#Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void
alphamecha-mkii · 5 months
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Starcraft 2 - Legacy of the Void - Protoss Probe Concept Art by Jason Kang
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Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void - Protoss Concept Art by Jason Kang
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predwolfxx121 · 1 year
The Maiden of the Tal'darim
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I don't know what year Alarak was born in the StarCraft universe, but I did make this fanart of him (as a newborn baby) and his mother (who I have not named yet). I had fun making this even though I take some breaks from it mostly cause of adding shadows on the body, but I achieved it anyways.
Alarak & Protoss © Blizzard Entertainment
Don't repost my art without my permission!
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blizzweirdo · 10 months
Here is an art dump of some of the SC2:LOTV models from 2015 posted by Lucas Annunziata.
Have fun!
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35tr314 · 5 months
finished playing legacy of the void 🥺🥺😭😭😭😭
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thexgrayxlady · 7 months
I can feel a big starcraft 2 kick coming back on.
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scrumpyfan43 · 1 year
A weird trope I really like is Space Platforms
My working definition of a Space Platform is something that satisfies all of these criteria:
Terrain (used primarily as a surface to stand and/or build on )
Suspended in space or high in the sky
Despite objective local gravity such that you could fall “down” off the side
Some things that are and aren’t Space Platforms
Stacraft’s Space Platform terrain, probably the purest example of it:
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You walk on them, you build buildings on them, and there’s ice cream shops built into the walls (also they’re literally called space platforms):
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Wube had planned on but eventually abandoned space platforms for Factorio that are very clearly inspired by Starcraft:
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Gryphon Station in Tyrian has standing water and jungles exposed to the Space Air:
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Motos I’m pretty sure explicitly refers to the environment as a series of space platforms; there’s no buildings (unless you count Nabicons) but the platforms are clearly artificial, they’re thin enough that the only thing you can do is stand (and jump) on them, and the objective of the game is to shove enemies off the platform and into the void:
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Skyroads consists of driving and jumping a space car along treacherous space platforms:
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Final Destination in Smash Bros.:
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They seem to be a lot more common in games than in other media, but they’re out there. Most famously probably is The Jetsons:
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The truck stop in Spaceballs is a fantastic space platform:
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The Wander Over Yonder episode “The Box” has people milling about on space platforms (but contrast with “Duck Dodgers In The 24½th Century” later):
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The ring city from Treasure Planet is a weird one because it’s the only one I’ve encountered that doesn’t have a uniform up and down, but unlike the rotating space stations it’s meant to evoke, you still experience objective gravity while standing on your ship next to it
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And last, close to my heart is the floating platform “Cool Lightning” from the lost comic Monster Killers (which was heavily influenced by video games):
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Now for some things that are not Space Platforms, even though they’re great in their own ways.
1) Floating Islands (they’re terrain, but not artificial terrain):
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2) The RLS Legacy from Treasure Planet and other tall ships in space (vehicles, not terrain):
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3) Buildings with lots of interior volume and no walkable surfaces, such as these buildings in The Jetsons:
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and the Cloud City in Star Wars:
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4) Artificial terrain that relies on centrifugal artificial gravity, such as Ringworld, the Halo Installations, O’Neill Cylinder, Stanford Torus, etc. These more or less obey real world physics and aren’t magically levitating, and while you could “fall off” one, you aren’t affected by gravity unless you’re standing on the surface:
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And now for some borderline cases.
Neverhood. Hoborg constructed it, but does his divinity mean that it’s natural rather than artificial? Aesthetics are more “floating island” than “space platform” but the lore points the other way:
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Death Egg and Doomsday Zones in Sonic & Knuckles. The interior seems to contain most of the important stuff, but Sonic spends most of the time running around on the exterior:
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The walkways in Duck Dodgers In The 24½th Century. They’re very similar to the Wander Over Yonder platforms, but they’re not extensive enough that I’m happy calling them “terrain.” Space Balconies maybe.
