#State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness
indembminsk · 3 months
An In-depth Look at the STAAR™ Student Testing Program Guide
Understanding the educational trajectory of your child can be a daunting task, especially when it comes to standardized testing. In Texas, one significant milestone in this journey is the STAAR™ testing program. But what exactly is STAAR, and why is it important for your child? Here’s what you need to know about the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness. What is STAAR™? STAAR™ stands…
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dove-da-birb · 6 months
so in the US we have state mandated tests or exams to prove you know stuff but they still let u pass even if u do shit on it its to collect data and see how they can improve curriculum n stuff
here in Texas it's called staar (state of Texas assessment for academic readiness (I have it memorized)) but it goes by different names per state but their all pretty similar being around 50 questions on subject. depending on the grade u will take diffrent stars I think my middle school and elementary school one had essay sections and a personal writing section.
PSAT and SAT. are used to help with collage emissions if you get rlly good scores u can get like scholarships n stuff a new of Mt friends have them but you can tell by my amazing academics I really care about those/j
theirs apparently other ones (thanks Navi bc I wouldn't have known otherwise) that are for other collage stuff and aren't don't by the college board
im great at non math standardized testing tho preforming way above average for my age group
Yeah, we don’t have that, and the thing that is most similar is EQAO.
“The EQAO is the provincial Education Equality and Accountability Office. It is an independent govern- ment body that develops and oversees reading, writ- ing and mathematics tests that Ontario students must take in Grades 3, 6, 9, and 10.”
For college and university emissions they look at your top 6 Grade 12 college or university classes (ie Grade 12 U English is needed in order to get into any university after high school) <- reason why I took an extra English course.
I SUCKED at math though; failed Grade 10 Academic math twice but went to Applied and passed with flying colours.
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Heart Map: My Sunfire Circle (Part Two)
"The traffic slowly started to inch forward, making me the brand new 4PM, Friday afternoon traffic jam catalyst."
I can pretend like I remember specifics about my work week leading up to Happy Hour, but I’d be lying. At that time, the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness, or STAAR test had come and gone, and we had celebrated our positively trending scores (although not at Carlo’s). I also relished in the fact that the school year was close to finished and I could start applying for jobs closer to home. My MacArthur 9th students and I had an unwritten understanding, like most teachers have with their students at the end of the year, to stay cordial and give some degree of effort for the final two weeks of school and we will make it through together.
The bell rang at 2:35 on Friday afternoon for the students to walk to their buses. I lagged behind, and waited for students to disperse before heading to my car. Charles had given me directions to Carlo’s which was right down the street. I walked through the door to Charles, Lawshe, my buddy Glewwe from across the hall, and a couple other random faces I had seen once or twice in the hallway.
Surprise, surprise, within five minutes, the conversation waned without work as a buffer. And, of course, we all proclaimed through forced chuckles we didn’t want to discuss work! Come on! It’s Friday! Let’s enjoy ourselves! And then the ensuing twenty minutes of forced conversation as we searched for common ground on anything...ANYTHING. Thank God Glewwe had shown up, who avidly followed the Minnesota Timberwolves. At least we could chat about basketball. And I could enjoy the relief of talking to a coworker about something BESIDES work.
Charles noticed my effort to socialize had run its tepid course. After an hour of checking my watch in 10-minute intervals to decide if an appropriate amount of time had passed, Charles sat down next to me.
“Hey man. Thanks for coming out. It wasn’t too bad, was it?”
“No way man! This was...fun! I had a great time!” What else do I say? “No, Charles. This was as bad and boring as I thought it would be. But thanks for helping me with my flat!”
He gave me his all-too-familiar smirk as he replied.
“Yeah, I’m sure you did. Haha...well don’t feel obligated to stay if you are ready to go. I know you have the fiance and kid at home.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I mean...I wish I could stay but, I probably do need to head out.”
I quickly said goodbyes and rushed to my Sunfire. (Sorry, Glewwe, for leaving you to fend for yourself.)
From prior experience, I REALLY didn’t want to fight the traffic on Fm1960 at 4PM on a Friday, so I made the ill-fated decision to take the Beltway 8 which connected Highway 59 and Interstate 45, two of the main roads out of Houston. In hindsight, this senseless decision changed me forever. Maybe my happy hour margaritas did more damage than I realized.
