#Startup News Hindi
thebrainstorypost · 2 years
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governmentjobsworld · 2 years
தேர்வே இல்லாமல் தமிழக அரசு வேலை வாய்ப்பு..!
தேர்வே இல்லாமல் தமிழக அரசு வேலை வாய்ப்பு..!
தமிழ்நாடு ஸ்டார்ட்அப் மற்றும் இன்னோவேஷன் மிஷன் பின் வரும் Project Associate பணிகள் நிரப்புவதற்கான அறிவிப்பு வெளியாகியுள்ளன. தமிழ்நாடு அரசு இந்த அதிகாரப்பூர்வ அறிவிப்பினை  வெளியிட்டுள்ளது. தமிழ்நாடு ஸ்டார்ட்அப் மற்றும் இன்னோவேஷன் மிஷன் பணிக்கு விண்ணப்பிக்க ஆர்வமுள்ளவர்கள் 03/12/2022 முதல் 18/12/2022க்குல் https://startuptn.in/careers/ என்ற இனையத்தில் மூலமாக ஆன்லைன் விண்ணப்பிக்கவும். இப்பணிக்கு…
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digitalanant · 2 years
The 15 best Business Ideas 2023
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Business ideas 2023- As you all know, without money we cannot do any work in our life. All the people in today’s time, they all work to earn money! If we do not have money in our pocket in today’s time, then we cannot do any work, but if we have money then we will be able to do our desired work!
Earning money is not an easy task because in today’s time unemployment has increased so much that it has become very difficult for any person to get a job, and very few people get government jobs who are very intelligent!
But you will be surprised to know that you can earn money even without working with anyone. That is to say, you can start a business sitting at your home!
But to do any business, you have to develop skills inside yourself!
If you want to start your own business? So today’s article is going to be very beneficial for you, because inside this article we will know “15 Poplar Greatest Business Ideas in 2023” through which you can earn a lot, and to do these business ideas, you will need someone. There is no need to invest any kind of money. You just need to turn around a little bit. Read More...
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octuscle · 1 year
What's up bro? After that lunar landing, India seems like the place to be! Problem is, I don't think the suitcase I brought will be enough for me to last seeing everything from the Taj Mahal to the golden temple. Can I borrow one of the DEL suitcases?
There is actually another suitcase. A fairly new aluminum suitcase from RIMOWA. Looks very expensive. And doesn't necessarily match your dusty and sweaty tourist outfit…. But since no one else has contacted me: Have fun with it!
Delhi… A really huge city. But also really challenging for a tourist who doesn't speak Hindi. But slowly you get used to the strange English they speak here. And somehow you finally find the Airbnb in the old city, a stone's throw from the Red Fort. It smells of sweat, urine and exotic spices in the stairwell. The stairs are steep and you are pretty tired. Heaving your suitcases up is really exhausting. But you have made it. You'll see what's in the big new suitcase tomorrow. You just want to sleep. It looks like the bed in the room hasn't even been made yet. You don't care about that now. Just sleep…
When you wake up the next morning, your old suitcase is gone. But also your old pajamas are gone. You lie naked in bed. And something is different… Your morning wood is hard as steel. Hehehehe, that's not bad… But it's also darker somehow. A shade like a coffee with a shot of milk. Coffee! Yes, you need it now. You get out of the silk-sheeted bed and your boner leads you like a divining rod to the coffee maker in the alcove between your dressing room and the master bath. After the first coffee, quickly take a shower and then get dressed.
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And then a second coffee. Your driver will be here soon. Good thing your suitcase is already packed next to you.
You don't like Noida. But many of your friends live there because they have located their startup companies there and it is easier to find capable software developers. But that's not your world either. Your family made their money generations ago in real estate and in the textile industry. And you now head the banking and finance division in your family holding company. After all, you have financed some of your friends' startups. And today one of your friends is getting married. In Noida. You'll survive that, too.
The journey was long, as usual. Getting out of Delhi takes time. But at least you were able to make a number of phone calls while your driver navigated the car safely through the traffic chaos. Now you have moved into your suite. In the corridor hectic movements between the rooms. Bridesmaids and other guests scurry from room to room. You hate this hassle. In life, you would never think of getting married. But the bellboy who carried your suitcase upstairs was hot. You call the front desk and ask for someone to help you unpack your luggage and get dressed. The hotel is one of the most preferred locations for weddings in Noida. You are a regular guest here. They know your preferences. And the bellboys love your cock. You can already imagine that now there will be a fight again, who is allowed to blow you and gets the tip for it.
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Yes, that was good… Your cock dangles relaxed between your legs. Your clothes fit perfectly. So on to the ballroom. And let's see who is your boring dinner companion this time.
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mariacallous · 2 months
In April, an unassuming old building in New Delhi’s furniture market housed roughly 30 youngsters. Some were hunched over their laptops crunching data on Excel or analyzing a heat map, while others huddled to discuss strategy. These were engineering graduates, economists, political scientists, and others. There were office chairs, desks, and a couple of white boards.
The entire setup could easily have passed as a startup office, but it wasn’t. This was an election war room.
From there, Sapiens Research founder Rimjhim Gour’s team served as the brains of Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP. The party’s senior leadership had entrusted Gour with mobilizing 12.5 million female voters across India, and her team spent their days crunching historical polling trends, using data to pinpoint critical constituencies, browsing WhatsApp for real-time on-ground updates, and shaping electoral strategies to usher in BJP for a third consecutive term.
Gour’s team was successful: Modi was sworn in as the Prime Minister on June 9 after the BJP formed the government through an alliance with 293 seats. India’s general elections happen once in five years, and in 2024, a record-breaking 642 million Indians voted. Of the total voters polled, 312 million were women. This was BJP’s grand experiment: The party wanted to micro-target and mobilize female voters, and hired people like Gour to make it happen—revealing, says Amogh Dhar Sharma, author of the forthcoming book The Backstage of Democracy: India’s Election Campaigns and the People Who Manage Them, “the hidden power of a new technocratic elite that has become critical for parties and politicians to fight elections and win votes in India.”
