. The old Ghost Corps heroes were living quiet lives among the populace, partly to draw attention away from the continued existence of Ghost Corps, and partly because Red Wolf felt he no longer had a use for them. Dragon had shown that she was more advanced than the previous generation of heroes, and further experiments on her and other children abducted by Ghost Corps fueled the technological innovations they rolled out to the public. 
Dragon has grown up as a torture victim, but may also be the single deadliest person on the planet. She possesses superior speed and agility, even when compared to other enhanced soldiers. With the newest nanobots, she can heal even broken bones in a matter of hours. Her weapons of choice are a plasma pistol in her left hand, and a katana in her right hand, with which she is quick and skilled enough to deflect bullets. Normally she wears a tight, black, spandex uniform that is both comfortable and functional, as well as some light pieces of armor if the threat of taking gunfire is high. The best feature of her outfit, however, is the full face mask that relays all kinds of useful information to her, such as vulnerable areas of her opponents, the trajectory of incoming projectiles, and even weakpoints in the terrain. Through the use of Ghost Corps nanotechnology, the mask is also able to fold itself into a choker, and project the image of any outfit Dragon finds appropriate for the current mission. Normally, her hair is kept short, maybe spiked, and pure white. She has icy blue eyes and an intense gaze that tends to scare off strangers. 
Current Status:
Dragon is operating in Seattle, a city which Red Wolf holds a particular grudge against, and where many of the Patriot heroes were settled after The War. She has been tasked with eliminating the Patriot population of Seattle in advance of Red Wolf’s larger plan for the city. So far, she has executed this mission to perfection, eliminating veterans with minimal resistance and remaining hidden from the authorities and the public. To date, she is responsible for the deaths of 12 former Patriot heroes, earning her quite a reputation in the right circles.
She has no friends and no family, except for Jani, and a complicated relationship with Red Wolf, and her handler, Shadow. Her main goal is to be the best assassin in the world, and impress Red Wolf, a man whose approval she has sought for her entire life, but which has remained just out of reach. She is arrogant about her skills and feels she already deserves the highest honors Ghost Corps can bestow upon her. 
Known Associates:
Red Wolf (father figure/torturer/boss)
Evgeny Gerisimenko/Shadow (mentor/handler)
Janiece “Jani” Wallace/Inferno (lover/fellow Ghost Corps member)
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cocoabubbelle · 10 months
Watching “The New Scooby-Doo Movies” (1972-1973) + Thoughts
This series comes after Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?
I think the basic premise is that the Scooby Gang gets into a mixture of mysteries and shenanigans with various famous characters (both real and fictional)
Will I finally hear the long sought after “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for your meddling kids!” line?
Only one way to find out.
Spoilers under the cut!
PS. Thank you to all who have messaged me with different sources in order to watch this series!! 🥰
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Seeing these messages right after I read a webtoon about a serial killer using social media to hunt his victims down (The Killing Vote. Highly recommend!) may or may not have accidentally scared the living daylights out of me before seeing you guys were just sending me potential Scooby Doo show links. 🤣
Episode 1: Ghastly Ghost Town; Guest Starring: The Three Stooges!
Fun Fact: when I was younger, I watched a collection of videos staring The Three Stooges, some of them starring Shemp instead of the more famous Curly! I thought they were both funny, but I feel bad Shemp had little to no recognition nowadays…
Is it possible to both forget the existence of and be nostalgic for an opening credits sequence? Somehow that is my current feeling.
King Kong, is that you?
Don’t recall Shaggy being the one announcing the guests with the title cards.
Man I missed looking at the background scenery. Flashing Lightning effects are great! Moving clouds are smooth! Analogous purple colors are gorgeo-! Oh wait, I’m supposed to pay attention to the Ghost Town sign, aren’t I?
Man this is hard to understand without captions. (Yes, even in my own language. Leave me alone.)
“Boy, are we ever lost!” “I think we took the wrong turn…er, about 10 miles back.” Well, that would have been helpful to know about 10 miles ago. Also, Frelma just because 😆
Is it me or is the art style slightly different? Shaggy’s face looks less like a cylindrical oval bean and more like a rounded inverted triangle.
“Hey look! I just saw a mirage!!” “At night???” Is Freddy’s voice actor different? He has a higher pitch than before.
Where did all of these animals come from?
Sign says: “Monster Ahead: 1000 yds.” Me: *turns around and walks the opposite direction.*
Random Giant Mechanical bat flies out of no where so that I am force-fed damsel-in-distress Daphne and Fraphne food.
Animation goof: Fred has the WEIRDEST expression drawn on his face while Daphne continues to hold onto him. (The latter part not a goof.)