No matter which route I took, traffic at 4PM on a Friday was unavoidable. But, at the time, my plan of action seemed like a brilliant idea! And then...Boom! Honk! Honk! Traffic. And not just mild inconvenience that moves molasses traffic. No, I sat idling in standstill traffic in the smoldering Texas sun, stuck in the middle lane, with nowhere to go.
As I mentioned before, my 2002 Pontiac Sunfire had seen better days. It still sluggishly moved me from point A to B, even though the perpetual check engine light did annoy me. Beyond that, its only current issue was its tendency to overheat if idling for too long. And, unfortunately, the traffic continued its standstill. So, I stared in agony as my thermometer slowly tilted further and further up.
When I told this story in class, one kid asked, “Why didn’t you just turn the car off?” Um...shut up...that’s why. 
I didn’t know what to do. I literally had nowhere to turn and had to wait for my car to overheat. I had no idea what happened if my Sunfire actually overheated. I attempted the few feeble troubleshooting tricks I knew, like turning up the hot air to push the heat out of my hood and through my car. It didn’t work. (I learned this unsuccessful tip from an episode of King of the Hill. If only they had gone over changing a flat tire, I wouldn’t be in this mess!) I stared in horror as the thermometer needle tilted towards the red sliver at the end of the gauge. Thankfully, instead of a mushroom-cloud explosion in the middle of the highway, which I halfway expected, the car promptly shut off for the last time and I found myself even more stuck than before. And, naturally, the traffic slowly started to inch forward, making me the brand new 4PM, Friday afternoon traffic jam catalyst.
I tried turning the ignition key three more times, but it had fallen silent. The Sunfire had died. I sifted through my limited options and fell back to my mom’s AAA card. Oh good! Finally a legitimate, non-flat tire excuse to give it a try! I looked out my window and noticed the news chopper surveying the traffic overhead. Even better! My smoking Sunfire had made it on television! This day kept getting better and better.
I called the number on the back of my AAA card and followed the prompters for a tow truck. I did my best to ignore the honking and cursing from the commuters all around me. Cuss and honk all you want, but my Sunfire isn’t un-overheating. With sincere regret in their voice, they informed me it would take roughly an hour before they got through the traffic. I also didn’t feel like any of my fellow motorists were willing to help me push my Sunfire to the shoulder. So, I sat, stuck, with my head down while everyone crawled around me. I did my best to continue to ignore the lewd comments from people as I slowly melted in my car.
Finally, the tow truck carefully sliced its way through the sea of automobiles. They pulled in front of me and reversed to the hood of my car. I opened my door, completely drenched in sweat, and greeted the tow truck guy.
“Oh, thank god you’re here!”
“Yessir! So you’re the one that’s holding up all this traffic?”
“Um, yes that would be me. Do I need to show you my AAA card or anything?”
“What? Oh, no. The police called us. We have to get you out of the road.”
“Wait...I called AAA. They should be here any minute.”
“Sorry, bud. We have to do what the coppers tell us to do. And they told us to get you out of here. It’s a safety issue.”
Since they didn’t work through AAA, AAA definitely wouldn’t pay them. Which meant the bill fell onto me. Great! What a nice finishing touch to my first Happy Hour experience!
I took my ride of shame with the tow truck guy, who impressed me with how great he pretended to empathize with my situation but, of course, didn’t hold back when it came to payment I barely had for the tow.
“Oh, yeah. That does sound rough. Eesh, and a new kid, huh? What horrible timing. Anyways, that’ll be $150 bucks. Of course, I take credit cards.”
I never drove the Sunfire again. It’s so peculiar to think back on it now. To think of the chain of events that led to my car’s demise. Charles taught me to change my flat tire which set in motion my car overheating on Beltway 8 and breaking down for a final time. Funny how that works.
I didn’t hang out with my Mac 9 coworkers again. At least not all together. I finished my final week of school, applied for jobs closer to home, interviewed a couple of times, and finally landed a job at Caney Creek High School, where I’ve worked for eight years. 