“In most places [in India], electorates who are registered but not voting are always women,” says Gour, who previously worked as a media strategist at Indian Political Action Committee, the legendary firm widely recognised for propelling Modi to victory in 2014. Dressed in an off-white salwar kameez, with a big pair of round glasses keeping her hair off her face, Gour is suave and confident, and fluently switches between English and Hindi. “That’s when it struck me that if we have to mobilize someone, it has to be women; they make up 50% of the electorate but still haven’t been tapped into completely in a systematic approach.”
Over the past decade, the Indian electioneering landscape has been overhauled by the advent of social media, data-driven insights, and political consultants. “I think the 2024 Indian general election confirms … the inordinate role of campaign professionals in Indian elections,” says Sharma. From call centers being used for “screening” party supporters, to WhatsApp for real-time updates, and a specialized app for reporting and documenting meetings, each tool served a unique purpose in this BJP campaign. “The speed at which these technologies are being embraced by parties and the growing emphasis on them is certainly unique,” says Sharma.
The BJP’s use of technology and social platforms has evolved as politics has, as they have gone from being niche tools to essential infrastructure. The BJP emerged as the highest spender on political ads on Meta platforms this election. If the 2019 election was characterized as the “WhatsApp Election” because of the excessive use of the messaging platform, the 2024 campaign was the “YouTube Election.” It marked an unprecedented use of YouTube influencers by BJP that featured softball questions with political candidates and paid promotions. While rival parties worked to catch up, the BJP still leads the pack with dedicated cyber troops for year-round content creation—and not just during elections.
And the BJP’s decision to hire a dedicated consultant to woo women votes seems like the next step in this broader evolution of using tech.
Historically, women voters lean towards progressive parties. But over the past decade, under Modi’s rule—characterized by what critics describe as creeping authoritarianism due to attacks on civil society, religious polarization, and cracking down on dissent—there has been a noticeable shift, with both the 2014 and 2019 elections recording higher female participation and increased support for the BJP amongst female voters. The BJP had been launching female-friendly welfare schemes including subsidized cooking gas cylinders and maternity leaves, for greater equality. As a result, in 2019, women’s poll participation exceeded men’s for the first time. This time it was about going a step ahead to remind a specific cohort of targeted women about Modi’s policies and nudge them to go out to vote.
Gour’s get-out-the-vote effort, which used a potpourri of apps, data analysts, and personal outreach by party workers, thus represented a convergence of two trends in an attempt to consolidate a women’s vote newly open to the BJP.
For Modi to return to power, BJP had to win 272 of the 534 parliamentary seats. Gour’s young team was focused on 235 seats, which they identified as “critical seats”—areas where the BJP has either won or lost by less than 10% margin of votes in the past. The goal was to identify women self-help groups, or SHGs, in those 235 critical voting areas, and then use BJP’s party workers, or karyakartas, to meet, motivate, and mobilize female voters.
India’s rural SHGs are collectives of 10 or more women who pool their money and support each other through savings; nearly 100 million women are part of SHGs. And women involved with SHGs are already more politically active.
“Often the hardest problem for political parties who want to engage with women and get women to participate in public life is to figure out how to get these women to participate in a political cause,” says Anirvan Chowdhury, a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University who studies the BJP’s attempts to target female voters. “And in a context where politics is often seen as unsuitable for women, reframing politics as seva [selfless service] or using existing institutional frameworks like the SHG structure helps solve that problem.” Because of this sustained effort, there has been a pro-BJP tilt in women’s political preference in many northern states which have a strong history of support for Modi’s BJP, research shows.
For Gour’s Sapiens Research team, the challenge wasn’t merely to locate these self-help groups but to identify potential BJP supporters within these groups—a task that requires data analysis. Ujjawal Agrawal, the program manager at Sapiens Research, spearheaded the initiative of meticulously mapping voter and demographic information to phone numbers of women in “critical” SHGs. Agrawal then mustered the BJP’s in-house network of 20,000 call center operators—run by another Indian Political Action Committee alumnus Diggaj Mogra—to identify BJP sympathizers within the large SHG cohort.
The call centers did so by asking a few pointed questions. One key question was whether the woman would help mobilize 10 other women for the BJP. If she responded positively, she was deemed a supporter. If the SHG member’s response was no, then she would be categorized as a swing voter or non-supporter. For instance, in West Bengal, Agrawal said, 10% of women who were part of the SHG refused to mobilize voters for the BJP. (Interestingly, this approach bears some broad similarities to the Donald Trump campaign’s strategy for this year’s US election.)
Soni Bam is the sort of SHG mobilizer Gour’s team was looking for. She is from the Leparada district in the northeastern state of Arunachal Pradesh and her eight-member group, called Hiri Molo, is dedicated to making women independent by finding ways to earn and save. But since October 2023, she has been involved in the BJP’s election-related work: going door-to-door explaining women about the elections, and advocating BJP schemes that will help women. She also asks women to attend meetings organized by the BJP workers.
Gour’s team used the 20,000 callers from the BJP’s call center to do 300,000 “screening” calls a day to create the final target list. “We are the brain and call centers are basically your eyes [of political campaigns],” says Gour.
It has become commonplace in India for political parties to set up call centers in the weeks leading up to polling, says Sharma. “These call centers can provide a range of functions—encouraging citizens to update their voter ID card, reminding them of the party’s manifesto promises, gauging their intention to vote, and even soliciting their feedback on the ticket distribution or chief minister nomination process.” But what’s unique, says Sharma, about the BJP is the massive investment in an in-house network of 20,000 call center operations across 350 locations. No other party has a comparable infrastructure for electioneering.
