#Starwars day
darlingkairos · 1 year
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My may the fourth additions. (It’s Anakin and Padmė as La Belle Dame sans merci.) Happy Starwars day!
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aroacesafeplaceforall · 5 months
Anakin is demiromantic
Ashoka is aroace, romance repulsed
Luke is aroace but indifferent and hasn’t realised that it isn’t “normal” yet
Obi-wan is asexual
Rey is Aromantic and confused
Feel free to add!!
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villainous-ace · 1 year
A little late but happy Star-Wars day (May the 4th be with you / revenge of the 5th)
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I started the drawing on May the 4th but it took me while to get past the line art stage. Then life happened and I was hesitant to re-attempt it.
Anyway I over came my art block and here it is hope your like!!!
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worthings · 1 year
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may the 4th be with you ✨
@thewafflemaker @spritesaavy @daveyjoneslocker1 @raelovesbooks @whereismyhairbrush @duolingo-is-a-bitch-2 @babe-get-some-help @thewindandthewolves @simplecurses @get-me-therapy-asap @duncan-taylors-version13 @lily-chen-supremacy @painted-all-my-nights @nayastory @peachtreewitch
(if you want to be added/removed lmk)
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durnesque-esque · 1 year
Happy Carrie Fisher Day! May the 4th be with you!
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immagods · 5 months
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Credit to Exotic Magnolia Edits
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crybabyblackbear · 1 year
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This came into my head when I realized that May the 4th was this week and I couldn't resist
Surprised it hasn't been taken down yet by the RAs bc I'm pretty sure it's gonna be parents weekend and this is depicting bLoOd and VioLeNcE
I'm just happy I was able to figure out how to draw Nero lying face down without it looking too goofy
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kryptid-kat · 1 year
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May the 4th be with you!
Past StarWars commissions I did for @nodaudaboutitt
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saturnhas82moons · 1 year
dad:we have a Star Wars special drink
me: what’s it called
dad: idk. Yoda cum?
me*laughing way too hard *
dad *laughing way to hard *
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kristineknowlton · 5 months
May the 4th Be with You!!! Enjoy some Star Wars Dad / Very Bad Jokes. Stay till the end for outtakes!
#starwarsday #starwars #maythe4thbewithyou #maytheforcebewithyou #maythefourthbewithyou #starwars #comedy #kristineknowlton #throwback #comediankristineknowlton #dadjokes #wtf
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Give mom a Cameo for Mother’s Day https://v.cameo.com/e/o8c4ReyppJb
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coruscantiprincess · 5 months
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Happy May 4th!!!
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Why isn't there a Mario Kart style 'Pod Racing' game???
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ficsforfundota · 1 year
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: The Mandalorian (TV) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Characters: Din Djarin, Original Characters Additional Tags: MerMay 2023, Mermaids, Sirens, Starwars - Freeform, may the fourth, starwars day, Twi'lek Species (Star Wars), Alderaanian Culture (Star Wars), Mon Calamari Species (Star Wars), Jobs, Uncharted Planet, Pre Grogu, Din Djarin - Freeform, Ocean world, Underwater World, Spaceships, starwars lore, Star Wars Day | May the 4th, Space mermaids, Space Sirens, Coin, The Mandalorian (TV) References, sire songs, Songs, Singing, blood warning Series: Part 33 of Mermay Summary:
Usually Mando didn’t like taking jobs like this, but the prospect of seeing something new was intriguing to say the least.
Usually Mando didn’t like taking jobs like this, but the prospect of seeing something new was intriguing to say the least. He had gotten a message from a ‘friend’ about a new planet under siege by creatures of a new magnitude. Landing on a mostly water planet wasn’t as tricky as he expected as he landed the Razor Crest. He stepped off of his ship and noticed that there were a few Alderaanians waiting for him. Alongside them were a few Calamarians. Din raised his hand catching there attention.
“I heard there was a problem.”