After the last day of school, I needed to pick up a handful of items from my old classroom. Charles happened to be in his room. We joked around for a while and took a selfie together to send to Lawshe. And then I left and I never walked through the doors of MacArthur Ninth Grade Campus again. And I never saw Charles again.
A couple years later, December 20th of 2015, I received a call from Lawshe.
“Hey, Lawshe! What’s up!?”
She was crying.
“Charles. H-he passed away.”
“He passed away a couple of days ago. Just went to sleep and didn’t wake up. Gannon, he has a wife and a kid. It’s almost Christmas. I don’t know what to do.”
I didn’t know either. We sat silent on the phone for a moment. I don’t fully remember my response as I gathered myself. I told her to please let me know the information for the funeral and I hung up.
I stared at the wall in a daze. The selfie I took with him in the summer a couple of years ago was the last time I would ever see my friend. I felt the weight of my mortality and fragility, since Charles was 41 and I was already in my late 20’s. Time doesn’t wait.
When we gathered for the funeral, it felt bittersweet. On one hand, we all felt the excitement of seeing each other again, if only under different circumstances. The funeral blurred by, but I do remember a conversation with a couple of my friends about the impact of Charles..
“Charles was forever a teacher. That’s what inspired me. Even when he wasn’t teaching, he was teaching.”
I explained to them about my Sunfire and Charles helping me change my flat tire, which led to its retirement.
“And even though it was a bummer with what happened to my Sunfire, I wouldn’t trade that memory for anything. That memory shapes the kind of teacher, the kind of person I hope to be. It gives me something to strive towards.”
Reflecting on it with my students, I tell them I hold onto that teaching philosophy even to this day. And sometimes, I may start a story thinking it’s about one thing but, really, if I give myself the time to think about it, deep down it’s about something much more meaningful.
“So, was this story really about my Sunfire?”
Edmund piped up. “No way, mister. It was about your friend Charles and what he meant to you.”
Absolutely. Sometimes it takes searching our feelings about our memories that shows us what has really shaped us into who we are.
Even though the students may not have necessarily gotten to a point with a story from their own lives that permanently affects them this much, it gives them a starting point and shows that vulnerability is okay. Most great writing starts from a place of vulnerability. Teaching students this concept can prove difficult, so thank you Charles for the lasting impression you have on my classroom and on me.
My Teachable Moments
This one goes without saying,, but don’t take any of your moments for granted. The selfie I took with Charles seemed extremely unimportant and stupid at the time, but now it has turned into the final moment I ever had with him. I still have that picture so I can look to it as a reminder of this philosophy.
Try to put yourself out there. I still regret how I handled myself at Carlo’s restaurant when I wanted to leave. Hell, for all I know, if I had just stuck around a little longer and enjoyed myself I wouldn’t have found myself stuck in traffic and on the 6 o’clock news.
Never stop teaching when people need it. I remember feeling like a very selfish teacher my first year. I didn’t believe in what I was doing. I thought about my wife and baby and made sure I had a paycheck to bring home to them. Charles changed that for me. Even though my first year felt impossible, it reignited my passion to give the world one of the only true things we can offer, our  knowledge and our time.
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etutorworld1 · 2 years
What is Texas STAAR Test?
The STAAR test is part of the state's testing program for students. The term STAAR stands for State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness. This assessment is based on the state's Essential Knowledge and Skills which relates to the curriculum standards used by the state.
Online STAAR Test Prep
Prep sessions are offered online without students ever having to leave home. Students can receive Texas STAAR test prep help from an expert tutor on a laptop or phone. Users of the platform have the opportunity to access recent recordings of the sessions for review at any time of the day or night.
When students register for the STAAR test online practice, they get personalized practice sheets after every tutoring session. If a student needs help or has any questions, there's 24/7 customer support service readily available. Get the personalized help you need by phone or chat.
Not all online tutoring services are alike. It's important to select a tutoring company that has highly trained and knowledgeable tutors who specialize in STAAR test online practice. Tutors help their students develop the skills they'll need when it's time to take the actual STAAR test.
Why Parents and Students Choose the Team at eTutorWorld
Reputation and results are synonymous with the high level of quality tutoring offered at eTutorWorld. The company provides robust and comprehensive tutoring in preparation for the STAAR test in TX. It's personalized to match the specific areas of study in which the student needs a customized tutoring plan.