BJP’s central leadership monitored the SHG meetings organized by party workers through the revolutionary SARAL app, which stands for Sangathan Reporting and Analysis. (Sangathan in Hindi means “organization.”) It’s the BJP’s “digital handheld office.” Nearly 4 million BJP party workers use the app monthly, where they can upload party activities and share images of events, and details of people they meet during campaigns. In the months leading up to elections, the BJP ran a campaign on the app called “Shakti Chaupal” to mobilize female voters. It was overseen by Gour’s team.
The tech-savvy team of data analysts at Sapiens’ office in Delhi would then aggregate the trends, and submit weekly or monthly reports on the extent of voter mobilization to party leaders. “If they send us those two photos on a WhatsApp number, it will be difficult for us to monitor,” Agrawal said. “We get clear, systematic data from SARAL.” In the three months leading up to May, an estimated 5000 meetings were conducted, and 5877 party workers helped Sapiens team in mobilization.
In late April, during the first phase of the election, where nearly one-fifth of all parliamentary seats were going to polls, witnessed poor voter turnout. The dip in voter turnout compared to elections in 2019, gripped Gour and the BJP with panic. Early doubts over BJP’s decisive victory surfaced online. Soon, the BJP machinery redoubled outreach activity and notched up demands on state-incharges to address voter apathy.
One crucial battlefield for the BJP was the Kendrapara constituency in the eastern state of Odisha, which has been ruled by the Biju Janata Dal, or BJD, for two decades. Gour’s team was responsible for mobilizing the SHGs in the area. When it came time to vote, Gour’s war room sprang into action. Her team began calling party workers every few hours for updates on the SHGs voting. After that, a round of bot calls were made to the SHG women, since the human call centers were at capacity. At the end of the day, an automated call went out to SHG women, asking if they mobilized, who they mobilized, and if they could share pictures and data.
This process was repeated in constituencies across the country, to great effect: By the end of the election, Gour says, they personally mobilized 12 million women voters.
Despite Gour’s best efforts, though—and positive feedback they received on WhatsApp, SARAL, and call centers—the BJP suffered huge losses in their Hindi-speaking heartland states such as Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan. From being the single largest party with 303 seats in 2019, Modi’s BJP was cut down to size with 240 seats, and formed the government by entering into a power-sharing agreement with smaller regional parties.
Consultants like Gour continue to claim the election as a win, with a caveat that while their work contributed to the vote share of the candidates, they were “not the only factor.” Other experts tell WIRED that there were likely additional reasons women came out to vote during this cycle, such as religious polarization and welfare programs such as free food or cash handouts. The ultimate lesson may be about the enduring power of traditional methods.
“No Indian politician,” says Sharma, “can as yet dispense with holding public rallies, road shows, or door-to-door canvassing, which create momentum both for ordinary voters and for party workers themselves.”
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notwiselybuttoowell · 2 years
It's called Fleather, and it's a new material being developed as a sustainable alternative to animal leather. It is delicate and smooth to touch, like soft lamb skin leather, and its journey begins in an unexpected place – flowers.
Fleather, made by a Kanpur-based startup called Phool, is part of an emerging trend of companies producing plant- and fungi-based leather alternatives which aim to disrupt the traditional leather industry and capitalise on growing interest in "vegan" fashion.
Producing leather from animals poses several environmental hazards. It is energy- and water-intensive and the process of tanning and treating animal skin with chemicals to make leather releases toxic heavy metals that can poison water bodies. Cattle rearing to source animal skin, meanwhile, produces greenhouse gases and contributes to deforestation. Animal rights activists also condemn leather, citing inhumane conditions in slaughter houses.
Fleather, on the other hand, is made by repurposing floral waste generated in temples across India, and it is Phool's moonshot.
The startup's journey began on a cold winter morning in 2015, when Ankit Agarwal and his friend made their way to the bustling bank of the Ganges in Agarwal's hometown Kanpur for some sightseeing.
The Ganges is believed by Hindus to be the most sacred of all rivers. But the sight that greeted the duo belied this faith. Rubbish was floating on the grey, visibly-polluted water. Among the muck were tonnes of flowers – marigolds, roses and chrysanthemums – discarded by temples and worshippers. These flowers are used in Hindu rituals and are considered sacred, meaning they can't be disposed of along with other waste.
But depositing them in a river is sometimes part of the ritual and as a result flowers are dumped in water bodies daily where they leach out harmful chemicals from pesticides, and eventually decay into mulch that contaminates the water. Undeterred by the obvious pollution, devotees take ceremonial dips in the Ganges and cup their palms to take holy sips.
The sight disturbed Agarwal, and set him on a quest to find a solution to the uniquely Indian problem of temple flower waste, which he calls "the lowest hanging fruit" among pollutants. In 2017, he zeroed in on an idea to upcycle the flowers into incense sticks, and founded Phool ("flower" in Hindi).
The company is backed by the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology in Kanpur and counts Bollywood star Alia Bhatt among its investors. Every morning Phool trucks travelled around Kanpur's temples collecting the flower waste before it was dumped into the river. At the Phool factory, workers plucked the petals and set them to dry. The dried petals were then powdered and made into a dough with essential oils which female workers then rolled into incense sticks.
But it turned out that there was a far more impactful and surprising use for the flowers, as the company was soon to discover.
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hotnew-pt · 1 month
O aplicativo AI Reader da ElevenLabs agora pode narrar texto em 32 idiomas #ÚltimasNotícias #tecnologia
Hot News A startup de áudio com IA ElevenLabs agora disponibilizou seu aplicativo leitor de texto para fala em todo o mundo, adicionando suporte para 32 idiomas diferentes — incluindo espanhol, português, francês, árabe, mandarim e hindi. Há uma boa seleção de vozes geradas por IA disponíveis para a ferramenta de texto para fala, incluindo celebridades falecidas como Judy Garland, James Dean e…
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werindialive · 2 months
Elon Musk's X is closing San Francisco office where Twitter was founded in 2006 
X employees are set to be relocated to San Jose and Palo Alto as the company is making a broader shift in its operations 
In a significant development, X, the company formerly known as Twitter and founded by Jack Dorsey in 2006, is shutting down its San Francisco office. This move comes after Elon Musk's acquisition of the company in October 2022. The San Francisco office has been the nerve centre of Twitter's operations since its inception and has played a crucial role in shaping the company's culture and identity. 