T-Rex that is most likely an automatron is giving me war flashbacks to that time-travel dinosaur ride in Disney World’s Animal Kingdom. Though I will say I was the only kid around my age that didn’t duck into the safety of the seats when it roared into our faces 😁
Animators/Writers, I get it. You want us to ship Fraphne and have Daphne hide behind a strong manly man. But since you also put Shaggy there, I will elect to interpret this as Shaphne hiding behing the manly man that is Fred, so…😝 🩷
Scooby is part ground/prairie dog/mole confirmed??
Before the mysterious silhouette reveals our trio of comedians, I have to ask: are they the Hanna Barbera versions where they are all androids/cyborgs or something?
The Scooby Gang just watch and laugh at the Stooges flail around and try to stop the orangutan from escaping. Real helpful, I know. Also, Shag and Daph standing next to each other, so Shaphne (Am I weird for scrounging for my ship’s crumbs as opposed to the supposedly canon ship’s full course meal? Yes, yes I am.)
“HEY! AREN’T YOU LARRY, MOE, AND CURLY JOE?” Freddy, I know they’re short but you don’t have to yell out your question when they’re right next to you.
“Look, we need help!” Moe: “A psychiatrist could tell you that.” 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Animation Goof: Moe’s chin moving past his jawline. Also, Shaggy looking bigger than both him and Fred, but that could be because the animators are trying to play with perspective.
Ooh, an amusement park!
So the giant bat thing does not belong to the stooges. Early Batman cameo?
Animation Goof: Curly’s mouth doesn’t move as he speaks.
Tyronne the Tyrannosaurus Rex
Suspicious person peaking at them all through the saloon window is sus.
Frelma moment of the two of them grinning at each other and deciding for the rest of the gang there is a mystery to solve. A couple that plots together, stays together. 🩷
Rhino the giant mean looking employee of the stooges. Friend or Foe? To be determined later.
I cannot believe the Scooby Gang is cheerfully and loudly suggesting to the stooges that they FIRE Rhino WHILE HE’S RIGHT THERE.
Rhino communicated in grunts and snarls. Because of course he does.
The giant T-Rex animatronic —aka Tyronne—looks significantly different from its first appearance in this episode.
Shaphne hiding behind Fred again.
Sheriff(?) comes to arrest or escort the Gang away from the premises, but the teens conveniently ignore him to follow Scooby into the T-Rex.
Tyronne’s insides are much bigger than his outsides. Is this an animatronic or a spaceship???
The sheriff is not actually a sheriff, but the Stooges’ manager who goes by Amos Crutch. I should not suspect him to be the bad guy, but his name isn’t helping me assume otherwise.
Dingbat the little bat is adorable.
Curly says Dingbat goes into a frantic frenzy whenever Crutch is nearby. If that isn’t a head’s up for Crutch’s true nature, I don’t know what is.
Velma the first character to suddenly disappear from the gang instead of Daphne?
ANIMATION GOOF: Fred instructs everyone to go find Velma AS SHE IS WALKING BETWEEN HIM AND DAPHNE. Animators, what are you doing?????
Velma’s and my instincts about Crutch are proven right. Hello Trapdoor, my old friend~
Instead of splitting up in a way that includes the Stooge’s antics with the gang’s shenanigans, the animators and writers split them apart the conventional way : Stooges, Fred + Daphne, and Scoob + Shaggy.
Shaggy and Scoob attempt a coin toss to decide whether or not they try searching a creepy saloon: tails they go in, heads they stay out. It’s also a two-headed quarter.
Quarter decides for them via the combined laws of plot development and shenanigary and bounces/rolls into the saloon anyway.
Liking the effects for the cob/spiderwebs.
Coin falls into piano jukebox to play a song right when Shaggy and Scooby catch up to it.
Animators clearly having a ball with the keyboard. Also compliments to sound effects/music department.
Moe dragging Larry dragging Curly to the Cowboy museum.
Native American figurine placed outside of the entrance might actually be Crutch in disguise, or someone else we haven’t met yet, which brings up several questions.
Of course it’s a wax museum.
Animation Goof: Animators/Artists forgot to complete the cowboy hat for the Jessie James wax figure.
‘Wyatt Earp’ makes a move to attack Stooges.
When and where did Freddy get that flask of water?
Walking cactus from Disney’s Los Tres Cabelleros?
Passing-a-container-of-food-or-beverage-to-your-companion-only-for-it-to-be-secretly-intercepted-by-a-super-obvious-random-character-who-consumes-it-all-without-anyone-noticing-and-creating-a-misunderstanding-between-you-and-your-companion gag
Scooby sneezed so hard, he found a conveniently placed secret door to help move the story along.
I assume the orangutan escaped from his cage again.