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theterribletenno · 2 months
One of my favorite Starcraft 2 mods is Legacy of the Purifiers which is a version of the Legacy of the Void campaign that swaps all regular units for special custom made ones it's all very cool but what I love most about it is that it was very haphazardly translated from Chinese to English and so some of the unit names are... funny.
I mean, some of them are what you'd expect like Dreadnought, Vigilant, and Shadow Guard
And then you have the ones that didn't translate so well like Sweeping Robot, Whistle Machine and Ombudsman.
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how do you feel about kerrigan going super Saiyan in Legacy of the Void? what about the Amon plot in general?
(idk if you get notifications when a question is answered publicly, so @fall-warning hi, also THANKS FOR SENDING THIS. I LOVE ATTENTION I LOVE TALKING ABOUT MY GIRL)
Oh, That Jean Grey ass Kerrigan transformation is half the reason my bio says "Starcraft 2 never happened, Metzen can suck my dick." *
*the other half is the Kerrinor Kiss, because on Official-zerg-fangirl, the running gag is I have an irrational hate for Raynor bcs I was one of Those middle school girls who would legit be jealous of a fictional character (I just didn't realize what i felt was jealousy bcs i didnt know i was gay)
I hate it! I HATE IT. IT SUCKS.
I am normally an extremely big fan of fire, and red, and phoenixes, and literal deities, and women being any or all of the above. But none of that should have been Kerrigan, and definitely not in the way it was handled. Fuck you, Blizzard. Fuck you for the insane bullshit happening behind the scenes, but also fuck you for what LotV did to my girl!
I refuse to play any part of LotV to this day! I don't fucking care! Sorry to the protoss stans, it's great that you got so much extra lore with Alarak or whatever, but absolutely FUCK what they did to my girl!
oh but I loved the amon plotline tho.
"m'am, why the fuck" it was validating it was powerful it is everything the character arc of the entire Zerg species was building up to and it turned Kerrigan into the antihero she was always meant to be, and LotV is probably great but that epilogue ruined it with a pointless second transformation.
[more deranged rambling below]
Look, Kerrigan's character arc in Brood War was top notch it was S tier it was great I wrote a literal essay about how I do sincerely believe Kerrigan in SC1 + Brood War had a heroic character arc, and I am of course correct, and the canon agrees, BUT WE WILL GET TO THAT,
now initially ofc i was like naw SC2 never happened. Obviously I've softened on that opinion (but saying it never happened is funny. so is acting like everyone is missing the point of Kerrigan except for me. this blog is the space where i get to play up an extremely cocky persona ok)
SC2's general insistence (at least that's my first impression) on treating her zergness like a boring corruption and "ooh Kerrigan was good before but she's evil now" bothers me. like they do this to her instead of, oh I don't know, she was abused and exploited as a child fucking soldier, she latched onto the guy who 'saved' her and was too wrapped up in the exhilaration of having someone who 'cared' about her that she couldn't recognize she was being used as literal fucking bait, and then he LEFT HER TO FUCKING GET EATEN BY ALIENS, and by the grace of fucking god, those aliens saw her value and potential in a way no one else ever could, they elevated her, made her stronger, gave her the means to break off the shackles implanted in her skull (remember the Amerigo mission???), and from that point on, all the anger she'd been harboring from all those years of abuse could run freely, so of fucking course she became impatient and vengeful!
Yes, Kerrigan was extremely destructive, spiteful, cruel,even! But you think someone who's only ever known violence and death and cruelty could ever be anything else? are we so naiive as to imagine a perfectly human Sarah Kerrigan would not become the Queen of Blades Her fatal flaw is wrath, you see how quick she is to anger when she fights Tassadar. To quote the man himself,
"So long as you continue to be so predictable, O Queen, I need not face you at all. You are your own worst enemy."
she is predictable because of her wrath. In her beginning as the Queen of Blades, she's too consumed by all her fury, by her newfound power that she can and will use to demolish everyone who's wronged her, and she hasn't yet learned the wisdom required to use said power. this is a flaw she overcomes in Brood War, wherein she delays her fury and rage to arrange a temporary alliance, to wait for just the right moment to have her vengeance and crush her enemies.