The decision to close the office is seen as a strategic move by Musk to consolidate operations and reduce costs. Since taking over, Musk has been working to revamp the company's structure and streamline its functions. The closure of the San Francisco office is likely to impact a significant number of employees, who will either have to relocate or face layoffs. 
This move marks the end of an era for Twitter, which has been synonymous with San Francisco's vibrant tech scene. The company's early days, marked by rapid growth and innovation, were deeply rooted in the city's culture. The office closure will likely have a ripple effect on the local community, with many businesses and startups having grown around Twitter's presence. 
Musk's vision for X is to create a more efficient and agile organisation, capable of adapting to the rapidly changing social media landscape. While the closure of the San Francisco office may be seen as a setback by some, it is also a testament to Musk's willingness to make tough decisions to drive growth and innovation. 
As X embarks on this new chapter, it remains to be seen how the company will evolve and what impact this will have on its users and the wider tech industry. The closure of the San Francisco office marks a significant milestone in this journey, one that will be watched closely by industry observers and Twitter enthusiasts alike. 
The move also raises questions about the future of social media and the role of companies like X in shaping online discourse. As the tech landscape continues to evolve, companies must adapt to stay relevant. Musk's decision to close the San Francisco office may be seen as a bold move, but it is also a necessary step towards building a more sustainable and innovative company. 
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creativeera · 2 months
How Podcasting Became One of the Major Forces in the Digital World
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The Rise of Broadcast Broadcast first emerged in the early 2000s as a new way to distribute audio files over the internet. What started as a niche hobby soon exploded into a mainstream media format. By 2005, the broadcast platform iTunes began featuring podcasts for easy browsing and downloading by users. This gave broadcast considerable visibility and boosted its popularity. Many early adopters started podcasts from their homes, often as a passion project. However, as equipment costs came down and platforms matured, broadcast became a viable career option for some creators. Today, millions of people tune into podcasts on a regular basis, listening to a vast array of genres from entertainment to news and beyond. Growth of the Broadcast Industry As  Podcasting listenership grew, so did the opportunities for professionalization. Established media companies jumped into broadcast, while startups aimed to build platforms and services for the industry. Advertisers also took note and began sponsoring popular shows. By 2018, podcast ad revenue in the US topped $479 million according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau. This got the attention of big tech as well. In 2020, Spotify acquired major podcast companies like The Ringer and Joe Rogan Experience in billion-dollar deals, signaling their commitment to become the dominant force in broadcast. Meanwhile, Amazon, Apple, Google and others ramped up their own offerings. With major corporate backing fueling growth, the broadcast industry has become a multibillion-dollar business. Rise of Niche Genres With the glut of content on offer, podcasts have increasingly specialized to serve dedicated audiences. A reflection of this is the proliferation of niche genres that go beyond traditional talk and news formats. For example, the popularity of true crime podcasts took off in the mid-2010s, led by massive hits like Serial. Other storytelling genres like drama and sci-fi podcasts also emerged. Meanwhile, hobby and interest-based shows catered to communities centered on topics as wide-ranging as comedy, religion, language learning, history, and more. This allowed for high production value audio dramas and customizable content experiences for hyper-focused listeners. Broadcast's flexibility has made it a booming platform for serving long-tail audiences with passionately followed niche content. Broadcast Goes Global Fueled by its success in the US and other English-speaking markets, Podcasting has now expanded globally. Local creators are producing pods in many languages like Spanish, French, Portuguese, Mandarin, Hindi and others. International audiences are discovering new shows and genres from around the world. Global platforms are also getting involved, with Spotify alone reporting having 2.2 million podcasts on its platform by 2021 in over 80 markets and 30 languages. Podcast consumption is growing rapidly internationally, especially in youth demographics, as mobile connectivity and streaming services spread. The ubiquity of smartphones and availability of free/low-cost podcast apps have helped drive the global reach of the format beyond any single country or language. Get more insights on Podcasting
About Author:
Ravina Pandya, Content Writer, has a strong foothold in the market research industry. She specializes in writing well-researched articles from different industries, including food and beverages, information and technology, healthcare, chemical and materials, etc. (https://www.linkedin.com/in/ravina-pandya-1a3984191)
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jcmarchi · 2 months
Mistral 2 and Mistral NeMo: A Comprehensive Guide to the Latest LLM Coming From Paris
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/mistral-2-and-mistral-nemo-a-comprehensive-guide-to-the-latest-llm-coming-from-paris/
Mistral 2 and Mistral NeMo: A Comprehensive Guide to the Latest LLM Coming From Paris
Founded by alums from Google’s DeepMind and Meta, Paris-based startup Mistral AI has consistently made waves in the AI community since 2023.
Mistral AI first caught the world’s attention with its debut model, Mistral 7B, released in 2023. This 7-billion parameter model quickly gained traction for its impressive performance, surpassing larger models like Llama 2 13B in various benchmarks and even rivaling Llama 1 34B in many metrics. What set Mistral 7B apart was not just its performance, but also its accessibility – the model could be easily downloaded from GitHub or even via a 13.4-gigabyte torrent, making it readily available for researchers and developers worldwide.
The company’s unconventional approach to releases, often foregoing traditional papers, blogs, or press releases, has proven remarkably effective in capturing the AI community’s attention. This strategy, coupled with their commitment to open-source principles, has positioned Mistral AI as a formidable player in the AI landscape.
Mistral AI’s rapid ascent in the industry is further evidenced by their recent funding success. The company achieved a staggering $2 billion valuation following a funding round led by Andreessen Horowitz. This came on the heels of a historic $118 million seed round – the largest in European history – showcasing the immense faith investors have in Mistral AI’s vision and capabilities.