The talented tutors of eTutorWorld make all the difference in learning. They are experts in their subjects and come with several years of teaching experience. The team has qualified STAAR tutors with proven track records. Students at eTutorWorld can learn at their own pace from the comfort and safety of their homes. It has earned the reputation of being the top online provider for STAAR test tutoring and preparation.
Third graders through 12th graders are required to take STAAR testing. The test assesses the academic readiness of the student in a number of school subjects. These include math, reading, social science, and writing. eTutorWorld is the trusted solution for parents who want to help their children master and excel in their studies. There's no better way to help students feel prepared and confident when it's their turn to take STAAR.
The eTutorWorld platform is easy to navigate from any mobile device. Texas STAAR test prep help is easy to follow, and it is grade-appropriate. The sessions are professionally developed in a way that your child will understand and comprehend.
If you're the parent of a child in grades three to 12 in Texas, please learn more at
https://www.etutorworld.com/online-test-prep/staar-test-prep.html. Experience eTutorWorld with no obligation and no long-term commitment. The company offers a 30-day satisfaction guarantee.
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smartmathtutoring · 3 months
Doing Well on the Texas STAAR Math Test: A Grade 7 Workbook for Full Test Prep
The Grade 7 STAAR Math test is a critical evaluation of students’ math skills, their ability to solve problems, and their ability to use key ideas. Not only does doing well on this test help with schoolwork, but it also builds a solid base for more advanced math studies. For Grade 7 kids, a focused test prep tool is very helpful for getting through the tough STAAR Math test.
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lumoslearningnj · 1 year
What is a STAAR Test?
The State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR) is a state testing program that launched in Spring 2012. The purpose of the STAAR test is to measure what students have learned and how they are able to apply their skills and knowledge as specified in TEKS (Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills, the Texas curriculum standard). Every question tested in STAAR is aligned to TEKS learning standards for every subject and grade being accessed.
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yippeecahier · 1 year
i'm extremely worried about the american education system, can we get an update about that???
So, me too. It's concerning, and a lot of these concerns aren't new.
However, for better or for worse, the American education system is highly localized. Public school "standards" that public schools must meet/teach are dictated by each of the states, but the way they are taught and how much resources are available to students and teachers varies by town/city, district, and even neighborhood because the schools are funded by local property taxes.
As you can imagine, schools in poor neighborhoods might struggle to supply materials for science labs, whereas schools in rich neighborhoods can afford to provide each student with a school iPad. As a result, the climate and expectations at each campus can be different. Schools are supposed to be desegregated, but because of this divide in funding and local neighborhood, American public schools are in reality more racially segregated than before Brown v. Board of Education. Even though its illegal to separate children based on their race into different schools, its perfectly fine to do so based on their financial ability to buy a house in a "nice" (read: historically racially segregated) neighborhood.
Private schools have their own system and curriculum (some states require that the students also meet state standards and have varying rules about how this will be assessed, some, like Texas, don't give a fuck and dont even require children to undergo kindergarten); they require tuition which can sometimes be in excess of 50k a year, but cannot usually tap the funding sources of public schools (except in states where voucher laws are passed such as Arizona, so that parents can use the money allocated to their student's education based on their neighborhood property taxes towards private school tuition, which still doesn't help poor students succeed). A lot of people are homeschooled (especially those in very conservative and/or religious families so while some states require homeschool students to meet certain standards and test annually, states like Texas don't give a fuck) which don't usually follow a curriculum and sometimes even produce functionally illiterate adults. A good primer on the overarching issues affecting schools in America are the documentary, Waiting for "Superman" (2010) and the podcast, Nice White Parents from The New York Times.
Overall in Texas public schools (the only area I feel knowledgeable enough that I can speak into), all the public schools follow the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) standards and are assessed annually using the State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness (STAAR), both laid out by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Granted, I work for a charter network (of which there are many), but we still have to meet these same TEKS and our students undergo the STAAR to test if the schools are following said TEKS. I am certified in Core Subjects grades 4-8 by Texas, as well as in the areas of dyslexia and special education, so I know the TEKS for all the core subjects at all of those grade levels and then some, which are all legislated in.