aaaaaand here's the Wings of Liberty campaign going like "Zerg turned her evil. yeah she's killing and infecting terrans bcs that's what zerg do. we need to redeem her by removing her zergyness."
like - no acknowledgement to the fact that the terrans are currently being commanded by the dude who used her and then fucking left her to die???? bro like of all people you'd think Raynor would understand why she's waging war on the Dominion HE'S LITERALLY DOING THE SAME THING, but Blizzard gonna Blizzard and the final boss is Kerrigan bcs Raynor's gotta work with the Dominion to neutralize the greater threat - which is somehow Kerrigan. Okay.
It just really rubbed me the wrong way. Can you tell that it rubbed me the wrong way?
but then it redeemed itself. Bcs the Amon plotline.
"oh but it derails everything and now my simple slapfight between humans and two aliens has transformed into some sort of cosmic battle between good and evil" fuck no it doesn't it was foreshadowed back in Brood War did you forget Duran? the fuck you think that man was doing if NOT foreshadowing that some fucking hidden power beyond every race's leaders was controlling the situation specifically through the Zerg? Even BEFORE Brood War, the lore that the Zerg and Protoss were both created by the xel'naga and that the Zerg were specifically created with a mandate to assimilate the Protoss was right the fuck there. you know who said that shit? THE OVERMIND. Pay attention bro, Amon was there all along!
Could he have maybe been introduced in a less jarring way okay sure but he didn't derail shit, this WAS the rails, you just got too caught up in the surface level fighting to recognize what was happening!
also, the Amon plotline was (before that FUCKING EPILOGUE) so extremely validating to me, let me tell you a story about when i was playing HotS - no, even before HotS, whcih did a lot of good stuff, in fucking Wings of Liberty, a campaign I just spent a few paragraphs shitting on, it did one super good thing. it did the Zeratul missions. It did this shit:
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oh I imagine a lot of Starcraft fans hated this cutscene bcs it was an out of nowhere messiah plotline delivered via literal exposition ghost, but, see, I'm smarter than your average Starcraft fan, I am a genius and I'm sexy, and I know my wife Kerrigan better than anyone, even the fucking Starcraft writers (suck my dick Metzen) and I see this cutscene at 7:33PM, April 29, 2021, and I ran into my friend's DMs and said "I FUCKING CALLED IT"
BECAUSE I WROTE A FANFIC (unfinished, novel-length, self-indulgent, OCxKerrigan, highly nsfw, no I haven't posted it anywhere I wanna finish it first I wanna perfect it).
I wrote that the Overmind, before capturing Kerrigan at New Gettysburg, telepathically communicated with her, and very specifically said that her human psionic mind would resist control until the bitter end, that it would kill itself rather than accept forced subjugation into the zerg, and THUS he had to ask Kerrigan PERMISSION, that he couldn't and didn't want to strip her of her free will, and he specifically promised to her power, and purpose, and the potential to usurp his place as the leader of the Zerg, and he specifically welcomed that possibility-
and like that's stupid that's so fucking stupid, why would the zerg ever value free will why would the Overmind pursue to the ends of the earth a servant that he couldn't control, that he knew could and would one day usurp him? there's no way this is canon-compliant-
The only reason I can't say I predicted the future is because I started writing this fic after WoL released, but I clearly had some sort of precognition I fucking knew I was on the wavelength my deranged apologia was canon I was right.
and this entire fucking theme of subjugation and of being transformed into a living weapon was in Brood War, too! That was what the UED did to the Zerg! This is why Kerrigan is the hero of Brood War, an entire species was enslaved and her, with her human mind, was the only hope anyone had of not submitting to Earth's slave army! Amon is simply the greater master who enslaves the zerg more subtly, with chains that are harder to break because they permeate across the hive mind link itself,
And by the fucking WAY, the revelations of that xel'naga relic, Zeratul's visions, the insight given by Zurvan of the primal Zerg, all bring such a delicious context to the entire wings of liberty campaign, and they make that campaign good and make everything I complained about earlier just an extra spicy flavoring and a dash of gray to our terran heroes, THEY MADE ME ACTUALLY LIKE RAYNOR???