Beyond their technological advancements, Mistral AI has also been actively involved in shaping AI policy, particularly in discussions around the EU AI Act, where they’ve advocated for reduced regulation in open-source AI.
Now, in 2024, Mistral AI has once again raised the bar with two groundbreaking models: Mistral Large 2 (also known as Mistral-Large-Instruct-2407) and Mistral NeMo. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deep into the features, performance, and potential applications of these impressive AI models.
Key specifications of Mistral Large 2 include:
123 billion parameters
128k context window
Support for dozens of languages
Proficiency in 80+ coding languages
Advanced function calling capabilities
The model is designed to push the boundaries of cost efficiency, speed, and performance, making it an attractive option for both researchers and enterprises looking to leverage cutting-edge AI.
Mistral NeMo: The New Smaller Model
While Mistral Large 2 represents the best of Mistral AI’s large-scale models, Mistral NeMo, released on July, 2024, takes a different approach. Developed in collaboration with NVIDIA, Mistral NeMo is a more compact 12 billion parameter model that still offers impressive capabilities:
12 billion parameters
128k context window
State-of-the-art performance in its size category
Apache 2.0 license for open use
Quantization-aware training for efficient inference
Mistral NeMo is positioned as a drop-in replacement for systems currently using Mistral 7B, offering enhanced performance while maintaining ease of use and compatibility.
Key Features and Capabilities
Both Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo share several key features that set them apart in the AI landscape:
Large Context Windows: With 128k token context lengths, both models can process and understand much longer pieces of text, enabling more coherent and contextually relevant outputs.
Multilingual Support: The models excel in a wide range of languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Arabic, and Hindi.
Advanced Coding Capabilities: Both models demonstrate exceptional proficiency in code generation across numerous programming languages.
Instruction Following: Significant improvements have been made in the models’ ability to follow precise instructions and handle multi-turn conversations.
Function Calling: Native support for function calling allows these models to interact dynamically with external tools and services.
Reasoning and Problem-Solving: Enhanced capabilities in mathematical reasoning and complex problem-solving tasks.
Let’s delve deeper into some of these features and examine how they perform in practice.
Performance Benchmarks
To understand the true capabilities of Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo, it’s essential to look at their performance across various benchmarks. Let’s examine some key metrics:
Mistral Large 2 Benchmarks
This table presents the proficiency of various LLMs in different programming languages. Models like Mistral Large 2 (24.07), Llama 3.1 (405B), and GPT-4o are evaluated on their ability to understand and generate code in languages such as Python, C++, Bash, Java, TypeScript, PHP, and C#.
Llama 3.1 405B shows strong performance across multiple languages, with particularly high scores in Python and Java. This proficiency is critical for applications involving code generation, debugging, and software development, making these models valuable tools for developers.
Mistral NeMo Benchmarks
While specific benchmark scores for Mistral NeMo are not provided in the given information, it’s described as offering state-of-the-art performance in its size category. The model outperforms other recent open-source pre-trained models like Gemma 2 9B and Llama 3 8B in various tasks.
Mistral NeMo base model performance compared to Gemma 2 9B and Llama 3 8B.
Multilingual and Coding Prowess
One of the standout features of both Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo is their exceptional multilingual capabilities. This is particularly important in our increasingly globalized world, where AI models need to understand and generate content in multiple languages.
Mistral Large 2, for instance, supports dozens of languages including French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Arabic, Hindi, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean. This multilingual proficiency extends beyond mere translation, encompassing nuanced understanding and generation in these languages.
To illustrate this, let’s look at an example of Mistral Large 2 generating text in multiple languages:
[INST] Generate a short greeting in English, French, German, Spanish, and Japanese. [/INST]
Here are short greetings in the requested languages:
English: Hello! How are you today? French: Bonjour ! Comment allez-vous aujourd’hui ? German: Hallo! Wie geht es Ihnen heute? Spanish: ¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás hoy? Japanese: こんにちは!今日はお元気ですか?
Now, write a simple “Hello, World!” program in Python, Java, and JavaScript. [/INST]
These examples showcase both the multilingual text generation and coding capabilities of the model.
Both models are available on various platforms such as Hugging Face, Mistral AI’s platform, and major cloud service providers like Google Cloud Platform, Azure AI Studio, Amazon Bedrock, and IBM watsonx.ai​ (Mistral AI | Frontier AI in your hands)​​​.
The Agentic Paradigm and Function Calling
Both Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo embrace an agentic-centric design, which represents a paradigm shift in how we interact with AI models. This approach focuses on building models capable of interacting with their environment, making decisions, and taking actions to achieve specific goals.
A key feature enabling this paradigm is the native support for function calling. This allows the models to dynamically interact with external tools and services, effectively expanding their capabilities beyond simple text generation.
Let’s look at an example of how function calling might work with Mistral Large 2:
from mistral_common.protocol.instruct.tool_calls import Function, Tool from mistral_inference.transformer import Transformer from mistral_inference.generate import generate from mistral_common.tokens.tokenizers.mistral import MistralTokenizer from mistral_common.protocol.instruct.messages import UserMessage from mistral_common.protocol.instruct.request import ChatCompletionRequest # Initialize tokenizer and model mistral_models_path = "path/to/mistral/models" # Ensure this path is correct tokenizer = MistralTokenizer.from_file(f"mistral_models_path/tokenizer.model.v3") model = Transformer.from_folder(mistral_models_path) # Define a function for getting weather information weather_function = Function( name="get_current_weather", description="Get the current weather", parameters= "type": "object", "properties": "location": "type": "string", "description": "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA", , "format": "type": "string", "enum": ["celsius", "fahrenheit"], "description": "The temperature unit to use. Infer this from the user's location.", , , "required": ["location", "format"], , ) # Create a chat completion request with the function completion_request = ChatCompletionRequest( tools=[Tool(function=weather_function)], messages=[ UserMessage(content="What's the weather like today in Paris?"), ], ) # Encode the request tokens = tokenizer.encode_chat_completion(completion_request).tokens # Generate a response out_tokens, _ = generate([tokens], model, max_tokens=256, temperature=0.7, eos_id=tokenizer.instruct_tokenizer.tokenizer.eos_id) result = tokenizer.decode(out_tokens[0]) print(result)
In this example, we define a function for getting weather information and include it in our chat completion request. The model can then use this function to retrieve real-time weather data, demonstrating how it can interact with external systems to provide more accurate and up-to-date information.
