#Stay salty
celesse · 4 months
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Because bland is boring 🧂🐱💢
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kidcaroline · 4 months
the fact that aang's haters are ALL zutara's shippers is hilarious actually
the power aang have on that fanbase>>>
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bogunicorn · 1 year
once again annoyed at how fanfic is treated like "content" or a product provided to a community rather than a thing people make in their free time. if at any point your solution to your fandom woes is "strangers who don't even know i exist should write pairings or subject matter that i want to read instead of a popular pairing i don't like that they clearly do like", then you need to find a different problem to have. these strangers making stuff for fun owe you, random stranger, fuck-nothing, even if the thing they like is Popular M/F Ship #459 and the thing you like is a same-sex ship with an unfairly maligned female character.
it does suck when the majority doesn't share your preferences, especially when it feels like you end up sifting through many entries of things you don't like or outright hate to see if there's stuff you like. but that doesn't mean that people writing the thing you dislike are being mean to you, or making your life harder, or actively doing anything wrong. it's just an annoying thing you have to live through. you being uncomfortable, inconvenienced, annoyed, or put upon doesn't necessarily mean another person has done anything to you, especially not harm.
and to the "writing is hard! don't suggest 'write it yourself' as a solution because writing is hard and a skill and suggesting i should write things myself is ableist!" crowd, i say: get fucking for real. no writer is obligated to cater to you because you're a bad writer yourself. you sound like those people on r/choosingbeggars who try to bully illustrators into free commissions because they can't draw very well themselves. grow the fuck up.
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dededos · 1 year
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all about surf light
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maurastierney · 4 months
ER POLL TIME! below are the top 10 results from the three previous polls.
(All results below received over 10% of the vote in their respective poll)
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daniels-rwby-blog · 1 year
Next ship to sail in RWBY?
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So the bees are Cannon... and so is ReNora... what's next?
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personally I don't think anything drastic will develop in v10. I reckon more bees, more renora but little time for anything too serious which is a shame cause we have a lot to get through on terms of loose relationships and it would be nice to see at least all of RWBY paired if not Jaune as well. What do y'all think?
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iridescent-scales · 2 years
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"In my heart I belong in a house by the sea."
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I love my goddamn sore loser Short King.
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life-set-to-random · 11 months
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That’s my girl, heehee. 😉 I’m spiteful like that too.
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jikothemartian-z · 1 year
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bogunicorn · 7 months
seeing queer people unironically using the term "porn addiction" while they talk shit about kinksters makes me feel like i'm in some kind of cursed gay twilight zone. the fuck is wrong with you people
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dededos · 1 year
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light leaks girl
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ellaknowslucifer · 1 year
Going to through the f1 tag and seeing everyone so salty against max ,,
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a8ra · 2 years
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“You are the salt of the earth; but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trodden under foot by men.
You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do men light a lamp and put it under a bushel, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.”
Matthew 5:13–15
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alolaconato · 1 year
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sunatnight · 1 year
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yesterday morning ⛅️
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