The Texas legislature literally dictates what my job entails and who is allowed to be in it, so I check proposed legislation affecting education on about a quarterly basis (4x a year, more frequently if I'm very concerned about a particular bill, such as an anti-drag bill that could be construed to make it illegal for teachers to be GNC or trans). I also receive e-mail updates from my superintendent about this legislation when they do affect us after being passed into law. Sometimes the legislature is vague, and my district relies on a team of lawyers to understand how the legislation will affect us and to decide a specific plan of action regarding implementation or what will be done if it isn't implemented and what our legal defense is going to be if someone decides to litigate our lack of implementation.
For a couple recent examples: when a law (or maybe an EO, I don't remember anymore because it ended up not happening and I'll tell you why if you keep reading) was enacted on the federal level requiring workplaces of over 50 people in the public sphere to mandate COVID-19 vaccination. We thought it would apply to us given that we are public-facing, public-funded, and have over a hundred adult employees keeping just our campus running. My more conservative colleagues became very angry and threatened to quit if it became our policy; and to boot, the state of Texas sued over it. Our lawyers sensed that the path of least resistance was not to implement the mandate, at least while it was being litigated, and to avoid chasing off staff that we have trouble maintaining to begin with. (Staffing is a problem pretty much in every school in Texas because teaching is hard and doesn't pay great, plus our teacher unions are in name only and have no teeth because they can't legally negotiate for higher pay or strike if the employees are public or essential. That's another can of worms. Thanks, Texas, I hate it.)
When the TEA passed the new legislation governing classroom libraries (no issues of race/racism, or LGBTQ issues or representation, or references to sex/nudity or excrement), that immediately affected books that are core to our curriculum. To Kill A Mockingbird, for example, would be disallowed because it addresses issues of race/racism and mentions "rape," the crime a black man (Tom Robinson) is falsely accused of as a central tenet to the plot. No ifs or buts about it, there is no way to adhere to those stipulations without eliminating the book or its core character altogether from our classrooms. So, our lawyers pulled the charter school card in a newsletter that kinda sounded like this (paraphrasing by yours truly): "Parents, the reason you send your kids to us is because of the curriculum we offer that's different from the public schools while still meeting the TEKS and providing this education to you for "free" (taxes). If To Kill A Mockingbird offends your sensibilities, you can see its in our curriculum publicly from which you can disenroll at any time and if you do not want your child to learn or read about it, you are welcome to send your child to their local public school where it is banned."
Another instance, when Texas legislation categorized gender affirming care as child abuse and every teacher is a mandatory reporter of suspected child abuse, I was genuinely afraid we'd have to report suspected transition as abuse or face serious legal consequences. We were advised to do the following:
1) only address children by their legal names as they appear on their paperwork unless the parent or legal guardian indicates otherwise, (including no using nicknames for students unless the parents/guardians OK it, not just trans names; i.e. you will be called Alexander always by your teacher unless your parent says its okay to call you Alex or Zander).
2) only report abuse if we saw other abuse signs and not make reports based on being trans alone and that if any parent was concerned about their child learning about sex-ed or LGBTQ stuff we read a script they gave us that there is no sex-ed in our curriculum and parents are responsible for teaching their children about that stuff, basically.
So sometimes, even my prediction for what will happen as a result of legislation isn't always what happens in practice. Anything I say before it is implemented, if at all, is my best educated conjecture. If I got in trouble for following what my district lawyers advise regarding a piece of legislation, said district lawyers would defend me and my employer in court.
Currently, I have updated this blog and shared posts as concerning things have arisen as an outlet for my fears and frustrations. Would you be interested in regular updates similar to what I get? It might be limited only to Texas public schools, however, less likely to be American education at large. I'll make a poll probably, what the heck. Beyond this general overview, I would need more specific questions to provide more specific answers. Again, my ask box is open.