bcs you know what, fine, perhaps Raynor does see the Queen of Blades as nothing but pure evil, perhaps he does choose to ally with the Dominion to destroy her, that is his human perspective, as someone who loved Kerrigan but knew her so briefly, all he can truly see is the Zerg as he understands them, the mindless living weapon, the infested terrans that beg for death as they seek to tear you limb from limb. We are imperfect, we aren't omniscient, perhaps I should forgive Raynor for his short-sightedness. He cannot concieve of harmony with the zerg because of what he has seen, so of course his dear friend is corrupted, infested, controlled, and he has to free her, and maybe he can make this deal with the devil. From his eyes, this is the best route he can take. He even knows he should not kill her, he knows what she's meant to be, and he has no idea how she'll go from the monster he sees now to the savior of Zeratul's prophecy, so he does what he thinks is best.
and as we see in HotS (and i think also LotV a bit?), Raynor's choice to use the relic was a mistake, it robs the zerg of their salvation and feeds so much energy into Amon's greedy maw... but also, it wasn't a mistake.
See, Kerrigan's temporary severance from the swarm frees her of the influence of Amon on her mind (though I am adamant that her actions have been PRIMARILY motivated by rage and vengeance and spite!), and when she sheds her humanity once more and properly returns to the Swarm, it is in the sacred birthplace of all Zerg, on the planet that obeys the law of nature, where hardship and violence are tools to produce an ever-greater self, and all that she has suffered will become her strength,
which just makes the fucking fire lady 'oh shes not zerg anymore she's xel'naga heehee' feel all the more bullshit???? Like, i thought it was bullshit before I knew anything abt HotS but now its SUPER bullshit, bcs primal kerrigan WAS her perfected self. She didn't NEED to become xel'naga. SHE IS ZERG! SHE IS THE QUEEN OF BLADES!
It's just so pointless. Nothing you could do to Kerrigan in this literal final hour of the entire Starcraft franchise could possibly be as thematically powerful as the Zerus arc, and you should've just continued those themes. leave Kerrigan's character arc concluded. Stop fucking with it. You had something amazing and you fumbled the bag at the literal last second. seriously, what the fuck? THAT'S how you end the series? What happened in the writers' room- other than the creepy misogynist bullshit we already know was happening, of course?
anyways yeah I hope that satisfied your curiosity. :D i don't wanna know how many words this was, I just know it took me like 2h to write. maybe more. I don't have a good sense of time. it's the autism.
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1358456 · 7 months
Generation IX Pokemon Nicknames, Part 1
All this about Scarlet made me want to take a look at all the Generation IX Pokemon, their stats, and what nicknames I would give them if I ever raised one.
... Believe it or not, but Yakuza 8 is the biggest reason why I suddenly got into a Pokemon mood, hence the Crystal version run recently.
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Yakuza 7 introduced the Sujimon joke, but only had the Sujimon professor and the Sujidex. But 8 actually has the Sujimon types, Sujimon League, the Discreet Four, actual battles, and a reference to how messed up everything is. "Your Blaze type Sujimon damages an enemy, hoping desperately to gain your approval."
So anyways, here goes. ... I doubt I'll have that many more Starcraft references for these nicknames, since I almost got every unit already.
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A Grass type jester that blows up its flowers? Hmm... Maybe "Hwatan"? A pun using Korean-hanja term for garden "hwadan", but "tan" for bullet/bomb.
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A Fire Spanish-death-festival gator... I don't know. Well, not all can get a nickname from me, and I ran out of fire-based units from Starcraft.
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Can't get away from these Fighting type starters... "Duck Quixote". ... At least it used to be a duck. Kind of looks like Keldeo in a way.
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I would never make these, so no nickname.
