#Stena line
i-think-pictures · 2 months
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Stena Line The Netherlands - Great Britain
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ironmanrecords · 1 year
Tour Management: Going to Ireland and crossing the UK/EU Border using a Carnet
Tour Management: Going to Ireland and crossing the UK/EU Border using a Carnet
If you have Tour Dates in Ireland and you’re travelling with a Carnet for your Musical Equipment, Mark at Iron Man Records explains how to keep it simple when crossing the UK/EU Border in a Splitter Van. I took Sinead O’Brien to Ireland in October 2022 working as Tour Manager via Holyhead to Dublin Port. Here’s what I would recommend if you have Tour Dates to play, the UK/EU Border to cross, and…
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wolfephoto · 3 months
Mersey traffic
Mersey traffic by John Wolfe Via Flickr: Liverpool Waterfront, January 2024
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tinacalder · 4 months
Stena Line To Launch New Freight Route From Dublin To Birkenhead (Liverpool)
Stena Line has confirmed plans to launch a new freight service between Dublin and Birkenhead (Liverpool) starting mid-February. The new service will initially operate with one ship departing Dublin early in the morning and making the return journey from Birkenhead in the evening. Stena Line already operates from Dublin Port and Birkenhead, and this new service will complement the existing routes…
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lamboland · 7 months
Nexus Ball Run in Karlskrona, Sweden 20230709. Hear the exotic cars roar on their way to board the Stena Line ferry to Poland
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kreuzfahrttester · 10 months
Mutter und Sohn in Ostsee tot: Behörden starten Mordermittlungen
Stena Line Sprung von Fähre … “Mutmaßlicher Mord und Selbstmord in der Ostsee: Mutter und Sohn sterben nach Sprung von Fähre?” Der tragische Vorfall ereignete sich auf der Ostseefähre “Stena Spirit”, auf halbem Weg zwischen dem polnischen Hafen Gdynia und dem südschwedischen Karlskrona. Die Mutter und ihr Kind, beides polnische Staatsbürger, wurden etwa eine Stunde nach dem Überbordgehen…
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New rules mean pets can travel freely between Great Britain and Northern Ireland
A new agreement between the EU and the UK will allow pet movements between Great Britain (England, Wales and Scotland) and Northern Ireland to continue easily and recognises the UK’s rabies- and tapeworm-free status. The agreement aims to make crossing the Irish Sea easier for pet owners as well as travellers with assistance dogs. Since 2021, Northern Ireland has stopped pet border checks with…
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tonyb-blog · 2 years
Return to the Emerald Isle - Part 1
Return to the Emerald Isle – Part 1
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seanews11 · 2 years
Life Finder Systems International and Cetasol bag Stena Line's Propeller Prize 2022
Life Finder Systems International and Cetasol bag Stena Line’s Propeller Prize 2022
Stena Line has awarded Life Finder Systems International and Cetasol with the company’s Propeller Prize 2022. Life Finder Systems International won in the category of digital communication technology, while the jury chose Cetasol as winners in the field of maritime technology. The companies are awarded with a prize money of 100.000 SEK each. Life Finder Systems International produce intelligent…
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I saw in the news recently there was a walrus in Norway known as Freya that had been sunning on/sinking boats - is this the same walrus as the Welsh walrus you reported on?
She was not - Wally was a male (and WHAT a male), whereas Freya was female. They both have recognisable scars, so you can spot the difference.
I have very mixed feelings on what's happened with Freya, actually. I do think the decision to euthanise was taken too quickly, given that they hadn't tried a whole bunch of things they could have done - there was nothing done to keep the crowds away from her, no fines were ever issued to people who literally walked up to her with their kids to take photos. Controlling the human population really should have been the first port of call. But, with that said, a lot of people are saying she should have been relocated - that's not actually a solution, wild marine mammals die all the time when we try relocating them. Plus, you actually can't sedate them. Shoot a walrus with a dart gun, and in the seconds it takes for the sedative to kick in, 1,300 pounds of oceanic cow zipped into a sleeping bag has dropped off the boat it was resting on and swum out to deeper waters to get away, at which point they fall asleep and drown. Relocations have to be done on a conscious walrus, at which point stress kicks in and SOMEONE is going to end up with broken bones and a lung full of brine.