Falling-into-a-large-container-or-pile-of-flour-and-get-mistaken-for-a-ghost gag
“What’s the matter? Haven’t you seen a FLOUR child before?”
Animation and Art style are not very consistent nor strong compared to the first series, but I will try not to be picky no promises if it gets too wonky for my taste.
Orangutan woke up and chose to be a troll today.
Shaggy tells Scooby not to be afraid of the massive and weird parade float-sized jack-in-the-box. I need a list of what Shaggy deems scary vs not scary.
“Well, I’ll be a monkey’s uncle!” Fun fact: Orangutans are technically great apes.
“This desert reminds me of a woman.” “Why’s that?” “It goes on and on and on…” 😑 (Fraphne if you like beligerent teasing/flirting(?))
Counting-on-footprints-to-get-back-where-you-started-only-OOPS-someone-erased-them gag.
Daphne has the sense to suspect that the random swimming pool that appeared out of nowhere is a mirage or hologram. Fred? Not so much.
Fraphne handholding. Also, Daphne’s common sense doesn’t extend to distrusting random man-sizes cactuses that appeared out of thin air.
Cactus man attempts manhandling but is caught.
“COME BACK AND FIGHT LIKE A MAN YOU VEGETABLE!” Fun fact: Cacti are apparently both a vegetable and a fruit (according to this site: https://wraxly.com/is-cactus-a-vegetable/#:~:text=However%2C%20a%20question%20often%20pops,plant%20in%20the%20world%2C%20Cactaceae. )
Finally we see Velma. She fell into the mines.
Three stooges nearby, as apparently are Fred + Daphne and Scoob + Shaggy. Since when did the latter four reunite?
Suspicious Indian Chief Figure drawn differently than earlier.
Stooges flee into the mine, and I am confused if the random black scenes are intentional or if the source I’m using to watch the episodes had a faulty upload.
Shaphne standing together as the Gang sans Velma try to figure out the source of the noise.
Crutch and Rhino supposedly in saloon bc ShaFrephne and Scooby see their silhouettes through the window. Color me suspicious.
What was the point of reuniting the four of them only to have Fred + Daphne fall through a trapdoor mere moments later?
Are the antagonists just the townspeople who want the Stooges and their contraptions gone???
“Scoob, have you flipped your fur wig?!”
Fred and Daphne reunited with/found Velma by landing on top of her back. Velma is the strongest confirmed again?
Shaggy’s response to finding out that the Gunslinger from Wax Museum is actually a robot? “The fastest short circuit in the West.”
Animation Goof: Moe’s voice commands one of the other stooges to put the brakes on the mining cart they are stuck in, Larry’s voice agrees, and Curly’s voice comes out of MOE as HE puts the brakes on.
Three Stooges reunite with Fred+Daph+Velma
Glowy special effects are glowy.
The power of Velma’s sneeze makes a rockslide in the mines.
“We’ll be [stuck in] here forever!” Moe: There’s no such thing as forever.” “There isn’t?” “No, just eternity. 🤪”
Frelma moment of Velma hugging Freddy from behind! (At least that’s what it looks like from her hand placement on his waist.)
The paint stokes on the background look really messy in some places.
Shaggy forgot to tone down his strength and accidentally launches the trapped Scooby from a well all the way to the mechanical T-Rex.
Okay why are Fraphlma being so weird and bobbing up and down while the Stooges do all of the hard work of digging a way out of the mine tunnel?
“Oh Shag!…Can you hear me?…” “🤨? I must be dreaming. That sounds like Fred.” “Shag?…Scooby Doo?…Can you hear me?…” “😳!THAT’S DAPHNE’S VOICE!! COME ON!!!” Look, how am I not supposed to take this moment as Shaphne when Shaggy hears Fred’s voice calling out to him from who knows where and assumes he’s only imagining it, only to come RUNNING when he recognizes Daphne’s voice calling?!
Animation or Editing Goof: The area around Fred’s mouth sure is glitchy.
I guess it’s possible for three grown short guys + three taller teenagers to stack three mining carts on top of each other and not fall as they stand in the top one. I still call shenanigans.
“Don’t move!” As he and Scooby try to find a way to help them out of the cave in. Moe: “ ‘Don’t move?’ Where does he think we’re going???”
Animation Goof: Shaggy accidentally reminds me he can do ventriloquism because he’s talking without opening his mouth for no reason.
Shaggy does the smart thing and attempts to go to the seemingly valid authority adult figures in town for help. Unfortunately, my suspicions are confirmed that the Crutch and Rhino figures we saw earlier in the Saloon are dummies (and I mean that in a non-insulting way; the figures are literally dummies.)
Animation Goof: Scoob’s finger flick powerful enough to knock one of the dummies over despite not touching it.