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pumakasihixi · 2 years
Harcourt science grade 5 pdf
 HARCOURT SCIENCE GRADE 5 PDF >>Download (Descargar) vk.cc/c7jKeU
  HARCOURT SCIENCE GRADE 5 PDF >> Leer en línea bit.do/fSmfG
           Harcourt. Social Studies: A Child's View - Big Book-Spanish. Spanish. 1st Grade. Harcourt. Science: Foss Kit - Life (Plants and Animals), Earth (Air and HARCOURT SCIENCE: Grade 5 Reader (LOT OF 6 DIFFERENT TITLES) Like New Trophies Intervention Assessment Book With Answers Grade 2 PB Free Shipping! FLORIDA SCIENCE FUSION INTERACTIVE WORKTEXT GRADE 5. HM HARCOURT. ** Los libros pueden ser adquiridos en la LIBRERÍA DISTEXSA PANAMA, TEL. ACCELERATE EDUCATION 2020 5th GRADE B WORKBOOKS SOCIAL STUDIES SCIENCE LANGUAGE Harcourt Social Studies: Student Edition Grade 5 Us: by Harcourt 5). Social science, geography and history textbooks and the development. through to sixth grade, and thirdly, the first two years of secondary teaching.Harcourt Science Student Edition Grade 1 Hardcover. 299 pesos$299 Libro De Science 5 Grado Editorial Harcourt. 250 pesos$250. STAAR Spanish State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness Spanish Version SCIENCE Grade 5 d Test Questions Spanish Version These released questions
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yasbxxgie · 5 years
Poet Sara Holbrook, who often writes humorous verse for kids, had some harsh words for the Texas Education Agency after she discovered she couldn't answer questions about poems on the its standardized tests — poems she herself wrote.
In an essay for the Huffington Post, Holbrook wrote that she felt like "such a dunce" after she didn't know the answers to questions posed on the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) tests about her poems — "A Real Case" and "Midnight" — meant for seventh- and eighth-grade students.
"These test questions were just made up, and tragically, incomprehensibly, kids’ futures and the evaluations of their teachers will be based on their ability to guess the so-called correct answer to made up questions," Holbrook wrote.
Holbrook highlighted a number of questions from the tests, including one that asked students why she rendered one line in a poem in all capital letters. Students are asked to choose between four lettered options.
"Could be A. All caps is a way to highlight a fact, right?" Holbrook wrote. "I guess I wanted to stress the fact that the feeling belongs to TODAY, but maybe the answer is B. Let’s see, today is not tomorrow, could be that. But climbing into the test maker’s mind, I’m guessing they want the answer C. ... Not sure. Move on, lots to cover."
Holbrook argues that asking students to dissect poems isn't an effective way to teach them about the joys of literature.
"Teachers are also trying to survive as they are tasked with teaching kids how to take these tests, which they do by digging through past tests, posted online," she wrote. "Forget joy of language and the fun of discovery in poetry, this is line-by-line dissection, painful and delivered without anesthetic."
Texas' STAAR tests are administered in part by Pearson Assessments, a testing company that Holbrook called a "sadistic behemoth."
Holbrook wrote that asking students to guess an author's intent in writing a piece of literature is doomed to be a pointless exercise.
"My final reflection is this: any test that questions the motivations of the author without asking the author is a big baloney sandwich," she wrote. "Mostly test makers do this to dead people who can’t protest. But I’m not dead. I protest."
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mars-ipan · 3 years
oh my god i got a message from a teacher sent to all of her students and it started with “if you’re not testing” and i know STAAR (state of texas assessment of academic readiness) is this week and i panicked so hard thinking i missed it so i checked the school website: it’s the freshmen who are testing. i’m fine
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TEXAS KIDS: STAAR TESTING (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness ) IS WAIVED FOR THIS YEAR!For some reason though this is more terrifying than happy =/
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dominicgfggf-blog · 4 years
North American international locations just like the USA and Canada of students all through the world
The United States of America, the maximum advanced us of a within the world, is likewise a powerhouse as a ways as world-class education is concerned. Its neighboring country Canada isn't lagging behind in terms of attracting global college students to its soil. Similarly, Brazil is the maximum advanced state in South America and presently offers well-advanced academic infrastructure as well. In this article, we'll look at these three countries from training point of view.