Tekken: A More Efficient Tokenizer
Mistral NeMo introduces a new tokenizer called Tekken, which is based on Tiktoken and trained on over 100 languages. This new tokenizer offers significant improvements in text compression efficiency compared to previous tokenizers like SentencePiece.
Key features of Tekken include:
30% more efficient compression for source code, Chinese, Italian, French, German, Spanish, and Russian
2x more efficient compression for Korean
3x more efficient compression for Arabic
Outperforms the Llama 3 tokenizer in compressing text for approximately 85% of all languages
This improved tokenization efficiency translates to better model performance, especially when dealing with multilingual text and source code. It allows the model to process more information within the same context window, leading to more coherent and contextually relevant outputs.
Licensing and Availability
Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo have different licensing models, reflecting their intended use cases:
Mistral Large 2
Released under the Mistral Research License
Allows usage and modification for research and non-commercial purposes
Commercial usage requires a Mistral Commercial License
Mistral NeMo
Released under the Apache 2.0 license
Allows for open use, including commercial applications
Both models are available through various platforms:
Hugging Face: Weights for both base and instruct models are hosted here
Mistral AI: Available as mistral-large-2407 (Mistral Large 2) and open-mistral-nemo-2407 (Mistral NeMo)
Cloud Service Providers: Available on Google Cloud Platform’s Vertex AI, Azure AI Studio, Amazon Bedrock, and IBM watsonx.ai
For developers looking to use these models, here’s a quick example of how to load and use Mistral Large 2 with Hugging Face transformers:
from transformers import AutoModelForCausalLM, AutoTokenizer model_name = "mistralai/Mistral-Large-Instruct-2407" device = "cuda" # Use GPU if available # Load the model and tokenizer model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(model_name) tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(model_name) # Move the model to the appropriate device model.to(device) # Prepare input messages = [ "role": "system", "content": "You are a helpful AI assistant.", "role": "user", "content": "Explain the concept of neural networks in simple terms." ] # Encode input input_ids = tokenizer.apply_chat_template(messages, return_tensors="pt").to(device) # Generate response output_ids = model.generate(input_ids, max_new_tokens=500, do_sample=True) # Decode and print the response response = tokenizer.decode(output_ids[0], skip_special_tokens=True) print(response)
This code demonstrates how to load the model, prepare input in a chat format, generate a response, and decode the output.
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Limitations and Ethical Considerations
While Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo represent significant advancements in AI technology, it’s crucial to acknowledge their limitations and the ethical considerations surrounding their use:
Potential for Biases: Like all AI models trained on large datasets, these models may inherit and amplify biases present in their training data. Users should be aware of this and implement appropriate safeguards.
Lack of True Understanding: Despite their impressive capabilities, these models do not possess true understanding or consciousness. They generate responses based on patterns in their training data, which can sometimes lead to plausible-sounding but incorrect information.
Privacy Concerns: When using these models, especially in applications handling sensitive information, it’s crucial to consider data privacy and security implications.
Fine-tuning advanced models like Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo presents a powerful opportunity to leverage cutting-edge AI for a variety of applications, from dynamic function calling to efficient multilingual processing. Here are some practical tips and key insights to keep in mind:
Understand Your Use Case: Clearly define the specific tasks and goals you want your model to achieve. This understanding will guide your choice of model and fine-tuning approach, whether it’s Mistral’s robust function-calling capabilities or its efficient multilingual text processing.
Optimize for Efficiency: Utilize the Tekken tokenizer to significantly improve text compression efficiency, especially if your application involves handling large volumes of text or multiple languages. This will enhance model performance and reduce computational costs.
Leverage Function Calling: Embrace the agentic paradigm by incorporating function calls in your model interactions. This allows your AI to dynamically interact with external tools and services, providing more accurate and actionable outputs. For instance, integrating weather APIs or other external data sources can significantly enhance the relevance and utility of your model’s responses.
Choose the Right Platform: Ensure you deploy your models on platforms that support their capabilities, such as Google Cloud Platform’s Vertex AI, Azure AI Studio, Amazon Bedrock, and IBM watsonx.ai. These platforms provide the necessary infrastructure and tools to maximize the performance and scalability of your AI models.
By following these tips and utilizing the provided code examples, you can effectively harness the power of Mistral Large 2 and Mistral NeMo for your specific needs.
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techqrt-support · 2 months
IT Training in Lucknow
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An IT Institute on Every Corner
Remember the days when you’d find a chaat stall at every turn in Lucknow? Well, hold onto your hats because now it’s IT training institutes in Lucknow popping up everywhere! 🏫🏫🏫 From Gomti Nagar to Aliganj, the city is brimming with opportunities to dive into the world of tech. It’s like a techie’s treasure hunt — what new coding adventure will you discover around the next corner?
Professors with Personality Plus
Oh, but the professors here are something else! Picture this: a distinguished gentleman with a twirling mustache, explaining algorithms with a twinkle in his eye. “If you don’t grasp this concept,” he might say with a grin, “I’ll have you recite it in shudh Hindi!” 😄 Who said learning can’t be fun?
Poetry in Motion… and Code
Lucknow’s always been a city of poets, but now there’s a new kind of poetry in town — the poetry of programming! Instead of romantic couplets, you might overhear passionate debates about the elegance of a particularly well-written piece of code. Who needs traditional ghazals when you can compose a symphony in Python? 🎵🐍
Startups and Chai: A Perfect Brew
Hold onto your chai cups, because Lucknow’s startup scene is heating up faster than your favorite masala blend! 🍵💼 The city’s cozy chai stalls have transformed into hubs of innovation, where bright-eyed entrepreneurs sketch out their next big idea between sips. It’s a beautiful marriage of tradition and ambition, don’t you think?