Unnecessary filler slapstick despite the stakes.
Animation Goof: Sudden shift in background implies Scoob and Shaggy are now outside despite no movement, no transition, and holding the same conversation without a break.
More unnecessary shenanigans. “Cut that out! You’re supposed to be thinking of a way to rescue Velma!” Weird editing that accidentally eliminated the rest of the party in need, or Shelma moment?
After filler moments of Shaggy pressuring Scooby to come up with a rescue plan, Scooby’s suggestion via charades to use Tyrone the T-Rex to dig the others out is the one Shaggy claims. #friendshipgoals everybody.
At least he gives Scooby the credit.
MOAR filler shenanigans, everybody. Tbf, neither of them know how to properly man a mechanical T-Rex. At least we see a figure-skating T-Rex.
Because the Stooges are the Stooges, only they get the honor of being plucked out of the dug whole by the T-Rex like a mother cat or dog picking up her litter.
We see non mannequin/robot versions of the Native American Chief and the Gunslinger. They look like they’re crooks. Was any hint of thieving foreshadowed earlier? I don’t think so.
Also, “Those darn kids…” instead of “You meddling kids!” 😑
Daphne holding onto Fred’s arm again in case we forgot we’re supposed to ship Fraphne or that she’s the damsel in distress.
Giant bat. Because oh yeah. That was a thing earlier from the beginning of this episode.
Artists and/or Writers of this episode. We already know you want us to see Fraphne and that the conventionally pretty girl is supposed to be clinging to the conventionally handsome guy of the group in fright/apprehension whenever ANYTHING happens.
Unfortunately for everyone, I watched these episodes from the very beginning, and seeing how Daphne was initially more plucky + her maybe accidental chemistry with Shaggy and Velma’s accidental chemistry with Fred made me biased 🤡
Broken T-Rex.
Grammar Error: Why does my keyboard think I’m typing T-Rez whenever I try typing T-Rex?
Animation Goof: T-Rex suddenly a lot smaller next to the stooges.
Indian Chief figure that was drawn differently at one point is explained via projector conveniently found by Stooges.
T-Rex is working again.
Is the guy dressed up like the Chief seriously named Geronimo?
Shaggy and Scooby drop an avalanche of rocks onto the Batmobile the antagonists’s getaway Bat car, so the bad guys are stopped via almost manslaughter. Yay?
Also, they drop them from who knows how many stories high. This makes them crash through the ceiling of the jail. Wowzers.
“It’s Crutch and Rhino!” He says as he watches the above unfold from a distance.
Also, the Gunslinger’s angular face is now changed to Crutch’s doughy one (and yes, the real gunslinger looked like the robot one up until the “unmasking”), and Native American’s skin is now as pale as Rhino’s.
The bad guys’ motivation was that somehow there was now uranium in this town. If Uranium was a mentioned plot point in this episode, it completely flew over my head.
Dingbat is now a girl all of a sudden?
Also she apparently detected the Uranium dust on Crutch and that’s why she acted weird, including when Curly was suddenly glowing.
I still prefer my original theory that the antagonists were the townspeople who didn’t like the Stooges contraptions and attempts to make an amusement park/zoo as opposed to the actual antagonists and their motivations, but the Stooges’ completed park/zoo does look fun and cute!
Look, the real sheriff!
Shaggy and Scooby are rewarded with Uranium and a superhero sandwich, which they actually share this time (the sandwich, not the uranium!)
Day 26 of no “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for you medding kids!”
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illicitsandbagging · 1 year
Character Design Commissions
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No Background, Simple Background - Starting at $35
Transparent background OR simple pattern/gradient background. Price may change based on character complexity. $35 minimum.
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Multiple Outfits - Starting at $35 + $10 per outfit
No background or simple background only.
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Reference Sheets - Starting at $50
Character turnaround, Two Outfits, Character Design and Weapon Detail (if applicable), and Character Profile. Price may change based on complexity. No background or Simple Background only.
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Party Portraits - Starting at $60
Starting price is for a two-character party portrait. Each additional character is +$20. No background or simple background only.
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Complex Background - Starting at $60
Price may change due to complexity. Each additional character is +$20. Three character maximum, not including pets.
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Colored Sketch - Starting at $25
Price may change based on complexity.
Specialties: • D&D, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Cyberpunk, Star Wars, other TTRPG Character Designs • Humanoid, Alien, Bipedal, Legless (Naga/Lamia, Merperson, etc)
Good With: • "Beast Races" (Wookies, Minotaurs, etc) • Prosthetic body parts • Mobility Aides
Will Do (Costs Extra): • Mecha, android • Feathered creatures • Insectoid
Will Not Do: • NSFW
Please come with references. Text accepted but please be as detailed as possible. A rough sketch, no matter how "bad," always helps the commission process.