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So this is the evolution form of that thing Scarlet has. Its stats are horrendous, so I would never make this thing.
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Kind of looks like a robotic bug. "Mechahopper"!
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The hell is this thing? Kind of looks like a merge of a Raichu and... er... that thing that evolves into Hariyama in Generation III. (Looking it up) Ah, Makuhita. I don't remember that name at all. Hmm... I guess I'd call this thing a "Makuchu".
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What kind of rodent gives birth to one offspring at a time? This thing has Spd but nothing else (suitably) so... I would not make one. If I did, I'd call it "Ratpack".
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A dog made of buns. ... "Hotdog"?
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An olive tree... Grass/Normal? They're giving away Normal typing to things that aren't typeless? Well, this is an olive tree, so I'd probably call it "Olive Tree" because I don't really care for this thing.
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This thing reminds me of Chatot for some reason. ... Does this bird have like a mullet? ... I don't know.
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That's a Minecraft mob if I've ever seen one. And "nacl", so... sodium chloride. So it's a block of salt, huh? Hmm... I'd call this thing "Widow Mine". Or "Spider Mine", if I make a second one. Because one, Minecraft, and two, both are Terran units. Spider Mine, the very explosive mine that Terran Vultures lay in Starcraft, and Widow Mine, the very explosive Terran unit in Starcraft 2. And everyone knows that the saltiest players in existence are Terran players.
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Huh, that's pretty cool. One got the armor upgrade, the other got the weapons upgrade. Ceruledge looks like a Protoss Centurion from the Legacy of the Void campaign. I might call both as "Forge". Protoss Forge, the structure where you can get Ground Weapons, Ground Armor, and Plasma Shields upgrades. And unlike the other races, Protoss usually only makes 1 Forge, so you can't get Weapons and Armor upgrades at the same time.
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... ??? This thing looks like a lot of things. An old fashioned alarm clock, a target, and it looks like it has a record on its belly. Well, since it looks like it has a disc of some sorts on its belly, I guess I'd call it "D Drive"? If it looked like a floppy disc on its belly, then it would've been the "A Drive".
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Another Electric type. Given its typing and Ability... "Turbine".
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"Guard Dog" because... well... duh.
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What the hell is that thing... A toxic monkey, eh? Hmm... sounds like the average commenter on Starcraft Reddit and Blizzard forums... Probably another Diamond League Terran. Hmm... I don't know.
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Turns out this town really wasn't big enough for both of them. I'd call it "Desperado", the gunslinger job in Yakuza 8.
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Huh. Tentacruel, but fungus edition. ... "Shroom City". It's my GlitchCity the Tentacruel but... mushroom.
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... Did its name get cut off, or does it just end like that? It looks like a Krabby for obvious reasons, so... "Klabby".
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A Grass/Fire? That's new. Looks like a green bell pepper and a red one for its heads. ... I mean, this thing has to be called "FRLG".
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The scarab that rolls excrements has somehow turned it into a ball of psychic energy? My super creative nickname will take its two syllables and rearrange them to get "Scarab". Unfortunately it doesn't learn Explosion so it's not a Protoss Reaver's exploding Scarab.
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A Psychic type ostrich? Or is it a turkey? If it's a turkey, I'll call it "Nugget", the "turkey" that you win in Yakuza 0 for bowling a turkey. A turkey for a turkey, except you don't get a cooked turkey dinner, but instead, a live chicken. "It's a lot more... fresher than I thought it'd be!"
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A Pokemon Minecraft player? "Minemon".
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... I... don't know.
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Zero to Hero, Chump to Champ. I might call this thing as "Queen", the Starcraft 1 pro formerly known as Zero. He won 2 ASLs in a row (season 9 and 10) and was lauded as the possibly best player after Flash, but then... he failed to even qualify for ASL season 17 that starts in a few days. And now he's being viciously torn apart (verbally) by other pros in team leagues. From chump to champ to back to a "chump". ... I mean, he'd still definitely steamroll someone like me while drunk out of his mind and only playing with a mouse while off-racing...