Stena the walrus didn't survive relocation, in fact. That's a recent example. What we have, in fact, is three walruses in the same graduating class, as it were - Stena, Freya and Wally. One relocated, one euthanised, one guarded and given a pontoon and a life coach. Only one of those had a happy ending and a walrus returned to the Arctic. I would like to see more northern European authorities examine those three and see what lessons can be learned, because we're going to start seeing more of this thanks to climate change.
Or, alternatively, northern European authorities can read my personal blog and the thoughts of me, a very important walrus journalist, because here's the big difference:
Wally landed in Wales, and we protected him.
FROM OURSELVES, as well as others. When Wally reached the first Pembrokeshire beach and was spotted by his first environmentalist, his location was kept secret so no one would bother him. When he moved into Tenby for a month and a half, two local women, a mother-and-daughter duo called Linda and Amy Compton who volunteer with Welsh Marine Life Rescue, set up a whole guard line and spent all day every day policing the crowds. Amy even recruited new volunteers to help. We fined people who got too close, by boat or by swimming included. We threatened people with violating the Wildlife and Countryside Act. We made damn sure that walrus was left the fuck alone.
He nearly got lynched on the Isles of Scilly, after he left Wales - so, they built him his own floating pontoon so he'd leave the rich boats alone. They got in a life coach, who helped the locals respect Wally's feelings. They went to a nearby zoo and got several gallons of polar bear piss and sprayed it about to deter his boating exploits.
And it meant that, eventually, he went home by himself, and no one was injured. Meanwhile, Freya spent her last days mega stressed because people were walking right up to her and even throwing things at her. She chased a woman into the sea. Shit got real.
Poor thing. In any case, Wally had his happy ending at least.
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megtudommagyarazni · 11 months
Navigare necesse est
Szerettem hajózni. Rengeteget hajóztam, néha többet is, mint szerettem volna. 8 évet Skandináviában húztam le (ez már a kétezres évek eleje),
ugrálok itt összevissza az időben, majd szorulok ezért
ott pedig sokat kell tengeren menni. Az összes északi hajót, kompot megismertem, akkor olyan cégnél voltam, amely fő csapásiránya Franciao. volt, Bretagne, Normandia, néha Párizs, Lyon, Nantes.
Jókat lehetett kajálni, a nagy részüknél a cargo-jegyben benne volt az ingyenes kabin+étkezés. Volt, ahol külön kamionos étkezde volt, máshol a turistákkal együtt, csak 8-10 asztalra kitették a táblát: Reserved/Cargo. Többnyire svédasztalos rendszer, egy-két társaságnál a cargo-jegyre is fizetni kellett, de csak jelképes összeget, mittudomén 2 €, vagy a Stena Line-on Calais-Dover közt 2 £, ott például délelőtt full english breakfast volt, déltől steak, meg cottage pie.
A leghoszabb Kielből (D) Bergenbe (N) volt, majdnem 2 nap. Dögunalom, ettem, a kabinban tévéztem, ettem, tévéztem, aztán ettem. Még szauna sem volt, azt hiszem ColorLine volt. A legtöbbet Scandlines-al mentem, Travemünde-Malmö, este indult, reggel érkezett, vacsora-reggeli, meg a Superspeed ferry-vel, Hirtshals-Larvik közt. Náluk volt olyan svédasztal, mint egy ötcsillagos hotel éttermében, cargo-jeggyel ingyen. A legrövidebb Villa San Giovanni-Messina Szicíliába (tudod, Scylla és Charybdis közt), ott látni lehetett a túloldalt.
Na de ne maradjunk sztori, kaland nélkül ma sem.
A Fehmarn-félsziget (D) csücskéről, Puttgardenből ment a kis komp Rødbyhavnba (DK), a legdélibb dán szigetre. Scandlines, Schleswig-Holstein a hajó neve. Most látom, hogy azóta alagút lett. Rohadt viharos téli idő volt, a kikötő felé vezető úton volt még egy magas híd (Fehmarnsundbrücke), azt a polizei le is zárta a 10 t alatti rakományú kamionok előtt, nekik kiépített parkolók voltak. Nekem volt 23 tonnám, engedtek. Azért meleg volt, 15-tel sunnyogtam át, egyszer még így is megemelte a hármas tengely baloldalát egy szélroham tíz centire. A kb 40 nm-es oldalponyva fogta a szelet becsülettel. A kikötőben becsekkoltam, ahogy beálltam a megadott sávba, már jött is a hajó. Félóra múlva fent voltam az alsó cargo decken. Az egész út 40-50 perc volt, az időjárás, szél, tenger függvényében. Mozgott, dülöngélt a komp, ilyenkor a büfé is néptelen, minek együnk, ha mindjárt kijön?