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legitimatesatanspawn · 8 months
In preparation for Opus: Prism Peak, I'm replaying the series and getting ready to give Opus: Echo of Starsong a spin.
The series are gorgeous, musically incredible, and live to stab you in the feels. And I say that as someone who rarely cries at games of films. Would these games work better as VNs or books? Maybe. But damn are they pretty.
Opus: The Day we Found Earth
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Opus is functionally a hidden object game where you're playing "where's the planet/star/galaxy" with the giant telescope. There's a lot of background lore as to what happened, and essentially (without spoilers) humans have advanced and spread so far across Space that the records of their homeworld's been lost.
You play as a robot who was built by the two last desperate members of the space station, one hoping against hope and the other more cynical about the odds but still trying. With you still trying to find Earth for your creator after a power blackout. As a robot, your character doesn't understand some things he finds while looking through the space station. The AI helping you has a better idea though.
I vaguely remember playing it on Android so it makes sense that the click-and-drag and tap are more in line with touchscreen gameplay. And the 'hub area' (the space station) is vertically designed.
2. Opus: Rocket of Whispers, and the Prologue
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Rocket is essentially baby's first resource hunting game where you're wandering around a gradually bigger and bigger zone finding items and helping settle ghosts as you build better and better rockets. Why rockets? Weeeeell, spoilers aside there's this whole thing about sending spaceships off planet with the help of "witches" who pray to send the dead to the afterlife presumably back on Earth.
So kind of like FFX with Sending. Except it's in a post-apoc world where like... maybe two people in the whole area are still alive. There might be more! I hope there's more...
There's also a free prequel game that is a straight walking sim of a P&C game where the other main character wakes up from cryosleep and quickly realizes things went horribly wrong.
3. Opus: Echo of Starsong
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Starsong for the record looks to be an insane magitek space drama with spaceship resource management and music-based puzzles. Take Titan AE, mix in some post-war Gundam or similar Space Mecha anime series where things are just absolutely insane, sprinkle heavily with space magic... maybe a dash of Xianxia if there's anything with clan bullshit.
Am I going to be good at this? Nope, not the space resource part anyway. Will I play it anyway? Getting it as part of a bundle definitely helped and while I don't normally play post-apoc games like Rocket I enjoyed it so I'm definitely giving this one a shot.
4. Opus: Prism Peak
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Prism's big thing here is a camera and absolutely gorgeous graphics. Functionally it looks like a photography game (examples being Pokemon Snap, Alba: A Wildife Adventure, Umurangi Generation, and Beasts of Maravilla Island) where you're either trapped in memories or the spirit world and... I have no idea how the camera will change things but it looks beautiful. Every title got more and more extra with the graphics (in a good way) and the music so this is gonna be so damn pretty. And the story will probably break my heart like the other Opus games.
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hdqwalls · 2 years
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riinoaheartilly · 9 months
Not me making this list just so I can remember all these characters and where they are in the universe. Nope. Not I.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Non Star Wars/Fandom OCs:
Aoife Dia - Final Fantasy XV - Hunter - Pinterest
Asher Madain - Final Fantasy XV/Kingsglaive - Kingsglaive - Pinterest
Nero Sinclair - Final Fantasy XIV - Warrior of Light
Cora Thuraine - Final Fantasy XIV - Dancer - Pinterest
Arethasgr - Dragon - Pinterest
Avery Shay - Doctor - Pinterest
Shiloh - Medium - Pinterest
Sebastian Blake - Barista - Pinterest Cain Holt - Hitman - Pinterest
1419- M "Max" - Android - Pinterest
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Star Wars OCs:
Axi "Axil" Taarki - Mechanic (Sigr's padawan in Jedi!AU)
Veenirdyn Sigr (Nero Sinclair Jedi/SW!AU) - Jedi Knight, General of (idfk still thinking about it), retrieval of ancient Jedi artifacts. Smoocher of Captain Keeli . Totallynottheonlyreasonwhythisauexistsinthefirstplace Still working on background things for him!
Tinali - Unknown, Lock's S/O.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Clones (All assigned to Sigr and Axil in AU)
Hope - Medic, 212th
Rain - Heavy Gunner, 212th
Laughter - Riot Trooper, Coruscant Guard post-Umbara (originally 501st)
Bruiser - ARC Trooper, 104th
Ten-Four - Captain, Coruscant Guard
Lock - Massiff Unit, Coruscant Guard
Mal - Medic, 41st
Cariad - Pilot, Unknown
Hops - Unknown
Needles - Medic, Unknown
Fuse - Commando, Vespa Squad
Cuyan - Commando, Vespa Squad
Wraith - Commando, Vespa Squad
Crow - Commando, Vespa Squad
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that-gay-jedi · 2 years
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I divide music into stuff I can passively listen to for actually writing, and stuff I can actively listen to for inspiration, introspection or a mood boost. When writing, I avoid Star Wars soundtracks unless I want to invoke the associated canon moment(s).