“Yes, we were hoping to make this planet habitable. Even possibly make it so people could live and thrive within these waters and the bits of land there is. However we have encountered a bit of a problem.”
“Problem?” Din asked, he cocked his head a bit. “What sort of problem?”
“There are these creatures, one’s we have not seen the likes of before. They have the upper body of a Twi'lek while their lower halves have fish-like tails. However they have very sharp teeth and a song they sing that starts out ever so beautiful. We were honestly thinking of leaving them around, an attraction almost to the guests of our new world, however… When you listen to their song they lure you in as if seducing you. They have drowned two of our workers and even worse devoured their remains. We have nothing left of them but a few shreds of clothing. They are intelligent, and seem to even be waiting us out. We want them dead.”
“Do you know how many there are? They sound native. I do not know if I have the ability to take out a native species. Especially if most of this planet, from what I can tell, is water.”
“We will pay you well.”
“Do you have a ship?” Din asked, no ship no dice.
One of the Calamarian’s smiled. “We do indeed have a D-11 water speeder.”
“That may do, I just don’t know if the job is right. So before I take the job, I am going to go look. See if I can find a nest or a home space. This is after all likely their planet.”
“We hope this will suit you.” They all bowed their heads and stepped aside, one man led Din towards the speeder. Din climbed in, closing the hatch behind him. As he submerged into the water brilliant colors seemed to explode in his sight. Small aquatic creatures swam by as he sped downward, he was looking for anything that may seem suspicious but he honestly couldn’t see anything strange. While he glided through the water he came across an underwater city, his eyes widened in surprise.
“Nope, not my place. This isn’t a few dangerous beasts, or a bounty, this is just a species living their life.” As he went to turn his speeder around he let out a yelp as two of these half Twi’leks attacked his speeder.
He held up his hands trying to show he meant no harm to them but they were much stronger than he expected, they pulled the speeder towards the glowing city. He kept his head up, his eyes on the architecture itself. Blooming corals and other aquatic life covered the stone like buildings. The creatures watched him and the speeder as he was paraded towards the largest of the buildings.
Din kept his composer, they couldn’t get into the speeder without a lot of effort. The two held the speeder down as a bigger and much older looking creature emerged. “Bring him to the chamber.” His voice rang out.
Din was surprised he could understand their speech, the speeder was taken inside. Eventually they came upon what looked like a cell. Din was mystified as they reached an underwater cave. Crystals hung down from the ceiling. The two that held the speeder swam upward until they reached a place that had both land and water. Din looked around for a way out but there was no way out but back into the depths of the ocean.
“Come out on your own will and we will not harm you.” The leader ordered. Din nodded, keeping his hands up, he stepped out of the speeder onto the cave floor keeping his hands up where they could see him.
“I mean no harm, my intentions were only to see what your species looked like, and to ensure that I would not take the job I was given.” Din bowed his head slightly.
“Remove your helmet.” The leader ordered, he was old and haggard, water dripped from his ‘head tails’. His skin was a deep blue, scars lined his right pec and left side of his face.
“I cannot, it is part of my creed. If I remove my helmet, I will be disowned by my people. I could not return, please understand I only came to see. I was asked to take a job, but I wanted to check it out first before I took it.”
The leader looked towards the other two that were present, a smaller orange male and a green female. Their tails were the same color as their skin but much more vibrant.
“What job were you given?” The leader asked, Din nodded in thanks knowing he would get to keep his helmet on.
“The ones who hired me desired for me to take your species out, kill your people.” The female bore her teeth, her eyes darkening in anger. The younger male let out a growl of distaste. The elder held up his hand to silence them. “I told them I would only take the job if I knew you were not the species meant to be on this planet. It is clear from your home that I stumbled upon, clearly you are meant to be here. I can be reasonable. They want to make this planet a getaway for other species, a place for families to come and vacation.”
The leader narrowed his eyes. “That is what they were doing?”