Kikötés előtt pár perccel indultunk le az alsó deckre. Beülök, indítok. Az önindító azt mondta, hogy: krrrr, krrrr, nyehehe, nyehehe. Közben mindenki kiállt, jöttek a beszállók, a zsilip csukódik. Hé, még itt vagyok!
A komp indult vissza Puttgardenba. Nem húzom, mindent megpróbáltam, bekúsztam hanyatt a kocsi alá a fülkeemelő vassal, próbáltam szépen, majd csúnyán hatni a starterre, mindhiába. Közben még egyet fordultunk. A harmadik kanyarnál felhívott a kapitány a hídra, telefonáljak valakinek. Kinek, baszod?
A traktor ZH rendszámú volt, Ziar nad Hronom, leánykori nevén Garamszentkereszt, észak-Szlovákiában, ahová dedikálva voltam, az meg a svéd Jönköping, és már este volt. A kapitän a tettek hímes mezejére lépett, és felhívta egy ismerősét, aki a Lellandon volt földművelő, csupa végtelen szántóföldek, farmok, gazdaságok.
A következő kikötésnél ott is állt egy akkora Fendt traktor, mint két dieselmozdony. Rámtolatott, drótkötél, én már tudtam, hogy ebből semmi jó nem sül ki. A levegőm mind elment, hat tengelyen, 12 keréken tövig volt a légfék, 23 tonna motyó meg nyomta le. Ha meg is bír mozdítani a hajó acélpadlóján, mi lesz, ha kiérünk a betonra? Azért az első drótkötél elpattanásáig próbálkozott. Mikor a hetedik kikötésnél megláttam a Falck 600-as kamionmentő Scaniáját, már nem lehetett túl egészséges színem. A kétméteres, 140 kilós békés viking rámtolt, csatlakoztatta a levegőtöltőt, vonórudat vett elő, addig a hajó állt, se ki, se be senki. Mikor bekapcsolta a kék! lámpákat, és megmozdult a szerelvény, üdvrivalgásba törtek ki a nézők, matrózok, sofőrök.
Hét menet, bazmeg, hét, azon a viharos, háborgó északi-balti tengeren!!4
A Falck, miután a pótot letalpaltam a vám előtt, elhúzott 30-40 km-re egy műhelyhez. Ott aludtam, reggel nekiálltak, délután mehettem vissza a póthoz. Gyönyörű, enyhe, csendes napsütéses idő volt.
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i-think-pictures · 1 year
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stephensmithuk · 2 years
van Helsing's Hotel
Around £500 a night for one person in one room
Also, it takes around 10-12 hours by the route van Helsing is taking today, partly due to the fact there is no longer a direct rail link to Hook of Holland:
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soysville · 2 years
Jan Eggum's 1990 song "Ryktet forteller" translated into English and covered by Ylvis for the international market as part of the stage show Ylvis - en kabaret and sold as an EP at the show in 2001. It was released in neither the international market nor the domestic market.
As this CD was only ever sold as part of the show it has since only been available through the secondhand market, and at over 20 years old it's not likely to get easier to come by. There are no other official ways to listen to it, so I'm sharing this here as a form of preservation.
Track 1 - Rumour Says (Radio Edit) Track 2 - Millennium Party 2000 Mix (126 bpm) Track 3 - Stena Line Entertainment Edit Track 4 - Zamfir emotional dub mix Track 5 - Instrumental
You can get the FLAC and MP3 files here, as well as a 600dpi scan of the CD insert.
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tinacalder · 1 year
Two New Stena Line Ships To Boost Freight Capacity On Belfast–Heysham Route By 80%
Two New Stena Line Ships To Boost Freight Capacity On Belfast–Heysham @StenaLine @StenaLineUKIE #Belfast @BelfastHarbour #Shipping
Stena Line, the Irish Sea’s leading ferry company has announced that it is constructing two new bespoke freight ferries for its expanding Belfast-Heysham freight service. The multi-million pound investment will significantly increase freight capacity on the route. Each of the two new 147-meter vessels has been designed to maximise freight volumes and will provide 2,800 lane meters of capacity…
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holundra · 1 year
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Auf der Ostsee - an Bord der Stena Line von Kiel nach Göteborg
(Archivbild 2014)
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