I've had Anchor by Blue Stahli on loop most often lately. I really love the whole Quartz/Bronze/Obsidian era and can't recommend it enough for fellow Star Wars peoples.
My most looped instrumental song is probably "Weeping Ghost" by John Carpenter.
Some of my go-to passive listening music:
> Master Boot Record (music for people who miss floppy disks and CRT monitors)
> Gost (not to be confused with Ghost)
>Horror movie/horror game soundtracks
> Very technical electric guitars
> Ivan Torrent and similar artists who blend a kind of cyber or futuristic sound with a more choral/orchestral/"epic fantasy" sort of feel
🛠What tools/programs/apps do you use to write?
Since I voice type bc pain, my rough drafts go to a dictation app called Speechnotes. It's the only voice typing app I know of that allows continuous dictation (including with the screen shut off), doesn't lock all its good features behind a paywall, and is relatively good at handling things like background noise or murmured speech. I then use Google docs to edit.
For the dirty work of plotting, outlining, and keeping notes, I use mostly physical media: post-it notes, lined index cards, large spiral sketchbooks, colour codable folders, Bristol board. This allows me to take in everything at once more easily.
I do use one Android app, called Writer's Companion, to keep a shortened version of each multi chap story's timeline handy.
😅 What's a story or scene you've created that you're a smidge embarrassed exists?
Honestly most of Laugh Lines. Partly, when I took on the prompt I didn't realize how unsuited my writing tendencies are for a full "nothing bad ever happened" route.
Also embarrassed by how the darn thing just kind of ran away from me, like, Ahsoka and Reva were supposed to have bigger roles but Sors kriffing Bandeam overtook them both??? How did it take me almost 2k words just to get Anakin and Obi-Wan alone together???
😈 Has there been a point in a story where you did something just to be playfully mean to your readers?
I think. I kinda think having Sors as Anakin's padawan counts. Just. Watch the creche scene again but with a magic crystal ball in your hand that insists that would've been Anakin's second padawan if he'd stayed a Jedi. Then try to imagine how I sleep at night lmao.
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justanothergaymess · 2 years
I think I read it a long time ago in the author’s notes on the anniversary print of Heir to the Empire that an unwritten rule of Star Wars writing is that hurting droids is an excellent way to raise the tension without much narrative cost. Want to show that things are getting really bad? Have a main character droid lose an antenna or limb. Want to show that a certain move in a battle was risky and that the tension is high? Destroy a background character astromech. You can always repair a droid with little narrative fallout after the tension is over.
While there exists an actual android in Star Trek, I must arrive at the conclusion that droids are to Star Wars what Miles O’Brien is to Star Trek. In this essay, I will
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johnlatter · 6 months
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The Hamas Terminator Cyborg is Human In Shape Only (HISO)
How to create a hybrid human being that not only doesn't exist in the Natural World, it doesn't belong there either.
1) First, break the spirit of an infant (the archeotrauma*) to order to establish psychological control.
2) Follow this with years of childhood indoctrination (including rote learning) to trap repression behind the original wound.
3) Finally, shape the whole with Hamas' military training.
The result is a psychological cyborg with a permanent capacity for unnatural violence that can be triggered by pre-programmed keywords (e.g. "Jew", "Crusade", "Infidel") and concepts (e.g. "Blasphemy", "Immodesty", etc.)
The IDF (Israel Defence Forces) have uploaded an interesting YouTube video about Hamas Kids Terrorist Training Camps.
Image accessibility
An AI Art, artificial intelligence-generated image. The background consists of a faded Palestinian flag. In sharp relief, the foreground shows the head of an Hamas "Terminator" cyborg (à la Arnold Schwarzenegger). The left-hand side of the face is that of a young Hamas terrorist; the dominant right-hand side is made up of futuristic electronic and mechanical machinery (what one might expect to see in a science-fiction movie containing androids - Star Wars, for example). The man-made component represents the psychological transformation the terrorist has undergone since birth.
*The archeotrauma (alt. archaeotrauma), the psychological wound human beings, horses, and other animals sustain when their spirit is "broken".
Also see Evolution and Psychology Research (just a bare-bones holding page at the time of writing, but one that outlines unconventional areas of interest).