“Yes,” Din nodded. He grimaced as he watched one of them pluck a gorg from the surface and bite down upon it’s head. The wriggling creature dripped in blood while they watched him. “I will not take the job, but they may attempt to hire others to do so.”
“What if I hired you, to kill them. Mark this planet as one not meant to trespass.”
“I could certainly try to do so, but people may come looking for the bodies of those I dispose of. What do you have to offer, you likely don’t pay in credits.”
“These crystals, they are worth much in our land. I assume they will go for just as much in yours.”
“What are they?” Din inquired.
“We use them to buy and sell, I do not know what you two legs would use them for.” He shrugged. “I am sure someone will find them of value somewhere.”
Din didn’t know if he could get anything out of them, but the offer was one he was willing to take. “Could I add something, a bargain.”
“I would like to use the speeder to look around, just see what I am protecting. I do not plan to back out I just want to explore without the prospect of being eaten.”
“If you will throw the bodies of those you kill to us, I will allow it, but after the job is done.” The leader retorted. I will give you the crystals after as well.”
Din looked him over, he felt he could trust him. He hoped he could trust him.
“Deal.” He held out his hand, the leader narrowed his eyes at him.
“What are you doing?”
“Shaking your hand.”
“It’s how some people mark a deal as accepted, I assume your people don’t do that.”
“We smack tails.” The female laughed. “Leggers are funny aren’t they.”
Din pulled his hand away, and the leader only nodded in acceptance. Din climbed into the speeder and followed them out of the cave system, careful not to ruin the building as he left. He made his way towards the surface, the same people awaiting him.
“So will you take the job?”
“There are much more than a few of those things down there.” Din retorted, he looked towards the waves and noticed eyes watching him. He could spot a few of their brightly colored heads from his spot on the shore. They were making sure he was going to do the job, he gulped knowing if he screwed up they likely would kill him. “Unfortunately the offer isn’t good enough.”
He reached into his pocket for his blaster, he lifted it up quickly shooting all six before they had time to react. The creatures quickly popped up out of the water in surprise, they genuinely thought he would leave them to deal with it themselves. He dragged each body towards the water and watched in horror as they devoured the bodies within seconds. He also noticed a few small younglings.
He did admit they were kind of adorable, in a terrifying way. He slowly climbed back into the speeder and descended back into the waves. The half fish creatures followed him back towards their home, Din took the time to explore while a handful collected crystals and shells for him to take back. He then heard a few singing and realized their song was very beautiful. He was drawn to stay, but knew he could never be happy with them. He wasn’t of their kind, and he had a life to live and a job to do.
The younglings decorated his speeder with aquatic flowers and seaweed, he only waved them. A few made the motion for him to remove his helmet but he only shook his head to their disappointment.
After hours of exploring he arrived back to the surface and stepped out of the speeder. “You can take the speeder if you want. I have no use for it.” Din stated as the creatures piled the last of the crystals and shells onto the surface.
The leader nodded. “Do as I asked, if others come I will not blame you but I hope you will have done something to prevent it.”
“I’ll do my best.” Din promised, he collected the crystals and shells into his ship and waved goodbye. As he climbed into his ship he watched them sing to a dugar dugar on the shore. The dugar dugar walked itself into the water and was quickly devoured. Din started up the ship and decided never to return to that planet again.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 6 months
Charlie: "Sometimes I just wish I could get on your level! You know, really see things from YOUR perspective!"
Vaggie: "Metaphorically from my perspective?"
Charlie: "....."
Vaggie: "...you mean metaphorically from my perspective, right babe?
Charlie: "........."
- one perspective change later -
Husk: "Why the FUCK are you carrying your girlfriend piggyback around the hotel??"
Vaggie: "It's an experiment."
Charlie: (awed) "Everything seems so BIG from down here..."
Vaggie: "It's also a test of my love for her."
Charlie: "You are very VERY brave for being so small."
Vaggie: "I love you so much I'm gonna pretend I didn't hear that."
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