Why Lucknow? Because It’s Awesome!
So, what makes Lucknow the rising star of India’s IT scene? It’s simple, really — it’s the perfect blend of rich cultural heritage and forward-thinking innovation. Where else can you attend a coding bootcamp in the morning, savor world-famous kebabs for lunch, and end your day with a poetic mushaira? 🌟
In conclusion, dear reader, if you’re looking for a place where technology and tradition dance in perfect harmony, look no further than Lucknow. It’s not just embracing the future; it’s redefining it with a uniquely Lucknawi flair. So pack your bags (and your appetite), because Lucknow is calling — and trust me, you don’t want to miss this incredible transformation! 🧳🚆
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startup-77 · 3 months
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deshbandhu · 4 months
Breaking: Key Economic Reforms Announced
In a landmark move aimed at revitalizing the economy, the government has announced a series of key economic reforms. This current breaking news in Hindi has generated significant buzz across the nation, as citizens and analysts alike are keenly dissecting the potential impacts of these changes. The reforms are poised to address various sectors, promising to boost economic growth, enhance job creation, and improve overall financial stability.
Overview of the Economic Reforms
The current breaking news in Hindi highlights several pivotal areas targeted by these economic reforms. These include tax restructuring, infrastructure development, labor laws, and digital economy enhancement. By tackling these areas, the government aims to create a more robust and resilient economic framework.
1. Tax Restructuring
One of the most significant aspects of the reforms is the overhaul of the tax system. The current breaking news in Hindi reports that the government plans to simplify the tax code, reduce corporate tax rates, and provide more incentives for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). These measures are expected to encourage business growth and attract foreign investments, fostering a more competitive business environment.
2. Infrastructure Development
The government has also committed to substantial investment in infrastructure. According to the current breaking news in Hindi, this includes new projects in transportation, energy, and urban development. The aim is to improve connectivity, reduce logistic costs, and create jobs, thereby stimulating economic activity. The focus on sustainable and green infrastructure also aligns with global environmental goals.
3. Labor Law Reforms
Reforming labor laws is another crucial component of the announced economic changes. The current breaking news in Hindi notes that the government intends to make labor laws more flexible to balance the interests of both employers and employees. These reforms are expected to enhance job creation, improve working conditions, and reduce unemployment rates. By making the labor market more adaptable, the reforms seek to increase productivity and economic efficiency.
4. Digital Economy Enhancement
In an era where digital transformation is pivotal, the government is pushing for advancements in the digital economy. The current breaking news in Hindi indicates that new policies will support the growth of digital infrastructure, e-commerce, and technology startups. The goal is to foster innovation, improve digital literacy, and ensure the country remains competitive in the global digital marketplace.
Expected Economic Impact
These economic reforms, as highlighted in the current breaking news in Hindi, are anticipated to have far-reaching impacts on the national economy. Experts predict several positive outcomes from these measures:
Boost in Economic Growth
The simplification of the tax code and reduction in corporate tax rates are expected to increase business investments, leading to higher economic growth. The current breaking news in Hindi suggests that these measures will attract both domestic and foreign investments, driving industrial growth and economic diversification.
Job Creation
Infrastructure development and labor law reforms are projected to create millions of jobs. The current breaking news in Hindi emphasizes that the new projects in transportation, energy, and urban development will provide employment opportunities across various sectors. Additionally, the more flexible labor laws will enable businesses to hire more efficiently, reducing unemployment rates.
Enhanced Competitiveness
By focusing on the digital economy, the government aims to make the country a global leader in technology and innovation. The current breaking news in Hindi underscores that policies supporting digital infrastructure and technology startups will foster a culture of innovation, making the country more competitive in the global market.
Challenges and Criticisms
Despite the optimistic outlook, these reforms are not without challenges and criticisms. The current breaking news in Hindi points out several areas of concern:
Implementation Hurdles
One of the primary challenges is the effective implementation of these reforms. Ensuring that the policies are executed smoothly and reach the intended beneficiaries will require robust administrative mechanisms. The current breaking news in Hindi highlights that bureaucratic inefficiencies and corruption could potentially hinder the success of these reforms.
Short-Term Disruptions
Some sectors may experience short-term disruptions as they adapt to the new policies. The current breaking news in Hindi notes that businesses, particularly SMEs, may face initial difficulties in adjusting to the revised tax codes and labor laws. Adequate support and transition measures will be necessary to mitigate these disruptions.
Social Impact
There are also concerns about the social impact of these reforms. The current breaking news in Hindi mentions that while job creation is a key goal, there may be sectors where job losses occur due to increased automation and technological advancements. Addressing these social impacts will be crucial to ensure inclusive growth.
The announcement of these key economic reforms marks a significant moment in the nation's economic history. As detailed in the current breaking news in Hindi, these reforms have the potential to drive substantial economic growth, create jobs, and enhance the country's global competitiveness. However, careful implementation and addressing potential challenges will be critical to realizing the full benefits of these changes. The nation watches closely as these reforms unfold, hopeful for a more prosperous and resilient economic future.
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ridhibahl · 5 months
Crafting Harmony: Vastu Consultancy with Ridhi Bahl Across India and the Globe
Have you ever felt a certain energy in a room? Perhaps a bustling office in Mumbai that sparks creativity or a serene home in Sydney that promotes relaxation. This unseen force, the flow of energy within a space, is precisely what Vastu Shastra, the ancient Indian science of architecture, seeks to understand and optimize.
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Ridhi Bahl, a leading Vastu consultant in India, transcends geographical boundaries. She extends her expertise to individuals and businesses in major cities like Delhi, Pune, Ahmedabad, and even internationally in London, New York, and Melbourne, helping them create harmonious living and working environments aligned with Vastu principles.