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Ahsoka/Chase Random Thoughts:
Ahsoka is the type of girlfriend who loves wearing their partner's clothes, and she approaches the task of stealing Chase's flannels like a stealth operation. Figuring out how the dressing function on his capsule works and subsequently where his clothes are stored is very important intel. And yes, as she told Bree when the bionic girl caught her, she knows could have just asked Chase for one of his flannels, but, as Anakin taught her, sometimes the hard way is the fun way to do things.
I don't know if its fanon or from legends, but I ran across a post saying that togrutas purr, so... the first time the Elite Force ever hears Ahsoka purr is when she falls asleep cuddling next to Chase.
When Rex first meets Chase, he treats him with a mild (professionalism comes first) 'you-are-dating-my-little-sister-if-you-hurt-her-i-will-end-you' intimidation tactic. But upon learning about Chase's background, immediately switches to treating him like one of his brothers, and the two of them end up becoming very close. (Of all the Davenports, Rex actually admires Leo the most, as a natborn having such complete familial love for the genetically-engineered superhumans that he repeatedly risks his own life for them is something Rex considers to be rare, and doesn't even completely understand)
While I hate the androids plot line in Elite Force, and normally write it out ( I'm of the opinion now that it wouldn't take that many months for Ahsoka and Chase to start dating anyways), it would be amusing if the reason all the androids rejected Chase and swarmed Kaz was because Ahsoka sabotaged their programming. Helping Chase come to his senses (and see what's right in front of him) while simultaneously tormenting Kaz. Two birds with one stone.
Chase is terrified of Ahsoka meeting Adam (after they start dating), because of what happened with Sabrina, as well as his insecurities. Problem is, he's far too embarrassed to discuss any of this with Ahsoka, so his anxiety just builds to a crescendo the days leading up to Adam's arrival. Kaz beats him to the punchline, though, by intentionally triggering Spike. And Spike in a cramped penthouse is not a good situation. Though caught off guard, Ahsoka ends up using the force to shut down the Commando App and wake Chase up.
After the Spike incident, and "The Intruder" episode, Ahsoka tries to teach Chase to connect with the Force enough to try and control his bionics even if the Commando App activates or his chip is hacked; this doesn’t work completely, but it helps give Chase a little more control. (I do think Chase could be mildly force-sensitive because he was able to deactivate the Triton App; Leo almost certainly is because he's too damn lucky) Ahsoka also studies his bionics much more diligently, wanting to understand how they work, and how she can help him when he glitches or something else goes wrong.
Ahsoka still struggles with coming to terms with what happened to her on Mortis, and after Chase brings Skylar's powers back, she asks Chase to try and help her determine if there's anything weird, wrong, or unusual about her midi-chlorians or DNA.
Chase absolutely freaked when Ahsoka's montrals were injured during a mission. Not only because Ahsoka, who is normally stoic and silent about any injury, was in a panic due to the excruciating pain and disorientation. But because Chase had to figure out how to treat that part of her anatomy without any previous knowledge to build upon. He didn't sleep for two days straight working, only caving the third day when Oliver sedated him. After the incident and Ahsoka's recovery, they traveled to Shili and purchased a medical droid in case something ever happened again.
Ahsoka looked up Chase on the fan boards, saying it put them on even footing since he was a longtime Star Wars fan. (She didn't actually need to justify her actions, Chase looked uncomfortable when she mentioned it because he knows Bree likes to make derogatory posts about him when she's bored, and what Ahsoka thinks of him matters a lot to him).
While she does tease him for his ego and arrogance, Ahsoka is very supportive of Chase as a leader and individual. And while he had periodic crushes on her when he thought she was just a fictional character, her genuine compliments are what actually caused him to fall head over heels for her. (At that point though he automatically assumed she didn't feel the same)
As a couple they are very physically affectionate. Always holding hands, cuddling, nose nuzzling, kisses... Ahsoka loves being close enough to drape one of her lekku over Chase's shoulder. She also loves messing with his hair, a peculiarity of humans that still somewhat mystifies her even after growing up around so many. Chase has kissed (and counted) every stripe on her montrals/lekku. He also particularly loves resting his head on the area between her montrals when cuddling.
That's it for now, I have other stuff I need to do tonight. But if you have any ideas of your own I'd love to hear them! Or send a request, tell me if you'd like to see any of these ideas turned a fic, or if you write something yourself for this pairing, please, I beg you, tag me! I would scream in utter joy if someone else ever made content for this obscure crossover ship.
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fromkenari · 10 months
I would like this book a lot more if it weren't for the repeated blindsiding stereotypes of Mexican immigrants and their descendants by a white author. Each time it just completely kicks me out of the story, and it's not necessary, so why the fuck is it there?