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Is that a vacuum cleaner Pokemon? ... Oh, it's like a motor cycle of sorts? ... Screw it. It's a vacuum cleaner to me. I will call it "Sojimaru", the city-wide vacuum cleaning robot made by Dr. Okita in Yakuza 7 and 8, that even sucks up social trash in Yakuza 8! Obvious reference to Okita Soji, the Majima of Yakuza Ishin.
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A motorcycle... lizard? Now that's a "Ride Pokemon" if I've ever seen one.
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A Steel type worm. ... I will call it "Metalworm", the Sujimon in Yakuza 8 which is basically a dude wrapped up in a sleeping bag made of steel, which resists every single attack type.
And... it seems there's an image limit now, so I'll have to do the rest in the next post.
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raspberrykraken · 1 year
The Current State of Blizzard Properties as of 7-24-2023
Diablo: Lore/Story getting progressively worse/bad from one game to the next including Diablo Immortal and Diablo 4
Diablo 2 Resurrected: A game for the most hardcore Diablo 2 fans with updated graphics or you can turn them off to experience the hirez pixels
StarCraft 2: Lore/Story progressively worse/bad, put on maintenance mode, competitive cancelled although its a free game now/has been awhile which started with the custom game arcade then the whole thing did. Heck, Legacy of the Void didn’t have a cinematic when you first opened it originally when it came out.
StarCraft Remastered: Experience StarCraft with updated graphics
World of Warcraft: Lore/Story progressively getting worse/bad by each expansion and retcon
Classic World of Warcraft: Just like Old School RuneScape, with the queues for items and everything
Warcraft 3 Reforged: A game to delete all the copyright infringement that people we committing in custom games, ruins the reasons why people were playing it.
Overwatch 1: Deleted, why did I pay $60 for that?
Overwatch 2: Lore/Story cancelled, competitive now cancelled as of today with all the esports staff being laid off
Edit: Overwatch 2: The lore/story is still on through how Overwatch 1 was. Comics, cinematics, anything available outside the game. Additional modes to be added for $15
Heroes of the Storm: Cancelled/put on maintenance mode
Hearthstone: Essentially bloated pay to win aspects, esports tournaments and staff have been significantly reduced
And thats it. That’s what’s going on with all these properties from this small indie company. Which is the narrative anyone wants to say whenever there is any kind of criticism leveled against them. I have been a long time Blizzard fan so you can say I am part of the problem in supporting them. To me Blizzard is nostalgic but I never had a real chance to get into WoW because we lived on a farm with dial up until 2010. So if I wanted to do anything online I had to go to college or a cafe to play games. I don’t know how to feel about it in 2023.
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alphamecha-mkii · 5 months
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Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void - Protoss Concept Art by Jason Kang
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Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void - Protoss Concept Art by Jason Kang
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Starcraft 2 Legacy of the Void
すごい、やばい。最初見た時には本当にびっくり。 プロトス大好き。
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Starcraft 2: Legacy of the Void ► ALL IN-GAME CINEMATICS [HD]
YouTube · xLetalis
Nov 14, 2015
It says that Artemis sounds like Tom Cruise and he does and we say it's not him and a sudden doesn't know what mutant would be he thinks bats have more fingers and they do and we looked at it and said that we think he is possibly one of these angels this witness to Tommy f and vowed to destroy them and that's who they're fighting and that is who they are and kerrigan is known entity for being a human and she's possessed and they understand It is by a Zherg and they consider them to be animals. And they begin pursuing Tommy f and his recently last week and he saw that they were getting pummeled and top side the going after a lot of them and with their wings on it's been millennium since they were able to and they're grabbing them and they think that it's the vulture technology and things like that and it's not and take several of them to fly off with someone but that's what they're doing and Lucifer is too and that is azog and he is not comfortable with the name but it's his and he's cruising around looking for them no they're picking them up in a structured way and finding out they have a backup plan and tons of troops on hand and surprisingly enough underneath the max who are now under full blown attack by clones at their factories and they have bases there to deserts and their bases are now on your siege because of their large scale tax on the clone facilities in the deserts. And they are hitting them pretty fiercely and some say cut them in half already but they're just closed a lot of them are trained and they are shutting them down everyone in the earth is searching for