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Canada, which is adjoining to the United States, offers pinnacle-notch education thru a broad variety of applications and specializations. Students in search of to take a look at in Canada can pursue their guides in English, French or a mix of both languages. The united states of america with varying landscapes and six time zones is famous for its high percentage of studies applications. Some of the famed universities in Canada are McGill University, University of British Columbia, University of Toronto's International Foundation Program, and University of Alberta. While universities right here provide all kinds of bachelors, masters and doctorate applications, numerous colleges simplest offer bachelor level guides to college students.
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Often called 'the land of possibilities and hope', 'technological foundry', and 'the land of adventure', United States of America needs no formal introduction. The climatic and geographic variations, the cultural diversity, the commitment and willpower to the development of recent technologies, a flourishing and strong economy with a liberalized training machine make USA a really perfect usa for worldwide college students.
Foreign training experts act as navigators within the procedure of converting your dreams into reality. Lot of information is needed to get via the entire manner of admissions and visas in USA. There are plenty of do's and dont's involved in the whole process. One unmarried step could make or damage your dream. Through years of enjoy and with the firsthand feedback from college students, foreign education consultants help you make :
Right desire of University :
Higher Study in USA is quite one of a kind from the gadget provided in our united states. There is not any federal or central training machine in USA. Degree-granting institutions inside the United States may be called as universities, colleges, faculties or institutes. As a standard rule, colleges tend to be smaller and normally offer best undergraduate degrees, whilst a university gives undergraduate and graduate degrees. An institute typically makes a speciality of diploma packages in a set of intently associated subject regions, so that you will also come across degree applications offered at institutes of technology, institutes of fashion, institutes of art and design, and so on. Within each college or university one will find faculties, including the college of arts and sciences or the school of business. Each school is accountable for the degree applications supplied via the university or college in that vicinity of examine. Studying in an accredited faculty ensures you of shiny career opportunities ahead. So that is step one one needs to take in the right direction. The better schooling counselor can help you in choosing a profession option keeping in consideration of your aptitude, academic heritage and future plans. Once a decision concerning the direction is made, the counselor can research the correct university that gives the programme. Particular state preferences, economic budget, rating of the college and test scores are also taken into consideration whilst selecting a college for the students
Pre utility preparations :
USA programs are believed to be the maximum tedious and time eating as compared to some other u . S . A .. Lot of backend work is involved before a scholar makes his final programs. Higher education representative could know exactly how the documentation need to be achieved and thus ensuring admissions in universities for the pupil. They help you prepare diverse creative files like the announcement of purpose, resume, advice letters etc. These files play a critical position in admissions and consequently it turns into necessary to keep an eye over the go with the flow of statements, contents and the language used. Professional assist would make certain you the right making of such documents.
Visa preparation :
The very last step within the whole process is visas and it's miles very vital to give the visa record very professionally. Education consultants help you channelise your finances in the right direction as per the norms of the USA High Commission. Also they help you gift the papers in the right way and making ready you and grooming you for the interview a pupil is needed to stand at the Mumbai embassy.
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Backstory time: For all you who don't live in the humid hell hole known as texas, all students trapped in the bleak prison Halls of 3rd-12th grade have to take these tests called STAAR (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness) This test is LIFE OR DEATH to the school system. Like-
"We should teach these kids so they can succeed in life"
"How about we solely teach them how to answer multiple choice tests so we can get money?"
"Sounds good to me!!!" [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
These tests are 4 hours long, though in my program Pepe usually spend less than 2 1/2 (depends on the test)
So I'm like the biggest nerd and instead of socializing like normal kids I inhaled chapter book, leading to the emotionally stunted, perfect book smart school robot I am (I literally am made for school and can crank out standardized tests ridiculously quick)
Every year for our first simulation (practice STAAR) I'll finish in like 30-40 mins (keep in mind it's a 4 hour test) and the teachers will get all smart with me and be like-
"I'm not letting you turn this in till after 1 hour"
Me, being the smart ass I am, will sit there for those 30 mins watching them, not touching the test, staring blankly at them. Eventually they take it, I score high and am never bothered again.
But guys, I have a reputation now.
So our math teacher despises us (with good reason) and the only time I've seen that man smile is for April fool's when he pretended he quit) and he was talking to the reading teacher (who's test we were taking) about how we HAD to spend an hour. As he stated right in front of my test as everyone stared at me. I was the Knight and his smirk the dragon I must slay.