Out of all the problems I have with the book after 3.5 chapters (20% of the book according to my Kindle,) this is the thing that makes me want to quit reading. Because I've peripherally seen this issue come up, and people are always dogpiled with, "The author talked to actual Mexican immigrants in Texas!"
Congratu-fucking-lations. Give them a fucking medal for being able to talk to a person of color who immigrated to the United States and not give a single Iota of a shit to even name them properly or use names that aren't from actors in the Star Wars franchise, let alone have compassion toward their plight to include it appropriately in the book.
So happy I'm reading the damn book. Alex is a complete bitch and is preoccupied with wanting something physically violent to happen to Henry like it's the age-old harmful playground cliche of the boy hurting the girl he likes. Meanwhile, he's been in love with Henry since he was 12. I'm also convinced Leo might be an actual android, but not a cute wannabe one like Todd from Jury Duty.
And I'm going to stop there before I rip this book into tiny shreds over how much I do not like things about it because it detracts me from the point that the racism, classism, and xenophobia are steaming and gross and it's an absolute fail on the inclusion. Thank GOODNESS the movie didn't talk about Percy's half-assed background from the book.
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jasonblaze72 · 2 years
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intellong · 2 years
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You’ll still be working on your air juggles, your one-two(-three-four-five-six) punches, your precision blocking, and throw breaks. It’s still got all the perfectly solid fighting mechanics that you’ve come to know and love since the series’ inception in 1994. Of course, once you get into the fighting itself, you’ll realize that Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is still Tekken. However, it is too demanding to serve as a proper newbie-friendly experience. TTT2 Bonus Tracks (TEKKEN)įor those who already have experience with fighters, it’s a solid way to learn a few of Tekken’s intricacies. Can’t regularly figure out the timing of the Bind into Team Assault? Too bad, you’re going to keep attempting it until you do. Problem is, Fight Lab teaches via the “trial by fire” method. Fighting games are constantly struggling to bring new players into the fold, and a step-by-step set of interactive instructions could be a great way to do that.
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Theoretically, a tutorial to teach newcomers how to get their martial arts on is a great idea. Hell, one of the chapter bosses is a fat Ryu from Street Fighter. What’s more, it does it in a charming and often absurd manner, with levels filled with Power Ranger-looking combatants that toss pizzas and turn your head into a pig. El Shaddai ASCENSION OF THE METATRONĮach level of the Fight Lab mini-campaign is designed to teach the player how to pull off some of the Tag 2-specific fighting maneuvers like Binds or Tag Assaults. Acting as a tutorial of sorts (and a replacement to the traditional Story Mode), Fight Lab drops you into the role of the Combot, a creation of Violet Industries that can learn any Tekken fighter’s techniques and use them in training exercises. Players new to the Tekken universe will want to make their way directly to the Fight Lab to learn the Tekken Tag Tournament 2 basics. When deciding how to continue the assault, you may choose to incorporate the game’s namesake, tagging. Learning which moves and combos incorporate these attack types is a key step to learning any fighter in this game. Bounds and launchers have their limits and cannot be used repeatedly in the same combo. As the foe bounces back, the attacking player may carry the assault further. TTT2 Bonus Tracks (TEKKEN)īound attacks pull your foe out of the air and rebound him off the ground. Once the foe is airborne, the attacking player can work in a few midair strikes before following up with the next technique: a bound. Some fighters can mitigate this risk with one-two combos ending in a launcher. Launchers knock your opponent helplessly into the air, but leave you highly vulnerable if they’re blocked or dodged. Building an extended combo requires understanding and applying three attack types: launchers, bounds, and tags. This means busting out an extended combo. And once an attack gains purchase, it should be maximized for all it’s worth. Tekken is extremely close-quarters, demanding split-second reactions to subtle changes to attack strings.
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In Marvel, you may be dodging projectiles at full screen one moment and avoiding a close-range cross-up the next. Both are fast-paced, brutal games with a rhythm of split-second mind games and long combo strings. An official Windows ARM64 build is now available for download, for those of you with ARM64 laptops.TEKKEN TAG TOURNAMENT 2 freeload With PC Emulator RepacklabĬapcom 3 share some similarities.
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Many software renderer improvements, both performance and accuracy.
Background loading of texture replacements to reduce stuttering.
Vulkan performance improvement around texture loading and upscaling.
Graphics fixes in Split/Second, Sol Trigger, Last Ranker, Star Wars: Clone Wars, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, Juiced 2 and more.
The list is way too long to display here in full this time, but here's an assortment of improvements since 1.12.
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See this guide for more details.Īs usual, the Android version will be rolled out gradually, you'll see it in the Play Store within the next few days. Work has also continued on improving Android 12 support, fixing several bugs. Another new release! As usual, lots of nice compatibility fixes, performance improvements, and so on.
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