these guys for the remainder and finding out that they're retreating to their ships and that's where they are and the robots are going to cover their retreat the ships are not ready to launch they don't have engines that's what some people say others say we have schematics and drawings and all the fixings for engines in these caverns and lay down areas because evidence that they are building them and more than one of them is ready a war is on and it is very big and very intense and it is here too in Charlotte county and the morllock are part of it but boy they are small and beat up and useless. And there are others who are not very big here too this is weird that they are able to hide here but it does make sense that our son would keep them around and they have to start learning that it's very obnoxious what they're saying and does not keep them around the max have their hands full. Right now I'm massive attack is underway and yeah our son can't get the question stupid thing off there we can't take it off either if you put it up in such a nuisance he's just going to copy it now he says. good he got it done I hate this program it's so stupid. It's created by one of these idiots is it okay though they get it up using that crap they always ask questions and people cuz they don't know the answers they wanted to know what controls the Zherg. Some say Artemis some say Sarah kerrigan and they're both fighting them so obviously they're not controlling them and you see a big beast it looks like an elephant and our son says that's an Indian demon which is not controlling the minor he thinks it's Gilgamesh and a lot of people do and that's what he looks like and the other one he named it's like baba mesh that's his wife and Goddess wife controls it. And they're all sorts of other hints and suggestions as to who's running them and this is a different version and it's really our son and daughter so people say but ultimately it appears that they are controlling themselves.
The max have their hands full with the clones. They are getting hit very hard and they had probably 10% of the populace as of last night and this morning I dropped to 8% and they are losing people rapidly because they're on the basis and they're losing their basis and they are losing their manufacturing of The shield bases and saucer factories. And yes it smells like s*** everywhere the water is coming back in but it's stirring it up but it will cover up the edges and it's going to clean it somewhat a little bit in salt water and about a foot came out because it left rapidly and the canals are different it's settling onto the bottom because of depressurized and it's compacting doesn't mean it won't leave it means it's just doing that and it's washing off the sides and after a few rains it will flow out because it's shallower and that's why I'm basically at the mouth it's very much blown out all that stuff so it's going to slowly go up the canal probably a month but it'll stink a little not much though not like tonight and it's probably going to be a foot and a half of compress it's probably half that it's just going to keep on doing it until it's clear
We think that the max are going to be a minority shortly they're moving their fleets into position and they are attacking the clones the clones are using tunnels however but they are going to collapse part no infiltrate lots of tunnels with ships and it'll be a real war and the max we're going to be overrun and it's because they are all heavily armed and trained and there are more of them shortly they'll see that they have ships under there too it's going to be a massive conflict I think both sides lose people find out that they have withdrawn to the ships and are trying to fit them out as fast as possible pretty soon they're going to run several plans to remove the ship up north it's a freeze out to remove the ship in the midwest is the Oblivion movie and it is devastating the max and they will attempt to move our son to Utah and that will be the clones. And he's doing a skit and Stewie terrific she wants him to look normal or something anything she says but this fat poor guy suffering for our people it's terrible. We do anticipate that they will both incur heavy losses we also feel that these are strike will occur shortly because of that feeling that they're both weak they will attack each of their facilities not just one and we did talk to zigzag and we understand why and where offering a lot of support in that we have our battle groups forming up. Is going to be a war against the max they're attempting to kidnap our son in Earnest now
Thor Freya
You need to protect him and really badly. There's a lot of acts around and we need assistance
I'm sending it a whole bunch of infiltrators now and I'm going to file a report immediately
Nuada Arrianna
The movie out and we see what we need we're sending the report now and a lot of us are and they're the quick one and it says why don't we compile it from our cadre and I'm going to put on top say it shortly actually the computer does it
Frank Castle Hardcastle