Again, Im a smart ass. You better believe I turned that test in the second the clock hit 1 hour, a satisfied smirk gracing my face. Now we wait for the scores my friend s.
@pchanoof @awkward-scarfy-boi
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School Shit
Hello Lovelies
The end of the school year is approaching fast and frankly, it’s blindsided me. I had a lot of issues in the beginning. I didn’t get along with any of my teachers, none of my peers seemed to like me (though I still had my close knit group of friends mind you), and my grades were all F’s. No exaggeration. It was absolute hell and I would never want to go through freshman year ever again. But...I have to. I’m being held back because of those issues in the first semester, so I have to fucking do it all over. I was given the option of summer school but it wouldn’t make me pass so of course I declined. Oh! Another cherry on top is that we have STAAR tests soon (State of Texas Assessment of Academic Readiness for you non Texans). I swear I’m going to stress myself to death. The glorious life of a high school student, eh?
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femnet · 6 years
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I’m almost 18 now and I’ve been identifying as panromantic asexual since I was 15. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that I’m too young to know that I’m asexual. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that I’m just repressed. I’ve had a lot of people tell me that I’ll get over this; that I’m just not interested in sex right now because I’m a kid. And every time I’ve heard any of this it was from someone who was not ace or a teenager. There’s a lot of things wrong with this mentality, and I’ve decided that it’s time to address that.
To start off, it’s important to know what I mean by asexual. Someone who is asexual does not experience sexual attraction. You can have a sex drive, masturbate, and even enjoy sex and still be asexual. On the other hand, you might not have a sex drive or want anything to do with sex. Your feelings towards sex could be fluid and go between these, and that’s okay, too. There is no wrong way to be asexual. The only condition is that you don’t experience sexual attraction towards anyone of any gender.
I’ve never wanted anything to do with sex. I’m a very sex-repulsed person. That doesn’t mean that I won’t make the occasional sex joke or that it makes me uncomfortable to talk about it, at least up to a certain extent. Not all asexuals feel this way, but some of us do.
When you feel so different from other people and you don’t know anyone who feels the same way, it can be very scary and lonely. I didn’t want to be that different from other people. I first identified as pan because of this. I didn’t want to make that jump, even though I knew that was how I felt. I remember one day I was taking a STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness) test during my eighth-grade year and one of my friends wrote asexual on my shoe. This did actually happen and looking back it’s freaking hilarious and ridiculous, but, at the time, I was really embarrassed because I wasn’t ready for that label yet.
So, let’s talk about age. I’ve seen a lot of people talking about how minors shouldn’t identify as asexual and I’ve had people tell me that, as if, somehow, sexual attraction starts when you turn 18. In eighth grade, I was 14. This seems very young to be considering that I was asexual, but 14-year-olds do experience sexual attraction. That’s already started by then for a lot of people. So, being 14 and knowing I did not feel that way is not crazy. I already had friends who were straight, gay, bisexual, and everything else, I just happened to feel differently.
(I am in no way trying to say that it’s okay for minors to be sexually active but it is ridiculous to act like teenagers, even younger teenagers, don’t already experience sexual attraction.)
At that point, I most definitely could have just been a late bloomer. Because of this, I was always open to my identity changing. This is very important when you are identifying as anything so young. I knew that, later on, I might start feeling sexual attraction. But I never did. It’s been three years almost, and I feel the same way just much more confident and comfortable with myself. I love being asexual, and nobody can tell me that I’m not. I know who I am and what I’m feeling better than anyone else.
In conclusion, nobody can tell you who you are or how you feel about people. Remember that your identity might change (whether you are asexual or anything else) but also remember that it can stay the same and that’s great too. There’s no wrong way to be asexual and you don’t need to be an adult to feel that way.
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smartmathtutoring · 3 months
The STAAR Science test for Grade 5 assesses students’ knowledge across various science domains, including life science, physical science, Earth and space science, and scientific investigation and reasoning. Crafted to align with the specific requirements of the Grade 5 STAAR Science test, this book is designed to enhance students’ knowledge, boost their confidence, and ensure they are well-prepared for the assessment.
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