Vastu Shastra: More Than Just Placement
Vastu Shastra goes beyond simply arranging furniture. It delves into the subtle interplay between the five elements – earth, water, fire, air, and space – within a building. Ridhi Bahl, with her in-depth knowledge of Vastu principles, can analyze your existing space – whether it's a bustling office in Gurgaon or a cozy home in Kolkata – and identify areas that may be hindering energy flow.
Here's how Ridhi Bahl's Vastu consultancy can benefit you:
Enhanced Productivity: She can create a workspace that fosters focus and efficiency, potentially leading to increased productivity in your office in Hyderabad or your home office in Noida.
Improved Health and Well-being: By balancing the flow of energy, Ridhi Bahl can help create an environment that promotes physical and mental well-being, leading to a more positive and vibrant atmosphere for residents or employees.
Stronger Relationships: Harmonious energy flow within a home can foster better communication and stronger bonds within families, whether in a sprawling bungalow in Jaipur or a cozy apartment in Chandigarh.
Positive Financial Flow: A well-designed space, as per Vastu principles, can attract positive energy and potential prosperity, benefiting businesses in any location, from a bustling startup in Ahmedabad to a well-established firm in Delhi.
Beyond the Walls: A Holistic Approach
Ridhi Bahl's expertise extends beyond the physical structure. She considers the surrounding environment, analyzing factors like sunlight, wind direction, and magnetic fields. This comprehensive approach ensures that your space is not just visually appealing but also aligned with the natural world, creating a sense of balance and well-being.
Modern Solutions for Ancient Wisdom
While Vastu Shastra is an ancient science, Ridhi Bahl understands the realities of modern living and working spaces. She offers practical and adaptable solutions, ensuring that Vastu principles are seamlessly integrated into your existing space, whether it's a high-rise office complex in Mumbai or a quaint heritage home in Kolkata.
Embarking on the Vastu Journey
Ridhi Bahl's Vastu consultancy services cater to a diverse clientele across India and the globe. She can guide you through the entire process, from an initial consultation to a comprehensive analysis and recommendations for your space, be it a bustling office in Noida or a serene yoga studio in London.
Here's what you can expect when you choose Ridhi Bahl as your Vastu consultant:
In-depth Consultation: She takes the time to understand your specific needs and concerns, tailoring her recommendations to your unique situation.
Personalized Recommendations: Ridhi Bahl doesn't offer a one-size-fits-all approach. Her solutions are practical and adaptable to your existing space and lifestyle.
Remote Consultations: Distance is no barrier. Ridhi Bahl offers remote consultations, making her expertise accessible to individuals and businesses anywhere in the world, from bustling hubs like New York and Sydney to quieter locations like Jaipur and Ahmedabad.
Invest in Harmony, Reap the Rewards
Creating a harmonious space with Vastu principles can positively impact various aspects of your life. From fostering creativity in your office in Pune to promoting well-being in your home in Delhi, Ridhi Bahl's Vastu consultancy can serve as a powerful tool for positive change.
Contact Ridhi Bahl today and embark on a journey towards a more balanced and fulfilling life, living and working in harmony with the natural world.
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acelandscapes-au · 9 months
Unveiling Punjab's Progressive Path: Navigating Today's News Landscape
Punjab, the land of vibrant culture, rich history, and dynamic people, is undergoing a transformative journey in the 21st century. In this era of rapid technological advancements and global connectivity, Punjab is not only preserving its traditional roots but also embracing modernity with open arms. Today, we delve into the heart of Punjab to explore the myriad facets that define its present narrative.
Economic Resurgence:
Punjab's economic landscape has witnessed a remarkable resurgence, with a focus on diversification and sustainable growth. Traditionally known for its agriculture, the state has expanded its horizons to include industries like IT, manufacturing, and services. The government's proactive policies and strategic initiatives have paved the way for Punjab to emerge as an economic powerhouse.
Innovation and Technology:
Punjab is not just keeping pace with the technological revolution; it is leading the charge. The state has become a hub for innovation and technology, fostering a conducive environment for startups and entrepreneurs. Initiatives like 'Digital Punjab' are driving digital literacy and connectivity, ensuring that every citizen can benefit from the digital age.
Cultural Renaissance:
While Punjab embraces modernity, it remains deeply rooted in its cultural heritage. The vibrant festivals, traditional dance forms like Bhangra, and the melodious strains of Punjabi music continue to resonate across the landscape. The state is witnessing a cultural renaissance, with efforts to preserve and promote its artistic treasures for future generations.
Educational Advancements:
Education is a cornerstone of Punjab's progress. The state has made significant strides in enhancing its educational infrastructure, ensuring access to quality education for all. From prestigious universities to skill development programs, Punjab is nurturing a generation equipped to meet the challenges of the future.
Environmental Stewardship:
Punjab recognizes the importance of sustainable development and environmental conservation. With a focus on renewable energy sources, afforestation initiatives, and eco-friendly practices, the state is taking proactive steps to ensure a green and clean future for its residents.
Healthcare Revolution:
The healthcare sector in Punjab has undergone a revolution, with advancements in medical technology and an increased focus on preventive care. The state is investing in healthcare infrastructure, training healthcare professionals, and implementing innovative solutions to address the evolving healthcare needs of its population.
Social Harmony and Inclusivity:
Punjab takes pride in its social fabric, characterized by harmony and inclusivity. The state celebrates diversity and strives to create an environment where every individual feels valued and respected. Initiatives promoting gender equality, social justice, and community development are at the forefront of Punjab's inclusive vision.
As we navigate the news landscape of punjab news in hindi today, we witness a state that is not only preserving its cultural legacy but also boldly stepping into a future defined by progress and inclusivity. Punjab's journey is a testament to the resilience and adaptability of its people, who are shaping a narrative that resonates on both national and global stages. In a world where change is the only constant, Punjab stands as a beacon of inspiration, showcasing the perfect blend of tradition and modernity.
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