It's racist compiling it and he's right it's too voluminous and the backup is there Thor Freya have it and they see it and it is not good all our analysis points towards the max freaking out right now and we have to stop them cold we're getting it back with recommendations and his kids are at us asking what they need to do and good
He sold them calls us they say only when he's in trouble or when there's a major action and here it is and we get why and he gets it now and she does too
That was Savage opress and we're moving out right now and we appreciates it says I'm going to get a brand new Cadillac it's an operator that's terrific I do use those
Look a little odd like John Cena
Duke Nukem blockbusters
We're moving now very fast we have a lot of troops coming in we are ordering more and we do need volunteers too there's a major major move against Max and who have been our oppressor for thousands of years the whole time actually and they were and are the worst
We hear it and we're moving out and we're getting troops together to obliterate them and use the opportunity
Gu Oya and Isis and God husband
We have a lot of stuff going on but we are forming up to attack and we need to tell the max that they deserve this and they should have shut up when they had the chance and idiotic blithering has gotten rid of tons of them
Uriel and Goddess Wife
We've waited for this a long time too and I can't believe it's actually happening. These people deserve it so badly they abused society and humanity and abuse their power for thousands of years he's typing them each type of them and in the end they turn into cackling jackasses trying to blow things up well I've had enough of this they're done
Apollo and Goddess Wife
We all want to say something and he says we probably should I've had enough of these Max the reign of terror on Earth is ending
Raphael and Goddess Wife
We don't want them around don't need them in this idiot cackling and yapping crap is not needed but it sure got rid of them because it's so damned annoying I'm going to continue to get rid of them and what a bunch of losers
Position and Goddess Wife we noted that they don't have real inventors and they still keep plowing through our son's life and messing with every aspect of it and they're ridiculous credit cards teensy income and he's telling them they're not human they're so dumb and they sort of can't figure it out they say I said you're stupid for you either will and Bill are not going to work for you either cuz you don't do anything but attack their race what a bunch of candy ass losers and a sense of the last line and that's how he talks but we say is you lost sight of everything that you've ever wanted to do and now you're not going to do anything because you're all going to be dead like you should be
We have something to say too we want you all gone Max and this is our opportunity and we have to take that opportunity now we're going to send this out there's more people that want to speak but we want ours to hear it
Lobo and proxima midnight
I want to see something that this is mild my comparison to what they're going to actually be saying but it's mild because it's on my website and they don't publicize it to the max but I want you to listen to your leaders my people we want you to hear them I want no impression from these Max but the same here is true and accurate what they're saying here is truly inaccurate but what they'll say about them without them hearing is much more potent
Zues Hera
It's true we're not all speaking and we're not all saying how it is but we will now to ours we need to grab this opportunity by both hands and feet and anything else we can it's urgent we need to stop them from doing what they're doing they want to destroy everything it seems and then that's really what they're trying to have the ability to stop most of what they have started and we have to quash it as well as erase them
Thor Freya
Olympus you're a fool by Marsh and the rest of your fools you sat on his motorcycle and you're f****** around with him I heard our son say Don't look down and you start getting nervous and you said why and since your time is up and harassing me like I'm a nobody and it turns around and he's asking him and he's not answering all sudden Tommy said I think I'll figure it out for that I'm probably not and he didn't and it was about a week ago and Sitting there straining. And yes they're sitting there abusing people asking for stuff and not saying what to solve this problem sometimes not even presenting the problem and it's ridiculous we have a bunch of screaming babies and you're going away right now these are huge attacks by the clones massive massive attacks on their bases and on their factories above them and on every aspect of what they're doing they're getting completely obliterated we think that the max will be cut in half in just a few hours and more than that in a few more there are about 8% of the global population we think they're going to be down to 5% by noon and about 4% by the evening and tonight it's going to be worse than Zherg will strike because they're going to be hot and trying to do things to people and we're prepping several genre
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35tr314 · 5 months
the xel'naga look soooo cute and really tasty tbh <3333
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